#joel miller everyday
millersamour · 11 days
different devils (series prologue) - joel miller x f!reader
“We’re all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils.”
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing: joel miller x f!reader
Series Summary: You're one of Jackson's longest, and most reclusive inhabitants. You're Tommy's patrol partner. You raised an adopted son. Now spending every day doing what you can to keep the devil at bay. Until Joel Miller shows up, with a fourteen year old, and the same kind of demons.
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(collage made on pinterest)
Series Warnings: set during outbreak, violence, descriptions of body mutilation, use of weapons, reader is 21 in prologue but 34 in main story, age gap (joel is 56), eventual smut (will tag accordingly), darkish! joel, reader is also a violent survivalist, reader has a similar joel/ellie dynamic with an oc!, raider/cult subplot, typical disturbing stuff in media about zombies/apocalypse situations
Prologue Summary: After nine years of surviving the apocalypse you meet some people who offer you the chance to start over.
A/N: straight up no joel in this :/ sorry lol, this is just character plot because i love angst and slow burn!!!! we support traumatized morally grey fmcs in this house <3
March 2011 
You had been tracking a doe for about an hour when you heard the sounds. Deep gurgling and clicking echoing from somewhere you couldn’t see. 
The deer seemed like a lost cause if there were any more than a single one of those unforgiving creatures lurking nearby. 
With one last glance to the deer, its light brown fur shining in the morning sun, you tucked the bow underneath the thick leather strap of the quiver at your back and made quick work of climbing a thick tree.
You watched the creature below from about twenty feet in the air. The deformed body weaving between the trees, dragging its feet through the wet vegetation. Growths emerging from its skull covered any trace of its former humanity. Bright fungi absorbing the very idea that this thing had ever bore resemblance to a person. The bow in your grasp followed its movements as it veered left, and thankfully, away from your campsite. 
Not wasting any arrows today.
With a sigh of relief, which sounded more like a huff of annoyance, you surveyed the area a final time before deciding to make your way back to Leon. You dismounted the tree, landing the last few feet with a thud and took off back into the thicket. 
Rope and sticks had been used to hold up what had once been a tarp, now just a small sheet of plastic, to create a makeshift tent. It was completely useless against the cold but it had kept you dry from the torrential downpour that had plagued your travel the last few days. The first signs of spring were always welcome after months of cold and snow, but you couldn’t deny the pang of guilt you felt after surviving another winter. 
Leon was awake now, nursing a small fire. He grinned as he watched your form emerge from the treeline. The early morning gave you a respite, where it could just be you and Leon. Not what you had become part of. 
“Anything good?” He asked, eyes trailing from your face to glance at your empty hands. 
“No” You shook your head. “Damn clicker came outta nowhere and spooked the deer I spent an hour tracking” You huffed, slumping beside him. 
Grimacing, he handed you a thermos and you sipped. Warm water flooded your mouth and sternum as it landed in your empty stomach. You hummed, savouring the temporary warmth and handed it back to him. He pulled a small bunch of cloth from his backpack and you grimaced at the only remnants of food you had left.
It had been almost six months since you and Leon had been on your own and almost a full two years since you’d left the QZ.
You had only been twelve on outbreak day. But you could recall those memories like it had been yesterday. Stepping off the school bus, doing homework, and eating dinner with your parents, before heading off to bed. You remembered the soft pink of your bedroom. The quilt at the foot of your bed. The toy rabbit you’d slept with since you were born. 
But the sounds of alarms and glass shattering and screams had woken you. 1:02 AM flashing bright green on your alarm clock. You had crept downstairs. The noises outside drowned out by the fear of what would be waiting for you. 
Standing at the bottom of the stairs, you saw the pool of blood first. Crimson leaking into the cracks of blue kitchen tiles, staining the grout. You had hesitated before entering, not knowing what you would see once you turned the corner and passed the door frame. 
Her hair was splayed on the floor like a halo. Strands matted with blood. Her body, stiff in death, looked like she had been knocked back, like someone had shoved her. Peeking around the corner, you saw a huddled form leaning against the fridge; its white exterior marked with streaks of red, fingerprints smeared across family photos and a drawing you had made for your father’s birthday.
Quietly you had called out.
The hunched form had looked up at the sound, neck craning in an unnatural way. Strained breathing, like someone was trying to speak with lungs full of water, and growling sounds punched passed his lips. Sounds you had only ever heard in nature documentaries, sounds of pained and hungry animals who relied on teeth and claws and blood to survive.
Suddenly everything was happening to someone else. Like you were watching your life unravel from someone else’s eyes. 
It wasn’t you when your dad slowly rose to his full height, his hands and mouth covered in your mother’s blood. It wasn’t you when he lunged forward, hands reaching for your small form. It wasn’t you who ran away, taking the stairs two at a time while he slipped in what was left of your mother; still warm. It wasn’t you who had thrown open your parent’s bedroom door, slamming it behind you. Who had searched in the dark, for salvation, for safety, for something that could keep the monster at bay. 
The banging on the door was only getting louder, and you had hoped this was all some kind of nightmare. The kind where you woke up crying and your mother would be there to stroke your hair and sing until you drifted back into a peaceful slumber. 
But it was real and you had found the bat that your dad had kept stuffed in the closet.
Your small fingers clenched around the handle and you struggled to keep yourself upright. The image of your mother, her soft skin and dimpled smile flashed against the images of her broken body, of her abdomen peeled open. You could still hear the strangled breathing of the creature outside the door. 
No longer your father, only wearing his face. 
You pushed your back against the wall, feeling the reverberations through the wall as he slammed his body against wood. It was cracking and wouldn’t hold for long. 
It wasn’t you who had watched the door splinter. Who watched him shove his mangled form through. Left shoulder broken. Arm dangling loosely at his side. It wasn’t you who struggled to slow your breathing as his unseeing eyes stared into the darkness, streetlights peeking through the blinds to illuminate his grisly appearance. But it had been you. It had been you who had clenched her jaw, teeth grinding against teeth. Tightening your grip and stepping behind him as he wandered into the center of the room. It was you who heard the floorboard creak and had raised the bat before he even turned around. It was you who had swung and swung and swung. Until what had been your father no longer was. 
Just a bloodied heap on the ground. 
You had been found a few days later, hiding in your closet. Bat sticky with dried blood, still clenched in your hands. They had taken you, kicking and screaming, to what would become the Phoenix QZ, and your home for the next eight years. 
Movement startled you from the memories you pondered often, trying to conjure images of birthday parties and the photographs that lined your childhood home. But, all you were left with was the weight of two corpses and the shame of survival.
 Andy came through the tree line. His blonde hair stuck to his forehead and his smile bordered on feral. You had to stand to see what he was holding in his hand. 
“Little early for your ass to be up, isn’t it?” You chuckled, walking over to examine his prize.
“Early bird gets the worm” He grinned, holding the rabbits higher up. “Just taking a page from your book” 
He wasn’t wrong. In the last six months, you had been almost solely providing food for the four of you. Feeding Leon had been no problem, it was something you’d been doing for the last five years. But, Andy and his brother, Warren, hadn’t been pulling their weight. And you often had to remind them that they begged for your help and you had offered it to them, if they helped keep Leon alive. 
The commotion must have alerted Warren, because the older brother emerged from his own makeshift shelter. 
It had been a while since you’d caught anything substantial. Relying mostly on birds, fish, and other small wildlife to feed yourselves. But with spring slowly making its appearance, you knew there would be animals everywhere in the coming weeks. 
But rabbits, especially three of them, were enough to excite the four of you. Grinning at each other for the first time in weeks. 
Andy and Warren were whopping, hollering expletives in excitement. You moved to grab Andy’s arm, needing to shut them both up. But movement to your left had you throwing yourself out of the way.
The clicker. 
You should’ve killed that stupid fucking thing when you had the chance. It was on Andy before you even had the opportunity to scream. It grabbed at his chest, seeking grip wherever it could find, and sank its teeth into the skin of his throat. They fell forwards together, limbs tangling together, wrestling for purchase. 
Warren came from behind, the branch in his hands colliding with the side of the monster’s head, sending it flying off of Andy. He slammed the wood into its skull, watching as it twitched and went limp against the wet ground. 
Andy lay on the ground, clutching his chest and reaching towards his neck. His eyes locked with yours. Panic stricken, wild. You knew that he was dead. They all were. As soon as one of those things got a decent grip, it was over. But that didn’t mean it was okay. It had been almost nine years, and everyone still fought like hell against the inevitable. 
Warren was crouched beside his brother, trying to stop the bleeding. He pulled off his own shirt and you winced, seeing the scars that littered his back. The same ones on both Leon and yourself.
With a hand on your bow, you pulled an arrow from your back and gently nudged Warren’s foot with your own before taking a step back.
“Warren” You warned, your voice low.
He jolted, eyes leaving his brother to meet yours, glancing between your face and the weapon in your hands. His hands pushing wet, bloody fabric into his brother’s wounds.
“I..I can’t… what?” 
“We have to do it and leave” You glanced over your shoulder at Leon, who had stepped further back, watching with a frantic gaze. “We can’t stay here. Warren, none of this is fucking easy, but Andy’s gone.” 
The older man, only twenty-three himself, looked back towards his brother. Andy’s breathing was shallow, ragged. He had already lost so much blood.
It never took long. 
Warren’s body shook as he sobbed, as he understood what you meant. You had to put Andy down, and you had to do it quickly. But his shoulders slumped and he shook his head. 
“Warren..” You warned again. “You need to step away from him..”
He huffed, breathy and wet, and crawled away from the fading remnant of his younger brother. You didn’t have to look to know that Leon was gone, probably behind a tree, hands over his ears. It was the plan. When shit hits the fan, get low and stay low. Until you call it clear.
You sighed, stringing the bow. You aimed, closed your eyes, released a quiet breath and let go. 
Andy lay limp on the ground and you hoped that wherever he ended up, it was better than this. 
Shaking your head, you whistled your signal to Leon and set your bow against a stump. The teenager came peeking out and your heart clenched at the tear tracks carving through the dirt on his face. 
“Look out!” He screamed suddenly, eyes flicking behind you. 
Before you could even register, the side of your body made contact with the ground. Looking up you saw Warren, huffing, eyes red rimmed. He held the branch again. You threw up your arms, ready to deflect the fatal blow, but it never came. 
The deep cut of a shotgun rang out through the air. And you caught the way Warren’s eyes widened and then rolled to the back of his head before he slumped to the ground beside you. Scrambling, you sprang to your feet and launched yourself towards Leon.
“Easy there little lady” an unknown voice spoke up, shotgun in hand. “I’m not gonna hurt’cha, I just need you to put your hands up”
The sound stopped you in your tracks. You could see Leon with his arms already in the air. 
Another rule: do everything you can to not get shot. Smart kid. 
You twirled back towards the man with a smirk. 
“You just killed my buddy there, not sure if I should trust you” 
The man with the gun tilted his head slightly, confused, but kept his gun trained on your form. He was older, probably mid fifties, with dark skin and dark hair that was peppered with greys.
“He was going to kill you” It came out unsure. He was right, but why?
“Occupational hazard?” You quipped back. 
He sighed and looked over his shoulder. Fuck. You were hoping you could distract him long enough to either get the gun, or at least to get Leon out of here. But if anyone else showed up, you were screwed.
“Maria!” He called out. “Over here!”
A woman came from behind him, presumably Maria. Her eyes widened at the sight. The clicker, Andy and Warren, Leon and yourself. You were almost twenty-one, but the hunger made you look closer to Leon’s age, only fourteen himself. 
Maria tapped the man on the shoulder and jerked her head, needing to speak to him. He nodded and refocused his gaze on you. 
“Don’t. Fucking. Move.” He grunted. 
You nodded, looking back at Leon and offering a small smile. They didn’t seem like raiders, or slavers. They looked clean and well fed. They didn’t look FEDRA either, but you weren’t about to test the limits of their mercy. Either way, they would either kill you or they wouldn’t. For Leon’s sake, you hoped whatever happened, if it came to it, it would be quick. 
They spoke a few feet away, glancing back towards the two of you every couple seconds. The man struggled to force his gaze away, turning back to the woman and grimacing at the words coming out of her mouth.
“Maria-” He went to grab her arm but she slinked away and came to stand before you. 
She offered her hand. You hesitantly accepted, coating her fingers in dirt and blood. She barely spared it a glance before rubbing it into the denim of her thigh. 
She smiled gently. “I’m Maria, that’s Elton” She said, motioning to the larger man behind her. She seemed tough. You felt more comfortable under her gaze, more than anyone who had looked at you in the last two years. 
You offered your name and turned towards the younger boy. “That’s Leon” You motioned for him to come over.
He took a few hesitant steps before lacing his fingers through yours and reaching his other hand towards Maria. She took his hand, shaking it. Anyone else could have missed it, but a flicker of something, maybe longing, passed over her face when she locked eyes with Leon. 
“Are you related?” Came from Elton. 
Leon’s hair was lighter than yours and his features were still coated in a thin layer of baby fat. So, most people believed that he was your brother, half at least, and you never corrected them. But, something in Maria’s eyes and the way she watched you, made you want to be honest. You shook your head.
“Known him since he was eight, been taking care of him ever since” You didn’t often talk about Leon’s biological family. They were FEDRA officials, but when rations started dwindling a few years after the outbreak, they didn’t hesitate to drop the youngest of their children off on the steps of the QZ’s orphanage. Where you had been for the last three years. 
“How old are you?” Maria asked, glancing between the two of you. 
“I’m fourteen” Leon blurted, looking up at you with wide eyes. You squeezed his hand twice. A signal you had first used in the orphanage, after you’d been beaten for stealing or for lying. Leon would sit beside you and read, occasionally squeezing your hand. You’d squeeze back twice if you wanted him to keep reading, three times if something was wrong.
“I’m twenty-one” You speak, not meeting Maria’s eyes. 
“What are you doing out here?” Elton’s voice came over Maria’s shoulders again, kinder. You realized that the two of them had to be related. Father and daughter maybe?
“It’s a really long story” You try, unsure of how to explain the last decade of your lives.
“Give us the short version” Maria tries, placing her hand on your shoulder.
“We..um..we escaped raiders before the winter…” You fumble. Yes you had been with raiders, not exactly prisoners, but these two didn’t need to know that. Not yet. Maria’s eyes softened and she looked back at Elton, who’s face betrayed him at that moment. You could tell he was confused. Not many people survived the winter the way you had done. 
“You’ve been living out here?” He asked, glancing between the makeshift shelters and your bow, the only real weapon you had. 
You nodded. “Here and there, I tried not to stay in one place too long…” 
They both nodded, movement was essential. Unless you had the means to defend yourself and your camp, it was better to stay out of the way. You’d learned that when the Phoenix QZ tore itself down. 
“Where are you from?” The question came from Leon. You know that he noticed their clothing, their guns, the way they seemed sated and well-fed. Leon always noticed details, things that a lot of other kids deemed unnecessary. 
“We come from a community”
“A QZ?”
Elton laughed at that. “Jackson’s not like a QZ. Sure we got walls and jobs, but ain’t nothin like one of those prisons” 
“Jackson?” It was your turn to ask a question.
Maria nodded. “We’re a community that helps each other out and keeps each other alive. As long as you earn your keep and stay out of trouble. You could come back with us.”
“And we should trust you? Why?” You had reason to be defensive, to be unsure of what these strangers were promising. 
“You’ll just have to find out.” Maria smiled, looking back towards Elton.
For the first time in a while, you felt something like hope. That you had survived the last year for a reason. That Leon could finally have a real home.
“Take us there” 
You felt Leon’s grip tighten. You squeezed back twice.
Thanks for reading!! Please like/reblog if you enjoyed <3
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sp00kymulderr · 1 month
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Thinking about cockwarming Joel while you do your skincare/makeup. And for a while it’s fine; he’s mesmerised watching you go through your routine, trying to memorise the steps you take but then, fuck you’re squeezing around him without even meaning to and now he’s having to try real hard not to move, not to disturb your concentration but his hands on your hips are kneading harder and his hips buck a little bit and you whine and before you know it he’s got you bent over the dresser and, well, you’ll have to redo your makeup again later
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daydreamingmiller · 10 months
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joel miller 13/?
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omgahgase · 10 months
we never got to see tess call joel "texas" in the show and i think that's such a small detail lost, so just imagine if, one day, joel's texas twang sounds extra strong, maybe he's talking with tommy and they both let their accents come through with ease when they're having a good time.
joel says something that's just so southern and ellie responds with "look at you, texas. spoken like a true cowboy."
and something in joel shakes a little. only tess ever called him that, and ellie doesn't understand the weight behind such a dumb little nickname, but joel—joel grins a small, shaky upturn of his lips, and tells her to shut up. ellie chuckles and tommy chances a quick glance at him, knows that joel is probably taken back to a time after the fall of the world, when he met a brave, spunky woman who made joel feel not so alone anymore when another lonely person eased into his life.
joel sees a lot of tess in ellie, and even if they knew each other for less than a day, he knew tess cared for the kid, even a little. he sees her in the way ellie punches him after a bad joke, in the way she devours anything he makes for dinner because he's a damn good cook and because they're both animals when not fed or watered. joel can hear her laughter in ellie's voice when something exceptionally exciting happens in jackson, when ellie races joel and her and shimmer leave him in the dust beyond the town's walls. joel can especially see tess in ellie's eyes, when she looks at him like he's the only person in the world who truly matters to her. because, to joel, tess was that person—besides tommy, of course.
but now it's ellie. it's all ellie.
tess may be gone, and joel may have made peace with that notion, but joel has never truly forgotten all the small things that made up their relationship. and with ellie around, saying it every five minutes because she thinks it's such a clever little quip, joel knows tess is still there. in that dumb little nickname.
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mariatesstruther · 9 months
okay but there being a senior center in jackson where it’s just five of their oldest citizens that can’t get around much anymore living in a two-story home that tommy spruced up a couple years ago so that it has ramps instead of stairs. The Seniors are all over 90 and hilarious and love babying miller brothers especially. nobody knows why but mama shirley in particular is OBSESSED with joel like. thats her baby thats her boo that’s her MANS okay
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planet-marz1 · 10 months
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thinking about joel's arms today
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plsdontmisfire · 11 months
Checking all of my favourite writers's tumblr pages for new chapter updates like
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
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“its okay babygirl, it’s me”
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legaylos · 2 years
Knowing I have to watch Joel die again
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But also getting to see Abby’s fucking arms
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
Joel stronger than me, if I had Tess tryna love me and spooning me every night I’d have crumbled so fast.
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bearsbeetsbeskar · 1 year
the joel brain rot is so unreal rn y'all 🫠
this man is all I fucking think about lately
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millersamour · 23 days
happy wip Wednesday!
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working on an angsty jackson!joel series ❤️‍🔥
baby's first adult fic 🫶 (i used to write peter parker fics on wattpad as a teen)
hoping to post part 1 soon‼️
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spacelatinos4life · 1 year
the fact that I’ve ALMOST read every single one of the joel miller fan fic recs on tiktok!!!! AHhhHhHhh I. NEED. MORE. PLEASE. 🙊🙈
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loripretty · 1 year
I'm new here 🤩 hope there's a good looking and honest man on this Tumblr.?? It could be so amazing to have one to who is ready to be the lucky one hun💕💋🌹
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2x4plank · 1 year
I got no place to complain cause I haven't played TLOU2 and won't but the fact that Abby is the daughter of the doctor Joel murders is really stupid to me. I think they could've arranged a more satisfying revenge story on her end if they made her the daughter of one of the innocents Joel killed in his hunter days. It would include a moral issue that is more there than the moral issue of killing a child. I feel like it tries to come back to, "Joel saving Ellie was really the worst thing ever!" which isn't really a leg to stand on. But Joel killing innocents for his own benefit IS a problem that would be interesting to explore and I believe it could be achieved more cleanly. It would also better Ellie walking away at the end.
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mariatesstruther · 11 months
tw drug addiction and overdose
i really wanted them to delve more into joel’s drug use and drinking, even briefly through a few lines, more in s1. we see him chug back booze and pills like theyre his nightly vitamins, then get up the next day and be as functional as we assume he usually is. it’s obvious he must’ve been very deep in the haze of casual/functional addiction in the time before the show starts, which is why im suprised they didnt really do much in terms of showing any casual withdrawal symptoms of cravings
even something as simple as him finding a bottle of pills at bill and franks and maybe pausing, considering taking them, considering going back down the hole again to ease the pain of losing tess and having to be responsible for this kid that reminds him of sarah so much it hurts. but he puts them down, and he moves forward
i also would love if maybe we got more of tommy’s perspective of what addicted joel was like in those years where it was hard for them to be together. how did tommy feel, seeing joel (who probably lectured him a thousand time in school about how smoking and drinking and doing random shit could kill you, could kill your brain, you need to be fuckin careful, tommy) down a bottle of hard liquor every three days and steal from his own stashes to get high. how would tommy feel, having to wake up joel and get him to puke one too many mornings, scared that his heart rate is way too fucking slow and he took way too fucking much last night to be able to breathe? he wonder’s constantly if and when joel is going to go to far, accident or not. the waiting and wondering tortures him, even after tess gets ahold of joel’s habits and get just a little bit better. the fear is always there
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