#jokes aside. please go donate
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forgotten-daydreamer · 2 years ago
friendly reminder that you should definitely donate blood if you can!!!
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mind-intheclouds342 · 4 months ago
A new ladder - Reader x Curly
Yes, another story of Curly. What can i do? I love him.
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btw the curly of this story will kook like this so you can already imagine him.
The user is ladonb.kokosa
That being said. Lets get start with
Part 1 - Next
"Cryostasis ended"
"His vital signs are stable"
"Who could it be?"
"Disinfect the wounds"
"There are no more survivors"
"They authorized us to give him the implant."
The man could hear several voices in the distance, he saw silhouettes, shadows, he couldn't distinguish the people around him.
He felt them putting a mask on him to anesthetize him, and everything went dark again.
When he woke up, he saw a woman checking his signs, and he was astonished to recognize her despite some of her physical changes.
She was his fiancée, the woman he was supposed to marry after that trip.
Why did she look like that? She seemed older, but in his sigth, she remained beautiful.
He made some sounds to get her attention, causing her to turn and look at him. She approached and pressed something on his neck.
Curly: "Linda..."
Linda: "...No... Tell me it's not you..."
The woman immediately stepped back, covering her mouth, unable to believe what she was seeing.
She didn't recognize the man laying in that bed in front of her, and she prayed so hard that he wasn't the man she was going to marry, but the fact that he recognized her confirmed her fear.
He could understand the terror on her face, but he didn't know there was something else he didn't know.
She took a deep breath and set her fear aside, sitting next to the man.
Linda: "Curly... If it really is you..." she said, still holding out a small hope that it wasn't him, "You were cryogenically frozen for 20 years... They rescued you because the Tulpar re-entered orbit near Earth before running out of energy, they were able to detect it and bring it back without causing damage, and that's how they found you inside... You have been in the hospital for two weeks today..."
He wanted to laugh as if what he was being told was a bad joke, it couldn't have been that long, right?
But looking closely at her, the small wrinkles now on her face and the few gray hairs she had showed her that she was real.
Linda: "They didn't find any more survivors and... The same press has taken care of paying your medical expenses because they want to hear your story... You have an implant in your neck so you can speak, a voice box, you have to press it if you have difficulties but in a while you won't need to do it anymore... and they did a skin graft... Including some prosthetics..."
She carefully took the prosthetics of his arms and raised them so he could see them, Curly felt like a completely different being.
Linda: "I recommend that you ask for what you want now because... As soon as they find out you're awake... They're going to bombard you with questions and the press will come here, they won't show any mercy."
The man tried to raise the prosthesis and pressed his implant on his neck to be able to speak.
Curly: "What about us?"
Linda: "Oh Curly..." she sighed, "When you didn't come back, I thought the worst... That you were dead... I just keep going with my life... I married someone else, I have two children... There is no longer an 'us'."
Before he could say anything else, a reporter peeked in and made a fuss upon seeing him awake; the place filled up in seconds.
The woman lowered her head and left the room in search of security to throw out the press, but the harassment didn't end there.
Curly chose to give them the answers to the questions they had by scheduling a meeting at the hospital.
Thanks to this, many people started donating things to him, including money to help him reintegrate into society.
But beyond the kindness of people, no one wanted to take care of him and help him, not even the nurses, they said they couldn't spend too much time near him.
Linda took care of him during his stay in the hospital while they fixed up his house that had been left abandoned.
Linda: "I found someone who can take care of you."
She commented while pushing his wheelchair, entering his house, that it looked completely renovated.
Linda: "I don't know if you still remember that I mentioned my younger sister, (Y/n), a couple of times?"
Curly: "The one who lived with your father?"
Linda: "That's right... My mom got full custody of her after a few years, and since then she has been living with her until she became independent shortly after turning 18..." 
Curly: "She was 12 back then..."
Linda: "She recently lost her job, I thought it would be a good opportunity for her. She is very responsible, I promise."
When they arrived in the room, he could see a woman standing and looking at the paintings hanging on the walls.
He had never met his fiancée's sister, but he had heard many stories about her, about how her father unjustly gained custody by labeling their mother as crazy, and since then they had fought to get the girl back.
He had been struck by how incredibly different she was from her sister; you two didn't seem related at all.
Linda: "Good thing you were already here," she mentioned with a smile to catch your attention. 
When you turned to look at them, Curly didn't expect such seriousness from you towards your older sister. 
"...Thank you for the job opportunity, I will do my best to help you," you mentioned, looking at the man, ignoring the woman. 
Linda: "Let me show you where everything is-"
"I've already been getting familiar with the place, it's not necessary, you can go."
Linda: "At least let me tell you which medications you should-"
"You have already sent me a message with clear instructions. I can do this, Lin."
Curly: "You should be more respectful to your older sister."
Upon hearing him speak, you turned to look at him again, without any expression. 
Linda: "I'll leave, there is no problem. I'm sure you've already memorized everything to the letter. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to call me."
She indicated, she didn't want to make a scene and left without even saying goodbye to either of them. 
"...So you are Curly... It's a pleasure to meet you, I hope we get along well."
You had already made a bad first impression on Curly by treating the love of his life so poorly. 
"Lin left your pill organizer with me, and gave me the schedule for them, it's time for the first pill."
You took a bottle and opened it to take a pill, causing the man to tense up a bit as he remembered moments when he was given his painkillers.
Noticing his nervousness, you tilted your head somewhat confused and went to get something to drink so he could take the pill. 
What a surprise he got when you brought him a cup of chocolate along with the pill. 
"When I was little... I didn't know how to swallow pills, I would choke, so I would bite them... My dad used to give me pills with chocolate milk so I wouldn't have a bad taste in my mouth, don't you like the taste of the pills? These can be very bitter..." 
He thought it was very kind of you to consider that, immediately regretting having judged you without knowing anything about you. 
You helped him take the pills, giving him chocolate to drink slowly, it really helped with the bitter taste. 
Maybe... you weren't so bad.
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thelastsequence · 10 months ago
Taking on the school bully
Sub M!Reader x G!P ITZY Yeji
Part 1 | Part 2
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“Hyung-soo, you’ll be paired with Yeji for this project okay? I know Math is your strong suit so please help her out as much as you can. I’m counting on you.” Ms Eunseo said with an approving smile on her face. I smiled back and nodded, but I was groaning in my mind.
Yeji?! You’ve got to be kidding me… How am I supposed to get anything done with the laziest student in the whole cohort? That’s if she’s not expelled by then…
As I stepped out of Ms Eunseo’s office and headed to my locker, I sighed as I thought of all the work that I would have to do. Hwang Yeji was infamous in our school for being a bully, frequently getting into trouble and causing a ruckus during lessons. Arguing with teachers, flouting school rules, forcing other students to do her work, you name it, she’s done it. The only reason why she’s still around is because her rich CEO father has been bailing her out by always donating to the school. Nonetheless, there were rumours that the board of directors and principal were fed up with her behaviour, and her next antic might be the last straw. Well, who wouldn’t be pissed…
“Hey. You. Loser.” A cold menacing voice pierced my thoughts. My eyes widened as I turned to face the source. It could only be one person…
Hwang Yeji.
“So you’re my partner for the Maths project? Better do a good job, if not you’ll get a beating from me. Got it?” I nodded nervously as Yeji glared at me. “Good. Don’t cause any trouble for me. Now get out of my way.” She shoved me aside painfully and walked away, while I could only stand there wincing. I cursed my luck (or lack thereof) at that moment. God, why did I have to be paired with her of all people?
The next day
“Class, I’ve decided that I’ll be picking one student from each pairing to present the project. For Pair 1, Karina. Pair 2, Yuna. Pair 3…” As Ms Eunseo read out the names for each pair, I glanced over to Yeji’s table where she sat using her phone.
“Pair 8, Yeji.” My ears pricked up when I heard that. Oh crap, I thought to myself. Getting paired with her was bad enough, but now Ms Eunseo was making her present. Yeji scowled when she heard this and she immediately stood up to voice her displeasure. “Hey, Miss, come on! You seriously expect me to present? You’re joking right?”
“Hwang Yeji! This is final. Sit down now or I’m giving you an F this instant!” Ms Eunseo barked at her. Knowing she was already on thin ice, Yeji scowled and sat back down with a huff. Suddenly, she turned towards my direction and glared at me. Wait for me after class, she mouthed. All I could do was nod in fear. What did she want with me?
Thirty minutes later, the bell rang and Yeji immediately walked over, while the other students began packing their bags. Without saying a word, she grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my chair. Her surprisingly strong grip meant that I could only follow behind. She stopped at the lockers outside of our class and turned to face me.
“Kang Hyung-soo.”
“Y-yes, Yeji?”
“So that bitch Son Eunseo is making me present the project, it looks like I can’t completely slack off.” She grumbled. I slowly nodded, not knowing where she was going with this. “Y-yeah… well-”
She cut me off before I could continue any further.
“Shut up. I’m going to need your help, because I can’t afford pissing her off again. You hear me? If you help me prepare well for this project, there’s a chance I might not beat you up after all.” I gulped when I heard that. I did not want to be on the receiving end of one of Yeji’s beatdowns.
“Y-yeah, sure, I’ll help you as much as I can…”
“Good. Go and grab your bag, you’re coming to my place now. Let’s just get it over and done with.” My eyes widened and I couldn’t believe my ears. Me? Her place? What was going on? “Are you deaf? Hurry up!” She yelled and kicked my shin. I winced as I scrambled back into the classroom to get my things. I shoved everything into my bag and stumbled out of class again.
“Follow me. And don’t get any wrong ideas.” I walked silently behind her through the hallways as the other students stared and whispered. They probably assumed I was her latest victim, about to receive my punishment for angering the school bully. Instead of heading behind the back of the school building, we were at the foyer.
Soon enough, a black Mercedes pulled up and a man dressed in all-black stepped out and opened the door. “Hello, Ms Yeji.” The man spoke. I’m guessing he was… her driver? I was surprised at how such an unruly girl could have such a nice lifestyle. “Hey Felix. We’re headed home.” The man nodded as he turned to smile at me. “You must be Ms Yeji’s friend. Nice to meet you.” I smiled sheepishly as Yeji glared at me again from inside the car. I quickly went in and sat down.
It was a quiet drive back to Yeji’s house, which turned out to be a lavish-looking bungalow. We pulled up to her driveway, where Felix got out of the car and opened the door for us again. Yeji got out and signalled for me to follow her. I marvelled at the expensive-looking designer furniture in her house, the decorations, the paintings, everything… It was all completely new to me and I was trying to take it all in.
“Hurry up, loser!” Yeji yelled from the staircase. I mumbled sorry to her and quickly followed her up the staircase. We walked past two doors, stopping at the third which I guessed was her room. She opened the door and grabbed my wrist again, before pulling me in.
“Where do we start?” For a moment, I didn’t know what she was talking about. The new experience of visiting a bungalow almost made me forget what we were here for. “Oh y-yes, the project…”
We both sat on her bed as I started explaining the scope of the project to Yeji. Unsurprisingly she seemed disinterested, which did not help my case.
“Get to the point.”
“S-sorry… So what you’ll need to do is talk about some trigonometrical concepts that we’ve learnt in class and their real-life applications…”
“That sounds boring as fuck. Urgh…”
“Yeah…” I didn’t know what to say as I didn’t want to anger her. All I could do was try and explain it to her. After awhile, we began making the presentation deck for our project, even if it was mostly me doing the work while Yeji scrolled on Tiktok.
“Yeji, do you want to do this part? Since… you know, you’ll be presenting it…”
“Urgh… what now? Can’t you write it and explain it to me later?”
“Well yeah… but I’ve pretty much written 80% of the slides already…”
“Fuck… Fine, later I guess, I’m watching this video.” I sighed as I grew increasingly exasperated with her behaviour. While she was giggling at her Tiktok video, I was racking my brain thinking of what to add to our presentation. Finally, I couldn’t handle it anymore.
I stood up and faced her. One part of me was already regretting it, but I figured I might as well just go ahead with it.
“Yeji! Hey!”
She turned and glared at me. I felt my knees go a little weak but I managed to keep standing.
“Can you just do your work for once, please? I really don’t want to fail this. You think I wanted you as my groupmate? I’d rather work alone! All I’m asking is for you to do something and put in a little effort… It’s not that hard is it? I’d do anything, okay? Come on… Do your part, okay?” I sighed as I finished ranting, Yeji staring menacingly at me the entire time.
“H-huh?” I stared confused at her as she stood up.
“You’d do anything so that I’d work on the project?”
My mind drew a blank as I didn’t how to respond.
“Y-yeah, it’s a group project, we’re-”
She cut me off by shoving me to the the floor where I landed on my butt. “Ow… what was that for?” I muttered. When I looked up, Yeji had taken a step closer to me and placed a hand on my head.
“Well, if you’re good enough for me today, I guess I can do a little something for the project.” Without warning, Yeji unzipped her skirt, her bulge in my face.
Her bulge?!
“Yeji- You- Your-”
“Ya, I have a dick, so what? It’s probably bigger than yours anyway. Get to work, loser.”
I gulped as Yeji’s panty-clad cock stared me in the face. A musky smell emanated from it and fill my nostrils.
“Please, Yeji, I-”
“Shut up! You’ll be taking this dick whether you like it or not. It’s up to you whether you want it the easy way or the hard way.”
I closed my eyes, cursing myself for getting into this situation. How did this even happen? I was half-hoping it was just a nightmare, but when I opened my eyes again, Yeji’s pink panties were still in my face.
Sighing, I slowly pulled down her panties, narrowly avoiding getting hit by her cock. It was about 6 inches long, thick and veiny. Her tip glistened with a bead of transparent pre-cum. What she said was true, it was definitely bigger than mine. I stared at it wordlessly for a second, not knowing how to proceed. All I had seen was porn videos, so I guess I would have to act on that.
Taking a breath, I slowly gave her tip a lick. It tasted salty as I swirled my tongue around her cockhead. I glanced up, Yeji’s hand still on my head. She was looking down on me with a look of pure lust, her eyes transfixed on my lewd act. I continued licking at her cock as if it was a lollipop, slowly taking my time with it.
Yeji let out a moan as her grip on my hair tightened. She took a step backwards and sat onto the bed, dragging me on the floor. I decided to get onto my knees and make it a little more comfortable for myself.
I spat onto her cock and started stroking it with my right hand, while slowly massaging her balls with my left. I looked at her timidly, wanting a sign of approval. As if reading my mind, she let out another louder moan, seemingly in response.
“Yes… stroke my cock like a good boy…”
“Y-yes, Yeji…” I muttered softly. I sped up my pace and tightened my grip around her shaft, lubricating it with more spit. I started to feel a little intoxicated by the musky smell of her cock and balls and felt myself getting horny. My own dick was getting hard and I wanted to stroke it.
“R-Yeji, can I… touch myself?” I asked shyly.
“No! You have to please me first.” She gave my cheek a slap with her cock, leaving a wet trail of my saliva mixed with her precum. I sighed and continued stroking her, occasionally giving her tip some licks.
“I want you to suck it, Hyung-soo… Be a good boy and take my cock…” Yeji moaned sultrily. My cock stiffened when she called me a good boy, and I felt a sudden desire to please her.
“Y-yes, Yeji…” I opened my mouth and starting sucking on her tip slowly. The taste of her cock was not too strong or overwhelming but it actually tasted pretty pleasant. I started using my tongue while sucking, hopefully making it more pleasurable for her. I tried going a little deeper down her shaft, but I ended up choking and gagging on it.
Cough cough
“Oho, did you gag on it? Is my cock too big for you?” Yeji asked lewdly. I shook my head and went for another try. This time, I managed to take half of her length into my mouth before coming up for air.
“Come on, Hyung-soo, I know you can take all of it… I know you can deepthroat my cock…” Yeji moaned loudly again. It seemed like I had no choice but to force myself to go all the way.
Taking a deep breath, I opened wide and shoved my face onto her dick. Almost instantly I felt like gagging, but I controlled it and managed to only choke a little. I continued going deeper until my nose touched her crotch. My eyes widened as I realised I had managed to take Yeji’s entire length into my mouth.
Suddenly, I felt her hands wrap around either side of my head, holding me in place and forcing me to stay in this position. The urge to gag came again and this time, I couldn’t handle it. I choked loudly and more spit flowed out of my mouth. Yeji quickly withdrew her cock from my mouth, strings of spit clinging onto my chin, before shoving it back in again. She repeatedly this rapidly, skullfucking me while looking down at me lustfully.
My mouth and throat felt like they were on fire, but I felt my dick get harder and harder as well. Even if Yeji was abusing my throat, it somehow felt… good. I looked up at her with tears forming at the corner of my eyes, gagging obscenely.
“Good boy, good boy… I didn’t know you were so good at sucking cock, Hyung-soo.” Yeji finally pulled her cock out of my mouth, giving me a chance to catch my breath.
“Th-thanks Yeji… I just… I just want you to do something for our project.”
“Come on, Hyung-soo. Do you think I’m stupid? You’re not thinking about the project at all, you just want to suck my cock.” I turned red as I realised she was correct. It felt so good with Yeji’s cock between my lips that I didn’t care about the project anymore.
I blushed as Yeji ruffled my hair. “Do you want it on your face or in your mouth? For your first time, I’m nice enough to let you choose.”
I was a little confused. “Eh? W-what do you mean?”
“My cum, silly. Do you want me to give you a facial or do you want to swallow my cum, Hyung-soo.”
My face grew redder upon hearing Yeji say that. I didn’t know which to choose, so I went for what I thought would be the lesser of two evils.
“My mouth…” I figured it would be less messy, and I wouldn’t have to clean up as much.
Yeji bent down and whispered lustily, “Wow, I didn’t know you were so hungry for my cum, Hyung-soo. You’re such a pervert.”
She slapped her cock on my face a few times, saliva and precum covering my cheeks with a light sheen now. I opened my mouth to take her cock again. Her shaft roughly penetrated my throat as she began quickly thrusting into my mouth. I moaned a little at her roughness, while bobbing my head quickly, trying to take as much of her length as possible.
“Fuck, that’s so fucking good…” Yeji moaned again and sped up. I looked up at her again, wanting to gaze into her piercing eyes.
“Hyung-soo, I’m gonna… gonna cum soon…” I wanted to say yes but all that came out was a mmmph, my mouth full of cock. Yeji continued fucking my face rapidly while my hands massaged her balls. Her moans were getting louder and louder, punctuated with obscenities. I could also see her perky nipples straining against her shirt, forming a faint outline. I wondered how Yeji’s breasts looked like…
Suddenly, Yeji gripped the back of my head as she shoved her cock deep into my throat. My eyes watered as I felt her dick hit the back of my throat, making me gag yet again.
“I’m cumming… Ah…” Yeji moaned as I felt a thick spurt of warm cum shoot down my throat. Yeji pulled her cock back a little and continued to cum onto my tongue. I looked up at her, my mouth full of her salty seed.
“Good boy, Hyung-soo, swallow my cum…” I nodded and gulped it all down. After swallowing, I choked and coughed a little, unused to this newfound taste. Yeji bent down again and dove in for a kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth and tasting herself on my lips. I let out a muffled moan as she gently fondled my clothed nipples. After what seemed like an eternity, she pulled away and motioned for me to sit on the bed with her.
“Hyung-soo, you did such a good job. Was that really your first time sucking cock?”
I nodded, blushing. “Th-thanks, Yeji… I’m glad you felt good…”
“So, I guess I’ll do something for the project then. And, if you want, we can do this again…”
I was taken aback at Yeji’s words. I couldn’t believe that she would want me to visit her and give her a blowjob again. My mind was racing; why would I want to suck the school bully’s cock again? Then again, I felt like I had suddenly grown addicted to her dick, its scent and taste still fresh in my memory.
“A-anytime, Yeji…”
“Anytime? Really? You better not regret that, then.”
Shoot. What had I gotten myself into?
Hey everyone! Ren here, if you're reading this I hope you enjoyed my first ever fic! Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you thought of it. My asks are always open. Cheers!
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goldfades · 3 months ago
12 days of christmas celebration!!
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as holidays approach, it’s important to remember those who are facing hardships, such as the people of palestine. in times of crisis, solidarity matters more than ever. you can support palestinian communities by donating to reputable organizations providing aid, such as food, medical supplies, and shelter. help palestine with a click | heal palestine | unrwa | resources for palestine
⟢ ┈ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 6.4k
⟢ ┈ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | At a posh Tannyhill Christmas party, you get caught under the mistletoe with none other than Rafe Cameron. Friends egg you on, but what starts as a joking kiss turns into something much deeper.
⟢ ┈ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | kinda a fluffy slow burn? rafe being a little ass (but still sweet obvs), one kiss, nothing else!
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There’s something different about the Outer Banks when Christmas rolls around. The air isn’t colder—it never really is—but it feels sharper, fresher, like the breeze carries more secrets than usual. The usual salty tang is sweeter now, tinged with the scent of evergreen wreaths hung on shop doors and strings of twinkling lights snaking through palm trees. Tannyhill, though, is where the real magic happens.
Or at least, where it pretends to.
It’s the kind of place that looks like a Christmas card came to life: wreaths on every window, a tree the size of a lighthouse in the foyer, and catering staff that fuss over candy cane platters like they're hosting royalty. For the Camerons, appearances are everything, especially at this time of year.
“You’re really going to wear that?” Sarah’s voice cuts through your thoughts as you stand in front of her mirror, smoothing the hem of your dress. She’s perched on the edge of her bed, her hair pinned up in half-done curls, a bottle of champagne tucked between her legs. It’s not even six, but she insisted tonight required proper pre-gaming.
You roll your eyes and turn to face her. “Yes, I’m wearing this. What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s just… safe,” she says, raising a brow. “It’s Christmas at Tannyhill. You’re supposed to be…” She waves her hand in the air, searching for the right word. “…a little dangerous.”
“Dangerous like you?” you quip, nodding toward her shimmering red dress that somehow manages to be both floor-length and scandalous.
“Exactly,” she replies without missing a beat, taking a triumphant sip of champagne. “Anyway, I’m just saying. Someone’s bound to notice you tonight. Could be worth the risk.”
“Risk of what?” you laugh, but it’s a little hollow, your gaze drifting back to the mirror.
You’ve been to these events before. You know how they go. It’s all champagne flutes, polite smiles, and whispered gossip. Nothing remotely risky. But still… there’s something about the way Sarah looks at you that makes you wonder if she knows something you don’t.
The mirror’s reflection isn’t much help. The dress is nice enough—a deep green velvet that hugs your frame, with thin straps and a hem that stops just above your knees—but “dangerous” isn’t exactly the vibe it’s giving. It’s more “holiday cocktail party chic,” which, to be fair, is exactly what you were aiming for. But Sarah’s words buzz around your head like a pesky gnat. Someone’s bound to notice you tonight.
“Maybe I like being safe,” you counter, but the words sound less convincing the moment they leave your mouth.
Sarah snorts, setting the champagne bottle aside and rising from the bed. “Oh, please. You don’t come to a Cameron Christmas party to blend in.” She strides over, her heels clicking on the hardwood, and spins you to face her. Her eyes narrow in assessment, scanning you from head to toe. “Okay. Hair? Gorgeous. Dress? Very… respectable. But—” She steps behind you, pulling a strand of your hair over your shoulder, “—you need something to make people stop and stare.”
You watch as she opens a jewelry box on her vanity, her fingers rifling through an assortment of glittering pieces. “Ah-ha,” she says triumphantly, holding up a delicate gold necklace with a teardrop pendant. “This. It’s simple, but it catches the light just enough. Trust me.”
Before you can protest, she’s clasping it around your neck. You glance back in the mirror. She’s right; the necklace adds something—a quiet elegance that makes the whole look seem intentional, like you tried just hard enough to care without overdoing it.
“Better,” Sarah says, admiring her handiwork with a satisfied smile. Then her eyes narrow mischievously. “Now, shoes. Please tell me you didn’t bring flats.”
You groan, nodding toward the corner where a pair of nude heels sit. Sarah clicks her tongue in approval. “Good girl. If you’d shown up in ballet flats, I would’ve sent you home.”
“Why do I let you do this to me?” you mutter, sitting on the edge of her bed to strap the heels on.
“Because deep down, you know I’m right,” Sarah says, smirking. “And because you secretly love the drama.”
She’s half right. You wouldn’t admit it out loud, but there is a part of you that loves the energy of these parties—the music swelling as the night goes on, the clinking glasses, the undercurrent of excitement that hums through the air like static electricity. It’s impossible to ignore. The Camerons don’t do anything halfway, especially when it comes to Christmas.
“I just hope I survive the night without falling on these death traps,” you say, standing up and wobbling slightly as you adjust to the height of the heels.
Sarah grabs her champagne bottle, lifting it in a mock toast. “To surviving the night—and maybe even having some fun while you’re at it.”
You roll your eyes but smile despite yourself. “Cheers.”
By the time you both make your way downstairs, the house is already buzzing with life. The foyer is packed with people, a mix of family friends, business partners, and the kind of people who always seem to be at events like this but never seem to actually belong anywhere. The smell of pine, cinnamon, and something faintly citrusy hangs in the air, mixing with the soft strains of a string quartet playing in the next room.
Tannyhill looks like something out of a magazine spread, with garlands draped over the banisters, twinkling fairy lights tucked into every corner, and an absurdly large Christmas tree that dominates the main hall. Ornaments catch the light like little stars, and at the very top, a glittering silver angel tilts slightly to one side, as though even she’s exhausted by the sheer extra-ness of it all.
“Remind me again why I let you drag me to this?” you whisper to Sarah as you both pause at the top of the stairs, surveying the scene below.
“Because you love me,” she says sweetly, linking her arm through yours and pulling you forward. “And because this is way more fun than sitting at home watching Hallmark movies alone.”
You’re about to argue when you catch sight of Rafe Cameron near the bar, and your heart stutters. He’s standing with a group of his friends, all laughter and easy charm, a glass of something amber-colored in his hand. His hair is perfectly tousled, his suit crisp and tailored to perfection, but it’s his smile that catches you off guard. It’s sharp and confident, but there’s something about it that feels… dangerous. Like Sarah said.
And, just for a moment, you wonder if tonight might be more than just another Cameron Christmas party.
The party is a well-oiled machine by the time you and Sarah descend the staircase. Conversations buzz, laughter punctuates the hum of polite chatter, and the clink of glasses mingles with the soft holiday music floating from the grand piano in the corner. It’s glamorous, sure, but you can’t help feeling like an outsider looking in.
Sarah tugs at your arm as you reach the bottom step. “Alright, split up. You mingle, I mingle, and we reconvene for champagne refills. Sound good?”
“Wait, what? I thought we were sticking together,” you hiss, but she’s already slipping away into the crowd, greeting some distant cousin with a dazzling smile.
You sigh, smoothing your dress nervously as you scan the room. No familiar faces—well, not anyone you’d feel comfortable just walking up to. Except... your gaze flickers back to the bar, where Rafe stands. He’s laughing at something Topper just said, the sound loud and unapologetic. Kelce is leaning on the counter, gesturing wildly as he tells some animated story.
You’ve been in the same circles as Rafe Cameron for years, thanks to Sarah, but he’s always felt like… a lot. He’s intense in a way that makes him hard to pin down. Most of the time, he’s all bravado and sharp edges, but every now and then, you catch glimpses of something softer beneath it all. Not that you’ve spent much time trying to figure him out.
Still, as if drawn by some magnetic pull, your feet begin to carry you closer to the bar. Not to him, specifically. You’re just heading in that general direction, you tell yourself. It’s not your fault he happens to be there.
As you approach, you catch snippets of their conversation.
“—and then the idiot didn’t even see the wave coming,” Kelce is saying, his words punctuated by Topper’s loud cackle.
“Classic,” Rafe says, smirking as he takes a sip from his glass. His eyes are sharp and focused, scanning the room even as he listens to his friends. It’s like he’s always on high alert, even at his own party.
You hesitate, hovering a few steps away, trying to decide if you should keep walking or stop for a drink. The bartender glances your way, and before you can chicken out, you step up to the counter.
“White wine, please,” you say, your voice steady despite the knot of nerves tightening in your stomach.
As the bartender pours your drink, you feel eyes on you. Sure enough, when you glance over, Rafe is looking right at you. Not in the casual, friendly way people look at someone they sort of know. No, this is something else. His gaze is sharp, piercing, like he’s sizing you up, trying to figure you out.
“Didn’t know you were coming tonight,” he says, his voice low and smooth. It’s not a question, but it feels like one.
You blink, caught off guard. “Uh, yeah. Sarah dragged me along.”
His smirk deepens. “Sounds about right. You let her boss you around like that?”
“She’s very persuasive,” you reply, taking a sip of your wine to steady yourself.
Rafe chuckles, a low sound that sends a shiver down your spine. “Yeah, she is.” He leans back against the bar, his eyes never leaving yours. “So, what’s your plan for the night? Stand around sipping wine, or are you gonna do something interesting?”
You raise an eyebrow, feigning nonchalance. “Define interesting.”
Topper, ever the instigator, interjects before Rafe can answer. “Oh, she’s a wild card. Watch out, Rafe. She might even… I don’t know… dance under the mistletoe.”
Kelce laughs, nudging Rafe with his elbow. “Yeah, or start a snowball fight with the fake snow machine. Real party animal.”
Your cheeks heat at their teasing, but Rafe doesn’t laugh. Instead, he tilts his head, his smirk softening into something that feels almost curious. “Maybe we’ll find out,” he says, his tone light but with an edge you can’t quite place.
Before you can respond, Sarah reappears at your side, her timing impeccable. “There you are,” she says, looping her arm through yours. Her gaze flickers to Rafe, and a knowing smile tugs at her lips. “Causing trouble already?”
“Me?” Rafe says, feigning innocence. “Never.”
Sarah rolls her eyes, pulling you away before you can say anything else. “Come on,” she whispers. “We’ve got to get you in a prime spot before the games start.”
“What games?” you ask, glancing over your shoulder to find Rafe watching you as you walk away.
“You’ll see,” Sarah says with a grin, her tone conspiratorial. And just like that, you know the night is only getting started.
Sarah doesn’t give you much time to process the interaction—or the way Rafe’s gaze seemed to follow you, as if he wasn’t quite ready to let you leave. She’s already pulling you through the crowd with purpose, weaving between glittering guests and servers balancing trays of hors d'oeuvres. The hum of conversation grows louder as you approach the central hall, where the Christmas tree stands tall, glowing with soft golden light.
“Okay,” Sarah says, stopping abruptly. “Here’s the deal. Wheezie has this whole mistletoe situation set up.”
You blink at her, confused. “What?”
She grins mischievously, clearly enjoying your bewilderment. “She’s been on a mistletoe kick all week. She got the staff to hang them in, like, every doorway. It’s ridiculous. But tonight, we’re turning it into a game.”
“A game?” you repeat, feeling a sense of foreboding creep in.
Sarah nods, her grin widening. “Every time two people end up under the mistletoe, they have to kiss. No exceptions. Wheezie’s patrolling to enforce it.”
Your eyes widen. “Sarah. You’re kidding.”
“Oh, I’m not,” she says, practically bouncing with excitement. “And don’t even think about trying to dodge it. Wheezie’s got this sixth sense for people sneaking around.”
You groan, pressing a hand to your forehead. “Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?”
“Badly?” Sarah repeats, feigning offense. “This is the best part of the party! Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? A little harmless fun never killed anyone.”
Before you can argue further, a familiar voice calls out.
“Sarah!” Wheezie appears out of nowhere, clutching a clipboard of all things. Her excitement is infectious, her cheeks flushed pink as she skids to a stop in front of you. “Did you tell her about the mistletoe?”
“Oh, I told her,” Sarah says, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “She’s thrilled.”
You glare at Sarah, but Wheezie either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. “Good,” she says, beaming. “Because I already saw, like, three people cheat, and I had to threaten them with no dessert.”
“That’s the spirit,” Sarah says, high-fiving her little sister.
Wheezie turns to you, her expression suddenly serious. “You’re not going to cheat, right? Because I’m keeping track.”
You force a smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good.” Satisfied, Wheezie hurries off to continue her self-appointed duties, leaving you and Sarah standing near the edge of the room.
“I’m going to regret this,” you mutter, taking a long sip of your wine.
Sarah just laughs. “Not if you end up under the mistletoe with the right person.”
You’re about to retort when the sound of laughter nearby catches your attention. Rafe, Topper, and Kelce are heading your way, all of them holding fresh drinks and clearly in high spirits. Your stomach does a little flip as Rafe’s eyes find yours again, that same sharp intensity from earlier still lingering.
“Speak of the devil,” Sarah murmurs, her tone teasing.
“What?” you ask, your voice a little too high, but she just smirks.
“Nothing,” she says innocently. “But maybe Wheezie’s mistletoe isn’t such a bad idea after all.”
The night progresses in a blur of laughter and champagne. Guests drift from one room to the next, admiring the decorations, exchanging pleasantries, and inevitably finding themselves caught under Wheezie’s strategically placed mistletoe. You spot her several times, clipboard in hand, ushering reluctant participants toward their obligatory kiss with all the authority of a seasoned party planner.
It’s silly and lighthearted, but every time you see a pair of people beneath the mistletoe, your stomach tightens. You can’t help but glance over your shoulder, half-wondering when—or if—you might end up in the same predicament.
And then, of course, it happens.
You’re standing near the fireplace, chatting with a distant family friend of Sarah’s, when someone brushes past you, drawing your attention. You turn—and immediately regret it. Rafe is there, his broad frame just a little too close, his expression unreadable as he looks down at you.
“Hey,” he says, his voice low and casual, but there’s something about the way he says it that makes your pulse quicken.
“Hey,” you reply, your voice a little breathless.
Before either of you can say more, Wheezie materializes out of nowhere, her eyes lighting up like it’s Christmas morning. “Oh my gosh, you guys!” she exclaims, pointing above your heads.
You don’t even have to look. The knowing smirk that spreads across Rafe’s face tells you everything you need to know.
Mistletoe. Of course.
Your heart plummets straight to your stomach as Wheezie bounces on the balls of her feet, practically vibrating with excitement.
“Well?” she says, grinning like she just uncovered the juiciest secret. “You have to kiss! Rules are rules!”
Rafe leans against the edge of the fireplace, casually glancing up at the offending sprig of mistletoe hanging from the ornate mantle. His lips twitch into a smirk as he looks back at you, clearly enjoying how flustered you are.
“You heard the boss,” he says, his tone dripping with amusement. “Rules are rules.”
Your mouth goes dry. Of course, this is happening. Of course, Wheezie—sweet, well-meaning, meddlesome Wheezie—would find a way to make this the most embarrassing moment of your life. You try to laugh it off, but it comes out shaky, barely convincing.
“This doesn’t count,” you say, though your voice lacks conviction. “We were just—”
“It absolutely counts,” Wheezie cuts in, clutching her clipboard like it’s a gavel. “You’re right there. No cheating.”
Rafe tilts his head, his eyes narrowing slightly, like he’s sizing you up. You hate how effortlessly cool he looks, like this is all just a game to him. And maybe it is.
But for you, it’s anything but.
Because standing this close to him—so close you can catch the faint scent of his cologne, something warm and woodsy—you’re dragged back to a version of yourself you thought you’d buried years ago. A younger you, sitting cross-legged on your bed, scribbling in your journal about Rafe Cameron like some lovesick fool.
You had a crush on him once, back when you were too naive to realize what it meant to like someone like Rafe. It started the summer he came to one of Sarah’s golf lessons, tagging along out of boredom. You’d been there, too, struggling with your swing and trying desperately not to let anyone notice. But they did. A couple of boys from your class—Topper included—had decided to make you their entertainment for the afternoon, mimicking your stance and snickering loudly enough to draw everyone’s attention.
You’d been mortified, red-faced and blinking back tears, until Rafe—taller, older, and impossibly confident—had stepped in.
“Got something better to do?” he’d said, his voice sharp enough to cut. “Or is bullying girls your new hobby?”
The boys had stumbled over their words, mumbling excuses before scurrying off, and Rafe had shrugged it off like it was nothing. But for you, it wasn’t nothing. For you, it was everything.
You never told anyone—not even Sarah—how much that moment stuck with you, how it planted a seed of something small but stubborn in your chest. A crush, yes, but more than that: an infatuation with the idea of him, the version of Rafe who might actually care.
But crushes fade, and years pass, and you convinced yourself that Rafe was just a fleeting thing, a schoolgirl daydream you outgrew. Or so you thought.
Until now.
Now, he’s standing in front of you, taller and sharper than you remember, and the way his gaze lingers on you makes it impossible to breathe.
“You okay over there?” Rafe asks, his voice cutting into your spiraling thoughts. He’s smirking, of course, because why wouldn’t he be?
“I—uh, yeah,” you stammer, cursing yourself for how obvious it is that you’re not, in fact, okay.
“Sure?” he presses, taking a deliberate step closer. “You look a little nervous.”
“Stop,” you say, trying to sound annoyed but failing miserably.
“Stop what?” he asks innocently, though his grin says otherwise. “I’m just standing here. You’re the one making it weird.”
You glare at him, but it’s weak at best. “I’m not—this isn’t weird.”
“Oh, it’s definitely weird,” he says, and there’s a teasing edge to his voice now, one that sends your heart racing. “But don’t worry. I’ll make it quick.”
Behind him, Topper and Kelce are already snickering, clearly enjoying the show.
“Just kiss her already!” Topper calls out, his voice loud and obnoxious enough to make a few heads turn.
“Yeah, Rafe, show her what she’s been missing!” Kelce adds, and you want to sink into the floor.
Rafe shakes his head, laughing softly under his breath. “You guys are the worst,” he mutters, but there’s a glint in his eye that makes you think he doesn’t mind the attention.
Then, before you can think or move or even breathe, he closes the distance between you.
The kiss starts slow—surprisingly so. His hand brushes your arm lightly before settling on your waist, steady and sure, and his lips are soft, warmer than you expect. The world around you seems to blur, fading into the background as he deepens the kiss, just enough to make your knees weak. It’s not a joke, not teasing—it’s deliberate, measured, and devastating in its intensity.
When he finally pulls back, his eyes search yours, his smirk softer now, almost curious.
“There,” he says, his voice low enough that only you can hear. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
In the background, Topper and Kelce erupt into a chorus of cheers and whistles, and Wheezie claps her hands in triumph, shouting something about how this is how the game is supposed to be played.
But you’re barely aware of any of it. All you can feel is the ghost of his lips on yours and the weight of his gaze, still locked on you like he’s trying to figure you out.
And for the first time all night, you wonder if maybe—just maybe—he feels the same pull you’ve been trying so hard to ignore.
Your face burns as the cheers and whistles rise around you, but Rafe doesn’t move away. He stays close, his hand still lightly resting on your waist, and for a brief, dizzying moment, it feels like the two of you are suspended in a bubble. His expression is unreadable, a mix of amusement and something softer, something that makes your pulse quicken.
“Man, look at her face!” Kelce crows, doubling over with laughter. “She’s blushing so hard right now.”
“Classic,” Topper chimes in, grinning like an idiot. “Rafe, you’re out here making girls fall in love under mistletoe. What a gentleman.”
You flinch, wanting to glare at them but too mortified to do much more than focus on breathing. Rafe, however, seems entirely unbothered by their antics. If anything, their comments only deepen his smirk.
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, waving them off without looking away from you. “Go bother someone else, will you?”
Kelce and Topper groan dramatically but wander off soon enough, still laughing and elbowing each other. Wheezie lingers for a moment longer, beaming at you both like she just orchestrated the match of the century before skipping away to enforce her rules on the next unsuspecting pair.
Finally, it’s just you and Rafe, standing far too close for comfort in the shadow of the grand fireplace.
“You good?” he asks, his voice quieter now, a little more serious.
You blink up at him, your thoughts still scrambled from the kiss. “What? Oh—yeah. I’m fine. Totally fine.”
His eyes narrow slightly, like he doesn’t quite believe you. “You sure? You looked like you were about to pass out there for a second.”
“I’m sure,” you say quickly, your voice an octave too high. You take a step back, desperate to put some distance between you, but the movement feels clumsy, like you’ve forgotten how to use your own legs.
Rafe chuckles softly, and you hate how effortlessly cool he is, like kissing you in the middle of a crowded room was just another thing he did to pass the time. “Relax,” he says, his tone lighter now. “It’s just mistletoe. Not a big deal.”
Not a big deal. Right.
“Right,” you echo, forcing a laugh that you hope sounds convincing. “Totally not a big deal.”
But it was a big deal—at least to you. Because no matter how much you try to tell yourself otherwise, you can still feel the ghost of his lips on yours, the warmth of his hand on your waist. You can still hear the way your heart pounded, loud enough to drown out the world.
And worse, you’re starting to realize that all those old feelings you thought you’d buried years ago? They’re not as buried as you’d like to think.
Rafe seems to sense your discomfort because his smirk softens into something almost... kind. “Hey,” he says, leaning in just enough to make your breath catch. “You don’t have to overthink it, you know. It’s just a kiss.”
You nod, though the lump in your throat makes it hard to speak. “I know.”
“Good,” he says, straightening up again. But then his gaze dips to your lips—just for a second, barely noticeable—and your stomach flips all over again.
“Rafe!” Sarah’s voice cuts through the air, startling you both. She’s weaving her way toward you, her champagne glass in hand and her eyes sharp. “Stop tormenting my friend.”
“I’m not tormenting her,” Rafe says innocently, but the glint in his eyes tells a different story.
Sarah rolls her eyes and loops her arm through yours, tugging you away from him. “Come on. You’ve spent enough time under his spell for one night.”
You let her pull you along, but as you glance over your shoulder, you catch Rafe watching you again, his smirk still in place. There’s something in his expression, something almost... contemplative.
For the next few days, you try to shake him. You really do.
You fill your hours with anything and everything that might distract you. You hit the beach early one morning, hoping the salty air and crashing waves might clear your head. It doesn’t. You sit on your towel, staring out at the horizon, only to find your thoughts drifting back to the kiss—the way his hand lingered at your waist, the infuriating confidence in his smirk, the warmth of his lips.
Next, you try golfing with your dad, thinking that muscle memory and the sharp focus the sport demands will drown out the noise in your head. It doesn’t. Instead, your dad spends half the morning teasing you about your distracted swings, and you nearly send your nine-iron into the pond after imagining Rafe standing behind you again, casually correcting your form like he’d done at Sarah’s lesson all those years ago.
Even shopping—your fail-safe remedy for every stressful situation—proves useless. You wander aimlessly through the boutiques in town, running your fingers over racks of clothing you barely glance at. It’s like he’s everywhere, lingering in the background of your mind, taunting you with his too-perfect grin and that stupid, stupid kiss.
By the fourth day, you’re ready to admit defeat. Whatever spell Rafe Cameron cast on you under that mistletoe, it’s clearly working.
Then Sarah calls.
“Dinner at ours tonight,” she announces, her voice cheerful. “Seven o’clock. No excuses.”
You hesitate. The thought of being at Tannyhill again, surrounded by all the memories of that night, makes your stomach twist into knots. “I don’t know, Sarah. I’ve got a lot going on—”
“You’re coming,” she interrupts firmly. “Rose’s in a rare good mood, and Wheezie’s been talking about it nonstop. Plus, my dad will be grilling, which means no catering disasters. Just come. It’ll be fun.”
You open your mouth to protest, but she barrels on before you can get a word in.
“And before you ask—no, Rafe won’t be there. He’s got some golf thing with his buddies, so you’re safe. Okay? Seven. Be there.”
“Fine,” you sigh, knowing better than to argue with her. “I’ll come.”
Tannyhill is as breathtaking as ever when you pull up to the sprawling estate later that evening. The driveway is lined with twinkling lights, and the sound of soft laughter and clinking glasses drifts out from the open veranda doors.
As soon as you step inside, Sarah greets you with a hug and a glass of wine, chatting easily as she leads you out to the patio. Wheezie waves excitedly from her seat at the table, and Mr. Cameron gives you a warm smile from his spot by the grill. It’s all perfectly normal, perfectly comfortable, and for the first time in days, you feel yourself relax.
And then he appears.
You catch sight of him out of the corner of your eye, and for a second, you think you’re imagining it. But no—there he is, walking toward the patio with all the easy confidence in the world, wearing a plain gray t-shirt and faded jeans that somehow look like they were tailored just for him.
“Rafe,” Sarah says, her tone sharp with surprise. “What are you doing here? I thought you were golfing with Topper and Kelce.”
“They canceled,” he says casually, his eyes flicking briefly to you before settling on his sister. “Figured I’d stop by. Didn’t realize we were having company.”
You’re frozen, clutching your glass of wine like a lifeline as his gaze drifts back to you, slow and deliberate.
“Hey,” he says, his voice low and smooth, a little too knowing.
“Hi,” you manage, your voice embarrassingly small.
Rafe leans against the edge of the patio railing, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes linger on you just a second too long. His smirk is back, subtle but
persistent, like he knows exactly how much space he’s taking up in your head and plans to keep doing it.
“You’re just in time,” Sarah says, her tone tight. She shoots you a glance—half apologetic, half questioning—but you can’t muster a response. “We’re about to eat.”
“Perfect,” Rafe replies, his voice laced with a casual charm that feels anything but casual. “I’m starving.”
You focus on your wine, wishing the ground would swallow you whole. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Sarah said he wouldn’t be here. But now, he’s standing just a few feet away, and it’s like the air itself shifts around him, crackling with something unspoken.
Dinner is a blur. You sit between Sarah and Wheezie, trying to focus on the conversation and ignore the fact that Rafe is directly across from you, his presence magnetic even when he’s silent. He doesn’t talk much, content to let the others fill the space, but every once in a while, you catch him glancing at you, his smirk barely concealed.
At one point, you drop your fork, and when you lean down to grab it, you swear you hear him chuckle softly, low enough that only you notice.
“You okay?” Sarah whispers beside you, her brow furrowing.
“Fine,” you say quickly, sitting upright again. “Totally fine.”
But you’re not. Not even close.
The kiss, the mistletoe, the way he looked at you that night—it all comes rushing back, as vivid as if it just happened. And the worst part? He knows. Every time his eyes meet yours, you can see it: the awareness, the confidence, the silent challenge in his gaze.
By the time dinner wraps up, you’re practically vibrating with tension. You help clear the plates, grateful for an excuse to leave the table, but as you step into the kitchen, you hear his voice behind you.
“Need a hand?”
You don’t turn around. “I’m fine.”
“Come on,” he says, his tone amused. “Let me help.”
Before you can argue, he’s next to you, reaching for the stack of dishes in your hands. His arm brushes yours, and you swear your heart skips a beat.
“You don’t have to—”
“Relax,” he interrupts, his voice low and teasing. “I’m just being polite.”
You glare at him, but it lacks bite. “You? Polite? That’s a stretch.”
His smirk deepens. “Ouch. I thought we were past all that.”
“Past what?”
“You pretending not to like me,” he says simply, his eyes locking onto yours.
Your breath catches, and you hate how easily he gets under your skin. “I don’t—”
“Sure you don’t,” he murmurs, leaning in just enough that you catch the faint scent of his cologne. “That’s why you’ve been avoiding me all week, right?”
“I haven’t been avoiding you,” you lie, though it sounds weak even to your own ears.
He chuckles softly, setting the dishes on the counter before turning to face you fully. “You’re terrible at this, you know.”
“At what?”
“Hiding it,” he says, his voice dropping a notch. His gaze flickers to your lips, just for a second, before meeting your eyes again. “You might’ve fooled Sarah and everyone else, but not me.”
You open your mouth to respond, but no words come out. The air between you feels charged, heavy with the weight of everything unsaid.
And then, just as quickly as it started, he steps back, his smirk firmly in place.
“Guess I’ll see you around,” he says, his voice light and infuriatingly casual as he strolls toward the door, leaving you standing there, your pulse racing and your head spinning.
You scoff under your breath, abandoning the plates on the counter and following him out of the kitchen, your irritation bubbling over. “What is your problem, Rafe?” you hiss, grabbing his arm before he can make it back to the patio.
He stops, turning slowly, his expression calm but his eyes glinting with something you can’t quite place. “Problem?” he repeats, like the word itself is foreign to him. “I don’t have a problem.”
“You know what I mean,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper as you glance toward the dining room to make sure no one’s listening. “All this—this... thing you’re doing. What’s your deal?”
Rafe raises an eyebrow, leaning casually against the doorframe. “What thing am I doing, exactly?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb,” you snap, your frustration boiling over. “You’ve been messing with me all night. Ever since the mistletoe. Ever since... I don’t know. Just—stop.”
He tilts his head, his smirk reappearing. “Messing with you? I think you’re imagining things.”
“Imagining things?” you repeat, your voice rising slightly before you catch yourself. “You’ve been looking at me like... like—”
“Like what?” he presses, stepping closer, his tone maddeningly calm.
“Like you’re trying to get in my head!” you whisper-shout, jabbing a finger at his chest. “And guess what? It’s working. So congratulations, Rafe. You win. Happy?”
His smirk falters for a fraction of a second, replaced by something darker, more serious. He straightens, his easy posture stiffening as he steps closer, forcing you to tilt your head back to meet his gaze.
“You think this is a game to me?” he asks, his voice low and dangerous.
“Yes!” you say, though your voice wavers slightly. “That’s all you do, isn’t it? Play games? Mess with people’s heads? Well, I’m not Sarah or Wheezie, and I’m not going to just—”
“God, would you shut up for a second?” he growls, and before you can even process what’s happening, his hands are on your face, pulling you toward him as his lips crash against yours.
It’s nothing like the kiss under the mistletoe. There’s no teasing smirk, no slow build—it’s raw, urgent, and impossibly overwhelming. His hands cup your face firmly, holding you in place as he kisses you like he’s trying to prove a point, like he’s trying to pour every unsaid word into the contact.
For a moment, you’re too stunned to react. But then your body betrays you, melting into his touch as your hands grip the front of his shirt, pulling him closer. Your mind is screaming at you to stop, to push him away, to demand answers—but your body has other plans, and you give in, kissing him back with just as much intensity.
When he finally pulls back, both of you are breathing hard, his forehead resting against yours.
“Still think this is a game?” he murmurs, his voice rough and barely above a whisper.
You open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. Your brain is short-circuiting, stuck somewhere between disbelief and the lingering haze of his kiss.
“I’ve been trying to get in your head,” he admits after a moment, his tone softer now but no less intense. “Because you’ve been in mine. Ever since that night. Hell, maybe even before that.”
Your heart stutters, and you pull back just enough to look at him, searching his face for any sign that he’s joking. But his expression is serious, his eyes locked onto yours with a weight that makes your knees weak.
“I—” you start, but the words die in your throat, your mind too jumbled to form a coherent thought.
Rafe exhales sharply, his hand slipping from your face to rest on your waist. “Say something,” he mutters, almost pleading.
You bite your lip, your mind still spinning. Finally, you manage, “You’re an ass, you know that?”
His lips twitch into a smirk, but there’s something softer in his eyes now, something almost vulnerable. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “I know.”
And before you can second-guess yourself, you grab the front of his shirt and kiss him again, pouring every ounce of confusion, frustration, and unspoken feeling into it. This time, there’s no hesitation, no lingering doubt—just the two of you, tangled in something you’re no longer sure you can fight.
The sound of someone clearing their throat snaps you both back to reality. You pull away quickly, your face burning as Sarah stands in the doorway, her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised.
“Really?” she says, her tone equal parts annoyed and amused. “My kitchen? Now?”
You glance at Rafe, who’s grinning unapologetically, and groan, covering your face with your hands.
This is going to be impossible to live down.
She turns on her heel and stalks out of the kitchen, leaving you and Rafe alone once more as if she knows she couldn't stop it, even if she really wanted to. And, she didn't—it was bound to happen. She calls it, "best friend intuition", or something like that.
"So," he says, his voice dropping slightly as he takes another step closer. "Are you done pretending you don’t feel this, or should I kiss you again and really settle it?"
You glare at him, your pulse quickening. "You’re insufferable."
"And yet," he murmurs, leaning in just enough to make your breath hitch, "you’re still standing here."
Your brain is screaming at you to walk away, to put some distance between you and the boy who’s been driving you crazy for years. But your feet don’t move, and when he leans in closer, you know you’re not going anywhere.
He cuts you off with another kiss, softer this time but no less consuming. And despite everything—you kiss him back, giving in to the pull you’ve been fighting for far too long.
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choppedsouldreamer · 3 months ago
Guys some how I did even more doodles than last time, like 20- I THINK I NEED HELP NGL I NEED TO REMEMBER TO TAG EVERYONE GUHHH-
Sorry if these are kind of hard to see, I had to take them at a distance so my camera wouldn't automatically make the pics sideways for some reason- needed to migrate these ones to my bed this time since there is no room on my cooker, even if I did indeed cook again U-U This does include pixel art that is kind of hard to see what it is as well so sorry about that but this is my first time trying pixel art and I worked with what I had which was grid paper- (UGH THE PENCIL ONES ARE SO HARD TO SEE TOO MY CAMERA IS TRASH ;-;)
Full pic of all the doodles:
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SMG3 doodles close up, Ik you asked for more SMG3 @roxy4life so here you go, eat up my friend:
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My OC doodles with a teensy bit of lore hehe, oh and first ever drawing of THE CHILD!!!:
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of course an autism creature because we all love this silly lil thing:
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and last but not least, the creator doodles!:
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@grinnames: here I go drawing this goober again ugh, in all seriousness though I love this guy, just look at him, all he wants is your body parts so why don't you kindly donate them ya silly? I would go on a tangent complimenting you again but I doubt you want that though, so just know you are one of my favourite creators :D
@tophatwearingidiot: hey look who it is! that's your design for my silly gal right there!! I was planning to draw my puffels for so long as you know but my brain constantly got filled and I forgot about it, so here, you got a doodle!! I WILL GET TO THIS I SWEAR UGGHHHHHH, both mentioned as my OC doodles and creator doodles lucky you
@tiredsmashbros and @its-a-me-mango: decided to do you two as two mini doodles together! you two are so damn awesome I love both your art so much AHHHHH, I wish I was as cool as you guys I swear and I love both of your characters so much so here's TSB inhaling a burger Kirby style and Mango just having to deal with his crap like usual and wishing he just got more money for it since TSB is just other worldly XD COOL ARTISTS RIGHT HERE!!! OH GOD DAMN IT HERE I GO DOODLING TSB AGAIN, TOMM HELP ME OUT HERE AND GET HIM OUT, MANGO EXTRACT HIM FROM MY BRAIN PLEASE
@michealscorneroftheinternet: oh boy did you get treated my friend, a meme and another doodle of Ink SMG4? damnnnn, all jokes aside I can't get over these designs, like your ideas are just insane to me and literally all your AU's are my favourites GOD HOW MUCH I LOVE THE UNDERTALE AU AND CHANGE IN SCRIPT AND FALLEN AU DB)SBD)SYVDSVFAD(F)- dude, tell me your secrets how are you this talented? /silly but true on the last part. You're constantly in my brain now too hahahah (HELP ME-) oh and I have a surprise for you! yeah, you thought that was it? haha...no..so you know those doodles of said ink and error 4 and 3? well I'm still thinking of those BUT, I have these as a substitute I'm working on since Ibispaint is up and running on my phone AHA! GET DUNKED ON WITH MORE ART YOU CAN NEVER BEAT ME /silly
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I wanted to include more of my crazed AU and thought this was too perfect so had to do it, DID SOMEONE SAY PERFECT?!? /j
bro gets to not talk sometimes because he had chains around his neck YIPPIE!! (and hehe @theartistisme43 mentioned) that's if you can read my doodle handwriting lol, if not here it is (purple = SMG3 blue = SMG4)
bottom doodle: so you also had a run in with Mr Puzzles huh? Yep... So fuckin done with life
Top doodle (left): AYYYY!!!
Top doodle right: can't breathe sometimes and talk, knows how scarred 4 feels
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fuck-customers · 4 months ago
I work at a museum and sometimes people come in wanting to donate things. Cool! Love your dedication to preserving our local history and science. But there's a whole process to it that doesn't involve the front desk at all so I usually give them the information they need and send them on their merry way.
But this dude. Holy fuck I can't even fathom the thought process because it was so fucking-
He comes in (right as we're getting a bunch of people, of course, and right as my coworker is going on lunch, OF COURSE) with a garbage bag. I am not paying attention to the bag at first and he asks if someone responsible is here today (Saturday). I joke, "I sure hope we're responsible!" and he says:
"I have a dead bird I wanna drop off."
my coworker steps WAY BACK to leave, I'm like. ok well. let me get your info cus none of the curators are here- he's very rude, keeps cutting me off, and doesn't want to give any of his info. There's a bird in the bag. it's a peregrine falcon. He says it's been dead for about two hours.
I'm telling him we can't even have that in the building (because it could have diseases on it what the actual fuck!!) and please step aside or go away or something. i got a line to take care of. He's trying to pawn it off to anyone else in line, my coworker in the lobby like.
How do you get from finding a dead bird to thinking, I should bring this to the museum??? Why not call the DEC? aren't there laws about the handling the corpses of birds of prey??? I have so many questions and no answers to any of them.
Posted by admin Rodney
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viktorpartner · 6 months ago
CHECK OUT PART 2: https://www.tumblr.com/ashleyeveerson/760707933651746816?source=share
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Phil ALSO comes out! (yeah no i'm not crying what? not them feeling comfortable enough to be themselves yeah). 2019 also brings us the adoption of a fish named Norman (a cutie) AND they also post pictures about their recent trip to Japan [the photo of Phil looking up to Dan behind the camera? yeah i am so normal about it, i swear]. There is hope in the horizon still for a Dan and Phil comeback...
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BAM! A certain virus runs wild and forces everyone to stay at home. Phil continues to upload solo videos which distracted so many of us during these dark times. Dan, however is AWOL and the only pic we have of him is a shitty screenshot of him in glasses and a mask helping Phil rescue an injured pigeon (lockdown was WILD).
Also, my boy Dan post a cryptic tweet that leads to the announcement of a self-help book named YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS NIGHT (because you will <3). Nah but I can't count how many times I've sobbed reading it, just him trying to help out others who have also struggled with mental health... istg i love this man
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Hey so THEY BUY THEIR FOREVER PHOUSE TOGETHER they're gonna kill me one day istg. "Dan and Phil just decided to pay a mortgage together", top 10 sentences that would kill a 2016 phan. They are slaying, they are glowing... also rip Norman the fish you will not be forgotten
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So during 2014 the fates (aka a random youtuber) foretold that Dan and Phil would be married in 2022. Since that clearly didn't happen the meme PHIVORCE united the phandom once more. ALSO Dan is out there shitting on youtube (as he should) and going on his solo tour WE'RE ALL DOOMED! Which i love with all my heart and also Phil being there for him every step of the way... AHHHHHHHH
Anyways a certain video called Dan and Phil finally tell the truth hits the internet and let's just say GOD DAMN. This also starts a wonderful trend amongst Dan and Phil in which they make fun of their audience (we deserve it ngl) and absolutley SHOCK US with new information about bonkers shit from their past [apparently they were offered a threesome MULTIPLE TIMES???]
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It's the end. They've decided to give up their channel "Dan and Phil Games" forever... let's take a moment and silent and mourn with a compilation of Heart eyes Howell
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SIKE! We're back baby and we're better than ever!!! The goodbye video turned out the be an ANNOUNCEMENT of their comeback. They are back, Dil Howlter is here and Phil confesses to having dyed everything green in the house when Dan went on tour bc he missed him (OH GOD). Also, the Halloween baking video introduced us to the icon that is.... *drumroll please*
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SISTER DANIEL, the queen of making everyone reconsider their sexuality... she is the moment, she is an icon and she is serving astronomical levels of cunt at all time [jokes aside, Dan being comfortable enough to do drag in public, fuck they've come so far i'm so proud of them <3].
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And here we are in the future, it's present day and they are queerer and happier than ever. THE PICTURES I CAN'T ISTG. Also Dan's Birthday stream is beyond iconic. First of all my unproblematic kings make it a charity stream to donate to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (using their public influence for good hell yeah)... And how did they raise the money you ask? WELL BY HITTING IS WHERE WE'RE WEAKEST. Sister Daniel makes a spectacular comeback, FATHER PHIL is introduced and Dan even dyes his hair red to be more Good Omens coded... which timeline are we living in again? like how is any of this real?
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Also them drawing the PINOF whiskers on their faces again... they're literally growing old together I'm gonna go sob in a corner. Also the fake apology video bc they have no fashion sense in the Sims 4 is hilarious as fuck. HOW CAN THEY POSSIBLY BE SO MUCH HOTTER ON THEIR THIRTIES EXPLAIN??
anyways the phandom is still speculating wether they're erasing "i love you's" at the end of their text when they show them on videos... guess some things never change. Nah but the vibes are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NOW, they are more open than they've ever been and participate on the phan culture FULLY to the point that they're the ones terrorizing us now.
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QUICK DETOUR TO TALK ABOUT PHIL'S FAMOUS BAD LUCK (and then they wonder why he's always dying in the fanfics). Nah but my poor man has had his fair share of medical problems, the most recent being...
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OH GOD WHY WOULD YOU ANNOUNCE SOMETHING LIKE THAT THIS WAY?? nah like using humor as a coping mechanism and all but do they wanna gives a heart attack?! iconic i fear however
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So yeah the video where they talk about it is WILD (funniest shit about the whole ordeal is that a nurse mistook Dan as Phil's son). Also I saw a tweet speculating about Phil having a hickey like... first of all what is it? 2009? Second of all IT'S MOST LIKELY A POPPED VESSEL FROM LOSING ALL THAT BLOOD YOU KNOW
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They still were able to go on their vacation (aka the rodent boy summer) which gifted us with this iconic pics... ALSO they dropped a new Dan and Phil beats for summer go check out the names of the tracks istg they wanna kill their fans.
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Nothing is sacred anymore, they've infiltrated twtphan, they're actively reposting memes and writing fanfiction about themselves. It's the wild west, everytime you get a notification is like playing Russian Rulet. Cringe is dead and Dan and Phil ARE COMING NEAR YOUR CITY on a tour named "Terrible Influence" where Phil's spent 300€ on silicone. It's a wonderful time to be a phan.
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OKAY SO here's some stuff that didn't make the cut but that i find too hilarious to not mention. In no apparent order: DAN DRESSING UP AS A CATBOY, Dan and Phil playing technicians 1 and 2 on Big Hero 6 and two brothers on the Lion King (wtf was that also they gave the gorilas matching fringes), Dan dressing up as a golden pig (my boy has RANGE) and finally Dan being too embarassed to admit he stalked Phil and telling a reporter he was only asking for "editing tips" if you know what i mean
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Also a short compilation of Dan and Phil losing the idgaf war against eachother THEY ARE SO THOUGHTFUL ABOUT EVERYTHING. Special mention to Daniel's 🧡 when Phil praised "We're all doomed!" and Dan's ranch metaphor to describe their relationship (just go watch the mukkbang video OH LORD)
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SO, in conclusion... Dan and Phil's refusal to belittle their past and instead embrace it as part of their story while actively moving into the future alongside the phandom YEAH THAT SHIT MEANS SOMETHING. They're simultaneously healing our inner child while embracing us as the adults we've become i have many feelings about them
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So what are they?
They're just Dan and Phil.
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parvulous-writings · 2 years ago
Don’t push it. // Miguel O’Hara x reader
Summary: You nurse an ill, and very reluctant Miguel
Warnings: I’m bad at Spanish, Miguel has a cold and is grumpy git. Gender neutral terms used around reader to the best of my ability! 
Words: 2.3K
Notes:  Am I somewhat out of it? Yes. Shush.  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist! Original character list - please request for these too!   If you’d like to support me more, consider donating to my kofi! I’d appreciate it loads!!  
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Not my gif
It wasn’t uncommon for Miguel to be grumpy; the stress of everything pertaining to the multiverse weighed heavily on him. He could not have what happened to him, that gut-wrenching loss of life, happen to anyone else. He would make sure that everything stayed in order, that canon events happened when they were meant to, that all spider-people were on the same trajectory. The task and the past that it stemmed from weighed heavily on him, always. So, statistically, he shouldn’t have been surprised when he started developing cold symptoms - he was under so much stress that his ability to fight off illness had been heavily affected. He found the symptoms mildly annoying to begin with, but since he was still able to continue his work without much impairment, he did so, trying to make sure he did as much as he would normally do even though he could feel his nose getting steadily more and more blocked.  After a few hours, an ache began to make itself known on his forehead; a massive headache. Miguel tried to power through this, too, but steadily it became very overwhelming to him. The lights - which were typically dimmed anyway due to his sensitivity to them- were starting to bug him. 
Hell, he sounded sick, like he was pushing his voice past it’s limit. 
“Turn out the lights.” 
Without a word, everything went black, asides from the soft orange glow of the screens around him. Typically, Lyla would have given him a quip, or a joke in retaliation, but she didn’t even try this time, she could tell he was too ill for things like that. She appeared near his shoulder, only just in his peripheral vision. “You’re not looking too hot, y’know... You want me to call someone?”  “No.”  “You should-”  “I said no.” He replied gruffly again, “Just let me get on with my work.” He shirked his shoulder, as if Lyla actually physically stood there. The hologram tapped her chin, pouting slightly as she thought - well, as much as she could think at least. She knew exactly the course of action she’d have to take here. 
Your phone buzzed on the kitchen side, prolonged and repetitive - the screen flashing with the caller ID: Lyla ✨. She had added the emoji herself a while ago, and you hadn’t had the heart to remove them. If Lyla was trying to contact you without just randomly materialising in front of you, something was off. You didn’t need Spidey-sense to know that it would be about Miguel. You tapped the screen a couple of times, answering the call and putting it on speaker, so you could continue in the kitchen, making yourself some lunch.  “Go on, Lyla, fill me in.” You said to her. “Well...” Lyla began, drawing out the syllable an almost humorous amount of time. “Miguel is ill, and he’s refusing to rest or take a break. I think you’re going to have to come in, to either get him to rest here, or just take him home. He’s going to tear someone’s head off if we’re not careful...” She warned. You sighed quietly, you knew she was right, even if she was slightly exaggerating.  “Alright... Give me ten minutes, okay?” And with that, the call finished. You quickly got through your food, before putting on your shoes and heading out of the apartment, hoping to catch one of the speeding trains to the edge of the city. One of the perks of getting to reside in Nueva York, was that there was at least somewhat easy access to the place where your beloved worked - and practically lived it felt like. It also helped that most of the Spiders knew you, and helped you to navigate the rather large, and confusing building. If you needed to be somewhere in the building quick, you knew you didn't have to be afraid to ask one of the many, many Spiders milling around every corner of every room in the structure. Thankfully, that wasn't the case today - you weren't entirely sure that a lot of fast paced swinging would help your food go down. Instead, you were taking one of the many elevators installed, straight up to the top of the building; of course, the dark, brooding Miguel O’Hara had to have something that could only be described as a lair. The fact that the lights were off were not helping the matter, either. 
As soon as you entered the room, you knew where he was - Miguel was always  in the same place. His shoulder twitched slightly as the doors slid open quickly for you - he had picked up the minuscule change in light. He hadn’t, however, realised it was you entering the room; one downside of not having the spider-senses so many others seemed to be blessed with. “Go away.” He gruffly called down to you, not even turning around.  “Fine way to greet your other half...” You chuckled softly, and it was then that he glanced over his shoulder, eyes wandering down to your distant silhouette.  “...Corazón... What are you..?”  “Lyla called... Come down, Miggy...” You spoke softly, not taking his former gruffness to heart. You knew he didn’t mean it, not really. He was sweet to you always - a softie through and through, beneath the rough and ragged exterior, the front that he put up in front of others, to keep them at arms length. At an almost comically slow pace, his platform began to descend. It seemed like forever had passed before Miguel was shuffling towards you. You open your arms when he gets close, and embrace him. For a moment, you both just stand in the hug, drinking in the sense of being in one another’s arms. After a minute or two, you pulled away slightly, cupping Miguel’s face carefully in your hands, subtly examining him. Miguel still noticed what you were doing, though. “Stop, mi amor... I’m fine...” He told you, bringing one of his large hands up to your own, and resting it on top. “Absolutely fine...” He reiterated, but of course, you could see it wasn’t true. His entire face was red, and hot - and you knew that for once, it wasn’t you that had caused this. You stayed quiet, thinking. How could you get him home to rest, without agitating him too much? Not an easy task, no. 
“Come home for lunch, sweetheart...” You suggested to him. “I’ll make you something special...”  He was going to protest about this - you could see it brewing behind his eyes, but you kept going. “Then you can come back here later... okay?”  “The multiverse isn’t going to watch itself...” The man grumbled, his brows furrowing together, putting creases through his forehead; ones that had been used so many times before throughout his life.  “I’m sure it’ll be fine for a little while... And besides, Lyla can keep an eye whilst your gone, can’t she?” You look off to the side, where the glowing little form of Lyla was hovering, jumping back and forth, before giving you two thumbs up. “’Course I can.” She confirmed. “That’s what I’m here for.” She chuckled softly, before zipping away to examine the many amber monitors at the back of the room, before Miguel could try and protest that she wouldn’t be able to; not that the glowing AI would take no for an answer anyway.  “The trip home isn’t too long, Miguelito...” You told him, carefully starting to lead him out of the room, though he was putting up some resistance now; you had called him the nickname primarily used when he was ill.  “I’m not sick...” He protested, before glancing over your shoulders to the door that was about to snap open, and he stopped in his tracks, unmoving though you tugged at his arm. “... The lights are on out there...” He mumbled, red eyes glancing down at you. You knew all too well that he would not be able to handle any of the light on the way home. You hummed quietly in thought, before looking at him. “Did you bring your sunglasses with you?”  “No,” He scoffed. “I didn’t need to, when I came in.” He told you, his wide arms crossing over his even wider chest. “I don’t need to go home..” He insisted, “I will be fine..” Considering you now had no way to get  him back to your shared apartment without giving him the biggest flashbang, and biggest accompanying headache of his life, you figured you’d have to make do with whatever you could find in his office. Your eyes darted this way and that, trying to find anything soft that you could use as a pillow, so that Miguel could actually lay down, and rest. There were a few chairs, of varying plushness, which you could perhaps repurpose for nap time.  You moved quickly and with purpose, moving items this way and that to create a small nap area for your partner. “There we are...” You announced after a few minutes, stepping back to admire your work. Was it five star hotel worthy? Perhaps not, but it would do for the moment. Miguel seemed to sneer at  the sight,  but after a gentle push on the arm, he acquiesced. Maybe amusing you wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Carefully, you guided him down onto the bed, comprised of plush desk chairs. It was an awkward fit, but with a little bit of work, Miguel was just about comfortable, though he still looked very grumpy. “You didn’t have to do that.” He muttered, “I was fine as I was.”  “You continuing as you were would have ended up with slobber all over the consoles.” You joked, shaking your head as you tried to help him get a bit comfier.  “I don’t drool in my sleep.” That was a flat out lie - he knew he did. It was hard not to, what with his fangs; it was hard enough keeping them in his mouth when he was awake sometimes.  “Uh huh, alright honey, if that’s what you say..” You tease quietly, quickly pecking his cheek. “Now... You try and have a snooze, okay?”  “... I’m not five.”  “Have a snooze, Miguel.” You repeat, just as soft as before- there was no use in being too hard on him when he was like this, he was going to be stubborn no matter what you did or what approach you had decided to take. He huffed, a frown clear on his lips, despite the darkness in the room.  “Yes, mother.” He replied sarcastically. As much as he was protesting, however, he had to quietly admit to himself, laying down and closing his eyes for a moment did feel nice. Almost heavenly, in fact. 
“How quickly did the symptoms come on, Lyla?” You asked, your voice nothing more than a whisper.  “Fairly quickly.” She replied. She wasn’t forcing her voice to be quiet like you were, she had only turned her volume down in a literal sense. “Started sniffling, then on came the headache.” She shrugged. “Though I do have to say - never seen him give up that quickly before. Usually Peter B argues with him for at least an hour before Miguel even takes a five minute break, let alone a whole nap. I’m impressed.” Her golden form zipped away for a moment, clicking a quick selfie with the already sleeping Miguel, before returning to her prior  position. “Well, I suppose being his lover does help a bit... I’d like to think he has a soft spot for me.” You chuckled, joking with Lyla. You had always been fond of her, even if she wasn’t human, she certainly knew how to act like one. Miguel always acted like he found your bond with his AI companion to be more trouble than it was worth, but in actuality, he found it rather cute - he too had his own unique relationship with the software.  “Yeeaahh, I think you’re right... I think he’s got more than just a soft spot for you, though. He’s just soft for you.” She told you. “Now, don’t tell him I told you this, buuut... You know how he keeps way too many tabs open at once?” Anyone who even took one sideways glance at Miguel’s floating desktop knew how many tabs he kept open at any one time, so you just nodded. “Well... By my calculation, about 53% of those are centered - one way or another - on you. Like your favourite food, song, tv shows and movies, as well as-”  “Alright, alright, I get it, Lyla...” You laughed gently, your eyes landing on the peaceful form of your sleeping boyfriend, who was already starting to gently snuffle in his sleep; the cold had overcome him quicker than he could have ever expected, and it was clear that his body was thanking him - and you - for giving it a moments peace. A little bit of solace from the immense pressure that never went away. “C’mon.. let’s leave him be for a little while... D’you know where Peter B is?” You asked, slowly starting to move towards the door. “Might go tell him that Miguel is having a nap, at work of all places.”  “Oh, he’s going to love that,” Lyla replied, taking a seat on your shoulder. “Though I think he’ll keep asking how you managed to do it... I think he’s in the cafeteria.” She chuckled, waving vaguely in the direction of your new destination. Your voices both faded off into the distance as you strolled down the hall, leaving the sleeping O’Hara to whatever dreams his mind could conjure for him, and there he would likely stay for the rest of the day - he certainly did need that rest. 
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reigningqueenofwords · 9 months ago
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Pairing: Steve x Reader, Bucky x daughter!Reader Word count: 1,333
Read on AO3
Part 12 of Looking for the Captain
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Telling the others that you dropped out was a mixed bag. Tony shrugged and said you were smart enough to choose any other number of majors. Nat was disappointed. Clint joked that meant more time for you to train. Sam said he’d be more than happy to help you sit down and decide on something else to do. Bruce was supportive, understanding how life can change out of nowhere. Bucky, however, remained quiet for way too long. You felt that spoke volumes. Goliath jumped up on the couch and cuddled next to you, sensing your worry about what he’d say when he finally said something. 
“I’m sorry.” He sighed. 
Blinking, you stared at him. “What?” Did you hear that right? He was sorry? 
“You can’t go after your dream now.” He hated that. There was nothing he could have done to prevent this, either. 
You scratched Goliath lightly, shaking your head. “It’s not your fault. And I have other dreams. Goliath was one.” You told him, smiling as he rolled to his back so you could rub his belly. “Getting a dog was a top five life goal for me.” 
Bucky gave you a sad smile. “Yeah? What were the others? Aside from being a doctor.” He wondered. Could he help with any of them? 
“Visit every continent, be an extra in a movie, and make enough money to donate now and then. Simple stuff.” You shrugged. 
“Don’t let Stark hear that. He’ll fly you all over and produce a movie for you.” He chuckled lightly. “And make you the star.” 
You snorted at that, shaking his head. “Yeah, sounds like him.” You nodded. “He’s sweeter than I expected.” You said honestly. “I was soooo nervous when I moved in, but I’ve really liked getting to know them.” They were your family. You couldn’t picture your life without them now. 
“He’s still a pain in the ass.” He teased, making you nod. “I’m still sorry you had to uproot your life.” He doubted that would change any time soon. 
Before you got a chance to say something, an alarm started to go off. You jumped, Bucky stood, and Goliath got between you and the door. “What the hell is going on?” You asked. “I’ve never heard any kind of alarm go off before.” 
“Miss, please make your way to Mr. Stark’s labs.” JARVIS spoke up. “It’ll be the safest place for you.” 
“I’ll get you and Goliath there.” Bucky would do anything it took to get you there. “Come on.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his door. Opening the door, he checked the hallway before the three of you exited. Goliath stayed close, thankfully. You were worried about him, too! 
“Is it safe to use the elevator?” You asked. You’d never seen stairs, but maybe they were behind doors?
Bucky nodded. “I’m sure it is. I doubt Stark would make elevators that could be messed with.” He hoped like hell he was right. That was the fastest way to get you to safety. He’d been lulled into a false sense of normalcy. Spending time with you, with Steve, and not looking over his shoulder while staying at the tower. 
You were shaking as you rode the elevator down, wrapping your arms around yourself. You hoped that everyone was okay, and that this was over soon. Would this be the end of needing bodyguards when you left the house? Did they get tired of trying to get to you outside, and decided to attack the tower? The elevator came to an abrupt halt, making you fall backwards into the wall. “What the hell?” You were near panicking. While you’d never considered yourself claustrophobic, the idea of being trapped in an elevator suddenly had you rethinking that. Your eyes went wide as Bucky started to pull the doors apart. You knew he was strong, but you’d never seen that strength in person. 
“Come here, Goliath.” He called over your dog. He’d get him out first, then you. He felt that Goliath would keep an eye out while he got you out. “Good boy.” He lifted him, putting him through the opening. “Now you.” He waved you over. 
“What about you?” You asked, moving closer. 
“I’ll be right behind you.” He promised. 
Licking your lips, you nodded and stepped into his hands that he’d laced together. You pushed your upper half through, thankful for his help to push you. Hearing footsteps, you looked up, expecting to see one of the others. “Mom?” You furrowed your brows. You hadn’t seen her in months. 
Bucky froze for a moment. “Y/M/N is out there?” 
You gave her your hand so she could pull you the last little bit. Turning to help your dad, you were yanked back. “What the hell, mom?” You wiggled against her. Goliath was growling at her, putting you on high alert. “Mom, let go!” 
Hearing you like that, Bucky moved even quicker. Once his eyes were on hers, a chill went down his spine. “Sweetheart, that’s not your mom. Fight her.” He told you. “You’ve been training for this.” He reminded you as a look of uncertainty flashed across your face. “Pretend it’s Nat’s training day and you’re pissed!” 
That did it. It gave you the push you needed. While you were confident in sparring, you’d never needed to test those skills. He told you to fight, and fight you did. You put your all into it, while she had the experience, you seemed to have the adrenaline needed to hold your own. Just as she was about to get the upper hand, Bucky tackled her. 
“Run!” He yelled to you. “NOW!” 
You turned and bolted, Goliath on your heels. The second the pair of you were in Tony’s labs, everything closed up. If anyone wanted to get to you now, they would have to work even harder. Collapsing to your knees, you were breathing heavily, trying not to cry. Your mom had attacked you. The woman who had kept you safe your entire life had come after you. Bucky had said it wasn’t your mom, but that didn’t make sense. It looked like her. 
Goliath nudged your cheek gently. Moving so you could sit, you wrapped your arms around him and sniffed. “I hope everyone is okay.” You said softly. “I don’t know what I’ll do if any of them get hurt.” You pulled back to look at Goliath, and couldn’t help but giggle lightly as he licked over your face. “Yeah, yeah. I love you, too.” You sighed. “JARVIS, is everyone doing okay so far?”
It took him a moment, worrying you further. “Limited injuries at the moment, miss.” He told you. 
You felt useless, and hated it. Looking around, you spotted the wall of Iron Man suits. “JARVIS, do all of those work?” You asked, getting up. 
“Yess, miss. However, there is a program in place to assure only Mr. Stark can use them.” He explained. “And you would not fit in them.” He added. 
“Oh.” You sagged. You could have dealt with the size thing. “Can you override the program? You control everything, right?” You asked, standing in front of one. “I mean, you’re the one really in charge, right? And everything Tony does is possible because of you.” 
“Mr. Stark created me, miss. I am an extension of him.” He told you. 
You smirked. He didn’t say he couldn’t override that program. “If you’re an extension of him, that means you can make the same choices.” 
“JARVIS, can you please override that program for a limited time for one suit?” You asked him sweetly. Yes, you were trying to charm the AI. “I’d like to be helpful.” 
JARVIS actually caved. “You have one hour.” He told you, opening the glass to the suit you were in front of. 
You beamed. “You’re the best!” You told him. “I’m gonna need a walk through, by the way. I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.” 
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bonesandthebees · 2 months ago
... What year is it? Good lord. Bless Tommy. I thought it was 2021 for a second.
Anyways. Hi!! I don't think I've been here since Christmas...? But Happy New Year, I hope you're doing well!!! I thought I'd check in properly since it's been FOREVER since I made a proper ask.
I've been okay, albeit very very busy. I've hit that sort of stage in my life where I'm like, wow, I'm really not happy with how I'm living right now, so I'm trying to take the steps to keep myself happier! I sound like an old grandma settling in, but ah well. Comes with the age I suppose lmao I hope you've been well Bee!! I haven't said many analysis asks at all in regards to your latest chapters but trust me, I've been reading them and obsessing over them plenty hehehehe Cheers to another year, I hope you achieve everything you want to!! Let's stay friends for another year ❤️ I'll check in more often I promise!! Hugs and cookies, -❄️
hi snowflake!!! happy new year to you I hope it was wonderful for you!!
I'm so glad you're taking those steps snowflake. it can be really difficult to recognize exactly what needs to change in your life and even harder to actually take those steps, but it's so worth it in the end. you deserve to be happy!!
very glad you're still obsessing over my chapters. I really need to write the next chapter of rose. now that I'm done with my caitvi one shot I'll get on that. things have just been so insane lately my writing schedule has gotten so thrown off.
now as for how I've been, for one thing I'm still coughing. I've mentioned this in other asks but the LA wildfires have really been upsetting me. to reiterate for everyone, my area is totally safe but it just hurts seeing how devastating they've been. but today I went and volunteered at a donation drive for the displaced families which felt really good! it's honestly been incredible seeing the city come together to support one another. there's so many donations rolling in and so many people volunteering to help. people can joke about LA all they want but I've never felt more connected to my city than I have this past week and it's such a wonderful reminder that people do still care about each other in the real world.
but yeah. the cough. wildfire smoke has not been helping it. I'm probably going to go to urgent care again soon because I'm so sick of this damn cough 😭
BUT bad life things aside, cheers to another year because I have so many things to look forward to! yes, let's please stay friends another year <3 I'd love to hear more about what you're up to and how you're doing
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satanicsanity · 2 years ago
Thank you all so much for 300+ followers, along with the support and kind words!! 🩷🩷🩷 You all really do brighten my day! Thank you so much! <3
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
Subtitles, Wally/Me speaking: Well my my! What's this?? We've reached over 300 followers on tumbler?? That is amazing! Alright jokes aside, I wanted to thank you all so much! Your overwhelming support has been amazing, especially with the unfortunate events that have happened the past couple days! Thank you for saying such nice things and thank you for watching, honestly! I hope to continue these for a long time!
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verycharismaticdragon · 4 months ago
On Air Island - chapter 5 - part 4
navigation: [prev] - [next]
catching up: ch.1 [full] - ch.2 p.1 - story so far [transcript]
other: [character guide] - [to avoid sp⊘ilers]
Trigger warnings for today's episode: (extremely stylized) depiction of, and slightly graphic description of, a mutilated dead body; loud noises.
(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Whoa! Things are getting real spooky! What are everyone's guesses 🤔 Maybe Mr. PD didn't have the Halloween candy for the kids ready....? And if you don't have treats, you just may become a treat, right?
Jokes aside,
*og tl: What the hell did Naoto see? (t/n: since the names of most characters were translated, it seems the og tl mixed up who was who. the kr text uses ezra's korean name, and the following dialogue makes it obvious which was correct)
**og tl: Shut up, noisy people!
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
|| 🏅 award (achievement) collected ||
———— ———— ————
Thiago: Mmm… …then why don't you see it yourself?
[player] donated 10 Touching Spade: Let's go!
Hanse: Ugh...... Well, I'll go check it out myself.
outnow: We don’t really need to watch it though
Ezra: Ahaha. I'll go too. It's not often you get a chance like this.
Alice: Do I have to see it? I don't want to!
winkhans: Ugh… Well pRISMFAN: But I think it will be better if we check on it
Honari: You must...... but not until the end, right? I'd rather stay here with Alice. { It's not required... is it? I would like to stay here with Alice as well. }
Honari: Hanse, are you sure you don't mind?
Hanse: Yes. Actually, I don't like it, but if I don't see it with my own eyes......
Galchi19: Ah
Hanse: I think I'll get stuck in even more terrible thoughts.
DUMMY: Mmmh yeah
Honari: Ah............
Honari: Okay, you need to be careful.
WOLKER: Awesome Hanse!
Thiago: I'll check the people who have expressed their intention.
Thiago: Hanse, Mr. Fact, Jin, Ezra, Naoto... Is that right?
nohanse: Can you not go?
Mr.Fact: Ah~ Isn't this a ghost stop? I'll just have to check it out, right?
Jin: …………
Naoto: I'm just going to check it out. Don't put me on the same level as that bastard. { I'm going to check it because I feel uneasy. Don't put me on the same level as that bastard. }
Naoto: I might get offended and kill him.
MoeGuy: You have to see only good things, Hanse
Julia: I'm off to the races. If you want to follow up, come this way... { Let’s go then. Those who decided otherwise, please come this way. }
Jin: ……………
[Sound of stomping grass] [A group of people crosses the forest]
Thiago: This is it.
WatchOut: …
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Hanse: This, this…………
Naoto: Huh, huh…… No way, how could anyone…… 
Naoto: Are you sure this was done by a human?
MoeGuy: This can’t be real
Jin: It doesn't look like he used a knife or a saw or anything. { It doesn't look like any tools, like a knife or a saw, were used. }
bbongGGu: What happened here????
Ezra: This is....... brutal and questionable.
Ezra: It looks like there's nothing left but bones and skin. { It looks like there's only bones and skin left. }
Tomato: Can someone report it?
Mr.Fact: What's wrong with you guys? It's obviously a prop.
Hanse: Huh…… Huck, huck……
Universe: Hanse… Are you okay??
Hanse: I'm sorry, everyone. We'll be right back…… we'll be back on the air.
hanseria: Argh eggrolly: Hanse OutNine: Hanse…
<Please check your connection>
… … … …
… … … …
[wind blowing] [waves are rough]
Hanse: Hello, this is Hanse.
artofhan: Ugh yesHan: Hanse danchu1: Hanse… Leggo: Are you okay??? hanmanse: Nothing bad right? { Did anything happen??? } captain: Fyuh
Hanse: I don't know if you've heard the news from the official, but just to give you an update…… { I don't know if you've seen the news from official sources, but to give you an update…… }
Hanse: Some of the crew had left the island first by boat.
CatProf: Yeah I read it somewhere ho___: Is the broadcast gonna get halted? onmang: Maybe nohanse: Keep doing it in this situation is awful RealFact: I came after reading about this on the social media
Hanse: This is to inform the broadcasters who are waiting outside and to deal with the situation...... { This is to relay the situation to the broadcasting company outside and decide on the course of action… }
Hanse: Why did this happen…………
forhanse: IKR adam3882: But is it a murder or a suicide? Angelic: You need to investigate to know about that Army: I still can’t believe it HsWAVE: What is really happening here?
Ezra: Hanse, do you see that?
Hanse: Huh? If it's over there…
RaMe: ??????? cocobab: WHUT? 1pmhanse: What’s going on again? hanseya: I don’t see anything specific…
Hanse: The fog………… When did it get this thick?
Ezra: No, you're wrong. It's not the fog I'm talking about...... { No, not that. What I'm talking about is not the fog… }  
[strong bumping sound] 
Hanse: Huh?
PorkSoup: ????? MySultan: ?????????? HeIsMine: What is it? Rolling: What was that sound just now? hanshack: It sounded like a huge collision…
[Something rumbles beyond the fog]
Hanse: Wh-what was that sound…………
Ezra: Oh, no…………
[Bizarre wailing] 
BIGNING: ? Rainbow: ????? whois: What’s happening this time… I’m really scared, I feel like I’m going to die MOoMOo: It felt like it came from the direction of the boat… 1ofEvery: It was a really horrifying sound
Hanse: …………!
Honari: Heh, what did you just......? { Eek, what just happened...? }
WOLKER: ???????????????
Alice: Kyaak! I think there is a problem with the boat! 
soofarrr: What did you say…??? boksunga: If it was from the boat… those production staff… MyFuture: People were on board, weren’t they?
Naoto: No! Oh, no, I don't think so......! { No way! Oh, no way...! }
Alice: But did the boat hit something or… ... What if it’s sunk?
Rolling: …How is this unfolding… { …What is going on… } deeping: It’s so scary, I can hardly breathe
Hanse, calm down and take care of the others
What the hell did Naoto see? { What on earth did Ezra see? }
Shut up, noisy people! { Shut the noisy people up. }
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makemesqueaki · 2 years ago
Ok so I'm gonna call the poll as yes I'm thinking up a list of rules because streamer me is different from. Tumblr thot me
So here's the thing I can not present as myself at my home so I do not use a camera and show myself I have been trying to put aside the money for a vtuber but life keeps happening no I'm not asking for donations blah blah I'm to prideful for that.
Second of all I play with a lot of real life friends I will take teasing maybe some dumb jokes but we aren't doing full on. Degradation or patriarchy bits.
This is fantasys mostly you go to far ill warn ya if continue blocked but so I know what to expect cuz I don't mind the lewd stuff just say Squeak Squeak or somthing like that so I know your from here and I'm chill af it's hard cross a line with me
I will edit this if I think of anything else but as promised the link is Twitch.tv/wooblypascal please don't have me regret this
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hotelhamartia · 2 months ago
[ INGRATUS - ch1 start 2/2 ]
There's a lot to unpack here, huh. But the willowy woman in front of you, handbell grasped loosely through her too-long sleeves, doesn't permit any of you to speak. Or, is it her that's doing that? Exuding that strange aura? No, you think not. It isn't her. It's that thing on her head, which you swore was just some sort of- novelty hat, or hairbun cover. Until its mouth moved. Her mouth moved. Hold on.
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"Yes, yes! Welcome to our fine establishment, so glad to have you, you're very lucky to be here. We have six Michelin stars, did you know? For hotelery, not for cooking, although we're great at that too. The figgy pudding last night was a real winner, don't you think? Yes? Of course."
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"But where are my manners? I am the head of the hotel, the Landlady. You will refer to me as such! And this is my head maid, head gardener, head chef, head everything - Ophelia. You will also refer to her as such. Now, introductions aside! We should get down to business, shouldn't we?"
How is this frog thing talking? Is it a frog? What is it. You're bewildered.
"Here at the Hotel, we're ever so glad to host you. But there's no such thing as a 'free ride'! Sacrifices must be made, and pounds of flesh must be paid. Yes, yes… I'm afraid that we need blood. Quite a bit of it, actually. You know those, er, those… What were they, Ophelia? The danger rompers? The hungry james?"
"…Landlady… you've messed up the names…"
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"No, I have not! I never mess up anything! I was simply trying to relate to the youth here through the lens of Media! But if you're going to be that way, then forget it. Guests- kill each other. In an orderly fashion, please, no indiscriminate bloodbaths involved- and we'll be holding trials to test your mental acuity after, so sloppy slayings won't be tolerated."
Now, hold on just a moment. This was funny at the start, but now the humor's a bit too dark for your tastes. This is a joke, right? There's no way that you actually have to kill each other, right…?
"…Ah, yes… so… you won't be able to leave, um… until… well, we have enough blood…"
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"Blood is metaphorical, by the by. We won't be satisfied with blood donations. We need corpses!"
"Landlady… don't rush them… you, ah… mm. It's okay… if you need to take a little bit of time… to figure out your murder methods. We can host you… for a while longer. I… I'm happy… to have… the company."
"Oh, yes, me too. It's so lively here for once. What fun! Anyway, that's all. We have to get back to our duties. Good luck, everyone! If you're stumped for ideas, why not derive inspiration from those board games we built? 'Operation' is a real humdinger. Ta-ta…"
And then. They simply. Turn around, place the handbell on the reception counter, and… walk off. It takes you a moment to process what's going on- and, should you try to chase after Ophelia and her headbound head honcho, you'll find she's disappeared into the inaccessible kitchen. Presumably, to prepare breakfast.
…You'd like to think that was all a performance. But, the longer you stand here, the longer that reality sinks in. It feels as if the walls themselves are watching you, judging you, waiting for you to make your move. Will you stay your hand? Or will you strike first, before anyone else has truly mustered the courage to kill?
So many questions. So little context given.
The hotel demands sacrifice. Will it get its wish?
0 notes
nerdlvr · 8 months ago
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the last thing donghyuck expected to see when he arrived at his closed down flower shop was to see it fully renovated. the sunflower chan sign was glowing brightly, softly illuminating the variety of flowers that adorned the outside of the shop. he smiled to himself already knowing what the surprise was. when he stepped inside he flinched at the loud noise,
the shop was filled with all of his friends and some unfamiliar faces, (he later learned their names were jisung, karina, and chenle) but his eyes immediately landed on you. you seemed to get prettier every time he saw you. he went in to hug you forgetting the rest of the people there.
"thank you for this y/n, really, this means the world"
you wrapped your arms around him, smiling into the hug.
"hellooo what about the rest of us? not only did i work here but i definitely collaborated like 20 bucks for this shop!"
mark and his perfect timing. donghyuck separated from you, keeping his hand on the small of your back.
"thank you to everyone, especially you mark. this shop means so much more now since all of you worked together to get it back."
"well now that we've all been equally appreciated, i have drinks in the back if anyone wants, and music waiting to be played!"
mark directed the small crowd towards the backroom where he kept his secret stash, pulling jisung aside to ask for help on how to connect his phone to the speaker. donghyuck grabbed your hand leading you outside of the shop for some fresh air, aka alone time.
"i really can't believe you did all this, seriously, you're insane."
you giggled at his use of words,
"it's really nothing, this was mainly the donations, i just had to make the gofundme page look cute."
he noticed how you both were still holding hands, the warmth radiating off of your fingers.
you both interrupted each other, causing you both the laugh softly. a pause hung in the air after, both of your cheeks glowing pink. donghyuck spoke up,
"you go first, i was gonna make a dumb flower joke"
"uh well, i just wanted to say that this makes us even, i mean, after all that crap we did to each other, so we can start again as friends, have a clean slate."
you still thought of him as a friend? donghyuck tried not to sound too bitter in his response,
"friends? really? after all this?"
your obliviousness made him feel oddly bold. he lifted up your still intertwined fingers, squeezing ur hand softly,
"are you really that dense y/n? i kinda have a huge ass crush on you, was that not obvious?"
your eyes widened at his words, a blush burning your cheeks,
"a crush, how is that obvious? what are you talking about hyuck, that's not funny."
you let out a dry laugh pulling your hand away from his, looking down at your feet.
"i'm not telling you to like me back or anything but- hey look at me please, i'm being serious."
you lifted you gaze to see him smiling down at you. the light from the sign highlighted his features, making him look like he was glowing, maybe it was the hospital lights after all
"look, when i first met you, you were really fucking annoying, i swear i felt my eyes burn for a week straight after you pepper sprayed me. and then i realized that all i ever thought about was you, day after day, i wondered where you were and what you were doing, yes it was in order to plan my next prank, but you somehow squeezed yourself into my life. and then you got sick and, i don't know, i felt like i had seen a whole new side of you, seeing your home, and taking care of you. and then we kinda stopped pranking each other and you became significantly less annoying. but i was dumb and ruined that peace by getting jealous of you and jaemin-"
you chuckled at his confession, biting your lip to hold back your laughter.
"yeah whatever i know, but then when i started acting like a fool you just came up to me and told me how it is, i feel like even after everything you made the effort to come back to me, and i just, well through all this your really pretty face was a bonus, but you're so much more interesting than you let on at first, you even collect weird tiny babies and you're into chemicals and science and shit, ugh this is getting really lame. i just like you okay i can't explain it that well but it's just a feeling you know."
when he finally opened his eyes, when did he start squeezing his eyes shut? he saw you smiling wide at him, teeth on display, you were rocking back and forth on you toes, waiting for him to finish,
"are you done haechannie?"
"yeah just, do you worst, reject me or whatever, but don't blame me when i light myself on fire after."
"gosh, stop being so dramatic, i'm not rejecting you hyuck."
you're not rejecting him?
"actually, for some reason i'm into really cute flower boys who pull stunts on me, but then come to comfort me when they give me the flu, and then slowly work their way into my heart"
he clasped his hands together closing his eyes again,
"please god let me be the only flower boy that has given her the flu"
you reached forward to unclasp his hands, his eyes slowly fluttering open.
"hyuck i've never had time for anything besides studying in my life, so i don't know how to do all this, but you make me worry about things besides school and i think that's a good change of pace for me, if you'll have me, we can try this boyfriend girlfriend thing out, and if you hate it, i can do you the honors of lighting you on fire."
he leaned forward and pulled you into a kiss, hands holding onto your hips, lips pressed firmly against yours, you both smiled into the kiss, teeth clashing.
"oh my god lee haechan what did i tell you about kissing y/n in front of me"
mark lee, what perfect timing indeed.
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blooming hearts — 23. there was cake?
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previous — masterlist — extra1
notes : this is the end, cry with me pls.
taglist : @nanaxwi , @swee7dream , @mwahaechz , @jenocity23 , @nctrawberries , @seunghancore , @minkyuncutie , @taeeflwrr , @starwonb1n , @mystverse , @jising-jisang-jisung , @beommii , @sunghoonsgfreal , @starfilledgaze , @loveholicness , @theandypark
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 9 months ago
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 21 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Why, hello. It's nice to finally meet my patient's other half. It's a bit strange that you've been staying here for a few weeks and we still don't know your name."
I smiled at that.
"How are you feeling, Simon?" Sam replied.
"Considering I was hit by a truck, I feel pretty good," I scoffed.
He chuckled at that.
"Well, that's good to hear. If you feel any pain or discomfort, please don't be afraid to let me or the girls know. I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me."
Now that I could finally speak, I didn't know where to start.
There were so many questions.
"Well," Sam spoke.
"I'm sure you're wondering about your belongings. I managed to find your phone and wallet. I'm not sure if there was anything else you had but those were there by the crash. I have them in the office."
"Oh, you were there?" I asked.
"Was anyone else hurt?"
"Aside from my truck," he hummed.
"My heart did jump out of my chest at first. I was pretty frightened."
He meant... Oh.
So it was his truck I ran into.
How embarrassing was that?
"I am so sorry."
"You don't have to be," he said with a warm smile then pursed his lips.
"I should be the one apologizing. I didn't see you in time to slow down."
He had run a nervous hand through his hair like he was seriously bothered by what had happened.
I tentatively reached my hand to touch his wrist.
"But you saved me."
He sighed, before looking out the window, the sunset giving the clinic an orange glow.
"Well, in a way I'm glad I was the one there. I've seen a number of animals, including rogues get hit on that road, only for drivers to speed off and leave them for dead."
"Well, thank you Sam," I smiled before the thought of the surgery and probably thousands of dollars the treatment was going to cost dawned on me.
"But um..."
"What is it, dear?"
"I-I'm not sure I can repay you," I mumbled, looking toward the ground to avoid his gaze.
"Oh," the simple oh was enough to make my mind race.
I wasn't sure what I could do to repay him, I barely could help out Aspen.
I could probably pay in installments but even then I don't think I could pay it off.
Maybe it would've been better if he had left me on the side of the road.
Then suddenly Sam let out a laugh.
Which was honestly more frightening than his simple 'oh.'
"Our clinic runs on donations. Most of our patients are strays, rogues, or pets of those who can't afford vet services. You don't have to worry about a thing and besides, your company here has been payment enough. You don't owe me anything, Simon."
My breath hitched.
"You're too kind."
He grinned, before ruffling my hair.
A knock at the door startled us, Clara walking in.
She stopped in her tracks at the sight of me.
She glanced between the two of us before giving us a pointed look.
"Is this who I think it is?"
"Clara, this is Simon."
"Oh, your beloved patient. The one you literally swept off his feet," she joked.
"Sorry, bad joke. Well, I'm glad to finally meet you, your human form I mean."
I smiled.
"It's nice to finally talk."
"I bet. Oh, Sam, he's a keeper," she made a face.
"Sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds but our pregnant patient is in labor. I would stay and help but it's date night with the hubby and he won't be happy if I miss another one."
Sam patted her shoulder.
"I'll take care of her Clara. Please, enjoy your night. Tell your husband I said hello."
Clara gave us a hug before leaving to grab her things.
"Well, I better go take care of the patient, feel free to eat whatever's in the fridge. It'll probably be a long night, so feel free to sleep on the office sofa. There are blankets and pillows in the closet," he pointed to the office closet.
"Oh and your things are in the second drawer in the corner. I should have a charger somewhere on the desk."
"Can I help?" I smiled.
"You've been working all day, I'd feel bad for doing nothing."
His face seemed to light up.
"If you'd like to. I'll need some supplies and towels if you'd like to grab them."
Being at the clinic, helping Sam was rewarding in its own way.
I felt like I could forget about everything that had happened before I got here.
I didn't have to worry about Aspen fretting over me.
Didn't have to worry about Michael and his deal and even though Sam liked to worry about me, I felt like it was different than with Aspen.
With Sam, I felt independent.
Free, even happy.
It was a feeling I didn't want to shake.
I really could get used to this.
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