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Matter of facttt wheresss everyone from...?
#joe sr eat pie you witch#kennedyposting#rfk#fuck rfk jr#rfk jr is weird#jkf#ted kennedy#bobby kennedy#robertfkennedy#robert f kennedy#robert kennedy#john f kennedy#kennedys#the kennedys#kennedy#political memes
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(Instagram @kikihsieh2024)謝立琪Kiki T168cm 34D/26/35
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Cockroach Pest Control in Dubai
Cockroaches are often connected to squalor and poor sanitation. They can gather a range of hazardous organisms through their eating and breeding habits, which they then disseminate to food and surfaces on which they crawl and feed. In order to protect oneself from cockroach-borne infections, cockroach control is required for your home, apartment complex, or place of business.
Read More - How to control Diseases Spread By Cockroaches
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¿Qué hubiera pasado en Estados Unidos de América y el mundo si no hubieran asesinado a JFK?
Esta es una pregunta muy interesante y difícil de responder, ya que implica especular sobre cómo habría sido la historia si un acontecimiento clave hubiera sido diferente. Sin embargo, hay algunos autores que han explorado esta posibilidad desde diferentes perspectivas, tanto en obras de ficción como de no ficción. Aquí te presento algunos ejemplos:
En el libro 11/22/631, el escritor estadounidense Stephen King narra la historia de un profesor de inglés que viaja en el tiempo para intentar evitar el asesinato de John F. Kennedy. En su relato, King imagina que si JFK hubiera sobrevivido, habría evitado la escalada de la guerra de Vietnam, la muerte de Martin Luther King y Robert Kennedy, y el surgimiento del movimiento hippie y la contracultura. Sin embargo, también plantea que este cambio habría tenido consecuencias negativas, como una guerra nuclear entre Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética, una crisis económica y social, y una mayor violencia racial.
En el libro If Kennedy Lived: The First and Second Terms of President John F. Kennedy: An Alternate History2, el historiador estadounidense Jeff Greenfield explora cómo habría sido la presidencia de JFK si hubiera sobrevivido al atentado de Dallas. Greenfield sostiene que JFK habría enfrentado grandes desafíos tanto en el ámbito nacional como internacional, como la crisis de los misiles en Cuba, la lucha por los derechos civiles, el escándalo sexual con Marilyn Monroe, y la oposición de su propio partido. Greenfield también especula que JFK habría sido reelegido en 1964, pero que su segundo mandato habría sido más difícil y controvertido que el primero.
En el libro The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ3, el abogado y político estadounidense Roger Stone afirma que el verdadero responsable del asesinato de JFK fue su vicepresidente Lyndon B. Johnson, quien habría conspirado con la CIA, la mafia y otros actores para eliminar a su rival y tomar el poder. Stone argumenta que si JFK hubiera vivido, habría cambiado radicalmente la política exterior e interior de Estados Unidos, reduciendo la influencia militar e industrial, promoviendo la paz mundial y la justicia social, y exponiendo los secretos y corrupciones del gobierno.
Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de las muchas obras que han imaginado cómo habría sido el mundo si JFK no hubiera sido asesinado. Como puedes ver, hay opiniones muy diversas y contradictorias sobre este tema, lo que demuestra lo complejo e incierto que es el ejercicio de la historia contrafactual.
https://www.amazon.com.mx/11-22-63-Spanish-Stephen-King/dp/8490321280 https://www.amazon.com.mx/If-Kennedy-Lived-President-Alternate/dp/0399166963 https://www.amazon.com.mx/Man-Who-Killed-Kennedy-Against/dp/1629144894
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Matching Shirts <3
#cheeseshop au#brick the rat (cheeseshop au)#snick the porcupine (cheeseshop au)#pizza tower au#pizza tower#I don't remember where I saw these shirts nor can I find them again so they might be wrong but oh well - they still get the idea across jkf
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... - 外送茶LINE:sun5637高雄住家叫小姐TG:sun563高雄全套/高雄大奶妹/高雄旅館約砲,高雄鐘點陪睡,約妹高雄小港區 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1426968697-%E9%AB%98%E9%9B%84%E5%A4%96%E9%80%81%E8%8C%B6line%EF%BC%9Atea232%E9%AB%98%E9%9B%84%E5%8F%AB%E5%B0%8F%E5%A7%90-%E9%AB%98%E9%9B%84%E4%BD%8F%E5%AE%B6%E5%8F%AB%E5%B0%8F%E5%A7%90?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=zheng07a
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What is your Hogwarts house?
i don’t get involved with harry potter any more but people tell me i’m a hufflepuff :)
#whimsical mutual interactions#max’s mind#no hate to you anon! just not a fan of jkf and that whole world
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今日統一價位5000-8000 活動 素質高檔 搜索加賴w8433 搜索TG賴約砲 @linem86633
今日統一價位5000-8000 活動 素質高檔
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WIP Tag Game!
Oh!!! I was tagged for one of these lil tumblr tag games by @lavender-lotion ! This is so exciting for me, thank you! 😭
Everything I'm working on is Steter because the brainrot is un-fucking-real fkjd;asfd
Mutiny of the Hardest Order -- mostly done and in the process of posting, obviously, but chapters 10, 11, 12, and 18 need a bunch of rewriting so I'm smackin' it on this list anyway
Post-s2, post-resurrection soulmate/soulmarks AU
Temporary amnesia road trip, wherein Stiles gets spell whammied and Peter is opportunistic af lol (this is the plot bunny that started it all for me btw)
Fantasy AU oneshot where Peter is the vile beast that resides alone over a ruined lake town and Stiles the down-on-his-luck traveler who makes the mistake of encroaching onto Peter's domain
And then there are the Ideas™ that I've written down lots of notes and/or outlines for, but which I have no idea if or when I'll actually tackle them for realsies:
humorous uhhhhh wolf form/knotting pack discussion oneshot thing LMAO /sweats
mage!Stiles and familiar!Peter, wherein Peter's true form is a beastly shadow wolf but he's been sealed in the shape of an unassuming cat-wolf-thing and forced into servitude. Only Stiles can release him, but if ever he does so then Peter is just as likely to turn his fangs on him as he is on Stiles' enemies.
role reversal AU where Stiles is the hyperactive werewolf and Peter the very disgruntled human trying to figure out What The Fuck.
I'm still pretty new around the tumblr scene so don't know of a lot of people to tag yet jfkl;sa But I guess low pressure tags for @marsafter-dark @aurevell @midmorning-bomb (and anyone else who wants to do this!) 💗
#plus there's like a dozen other random loose ideas I've jotted down floating around too lmao#like the time travel fix-it where peter's the one sent back in time#or the one where peter keeps getting glimpses/visions/sneak peeks at a possible future where him and stiles are together+#+and *wants* it so desperately to come true#or the one where stiles and peter become anonymous pen pals of sorts via a magic journal but peter knows it's stiles the entire time#or getting married steter#I'll never be able to write all of these jkf;dasd#tag game#kor writes
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June: from your moon! before it got destroyed. June: try it out. Karkat: YOU WANT ME TO JUST BEND OVER AND DIE? June: yep. Karkat: I DON’T WANT TO NOT COME BACK. June: i’ll fix it if you don’t! i promise bro. Karkat: I’M JUST SUPPOSED TO KILL MYSELF? June: i mean... Karkat: ... June: i’ll do it for you.
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Is Pest Control That Is Preventive Worth It?
The best pest control business in Dubai is JKF GROUP OF COMPANIES, which can rid your property of pests at a very affordable fee. We offer our clients consultations in addition to very effective service. We are also experts in using preventative measures to get rid of pests and make a house completely pest-free. We will go into more detail about the strategies we use to control pests in this post, particularly the preventative ones. Let's start with a common query that people often inquire when pest problems are severe.
Click Here - Pest Control Services in Dubai
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kimi外送茶留言板舒壓喝茶出差兼職按摩叫小姐茶坊外約 【賴:ins7ki】
kimi外送茶留言板舒壓喝茶出差兼職按摩叫小姐茶坊外約 【賴:ins7ki】
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still one the funniest shots in star wars in recent memory
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