#johnny joestar hcs
sbrluvr · 2 years
please write anything Abi it Diego gyro or Johnny!!! I’ll read anything you make!
pairing(s): johnny joestar x gn!reader
tw: domestic hcs, children
a/n: hi!!! i hope you like this. i chose johnny because hes so *heart eyes*!!!!
honestly i feel like he’d love to have someone who is powerful/fierce and will take care of him (not to much though)
attentive lover. he doesnt show how he feels much but his love language is acts of service. hes gonna take care of you, he’ll comb your hair in the mornings, maybe even make breakfast for you
if you two end up having children he would be the BEST father ever. hes a pretty doting father esp if you have a girl
you bet your ass this man will spoil tf outta his daughter. she wants new dresses? done. jewelry? heres some money. wanna learn how to ride a horse? my mans got his gear, and hes willing to buy up to 3 horses for his baby.
if your daughter got a no? she runnin striaght for her daddy cus she knows hes gonna say yes.
he wants atleast 4 kids(say bye bye to free time love.) why? his reasoning is “i dont want them to be alone”
now…if he had a boy it’d probably be the exact same, hes whipped and wrapped around their tiny little fingers.
would absolutely do anything for his children and 100% loves spoiling them.
now for you as his partner…he still spoils you. i mean he has the money to.
you’ve probably got so much jewelry you had to buy three boxes for all of it
your wedding gift from his was most likely a beautiful set of jewelry (and lingerie) i’d think it would be something classic such as pearls
a pair of pearl earrings, with a three rowed pearl necklace, along with 2 beautiful pearl bracelets (lucy recommended him bcus he had no idea what to buy.)
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secretumii · 3 months
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I’m losing my mind over him today - enjoy
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jojo-lane · 1 year
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SBR Favs As Parents - Headcanons
Johnny Joestar
His kids are his world.
Won't hesitate to lay down his life for them.
Makes sure that his kids know that they are loved and appreciated.
Absloutely does not play favorites and treats his kids equally, whether they are a boy or a girl.
Soft but would also not hesitate to lay down the law if they misbehave or try to do something reckless.
Teaches them how to ride horses and even shows them how to handle guns and rifles.
100% supportive of whatever they want to do in life.
Best dad because he had the worst father and doesn't want his kids to have the same experiences he did.
Gyro Zeppeli
Has no idea what he's doing at first but is also determined to do his best.
After he warms up to his first child, he wants to have like 4 more afterwards. 🥲
Sings his own stupid lullabies that he wrote to put them to sleep.
Will fight Gregorio, his ancestors, the Italian monarchy and God just so he could save his kids from becoming soulless executioners for a corrupt government.
Supports the rights and wrongs of his kids so he is at constant risk of child endangerment.
"How else are they gonna learn?"
Only time he is serious is when it comes to teaching them the Spin.
Like Johnny he is supportive of whatever his kids want to do in life as long as they master the Spin.
Diego Brando
Is super emotional when he becomes a first time father.
Worries for them 24/7.
Makes sure their eating well and every one of their need is met.
Spoils his kids rotten and believes they are the best in the world.
But because he's such an over achieving perfectionist, he also casts a shadow over them and unknowingly pressures them to perform well.
Is diplomatic most of the time but secretly has a favorite.
Wants his kids to do well in life so he pushes them to pursue only high paying careers but ultimately accepts if one of them rebels against it.
An annoying and embarressing dad who doesn't miss a chance to brag about how great his kids are. 🤧
Hot Pants
Starts out as a mentor but forms a bond with them the more time they spend together.
Overprotective and overbearing, wouldn't let their kids out of their sight.
Can come across as cold sometimes but cooking is how they express their love for their kids.
Would not tolerate bratty behavior and would swiftly enforce punishment.
Loves all their kids equally.
Supportive of whatever their kids decide to do as long as they keep in touch and visit regularly.
A strict yet gentle parent. 🥲
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anxious-changeling · 2 years
Monster!Reader Enjoys Fall with Monster!Rohan, Johnny, and Joseph
I’m loving the cold nights rn 🙌 finally some cool air in Texas!
Dryad!Reader x Centaur!Rohan
Fall always made you giddy with delight at the lowered temperature and the way it reflected on your hair. Normally a steady green color your hair had been turning gold like your trees leaves. Even your partner Rohan liked to you with your golden strands more than usual, and he loved to style it for you with numerous accessories.
Most people thought Rohan would be the worst partner with his snarky personality. Honestly you’d thought that too when you first started dating, but you found out just how wrong you were! Thoughtful dates and gifts while also spoiling you with expensive gifts. He had basically bought you a new wardrobe that fit your aesthetic!
You weren’t all too surprised when he offered to take you on a day trip to the country, and he promised you’d like his surprise. After a hour or two by train he offered you a blind fold and a soft yet secretive smile. As he led you through town to a forest trail you couldn’t help but wonder what he had planned.
Finally he pulled you to a stop, lifted your blindfolded, and watched as surprise filled your expression. It’s your tree! He had lead you to your tree decked out with lights and a picnic spread! Squealing you leapt wrapping your arms around his human half embracing him with pure joy.
“I saw you felt a little under the weather and I knew you’d love to visit your home tree.” Rohan mused as he lead you to sit down on the picnic cloth. Taking his time to kneel down and grab the bags he had strapped to his flanks, and before you eyes emerged all kinds of foods. All of your favorite dishes and deserts, even your favorite drinks!
A romantic lunch beneath your ginkgo tree with Rohan was an item you’d had on the bucket list for a long time. No matter the wish Rohan always strives to make yours come true, and you couldn’t ask for a better partner. Afterwards you and Rohan playfully played under the tree even rolling in its crinkly leaves.
Years later Rohan would show you a drawing he’d made of that day. A day where joy shone in your eyes and your cheeks burned red with glee, and a day that Rohan fell even more in love with you. A day to celebrate and remember.
Dullahan!Reader x Siren!Johnny
You loved to scare your boyfriend. He always made this little funny shriek when something caught him off guard! So while he was away you made big plans for a scare that you knew would scare him senseless!
Johnny hadn’t expected to come home to a fully decorated haunted house, and watched as fog crept out of the door of your house. He briefly contemplated turning around to avoid the fright he knew you had planned. Your undead status gave you a distinct upper hand over living peoples pranks.
His superior hearing couldn’t even hear a breathe nor heartbeat, and the creepy music made his hairs stand up. Creeping inside he was met with the strange scene of your dinner table littered with silver food covers.
Letting out a relieved chuckle wheeled closer to the table calling out, “This is a little obvious for you hon” An ominous giggle rang out from the table and Johnnys instincts kicked into overdrive. One by one he lifted the domes but instead of your head he was met with mouthwatering dish after dish.
Finally he reached the last and largest one yet when he yanked off the cover a paper laid there that said, “look up.” As soon as his head cranes up he shrieked as your head came swinging down cackling with glee. His heart pounded and he pouted up at you playfully breathing, “god you’re such an ass.”
He always expected the scare to be obvious and then got the wits scared out of him at the end. You couldn’t help but laugh as Johnny clutched his heart before calling your body from the other room. Your fingers nimbly undoing the straps that allowed you to swing down, and you quickly made sure to snap your head back on.
On any living creature Johnnys voice would have a trance effect and his scream would’ve deafened you. Your undead status protected you from any effects cause by a sirens power therefore making scares fair game! Johnny loved the anticipation and you loved to see him startled by yet another prank you’d pulled off!
You both chuckled before taking a seat at the dinner table to enjoy the food Johnny had slowly uncovered. Making idle chatter Johnny listened as you explained the mechanics that went into the he prank. In turn Johnny told you how he’d accidentally charmed coworker Diego at the Steel Ball Ranch.
A happy Halloween for the both of you!
Familiar!Reader x Werewolf!Joseph
Your witch was honestly starting to piss you off a little bit. They knew your contract required you to have full moons off for very specific reasons! Who wanted to spend time with their boss when they could be with their very loving partner?!
If the witch held you any longer you’d honestly think about grabbing some cyanide for their evening tea. But noooo they had insisted on your assistance with some magic that’d be strongest on the full moon. Never again.
By the time you finally managed to escape your witch the moon sat heavily in the sky, nearing its apex. Racing home you pulled into the driveway only to be knocked down as soon as you hopped out. A large bristling figure growling menacingly above you that you didn’t hesitate to growl back at.
An excited whine greeted you as the figure started showering wet kisses down onto your face. Laughing you pushed them off and looked over to see your boyfriends transformed form play bowing happily. He always loved taking this form and playing with you, and honestly you loved it too.
With a grin you shifted into your true form the equally giant form of a hell hound. Returning his play bow you chased him around the yard, paws scorching the earth black where they touched. Bounding back and forth playing heartily as the moon made its journey across the sky.
Finally you laid panting against the ground feeling once more like the puppy you had been hundreds of years ago. Joseph snuffled your ear and nuzzled happily into your side as you watched the moon.
Soon her journey would end and she’d take your boyfriends true form with it. Once again you’d have to wait until the next full moon to play with him. Both of you ran abnormally hot so the chilled fall air didn’t bother you, even as he started to transform back.
A horrible and painful transformation that he always said your natural heat eased. So you wrapped yourself around him tightly and hoped his muscles would relax further and make it easier.
He laid there panting with exhaustion but he still gazed up at you with such loving eyes. So you chose to lay there with him and watch the sunrise. Basking in one another’s presence you’d never forget the hundreds of sunsets you’d watched with him.
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bubuli-3110 · 2 years
JJBA (SBR) Reaction GN Pronouns / GN Reader
HC: Johnny, Gyro, and Diego's loving and annoying habits towards their S/Os.
CW: None
Requests are: Open (JJBA, JJK, AOT, and KNY) Find my rules here.
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Loving habit: Johnny’d have a habit of always finding your hand. Being close to you and having that security of touch is important to him. Even if his hand is just resting on top of yours he wants to feel the warmth of your body. Johnny has a protector mentality, so of course he wants to keep your close and make you feel safe. He wants you to be able to trust him and touch is his way of communicating that.
Annoying habit: Johnny can’t leave his fingernails alone. For obvious reasons. The reason you started iniciating holding his hand so much in the first place, was to stop him from messing with his nails. He does it unconsciously but you are always there to distract him to the best of your ability. A nervous habit made worse by Tusk.
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Loving habit: Gyro loves to play with your hair or gently caress your skin. If the two of you were resting together, his hands will run through your hair gently, tucking it behind your ear. His fingers will caress the side of your face gently as he moves it as well. If your hair is short, he’ll gently caress along your temples letting his fingers snake through your soft hair. His roughed up hands are gentle on your skin. He loves to gently caress any part of expose skin in general he loves to feel you more than anything.
Annoying habit: Gyro leaves trails everywhere he goes. If he goes to take a shower, he will leave a trail of water around your place. If he goes to change clothes, there will be a line of clothes all along the floor so on and so forth. You find it slightly annoying but not to the point where you’d totally go off at him for it. You were a little more on the tidy side than he was, but he also didn’t live like a complete pig. You figured you could tolerate that much and give “gentle” reminders every now and then.
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Loving habit: Diego isn’t much into PDA so his loving habit includes leaving you small things like letters, flowers, etc… he’d usually just leave them for you to find but would be close by so he can see your unfiltered reaction. Would find you afterwords and ask if you’d found the gift even if he already saw you react. His style is his own but you always appreciate and love the little gestures of love.
Annoying habit: As we know, Diego can be a bit of a recluse and money focused, so it takes some nagging and begging to get him to take you out or go out with you. He would much prefer the two of you spend time together at home, but who wants to stay home all the time? He’ll begrudgingly go out with you after some begging, but actually enjoys himself, though he’d never show it.
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picorioriori · 1 year
Johnny definitely has a very fragile masculinity. He feels almost humiliated when people ask to help him or he needs help with normal things like bathing, making food or even just getting dressed in the morning. With this he's literally found every possible way to do everything by himself without anyone's help.
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babeyloser · 2 years
Random Cowboy Headcanons - Hair
- Johnny has fine, med density hair. It’s silky and light blonde. It gets greasy super fast. His signature beanie comes in handy on the days where he can’t be fucked to wash
- Johnny’s hair was white-blonde as a kid. His mother cut both his and Nick’s hair at home. Johnny cuts his own hair as an adult and does an *okay* job. He doesn’t like salons or having his head touched by strangers
- Gyro has a super thick, dense head of hair. It’s dirty blonde and wavy (secretly curly but brushes it out). It takes forever to dry. He dries it with a t-shirt and blow dryer, and it’s still wet the next morning
- Gyro loves getting creative with his hairstyles. Growing up it was one of the few ways he could express himself. He experiments with lots of intricate braiding styles. Gyro curates a public youtube playlist with all of his favorite tutorials
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cinnbar-bun · 3 months
Pony (Various SBR x Reader)
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Characters: Diego Brando, Johnny Joestar, Mountain Tim, Gyro Zeppeli (separate)
Prompt: "My saddle's waitin' / Come and jump on it."
Summary: How ya'll get down and dirty together with your fave cowboys.
Notes: Reader is GN!, no body parts mentioned for reader, implied to be during the SBR, no spoilers for Part 7, just pure smut hcs.
Word Count: ~2.3k
You can read on my AO3 here!
Taglist (if you'd like to be added, please fill out the form in my pinned): @bruabbina @adeadcreator
Diego Brando 
The type to suggest a casual arrangement before he gets seriously involved with you. He says it’s just to relieve some stress during the race but before you know it, he wants you closer. 
Tries to present himself as a dominating and forceful top, and that’s probably how many of your sessions will go at first. He refuses to give up power easily and especially not in a presumed ‘casual’ mutually beneficial arrangement. 
In reality he can be quite the switch, something that will be explored the more you two get intimate. He relishes power struggles, and will goad you into trying to dominate him further or putting you deeper in your place. 
A talker, Diego will almost never shut up. Whether it’s praising how your body squeezes him, degrading you smugly, coaxing you to ‘tame’ him, or begging for some pleasure- his mouth will be running. 
He makes such beautiful noises <3 
Prefers to have sex in more secluded areas, preferably your tents late at night. But if pushed to it, he will not be opposed to just taking you in an alley or in the woods out in the open. 
“Since you acted so wanton earlier, it shouldn’t be an issue for you, should it? Now stop whining.” 
He loves when suck him off while he’s sitting or standing. It makes him feel like a king. He’ll give you plenty of praise or condescending compliments while you do so. 
His fingers are amazing. Calloused from holding the reins for so many years, but experienced at the best ways to give you pleasure. 
Diego tends to admit his true feelings or get more possessive during sex. A lot of “mine” or “for me” and “I love you’s” are thrown out while he’s going at it (or you’re going at him). 
Occasionally cannot hold back how feral he feels because of Scary Monsters. He will be rutting and grinding into you and telling you he needs you now. 
Probably one of the few occasions he will not be talking beyond mindless grunts, groans, and growls. 
Does like roleplay, not really anything elaborate (especially not during the race when time is limited), but he does like indulging in specific ‘roles’ for you both. He tends to like being called ‘master’ or ‘sir’ or even ‘my lord’. Don’t worry, he’s happy to do the same for you if you want it (sigh can you imagine him calling you master/mistress I’m-). 
Has no preference for where he finishes, because he truthfully wants to cover himself all over you, whether you swallow, giving you a facial, or inside- he’s raring to go again to finish on a different spot and exert his place with you. 
If under the influence of Scary Monsters, though, he will tend to want to finish inside you. 
His aftercare is pretty crappy at first, especially when it’s meant to be ‘casual’, because he thinks he’s such hot shit that you should be grateful you even got to sleep with him. But as he gets closer to you, he will either grumble and tell you you’re so dirty while cleaning you, or just silently help you then hold you close. 
He can be very clingy after sex, making him hold you close and bury his face into your shoulder/chest so he can inhale your scent and regain himself.
Johnny Joestar 
Type to get caught trying to ‘relieve’ himself and weakly ask for your help. And really, how could you resist that flustered face?
Johnny isn’t inexperienced, absolutely not, but he hasn’t slept with another since his time as a pompous jockey who had people throwing themselves onto him left and right. The guilt and his injury left him rather rusty and self-conscious about his performance. 
You’re gonna have to do a lot of the heavy lifting with him, but Johnny proves himself to be an eager lover. 
Lots of foreplay between the two of you, with Johnny having a preference for face-sitting. He also will incorporate some of the Spin with you to act as a ‘vibrator’ of sorts to pleasure you more. 
Self-conscious at first but slowly grows more comfortable and confident as you two continue together, making him relax. While at first he tries to stay silent or apologizes/mumbles under his breath a lot, he’ll slowly begin to crack some jokes and be more vocal. 
This is when you’ll see Johnny shine more. He’ll offer more creative suggestions and kinks for the both of you to try out. He’s wonderful at adapting on the fly if he finds you enjoying/disliking something. 
Besides his stated fetish for bug bites (which will seriously get him going if he sees you with some), he just really loves your ass. He straight up cannot get enough of it, and will be grabbing and holding it whenever he can. 
Continuing with that logic, he loves reverse cowgirl because he loves seeing your ass bounce against him. 
Johnny’s dirty talk tends to consist of him throwing expletives and saying what he feels. He’s not too good with roleplay because after a while the pleasure crashes his brain and he just starts talking mindlessly. 
“Ah, shit, you feel so good… fuck, keep going.” 
He can be a teasing bastard when he really feels like it. Often, he’ll employ the Spin on you, then pull it away just before you finish. He can get pretty cheeky, but that’s just how you know how comfortable he is with you. 
His neck and collarbone are some of his more sensitive spots, and if you focus your attention there, he loses his mind. Leave him some hickeys and tug on his hair, and he’s positively gone. He will complain about the marks later, but secretly admire them and be happy he’s got them from you. 
He likes finishing on your ass. Second favorite thing would be to have you swallow, but he finds it pretty attractive if some of it spills out of your lips. 
His aftercare is good and he’ll do his best to care and comfort you. But majority of the time he’s just spent and exhausted and wants to snuggle with you. He gets rather soft and whispers a lot while you two bask in the afterglow. 
Mountain Tim 
The type of man to want to be romantically involved with you and take it slow, before he can’t contain himself and has to have you. 
Tim is a gentleman, he really is. For a bounty hunter, the man takes great care to try and woo you and behave properly around you. Because, truthfully, this man is a romantic deep down. 
He’ll never try and let his desires get the best of him for fear of taking advantage of you, so you’ll have to initiate. And the minute you initiate, he’s all for it and will jump at the opportunity. 
A giving lover- so giving that the both of you, on occasion, were spent with only the foreplay. 
He’s passionate. His actions can be overwhelming in the bedroom, but you can practically feel the love dripping out of him. He goes nuts for you. 
Obviously, bondage is most likely occurring. His stand gives him a multitude of ways to tie you up and tease you with his body. He will take advantage of his powers to bring you the utmost pleasure. 
However, his favorite kinks include cockwarming and overstimulation. He would love to be inside you forever if he could, and he often likes to tease you by having you sit on him for a while before he moves. 
As for overstimulation… he’s gonna make you cum over and over. He always praises you for finishing and will try to urge another orgasm out of you. He loves seeing your face and hearing your breathless moans and whimpers. 
“That’s it darling… that’s it. You’re doing so good for me… you can give me another one, can’t you? I know you can, darlin’. Just let me take care of you.”
Heavy on the praise. He’s never mean or degrading, because he loves you too damn much to do that. At worst he’d do some condescending praise, but majority of the time it is pure praise for how amazing you are and how good you feel. 
While he can lean into some sub/dom dynamics with you, often sex is just an outlet for the both of you to express your affection and love. 
He is often a service top for you, but leans more towards dom. That doesn’t mean he won’t sub for you, he absolutely will if you desire it. He’d love nothing more than to see you riding him. 
He prefers positions where he can see your face. Tim will coo for you to look into his eyes and shake his head when you try and cover your face or look away. He just loves seeing your facial expressions. 
Reverse cowgirl is a good treat once in a while for him, too. He loves being able to smack your ass and praise how you’re riding him. 
Likes to finish inside. He believes it’s more proof that the two of you are bound together. 
His aftercare is amazing. Probably the best guy around at it. Course, he’ll be a bit of a flirt and tease, but he always care for you just as any good cowboy should. 
Gyro Zeppeli 
Also the type to suggest a casual sexual relationship with you before he falls for you. 
If you were to look up “wild” in the dictionary, you’d find Gyro’s picture right next to it because this man is an absolute loose cannon in the bedroom. Or tent. Or woods. Or alley. Or body of water. Or wherever the hell you two decide to have sex. 
Gyro isn’t ashamed of his desires and will seek you out pretty often. 
He’s experimental in bed. He is experienced from his many sexual escapades back then, but since the race, he’s been steady with you and likes trying whatever new wacky whim crosses through his mind. 
His surgical and anatomical knowledge combined with his teasing nature makes him a menace. He knows almost every nerve and muscle on your body and how to manipulate it for your pleasure. Not to mention, his control over the Spin will have him working your body in overtime. 
Gyro likes to tease you during inopportune times by using the Spin on you to act as a vibrator and get you excited, but he’ll act like nothing is going on around the others and make you wait. He’ll eventually have the two of you secluded and “take care” of the problem he caused, all while having that shit-eating grin on his face as he tells you you’re getting too desperate. 
This man is getting goofy and silly with you during sex. Expect some bad puns or jokes while he’s ramming your insides. 
An unfair and rough lover who gets pleasure from hearing your voice. He will never want you to be quiet, and he makes it his mission to have you screaming by the end of it. He might chide you and call you out for being too loud, but honestly he doesn’t care if everyone else is hearing it. He just loves how your voice sounds. 
Roleplay is common between the two of you. Sometimes it’s ‘prisoner x jailer/executioner’, ‘surgeon x patient’, or ‘royal x dutiful, loyal executioner who is totally gonna be rewarded for being an awesome partner today in the race, right?’ 
Gyro surprisingly can stay in character and he will play his roles very well for you. He gets pretty into them when he wants to. 
Likes doggy style a lot. Whether for you or him, he just wants someone being on all fours and their ass being grabbed. 
Switch, leaning more towards top/dom. But he finds it hot if you take charge of him and put him in his place (and he’ll serve you like no other, baby). Will call you whatever you want him to call you, no questions asked. 
Occasionally drops some Italian in the middle of banging you. This was especially prevalent when he started falling for you and would loudly proclaim “ti amo” over and over without addressing it in English. 
Despite his playful attitude both in the bedroom and out, he can get pretty serious and emotional with you. Sometimes the rough horseplay just doesn’t cut it, and he’ll lay back and thrust slowly into you while gripping your hips to help you ride him. He’ll talk less in these moments and just enjoy hearing both of your gasps and quiet moans. 
Doesn’t have a specific preference on where to finish. He just does it wherever he feels. He commonly does it on your back or stomach, depending on the position. 
His aftercare is wonderful. Yeah, he can be a joker sometimes but the afterglow with you is nice and can get pretty romantic. He’ll glide his hands over you gently and trace over the marks he may have left on you or just to feel your skin underneath his fingers. He’ll clean you up and have you both rest. He did reveal he could relieve some of the soreness from your body with the Spin, so occasionally he’ll do it (admittedly, he does like seeing you limp or wobble after a tryst with him). 
It’s where Gyro will be at his most tender with you, where he will cradle you and look at you with eyes full of love and desire for you. He speaks quietly in these moments and likes to ramble about nothing with you. And when he pulls a small laugh out of you, he thinks he could just die on the spot and be content.
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Sbr dick hc + how they fuck!
F! Reader implied!!
Johnny Joestar
Dick: Johnnys Dick is cute just like him, It’s about 5.5 at most. thickness isn’t too wide but not too small either. It’s just right. It may hurt going in for a second but it all is good after that. He’s circumcised and his tip is pink/redish depending on what’s happening. His pubes are like a pillow around the base of his cock. They curl in some places and in others they swoop, obviously they’re dirty blonde<3
How he fucks: He is gentle but he can get a little lazy. Obviously you’d have to ride him for the most part but if he could he’d through you on the ground and show you how much he wants you. When you ride he grabs your hips and slams you down, not in a rough way but in a loving passionate way. He always makes sure you’re ready before he does anything, he fingers you while licking your clit and when he finds your sweet spot he’ll attack it until you cum in on his hand. He’s not very vocal instead he makes a series of grunts and whimpers. Maybe once he’ll say your name. His favorite places to cum are inside of you, on your boobs, in your mouth or on your face
Gyro Zeppeli
Dick: 5.9 damn near 6. Uncircumcised and it’s extremely sensitive at the shaft. His cock is thick, like thick thick. You have to use two hands to wrap around him. His pubes go all over the place. They are never shaven but he will occasionally trim them just a bit. He will definitely hurt going in.
How he fucks: He’s passionate but playful, he’ll try anything once. His favorite position is reverse cowgirl. He loves see your ass ripple as you slam yourself down onto his cock. He’s very vocal, he tells you how he wants it and he doesn’t give a damn. Since he’s so big he has to prep both of you, using lube wont help the whole process. 69 is how he gets you both ready at the same time. While he’s fucking you he makes sure to ask you if you’re enjoying yourself. His favorite places to cum are on your face, on your chest or on your ass/lower back
Diego Brando
Dick: 5.3 he’s short so… his dick has a small vein on the underside and if you lick/touch it, wooowee you’re in for a treat afterwards. His isn’t particularly thick either, it’s more thin than anything, doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel good though. He’s uncircumcised, his pubes are almost always shaven, if not shaven then trimmed to the base. He hates hair.
How he fucks: Hes not rough but he’s not loving either. You’re not his lover so it’s understandable why he wouldn’t be so caring and careful. He does his thing and then leaves essentially. His favorite position is doggy style or anything from the back so he can pretend your anyone he wants. Sucks I know. He pounds into you while saying how filthy you are to be doing this, you’re a slut, a dumb bitch, a needy whore who only wants his cum and nothing else. His favorite places to cum is on your back or stomach. Maybe your face if you’re lucky.
Funny Valentine
Dick: 6.2, he’s a tall man so it’s just obvious. His cock is thick. It will definitely hurt you when going in. He doesn’t feel bad about it though sometimes he will apologize afterwards, which is reassuring. His tip is his most sensitive spot. He’s circumcised so his cock is nice and clean looking. His pubes swoop, they don’t curl. They’re a dirty blonde with a hint of lighter blonde in them.
How he fucks: He loves role playing scenarios ex. You being his secretary and having a quicky, meeting at a restaurant and end up hooking up. Sometimes he’ll be passionate, but sometimes he just wants to bend you over his desk and fuck you until you milk him dry. He loves holding your hands down and just pounding you. As for the passionate part, he loves just having the blanket over you two while he’s on top of you, whispering how much he wants you and how he wants you to bear his child, maybe even some sensual stuff in the shower too… I’m gonna eventually make a fanfic on this<3 his favorite places to cum are inside of you, in your mouth or on your face. Oh yeah he has a serious breeding kink<3
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maruzzewrites · 4 months
Yandere Johnny Joestar HCs
Yessir, have some Johnny! cw for yandere stuff, manipulation and abusive behavior
Johnny's self worth is the best and this shows in his attachment to someone, he is the possessive and watchful kind of yandere who will mix your lives together to the point it will be impossible to detangle from him;
He is pretty pathetic, playing up his misery in a way to manipulate your emotions, even if he doesn't do it on purpose and it's mostly adapting to what works best to keep you with him;
He is also relentless in pursuing what he wants, his dark determination is surely something to fear and his general behavior is pretty cold, even if not measured;
He hits you with tons of guilt trips and similar techniques to keep you in check, but he isn't above using Tusk when it's needed to make you behave in a way that will ensure your stay;
He's very demanding in terms of care, he will ask you to help with things related to his paralysis (he may be too prideful to do it with others, but he sees you as the one who he can lean on the most and will use this to manipulate you into never leaving).
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k4shibe · 1 year
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summary, my hc of what johnny and gyro(seperate) would be like during sex but probably very ooc
content, afab/amab reader, 18+!!, oral, bondage, praise/degrading, public sex, toys, teasing, toys under clothes, breeding?, creampie, unprotected sex (WRAP IT!!)
note, shoutout to shower thots for ideas🫶🏼not proofread!!
word count, 622
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johnny joestar
i feel like he’d be sooo vanilla tbh hes also a switch
he’s into very light bdsm, like him tying you up in pretty baby blue ribbon, a sight only he could see which would turn him on sm
VERY into praise!!! both giving n receiving. praise is his biggest kink and makes him hard as a rock,,,,
loves cockwarming after sex !! just keeping his cum in your sex after long hours of passionate sex.
your the love of his life so he values u alot. so degrading would be very light unless ur into it.
if you really wanted to he would be resistant at first, quickly get in to degrading seeing how you tighten around him.
his dick is pretty average. although its a few inches bigger than average its not too special.
his dick has a few pubes and is shaved weekly. (his tip is #D48E85 and he has a vein on the side of it thats vv sensitive, it slightly curves to the right)
if u have a pussy he loves playing with it, playing with your clit is his favorite thing to do and he loves seeing how much u cum from it ❤️ his fingers work too, (obviously). he loves fingering you, under your panties, in the shower, mostly anywhere he loves the feeling of ur walls around his fingers.
if you have a dick, he loves sucking your dick. the way your expression changes turns him on sm and the feeling of ur cum in his mouth is such a great feeling for him.
he loves oral in general afab or amab he dosent care !!
gyro zeppeli
oh god. hes such a tease its not even funny
he loves showing off his dick, its longer than it is thicker but its a decent girth.
he’s only a bit bigger than average, and he shaves when he feels like it, which is never. (his tip is #DC938E, 2 veins one near his tip and another near the bottom of his base)
he’s such a bitch, he wont let you cum whilst having like a toy in you whilst he’s playing with your sensitive spots.
if you do cum he “punishes” you by making you finger your ass in-front of him. he loves seeing you do humiliating things.
he loves the idea of public sex. like in a public bathroom or a party, secretly touching your sex under a table or something like that.
loves creampies. he loves cumming inside you and putting a butt plug up your ass to keep his cum inside you for sometime. bonus points if your going out and he has a butt plug in your cum-filled ass
would fuck you infront of johnny if you were down, he dosent care because everyone knows he’s a man whore
hes willing to do mostly anything you want but he prefers being on top
if you have a dick, he loves masturbating together with you, like facing each other and seeing you avoid his gaze with a look of embarrassment makes him sooo horny. seeing u submissive and humiliated is such a turn on for him bc it boosts his ego a lot. he has alot of rizz so he can make you cum only from his dirty words.
if you have a pussy, he loves cumming in you, or having you squirt on his face. he loves cum in general. if you want him too he can fill you up with his firm and its sooo good!! he either stops to admire the view or keeps fucking your cum-filled pussy relentlessly. he also loves when you sit on his face, and how great it feels to have your juices on him.
im sorry this got lazy
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kittwix · 6 months
jjba reactions/drabbles
a collection of reactions and drabbles i have written for multiple characters seperated into parts!
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Part I - Phantom Blood
Jonathan Joestar
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
Robert E. O. Speedwagon
Dio Brando
Part II - Battle Tendency
Joseph Joestar
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
- w/ Low Energy! Reader
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Part III - Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro Kujo
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
(OLD) Joseph Joestar
Muhammad Avdol
Noriaki Kakyoin
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Hol Horse
Part IV - Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke Higashikata
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
Koichi Hirose
Okuyasu Nijimura
Rohan Kishibe
Yukako Yamagishi
Jotaro Kujo
Yoshikage Kira
Part V - Vento Aureo
Giorno Giovanna
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
Bruno Bucciarati
Leone Abbacchio
Guido Mista
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
Part VI - Stone Ocean
Jolyne Cujoh
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
- Baby Pictures
Ermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Jotaro Kujo
Enrico Pucci
Part VII - Steel Ball Run
Johnny Joestar
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
Gyro Zeppeli
Diego Brando
Part VIII - Jojolion
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
Yasuho Hirose
Part IX - JoJoLands
Jodio Joestar
- First Kiss
- Relationship Hc's
Dragona Joestar
Paco Laburantes
Usagi Alohaoe
+ masterlist
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
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Phantom Blood
Jonathan Joestar ➳
Robert E. O. Speedwagon ➳
Dio Brando ➳
Battle Tendency
Joseph Joestar ➳
Suzie Q's Brother Reader (hc) ♂️
Ceasar Anthonio Zeppeli ➳
Suzie Q's Brother Reader (hc) ♂️
Kars ➳
Esidisi ➳
Wamuu ➳
Santana ➳
Stardust Crusaders
Kujo Jotaro ➳
Joseph Joestar ➳
Muhammad Advol ➳
Kakyoin Noriaki ➳
Jean Pierre Polnareff ➳
Hol Horse ➳
Diamond is Unbreakable
Higashikata Josuke ➳
Koju Jotaro ➳
Nijimura Okuyasu ➳
Kishibe Rohan ➳
Tonnio Trussardi ➳
Kira Yoshikage ➳
Golden Wind
Giorno Giovanna ➳
Bruno Bucciarti ➳
Leone Abbacchio ➳
Guido Mista ➳
Narancia Ghirga ➳
Pannacotta Fugo ➳
Vinegar Doppio ➳
Diavolo ➳
Risotto Nero ➳
Formaggio ➳
Illuso ➳
Prosciutto ➳
Pesci ➳
Melone ➳
Ghiaccio ➳
Sorbet ➳
Gelato ➳
Stone Ocean
Enrico Pucci ➳
Steel Ball Run
Johnny Joestar ➳
Gyro Zeppeli ➳
Diego Brando ➳
Funny Valentine ➳
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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venicemermaids · 8 months
i'm back w more au stuff!! this time, centering around a pop duo. to tell you the truth, i kind of built this au around them.
anyway, if you have any questions about the au or anything.. i'm always happy to answer. <3 now... hcs under the cut!
♡ trish is the only daughter of model donatella una and fashion photographer aceto doppio. doppio signs his work as 'solido naso' so he can keep his private life separate from his professional life. diavolo is trish's uncle, who often spoils her when he sees her.
♡ growing up, trish had a rather normal life. donatella and doppio wanted to make sure that trish didn't have to deal with invasive questions and paparazzi hounding her, but she's always been interested in the glitz and glamour of her parents' work. instead of modeling, she wanted to write music and eventually become a popstar. she started with a small youtube channel doing covers, and eventually started doing her own original songs.
♡ lucy is the daughter of steven steel, who is a famous director. she's homeschooled so the paparazzi or any fans can't bother her while she's trying to learn, and she's rather well-versed in navigating the industry thanks to her attending many social events with steven, his former protegé funny valentine, and funny's wife scarlet.
♡ when lucy was ten, she decided to become an actress because she enjoyed cameoing in steven's movies growing up. she did commercials and small tv roles until steven eventually put her in his most recent film, a silent way, when she was 13. it was her breakout role. she appeared on a few tv shows after and people still talk about her even now since they're interested in what she'll do next. honestly, she was considering going into music.
♡ shortly before lucy's fifteenth birthday, she met trish through a public performance that trish was putting on. lucy was impressed. when she went home that night, she found trish's youtube channel. with this, her mind was made up. she'd take a break from acting, and focus her energy on singing.
♡ for her birthday present, she had only one wish; to record music, but only if she could record it with trish. 
♡ steven gets into contact with trish and her parents, and they schedule a meeting with each other shortly after. trish isn't totally onboard with the idea initially because she always thought of herself as a solo act. after thinking on it for about a day or two, she comes back and agrees to perform alongside lucy.
♡ they call their act diva riot!! their main sound is glam pop. trish writes a vast majority of their songs, but lucy pitches in with her own ideas as well. their debut album is called roll out the red carpet.
♡ to help them gain some publicity, diavolo invites them to take some photos at passione and offers to put them in the latest issue. they accept, of course. the rest is history
okay!! time for some more miscellaneous thoughts about them together and apart!
♡ lucy helps trish navigate her first few celebrity events, especially since trish isn't the type to suck up to other people. plus, lucy's well aware of who to steer clear of lest their reputations get completely tanked or they get dragged into extremely awkward situations.
♡ in turn, trish helps lucy improve her singing voice. there's a noticeable improvement as they record more albums together, and lucy's grateful for the advice.
♡ one day as a show of friendship, lucy dyes a strip of her hair pink to match trish. in response, trish begins to wear yellow star-themed accessories as a reference to lucy.
♡ lucy idolizes the joestars to an extent, so she gravitates towards star-themed memorabilia. she cameoed in a movie starring johnny once as a kid, and they developed a close friendship with each other since she always hung around set. she hasn't been able to see much of him after his accident.
♡ even before she became famous, trish often hung around passione's studio for fun when her parents were busy. she's friends with bucciarati and the models that picked him to be their agent (abbacchio, mista, narancia, and fugo), but she's still getting used to giorno's presence because he's new.
♡ eventually, lucy begins to hang around passione as well. trish invited her, and she sticks around for someone else as well. who that is a secret between herself and that person.
♡ one time for a concert, trish convinced lucy to perform with actual animals. diavolo secretly paid for it. trish came in on a lioness, while lucy had a snake draped across her shoulders. (britney spears reference? you already know.)
♡ donatello and aceto eventually come to see lucy as a part of the family, while steven does the same for trish. lucy and trish call each other the sisters they never had.
if i had to describe diva riot's overall aesthetic, i'd say it's very bratz inspired. i literally looked up lines i could use for inspo 😭 anyway!! when they're performing, trish's main color is pink while lucy's is orange.
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
Hey Haley!! Loving your yandere alphabet hcs—holy shit.
Could I get PITH for Johnny Joestar? Please & thank you <3
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Johnny struggles with being patient. He’s incredibly insecure, which manifests itself in his short temper and tendency to lash out. With his darling in the mix, his insecurity is nearly unbearable. He lashes out at anyone that tries to get close to him, but the fact that he wants to be near his darling messes with his psyche. He’ll be short with them one second and yearning for their attention in the next. All that to say… No, he’s not patient. He struggles with their adjustment period and is surly most days, even though his every thought is occupied by his darling. Johnny wants to be patient and understanding, but it’s just not in his nature. He’s used to people leaving him or throwing him away. His darling is stuck with him, but he still can’t help but be paranoid about them leaving. Johnny wants them to adjust as fast to their new life as possible.
[ Continued under the cut. . . ]
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
For Johnny, a slow & wholesome life is something he desires greatly. He’s had fame and fortune, and it did nothing good for him. So instead, he yearns for something soft - and he’s going to make sure that his darling fits into his fantasy. Johnny wants to wake up next to them in the morning, make coffee and breakfast together, tend to the horses together, perhaps watch them flit around in their garden whilst he listens to the radio… Johnny is codependent to an unhealthy amount and wants his darling to constantly be by his side. A quiet life in the country with them sounds perfect. No one to bother them, and nowhere for his darling to run. The woods are full of wild animals, and the land they live on stretches for miles and miles. Even if they were to try and run, Johnny could easily find them with Tusk. He expects his darling to fall into the lifestyle with no complaints. How could they, when it’s so perfect? It’s just the two of them, nice and easy. What’s there to complain about?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Angry - which is hypocritical, considering Johnny has frequent emotional outbursts that result in him screaming, crying, and isolating himself. If his darling does it, though… It riles up his anger issues. Johnny is aware that his anger is unfair - he was screamed at so often as a child for his emotions, yet he can’t tamp down the anger that boils hot in his veins when his darling acts out. He loves them, but he doesn’t trust them. He sees their tantrums as manipulation attempts, or something did just to make him feel bad. Johnny hates it the most when they isolate themselves. How dare they? They’re just going to leave him all alone like everyone else did? It’s cruel, he’ll tell them. Don’t they love him? Don’t they care about him? He gets downright nasty.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Johnny is no stranger to emotional manipulation, and he’s not afraid to spit absolutely scathing words in their direction. He’s observant, and so he’ll keep track of anything his darling is insecure about… And when he’s mad, he’ll lash out with it. Johnny doesn’t hold back with his insults and only gets angrier if his darling starts crying. One of his rants, then, will end up going beyond the line of his normal anger and end up with Johnny shouting such vitriol that even he’ll realize he crossed the line. He won’t apologize, though - he’ll expect his darling to apologize to him for making him go so far.
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melxncholymermxid · 1 year
Some more (music) headcanons for Jotaro because why not?
Did anyone's parents ever tell them what celebrities they liked? (My dad had a big crush on Amy Lee)
I know for a fact Jotaro liked Sade, it makes too much sense. And when the No Ordinary Love MV dropped? Mermaid Sade? Say no more
Linkin Park, bc teen angst never really goes away
I wonder what old music that Joseph showed him that he liked. My nana used to buy Best of [decade] CDs for road trips and I fell in love with a lot of music that way as a kid. This of course also depends on what Joseph listened to. I bet Jotaro likes some Beatles songs, the more upbeat ones, and probably a lot of jazz and big bands. Sinatra for sure, probably the whole rat pack, Glenn Miller and so on. Oh, and you know this man, probably closer to part 6, see's Elvis as a guilty pleasure.
Now go with me here
You know how lots of American dads in the 90's and early 00's had a king fu movie phase? I feel like he'd really like Blaxploitation movies (Foxy Brown, Black Dynamite, Cleopatra Jones etc) and as a result like Curtis Mayfield and other artists of that time
Also, bros in Florida, and if you ever moved to the south (not from there but specifically moved) you know that even if you don't listen to it ever again once you leave, you have a few country songs you have a soft spot for. He'd definitely like Johnny Cash, maybe some Dolly songs.
His wife looks like an ABBA girlie, and I bet he'd sing and dance with her in their first apartment together
You know he's gotta like Prince, and specifically I hc the song 'In Love'. We're never gonna get to see what went on between the parts, and lots of people love to hc that Jotaro either needed to pass on the Joestar bloodline or got shot gun married, but I like to think he actually fell in love with Jolyne's mom. Imagine college Jotaro, adjusting to life at school in America and dealing with the horrors™️ from part 3 and finding someone he has such strong emotions for and for the first time imagines a future and a life with someone. (Personally In Love is the best love song ever made, it literally sounds like what it feels like to be giddy and infatuated with somebody)
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