#jk she’s pretty strong but is a kept woman
kankuroplease · 1 year
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No because Mama Senju would scrub the ground with that kept woman, pregnant or not💀🤣
Warrior v. 80% bark 20% bite. Truly amazing how she’d birth Madara.
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aajjks · 9 months
Now Playing: Crybaby by Megan Thee Stallion 🔥
“GO Y/N! GO Y/N! GO Y/N!!” cheer your friends as you swing around on the pole in your sexy bunny outfit. yerin records the whole thing and jorja even gets your friends to throw dollars at you as you horribly swing around and even climb the pole. did i mention you’re drunk as hell and at a club but luckily you guys have a private venue.
you had four shots of pineapple vodka and two shots of soju at the party and since yerin was in charge of taking you home, she kept the drinking to a minimum.
she kept posting pictures and videos of your memorable bachelorette party and all kinds of guys were lined up in her dm’s asking who the pretty woman in white was. yerin wanted to drive jungkook mad with the outfit choice on purpose. you’re gonna be out with a revealing outfit on and if he decides to act up again, this sexy bunny outfit shows what he’ll be missing on a physical level so he better act right.
after all the dancing and drinking, you all decide to play a game centered around you and whoever wins gets a cash prize. “ooh, this is fuuun” you giggle as yerin passes out a sheet to jorja, alina, and keeps one for herself.
“here, y/n. fill it out and then we’ll compare our answers”
“okay” you say as you take the paper and begin filling out the paper trying to sober up and right your answers down correctly.
the questions asked about your favorite color, your favorite food, desserts you love to eat, snacks you’re addicted to, and your celebrity crush.
after 30 seconds, the determined winner of the game is yerin with alina and jorja tieing for second. “i’ll give you both the cash” yerin says as she hands the ladies $50 worth of money for participating. and right on time comes 2 sexy male strippers dressed in police uniforms.
you immediately sober up when yerin singles you out and asks the dj to play rainism by rain to set the mood.
“AAAAYYYYYEEEE go y/n!!!” jorja cheers as the men stalk closer to you and as the music picks up. they caress your thighs and face and even bring your hands to their hard chest which causes your friends to freak out more but when their shirts came off, everyone lost their heads.
“you can touch me, babygirl” he said as you shyly ran your hands over his abs and quickly retracted your hand in embarrassment.
“aww, she’s cute” he says while the other male stripper entertains your friends. you’re so bashful in front of the sexy man but you find yourself getting a little horny imagining jungkook strip for you like this.
It’s been like three hours and he is still bothered about what you might be doing right now? Jaemin is now thankfully asleep, after hours of struggling, how do you do it? How does his mother do it? That is something he’ll never know, but he knows that women are so strong and patient.
He could never be you when it comes to children.
but jungkooks not having a good time at all, he did call his mother and talked to her for a while, just so he could distract his brain from the negative thoughts that were plaguing it.
But now he’s off the phone with his mother… he wants to call you. But he feels like he’s being too clingy and overbearing. Of course he trusts you he has to… but what if someone tries anything on you? then what?
No, Jungkook thinks to himself as he shakes his head, the TV is also not helping him at all, and there is nothing much fun on social media either but maybe because he hasn’t checked it since two hours, but he should call you. After debating with himself for a while, he’s dialing your phone.
But isn’t that stupid? He knows that you’re at the club and clubs blast music through their speakers and you might be drunk anyways… there is no possibility that you might pick up but he is still calling you.
He’s missing you so much… and he’s not the best when it comes to being secure when it comes to you, but then he also thinks about the fact that you’ve been sick for a long time, and now you have finally recovered so you deserve to have fun without him.
As he got the phone on his years after five or six rings you pick up. And he is so glad. He’s got a stupid smile on his face.
But before he say anything, he hears a lot of screaming and hooting, and then, when he says hello because he is a little confused, you’re slurring on the other line.
Something wild is happening, he can tell
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I'd love to hear more about your TOW Captain Alysia for that question list, if you're up for it :)
Thank you! Sorry for the delay!
Full name: Captain Alysia Hawthorne…she doesn't use her old surname anymore. She's left that person behind.
Best friend: Pavarti, they geek out over mechanics together
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite color: Yellow
Relationship status: Single
Ideal mate: Snuggles and warm and big hugs and very zen
Turn-ons: Space LSD - jk jk. Happy trails. Good marksmanship. Random acts of love like cleaning her gun or making her food. Soft bellies. Strong thighs. Tequila…good thing Halycon doesn't have any.
Favorite food: Coffee is a food right? She also misses chili rellenos and real beef and enchiladas
Crushes: Nyoka
Favorite music: Alt Pop; pop punk; synth pop
Biggest fear: Failing the galaxy and it devolving into an even worse capitalist hellscape than it already is. Loosing everyone she loves for the second time
Biggest fantasy: Running a mech shop with Pavarti on some lush beautiful planet without a care in the world
Bad habits: Biting her nails, wallowing in her anxieties
Biggest regret: Signing up for the Hope followed by taking the power supply from the Saltuna Cannery. She didn't fully understand how much the world had changed. She didn't think Reed Tobson was sincere enough to protect the cannery with his life.
Best kept secrets: For a time it was that she was not the true captain of the Unreliable. Now it's still much of her past. It hurts to talk about the world before so she rarely does so.
Last thought: Need coffee.
Worst romantic experience: She got ghosted by the woman she thought would be the One. It's led her to be slow to fully open up. She's trusting by nature in that she can read people pretty well and still have hope in humanity. But however far she lets those around her in, they will eventually find a serious wall.
Biggest insecurity: She's tall and thin and has always felt not very sexy and like she's towering over others. It's tough for her to take compliments regarding her physical appearance
Weapon of choice: Custom Hunting Rifle
Role Model: …I'm not sure she has one any longer. The trouble with waking up in a world entirely unlike you're old one. But she does sometimes feel like Clint Eastwood with her rifle and hat. She even knitted her own poncho.
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20moonchild21 · 3 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗽𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 17
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JK x female!oc, Bunny!JK x human!female!oc, Jin x female!oc, Leopard!Jin x human!female!oc, Jimin x female!oc, white Tiger!Jimin x human!female!oc, Taehyung x female!oc, black Tiger!Taehyung x human!female!oc, Hobi x female!oc, Fox!Hobi x human!female!oc, Namjoon x female!oc, Wolf!Namjoon x human!female!oc, JK x Jin x Jimin x Taehyung x Hobi x Namjoon x female!oc
It has been a long time, but I am back now, and I am more than excited to start updating Sehnsucht again!
I hope you you all checked out the story of my lovely friends @starlightauroras-main. Inferiority complex is super cute story about Hybrid!Jimin. Please, check it out!
I also hope that you like this chapter. Almost all Boys have entered the story yet, only Yoongi is missing. But it still needs a little while until he will be arrive. 🤭
Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 16 ||| chapter 18]
Hobi watched in amazement how the girl’s hand was sliding over the piece of fabric back and forth, turning it upside down and back up, before laying it on the table and smoothing it.
“Look.” She said proudly, as she held up the once ripped shirt. “It’s like nothing has happened.”
Despite all the advantaged that came with being a Hybrid, like having extra sensitive senses, there were also more than enough disadvantages too. Especially, when he had never had such expensive clothes to know how to handle them the right way. He had tried to find the right way out for his arms and head but ended up with his head and arm in one hole, which obviously had been too much for the fabric.
At first, he had been scared to tell someone about this accident. Not just because he had felt embarrassed, but also because he had been scared to upset someone to whom the clothes belonged. Sadly, he was like an open book to read for everyone, so Jin had noticed pretty fast that something had been odd with the fox Hybrid. When Hobi had finally told him what happened, Jin began to laugh warmly, telling him that no one would be mad at him.
When Hope had come home from her work, Hobi had bundled up all his courage to tell her all by himself, hoping that she would react in the same way as Jin. Indeed, she had smirked a little bit when he had told her the story, but she quickly had offered him her help to fix the shirt. His old owner would have never reacted in such a kind way.
When he was younger, the man who owned the circus had bought him from the people who had bred him in their laboratories. He brought the small fox boy all the way over to America, just to lock him up in a cage there. But Hobi had never complained though. After all, the man had offered him a place to sleep and something to eat every day.
But of course, he had also been a curious child back then¸ wanting to explore his surroundings and borders. That had often brought him in troubles, leaving him more often locked up in his cage than he had planned. At some point, he had learnt that it was only him who brought himself in such position and from that day on, he had just kept following the rules like he was supposed to do.
Hope meanwhile had put a small, wooden box on the table that was filled with all kinds of needles, threads and other supplies one could need for sewing. He had not even needed to wait long, because as soon as the girl had been sitting, she had already been fixing the small rip in the shirt.
While she had been worked concentrated on the blue piece of fabric, Hobi had grabbed himself a small piece of fabric out of the box as well, trying to copy her movements. Obviously, he was not as talented as her.
“Wow.” He stunned, as he laid his own piece of work down and reached out for the shirt. “I can’t even see where the rip was. Where did you lean this, Hope?”
The girl smirked slightly, while she cleaned the table.
“I was a pretty wild child.” She told him, reaching up to put the sewing box up onto the shelf on the wall. “I always came home with a lack in my trousers. At some point, my mother was tired to fix all my clothes, so she taught me to fix them myself.”
Hobi head the sadness in her voice when she talked about her mom. Beside the picture of her on Jungkook’s favourite wall, Hobi had never seen Hope’s mother in person, so he guessed that she probably was missing her much.
“Your mom was a pretty good teacher then.” He smiled widely at the girl. “Maybe she could visit us some day, so you can show her how well you fixed my shirt.”
If it was possible, the girl’s expression dropped even more, while she clutched her hands onto the mug in front of her. Hobi immediately regretted what he just had said.
“I don’ think that she will be visiting us some day.” She said, as she sadly smiled at the confused boy. “My mom died a few years ago, you know?”
Hobi sunk his ears low when he heard her words. He had never had a mom or a dad, but he could imagine the pain the small girl was feeling right now.
“I am sorry.” He just whispered, not wanting to say anything else to make her sad.
“It’s okay.” Hobi watched, as the girl’s mouth suddenly pulled up. “You know, I like thinking about her. She was a wonderful and strong woman. When I was younger, I always wanted to be like her. She was kind and courteous to everyone, even to Hybrids. She taught me to respect every living, because all of them have a soul and feelings. I am sure she would have loved to meet you guys.”
Hobi could clearly imagine the woman Hope was describing him, because it fit perfectly on the description of Hope. He was glad that her mom had taught Hope all those things, because only she was the reason, he now had a safe place to stay.
“I would have loved to meet your mom. She sounds like a wonderful person.” He carefully spoke, as he reached over and grabbed the girl’s hand that was loosely laying on the table.
It was the very first time that Hobi had made such a big step and actually touched the human girl. Her smaller hand felt so warm and soft, almost fitting perfectly into his bigger hand. It also felt different from when he was touching Jin’s or Jungkook’s hand. He had never felt those little sparkles when touching one of the boys, but he liked it though. Hope gladly accepted this small way of physical affections, squeezing his hand back.
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“Diner was so delicious, Jin.” Hope smiled at the older boy, before she put her plate into the sink and kissed the boy’s forehead. “Thank you for that.”
Jin stayed in the kitchen to do the dishes, while Hope walked back into the living room where the other boys were already waiting for her. They all had bombarded her with questions since she had been home again, and now they were waiting for their answers.
“Hope!” Jungkook’s ears were standing up high in the air, as he petted the spot next to him on the sofa, gesturing for her to sit down there.
As soon as her bum met with the soft fabric, the bunny had already laid his head down in her lap, while from the other side, Taehyung was now leaning his head onto her shoulder.
For the next hour, they asked her questions over questions about everything that had happened at work. They asked her about all the Hybrids she had met, about the people she would be working with and about thousands of other things that sometimes made her smirk, because sometimes they were like little kids.
When she told them about the wolf Hybrid, Namjoon, the room suddenly felt silence. All of the boys sitting around her knew fully how that poor boy felt and what he was going through.
“He must be so scared.” Jimin said, wrapping his tail around himself, as Jungkook wrapped his arm around the smaller one’s shoulder. “I wish we could help him somehow.”
The bunny kept Jimin in his arms for a little while longer, before he suddenly jumped up and ran down the hallway towards his room. Hope looked confused at Jin, who was also just shrugging his shoulders. After a few seconds, the slamming of the bunny’s bedroom door rang through the apartment, and Jungkook came running back into the living room.
“Here.” He stopped in front of Hope and held out one of his favourite Hobbit books towards her. “You can give him my favourite book. Maybe he will like it, too.”
“But, Jungkook.” Hope gasped at that sweet gesture of Jungkook, before she stood up and took the book out of his hand. “You love that Hobbit book.”
“Yeah, I do.” The bunny scratched his neck, as his cheeks turned red. “But I – I read it so many times that I can’t count them anymore. I just think that he has absolutely nothing and maybe he will feel more comfortable if he would have something he likes.”
Hope was absolutely touched by Jungkook’s gesture. She knew how much he loved that book and how sad he had been when he had almost given it away a few months ago. She had always known that he had a very big heart when it comes to other people he cared for.
“I will give it to him. Thank you, Kookie.” She whispered, as she stood on her tippy toes and hugged the taller boy tightly, before pressing him a big kiss on his cheek.
“Okay, guys.” Jin announced, looking at his watch just to realized that it was already late at night. He yawned and stretched his arms, tail and ears out at the same time, which looked pretty funny. “I will go to bed. I am pretty tired. Goodnight.”
He went around and gave Taehyung and Jimin a linger hug, Jungkook and Hope a kiss and Hobi a lovely pet on his head, before he went into his room. Next were Taehyung and Jungkook who wanted to play a few more video games in the tiger’s room, and also Hobi stated that he would go to bed, leaving only Jimin and the girl back.
The white tigers sat shyly at the edge of the couch, with his tail wrapped around his legs and a slight shade of red on his cheeks. He looked up at the girl for a second, before he carefully moved closer towards her on the sofa. When he was close enough, he carefully put his head on her shoulder and laid his tail in her lap for the very first time.
“Do you think you can help that wolf in your company.” Jimin carefully asked her, as she begin to stroke his fluffy tail.
“I hope I can.” She whispered back, leaning her head onto his. “But he needs to trust me in the first place, and this needs a little more time, you know?”
Jimin just hummed at her answer.
“I think he is lucky to have you as his lawyer now.” He suddenly smiled. “I know you will safe him, just like you saved us.”
Hope closed her eyes for a moment, thinking back at the time where she first met Jimin and Taehyung. Both tigers had definitely brought some changes into that family, but in a good way of course. Suddenly, she remembered the conversation from earlier, when Namjoon had asked her about their adoption.
“Jimin.” She mumbled into his thick hair. “There is something I want to ask you. You know, Taehyung and you have been living here for a few weeks now, and I think the both of you fit in in our crazy home pretty well. If you would be okay with it, I would like to adopt you and your brother.”
Immediately, Jimin’s head shot up from her shoulder. He looked with wide eyes at the girl, before he nodded wildly and threw himself onto the her, hugging her tightly and whispering ‘thank you’ a thousand times. This sudden movement caused both of them to fall over and fully onto the couch. When both young adults realized in which position, they were now in, with the girl on her back and Jimin over her, they both turned bright red.
“I am – “
They both stuttered at the same time, before they broke out in a laugher together. Hope looked up into Jimin’s eyes when she had calmed down again. From the first day, Hope had adored those beautiful, dark orbs that would form into halfmoons when he was laughing or smiling. Slowly, she brought her left hand up towards his thick hair, driving it towards the back of his head and back towards his cheek.
Her heart was pounding in her chest like crazy, when Jimin’s face came closer and closer, until their noses were touching each other and their lips just inches apart. They stayed like that for another few seconds, before the boy was the first to make the move forward.
The kiss was shy but full of emotions. They lips stayed still on each other, before Hope carefully started to move. After a few seconds, Jimin also began to press his lips on her stronger and braver, before, after a few minutes, they both ran out of breath and let go of each other.
Hope didn’t know if it was possible that her face was even redder now, but before she had the chance to say something stupid that could ruin the moment, Jimin pushed himself off the sofa and pulled her with him.
She gasped slightly from the sudden movement but giggled at the same time when Jimin pulled her close towards his chest in the middle of the living room. She leant her head against the white tiger’s chest, while Jimin wrapped his arms and tail around the smaller girl. The pair was now standing in the middle of the living room, rocking slightly from side to side, doing some twists and turns from time to time.
“When did you learn to dance?” Hope whispered into the comfortable silence.
“I watched a video on the YouTube today.” He whispered back, rubbing his nose against her hair. “One day, I want to take you out on a dance date, you know?”
Surprised by the tiger’s words, Hope lifted her head and looked into Jimin’s eyes. Never in her life had someone wated to take her out on a date, and the fact that Jimin was asking her out in his cute, innocent way, let her heart swell with pride a love.
“I would love to go on a dance date with you, Jimin.”
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“Okay, I don’t know what you did or how you did it but somehow, you got Namjoon to talk to you – willingly?” Laura was walking next towards the smaller girl down the hallways of the company. Hope just nodded proudly, clutching the book Jungkook had given her for Namjoon tightly under her arm. “And now you want to give him – a hobbit book?”
She looked confused at the book and then back up at Hope.
“Yes, Jungkook thought it would be a nice gesture to give him that.” Hope simply replied. “I think Namjoon just needs time. He will talk to us at some point.”
Laura hummed in response, before she cocked her eyebrows up and began to smirk slightly.
“Is Jungkook your boyfriend?” She teased the smaller girl.
Hope’s face immediately went red. Though both of them had already kissed, they never decided on what their relationship would change after that. There were also the other boys that Hope had takin inside her heart.
“I – no.” She just smiled, her face still red. “He is my – Hybrid – at home. We – “
“You have a Hybrid at home?” Laura suddenly stopped walking, before she grabbed Hope’s shoulder and turned her around so she could face the taller girl.
“I even have 5 Hybrids home.” Hope almost didn’t dare to say it out loud, not knowing how to interpretate Laura’s facial expression.
“You have 5 Hybrids home?!” Laura’s voice was now loudly bouncing through the hallways, before she began to smile widely. “Girl, you are crazy, but I love it! I think you will achieve great things in that world, Hope.”
Hearing those words from someone who already had much more experiences than her made Hope proud. She wanted people to see that there was no need to be a superhero or to be powerful to change something. Everyone who had the will can change something, everywhere and every time.
Together, both girls took the same way as the previous day until they reached the interrogation rooms. Laura told her that she would wait outside, not wanting to inhibit the progress Hope had achieved the previous day.
Taking a last deep breath, Hope carefully knocked at the door, before she pushed it open and entered the door towards the interrogation room. Like the previous day, Namjoon was standing at the window with his back turned towards the door. He didn’t turn around when she entered the room, but Hope could clearly see his ears twitching into her direction for the split of a second.
“Good morning, Namjoon.” She calmy said, before making her way around the table. “How are you feeling this morning.”
The boy didn’t reply though. He just kept looking outside the window. It was one of those beautiful winter mornings in New York. The sun was just rising behind the skyline of the big city, flowing the streets with it’s warm and golden sun beams. The small park that had been created between the big building of the company and the smaller building where the clients were living was shining with all kind of golden colours.
When she looked at the boy’s profile, she could clearly see that he was looking at that scenario outside as well. But in difference to her, he was not looking like would be amazed. He was yearning for seeing the world outside and not just through a window.
Suddenly, Hope remembered the small gift that Jungkook had asked her to give to Namjoon. She carefully pulled the book from under her arm and placed it on the window sill, before pushing it into Namjoon’s direction. The tall boy noticed her gesture and looked confused from the small book upwards to the girl.
“The boys at home wanted me to give you this.” She told him. “It’s Jungkook’s favourite book, but he said that you can have it. Maybe if you are bored you can try and read it. It’s pretty good.”
Namjoon was now looking with wide eyes at the girl in front of him, as he wrapped his tail tightly around his right leg.
“You told your Hybrids about me?” He cocked an eyebrow up.
“Yes, I told them about you.” Hope carefully replied, no sure if he was okay with it or not. “I mean – I just told them that I was working with you from now on, nothing more. We are a family, you know? We tell each other everything.”
The wolf Hybrid sunk his ear down, before he whispered a small ‘thank you’ and turned his attention back towards the morning sun, sighing slightly. The room fell back into silence, as both young adults were looking out of the window again.
Hope noticed that Namjoon was still trying to process everything that had happened since the previous day, but she would give him all the time he needed, even if that meant that they would both spend the whole day with just looking out of the window.
“I sometimes whish that I just could walk out of this room like you do.” He suddenly stated after a few minutes of silence. “But I can’t. I need to stay here and wait for the day they lock me away.”
Like the previous day, Namjoon’s voice sounded tired and powerless, without any hint of emotions.
“We could go outside – “ She said back, but Namjoon was already shaking his head.
“No.” He cut her off in her mid-sentence. “People don’t trust me. They would never let me walk around just like that and if, I need to wear those stupid hand cuffs and foot locks.”
Before his could voice get louder, Namjoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His hands were holding onto the window sill tightly, as if he was trying really hard to not burst out. Hope was shocked by all those bad emotions he obviously carried inside himself.
She didn’t want to make him feel like she would pity him. That was not what he needed right now. He needed to realize that there were people on this world who truly wanted to help him, and that one of those people was already standing in front of him. Hope excused herself, before she quickly walked towards the door and peeked her head outside, gesturing for Laura come closer.
“Did you make any progress?!” She whispered-screamed, as she excitingly stepped closer.
Hope took a glance back at the boy, who was still looking outside the window. Maybe he was not looking into their direction, but Hope saw that he had his right ear turned towards the door.
“You can talk normally, Laura. There is no need to whisper.” Hope said in a normally volume, leaving a red shade on Laura’s face. “I wanted to ask you something. Is there a chance that Namjoon and I can take a walk across the site without him wearing any cuffs?”
Laura looked at the smaller girl in shock, before she snapped out of her state, shaking her head carefully.
“I am sorry.” She said. “But he showed aggressive behaviour. I wish I could change that, but it is not in my hands.”
Hope sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Namjoon would never open up while being locked in that small room.
“Can’t you call your boss, please?” She tried again. “It would be just for a little while.”
“Hope, I can’t just call him and – “
“Laura, please. I take the full responsibility.” The blonde girl was almost begging Laura by now.
The two girl kept staring at each other for another few seconds, before Laura gave in first and sighed heavily. She hesitantly took her phone out if her purse and dealt her boss’s number, giving Hope a playfully angry look, before she energetically discussed with him for a few minutes. Luckily for the blond haired girl, their boss was a nice man, so he allowed her and Namjoon to leave the building.
Of course, with his extra sensitive ear Namjoon had already heard what you had asked Laura. He hesitated at first, not moving when Hope held the door open for the both of them. His eyes flickered between the window and the open door, before he carefully made his way around the table, his tail still wrapped around his leg.
The walk through the company was silent, but Hope felt the tension falling from the taller boy’s shoulders, until they finally reached the door that lead them outside. The fresh air hit the girl’s face when she took the first step outside. Even though winter had already begun, the morning sun was warming the air up, making it comfortable to walk around.
When Hope turned her head to look at Namjoon, she saw him doing the same. He had closed his eyes, letting the sun warming his face up and taking deep breath of the clean air. Hope knew that it seemed like a simple thing to just take a walk outside, but she had learnt from all her boys that she had taken those simple things for granted for too long.
Nothing she had done or what she had ever possessed in her life was normal for all people around the world. Maybe she had been lucky so far, but also she needed to be thought that ever moment in life needed to be appreciated, because other people didn’t have the luck like she did.
That day, there were no other words spoken between Namjoon and the girl. Just the situation as its own was enough to make another development in their relationship towards each other. They were just able to enjoy the moment together. No pressure, no words, no worries.
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@fangirl-nonsense I don’t know what’s going on with tumblr, but somehow Can’t find you. I am so sorry 💜🥺
[Inspirations ||| Recommendations]
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rosierin · 4 years
What the Haikyuu boys smell like ;
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Characters: Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyotani, Atsumu, Osamu, Kita, Suna, Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Ushijima, Tendou
a/n: some very random, late night headcanons I wanted to write down. I've seen so many people do this and eventually it prompted me to do my own 👀
these were super fun to do so I hope you enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoyed writing them hehe
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☆ Hinata: Okay. So I know most people tend to think Hinata smells like sunshine or tangerines..etc but NO. Mans cycles 30 minutes to school every morning, UP HILL. Probably at full speed too because he's so full of energy, even first thing in the morning. Not to mention after that he races Kageyama to the gym, then plays volleyball until ungodly hours into the night soooooo you can't expect him not to smell even a little bit of sweat. I'm not saying he reeks— all I'm sayin' is that there's gonna be a little whiff there.
But on a day where he doesn't play volleyball all day long (if they exist) he probably smells like detergent, and a girly one at that because it's the one his mum and sister use. Worst thing is that he doesn't even notice it, it's only when Tanaka and Nishinoya point it out and start cackling at him that he asks his mum to buy a new one.
☆ Kageyama: Clean laundry and deodorant, and it's probably the same one he's used ever since he was a kid. It's called something like "fresh ocean breeze" or sth and he just saw it in the supermarket and was like "yeah, that'll do". LOL I love him.
No spray tho. He uses the roll on type and you'll only notice it if you're sitting real close to him.
☆ Tsukishima: Salt. Jk, vanilla. Mister Vanillaaaa
No but really, Tsukishima smells kinda nice in my opinion. Not that anyone would know— he never lets anyone get that close to be able to tell. I also feel like he has almost no b.o, whether he sweats or not.
☆ Yamaguchi: Clean, just clean. Like fresh linen or sth. I don't imagine him with a really strong scent so if he uses deodorant it's very, very subtle.
☆ Suga: Sweet 🥺 Like baked cookies. Just overall very pleasant and not at all overpowering. And he doesn't even try either, I just feel like this boy's so perfect, even his natural scent is lovely 😭
☆ Daichi: Manly....? Idk- what's a manly smell? 😂 Old spice, question mark?
☆ Asahi: Aftershave. Voilà. Not much to say.
☆ Nishinoya: Like popsicles, or just some sort of sweet snack 👀 He inhales those like there's no tomorrow so he probably always has that lingering scent on him. That or he smells like Axe deodorant, which he probably uses excessively—
☆ Tanaka: Literally just Axe. He uses one that's apparently popular with women? He heard a few girls say they liked the smell of that particular deodorant so he IMMEDIATELY bought it in hopes that Kiyoko would like it too. Probably uses a bit too much, aswell? Idk, he thinks the more he uses, the higher his chances are of seducing the woman of his dreams.
Sometimes he smells like booze and gasoline? Courtesy of his older sister.
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Aoba Johsai
☆ Oikawa: Oinks smells like expensive cologne. Pretty face, fetching personality, nice smell. It contains hints of lavender and lemon grass and all the girls love it, apparently.
Sometimes he'll even smell a little bit like a mix of girls perfume since he's surrounded by them on a daily basis. Iwaizumi hates it, and keeps telling him to cover it up with deodorant or something because it's distracting.
☆ Iwaizumi: Fresh mint, but almost kinda icy aswell 🤔 Iwa likes to smell fresh and started using this one detergent back in his first year of high school. Oikawa of course picked up on this new scent straight away and told him it smelled almost intimidating— like it's so crisp it kinda makes you go 😳 Iwa liked that impression though, so he kept using it.
☆ Kyoutani: Wood smoke. Intimidating and heated. You're not really sure why though. He just does.
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☆ Kuroo: Books. Yeah I've seen a lotta people say he'd smell amazing, like super smexy (can you call a smell sexy? idk) anyway, but yeah no this science nerd smells like books 👀
☆ Kenma: Hot food. Hear me out— Kenma lives and breathes video games, so this boy definitely brings a bunch of snacks with him as he plays. Like minute ramen and stuff. It's really faint because other than that, his body just smells clean. The boy still bathes. It's just his school uniform that'll sometimes smell a little bit like chicken noodles.
☆ Lev: Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Lev smells ~~**expensive**~~ He uses a perfume that his sister bought for his birthday years ago and he loved it so much that he asked that she buy it for him every year xD He uses a lot though and is told to tone it tf down by Kenma when they were getting dressed one time. Whoops-
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☆ Bokuto: Bo has a very distinguishable scent. It's musky and very masculine. One that easily clings to your clothes if you were to hug him. It also has a certain warmth to it that is hard to explain. It's both powerful yet comforting; a very strange combination 🤔
☆ Akaashi: Like fresh air and a faint hint of men's perfume. Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue typa thing. He's also probably the cleanest out of the Haikyuu boys (after Sakusa ofc). He likes to take care of himself, puts on the occasional face mask, y'know?
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☆ Ushijima: ...like oats? Idk— kinda earthy? But without it being overpowering. He's a farmer boy so he'd most likely just smell like the outdoors 🤔
☆ Tendou: Like the blood of his enemies.
Jk. Chocolate! For obvious reasons 🤗
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☆ Atsumu: Like sunshine and countryside!
☆ Osamu: Like a cool breeze on a spring morning. Also rice 👀
☆ Suna: Okay now I think rather than Kuroo, it's Suna the one who smells the most enticing. And it's odd because it's a smell that you can't really pinpoint, it's just really nice. Almost addicting? I feel like Suna's the type of guy you can recognize purely by smell.
Say you'll have your back to him and he'll just walk behind you and you're like:
"Oh hey, Suna."
Idk XD His eyes are enticing and so is his smell, that's just what I think
☆ Kita: Like chamomile 🥰 Just something really soothing and pleasant. It's the type of smell that easily makes you feel drowsy if you were to cuddle up to him.
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sanababes · 4 years
Requested by: ❄️ anon
Mafia!Jiu falls for a shy reader ♤
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she first met you during a stagnant mission which took her a few minutes before killing someone off, as per stated in the contract she previously had
it was past midnight and you were sitting alone on a bench at the park nearby her location, she was about to go straight (gay) into the extraction point but she doubted the feeling of leaving you without making sure if you were alright or something since it's late at night already
girlie eventually walked up to you while nervously fiddling with her hands, that is very unlikely of her btw
"hey, penny for your thoughts?"
you flinched and almost fell of the bench due to not being aware of the pretty stranger's presence
"oh! sorry, i shouldn't have came up like that" she apologizes quickly before letting her gaze fall into your breathtaking look
Jiu felt the time stopped for a minute, she never met someone that surely caught her eye within these past few years of her being a notorious gang leader
"u-uh don't worry, it's nothing" you huffed
the latter just nodded and the two of you instantly fell into an awkward silence
thoughts like "ack! stranger!" and "oh shit, who you?" kept your mind busy from entertaining the woman beside you, i mean realistically, who would talk to strangers right?
but yeah, a simp for milfs like you sure do
you tried to show a strong facade as you began to converse with the fierce-looking stranger, this made Jiu's heart swoon over your cuteness because of the thin blush on your cheeks and how the moon perfectly illuminates a dimmed light to your face
you guys exchanged each other's names which took long enough, the reason is because the two of you are COWARDS
"so... what brings you here?" Jiu finally asked. "nothing special, i just wanted... some air?" you muttered softly
of course Jiu being a whipped girl as well, just nodded and played along with you
2000 years later... (pun intended)
"would you like to hang out sometime?"
this question really caught you off guard. it was rare for someone to even talk to you then now a gorgeous stranger/now acquaintance is asking you out? IN A FRIENDLY WAY OF COURSE
you contemplated for a second before replying with a whispered 'sure'. then she gave her number and you did vice versa
BOOM! a new friendship is made, which will soon blossom into a full on dating shit
okay, moving on-
the next morning came around and Jiu is still wide awake. she's been up for a long time and her thoughts really kept her sleepless. well you being the main reason of it-
i feel like she will come upon Sua and Siyeon then she'll try to freely say her problems out loud BUT SHE WOULDN'T BARE THEIR TEASING so it's a big no for her
girlie just decided to distract herself by hosting a meeting with her subordinates which went pretty well :)
-or maybe not?
Jiu was holding her phone the whole time, dwelling on how she would send you a text to hang out while the second-in-command discussed about their on-going business with one of their drug enterprise (pathetic, jk)
btw, her subordinates didn't even dared to bat an eye on her due to the harsh frown and agitated expression on her face lol
meanwhile, you're just chilling on your couch when a notification disrupts you from the movie that you're currently watching. grabbing your phone from the coffee table, you pressed the home button and saw a message from an unknown number
you scoffed and almost blocked the whoever was trying to talk to you. then suddenly, a new message was sent from the same number
"it's Jiu by the way"
"oh..." you mumbled, utterly amused that she decided to text you first
well, her looks from last night gave you a feeling that she was someone tough, cold, and charismatic which is not true, she's just a soft baby
"hello, i'm glad you told me. you're a second away from almost getting your number blocked" you sent the message with a smile lingering on your face
"thank god, you didn't :p"
you rolled your eyes and immediately retorted back to the latter, "whatever"
the two of you started to converse virtually without any interruptions, well, maybe a few times from Jiu's side because of the meeting. nonetheless, she found you endearing at how timid you are which she can noticed by your messages
Jiu eventually made up her mind and settled herself by asking you out for a dinner
not making it a big deal, you agreed and arranged the time for you two can meet up. time went quick by then and you didn't it was already 7pm. you still have an hour to go but you decided to start dressing yourself up in a simple white button-up shirt and ripped jeans
when Jiu finally sent the address of a restaurant, you skimmed through the info and realized that it was an extremely luxurious joint. your eyebrows furrowed as you thought your meet up was just a 'normal' one, not something grand like how it usually is
you cursed under your breath and had no energy to change into a more formal outfit since you'll be running late if you tried to
on the other hand, Jiu was already at the said restaurant. she was anxious but excited at the same time, girlie doesn't even realize how obvious her body language is.
she also reserved a table in advance which she quickly did because of her wide 'connections'.
after what felt like eternity to the woman, you finally came in from the main door which made the chimes on the frame clang in an ambient sound. your eyes met and you began to blush furiously, 'ugh... why is she so beautiful?'
WANNA KNOW WHY? the woman in front of you is currently wearing a black fitted-dress that hugged her curves perfectly. the neckline of the clothing was plunging slightly which also made her skin show a lot, specially on her chest area.
anyways, YOU are looking RESPECTFULLY
"i'm glad you came," she said with a wide grin
you just nodded while smiling bashfully. she motioned you to seat across her which you obliged without any complaints.
"it's my treat tonight, okay?" Jiu proposed as she passes you the menu book
this woman raised her eyebrows in a certain way which made you gulp and just gave up on retorting back, i mean, you would have been broke if you did payed for the food so-
throughout that dinner, Jiu would never leave her eyes from you if it wasn't necessary. she liked how you fiddle with your watch, she liked how your cheeks puff whenever you have a bite of food, she liked how you blush at little things she would tell about you, in summary, she knew she fell for you, HARD
but she pulls herself together, 'it's too fast, let's take it slow, Minji-ah. let's take it slow...'
Jiu mentally notes to herself that she would protect you at all cost, especially there's a lot of risk due to her being a mafia leader. and to the fact that she just met you last night :)
(a/n: YAAAAZZZ after forever, i finally finished an update for you guys 😙 im really sorry if i couldn't update for the past 2 months??? i think?? im just really busy with my classes and don't have the inspiration to write for the last few weeks. don't forget, i love you mates)
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lavishedinjimin · 5 years
Room 109 -> jjk (m)
↳ Pairing: jungkook x reader ↳ genre: werewolf!au ↳ word count: 6.7k ↳ warnings: alpha!jungkook, omega!reader, omega is in heat, mating, knotting, dirty talk, female solo masturbation, unprotected sex (stay safe!), jk is proud of his size lol, multiple orgasms, pregnancy kink — synopsis: Having Jungkook as your apartment buddy was a lot to get used to. But with one early day, your heat comes up much stronger than usual, and you were desperate for an alpha’s touch. 
A/N: I hope this oneshot can heal all of your thirsty, sexually frustrated souls. Also, this is my first time writing about a/b/o fics so please go easy on me. Please enjoy! 
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Let’s face it, your college entrance exams were hard enough but finding a decent apartment that was close to your university and wasn’t gender-neutral was harder.
Almost all of the closest residencies were full and booked of students that were about to experience a new chapter of their life. College. You get stressed very easily, and the fact that there are almost no more apartments that accepts only girls freaks you out. You are not going to share a goddamn room with a boy. Hell no.
“Mom…” you mewl as you cradled closer to your mother’s side with your laptop in front of you, “They’re all full.” You whimpered when the words ‘Sorry! We are fully booked right now! Try searching for other apartments that attain your satisfaction.’
“No baby,” she hushes you sweetly, wrapping an arm around your small body while caressing your arm. “Don’t give up just yet.”
Trust me, you were close to giving up.
It wasn’t about the point that you hate boys – you don’t. You just don’t trust them. It’s hard to earn your trust, and your parents raised you like that. Your pack had a history of betrayal and treachery from other wolves, and was once a powerful pack was now fragile and weak. Most of your friends were Omegas like you, but they have Alphas to look after them.
The only Alpha friend… well – he’s not necessarily a friend was a guy from your high school, Hyejun.  
He once was a part of the pack but with the influence of his father, they left, leaving everyone in a state of confusion. Packs were always there for each other, it was their sole promise. They were the first ones to leave the group. It was surprising that your father didn’t go to try and kill them instantly. Strangely enough, Hyejun never stopped looking after you. Whenever an Alpha tries to make a move on you, Hyejun would somehow pop in and protect you. That was in high school, though. And now you were in college and you had no idea where he is now.
Just the thought of sharing a whole residence with an Alpha creates creepy tingles down your spine.
It was now a week before school starts and you still have no place to live. Without further thinking, you huffed and opened your laptop.
‘Gender neutral apartments near me’
Your eyes widened when you opened a website that was full of apartments that were still available. “Mom,” you called out, and within no more than five seconds she was right behind you, bending down as she rests her hands on the couch.
“Oh, darling! You’ve finally found a – oh.”
“Mom, I know, it’s the only ones that aren’t fully booked.” You spoke desperately.
“Y/n, daughter,” she sighs and walks around to sit on the space beside you. “If there’s no more choice then I guess we have to take the chances.”
“T-Take the chances of what?”
You mother smiles at you, “You know what. It’s better than to live so far away from your school, yeah?”
You look down, “I guess so…”
“Hey, liven up, baby,” she giggles, “Let’s not worry too much. There’s still a chance that you’ll have a nice young lady as your roommate.”
You pursed your lips, nodding. There was no time to hold up a grudge, you need to do what you had to do.
“Y/l/n Y/n.” You told the clerk behind the glass countertop, gripping your backpack and your suitcase tightly. She nods and starts typing on her computer whilst readjusting the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose.
“Room 109. Shared with Mr. Jeon Jungkook, am I right?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, slumping your shoulders.
“Great! Here are your keys,” she hands you two keys, “and please let Mrs. Han over here take you to your room.” A middle-aged woman appears in your vision, wearing a clean blazer uniform. ‘A beta’, you spoke to yourself, smelling her scent.
“Follow me, miss Y/l/n.”
She leads you to an elevator and presses the fourth floor. It was a very awkward silence, and you didn’t know what to do but to just stay put in a corner. You know she can smell you. And you wished that she was just another human, just like the woman behind the counter.  
She suddenly grabs a hold of your suitcase before you could even touch it, and it made you surprised. She smiles politely, “Let me help you.”
Following right behind her, you both walk along clean white hallways. The floor was glossy black tiles, and the sounds of her heels clicking was the only noise that you could hear – except for the harsh beating of your heart. You were so nervous to meet this Jungkook man, and there were so many questions running through your mind.
‘Was he a normal human? Was he a werewolf too? Is he perhaps an Alpha? Beta? Oh, please, be an Omega. Is he nice? Or would he be loud? I wish he doesn’t smoke – I swear to God if he smokes I’m going to leave this place in a flash.’
“Excuse me miss, we’re here.”
Mrs. Han’s voice departed you from your thoughts and you immediately straightened yourself up. “Oh, s-sorry,” you smile pathetically, readjusting your straps.
The woman just grins and lends you your suitcase back. “Well, I’ll be leaving you here. Please, if you have any questions, you are free to go down the lobby. Other information is stated on the documents we gave you. Have a nice day –”
“Do you know who Jeon Jungkook is?”
Your eyes were wide as you spoke, frantically wanting an answer. Mrs. Han knows what you mean, and she sighs.
“Jeon Jungkook, sweetie, is an Alpha.”
Oh, of course he is.
You were about to throw another tantrum, hell – you wanted to throw up, but she quickly places her hands on your shoulders reassuringly. “Y/n, I just want you to keep safe. He can be a little too much sometimes, but try to make an alliance with him. Don’t get into his bad side, okay?”
You shake your head vigorously, “I won’t.”
“Good, now go in there. We don’t have all day.” She leaves you with a final smile and turns away, heels clicking.
You shut your eyes, throwing your head back. ‘This is my worst nightmare’.
With sweaty hands, you use the keys on the lock and turned the doorknob. You pushed the door slightly, peeking to see if anyone’s inside. You opened the door halfway, and you sigh in relief when you saw no one. “Thank God.”
You pulled your large pink suitcase in and shut the door behind you. Ahead of you were a kitchen and a living room – a decent size for two people. The walls were painted in beige with white trims. ‘I could get used to this’, you thought.
You take a look around, noticing that there were things already placed on some shelves. You cringed when you saw how disorganized the cupboards were. Empty jars of Nutella and peanut butter, expired milk, and many more. Great job, Jungkook.
Speaking of Jungkook – your eyes expand when you see a man who just walked out from a bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower body.
You shrieked as you covered your eyes, instantly turning around. You mentally cursed yourself that you know have the image of his half-naked body engraved in your mind. “I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t m-mean to!” You stumbled on your words, panting heavily from shame.  
Jungkook, on the other hand, clenches his jaw from your sweet and heavenly scent. ‘She’s an omega’, he thinks, and a smirk slowly crept up his lips. ‘Maybe having a roommate wouldn’t be bad after all’.
Jungkook releases a deep chuckle as he stares at your small figure. He doesn’t try to walk closer to you, knowing that it might scare you. He knows he can radiate a strong aura for new people.
“It’s alright, you can turn around.”
His statement shocks you and you shake your head side to side. Funny enough, you still kept your eyes closed with your hands, even though you were already facing away from him. “I-I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”
“But why?” Jungkook pushes, loving your cute reaction, “We’re roommates now, dear, you’ll have to get used to seeing me shirtless.”
You gulp at his words, suddenly feeling your blood rush into your cheeks. Jungkook smirks when he feels the air in the room change, he knows what he’s doing to you. The wolf in him smells your lovely scent, and he indulges himself in it. He slowly walks closer to your body until there’s a one-foot distance. Your breath hitches up, afraid to breathe. ‘I need to calm down…’
“I’m sorry if I react like this, sweetheart. It’s been a while since I’ve encountered a female omega. I forgot how addicting their scent can be…” he trails off, the last sentence spoke in a mutter as he leans his head down to the crook of your neck. You flinch when you felt his hot breath on your skin, goosebumps arising.
“You don’t have to be nervous. I don’t bite.” He says smugly and you can practically feel the smirk wearing on his face. You jump when he places both of his hands on your hips. “H-hey—”
He swiftly turns you around so you were now facing him. His hair was still damp, some of it covering his eyes. You couldn’t even dare to look down, yet you can see how muscular he was on the very bottom of your eyes. Your stare wavered when he made eye contact with you, his eyes holding so much authority and control.
“May I get your name, pretty girl?”
You chew on your bottom lip with the petname he gave for you, eyes blinking twice – three times.
“Y/n,” your name rolls out of his tongue so perfectly, his voice so pleasing. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jungkook.” He smiles, showing off his pearly whites. That smile that probably makes a lot of girls – and boys – heart to flutter. Every word you knew was stripped out of your head as you didn’t know what to reply.
Realizing that you were still on his grip, you held onto his wrists and pushed them away from your body.
“U-Umm, nice t-to meet you.” You force an awkward smile, gripping the handle of your suitcase tightly to ensure your balance.
Stepping back, you finally see a clearer vision of his appearance. He was tall – really tall, probably a head and a half taller than you. He was built really nicely, his figure strong to protect his pack as he was born to do.
Jungkook cocks his head to the side, smiling smugly when he notices you staring at him for far too long.
“Oh, I-I’m so sorry… I better get to my room now.” You mumble, proceeding to go…actually—you didn’t know where you were going.
“Here,” he chuckles as he moves your hand away from your suitcase and he grabs a hold of it instead, “I’ll show you your room.”
You follow Jungkook behind him and let me tell you, his back muscles were unbelievably impressive. ‘Why isn’t he ashamed by all this? He’s only wearing a towel, for god’s sake!’
“I’m sorry I didn’t clean the area, I wasn’t told that you were coming today.”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that. But it’s okay though.” You replied, smiling politely even though he can’t see you.
He leads you to a white door and stops in front of it. “After you,” he smiles and you thank him quietly, the blush on your face still clear and evident. You open the door and you smile brightly when you see how spacious it was. You walk further inside and notice the neat, twin-sized bed.
“I promise you that this room was locked when I got here. The management only opened this when you booked it.”
You ran your hands on the soft mattress of the bed, “Did they clean it?”
“Of course they did, sweetheart.” He chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest.
Your eyes widened for a split second before you clench your jaw. “Stop calling me that,” you fight the urge of blushing once again, not making any eye contact with his own burning irises. You didn’t like what you were feeling – you didn’t like that you felt so frail under his overwhelming watch.
“You’re body’s telling me something else though, Y/n.” he walks around to face you with a sly smile plastered on his face. You didn’t look directly at his face, but you were faced right in front of his built arms. Some beads of water were still tripling down his skin and cause you to gulp. His biceps flex involuntarily, beautifully-toned abs right in front of your view. It was mouthwatering. You tried to fix your direction somewhere else, but his body was just begging to be seen.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You mumbled. Jungkook doesn’t say anything else – thankfully – and he smiles at you.
“Well, I guess I’ll be leaving you here. Please make yourself at home,” he steps back with a handsome grin, shaking his wet hair away from his eyes. “You’re free to do anything, just don’t eat my food, okay?”
You crease your brows together, wanting to chuckle at his statement, “I wasn’t planning to.”
“Good.” He proceeds to walk to the door, “See you around, Y/n.”
“Must you always stay quiet all the time?” Jungkook suddenly plops beside you on the couch, interrupting your daily reading session. You can see his face close to your left shoulder on the corner of your eyes, trying to analyze whatever you’re reading.
“Well, a person doesn’t blabber around when they’re reading, huh, Jungkook?” You snap, clearly annoyed at him. You were just about to enter the goddamned war scene of the story. “I’m sorry that I don’t give you the attention you always want.” You roll your eyes, fixing your gaze back on your book.
Jungkook looks taken aback from your words, causing him to raise a single brow up. “Hmm, someone’s got a sharp tongue.” He leans closer to you, making you feel timid. His mouth was so close to your ear, and his breathing sent shivers all over your system. “I never would’ve thought that you can be so bratty,” he growls the last few words in a deep voice.
Bratty? You shifted in your seat, feeling a little bit weird. You didn’t like to be called a brat, it makes you feel degraded.
“I’m sorry,” you ended up saying that in a whisper, cautiously lifting your head to look back up at him. Jungkook’s heart beats faster on his chest, seeing your big eyes staring at him so innocently and so cutely.
Oh, the things he wanted to do to you.
Jungkook chuckles, “It’s okay, sweetheart. How’s abooouuut…” he drags, scooting closer to you, “How’s about I treat you to lunch? You know, get to know each other a bit more. I’ll pay.”
You didn’t hesitate to nod your head, agreeing to his offer. You instantly placed your bookmark and closed the book as you sprinted back to your room to get ready. Anything for free food.
Jungkook laughs at your adorability, watching you shuffle excitedly. He brings his hand up to his lip, playing with it. He was just as eager as you are – but for different reasons.
It’s been approximately nine days since you’ve been living with Jungkook, and let me tell you, it was a tough nine days.
You would’ve thought that he would lose this sultry and sensual attitude of his around you after a few days but no. It stayed with him. Sometimes it would get very tiring with all of his teasing and suggestive comments but you held your guard up.
Unfortunately, Jungkook found your weak spots. Jungkook knows what words to say to get you all riled up. He just knows what to do just to make you weak in the knees, and knows what to say to have goosebumps raise on your skin.
Yet thankfully, he never touched you. It was because of the way he presents himself, the aura that he carries with him makes it feel like he owns every place he walks into. But then again, he’s an alpha, and they can take whatever they want in just a loud growl.
But there was no lie that he’s really handsome. He had a perfectly sculpted face, not a single flaw ever to be spotted. His long hair that would go past his ears always looked breathtaking on him, especially when wet.
You would be blind if you said that he wasn’t attractive and fine.
You woke up drastically with your chest heaving up and down, your breathing not normal than it should be. You can feel sweat trickling down your spine, all over your neck and your forehead. You felt hot.
Immediately springing into action, you throw the covers away from your body and you remove your pajamas, leaving you in your shirt and underwear. You nervously bite on your lip as you step your foot on the cold floor and made your way through the darkness of your room into the bathroom.
“Oh my god,” you gasp, eyes expanding in utter horror when you see that your pill bottle was empty. “No, no, no, no, no!” You immediately shuffled through every drawer and cupboards and prayed that you’ll find an extra bottle somewhere. “Did I not pack extra heat suppressants?!” you whisper-shouted to yourself, eyebrows joining together in frustration.
How stupid can you be?
“Okay, okay, calm down,” you paced back and forth, combing your hands through your sweaty hair. Your first instinct was to call your mom, but god it was 5 am in the morning and you didn’t want to wake her up, especially on a Monday where she goes to work. What the fuck were you going to do?
You definitely weren’t going to risk the chances of going outside of your room. You don’t want Jungkook to see you, not at this state. You mentally cursed yourself when you can feel your slick slowly dripping down your thighs, making you whimper involuntarily.
You closed your eyes tight, taking a deep breath. Walking out of the bathroom, you instantly made your way to the door of your bedroom and locked it. You just have to lock yourself inside your room until your heat is over.
Laying yourself back on the bed, you wondered if the pills you took yesterday didn’t work. You started your heat two days ago, and you even made sure that you’ve scheduled your pills.
But as time passes, the feeling never went away. You couldn’t sleep. You could feel yourself getting hotter and hotter as each second passes as hair was stuck on your neck and forehead. You tossed and turned all over your mattress, feeling frustrated and needy.
This scared you, not going to lie. It was your first time witnessing yourself in heat without the suppressants, and you didn’t know what to expect. You emitted loud whines and penurious whimpers, calling for some release. You wanted something, you wanted someone.
Jungkook groaned when he wakes up and hears the alarm from his phone. He reaches his arm out to grab the device and shuts off the annoying sound with his eyes half-open.
5:30 AM, it reads.
He gets up and switches on the light, blinding him for a couple of seconds before he rubs both of his eyes with a yawn. It was time for his Monday workout session. He prepares himself and changes his clothes to some black gym shorts and a black cut-off sleeve shirt, paired with his usual sneakers. He takes his phone and advances out to the kitchen.
Jungkook was humming softly to himself, filling his large bottle up with warm water from the dispenser.
“Oh, I forgot my headphones,” he said to himself and proceeded to turn around, but a strong scent hit his nose like a truck.
‘What the fuck?’
Jungkook’s eyes expanded ten times bigger when a sweet and savory scent filled up the air. He walks closer, sniffing the air until it leads him right in front of your door. Jungkook was now breathing heavily. It was his first time in a very long time to smell an omega in heat, and he doesn’t know if he can control himself any further.
Jungkook’s irises turn red right after he hears your soft but desperate whimper. He growls when he felt his blood rush down to his cock. Jungkook wanted to burst right in, to help you through your heat. You were desiring for an alpha, and he was right there, but he didn’t know that your room was locked not before he tried to open your door.
This brought him back to his senses.
He immediately steps back before anything gets more carried away. He rushes to grab his water bottle – ditching the headphones and immediately runs out of the room with a heavy breath.
“Shit shit shit shit shit!” the half-wolf chants as he makes his way towards the elevator with heavy steps. His breathing was rapid, almost making it look like that he was about to faint. He was going mad; he has never smelled an omega that sweet and delicious. It was like a new smell for him. His hormones were going crazy, his mind in a state of lust and desire.
He sighs in relief when he sees no one inside the elevator. Once he pressed the correct floor and the door closed shut, he couldn’t help but grip his hand tightly to the metal rails, knuckles almost turning white. Jungkook usually knows how to keep his control, but something about you just makes him mad.
He growls deeply as the sound of your sweet whimper fills his mind, replaying over and over again. He imagines you, looking so needy and in need of a release below him. He wants to help you, help you release that sexual frustration out of you. He craves to dominate you; your cute, little body. Your voice sounded so cute, so delicate that turns Jungkook on to the max. The word ‘alpha’ rolled down your tongue so smoothly, and he wanted to hear it again and again.
Jungkook tries his absolute best to calm himself down, closing his eyes as he takes several breaths.
“A-alpha…” the word came out in an eager tone, desperate for something. Your body was drenched in sweat and you felt slick frantically dripping down your thighs.
Your body took over your mind. All you can ever do was to dread for a mate while your hands teased your hardened nipples through your shirt.
You wanted an alpha. You wanted Jungkook.
As messed up as it was, you were dreading for your roommate to touch you. You were dreading him to mate with you, feel his big member inside of you.
“A-aahh, puh-please,” you mewled into the darkness, bucking your hips into nothing. Your body shivered when you snuck your hands under your shirt and tweaked your hard buds. “I c-cant…” you threw your head agitatedly from side to side, your skin itching from the desperate need of contact.
“Oh, whatever,” you spoke in gritted teeth while sliding your right hand down, cupping your dripping wet core. You immediately shivered from the oh-so-delicate touch, closing your eyes tight. You carefully rubbed your clothed cunt, your fingers immediately dampening as your slick transferred to your fingers.
With your other hand massaging your boob, you hesitantly slipped your hand inside your underwear, biting your lip.
“Mmnggf, my god,” you gasped when your fingers touched your sensitive clit. Without waiting any further, you rubbed the bud hastily as waves and waves of pleasure shoots through your system. You ran your digits down your folds, teasing your pulsing hole by poking the tip of your finger in. “I… a-aaah,” multiples mewls escaped your swollen lips when you rubbed your clit even faster, applying more pressure to escort you to a release.
“I wanna cum…” you begged to no one, “I wanna cum so badly.” You almost wanted to cry with the hopelessness in your body. You arch your back in an uncomfortable way when you pinched your rock-hard nipples once again.
“Please… make me cum, Jungkook.” You whispered.
You imagine that it’s him. You imagine that it’s him doing all of the work for you. His long, slender fingers that can unambiguously do more than your own can. You imagine his big, well-built body hovering over you, controlling your body and making it his.
“Alpha…” you can feel a heavy knot forming inside of your stomach, signaling that you were close. You didn’t hold back your cries of pleasure as your hips buck into the air, your fingers moving faster on your pussy. “Please please please…”
A loud moan escaped your lips when you felt hot cum running down from your drenched cunt, and you didn’t stop to make sure everything didn’t go to waste. Your thoughts were clouded with immense pleasure, your body going into a series of quick trembles and shudders.
‘One more time.’
Jungkook kept clenching his jaw, his grip on the exercise bike tight. He should be focusing on his workout routine, yet all he could ever think about was you.
‘Were you going through your heat?’
He’d praise you for actually being considerate and locking the door; because if you didn’t, all hell would break loose.
But if he did walk in, would you accept him? Would you let him touch you, let him take over you?
He couldn’t help but ponder that maybe it was all just the pleasure that was speaking for you, and not Y/n herself. He wouldn’t like it if you’ll regret everything when you get back to your normal state.
These thoughts were circulating Jungkook’s head, not until an hour later when he’s officially calmed down. He hesitates to go back inside the room, but he has no other choice.
You can smell him.
Without thinking any further, you jumped out of your bed and ran outside to the living room where your eyes set on a messy-haired Jungkook, shirt stained with sweat while he was downing his water bottle.
“Y-Y/n?” he asks carefully, eyeing you with caution.
You abruptly forgot that you weren’t wearing any underwear, and he can easily smell your arousal from a distance. He notices how your face was so flushed, hair in tangles and you breathing was uneven.
“Jungkook—” you whimpered quietly, pleading him as you walked closer to his frame. Jungkook shakes his head as he steps away from you, noticing his adam’s apple bob as he goes to the very corner of the room.
“Distance, Y/n. I-I don’t wanna do anything you don’t want.” Jungkook rasps, trying his fucking hardest not to pounce on you.
The shirt that you wore only covered a little bit of your wet pussy and your sweet scent filled the entire room in a flash. Jungkook was losing his mind, eyes threatening to roll back from your smell.
“No, please,” your eyes drooped, tugging at the hem of your shirt frustratingly, “I want it, I really, really do.” You sigh. When Jungkook didn’t respond, you took the chance to continue. “I-I ran out of heat suppressants. My heat is too strong today a-and I can’t take it any further.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw. He notices the glistening slick that was slowly creeping down your thighs, and he wanted to punch a wall. He growls lowly to himself, feeling his dick harden again.
“I’ve already cummed t-three times today, but I need more.”
The alpha raises his eyebrows from your statement, “Three?” he chuckles, crossing his muscular arms together in front of his chest, “That’s quite a lot, isn’t it, sweetheart?”
There he goes. There he decides to tease you. You’ve learned that you quite love his teasing, and it makes you even hornier.
“I know, but all this time I was thinking about you, Jungkook.” You spoke quietly as you walked closer to him.
“Y-Y/n, are you – oh fuck, are you sure about this?” he tries to say, but your smell was overflowing his mind and it was difficult for him to formulate words. “Do you know what you’re about to do? Hmm?”
“Yes, I’ve never been surer. Please,” you were now right in front of him, and you heard him growl dominantly as he towers over your height. “Please mate with me.”
Without wasting any more time, he suddenly lifts your little body and carries you to his room, shutting the door behind him. He drops you onto the soft bed and you crawl up to rest your head on his pillows. Jungkook smirks down at you while he removes his shirt, revealing his beautifully-toned abs that had just the workout earlier.
“My little, desperate omega,” he scoffs, “begging for another release, aren’t you?” he hovers over you and leans down to lick a bold stripe on your neck. You croon your head to the side, allowing him more access. You let out a moan when he starts to suck on your delicate skin.
“You just want an alpha’s cock to satisfy you, huh?”
You nod briefly, followed by a quiet mewl when he removes your shirt, revealing your breasts to him. “Hmm? Is that what you want? Want this little pussy to be filled up with some big cock?”
“Hnngf, yes, yes, please,” he starts to suck on your hard nipples, biting on it playfully which makes you arch your back. He removes his mouth with a loud pop, “Filthy little girl.”
Your nerves were firing, feeling blazing hot and excited. You were fantasizing about this for so many hours now, after all of the unsatisfying releases – you have finally got what you truly wanted. Your hands were clammy and your mind was in a blissful mess, but you didn’t care. All you wanted was him; right now, at this moment.
“Let me have a taste of you, baby girl,” he growls as he hovers down to your core. He inhales your savory scent and his dick twitches. Your pussy was so wet, dripping in juices and stained with cum from your previous orgasms. Jungkook’s arms sling around and under your thighs, parting them together to give him a better view.
“Fucking hell, you’re drenched, sweetheart. Is this all for me, hmm?” he doesn’t even give you the time to respond when he abruptly licks a heavy stripe from your clenching hole to your clit. The sudden feeling sent electrifying currents all throughout your body, “Oohhh, yes. I-It’s all for you, Jungkook.”
“You don’t know how much I’ve been thinking about this sweet little cunt, baby. I’ve been wanting to have a taste of you since you’ve first stepped inside this apartment.”
He drives his tongue back, this time alternating between licking numbers on your folds and sucking on your swollen clit. His tongue worked wonders on you, causing your hands to fly down to tug on his long and wavy hair. You try to shove his bangs away to have a better view of his mouth on your pussy.
“Ohh my god! Like that, keep doing that, please,” you breathlessly moaned, shutting your eyes from the pleasure. You felt him smirk between your pussy which made you clench onto nothing.
You whimper from the loss of contact when he leans back, wiping his lips with the back of his hands. “I’m going fucking mad on you, baby. You drive me wild.”
Your eyes fly to where his right hand is as he cups his hard length beneath his shorts. He proceeds to rub it firmly, teasing you as he makes direct eye contact. “You want this, huh?”
You nod desperately, bringing your fingers up to your lips to give them a suck.
Jungkook chuckles sinisterly and finally pulls the clothing down, and your mouth immediately waters from the sight.
He was nice and long, his girth impressive as precum dripped down the tip of his dick. He strokes his length a couple of times as he carefully examined your expression. “You like it?” he smirks, “You want it inside you, huh?”
He chucks the clothing to the floor and hovers above you, his dick now right in front of your entrance. “Are you sure you want this, Y/n?” his eyes suddenly turn soft after being invaded with lust, “Are you sure you want me to be your mate?”
You try to smile at his question, “Yes, yes I do, Jungkook. I want it to be you.” His heart swells up, but he feels like melting into a puddle after you’ve continued: “Do you?”
Jungkook laughs quietly as he strokes your hair with his hands reassuringly, his gaze looking so caring and loving. “Of course I do, Y/n. I’ve always thought that you were the most beautiful girl that ever existed, even if we only met a couple of days ago,” he chuckles. “The most precious, kind, sweet, and delicate girl I’ve ever seen. I wanted to be yours so bad. I want to protect you, wanna take care of you forever.”
He nuzzles his nose close to the crook of your neck, shaking his head which causes his hair to tickle you. You giggle and Jungkook smiles, pressing a delicate kiss on your lips. “You don’t know how much I need you.”
“You can have me, Jungkook. Claim me as yours.”
And with that statement, he was quick to growl as his cock twitches in desperate need. He tugs on in a couple of times before aligning it on your entrance. “I’ll go slow, okay little one?”
You obey his words as you nod. You felt the tip of his dick pushing inside your hole, slowly and carefully filling you with his thick cock. He was even bigger than you were expecting, filling you up in all the right places. “O-ohh my god!” you moaned out, lips open in pleasure as you felt your thighs quiver.
“Mhmm, your pussy’s squeezing my cock so good, baby.” He places his big hands on your hips as he pushes further, his eyes rolling back from how tight you are. “You feel so fucking good.”
He wasn’t even halfway in before you felt yourself close to an orgasm. You wrap your legs around his hips, pushing him deeper inside of you. “I-I…a-aaaahhh!”
Your fourth orgasm of the day hit you like a huge train, covering Jungkook’s cock with your cum. You were clenching uncontrollably around him and he couldn’t help but shove the rest of his length in without any warning. “Fuck! B-baby, you’re gonna make me lose my shit.”
He stays still inside of you, letting you calm down from your previous high. But you can’t help but notice his heavy and ragged breath, growling every now and then. “J-Jungkook, you can move now.”
“Y/n,” his voice suddenly becomes deeper and raspier, “I-I might not be able to hold myself ba—oh s-shit—back.” He closes his eyes tight, moving his hips very slightly. “Please tell me that you’re a hundred percent okay with this. I don’t want you to r-regret anything.” He said in a heavy pant, pleasure for sure taking the best of him. Jungkook was overwhelmed with all of the waves of senses being thrown at him all at once. Fuck, just the thought of your cute little tummy carrying all of his pups makes him want to fuck your brains out.
“Please, Kook,” the alpha smiles at the nickname, “I really, really want this. I don’t regret any of this. I want you too as much as you do, so please, just fuck me already. Be my mate, please.”
Jungkook chuckles, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip, “If you say so, baby.”
Immediately, he starts fucking you with a deep and hard pace. Your eyes instantly roll back to your head as you start seeing stars. He was literally trying to fuck your brains out.
Your fingers claw on his back, scratching his skin which made him hiss, probably from the pain plus pleasure it brought. This only encouraged him to go even faster and even harder than before.
“Such a slut for this big cock, aren’t you? You wanna be filled with my cum, huh? Wanna carry my pups?”
You moan delightfully from his words, clenching around him from the thought of having his puppies. “Yes, yes. Give me your pups, Jungkook,” you whimpered.
“You want it, huh?” He snarls, smirking down at you. Suddenly, his right hand flies to your neck and he wraps his whole palm around it, choking you. You whimper, not expecting to be so turned on from this action. He presses firmly on your neck, his dominant and assertive side coming out.
You feel so nice and full around him, his cock hitting so deep inside of you. His balls were fervently slapping on your pussy, making wet lewd noises that resonated throughout the room. He was growling on top of you, bruising your thighs as he continues to pound on your sore, little cunt.
He finally releases your neck but only to grab your hips with both of his hands, flipping you around so that you were on fours. “Face down, ass up, baby girl.”
You mewled as you did as you were told, burying your face on his pillows. His hand spanks your ass cheek once, twice, three times, making you whimper loudly. His smacks were hard and sharp, and you were sure that your skin will turn red in no time.
Jungkook continues thrusting in and out of your sopping cunt, pulling all the way until just the tip for him to slam his whole length in you. Your body jolts forward, as he does this action again and again. “Hmm, such a nice, tight pussy you’ve got.” He teases your cunt by gliding the tip of his dick up and down your soaked folds, collecting more of your wetness. “This is all mine, right sweetheart?”
He firmly slaps his dick on your clit a couple of times to get an answer from you. “Answer me, Y/n,” he groans.
“Y-Yes, yes, it’s all yours, Kook.”
“That’s my good girl.”
Jungkook only had one goal, and that was to fuck you into another mind-blowing orgasm. His hips move faster and his cock was deeper with the new position, allowing him to hit your sweet spot. “O-oh! Right there! R-right there,” you moaned, tears brimming in your eyes from how good it all feels. Your hard nipples were rubbing on the sheets, helping you and providing more pleasure.
“Right here?” He gives one particular hard thrust on that same spot, making you moan out his name.
“Are you gonna come for me, baby? Make your body tremble, your pussy clenching on my big dick, hmm?” He keeps pounding on your g-spot, bringing you closer to the edge yet again. “That’s it, baby. C’mon, come for me.” With his last words, you instantly release around his length, squeezing him up as you shake. It was all so much for you to handle, yet Jungkook still holds your body so tenderly as you cummed.
“Y-Yeah, fuck,” Jungkook pants, “so good, m’gonna cum inside you, sweetheart. Gonna fill those walls with my cum and you’re gonna keep it there baby.”
Jungkook chases his high and before you knew it, his cum was spurting inside of you, hot and long strokes of his seed shooting on your walls. He gasps and leans down, your back pressed firmly against his chest as he holds you close.
“Take it, baby, take it.” He grunts, and he doesn’t hold back the loud moan that escapes his lips when he feels his knot getting bigger and bigger. Your eyes suddenly go wide from the feeling. It felt like someone was blowing a balloon inside of you.
“Jungkook… wh-what’s happening?” You asked quietly, trying to push yourself away but he just groans and pulls you back firmly.
“J-Just stay here, baby. You’re safe, you’re okay.” He reassures you as he tries to calm his breathing down.
“How long will this last?”
“A couple of minutes,” he laughs quietly, “can last about an hour or two. We don’t know.”
You giggled, “Now we’re closer than ever, huh?”
“Yes, baby,” he leans down to kiss your lips tenderly, full of love and affection. “Quite literally.”
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Breathing - Aragorn x reader (modern!AU)
hi! could you do prompt #53 with a female reader and aragorn? thank you!
@elvish-sky​ oh joy, another sad aragorn fic (jk jk). i wanted to write this one as a modern!AU because of some research i was doing before school ended for science and ... i just thought of the concept and liked it, okay hush
53. “You said you were okay!”
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Type: Imagine Pairing: Aragorn x reader (modern!AU) Summary: Y/N hasn’t been entirely honest with her boyfriend, Aragorn. Warnings: angst, sadness, death, Word Count: 1,704 words
Y/N laughed loudly as the black Newfoundland puppy chased its fluffy tail, the dark fur sticking up as though it had been struck by lightning. 
Aragorn grinned at her, taking yet another long moment to watch her - to savour everything about his beautiful girlfriend. Just like every time she giggled, he wanted the seconds to last forever. He wanted every day he got to be with Y/N to last forever, because one day, they would be unable to make new memories. 
One day sooner than he would like. 
He tugged the sleeves of his RSPCA volunteer jacket down as he sat by her side, whistling for the dog to come and sit by his side. It obliged, just as all the animals in the shelter, or anywhere, always did.
Animal whisperer, Y/N would tease him. Like Doctor Dolittle!
Aragorn looked to her again, the smile still on Y/N’s face. Flushed s/c cheeks. Hooded e/c eyes with heavy bags under them, yet she still looked beauty. H/l messy h/c hair, kept out of her face by a f/c ribbon.
Then, the things people tended to stare at. The bag by her side, much like the wheeled kind some people used to shop. The nose cannula hooked behind her ears, a long tube carrying oxygen from the bag. A surgery scar protruding from her f/c shirt’s neckline. 
Those things didn’t bother him. He loved her. 
“Are you okay?”
Aragorn blinked at Y/N’s question. Normally he was the one asking her that question, or supposed to be. “I-I’m perfect.”
She smiled again. “That’s good.”
He stood, pulling her to her feet as well. “Come on. My shift’s up.”
Y/N jokingly pouted. “But the puppies!”
This time, it was Aragorn who laughed. “We’ll come back next week, I promise.”
“Next week,” she echoed, a sadness in her voice that her boyfriend didn’t detect.
Y/N coughed, making a face as the last of her pills went down her throat. She took dozens every day - it was part of her necessary, pre-determined hospital routine. 
Her nurse, Legolas, (A/N - stan male nurses) passed her some water, which she gladly swallowed, hacking again. 
“Good job,” he grinned. “Everything’s doing okay. Lung function is at 54 percent, a little lower than last week, but it will get higher again.”
She’d definitely expected that, though her heart still sunk.
“I’ll let your boyfriend in now.” Legolas laughed at the annoyed look on his charge’s face. The sound faded as he took on a more serious tone. “But, you remember that it could get even worse anytime, especially-”
“I know,” Y/N interrupted, her voice scratched and broken. “I know.”
“Be careful,” the nurse reminded her again, as he left the room, Aragorn passing through the door before it could even swing shut. 
“Going alright?”
Y/N grimaced. “As well as can be expected. I hate my lungs.”
He took her hand, squeezing it tightly, like he would never, could never, let go. “I know you’re strong, Y/N/N. You can’t let CF beat you.”
Ah, yes. There it was - the casual reminder Y/N couldn’t go a day without hearing. Stressing how she was holding her life in an hourglass, which was rapidly running out of time.
Cystic Fibrosis. An often terminal lung condition, meaning Y/N’s lungs functioned at low percentages, causing difficulty in her breathing and weakened immune system. She was often lucky to spend more than a month out of the hospital, thought that hadn’t been the case recently.
She’d been continually relapsing, her lung function decreasing with every checkup. 
To put it simply, it sucked. Royally. 
“Here,” Aragorn offered her her nose cannula. “Hook up, and I’ll distract you.”
Y/N slipped it on, taking his hand and dragging her portable oxygen in The Granny Shopping Bag™️ with the other. smiling.
Well, at least, her mask was smiling. Inside, she didn’t know if she had the energy or will to anymore.
Y/N knew it was a risk, and she was exactly aware of the million and one ways this could go wrong. 
But she didn’t care. She was going to live whilst she still could. She was done with giving up her life, letting down her boyfriend, because of some stupid mucus. 
Besides, he didn’t know. He didn’t know it all, and she wasn’t going to stop them from being unable to make happy memories together by burdening him with more bad news. Being the protective guy he was, Aragorn probably wouldn’t even let her leave the hospital if her found out.
“Ready?” said-boyfriend-in-question asked.
“Hell yeah,” Y/N grinned, straightening the edges of her denim jacket. 
They stood at the archway entrance to the Rivendell National Park - a beautiful wonderland of pale trees and swirling leaves, in the deep of autumn.
Technically, Y/N wasn’t meant to engage in ‘prolonged physical activity’. But technically, she wasn’t even meant to be alive right now.
No one, least of all her, knew how much time she had left. Y/N wasn’t one to waste it. 
Together, she and Aragorn stepped through the archway, and explored the ‘whole new realm’.
After ten minutes, her lungs were burning, but she didn’t say anything.
Aragorn was looking so happy - a goofy smily affixed upon his face, his dark eyes lighting up as he swished his head from side to side to admire everything with childish wonder. 
The National Park was beautiful, but the air was thin, and Y/N was struggling not to audibly struggle. She hated being dependent on people, and she would. Not. Worry. Him.
Something felt different this time - her breathing was quickening even though she was walking extraordinarily slowly, and she was in more pain than she should’ve been
Y/N signalled for Aragorn to stop, doubling over and coughing until her throat was raw. She couldn’t breathe whilst the mucus was crawling up her airways, and she’d rather clear it than suffer.
“Get it out, Y/N,” Aragorn encouraged her as she straightened, worry sketched all over his face. 
Her coughing was done, and she went to take a nice big inhale, but ....
Breathing should’ve been something natural, easy, if she had been just a normal young woman with her normal boyfriend. 
She wished that lying didn’t come to her easier than breathing.
Y/N collapsed, choking, almost about to pass out as Aragorn immediately fell to her side, pulling his phone from his pocket and dialling an emergency number.
“Oh my God,” he gasped, his breaths coming shortly as well as he scooped her up into his arms. “Oh, God. Y-You’re going to be okay, Y/N.”
Funny how good they’d both become at lying.
With that thought, Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut, without the energy to keep themselves open.
Aragorn sat in the waiting room with a feeling like acid being poured down his throat and then regurgitated. 
She shouldn’t have collapsed like that - it was highly medically improbable given what he knew about Y/N and her Cystic Fibrosis. Unless ... there was something he didn’t know.
He shook his head as soon as that thought came to him. He trusted Y/N. She trusted him. He had to have faith in her.
The sound of footsteps encouraged him to look sideways, where he saw Y/N’s nurse, Legolas, with four cups of coffee in his arms.
“Expecting someone else?” Aragorn laughed as he was handed one of the cups.
“Oh, no,” Legolas replied, with an unbelievably straight face. “I intend to drink all the coffee.”
“How is Y/N?” 
The nurse winced. “I will be honest with you - she isn’t going so well right now. The fact that she was still walking with you ... that’s pretty amazing given her lung function and diagnosis.”
“What do you mean?” Aragorn furrowed his eyebrows. “She-she’s fine, isn’t she?”
Legolas stared. “Y/N didn’t tell you, did she? Oh, that stubborn little-”
“Tell me what?”
He averted Aragorn’s eyes. “Tell you that she was diagnosed with Burkholderia Cepacia and she was given another six months to live with her current lung function.”
“What?” All the air rushed out of his lungs, and suddenly, he knew how Y/N felt when it was hard for her to breathe. “H-How long has it been?”
Again, the blond looked awkwardly to the floor.
“How long?!” It was a shout this time, and Aragorn could feel himself on the brink of tears. His beautiful girlfriend, lost to the void ... he could not cope with it.
“Seven months.”
He fell back in his chair, coffee discarded, his shaking hands covering his face as his cheeks dripped with tears. This couldn’t be happening. This could not be happening.
A doctor rushed out from the ER, making a beeline for Legolas. Her nametag read ‘Tauriel’, her long red hair flying behind her as she ran towards them.
Her face was sober.
“He-he should come. Now.” She motioned towards Aragorn who stood immediately.
“Is Y/N alright?”
Dr. Tauriel did not answer his question, just motioning for him to follow her. 
Y/N wasn’t moving. For such a joyful young woman, she was lying unbelievably still. 
There was a crowd of doctors around her, but they all moved back at the sight of Aragorn.
“I’m sorry.” 
He didn’t know who said it ... all he could think about was how much paler Y/N looked than her normal s/c. 
“She-she’s just a-asleep, r-right?” Aragorn stuttered on the words as more tears fell down his face. “Y/N’s o-okay?”
Dr. Tauriel shook her head. “I’m so sorry. We-we couldn’t do anything.”
“You said you were okay!” Aragorn cried, talking to Y/N even though she couldn’t hear him - would never hear him again. Jut like he would never hear her. “You told me you were okay ...”
“Get him out of here,” someone said quietly, and Aragorn was pulled to the door.
He threw one final look over his shoulder. 
Y/N’s hair was spread out over the pillow. Her hands had been folded over her chest. She still had her nose cannula in, but that had never made her less beautiful.
Even in death, she still looked like an angel.
She was still the most beautiful person Aragorn had ever known.
A/N - guys this is my new favourite fic so please spread it! @elvish-sky​ thank you so much for this request, and everyone, thank you for reading!
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redheadscribe · 3 years
My Invincible Review
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Well, this is a little late, but hey, better late than never. My dad and I started watching this show when we were done with Falcon and Winter Soldier, and we wanted other shows to watch. I kept hearing good things about this show, and I have heard about the comic before. Once I watched the first episode, I was hooked, and I really want the second show to come out soon.
The story is about Mark Grayson, a sixteen-year-old boy who just started to develop his own superpowers. He is the son of Omni Man. Basically, this world's Superman, and as the series goes on, Mark learns that well, great power comes great responsibility, sorry not sorry. Aside from that lousy joke, Mark goes through the trials and tribulations of being a superhero and dealing with family drama and teen drama. This review will be heavy spoilers, and so I will go over each character and a few of the story beats. I have not read the comics, so this is all about the TV show.
Let's start with the adults of this series, beginning with Omni Man, voiced by JK Simmons, and JK Simmons excels at this role. He is terrifying, and he is a fascinating antagonist. I say antagonist because no true hero would beat their son into a bloody pulp. Anyway, he is a perfect character, and I enjoyed him. I was terrified of him whenever Deborah was trying to investigate whether or not he was involved with the murder of the Guardians of the Globe as I didn't know what he would do. Knowing that he killed the Guardians while the other characters didn't develop a lot of suspense had me on the edge of my seat. He is a monster, and I wonder what will happen in season two. Overall, I like Omni Man as an antagonist of the series.
Let's talk about Cecil Steadman, and I like him as well. I do not have that much to say about him, except he kind of reminds me a lot of all the government agents from Marvel and DC. Despite him working with the heroes, I enjoy that he would still have some dark moments like recruiting that messed-up doctor who created the reanimen. I am seeing him coming to blows with Mark and other heroes soon.
Now let's get into Eve's parents. I hate her father as almost calling his own child a bitch is not cool. Also, did he cheat as well? I mainly wonder because he was like, forgive Rex as he made a mistake and did no wrong. If he did cheat, I have a lot of questions to ask the mother. Eve was right to leave that toxic household.
Now let's go to Robot Man, and he is an exciting creep. He had to deal with a lot considering what his natural body had to go through, but he often meant well. However, when he started to have this creepy fascination with Monster Girl, I was very uncomfortable with how he interacted with her. I am not a fan of Rexsplode, but he had every right to be freaked out when Robot introduced himself in a younger version of his body. Also, why hasn't he found something to help Monster Girl? He said that he was doing this for her, but Monster Girl needs more help than him just getting a new body.
Next is Black Samson, and I like him. I was pretty happy when he got his powers back, and I love his character. I loved his interaction with the New Guardians. I apologize that I don't have that much to say about him, but I do like his character.
Lastly, I'll talk about my favorite adult character is Deborah Grayson, the best mom ever. Also, fuck you, Nolan, for calling her a pet! She is amazing. She can keep Mark human and remind him how important it is for a hero to help people no matter what. She reminds him that she is a human. I love how she took a role when she notices that Nolan is very suspicious because she knows what her husband is capable of. The poor woman had to see her own son get beaten to the brink of death by her own husband after hearing said husband call compare her to a pet and realize that all their years married were a lie. Someone needs to give this woman a hug.
Now let's get into the New Guardians of the Globe. Let's start with Shrinking Ray, as there is not that much to say about her. I mean, I loved her introduction scene, but she didn't have that much screen time. I would like to see more of her; maybe she'll get more screen time in season two, perhaps she won't. I also want to see more from Dupli-Kate(I don't know if I spelled this correctly). The only scene that stands out to me is when she was involved with Rex, and that's not cool.
Now let's get into Rex Splode. He basically has Gambit-like powers but lacks the charm and charisma and is an overall douchebag. I really don't like him at all, and he is probably the weakest member. While his powers could be helpful but he is not the best person personality-wise.
Next is Monster Girl, and I love her. I really hope that she would get her curse lifted. Aside from Mark and Eve, her story is probably the most compelling and pretty horrifying. If I noticed that I was slowly de-aging, I would be freaking out as well. I hope that she stays away from Robot.
Now let's get into the other characters that aren't really a part of a team. Let's start with William, and he is fantastic that Mark doesn't deserve some time. I would have been angry at Mark for being so obsessed with Amber and not helping find his crush, who was transformed into a horrifying cyborg-like man. Then again, I am not William, and he is a good friend.
Now let's get to Amber, and I love Amber; she is a great character and is not a bad guy. Amber wanted to break up with Mark as he was a terrible boyfriend. Also, I am glad that she didn't take Mark back when he revealed his identity. I mean, if William was okay with knowing Mark's identity, Mark should have stepped back and maybe talk to Amber about his superhero life. I feel that Amber knew about his superhero life during the college visit, and she had it with all the lies. That's just my headcanon, but she is a pretty cool person. I even loved her interactions with Eve and how she inspired Eve to go out on her own. She is not a terrible person. She is a teenage girl who is frustrated with being treated by a guy who would not leave her alone when she tried to enforce boundaries.
Now let's get into Eve, my all-time favorite character who is probably the most powerful being on earth. I know that Mark and Eve would get into a relationship soon thanks to some spoilers while surfing the web, but I am looking forward to the slow burn. She is the best character in the show, and her powers are fantastic. She is just the best; that all there is to it.
Now let's get into the main character himself, Mark. Now I just want to say is that I do love Mark. I love me, a character with flaws. I feel like he was spreading himself too thin, he wanted to date Amber and be a hero, but he was a terrible boyfriend. Mark, I love you, but when someone says that she wished to space give her space. The relationship was unhealthy, and I really wanted Mark to stop and let her go because he had so much to deal with. This is what always frustrated me. I mean, Mark caused a good majority of the relationship problems. I love him, but he had to stop.
The rant aside, I do love Mark as a character and a lead character as well. While he appears to be strong, he is a character who does not understand the responsibility of being a superhero. He has a robust power set, but he has no idea how to use it or what he is getting into. He does have the best qualities when it comes to being a hero. He is kind, always wants to help people with their problems, and just wants to be a good hero. He is an excellent lead, and the poor boy really has gone through a lot in a short amount of time. Still, he does have a great story, and his reactions to what has happened to him are pretty human. I mean, I would be happy if I learn that I have superheroes and then be a mess when I know that my father was insane.
Overall I loved this show, and when is the second season coming? I am not good at exercising patience! All of the characters are great, and the animation, from my limited knowledge, is fantastic. The plot is fantastic and fast-paced, and I cannot wait to see more of the show.
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dejayoonw · 4 years
hold tight , jjk
part 5 | make it up
word count: 4.3k
warnings: jealousy, mentions of drugs, dirty talk, praise, pet names(baby girl, little girl, pretty girl, she calls him daddy), jk has a big dick, oral (m receiving), deep throating, face fucking, fingering, unprotected sex, rough sex, spanking, finger sucking, like one (1) pussy slap, he cums in her mouth
a/n: this is part five of my social media au hold tight & will probably make most sense if read along with the rest of the au.
“Come on, we don’t want to be late do we?” tugging your best friend's hand towards the door you wondered how Jungkook would react if you were to be a little late to the wedding, would you get to see him annoyed like the first time you met him just before he recognized you? You hoped you’d get to see that side of him again, liking it more than you cared to admit. Pushing your thoughts to the back of your mind you got into the passenger seat of Tae’s Bentley, it was his proudest possession to date. You were happy that your best friend's hard work had paid off enough that he could afford something like this, plus for the two of you to live in an upscale apartment. Of course the two of you shared the rent on the place but still, you were proud of him for being so successful while doing something he loved. 
Pulling up to the wedding venue you smiled to yourself as Tae pulled into the parking space next to Jungkook's car. Your smile was soon wiped off your face the second Jungkook stepped out of his car. He was wearing tight black pants that accentuated his thighs with a button up shirt tucked in, two of the top buttons undone to show off a little bit of his chest. The only disappointment was one of your favorite parts about him, his arms littered with tattoos, had been covered by his sleeves. And yet, you still couldn’t find it in yourself to be disappointed, not when he looked this good. You will yourself to stop gawking at the boy, letting your eyes meet his only to see him already looking back at you with an uncharacteristically smug look on his face. You couldn’t care less that you’d been caught, in fact you were glad he’d seen you. You threw a wink his way and turned to your friend, taking the camera he’d lent you to use for the job out of his hands. Poor Tae was doing his best to ignore his best friend eye fucking the guy he’d hired, he found himself wishing more and more that Hoseok had been available. 
Throughout the wedding you made sure to focus on the job, as much as you wanted to flirt with the pretty man in the oh so tight jeans you didn’t want to mess things up for Taehyung. So you kept to your section of the venue and did as you’d been instructed. The ceremony surprisingly seemed to go by quickly though the reception was lasting a lot longer than you’d expected. You weren’t sure how many people kept the photographers around throughout the whole reception but you guessed if you had a rich daddy to pay for everything you might do the same. Just as you were about to take the fortieth picture of the bride's grandmother doing shots with yet another man in his twenties you heard your name being called. 
“The groom said they’re about to move the party to one of his friends' houses, it’s just their friends. He invited us.” Taehyung told you quietly so no one would overhear. Jungkook stood next to him though his eyes were anywhere else but on you or Tae. 
“So they want us to take pictures of their friends doing coke and getting fucked up?” You mumbled not exactly excited about the extra work. Jungkook snorted at your response, you couldn’t help but smile a bit, feeling proud. 
“No they want us to come get fucked up with them. Or, at least I don’t think that they’re planning on doing drugs.” Taehyung seemed to be questioning whether he should even go now, worried you might be right. 
“Look at them Taehyung, of course they're going to do drugs. Why should that stop us from partying like Belford? We can be The Wolves of Walmart.” Taehyung shook his head at your ridiculous joke, especially considering you probably had just as much money as any of them, but chuckled nonetheless. How the two of you had even stayed so close into your adulthood was honestly something you both wondered everyday. You two were so different. Where he worried about things like drugs and shied away from anything overly sexual you didn’t bat an eye to it. You weren’t necessarily into coke or anything hardcore like that, but you’d smoked your fair share of weed in your lifetime. 
“We’ll go if you want to but if anyone offers me a line I’m leaving.” Tae said, shuddering slightly at the thought. You smiled up at your soft hearted best friend finding his caution endearing. This was why you’d been able to stay close, because the differences the two of you had always seemed to be nothing in comparison to the adoration you held for each other, platonically of course. Once upon a time you might’ve harbored a crush for your introverted, modest friend but then he came out to you in tenth grade and you quickly got over those feelings. Besides, you were more into the bad boy type anyways. 
“Are you coming too, Jungkookie?” You asked looking up at him through your eyelashes, eyes opening just a little wider. How could Jungkook say no to you when you looked at him like that? As much as your relentless teasing made him feel like he might have an aneurysm, he couldn’t resist spending more time with you. It felt weird not having you messing with him today, so maybe you’d talk to him at the party. This was probably the last time you’d see each other anyways, he should make it count. 
“I’ll go for a bit.” The cute little smile that took over your face was enough to rid Jungkook of any second thoughts he might’ve had. Jungkook saw you as this powerful intimidatingly sexy woman who somehow still emitted the cutest energy. How would he ever survive tonight with you switching back and forth so drastically? 
It didn’t seem to be a concern once the three of you got to the party. Ever since you walked through the door you’d been swarmed by multiple people. It was one after the other, even if Jungkook had worked up the courage to talk to you he’d never get the chance to. So he sulked on the couch, squished in between a couple engulfing each other and the arm of the couch. He’d lost Taehyung a while ago, though Jungkook figured he’d found someone for himself. 
You loved your viewers, well most of them, there were definitely a few on the weirder side that occasionally took things too far, but overall you loved them, you were so thankful to them. It was times like these though, that you wished your job wasn’t so public. You’d been stuck in the same spot for the last hour, person after person had come up to you to ask if you were Honey from onlyfans. You hated that you sounded so snobby in your head but you really just wanted to talk with people normally tonight, you were there to have fun after all. Not that talking with your viewers wasn’t fun, you just really wished it didn’t feel like work sometimes. You’d zoned out on the guy next to you who had been telling you all of his favorite videos of yours in great detail. Your eyes found Jungkook across the room, a strong pout on his lips as he played on his phone. You tilted your head slightly wondering what had him so upset and why he wasn’t enjoying himself. 
“Yuta, dude, leave that poor girl alone. Sorry Honey, he doesn’t know how to shut up sometimes.” One of the girls, who’d earlier introduced herself to you as Sorn, said trying to save you from her friend. Honestly Yuta wasn’t bothering you, it was just that he’d been rambling for the last 10 minutes and you would much rather be figuring out what’s going on with Jungkook right now. You smiled over at Sorn silently thanking her. 
“It’s no problem, I think it’s sweet that you enjoy my content so much Yuta. I do think I'm going to go check on my friend though, again, it was nice talking to both of you.” You said, smiling sweetly at Yuta while winking at both of them before making your escape to Jungkook. You say yourself on the arm of the couch he was sitting on, catching his attention right away. You couldn’t help but notice the annoyed look on his face when he looked up at you. 
“Why are you pouting over here all by yourself?” You asked him trying not to laugh at how obvious it was that he was struggling not to look at your legs that you’d draped over his own. 
“Not all of us have a fan club everywhere we go to keep us entertained.” Jungkooks sharp tone had caught you off guard and shamefully sent a wave of head down to the pit of your stomach, but maybe that was the drink you’d been nursing since you’d gotten here. You weren’t sure why you found yourself wanting to make it up to Jungkook, you hadn’t done anything wrong. It’s not like the two of you came together or anything. Yet here you were, giving him your best apologetic eyes, with a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry Jungkookie, I didn’t mean to make you jealous.” You said quietly, hoping he wouldn’t think you were still teasing him. Jungkook didn’t know where this shift in attitude came from but he could swear he’d seen this look somewhere before. 
“I’m not jealous, what do I have to be jealous over?” He didn’t know if he was trying to convince himself or you but it was clear neither of you were buying it. You didn’t push it though, you didn’t know why you felt so compelled to make things right with him. Maybe it was just instinct because you were admittedly attracted to him and you tend to submit to the people in your life who you connected with physically.  
“But still, we’re friends and I let you sit over here alone while I talked to a bunch of people. I should’ve stayed with you. Let me make it up to you?” There was no way in hell Jungkook was reading this right. You were sat with your legs draped across his lap, your fingertips grazing his shoulder and every so often they’d brush his neck just slightly, but there was no way you were saying what he thinks you’re saying. 
“What, um, what do you mean?” He asked, avoiding your intense gaze. 
“Anything you want, name it and I’ll do it.” How was this happening? Jungkook had to be reading it wrong. But, what else could you mean? His mind was racing so fast, he felt himself freaking out. Before he even thought about it Jungkook was mumbling something about finding a bathroom and stumbling off away from you. Jungkook wasn’t even sure how he found the bathroom, but all he knew is he needed water, now. 
Splashing some of the water onto his face Jungkook attempted to calm himself down. Why had he gotten so freaked out? This wasn’t like him, normally he was good at getting people he was interested in, man or woman. Why did you make him so nervous? Just because he’d seen you naked before didn’t mean you’re any different from the people he’d slept with before. Except you were, he hadn’t slept with you. He’d just seen some pictures and maybe a video or two(or fifty) of you. He’d fantasized about you without even knowing you and now he knew you, kind of. He felt creepy. Why did he though? You posted that stuff for people like him to look at, you made it clear that you knew he’d seen your stuff and you didn’t act like you felt weird about it. In fact, you acted like you liked it. So why was he hiding in the bathroom? You’d basically just offered to fulfill all the fantasies he’d had about you. He had never been one to run from that kind of offer before, at least not from someone as beautiful as you. 
The more Jungkook thought the more he hated himself from most likely missing his chance with you. How many of your viewers could say they’d had this opportunity? He didn’t know, but the answer was none. You’d made it a rule a long time ago not to sleep with any of your viewers. There was just something about Jungkook, which is why you’d made your way outside the bathroom to apologize for freaking him out. You weren’t sure why you thought he’d wanted to sleep with you in the first place. Sure you knew he’d seen your stuff online but that didn’t mean anything. Jungkook didn’t see you at first when he opened the door but when you’d called out his name he was glad to see you. 
“I’m sorry I forced myself on you like that, I think I just read the signs wrong. I got carried away because I think you’re really attractive and, I don’t know, I’m sorry.” You kept your eyes on your hands folded in front of you. You had this pitiful look on your face like you were ashamed of yourself. Jungkook was disgusted with how hot he found it. Why did literally everything about you turn him on? More importantly why hadn’t he jumped at the opportunity to act on it when he first noticed that you were willing. Yoongi would’ve called Jungkook a little bitch if he’d seen the way he’d been acting around you. 
“Shut up and get in the bathroom.” Your eyes went wide as you checked to make sure it was actually Jungkook’s mouth those words came out of. You felt heat rushing to your cheeks at the stern look on his face. Where had this come from? Where had he been hiding this side? You knew if you walked in that bathroom you’d be getting exactly what you’d silently(and not so silently) been begging for since you met Jungkook. He didn’t want to push you, but he couldn’t deny the excitement he felt when you rushed past him into the bathroom.
“If you don’t want to do this we don’t have to.” You told Jungkook when he shut the two of you in the small bathroom. You wanted to give him the opportunity to leave before anything happened. The last thing you wanted was for him to feel pressured. 
“I can assure you babygirl, I want nothing more than to show you just how much I want this.” Before you could process his words Jungkook's lips were on yours, kissing you like a man starved. His lips were soft and he wasted no time being gentle, sliding his hands in your hair and tugging your head back further to give him better access as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Then, before you could get used to the feeling of his mouth on yours, his lips left yours and attacked the skin on your neck. Sucking, nibbling, and licking as he tried to find your sweet spot. Your fingers were desperate to cling onto something, moving from his back up to the base of his neck you raked your fingers through his hair as his mouth worked wonders on your neck. You were a whimpering mess as he left little marks all over your neck. Jungkook smiled at the sweet sounds leaving your lips, feeling proud of himself for getting this kind of reaction without even really doing anything. You could feel the wetness beginning to pool in your panties and you ached for some kind of relief. You involuntarily pushed your hips into his, feeling his already forming bulge causing both of you to moan at the sudden contact.
“You better keep your hands to yourself if you want this to go well for you, little girl.” You had to stop yourself from moaning out loud at his words. Jungkooks grip on your hips was tight enough that you’d probably bruise but all you could feel was pleasure. 
“Kookie please,” You begged, dropping down to your knees in front of him, taking his large hands in yours. “wanna make it up to you.”
You wouldn’t continue without his explicit permission, so you gazed up at him with wide eyes. How could Jungkook say no when the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen was on her knees in front of him begging to suck his cock? 
“Go ahead baby girl, show me what that pretty mouth can do.” He said letting his hand fall to the back of your head gently. His cock was practically screaming to be let out of the tight confidments of his jeans. As you cautiously undid the zipper and button and pulled both his jeans and his underwear down at once Jungkook let out a soft noise at the relief. You gawked at his size, he was probably the biggest you’d ever had, prettiest too. Your mouth was watering at the sight, he was perfect. 
Looking up at him you were stunned again by the beauty that is Jeon Jungkook. Staring down at you with his mouth agape he brought his hand to your jaw, swiping his thumb along your bottom lip. Keeping your gaze locked with his you opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out just slightly, licking at the pad of his thumb. Jungkook groaned slightly as he finally guided his cock into your mouth, watching you close your lips around the head and started slowly bobbing your head up and down his shaft. You began to use your tongue as you quickened your pace. Jungkook was mostly silent but you could tell he was enjoying himself when he tightened his grip on your hair every time you took him deeper.
You began to use your hands a bit, causing a moan to leave his lips at the feeling. You then took his cock deeper, finally making him buck his hips forward, hitting the back of your throat. Rolling your eyes back you pushed your head down further on his cock hoping he’d get the hint. Thankfully he did, tangling his hand in your hair to hold your head still, he bucked his hips again, harder this time, shoving his cock even farther than before. He repeated the motion, fucking your face until you had to tap out. 
Pulling off of his dick with a pop, you were gasping for air, your chin covered in saliva and your hair was a mess, you looked perfect. Quickly Jungkook pulled you up by your arms needing to feel your lips on his again. Your pretty little hands snaked their way up Jungkook's shirt, feeling his abs as he kissed you. How that simple action affected him so much Jungkook didn’t know, but he did know he was in for it. Sex before didn’t come close to how it felt with you and he hadn’t even fucked you yet, how was he ever supposed to have sex again with a random girl knowing it could be this good with you? 
You lightly traced Jungkook’s abs letting your hand slowly fall down to his cock, pumping it in hopes of getting what you wanted. Jungkook kissed you a little harder making you moan and rub your thighs together for some relief. Needing to feel you Jungkook pulled your hand off him and roughly turned you around, pushing you against the bathroom counter. You whined at the feeling of his hard cock against your ass. 
“You’ve been such a good girl baby, sucking my cock so well. Feel how hard you made me?” He whispered, his raspy voice sending more heat to your dripping core. His arms wrapped around your waist, his hand cupping your clothed pussy making you whine out. “Want to be my good girl? Want me to fill up this pretty little pussy?
“Please.” You begged, wanting nothing more than to be his good girl. Jungkook pulled your dress up over your ass, yanking your soaked panties down letting them fall to your ankles. His hands gripped your ass as he admired the pretty sight for a moment before he dipped one finger into your entrance almost groaning at how tight and wet you were. 
“Fuck babygirl, who did this to you? You’re soaked.” He teased, adding another finger to stretch you out enough for his cock. You let your head fall forward, loving the feeling of Jungkook's fingers pumping in and out of you. Then suddenly he pulled them out and slapped your aching pussy causing you to yelp. “I asked you a question, pretty girl.” 
“You did.” You whined out, pushing your ass back into Jungkook's hips, needing some relief. Thankfully he shoved both fingers back in, feeling satisfied with your answer. But he wasn’t done teasing you. 
“Are you sure it’s only for me? Not all those other people you were ignoring me for?” He asked, curling his fingers up and hitting your g-spot. 
“No, fuck,” You moaned as he continuously hit that spot, you were so close. “It’s only for you, daddy.” 
Jungkook groaned at the nickname, he’d never cared much for it but something about the way you said it made his dick twitch. He pulled his soaked fingers from your pussy ignoring the whine you let out in protest. He spread your juices all over his cock before lining the head at your entrance. Both of you let out gasps of air and soft moans as he slid his cock into you. 
“Fuck baby, you feel so good.” All you could manage to reply with was moans of agreement as he bottomed out. Both of you needed a moment to not cum right away. The feeling was too good. Needing him to move you ground your hips into his making him groan out a sweet sound as he gripped your hips tightly to stop you. Before you could beg him to move he had pulled back almost all the way out and slammed his hips back in forcefully. Your head fell forward as he repeated the action at a fast pace. His hands left your hips to squeeze your ass, letting one hand fall down to spank you, surely leaving a handprint. 
Needing to get deeper Jungkook pulled your leg up onto the counter, gripping at your thigh tightly. You moaned at how deep he was getting now, knowing it wouldn’t be long before you were coming apart. Jungkook shushed you letting his free hand wrap around to shove two of his fingers into your mouth to silence your loud moans.
“You’re doing so good for me pretty girl but I need you to be quiet okay? We don’t want to get caught, do we?” The thought of someone catching the two of you had you clenching around Jungkook's cock, making his hips sputter for a moment. “Oh you like that idea? The thought of someone finding out what a slut you are for your daddy?” 
Jungkook's hand left your thigh and immediately found your clit, rubbing at a fast pace to match the way he was pounding into you. You moaned loudly around his fingers, biting down on them lightly causing a hiss to leave his lips. Your leg that had been holding you up was starting to feel like jello but you ignored it as you came undone all over Jungkook's cock, clenching and shaking in his hands. He held out, fucking you through your orgasm until you let your leg down so you could hold youself up. Jungkook quickly pulled out ready to cum on your back until you dropped to your knees and opened your mouth wide. Moaning at the sight Jungkook let his load spill all over your tongue only getting a little bit on your lips. You kept your eyes on his as you gathered his cum on your fingers and popped them in your mouth making sure you got every last drop. After you swallowed you opened your mouth to show him, making him smile down at you, grazing your cheek with his thumb. 
“Did I do good?” You asked softly, still staring up at him with wide eyes. 
“You did amazing baby girl.” He told you, pulling you up to stand. He chuckled and held you still when you wobbled slightly still not fully able to stand on your own. Crouching down, Jungkook pulled your panties up your legs for you and let your dress back down. 
“Thank you, daddy.” You told him, partly teasing and partly serious. He rolled his eyes and smirked at your words placing a soft kiss on your cheek. The moment was interrupted by a banging on the door, making you two jump apart.
“Yo, are you two idiots not done yet?”
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kiyoomiee · 4 years
Submit To Me || Jeon Jungkook
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Submit to Me ⟶ [ 2/ ? ]
⟶ genre: wolf au / enemies-to-lovers / fluff / slow burn
⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader
⟶ words: 2k
⟶ sypnosis: Being an omega isn’t easy, you're surrounded by judging eyes and a lot of streotypes. Being an omega isn't easy, especially when your rival is a pure breed alpha named Jeon Jungkook.
⟶ warnings: alpha!JK, omega!Reader, language, consumption of alchohol and weed, a lot of fighting, mutual pining, communication problems, degrading words
⟶ disclaimer: this is a product of my imagination. this is my first post so please bear with the mistakes and grammatical errors, English is not my first language
PART 1 // PART 2
Jungkook’s lips felt soft against yours. Though it tasted like alcohol, it didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his nape just to deepen the kiss. The way his tongue explored your mouth was nothing compared to what you experienced from your past relationship. You surrendered yourself completely and kissed him back, hoping that it would take all the pain and frustration that you felt.
“You’re such a tease Y/N. You’re torturing the shit out of me right now.” He was sucking and biting harshly on one part of your neck that you were sure it would totally leave a mark. His irises were in a deep shade of red, a sign that his wolf was taking over.
His hands slid down all the way from your back until it reached your ass. You yelped when Jungkook grabbed your bottoms only to pull you up. Your phone made a sound when it fell on the floor but you didn't care. You and your hands were too focused on roaming Jungkook's shoulders and pulling the strands of his soft curly hair.
You almost whined when Jungkook broke the kiss only to lick and attack your neck. His sudden action caused you to moan and your nails scratched his tattooed arm involuntarily, causing him to hiss. He returned the favor by putting a hand to your waist only to grip it tightly.
“A-Ah shit. Fuck you, Jungkook.”
He chuckled dangerously. Jungkook continued his work on your neck. He ran his fangs on your clavicle causing you to jolt against him as your eyes almost reached the back of your head.
You couldn't think straight anymore and neither could he. Your wolf chanted Jungkook's name over and over, you were starting to give in.
But something felt wrong. Yes, there was something far worse than having Jungkook's tongue down your throat right now. Your body felt hot and your vision started to blur.
"Jungkook wait. Stop." You weakly pushed his chest and gripped his arms tightly to get him back to his senses. He was breathing heavily against your skin when his red eyes slowly turned back into it’s natural brown color.
"Y/N what's-- Fuck!" Jungkook cursed loudly when you passed out against his chest. It took him awhile to get back to his senses but when he finally did he carried you and put you down on his bed.
He stared at you for a moment, realizing what you two just did. His wolf was taking over him when he saw you at the dancefloor. The way you looked and smelled was the last straw. The amount of alcohol he consumed was partly to blame. Jungkook wanted you to submit to him when he pinned you against the wall. He wanted to dominate every part of you so bad that he lost control.
A part of him felt guilty. He knew you were drugged judging by how dilated your pupils were when he looked into your eyes. His plan was to keep you safe yet he took advantage of your current state. He clenched his teeth and kept in mind to punish Taehyung for giving you that cookie.
Jungkook looked away and sighed. He walked straight into his bathroom and turned the water on.
After all that has happened he needed a cold bath to calm him down and help him think straight.
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The heat of the sun on your skin is what got you groaning in the early morning. The sudden pain that you felt on your abdomen made you breathe erratically. The beads of sweat on your body irritated you even more. Your lashes slowly fluttered when you finally opened your eyes.
The memories of what happened last night were faint in your head. If the headache that you felt right now wasn’t enough to make you remember then the alpha beside you probably will.
The view made it harder for you to breathe. Beside you was Jeon Jungkook who’s upper body was on full display, gray sweatpants were the only thing that was covering the lower part of his body.
So many thoughts filled your mind, the thought of you two having sex was no exception cause you couldn’t find the clothes you wore last night and your undergarments were only covered by a large white shirt that reached your knees. Surely I would remember if we had sex right? I’m sure Jungkook isn’t the type to make a woman forget. Should I wake him up and ask him to do it again--
And that exact thought was the part that got you running to his bathroom and locking yourself in. Your whole body felt hot. You were thinking about Jungkook, you were ready to pounce at him even. Your abdomen hurts like hell.
You were in heat.
A female’s heat comes every month and lasts for about a week. The heat of males lasts the same but it only comes once a month during winter, which is mating season. You despised it. It's so unfair and it tortures every part of your being. You knew your heat was coming but you never expected it to happen today, especially with an alpha close by. You took every bit of restraint and self respect that you had just to keep yourself locked up and not throw yourself at Jungkook.
Oh Goddess. You called out, hoping that she would prevent you from losing your mind.
Meanwhile, Jungkook's eyes opened quickly when the strong scent of vanilla and lavender filled his lungs. He didn't even bother to stretch his limbs just to find where the sweet smell was coming from.
His lips parted when his brown orbs were slowly turning red, his wolf wanted to take over and he knew exactly why. Any wolf nearby could tell that you were in heat, alpha's most likely. Since alphas and omegas are "destined for each other" they are the ones that are most likely affected when sensing heat.
Jungkook was frustrated that you weren't in his pack, the mind link would surely help to check if you were okay. Atleast she had the decency to lock the door, he thought. Because if you didn't, you two would probably end up in a situation you'll both regret.
For the first time in his life Jungkook didn't know what to do. He just stood in front of his bathroom door as thoughts filled his mind. He badly wanted to help you through your heat yet one wrong move, the everything will be even more complicated than before. It's the heat that's making me like this. The heat. Yes, it's the heat.
Maybe fate was playing with the two of you. You despised one another yet you can't help but to attract each other.
You on the other hand, gathered all the might and courage that you had. Jungkook was startled and took a few steps back when you suddenly opened the door. You didn't even bother to look at him and just focused on finding your things and go. You were panicking inside your head, the clothes that you wore last night were neatly folded on the table beside his king sized bed yet it immediately crumpled when you gathered it without any care. Your main priority was to get out of there immediately yet you couldn't stop yourself from asking Jungkook what happened.
"Jungkook, about last night--" You tried to speak but he immediately cut you off.
"Last night was a mistake Y/N."
Your eyes met his brown orbs that held the same emotion the first time you interacted with him. It was cold, so cold.
"Of course it was. But.. did something happen? Between us?" You asked cautiously.
Jungkook let out the fakest laugh you ever heard as he crossed his arms on his chest.
"Really Y/N? Did you really think that something will ever happen between us?"
"What's with the attitude? How the fuck am I supposed to know? You tell me Jeon, why else would I be wearing your fucking shirt right now?" Your blood was starting to boil because of anger.
"Because you made a fucking mess on your clothes! You really shouldn't be drinking Y/N you know why? Cause your weak ass can't handle simple alcohol. I did you a fucking favor and you're not even a part of my pack." He growled, emphasizing his last statement.
"So that's what this is about? You being a little bitch cause I won't bow down to you? Well guess what? I never will cause submitting to an alpha like you would only prove that I'm weak. I'm glad that I'm not a part of your pack. Anyone would be unlucky to have someone like you as their alpha." You attempted to leave but he caught your wrist before you even made a move.
"Oh yeah? Is that why you had your tongue down on my throat last night? Tell me Y/N, if you hate me so much then why the fuck did you kiss me back?" Jungkook smirked when you were caught off guard by his question.
"It was a mistake Jungkook. We were both drunk." You looked away and refused to look at his eyes. Restraining yourself was already difficult but he made it even harder the moment he touched your wrist.
"I'm pretty sure that you enjoyed it though." You were sure that he knows you're on your heat yet he's pushing both of your patience and limits.
Both of you turned your head's when you heard the sound of Jimin's voice behind Jungkook's door.
"Kook? Who do you have in there? You do know it's dangerous to have an unmarked female that's in heat in a house that has 3 alpha's with no mates right?" Jimin's concerned voice was very clear.
It's a good thing that Jimin's a beta. He could sense the different scents around him yet unlike alpha's, he doesn't go crazy when he smells a female wolf in heat.
Jimin didn't expect to see the two of you when he opened the door. Heck, he knew that you two couldn't stay in the same room without fighting. The sight in front of him made his jaw drop almost instantly. Your cheeks were in a shade of bright red and Jungkook was clearly restraining his wolf. Both of you showed too much skin and the smell of sexual tension was very clear in the air.
When the door was wide open now, you took it as an opportunity to finally leave. But Jungkook’s voice made you stop your tracks.
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m going somewhere where you’re not around.”
“Really? Wearing that? Do you need me to remind you that I’m not the only alpha in house and in this city?” He mocked.
“Oh god! Jimin? A little help here?!” You cried in frustration and you raised your brows at your best friend.
“Okay I’m confused as fuck but I have to side with Jungkook for this one. He’s right Y/N. It’s dangerous for you to go out in that state. How about you go to my room and I’ll go run for some heat suppressants?” 
You parted your lips, trying to make up words to say something but nothing came out of your mouth.
"Don't argue with me on this one Y/N."
You sighed and nodded your head in defeat. His idea was the best one to be used so that you could avoid problems.
But deep down inside you knew you couldn’t stay still and just wait for Jimin to come back, especially with Jungkook around You wanted to get out, the sooner the better.
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
lmao apparently everybody gonna cheat on their partner in meadow 🤣
i prolly shouldn't be laughing but 🤷‍♀️
You can laugh or not laugh, up to you!
The cheating in this chapter is a weird space. We'll talk about it more in the story, but if JK and Bronwen are a truly mated pair, it greats some moral ambiguity around their closeness because it's recognized as unnatural/impossible for them to be kept apart. It could be a reason Aloysius looked into JK getting a new mate, because if JK mated a new woman, it would prove he and Bronwen aren't True Mates --Aloy might not have trusted Bronwen when she said this and wanted more proof. It's sort of understood that the instincts of a True Mate bond would easily be able to briefly override rational thought, getting into a moral debate of intention vs. consequence.
It certainly doesn't make it right to allow a True Mate bond to run wild and lie to your partner about being physical with your mate, though, and Bronwen is clearly definitely upset about this. Kudos to her for immediately telling Aloysius on the phone what happened and trying to peace keep and make things right, at least in the beginning. I think it's fair to say that even if society would be relatively understanding of this situation, Brnwen is NOT happy with herself.
So on Aloy's side, it's pretty easy to come up with reasons he's not totally throwing down about this (yet): - he could belief JK is taking advantage and Bronwen isn't strong enough to resist, so he places the blame on JK because Bronwen is just behaving how he feels she can't help - he could believe that Bronwen is strong enough to ultimately shed the mate bond instinct and will rationally choose him anyway - he could believe this sort of thing will drive to a major conflict and resolution in a way he prefers rather than JK just being this unforgotten mate in the distance - he could take this as a sign that they maybe ARE true mates and be weighing his ooptions about whether he really wants to be an obstacle in their joining (which in this world would also be considered a morally wrong move)
I'lll stop there but (unexpectedly) have just seen so much chatter about this. At the end of the day though, totally fair to feel disappointed in Bronwen while also being excited they're in proximity again.
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for the character ask: Gray Lyon Ultear and Ur ice family let's gooooooo (ik it's a lot so u could combine them into a family unit or do any one character whatever floats ur boat) thanks sm ily ❤️❤️❤️
Ok so lets start with the woman who single handedly raised these ice blocks.
First thoughts, oh wow she's cool( you can hate me its fine) she's really strong!
This woman is powerful. She is a master ice maker mage and an excellent teacher.
She is kind and compassionate. 
She was patient with Gray, because she understood his pain. 
Ur out of everyone in the series was someone who had the biggest impact on Lyon, Gray and Ultear.
She had her flaws yes she could at times be abrasive,but ultimately that is what made her such a relatable character.
When she discovered that Gray was going after Deliora, she went after him without any hesitation. She fought against the demon and willingly gave her life, she wasn't angry at Gray when she died. She was glad that she was able to seal away his darkness.
Now everyone knows Ur was strong later we hear Jellal say she was on wizard saint level.
One of the things I really wanted to see more of was her ice maker magic. We only really saw Rosen Krone, and a few training spells she taught Gray and Lyon.
Personally I think she could utilize both Dynamic and Static Ice make magic given the fact that she could create the roses(dynamic) and shields(static). But this is my opinion..
Honestly if Ur and Ultear had reunited it would have been a very emotional reunion.
Seeing her again and watching her fight against Lyon and Gray just wow. But it also showed us how far the boys had come from when they were just children.
First thoughts: oh she's pretty, wait she's the villain!!?? But she's still pretty
Ok but out of all the series villains she was my absolute favorite.
She was driven and ambitious,and went through great lengths to get what she wanted.
Yes her actions were wrong in many cases. But there was still some light in her.
She took Meredy and cared for her as her own.
And after learning that her mother truly loved her, she helped Gray and the other.
And then again when she broke Jellal out of prison, and formed a guild dedicated to bringing down dark guilds and Zeref. She was prepared to spend the rest of her life repenting for her wrong doings. 
She died trying to ensure a future for everyone. That was pretty damn selfless of her. In that moment when she cast that spell, it reflected exactly what Ur did, willingly giving their life's for a better future for those they cared about.
Seeing her as an old woman honestly broke my heart. But seeing her finally at peace for the first time in years also made me happy.
When he appeared again in the battle against Dimaria, I was shook. She looks self assured more than any other time before.
She is still willing to do whatever it takes to help Wendy and Chelia. But again that softness that is so uniquely Ultear shown through. She warned them of the danger when you unlock your third origin,but respected Chelia's wish.
Ultear was a wonderful and complex character. Who truly grew in wonderful ways.
What the hell was his Idea with the weird cold emperor mask thing? JK
Lyon was a decent antagonist, he was cool and calculated. Also prepared to do anything it took to reach his goals.
I'm glad he decided to join a guild. It was a good way for him to open up more and be less emotionally distant.
I got a bit pissed when Mashima tried to pull a love triangle between Lyon ,Juvia and Gray.
It took away the emotional maturity that Lyon had. And just made me dislike the Neo oracion seis arc whenever he was shown.
During the gmg we can see how much he has improved, and how strong he really became during those seven years.
Something that I loved was how he had taken a parental attitude towards Wendy and Chelia; he was kind and patient with them both.
Encouraging whenever one of them was sad or discouraged.
I'm glad that he had made peace with what happened to Ur. He was finally able to start putting the past behind him.
Lyon is driven, and very Intelligent. I just wish we could have seen more of his leader skills because he really is a good leader.
GRAY the sinnamon child.
First thoughts, dude NO no stripping.
His calm and composed attitude was refreshing.( when he was)
Gray is one of the characters that I'm most fond of.
He knows he has flaws and actively tries to better himself. 
He worries about his teammates, and tries to help them whenever he can.
He is very empathetic towards others. And would go against orders to ensure that his guild is kept safe.
Something I hate again the whole Juvia thing is how if he was uncomfortable it was used as a joke.
I love how he has so many good connections with people. And how he,has a way of calming others. 
The thing that had me hooked was despite his magic and how strong he became,there was still this humane part of him that was always shown through.
Despite all the pain and sorrow he went through he still fought for good.
The interactions he has had with people, how he is willing to give those who deserve it a second chance shows how caring he really is.
He has his flaws wanting to give his life so willingly,being one of them. But he learns and grows.
He gives his all,he is loyal and kind and smart.
Ur left her husband because he was abusive,and she wanted a happy home for Ultear to grow up in.
Ur and Ultear loved making snowmen and snow angles together,before Ultear became ill.
After losing her daughter Ur thought she would never be able to love again. But over time two young boys had brought warmth back into her heart.
Rosen Krone was the very first spell that Ultear wanted to learn because she loved roses.
After being taken in by Hades, Ultear would spend hours researching time and how to manipulate it. 
Deep down Ultear knew what she was doing was wrong,but she wanted to see her mother so badly that she pushed away her feelings of guilt.
Despite the fact that she only helped Lyon because of personal gain, she actually took a liking to him. His magic reminded her of her mother.
When Gray had helped her see the truth. And after she and Meredy left the island Ultear broke down and cried for the first time in years.
During the seven year gap, she tried to find ways to find Gray and the rest of fairy tail.
And she also kept an eye on Lyon.
Lyon knew that he was being watched,but he never felt in danger.
When Lyon found out that Ultear was Ur's daughter he had pulled her for a hug.
Gray Lyon and Ultear wanted to spend more time with each other, but they never had the chance.
Thanks for the ask
Remember to send a character and I'll tell you my thoughts on them,and do a few headcanons
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord: Shame
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How much he desperately tries to be good enough for the people he cares about.
It's different to the mimicking, the bizarre give and take of worming his way into the good books of someone he is going to be working with or wants to be on controllable terms with. It's genuine, and that's probably why he's so unbelievably shit at it.
When Troy isn't playing a part, when there is no act he can slip into, you see the reality of how socially inept the man actually is, and there is no one this comes across to as clearly as someone he really cares about.
In the past it was to people he thought he had loved, but now? His friends.
He wants to say the right thing to them when they hurt, the way they know how to help him, but he never mouths the words properly. They gum in his throat and come out wrong, barbed sometimes. Accidentally sharp when they are meant to comfort.
He wants to embrace them and let them feel the warmth inside his chest when they laugh with him or make him feel like he's part of their world and not some alien thing, but Troy is uncomfortable with touching... and it never feels correct when he tries, he never gets the sense they want it, so he shies away instead.
He'd love to express how much they matter and have helped him. Prove that he wants to show them and can't understand how to, but it never happens... every time he tries he makes another mistake that leaves him more frustrated and less able to believe they would trust it anyway.
He reads, pathetic online guides from Doctors he's pretty sure aren't really ones, on how to make friends. How to connect with people. He follows the steps and sometimes they work, sometimes Ven laughs, sometimes JK slaps his back, sometimes Seifa lightly strokes a palm down his arm and wrinkles her nose with a grin, but he's not sure it makes him feel better, not really.
Because do they like him, or do they like the act he just played.
Maybe he should just stop being him.
Ty went through a good few years of her teens genuinely not liking women.
It made total sense at the time, she doesn't hate herself for it because she can absolutely recall the context, but looking back she can see how mistaken it was, and has always moved away from the subject on the very rare occasions Troy has mentioned it.
They had such limited echo-net access on Nekro. Text logs mostly, data feeds from 4 years in the past that Mom and Dad would slowly parse together with the basic tech they had access to that could still get any connection at all.
What the twins mostly had growing up, were old movies.
Adventurers and dames, brave kings and wilting queens, dashing knights and delicate princesses... she hated those women.
They weren't like Mom and they WEREN'T like Tyreen. Tyreen was going to be an adventurer, a star. She wasn't going to faint while Troy fought the dragons, much as he loved the idea of it, of him brandishing a sword at monsters while his sister sang his praise.
All they had growing up were these broken tropes and their parent's stories, tarnished by the gender roles she applied to them from habit.
She wasn't going to be a stupid woman, she was going to be strong.
It took less than a year on Pandora and seeing how fierce femininity could really be, to realise how wrong she'd been, but still - she doesn't like to remember those feelings.
She's beautiful and deadly now, and that's perfect.
That Goth phase never happened shut the fuck up shut up. Shut.
How much of the fortune she earns that actually ends up in her accounts is something she keeps very close to her chest.
JK she's told, an olive branch, a gesture of vulnerability to help them understand where she was approaching from, what her true angle was, and how much they had in common in mindset if not life experience.
Tyreen knows, easily piecing it together from the small amount of time she's spent in Seifa's personal ship, shrewd eyes noting the repaired tech, the patched together furnishings that never seemed to be replaced with luxury she should easily be able to afford, but no one else.
Ven and Eli? They know no different. They've lived in shitholes, her ship is a palace in comparison, and they've no context for how nothing has changed or been upgraded in years.
Troy doesn't notice, he's always showered her in expenses, gifts, things he thinks can show his appreciation but she actually has no use for, and her home? Well Sei's ship is Sei to him. It's comfortable and warm, it's her sandalwood perfume and that coffee she always offers him that he hates but drinks anyway. He doesn't see any of the faults, none of the cracks or sewed together cushions matter. It's like how he looks at her, he doesn't recognise the failings.
She's passed almost all her non required cash since landing the Saint position back to Boss and the people across her network who are struggling and need the support. She can now offer it... so that's how it needs to be, it's how she grew up. They've dragged her out of poverty before, kept her belly full and ship running when she had nothing in her coffers, she's repaying the favor now that she has no worries. That's family you've chosen to be part of, strong and filled with love.
She's softer than she would like anyone to know when it comes to helping others, staff debts, required upgrades for run down stalls in the slums, slipping cash for medication to oil-hands fresh on Pandora after a long journey to be closer to their Gods, her purse is far easier to prise open than you'd expect for someone with such an apparent lust for wealth.
If anyone does ever pick up on how Ur-Machina tends to wear the same outfits often, or how simple the mounds of jewelry she wears actually are... they'd do well to keep that shit to themself.
That's good business.
Asks are Open!
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Me and My Mental Health
What is this "mental health" you speak of Janine?
I'm glad you asked😊
Mental Health is a level of psychological well-being, this is somewhat different from emotional health which is having good control of your thoughts and feelings. So, your emotional health is pretty much 'a part of your mental health.'
But did you know that your metal health is actually probably a bit more important than your physical health? Now don't get me wrong, your physical health is just as important too, but think about it, a comatose is still alive and possibly physically well in some way, only their mind is in an unconscious state, making them almost, 'lifeless' so to speak. I am in no way saying they're dead, but without a healthy mind, were merely a vessel, a body without a host, a ship without a captain, a man without a woman....hehe jk, but you get the idea. Our mental health certainly is very important, and because of this, we need to do all we can to preserve it and keep it safe.
Now the next question is, how do we keep our minds safe? Well here are a few things you could do:
Yes, I'm talking to you Dom -_-
It is true what they say about procrastination being a thief. But some of you actually allow this thief to enter your minds... If you catch yourself procrastinating, find a way to stop. Be strong enough to walk away from that insensitive thief and make a change in your actions. Do your homework! If for some reason you're having a hard time focusing, listen to your thoughts. What is replaying in your mind so much that you can't focus? Is it important? Is it something that can wait until after you do your homework? If not, clear your conscience and do that thing now. You'll feel better later after accomplishing two things, when before you felt like you couldn’t even accomplish one.
 Learn to actually say no, when you don’t want to say yes
You don’t owe it to anyone to be perfect or a ‘people pleaser.’ If you want to say no, just say no. Would you rather sacrifice your mental health to be accepted by another person, especially one who probably disregards your mental health by trying to force you to do something you don't want to do? Now this doesn’t mean ‘be mean,’ it just means that with all generosity considered, if you feel as if saying yes will affect you negatively somehow, then don’t say yes. Be true to yourself, be strong for yourself, be thoughtful of yourself. It is not selfish to disagree with someone, it’s called individuality.
 Find a Passion and stick to it
Finding something that inspires and/ or drives you, can give you a sense of purpose, and as human beings having a purpose makes us feel like we are worth more than the dirt we were made from. I mean if dirt can give life then I gotta up my game. If you haven't found a passion yet, then you can try new things to see what interests you. Write a book, feed a cat, play an online game, write a song, cook a recipe, research endangered animals, tell someone a story, take pictures, share your experience with God, sew those pants up, sing a song to your friend, sing a song to a stranger, try yoga, dance, draw, make a YouTube channel, start a blog 😉 Whatever you do, just stay inside. Give yourself a challenge and stop sleeping around if you are. It will make you feel better. I promise.
 Physical Health
Eat healthy, get enough sleep, exercise or at least practice stretching. Your physical health can affect your mental health too.
Aside from keeping your body healthy, eating healthily also affects your mood and mental health. There is apparently some association between certain nutrients in food and our emotional well-being. These nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin D, magnesium, B vitamins, and tryptophan. Just eat ya’ fruits and veggies... and all the other foods from food groups that make up a balanced diet. Don’t believe me? Go see for yourself, click here.
Sleep is important for many brain functions, like how nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other. Recent findings suggest that sleep plays a housekeeping role that removes toxins in your brain that build up while you are awake. Adequate sleep can prevent depression, aid in your social and emotional intelligence, and even help you to be more productive and concentrate. Want to know how? Here’s a link, go find out for yourself. Click here.
Exercise, this releases toxins from your body and bla bla bla you know the rest. Okay fine, for those of you who don’t know, “exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you'll get a bigger benefit if you pay attention instead of zoning out.” Here’s the link... Click for link.
 Be kind
Being kind can elevate your mood and release endorphins (a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having many physiological functions, produced and stored in the pituitary gland, the gland of wellness).  I know I feel good after helping my annoying sister with her homework or assisting an old lady by reading something she can’t. Any of the fruits of the spirit really, can help with your overall well-being once you practice them. The Fruits of the spirit can be found in the Holy Bible; Galatians 5:22-23. Essentially, they are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. All good things to practice for a sound mind and a better life.
 Love yourself
Still under the fruits of the spirit, this ‘fruit’ is actually the very first one and it’s no wonder why. Love is a very powerful thing. It was Jesus’ love for us that made him choose to die for our (undeserving) sake. This love is not to be kept to oneself but to be shared. Love is free and it’s for everyone. Even from you to yourself. I am not going to tell you why you ‘should’ love yourself, as you should have been told this plenty of times. But if for some silly reason you don’t, don’t allow yourself to deprive yourself of something so beautiful, the love of God. Discover the true you and try, just try and never stop trying to find a way to your own heart. It is so important that you do. Without love, life has no meaning. God is love. So, if you can’t find your love, find His.
 Pray and get closer to God/Spiritual Health
This one is the most obvious and yet the most neglected. You can’t do anything without God so why leave him out of anything, especially something as important as your health? This of course is another form of self-care that connects with your mental health. All aspects of your self-care are connected. This topic of course needs a blog of its own, so as briefly as possible, let me say this, The Lord is your health and your strength. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
 Surround yourself with positivity
Ya’ like Jazz? Then listen to some. Don’t hold yourself back from doing your favourite things just because you’re busy. Try to balance your work with your leisure. You could even try rewarding yourself after each task with something you like, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rest of your tasks or any other form of your self-care.
Another way you can surround yourself with positivity is by literally surrounding yourself with positivity. Put positive affirming messages on your walls, as your wallpaper, on your mirror, even on your clothes. Remember, you are what you eat, and this goes for what you allow your mind to consume also.
Anyhoo, it’s late, I’m tired, so I hope you’re tired of reading now. Also, please share this to help someone else. Thank you❤
I’ll talk to you more next time hunees, but for now, that’s all I wrote. Byeee.
 WAIT! Here are some positive wallpapers for your personal computers (pc). Let me know if you want me to make some for your phones too 😉.
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tvehyungs-gf · 5 years
2 & 9 (from the prompt list) with jk
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not what it looks like - Jungkook Drabble
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✧ “You lied to me.”✧ “I needed you.”
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To get stood up is extremely embarrassing, but to get stood up by your own boyfriend is far worse. And to say you were pissed was an understatement. You were vivid but most importantly, you were hurt. If this dinner was just for the two of you, you wouldn’t be as mad as you would have been now, but you were surrounded by your colleagues. Why? Because this was a celebration dinner for your company finally getting a big partnership deal with a well-known sponsor.
You were supposed to be happy, not embarrassed. Everyone kept asking you where Jungkook was, but you could only shrug, telling them that he was going to be late.
After a while, your phone buzzed.
Picking up your phone from the table, you read the text message displayed on your lock screen. “Sorry babe, I can’t make it. Last minute practice.” Sighing, you placed the device in your purse and joined back in the convo.
As if things couldn’t have gotten any worse…
As the dinner ended, you sat at the table by yourself. The only other person here with you was one of your close colleagues but she was already gathering their things.
With a warm hand placed on your shoulder, she gave you a sad smile. “You should head back home Y/N. It’s already getting really late.”
You nodded in acknowledgment of her kind words. “Yeah, I’m about to start heading out now. Thank you Seyeon.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow at work, okay? Text me when you get home and be safe!”
You nodded again before bowing. She did the same thing and walked off.
Leaving you there, you sighed. Standing up, you chugged the rest of your glass of water before pulling on your jacket and picked up your purse. You bid goodbye to the waiters and headed outside for your long walk home.
As you walked, you stared ahead of you, your feet dragging your body down the sidewalk. It was quiet, except for the occasional cars that would drive past you. But when the last car drove past, that’s when you heard the footsteps trailing behind. Thinking nothing of it at first, you decided to walk just a little bit faster just to be safe.
However, the person was quick to follow your moves. Their stealthiness not so subtle.
To really put reality into place that they were following you, you made a left turn at the nearest turn. As you turned, you slid your hand in your bag and reached for your phone to call Jungkook.
After you dialed his number, you took a subtle glance to the side and unfortunately, the guy behind you was, sure enough, a few feet behind you. Quickly, you pressed the call button. But there was no answer.
You called again, but it went to voicemail. You were on the verge of crying. Your heart was skipping every other beat. Fuck. Quickly, you looked through your contacts and tapped on Taehyung’s name as you walked faster. 
Please answer, you cried.
Briefly, you felt relieved. “Taehyung!” You whispered into your phone in a panic.
“Y/N, are you alright? Why do you sound so panicky?”
You held your phone tightly against your ear. “Please help me. Someone’s following me and there’s no stores that are opened close by. I - I tried calling Jungkook but he didn’t answer me. Taehyung, please, I don’t know what to do. I took a turn to see if he was still following and now I don’t know where I am.”
“Oh my god, Y/N, I’m coming right now. Stay on the line with me, okay? Where are you? What’s your location right now?”
You glanced up looking for street signs. “I’m on H Avenue.”
“Okay, I can get there in 10 minutes. Fuck fuck fuck, hold on.” He mumbled something you couldn’t quite catch to someone before getting back on the line. “I’ll be there in 5. If you walk up further down the road there should be a gas station and I’m going to be coming from that way okay?”
“Okay.” You breathed in a sigh of relief as you picked up your steps.  “He’s coming closer Tae… and I don’t have any weapons on me.”
“Shit.” He grunted. “Fuck, okay. We’re speeding there right now, seriously. I should be there really soon. We’re like 2 miles a-”
In a fast motion, your phone flew out of your hands as the stranger held a bone brushing grip on your arm. You yelped out in pain as he stared at you with predatory eyes. “Who do you think you’re calling, princess?”
“I-” You cried, the pain unbearable. He threw you to the floor as if you were a rag doll. “Please don’t hurt me. You can have my belongings. Take them!”
He laughed menacingly. “I don’t want that. I want you.” He smirked evilly. “I saw you walking down the street all alone and it’s unfortunate for a pretty babe like you to be walking down these dark streets all by yourself.”
You scooted back but he was quick with his movements because before you know it, he pulled you back up but his left hand wrapped around your neck. He was closing his grip around your hand as time went by. “You’re so pretty.”
Tears pricked your eyes as you tried to push him away. Your throat started to burn for air. “I can’t breathe.” You managed to say. “Let me go!”
He laughed again but before he could do anything else, he was tossed to the floor. Taehyung stood before you as cops were quick to arrest the guy. You gasped for air. After catching your breath, you began to cry harder.
“Y/N! How bad did he hurt you?!” Taehyung screamed, his arms pulling you into a hug. You cried into his shoulders. “I was too late!”
You shook your head, “You showed up, that’s all that matters. Can I go home?”
He nodded, “Yes! Of course, but you need to tell the cops what happened first, okay? Give them your statement and then I can take you to the dorms.”
“Was Jungkook not with you? Are you guys finished with the practice already?”
“Practice? He was with Jen earlier. Did he not tell you?”
“No… What the hell? He lied to me?”
“What do you mean?”
“He stood me up, Taehyung! He was supposed to come celebrate with me and my colleagues because the company got a sponsorship, but he texted halfway through the dinner that he had last minute dance practice.”
“No… We didn’t have any practice today… The last time I seen Jungkook was when he was heading out somewhere with Jen….”
You raised your brow, your mind finally grasping for reality. “With Jen?”
Taehyung nodded, a gulp loud and clear. “Uh… yeah.”
You frowned, your eyes watering again. “He ditched me to hang out with Jen? I mean, don’t get me wrong…” You looked at Taehyung. “He can hang out with whoever he pleases, even if it was my best friend, I don’t care. But the fact that not only did he ditch me but he lied to me is the problem. I’m upset and when I needed him the most he just wasn’t here for me.”
Taehyung frowned, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. “I don’t know what made him lie to you today or ditch you, but I’m sure he has a good reason.” Taehyung tried to reason, looking at he brighter side of things. “You should talk to him tonight, yeah? But anyway, I’m here for you Y/N!”
You nodded into his arms. “Yeah, thank you so much Taehyung.”
“Ma’am we’d like to make sure that you’re okay along before you go home. We’d also like to ask you a few questions.” You pulled away from Taehyung and faced the police officer who offered you a concerned smile.
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After you talked to the police and situated everything out, you and Taehyung finally reached the dorms. It was quiet when you both walked in the living room. Just as the door closed behind you, Jungkook walked out in a pair of black sweats and a t-shirt.
“Hey hyun- Y/N!” Jungkook’s eyes grew wide. “Uh what are you doing here?”
You frowned. Your arms crossed across your chest.
“Oh my, babe, are you okay?!” He yelped as he noticed the bruise forming on your neck and your forearms. “Holy shit what happened? Who the fuck do I need to murder?” Immediately, Jungkook rushed to your side.
“Get away from me. I’m mad at you.” You told him, pushing him away slightly.
“Why? What did I do?” Jungkook looked at you, then, to Taehyung who stood awkwardly behind you. His eyes looking everywhere but the both of you. “Hyung?”
“He was there for me when you weren’t.” You said.
Jungkook raised his brow. “What happened?”
“I called you Jungkook. You didn’t answer no matter how many times I called.” You sighed, looking down. “I was followed home and he attacked me but Taehyung came just at the right time and helped me.” Your state became harsh. “Where were you?”
Tears pricked your eyes. “Where were you when I needed you? You completely ditched me at the dinner, but never mind that, you lied to me. You lied about having practice but instead you went to hang out with Jen? I don’t mind you hang out with her, but you lied to me about it.” You pointed out. “The dinner was important to me, Jungkook. I felt so embarrassed when I kept telling them that you were going to be late, all just for you to tell me that you weren’t going to come.”
You looked at him with an upset frown. “And when I needed you the most, you didn’t answer and I was so scared Jungkook. I was so scared that I was never going to see you again and I just got so lucky that Taehyung answered.”
“Baby, I’m so sorry and I didn’t mean to lie. I-“ Jungkook let out a small breath, his eyes trailing to Taehyung.
Taehyung immediately knew it was his queue for him to leave the room to give you guys space. Quickly, he gave you both a reassuring smile and left the room.
“I panicked.” Jungkook told you truthfully. “Just wait here, Y/N. I promise you’ll understand why.”
You nodded slowly as he rushed out of the room. A few seconds later he was back with his hands behind him.
Jungkook stood in front you. “Y/N you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life and everyday, I find even more reasons as to why I am so grateful to have you in my life.” A small smile formed on your lips. “You’re a strong woman and you’re not afraid to call me out when I do something wrong, and I appreciate that so much.”
Jungkook smiled. “I’ve know you for a long time and we’ve been together almost as long, but I wish that we can be together even longer. Possibly forever. You’re the only person in the world that I want to share the rest of my life with. You’re the only person I want to have kids with, to live with, and to die with. Aside from BTS, of course.” You both laughed.
“Baby, I want to be with you for eternity and beyond. What I’m trying to say is, Y/N Y/L/N, I love you with more than all my heart and it would be an honor for you to take my hand in marriage and become my wife.” Jungkook slid down into one knee and held open the black velvet box. Inside was a giant ring with the most bright and shiny diamond adorned on top of the band.
Your heart dropped, tears falling down rapidly. “Oh my god Jungkook, yes, yes, yes! I’m sorry I even doubted you, I-“
Jungkook stood up after sliding the ring on your finger. “No, baby, it’s me who needs to apologize. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me. I’m sorry that I lied, I didn’t mean to, I swear! I just panicked and Jen was helping me prepare everything up for tomorrow but it’s all for no use now because I’ve already proposed…”
You hugged him tightly. “I love you so much Jungkook.”
“I love you too, Mrs. Jeon.”
You blushed. “What did you have planned for tomorrow?”
“Actually, it’s a surprise. I’ll re-propose to you again tomorrow because I wanted it to be very special and perfect just for you.”
“The only thing that’s perfect here, is you Jungkook.”
“No, maybe, we’re just right.”
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A/N: Sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. Jesus I been trying to get this done the moment I received the ask but I kept changing the plot ;-; . Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed!
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