Story Engines (& other stuff)
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Basically a Supergirl blog, but with delusions of grandeur. Mon-El ambivalent. My ship has no name.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
ninjagoat · 7 days ago
TFW the part you've been skipping over in multiple drafts actually contains the theme you want to explore
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ninjagoat · 16 days ago
Winn excerpt:
It was 9:30 on a Friday night. Winn had gotten up at 4:00 that morning, been in for 4:30, and was still here seventeen hours later. There was nothing for it. He was going to have to pay for an actual gym membership. He’d come in every day this week fully prepared to do the work-out James had assigned him. James had talked about weightlifting for over an hour - full body splits, upper/lower splits, push/pull splits, functional training, macronutrients, meal timing, calorie cycling, supersets - and Winn had done his best to get it all down. But each day when he got there, the DEO weight room had been full - or at least, not empty - and he’d chickened out. He had promised himself today would be the day, and gotten up way, way too early. And it still wasn’t early enough. So he’d waited all day, but even in the brief moments the weight room was empty, there was never even enough time to get to the locker room before someone needed something, and sent him back to his desk. So he’d stayed, and waited. A whole shift had changed, and he still waited. Even now, there were some agents working out. But he didn’t have anywhere better to be. And if he hadn’t been here, the incoming message from Norway might not have been picked up. No one else was doing it.
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ninjagoat · 16 days ago
Fuck it, Karamel excerpt:
I'm not drinking that!” she said, condescendingly. “Why not?” he asked. “You've never had Daxara?” “Kryptonians don't drink Daxara,” she argued. “It ruins lives.” “Really? Because Krypton makes up about a twelfth of the market-” “Okay, yes, obviously, there were some individuals that bought it from your degenerate planet and supplied it to members of the Labor Guild, where it caused no end of problems-” “Nonono, I'm not just talking about the petty crap you hand out to your determined-at-birth worker people that can’t vote; I'm talking about the great houses,” he explained. “And they buy the grand stuff, you know, the strength where the afro-futurist properties kick in.” Kara shook her head, ignoring the malapropism. “The House of El would never do such a thing.” “You sure?” he asked with false innocence. “Yes! My mother was a judge!” she shot back. “So, she and your father never got up to anything mischievous while you were asleep? Never had a group meal with other adults that got surprisingly loud after they'd sent you off to bed?” “Nooooo,” Kara lied. Adults could have fun, she reasoned; that didn't mean they were on drugs. “Never saw a red bottle? Three-sided base? Maybe on display, but in a private area of the home, like their bedroom, or a correspondence room?” Kara shook her head. “That doesn't mean anything. Red bottle's a red bottle.” Then he flashed that incredibly annoying grin - the one that said he thought he was so much smarter than her; made so much worse by the fact that he sometimes was - and nodded toward the bar. “Then take a look.” “What?” she asked him. The grin didn’t change, but the rest of his face made it more grating. “Look at the bottle,” he explained further. “What do you mean, ‘look at the bottle’?” she asked, knowing precisely what he meant, but pretending otherwise. “It’s behind the bar, tell me if it’s the same one,” he explained again, not at all pretending not to know why she was hesitant. “No!” she refused outright, finally. “You can see through the cabinet, can’t you?” he asked, ignoring her. “Yes, but-” she started to argue, but he was on a roll now. “Then look at the bottle,” he repeated. “That’s private,” she argued again, to no avail. “Look at the bottle!” he repeated, giant stupid grin on his face, and Kara realised that if she never looked, he was always going to assume he was right, and hold it over her forever. But she didn't want to give him the satisfaction either. He'd give up soon enough. “But-” Wouldn't he? “Looook aaat iiiit.”
At the unfortunate stage of my creative process when what I REALLY want to do is start publishing for that sweet sweet feedback but what I PROMISED myself was that I'd have completed and workable first drafts for all of Act 1 and there's a whole episode still left, plus a bunch of gaps
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ninjagoat · 16 days ago
At the unfortunate stage of my creative process when what I REALLY want to do is start publishing for that sweet sweet feedback but what I PROMISED myself was that I'd have completed and workable first drafts for all of Act 1 and there's a whole episode still left, plus a bunch of gaps
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ninjagoat · 16 days ago
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Kara Danvers + hairstyle appreciation (requested by anonymous)
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ninjagoat · 16 days ago
Do not write fanfiction. One second you're normal and the next you're downloading a calendar from 2004 and tearing your hair out over what specific date every event in your fic happens
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ninjagoat · 22 days ago
Writing is great. TYPING fucking sucks.
Unpopular opinion but if you don't enjoy the process you should find a different thing to do.
And I think this is true in general but now I'm talking about it in the context of AI.
If you don't enjoy making art and only care about the end piece and how it'll look and how much traction it"lol get online then making art is not something for you, find something you enjoy from start to finish.
Same goes for writing: if you do not enjoy writing and rewriting and then some more and instead want AI to write for you, being a writer is not something you should pursue.
Sure, not every part of creative process is going to be equally enjoyable but you should get satisfaction from solving the problems along the way and you should get a sense of accomplishment on your way of "making the piece yours" and you should have a sense of ownership once you are done.
None of these things will come from typing in a prompt into chatGPT. And I am sad to see so many people are missing on the opportunity to experience the joy of making something with their own hands and brains.
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ninjagoat · 22 days ago
He was as tall as he was tall, and his eyes were the color they were. To describe his hair one would say that he had some. His face had all the features you'd expect, and none of the ones you wouldn't. "There he is," people would often say of him, but only when he was there. And they were right.
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ninjagoat · 24 days ago
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You been lyin' to your Daddy boy and you know you shouldn't lie to your Daddy!
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
Counterpoint: any attempt to understand masculinity at all without regarding that teenage boys have fifty erections a day and jizz in their sleep is missing something
Why do so many teen movies/shows have characters desperate to lose their virginity before graduation or before the age of 18? Is it mainly a concern for guys? Is it just something in media created by out of touch creators? Is it even a thing in the real world?
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
Kara's love for Justin Timberlake WITH Britney is very VERY weird and aged very badly
I like Mr & Mrs Mxyzptlk's tone; but praise Jesus I'm not including it in the thing
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
The villain from Alex is Evil Winn. Prove me wrong.
I like Mr & Mrs Mxyzptlk's tone; but praise Jesus I'm not including it in the thing
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
Both depressing and elating that out of Katie McGrath, Rahul Kohlil, and Claudia Doumit; KM is doing worst
I like Mr & Mrs Mxyzptlk's tone; but praise Jesus I'm not including it in the thing
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
The Lyra storyline was only really considered to the 'Lyra gets abducted by Cadmus' stage and no-one can convince me otherwise
I like Mr & Mrs Mxyzptlk's tone; but praise Jesus I'm not including it in the thing
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
It's not so much, "Winn, get me a wrench," that tickles me, as his immediate response of, "Oh yeah."
I like Mr & Mrs Mxyzptlk's tone; but praise Jesus I'm not including it in the thing
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
Oh God I forgot about the 'Alex tries to get Maggie to be friends with her ex she was with for FIVE YEARS' storyline
I like Mr & Mrs Mxyzptlk's tone; but praise Jesus I'm not including it in the thing
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ninjagoat · 26 days ago
75% of my S2 rewrite is the scenes Kara goes to the DEO as Kara Danvers rewritten as her going as Supergirl
I like Mr & Mrs Mxyzptlk's tone; but praise Jesus I'm not including it in the thing
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