#jlu founders
jokin-around · 1 year
so that scene in jlu where Supes and the rest of the league founders are turning themselves in after Lex hijacked their space gun and Bruce is like "erm, i'm not doing that, this is your problem not mine"
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reduxulousoctopus · 1 year
Fics that I'm (Probably) Never Going to Write, Part 1/uhhhhhhhh
Depression is an absolute bastard. Anyway, here are a bunch of ideas for fics that I'm (probably) never going to write because I don't have the energy/focus/time, in the vain hope that putting them out in the universe will eventually result in them coming back to me in the form of completed works that I can rub all over my gross, itchy eyeballs. Or at the very least, maybe talking about one of these ideas with somebody will kick the dopamine machine back into working order long enough for me to actually write it myself.
All are DCAU and mostly focused on the Flash cause that's where I'm at right now.
When one of the Guardians goes rogue and begins abducting entire cities from across the universe (including Earth's own Central City and a colony of exiled Thanagarian pacifists), John Stewart agrees to come out of retirement for one last mission. He and the few surviving Green Lanterns defeat the "Mad Guardian" with the help of Vixen, Shayera Hol, and the Flash, though not before the stolen cities find themselves forcibly relocated to the surface of the planet Oa and combined into a patchwork superstructure of domed alien ecosystems.
Only then is the true nature of John's mission revealed to him: the seemingly-immortal Guardians are about to die, and have chosen him to be their first potential replacement. Until the old Guardians can regain the power necessary to return each city to its respective home-world, which they estimate will take about an Earth year, presiding over this "Mosaic of Worlds" will serve as John's final test.
[post-JLU, John Stewart/Mari McCabe established relationship, John Stewart & Shayera Hol & Wally West friendship, massive cast of characters, scifi/political thriller/drama, very long (equivalent to a season of television)]
Wally doesn't know how long he drifted without form or consciousness before he appeared overlooking the crib of Danica Williams, a seemingly ordinary baby girl with whom he shares a strange metaphysical connection. Unable to be perceived by anyone else or interact with the world around him, and unable to leave the girl's side without causing them both extreme pain, Wally spends the next seven years as Dani's beloved imaginary friend while struggling to piece together what little he can remember of his past life.
After waking one night to a large crash downstairs, Wally finds that a SWAT team have broken into the Williams home, captured Dani's parents, and are on their way upstairs to find "the girl." Dani and her ghostly companion flee the house and go on the run, following Wally's vague sense that they can find help in Metropolis. But to get there from San Fransisco, they'll have to cross a country which has never been more dangerous for metahumans, pursued all the while by the sinister organization which took Dani's parents, an obsessed FBI agent named Hunter Zolomon, and worst of all, a monstrous speedster hell-bent on dragging Wally back to the Speed Force for good.
[post-JLU, Wally West & Danica Williams, JL Founders friendship, thriller/mystery/near-future scifi/dystopia, fairly long]
"Where the Road Splits"
It's only natural for people who have been together so long to fight sometimes. That's literally what "old married couple" means. Wally is ready to retire and Bruce isn't. That's a shockingly normal thing for people whose lives are as weird as theirs to argue about. Hell, if Wally's powers weren't keeping them in peak physical condition, they would have been having this argument decades ago. It's fine.
Everything's fine.
Wally can't hold on much longer, Bruce doesn't know how to let go, and Terry has no idea how he got caught up in some ongoing marital spat between two cranky, elderly superheroes, but if none of their frankly ridiculous number of kids and grand-kids are willing to intervene, he's going to have to jump on that grenade himself to earn his chance at revenge--and redemption.
[Batman Beyond AU, dysfunctional old married Bruce Wayne/Wally West, Terry McGinnis/Dana Tan established relationship, family drama/coming-of-age/near-future scifi]
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nerdynanny · 7 months
All of Canon Muses questions, do et 👀
munday queries [accepting]
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What is your favorite canon muse?
Wally-- he's just near and dear to my heart and is by far my favorite character on this blog. [Don't tell the others.] Close second would be either Artemis or Darren, as I've been writing both for as long as their series have been around. Fun fact: I'm the founder of the Official AF Fan Discord. I'm also the first VTuber to meet Eoin Colfer.
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
I wasn't too keen on Lex Luthor when he first showed up in the Superman Animated series [and later the larger DCAU] but he won me over in the JL and JLU series.
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
I really wish we'd gotten more of Wally-- SPECIFICALLY DCAU Wally. I get it, he was a mishmash of Flashes just like how the DCAU Robin was a mashup of Jason and Tim. But honestly? I liked the different takes. They stood out among the MULTITUDE of AUs out there. [sigh] if only we'd gotten the flash dcau series.
How far do go with divergences when it comes to your canon muses?
I love AUs-- I love alternate timelines. I enjoy putting characters together at different parts of their stories [which is how JackFord came to be, IT'S MY CROSSOVER OTP]. I'm always down for divergent canon.
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fan-art-ic · 1 year
justice league fic in my head where founding members are bats, zatanna, ww, supes, flash, hawkgirl, j'onn, and gl. cuz a) More women. B) I dislike when Shazam or Cyborg are founders bc well. They aren't. Cyborg is so with the titans and I just like captain marvel more as a newcomer that irritates clark. and!!! Zatanna deserves to be apart a founder r u kidding me she is so badass, c) she brings in more magic situations where clark gets whacked around more and she knows Bruce from when they were teens. Which makes things fun and interesting!
I do know that her career is important to her but I can easily see like maybe one of her shows is attacked and so she doesn't know like. What to do on that side so she goes more hero - I don't know her character outside jlu very well
Also just while I'm thinking of it. So there would have been the Justice Society way back when, and then maybe some heroes did try to form the league but it didn't really work at the time everyone had each other's burner number so, why bother keeping up a team. then it's only like 5,7y later that the jl as it will prosper is started. This way, I get to have my Wally as the flash founder and also get Barry in there for the first one as well.
AND I get my Joh Stewart green lantern and Hawkgirl tension god bless
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Blibli Resmi Melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan Harga Perdana Rp450 per Saham
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - PT Global Digital Niaga Tbk (‘Blibli’ atau ‘Perseroan’; BEI: ‘BELI’), pelopor ekosistem perdagangan dan gaya hidup omnichannel di Indonesia yang berfokus pada konsumen dan institusi yang terhubung secara digital di seluruh Indonesia, pada hari ini resmi tercatat di papan utama perdagangan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan kode saham ‘BELI’, dengan menawarkan 100% saham baru (primary shares) kepada investor domestik dan qualified institutional buyer internasional melalui distribusi Reg S / 144A, Rabu (9/11/2022). Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana (Initial Public Offering/IPO) Perseroan berhasil mencatatkan Harga Perdana mendekati batas atas rentang harga penawaran pada Rp450 per saham. Jumlah saham yang ditawarkan dalam IPO Blibli berhasil dimaksimalkan sepenuhnya hingga mencapai batas atas sebanyak 15,00% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor setelah Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana, sehingga dapat menggalang dana IPO gross sekitar Rp8 triliun (AS$513 juta1). Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana ini mendapatkan dukungan dan minat yang kuat dari berbagai investor domestik dan internasional, yang terdiri dari sovereign wealth funds, long-only funds, multi-strategy funds, private awealth management, dan lainnya. Antusiasme investor berhasil mencatatkan tingkat kelebihan permintaan (oversubscription) yang mencapai 4,4 kali lipat pada Penjatahan Terpusat (pooling portion), sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah alokasi Penjatahan Terpusat dari 2,5% menjadi 5,0% dari keseluruhan Jumlah Penawaran. CEO dan Co-Founder Blibli, Kusumo Martanto menyampaikan apresiasi yang sebesar-besarnya kepada seluruh investor yang telah berpartisipasi, baik dari kalangan institusi maupun ritel (individu) atas kepercayaannya berinvestasi di Blibli. “Hari ini merupakan awal dari tonggak sejarah baru dalam perjalanan Blibli. Dengan resmi melantai di BEI, kami semakin dekat menuju visi menjadi platform omnichannel perdagangan dan gaya hidup terdepan dan terpercaya bagi seluruh pelanggan, baik individu maupun institusi. Kami juga mengapresiasi seluruh pihak yang telah mendukung kami sejak hari pertama proses IPO, mulai dari para penjamin pelaksana dan penjamin emisi efek, lembaga dan profesi penunjang pasar modal, regulator, serta karyawan kami,” kata Kusumo. Dengan total kapitalisasi pasar sebesar Rp53,3 triliun (setara dengan AS$3,4 miliar1), Blibli merupakan satu-satunya internet-unicorn di Kawasan Asia Pasifik yang melantai di pasar modal sejak bulan Mei 2022 dan merupakan internet-unicorn terbesar kedua di Asia Pasifik yang melakukan IPO sepanjang tahun 20222. Ini juga merupakan IPO terbesar kedua sepanjang tahun 2022 dan IPO terbesar kelima sepanjang sejarah di Indonesia. Perseroan berhasil menyelesaikan IPO di tengah kondisi pasar saham yang bergejolak dan aksi jual yang luas di sektor teknologi. Komisaris Utama Blibli, Martin Basuki Hartono mengatakan aksi korporasi ini merupakan salah satu bentuk komitmen Blibli untuk terus berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian digital Indonesia. “Dengan diperdagangkannya saham BELI di BEI, kami berharap akan meningkatkan kepercayaan investor terhadap sektor teknologi di Indonesia, serta membawa efek positif terhadap perekonomian digital di dalam negeri,” tutur Martin. Dana bersih himpunan IPO yang diperoleh Perseroan akan digunakan untuk pelunasan utang serta untuk modal kerja. Dalam IPO Blibli, Credit Suisse (Singapore) Limited dan Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore) Pte bertindak sebagai Joint Global Coordinators (JGC), sedangkan PT BCA Sekuritas dan PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas bertindak sebagai Penjamin Pelaksana Emisi Efek (Joint Lead Underwriters/JLU). PT Credit Suisse Sekuritas Indonesia, PT Morgan Stanley Sekuritas Indonesia, dan PT DBS Vickers Sekuritas Indonesia bersama dengan sindikasi lainnnya bertindak sebagai Penjamin Emisi Efek. (bpn) Read the full article
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sea-owl · 3 years
Before dickkoribabs all got together Bruce once told Babs that "the alien is just a phase."
Well Clark, Bruce's best friend and later husband found out.
Clark and Kori never let any of them live it down.
Kori turns towards Clark in the middle of a family dinner. "It's exhausting getting two bats through their alien phase."
Clark sighs in agreement. "If you need help I've been getting the original through his on and off over the years and I've helped raised one of yours."
Bruce proposes. Clark stares and says, "You're still not done with your alien phase? Do I have to sign a prenup? Or do I get alimony?"
Kori finds out she's pregnant. She announces it to the family by asking Clark, "How much child support do you think I'll get when Richard and Barbara are done with their raising alien babies phase?"
Clark and Kori ending arguments by saying. "That's okay, I'm just a phase anyway."
It gets worse when Shayera and J'onn find out and they side with Clark and Kori.
Shayera would ask at the end of a founders meeting. "Hey batsy when the alien phase is over with can I just hide my wings?"
J'onn starts transforming into different looking humans. "If any of these work for when the phase is over with let me know."
Bruce tries to rant to Alfred one time. There was no sympathy.
"Master Bruce it's just a phase. You'll be over it in no time."
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babyflash · 3 years
Please talk about JLU Wally, I love him. Only version of Wally that’s been adapted that nailed his compassion and powers and shithead arrogance all at once, I have a soft place in my heart for it…plus THE ONLY FUCKING ADAPTION THAT GAVE US LINDA PARK WTF DC IM SO ANGRY…
i love thinking about his origin sm. it's never fully explained why it's wally instead of barry so here are my thoughts on that:
i have a feeling that barry had to retire or passed away for some reason and wally had to take on the flash mantle pretty young. i think that barry was friends with (at the very least) bats and superman and asked them to look out for wally until he got the hang of being the flash by himself. batman was like "ok yeah sure" and then the founding of the justice league happened and bruce was like "oh this makes my job so much easier" (also the fact that nightwing and wally are besties helps. yes nightwing exists in this universe no he's never mentioned or on screen what about it).
he's everyone's kid brother! and at the same time he's their coworker and brother-in-arms who they love and respect! his friendship with john stewart is just... one of my absolute favorites in fiction. the way they don't mix at all at the start only to become besties later is just *chefs kiss* perfection, babe! that's what it's all about! people who only tolerate each other coming together, united under a cause, and learning to care for each other. ugh. so good.
and yes!!! he's so compassionate and good at his job!!! flash and substance is one of my favorite episodes, as well as divided we fall, because they're semi-wally centric and we really get to see why the flash is a founder! wally is so often played for jokes in dc stuff, it's nice to see him as a strong member of the team who holds his own!
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
While I love love love that the og team is getting focused I’m also a little worried. Like all the talk of how it’s always them, they’re family, the founders.... they won’t do a big sacrifice together and die, will they?
On the other hand, it would be amazing if it was like a JLU thing where they all form a chain and pull Wally out of the speed force. I’d love that too. Much better than dying.
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solitaria-fantasma · 3 years
Super Ghost post-JLU D&D headcanons, GO!
Gawain hosts a series of both longer campaigns and one-shots for the heroes and staff at Metro Tower.
No knowledge of the game is required, and Gawain provides the dice, as well as a variety of handbooks for players to reference.
He loves to build in opportunities for busier heroes to drop in on the action as guest star characters, and makes it very easy for players to come and go (as superheroing can be tough to schedule around).
Flash, J’onn, and Superman are common Founder guest stars, and while she doesn’t play, Shayera sometimes drops by just to watch.
The sessions are a good team building exercise between the heroes and the human employees at the tower, and the one-shots and a few longer campaigns are recorded and made available for the public to listen to, with all personal names/details carefully edited out to protect the players’ secret identities.
Gawain gives out advantage on rolls for creative thinking, props, good role playing, and utilizing character backstories.
Chopper enforces the ‘No Rules Lawyering’ table rule.
Tour groups being led through Metro Tower can sometimes catch a glimpse of the day’s session as they pass by the unused conference rooms.
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fialleril · 5 years
Oh man I would watch the SHIT out of all of those JLA/JLU sequel shows you pitched. But I have to know: will John Stewart's terrifying landlady be making an appearance? (Also you reminded me of just how much I desperately wanted J'onn's human wife's backstory. Or like, even a name?)
(Original post is here for those just joining in.)
John’s terrifying landlady would be a recurring character. At least once per season she would get to wail on a supervillain or five, but there would also be a running gag where she keeps beating on other members of the Justice League. At one point John even introduces her to Flash, but she still whacks him over the head with her broom the next time he comes by and John isn’t home. Once she even beats up Batman.
I keep thinking that J’onn’s wife was named Ming, and then remembering that was just fanon… But yeah, I would really love to know the story of how they got together. I’m imagining a situation where they’ve been dating for months and J’onn has been agonizing over how to tell her the truth about who he is and finally after some harrowing adventure or other he just kind of blurts out, “I’m an alien,” and to his shock she just pats him on the hand and says, “I know, dear.”
Other things that definitely happen at some point on these hypothetical shows:
Remember the Flashmobile? Wally’s…very expressive van? Yeah. Wally, John, and Shayera absolutely go on a road trip in the thing. John complains about the van the entire time. Shayera genuinely likes the leopard print cushions. At some point Wally installed a karaoke machine, and John very much lives to regret this. Shayera sings death metal, which honestly isn’t that surprising. Wally also sings death metal, which…kind of is. John insists that he doesn’t sing, but eventually the other two wear him down and he does a decent riff on Ray Charles.
One time Queen Audrey is taken hostage by a Kasnian nationalist group that wants to see the country leave the World Assembly and rebuild their military might. Diana for some reason can’t get to her for most of the episode, so the plot is just Audrey playing her captors to keep herself and the other hostages alive until Diana can show up and punch some fascists.
Shayera still gets a lot of hate and distrust as a result of the Thanagarian invasion, and although she tries to ignore it, sometimes it still gets to her. In one episode she’s sunk particularly deep in self-hating thoughts, so Wally decides that she’s gonna spend the day with him in Central. She’s not really interested in socializing but he’s insistent and weirdly excited about the idea and it’s kind of impossible to say no to that puppy face, so she goes along. And then the whole episode is just about how the people of Central City absolutely love Shayera. Like they’re stopping her on the street to say thanks, asking for selfies and autographs, kids are shyly giving her pictures they drew of her looking badass and saving the day. It’s wild. Finally she just straight up asks a woman why everybody is being so nice, and the woman looks at her like she can’t imagine why they would be anything but nice and just says, “Well, you brought Flash back from that vortex, after all that business with Brainiac. Of course we love you.”
One time John gets called back to Oa for a couple of weeks and the Guardians send Guy Gardner to cover for him on Earth. It’s a two part episode and half of it is John being a badass and fighting off an invasion of Oa, and the other half is just…people on Earth dealing with Guy Gardner. Like nothing momentous happens on Earth at all. It’s just…Guy Gardner.
The Glorious Godfrey tries to make a big TV comeback by announcing that he’s discovered the Flash’s secret identity. Wally spends half the episode worrying about this but there’s not much he can do. Then Godfrey’s big moment comes and he reveals that the Flash is, in fact…Bruce Wayne! The evidence is all there. They’re both fun-loving playboys, and the fact that Wayne lives in Gotham obviously wouldn’t be an obstacle for the fastest man alive. Wayne’s vast wealth would also explain how the Flash can afford to keep himself fed with that outrageous metabolism, and as the Flash is a founding member of the Justice League, that also answers the question of how the League could afford to build not one but two incredibly advanced space stations, not to mention all the other tech they have. And, says Godfrey, it explains why the other founders continue to hold Flash as an equal even though he’s clearly not on their level - because he’s bankrolling them!
Batman is completely disgusted by this entire production. Wally assumes it’s because Bats feels insulted, and Bruce lets him think that, but tbh he’s most annoyed that Godfrey would say Flash isn’t on the same level as the rest. He will never admit that, though.
Wally, meanwhile, finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious, and gleefully tells Bruce that there’s an obvious corollary here: Batman’s secret identity must be Wally West! After all, he is a detective.
In one episode of John and Shayera’s show, there actually is an alien that sucks out people’s brains. It’s finally stopped by John’s landlady and her broom.
About a week after J’onn finally settles into an identity and an apartment for good, Agent King Faraday moves into the apartment just down the hall. It’s an open question for the whole of the show’s run whether Faraday knows J’onn’s true identity or it’s just a really wild coincidence. This question is never resolved. King Faraday and Jon Jones become friendly acquaintances and every now and then they stop to chat in the hallway about their respective days. Faraday talks about what J’onn knows to be his work with the League as if it were a humdrum office job. J’onn talks about his retirement as if he had retired from an equally dull office job. Neither is ever sure if the other knows they’re lying.
There’s a Batman and Flash crossover episode in which the Joker and the Trickster team up to do something nefarious, so Flash and Bats have to stop them. Flash doesn’t seem at all worried about it, though, and Bruce knows Wally well enough by now to get curious rather than annoyed. In the end it turns out that Trickster was working with Flash all along, solely for the joy of seeing Joker’s face when he reveals the trick.
Aquaman appears for a cameo once per season on every show. Every time he’s riding on the back of an increasingly enormous and terrifying sea monster. He says something suitably badass, and then returns to the ocean.
Diana takes Audrey home to Themyscira to meet her mother and sisters. Audrey is suitably impressed with everything except the party scene, which is pretty nonexistent. She sets about fixing this. Hilarity ensues.
Lex Luthor somehow gets out of his happy fun anti-life adventure time with Darkseid and is pretty pissed about once more being denied godhood. He shows up in Central looking for revenge on Flash for the Brainiac incident (not to mention that time they switched bodies). But it turns out Flash isn’t even home, and the whole episode is just the residents of Central kicking Lex to the curb.
Several old Cadmus files that were meant to be destroyed are stolen and sold on the black market, and there’s a massive crossover finale where all of our heroes have to team up with Amanda Waller to get the data back and undo as much of the damage as possible. Aquaman shows up at the climax riding on the world serpent.
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crownedprincestark · 6 years
JLU Flash could really just say whatever he wanted and all of the other Founders would still be like “GOD Wally you’re so right we love you so much here eat a snack”
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revkit · 5 years
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New Article alert! 👊🏼 and this ones hardcore...literally. We’re talking about armor! If you’re reading this, you might be curious about armor for your Jeep Wrangler JL or JLU and not sure what to get, or even where to start looking. In our Tips For Picking Your Jeep Armor article we give you the lowdown on what to consider from our personal experience with our JL build @reverendkit and why we choose @motobilt_inc to outfit and protect our Jeep! Written by REVKIT Co-Founder, Dan Hart @danhart79 Swipe up link in our latest story! __ Claim your free build page at → https://revkit.com @reverendkit @motobilt_inc __ Full Article: https://revkit.com/articles/armoring-up-your-jeep-wrangler-jl-with-motobilt https://www.instagram.com/p/B2VU7ZCJd6Q/?igshid=mmw4jsdux6s7
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aprilbrowines · 5 years
So here’s the thing. I saw @aj-thegreatest and @hotsassbacon doing it and i thought why not this might be fun so here it is my gang the renegade rainbows.
Renegade rainbows
The renegade rainbows is a group of aliens dedicated to protect undertown and give to those unfortunate. They been wanting to spread their gang hoping that to make a better life for all Aliens, They’re a Chaotically good gang and so far they have 13 members. They made a another branch in Townsville. While they may rob and fight They’re good guys at heart.
Kayuqtuq a.k.a mr.Red: Son of ester and Antonio (21)- The leader and founder of the renegade rainbows, Kayu’s a carefree leader towards his crew but can be quite serious and focused when his crew is hurt. He’s can stretch his limbs and has high heat resistance. He has almond-shape purple eyes. His thick, wavy, dark pink hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flame. He is short and has a masculine build. He wears a red ring.
Mitzi a.k.a ms. Orange: Daughter of Argit and simian (18) - She’s Kayu’s right hand woman. Argit is now the mayor of undertown, Because of that Mitiz lives the good life but he emotionally neglects her. While on the outside, she can be Cynical and disrespectful on the inside she’s adaptable, thrifty, and nurturing. She has big yellow eyes and black quills for hair that she puts in a ponytail.  She is short and has an hourglass build. She wears an orange bracelet.
Dudley t. Hokestar a.k.a Yellow duke: (Adopted) son of blarney T. hokestar(He’s an oc) (17)- The trickster of the gang. His parents abandoned him as a baby leaving him as a street urchin. Hokestar adopted him when he was 9 and taught him chemistry and business, He loves his Father and Solid Plugg who he calls uncle Plugg. He’s honest and modest. Of course he's also imaginative, flexible and planful.  He has slitted eyes the color of ripe tangerines. His silky, curly, white hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a shark's fin. He has a boyish body.  He wears Yellow goggles.
Leona Olafsdotter da Costa a.k.a Duchess of green: Daughter of Ice (Tora Olafsdotter) and Fire (Beatriz da costa) (JLU)- The enforcer of the team (18). Leona is an expelled student from Noctavia-inga, she’s a bad girl who skip classes, smokes, and like to pick on fight and always breaks the dressing code of the school due to having her sleeve burnt and rolling up her other sleeve when using her metahuman powers. She curses a lot, but not in front of elders and children. She can make half of her body be in an ice armor and her other half be covered in green flames. She uses her ice to cool herself from overheat and fire to warm herself to prevent herself from getting frostbites.  She has a mixture of cool gray and jade green shoulder-length hair, wears teal eyeshadow and navy blue contact lenses. She does not have flying powers or is able to make ice platform as a transportation, only an armor and shoots fireballs on her left side and Ice shards on her right side. She can make an armor out of 50% Green fire and 50% Ice and is determined to control her powers. She’s adventurous, ambitious, and clever. She was born in an ordinary family in a normal city. She lived out of trouble until she was about 11 years old, but at that point things changed.
She studied a lot and was very successful. With the support of great parents, she enjoys life in an outlandish world. But with her perseverance and bravery, there's nothing to stop her from going beyond expectations. She could quickly become an unstoppable force. She wears green Earrings.
Rook Hici a.k.a Sir indigo: Son of Rook ben (15)- The tech genius. He's sincere, savvy, driven and perhaps a little too naive, but there's more than this to somebody with his position. He was born to Rook Ben and lived on Revvonah till he was 9 where he lived in undertown. Seeing Ben Tennyson made him want to be like him. But to him failing the exam multiple times he was rejected by the Plumbers and joined the Renegade rainbow instead. He's optimistic and disciplined. Of course he's also warm, adventurous and objective, but far less strongly and often mixed with being desperate as well. He has almond-shaped amber eyes. His luxurious, wavy, waist-length hair is the color of obsidian, and is worn in a practical style. He has a lithe build. Hici is a bisexual trans boy. He wears an indigo bandana on his left arm.
Adela a.k.a Lady Violet: Daughter of Viktoria (16)- The medic of the renegade rainbows, Adela is hardworking and balanced. Of course she's also appreciative, faithful and rational, but far less strong and often mixed with being petty as well. She has large violet eyes that are like two amethysts. Her fine, straight, brown hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a bird's wing. She is very tall and has a feminine build and has a screw in the side of her head. She’s a walking electricity/life force generators with electromagnetic bodies, capable of shooting electric bursts, manipulating electromagnetic fields and energy, and even healing others. On her planet she was bullied for being hideous (She’s actullay rather pretty but you know) her mother and her left. After Moving to undertown she became friends with Rook Hici over a common interest in science. She wears a violet bandana on her right arm.
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deiasilva10 · 7 years
@Regranned from @dianaandkal - 💪💥#Repost @wondervaughn ・・・ SUPERHERO TRAINING 101 Here are @henrycavill and @gal_gadot working with fitness trainer @wfmft for their big screen debuts (Henry for “Man of Steel” released in 2013 and Gal for “Batman v Superman” released in 2016). Mark is also the founder of Gym Jones. *** #superman #wonderwoman #workout #fitness #marktwight #training #amazon #amazons #amazonwarrior #amazonian #krypton #kryptonian #kryptonite #muscles #tone #physique #gymjones #strength #jlu #justiceleagueunlimited #thememusic Many thanks to @dc_fans_united for the vid clips - #regrann
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miragerules · 7 years
Bruce Wayne/Diana Prince or Wonderbat FanFiction
Bruce Wayne/Diana Price or Wonderbat is one of my favorite pairings along with Brutasha, Matt Murdock/Natasha Romanov, Cole/Cassie and Shoot to name a few.  I have already shared some of my favorite Brutasha FanFiction, so I thought it was time I did the same for Bruce and Diana.  I am sure there are many Bruce/Diane FanFiction stories I have not read yet, but so far the stories below are my favorite.
Empathy by The-Lady-Isis, Rated T:  Diana's greatest strength is being used to destroy her - and the only one who can save her is the League's resident emotional black hole...but the problem is falling in love with her was not part of the plan. And could cost Diana everything.
The World of an Amazon by Coldbee, Rated T:  Batman deals with mortality issues while Wonder Woman's Gods gather to decide if he truly deserves her love or not.
Heart of Darkness by theamerican91, Rated T:  After Batman and the Justice League cut ties with each other, a vengeful enemy returns and cripples him. Now it is up to the Founders to save their former friend. But to do that, they will have to undergo a journey like no other where they not only discover the buried secrets of the Dark Knight, but find their own weaknesses and strengths being tested. 
Doomsday Sanction by BruceDiana, Rated T:  What happened after Diana turns off the light in Bruce's room in the Watchtower Medical Bay? 
A Wonderful Woman by Richie Cunningham, Rated M:  Diana visits Bruce in the Batcave and he seems more than a little wound up. How can a gal relieve all that tension? 
Trials and Tribulations by preston-gal, Rated K:  Its not easy living with Bruce Wayne, even harder living with the Batman. 
Just Breathe by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Wonder Woman and Batman both struggle with their growing feelings for one another. 
Mended Hearts by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Wonder Woman is severely injured in an attack forcing Batman to finally face his feelings for her, but how will Superman react?   
Not So Blessed by R-dude, Rated T:  For some, immortality is a wistful dream, a fantasy. For others, it is an ambition, an unattainable goal. For Diana Wayne, it is nothing but a bitter reality. 
All You Never Say by BruceDiana, Rated M:  Diana wants Bruce to just tell what he really feels for her, but will he ever? 
Baby Makes Three by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Diana has some news that she's not so sure Bruce is going to like to hear. 
Just One Night by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Against her better judgment, Diana reluctantly agrees to be auctioned off for a charity benefit. Who will be the highest bidder for just one night with the Princess? 
Kiss and Make Up by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Superman gets fed up with Batman and Wonder Woman's constant arguing and decides to do something about it. What happens next is not exactly what he had anticipated. 
Started With a Whisper by LOTSlover, Rated M:  One-shot prequel to Baby Makes Three and Raising Nicholas. It all started with a whisper, but quickly escalated from there and ended with Batman's jealousy getting the better of him, forcing him to finally admit he's in love with a certain Amazon Princess. 
Morse Code by annaoi, Rated K+:  ONE SHOT. Green Lantern sees that two of his colleagues/friends are sending secret messages to each other. 
Smile Again by LOTSlover, Rated T:  One-Shot set sometime during Season Two of Justice League. Batman tries to comfort a depressed Diana who misses her home.
Letting Go by LOTSlover, Rated M:  "If you love something, let it go." Unfortunately, whoever wrote that never had to give up an Amazon. 
Healing Touch by LOTSlover, Rated M:  After suffering a traumatic event on patrol in Gotham, Batman goes to the one person he knows who can help him heal. 
Eye Spy by annaoi, Rated K+:  The Justice League has a habit of spying on two of its members 
Yearning For the Real Thing by AlwaysMoreMe, Rated M: "At first, it was just on the security cameras. But after awhile, watching him through a camera, it wasn't enough. I needed to watch the real thing." Diana has always had feelings towards Bruce, but when a mission doesn't go as well and Bruce seeks release through work outs, can Diana just sit by and watch the show?
A Time of Mourning by batwheelsz350, Rated T: Purely from the JL/JLU setting. This story takes place during Amanda Waller's flashback with the Royal Flush Gang and Ace's untimely demise. 
Tried and True by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Sequel to my fic Mended Hearts, Bruce and Diana's relationship is put to the test when Luthor enlists the help of a fellow villain in an effort to take down the Justice League starting with Wonder Woman.
Father of the Bride by LOTSlover, Rated M: Sequel to my fic Tried and True, Diana continues to struggle with the aftereffects of Luthor's brain chip as her wedding to Bruce approaches, but things don't go as planned when an unexpected visitor threatens to destroy their happiness as well as their future.
Raising Nicholas by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Sequel to my fic Baby Makes Three, Bruce and Diana learn firsthand the ins and outs of marriage as well as raising a baby. 
The Wayne Family Chronicles by LOTSlover, Rated M:  This is a series of one-shots based on Raising Nicholas.
Family Matters by LOTSlover, Rated M:  Sequel to Raising Nicholas, Bruce and Diana have their hands full with two toddlers, but matters only grow worse when Sienna plots to get revenge on the Wayne's.
The Bats and Wondy Smutabet by SinisterScribe, Rated Explicit: Apocalypse, Bat, Cold, Done, Escape, Flight, Gemini, and Home is coming soon...The long awaited repost from ffnet (dicks, the lot of them).Basically a collection of smutty oneshots in which Bats and Wondy have a ripping good time (sometimes literally, that poor uniform). Will be posted all as one work on this site but all previously posted chapters shall make an appearance.I own nothing, no suing.
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itsdragonfire13 · 8 years
YJ Livejournal Fic Rec Part1
I’ve become tired of losing stories I like on the Young Justice Livejournal so I’m going to make a list of them here. There’s a lot... Most will be under a read more. IF LINKS DON’T WORK PLEASE TELL ME!
This has 21 fics, I’ll probably make a few more of these fic rec things.
1. The Checklist: Wally has a HUGE crush on John Stewart-- posters on his wall, t-shirts, always trying to catch a glimpse of him whenever they're with the league, etc. I'm not too sure how old John was when he was given his ring, but I'd guess that, since Wally's 15 in YJ and John is already part of the league, he's in his early twenties? And maybe one day GL has to take Wally home after a mission or something, and Wally's all, "Ohmygod OHMYGOD what do I say to him" and the like. (Complete)
2.  Greetings from the Twineball (Wish You Were Here): Doing stuff together at super speed. Running to Paris for lunch and racing each other to the south pole to play with penguins, for example. I want lots of silly brotimes between the two, because Kon needs to have some fun.(Complete)
3. The Batsitter Begins:  all the batsiblings have a crush on wally, and they try to woo him in different ways. BONUS: they're all younger than dick BONUS2: they try to court him the bat way so it's extremely subtle, and after a while they get impatient and one of them just kisses him. (WIP, though you can kinda look at it as if it’s complete)
4.  Just Affectionate:  Wally's parents aren't abusive, just... neglectful, mainly in an emotional way. Distant. Fortunately, Wally has his aunt and uncle, and the Garricks, for hugs and smiles and emotional support and caring about that 'A' he got on his chemistry test. Small things. None of them realize that he's not getting any of these at home. They think he's just really social. Then, Barry and Iris are both gone at the same time, for whatever reason. (Mission, reporting, etc.) So are the Garricks, if you choose to include them. This absence lasts for an extended period of time, to the point where it starts to affect Wally. So he compensates when visiting Mount Justice. At first it's just extra hugs for teammates, which are nice, if a bit confusing. As time goes on, though, it extends to other things. Talking about his day, getting moody when there isn't anyone around, spending more time at Mount Justice than usual, taking negative feedback as more of a blow. This includes mentors, not just teammates. (Complete!)
5.  Five Times Wally Couldn't Drive and One Time He Could:  Wally, learning how to drive and being horrible at it. So Barry calls in Robin, because Robin is BAMF and can relate to Wally. And I'd love it if you included this little tidbit, because I kind of fell in love with it but am too lazy to write the rest. "You have a license?" Wally asks, his eyebrows horribly skeptical. Robin snorts. "Yes." Wally's eyebrow hitches higher, and the corner of Robin's mouth twitches as he tries not to smile. "In Russia." (Complete)
6.  On my honor, I will do my best: Superboy hears people refer to Superman as a boyscout. So, to try to be more like Superman, he joins the boyscouts. (Complete)
7. Play It By Trust: Despite how brief his stint as Dr. Fate was, Wally can still hear Nabu when he’s near enough to the Helmet of Fate (how near is up to you anon.) Surprisingly, Nabu is kind of a bitchy roommate. (Complete)
8. Kidnapping is Bad:  Wally is the only one that knows Robin's secret identity on team right? So I figure they probably hang out on the weekends in Gotham or Central or some place when they aren't doing missions or dynamic duoing. And seeing as how Dick Grayson has to be the receiving end of a multitude of kidnappings but this time I would like a time when kidnappers are forced to take Wally too because there can't be witnesses! (Complete)
9. Wally VS Wednesday:  So say Wally's dating someone older, whether it's Kaldur or Roy or someone from the League, and at some point when he hasn't been having a good day, his boyfriend comes to see him after school ends, right at the gate. Cue hug, or a careless kiss, and by the next day, everyone's talking. (Complete with a few bonus chapters)
10. Baby’s First Book:  Superboy is brand new in the world and he has a lot of firsts. Someone gets him a baby's first book were you put down all of the first things a baby does(first word, first laugh, first spit bubble). It can be a joke, something serious, maybe M'gann just trying to follow earth culture. Even though it's kind of silly the whole team helps to fill it up. So what would be the kind of things the team would want to remember?(Complete)
11. Wally.. Why do you Have Two Hearts?:  There is something about the Young Justice team. A secret hidden so deep that only one of them is privy to the knowledge. There aren't two aliens on the team. There are three. (and Timelords are very good at running.) (WIP, But can be looked as Completed)
12. ‘Cause They’re Part of the Six Teens: The mentors have to face a horrible, horrible realization. Even though their former-sidekicks are still nominally their partners... in reality, the members of YJ are Batman's. How they come to this conclusion is up to you, but I would love to see Batman stepping up for any non-Robin member of YJ. Crack/angst/slash/gen/whatever is perfectly fine.
Bonus: "Batman is the happiest I've ever seen him. Six teenagers and they're all his." (Completed)
13. Speedster Chase Instinct: Speedsters have an innate need to chase/race really fast things. Wally keeps his under control by playing tag/racing Barry every couple of days (and vice versa), but what happens if Flash can't be there for some reason? Bonus points if he suddenly goes running after the Javelin /Batmobile (Completed)
14. Everyone Needs a Little More Dick:  A certain Dick Grayson is put into the custody of a certain Agent Gibbs and his staff. He gets to meet the whole team and trolls the shit out of Tony though no one believes the poor guy when he tries to tell the others about it. Dick's got those innocent-who-me? baby blues that NO ONE can resist. Bonus if this when he's older and can still pull off the kicked puppy look. Super bonus if Superboy gets involved somehow, though just him. EPIC SUPER BONUS if you have Dick and Gibbs bonding in their red head kink. (Completed)
15. Hal Jordan or Uncle McAwesome:  Five times Hal Jordan was there for Wally as an uncle/mentor and the one time Wally was there for Hal. (Completed)
16. Batty’s Little Babies: 5 Times Batman thought of the members of Young Justice as his children.(Completed)
17. Mission: Seduce Sexy Snarky Damian: Wally is thrilled when Robin tells him his secret ID! After doing so, Robin takes him to Wayne Manor to introduce him to his brothers: Damian, Tim, and Jason. What Wally wasn't expecting was the feeling that came over him as he laid eye on the gorgeous Damian Wayne. Cue Wally beginning phase one of Mission: Seduce Sexy Snarky Damian! Romance ensues! Damian/Wally Note: The ages are reversed. Meaning, Damian is the oldest (precisely what age is up to author anon), Tim's second oldest, Jason is second youngest, and Dick is the youngest. Bonus: Insert humor as Wally tries pick up lines, over the top flirting techniques, and failed attempts to be seductive, etc. (Completed, it’s a minfill)
18. Fill(It’s just called that no other name): Cadmus cloning project always ended in failure - clone degeneration, imperfect powers, starts to have mind of its own and goes against them, etc. They can't make a perfect weapon that can kill/replace Superman. So tried a different approach this time. Instead of developing one weapon, they're going to make a set of different weapons - each focusing on different powers that could go toe on toe with Superman. And so Cadmus had their perfect set of weapons. Separated, they can handle a fight of their own. They have been trained thoroughly and their powers have been honed to perfection - the clone is now stronger, the speedster now rivals the Flash with his speed, and the alien could now use all her power with great expertise. (WIP; it’s amazing though!)
19. Filling the Empty Rooms: Since Roy has shown a love for masks only rivaled by every memeber in the batfamily, I would like to request AU where Roy is adopted by Bruce. Could it also include Roy, Rob and KF hanging out in the Batcave? (Completed)
20. Kid Lantern: Wally loses his powers (reason up to anon) and starts feeling down about being depowered. Though he knows that powers don't make the hero, he still feels that he needs them help. Cue Uncle Hal lending Wally Green Lantern powers until he regains his speed (which he does, eventually). And Wally, being the ever lovable teenager that he is, has some 'fun' with those powers. Perhaps he trolls people or maybe the powers allow him to save his friends from a really powerful villain. (Complete; Minifill)
21. The Hazard of Accidental Dimension Travel: Wally doesn't disappear. He travels dimensions. The JLU one to be exact. And he manages there for quite some time, getting himself an identity, a job, and even becomes a founder of the Justice League in that dimension. (Completed)
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