#anti jonn jonzz
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ruffiorocks · 5 years ago
Where there is fire there is a Member of Kara's family, a Kryptonian, a Schott, a member of Jonns family, a Danvers, a member of Mon Els family, a Luthor etc.
Supergirl "where there's smoke there's a Luthor!"
Season one "where there is smoke there is a Kryptonian, and a member of Kara's family, using technology made by a member of Kara's family".
Kara "erm.. that has nothing to do with me! I am NOT my family!"
Also season 1: "where there is smoke there is a Schott!"
Kara "But I'll never lump Winn in with his family".
Season 2 "where's there's smoke, a Luthor has not only sometimes been responsible but another one has helped to save thousands of alien and human lives".
Kara "erm.. I don't remember that at all".
Also season 2: "where there is smoke there is a member of your boyfriends family Kara, who only invaded after all she asked was her son to go home to lead his people and she would have left peacefully."
Kara "I don't remember that at all! That was all Lena's fault! Even though i didn't once try to convince my boyfriend to go and lead his people, possibly ending slavery one day which i used to be against and could also have avoided massive loss of life."
Also season 2: "Where there is smoke there is betrayal from a Danvers stealing alien registries".
Kara "erm... no... I don't remember that at all. No Danvers has ever wronged me in any way, not even when my sister killed my aunt unnecessarily".
Season 3 "where's there smoke there's a Kryptonian threat, Kryptonian creations in the form of World Killers and Kryptonian witches". (Oddly enough defeated only with the help of a Luthor 🤔)
Kara "erm.. I don't recall any help from any Luthor, especially one that didn't tell me all her secrets, while I kept mine from her and who im assuming had plans to threaten me even though she has explained she was protecting our mutual friend and has never tries to hurt me and has saved my life. Also Kryptonians are never responsible for anything, ever! And if they are it has nothing to do with me because im NOT my family!"
Short term memory loss Kara? Or should i say "short term memory loss KRYPTONIAN?!"
Season 4: "Where there is smoke there is a James Olsen joining Territorist organisations, nearly killing Supergirl and nearly blowing up buildings as an act of terrorism'.
Kara " that was a mistake, I'm choosing to forget it ever happened".
Also season 4: "Where there is smoke there is a Martian murdering humans because they taunted him".
Kara "I'm choosing to ignore that, Jonn is a man of peace, regardless of his murderous tendencies towards his enemies. Manchester Black Who? "
Kara "Lena isn't a Luthor!"
Also Kara "that's not a good question for a LUTHOR to ask a member of MY family!"
So Kara can lump every Luthor in together but not every member of the House of El or every Kryptonian? 🤔 or every Schott, or every Danvers or every Martian?
If Lena does wrong she should be judged as Lena, not lumped in together with sociopathic, mass murdering, xenophobic villians out only for themselves.
Lena may not be perfect, but she is in no way on par with Lex or Lillian.
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multifandomraisondetre · 3 years ago
Do you think Mon-El's relationship with the other Superfriends and family was overlooked a lot? Because I do.
I mean just think about it. In season 2, the relationships that he built with the others; not just Kara, were very important to him too. J'onn, Alex, Winn, maybe even Maggie. He was happy in mid-season 2, with seemingly no problems adjusting to Earth life, almost like he preferred it.
Which, honestly he probably did. Along with Kara, the others also made Mon-El into the responsible future leader he becomes.
Because he wasn't just close with Kara. He was close with Alex too. And J'onn. And I can bet that he admired Eliza more than he could ever his own mother. They were family to him in the shortest amount of time he spent there. Alex was there in the DEO reprimanding him and Winn almost every day, either with the tests they kept doing against orders or with them messing around on the job, like she was his elder sister too. J'onn, we all know was a father figure to him. The vulnerability he showed to him, he's probably never even shown to Kara. And J'onn was there for him too, always, with guidance. That's saying more than literally anyone on Daxam was to him. I think in all the hate that went against Mon-El simply for the fact that he was with Kara, it was overlooked how Mon-El as an individual character was with the other characters and how he quickly made at home on Earth, despite Kara. (They could've done a lot with that.)
Then Rhea came, and surprise surprise, there wasn't even the slightest look of relief or happiness that they were alive. After being surrounded by so much love, for even the shortest amount of time, he obviously couldn't go back to his lonely, ignorant lifestyle.
Yet that's exactly what happened. In a different way though, so it's all okay. It's not the same thing. He's in the future, with strangers all around him. And he spent years trying to go back. Before he gave up and decided to be what they would've want him to be; what they were hoping he would be alongside them- a leader; a hero. However, without them, you can't tell me that in being so, he lost himself too for the sake of duty.
He wasn't happy in the future. He became a lonely, melancholic man, who probably worked himself to the bone with no time to spare for his own. He even married for work. Though I do believe that once Winn went back with him, it must've added life to him. Give him some heart back, to have someone with him from then. That's how much that time meant to him. Then came Ayla and Mary by extension and he finally had something important to him in that time that he could look forward to; that he could be happy with, no matter how small it was.
His whole family was back there though. For Winn, he would only miss his friends, albeit painfully. But he already had an established life that he had made peace with once his parents died. So it was like moving away for a new job. But to Mon-El, these people broke him down and built him from the ground up. They showed him how life truly should be and not how he was taught on Daxam. They opened his eyes from the manipulation he was put through his parents and helped him be his own man; made him into a leader. That wasn't just Kara. That was all of them- Alex, J'onn, Maggie, Winn, James, Eliza.
Which again brings me to the stupid finale. You're telling me that Alex and Mon-El are strangers and that she insists on Winn coming to the wedding but doesn't say anything to Mon-El? We might not have gotten much screentime between the two, but you don't just go on double dates and seek support from someone you don't like. Mon-El was an important part of their lives too. He impacted their lives too. Alex and J'onn at the very least, I feel.
And I know that Kara asked him but I'm just pointing out the bad writing. It didn't make sense to let him go so easily. But are we surprised? No. They never cared about Mon-El anyway so why bother.
All I'm saying is when I imagine Mon-El in the future, I see him working to the bone and never sparing a second to himself; because if he did, his mind would only go back to the one place he was ever happy; the one place he ever felt safe and loved; to his family- knowing he can't ever go back there, not truly. And that place is not Daxam.
Because if he thinks about it, he'll only be reminded of how alone he is (in more ways than one); of how in he doesn't share even share the same reality as, not only her, but them.
Because he knows better than that. He was taught better than that; shown better than that. He leads by example. By the example of the people he looked up to and he loved. So no matter what the cost he would also do what is only right. (Like someone else we know.)
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barrysimpulse · 4 years ago
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It’s bothering me that the text isn’t even but that’s the best I could get it so don’t judge. But I wanted to find something to fit some of the men. These guys were chosen by @dinahandwandaswife. Go follow her blog. I may or may not have a Wanda edit coming soon. 🙃. Anyways these aren’t from a song I just made them up so if it doesn’t make sense I'm sorry oops.
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djsaxby16 · 5 years ago
I’d like to propose a toast! First, to Mxyzptlk, for helping Kara overcome her burden of guilt towards Lena. Second, to the superfam for always being there for Kara and showing her who her real friends were the whole time. And last but not least, to Kara Zor-El, for freeing herself of guilt and finally putting that bitch in her place in the villain category. Cheers 🥂
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dykeafurniture · 6 years ago
Here is the last chapter of my fic “the only exceptions”
Get ready for a fluffy wedding day chapter:)
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lycanhood · 7 years ago
Supergirl S3 Liveblog “Battles Lost & Won”
Nice of them to finally fucking acknowledge that Clark/Kal/Superman still exists damn
Oh no this CGI is...yikes
I did sort of enjoy Alura using heatvision tho. That shit has gotta be fun
I’m sorry, a Star War? Singular? A single war in/of the stars? WTF?
So wait Myr’nn saved us all? How?
Tbh I’m gonna miss Space Grandpa more than I ever even for a second missed Mon-El
A++ on that Danvers Sisters/J’onn hug, I’m here for that
Season 2 finale: “New Daxam!” Season 3 finale: “New Krypton!” I’m sick of this shit, SG Writers, do better
Imra: “Our marriage was never what it should have been, so its totally okay and not at all morally ambiguous and toxic if you wanna fuck Kara again. All good!”
Mon-El playing with this wedding ring just like he plays on my last nerve
A plague to wipe out all AIs? That’s new
Wait! WAIT! Does this mean we CAN KEEP BRAINY??? YASSSSSSSSS
Winn is a genius inventor of the future? Not at all surprising
Selena is such a proud mom
Haha this show just completely forgot Lyra existed. No break up, no name drop, no nothing. She just GONE from Winn’s radar. POOF!
Kara: “I don’t kill!” Alura: “Oh well what then, Kara? Just fuck the Earth? All hail New Krypton?”
Haha Ruby’s face as Sam supersped away was like “Aw hell yeah! When do I inherit my superpowers?” and honestly same
Oh we just all gungho with the Kryptonite now? I see how it is. Some bullshit
Eric Durance’s pissed off face brings back some Smallville memories
Aw shit Kara/Melissa’s pissed off face is also on point this episode
Um okay, wtf? Why are all these supposedly invincible Kryptonians/Daxamites getting wrecked by this heatvision tho? The fuck?
This doesn’t make any sense to me
Really? Time travel is gonna fix everything? Come on! FUCK!
Watching Sam beat the shit out of Reign is fun and all, but WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED? This is ridiculous! (and not in a fun comicbook way)
Oh so its totally fine for Sam to murder Reign, but when Supergirl does it thats...wrong?
Haha Supergirl patting Sam on the back like “There, There. Nice job.”
“This victory was yours, it was flawless.” ???
You don’t need him, Kara. You never did. Neither did this show. The fucking writers just want you (and us) to think you do, b/c sexism I guess, idfk
I’m kinda annoyed that they had Mon-El come to the conclusion that he needs to go back to the future rather than Kara rejecting his ass. B/c after that earlier scene with Imra it feels like they are still leaving the door wide open for their fucking star-crossed lovers trope, and for them to get back together somewhere down the line. Like this way, Mon-El can come back at anytime (next season or several seasons down the road) and they can start this bullshit romance all over again b/c this still makes him seem like the good guy who did the right thing. This isn’t closure. This is to be continued and I don’t want it to be fucking continued. I’m salty. But ultimately glad he’s going. Like damn, at this point I guess I should take what I can get. This just further convinces me that the SG Writers see Karamel as an endgame ship. So congrats to Karamel shippers, that certainly seems to be the case.
Aw haha Lena’s surprise at Ruby’s hug. Adorable!
Sam, I’m sure Alex wouldn’t mind a hug from you *wink wink*
A group hug? Without Kara? Really?
Bye, Winn. P.S. Can we keep Brainy?
Haha J’onn was like “But my character arc was better this season, let’s talk about that instead.”
Director Danvers :) I’ve always liked the sound of that
This episode has had a whole lot of Not Kara. Was her entire character arc for the season meant to be wrapped up in the nonsensical scene where she went back in time to prevent herself from punching Reign into that vortex of death just so Sam could punch her into that puddle of death instead? Bogus
Haha When Alura’s like “I’m glad no more Heren-El will be left on Earth” and I’m watching Lena’s face like “This bitch kept some.”
Aw fuck Alex and Winn’s hug was the sweetest thing. THE FOREHEAD TOUCH
Damn, Winn & Alex’s hug was more heartfelt than Winn & Kara’s. The writers just love to forget how tight they were in S1
He’s wearing Space Grandpa’s hat!!!! *cries a river*
Danvers sisters scene!!!!
Director Danvers!!!
“This is my home. With you. On this couch.” *crying* YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT IT IS!
No Supercorp scene? Rude
Yeah, you can’t convince me Lena’s evil #sorrynotsorry (is this how Mon-El stans feel about him? gross)
Wtf is going down in Russia?
???!!!!??? sajhfsakgftdf Um...Kara, you look great, but wtf? Black Kryptonite shenanigans!
It’s a very unfortunate coincidence that Russia just so happened to get the evil twin. Oops, she couldn’t have shown up in Canada?
This season was a mess. The first half had alot of high points! The first half was much better than most of S2, but season 3B was rough. Like really rough. Like I almost stop watching rough. These writers just need to learn to plan their seasonal arcs (overall & character) out better. Contrary to popular belief they do have the time and a room (a whole team) full of writers that should be able to work out wild inconsistencies. I don’t know what the problem is, but The Flash suffers from it too. And I just truly hope they can get their shit together. If Mon-El had stayed I wouldn’t even be planning to watch S4, but since he seems to be gone for the moment (and b/c I’m a totally obsessed sucker) I’ll tune in and see how it goes. What the hell, I guess
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reelperspective · 7 years ago
Back in the deep end
I haven’t participated in a fandom in quite some time, but the writers of supergirl have put me through it so much that I just need somewhere to rant. There’s a lot to bitch about, so get comfortable.
Let’s start with current events, as those were the straw that broke the camel’s back.
For those of you playing the home game, let’s review:
The writers are so busy trying to turn James into a more relevant character, that they haven’t realized that they’ve turned him into a hypocrite. He just had to tell Lena the truth, because he thought, “it was important to be honest,” but somehow he didn’t think it was “important to be honest” with Winn, Kara, and the goddamn DEO. Let’s be real, it looks like the truth is that he threw his friend under the bus just to get into Lena’s pants. If you think it’s “important to be honest” be honest across the board. You James fans may argue that he was simply trying to do the right thing, but that’s a bullshit excuse in my opinion. If he felt that breaking into the vault was wrong, he had plenty of opportunities to fix it -Before he royally screwed over his friend, he could have changed the course of events at many points. He could have refused when Kara first asked, he could have told Winn he didn’t feel right about breaking into the vault over comms, and finally, he could have fessed up to Winn and Kara that he lied about breaking into the vault before spilling the beans to Lena. To make matters worse, he didn’t bother telling Kara even AFTER he told Lena. Leaving her to find out the truth like this:
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Then he continues his shit streak when she finally confronts him about it:
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He showed no remorse, and she called him on it. At this moment I was elated. I was waiting for a Mon-El level verbal smackdown...only to be thoroughly disappointed. She should have ripped him a new asshole. He didn’t even look ashamed. I’m not a superCorp shipper, but I thought that ruining the trust between her and Lena was disasterous on so many levels:
1. He ruined Kara’s friendship with her one female friend who isn’t related to her. Yes she has Cat, but Cat is basically gone. Each season she appears less and less.
2. His selfish need to come clean has ruined a fundamentally important friendship for Lena - who has very few of those. He ruined any chance they had of a completely honest relationship. I believe there was a time where Kara could have told her the truth and it would have been forgiven, but he completely squashed that option. If she becomes all Luthor-y I think it would be safe to lay at least some of the blame at James’ door.
3. In the past, Lena has assisted Supergirl in saving the world. Something she is begrudgingly doing again this season, but she stated many times that she’s only around because she has a stake in this -Sam. Will she be willing to help Supergirl in the future if she has no personal stake in it?
Yes, some of the Blame lies in Kara’s inability to be reasonable about kryptonite, but still I don’t think that was the real nail in the coffin, so to speak.
Then, this really rankled me:
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WTF? In the span of one episode they’re besties again?
While the writers have established that Kara is kind to the point of being delusional about the nature of some human beings, they have also established that she takes things HARD. Perhaps precisely because it is her nature to be so naively optimistic it’s an especially difficult pill to swallow when things go sour. When she found out that Mon-el lied to her, she iced him out until she had a near death experience. When she sent him away , she turned into krypto-robot for six months. When she found out about Lena, Sam, and the Kryptonite she had a full blown titty attack - at least twice. But this time, they have a nice, civil chat and all is well with the world?
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Now back to the writers and their inconsistencies.
I read a rather astute observation about this scenario. It has been postulated that Kara was so quick to forgive because there was a moral parallel to be drawn. Her easy forgiveness contrasted very much with Lena’s completely cold indifference to Supergirl’s apology. They went against reason and against character to make a point.
This leads me to a more general issue I have with the writing this season. In the past, Supergirl has had some interesting/ heavy moral messages conveyed. However, they never seemed so trite before. It feels like the writers are beating us over the head with them now. Perhaps this is because of the loss of the quippy moral paragon that is Cat Grant.
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Dear CW, CBS… and whoever else holds the purse strings around there, please fix this. Throw giant wads of cash at Calista Flockhart until she caves. Or fly everyone to LA for the Cat episodes. Do whatever you have to do, because in so many ways, she made the show and her absence is deeply felt.
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Somehow, when the life lessons come out of Calista Flockhart’s mouth, they seem less like spoon-fed platitudes, and more like brilliant (and often hilarious) revelations of truth from an unlikely source. I think it’s because Calista did an excellent job at being serious without taking herself too seriously. This makes the message seem way less after-school-special and way more uplifting.
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Now onto my last rant issue of the day: Space dad (AKA J’onn).
Up until this last episode, I have found J’onn to be the most adorable pseudo-dad ever. He has been super supportive of all of his little charges while still remaining neutral, but at the end of this last episode (spoiler alert) he breaks character in a way and gives Mon-El some very biased advice.
**//Now this is a hot button issue, so I’d love to say I’m going to tread carefully, but then I’d be lying to you. So trolls, be forewarned: Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether I agree with it or not - however, this doesn’t mean that I’m going tolerate any bullshit. So if you’re going to state a difference of opinion, do so logically and respectfully if you wish to be heard. //**
There’s is an old Cuban expression my mother taught me once when I put my foot in it with a loved one, “dentro de hombre y mujer, nadie se debe de meter.” For those of you who no speak-eh de ‘Spañol, loosely translated this means: one should never stick their noses in or offer opinions about other people’s relationships. My own experience has taught me time and again that her sage Cuban wisdom is to be trusted and taken at face value.
I get that Papa Bear J’onn was probably just trying to look after Kara, but I think he overstepped. After all, hers is the one mind he CAN’T read. Kara’s heart is hers to risk or safeguard as she sees fit. He shouldn’t be making those decisions for her - actually he shouldn’t be taking away the option to make a decision in the first place.
Despite my repeated criticism of them, I have to admit that I think the writers have done a good job with the whole love triangle mess. It has been the most respectful, mature representation of one that I have ever witnessed (be it fictional or non-fictional). Everyone has been faithful and appropriate. Within this vein, Imra did what I believe any woman with an ounce of self-respect would do — she asked him to go figure out his shit. She was right when she said she deserved someone who was fully committed to her. Why would such an awesome lady be content to always wonder if she’d spend her life playing second fiddle to a woman who didn’t even exist in her millennia? Had she gone back to the future with him and said nothing of this, I would have thought less of her.
Taking this into consideration, I don’t get why so many people have their panties in a twist over it. It’s not like she let him go because she was being a doormat or because he was unfaithful or even because she wanted him to be happy. She did it because she owned up to the fact that she created this scenario knowing that she was risking her marriage (in more ways than one) and she did it because she valued herself enough to know that she deserved to be #1 in someone’s heart. Had she not done so, she would always have wondered.
On another note, to expand on risking her marriage - she not only lied to him and risked him cheating on her, she knew more than anyone (except brainy) how much her decision would emotionally torture her husband. To finally get what he wanted for all of those years only to have it be a harrowing experience is, objectively speaking, cruel- “water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink,” know what I mean?
I don’t know to what extent J’onn is able to read daxamite minds since he cannot read kryptonian ones, but I think it’s safe to say he was not privy to Mon-El’s conversation with Imra and should therefore especially steer clear of trying to influence people’s decisions. Also J’onn implying to Mon-El that if he told Kara that he had an opportunity to work things out with her, it would be tantamount to emotional regression, was totally manipulative. In “giving his advice” he essentially tried to shame Mon-El into choosing the path that he thought was best with no regard for Mon-El’s situation or that of his relationship with his wife. It’s hard to begrudge him for it since we know he did this because he didn’t want Kara to be heartbroken again. Still. Taking away someone’s choices (especially without their knowledge) chafes at me. Who knows what Kara would give to have a little more time with him? I’ve lost loved ones and I would give very much to have more time. On the flip side maybe it’s all for naught because she’s as over Mon-El as she seems to be.
That being said, I also wonder at how quickly J’onn came to this conclusion of his. As a man who is many centuries old, who has lost nearly everyone he has ever held dear, how could he so easily make that choice? Especially since he just got his father back after 300 years and is now losing him again, to the Martian equivalent of Alzheimer’s disease? I know from personal experience how awful it is to lose someone to Alzheimer’s. You lose them by inches - always wondering, ‘will this be the last time he remembers me?’ In a time before smart phones: ‘He got lost again, how will we find him?’ ‘Will today be the day he forgets how to relieve himself/ eat/ walk?’ And Finally, the worst of it all: “Should we keep him alive once his mind has died, or should we liberate what is left of him and let him Rest In Peace?” So my question is, would J’onn have rather never discovered his father at all because it meant losing him all over again in the most painful way possible? I doubt that very, very much.
Lastly, I am surprised that I haven’t come across any karamel shipper posts calling for J’onn’s blood. I suppose everyone is too elated over the bangarang moments to have given J’onn’s little interference much thought. That, or they believe that Mon-El will end up wiping his ass with what J’onn said and will end up telling Kara anyway.
/end rant. Thanks for Sticking it out.
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nicofitz · 7 years ago
Supergirl S3 Ep15 - In Search of Lost Time Reaction
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agelesswriter · 7 years ago
Why has no one giffed J’onn talking about his wife? I mean.... seriously? Is it because of mon-hell?
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greasymoomoo · 8 years ago
Supergirl season 3 and how it should go.
• Mon El gets shipped of to the island of lost characters, you know where lucy, Cat and recently M'gann are. • Cat comes back dragging all the other females with her (lucy and M'gann) they leave Mon El behind because Cat thinks he's a piece of shit that doesn't deserve 'Kiera' ;) • Kara is kara again, because honestly who is she right now. Having Mon El is not enough for her wtf she talking about? • Single Kara, or Kara in a relationship with someone who actually appreciates her and knows that she is strong and doesn't need to be defended all the time, someone who is there for her when she needs them, but still gives her the space to be who she is. • Alex and Maggie just being their adorable selves, loving each other forever like the soulmate puppies they are. • Alex and Maggie kicking ass together like the power couple they are. • James and maggie brotp because come on it would be amazing! • Alex looking at all these people in her life giggling around a board game at game night. She sees Kara's sunshine smile and hears her belly laugh, sees Winns desperatly trying to Win, watches how James and Maggie team up against Winn to make sure he looses because it's fun. She sees how J'onn watches her with Maggie with a proud look on his face. She sees Maggie's beautiful dimpled smile, hears her giggle when James picks her up to reach something on a higher shelf than she can reach. And Alex wraps her arms around Maggie's shoulders from behind pulling her into her chest and whispering 'I love you' into her ear before kissing her cheek. • basically the big Ole happy family. • Lucy comes back, because honestly I've missed her. And bonus points if we get an Alex + Lucy brotp. Like lucy helping alex buy maggie a birthday gift or something like that. • Supergirl getting to kick ass more, because I feel like there has been a slight lack of that. • James being a character on the show again, like where has he been? Is he being sucked through the portal to the island of lost characters? Seems likely. • Supergirl and guardian teaming up, coz I don't like the tension between them. • Drama, but nothing that upset the family you know just bad guys they have to defeat and what not. • More Danvers Sister moments!! I need more of them they are amazing! - feel free to add on.
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redlanternavengerelf42 · 8 years ago
“I thought you two broke up.”
J'onn J'onzz is not entertaining Mon'El’s delusions of grandeur
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ruffiorocks · 5 years ago
Just reading a fan fic and was reminded of that one time Jonn came to the Danvers wearing Kara's Mother's face!!! Just so he could make a point!!
Of all the things on this show that could have traumatised Kara besides the destruction of her planet i would have to say this would be at the top of the list!!
As someone who has lost a parent and gets a lump in my throat if someone even looks like them, I can't imagine what this would do to an already traumatised teenager!! Plus this isn't even that long after the event! Kara has not had time to process her mother's death at all! Any progress she could have made would have been shattered by Jonn f**king Jonzz!"
Ugh I'm remembering just how much I hated this scene and Jonn looked so pleased with himself afterwards!
Those few seconds of joy little Kara had because she thought her mother who she believed had burned to death on her exploding planet was actually there and alive.
Why did anyone think this was a good idea??
Ugh rant over!
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stalburkslovers · 8 years ago
“Let’s start by doing the right thing,” J’onn says. “Vasquez, prepare a pod, we’re sending Mon-El back to the void.”
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nicofitz · 7 years ago
Mon-el getting thrown into that display was so beautiful. I'm crying.
With laughter 😂😂😂😂😂
Mon-el running to save Kara was so beautiful. I’m crying.
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vietaseriale · 4 years ago
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sezon 5
Opis: Po dowiedzeniu się o tajemnicy Kary Lena czuję się przez nią zdradzona. Sprzedaje CatCo   Andrea Rojas, która chce przeobrazić firmę w fabrykę clickbaitów. Dodatkowo Andrea posiada firmę Obsydian, która zajmuje piętro niżej w budynku. Obecnie zajmuje się specjalnymi soczewkami mogącymi wykorzystywać ludzki mózg. Gazeta informacyjna ma zmienić się w serwis tabloidowy z lekkimi treściami mający przyciągnąć nowych subskrybentów. Wielu dziennikarzy, w tym Kara nie może pogodzić się z nowym kierunkiem gazety. Nowa umowa powoduje jednak, że po ich odejściu nie mogą pracować w zawodzie, gdyż obowiązuje ich zakaz konkurencji. Mimo tego Jimmy Olsen postanawia opuścić firmę. Udaje się on do rodzinnego miasta, aby pomóc tam lokalnej społeczności. Lena obiecuje Andrea tajemnicze informacje na wyłączność CatCo, które spowodują wysoki przyrost. Informacją tą ma być wyjawienie prawdziwej tożsamości Supergirl.
Podczas wieczoru, gdzie Kara ma odebrać nagrodę Pulitzera za swój artykuł, postanawia powiedzieć Lanie prawdę o skrywanej tożsamości. Wydaje się, że Lena jej przebaczyła, postanawia nie wysyłać przygotowanego pliku do Andrea. Swojej Sztucznej Inteligencji, która dziwi się zachowaniu swojej stwórczymi wyjawia prawdę. Teraz, gdy Kara postanowiła wyjawić jej prawdę postanowiła ją wykorzystać do swoich celów, a gdy już to zrobi to wtedy dopiero się zemści.
Bohaterowie zostają także zaatakowani przez nowego wroga, który otworzył portal więzienia, które znajduje się w Phantom Zone. Jego celem konkretnie jest J’onzz. Wkrótce póżniej okazuje się, że za wszystkim stoi jego brat, który chce się na nim zemścić za to co on i jego ojciec zrobili z nim w przesz��ości. J’onzz, który pamięć została wymazana odkrywa w końcu, że od młodości jego brat przejawiał moce, które zagrażały jego pobratymcom. Zamiast mu pomóc jego ojciec zamknął go na stałe w więzieniu, gdzie spędził kilkanaście lat w samotności. Został uwolniony przez Białych Marsjan z którymi później sprzymierzył się w ataku na własnych ludzi. J’onzz rozumie poczynania swojego brata. Stara się go przeprosić i pomóc mu w nowej rzeczywistości. Jednak dla Malefik ważna jest tylko zemsta. Z pomocą Brainego i Leny bohaterom udaje się stworzyć maszynę, która zamyka wroga z powrotem w Phantom Zone.
Nikt nie zdaje sobie sprawy, że Lena miała ukryty cel pomagając bohaterom. Po wydarzeniach dotyczących Lexa oraz Kary chce ona zmienić zachowanie ludzkości poprzez nadpisanie im osobowości. Pozbawić ich możliwości czynienia krzywdy innym. Do tego celu potrzebne jej jest prace, które prowadzi firma Rojas oraz moce Malefika, który potrafił kontrolować innych. Maszyna tak naprawdę nie odesłała marsjanina z powrotem do więzienia, ale do laboratorium Leny. Udaje jej się namówić go do współpracy. Pomoże jej w rozwikłaniu zagadki jego mózgu w zamian za pomoc w zemście na J’onzz. Protokół marsjański powoduje, że nie może go skrzywdzić, dlatego chciał pozbyć się jego przyjaciół. Zniesienie bariery w jego mózgu umożliwi mu dokonanie swojej zemsty bezpośrednio na bracie. Gdy Lena uzyskuje od niego potrzebną pomoc zdradza go i używa na nim jego mocy. Uśmiercanie innych nie jest zgodne z zamierzeniami Leny.
Kara odkrywa, że jej nowy kolega ściągnięty przez Anrea z gazety z Londynu dziwnie się zachowuje. Jego spotkania zbiegają się z morderstwami jego informatorów. Na początku podejrzewa, że to on za tym stoi. Gdy jednak dochodzi między nimi do konfrontacji okazuje się, że prowadzi on śledztwo w sprawie zniknięcia jego przyjaciela za którym ma stać rodziny Rojas. Kara postanawia mu pomóc. W ręce Supergirl trafia jeden z zabójców, który okazuje się być zaginionym przyjacielem Williama. Andrea próbuje go uwolnić z DEO jednak jej się to nie udaje. Przy okazji poznajemy, że posiada ona niezwykle moce dane jej przez tajemniczą organizację Lewiatan. Pracuje ona dla nich w zamian za dawną pomoc jej ojcu, który po bankructwie firmy chciał popełnić samobójstwo. Od tego momentu jej rodzina żyła w dobrobycie. Andrea prosi o pomoc Lena, którą przez pracę w Lewiatanie dawno temu zdradziła. Mimo tego Lena decyduje się jej pomóc w zamian za medalion, który kiedyś Andrea miała pomóc jej odnaleźć i który zachowała dla siebie. Atak na DEO nie uchodzi uwadze J’onzz, który czuje moc brata. Jednak nie udaje mu się powstrzymać Andrea i Rip zostaje uwolniony. Andrea próbuje ukryć Ripa w bezpiecznym miejscu, jednak zabójcy Lewiatana odnajdują go i zabijają.
Medalion, który otrzymała Lena pozwala jej odkryć tajemnice Lewiatana. Zabójcy organizacji, który przybył odzyskać artefakt nie udaje się wypełnić misji. Przywódca organizacji Rama Khan postanawia wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce. Na Ziemię przybył miliony lat temu. Jego statek, który rozbił się na planecie spowodował wyginiecie dinozaurów. Straszy mianował go obrońcom Ziemię. Przez lata Rama Khan bronił jej przed niszczycielskimi działaniami ludzi wywołując katastrofy, które niszczyły całe miasta. Supergirl udaje się uratować przyjaciółkę od śmierci. Jednak nie udaje jej się pokonać kosmity. Jego moc kontrolowania ziemi jest zbyt potężna. Zabiera Lenę do Twierdzy Supermana w poszukiwaniu broni, która może im pomóc zwyciężyć. Gdy Rama ich odnajduje Lena pomaga odeprzeć atak i ratuje Karę. Jednak po tym wyjawia jej prawdę, gdy zostaje przyłapana na kradzieży broni. Zmieniając systemy obronne twierdzy umożliwiają jej ucieczkę.
Lena zdobywa wszystkie rzeczy, które umożliwią jej wysłanie fal pozyskanych od Malica do zmiany zachowania ludzi na całej planecie. Jonzz odnajduje brata i pomaga mu się uwolnić. Razem docierają do bazy DEO, w której Malik zdradza plan Leny. Alex chce zaatakować kompleks Leny, gdy jeszcze nie jest za późno. Kara wciąż jednak wierzy, że może uda jej się przekonać Lenę do porzucenia jej planu bez walki. Sytuację komplikuje atak Rama Khana. Chce wywołać erupcję wulkanu, aby znowu oczyścić ludzkość jak miało to miejsce tysiące lat temu w Pompejach. Malic chce pomóc bohaterom w sytuacji, gdy Supergirl oraz Jonn muszą wyruszyć do walki z Ramą. Jego fale pomagają bohaterom zatrzymać maszynę Leny, dzięki czemu jej plan nie powiódł się. Jednak udaje jej się przekonać stróżów prawa do swojej niewinności, gdyż jej A.I w ciele sekretarki Lexa bierze całą winę na siebie. Tymczasem bohaterom udaje się ponownie pokonać Ramę i uniemożliwić mu realizacji jego oczyszczenia ludzkości. Gdy pokonany kosmita wraca do bazy Lewiatana dowiaduje się, że jego porażka kosztowała go utracenie pozycji w organizacji. Malic po pomocy bohaterom udaje się na Marsa. Chce odkupić swoje winy pomagając swoim pobratymcom w walce z Białymi Marsjanami.
Do Jonna przybywa Monitor, który oznajmia mu, że to on uwolnił Malica, aby poddać go próbie przez Kryzysem, który właśnie przybywa do Wszechświata. Następuje saga, która obejmuje wszystkie seriale w DC. Bohaterowie muszą zmierzyć się z Anty-Monitorem, który uwalnia antymaterię, która pochłania multiświaty. Do walki z zagrożeniem Monitor postanowił przywrócić do życia Lexa. Walka w świecie Supergirl nie przebiega pomyślnie. Bohaterom udaje się uratować kilka miliardów istnień zanim ich świat definitywnie znika. Gdy w końcu udaje im się pokonać zagrożenie zostaje tylko jeden świat na którym współistnieją wszyscy bohaterowie. Jednak muszą odnaleźć się w nowej rzeczywistości, która odbiega od tej, która istniała w ich świecie.
W nowej rzeczywistości bohaterów serialu Supergirl zaistniała ogromna zmiana. Lex i Lena są szanownymi obywatelami National City i współpracują z DEO powstrzymując zagrożenia dla miasta. Choć większość ludzkości nie pamiętam wydarzeń z Kryzysu to główni bohaterowie zachowują wszystkie swoje wspomnienia. Lex wybacza siostrze jej zamach. W nowej rzeczywistości upatruje ogromną szansę na realizację swoich celów. Alex postanawia odejść z DEO, nie ma zamiaru odpowiadać i wykonywać polecenia Lexa. Brainy postanawia zostać. Jego logika podpowiada, że współpraca z Lexem może uratować jego przyjaciół.
Lex skupia swoje działania na odkrycie Lewiatana i ich pokonanie poprzez pozbawienie ich nieśmiertelności. W trakcie jego działań śmierć ponoszą przypadkowe ofiary. Lex ma haka na Karę, gdy ta próbuje mu przeszkodzić w jego działaniach ten obiecuje wyjawić ludzkości jej prawdziwą tożsamość. Lena postanawia współpracować z bratem, który obiecał jej pomoc w jej projekcie dotyczącym fal Q zmieniających postępowanie ludzi. Tymczasem nieudolność Ramy spowodowało, że Gemma została liderem Lewiatana. Bogini techniki postanowiła współpracować z Obsydian nad ich soczewkami VR. Lex upatruje w tym szanse na zbliżenie się do Lewiatana. Aby zrealizować swój plan musi dostać się na ich statek. Tylko współpraca z nimi może zapewnić mu ten przywilej. Lex niczym wytrawny szachista jednocześnie sabotuje ich działania, a potem jej naprawia dzięki czemu zostaje bohaterem oraz odwraca uwagę innych od wyjawienia działań organizacji. Robi to w taki sposób, że Gemma niczego nawet nie podejrzewa.
Jednak Supergirl nadal stanowi zagrożenie dla jego planów. Jego manipulacje powodują, że Lewiatan uderza w DEO skąd kradną kryptonit. Kara zostaje pozbawiona mocy. Przyjaciel ją ratują, ale cała placówka ulega zniszczeniu. W tym czasie eksperymenty Leny, która testowała swoje urządzenie na więźniach kończą się wielkim niepowodzeniach. Odkrywa, że Lex wiedział, że jej eksperymenty się nie powiodą. Wspierał ją tylko po to, aby sama mogła się przekonać, że to Luthorowie są stworzeni do kontroli ludzkości, a nie żadna maszyna. Lena czuje się zdradzona. Działania Lexa doprowadzają go do zaszczytu zaproszenia do posiadłości członków Lewiatana. Rama Khan nie jest ufny wobec nowego członka. Lex po opuszczeniu siedziby zdradza Brainego. Mimo, że jego plan w którym Dox miał mu pomóc odnosił się wyłącznie do Lewiatana, Lex chce go dopiero zrealizować po uśmierceniu Supergirl i jej przyjaciół.
Lena udaje się do Kary. Postanawia ją przeprosić za wszystko. Obiecuje jej pomóc w walce z Lexem i Lewiatanem. Wyjawia ich plan. Soczewki Obsydianu, które mają zostać użyte podczas festiwalu do uśmiercenia miliardów ludzi. Dodatkowo Lena tworzy zbroję dla Supergirl, dzięki której będzie odporna na działanie kryptonu. Mimo walki z członkami Lewiatana jak równy z równy Kara nie może ich pokonać, gdyż są nieśmiertelni. Jonzz z resztą próbują zająć wrogów, gdy Kara ma dostać się do VR, aby przekonać ludzi do zdjęcia soczewek zanim będzie za późno. Płomienna przemowa powoduje, że przekonuje ludzi do porzucenia życia w wirtualnej rzeczywistości. Gdy inni przegrywają walkę z Ramą i jego ludźmi i szykują się na śmierć z ich ręki nagle znikają. Okazuje się, że w tajemnicy przez Lexem Brainy udał się na statek Lewiatana. Mimo zabezpieczeń, które spowodują jego śmierć postanowił użyć maszynę zdolnej do zmniejszenia bogów i zamknięcia ich pojemniku. Pojawia się Lex, który odbiera mu pojemnik i zostawia go na śmierć, oznajmiając, że sam zabiję Supergirl. Kara i Lena w końcu się godzą i mają zamiar razem współpracować, aby pokonać Lexa.
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lycanhood · 7 years ago
Supergirl 3x07 “Wake Up Liveblog
I wasn’t planning on watching live on cable because I want the network to know I’m not interested in Mon-El. But I couldn’t find a good livestream online and I’m too much of a sucker to wait to watch so... I am not at all ready for this at all *sigh* but here we go anyway
Also WARNING to Karamels: there will probably be a good bit of Mon-El bashing. I doubt any hardcore stans even follow me, but just in case, I don’t want to fight. I don’t like Mon-El. Not a fan. But I’ve tagged this appropriately and am staying in my lane, so no hate please
Dude, Space Grandpa has been a prisoner for like...ever
Where’s Alex?
Haha Supergirl just strolling down the street
She was just gonna bust up the street “I’ve seen Clark to this…”
Space Dad hug!!
And he’s back :(
Alex: “How is he breathing?”
Me: “Why is he breathing?”
So many questions, damn
What a beautiful home! Why isn’t there a dog on the front porch? There should be
“The moment you become pregnant you aren’t a kid anymore” umm, no, you are still a kid actually, a kid with a kid who needs some fucking support
Crutches help people!! There is no shame in using/needing a crutch!
Did alot of people get hurt? Seemed like it was just James.
Oh so you just weren’t gonna tell her, Patricia? This feels very Smallville 1x01
Every fictional character ever: *wants a normal life*
Me everytime: fuck that shit, be awesome!
I also like the beard
Bullshit, James. That’s total and complete bullshit
I wish Sam would get Alex to babysit Ruby. I would pay to see that
Hahaha “And by us I mean Alex”
J’onn, get off your phone!
Please let them play chess!
J’onn, he just wants to be with you, dammit!!
“And now I would like to return to my room” #mood
Uh oh Mon-El being sketchy! Who could have guessed!?!
YAAASSSSS! Kara didn’t even hesitate! That’s what I’m talking about!
Karamel started from this cell and now they’re...right back in this cell
I also dream about him dying and/or disappearing into the black of space FOREVER
He’s always apologizing
Okay, but I wish Sam had taken Lena on this road trip, because...well mainly just because I miss Lena
Why did this brand new looking car break down? Out of gas?
THAN FUCKING EXPLAIN IT TO US! When did keeping secrets ever work out for you, Mon-El?
Winn, no! Winn, why?
Kara is pissed!
Everytime I see “Dare to Defy” I just get smad and think “YOU fucking dare to fucking defy heteronormativity and give me supercorp, cowards!” and then I cry for awhile
I thought this ship was being guarded? DEO wtf?
Drag them, Kara! DRAG THEM!
Give her that back!
Oh, only seven years? I thought it would be longer. Like an insane amount of time.
L-Corp exists 400 years from now!!! Does Lena have children? TELL ME MORE!!
Kara’s like “Move, I got this!”
Same is reenacting Wild when she should have just brought a gas can
Ummmm WAT!?! REVERSE FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE!!!?!??!?? *faints* What’s happening? What if “Wake Up” isn’t really talking about Mon-El but is actually talking about Sam/Reign?
Aw, Space Dad and Space Grandpa are gonna live together
Yeah, means alot, but go ahead and give it back now
“The truth never hurts as much as secrets.” He still hasn’t learned that lesson
Oh shit, there it is! Rude & Hurtful, but not surprising
Fortress of Sanctuary? *scoffs*
Of course you do, Sam! Duh, you are just now realizing that?
No, no, honey, not a hero, sorry :/
You are a good person, Sam. I’m sorry this is happening to you
Oh shit, this is happening sooner than expected
That episode actually wasn’t so bad. Like I wish Mon-El wasn’t here at all, but at least it wasn’t as sappy and Karamel-centric as I thought it was gonna be.
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