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When someone asks how I write my fanfiction.
#writing#angst#angst memes#fanfiction memes#writing memes#sterek#jethan#aralas#romanogers#karamel#guardiancorp#not my gif#thiam#everlark
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I'm rewatching "The Fanatical" for reasons, which is the episode following James telling Lena about Supergirl asking him to break into her vault, and by the gods.
Kara is grilling James like "why did you tell her? Now she has a problem with me/Supergirl." And then has the audacity to say "you should have had my back."
Like WHAT?!?!
Bitch, who has Lena's back? Who crossed a line asking James to violate his girlfriend's trust? Who wants to compound one lie with another?
I'm glad Kara has her moment of crisis about not telling Lena her secret, bc its about damn time, but to be honest? James stays a little too neutral for my taste. He's too understanding of Kara's situation, when what Kara really needs is a wake up call and a true example of what being Lena's ally means.
I want him to take her to task. Because it's one thing to understand where Kara is coming from and what she's facing, but it's a whole other thing to condone allowing someone to continue to harm someone you love.
Kara has too many people in her life wanting what's best for her. Lena has too few.
#meta#the fanatical#guardiancorp#kara is a bad friend in this episode#bad bad bad#and too self involved#makes me mad
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I realise now that I misread your original post (and had also read one of the replies which I think altered my understanding) and apologise. I took it as another attempt to mock the LenaxJames ship and push Supercorp which is usually what I see in the tags and my frustration got the better of me. Again I apologise for misunderstanding. Sorry
It’s okay. I totally support all ships! I actually like Lena and James together. I just have personal preference for certain ships. And I actually just realized that all my favorite ships are non canon, 🥴 not sure what that says about me but 🤷🏻♀️😂
No hate, I swear 🥰
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I miss these two. Especially in the moments they had like this. There was so much value in seeing them together, and the levels of communication they had before TPTB went off the rails and took them way OOC.
I could watch this gifset forever.
You will affect change. You already are.
#guardiancorp#anti comments will be deleted#if you dont like it keep scrolling#this is a multi ship blog#and i love them your honor#this and the time James brought Lena dinner and didnt push to figure out what she was working on (reign era)#and the time james was honest with her about almost breaking into lena's vault#im almost crying at my desk#so soft#james was exactly who lena needed#exactly when she needed it the most
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ficlet: in pursuit of calm, lena/kelly
rarepair time, the superior guardiancorp edition.
born out of this headcanon and some chats with @sideguitars because why not LOL
anyway here you go, have fun!
There are four three things at this moment that Lena knows to be true:
There is a flickering bulb in her lamp desk that she hasn’t asked Jess to fix yet. She should, it’s been three days. But she keeps getting distracted that she forgets and then she walks away from her desk only to come back, turn it back on, and have it flicker randomly in her face.
Her coffee is tepid. Because she keeps getting distracted and she forgets and then she walks away from her desk only to come back, lift the mug to her lips, and taste the liquid be anything less than the perfect temperature.
Andrea texts her that she just picked Kelly up from the airport. Kelly, the woman who Lena left in Metropolis becaus Lena couldn’t be the one to get left behind. Kelly, the woman who has not escaped Lena’s mind since she left for National City. Kelly, the woman who just came back from her last and final deployment, and who’s in town to visit their mutual friend. Kelly, the woman who she never stopped loving, not even once.
Lena has no idea what to do with this information.
She purses her lips, her body sagging uncharacteristically in her office chair.
“Jess,” she says finally, pushing herself up after signaling to to call her assistant.
“Yes, Miss Luthor?”
“Reschedule the rest of my meetings for the day. I need to be somewhere.”
There’s a pause on the other end of the line, no doubt Jess trying to look at her packed calendar and troubleshooting this complete derailment on their day.
“Of course, Miss Luthor,” Jess responds eventually. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
"She looks at the flickering bulb on her lamp and flips the switch to turn it off. “No. That’ll be all.”
Lena considers going to the nearest bar. She considers going to the park for some fresh air. She considers a list of many other destinations she could be driving herself to. Yet where she ends up is to double park in front of Andrea’s penthouse knowing who is up there with Andrea.
She imagines soft dark skin. Black hair pulled into a tight bun. The gentle slope of a nose. The perfect cupid’s bow of her lips. The cute mole above those very lips.
More than anything, though, Lena imagines a kind smile and kinder eyes.
Her reverie is interrupted by a honk behind her, a car urging her to move out of the way.
She glances up the highrise apartment building before she drives home, instead.
She does not get a lot of sleep that night. She wished she did, hoping the three refills of scotch she consumed during dinner—nevermind that she had such little appetite for any of said dinner—would have lulled her to sleep by now.
Instead, she recalls the time before.
They were circling one another, working up to something. Until, of course, Kelly had gotten a call, one that deployed her far too soon for either of their liking. The U.S. Army reminding them that Kelly’s schedule wasn’t yet her own.
Which meant that it wasn’t yet Lena’s own, either.
Restless, she gives up on sleeping and instead walks out into the bathed darkness of her empty penthouse, the slivers of light from the waning moon coming through her living room window.
She does not know what to make of Kelly’s arrival in National City. Lena had left her old life in Metropolis, thinking that she’d left Kelly there, too. Yet now, here they were. The closest they had been in 18 months.
Lena taps her phone screen on and unlocks it before scrolling through her photos until she reached the last image the two of them took: side by side at the gun range in front of Lena’s shooting target, all bullseyes. Kelly’s lips are on her cheek, and the smile on Lena’s face is one she hasn’t seen since.
It’s…the happiest she’d ever seen herself in a long time. Mostly because this was the day before it all came crashing down on them.
She shuts her phone screen off and trudges to the kitchen to get herself a cup of water, drinking it in slight desperation that a droplet of two escapes the corner of her mouth and slips down her chin.
She wipes her face and wipes the water, though as her fingers meet her skin, it surprises her even more to find an errant tear having cascaded down her face.
Lena returns to work. She is business as usual. She goes through her meetings. She puts annoying shareholders in their place. She does not look to her phone for messages from a certain someone. She visits her lab. She talks with her R&D team. She fights the urge to message first.
The rest of the week goes much the same, an exercise in self-control. Or so she says.
By Friday evening, she is alone in her office having pushed Jess out the door knowing that her assistant has a date and should go have fun.
“Before I go, there was this one last message that came through just a little while ago. I apologize for missing it. It must have dropped from the pile.”
Lena waves her off and accepts the sticky note graciously, the sticky part on the back a little tacky against her finger.
She waits until Jess leaves before she reads it. Lucky thing, too, when she realizes what the message is and who it’s from.
She checks her watch before rushing out of her office, haphazardly pawing at her lamp to turn it off.
She enters the restaurant, giving a name she hasn’t uttered in 18 months to the host before walking behind him. When he steps aside, Lena finds her sitting, waiting. Like she expected Lena to show up. Like she was so sure.
She hates her a little bit for it, if she’s being honest. But Lena finds it’s hard to deny her.
“Lena,” she says, her voice a dulcet tone, having been absent from Lena’s ears for so, so long.
Kelly pushes her chair back slightly and stands, her posture perfect even while at ease, and approaches Lena. She allows her, of course, mostly because she’s rooted in her spot. Kelly then leans forward slightly, but pauses to see if Lena will stop her. She won’t, of course, and leans herself, allowing Kelly’s lips to press upon her cheek.
“I’m glad you came.”
“I was surprised to see your message with my assistant.”
Kelly grins a little, tilting her head slightly. “I didn’t want to assume, that’s all.”
18 months ago they had a similar dinner, but instead of catching up, they were breaking up. Or, rather, they were reaching the conclusion of a relationship that never truly began, at least formally. Lena had been a goner since the day they’d met at the shooting range just shy of four months before that. She’d wanted to get some lessons in and found Kelly at one of the stations hitting her target with precision. Lena had been impressed, but when Kelly glanced at her and offered a polite smile, Lena immediately wanted to know her name.
“You’re fine. So, tell me. How have you been?” she asks, leaning forward, her eyes never straying from that beautiful face. Not like Lena had a choice, really.
Kelly tells her, glossing over what Lena knows are gorier and harder details about her deployment. She can only fathom the terrors of war that Kelly has to carry inside of her, just hidden beneath a radiating smile.
In turn, she talks about her move to National City. About L-Corp. About the life she’s been living, angling her words just enough so as not to touch any of her sadness, of her heartbreak she’s been nursing for almost two years. If only because she knows that Kelly knows, that Kelly seems to be nursing the same thing.
They close the restaurant down and the two of them walk quietly out into the gray darkness of the evening, highlighted only by the lampposts of the sidewalk.
“Are you back for good?” she asks, the question having sat on the tip of her tongue since Lena first heard of her arrival.
Kelly smiles, her face a little solemn, but her smile still shining. “Yes.”
She nods, processes this information for all that it is, and perhaps all that it could be. Kelly reaches forward with her hand, her palm open for Lena to take, if she chose. She never forgot this—never forgot Kelly’s patience for her, for the type of call and response that’s only theirs.
She closes the gap, Lena's hand clasping with hers.
“Can I see you again? I’d like for someone to show me around the city.”
“Why not ask Andrea?” she asks, testing.
Kelly studies her, those dark chocolate eyes always reading her, reading through her, knowing her. “Andrea is lovely, but I’d like to try and catch up on all that I’ve missed, if that’s possible.”
Lena regards her, but Kelly presses on.
“Is it?”
Lena has a choice here. Kelly has always given her a choice, and is waiting until Lena makes one.
Finally, she nods.
She releases Kelly’s hand but not before giving it a meaningful squeeze. As Kelly walks away with a final wave, Lena thinks of four three things:
There’s still a lamp bulb that needs fixing that she really needs to talk to Jess about come Monday morning.
Tomorrow, she thinks she’ll visit the shooting range again.
The sight of Kelly has slowly unraveled her in the last few days, yet her heart is peacefully beating in her heart, calm and steady.
She has no idea what to do with this information, but she thinks she doesn’t mind finding out.
#samfic#the superior guardiancorp#lena x kelly#just some tender angst#you know me#it's a love story#as always#supergirl#lena luthor#kelly olsen
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can i do the same thing to you i did to sssammich and upend all the -corps on your desk or is that too greedy 🥴
looping in @yourlocalegotisticalqueerishere since it's easier to do these all in one post ! alphabetical order for funsies under the cut:
agentcorp - no...idk what to say really except the vibes are off for me. sorry chyler </3 i know you wanted to kiss katie so bad. i think alex and lena have similarities & differences (just like every character does with every other character lol) but i personally feel like their specific similarities & differences would cause them to either enable each other's worst aspects or to butt heads constantly. just my onion i know many people disagree and that's fine. also the triple hit of alex trying to nuke lena and justifying it by twisting all her previous good deeds to make them sound bad, lying about it to her face while asking for her help, and then not advocating for her to get her memories back and even encouraging kara to deceive her once again all in quick succession in s5 -- all of which got swept under the rug in s6 -- really soured me on the friendship s4 had built up between them. so i'm not even really a fan of their friendship. tragique :(
braincorp - they are my brotp <333 i don't ship them romantically at all but actually their relationship is probably my favorite relationship on the show period. it helps that they are my 2 fave characters lol but also they are so smart and so bitchy together and i love them <333 brainy is so ride or die for lena even when she gives him literally the worst advice anyone has ever given anyone else in the history of the world and lena feels safe with brainy to express how she really feels and they are kindred spirits. also the parallel to the comics dynamic between brainiac & lex luthor [which should've made it to the show!!! where was the original brainiac???] is poetic. braincorp 4 life !!!
dreamcorp - again i don't ship them at all but it's so bonkers that developing this relationship wasn't more of a priority for the writers. little sisters with asshole siblings who blame themselves for their mother's deaths (and also have magic powers i guess thanks s6 🥴)...the scenes write themselves! or so you would think. i liked that they had some rapport in s6 but also ngl it cracked me up in 6x07 when nia called lena "family" i was like girl this is your first onscreen conversation ever 😭 you are colleagues at best...oh well. i like the idea of them becoming found family though. i don't see the superfriends as a found family (they are actually this cool thing called 'friends' instead) but nia & lena specifically i think could come to lean on each other in a sisterly way.
guardiancorp - so as i've mentioned part of what really piqued my interest in guardiancorp was the reveal that james had 16 scars from lex yet he was able to look past that to see lena for who she was not just as lex's little sister. james as clark's best friend and lena as lex's sister are kind of inherently tied together by the superman/lex drama and i'm interested in how they can work through that to love each other anyway. one thing i find interesting about them is that they are deeply different in ways that could set them at odds -- lena is a luthor, james is team super; lena is a white woman, james is a black man; lena is morally flexible, james is much more morally steadfast/rigid -- yet they are able to find solidarity and common ground with each other despite those things and have each other's backs. a lot of people like to point to the scene where lena & james are completely out of sync at game night as evidence that they were never really right for each other, but the thing i always remember is that lena wanted to practice with him afterwards. she wanted to put in the work. that's actually very romantic to me. another thing i like is how protective they are of each other; morgan edge might call james lena's bodyguard and james might take a bullet for her and dangle morgan edge off a building for her but lena is also HIS bodyguard who would make deals with the DA for him and poison her mother for him. they're each other's guardians. also they are capable of being so powerful and bitchy together like when they went to confront morgan edge in 3x09 that was sooo funny and iconic. i do wish the show built them up better and let us see their friendship properly develop in 3a instead of having them flirt in a couple scenes and then not interact for 4 episodes and then have kara & sam hamfistedly tell us they have chemistry. if i were writing season 3 i would give them a slower build and probably not have them kiss until the balcony scene in 3x17. but oh well. if wishes were horses i would have lots of horses. i wouldn't even know what to do with all those horses. so it's a good thing wishes aren't horses, if you think about it.
kellycorp / goldencorp (that's the name i just came up with now that i am advocating for) - i quite like this idea because it's a kelly ship i can actually get invested in. hooray <3 i think kelly would be good for lena and, crucially, i think lena would be good for kelly. they both are more 'outsiders' to the superfriends than the other members are, as evinced by the two of them being the last to know supergirl's identity, and i think they could bond over that. i could see kelly feeling comfortable being displeased/angry with lena in a way she maybe doesn't with the other superfriends, while also holding space for lena's emotions in a way Certain Other People Who Shall Remain Nameless aren't always very good at. and i could also see lena really enjoying spoiling kelly with her wealth and kelly being kind of into it. also the fact that the showrunners seemed weirdly allergic to putting azie and katie into scenes together, meanwhile azie and katie were supposedly constantly flirting on set and working overtime to try and sneak goldencorp crumbs into the background, suggests to me that their chemistry was so palpable and powerful that TPTB were scared of letting them loose lest the fandom descend even further into ship wars. ...ok that last part is just a silly little conspiracy theory that i made up so please don't repeat it as fact or even as plausible speculation but also why Did the showrunners keep them apart so much 🤔 makes you think !
mirrorcorp [mirrorverse iris/lena aka a ship i invented] - so if you've never seen the flash you are probably thinking: who is mirrorverse iris??? i'm so glad you asked. mirrorverse iris is a clone of iris from the mirror realm which is NOT an 'evil universe' a la star trek, it is instead a world literally inside mirrors. mirrorverse iris was essentially created by mirror monarch (don't ask) for the purpose of infiltrating the normal world. she spends an arc impersonating the real iris and is similar in some ways but is also angrier, more ruthless, and more impulsive. in her last episode she figures out that she wants to be her own person and live life on her own terms not mirror monarch's and she defies mirror monarch during a fight with barry and then she dies. don't like that she died i wish she'd stuck around she was an epic character. but anyway this arc takes place in season 6b of the flash which you guessed it coincides with season 5b of supergirl. so my pitch is that instead of teaming up with lex to continue project nonsense lena goes on a sojourn to central city and meets mirrorverse iris who is impersonating real iris and undergoing an existential crisis/crisis of conscience. and the two bond and become friends. and then mirrorverse iris doesn't die and she and lena have to figure out who they want to be for themselves not just for the people who created them or tried to mold them in their image. and then they kiss about it idk just saying it could be good!
nationalcitydistrictattorneycorp - i mean. you've seen the scene. possibly the most sexually charged scene in the entire show. unclear to me why both actresses decided to play it that way but ok queens !
peggycorp - not my thing but i respect the warriors 👍
reigncorp - sam is imo the best & healthiest friend lena could ask for -- actually the best & healthiest friend anyone on this show could ask for -- but i don't really think their relationship is improved or made more interesting by them dating. i do think they have hooked up in the past and they decided they were better off as friends.
rojascorp - i'm not a rojascorp shipper actually but i believe in their beliefs...andrea and lena definitely dated, i see them as exes who still have affection for each other & sexual tension, i'm just not interested in the idea of them getting back together. if anything i actually worry that andrea might be too deferential to lena? i think she sees herself as deeply indebted to lena and -- whether you're looking at the pre-crisis more interesting timeline where she directly has blood on her hands or the post-crisis less interesting timeline where she tried to kill supergirl & accidentally put william in the line of fire -- i think she has a lot of guilt and she views lena as a moral authority in contrast to her morally 'tarnished' view of herself. which is interesting & juicy because most characters don't view lena that way. but i don't know that it's a great dynamic for a romance.
spheercorp - jack is sweet and rahul kohli is pretty. here endeth my thoughts on spheercorp. ...ok i guess i can say a little more which is that like rojascorp i prefer them as exes/bffs to them getting back together. i also will say that, while i think jack's death contributed to a disturbing trend on the show of killing off south asian characters, i do actually rather like it as a character beat for lena. i enjoy seeing him pop up in fics but in the show itself i think him dying is kind of a better story. sorry jacky :(
supercorp - i mean i think the premise alone is kind of epic and awesome. a super and a luthor but they're in love. like that's just plain cool. plus think of the awkward family dinners! i am always here for ships that will generate awkward family dinners. i also think they have a lot of great comedy scenes together which is always a plus to me shipping-wise, i like ships with a comedic bent. but there's also a lot of juicy drama/tragedy/gay divorce with them too which is also good of course. as a big fan of dramatic irony i like the secret/reveal as a storytelling device i just wish they handled it better post-5x01 (i think 4x22 and 5x01 actually kind of nailed it ngl). i like that they both used each other's kryptonite on the other person and yet they were able to forgive that and love the other person anyway. i mean the actual in-show process of forgiveness was wack but the idea is spicy. and i like that, as kara herself (clunkily) put it in the finale, they really do challenge each other and push each other to be better. as i've mentioned before theirs is a relationship where actions have consequences and where every scene they have matters and affects later scenes, which is unlike.....well, most relationships on the show, frankly. i also tend to think their scenes are just generally better-written and have more subtext (and i'm not just talking about the gay kind) and interesting things going on in them than most of the rest of the show's scenes. for all my many gripes about how s5 & s6 handled their fallout and then kind of just papered over it with platitudes, i still think their relationship is one of the best parts of the show and it's still the major thing that keeps me on the hook.
#if i missed any. well. assume i don't care about it enough to write up a paragraph lol#sideguitars#up up and away
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1 and 10 for the salty ask game?
im gonna do supergirl and LOK for this one bc they're my current brainrot
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
supergirl: pls dont come at me for this but i cannot see agent reign, i get the appeal, ive read fics with agentreign in them and they're super cute, but ive never personally been invested in them.
also, while i definitely think kara's had a crush on cat, i like them too much as a mentor/mentee to ever go near a supercat fic. (but i understand the appeal of both those ships)
legend of korra: mako x wu, i dont rly ship them but i think their dynamic is FUCKING hilarious. also ik its technically a:tla and not lok but i dont ship zukka, i love sukka too much, but i do prefer zukka over zutara. (fight me)
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
supergirl: guardiancorp. it felt so needless. i can come up with ten better ways they could've done the harun-el storyline without them getting into a relationship. i shipped pretty much anything the writers threw at us but i could NOT get behind lena x james at all. actually here's one i just thought of: james reveals he's guardian, lena starts helping him be a vigilante = lena and james form a bond and she uses the harun-el to save him bc shes a hero - OH imagine lena being overwatch!
actually, all of season 4 makes my blood boil - not bc i think it was a bad season, it was just too good at its job and i hated it for making me wanna rip my hair out every second. xenophobes taking over? lex luthor manipulating linda? alex loses her memories? the episode right after? the supercorp angst? oh my god the REVEAL?
10/10 would recommend, but you couldn't pay me to rewatch it.
legend of korra: no notes, just make more of it.
wait no if theres one thing i could change - its not the show its in the comics - kuvira's "redemption" arc. ma'am. you were literally a dictator and you tortured people. go on a year long trip to restore your honor. actually, scratch that, go on a meaningful road trip with each member of the beifong family (the apology tour). i do believe you can change but the rote arc felt too rushed - maybe end on a more open note instead of saying "thats it, she's redeemed!"
this one is also more a:tla: please PLEASE give my girl azula a redemption arc
thanks for the ask!
#i might do she-ra too tbh#and oh my god i have so much to say about supergirl s4#if i were ever to do a rewrite fic id prob start there#and no im not kidding ive never rewatched s4#in fact i always stop m rewatch of supergirl on s3ep7 and then i watch the whole crisis x and then i start watching from s5ep17#thats how much i hate supercorp angst#gay tape#supercorp#korrasami
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Hello! I love your blog and while I don’t agree with all of your opinions, I do respect them and your insight, so I know that I’m asking you this question in good faith. How did you react when (I believe) the first Guardiancorp “I love you” was Lena saying it to James the way that she did (and James’ subsequent response) at Thanksgiving?
I was more neutral on the pairing. I thought they were fine once they got together, though the speed and foundation for their relationship was a little lackluster. However, I just remember this moment in particular feeling really like “CW-mandated DRAMA and ANGST” because it stuck out like a sore thumb. Again, to the best of my recollection (which admittedly isn’t the best), this was the first “I love you” and for me it kind of landed with a thud. While they did appear to be happy together beforehand, we hadn’t seen them express those words to one another yet and when it finally happened, it’s like it’s completely undercut because the moment was more about creating friction. I know you’re a fan of the pairing and I like how you give very thoughtful analysis so I was wondering what your take on it was.
I hope your Monday went well and that you had a great first day of July.
Hello, friend! Sorry for the delay in responding - been fighting a bug that's going around and finally feel somewhat human. :)
I'm linking the scene below. What I remember most about it is how Lena described how she loves, which I think was actually very true to her character and something we saw quite consistently in her relationships.
I love you, and there's no line in the universe I would not cross to keep you safe.
This line continued to resonate later in the season, when we found out the lengths Lena went to in order to save James's life, as well as Lex's. For those closest to her, she loves to the point of invention!
But in general, I agree with you that S4a overall and this episode in particular were disappointing for Lena and James' relationship. 3b was peak GC, and then it went downhill from there.
And although I really enjoyed 4b, I still cringe at the memory of the bad storylines that happened to get us there ... like James going down the rabbit hole with the Children of Liberty. I can see the writers' intention, of showing a conflict rooted in differing worldviews - but as often happened with this show, the execution fell short.
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Kelly and Lena SUPREMACY
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Castaway AU - The Rain Scene
Obviously the first thing Kara wants to do once she truly believes she's home-- because her rlsense of reality isn't the same as it used to be-- is see Lena.
Lena doesn't come to see her.
Alex warns Lena against visiting, both for Lena's sake and for Kara's. Kara isn't exactly who she was when she left, and well... neither is Lena. Alex doesn't want to see either of them hurt by what the years and trauma have wrought in the other.
In the end, Kara goes to see Lena. She watches from the street as the rain comes pouring in, catching glimpses of Lena's life through the partially open blinds of their modest single family home. She sees the kids, and the gentle way Lena parents them, giving affection freely and often.
She's beautiful still, Kara notes, more so by the gentle happiness she witnesses. She hovers at the door, working herself up to knock, but in the end she turns away without making her presence known. Lena is happy, without her. The last thing she wants is to make a mess of Lena's wonderful life.
As Kara returns to her car-- she doesn't have her powers after so long in the Phantom Zone, doesn't know if she ever wants them back-- the front door snaps open, and a dark figure pelts outside.
Lena's voice calls through the deluge of rain.
Kara turns, finding Lena standing breathless before her. Then, in the next moment, Lena's arms are around her, squeezing in a desperate hug. After a long moment, Kara finally reacts and wraps her arms around Lena in return.
Bodily warmth is foreign to her, and she savors it.
"I'm sorry," Lena murmurs, pleads even. "I'm sorry."
Kara doesn't respond except to press her face into the pocket of Lena's neck and shoulder.
"I always knew you were alive, I knew it." Lena's voice cracks. "Everyone said I had to let you go. That you were gone-- you weren't coming back."
Except she is back. She's here. Right here. Kara wants to shout it to world, as if raising her voice would rewind time and return her to where she left.
"I love you," Lena gasps, pulling away. Tears mingle with the rain on her cheeks. "With all of my heart. Everything that happened-- before-- after, it didn't seem to mean anything at all."
Kara lifts her hand, letting her fingers trace the lines of Lena's face, memorizing every inch of it. The rain hides the faint creases that have found a home at the corners of Lena's eyes and mouth, disguising the grey hairs sprinkled across her head.
For a moment, everything is as it was-- for a moment, Kara thinks she has the chance to do what she was always too much of a coward to do before.
But then she catches the light of the open doorway, and the silhouettes both large and small looking out at the two of them. Lena's family.
Kara pulls back. "You have to go home," she murmurs quietly.
"You have to go home," Kara repeats. Leaning forward, the only kiss she gives is the one she presses to Lena's brow, pouring all her love and forgiveness into the tender touch.
"Please don't go," Lena pleads, prompting Kara to offer a sad smile.
"I'm not," she promises.
Then she turns and makes her way back to the drivers side door, slipping in behind the wheel to drive away, eyes glued to Lena's figure in the rearview mirror.
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Since I've got S2 on the brain ATM, it's only just occurred to me how sexless the rest of the show is by comparison. Seriously, there's a single scene of GuardianCorp afterglow in S3 (which is depressingly timed) and that's pretty much it for the concept of desire
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re: weird trauma reversal and also being late to the fandom
i was also quite late to the fandom and one of the things i’ve noticed is that i think in some ways you can tell when someone bingewatched the series after it was complete, or close to when it was complete, and especially in terms of the relationships people have with the characters.
i think one of the biggest examples of this is james - i kind of feel like a lot of the people who are more open to the fact that guardiancorp happened or felt there was ‘potential there’ etc are people who would have watched seasons 1 & 2 in particular play out in real time over the course of 2 years, so they had time to form more of an acquaintance and acceptance of what his character was intended to be, whereas i think if you watched all of the seasons back to back to back over a matter of weeks james’ behaviour is so erratic across the course of seasons 1 - 4 that he just seems kind of like a manipulative jerk because suddenly the kara -> lucy -> kara -> guardian -> luthors are evil -> lena is hot comes right on the heels of each other in a way that it wouldn’t have if you were watching the series in weekly episodes.
but in specific relation to what you were saying about cheapening kara’s traumas, i think bingewatching makes that cheapening effect even worse and that it also has an impact on how people see kara and lena actually, because - similar to how it’s hard to see james as the character the showrunners intended when you binge watch - when you speedrun through s3 - s4 the inconsistency with kara’s character and her traumas makes some of her flaws, like the self-righteousness and the hypocrisy, seem even worse in a way because it’s so much more compressed? it’s a lot easier to see how it must have seemed to lena when she looked back in retrospect and revisited their friendship after the trauma of lex because the flipflopping in one episode to the next isn’t over the course of a week or a season.
(i thought the lex trauma comment in one of your earlier posts was really astute and it resonated with me so much - while there’s plenty of balanced fiction and also fiction that completely ignores that lena did Bad Things, on the other side of it I really don’t think a lot of lena’s antis really account for the fact that yeah, she completely went haywire and yeah, it was pretty ooc, but at the same time the writers did try to set the stage for it - she lived through making a morally grey decision involving a once beloved family member and then having the rug pulled out from under her immediately after, and right on the heels of some very erratic behaviour by kara. lena sitting in her office feeling used that kara only wanted her to use her as a source always gets me, like her doubts of their friendship weren’t just seeded by supergirl/kara being two people alone.)
sorry for the long comment! i try so hard to be a normal person but some of the things you say just really resonate with me, and then… this happens. congrats on completing diat as well and excited for your wips!!!
Yeah!! That makes sense. Having started the show in early 2022 and binging it, I have no sense of the pacing at all. Someone (maybe you?) brought up in another ask that the stuff with Kara’s DNA in S6 came up during covid era, when talk about DNA replication was pretty common on the news, which made it especially odd in the show that they treated it like a single-opportunity thing. I would never have thought of the covid context, since I wasn't watching then.
It makes sense that bingewatching would make that trauma reversal aspect even worse! I hadn’t thought of that. Also, ouch, the rift buildup being worse tears my heart out - it was already pretty heartwrenching from my point of view, speed running through the series!
... also, god, waiting an entire summer between S4 and S5 would’ve killed me 🤣
I feel pretty lucky in that I haven’t come across too many anti-Lena or anti-Kara folks (yet?). I just really don’t understand it… they’re just both such compelling characters. They’re both flawed, and they’re both trying to do the right thing, and they’re both trying to deal with their traumas, and I can’t imagine reading stuff for this ship without loving them both.
(Thank you for the comment, please never apologize!! I love reading these! It’s not like I’m normal either 🤣)
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Mein A/B/O-Arrowverse-AU-Verse:
Diese Serie von mir rekonstruiert das gesammte Arrowverse in einem Alpha/Beta/Omega-Setting. Sie geht gegen Ende der 6. Staffel von "Arrow", der 4. von "The Flash" sowie der jeweils 3. von "Legends of Tomorrow" und "Supergirl" zunehmend AU. "Batwoman" ist inkludiert, allerdings nur die erste Staffel und da auch schon von Anfang sehr anders als im Canon.
Diese Fics wurden zwischen 2017 und 2019 geschrieben, wobei die eigentliche Hauptstory zwischen 2017 und 2018 entstand. Spätere Einträge spielen zwischen den Ereignissen der vorher geposteten Fics. Prinzipiell geht dieses Verse mit dem Ende der 2017/18er Seasons vollkommen AU, daher werden später eingeführte Ereignisse, Charaktere und Ships nur am Rande benahdelt und eingebaut, und in diesen Fic finden sich nur Dinge die vor „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ passiert sind.
Prinzipiell bin ich der Meinung, dass es heute trotzdem noch gut stand hält, wobei der auffälligste Unterschied zum Canon die Tatsache ist, dass fast alles geschrieben wurde bevor Nia aktive Kräfte für den Kampfeinsatz besaß, weswegen sie im Kampf die gleichen Kräfte wie Dream Girl in den Comics verwendet und nicht ihre Canon-Traum-Energie Strahlen und Peitschen. Und natürlich sind die End-Game Pairings andere.
Inzwischen noch witziger ist was alles in meinem Fics passiert ist, bevor es im Canon ebenfalls passiert ist (wie etwa, das Clois-Baby, dass Lena Lex erschießt, Johns Lungenkrebs Storyline, dass Eddie zurückkommt, der Ausflug in die Speed Force während er großen Krise etc) und wie anders manches bei mir ist was der Canon absolut vergessen hat mir aber doch wichtig erschienen ist.
Chronologisch gesehen beginnen wir mit der Kindheit verschiedenster Charaktere und enden mit einer Szene im Jahr 1992, die alles abschließt. Handlungstechnisch enden wir aber im Jahr 2028.
Im Gegensatz zum Canon kriegen hier alle Serien - „Arrow“, „The Flash“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“ und irgendwie sogar „Batwoman“ - ein Ende und jeder Charakter bekommt eine mehr oder weniger zu Ende erzählte Geschichte. Obwohl die letzte Fic das Ende von „Legends of Tomorrow“ darstellt, gibt es darin trotzdem Gastauftritte von diversen anderen Charakteren, die auf Erde-1 leben (es gibt keine Erdverchmelzung in meiner Version), und wir lernen etwa das zweite West-Allen-Triaden-Kind kennen, weil ich ja im Gegensatz zu Eric Wallace der Meinung bin, dass eine Franchise auch also solche beendet werden sollte.
Da dieses Universum zur Zeit der 2. Staffel von „Legends of Tomorrow“ und „Supergirl“ begonnen hat, sind die Endgame-Pairings entsprechend. Manche Fans werden hier also nicht glücklich werden, aber immerhin gibt es hier im Gegensatz zum Canon ein Ende für alle. Und auch wenn es manche Charaktere aus späteren Staffeln nicht gibt, gibt es trotzdem Happy Ends für andere. So findet Ava letztlich mit Caitlin ihr Glück, Nora wird als Single glücklich etc.
Endgame Pairings in diesem Verse sind (trotz diverser andere Pairings zwischendurch):
Atomwave (Ray Palmer/ Mick Rory) , Captains3 (Sara Lance/ Rip Hunter/ Leonard Snart), Vixensteel (Amya Jiwe/Nate Heywood), Westhallen (Iris West/ Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen) , Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen), Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El), Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers), Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green), Guardiancorp (James Olsen/Lena Luthor), Winniac-5+ Nia (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5/Nia Nal, wobei Nia mehr ein Add-On in der allerletzten Supergirl-Fic ist eine logische Konsequenz, das gebe ich gerne zu), Avafrost (Ava Sharpe/Caitlin Snow), Coldray (Leo Snart/Ray Terrill), Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane), Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton), Martians (J’onn J’onzz/M’gann M’orzz), SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance), Dyla (John Diggle/Lyla Michaels), Throy (Thea Queen/ Roy Harper) sowie Kate Kane/Renée Montoya (wobei ich Montoya lange bevor es den Charakter in „Batwoman“ gab geschrieben habe).
Charaktere, die im Canon gestorben sind, haben hier überlebt. Charaktere, die tot geblieben sind, sind hier zurück gekommen, Charaktere, die im Canon zurück gekommen sind, blieben hier tot, aber am Ende würde ich sagen, dass dieses Universum für mich selbst die befriedigendere Version des Arrowversums war, als der Canon, alleine eben deswegen weil es hier ein Ende für alle gibt und viele der problemtatischen Dinge Post-Crisis nie passiert sind und daher nie zum Problem wurden.
Die Original-Version dieses Verses findet ihr:
Sie bsetehend aus:
Den „Legends of Tomorrow“-Fics:
„Nennt uns Legenden I-V“
„Legenden auf Doomworld“
Den „Arrow“ Fics:
„Jemand Anderer werden“
„Mein Name ist Oliver Queen“
Den „Supergirl“-Fics:
„Kara Danvers ist meine Lieblingsperson“
Der “The Flash“-Fic:
„Dinge, denen man nicht trauen kann“
Sowie den Crossover-Fics:
„Geschichten von Erde-X“
„Crisis on Earth-X“
„Road to Finale Crisis“
“Finale Crisis”
„Beginnings and Endings“
Sowie verstreuten One-Shots in:
„Legends of Tomorrow Shorts“
„The Flash Shorts“
“Infinite Earths Oneshots und Shorts”
Außerdem gibt es die düstere AU-Version zu einem alternativen Ende von “Crisis on Earth-X”:
“Stranded on Earth-X”
Sowei zwei dazu gehörtige One-Shots in:
„The Flash Shorts“
Eine restruktrierte „Alle-Fics-chronologisch an einem Ort“-Version findet ihr hier:
#Arrowverse#Fanfiction#A/B/O-Arrowverse-AU#A/B/O verse#AU zu meinem A/B/O-Arrowverse#legends of tomorrow#supergirl.#Arrow#The Flash#Batwoman
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random fic asks: how are the superior guardiancorp doing do you think? :D
listen don't do this to me alright because i stare at that ficlet more often than you would think or believe and wonder to myself: do i wanna continue? and if so, how much more?
here's what i would say tho
lena is cautious until she's cautiously optimistic but she's hot and cold. kelly is the poster child of patience until lena's back and forth just gets much one day and she just demands a direction. she'll take it, whichever it is, but she needs lena to pick because she, too, needs her own healing. and says as much. which knocks lena down and back, but she understands.
it's slow, oh so slow. but it's the right pace after months of nothing with each other. and then one day, they go on a date. and then another. and the next six months make up for the last 18.
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*rolls up sleeves* fandom: cwsg: 1, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
(is that too many, your choice if it is :D)
14 answered here! rest below zee cut
What was the moment in the story that I started shipping my OTP from this world?
Well, I got into the show via the fanfic-to-reaction-video-to-actual-episodes pipeline, so this question is a little hard to answer. But in terms of the things that first piqued my interest, I would say for Supercorp it was the secret identity thing and the subsequent reveal by Lex, and for Guardiancorp it was the 16 scars reveal in S4.
15. Which character would I choose for the chopping block if I knew the writers wanted to kill someone?
Meh. This is not a show that's suited to killing characters off. They should've put J'onn on a bus seasons before the end but they shouldn't have killed him, and as much as I dislike Mon-El they no doubt would've had him go out in some kind of heroic blaze of glory that would've been so much more obnoxious to me than him just fucking off to the future forever. Maybe Winn? He could've had a little hero moment and died saving James or stopping his father or something IDK.
16. Which character’s death would (or did) make me rage-quit?
I mean, I only got into the show post-S5 when I knew there was only a season left, so, I probably would've just followed the fandom to the end out of morbid curiosity regardless of what happened? But Lena, Kelly, or Nia dying in S6 would've been pretty unforgivable to me.
17. What is the world-building aspect of the story I have the greatest admiration for?
Hm, well, I don't think world-building is necessarily the show's strong suit -- just look at how they can never decide how long aliens have existed on Earth and to what extent humans are aware of them, for example. I guess I will say I think setting the show in a different universe than the other Arrowverse shows was a good choice. I mean, I'm pretty sure they made that choice because they were on a different network, not for story reasons, and they eventually undid it, but I think it helped to make the world feel less crowded and easier to grasp compared to Earth-1. (Confession time: I hate the Arrowverse crossovers & have never made it through a full one. I hate having to do homework and watch another show just to understand what's happening in the show I actually want to watch. That's why I stopped watching The Flash for a few years in the middle of its run and only picked it up again during COVID -- I got so sick of being expected to know all these people. Supergirl still does the annoying crossovers, of course, but they do it less often by virtue of being on another Earth.)
18. What is the perfect number of books/seasons/movies needed to tell this story properly?
I have no idea because they did not have a long-running story in mind. (Which is fine. To be clear. It's a network show, you should never expect a network show to have a multi-year plan.) I think six seasons could've worked fine if they had better ideas & better execution of those ideas.
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