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elise2612 · 4 months ago
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Everstrange fanfic [ You're the only reason why I really love you ] is finished.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59461354
Everett frowns, feeling that the Stephen Vincent Strange sitting across from him is really annoying. He wants to end this date quickly because this guy is definitely not the man playing the violin in his dream.
“Have you ever… You used to be a detective?” He presses, going straight to his strange suspicion.
Stephen freezes for a moment, the smile fading from his lips. He glances away, focusing on the edge of the agent’s ear or shoulder.
“No, I used to be a neurosurgeon,” the sorcerer replies, his annoyingly confident tone dissipating.
I'm also participating in MTH's auction - a fandom charity auction focused on all Marvel characters, ships, and universes. The winners donate their winning bid amounts directly to charities. This is my auction site where I'm offering fiction and other writing, as well as translation (Eng-Viet). Please take a look if you're interested: https://www.marveltrumpshate.com/?s=Elise&post_type=product&type_aws=true&aws_id=1&aws_filter=4
Commission from mintypoo. Do not use and repost without my permission.
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strawberrywinter4 · 4 months ago
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A Gentleman’s Shrine
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Relationship: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
More under the cut!
Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Alternative Universe—1920s, Aristocracy, Captain John Watson, Post-World War I, Blood and Violence, PTSD, Period-Typical Homophobia, Explicit Sexual Content, Protective John Watson, BAMF John Watson, Idiots in Love, Falling in Love, Forbidden Love, Age Difference, Case Fic, Some tags not listed
Sherlock Holmes has been taught that he has one purpose in life: to carry on the family legacy. “High society is dying,” his mother continuously informs him.
The Great War recently ended, which has left London in a swivel of downfall and success.
Every year when his mother hosts the Noble Legacy Gala, Sherlock wishes he could fall into a rabbit hole and never come up, dreading the pointless event.
That is until he sees Captain Watson attending the Gala, the most beautiful, dangerous, and interesting man he’s ever met.
Read Chapter 1 here!
Pinterest Board
Note: Thank you to all who have been so patient to read this. I know I haven’t been active lately, but I promise I’ve been working hard on this, my friends! I hope you all enjoy!
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @thegildedbee @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @7-percent @itsonlytext @chinike @peanitbear @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165 @jolieblack @gwendelaneyisjohnlocked @cortina @kettykika78 @johnlockbbc @dapetty @bs2sjh @alihahdnaid @justjayisfine0
(Let me know if you wished to be tagged or not)
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bloodin-themoonlight · 2 months ago
Guess what’s finally here?
Chapter 6 of Memory Reboot
The final installment. Wahoo!
[apology dance it took longer to post than anticipated]
Many thanks to the three people who beta read various chapters — @sad-chaos-goblin @shadesofdeviant @maddyjones2 and to everyone who’s been following along and reading. 💚
Tag list!
@phoen1xr0se @ineffabildaddy @paperclipbean @scarecrowcloud @zeldamacgregor @belladonna413 @shadesofecclescakes @crowleys-hips @hellsgardener01 @muriel-not-the-dim-one @amagnificentobsession @xxxtosoxxx @spot-o-bodysnatchin @johnlockbbc @eevee436 @jackinistafflower @mrscakeishere @cybernetiksoul @reloha @drinkswithdorothyparker @hyperfixating-rn-brb @missdeliadilisblog @2davethefish @martinsharmony
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[Image description for my fellow partially sighted folks: Sherlock Holmes is standing in a room with bear walls and a wooden floor, he is tall with curly brown hair and blue eyes, with a very pointed face. He is holding a violin and dressed in his signature black overcoat with matching loafers, brown dress pants and a crisp white shirt with one or two buttons open. He also has a sweater vest in the colors of the trans flag, because he is trans. John got him the sweater vest for pride, John will where are matching one in the bisexual flag colors.
Speech bubbles reads,
Sherlock: I appreciate the colour scheme, but this jumper is ridiculous, John
@johnlockbbc I actually did get it finished because I took brakes and used the special wipes from my eyes. I would have drawn him with top surgery scars but I have no idea how to draw people without clothes, sorry.
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kissing2cousins · 6 years ago
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Johnlock-older sketch I found and colored #johnlock #johnlockbbc #johnlockfanart #johnlocked #johnlockfluff #johnlockfandom #johnwatson #johnwatsonmartinfreeman #johnwatsonbbc #sherlock #sherlockholmes #sherlockholmesbbc #sherlockbbc #sherlockholmesbenedictcumberbatch #benedictsherlock https://www.instagram.com/p/BtPsgtSA_MK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7yll7y2v6rpy
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thegildedbee · 2 months ago
oooh, so cool, @johnlockbbc, love this -- 💘 fantastically adorable and adorably fantastic! 💘 It is so excellent that Johnlock is appearing on a video channel that has over 23 million subscribers 🪅🪅🪅 I love kurzgesagt and their video channel, but didn't recognize this, so had to hunt down the original source, and, ta da! it's from earlier this year, and it's titled "Smoking is Awesome" (which makes Holmes' appearance even sassier, given his 7% solution problem!). But the best thing is that the initial sequences are about the seductive, glorious, endorphin rush etc. that smoking provides, making for a frankly sexy little video niche for our poster boys' appearance. 🤭
[Don't worry 😟, the video explains the 😷 dangers of smoking -- it just puts it in the context of first explaining why it's so addictive 🙃]
Felt the need to point out that kurzgesagt made Holmes and Watson gay
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skeletboi · 6 years ago
Parentlock Fluff
Check out my latest fic! A cute little parentlock fic. (Rosie Parentlock)
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strawberrywinter4 · 9 months ago
A Memory
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Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Relationship: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Tags: 221B Baker Street, Memories, a trip down memory lane, Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Developing Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Established Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mild Sexual Content, Angst, Angst and Feels, Domestic Life at 221B Baker Street, Love Confessions, Sussex, Retired Sherlock Holmes, Alternate Universe-Canon Divergence, Sort of, just read and you’ll see
Summary: After many years, Sherlock decides it’s time to visit 221B Baker Street. Once he arrives, he isn’t prepared for the swarm of memories that envelop him.
Finally at the top, leaving behind those particular memories, Sherlock opens the door to 221B, exposing a flood of new memories that course through him like a thunderous wave of an ocean.
It’s almost too much, and Sherlock doesn’t know if he can find his breath as he looks around the empty flat, staring at the unfamiliar vacantness. Particles of dust are scattered, and the spots where furniture should be are the space of a void. It’s the cleanest it’s ever been.
Sherlock despises it.
Read here on ao3.
Tags: @a-victorian-girl @whatnext2020 @totallysilvergirl @thegildedbee @with-a-ghost-mr-holmes @jawnn-watson @blogstandbygo @lisbeth-kk @holmesianlove @7-percent @itsonlytext @chinike @peanitbear @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @ghostofnuggetspast @dw91165 @jolieblack @gwendelaneyisjohnlocked @cortina @kettykika78 @johnlockbbc @dapetty
(Please let me know if you wish to be tagged in the future or not tagged at all.)
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bloodin-themoonlight · 1 year ago
‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello!
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I had intended to post this about two hours ago, but I’ve been having a slight issue with my laptop, and the crack in my Chromebook screen is much worse. The touchscreen is shit now, lol, but…
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Thank you all for your patience, and, as always, thank you to my beta @sad-chaos-goblin 💚
Rating: Still T. Still subject to change. That’s all.
Chapter three is underway!
Tagging (no pressure): @sad-chaos-goblin @ineffabildaddy @phoen1xr0se @paperclipbean @scarecrowcloud @hellsgardener01 @muriel-not-the-dim-one @xxxtosoxxx @eevee436 @spot-o-bodysnatchin @johnlockbbc @jackinistafflower @mrscakeishere @amagnificentobsession @cybernetiksoul @reloha @drinkswithdorothyparker @hyperfixating-rn-brb @missdeliadilisblog @2davethefish @martinsharmony @shadesofecclescakes @shadesofdeviant
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darcylindbergh · 8 years ago
O talk to you before about you fanfic, now I have to add the all my friends love it to. Sorry to bother, but do you have twitter ?
ah I’m glad your friends like it too! :D I have a twitter but I don’t actually use it, I only use it when there’s an announcement coming up, sometimes Mark or BBC announces things on twitter but I don’t use it to post things at all. 
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Thanks to @give-bucky-his-boyfriend-back for the tag, thsnks mate! This is from a spideypool fic I found in my drafts about an hour ago
The spider laughed softly at this and started unpacking his two small cardboard boxes, "Calm down Dee, it's just a kiss. You don't have to be so talkative, Anakin." he winked at him from across the room.
I know that I'm supposed to tag like 36 people but I don't know that many people on here so I'm tagging @faeriecap , @johnlockbbc , @dicklessthewonderclown , @askspideybabyboy , @poetrypirate and @aloeverawrites
last line challenge
Thanks for the tag @unmaskedcardinal and @deadheaddaisy really fun reading what everyone is up to 😁
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)
So the last line l wrote in my current Enterprise WIP is sort of like a script jotting before I go back and write it properly -
Malcolm: “I dreamt I was on a boat.”
Trip: “And that's bad?”
Malcolm: “For me it is.”
(Okay so more like a last segment...)
Tagging: @saintzenni @bookq36artemis @themurdochmemesteries
@scatterbrainedcapybara @glitter-and-metal @queenspock @tuvok-enjoyer @ladyeverstark @hederigerenthag and basically anyone who wants to!, no pressure though.
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kissing2cousins · 7 years ago
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Mmmm johnlock fresh outta the shower kiss.
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bloodin-themoonlight · 11 months ago
Chapter three has arrived!
Thank you, all, for your patience, and thank you to @shadesofdeviant for beta reading. 💚
Here’s to chapter four.
Tagging the usuals: @sad-chaos-goblin @phoen1xr0se @ineffabildaddy @paperclipbean @scarecrowcloud @shadesofecclescakes @crowleys-hips @hellsgardener01 @muriel-not-the-dim-one @amagnificentobsession @xxxtosoxxx @spot-o-bodysnatchin @johnlockbbc @eevee436 @jackinistafflower @mrscakeishere @cybernetiksoul @reloha @drinkswithdorothyparker @hyperfixating-rn-brb @missdeliadilisblog @2davethefish @martinsharmony
If anyone would like to be added or removed from this list, please let me know.
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johnlockingg-blog · 11 years ago
is this not the most accurate representation of how sherly literally must feel about john. this is the song i imagine johnlock becoming canon to.
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bloodin-themoonlight · 1 year ago
The first chapter of my fiction is up!
Currently rated T — subject to change as story progresses
Many thanks to my beta @sad-chaos-goblin 💚 I could not have done this without you!
Thank you to everyone for your patience and continued support. It means the world to me.
Tag List: @ineffabildaddy @phoen1xr0se @paperclipbean @scarecrowcloud @hellsgardener01 @muriel-not-the-dim-one @xxxtosoxxx @eevee436 @spot-o-bodysnatchin @johnlockbbc @jackinistafflower @mrscakeishere @amagnificentobsession @cybernetiksoul @reloha @drinkswithdorothyparker @hyperfixating-rn-brb @missdeliadilisblog @2davethefish @graphicsgrrl @martinsharmony @shadesofecclescakes
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bloodin-themoonlight · 5 months ago
It’s finally here!
Huge thanks to @shadesofdeviant for beta reading!
Memory Reboot Chapter 5
Tag list: @phoen1xr0se @ineffabildaddy @paperclipbean @scarecrowcloud @zeldamacgregor @belladonna413 @shadesofecclescakes @crowleys-hips @hellsgardener01 @muriel-not-the-dim-one @amagnificentobsession @xxxtosoxxx @spot-o-bodysnatchin @johnlockbbc @eevee436 @jackinistafflower @mrscakeishere @cybernetiksoul @reloha @drinkswithdorothyparker @hyperfixating-rn-brb @missdeliadilisblog @2davethefish @martinsharmony
If anyone would like to be added or removed, let me know.
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