#johnny cage angst
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 1 year ago
you're the one - j. cage
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a/n: not proud of where my life has taken me, honestly. but this is for the love of my life, luca. hope you all enjoy! likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated! warnings: kissing, suggestive comments, johnny being like the worlds biggest flirt, nothing too crazy, but definitely a lot of sexual innuendos, teasing, inappropriate workplace relationship, kind of, light angst with a happy ending word count: 3.1k summary: you're johnny cage's assistant babysitter agent, and you're his opposite. and yet, he finds himself unapologetically into you. pairing: johnny cage x gn!reader now playing: you're the one - greta van fleet "you're the one i want/you're the one i need/you're the one i had/come on back to me"
You decide you can never be with Johnny Cage in a dingy bar on a Saturday at 11:19 PM.
You’d been his agent for around three months at this point, and you’re always with him, to the point where it became weird that you know so little about each other. And really, it’s a wonder that you lasted so long given how different you are.
You’re awkward, and there’s no harm in it, but you find yourself standing to the side of every movie set, glancing down to your phone to try and find a reason to send an email to someone to distract yourself.
Your relationship history is far and few between, you’ve only started dressing well recently, and you find yourself struggling in crowds and public speaking terrifies you.
Johnny is electric. He has no problem finessing a crowd, has no problem being the center of attention. He’s just unlike anyone you’ve ever met.
So really, you can’t say you’re shocked when you wake up one day and realize that you have in fact, developed feelings for him. It isn’t a tough thing to do, not when he’s always flirting with you.
After a rather large slump in his career, Johnny’s new movies have been doing well in both the box office and with movie watchers all over the country. Really, you became his agent at the perfect time because right after you started, he really became quite the star. Maybe the change of pace behind the camera worked out rather well.
He sort of feels bad, that you’re constantly with him. He doesn’t know when you sleep, because if he isn’t on set or doing press or getting ready to do either, he’s asleep, but every day when you show up to the set, you have a new agenda for him to follow.
When you do it, while also sleeping, eating, and taking care of your own obligations, he doesn’t know.
But one night, after three months of your help, he asks you to grab a drink with him.
(“This isn’t a ploy to get me alone and drunk is it, Cage?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”)
And that’s how you wound up here. You’re dressed more casually than he’s ever seen you, sporting this old band tee and some rather casual jeans. He can’t stop looking at you, and he’s a little confused about it.
He doesn’t get star struck often, but he has this thought, that maybe in one of Liu Kang’s alternate universes, you two ends up together. Maybe he fixes boats in a coastal town, maybe you work at the diner there, maybe you have a dog together. Maybe, in another universe, you and Johnny have a quiet life, where you don’t have much, but you have each other, and that’s enough.
“So how did someone like you end up in a place like this?” he asks, charmingly. You roll your eyes and take another sip of your beer.
“Well, this asshole I work for—”
“He asked me out for a drink, and I don’t know if it’s because I felt obligated because he pays me, or because I genuinely wanted to, but I went out with him.”
“You’re so mean to me.”
“You make up for it, always flirting with me.”
“Can’t say you don’t like it, sweetheart—”
“Listen, Cage—"
“But you never answered my question. How’d you end up in Hollywood? We spend all this time together, yet I feel like I barely know my own assistant.”
“Whatever. Answer the question.”
It’s a loaded one, no doubt, but not one you aren’t willing to answer. You find yourself unable to really keep anything from him, he just needs to know where to look for it, how to interpret it.
“I moved here from home, never
had much of anything—Family, Money, Whatever—Got an internship and before you know it, I’m networking my way to being Johnny Cage’s babysitter—”
“Whatever.” You shoot back, a goofy grin on your face.
“Okay, let me ask you this,” He poises, “Favorite movie?”
You exhale, finding that a near impossible question.
“Oh, and none of mine! Then, it would be too easy!” He grins, and you shoot him this look.
You have a lot of favorite movies.
You take a few minutes before deciding on one.
“Paddington 2.”
“Paddington 2!”
“You cannot be serious!” He gawks. “Paddington 2 over, what? The Shawshank Redemption? Gladiator? Better than Aliens?!”
You take a minute.
“I’ve never seen Aliens.”
“What?! Big alien, tiny girl, Ripley!” He says the main character’s name in this high pitched, annoying tone.
It makes you burst out laughing, and he just laughs at your laugh.
“Nope, never seen it.”
“Oh my god! How do you work in Hollywood, and you’ve never seen Aliens?”
“Stop asking me if I’ve never seen Aliens, you know what the answer is!”
You both laugh again, and for a moment, it is perfect. There is no one else in the world except you and him, and there’s no reason to feel as if this isn’t real. There’s no reason to deny yourself the rather simple pleasure of admiring him, and there is certainly no reason to stop looking at him like you are right now.
And then this beautiful blonde woman strolls up to him. Even you can admit that she’s gorgeous.
“Excuse me,” Her voice is that of a songbird, “I don’t mean to bother you, but are you Johnny Cage? Like, the actor?”
“Indeed, I am, how can I help you?”
“I was just wondering if I could buy you a drink. Maybe we can go back to my table?”
You’re full of jealousy. You feel awful for it too, because in no way is Johnny yours.
“Uh, you know what..” He glances back at you, and you give him this weak smile.
“Go, it’s fine. Have fun, it isn’t like this is a date or anything.”
He grins at you and puts a fifty on the bar to pay for your drinks and leave the bartender a rather nice tip.
“You’re the best wingman ever, man! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
You finish your drink bitterly as Johnny goes off to flirt with, and eventually sleep with, that nice woman. You take notice that when the two of you are alone, you’re ‘sweetheart’ but when another woman strolls in, you’re ‘man’.
And that’s it. It’s 11:19 PM and in that dingy bar, you decide that you can never be with Johnny Cage. You know it will never be what you want it to be. That if it does happen, it’ll be like it is with this woman. A one-night stand, never to be brought up again. You’ll get him all to yourself for one night, and then after that, he will never be yours again. He’ll go back to being no ones, back to being the spotlights. Back to belonging to everyone, except you.
• • •
To tell you the truth, you snuck up on Johnny. After you made it clear the first day you met that you had no intention of sleeping with him, he sort of wrote you off other than flirting.
And one day he woke up and realized how desperately, horribly in love he is with you.
It happens a few weeks after your night at the bar. You were supposed to spend the night filming an outdoor scene, but it rained so hard that the stunts wouldn’t have been safe, so here you are in his living room. He had sold his mega mansion for something less expensive—Still lavish, but not nearly as expensive.
“So, do you want to go over the script and make those edits that the studio suggested or—”
“Nope.” He comes out of the kitchen holding a big bucket of popcorn. “We’re watching Aliens.”
You sigh and plop the script down on his coffee table.
“Johnny—” you say in this exasperated tone.
“Darling,” He echoes, in that same tone but more sarcastically. What a dick. You can’t help but want him. He sits with you and puts the popcorn between you, as he turns on the TV and brings up the movie. “Say what you want, but you’re my assistant, so you have to do what I say!”
“Whatever! C’mon, take one night off, just watch this movie with me!”
You glance over to him and sigh. Why do you do the things you do for him? You’ll never know.
“Fine. One movie, and that’s it!” You tell him and curl up on the couch, your hand reaching to the popcorn to grab a fistful.
One thing no one ever told you was how God damn scary this movie was! You aren’t a big gore or horror person, so it takes you by surprise.
It’s really good, though you’d never admit it to Johnny, just fucking scary.
At some point throughout the movie, one of you moved over the popcorn bowl, slowly closing the gap between the two of you.
During a particularly scary scene, you find yourself jumping, right into his side, gripping his arm. Your heart is racing, but you’re so totally glued in.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You gasp, your clutch on his arm growing tighter.
“Pretty cool, right?” He grins, noticing your grip on his arm.
“It’s fine.” He chuckles and shakes his head, leaning back on the couch.
And that was it. He was hooked. He knew how his image had been around Hollywood, and he knew that you saw him as this playboy. Which wasn’t entirely untrue, especially since his divorce.  But he wanted to make a change, wanted you to see the change, but he just couldn’t put his finger on how.
The rain is still pouring when the movie ends, when you finally pull yourself off his arm.
“I should be heading out.”
“What? You can’t drive in this.” He doesn’t want you to leave.
“It’s not that bad.”
“Just stay the night.”
“Johnny, I don’t even have clothes to—”
“I’ll give you some of mine. You can take the bed.”
You pause.
“Don’t think that this means I’ll sleep with you.”
He grins.
“Sleep in the same bed as me? Yeah. Let me do all these dirty things that I—”
You get up and head towards his room.
“I’m not on the clock, I’m not dealing with you.”
He grins and follows you.
“I don’t hear a no in there, hot stuff—”
“I swear to god, Johnny—”
You’re too busy bickering to get much sleep that night.
• • •
The movie comes out in two weeks, so on your agenda for today is fitting him for a new suit. You’re sitting, sipping a rather crisp mimosa when he comes out in this one suit. He does a nice twirl and holds his arms out, expecting approval.
He looks good. Like, good enough that you almost break that rule you made at the bar that night.
It’s been a month since you stayed at his place, and since then, things have just been different. You no longer must watch him go off and flirt with other people, because he seems to have some sort of change of heart.
You grin gently.
You put your drink down and stand up, going over to him and adjusting his tie.
He wears this black suit, except the suit coat is a deep blue velvet that is soft to the touch.
“You look great.” You tell him. He grins.
“Only missing my signature shades, good lookin’. That way you can’t tell when I’m looking at your—”
“Eyes, right, Johnny?”
“And ass.”
You laugh and shake your head, unable to comprehend that you feel anything except great love for that comment.
“So, what are you gonna wear?” He asks.
“What? To where?”
“To the premiere?”
“Johnny, I’m not going to the premiere—”
“You have to! You’re my assistant!”
“Whatever!” His hands come to the dips of your hips. It’s a little too past platonic. You say nothing. “We need to get you an outfit.”
You groan. You hate shopping for clothes. You hate fancy clothes especially.
“Let me go order this to be tailored, and then we can go shopping for you. I’m thinking either blue, to match me, or gold, to compliment—”
“If I’m going to the premiere, It’ll be quietly behind all the cameras, not—”
“Then come as my date. Not as my agent, not as my assistant, not as my babysitter. As my date.”
“Don’t you want to go with someone pretty?”
He frowns.
“You’re pretty.” He tells you.
“No argument on this one, Darlin’, we’re going shopping,” he quickly kisses your forehead and walks off to go get changed and pay for his suit.
So that’s how you find yourself awkwardly fitting into this gold outfit, with black accents and the right curves to fit your body shape just right. It isn’t your body that fits awkwardly into it, it’s you. You’re not used to this level of formality.
“Come on out, sweetheart, I won’t bite!” Johnny calls from outside your dressing room.
“You’re gonna be mean to me!”
He gasps, “I would never!”
You sigh and adjust the outfit before walking back out of the dressing room.
“Don’t laugh—” But he isn’t laughing. He’s just looking at you. “You don’t like it.”
“Nononono—” he says, walking towards you and putting his hands on your shoulders. He smooths out the shoulders of your outfit, his thumb gently rubbing over your collarbone. “You look amazing.”
“I feel like a barbie.”
“You look great.”
“I’m not used to this.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be a natural.”
“Besides, it won’t matter, everyone will be looking at you.”
He hums and shrugs.
“Everyone will be looking at you, I think.”
Your face goes red.
“I know you’re uncomfortable, but you do really look amazing, honey.”
You take his word for it.
• • •
When you get to the premiere two weeks later, it’s overwhelming. People are taking photos of you two, yelling his name, asking who you’re wearing. His hand does not leave yours.
“Just relax,” He tells you gently, “Just smile, it’s all you have to do.”
You do your best, trying to focus on the feeling of his arm around you as you pose. He glances down at you, tilting his shades down to the end of his nose. You can just make out his eyes. His hand comes up to your face and tilts your chin up.
He leans in and kisses you, as the crowds around you scream even louder. It occurs to you, at this moment, that he’s only kissing you to get publicity. That maybe he’s just taking advantage of the fact that you could be his mysterious new beaux. That he doesn’t want you, doesn’t want to kiss you, doesn't want anything to do with you.
You kiss back, not having any ability to resist how badly you want him anymore. You don’t care if it’s just for the cameras. You have no desire to pull away from him, no matter how pretend it may be.
When he does pull away, you make your way off the red carpet and into a secluded corner of the room.
“I’m sorry,” he starts.
“It’s okay, I get it, it didn’t mean anything—”
“What are you talking about?”
“…What are you talking about?”
“I’m sorry for surprising you so suddenly, it wasn’t where I wanted to do that, but I just.. I couldn’t help myself. You’re looking so good right now..”
“Not where you wanted to do that?”
“I’ve been meaning to kiss you for a while.. I just wanted it to be romantic and amazing, like you deserve, but I just couldn't help myself.”
“Like I deserve?”
“You have a lot of questions for someone who just got kissed by me—”
“Ugh, you’re the worst!”
“Does that mean you don’t want me to kiss you again?”
“That’s what I thought,” he leans to kiss you again, and you gladly let him. You only break off the kiss to take his sunglasses off his face, before kissing him again. Now that you had him, the want didn’t dissipate. Especially when you feel his hands on your hips again, and you only lean further into the kiss.
You can’t believe you waited so long to kiss Johnny Cage. Why would you ever deny yourself the right to make out in some quiet corner of a blockbuster movie premiere?
• • •
A week later, you’re sitting in that bar again. This time, you and Johnny have this booth in the back of the bar, and you’re leaning against him while he tries your extremely fruity drink and cringes at how sugary it is.
“I don’t know how you drink this shit.”
“I need to get nice and drunk after the day I had. Boss was being mean.”
“Sounds awful.”
“Yeah but He’s a great kisser, so.”
He grins and presses a kiss to your head. Somehow, He is more comfortable than he has been in a long time, feeling more like himself than he has in… years, maybe.
“It’s getting late, we should get you home soon.”
“Mm, But I like drinking. Besides, when did you become the responsible one?”
“When you ordered that fourth margarita.”
“Touche.” You finish your drink and sigh. “You’re not gonna let me have another, huh?”
“Not tonight, baby.” He says, patting your thigh gently. “C’mon, get up, I’ll go pay our tab and we can get some fresh air.”
You hum and get up, leaning against him as he makes his way to pay, and then you head outside to lean against the wall. Johnny keeps you up right as you try to breathe through the liquor. Then this girl comes up to you, and grins at your boyfriend.
“Are you Johnny Cage?” She asks. He bites back a sigh and smiles to her.
“I am, Hi—”
“I love your movies! Do you want to go grab a drink with me?” she asks, flirtatiously. You’re literally standing there leaning against him, with his arm around your waist.
“I’m sorry, you seem very nice, but I have to get my partner here home.” He says, “Have a nice night.”
She seems a little sad, but she bids you guys goodnight respectfully and heads into the bar.
“Your partner?” You ask, drunk on sugary drinks and love for this man.
“Yeah, they’re pretty nice.” He hums. “A pretty great assistant. An even better kisser.”
You frown.
He leans in and kisses you to shut up before you can argue with him anymore. For once, you don’t mind his interruption.
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evolymynnhoj · 3 months ago
across timelines — johnny cage !
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sum. seeing you again amidst armageddon overjoyed johnny, but, were you the you that he knew? whatever or whoever you were, all he knew was he was glad to see you alive.
author's notes. beyond pressing 'read more' – everything you'll read is purely fictional and based on the mind; spelling and grammar mistakes, spot them and get a price (aka my thanks), moreover, feedback and comments are highly valued! i hope you have a good reading experience. love, ian. ౨ৎ‧₊˚ ⋅
tags ・・・ johnny cage x reader, character death, angst, hurt/comfort, very mcu gamora and quill coded. does not accurately follow the storyline of mk1.
word count ・5.9k
send an ask → find more on the navi → find more on the mortal kombat masterlist !
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johnny was still in place, motionless, his breathing stopped.
seeing your body drop down the floor, hearing it thud. bruises and scars decorating your skin, and blood weeping from your body staining the floor scarlet.
he could swear he'd watched how the life force drained from your body and dissolved into the wind, all from giving your all in the war to subdue your own mother, or at least one who was a splitting image of her.
"Y/N!!" he'd cry out, snapping from his trance. he'd run to your disheveled state, everything around you faded to black. "y/n.. no.. don't .. stay with me" he would plead, breaths heaving in desperation, trying to find reason and sense, how does he end your misery. his touch was delicate, afraid of hurting you even further, his hand would caress the back of your head and he would bring your half-asleep body closer to him. "y/n.. stay awake.. liu kang.. he can help you.." he would try, he would try to convince you, to convince himself, just to keep you with him, to persuade you to stay.
"johnny.." a soft plea in your voice, barely conscious, you were losing too much blood at this point. black spots clouded your vision, if you weren't fighting tooth and nail just to stay awake you probably couldn't feel how heavenly it was to be held by the jonathan carlton this way. finally. was this all it had to take? for him to finally hold you close... to hold you so tight, to never want to let you go. agonizing as it was, you'd force yourself to lift up your hand to his face, faintly feeling his ease into your touch.
"i'm here, y/n.." he'd reassure you. nothing felt better knowing, you know he's here with you. a small smile fell on your lips, before gradually, your eyes began to close. brows furrowed, johnny started panicking. "y/n? y/n? hey, don't be like this— y/n, y/n wake up!" he'd try to shake you slightly, until he shaked you more. "Y/N WAKE UP!" he'd cry louder, but to no use... you were...
johnny jolted from his slumber.
... gone. you were gone. truly... gone. forever.
his shoulder slump, his morale and his energy on the down low. it was the middle of the night and he'd awoke from his nightmare to another, the real one, this time. he couldn't bring himself to sleep again, he'd thought of you endlessly that night, dreading the fact of his not being there for you, that night where you had gone. why wasn't he where you were? why wasn't he with raiden and liu kang, why couldn't he stuck with you, like he promised?
how could he have slept at a time like this... gods only know how. a creeking noise would play in the dead of night, alerting johnny who arose from where he'd lain. "johnny.." he called, glowing white eyes, solemn and hints of worry in his voice – the god of fire and thunder wasn't well on hiding the heavy weights on his shoulder – johnny thought subconsciously, above all his concern, was his own exhaustion, what possibly could liu kang be barging inside his room for?
"come.. we must go." the lord said, it was not a simple ask, moreso an obligation.
this was it.
the .. the thing he had promised months ago, though at this point, it's felt like years for johnny.. this was.. this was gonna be the thing that would change the arc of his life..
for the better?
nah, how could it be? when you were... dead.
and he couldn't have done anything to prevent it. hell, liu kang couldn't. so how's this for the better? if it's without you?
he shrugged the thought off, he has to focus on now, as he walked alongside valiant warriors facing up against those who cowered up those stairs that descended from the heavens down to this hellscape.
"let's fucking dance" he'd say to himself, bouncing up and down to pump up in preparation, jazz and all.
then it began ...
cacophonies of war cries echoed from above and from behind him as everyone charged at each other. it was fucking arma fucking geddon. johnny rushed to reach the top, kicking, throwing, and punching anyone in the face, gladly, in their nuts— who got in his way. everytime he did, that sweet killer smile grew on his face, brushing off the sweat and blood that adorned his skin whilst continuing his descent towards the skies.
he was well on his way, when something suddenly clung to his ankle and dragged him down a LOT. "fuck!" he cursed out before trying to get back up, seeing who this fucker was trying to come for him, he was having none of it.
it was...
"well if it isn't.. me" the other johnny seemed almost taken aback seeing johnny,
"just gonna put this out there, i'm the sexy one." johnny would taunt at him even when he was slightly struggling to get on his feet but he found himself bouncing right again ready to take this son of a bitch who was another version of himself, the other would just scoff, "yeah? well i'm sexier." a smirk etched on his stupid face, he would regret that for sure, johnny thought.
the other would launch forceballs at johnny but his were red, it was nothing to our ol' jonathan – dodging it like the plague. punishing the other with a crushing blow to the sternum with his shadow kick. he would laugh at his other who'd fall on his ass, groaning in pain, he'd go back to running up where he was supposed to go.
he ran and ran like there was no tomorrow, because it really felt like there wasn't gonna be anymore. he threw forceballs at anyone who got in his way, not caring anymore, he was gonna get up there and stop this shit.
and he got so close, closer, and closer!
and.. finally, he was there.
wow.. that was.. easy.
he'd scoff at the absurdity, that proved to be a mistake– when he got knocked down a few the pavement of the heavens.
"ow, what the fuck" he kept cursing, everyone's out for him today, no, literally.
he was about to crush the son of a bitch who tried him without pulling back his punches this time, when suddenly his arm clashes with theirs and time is stuck and still, as his eyes gaze back to the same eyes he'd missed terribly.
"...y/n..?" a call to the wind, above a whisper but beneath a yell, his heart doesn't know whether to pick up its pace in absolute euphoria or to slow down and cherish the small time in seeing you again.
oh he was so happy... so happy, he'd let his guard down.. as you did, surprisingly.
"you're alive..." a revelation to him.
an even bigger revelation to you,
who was this man? and why was he looking at you like this? ... nobody, you don't know this creep. you're alive? when had you not been?
"more than ever." you'd say, before swiftly moving forward to knee him in the groin. he'd groan aloud from the heavy impact.
kung lao hissed imagining the agony johnny must've experienced, "hurt like a bitch" johnny described poorly, eyes down, almost as if he wasn't upset at it, finding humor in the interaction with.. someone who resembled you. he almost laughed, but he'd smile smally instead.
he knows. he knows that lookalike wasn't you, because he remembers the you he'd known.
and he had no intention of forgetting you, ever. because across all the timelines that existed, of all the y/n's and the johnny's out there.
to him, the only y/n that mattered was you. and he knows you shared that sentiment. he was wholeheartedly yours, just the same way, you were his.
he would mourn you, for life.
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behindthesoul · 1 year ago
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Johnny cradled the velvet box in his hand. In it lay the single most important item he had ever bought: the diamond ring that would, hopefully, symbolize your love for each other. He had scoured at least seven jewelry stores to find a ring you would fall in love with. Hopefully, the one he had chosen would make you happy. Hopefully, he had made you happy.
"You're like an open book!" Johnny recalled you saying to him. He probably smiled and cracked some stupid joke to make you laugh; it's not something he'd remember. During your relationship, he had ripped out the chapters he hated—about his difficult relationship with his dad, his failed past relationships, and his insecurities—neither knowing nor wanting to start a conversation about anything that wasn't "Johnny Cage." Being Jonathan Carlton was a bit too painful.
He didn't want you to read a single page describing how scared he was of this relationship, how he didn't want to mess it up the way he messed up his first marriage. Johnny needed you for the rest of his life; he'd go crazy if he were to lose you.
Johnny knew that it would only be fair to tape the ripped pages back together so you could read his full story. He knew you like the back of his hand, yet you had only seen bits and pieces of his true self.
But dealing with feelings was something he was never taught.
So he decided against proposing today, not ready to face something that scared him more than anything. Johnny hid the box in a closet, behind a few of his clothes. He sighed and walked out of his room to find you.
Maybe another day.
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AAAAAA I had an idea for a story and I just had to share a snippet of it. If enough people are interested I’ll write the full thing and have it posted by this weekend. Just lmk if this is an interesting idea!
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lilacliquors · 1 year ago
what about johnny's or bi-han's reaction of reader screaming another man’s name during sex...
this is so angsty i'm screaming
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he's heartbroken, to say the very least. here he was, thinking you had something special. you were his first real relationship after cris, and he saw a future with you. but now, he doesn't know what to do. you just called out your ex's name while you were having sex, after you swore you were over them. and now he can't even look at you. he's more embarrassed for you at this point, but he can't help the hurt in his heart. he doesn't ask you to leave the room, but he leaves instead. and that stings most of all.
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he's angry. for bi-han, sex isn't something he can just have. there has to be trust there, a mutual connection, real love. he's spent so much of his life not knowing real love, so when he finds it, or thought that he found it, he was ready to give it his all. and when he finally let those walls down around you, you shattered the image he had of you: someone sweet and kind, someone who cherished him and respected him. but now, he sees this as a waste of time. the name that left your lips wasn't his, it was someone else's. and that person could have you.
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albertdabuttler · 1 year ago
Ok so i may or may not be postponing masked adversary to write a johnny cage fic…
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failyaoi · 9 months ago
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bananamainaa · 10 days ago
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"i'm starting to forget what you look like"
i want to train myself to post not only "finished perfect" works, but also sketches from time to time and feel comfortable with it, so here you go! ♥️
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yikesb3rg · 1 year ago
sorta based on those johnshi hcs i've been seeing around but consider amongst the ticklish skin and snort giggles kenshi finds slightly squishy parts around cage's belly n waist hggouggb defends himself like HEY!! i- i been outta work for a little okay! actually embarrassed and i know kenshi is v proud of his findings, one after another. ticklish "love handles" i froth i love making johnny get awkward and embarrassed for once, can't take what he dishes out!
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i was going to add dialogue um... but i'm not a good writer so you can imagine what they're talking about here lol
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mortalkombatdeeznutz · 1 year ago
mk1 characters when you die in their arms.
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ft. Kitana, Johnny Cage, Syzoth & Smoke/Tomas Vrbada
Warning : character death, implied panic attack in Syzoth's part
Happy new year guys!
Reblogs/comments are appreciated!
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KITANA looked away immediately the moment your body goes slack in her arms. Where did she fail in saving you? Why did she fail to protect you?She couldn't...she wasn't alone right now. Taking deep breaths, she closed her eyes as she ordered, "Take them away and prepare for the last rituals." She had to act like this, she couldn't afford to look weak in front of her subordinates at this time. Until she went back to her bedchambers, where Kitana buried herself in a bundle of sheets and cried until sleep overtook her. She will never be the same without you.
JOHNNY CAGE was strong. Although he acted cheerful and sauvy on-screen, he was a fighter through-and-through, reveling in the feeling of a good fight. Yet he's also the person who would go to any lengths to protect his loved ones. But he ended up failing, his eyes widening as he spotted your bloodied body on the battlefield. "No.. no, no, no" he whispers, and immediately runs to your body, sitting down and pulling you close. " Shit-shit, baby, please no" he felt his heart drop as he looked at your blank gaze, realizing you were already long gone. It was at that he lets his tears spill and he hugs you close, shakily sobbing into your shoulder.
SYZOTH always feared losing his loved ones after it happened once, that anxiety never leaving him when he was with you. You were the light of his life, and he thought the both of you could build a future together, a family that he craved. Now he wished that the two of you never met. Feeling his breathing quicken rapidly as he looked at your body on the cold ground, among other lifeless bodies. He couldn't think, he felt dizzy, heart thudding unnaturally loud in his chest. This wasn't supposed to be like this. What should he do now? You were supposed to stay with him till the end. So why...why were you so silent as he begged you to wake up?
TOMAS has always been sweet to you. You were the person he cherished most of all, of course. He had the same gentle expression, albeit mixed with panic and desperation, as he scanned over your face and wounds, trying to deny how hopeless the situation was. "Open your eyes, love, please", he whispered, trying his best to sound as gentle as possible. You were alive, and he wasn't gonna get mad at you. You'll be up again, he knows it. "I know you can hear me" he clutches your hand in his, ignoring the dull pang of pain in his chest as his tears run down his face. It's fine, it's fine, you're waking up soon. "Love please, wake up for me, I know you can do this.. "
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sorrowfulmuse · 1 year ago
Hello! I thought that Liu Kang headcannon was adorable <3 Would it be possible to request a blurb of MK1 x mother-nature type reader who’s a gentle soul? They’re overall just calming to be around and always taking care of things, even when they don’t need to. You can use whoever fits.
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♡:: hiii babe! ty for requesting! i may be slow but i’m not sure what a blurb is 😭 im hoping this format will be okay? i wanna try to add many characters here! btw do you guys have any good ideas for a new username?? i need one, i made this user when i was obsessed with spider-man 😩😩
♡:: warnings/mentions: a little angst (?)
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✧ completely in awe of you! in their eyes, there isn’t a single person that can compare to you. seeing the way you handle things so gracefully and tend to anything out of your control to make peace is refreshing to see, considering they are in a world where violence is key to maintain peace between realms. the way it comes so naturally to you to take care of them is so nurturing. you are the light in a endless void, losing you means they lost that little bit of peace in their hearts in a world full of chaos:
liu kang, smoke, reptile, mileena, kitana & raiden
✧ these characters would want you to be a little more stern to people when needed! having your kind nature around is nice to see for a change but they don’t want you to be taken for granted for your kindness. they don’t wanna disturb your calm demeanor with their said feelings especially when you have good intentions behind them. although your calmness and compassion is what draws them to you. which is something they admire about you deeply but would never admit this to you specifically:
sub zero, scorpion, johnny cage, kenshi, tanya & kung lao
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thewriterg · 6 months ago
𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥
pairing(s): johnny cage x fem!reader, kenshi takahashi x fem!reader, johnny cage x reader x kenshi takahashi
summary: fall was your favorite season of the year and you had rubbed it off on them
word count: 1.1k+
warning(s): poly themes, angst, mentions of an unhealthy relationship, pet names, kissing, mentions of depression, and language
A/n: —GIFs; @mortal-kombat-1— so my stupid ass scheduled the post for the wrong day which is why it’s late :| but here you are
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“ ‘Taka just left huh?” Johnny speaks aloud —even though it was more of a statement than a question— taking a seat next to you. Your smile invites him to inch closer, he’d brought your beloved picnic basket filled with your favorite goodies. It was strange how you all felt the lingering presence of one another… a shared uncanny skill shared across swordsman’s and sorcerer’s.
Your hum blended in with the whistling of the trees while the brunette began to unpack the multitudes of fruits and snacks you enjoyed. Not indulging too much you lie flat on your back, the Hollywood star following in suit. You gaze up into the blue grey hues of the sky that took place earlier in the day now that the leaves were changing and the air was crisper.
Johnny closed his eyes taking in a deep breath taking in the cool air; something you rubbed off on him during this time of the shifting season. He didn’t know how long he was there for, with his eyes closed and nose open. When he did open his gaze it was darker than it was before. The sun was setting and his body began to get indecently warm despite the nipping chill that took over the evening. The effects of the top shelf whiskey taking its toll on his worn body as he took his fill in a swig that was a second too long to be considered a swig. You whisper to him, simple and straightforward like you always were —it sounds like the rustling of leaves, still blending in with the sound of the trees— what plagues his mind?
“Just can’t remember how we got like this. I mean- holy fucking Christ, we were something” The swordsman just barely slurs, proof he was decently drunk. You learn to hold your liquor at a young age when you grow up in front of cameras and celebratory parties. He wishes it could go back to what it was, he wishes it could’ve happened before it did so he had more time.
“I win, again.” Kenshi was getting used to his new blindfolded life and successfully mastering something new daily. It was the best feeling to watch him succeed.
“Well aren’t you two a sight?” You hummed gently and watched both of them perk up like puppies. Johnny jogs towards you and Kenshi takes his long strides across the room before you are engulfed in an embrace. You feel your feet lift off the ground and you can’t tell who’s lifting who but it was warm and it was them and that’s all that mattered.
Both men hugged you like they haven’t seen you for over a lifetime because that was honestly what it felt like. Three weeks. Three weeks you’d been gone on a mission accompanied by Bi-Han and Sub-Zero and the feeling of yearning was strong. Once your feet were back on the ground you just stared at them both, Johnny’s brown eyes and even blind Kenshi’s face ever so expressive stare back. There was something off about you… no sarcastic remark or the immediate action of ‘jumping in their bones’. They scratched that though, Kenshi reprimanded you a million times about returning to full health mentally and physically before you were intimate.
Your palms slipped onto the surface of their warm cheeks, your cold hands able to send a chill down spines. You lean into them, your head landing on their shoulders that were pressed against one another and you let your body weight fall into your knees instead of onto them. Which they let you know they didn’t appreciate by a disapproving grunt coming from the back of the throat, lowering you all to the dark gray marble tile floor of the Cage mini mansion.
They worry, questions, and concerns are flying all over your head in one ear and out the other. You're propped on both knees, your bottom situated on the back of the calves, and your spine bent forward. It's all too much to bear. The mission wracks your mind over and over and over like a scratched dvd skipping and repeating the same scene. Corrupted children, chaos magic, blood, fire, smoke, murderer, ‘I had to’.
I had to,
I had to.
I had to!
The men watch as your shoulders begin to shudder, racking your body in totality. Johnny froze; he's never seen or heard you cry before, Kenshi flexes his arms around you attempting to ground you before you can even attempt to float. The Hollywood star stares at the Taira clan leader while rubbing your back, bending to fold over you, as if he was trying to take the words that plagued your mind for you.
“Hana, you have to let us know what's wrong so we can help you.” (花/ flower)
“Please baby, anything.”
You simply couldn't let the words leave your lips, it was not their burden to bear and you would not continue to let them worry. Yet you could not say nothing, you knew them, you knew they wouldn't let it be no matter how much you swore it. You took a breath through your nose, let it escape from your mouth and just as quick as you started crying is how quickly you stopped. Small hiccups escape your throat and you swallow them down before anymore can escape.
“I just, I just missed you both. I thought I wouldn’t see you again.” You breathe out heavily through your mouth. It wasn’t necessarily a lie but it wasn’t the truth and if they don’t believe you they don’t say anything about it.
“I-it wasn’t supposed to be you, dolly.” When he registers the first drop of warmth that makes it to his cheeks he struggles to stop the continuous flow. His hand clutches onto the pure white stone of your grave, his forehead leaning against your name. Life seemed so empty of everything, after your death Johnny and Kenshi tried to continue the relationship without you it’s what you would’ve wanted them to do. However, it simply just didn’t work. They loved each other, of course they did… but when such a drastic piece of the relationship was missing so suddenly, it took a toll on them. Arguing, coming in late, throwing things, after a while of denial they best though it be good to go their separate ways.
“This is your stupid season. Your stupid color changing leaves, your stupid cold nights, y-your stupid air. How am I supposed to live without you this fall?”
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©2024 thewriterg spooktober do not copy, translate, or modify.
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charlotte-family-apologist · 7 months ago
I don’t care what the mkx comics say I refuse to believe Cassie was an accident baby.
My headcanon is that she was planned because Johnny wanted a least one child and Sonya thought that was a natural progression of their relationship, only to have the startling realization that she was not ready to be a parent and completely out of her depth.
A combination of post partum depression and both at home and work stress was what caused Sonya to start distancing herself.
It didn’t help that the older Cassie got the more Sonya drifted. Because Sonya was taking care of herself and her younger siblings when she was around that age she thought that Cassie was more than capable of being left alone, leading to arguments with Johnny.
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heavenlyvision · 11 months ago
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replacement pairing: johnny cage/reader wc: 600 warnings: ANGST!!!!!!!, gn!reader, no use of pronouns or y/n a/n; i uhhhh, found an idea i wrote a very long time ago and thought "how fucked up would it be if johnny did this?" and then adapted it for him and rewrote some stuff :3 hehe i love you guys (please don't be mad) </3 ANGST UNDER CUT
His hands trace the curves and contours of your body slowly as you sway in the cool breeze the evening is providing. If you were to be looking from the outside in, this would look like a perfect moment between lovers and while the moment is between two lovers, to you, it feels less than perfect. His mind is elsewhere whilst yours is focused solely on him, on this moment, it hurts to know that he’s thinking about them again.
You never knew who they were, but he had mentioned sparingly that you were like them, you just didn’t know to what extent that was. Sometimes you would do something small, like laugh when you couldn’t quite line all the buttons up on your shirt correctly and he would get this sort of glazed-over look in his eyes with a small, sad smile and you would know that you had done something to remind him of them. It seemed, no matter how hard you tried… everything you did was a memory of them. To him, it was almost like you were them.
When he was with them, he loved freely, easily, limitlessly but it wasn’t enough, and they left him for someone else. He was a shell of himself… until he had met you and you sparkled, you had loved him so certainly, it came effortlessly to you, and that was one of the first times he had made the connection in his head, between the two of you. You were unapologetically yourself, just like they were, it was why he loved them, their fearlessness and ability to just be themselves in a world full of people trying to be someone else. It’s also why he loves you… because to him, you are the same.
Tonight was supposed to be about you and it had started that way. He took you to your favourite restaurant for dinner and then a blissful stroll under the night sky, where you both just talked and enjoyed the moment together. It would’ve been… it could’ve been perfect, if it weren’t for his distant gaze. You ignored it, you did your best anyways, to pretend everything was… perfect.
Back in his apartment he had taken you out onto the balcony and asked to dance, it was silly but appreciated, the soft glow of the moon, the quiet humming of music. It was everything, you had always wanted a night like this and when you asked how he knew… his reply was simple.
“They would’ve loved this too.”
It hurt, it crushed you, it was getting to the point where you weren’t sure if he could differentiate between the two of you anymore. What memories had he made of you and what were the ones of them? Does it even matter to him anymore?
You’d stopped moving and he knew automatically that he’d fucked up, “I’m not them, Johnny,” you’d frowned, “I’m me.”
“I know that, of course I know that, and I love you,” he was lying, and you both knew it, he didn’t love you, he loved the memories of them that he saw in you.
The pain in his eyes was the kind when you fear you might lose someone, he was afraid… not of losing you though, of losing them. You love the happiness you bring him; you love him, you just don’t love that you aren’t the one actually giving him that happiness.
Your head leant onto his chest as you murmured, “Don’t forget it…”
“I love you,” he’d repeated.
You weren’t sure if he were trying to convince you or himself.  
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snapghoul · 1 year ago
Listen, listen. I love the angsty fics and head cannons of Kenshi feeling/touching Johnny’s face so he won’t forget what he looks like. And this is understandable if he doesn’t have Sento with him.
Kenshi can see faces when using sento, seen in chapter 7: narrow escape, he can see the faces of people around him in the festival. Which means when he has sento he’s able to see the faces of the his friends in same detail if he had his eyes.
However he can’t see color, so yes Kenshi will eventually forget the color of Johnny’s eyes. But let’s be real, Johnny would never let him forget that.
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failyaoi · 7 months ago
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sleeperzzz105 · 1 year ago
This was rushed anddddd I had art block
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