#johnny kavanagh quotes
evacrstairs · 7 months
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boys of tommen (johnnyshannon) headers. like/reblog if you save or use. 🏈
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abramsicon · 5 months
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binding 13 headers — like or reblog if you save.
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elysian101 · 20 days
His beauty could have been spread out across the entire school and he'd still be perfect.
• Shannon Lynch, Binding 13
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adrianvokov · 2 years
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johnnyshannon headers, binding 13 and keeping 13.
like or reblog if you get any header.
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iheartgracie · 2 years
johnny kavanagh quotes in keeping 13
“Imagine my surprise when I was hoovering your room yesterday and found this under your bed."
Aw shite… Dangling Shannon's bra from her fingers, Mam arched a brow. "Care to explain?"
"Would you believe me if I told you that was mine?" I offered weakly.”
“I am ready," I cut her off by saying. "I'm just worried."
"About what, love?"
"Not being the same," I muttered. Not being good enough.
"You know how I feel about the rugby," Mam said. "I've never made any secret of it, but you should know that I support you one hundred and fifty percent. I know you're brilliant, love, and I know you're going places. You're a phenomenal player, and you need to remember that. It's okay to be nervous. You've had a hard few months with your surgery and recovery, but know that there are other boys out there who would kill to play like you do on your worst days."
"You really think that?"
"I've been on the sidelines watching you play since you were in the minis in Blackrock," Mam replied. "And I can't count the number of coaches and other parents who have come up to me, telling me that my boy was destined for the green jersey." Smiling, she added, "I've always been proud of you, love, and I've always known you were brilliant.”
“Let him get this. Please god, let the boy make it. He deserves it. He's earned this.”
“I don't want to see it." Johnny covered my eyes with his hand, and pulled me into his chest. "Don't look, Shan. Honestly, baby, keep your eyes closed. I'm scarred for life.”
“Grabbing both controllers off the console, I sank down on one of the beanbags and set up the game.
"I'm not playing," Johnny declared, tone still laced with outrage. "My pride can't take another hit after that.”
“What do you want to do?"
"I want to go back in time and not see my Da boning my Ma on the bleeding counter," Johnny shot back, lifting himself up on his elbows to glare at his friend. "But since I haven't perfected the art of time traveling, I'm going to go with bleaching my eyeballs instead. Sound like fun?”
“That's a fucking horrendous thing to tell me," I choked out, outraged. "You make it sound like they cooked me up in a microwave and sold me down a backstreet alley!" They both laughed like my humble embryo beginnings was a big joke to them. "You know what?" I huffed out a breath. "I reckon I was adopted.”
“We both know you're a hopeless liar."
"The cat would be out of the bag in an hour," Mam agreed, smiling at my father.
I glared at them. "I'm not that bad."
They both smirked back at me.
"I'm not," I defended. "I can lie just fine."
"Badly," Mam mused.
"You're an open book, Johnny," Dad agreed with a chuckle. "And that's a good way to be."
"No, no, no,”
“Do you know what you did tonight?" he asked, tightening his hold on me. "You saved four children."
"No." I clenched my eyes shut and buried my face in his neck. "Don't say it like that –"
"They would have burned to death inside that house if you hadn't been the crazy, reckless, brilliant man you are," he continued to say. "They wouldn't have had a chance in hell of getting out of there, son. Sean was doused in alcohol. You saved them all, Johnny”
“S: You've got this, Johnny Kavanagh. Go show them what you're made of and shine. I'm proud of you. I love you. (A crazy fucking amount.) xx”
“To be taken into the coach's office last Saturday and be told that I was good enough. That I had made it. And instead of feeling fulfilled, I felt empty. Because somewhere along the way, without my brain or heart's permission, my dreams and goals for my future had shifted. I didn’t even notice the shift happening. I didn’t feel the full force of my apprehension until this exact moment in time as I was hit with the sudden realization that I didn’t want any of this without her.”
“I want this for you," Shannon cut me off by saying. "I want you to chase your dreams and show the world how amazing you are.”
“Shh," I whispered, hurrying to close my bedroom door behind him. "Ollie's right across the hall and he's still on lookout patrol – and I don't have a lock on my door."
"That little turncoat," Johnny muttered, rubbing his jaw. He was wearing a pair of red boxers and his hair was sticking up like always. "I offered him a tenner to turn a blind eye."
"And your mother offered him twenty every time he reported you near my bedroom door," I reminded him. "He's almost up to the price of that new Lego set he wants, so he's out for your blood."
"That's bleeding lovely, isn't it?" Johnny grumbled, padding over to my bed. "First, Tadhg takes my dog as his bed buddy, and now Ollie's taking my backup.”
“Are you going to clap for me if I win?" I teased, drowning in the smell of her, in the feel of her. "Have you been practicing your 'oh, Johnny, my hero' chants?”
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lilvcalloway · 2 years
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Keeping 13 (2018)
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usnewslatest · 4 years
Elon Musk challenged Johnny Depp to a fight in the Octagon, coach Conor offered his services
Elon Musk challenged Johnny Depp to a fight in the Octagon, coach Conor offered his services
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk invited actor Johnny Depp to fight in the octagon. Earlier it was reported that the actor threatened Musk because of his affair with Depp’s ex-wife Amber Heard.
“If Johnny needs a fight in the octagon, let him know,” The Mirror quoted Musk as saying.
Coach of ex-UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor, John Kavanagh, drew attention to the squabble of celebrities.
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evacrstairs · 4 months
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truth, dare, spin bottles, you know how to ball, i know aristotle...
boys of tommen (johnnyshannon) headers. like/reblog if you save or use. 💥
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abramsicon · 5 months
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keeping 13 headers — like or reblog if you save.
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iheartgracie · 2 years
johnny kavanagh quotes in keeping 13
“Just support me, Ma," I said gruffly. Sitting up straight, I pulled her in for an awkward half-hug. "And I promise, I'll make you proud."
"I'm already proud of you, ya big eejit," she sniffled, batting away her tears. "And that has nothing to do with bleeding rugby."
"Good to know," I muttered. "I think?”
“I'm not sure where he is now, he was right behind me, but if he could just have a minute with her… never mind," a familiar voice said. "I've found him."
"Shite," Johnny mumbled. Releasing my face, he leaned back in his chair and offered a half-hearted salute with his hand. "Hi, Da.”
“What's your favorite topping?" Standing in front of the fire, he flicked on the huge TV and then turned back to face me with his phone pressed to his ear.
"Uh, pineapple," I mumbled. "Why?"
He gaped at me in horror. "Are you serious?”
“You are enough," I breathed, wrapping my hand around his neck. "Just as you are right now.”
“You're such a good person, Johnny Kavanagh, and you don't even know it. You don't see how little rugby has to do with how special you are. But I do. I see it, and I know."
"See?" He clamped his hands on my hips and exhaled shakily. "You say it and I believe you."
“Because it's true," I strangled out, breathing hard and fast. "I just…god, you have no idea how lovely you are."
“Okay, I'll do it after lunch."
"Yeah?" His eyes burned with tenderness. "Well shite, I'm kind of persuasive when I want to be.”
“You can do it, Johnny," she encouraged, smiling brightly. "You've got this."
“Well, well, well," Shannon taunted from further up the beach a little while later. Bouncing the ball in her hands, she gleamed at me. "Looks like I win again."
"I think the power is getting to your head," I shot back, grinning. "Give me that ball.”
“You're going to make it," I cut in quietly. There wasn't an ounce of hesitation in my voice. "I'm sure of it."
He stared hard at me for the longest moment before tearing his gaze away and focusing on the roof of the car. "I wish I was so sure."
"Well, I'll be sure enough for the both of us," I replied, squeezing his hand. "It's going to happen." You're going to leave. "You're going to shine.”
“If I make it –" he paused to look at me, "it'll be a miracle."
"No," I corrected. "When you make it, it'll be years of hard work that paid off."
"You think I can do it?"
I nodded. "I know you can.”
“I don't want to be ordinary, Shannon. I want to be extraordinary. I want to excel.”
“Hey," I warned, bristling. "Don't call my girlfriend sexy."
"Why not?" he taunted. "Don't you think she's sexy?"
"Of course I think she's sexy," I spat. "I think she's a lot of fucking sexy."
Gibsie waggled his brows. "Is that so?"
"Yeah, that is so – but that's not the point." Flustered, I shook my head and pointed at him. "You don't say that she's sexy." I narrowed my eyes. "You keep your beady little eyes off her.”
“Please god, Shannon, just slow it down."
"What's wrong, tough boy?" she teased. "Are you scared?” Fucking terrified…”
“You're going to make it, Johnny."
"Don’t put money on it," he replied quietly, hand moving to his thigh. "I don't think it's going to happen for me, Shan," he added, voice barely more than a whisper, as he adjusted the bandage I knew was strapped to his thigh beneath his school trousers. "Not this summer.”
“you've already done all of the hard work. You've already impressed the coaches and you are weeks ahead of schedule on your recovery. You've earned this. It's yours.”
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iheartgracie · 2 years
johnny kavanagh quotes in binding 13
“You made me sleep on the floor, Johnny! That was mean."
"Because you can't be trusted with nice things."
"Not even a bed?"
"Yes, Gerard, not even a bed."
"Yeah, well, I'm your best friend and you put me on the floor," he shot back with a huff. "The dog gets the foot of your bed and I get the fucking floor."
I arched a brow. "Are you saying that you want to sleep at the foot of my bed?"
Gibsie stared back at me for several seconds before snickering. "Yeah, okay, I have no idea where I was going with that."
"Neither do I, lad," I muttered with a shake of my head. "Neither do I.”
“He lost it, lad. Went batshit crazy. Broke off his lead and made for the bathroom. Took a dump in the tub."
"Like his owner," I quipped.
"My mother has never taken a shit in anyone's bathtub," Gibsie snarled.
"Not your Ma," I retorted. "You.”
“You don’t smell it because you're immune," Gibsie retorted. Turning to Joey, he said, "He lets the mutt sleep on his bed every night."
"Call my dog a mutt again and you'll be wearing that frying pan," Johnny warned.
“I had to fight the smile threatening to break free when Johnny stopped at the top of the staircase to scoop up Sookie and then proceeded to carry the huge, 80lb minimum Labrador down the stairs like she was a baby cradled in his arms.”
“I'm going to be there one day," Johnny stated, tilting his head in the direction of the telly. "One of these days that's going to be me, Shannon.”
“Well, resurrectionator is a word."
"No, it bleeding well isn’t." I shook my head, aggravated. "It's not phonetically or grammatically correct."
"Grammatically correct?" Gibsie balked at me. "Look at you, Mister Higher-Level English, thinking you know everything with your Great Gatsby and Shakespeare. Well, not this time." He tapped his temple. "This time, I'm the smart one."
"It's called basic comprehension, Mister Foundation-Level English, and I'm telling you now, that you are wrong.”
“Still, I would have liked to have been told about this when it happened."
"Well, now you know," he bit out. "It was an accident. I didn’t mean for it to happen, and I don’t go around clocking girls over the head for shits and giggles.”
“And your intentions, love," Mam replied.
"My intentions?" The fuck?
"I know it's early stages and what I'm about to talk to you about is a long way off for you both, but it's important that you know about it."
“About what?"
"About sex, love."
My mouth fell open. "Why are you not hearing me? Why isn’t anyone hearing me anymore?”
“All the homework in the world won't help you if you walk in there without studying."
Gibsie grinned. "I promise I'll get caught up over the Easter holidays, Dad."
"Don’t give me that Dad shite,”
“Don’t be a prude," Gibsie chuckled. "It's perfectly normal."
"Lube is normal," I agreed. "You, on the other hand, are not.”
“Outside Center – that's you, right?" I asked. "You're 13?"
Johnny nodded.
"Unlucky for some," I mused.
"Not for me," he shot back with a grin.”
“They fixed my dick, Gibs." With a great deal of effort, I managed to hold a thumb up and wave my hand around aimlessly. "Happy days."
"Woohoo," Gibsie cheered, catching ahold of my hand. "Best news I've heard all year." He squeezed my hand. "You know what that means, don’t ya?"
"Shifting jackets," I slurred.
"Exactly," Gibsie chuckled. "Soon as you're back on your feet, I'll have you out on the tiles."
"Boys," Mam chastised. "Gerard, don’t encourage him."
"You get it, Gibs, You get me.”
"You are worth so much more than rugby."
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iheartgracie · 2 years
johnny kavanagh quotes in binding 13
"Why me?" I groaned.
"Because we're your babies," Hughie announced, leaning his weight on me.
“My babies?" I slurred. "How the fuck are you three anyone's babies?"
"You're our captain," Hughie slurred. "We're kind of your responsibility."
"On the pitch, ya gobshite.”
“Ten minutes into the game, and I witnessed first-hand what all the fuss over Johnny Kavanagh was about. I could literally feel the electricity crackling in the air when the ball was in his hands, and from the sounds of screaming, so did everyone else. He seemed to be completely at home on the pitch, and when they got that ball in his hands? Magic occurred. Beautiful things happened. He was so tall it didn’t make sense for him to be so light on his feet. He was broad and strong, thick and muscular. But he was also light and nimble. It was almost like he danced around the opposition with fancy leg work and agile body movements. He had some crazy pace and the way he could sprint, it was insane. He was unbelievable to watch.”
“The hits he took, the physical attacks on his body, and he just got back up and kept going. I was in awe. The way he moved was extraordinary. I found myself entranced with the way he moved on the pitch. No wonder everyone talks about him, I thought to myself. He was clearly miles ahead of the boys he was playing alongside and I thought he deserved to be on a more prestigious playing field.”
“And boy was that view a breathtaking one. Like, for real, he was strikingly, achingly, distractingly attractive.”
“I can take you home when you have to go? What the actual fuck? I might as well have shouted, love me, fucking love me at the girl. I felt like a bleeding eejit.”
"Apologize," he ordered.
"Get the fuck out of here, ya eejit," I laughed.
He glared back at me. "Say you're sorry."
"For what?"
"For hurting my feelings," he sniffed. "Now apologize."
"I'm sorry, Gibs," I placated, deciding it was easier to just give the big eejit what he wanted.
"You could mean it," he argued.
"You could learn not to push your luck," I warned.”
“His legs were long, his thighs thick and muscular, all of which were caked in grass and mud. I noted the small tear on the sleeve of his jersey where his bicep was bulging. Lord, he was quite literally bursting out of the fabric. He was dressed identically to the other boys, in the same jersey and shorts, but was incomparably different because of the sheer size of his body. He was almost too big. Too muscular. Too scary. Too beautiful. Too much.”
“I've read that one a couple of times to Sean."
"My youngest brother," I explained. "The three-year-old."
"You shouldn’t, " Johnny warned, suppressing a shudder. "That book scared the bejesus out of me. I haven't read for fun since.”
“I didn’t understand how people could hurt any animals, but especially dogs. They were too good for us. Humans didn’t deserve the love and loyalty dogs gave them. I was a dog lover.”
“Don’t do this alone again. It's highly irresponsible."
"You're giving me a lecture on responsibility? Jaysus, the hypocrite in you is ripe today, lad.”
“Here now." Gibsie grinned widely. "Don’t be jealous of my spectacular form."
"Your spectacular bullshit more like.”
“I tried to call you but you kept cutting me off!"
I glared at him. "You're King Clit?"
“Oh, yeah," Gibsie snickered. "I forgot about that."
"What's Hughie down as?"
"Ginger Pubes," he replied like it was the most obvious thing ever. It wasn’t.
"He's blond,"
"His girlfriend isn’t."
"Jesus Christ,”
“Grabbing the front of my shirt, he dragged me towards him and sniffed my mouth.
"You traitor!" he choked out, looking comically horrified. "You went to the chipper!"
"Yeah, I did," I replied, shoving away from him. "And it was fucking delicious, and I have no regrets."
"What did you have?"
"A few cheeseburgers and a curry-chips."
"How did it taste?"
"Better than sex."
"We're supposed to be on a diet! Did you get me something?"
"Yeah, I got you a burger."
“Thanks, Johnny."
"And then I got hungry so I ate it."
"You're a monster.”
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iheartgracie · 2 years
johnny kavanagh quotes in binding 13
“I was also hungry, which didn’t bode well for my temper.”
"That's really your face?" she asked, eyes drooping, as she studied me with a vacant expression. "It's so pretty."
"Uh, thanks? It's the only one I have."
"I like it, it's a good face,”
“I believe you," her small voice broke through my thoughts. "You could never be posh."
"And why's that?"
"Because you curse like a sailor."
I laughed at her reasoning. "Yeah, you're probably right about that.”
“I'm…" she paused and glanced down at her knees. Releasing a small sigh, she looked back to my face and said, "I'm actually hot."
"Completely fucking accurate assessment.”
“Well she's certainly not yours, Prickface," I shot back without hesitation. "Not that I was including you in that statement." Sniffing, I looked him up and down slowly with feigned displeasure before adding, "Yeah, you're not an issue for me.”
“Fuck you," he spat.
"Ouch," I feigned hurt then grinned across the room at him. "That hurt so much.”
“Good for you." I clapped, not liking this new information one bit, but burying my annoyance with a heavy dollop sarcasm. "Do you want a medal or a trophy for that?”
“You're not my father!"
This fucker. He was determined to defy me even when he couldn’t win.
"I'm your daddy on the field, bitch." I smiled”
“He had such an issue with me that I reckoned nothing could sway him from his I-hate-Johnny campaign. Not that I gave a single fuck.”
“The fact that he was beautiful with a body ripped to perfection didn’t hurt his cause either.”
“Five minutes," Gibsie called back.
"Coach wants us now," Johnny barked in that thick, Dublin accent I'd learned to listen out for. "Not in five bleeding minutes,”
“I want a picture of it," he wheezed. "So I can show coach and pretend it's mine. He'll never make me run again."
"Keep talking about it and you won't need a picture to show coach," I bit out. "I'll cut your cock off and you can hand it to him instead.”
“It's really bad, Johnny. I saw this video on the internet. It was beyond disturbing. The guy's balls just swelled to the point of explos–"
"Stop!" I strangled out. "Please, just stop!”
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iheartgracie · 2 years
shannon lynch and johnny kavanagh quotes in binding 13
“You're feeling like this because you care about Johnny."
Nodding, I clenched my eyes shut and tensed my body to stop the tremors from racking through me.
"And maybe because you love him?"
Exhaling a ragged breath, I rolled onto my back and turned my face to look at my best friend.
"I'm so in love with him, Claire," I confessed, and then I burst into tears. "I love him so much that the thought of him not being okay is killing me.”
“I think I love that girl."
"Well, who's this girl?"
"She's a river," I sighed and closed my eyes. "I'm keeping her, Da."
"Okay, son," he coaxed. "You keep the girl."
"She makes my heart go, like, whoa."
"Is that right?" he mused.
"So bad, Da," I sighed. "Boom, boom, fucking boom." I shook my head. "All the time.”
“You found her, Gibs!" I exclaimed. "Thank fuck. I thought I lost her."
"I did, buddy," Gibsie chuckled softly. "I brought Shannon back to you."
"Shannon like the river," I sighed contently.
"Shannon Lynch?" Mam exclaimed. "That's who he's rambling on about?"
"Oh, yeah," Gibsie mused.
"What happened to being friends, Johnny?" Mam asked.
"I lied," I snickered. "I've been lying all along."
"Oh, Johnny," Mam sighed. "You never had to lie, baby. I like that girl."
"She's mine," I grumbled. "You can't have her.”
“I wanna see her, Ma," he groaned. "I can't see her."
My heart leapt in my chest.
"Me?" I squeaked.
"Always you,”
“See her, Da? See? So fucking beautiful!" Johnny announced. "Told ye all.”
“I'm here now," I whispered, unable to stop my smile at how adorable he was in this moment. "And you're going to be okay."
"I love you, Shannon like the River," he slurred.
My heart stopped. Did he just? No. No, of course he didn’t.
"I fucking love you," Johnny said again.
“Johnny, I know, but I have to go. It's family only."
"She's my wife," he announced then, blowing my mind clean open.
"Johnathon Kavanagh," his mother snapped. "Stop this right now! You'll scare the girl."
"What are ya talking about? I’m not scaring her. I love her."
"Johnny, I'll come back," I coaxed, exhaling a trembling breath. "I promise I'll come back, okay?"
I tried to pull my hand free from his, but he wouldn’t let go. He was shaking his head and looking up at me with big, wide, high as a kite eyes.
"I have to go," I repeated, feeling completely torn. "I'm so sorry."
"I'll come with you," he announced, and then proceed to use one hand to rip at his wires.
"Stop that," I ordered, capturing his rogue hand with my free one. "You'll hurt yourself."
"I want you. Just you.”
“You are in trouble with me," I told Johnny once the door had clicked shut, leaving us alone together. "When you're back to your senses, we're going to talk about what you just did."
"I don’t care, I got what I wanted."
“And what was that? To embarrass your mother?"
"You. I got you.”
“Look at that face," he whispered, staring up at me with a peculiar expression. "I'm gonna keep you."
"Okay. You can keep me."
Sitting beside him, I leaned forward, rested an arm on one side of his head, and stroked his cheek with my free hand. His hands were still wrapped around my waist, but not so tightly now.
"Close your eyes," I told him softly. "I'll be here when you wake up.”
“I’m only ever thinking about you," he replied. "Only you."
My heart. My poor, poor heart. I didn’t stand a chance with this boy.”
“Look at me –" I tilted his face to mine. "Johnny Kavanagh, open your eyes and look at me."
With a great deal of effort, he did. I waited several beats for him to focus on my face before I continued.
"You are worth so much more than rugby." I kissed his lips because, quite frankly, I had an issue with inappropriate kissing when it came to this boy. "If you never picked up a rugby ball for the rest of your life, it wouldn’t matter to me."
"I think I need you for keeps,”
"I think I need you for keeps, too,"
"You are so pretty. That very first day. Boom."
"Boom?" I giggled.
He nodded solemnly. "Boom.”
“If this is love, then it's you," he replied, dragging me down to lay beside him.
"You," he mumbled sleepily, dropping a heavy arm around my shoulders.
"Me what?" I whispered as I placed my hand on his stomach and snuggled into his side.
"You are love." He sighed contently. "Stay with me." Always.
"I'll stay with you,”
“When your back was to the wall last night, who sat here with you?" I stared at him.
"Who held your hand, Johnny?"
"Dad –"
“Who waited for the ambulance with you?"
"Dad, stop–"
"Who came to check on you when you were at your worst?”
“Da. She's so… And I'm so in –
"Love with her?" Dad smirked. "Yes, we all know, Johnny. You shouted it from the rooftop last night.”
“Jesus Christ," I whimpered. "Why didn’t you stop me?"
"We couldn’t," he replied. "You would only settle down for Shannon. You fell asleep in her arms.”
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iheartgracie · 2 years
shannon lynch and johnny kavanagh quotes in keeping 13
“Shifting around so that my other arm was under her head, she nuzzled her cheek against my arm and inhaled a deep breath. "You smell like home."
Shivering, I curled my body around hers and pressed a kiss to the curve of her jaw. "You are home.”
“S: You've got this, Johnny Kavanagh. Go show them what you're made of and shine. I'm proud of you. I love you. (A crazy fucking amount.) xx”
“Shan, you were so amazing these last few days," Johnny replied gruffly. "I don't know where that strength comes from, but it's so humbling." He shook his head and blew out a breath. "I don't even have the words to tell you how fucking incredible you are, Shannon Lynch."
"I'm not an incredible anything, Johnny," I croaked out. "I'm just trying to keep my head above water and not drown."
"You won't drown – you're a survivor," he told me.
"I'm not a good swimmer," I admitted.
"Then I'll throw you a lifejacket and swim out to get you," he shot back, tucking me into his side.”
“Stretched out on the flat of my back in the grass, I curled a strand of her hair around my finger and inhaled deeply, breathing her scent into my chest and then sighing in contentment.
"I could stay here forever," she whispered, voicing my thoughts aloud, from where she was nestled in the crook of my arm, baking in the summer sunshine. Tangling her fingers with mine, she nuzzled her cheek against my chest. "Just right here in this moment."
"Hmm." Nodding in agreement, I gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze. "Me, too.”
“Congratulations," Shannon choked out, tears trickling down her cheeks. "You did it.”
“Shan, don't cry, baby. It's not a definite yet. I haven't made any dec –"
"You did it!" she cried and then threw her arms around me. "You made it, Johnny!" Scrambling onto my lap, she wrapped her arms and legs around me and squealed. "Oh my god, I'm so proud of you."
My brows shot up in surprise. "You are?"
"Of course," she sniffled, pulling back to smile at me. "You fought for this, Johnny." Stroking my cheeks, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to my lips. "You've earned this."
"But you're crying," I choked out, voice thick with emotion.”
"Because I'm so happy for you," she half-sobbed/half-laughed. "You're being rewarded for all of your hard work." Sniffling, she cupped my face in her small hands and pressed her forehead to mine. "This is your time." With her big, blue eyes locked on mine, she urged, "Take this. It's yours," before pressing a hard kiss to my lips. "Take it and shine."
"I'm scared," I whispered in her ear, not giving too damn shites that our friends were lurking around, eavesdropping. I needed to get this off my chest before I exploded. "I'm scared to take this and lose you."
"I'm yours, too," she promised. "You can have both.”
"I've been fighting for this my whole life, Shannon," I strangled out, feeling my chest constrict so tight that I struggled to breathe. "This isn't a whim to me."
She nodded. "I know."
"I have to do it," I confessed, begging her with my eyes to forgive me. "I have to see it through."
She smiled. "I know."
"Then why does it feel all wrong?" I choked out.
"It's not wrong, Johnny," she whispered. "It's right and that's what's scary.”
“Shh," I whispered, hurrying to close my bedroom door behind him. "Ollie's right across the hall and he's still on lookout patrol – and I don't have a lock on my door."
"That little turncoat," Johnny muttered, rubbing his jaw. He was wearing a pair of red boxers and his hair was sticking up like always. "I offered him a tenner to turn a blind eye."
"And your mother offered him twenty every time he reported you near my bedroom door," I reminded him. "He's almost up to the price of that new Lego set he wants, so he's out for your blood."
"That's bleeding lovely, isn't it?" Johnny grumbled, padding over to my bed. "First, Tadhg takes my dog as his bed buddy, and now Ollie's taking my backup.”
“A small smile ghosted his lips and he tapped his finger against the book. "I love this."
I sagged in relief. "You do?"
Nodding, he closed the book and looked at me. "And I love you."
"I love you, too," I replied, smiling back at him.
"I mean it, Shan." His tone was serious; his eyes blazing with heat. "I really do mean it."
"I believe you," I whispered, heart fluttering with excitement.”
“He reached up and cupped my cheek. "I will never hurt you, baby," he whispered, brushing his nose against mine. "Never ever, ever – not in a trillion, zillion years."
"I know," I breathed, heart-racing.
"You're my little darling," he slurred. "My whole heart's inside of ya."
My heart hammered in my chest. "Johnny…"
"You'll never be her," he continued to ramble. "And I'll never be him."
"You promise?"
He nodded. "I promise a million, billion promises."
Shivering, I slowly relaxed against him. "I love you, Johnny Kavanagh."
"And you know that I love you back, my little, blue river," he slurred. "Now, I know I'm fairly langers, but I could be a thousand percent langers and you'd still be safe with me.”
“Oh my god –" Chuckling, I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled him. "You make me so happy."
"I'm gonna make you proud when I'm gone," he declared, wrapping his arms around me, and tipping half of his bottle of beer down my hoodie in the process. "And I'm gonna keep my dick in my pants.”
“Yeah, I really need you to not do that," I choked out, feeling everything inside of me crack clean open at the sight of her midnight-blue eyes filling up with tears. "Otherwise, I'm walking right out of here and coming home with you."
"I'm s-sorry." With tears streaming down her cheeks, Shannon hiccupped a small sob and walked straight into my arms. "It's j-just –"
"I know," I strangled out, dropping my bag off my shoulder to wrap her up in my arms. Burying my face in her neck, I inhaled the smell of her, desperately trying to keep my shit together. "Me too.”
"I love you," she whispered, fingers digging into my neck as she pulled my face down to hers and kissed my lips. "A crazy fucking amount."
"I love you, too –" my voice cracked and I exhaled a strangled breath before adding, "Most in the world." Cupping her face in my hands, I just stared at her, locking away the image of her face in my mind and then coming close to losing it when I thought about how long it would be until I saw her again. "I'm coming home," I told her. "Regardless of what happens." Brushing a tear from her face, I kissed her damp cheek. "I'm coming back to you, Shannon like the river." Heaving out another ragged breath, I stroked her nose with mine. "I promise."
"You t-take your time," she sniffled. "You g-go and shine, o-okay?"
I nodded sadly. "Okay.”
"I want you to s-succeed," she continued to say, breaking me with her tears, and putting me back together with her words. "I want you to k-kick ass, and be the b-best damn outside center this country has ever seen –" she paused to kiss me. "But don't forget that you'll always be my 13." She sniffled and wiped my cheek with her fingers. "My binding 13."
I choked out a pained laugh, thinking about that stupid bet. "You heard about that?"
"Yeah." Half-sobbing/ half-laughing, Shannon smiled and nodded. "I won."
"Hands down." I kissed her puffy lips. "Undisputed."
"Now, I'm keeping 13," she told me. "So come home to me when you're done, okay?"
"I will.”
“I miss you. Every bit of me misses every bit of you. I miss the feel of you. Sleeping alongside you. Talking to you. Driving around Ballylaggin with you in the passenger seat.”
“You're in my mind all the time, Shannon. My heart, too”
“Fuck, I love you. Did I write that down yet? Fuck it, if I haven't then here it is again. I love you Shannon Lynch. All of you. Every part.”
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iheartgracie · 2 years
shannon lynch and johnny kavanagh quotes in keeping 13
“I'd like to thank my girlfriend for her unconditional love and support. It's been a rollercoaster of a ride getting back from injury, and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be here today without her fierce encouragement." Clutching his medal in his hand, he looked into the camera and gave it a little shake before saying, "Shannon, I love you, and I'll be home soon.”
“I didn't realize I was clutching my chest until Lizzie grabbed my hand. "Breathe, Shannon," she chuckled. "He's coming home."
"He's coming home, Liz." Biting down on my lip, I grinned at her. "He's really coming home!”
“Shannon like the river," I called out to her, unable to stop the smile that was spreading across my face, as I climbed down the rocks to get to her. "Are you gonna come hug me or what?"
"Oh my god!" she literally squealed as she untangled herself from Claire and sprang to her feet. "You're back!”
“Jesus, I missed you so much," I told her, breathing hard against her lips. "I fucking love you." And I did. I loved her more than was good for me. I couldn’t contain my emotions when it came to this girl.
"I missed you more," she whispered against my lips. "And I love you more.”
“Let's talk it through," she said in a steadier voice than I was capable of finding given the circumstances. Leaning back, she cupped my face in her hands and looked at me with tear-filled eyes. "I am so proud of you," she told me, tears trickling down her cheeks. "You're the best person I've ever known, and I want this for you." Stroking her thumb over my cheekbone, she whispered, "You warned me a long time ago about this and I accepted it then. I accept it now. This is your future, Johnny, and you are going to chase it." She kissed me hard before continuing, "And I'm going stand by you and support you, no matter what, for as long as you want me.”
"I will always want you," I vowed. "Fucking always. Don’t even say it like that, Shan. Christ."
"What I mean is, if I'm the only reason you're afraid to sign, then you need to do it," she explained. "I mean it, Johnny. You're not losing me. You can have both. I promise."
"I just don't know if I'm ready for it," I croaked out, voice thick with emotion. "I thought I had more time."
"It's because you're so amazing, and now the whole world knows just how much." She gave me a watery smile. "They all want you."
"I only want you," I mumbled, pressing my forehead to hers.
"You have me," she replied softly. "Contract or not. I'm entirely yours.”
“For the longest time, I just laid on my side in my sleeping bag, watching Johnny sleep beside me. I studied every inch of his beautiful face, taking in every freckle and scar, and the way his thick, dark lashes fanned his cheekbones when he slept.”
“You're staring," he whispered, eyes still closed.
I smiled. "You're supposed to be sleeping."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because I can feel your eyes on me." Smiling, he cracked an eyelid open. "Hi, Shannon."
"Hi, Johnny.”
“Pressing a kiss to my knuckles, he said, "I love this."
"You love what?"
"You," he replied. "This." He shrugged. "Being here now."
Twisting onto my stomach, I looked up at him. "I love this, too.”
“But they don’t love me."
"Oh?" I arched a brow. "How are you so sure?"
"Because I know what it feels like when someone loves me." He tipped my nose with his finger. "And that's not it."
Heat crept up my neck. "Johnny –"
"I know what I'm going to do, Shan," he whispered. "About the contract? I've made a decision."
My heart hammered wildly in my chest. "Really?"
He nodded slowly. "I have to do this for me," he whispered. "I need to. It's what's right for me, you know?”
"I understand," I breathed, feeling the weight of the world settle down on my shoulders.
"You'll love me no matter what?" A shudder rolled through him and he clenched his eyes shut. "No matter how hard it gets?"
"No matter what," I forced the words out of my throat, knowing that I was agreeing to break my own heart in the process. "You sign and you shine."
"And you'll be okay?" he pushed. "No matter what?”
I forced a smile. "I'll be fine.”
"I'll marry you," he said then. "When we're older and everything settles down." Taking my hands in his, he placed them around his neck and leaned in close. "Just stand by me," he said in a voice thick with emotion. "Stay with me." His hand squeezed mine. "And I'll make you proud. I'll do right by you."
My breath came out in a pained rush. "Johnny…"
"We'll have a family," he continued to say. "One of our own, and I'll stand by you right back. In whatever you choose to do. No matter what."
"This won't break us," I croaked, touching my brow to his.
"Nothing can break us," he whispered. "I promise.”
“That sounds like a great dream."
"It was the best." A pair of arms came around me from behind, pulling me flush against a chest of hard muscle. "But it wasn't a dream, was it?"
Grinning, I spun around and openly ogled my boyfriend in his Tommen uniform, looking like the best thing my eyes had ever seen. "No, it wasn't."
"These late-night visits are getting out of hand, Shan," Johnny purred, stooping down to press a hot kiss to my lips. "I almost slept through my alarm for training, and Ma was watching me like a bleeding hawk when I came down for breakfast." Grinning, he added, "I think she might be onto us."
"Oh, you think?" I laughed.
"Hmm." Nodding, he leaned down and kissed me again. "We're going to have to get a little more inventive this year.”
“Well, I'm expecting you to go with me," I told her, interrupting her rambling.
Her face shot up. "You are?"
Jesus Christ… "Yes, Shannon," I replied, stifling my impatience. "We're together. You're mine. I'm yours. It's kind of a big deal to me. You're a big deal to me. I thought us going together was a given." Blowing out a breath, I kept my eyes trained on hers and resisted the urge to let my gaze trail over her body. "Shan, you're my teammate in this. I don’t want to go to any black-tie event without you.”
“So, are you going to come with me?" I asked, losing the will to keep my hands to myself as I pulled her flush against me, hands resting on her waist. "Are you going to be my date, Shannon like the river?"
Nodding, she wrapped her arms around my neck and grinned. "I'll be your date, Johnny."
Lowering my face to hers, I pressed a kiss to her lips. "Thank you."
Shivering, she leaned up on her tip-toes and stroked her nose against mine. "You're welcome.”
“Almost a year had passed since the first day I laid eyes on her and the sight of her still sucker-punched me in the gut. I didn’t see that changing any time soon. "I love you, too, Shan." It was the truth. I loved her more than I knew what to do with. I could see it all ahead of me; my life, my future, my career, and her. The girl I knew I would play the leading role in all of it. I'd thrown it all in with her and I had no doubts. Not a single one. She was teammate now. My best friend.”
“I'm keeping you," she told me, and there was a confidence in her voice that was slowly growing with each passing day. "You're mine," she added, as a ghost of a smile teased her full lips. "For keeps.”
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