#job hunt is still kicking me ass and stuff
balmungkriemhild · 4 months
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Nobody follows me for Honkai stuff as far as i'm aware but who gives a shit. this is Rêverose, she's a Knight of Beauty and she hates herself because she "wasn't pious enough" to stop the Fall of Idrila. TBH she couldn't have stopped that shit she just has a lot of self-hate and other issues
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izzy-b-hands · 3 months
Putting on last year's trans rigs stream from Drawfee before i have to get ready to go out with my mum and her bf today (bc i have the worst feeling in my gut he's gonna make that An Thing for me if given the chance today, aka whenever i eventually need the restroom while we're at Mystic)
#text post#Housemate was amazing and helped me calm down a bit before ae went to work bc my brain woke up in meltdown mode over this tbh#it sucks bc like. im excited to see my mum despite the Everything with that lmao#but im not excited for how her bf has been acting since they got here (and it's been day 1 out of 7 days)#with some outright homophobic comments while Housemate and i hosted them briefly at our house yesterday afternoon#not abt us but like. i mean. u know we're both queer so#doesn't really matter if it's abt us or not it's still fucky and makes me worry abt how he's gonna be today!!#doesn't help that he really wanted to go to Italy with her instead this summer#(despite the passive aggressive complaints from him & mum to a degree abt how expensive it was for them to come out here)#(we're ignoring the fact that a European trip would be even more expensive lmao tho i do think if they want to/can afford it they should go)#like. the Vibe from him has just been that he'll be Just Polite Enough but that he didn't want to be here#and he doesn't expect to have any fun and it's like#dude i am Trying. i and Housemate have looked up stuff to do that includes things he likes (like guns and historical weapons)#we tried making comments abt that yesterday like hey u might like this but if there's anything u have in mind already#and he was just. whatever idc but then made comments that made it clear he's not excited for anything else#like museums or the beach for sea glass hunting or the bird sanctuary or even the zoo#and all have places to rest/sit plus restrooms and food so I don't think it's a worry abt facilities thing for him#i think he's just fed up that I'm still involved in my mum's life since i moved and like#yes there's a detangling of the umbilical cord i and my past therapist were trying to eventually get my mum to cut#since cutting it myself in any attempt has had her metaphorically taping it back together#but like. it's not entirely on me here. I'm trying to set boundaries and make sure she's giving him more attention than me since he's w/her#more than i am now#i know he's upset when she helps me financially too (i offer to pay her back but she always refuses it) bc she took me aside yesterday#to give me some cash for the time with them for souvenirs/fun stuff i might not buy otherwise bc im trying to be mindful of money#aka still waiting on money my fkn job should have already paid me like. a week or more ago now#he makes her happy so even if he hates me i still care abt his frustrating ass#and i do want him to have as much fun as he can while still relaxing during the trip out here#but i feel like im gonna have to physically shake him by the shoulders screaming this before he listens#and even if he listens he probably won't believe me#sorry for the tag essay the edible hasn't kicked in yet can u guys tell lmao
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cuppajj · 2 months
Hwello! Black Pearl anon back again with another inquiry about the good ol' Duskgloom Sovereign in BAAU—
So BP would understandably be enraged after Dragonberry whoops her tail, but do you think she would do anything besides sulk and await the day DB returns to get revenge? 
BP strikes me as a character who, while not in the best headspace, would dread the idea of being defeated by a land Cookie, and would want to avoid such a fate at all costs. Maybe a fight with DB is a wake up call that some major stuff is happening outside the Duskgloom Sea, stuff that could potentially one day come knocking at her door.
CRK lore is a bit iffy about whether or not BP can leave the Duskgloom Sea, but I doubt she would remain idle after seeing the threat that DB alone poses to her… 
BP begrudgingly might be willing to make a deal, perhaps to ensure the safety of her sea, perhaps to gain even more power, perhaps to simply help others work against DB (and the other [Neo]Beasts)… or work with them.
idk I might just be nerding out about BP too much. love baau regardless, you're doing a beautiful job!
Helllloooooo BP anon :)
That is a good question!! I also like the idea of her actively hunting Dragonberry down, but it just depends on if she can leave the duskgloom sea… which honestly I’m pretty sure she can (afaik the duskgloom sea is just her stomping grounds and not a place she’s tethered to), she just has no reason to.
That is unless she’s petty enough to chase after Dragonberry! It’s fun to think about a minor saga where Dragonberry’s kingdom is threatened directly by the legendary. I’m fairly certain her kingdom is coastal, so I can see a vivid image of the beast of pride stepping out on her balcony to see the mer looming over the horizon with hateful, glowing eyes. If she’s here, Dragonberry figures, then she wants something from her; and she knows what that is.
Dragonberry would be more guarded since BP showed up to her kingdom, so there are liabilities all over the place, but she’s not against sending Black Pearl into the sea again. She might even bring Pitaya out to play!
Cue part two of the epic girlboss anime battle that ends with BP getting her ass kicked again, but she did put more of a number on Dragonberry. The beast would probably respect her enough to offer to leave her sea alone (there’s nothing of interest there like she first thought) if she plays nice and does something for her; I totally see her interested in a (subservient) ally in BP, who could serve as some good intimidation for the beast—especially towards Cacao, whose licorice sea is gradually getting closer to invading her kingdom’s waters. And if BP refuses… Dragonberry won’t be mad, won’t even kill her if she can, but she’d laugh and look forward to knocking on her door a third time.
If they do become allies then Dragonberry would definitely know that Pearl still wants to destroy her; compromise or not, she’d always be eager to fight the mer again.
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kittyt-hexxed · 1 year
Hiiii! I’ve been hesitant to ask because I’m not sure if you’re in this fandom, but could you do a fic for Suki from ATLA? Definitely older cause she’s like sixteen in the series, but one where Reader is Katara/Sokka’s older sister and she instantly falls for Suki. (Reader has a thing for women who can knock her out) Have her be a secret water bender (ya know, cause Katara) and like Suki catches her bending. Reader begs her not to tell and Suki is like “only if you let me train you.”
Maybe a smut scene after practice, it’s totally up to you! But I would love it if you wrote this, I love your Arcane work! Oh! And Reader has loooong curly hair like past her butt! Thank you!
Can You Keep a Secret?
Suki x Fem!POC!Reader
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Author Note: You don’t understand the excitement I felt seeing an ATLA request! Writing this helped my writer’s block, too, so thank you for that! I am in both fandoms ATLA and TLOK! I have also read the Kyoshi novels for future reference ;)
Warnings: ATLA Spoilers (Season 1, Episode 4), Young & Dumb Sokka, Older Suki, Waterbender!Reader, Accidental flashing, Cute Flirting, Teasing, Playful Training, Suki kicks your ass and you’re into it, First Time, Hickeys, Fingering, Praise/Compliments
Summary: You tried your best to hide your bending, but Suki managed to find out within a few hours. You beg her to keep the secret and she agrees… only if you let her train you.
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Your head was spinning from the events that happened within the last few days. Not only did your little sister find the Avatar, but you nearly got a face full of fire! It didn’t help that you were hiding your bending ability. You wanted to drown that stupid kid for attacking your family. He was lucky that Aang came in when he did, or you would have sunk him under the ice. Then there was the heartbreaking revelation at the Air Temple… so, it’s actually relieving to you that Aang wanted to go on a little break. You were also really enjoying traveling by Bison. You really enjoyed feeling the wind in your hair. It also helped that if you found the right spot, you couldn’t hear them talking over the loudness of the wind. It was your favorite place to take a nap until you shifted over.
“Stop bugging her, airhead.” This is the first thing you hear as you tune back into the conversation, causing you to open your eyes, “You need to give girls space when they’re doing their sewing.” You raise an eyebrow at that. ‘Where did he get that from?’
“What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?” Katara asks.
“Yeah, little bro.” Sokka jolts as he realizes you’re awake and listening, “What does being a girl have to do with that?” He’s silent for a moment as he tries to figure out the words to say.
“Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that.” He shrugs, “It’s just the natural order of things.” Your eyes feel like they’re going to pop out of their head as you look at your brother in disbelief.
“Really?” You say coldly, “I guess I should stop hunting then since I’m so horrible at it.”
“I’m all done with your pants and look what a great job I did!” Katara says too sweetly, tossing his pants at him. They hit him in the face and he panics, realizing that there’s still a hole in them. He looks to you for help, but you close your eyes and pretend to go back to sleep. What he said concerned you. Where did he get those ideas from when you were the main caretaker of the family? You hunted, gathered firewood, and took care of everyone. That’s why you were so reluctant to leave in the first place. Your people needed you, but Gran Gran was persuasive.
By the time you landed, you wanted nothing to do with the group. Sokka and Katara had been bickering nearly the whole time while Aang kept trying to get your sister’s attention. You found it funny at first, watching this kid try to impress your sister while not knowing how to interact with her. You were silently cheering him on but it was painful.
“I’m going to go over there. Spirits know I need a moment to myself.” You point off to the side where there is a bit more of a private area, “Don’t do anything stupid.” You pointedly look at Sokka.
“Why are you looking at me?!” Sokka protests, “You should be saying that to Katara! She’s already done stupid things!”
“Oh, really?” Katara scoffs, “Like what?” You watch them bicker for a moment before shaking your head. ‘They wonder why I’m always hunting.’
“Don’t you want to see the Elephant Koi?” Aang asks you.
“No, I’m good. I’ll check them out later since we’re camping here.” You give him a reassuring smile. You glance at the two behind him who are still arguing and roll your eyes. There wasn’t a moment where your siblings weren’t at each other’s throats. It got tiring trying to be the mediator so you stopped. You just let them hash it out. You walk away from the group, looking forward to getting a little bit of alone time.
Now in a private place, you pull off your coat and strip down to your undergarments. You would have invited Katara along but between Aang wanting to impress her and your social flame going low, you chose against it. ‘Some peace.’ You smile to yourself. You find a place to sit in the sand and get comfortable. The sand was warm, already heated up from the sun, and felt wonderful on your skin. You sigh in contentment, laying back to enjoy the area's warmth. If you were back home, you would’ve been bundled up to avoid the cold. It didn’t bother you much, but it got frustrating sometimes. Having a chance to show some skin and not have the possibility of freezing to death is wonderful. You were excited to travel the world, even if you’d miss Gran Gran back at home.
You were probably lying down for a total of five minutes before you heard screaming. Your eyes snap open and you jump up from the sand. You’re sprinting back to the group before your mind can even process it. You gasp in shock seeing a giant sea serpent chasing Aang across the water. Your fingers flex, itching to jump into the water and help him as you get to the bank with your siblings. It wasn’t necessary though as Aang comes flying out of the water and collides with Sokka. You flinch as they get thrown back into the trees.
“Sokka! Aang!” You shout, running to them with Katara. You give Sokka a concerned look seeing him slumped against a tree while Aang looked fine.
“What was that thing?” Katara questions.
“I don’t know.” Aang responds, putting his clothes on.
“It might have been a sea serpent of some kind.” You put a hand on your hip, “Dad used to warn me that some hung out in the water near the ice floes. That’s why we didn’t go there for my initiation.” They all look at you as if they just realized you were there before shouting and turning around. You blink in confusion.
“Y-Y-Y/N!” Katara shouts, her face an impressive shade of pink, “Where are your clothes?!”
“I heard screaming. There wasn’t time to put clothes on if something was wrong.” You deadpan, crossing your arms over your chest, “I’ll go get them now that I know you’re all okay.”
“Great! Then we can leave!” Sokka says, not turning back, “I am not sticking around to find out what that creature actually is.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You wave him off, turning around and heading back to where you left your clothes, “I’ll help you get ready to go once I’m dressed.” You leave them by the trees. ‘There is a lot Katara and Sokka haven’t been exposed to.’ You frown. ‘Our age differences have affected them a lot more than I would have liked. I was thirteen when we lost mom. I had more than enough time with her to learn about waterbending or go adventuring with Dad. They’ve been sheltered for far too long.’
You find the area where you left your clothes and pull your tights back on. You exhale, sad that your moment of peace has gone just as fast as it arrived. You bend down to put up your tunic, straightening up to dust the sand off and the next thing you know a figure drops down in front of you. Your feet are swept out from under you before you can react, and the person grabs you by your chest wrappings as you fall. You’re yanked forward by them, but you feel them come undone as they’re not as secure as they should have been. The gang's haste to get into the air the other day didn’t give you the time you needed to do a warrior wrap. The person in front of you gasps as the wraps fall away, suddenly spinning you around and blinding you. You let out a yelp as your chest is exposed to the air, but your tunic is on shortly after. Ropes are tied around your upper body, pinning your arms to your sides. They pick up your body, drape you over their shoulder, and start running. ‘That happened way too fast.’ You think, dazed. That couldn’t have been more than a minute. You don’t even have the words to say, honestly. You were surprised. Very surprised. Who could move like that?! The only time you moved that fast was while ice skating! Were there people who could move that fast normally? Aang didn’t count because he’s the Avatar. Who knows the extent of his abilities.
You weren’t sure how long it took, but your body was tied to something after a while. From the sounds of it, the others were right next to you so at least you don’t have to worry about that. You shift your body, trying to figure out how exactly you’re tied up. You practically jump out of your skin when you hear someone talking.
“You four have some explaining to do.” A man’s voice sounds.
“And if you don’t answer all of our questions, we’re throwing you back into the water with the Unagi.” A woman says after him.
“Show yourselves, cowards!” Comes from your idiot brother somewhere to your left.
“Oh sure, Sokka. Call the people who tied us up” the blindfold is removed from your eyes, “cowards.” You hiss, then go silent as you see a group of girls standing in front of you. The man you heard was with him, but he was the only one.
“Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?” Sokka demands.
“There were no men.” The woman in front scoffs, seemingly irritated by that question, “We ambushed you. Now tell us - who are you, and what are you doing here?”
“We-” You try to speak but Sokka speaks over you.
“Wait a second, there’s no way a bunch of girls took us down.” You can hear the amusement in his voice and it makes you want to smack him. How many times do you have to yell at him for him to understand that it’s not just the men in your tribe who do things? Besides, the woman was clearly agitated, and saying that would only make it worse.
“Sokka, you’ve got to be kidding me.” You sigh.
“Bunch of girls, huh?” The woman grabs Sokka by his coat and leans in threateningly, “The unagi is going to eat well tonight.”
“Please ignore my dumbass brother!” You shout, getting her attention, “He does NOT speak for the rest of us!” You glare at him.
“Then, I’m sure you can answer my questions. Since you seem to be the oldest here.” She stands in front of you and you meet her dark blue eyes, “Who are you? What are you doing here?” Her voice was lowered and it was spoken in more of a threatening manner than before.
“We’re from the Southern Water Tribe. We were just passing through and wanted to relax before continuing.” You swallow, feeling intimidated, “That’s all, I promise.”
“It’s my fault.” Aang speaks up, from somewhere past your brother, “I’m sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the Elephant Koi.”
“How do we know you’re not Fire Nation spies?” The man hisses accusingly, “Kiyoshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way.” That makes you scoff in anger. How dare he accuse you of being a spy for that wretched nation! As if you’d want anything to do with the people who destroyed your family!
“This island is named for Kiyoshi?” Aang sounds oddly happy about that, “I know Kiyoshi!”
“How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kiyoshi was born here four hundred years ago. She’s been dead for centuries!”
“I know her because I’m the Avatar.” Aang says making your jaw drop. ‘He did not just say that out loud! Why would he tell people that after I told him to keep it a secret?!’ You panic. ‘If these idiots would have let me handle this, I could have gotten us out by now! But, no, don’t let the adult handle this!’
“That’s impossible! The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared one hundred years ago.” The woman shakes her head as you drop yours in exasperation.
“That’s me!” You can practically hear Aang’s grin. You were going to strangle this kid the moment your hands were free. Avatar or not!
“Throw the impostor to the unagi!” The man commands. ‘So, he’s likely the chief.’ The women snap out metal fans and move closer to surround your group. Your eyes widen and you internally curse that your hands are bound. There was nothing you could do to help your situation.
“Aang, if you’re going to claim that you’re the Avatar you need to prove it!” You tell him, not liking the sight of those fans, “Do some air bending!” There’s a gust of air and you hear the people gasping in awe. Whispers fill the air as Aang floats down and you feel relieved as you hear the Chief say that he believed him. They threw a feast in honor of Aang’s arrival and you were shocked to see so much food on the table. You were hesitant at first, but Aang insisted so you ate until you were satisfied. The Chief and the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors joined your group. Thankfully, Sokka was too engrossed in stuffing himself with food to notice the warrior sitting with you. If he had, you were sure dinner wouldn’t have been as pleasant as it was.
“Hello.” The woman greets you as she takes the seat to your left.
“Hello.” You greet her politely.
“I wanted to apologize and introduce myself to you.” She brushes her hair behind her ear, “I’m Suki, the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. I’m sorry we ambushed you like that. While we live away from the mainlands, people have been begging us to join the war. It’s been going on since before I was a little girl. We’ve been very careful with newcomers.”
“That’s alright. I understand that. My village was raided by the Fire Nation when I was a teenager. After that, the men in the village refused to let anyone who wasn’t from the neighboring villages in.” You reassure her, “You were only protecting your home. I can’t blame you for that when I would do the same. It’s admirable.”
“That’s a relief. Thank you… but um… that’s not all I wanted to apologize for.” Suki rubs the back of her neck, lowering her voice, “I was the one who jumped you on the shoreline. You looked to be around my age, so I wasn’t sure what training you might have had.” Her words sink in and you begin to feel mortified.
“I saw your chest and I wanted to let you know that wasn’t my intention.” She whispers, and you think you see her face turning pink, “I’m very sorry for that.”
“I-It’s okay.” You frantically wave your hands, “I’m not upset about it at all. At least you had the decency to cover me.”
“O-Of course! I wouldn’t do that to another woman!” Now she’s waving her hands frantically, “Not unless they wanted me to, but that’s not- I’m going to stop talking now.” She facepalms, making you laugh at the absurdity of the conversation.
The mess that was your first conversation didn’t do anything to ruin the rest of them. You found yourself talking to Suki the most as you were sitting next to each other. She listened intently as you talked about your life at home and what you did for fun. Unfortunately, you had to leave out anything that involved waterbending. Katara was the one who talked to Suki about that one. But, you learned about Suki’s life on the island and how it was her dream to become a Kyoshi Warrior. You congratulated her on becoming the leader and she made a soft comment that had you raising an eyebrow, “It’s rewarding to train pretty women like you.”
You weren’t new to flirting. You were lucky enough to interact with people outside of your tribe before your dad left. It’s just been a while since you’ve had a chance. So, you fell into it. You flirted with her, and she seemed to be into it. You couldn’t believe your luck. You’ve been gone from home for such a short time and here was an attractive woman hitting on you! The end of dinner made you a little sad, but you had the itch for some more alone time, so you asked one of the islanders where you could find a quiet cove or something close to it. They directed you to one on the other side of the island that’s past the training building for the Kyoshi Warriors.
It was a good distance to walk, but that meant you wouldn’t be bothered by anyone either. With your siblings and Aang preoccupied, you took the chance to sneak away. It felt like the perfect opportunity to get some waterbending practice in. You let out a slow breath, moving through the meditative poses your mother taught you as a child. It helped not only to relax your body but your mind when it got too unfocused. And, it was definitely too unfocused. There was something about Suki that got into your brain. You couldn’t stop thinking about her. Knowing that she was the one who took you down earlier made you flustered. You’ve never come into contact with anyone who can do something like that.
So, once your body is focused, you let your awareness spread to the rolling waves in front of you. You smile to yourself as you lift the water and bring it towards you. It whirls around your body, the soft whooshing sound of the water bringing you peace of mind.
“Okay, mom.” You exhale, widening your stance slightly, “Guide me through the exercise.” You move through the waterbending techniques your mother taught you, steadily going faster and getting harsher with each re-run of the sequence. Your muscles are used to the movement, due to training over and over again. At some point, you’d have to break the news to Katara. She’d be pissed with you for keeping this a secret, but she wasn’t ready. You couldn’t teach her something that could kill someone if she couldn’t control her anger. You will never forget the day you nearly speared your father with an icicle during an argument.
“You didn’t tell me you were a bender.” A voice comes from behind you, making you shriek. You whirl around, the water following as you whip it at whoever snuck up on you.
“Ouch!” The person yelps, clutching their side and you realize that it’s Suki.
“Oh, Spirits! I’m so sorry!” You gasp as she looks at you with an impressed look, “Are you okay?!”
“It’s okay!” Suki giggles, rubbing her side as she moves closer to you, “I guess we’re even after what happened earlier today.”
“I guess we are.” You chuckle, “Are you sure you don’t want me to check?”
“Well… I’d have to remove everything so…”
“Oh.” You blink, “Then, I’ll take your word for it.”
“Anyway, that was some impressive bending. How come you didn’t bring it up when Katara was talking about it?”
“My brother and sister don’t know. Our mom trained me in secret in case my siblings couldn’t bend. I haven’t told Katara for various reasons.” You sigh, running a hand over your hair. It was the one conversation you were dreading.
“Hmm, is the reason because you’re so good at it?” She says flirtatiously, “If you had fought me with it this morning, I might have been the one retrained.”
“I doubt it.” You flirt back, “I could just freeze you in place.” You demonstrate by sneakily freezing her feet to the ground. She gasps, tugging on her ankles to try and get them unstuck.
“Then you wouldn’t have been able to go anywhere.” You giggle, giving her a playful shove. Suki laughs as she pinwheels, unable to fall.
“You’re interesting, you know that?” She grins, watching as you melt the ice and pull the water back to you.
“Says the woman who took me down in seconds.” You chuckle, “I have never been so confused in my life.” She could take you down that fast and had the strength to lift your body. You found that kind of attractive.
“Will you show me your bending?” Suki questions, leaning forward on her tiptoes, “I haven’t seen waterbending like yours up close before.”
“Only if you keep it a secret.” You get a raised eyebrow in return, “Please, Suki. I can’t have them finding out right now.” You give her a pleading look. She makes a face like she’s contemplating what you said. You bite your lip, wondering if she’d tell them about your secret. She didn’t seem like that kind of person, but you only just met her. She tied you up and planned on murdering you without a second thought, too. It was to protect her people but…
“I’ll keep it a secret.” Suki agrees, a teasing smile on her lips, “But, you have to let me train you. You’ll need to know how to protect yourself.”
“Deal!” You hurriedly agree. That earns you a big grin from Suki and you spend the last of your daylight waterbending for her. She seemed dazzled by what you were doing. She asked you questions and even attempted to do the moves with you. For the first time in forever, you didn’t feel alone while practicing. She made you laugh and even tried to surprise attack you! You managed to hit her away, but you suspected she made it easy for you.
Once the final dredges of sunlight were about to disappear, Suki took your hand and guided you through the woods. She said you could use the actual training building because you’d be the only ones there. With the arrival of Aang, she had given the others the evening off. But, it will be right back to work tomorrow morning.
“This is where you practice?” You gasp. The building was very simple on the inside with a large open space. There were some weapons hanging on the wall and two doors at the back of the building.
“Yup. From sunrise to sunset.” Suki turns to you, putting her hands on her hips, “Now you’ll get the chance to see how we train.”
“So, why did you want to train me?” You question, letting her pull your hair out of its ponytail. You shake it out and blush at the awed look Suki gives you. Your hair was very long. You took great care of it since there wasn’t much to do in your free time.
“If you’re going to keep pretending you’re not a waterbender, you still need to be able to protect yourself.” She retrieves a box and has you kneel before her, “So, I’m going to walk you through our traditions.”
Suki takes the time to get you dressed into the robes the Kiyoshi Warriors wear. You’re almost surprised at how heavy the robes are on your body. If they wore this and managed to move that quickly, they must be inhuman or something! It interested you, and you found the way Suki talked so proudly about it to be cute. You listened to her closely, letting her put the makeup on you as she explained the history behind it. Once that was done, it was time for practice.
“We’re going to move through some motions, so spread your feet apart like this and bring your elbows into your body.” Suki demonstrates. You mimic her and she stares at you intensely as you do. A few seconds pass before she walks over to you.
“You want to come down a bit farther.” She puts her hands on your hips and pulls your body down some more. You feel your breath catch in your throat as she manipulates your body. Although you had no skin exposed, you could feel her touch lingering on your skin. It felt like the air was heating up between you two. She watched your body movements, using her own hands to support you or correct your form. You stopped breathing when her hands moved up your body, feeling dizzy in a different way. Your gazes lingered, and you watched her lips move as she talked.
“You’re doing a great job!” Suki compliments you, “You’re a natural at this!”
“Thank you.” You feel fluttery hearing her say that, “It might just be because I have a great teacher.”
“A great teacher is only made by a great student.” She winks at you, making you giggle.
“Can you show me your moves in action?” You tilt your head, “Slowly, at least. I’d like to be able to see it this time.”
“Okay, get in position across from me.” Suki motions with her hand, and you do as she says. You lock eyes, getting lost in her gaze. A moment passes and then Suki becomes a blur. You gasp in alarm, feeling her grab your arm out of nowhere. You’re yanked forward and you feel your body flip through the air. You let out a grunt of pain as your back hits the floor and Suki pins you to the ground. Your jaw drops as she smirks down at you.
“Was that slow enough?” She asks teasingly.
“Yeah…” You breathe out, feeling an unknown emotion settle in your chest.
“That’s it for tonight, then.” The smirk doesn’t leave her face as she helps you up, “Let’s get you out of that. We’ll take the makeup off first.” You nod wordlessly, still in awe. The two of you head into the changing room where the shelves are filled with extra uniforms. There’s a basin of water there that’s used to remove the makeup, but you feel a little spontaneous.
“Let me remove the makeup for you.” You pull water from the basin and let it stick to your palms, “It’ll be faster this way.”
“Okay.” Suki smiles and sits down, patting the spot on the bench next to her. You get close to her, Suki’s hand on your thigh to steady herself as she lets you carefully run your hands over her face. Little by little, the makeup comes off to reveal her features and you’re taken by her beauty.
“You’re staring.” She whispers.
“Sorry.” You go to back away, but she grabs your wrist.
“I’m okay with staring… but I’d prefer to kiss you instead.” You make a noise in the back of your throat, surprised by her statement.
“If I read this whole evening wrong, you’re more than welcome to tell me no.” She continues, “But if I haven’t… I’d like to kiss you.”
“You haven’t.” You whisper, closing your eyes to remove the makeup from your face. Once you do, you send the water down the little drain next to the basin, “I’d like to kiss you, too.”
Suki didn’t waste a second. Her lips were on yours, soft and sweet from the berry juice in the lip paint. Your heartbeat picks up as she guides you onto her lap, and you rest your hands on her chest. She wasn’t your first kiss, but she’s the first kiss where it was good. Suki knew how to kiss and it showed. The way her tongue found its way into your mouth, not too much to send you running or she’d take a moment to suck on your bottom lip and make you impatient.
“Can I touch you?” Suki asks sweetly, “Have you been touched before?”
“Ah, no, I-I haven’t.” That question wasn’t one you were expecting at all. That made you a little nervous. You haven’t even touched yourself before. How would you know what to do or-
“Hey, don’t worry. We don’t have to do anything.” She brushes your hair behind your ear, “I was just asking.”
“I’d like to… I’ve just- I don’t-”
“You don’t need to do anything.” She giggles, “Let me do it for you.”
“Okay.” You agree.
“Let’s get you undressed then.” Suki waits for you to stand before instructing you to turn around. Piece by piece, she helped you out of the warrior’s uniform while leaving kisses on your neck. Your body felt warm, your heart was racing, and you were slowly getting excited for what was to come. When your robes were off, you helped Suki even though she didn’t need it. Taking your cues from her, you did the same thing and kissed her neck, giving in to the urge to leave little bites as well. You were doing something right by the way you’d hear soft gasps leave her lips. The moment the last piece of her robes were off, she backed you into the wall and hicked your leg up to her hip.
“Kiss me.” You demand, making her chuckle.
“Eager.” She grins before kissing you again. This time you were more intense with this kiss. You weren’t sure why but only that it felt right to be. You could feel her fingers playing at the edge of your underwear and it sends shivers up your spine. Her fingers move across and down, over your covered clit to press against that spot between your legs. You gasp against her lips, wrapping your arms around her to bring her closer to you. She rubs her fingers down there for a bit, continuing to kiss you as you struggle to hold in your moans. Your body is trembling at this point, eager for more stimulation from the gorgeous warrior pinning you to the wall.
“Do you still want me to put my fingers in?” Suki asks after backing from the kiss.
“Yes…” You breathe out. You hold each other’s gaze as you feel her move the cloth aside. Her eyes sparkle in the light, such a deep blue you could always get lost in them. You gasp as one of her fingers slips into you, whimpering as she touches you in a way no one has. It’s all you can focus on. The feel of her touching you so deeply in a place that sent your body tingling with pleasure.
“Suki.” You moan out her name, tilting your head back.
“You’re so beautiful, you know.” She kisses your exposed neck, “It’s a shame you’ve never felt pleasure like this before.”
“You’re the first.” You mutter, not able to speak any louder.
“I’m honored.” She hums, putting another finger in and stretching you out, “You have such a cute pussy. I’m enjoying letting you experience this.” You groan, the soft burning from the stretching not doing anything to distract you from the pleasure. Only a few hours ago, she had tied you up and now she was in an intimate position with you. Who would have thought leaving home would end up with you like this?
“Thank you…” You say breathily, “It feels nice. Really nice.”
“Don’t thank me yet, cutie.” Suki giggles, “I haven’t made you cum, yet.” You weren’t sure what she meant by that, but you couldn’t ask. She had moved her thumb to a bundle of nerves further up and you were too enthralled to talk. The trembling in your body only got worse, except now something was tightening in your abdomen. It kept getting tighter the more she touched you and you didn’t want to tell Suki to stop. You were more aware of her fingers than you were earlier and the pressure in your abdomen had reached its peak. A loud moan left your lips as you felt it snap, your fingers digging into her shoulders in the process.
“Spirits!” You hear Suki exclaim in surprise and then giggle as you feel a liquid run down your legs. She didn’t stop until you could feel your body relax, but your mind was definitely in a different state. You felt a little foggy.
“I didn’t think I’d make you cum that hard.” Suki chuckles, slowly sliding her fingers out, “Are you feeling okay?” She asks.
“Yeah.” You nod, trying to catch your breath, “I am. I just- I’m not quite sure what I’m feeling but it feels good.”
“Don’t worry, it’ll go away soon.” She kisses your cheek, “You did great, cutie.”
“Thank you.” You blush, thinking about kissing her again, “Can I…?”
“Can you kiss me again?” She smirks, making you giggle and nod your head.
“I don’t mind that.” Suki lifts your chin and kisses you.
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banterspam · 2 months
[summary, i go on a long nerdy ass delusion filled manhunt for a sick ass bart allen impulse figure and win]
Okay so basically I got my first paycheck from my job and i was looking to treat myself to something cool and was scouring for sick dc stuff. Lately I've been into figurines and shit so I've been looking at them on google and ebay.
I was originally thinking about getting a robin figure and I kinda went down a rabbit hole and learned about porcelain figures which are super freaking cool but anyways I saw that there was a young-just-us set (robin, superboy, bart) and as i was freaking out over the set
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I went, oh my god i want a bart figure so bad--and so i went on the man hunt for the coolest impulse figure!
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This one's really cool so I was planning to get it
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the website this figure was placed on had the words 'Bart Allen 2000s action figurine, $13.99' so of course i clicked on it because omigosh i need it. Yea so anyways that website was blank and i felt my digital information being drained out of my soul so i closed that out.
But damn that figure is so freaking cool.
and thus i went on a manhunt, screaming, kicking, throwing hands!
Ngl I was actually going insane becauuuuse, this was the only image i could find ANYWHERE (i was praying it wasn't a custom for dear life. hint: it was!)
I almost gave up until i realized i was stupid and there literally was the creators watermark all over the image LMFAO (ironcowprod.com)
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So i open the page and go through alllll of his figurine images
let me note that I have become fully aware that I could definitely not buy this bart BUT i just really wanted a sign that the figurine i've been going crazy over exists
so basically im scrolling an scrolling and scrolling annnnnd
Nada. No sign of life at all.
Okay maybe me being heartbroken sounds like an overstatement BUT I REALLY WAS OKAY!
Impulse kinda has a cult following; most people know this character but aside from a few dedicated fans there really isn't any merch specific to him (which upsets me because i love to blow aggregious amounts of money on characters i love lol), so I was really excited to see such a cool figure for him that someone poured love into!
After going through all of ironcow's figurine sections i decided to give up on my search, but, I made one final last ditch effort.
Half heartedly i typed, "ironcow impulse"
I swear in this moment the world gave me a high five.
The figure was created on March 18th, 2000, and it was awesome.
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I was super excited just seeing the figure, just admiring it ya'know?
Then i read the description
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Oh okay so he didn't make it from scratch and used another as a model haha cool
but what are the chances that base model from the literal year 2000 is still around haha
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so guess who has experience: painting figurines, using magic sculpt, and sanding down weird shit for funsies.
Anyways theres a figure in my cart and im ready to paint :]
(Thanks anyone who read through all of this LOL, the figure im making will be heavily based off of iron-cow production's and they are super freaking cool like seriously their work is just inspiration heaven so please please for your sake check out their page it's awesome!)
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strid3rofthen0rth · 6 months
I Accidentally Kicked a Rabbit, Murder Ensued
I don't know if you've ever raised rabbits for meat, but they're a viable option for that, in part, because they're exceedingly easy to feed, keep, and "process" -- kill, skin, and gut. (most wild rabbits also have almost no nutritional value, meaning you can go into "rabbit starvation" if that's all you eat, so, ya know, eat other stuff, too) Not important here. Point is, they're essentially made of tissue paper.
I often need an afternoon break between the day job and the wood shop, so I took the dogs out for yard shenanigans, our daily routine. One dog will play fetch until he dies of dehydration if you let him, the other, a hunting breed, fucks off to sniff everything in search of prey.
It's a set piece now. I get done with the daily fuck show, wasting my life typing for money, then we throw the tennis ball for him until my arm is gonna come off. The retriever, she ignores fetch, snuffs all the sniffs in the yard, hoping to find some sort of prey. She's so soft and adorable and dumb. Not a brain cell in her. Just having a gleeful time.
Today, while making my 48th(?) tennis ball throw, before the play-bows and excited yips of the fetch dog, something bounced off the top of my boot.
When I looked down, a bouncing ball of fluff appeared in my field of vision, traveling left to right. A rabbit tumbling across the yard, having caromed off my foot. Then another whizzing by. What the fuck is happening?
I looked over to my left to see the retriever with a dead rabbit in her mouth, blood on her face, in full chase of the others, one of whom had just bounced off my foot.
She can't find her ass with two paws. She's dumber than hell, but she has instincts and drive. Fuck yes.
I stepped back to get out the way, she juked the same way. There was a moment of staring into each others eyes as we fell. Star crossed idiots, chest to chest, me on my back. Then she dropped the first dead rabbit on my shoulder, and put on the afterburners I hadn't known she possesses.
She caught the last rabbit within a few feet of the barn, did the head shake, showed me the blood and entrails flailing around in the golden ratio.
Still has to be shown how to work the dog door every morning. Sometimes I have to wiggle my finger in her water bowl to remind her to drink. But the instincts remain.
She brought it back to me as a prize, elated, while I was still siting on my ass in a yard puddle. Nice to be around the driven huntings dogs I grew up with. Even if she is clueless.
I love her.
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a short fic with Stolas or Angel Dust x gn!reader? Maybe where they lied a lot when they were alive and died because of it? Oh! And Readers demon form is a snake of some sort? No worries if not though, have a good day/night :]
Okay, so sorry this took so long, as well as me being late to when I planned to post it but it's done. I ended up choosing Stolas as I generally feel I'm more famliar with him and I thought I could deliver a better story choosing him. Hope you enjoy. The Owl Get's the Snake.
“Remind me why I’m here again?”You said snipilly, your tail flicking behind you sharply as you slithered down the grandiose hall of the palace, noting the cold you could feel from the marble floor even through the red carpet. “Because I wanted someone to go to this shindig with, besides it’s not like you get out much, I’d thought you’d thank me Y/N” Your Tv headed boss stated, casually throwing an arm around your shoulders which was par for the course when you weren’t in a professional setting with him
“I’m not desperate for social interaction Vox, I get plenty of it working for you and all”You noted tactfully putting your hands in your vest pockets “Oh come on, is it so bad of me wanting to spoil my assistant?”The Overlord asked with a shrug making you raise a brow at him
“Not like that sheesh, I’m not Val”Vox said, his face falling and his posture slumping noticeably “Sureee…”You sarcastically assured making the eyes on his screen narrow at you “Heh, I know you like being sarcastic, but don’t go there”Vox stated firmly making you take your hands out in a faux surrender motion “Okay, got it. Just making fun, I only came here for the free drinks and all so forgive me for being a bit snippy before we get to the table.”You still decided to note, parties were far from your thing, let alone ones in palaces that belonged to someone you didn’t know, wasn’t even sure Vox mentioned it when he said he was taking you 
“Heh Smartass, even though you don’t have one~”The Overlord remarked smugly patting you on the shoulder making you roll your eyes“Hmm, Wonder If Velvette has any jobs open.”You remarked back with a smirk, making his eyes go wide before he laughed pulling you close “Okay Sorry, Sorry I’ll shut up, just making fun right back pal”
“I can’t believe I work for you.”You said sarcastically rolling your eyes again, you enjoyed working for Vox though never said it of course. He paid well, and was a lot better then some other clients you had in the past, got even better when Val got kicked to the curb so it was a job you enjoyed for the most part, just expressing that verbally wasn’t something you did often, so you treated him nice despite his antics at times, he was still kinda your friend after all.
It wasn’t long before you two reached the ballroom of sorts, decorated pretty well for a party, a number of tables and chairs spread about as well as a buffet table to the side, a good few people mingling about as well as service staff carrying drinks about. The two of you finding an empty table and sitting down, Vox grabbing two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter and sliding one over to you “Okay, is champagne good for you?”
“Yeah, if my throat gets dry I’ll hunt down some water, but I’m good with this.”You said picking the glass up before opening your mouth wide to take in the smell, getting a very strong, citrusy fruity scent from it “Oof very fine, who’s this party for again?”You asked before taking a small sip, you weren’t a huge fan of alcohol but Champagne was one of the few you could stand 
“Stolas Goetia, we’re kinda old friends, apparently he finally threw his toxic wife out on her ass and wanted to celebrate. Good for him I guess”Vox explained before taking a sip of his own glass, it still surprised you he could eat and drink like anyone else, having a Tv for a face and all but it was Hell and stuff was weird, so you were getting used to it slowly, deciding to crack a joke instead of pointing it out “Pfft sounds like you two have a lot in common.”You stated, frankly you hadn’t the faintest clue what the relationship was like but If Vox saw it as toxic it had to be pretty bad. Your boss chuckling at that
“Heheh I guess so, probably should try to talk to him sometime tonight, but honestly I got no clue how to rekindle anything like that…”Vox began before trailing off, seemingly entranced by something behind you, curiosity getting the best of you, you glance over your shoulder only to see none other then Alastor, chatting it up with his own… employees? Husker and Nifty if you remembered correctly. You weren’t sure of the nature of how they knew Alastor but you had chatted with them on occasion, while the two overlords were busy beating each other senseless. Not much better to do after all…
“Oh don’t rekindle that.”You stated dryly, really hoping tonight didn’t turn into another brawl “Egh, I had no idea he would be here…”Vox said covering his face with his free hand, his usual gray screen gaining a hint of red around his facial features, you barely noticing turning back to Alastor to people watch a bit, his group soon joined by Princess Charlotte and her girlfriend “Eh makes sense, he’s been a lot more social since he started helping out at that hotel of the Princess’s”You noted turning back to your boss
“So what do I do? Ignore him?”The Media Overlord asked honestly, still a bit red in the face. You raised a brow at his behavior, but he had been noticeably trying to be nicer so you supposed it made sense he wanted to bury the hatchet with Alastor it seemed “If you want to talk to him, talk to him, I’ve been around him with you long enough to know he’s polite when it’s necessary, a party seems the perfect time  to talk, while the chances of a full on battle seems… at least low”You pointed out, still a little unsure from how many battles you’ve seen start out of nowhere between the two.
“But what would we even talk about aside tallying times we threw each other into wall”He questioned sarcastically but you couldn’t help but smirk
“Which is Fifteen against you and Nine Against him since you hired me, you going soft on him or something?”You questioned making Vox narrow his eyes at you, a spark of electricity coming off his antenna in annoyance
“What the Hell is with the bluntness? Aren’t snake demons supposed to be all lies and deception, and “eat this apple, it’s fine, won’t get you banished I’m sure”?”Vox questioned, his screen flashing to an image of a mischievous looking cartoon snake for a second before turning back to his face, you rolling your eyes, oh he had no idea
“Oh trust me I lie a lot, not to you specifically since you pay me well, but I did it alot when I was alive, faked my death once or twice too, and I can be sarcastic as well as snarky, whatever suits me. And what suits you I feel is going over to talk to him.”You explained firmly, before regaining your smug tone pointing in the Radio Demon’s direction, Vox awkwardly looking away, stammering at a response making you sigh
“Oh good lord Vox, just say a casual Hi or something. Your the Media Overlord not some socially inept teenager, I’m sure you can figure out something to talk to him about without my help”You stated still smug, but you were getting a little annoyed with this “Well you are my assistant, you're supposed to assist me.”Vox noted as a vain attempt to not walk up alone, you could tell but you weren’t having any of it
“Not on my off day mister, good luck boss man ~”You pointed out, smugly getting up from your chair and beginning to slither off “What-Where are you going!?”He questioned, not too loudly not wanting to cause but he was still confused, you turning back simply saying “To get some air.”
“We just got here- Oh for fucks sake Y/N…”The Overlord began before resigning to his fate as you slithered off to a hallway, watching him get up and walk over Alastor’s table, putting on a much more confident posture then how he felt but he was a showman so it made sense. Watching him for a bit till you felt he was too engrossed in a conversation to walk over and grab you the moment you revealed you fibbed to him like that.
“Well that worked, he’s probably gonna cool off by the time he’s done so I’ll go get some foo-OW!”You started before feeling a sharp pain shoot out from your tail causing you to spin around to find the source, finding a well dressed and very tall owl demon with red eyes stumbling back, seeming to have stepped on your tail probably distracted by the phone in his hand “I-I’m sorry, I d-didn’t me-”He tried apologetically though the pain and adrenaline speeding through your system boiled your emotions over
“You don’t just step on another demon's tail you idiot! That hurt! Alot!”You yelled at him, seeing him look away, seeming genuinely hurt by your outburst making you pause. Almost wanting to apologize all of a sudden
“I truly a-am sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going and-”He tried again, still avoiding direct eye contact, currently looking down at both your lower parts, before his eyes went wide at something, you almost recoiling at the fact that revealed he actually had four eyes, the upper ones peeking out from slits in his top hat. Not entirely unusual for demons but still not something you were used to.
“Oh dear.”The Owl stated in concerned tone and without another word he picked you up in his arms bridal style, your slitted eyes going wide in a mix of surprise, confusion, and embarrassment, that last one also dusting your cheeks in a blush. “Uh what is happening?”You stated passive yet still very  confused before you both were enveloped in darkness, the dark dissipating revealing you were teleported to another room looking somewhat like a clinic, with tables and counters, the counters being covered in glowing potions.
It was such an interesting situation you almost forgot you had seemingly been abducted by the person carrying you, the reality crashing back into you soon after “Let go you Asshole! You can’t just magically abduct me like that!”You shrieked slapping him before slipping out of his grasp, falling to the floor trying to slither away, though the pain near the tip of your tail for some reason was lingering making you slower and more awkward then if it wasn’t there “But I’m trying to-”The Owl started getting down on his knees and grabbing onto the middle of your tail to stop you, causing you to turn onto your back to face him
“I don’t care what your trying to do! I’m not even partly into it so fuck off! Do you know who I work f-”You began, half intending to slap him off though didn’t get the chance before he slammed his hands on either side of you his eye’s glow grew brighter and gained white pupils as he stared you directly in the face, shutting you up fast before he spoke out
“I’m trying to help you, so stop squirming and let me~”The Owl said in a tone that was an odd mix of threatening and sensualness, the surprising mix dusting your cheeks once more as you nervously chuckled, now very aware you were at this persons mercy most likely
“U-Uh geez I… wait help me what?”You questioned, just now processing what he actually said, the Owl himself seeming to calm down, his pupils disappearing and the glow diminishing, seeming pleased you weren’t trying to slither away anymore, before he sighed “For you to stop bleeding.”The Owl almost grated out, you making sure to note he still seemed a bit peeved, a bit slow on actually reading his words again, raising a brow in confusion
“But I’m not… oh my.”You began to note before looking past him seeing your tail was trailing blood, your eyes widening in surprise. So that’s why it was still hurting.
“I… didn’t even notice, honestly”You admitted a bit embarrassed in truth, the owl seeming to roll his eyes as best he could with no permanent pupils and got off you “Clearly.”He said bitterly, picking you up off the floor and setting you on a table, before silently going to a a cabinet for some bandages
“Look. I’m sorry for… freaking out on you. You have to admit it seemed a little sketchy. You picking me up and teleporting me away from prying eyes and all”You explained, taking the time to inspect the wound, finding three nasty gashes on the back of your tail, clearly a result of the owls talons, noting some blood on one of them to prove it.
“Yes… but I feel just awful for giving you that gash on your tail, I often forgot my talons are so sharp I suppose  But still I panicked”The owl explained apologetically, grabbing a bottle of alcohol and a swab for good measure, getting to cleaning the wound not long after, you holding back a very fitting hiss for your form from the sting
“Hey I get it, I mean one time I hadn’t clipped my toenails in a while and when I accidentally hit my brother’s foot, yikes… I mean it wasn’t as bad, but, you know?”You said, awkwardly as it was hard to speak normally with the sting and all, though you questioned your head for parting with such information, it wasn’t like it was blackmail worthy but you hardly ever told true stories so you found it odd how it came out so easy for some reason
“Oh, I’m guessing that means your a sinner of some sort?”He guessed as he finished up cleaning the wound, levitating a trash bin over to discard the dirty cloth “Yeah. Does that mean you see me as decent in the hierarchy, I forget that stuff a lot”You asked awkwardly, not due to the sting though, You were a little surprised of him seeming interested in who you were “As do I. I see little truth to what it claims so I’d hardly be the best person to tell you how it works. My Ex wife would be spectacular at it though…”He answered, bitterly at the end as he started on bandaging up the wound, making it pretty clear pressing on that subject would be a bad idea.
“Wow, a lot of recently single people here tonight, huh?”You stated sarcastically, with Vox, that Stolas guy hosting the party and… your new acquaintance you supposed and all “Really, I wasn’t aware, I’m not single any way so I suppose it’s not much of my business”He noted innocently, you unable to help being a little disappointed, it wasn’t everyday you found a nice guy in Hell but oh well you guessed
The Owl soon finished up the bandages, you not expecting another shot of pain when he began tying making you hiss, making him chuckle a little “Oh don’t hiss too much my snakeish friend, almost done…”He said cordially, again making you blush as he finished tying it “There, it’s still going to hurt a little, especially if you apply any pressure to that spot, so please be careful till it heals”The Owl stated cautiously, you swinging your side to side to test how painful it was, it felt a lot better but still sore so probably shouldn’t slither around for too long “...Thanks, your really nice, considering I called you an Idiot and an… Asshole, still sorry about that.”You thanked awkwardly, getting off the table, making sure to land on the front of your tail as to not irritate the wound
“I’ve been called worse, and I understand, I must have really hurt you so you have a right to a reaction like that. Now let me show you back to the ballroom, as a good host should.”The owl said with a fancy bow and with a smile, him raising a brow at seeing your eyes widen
“Wait…? Your hosting the party? Which means your…”You began, now even more awkward “Oh! Yes I suppose I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Stolas Goetia, of the Ars Goetia. I’d say I hope you enjoy your evening, but I’m afraid I already ruined it…”Stolas said, with a nervous chuckle, blushing in embarrassment “N-No! You didn’t ruin my evening! You just… spiced it up a bit. I was pretty sure tonight was going to be a drag to be honest… No offense to y-you of course, just my general experience with these things.”You insisted, settling into the awkwardness of it all, seeming to calm down the prince as well
“Mm No offense taken. Honestly… I feel the same, parties were never that fun for me, never have been for the most part”Stolas admitted, You silently questioning why he would host something he didn’t enjoy but he said something else before you could ask him about it “Say, I don’t think you introduced yourself either. May I have the pleasure?”Stolas asked with a smirk offering you his hand or claw or whatever, surprising you again  “I-I… O-Okay, sure…”
“Y/N L/N I work as an assistant. Where doesn’t matter.”You stated, awkwardly shaking his hand, unable to not notice the pleasant chill his claws had before taking your hand back, confusing the prince a little but he said nothing of it 
“Well Y/N, did someone accompany you?”Stolas asked still very cordial, you just deciding to try to ignore to try to hold a conversation with him “Uh, yeah. My Boss did.”
“Well I should get you back to the party before they notice their likely best employee has seemingly vanished.”Stolas stated and you honestly expected him to wink with how it felt like he was flirting with you. He couldn’t be obviously so again you tried to ignore it.
“Though we should walk, it’s unadvised to teleport with injuries for the most part, I only ignored it so I didn’t have blood trailing through the palace, would’ve looked like I dragged you to double Hell which Is a conclusion I doubt would be pleasant for anyone involved”Stolas said nervously chuckling again as he walked past you, gesturing for you to follow him, which you, not knowing what else to do
Despite knowing Stolas was literal royalty you found yourself surprised at grandness of his home, the halls being so huge and wide you couldn’t think any possible circumstance to make them cramped, simply saying“I must say you got quite the place Stolas” to which the Owl chuckled at.
“Aw well I’m glad you like it my friend, one of the few things I’m happy to have due to my lineage. I must tell you the upper class life isn’t always grand”The prince admitted a little awkwardly, you were well aware of the expectations thrust upon somebody if they were anybody in hell and even back on earth so you understood “Trust me, I know. I’m pretty familiar with the high class life thanks to circles my job puts me in. Still it beats fearing you’ll be thrown out onto the streets, which are even more dangerous down here…”You stated bitterly, not having had the best fall to hell, it having taken a while for you to be able to market your managerial skills to get in a somewhat good place financially. 
You supposed it was fair considering what you did in life, having embezzled from your clients and lied through your teeth when they noticed the missing funds, it wasn’t until one got too smart and found out and that quickly put you in the ground, and now you were here, in Hell, in a fitting form for your sins slithering down a hall with an injured tail beside a charming prince who looked at you with sympathy before sighing a little
“Hell is Hell, the best we can do is try to make it better and try to protect our loved ones from it’s cruelties. Be there when they need it most”Stolas said eloquently, you looking at him wide eyed for a good few seconds, just baffled how nice he was. You had met a few goetias, most horribly stuck up but Stolas… just kept surprising you you guessed.
“Heh, are you trying to get me to blush? Cause it feels like you are.”You asked, genuinely wanting an answer, Vox did the same at times just to tease so it wasn’t out of the question, Stolas let out a hearty chuckle at the question before turning to you with a smirk
“You know my boyfriend complains about that exact thing, says I’m trying to embarrass him but I know he likes it. The Question is… do you my friend?”Stolas asked smugly gracefully bowing and putting a claw under your chin so you’d look at him, you stopping in your tracks, able to feel the heat on your cheeks, trying desperately to look anywhere but the Prince’s face your head racing
‘Fuck these mixed signals! Fuck these mixed signals! Fuck these mixed sig-’You internally ranted at how frustrated you were about this whole thing before a booming voice took priority in your head
“Stolas!!!”A deep almost warped voice boomed through the hall followed by approaching stomps, the composed look on Stolas’s face vanishing replaced with a terrified expression as he let out a gasp “I-I know that stomp! We need to move!”The prince said terrified, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into a nearby suite, Stolas shutting the door behind the both of you, putting his back as he started hyperventilating in panic “Wha-Wait! Who is that?”You questioned, half expecting to have to figure out an exit strategy to get out of this situation
“That would be my father… Paimon, who is clearly not happy with me.”Stolas stated, while he was still nervous, his breathing seemed to calm down at the very least “...Maybe he’s upset your not actually at the party your hosting?”You thought out loud, a bit blunt but it didn’t seem you had much time to think up a better way to put it with the stomps getting louder.
“Oh I just wanted to spend some time with Blitz! I should have just canceled it when he got busy! And I can’t leave now cause he’ll know if I portal away!”Stolas admitted desperately before putting his hands to his face and sinking to the ground against the door. You couldn’t imagine how Stolas’s relationship with his father must have been to stoke this kind of fear in him, but again you had little time to process it or think up a way to leave quickly before you lit up with an idea, blankly asking soon after.
“Do you have a clipboard?”You asked, confusing Stolas out of his panic, removing his hands from his face to look at you with a raised brow “Um… pardon, but how will that help?”The prince asked, you barely letting him finish since you kinda had to rush him “Just trust me, I got an idea.”
Stolas glanced at you, still confused but not having much of a choice decided to humor you “Oh, well I should have one in my study”He stated, looking at the surroundings with a familiar glint in his eye, you both being lucky enough to end up his room it seemed
“Perfect, come on.”You said, pulling the Prince to his feet before gesturing him to lead the way, hastily doing so leading to a quaint cozy looking study with a fancy desk, multiple bookcases and even a fireplace. Though the stomps were even louder now as you grabbed a clipboard and gestured him to sit down in the chair
“Okay now sit down, regally. Look professional”You stated, not wanting to sound commanding but with the adrenaline you could hardly help it. Stolas sitting down and putting his arms on the desk, looking to you with a nervous smile, making you offer a reassuring one back which seemed to calm him before you heard what was no doubt the door the suite being pushed open with incredible force, you doing a nervous gulp before speaking 
“Okay and… Well your majesty, depending on what you desire, the cost will greatly var-”You began in a professional tone, Stolas’s mouth going slightly agape in confusion and while you wanted to explain that hope was quickly dashed with the study door bursting open revealing a mass of black, white, and a bit of red energy morphing into different beastly shapes, you barely able to stop yourself from screaming before it formed into another Owl demon, resembling a horned owl with their eyes only having red centers, the rest being black though the red glowed intensely making it barely noticeable
Clearly Paimon was a fan of grand entrances.
The red glow dimmed as the demon sighed as a brown cloak fell over them, shrouding most of their towering form as they looked dead straight at Stolas “Son.”They spoke, it was professional, cold, loveless, you’d heard that tone quite a lot during your time here.
“F-Father.”Stolas said stuttering a little, you couldn’t blame him, the main reason you felt you could manage again the elder goetia’s intimidating presence was cause lie was practically your middle name at this point. You just hoped you were right to be confident.
“What in the seven hells are you doing back here in your room as the host of the part-”The Horned looking Avian began, seeming about to go into a rant as he walked up to Stolas’s desk, you slamming your tail to make your presence known making him stop, having seemed to think he and Stolas were alone, “Hold on a moment, who are you?”He said almost accusatory, resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you were quite brightly colored so how he missed you, you had no clue.
“I’m his assistant.”You stated professionally, seeming the best approach “Assistant?”Paimon questioned, confusion taking his tone rather then annoyance this time.
“Yes, I help your son with business agreements, what it takes to be a prince, where to put funds and how to maximize profits etc.”You explained, realizing mid way through there was a good chance he already knew what an assistant was but stopping mid way wouldn’t look great either so you continued, pausing shortly so he couldn’t respond but not short enough for it to seem intentional “In Fact that’s what we’re doing right now, an urgent thing came up unexpectedly so we had to leave the guests to themselves for a bit in order to take care of it. Business before pleasantries and all.”You stated suavely, it was that specific bullshitting tone you spoke in when you were lying straight to a person’s face which could easily kill you if so desired, hoping neither avian could read your nervousness as Paimon looked at you incredulously for a good few seconds for standing back up to his full height contemplatively 
“Hmm… that’s actually quite mature of you son-”Paimon started, seeming pleased and man did you wish you could breathe out in relief already cause you almost thought it was curtains for a second time there.
“It’s Stolas”The Prince noted, making you realize Paimon hadn’t actually referred to his son by name this whole time, and by Stolas’s tone it seemed that was often the case “Yes, either way perhaps I jumped to conclusions, Oh how I wish this came sooner but whatever. Say is your arrangement with my son exclusive? My old assistant vanished after extermination day a few years back. Not the faintest idea why.”Paimon began dismissivly before flipping to a much more welcoming mood it seemed, leaning down to be closer to eye level with you, surprising you but you took it in stride as you had learned to do.
“Hmm I may have openings someday, here ya go.”You said pleasantly as you pulled a slip of paper with the desired information on it, neither of you noticing Stolas’s eyes go wide in concern as Paimon took it “Splendid, I’m going to have depart now, but I’m glad to see you finally got… whatever was up with you out of your system my son. Maybe my choice of bride for you wasn’t the best but no harm done. Farewell”The Elder avian said before walking out with a formal wave and not another word and the moment you heard his footsteps fade, that entire time being silent for the both of you you breathed deep sigh of relief, putting the clipboard down as you leaned on the desk as you recovered from how stressful that was.
“Your dad’s an ass”You said in an attempt to lighten the mood as Stolas got up, getting in front of you and gripping your shoulders, surprising you a little “Please don’t tell me you actually gave him your number!”The Prince almost begged in a concerned tone, catching you off guard a little “Pfft fuck no, it’s fake”You said not letting him see it, his ruby eyes widening in confusion before he raised a brow “...You carry a fake number with you?”He questioned, still not sure if that was true it seemed
“Eh, it’s the best way to get some creeps off your tail, not in the way you got on it tho-”You began, intending to make a witty remark but it got caught on your throat when Stolas pulled you into a tight hug, your own eyes going wide in surprise “Oh thank you! I have no idea what I would’ve done without you. Thank you with all my heart Y/N!”The Prince thanked graciously still holding you close, you unable to help nuzzling into his neck a little to feel his feathers, oh fuck were they soft…
“Heheh… your welcome Stolas, just putting my talent for deception to good use I guess, and it’s the least I could do after freaking out at you before…”You said awkwardly, you knew you were getting attached already so you thought it best to end this before it got worse
“I should get back before my boss notices and freaks out, feel free to stay here if you want, it… is your room after all.”You said, unable to help the sadness in your tone as you turned away, making it to the door before the now familiar clacking of talons made you halt before you turned the handle
“Y/N…? Is there something you need to say to me? You seem conflicted about leaving.”The prince said in a much more calm, but still clearly concerned as he walked up to you, you sighing pleasantly turning to him
‘No, uh my tail is getting a little sore from slithering around injured and all, would you mind carrying me back, only if that’s okay with you of course’ You thought up, it didn’t seem too intrusive and it was one last thing before you probably had to say goodbye for Lucifer knows how long, he might try to find you but you weren’t sure he would even want to so this should be it
“Could I kiss you?”You instead asked blankly, both of your eyes going wide as you clamped a claw over your mouth as if to stop the already spoken question “Shit! Sorry it just slipped out! I mean-! Well I didn’t mean-”You tried to apoligize, now panicking, before suddenly calming down as Stolas put one of his own claws under your chin, gently pulling your face up to look at him.
“Hmm~ So what did you mean Y/N? Did you want to kiss me?~”The Prince asked with a smirk, your face feeling like it was burning at how direct yet charming he could be, unable to keep the truth in once again “Yeah…”
Still to your surprise, Stolas scooped you up one arm around your waist and the other holding your tail, you weren’t that short but considering how Stolas would tower over everyone, you still felt small close to him like this“So may I?~”He asked still suave and smug, at that point your ability to speak had checked out so instead you just moved your face closer to his as an answer, him getting the message, putting his beak to your mouth in a kiss, it was a bit sharp but not unpleasant, you were on cloud nine either way until he retracted, licking his lips before chuckling. “Ah~ Plum? Not a common flavor for chapstick my dear.”The Prince noted still so smug at having you practically a puddle in his hands
“I-It was a gag gift from my boss, since plums gro-”You began to explain awkwardly, having accepted how Stolas just had that freeing truthful affect on you by now “Where Bush vipers live, in sub saharan africa up in the living world. And that’s what your form resembles”Stolas finished for you, you staring at him for a second, surprised, even you were confused when you received the thing after all. “Yeah… You know that’s a pretty obscure conclusion to make.”
“I know a lot more about the living world then most, Flora is my main passion but I study Fauna at times too. Reptiles in particular are very interesting to me, but we can discuss that another time. I should get you back and see the party ends without incident, considering I need to call Blitz and see his opinion on sharing me with a charming little assistant such as yourself~”Stolas said and if your eyes could get any wider they would, you decided to take his word, that he wasn’t toying with you. Whatever happened you supposed you might as well have fun with it for the moment
“U-Um about that…”You started, you knew for sure this was pushing your luck but why not?
“You kissed me, but I asked to kiss you, so technically my request is still unfulfilled…”You noted, Stolas’s eyes widening before he smirked “Why you clever little darling~”The Prince said, still carrying you, he walked over to his bed and sat down, setting you on his lap cupping your face
“Okay, I’m right here, one kiss, be sure to make it coun-”He began, still so smug, good lord this bird had range…
“Just please stop talking for a bit, your making me more flustered then I already am”You stated, you knew for sure he already knew that but still there was only so much you could take “Hmm just an effect I seem to have on people I suppo-”The prince began before you shut him up with a kiss, you hearing a muffled moan from him as he ran his claws through the dull spikes on the back of your head, leading you to do the same with his hair as your very long tongues explored each others mouths before pulling away, Stolas chuckling once more
“Ohohoo, you seem quite the good kisser dear. I certainly enjoyed that, then again as long as it’s with you I’m sure I would”The prince said still chuckling a little “Oh lord…  I just tried to make it count as you said, which kinda led to me me-messing up your hair. Sorry about that.”You said, noting that it was a lot more noticeable with him that someone touched it with you
“Oh trust me I understand, I’ve done the same at times, trust me”Stolas said with a shrug, making you sprout a warm smile at him, nuzzling into his chest for a second before doing your best to get off him gracefully with an injured tail
“I should probably be going now, thank you for a good time Stolas.”You said, about to leave once before he chuckled again “Hold on, one more thing dear~”Stolas said snapping his fingers, making a silver bracelet with a azure jewel appear on your wrist, you eyeing it with surprise before shooting the prince a confused glance
“Uhh… I think it’s a little early to be gifting jewelry Stolas”You stated making him laugh “It’s not just jewelry, it’s enchanted so I can find you if needed, and come to you if your ever threatened”He explained, the last part sounded vaguely romantic, but still you could see the sketchiness in it
“This sounds stalkerish, I’m not going to lie.”You admitted, you weren’t trying to be mean but you felt honesty was the best policy for once “Refuse it if you want, just a precaution, Hell and all, I’ll need to do a spell to check it anyway so I won’t know where you are 24/7”He explained passively, well at least he didn’t seem upset 
“I’ll put this in my apartment, is that okay?”You compromised, it wasn’t that you didn’t trust Stolas, he could have killed or forced you into anything the entire time you were together but he didn’t. So he earned your trust, you were just being careful “Certainly, just want you safe Y/N.”Stolas said still very calm, making you smile genuinely, maybe this would work out, who knows?
“Well… have a goodnight Stolas, see you soon”You farewelled before slithering to the door “Heheh, not if  I see you first~”You heard the prince remark making you roll your eyes fondly before you opened the door, and left, smiling to yourself down the hall before you turned a corner, before some bluish light turned on behind making you cast a shadow as the mysterious light flickered
“So how was the royal D?~”A familiar staticy voice asked smugly, making you whirl around to see Voz leaning up against the wall with a smirk “Wha- Vox?! I-I what are you talking about?”You questioned unconvincingly as your boss walked up to you with a chuckle “Oh come on Y/N, I was looking for you and just happened to catch a glimpse of your little makeout sesh with Stolas, didn’t know you were a player like that.”The Media Overlord remarked making your already present blush all the more obvious. No denying it now.
“I’m not, it just… kinda happened, I don’t know, I ran into him after I walked off and- we didn’t do that mind you an-”You stammered, too flustered to really explain the whole thing before Vox put a hand on your shoulder  “Heheh calm down, was just a bit curious, but happy you found something fun to do tonight, Was a bit worried when you seemingly  went poof, but as long as you were safe I’m good with that.”He said with a smile, clearly not noticing the bandage on your tail in the dark, that would be weird to explain later
“It was… one way to pass the time, I’ll explain later, how’d things go with Alastor, I didn’t hear any blasts which is a good sign.”You noted jokingly
“Eh, we’re going suit shopping next week, can’t believe it took me so long to think of that as a starting point”Vox said with a shrug, and yeah you supposed that made sense, then again 
“Yeah, you both have pretty good taste, even if you ask for my help a lot”You admitted, Hell seemed to have a lot of people who wore suits as an everyday look after all “Well you got good taste too, and I need a second opinion sometimes, now what do you say we hit the buffet table for the goodies?”The Overlord asked chipperly, you somewhat glad he wasn’t pressing for info, getting a chuckle out of you
“I don’t know, seeing you eat still freaks me out a little.”You admitted beginning to walk down the hall with him, remembering the time you first saw it, it had gotten a yelp out of you then “Oh? Why do you say that”Vox said smugly before sticking his tongue out of his screen, the tendril like appendage looking like it was entirely made of static and electricity making your eyes go wide before you snorted, laughing your tail off
“You Ass! Get your weird fucking tongue back in your mouth!”You said playfully pushing him away before doubling as you laughed, still able to slither though shakily “Okay Okay! Just messing with you geez”The Overlord relented, laughing with you.
Guess tonight wasn’t so bad after all.
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afterlematch · 3 months
[very long post] Hi theater kids! I want to share a musical idea I’ve had for a whiiiiillleee and recently flipped on its head and had an amazing idea for today. Titled: The Matchmaker
The idea: A person who can find the perfect partner for anyone except themselves is on a hunt to find “the one” for them. One day they do find someone that romantically loves them… but they can’t replicate those feelings cause they’re aromantic.
This idea first popped into my head after I watched Sweeney Todd live in april of 2023 (in NL, t’was absolutely phenomenal) so it started out as a look into someones life who, at some point, would be driven to near insanity because they can’t find the right one, and later on that they can’t feel the feelings the other feels. This idea, at some point, became quite boring for me.
So I tried to flip the idea on its head and, to be honest, the new idea fits so much more and seems so much more fun and engaging. Now “The Matchmaker” is a tv show-like musical. There’s 10 contestants and, after 1 night, at least 2 of them will have been coupled together and will leave as a couple thanks to the host of the programmer, the matchmaker.
The matchmaker secretly wants to find the one for themselves but is unable to do so. Using their talent to find the right one for others, they try to make a living off of it by making it a tv show while still trying to find the one for them.
This tv show is widely successful and has been running for a couple of years. Over time it unknowingly became more important that most of the contestants are dramatic caricatures to gain more money and finding the right ones became less important. But the matchmaker still keeps a clean record of no immediate break ups within the couples they find. The only real breakups between couples happen years after their episodes aired.
The people backstage also get to shine too. Getting to interact with the characters as if they were a part of a real recording. They get lines and jokes as well.
The musical is a recording session of one of the episodes for a new season. The audience is like an audience at a recording. There’s screens telling the audience when to clap. Some jokes will be told with the help of these screens too.
The stage is the set of the show, with a little side stage where there’s a “confession booth” where the contestants can confess some stuff that’ll be edited into the show during the recordings.
Around halfway through the show it becomes clear to the host that there’s only 1 guest compatible, a very basic person with nothing special going on with them that was just added there to reach the 10 needed contestants. This confuses the host. But what confuses the host more is that none of the other 9 contestants seem like good fits. Who is this person that the 1 contestant is compatible to?
The host tells the contestants that only 1 contestant seems to be compatible. Most contestants are alright with this information, but 1 contestant, a very rich and famous contestant, really wants to go home with a partner that night. So they go to the host and threaten to sue the entire show if they aren’t the one paired with the contestant. (With a kick-ass song to boot.)
This frightens the host, they don’t want to lose their job. But they know that the 2 contestants aren’t compatible. After trying to find who is compatible, they realize something big. The person the contestant is compatible with is the host themselves.
But that can’t be, right? The host has never felt romantic attraction to anyone, how can this be? This is when one of the camera people comes in and tells the host that the connection is likely a platonic one, which is perfectly valid. But the host, in absolute fear and stress over the entire situation, has a hard time accepting this. They run off, going to tell the compatible contestant about the thing.
The camera person really wants to help the host but isn’t sure how. Until they listen back to the song the rich contestant sung to threaten the host. One of the other camera people, a big fan of the rich contestant, filmed the singing. They listen back and realize that the contestant not-so-subtly hinted to them being in a money laundering scheme. The camera people quickly start investigating this.
A bit later, it is time for the host to tell who are coupled together. As they try to say that the 2 contestants are coupled, the camera people talk through them to tell everyone that the host and the compatible contestant are the new couple. Telling them that platonic love is just as valid as any other form of legal love that exists. This really angers the rich contestant. Just as they’re calling their lawyer to sue the show, the police break in and arrest them for money laundering. The show and musical end on a happy end!
The big theme of this musical would be how love comes in many types. This musical would also touch on how the showbiz industry works and would be very, very queer. Not just by the fact that the host being aromantic is a big part of their character, but also due to the fact that any role can be played by anyone. With the only limit being their vocal range.
All characters would have 2 names that work and can be used. It’s up to the actor to choose the name they feel most comfortable with, or to come up with a new name that also works. Pronouns can be changed very easily, especially cause the songs all stick to gender neutral terms so nothing has to be changed in there for it to still work!
As someone on the aromantic spectrum, I’ve been wanting to show aromantic representation that’s purely about the romantic side for a while, and this is the biggest idea I’ve had around it.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading the entire idea! I’m really curious on what you think about this idea. (And note that this is just an idea. I didn’t note that well enough the last time I shared a musical idea and that led to many people being confused and wanting to sign up/help even though I wasn’t sure I was even gonna do it haha)
Bye :D!!
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obsolete-stars-if · 1 year
13th Sept 2023 Progress Update
I hear you all. Your pleas are reaching me. Your cries are entering my ears. When I close my eyes at night, I can see you crying, Yes I am in your walls, no I'm not gonna pay rent. Unsurprisingly, uhm… I'm not done with the update yet. So I thought a progress update was my best shot before you all hunt me down. (Yes, I'm being overdramatic. No, nobody asked for a progress update.)
Stuff I've done:
6 out of the 10 branches are fully done.
Not including the end scene, where you all return to the same place so I can end the demo.
But that'll be quick
90% of the code is finished, aka all the base code is done, and only choices/options still need to be implemented (which will be done while writing)
I would say I'm about 70 - 75% done?
I also switched to a new app to code and write in, and it's been motivating me more
Stuff that needs doing:
Obviously the 4,5 scenes
Grammar and spell check
There is a lot of code in this chapter and I will manually playtest some of it since it wouldn't show up in quick tests as errors, but logically they are errors.
Set up more code and pray to the indentation gods to have mercy on my soul
How long do I think this will take to finish? If I don't get hit with a sudden energy boost and finish it tonight? (highly unlikely) Not this week. I won't be home during the weekend, so maybe next week? Or the week after. Somewhere around the end of September. Do not hold me accountable tho. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow. I don't have control over me, my body finishes the update whenever it wants to.
Nerd stats: The current update is about 700 lines, 2.5k and added about 10 minutes of reading time.
Rambling under the cut
Realistically, when you play the update it's not going to seem like a lot because it will only be practically 4 branches you play, but depending on the order you chose to do these things, you can get up to 3 different scenes, and very likely will miss certain scenes that require you to do stuff in a certain order. I really hope this adds a ton of replayability to the update, it's been kicking my goddamn ass.
There are no consequences for missing scenes, dw. I just refused to only settle for one set possible scene per branch, like in Chapter 2, Don't get me wrong Chapter 2 is fine, but it's not what I wanted for this update. I wanted to include more dynamic movement of the characters, and I think I've done an okay job at it so far. I am not sure if this will be something I will do more often, esp it slows me down a lot, but now that I've almost finished it, there isn't as much dread about it as before. I genuinely laid in bed and didn't want to open my laptop and continue, BCS I was dreading the code and all the extra writing. I've done a good job at cutting a lot of the extra writing down with smart tempvars, ifs and gotos, it did add a bunch of code, but I think it has saved me a lot of headaches. Maybe once I get quicker at coding, this will be something I'll do more often.
I bit off a lot with the update and how I wanted it to work, and it has been a big challenge for me so far. I love the general option to go off and just explore, that's why I included it in the last two chapters. Having the replayability of all those different branches and scenes is something that I want to keep doing and adding to the game. But I am unsure of how much I can add before I feel like I am updating too slowly and start rushing the scenes, or not adding enough and making it feel too restricted in my opinion. But that will be something I will figure out over time.
I hope that when I finish the update, you will enjoy all the new content, find the different branches and scenes, and see how they play out for your MC. I'm a bit scared that it might not be as fun to play as I hoped, but that's a bridge I'll cross when I get there.
So…. yeah.
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
Nimona was so great I wish it was a show
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After seeing the trailers and clips and hearing about the premise I was really excited about watching this movie.
It looked fun, the main lead looked awesome, the animation seemed charming, it just looked like it was going to be a good time while exploring a very relevant theme even for today.
And long story short, that's basically what it was, just a really good fun time exploring a really relevant theme. It was as super solid movie with a super solid main character.
I don't think it's perfect but it did what I hoped it would do, showing this tiny girl with a sharp-teethed smile being awesome and kicking ass.
(Spoilers for the movie below)
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For those who don't know the premise, the movie tells the story about a man about to become an official knight who gets framed for a murder and ends up getting hated by the whole kingdom forcing him into isolation.
Once Nimona finds out about this she considers the idea of becoming friends with him since people also hate her for things she never did, so at least they could be hated and hunted down together.
The guy doesn't trust her at first but with time they start to get along and develop some absurdly charming chemistry and eventually through their combined efforts they managed to make people see that neither of the two is as bad as everyone thinks.
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At first I was a little skeptical since I didn't want to see yet another "Last of Us" or "Logan" story about some grumpy old dude learning to be a father after taking care of a spunky little girl, a trope that I'm just freaking sick to death of seeing so much, but they handle it really well in here by instead of making it a father-daughter relationship it's more like just two outcast friends hanging out.
He's not raising or taking care of her. Heck, if anything, she's the mentor figure making him realize his views of the world aren't as simple as he thinks.
And like I said, they have such a great chemistry. At first it's the usual "simple character gasps at weird character" routine, but they drop that after some time and it becomes more about him just going along with her antics and joining in on the fun.
The best part of the movie is just these two hanging out and being weird together. I could watch a whole show about them just having fun doing whatever, I just love seeing them that much.
Their interactions are so enjoyable to watch, a lot of it coming from the voice acting doing a perfect job showcasing their personalities. I just adore hearing them talk to each other. There is so much emotion and character in their voices that I feel they could just be reading a phonebook and still would be fun to listen to.
Which kinda brings me to my one problem with the movie...
The two leads work so well together and are so likable and charming... That they kinda make the rest of the story feel just a tiny bit lacking.
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The major plot involving the crime mystery is... sadly not that interesting in my opinion.
You've seen these scenes before, you heard these lines before, you know what's gonna happen and how they're gonna solve the conflict, you know exactly who the culprit is and why they did it the second they appear on-screen.
It's the usual "who's the real monster" story and "people who fear what they don't understand" plot.
It's not bad, and it's sadly still relevant to remind people that they shouldn't hate on things just because they're too afraid of the unknown, but it's just a story we've seen so many times already and there isn't really that much new here.
They play around a little with the idea that the kingdom is always trying to be under the light because they are afraid of what they can't see in the shadows with several shots of the knights being literally under sources of light at all times and in the climax of the movie we see a being literally hides their true self under several layers of shadows, and stuff like that is handled really well, but when you come down to it it's still the usual story about the dangers of making assumptions under the wrong or lack of information.
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One thing they addressed that I really really liked was how they point out that kids are taught from an early age to discriminate as if it was a normal thing to do and why it's so hard for adults to let go of this discrimination since it's basically like rejecting what your entire life has taught you.
I think the story should have leaned more on that. Instead of being about solving the mystery of "who did it?", it would have been, in my opinion, more interesting if it was about Nimona showing her friend how he's been slowly brainwashed his whole life, kinda like what happened in How To Train Your Dragon where the main lead has a scene of him realizing that everything he knew about dragons was wrong, or even in this movie's creator's other work, She-Ra, where the female lead, Adora, realized she and many others were being lied on by the bad guys her whole life.
Or heck, they could have turned this into some sort of "Beyond Good and Evil" setting where our two leads go around finding proof about the lies of the government and work underground to collect evidence and show the citizens the true colors of the kingdom and through that bringing the people to their side.
I don't know, I just feel like the idea of having these two working together to reveal other truths would be more engaging than just the usual "scared people do dumb things" plot.
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Again, the scenes with these two working together once they got on the same page were my favorite parts and I really wished I could have more of that.
But I know why we can't have more of that. This is a movie with three acts and we need to do the usual movie with three acts thing, establish the conflict, explore the conflict, and solve the conflict, all while introducing all the relevant characters, setting up their motivations, and having them go through some character development by the time we reach the end so we can pass on the moral of the story.
And sometimes when you need to focus on all that you end up with not enough time to focus on other elements, which is why I really feel this would work even better as a show so we could have more time dedicated to the two leads just being great and doing cool things together, exploring this world and maybe even adding other characters for them to interact with.
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I feel like Nimona's biggest flaw is that its leads are way more interesting than the story they're in.
For instance, the fact that Nimona has shape-shifting powers is freaking awesome and leads to tons of cool and creative scenes of her just going from one shape to another... But it also feels like a bit overkill for the problems they come across.
I kept waiting for some sort of big epic battle where she would have to face some sort of squad of super-enhanced knights or something, or maybe they would go How To Train Your Dragon 2 and reveal they also have a secret evil shape-shifter on their side for her to fight, or maybe they would do it like in the series Kipo and have the big villain copy Nimona's power so they could have a transformation fight in the same way they did it in the Sword on the Stone movie.
I don't know, I just feel like Nimona's antagonists are kinda boring for how cool she is. She barely even interacts with them when I think about it.
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But yes... I know that's not the point... It's not about Nimona punching some cool bad guy in the face as if we were in a Marvel movie...
it's about sending the message of how adults keep trying to find faults and problems in things that have no faults and problems just because of their upbringing, fear, lack of guidance, or outside manipulation, and how much that behavior needlessly hurts the innocents who have no means to resist and how that corrupts the young into following their example and keeping the cycle going.
It's about how when you treat people like monsters they start to consider becoming monsters as well, showing how powerful our actions and their consequences can be even if we don't think about it.
It's about how hard it is to sometimes see that we are making a big mistake that's keeping us from stepping into a whole new world of possibilities that might be even better than the world we have now because of how scary it is to leave your clear comfort zone and adventure through the unknown.
It's about a whole bunch of relevant themes and messages that can help people become even better people...
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That said... It is a little hard to look at a character THIS cool and not go "I wish she would fight something cooler."
Like... Look at all the promotional images of her grinning while starting to shift into a dragon and tell me you don't want to see her in some super big epic battle against some really cool villain. (Or maybe that's just me? 🤔)
But... Then again, that does fit into the message of Nimona not having to be what people think she is or want her to be and instead learning to accept her for who she really is, just a girl that wants others to stop finding non-existent problems with her.
So, yeah, I'm not gonna get angry at a movie for not being exactly how I wished it was when the whole idea is that we often get too angry at things for not being how we think they should be.
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Bottom line, I like Nimona. I love the leads, love the voice-acting, the transformation scenes, the chemistry between the characters, the interactions...
The message is kinda "been there done that", but many people still need to hear about it even today so, who am I to complain...
I just wish I could see the leads hanging out more and doing more things outside of this main plot. I feel like this works as a great pilot for an ongoing story with these two and would be more than happy to follow them in other adventures (the movie literally ends with the walls to a whole new world breaking down ala Attack on Titan).
So... Can I get a sequel or a tv show, please?
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8 notes · View notes
the-firebird69 · 7 months
This guy Trump encouraged this small Harley-Davidson to be made and helped actually design it and it is what is changing things and the factories are coming back and it did start a few months ago and he is being blamed and he should be which is great so forth March for him to help out the max that he's helping because the ones in the broncos went nuts
Thor Freya
So John remillard says so I made a mistake and they're at him for it and they're saying you admitted it and we can see groups of trumpsters going after him and some are trying to stop them and it's his clones not Terry cheesman and she was cloned but not enough and is more reasonable so these guys are getting f***** up for real and JC and Mary made these phones and probably still pumping them out somewhere and John remillard probably knows where
So they're making them at my facility and it was my facility for the whole time I just see what you're saying they're too closely resembling me and want my job I guess I'll have to give it up and be nobody haven't gotten back at myself and it's just no he getting back at Dave a little bit and it probably will not help the max cuz you've been helping the bunker Max for you leaving that's terrific when I leave I'm helping and leave permanently so I guess that'll happen
John remillard
And yeah you don't have a soul and you won't be back and your clones are not going to fool people that think that it's you so you get transferred because you have a brain you can't be transferred even if we transferred all your memories it would still not be you
Zues Hera
No I understand something if I transfer the memory in with a machine I'm still not me and it's true I just be memories and it would be someone that I'd be somewhere else that's very strange
I'm willing to go through the procedure now but everyone else is having me and he says I don't care about you your abusive and you're going to die and he says that to me and I believe him so I'm going to have to go after him and he says you say it every time and everyone's going to use that to kill you and I guess I don't respect him enough and he doesn't care and I'm going to shut off and penalize for having them say stuff
Trump oh he says congratulations I didn't win anything in the cases and the postponing to get more witnesses together into weaken me more for a criminal trial to make sure it sticks and I don't check that kind of thing cuz I'm so thorough
We need this guy out but that's what they're doing and they're getting ready and we are too and gear up to take you down completely Trump and we're all meeting on it and talking about and you don't know
Mac daddy
How's it feel to have all of society against you you and your f***** everyone's hunting you down for your stuff and your money and it's real and I told you not to do what you're doing you're a bunch of clods and losers you should learn at least try and pay attention if that's happening to you f****** assholes and your assholes okay you're stupid it goes against the mathematics for your realm I'm taking over huge huge huge amounts of territory above and below and in space and you're stupid people
Zues Hera
We do understand what you're saying and we approve it to go out and yeah we are taking massive amounts of area today as you die Trump and you are of course stupid those are our Giants you see in your wife is horrified and you're a stupid s*** she should get rid of but she's not because she thinks you're going to come back somehow when you're gone she finally figures it out on the Canary Islands says he's on our Giants and they kicked her ass like he said he fell for his trick again you're a f****** a****** to him he's making sure it works making God damn sure it works and she kills him and he dies over and over and finally they're out
0 notes
starbuckie · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
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pairing(s): college!peter parker x reader, dark!steve rogers x reader, dark!sam wilson x reader, dark!bucky barnes x reader
words: 8.1k words
warnings: DARK!FIC, SMUT 18+ (unprotected sex, foursome turned fivesome, gangbang, non-con/dub-con, daddy kink, oral M and F-receiving, spit kink, degredation kink, praise kink, creampie), age-gap (reader is in her early 20s), cheating, angst, there’s like zero fluff
summary: peter should’ve made it back to the tower for date night on time, or maybe just before he found his girlfriend being fucked by three other superheroes.
a/n: eee my first dark fic! im so so happy with the way this turned out, and even though it was a pain in my ass for nearly three months, im so hapy to share it with y’all. this idea was brought up by an anon from @mypoisonedvine’s saturday sleepover a few months back, but i switched up tony and sam bc i didn’t like the tony and peter stuff. hopefully my smut has improved from the first time i wrote it in january, and just a reminder that in no way, shape, or form do i condone rape of any kind. there’s a large difference from the page and the real world. i try to put all tw’s in the tags and warnings, but if there was something i missed please tell me. thank you to my lovely bestie @mermaidxatxheart for beta-reading(i have no fucking clue what i’d do without your help). feel free to leave a comment or two and reblog, but don’t repost anywhere or i will hunt down your ass. thank you again and please please enjoy <3
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Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck Y/N as soon as he saw her.
It started with a faint mention, something Tony had thrown around along the lines of, “Parker’s bringing his girl down here tomorrow, don’t be an asshole”. He didn’t give a damn what Tony said or how he acted around Peter’s girl. Years of being thrown between gruesome mind-wiping and being half-dead, asleep in a freezer would do that to a man.
So the next day when Peter brought his girlfriend in, he was scratching his ass like a fucking ape and downing a beer with a messy bun at the nape of his neck, until he actually saw her. Neat hair, even neater laces with a sweet smile but a body that could kill. Didn’t matter that she was bundled under Parker’s hoodie and a pair of jeans- he could always admire a pretty dame, but Bucky could see that she was beyond that. It was as if God had intentionally made the one being, the one ethereal creature beautiful and angelic enough to be a sin away from him, so that he couldn’t touch her. Because she was young, and in her twenties, and that shouldn’t have even been the first two things that popped up in his mind because she was also Peter’s girlfriend.
But then she had the audacity to stick her hand out, a shy grin and twinkle in her eyes as she gave her name. It sounded so pretty rolling off of her tongue, and he wondered what it would sound like while he groaned it into her cunt.
So, yeah, maybe Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck her as soon as he met her, but it was pretty damn close after.
Steve Rogers was one of very few men who said they had the pleasure of banging nearly every woman on the north side of Manhattan. Bucky indulged in the fact that the man who had once been too shy to do so much as meet a gal’s gaze was now “a dollar whore”, but he was more than happy to keep that title if it meant he could continue to get off in the nearest woman’s mouth everyday. 
Every time he walked down the streets of New York with just a simple ball cap and jeans, he could feel stares on his back from what seemed like miles away, girls on every street corner just waiting for him to take her into the nearest public bathroom and fuck them dirty. CEOs, baristas, girls fresh out of getting master’s degrees with stars in their eyes and big dreams, until he shattered them by making them gag on his cock and scream his name into bedsheets. Or tile floors. He didn’t care as long as they were screaming. The girls of this century were just too delectable to turn down. He didn’t discriminate. His dick had been in women of every height, stature, hair color, and he had quite the variety throwing themselves at him as well.
And then Tony ruined it all and sat him down with a simple explanation that the image of Captain America was being tainted with disturbing stories of girls being fucked in the ass and thrown on their knees in dirty bathroom stalls. The blond was beyond pissed when the billionaire told him to stop dicking around, but he couldn’t do anything else if he wanted to keep his title and job. In a new century, even if he’d had a few years to adjust, he was still absolutely oblivious when it came to anything outside of aliens and sex. There was nothing left for him outside of being an Avenger, so reluctantly he agreed to keep his number of conquests to a minimum, and most definitely inside of the tower rather than out on the street.
However, inside of the tower seemed to be no problem at all when Peter brought his girlfriend over, all smiles and straight A’s, and that’s when Steve realized that he’d yet to fuck a bright, little college student. He could see himself stripping her from the innocence in her eyes, loosening up her pussy with his thick cock against the wall in his room.
Surely Tony couldn’t reprimand him for spending a little time trying to bond with Peter’s new girl, right?
Sam Wilson was a simple man. He had a job, a well-paid one at that, somewhere to live, a girlfriend, or a woman to keep him company, that’s for sure- but for once in his life he was seeking out something other than missions, something that would keep him busy when he was feeling bored, something like-
Pleasure, and he knew that he’d finally found what he was looking for the moment Peter brought his girlfriend through the elevator doors on the fifty-sixth level of the Avengers tower. She’d shaken his hand so daintily and spoke so politely that if he were to see her without any backstory, he’d think she was another innocent, dim-witted college student, breaking her bank account every Saturday morning and naively believing that her relationship would last longer than a few months. But by the things Parker had told him, she was much more than that.
Was it shitty of Peter to tell his teammates, the people he worked with, how Y/N was in bed? By the majority’s vote, probably, and by Sam’s strict conduct of his own morals, definitely, but when Peter’s girl looked like that and he was so incredibly bored with his routine? 
Well, fuck, Sam had never been happier that the Spider-kid had told everyone how his girl gave head.
Peter brought his girlfriend in daily after that, and every one of her visits, she grew less shy and more friendly, and the Falcon saw each of his friends gape at her growing comfortability with a wolfish demeanor. It started with the water incident with Steve in the kitchen, where he so clearly spilled water on her already thin, white camisole with intention. Sam couldn’t say he was upset though, after all Steve had offered him and the rest of the Avengers quite a show when he tried to clean up her shirt, taking his sweet, sweet time to fondle her tits as subtly as he could, his eyes staring at her pebbled nipples poking through the material. He could see Bucky hiding his boner under his cereal bowl on the couch that day. 
Then of course, he’d been no better than America’s sweetheart himself when he greeted Y/N with a hug that in hindsight, was a little too enthusiastic. His large hands squeezed into the pockets of her back pocket, and if the college student found anything weird with it, she didn’t say so, but Sam graciously palmed the round globes of her ass in his hands, feeling the muscle clench under his fingers. Oh, how he’d never hugged someone that tight ever before in his life. Maybe he would’ve gotten a bit further than squeezing her ass had it not been for his own girlfriend standing behind him, ready to introduce herself to Y/N.
Bucky, well, Sam could admit that Bucky had the most guts out of all of them. Though the super-soldier was normally well-reserved and polite, the dark glint in his eyes the day he met Y/N let him in on the secret that he had a much dirtier mind than most thought. It had been movie night that time, and he barely even tried to cover up how much he wanted the girl, his hands resting all over her as they watched Inception. Hardly a movie to get so riled up over, yet Bucky’s hand still inched its way up her thigh, his rough fingers gently carressing the flesh until they started to lightly trace the apex of her thighs. 
If she noticed anything then, she didn’t comment on it, doe-like eyes just marvelling at the screen in great intrigue. It was only when Peter’s arms wrapped around her a bit tighter did she scooch away from Bucky’s touch, with a small apology and shy grin. 
That only made his dick harder.
On the other side of Bucky, his super-soldier counterpart tapped his knee gently, forcing their blue eyes to meet each other. No words had to be said between the two, three men when they looked over to Sam, because they all recognized that look they saw in each other's eyes; predatory, dark, nearly voracious in the way they all wanted to be balls deep inside of Y/N.
And they would get there. No matter how long it took, they knew that the ultimate prize of tearing their prey apart would be more than worth the wait.
“Hey, babe, I’m gonna be a little late. Ned and I got stuck back in the lab, so we’re gonna need to stay until eight or nine. Can you make it to the tower by yourself alright?”
Peter’s concerned voice made Y/N smile gently as she trudged along the rainy streets of New York. He always loved to worry about her, especially when it was dark and gloomy out, but she could handle herself pretty okay. By pretty okay, of course meant she could kick ass like no other twenty-something year-old, but she wasn’t one to brag. Y/N readjusted the Kate Spade purse on her shoulder with her right hand, attempting to keep her umbrella over her head with the other. “I’ll be fine, Pete, just go finish up and get back to me. I’m gonna be waiting in your room at the tower before you go off on that mission this weekend.”
A small sigh came through the speaker, “Okay, I’ll try to get back to you soon. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Pete.” 
“Oh,” she could hear the shy but no less mischievous smile that was taking over his face, “I left you a little present on the bed, make sure you open it before I get back.”
Y/N’s face heated at the implication. “Peter Parker, you dirty little-” He ended the call with a laugh, and she huffed out a small chuckle at his childish antics.
The walk to the Avengers tower would have been nice, had it not been for the downfall of rain, making everything mushy, socks being absolutely soaked through her sneakers by the time she arrived. The receptionist at the front desk, Jenny, if Y/N remembered correctly, stared at her a little oddly, probably not expecting to see the young college girl in such a state of disorder, but it didn’t affect her at all. She confidently strutted up to the elevator, pressing in the floor number where all the rooms were located. Y/N scrolled through her Twitter feed on her phone while classic rock blared through the elevator with the constant shuffling of people moving in and out. Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds later she was sprinting down the halls with soggy shoes and damp hair, her cold body screaming for warmth.
Peter’s room was the farthest down the hall, and the room was fairly empty. He rarely stayed at his room in the tower, preferring to stay with his Aunt May or keep Y/N company in Brooklyn. When she entered the room, she saw a plain white shirt and a pair of socks strewn upon the carpeted floor, but what really caught her eye was the red box wrapped in a pink bow on the bed. Deciding it would add more suspense if she opened it later, she quickly hopped in the shower, letting the hot water warm her freezing, rigid muscles under the spray. 
Peter didn’t have all the products she’d usually use before she knew they were going to have sex, so she had to make do with the half-used bar of Irish Spring and his small travel-sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner, promising the fresh, breezy smell of citrus and mint. It was a quick process; two squeezes of shampoo, shaving with the green soap as best as she could without cutting herself, one squeeze of conditioner. A fuzzy towel sat waiting for Y/N on the rack, with the Spiderman symbol as a prank gift from her to her lovely boyfriend, and without a second to let the heat leave her damp skin, she wrapped herself in it, quickly hopping out to the bedroom again.
The lingerie she set out on the bed was a deep set burgundy color, with lace decorating the delicate corset and the trim of the satin panties. The packaging really did not do it justice. Y/N grinned at the new set, one that she knew would happily be torn from her body later. A shiver ran through her as she let the cold air fall over her skin, carefully slipping the lingerie on. It was a damn shame, really; the set was quite nice, and she reminded herself to buy more of the nicely suiting color for their nights together. 
Y/N’s heart thumped with anticipation as she heard the door open and she took a quick moment to ready herself. Hair in perfect style, legs stretched along the length of the bed to make herself look as seductive as possible, a small smirk thrown on her pouty lips.
But in the darkened room, it wasn’t Peter’s shadow that appeared. Three men, three tall, bulkier men’s shadows appeared at the foot of the bed, and horror washed over her as she realized who they were. “Goddamn, dolly, I’ve imagined what you would’ve looked like under those sweaters, but this is much sweeter than I expected.”
The sinister face of Bucky Barnes came into her view, just a sliver of moonlight lighting up his pale skin. His eyes raked over Y/N’s uncovered skin, and goosebumps appeared as she tried to cover herself up under his predatory gaze.
“W-what are you doing here?” She whispered worriedly. Sam and Steve flanked the bed on either side of her, plastered sickly sweet smiles on their faces, providing her with a false sense of security that made her heart scream in fear. Though she wasn't making any noise, her lungs felt like they were going to give out, her throat closing up like an allergic reaction. 
Her head whipped every which way in robotic movement, her brain seeming to fail her as she scanned the room for an exit. Several moments of shortened breaths, cold air chilling her body, before she came out of her freezing shock to realization.
“Why are you here? Please, get out, just g-get out!”
A calloused hand pushed away Y/N’s left arm that covered her tits, and Steve groaned at the sight of her pebbled nipples. “God, baby, they’re as pretty as I thought they’d be. Been trying to feel them up all week, but you knew that, didn’t you?”
Saturday the week before at lunch when he’d spilled water over chest and tried to clean her up. Sam’s friendly hug that became a bit less friendly when his hands slipped into the back pockets of her jeans. The movie night on Monday when Bucky’s hand caressed her thigh a little too close to her core. All of their touches began to make more sense, and her eyes filled with tears at the realization. 
“Please,” she begged, tears blocking her vision, “I promise I won’t tell anyone, not even Pete, but please just go.”
“You just don’t get it, do you?” Steve asked. He grasped her chin roughly, his face close enough to hers so that she could feel his fiery breath on her lips. “We’re not leaving, sweetheart. You’re gonna let all three of us play with your pretty little body, and you’re gonna make the prettiest sounds for us, alright?”
Y/N shook her head violently, too afraid to make noise, but also bold enough to make one last attempt at freedom. The hand that held her chin quickly moved to slap her cheek, and she hated the way the sting made heat stir in her lower belly. She tried to shy away from their touch again, but Bucky’s face simply held the same smirk as he trailed his vibranium fingers up and down her leg. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N, don’t act all shy now. Peter has been telling us how good you’ve been to him and don’t think he hasn’t told us about your little childhood crush on little ol’ me. Been wanting to fuck you ever since.” Bucky’s hand quickly left her body, instead moving to palm over the bulge in his pants. “Fuck, sweetheart, got me real hard just thinking ‘bout your pussy swallowing my cock. Bet you’re gonna be a sweet, obedient girl for me, right?”
Fire started to course through Y/N’s veins, and with all the power she tried to dampen it down with, it seemed to push through her body that much more dangerously. She despised the fact that she could feel herself growing wet for the three older men, but God, she had never felt the need to be filled up as badly as she did in that moment.
“You’re a bit of a slut, don’t you think?” Sam mocked. He kneeled on her right, his eyes fixated on her panty-clad pussy, a wet patch already forming on the soft satin. It really didn’t help that three of her teen celebrity crushes were eyeing her nearly naked body like a piece of meat. “I mean, look at you, already growing wet and needy for three cocks. Is that what you want, honey? Parker not treating you good enough?”
She hesitated. Goosebumps rose across her skin at the sinister tone of his voice, like he already knew it was true. And it was true and she hated that Sam was right, but as amazing as Peter was a boyfriend, it was clear from the vibrator hiding in his apartment’s bathroom that he was not amazing in the sheets. Every time, she held hope that it would be better, that she would finally get to stop faking an orgasm before he rolled out of the bed with a filled up condom, but she knew deep down inside of her that it wasn’t happening anytime soon. Y/N forced herself to nod weakly at Sam’s questions, and Bucky chuckled. “Oh, you poor dolly, we’re gonna have so much fun with you. Treat you better than that little boy ever could.”
All it took was a whimper, a nearly audible, deadly silent whimper that managed to squeak its way past Y/N’s throat, and the three men took it as permission to ravage her body however they pleased.
Steve made quick work of his pants as Sam lifted her chin to kiss him, his tongue hot and heavy against her mouth, coaxing her lips open. The sound of belt buckles hitting the floor shamefully turned on Y/N even more. Panic coursed through her senses, her mind wanting to scream for them to stop, but her body knew her too well as she felt a wave of slick run down her thighs. Cold metal digits slipped under the waistband of her panties, moving to her wet folds, and she whimpered into Sam’s mouth at the touch. 
“You look so nice, baby, so pretty all laid out for us like this.” Bucky’s hands pulled down her panties as Steve pinched her peaked nipple through the lace, laying lavish, open-mouthed kisses down her torso. The cool air hit her pussy when Bucky’s hands pulled her legs wide open, fully exposed to the three men ready to use her against her will. “Knew you’d be so wet for us, sweetheart, just look at you. Dripping all for your daddies,” Steve murmured against her skin.
Hot breath fanned over her cunt before they rolled her over on her stomach, someone’s hands forcing her up onto her knees with her face smashed into the cotton pillows. She could feel two rough human hands pulling her ass cheeks apart, spreading her ever wider for their view. “Would you look at that, boys, look how fucking hot she is for us.”
Sam’s thick finger ran through her folds, the calloused pad of his finger just teasing her clit before landing a harsh smack to the inside of her thigh. Her moan was muffled through the mattress and she prayed they wouldn’t hear how being treated like whore made her wet like nothing else. 
Hot slick dripped down her thighs, a pool of it staining the pristine sheets by each knee. It was quite a sight, Steve, kneeled by the bed as his face hovered next to her ear, whispering filthy things into her ear as Bucky stroked his hard, leaking cock right next to him. Sam’s lips were making their way up the inside of her right thigh, cracked skin gliding across her sticky flesh. “Oh, baby,” he purred, “you smell so good. Bet you taste even better, don’t you, little girl?”
His tongue reached the apex of her thighs, finally licking a stipe up her center with no warning. Y/N sobbed into the comforter below her, mascara stained tears marking up her face. Two fingers edged their way between the bed and her face, forcing her head upwards and arching her back. Steve’s face was caught in a dirty smirk above hers, lip pulled taut between his teeth, until he saw the tears trailing down her face. “Oh, sweetheart, you look so desperate like this.” His fingers traced her smeared lip gloss around her lips, before opening her lips harshly. “Open up, you dumb baby.”
Y/N forced her jaw open wider, just enough to watch a string of Steve’s saliva drip into her mouth. The thick spit pooled on her tongue and she tried hard not to grimace in front of him, in hopes that he wouldn’t make her- 
“Swallow it, sweetheart.” He saw the hesitation in her eyes, how her lower lip trembled at his words, but he just laughed at her. “Now.”
The warm saliva slid down her tongue and more black tears ran down her face as she obliged his orders, finally gulping it and cringing at the taste. Steve loved the way her face screwed up in displeasure, how she still had the audacity to pretend she hated what they were doing though she was moaning and whimpering with Sam’s tongue attacking her entrance.
“What do you want, sweetheart? We might give it to you as long as you use your words.” Bucky taunted lightly.
Y/N stared up at the brunette, staring menacingly down at her with his cock in hand. “Please,” she whimpered.
The three found it woeful, the way she could barely get a full sentence out as Sam went to town with his skilled tongue, but even with that onslaught, a simple please wasn’t enough for them.
“Please what, honey,” Sam moaned from between her legs, “you gotta use your big words or we’ll never know what you want from us.”
Steve and Bucky nodded in fake-agreement even though they all knew exactly what she wanted and where. 
“I don’t-” her widened eyes glanced into Steve’s, blown-out and teary. “I don’t want anything, not from you.” She lied through her teeth harshly.
Sam removed his head from between her thighs and Y/N immediately whined at the loss of contact almost hilariously. “You don’t want anything, little girl?” 
The air felt static, every hair on her neck rising in the pressured silence. The angel and the devil clawed at her heart, each trying to show her what was right. And she wanted to sin, God knew that she would love nothing more than to let that little greedy part of her take over, but she’d already cheated on Peter and that damn good part of her conscience stole the wheels of her brain.
Slowly and shamefully, she shook her head, though the downright dirty monster inside of her wanted the men to ignore her words and keep assaulting her body. 
“That’s a shame, baby, I thought we were having fun.” Sam sighed. He met Bucky’s gaze on the side, and though they seemed to be in resignation with her wishes, their eyes twinkled devilishly. He positioned his body over Y/N’s kneeled over form, his bare chest glued to her sweating back as his hands ran up the sides of her ribcage and to her front, just barely grazing over her sensitive nipples. “You mean, you don’t want me to touch you here?”
He pinched the darkened buds and she had to use every ounce of self-restraint to not collapse at the sensation. His calloused hands moved back even further, tracing down to the stretch of skin just above her mound, swiping a finger across the skin delicately. “How about here? Or even,” he brought three fingers around her body, over her ass, and into her glistening cunt again, just rubbing along her entrance, not daring to go further in. Y/N couldn’t hold in her reaction to his prodding anymore, his teasing chipping away all of her dignity and pride in a few simple touches. 
“Yes, please, please, use your fingers,” she blurted against her will. Where shame should have washed over her, there was only lust, raging red and coursing through her body so forcefully that she felt braindead. “Put your fingers in me, daddy, please.”
The pet name rolled off of her tongue so easily and she was barely ashamed of how it made her feel. The name especially shocked the three men, who smiled even wider with their cocks harder than before at the little slip up. “That was all you had to say, dolly, gonna have your daddies make you feel real good,” Bucky laughed.
Sam finally plunged his thick fingers knuckle-deep into her cunt as Steve’s mouth captured hers, effectively swallowing her scream with ferocity. The long digits scissored and swirled inside of her, pressing against new unexplored areas that she’d never even gotten to with her own fingers. White dots danced along the front line of her vision as teeth clashed against hers and though it’d been mere minutes she already knew she was close and the men did as well.
“I can feel you clamping around my fingers, honey,” Sam taunted. His lips were moving sinfully around her ass, planting sloppy kisses and drooling all over her skin while he fingered her deep. “Are you gonna come soon, baby?”
“Yes, daddy, I’m so- fuck,” Y/N panted into Steve’s mouth, “m’ so c-close.” The blond bit her tongue hard enough for her to taste blood and she yelped as she heard Sam and Bucky laugh. 
“Watch your language, dolly,” Bucky sneered from the side of the bed. His hand was rapidly moving around his cock, corkscrew motions edging him towards the brink of pleasure. 
“Little girls like you don’t get to use big swear words,” Sam’s face was still buried between her legs, his soaked fingers pulling out of her cunt only to rub at her little pearl of nerves in circles. His tongue still lapped at her dripping entrance and he could feel her tight hole start to pulse as her breathing picked up. “Oh, baby, you’re getting close, aren’t you?”
Y/N was hesitant to answer at first, the sweat on her body seeming to cool immediately in fear of what would happen if she messed up. But after five seconds Steve stopped kissing her, gripping her chin and staring into her eyes deeply. He looked as debauched as she felt, with his rosy lips swollen with spit and cheeks tinged with pink. “Are you gonna answer daddy, sweetheart?”
That knocked her into shape real fast.
“Yes, daddy, I’m so close. P-please let me come,” she whimpered. The whine in her voice pleased the two men, and Steve went back to exploring her mouth before she felt something poking against her asshole.
“Gonna let daddy put his cock in you, little girl?” Sam asked gently. His words had panic coursing through her system, a chilling realization like water being poured on her head and she began to wiggle around, trying to free Sam’s hand from her hip. Her arms weakly pushed at Steve’s chest, trying to push him as far away as he could, but the men only laughed at her flailing limbs. Y/N wanted to scream no to them, and despite her contrasting love-hate relationship with Sam’s fingers inside her cunt she knew it was time to go. It was laughable how much she would continue to say that to herself for the rest of the night. 
But Sam managed to sense her panic, knowing exactly what the issue was before harshly spanking her and effectively stopping her struggle. “Don’t worry, baby, I won’t come inside of you. I’m not risking knocking up a whore with my kids, I’ve got more dignity than that.”
He led the leaking tip of his dick down her crack, rubbing it along her slick entrance before pushing in with a groan. “Oh my fucking God, that is so hot.” Bucky admonished from the side. “Gotta get in on that soon.”
Steve chuckled against Y/N’s lips, pulling away with a strand of saliva connecting them. He adjusted himself up so his dick was centimeters from her face, a knee propped up on the bed for balance. “Gotta wait your turn, Buck, we all want a piece of her.” He noticed the way Y/N’s eyes were transfixed on his cock, the red mushroom head smeared with precome along the slit, nearly purplish veins standing out prominently on his shaft. Yeah, he couldn’t even deny that he was big because he already knew how many girls had dropped down on their knees for him. “Go ahead, sweetheart, open up those pretty lips for me.”
Almost too excitedly, she dropped her jaw, allowing him to slide his cock into the silky warmth of her mouth. As his hips started to thrust into her mouth, Sam’s started to do the same into her cunt. Both men moaned in tandem with their movements as Y/N’s worries faded away to the back of her mind as they stuffed her to the brim.
“You can come now, baby,” Sam nearly ordered, “go and cream on daddy’s cock- fuck, I know you’ve been waiting.”
It was a harsh bump of his head against her G-spot that sent her over the edge, walls clamping down with ferocity and milking him for all she was worth. Y/N reeled in the sunlight infested warmth that coursed through her body as she finally let go, whining around Steve’s dick as he continued to abuse her throat with long, deep thrusts. 
Bucky was still holding his orgasm off, fondling with his tight, heavy sac while his dick remained a painfully hard mess, glistening with precome. “I’m so glad I got to see you come, dolly, look so fucking pretty when you do.”
She couldn’t deny the little skip of her heart at the praise, just a few simple words that made her feel like a good little girl. But no, God-fucking no, she wasn’t supposed to let them make her feel this way. Guilt washed away that warmth in her chest just as quickly, knowing that her boyfriend was just waiting to come back to see her, finishing up his studies so that they could live their lives out together after college while she was getting her pussy and mouth absolutely wrecked by his co-workers. 
As soon as Y/N got her brain thinking straight again, Sam started moving inside of her again and she garbled out a strangled cry. “If you thought we were done here, baby,” Sam laughed, “you’ve got a lot left ahead of you.”
“We’re not leaving until all of us have come, brat.” Steve’s palm gripped the back of her skull roughly, pushing her head so far down on his dick that her nose was squished against his abdomen. “Greedy little bitch.”
Both men started to thrust into her again, and just like that she was back to being absolutely lost in desire and lust like the bitch in heat she was until there was a sudden shift in the air. So much that the sweat on her body began to cool her skin, Sam’s hands still gripping her hips so tightly she knew they’d leave marks that she would have to hide when she wore her favorite low-cut shorts. 
Bucky’s eyes seemed to drift from her tits moving with each movement of her hips, checking behind the door as if there were something lurking there, but she was too afraid to see for herself. If she stopped she would get spanked, and they’d probably prolong her second orgasm even further, and her pussy couldn’t handle any more subtle teasing.  
“Hey there, Parker, why don’t come on out here?”
But that, that was what made the hairs on Y/N’s neck rose, dread filling her to the fullest as she realized the implications of Sam’s words.
Peter had seen everything. Peter, her boyfriend, had seen three of his co-workers, three men who she barely knew, fuck her deep into his mattress. Peter, her boyfriend, had watched her get fucked into his mattress, without trying to stop them whatsoever.
She couldn’t tell if it was the guilt of cheating on her boyfriend or the freezing realization that he hadn’t done anything to stop the three men that hurt more. 
Yet Peter still walked from behind the door, dressed in a NYU hoodie and a pair of khakis slung low on his hips, just drawing attention to the sizable bulge that stretched out his zipper. His umber eyes, normally full of so much joy and love, were possessed by the same lust and darkness as the three men, as much as he tried to hide it behind a shyer facade. 
His eyes were trained on the tightness of how Y/N’s pussy was gripping Sam, her lips glossed over with come and spit wrapped around Steve’s dick. The girl stopped in her movements, her eyes no longer full of tears for just being gagged, but as soon as her mouth came to a halt around the base of his cock, the blond slapped her across the face. A sharp crack echoed around the room and though she couldn’t see him, she heard Bucky’s feral growl of pleasure at the whorish treatment she was receiving. 
“Didn’t say you could fucking stop, sweetheart, keep working on daddy’s cock.” No more words needed to be said as Steve gripped her hair once more, forcing himself farther back into her throat to the point where she couldn’t breathe. Sam’s thrusts were quickening, closer and closer to release as the sounds of the girl struggling to breath made his balls tighten. 
“Fucking shit, baby, you feel yourself squeezing my dick? I bet you like teasing daddy like that, don’t you?” One of his hands were brought down on her ass in a quick smack that resonated with Bucky, who was staving off his orgasm for something much sweeter than his hand. She was moaning raucously around the dick stuffed in her mouth, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure up every nerve in Steve’s body as he came with the tip of his dick nearly being swallowed by Y/N’s throat. There was barely any time for her to fully down the thick come in her mouth before Sam was threatening to orgasm. “I’m gonna come so soon but you better fucking not, little girl, you hear me? Gotta let your daddy come before you, you ungrateful little bitch- oh.”
It was a really fucking close call, Sam’s dick pulling out of her with one quick movement before spilling pearly ropes of come onto Y/N’s spine. A high whine escaped her mouth, clit throbbing as she was so, so close to coming, and she was too far into her crazed pleasure to realize that she was letting three older men, men who fought to defend the universe from evil, use her as an over-glorified fleshlight. 
She couldn’t really blame them for calling her a cockdrunk whore. 
Bucky sauntered over to the bed, eyes trained on the pool of come centered around the base of her spine before flipping her over onto her back with his large hands and shoving three vibranium fingers back into her hole. She gasped and held onto his forearm as he continued to fingerfuck her to her second orgasm, eyes screwed shut in a delirious haze of contentment for being filled with at least something again. 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, please-” Steve slapped her along the face, correcting her words immediately. “Daddy, daddy, please let me come.”
Bucky chuckled, tweaking one of her nipples with his flesh hand as he hovered over her face. “I don’t know, dolly, you’ve been a little naughty, callin’ me the wrong name, not listening to Stevie’s orders- don’t think you deserve to get what you want.”
A muffled whimper escaped her swollen lips, and he sighed in surrender. “Okay, dollface, go ahead and come on my fingers. Let me see how you wet ‘em up real good.”
Y/N’s hips bucked into his metal digits with finality, come leaking out of her cunt and soaking the sheets below her. Her sweat-glazed skin shone even against the darkening sky, and all Bucky could do was chuckle at how her chest rose quickly as she tried to catch her breath. He thought about teasing her clit again, just circling around the little bud of nerves to get a rise out of her, but he decided against it. Sam probably had better plans for her anyway. 
On the other hand, Y/N’s orgasm was starting to wear off as she noticed the hardened stare from the edge of the room. Her boyfriend.
“Peter, I…” Y/N made eye contact with him, suddenly noticing how mousy he looked in his own bedroom. 
“I nearly forgot you were here, Parker,” Sam smirked darkly. “Why don’t you come over here and fuck your little whore. I’m feeling a little generous today.”
Steve and Bucky nodded with the same infuriating smugness as Sam. The brunette boy opened his mouth to object to the degrading statement, but when he met his girlfriend’s eyes nothing needed to be said. There was no escaping this. Nothing he said mattered to the three older men, because really they had already gotten everything they wanted right in front of their disgusting, perverted eyes. 
He unbuckled his belt, letting the weight of it drop his khakis to the floor. Maybe if he’d known he would be forced into join a fivesome later that night he’d have picked any other boxers but the Ducktales one, but no one seemed to say a word about them, rather focusing on what they were failing to conceal. 
Peter’s cock had always been admirable to Y/N by its length and God, definitely its thickness. Curved upwards towards his abdomen with a vein running along the left side up to the bulbous head, it was definitely more than average. It was really just a shame he didn’t know how to use it well enough.
His shirt was pulled over his head just as quickly, and if Y/N knew any better she would say that he was excited to get to fuck her in front of the three men. He placed himself in between Y/N’s parted legs, standing in the same position as he had so many times before.
But when Y/N cried out in pain and pleasure as he slid into her, Peter knew that this time, it was different. This time three men, men that he used to trust with his life, stood on either side of him and his girlfriend and jerked their hands up and down their cocks as they watched her get fucked relentlessly. It wasn’t sweet, it wasn’t romantic, but he couldn’t really think when his thick cock was stuffed inside of her stimulated pussy, juices and come leaking out of her abused sex. 
“Go faster, Parker,” Steve instructed, his face contorted in pure pleasure. The pace of Peter’s thrusts sped up, and he threw Y/N’s ankles over his shoulders, hitting deeper inside of her, with the sound of her sobs only turning them all on more. “Oh, right there, shit, shit, shit-”
Steve came first, a low groan escaping his lips as streams of come landed on her tits, still bouncing with every movement of Peter’s hips. 
“Open up,” Sam gritted through his teeth, and Y/N obediently opened her mouth to let his bitter come coat the inside of her throat, some of it landing on her face and neck. The string of curses he let out made Peter thrust even faster into her, and he hated, absolutely despised the way it turned him on to see the three men use his girlfriend to their pleasure. But soon enough a hand pushed against his chest away from Y/N and he reluctantly pulled out.
“Move aside, kid,” Bucky instructed, “Wanna come inside of her.”
As he lined his gigantic cock up with her entrance, her eyes widened with fear. “No, please, I didn’t take my pills, I can’t- I won’t, please not inside-”
“Shut the fuck up, you slut.” Bucky’s fingers came to slap her clit harshly, and she cried out in pain. “You’re gonna be quiet and let me come wherever I damn want, right?”
He punctuated his last word as he thrust inside her, filling her up to the hilt with his girth. She was too drunk on the feeling of her cunt being filled up to argue again. It was painful, extremely so, even though two different cocks had been inside her overstimulated pussy already and Bucky stretched her out wide, his cock thicker with veins to hit every pleasure point. With her legs tossed around his tapered torso, he slid out until his very tip was left in her, then slammed back in with a small moan. The head of his cock relentlessly pounded into her cervix in a nearly soundless tempo and all Y/N could hear were her own gasps of pleasure, jaw-dropping moans that made drool slide back down her throat in her laid down position.
She turned her head to the side, and though her vision was bleary through the tears, she could see Sam and Steve watching Bucky fuck her while Peter, her boyfriend, her sweet, sweet boyfriend, was caught up fucking his hand to the sound of Bucky’s balls slapping against her ass. 
“Fuck, ‘m not gonna last much longer, dollface.” Bucky gasped. “You gonna come soon? You’re gonna come for daddy one more time. I think you’ve got a third one in you, you little fucking slut.”
“Shit, shit, daddy, please ‘m almost there,” Y/N wailed absentmindedly. A thumb came down to circle her clit quickly and she felt the coil in her stomach grow tighter and tighter, until she finally let out a high whine, finding her release as Bucky’s cock pulsed inside of her, ready to come just as easily as her. Her pussy clenched around his cock as she rode out her orgasm, fingers grasping at the sheets in order to find some sort of grounding. His come painted her walls white, and Bucky could’ve sworn there was no better feeling than feeling his blood warm in every vein as he finally let go. With stunted groans, his hips slowed its rhythm, lost in watching how his cock disappear into Y/N’s pussy, her slick juices coating his dick each time he pulled out. 
“Ah, fuck, dolly, you did so good for me. Pussy tight as a fuckin’ vice.” Bucky hugged her limp body close to his sweaty chest, letting his dick soften inside of her for a good few moments before pulling out. He tossed Y/N back onto the bed below him, barely even caring to clean the come dripping down her ribcage and out of her cunt before grabbing his boxers from the cabinet next to the bed. 
Steve was already buttoning his jeans up, checking the notifications on his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. The blond seemed to have better things to do so soon after, rushing his way to the door before pausing where Y/N laid to watch come drip out of her pussy. One more time he pushed Bucky’s come inside of her abused entrance, watching as it oozed out from behind his digits. “Look at you, fucking full of of his come. Such a goddamn whore,” he muttered under his breath.
Those were the last words he said to her before patting Bucky on the shoulder and leading him out of the opened door. 
Maybe Sam was a bit more kind, or affectionate at least. He was already dressed but visibly hard again beneath the thick denim of his pants, and he made sure Y/N knew it, taking her left hand and placing it over his dick. “You still got that effect on me, honey, even when you’re all fucked out like this.” He dragged his fingers through the thick ribbons of come that coated her chest, bringing them up to her mouth so she could taste. Even though she was more than exhausted, she wrapped her tongue around the two fingers that were pushed past her swollen lips, sucking them clean with a tired vengeance. Satisfied with her work, he kissed her chin one more time before leaving without so much as another word, slamming the door shut on his way out.
It ended exactly the way it started, the lock jostling into the doorknob just as easily as the high of Y/N’s final orgasm slipped away.
Stifling silence suffocated the room around them. Peter refused to meet her eyes, just as much as hers did his. She laid motionless on the bed with him standing at the foot, his dick soft and if she narrowed her bleary eyes just a bit, she could see how his knees were shaking. Neither of them were able to say anything, losing the ability to converse as soon as the three men left the room.
“Peter,” her voice was throaty after the rough fucking she took, “C-can you please get me a drink?”
The brown-haired boy looked down to meet her face, and she could finally see the reason that he had hid it from her. His eyes were red and bloodshot, snot running from his nose with tears running down his cheeks. She’d been so caught up in the after haze of the sex that she didn’t even notice how his bare chest was heaving so deeply, nearing hyperventalation. 
But still, he grabbed his boxers, pulling them over his weakened legs clumsily. “Y-yeah, what kind do you want, Mr. Stark has a ton-”
“I don’t care.” She cut him off firmly, a sharp tone in her voice as she rolled over on her side. Y/N tucked her knees to her chin, fingers running over the side of her neck which was marked with bruises and scratches. “I don’t fucking care.”
Without another word Peter slipped out of the room quietly, knowing better than to try to talk to her about what they had been forced to participate in. It wasn’t as if there was much to say anyways.
Rain pattered against the window. It was only six o’clock in the evening. Cars honked and beeped and Natasha’s Igor Stavinsky record played for its fiftieth round of the day, and to anyone else in the tower it was a normal night. Normal, just like the ones spent sitting on the couch with Bucky’s hand creeping up her leg or Sam’s hands groping her ass, but this time they’d made a move. 
The silence was far too much to handle, the unspoken truth of what she’d done with Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Peter finally hitting her, knocking the air out of her lungs as she suddenly struggled to breathe. Gripping her face, clawing at it like a goddamn wolf, Y/N began to cry. Silently at first, gradually growing into heartbroken sobs, she let her trodden pride carry her voice wherever it wanted to go. 
The men’s whispered words haunted her mere moments after they’d left the room, but most audibly she could hear a faint husk of a voice, Sam’s low moan in her ear looming in the dreadful silence of the room:
Thanks for sharing with us, baby.
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A fluffy 'Dean WinchesterXTrans!Male' Reader one-shot where you had come out to Dean, and Dean decided he's going to do everything he can to support you.
“So,” Dean began. His heart was pounding. He rather be facing any number of ghosts and ghouls to avoid fucking this part up. Hell, he’d even take a few demons over this. Anything over these tense emotional moments. Still, he was glued to the bed, hand holding yours. He loved you. He wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of helping you.
“Y-yeah?” You stumbled over your words. You had no idea how your boyfriend was going to handle the news. Tears were threatening to fall over your cheeks as you kept your eyes glued to the floor.
Dean swallowed. Dammit, his brother mentioned something like this in the past. Why couldn’t he remember now? “Well in that case, I suppose we better get you some comfier clothes. C’mon.” He stood up, offering his hand to you. Looking up, you saw that same smile dance across his lips, the same smile you fell in love with. “Wouldn’t want my boyfriend to be uncomfortable.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you jumped into his arms, relief and love washing over you. Dean just chuckled, quietly as he shifted to wrap his arms around you, squeezing you against him. “Thanks Dean…Thank you so much.”
“Of course. You have a different name you like to be called now?”
“Y/N now- I uh, kinda picked it out when I realized I just-”
“Y/N is perfect babe.” His lips left a light little peck at your nose. “C’mon. Sammy’s with Bobby looking for another job, let’s take the day to get you feeling as good as possible, hm? I just had that great poker payout-”
“I thought that was for silver bullets-”
“Pshh. I can win another game or too.” Dean went to smile, but it quickly drooped into a frown. “Your clothes...do they make you feel-” He tried to find the right word.
“Dysphoric? Well I mean a bit. I didn’t exactly have time to choose great clothes when I ran off with you Dean.” Before you could even finish your sentence, Dean was digging through his duffle.
“I was going to drop them off somewhere, they feel a little small.” Dean grinned, poking his head back up. In his hands were an AC/DC shirt and an old pair of jeans. He even pulled out his spare hunting boots. “Might not be the most practical all the time, but we’ll get you some stuff today.”
You tried not to cry once again.
Few minutes later, you found yourself wrapped up in your boyfriend's clothes, in the passenger seat of the car. AC/DC rang out through the speakers. You couldn’t help but smile.
“You...really don’t mind Dean?”
“Mind? Why the hell would I mind?”
“Well you were into me as a-”
“I am into you, period.” Dean smiled a little. “Masculine, feminine, It makes no difference to me. You are still you. So, clothes we’re doing. Not half assed Walmart clothes either, we’re gonna get you some good hunting gear.” You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at that. “Masculine fake IDs from now on, easy enough. Anything else you need?”
“At the moment, I’m not sure...I kinda like what Sam does with his hair so I don’t think I’ll cut it off yet. It isn’t as long as his at the moment anyway.” You giggled at the scrunch in Dean’s nose at the mention of his brother.
“Cute guy with a ponytail never hurts either. Ah. Here’s the shop.”
“Dean this is a mall-”
“Yeah, sporting goods, including guns, bullets, as well as various clothing stores to get you what you need. Plus crowds to blend into. Malls are great Y/N.” He turned into the parking lot, picking a spot somewhere in the middle. “Plus, the impala doesn’t stick out too much here.”
Dean slipped out of his side, opening the door for you before you were even unbuckled. His calloused hand still felt tender as it grasped yours tightly, pulling you towards the store.
Your boyfriend was right after all. The crowds were seamless and the selection would be much greater.
“I’m thinking, we hit the sporting goods store, get some food and supplies. Take our time with it. Then just meet up with Sam and Bobby for the job, sound good Y/N?”
“Sounds perfect Dean.” Your smile was glued to your face as you leaned against his arm walking into the shop Dean had picked. “Is this where you got all your flannels and things?”
“Most of em, yeah. Why? You like that one?” He winked as he saw your cheeks turn a little pink. Sure, you loved the flannel. It made you feel more you, it also smelled like the man you loved more than anything.
“Well it’s nice and warm and-” You tripped over your words again. “Just really nice hunting clothes ya know? Like durable enough you have some protection, it’s also warm enough for nights but I can always open it ya know.”
“Great. So a couple flannels. Some jeans that won’t trip you up. Shirts.” Dean guided you to the clothing area of the store, whipping out his cellphone.
“Dean? Something the matter?” He doesn’t often look at his screen with that much concentration.
“Nope. I was just looking at a size chart.” He matched his screen to a couple of the tags. “These your colors?” He held out some forest green flannel and a black shirt.
“To start with, yeah! Although lighter colors are still nice. I don’t want anything thinking I’m your little brother if I match your style.”
“My style is functional and timeless. Plus, if I had a nickel for everyone who thought Sam and I should-” He scowled as you laughed. You couldn’t help but pick up those books when you saw them. Plus, as prank wars broke out it definitely gave you an upper hand.
“Alright, I concede your style is wonderful Dean.”
“Damn right it is.” He smiled a little. “But I get it, c’mon. Let’s walk around and see what catches your eye.”
The two of you scoured the store from top to bottom. Dean’s arms quickly became laden with fabric as you both approached the fitting rooms.
“Find everything you need sir, and-?” The guy in charge of the rooms spoke.
“Sir.” You introjected. Your heart rate spiked a little. Dean’s hand rested on your shoulder as he nodded to the cashier, as if confirming what you said.
“Of course, right this way. Here is your room, sir.” Without batting an eye the cashier escorted you back to try on your new wardrobe.
“Give 'em hell babe!” Dean called after you, taking his seat. He fiddled with his phone. Sam had finally convinced him to upgrade, and this one had a camera on it.
Quickly, pulse racing, you put on the first outfit of clothes, and slipped outside to model for Dean. Your nerves subsided when met with that goofy grin of his, and you couldn’t help but match it.
“You look amazing.”
“I feel amazing.”
“Wanna try more?” Dean snapped a photo. “That’s gonna be my new cell wallpaper.” You stuck your tongue out to him, a look he cheekily returned.
You went through this a few more times. Different mixed and matched outfits and hunting gear. Dean flirting with you every time you slipped into his sight. Soon you had a week's worth of clothes, with some extras to wear during a wash. Eventually you made it towards the food court, carrying the bags. You both went immediately to the burger stand and sat down.
“Fucck~” Dean’s eyes were closed in bliss. “I forgot how amazing these burgers were.”
“God we ate at gas stations so much I had forgotten food could be juicy.” You were devouring your burger as ravenous as Dean was. Oblivious to the look he was giving you.
Dean just smiled, chewing as he looked at you. It had only been a few months since you were traveling with him. Demon blooded kid like Sammy, you wanted to be able to help. Truthfully you were thankful they accepted.
Dean sometimes kicks himself at night for almost saying no. He had fallen for you, hard, the first time you rode in the back of the car. The way your eyes lit up as his own music started to play. The way you got along with Sam. He had fallen hard. You were perfect in his eyes now as you were then.
“Dean?...” Your voice was quiet, head against the window. After eating Dean had loaded you and your new things into the impala before starting to make your guy’s way to Bobby's place.
The excitement of the day had driven your eyelids to a close by this point. The soft rumblings of the engine were lulling you to sleep. Dean’s hand found yours once more, with a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah babe?”
“I love you Dean…”
“I love you too Y/N.” His words were the last things you heard before finally succumbing to sleep.
Dean drove on, hand never leaving yours. He had found the best boyfriend in the world, and he intended to keep things that way.
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whatisgoingonpaul · 3 years
Looking at the deleted scenes
so my last post looking into a scene to hear what they said was a deleted scene and that honestly got me on a kick now about looking though them all. This one is mainly going to be just taking about them/details more then a what I heard post. So here we go.
1- fighting over rooms
This was in the script and the book but never made it into the film, Sam was in the room Michael wanted and they fought for it. So this scene is the context behind Sam bolting down the stairs “MOM PLEASE! Ma! You gotta help me!” “S o o n”
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Sam’s got a serious comic collection, which he organises(I see the hulk but no Batman)
Sam mumbling the song he later sings in the tub!! (Ain’t got no home)
“oh no no no, this is MY room. You, spidey and richie rich and the rest of the boys are outta here.” Michael I love you.
“My way or the highway bud” Sam I love you
Sam bites this man in the leg- Michael also notably mumbles ‘lil shit’ as his brother rushes away laughing
Y’all I am in LOVE they are literally just siblings
2- Kitchen that night
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This was also script/book. I mean duh because it’s a deleted scene. Basically just talking after dinner
Lucy has two big pictures of her mother ‘hi mom’
Sam is trying to fix the stereo but it keeps popping also Sam wearing the bandana! Cutie lmao
The stereo starts playing lost in the shadows (also like how when Dwayne hits it, it plays good times)
Michaels “sammmmmmm”
Michael just “I dunno if I’m going back to school” he dead ass went ✨I wanna drop out✨
Sam swoops in and starts dancing with Lucy it’s to cute I’m gonna explode
Sam and Lucy dragging him in , Sam straight up head locking Mike and Lucy’s dance is gonna
3- extension of Michael following star
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Honestly this should have stayed in. It gives star a bit more character and it also makes Michael slightly less creepy in his actions. THIS IS WHERE THE PHOTO OF LADDIE COMES FROM!
Star: are you following me?*laugh*
Michael, confidently: yea, I am
How star is laughing and smacking gum watching this dork
Laddie like :0 the whole time
The way she says “well, talk” In a half laugh
SAM ACTUALLY CUTS THEM OFF FROM THEIR CONVO WITH “moms here” that’s why she goes off
“She wants me , all of me” - Sam Emerson 1987
4- Michaels job
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Self explanatory, honestly I think this scene should have been kept in for little more past actually establishing that the movie is longer then a few days. Really it’s more like a few weeks
The drunk dude laying on the beach left over from the night before
Hhhhhhhh shirtless Michael hhhhhh
This kid is trying to read a comic in the ocean
Sam gets splashed by the surf nazis
Michael gets tricked by hair lmao
5- video store that afternoon
Weird note but Maria is called Marie? However in all media she’s called Maria??
Marie gives her little backstory, how she owes max
Max is busy during the day you see
Lucy is such a sweetie “there’s my boys! :D” “my sons my sons”
Michael trying to give Lucy his left over Christmas money and all that 🥺
Sams “bye mike!”
6- talking again
Second night extended talks
They used to come spend summers in Santa Carla
M: where’s your little brother?
S: hes not my little brother
The audio cut out :(
Grandpa asks Lucy about her boss “oh you know him?” “Oh I’ve seen him around”
“Yea if i knew I was gonna live this long I woulda taken better care of myself”
8- morning
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Sam watching the stuffed mountain lion
Nanook going after the rears of the stuffed hunting dogs- sir-
“Chill out Nanook”
Sam gets noosy and looks in on the Taxidermy and Grandpa chooses to gross him out lmao
“Nanook, this is my life , I come from a broken home. My mom works all day, my brother SLEEPS all day and my grandfathers possibly a alien who stuffs chipmunks” SAM I LOVE YOU
Sam sneaks a bit of grandpas weed
I’m going to sob I’m gonna sob it’s like a bit of the leaf! Sam baby never change
Grandpa walks in- Sam gets offended and tells him to stop with the Indian walk (this implies that he just straight up sneaks up on Sam non stop lmao I love him)
This blends into the “let’s go to town” scene
9- Michaels “morning after
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The video I’m watching titled it this and I’m losing my shit so I’m keeping it. ALSO AGAIN THE MAGGOTS AND THE BRIDGE SCENE ARENT ON THE SAME NIGHT. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT IN TO ESTABLISH THAT
Michael not being able to lift his weights
“I can’t remember to much, not after the Chinese food that looked like maggots” Sam slowly putting down his apple lmao
“Hey mike, you think grandpas a alien?”
Mike “mom and I didn’t wanna tell you two early” lmao
Nanook and Michaels salty feet. I still don’t get this part
“That was some pretty funky Chinese food”
Mike just placing his full hand over sams face
Went over this last night
Max having thorn sit shot gun
His baseball cap that’s it just his hat
11- max and Lucy date pre phone call
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Again for  character development , like star. Like he doubles as a love interest and villain you think they’d leave the little parts with him in it in the movie
Max saying “I know what it’s like to be alone”
He says protecting mother in Latin(I think?) then English - NERD
“Lioness with her Cubs” she laughs THEYRE REALLY CUTE- STOP
“I think my mothering days are just about over” “well, they don’t have to be” SUBTLE
Max trying to show off with a fancy order shsisososososos
Max goes all out and spoils with the expensive order and Lucy is all !!! ☺️ no one touch me
They’re actually really cute and it makes me so mad they cut out moments like this for him and star? Because even with these they don’t get that much time but they get that much more character
13- Mike they’re here! Introductions
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Should have been kept simply because there’s a huge gap
“This guy looks more like a zombie”
“Should I run him though?”
Mike is so sarcastic
“David! It’s David isn’t it?! He’s the leader! David ansisosososoos” mikes deflated “yea”
In conclusion these all should have stayed in the film and I am still upset over this. Also if there’s any more or any one that I missed: gimme
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ikroah · 3 years
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Whiskey river, take my mind, don't let her memory torture me. Whiskey river, don't run dry, you're all I got, take care of me. —“Whiskey River,” Shotgun Willie (1973)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #15 - Vegas Outskirts
Collaborative Issue! Guest Colorist: @malpaislegate​ / @socksual-innuendos​
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Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
MAN that’s gotta hurt!! Volume 2 kicks off with a bang, literally if you count the gunshot and honorifically if you count Socks’ knockout color job on this issue. Look at those lovingly rendered bullet wounds!! Muah!!!
It’s been a relief having a month off from the comic as I handled a bunch of other things but there’s a lot to look forward to in Volume 2, as you can probably tell from that very forboding fist clench at the end there. Will Agnes and Cass get the revenge they’re looking for? Can they make it big in Vegas? Will it keep right on a-hurtin’? Find out next ish as Cass leads Agnes to meet the first of their new “friends.”
Original Pencils:
The pencils for this issue are like an autopsy report of all the things that can go wrong with your art if you don’t plan ahead and pay attention. Listen, friend, to my tale of woe, and learn from my mistakes so they don’t become yours!
First, you can see a lot of places where there’s floating objects, empty backgrounds, and incomplete heads. Part of this is because I always intended to just copy and paste repeated elements across each panel instead of drawing them multiple times, but other times I was forced to just because of my lack of planning. The top three panels on page two, for example, required me to draw the background I’d use for them on a separate page.
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Second, you can probably tell that I actually had to flip the two raiders around in the final lineart because I forgot to keep the hands their were holding their guns in consistent—and since I couldn’t flip the middle panel on the second page without ruining the composition, I decided to flip all of their other appearances so that they’d be lefties. I doubt you even can seamlessly wield those particular guns left-handed.
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Third, the size of the cart that Agnes and Cass are kneeling behind changes CONSTANTLY and is dramatically oversized from the third page onward. After inking these pages, it took a lot of work to correct the inks and shrink that cart in each panel, but fortunately it came out looking good.
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And finally, I completely redrew the second panel on the fifth page because it wasn’t until I had already handed he pages off to my colorist that I realized having a second profile shot of Cass so soon after a first one was just...redundant and lazy-looking. So I went back to my sketchbook and whipped up a much more unique, striking angle (I also just wasn’t satisfied with the quality of my art on that panel, so I’m very glad I redrew it). But again, my failure to plan ahead bit me in the ass and my redraw attempt wound up taking up a lot more space than I thought it would, so after inking it I had to basically surgically remove it from the other inks.
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I’ll be honest with you folks: part of the reason that I work in such simple, thick, high-contrast lineart is because it’s very easy to make corrections and adjustments with stuff you could technically color in Microsoft Paint.
EXT. SOMEWHERE IN THE MOJAVE, morning. AGNES SANDS and ROSE OF SHARON CASSIDY stand over the wreckage of a caravan, scattered over a dirt road.
CASS: Hell.
EXT. SOMEWHERE ELSE IN THE MOJAVE, midday. Looking over a second wrecked caravan, at the bottom of a ditch.
CASS: Fuck.
EXT. PRE-WAR HIGHWAY OUTSIDE OF VEGAS, mid-afternoon. AGNES and CASS survey a third wrecked caravan.
CASS: Shit. The proof is in the pudding. Or the pile of ash, rather. These attacks were done with Van Graff guns for Crimson Caravan caps. I'm sure of it.
As CASS explains her theory to AGNES, a short distance from the caravan two RAIDERS peer at the two of them from inside a barn at a ruined farmstead. They have snake-bite tattoos on the sides of their shaved heads and are holding rifles.
CASS: The scorchmarks and residue in the wreckages? That's energy weapon shit. Plasma and laser. Silver Rush special. Not like it'd be the Brotherhood. And Crimson Caravan must have bankrolled this fucked-up little hunting trip themselves.
The RAIDERS move out from the barn, sneaking up on two passers-by who’ve stopped at the caravan wreckage.
CASS: That explains why they bought me out...they needed the last loose end to saddle up back west with a tidy sum.
(NOTE: *Agnes delivered it and Cass signed it in IKROAH #7—Lou.)
CASS: It's a racket, Agnes: torch the local competition and it's win-win for both the f—
A gunshot rips out from one of the RAIDERS’ rifles and sears across CASS’ shoulder.
CASS (gasping): —uckers.
CASS slumps down beneath the overturned caravan wagon on the road, clutching her shot shoulder.
CASS: —Aaggghghhhhhhh.
AGNES: Cass! Are you—
CASS: Fuck! Agnes, get down you moron!
AGNES ducks behind the cover of the wooden caravan wagon just as another gunshot splinters the top lip of it.
The RAIDERS advance on CASS and AGNES’ position, firing at them from off the road.
AGNES leans over the top of the wagon with her pistol, returning fire.
AGNES lands a shot right in one of the RAIDERS’ guts, and she drops her weapon and falls down.
CASS, leaning out the side of the wagon, takes as careful of aim as she can with her shotgun by holding it with her good arm. Trembling, she fires, connecting with the other RAIDER.
The would-have-been RAIDERS are dead.
AGNES: ...were those the Van Graffs?
CASS: No. Just some vultures.
CASS leans back behind cover to sit against the bottom of the overturned wagon again, wincing from her shoulder injury.
CASS: Ugghhn.
AGNES (slipping off duffel bag): Cass, your shoulder—
CASS: Yeah, it's been shot. I'm pretty fucking aware.
AGNES (unzipping bag): Quick, can you take your shirt off—
CASS: What!?
AGNES: —so I can dress the wound, Cass!
CASS: Oh! Good! So you weren't coming onto me on what remains of Griffin Wares Caravan.
CASS starts removing her shirt while AGNES produces a bottle of something from her duffel bag, and dampens a rag with its contents.
CASS: And since when are you a fucking field medic, anyway?
AGNES: 2269. NCR Certified.
CASS: What?
AGES: Yeah. I've been one kind of doctor or another since I was six.
CASS: What?
AGNES: Now hold still, this is antiseptic.
CASS: Since you were six!? I...shit, wait, hang on, Agnes—
AGNES pressess the rag onto CASS’ shoulder wound, and CASS winces instinctively. But, confusingly, there isn’t any pain.
CASS: ...isn't this supposed to sting like hell?
AGNES: No, not really. It's an acetic acid solution. Vinegar, basically.
AGNES begins cleaning the wound with the rag.
CASS: I thought you put alcohol on wounds to clean them.
AGNES: That's...a common misconception. It's good for tools, maybe, but too strong for skin. And it can complicate healing if you apply it directly.
CASS: So you're telling me, all my years, I've been wasting good whiskey only making my boo-boos worse?
AGNES: I mean...it's better than nothing in a pinch, but...
CASS: Well, then. Thanks for the lecture, doc. Can you just pass the whiskey anyway? Shoulder still hurts like hell regar—
AGNES hands her the whiskey bottle. She’d already gotten it out.
CASS: —dless. Oh. Thanks.
AGNES unspools a roll of bandages in her hands, then begins wrapping it over CASS’ shoulder and across her chest..
AGNES: So. It's a relatively minor wound, more of a deep graze than a real gunshot.
CASS: You'd know all about real gunshots, huh?
AGNES (unfazed): Uh-huh. I can suture it if necessary, but for now, these bandages will be fine. Just hold still. How do you feel?
CASS: I feel fucking pissed, Agnes!
AGNES recoils, taken aback slightly.
CASS: As I was saying before I got shot in the shoulder—which, however "minor" the wound, is real fucking close to my head, Agnes—this wasn't some random attack. These caravans, my caravan, got hit by the Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan. It ain't just some tragedy anymore. Now I've got names. Places. Faces.
AGNES resumes bandaging CASS.
CASS: I told you—ow! Don't pinch my tit, dammit—
AGNES: I said hold still.
CASS: —I told you, when you told me about this guy who shot you...when I let you drag me out of that fucking outpost...and when we went to Boulder City...that I would do the exact same thing in your shoes. Now, it is the exact same thing. This fucker shoots your eye out, these fuckers ash my caravan...these same fuckers I sold my own goddamn name to on a piece of paper. I mean...what else are we doing out here, Agnes? Getting shot at by Khans and Raiders just for kicks? Are we just fucking around?
AGNES finishes bandaging CASS, then leans back, pensive.
AGNES: No...no, I really guess we’re not.
CASS: That's what I thought. Your friend in Vegas can wait. Help me get mine, and we can get that shitheel together, and that's a prom—
CASS raises her arm  to shake her fist as she speaks, straining her shoulder injury.
CASS: —mmmmmmghhhh. Ooww, oww, oww, oww...
CASS grabs her shoulder in pain while AGNES looks off in the distance and stands up. She looks out towards the horizon—towards VEGAS, and the pre-war casinos and hotels that still gleam and glitter in blinding sunlight.
Her fist clenches. Her brow furrows. Her body tenses, all over, staring at that city, that place.
The caravan wreckage remains alone on the highway, brahmin bones long picked clean by scavengers.
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Weeeeeelcome back!
For the second installment of our Spooky Month, this week we read the incredibly eerie In the Woods Somewhere by sequence_fairy!
Only 3.6K words, this tightly packed fic takes you on a journey that feels like it's so much longer. If you're looking for spookiness, tension, and some good old fashioned ghoul hunting, this fic hits all the right buttons, right up to the very end.
Rating: M
Summary: “I’m Ryan,” Ryan says, into the quiet. “This is Shane. We’d like to make contact with anyone still here and able to speak.”
Across the table, Shane shifts. “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he sing-songs. Ryan can’t help the way his mouth curves into a grin.
“I’m gonna open the floor,” Ryan says, after another moment of silence. “So, if anyone’s here who has something to say, now’s the time.”
“Yeah,” Shane agrees, “speak now or forever hold your peace.” Ryan kicks him under the table, but Shane chuckles, unrepentant.
Or: The house on Jackdaw Hill has a history, and Shane and Ryan get more than they bargained for.
Book Club Thoughts:
can i say that this fic is a fucking master class in evocative writing?? i could see it, i could feel it, i could very unfortunately get my ass metaphorically kicked by that ending.
[the author] did an incredible job at building the anticipation, lingering on faint details that set the tone and the broad reaches of the minutiae of a haunting story
These kinds of things make my chest hurt in a good way
No because psychological horror is so much more effective, and [the author's] writing absolutely portrayed that.
the great thing with fic is that it's always going to pack an additional emotional punch because you already care about the characters--but [the author] did an A+ job making me feel like...idk, protective?? like full-on "no, don't go in that room!" horror movie heckling
All the small silent ways that Shane shows his support for Ryan, that he's there and Ryan isn't alone, are beautiful.
it's all very very immersive stuff. Love the choices [the author] made for this one though
and the description of the server working one of those ancient credit card thingys. I like how lived-in stuff like that makes the story
reading it for the second time was really nice, because it still contained all of the tension that i had from the first time
YES. love the setting of the scene with some ominous weather
I was not expecting the ending to go the way it did and the way I GASPED
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