#jk he fucked that twink
schumigrace · 2 years
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I'm saying nothing
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happyvoltz · 8 months
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codystonguepiercing · 11 months
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transboysokka · 8 months
Avatarverse Hottest Man Tournament!
Grand Final!
alright lets get this over with...
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Propaganda Below
Hakoda is seeded first in the tournament, having earned nearly 75% of all votes in his round 1 pool, defeating Fire Lord Ozai, Adult Aang, and Lieutenant Jee, and eliminating Master Yu, Admiral Zhao, Shady Shin, and Chit Sang from the competition.
In round 2, he defeated Amon’s Lieutenant with more than 88% of the votes.
In round 3 he crushed Uncle Iroh with more than 75% of the votes.
In the quarterfinals, he kept his momentum going to crush fellow DILF Tonraq with STILL more than 65% of the votes.
In the semifinals he STILL beat Firebending Heartthrob Mako with nearly 60% of the votes.
We have... ONE propaganda for Hakoda!
But tbh he doesn't need much more. We know what he looks like and what he’s working with. We know he’s an amazing warrior and a sweet dad. We’ve seen his leadership skills and have already crowned him one of the fandom’s top DILFs so… his competitors may have a lot to live up to…
#hakoda sweep
#daddy sweep
#hakoda squad is winning w this one
#hakoda sweep as god intended
#wanna lick his face#and that's just the beginning
#no fucking contest#none at all
#hakoda doesn't NEED my vote but he always has it regardless#sokka's dad has got me down bad
#when i saw him in br pt 2 my mind went 😍
#chief dilf#the dilfiest dilf to ever dilf
#hakoda all the way
#hakoda 1000%
#go hakoda
#Hakoda to me
#okay now it’s tits out for hakoda
#DILF don't fail us now
#hakoda. easy. hes a dilf
#no. i will not let some weird eyebrow boy kick the lasy dilf on this tournament#hakodasweep
#old man sweep.........#jk hes not really thay old
Zuko came in second place in his round one pool, up against some very stiff competition, earning the 10th overall seed in the tournament. He beat out Uncle Iroh, both Bataars, Zaheer, The Boulder, and the Pirate Captain.
He defeated Monk Gyatso in the second round, earning over 83% of the votes!
In the third round he beat Bumi II with over 85% of the votes.
In the quarterfinals he managed to beat DILF King Piandao himself!
Finally, in the semifinals, for some GODDAMN reason he beat Iroh II by a sizeable margin.
There are only three pieces of official art of Adult Zuko, unless you want to count Old Man LoK Zuko which you are more than welcome to.
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#my sweet boi zuko!
#zuko every day of the week
#look at his hair#and the way he carries himself 😍
#zuko and im not sorry
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bloopitynoot · 19 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 4
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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aaaaaaand i'm back for another chapter! Again at my desk with my reading buddy (Charlie) tea for this chapter is a soy matcha latte.
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So, I thought the conference was a few days from when Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan was in the cave, but im assuming it's annual? Since he was in the caves for a year? p191
Ah JK. the top of the next page - the conference is every 4 years 192
I'm actually so stoked for this demon blood reveal. I want to know how its spun in this "version" of the story p 193
I love how confused shen yuan is, he's still over here thinking he's the villain when he has so clearly been upgraded to Love Interest/Damsel in Distress. IDK what to tell you pp193-194
Okay so now luo binghe is 17. Question though- do we ever actually get an age for Shen Qingqiu? p195
This kid is still here simping. Actually at this point I dont even know who is the simp. Luo Binghe is openly heart eyes and Qin Qingqiu isn't even aware of his own feelings but the way he describes future luo binghe is too much LOL. It is a trainwreck to read. p195
Binghe: *all flirt* Shen Qingqiu: shit. fuck. ah. I need to not fuck this plot point p196
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LOL at Shen Qingqiu taking the carriage "I'm frail and indisposed" x3 twink energy p200
not the snacks too LOL p200
oh no! Luo Binghe thinking that Shen Qingqiu has any feelings at all for Liu Mingyan p201
But also then trying to make Shen Qingqiu jealous. Oh boy.
Let's take a second to appreciate how clear and concise the point system is for the conference. like this was well thought out- I love it. It's also giving a bit of hunger games spectator energy p205
This guy (Shen Yuan) already knows the outcome, and yet he's going to gamble (AND GAMBLE BIG) anyways p 208
I cannot with this group following Luo Binghe "my feet hurt :(" p215
why the foot fetish material 💀 217
RIP to the OG timeline's harem- the have been felled to the Demon Realm's Nu Yuan Chen p218
omg this is a massacre p220
awww at liu qingge not letting Shen Qingqiu join the fray. I feel like these two probably have a shit ton of fics pairing them p223
Shen Qingqiu's entrance though!!!!!!!! p227
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Shen Qingqiu is even getting the flower poison plot (points for my love interest/damsel in distress plotline) "Stop. Do not pass go. The girl you're supposed to pick the flower for, Qin Wanyue, is right next to us, watching- and you want to deflower it in her presence, and for a big, strong man to boot? Leave your wife some dignity, all right?!" p231
oooo now we get details on who the spy is. Enter Shang Qinghua p233
Shang Qinghhua deserves an Oscar for this performance 236
And more damsel shen qingqiu 242
the miscommunications! oh gosh why is this scene so painful. They're talking about two different things. pp247-248
Oh no. Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan is not okay :( p257
oh no oh no oh no -> heartbreak points?!?!?!? this is so sad p259
RE: Who the spy is- A SPY WITHIN A SPY?
Thats all for today!
The twist really twisted me at the end there. AH. I can't wait to read more. Will they work together? will they be mortal enemies??? Will this be the author attempting to usurp Shen Yuan????? I DONT KNOW????
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bitterkarella · 8 months
Midnight Pals: Oklahoma Fursecution
Franz Kafka: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the guy who turned into a cockroach Steven Boyett: god i wish we were in oklahoma Boyett: they wouldn't tolerate this degeneracy Boyett: this perversity Boyett: this Boyett: this furversion
Poe: what? what's happening in oklahoma? Boyett: oh haven't you heard? Boyett: the good patriots of oklahoma are gonna make furries illegal
Boyett: furries will be illegal in oklahoma! Boyett: any kid caught pretending to be an animal will be arrested by animal control! Boyett: this is the greatest day of my life! Boyett: at least since the something awful lolocaust! Boyett: yiff in hell, skunkfuckers!!
Boyett: we'll finally be free of the scourge of furry! Boyett: no more big titty vixens! Boyett: no more twink rabbits! Boyett: no more comics where a ditzy genie accidentally misinterprets your wish and turns you into a sexy horse girl! Boyett: and no more fucking protogens!!!
Poe: steve i don't think this law is going to pass Poe: it sounds like another long shot power grab capitalizing on a moral panic Boyett: shut up! Boyett: shut up!!! Frank Belknap Long: [arriving, breathless] friends i have terrible bone-chilling news Poe: we already heard, frank
Long: this is blatant fursecution Barker: haha sure i Barker: wait a second Barker: wow, he's Barker: he's right Barker: jesus christ i can't believe he's right Barker: they finally did it Barker: they made fursecution real
Long: this can't be allowed to stand! Long: this fursecution won't just affect me Long: but every protogen, every sergal, every chakat Long: it's a real problem!!
Boyett: furry will be illegal! Boyett: that means none of this tf bullshit, franz!! Kafka: b-but Long: now steve everyone knows that cockroaches don't count Boyett: yes they fucking do! Boyett: it's still anthro!
Long: no no Long: it's not furry unless it's hot Boyett: what the Long: that's just science Barker: yeah that scans
Poe: what's this all about? Barker: they crossed the book-banning moral panic with the anti-trans moral panic Barker: to declare war on the limitless reaches of a child's imagination Poe: do you think joanne knows Barker: oh i'm sure she's keeping her ear to the ground
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: what newsss from america Allison Bailey: great news dark lord! Bailey: oklahoma is going to ban furries Rowling: good, good- Rowling: i mean wait Rowling: what?
Rowling: foolsss!!! blundering nincompoopsss!! Rowling: we've tried the furry moral panic before Rowling: like literally 5 timesss Rowling: that dog won't hunt!!
Bailey: oh but this time Bailey: this time will be different, dark lord! Rowling: no it won't! Rowling: not even americanss will fall for that litter box sscam!
Bailey: our terf deatheaters had so much success outlawing trans kids Bailey: we thought we'd extend the moral panic to furries too Bailey: this time, we can't fail! Rowling: see that you don't! Rowling: we must win the war against the limitless reaches of a child's imagination!!
Rowling: and then Rowling: when imagination iss illegal Rowling: when playing pretend is banned Rowling: when whimsssy is prohibited Rowling: the children will have to turn to the one form of entertainment ssstill legal! Rowling: Hogwart'sss Legacy!!!
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jjrockerslefttoe · 15 days
so i was drawing on whiteboard w @jjcocker and got inspired to write a fanfic made by the cheer reader 😭 “ermmm no one reading allat” ikik
“Up next are the Rockers!” yelled from the speaker as the crowd cheered enthusiastically. It was a lively night at the Rock n’ Roll Hall, where you could see all of your favorite artists in one place, competing against other bands to be the #1 Greatest. For most bands, it’s not that serious, however, one duo would say otherwise.
Sitting at first place, the Rocker duo JJ and his student have been at the top for years, and not once has any other team beat them ever since they showed up. In an interview, JJ said their passion in rock “allows them to work hard” and to “never give up”. Such heartfelt words, coming from someone so reserved! Perhaps there is a softer side to him that no one has seen…
The rockers walk onto the stage holding their guitars, ready to break a leg–or break a neck. Student never misses a chance to bring it up, always annoying JJ. The two of them get into position, waiting for the music to begin.(imagine if they yelled sex bobomb!!! jk… what if tho)
A moody tune erupts from the speakers as the rockers begin to play, pitch-bends and strums flowing with dedication and enthusiasm. Every cheer from the crowd brings them closer to euphoria… and before they knew it, they had finished their performance. They made first place as always.
Or so they thought…
Like a dagger in their heart, the Rockers fell onto their knees seeing the results.
“WE GOT SECOND PLACE?!” JJ shrieked.
“But… how?” Student groaned.
“Wait, who are DJ Yellow & Blue anyway?” he asked, eyeing the poster. DJ Yellow & Blue appeared in first place, yet the two of them had no idea who they were.
“We… we made it Yellow!” Blue cheered, “first place huh…”
“I knew you had it in ya,” Yellow said, giving Blue a pat on the back. “You look like a real DJ.”
The Rockers approach Yellow and Blue. JJ stomps furiously. If this were a cartoon, smoke would be spewing out of his ears right about now. Student tries to calm him down, but nothing can stop him.
“Excuse me…” JJ puts his hands on his hips sassily. “You two call yourselves ‘DJs’?”
“Oh, hey!” DJ Yellow smiles. “You’re JJ Rocker, right? I’m a really big fan-”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” JJ interrupts. “Calling yourselves ‘DJs’ is an insult to REAL musicians.”
“Dude… what’s your problem?”
JJ stomps closer towards DJ Yellow, pinning him against a wall.
“You’re just mad that we made it first place, huh?” Yellow sneers, “it was gonna happen at some point, buddy.”
JJ raises his fist. “I’m going to make sure you never walk again.”
“Aw… you should take me out to dinner first.” Yellow flirts.
“WOAHH!” yells a stranger. JJ turns around. Everyone is watching the two of them fight.
“I’m not into twinks like you.”
“Really? I thought your little ginger boyfriend said otherwise.”
Student covers his face, embarrassed. “JJ… it’s really not that serious...”
JJ gets closer to Yellow’s face to intimidate him, but it ultimately fails. Yellow bursts into laughter.
“We could kiss about now… yeah?” Yellow smiled. He looked into JJ’s blue orbs, seething with rage.
“Stop saying that!” JJ blushed. “Like I said… you’re just a little twink!”
“Keep calling me that JJ~”
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” JJ stumbled back, his face beet red. “I’m not gay, you weirdo!!!”
“Denial is a river in Egypt.” said Yellow.
“What is happening right now?” Student whispered to Blue.
“No idea...this is pretty gay.”
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not-goldy · 3 months
"Ps: The free jk from jikookers hashtags are cute. I hope they recruit more people to hate on jikook bond till jm is free from you and your cousins Jjk/tkkrs."
Real PJM's would spit in your face, you fake ass stan. You aren't fooling anyone with this ask. PJM's might not like JK, but they would never say this and beg for hate to be thrown on Jimin more then it already is, cause hating on Jikook is hating on Jimin since Jimin chooses to still be around Jk on his own free will and there is not a damn thing you people can do about it. Either support him fully or move the hell on. As for you, just say you hate Jimin and go and stop pretending to be in his corner. As for Real PJM's, not fake ass wannabe's like you, the truth is if they did put their hate aside for JK and supported Jikook's bond more, the hate would not be no where as bad as it is for Jimin cause right now there is only one fanbase defending Jikook. The only ones who actually defend Jimin's choice to be around JK, someone he is clearly close too, and that is Jikookers. PJM's are a powerful fanbase who rivals KTH's and JJK's. And its a shame they are too selfish to take a stand against them cause they don't like JK or Tae and Jimin being around them. It's not just Jk. They don't like Tae either or Vmin. So now what? They don't like none of the members really, but again, they aren't gonna actively hope for more hate on Jimin, no matter who its with. Nice try tho.
BTW not defending PJM's, but I can't stand lying trolls who come in Jikook spaces just to hate on Jikook and find any excuse too.
I'll throw you out the window if you defend those toxic goofy breed and when you say real PJMs won't shit on Jimin out of hatred for Jungkook..... you'd be wrong.
You'd be very wrong. But I digress.
I'll make no exceptions for any of them.
An ableist bunch of people who would turn on Jimin should he show any sign of weakness like they are doing to Jk making fun of his mental health.
When you pay attention to the things they say about Jungkook and his mental health you just can tell they hate Jimin when he expresses similar vulnerabilities.
The only version of Jimin they actually prefer and tolerate is the buffed up "manly" version in military. they be the ones to call him "submissive looking twink" and hate on anyone who accepts that nontraditional masculine version of him.
I recall expressing concerns over jimin being pressured to buff up again and they flocked to my Ask box with comments about me preferring him looking like a submissive twink to feed my JM gay agenda.
If you ever heard bout me having a mental breakdown over Jms body this is the background to it.
Pjms are ableist as fuck never defend them
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themultifanshipper · 4 months
(i excluded ocon, kmag, lance, and checo bc they give me the ick)
i feel like there are a couple i need to explain a bit, tho:
-lewis is more than happy to take (and hold) control, but when his partner is a power bottom? DAYUM he folds fast
-rookie season george? switch sub leaning. 100%. after having to deal with the tractor that the mercs have been these past few years and developing anger issues? switch top leaning.
-alex is really just too much of a good boy to be a top that often but if his partner is being an ass and edging him harder than kmag is edging a race ban? that boy will top out of SPITE
-pierre only really bottoms when he's getting pegged. that's it.
if any others need explanation lmk <3
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Tbh, I can't really see any of the drivers as just one thing, i reckon they're all pretty versatile depending on who they're with.
I agree Alex has got that DAWG in him if provoked and will put you in your place, I can see him being into mouth fucking and coming on his partners body to mark his territory if he's feeling possessive.
Lewis has seen and done it all. You wanna ride him? great. You want him to ride you? amazing. You wanna rail him? Stupendous. I'm guessing that man is down for anything.
George is 100% gonna try and top you, but any kind of pushback and he'll submit immediately like the real twink he is.
Pierre getting pegged haunts my dreams... lmao jk but fr that man thinks he's a dominant manly man top but at heart he is a WHORE just like the rest of us for some good dicking down. (I would pay good money to see pierre get railed by my boy Yuki)
Oscar is a huge mystery tbh... he's like really dominant with most people but in a sweet and caring way. But I can also see him needing to be knocked down a peg from time to time and i can see him wanting to be filled (mouth or ass, he's not picky) when he's feeling down or stressed and he just needs to let go.
Everything else is pretty spot on👌
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
So Taemin isn't a threat for JK nor Mingyu is for Jimin like anons worrying.. now even if they have other beefy daddy and pretty twink friends, aren't they past that stage ? How long it is ? 7 years ? And you think jeon or Jimin is still insecure about relationship ? Still having trust issues ? Nah Jeon knows he's the only one who gets who fuck Park Jimin and Jimin knows whereever that man goes he's the only one in his heart 🤷‍♀️
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insanitynikoru · 25 days
just a bit curious about what your likes and dislikes are within ppg? like favorite characters and ships and whatnot. :D really like the stuff you’ve put out! your style is very cute
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there u go that's ur answer; gl figuring out that mess :)
jk i won't do that to u
fave pairs: colour code ppgxppnkg (very specifically blosserk), greens3, boomercup (but only in the context of my au), blossutch, brickubbles (sort of), butchercup, berserk&boomer, berserk&buttercup, berserk&bubbles (tbh all the platonics can also be one big group of dumbasses that feed off each other's dumbass-ery)
pairs i do not like >:(( : butchubbles (ew!!!), and any pairing that's practically oil and water and just doesn't make sense
fave characters: BERSERK rahghfjjh; i like all characters equally :) the "fave" tends to shift depending on the mood or the context. but they all aren't safe from my angst-making hands >:D
non-puff faves: majority of the normies, our fave single girl dad the professor, SEDUSA LISTEN, uhhh & yk that stupid spaghetti twink in ppgz? that one, he's funny
characters i do not like >:( : ggg i can't fucking help it i hate them so much auGHHH (ALTHOUGH, i do like ppgz ggg). lowkey,,, the amoeba boys, i find them very annoying.
that,,, that's all i think. this is a quick response so idk if i left anyone out sdjkg fly high to the forgotten
here u can have ur own ship template that i made a few years back too :) go crazy dsgkh
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tomuchabotme · 2 months
I feel like a lot of Jungkook stans are just k-pop stans who like him for the numbers he makes. Cause we know k-pop stans are all about who's bigger, who's more famous, who's more successful. And the answer to all of that is obviously BTS, but they hate BTS so they can't be fans of them. So the way they found to be able to be fans of someone who has those big numbers without having to be a fan of BTS is to stan Jungkook instead. They know armys hate solos so they're still going against armys by being his solos, and they do love pissing armys off. They can also use him against BTS, trying to discredit BTS by saying he is the only reason they were successful. So they can have the bragging rights they so desperately want while still being able to hate on BTS.
And the reason they went for Jungkook out of all members is cause (aside from Jimin) the rest are not that successful. And they didn't go for Jimin cause he's already their number one punching bag. We know is hard to be a Jimin fan with the way everybody can't stop obsessing over him, and these people are just token stans, so they don't want to go through so much trouble for someone who they don't even like that much. They don't want to go for someone who's the go to guy to hate on in k-pop, that's too hard. Jungkook is much safer bet.
And if we're talking about why Jimin gets hated on more than Jungkook, there's a few reasons. One reason is because taekookers already do half the job for any Jimin anti, they already created all the narratives and drags. They already made it popular to hate on him. They start the hate train, others just have to jump on it. And you know k-pop stans love to jump on a hate train.
Another reason is cause a lot of k-pop stans are either woman who want a guy to thirst over or gay guys who want to hate on any woman they don't stan and on any man they're jealous of. For the woman Jungkook is a better option than Jimin cause he gives that fuck boy vibe that is so popular for some reason, while Jimin isn't macho enough for them. And for the gay guys (who are mostly twinks), they're more attracted to Jungkook and are also jealous of Jimin cause they wish they were him.
But, overall, Jimin is too different and unique while Jungkook is a very basic guy. Jimin isn't someone you look at and just move on. He always elicits strong reactions from people. You either love him or you hate him. Jungkook is much easier to be neutral about. You can look at him and not have any strong opinions. He's just a guy, you know. He's like the default character in a game, not bad for beginners who don't know much about the game, but not good if you want anything more interesting. And since we're talking about token stans here, then of course they're gonna go for the basic guy.
Unlike Jungkook stans, Jimin stans are ACTUALLY his fans. People that genuinely love him. That's why you don't see pjms making Jimin look like an asshole for the sake of hating on someone else the way jjks do. Or why you don't see pjms teaming up with other stans who will turn on Jimin in a heartbeat, while jjks will do that cause hating on Jimin is a bigger priority to them than not setting Jungkook up is. Honestly, a lot of jjks spend more time hating on Jimin than taking about Jungkook. Pjms will talk shit too, but most of their time is spent supporting Jimin, which jjks don't do cause they're just here to brag and fight, not to genuinely support someone they love. Also, while jjks are k-pop stans, most pjms are ex-armys, and as such still hate k-pop stans and are also way better at supporting their artist, which k-pop stans have always sucked at doing.
you said it all.
jk being the default character makes so much sense, I never thought it that way.
it's easy to kpopers hate jimin. they know they will have likes, quotes, retweets, etc. and that's what they want.
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ladysomething · 5 months
hi hunnnnn. I have 3 things, maybe 4
1. what in the everloving fuck is chubes. I've been wreckling my mind for days because I for the love of the ch words cannot understand what it means.
2. do you have the list of the pro-anti omega drivers that another anon did? just wondering. I wanna read it out of curiosity.
3. anon (s?) with the top Charles fright. I feel you. and before you, my dear Mads (I didn't even know that was your name, so, hi Mads), try to convert me, I myself already tried. it work out like shit because now I have PTSD. I kinda tried to look it up but my knowlegde of how to use ao3 is nonexistent at worst and laughable at best so I kinda ended up in a Voltron with Charles Dickens as the name fic. just kinda. it was something. and then when I deciphered the tags I started reading Yours. and don't get me wrong. it's great, my love to the author. but in my mind fic Charles is just the biggest twink ever and it must remain as such. regardless of where. but y'all do yourselves
4. I was just wondering if in the future you would be open to make some Max POV's from past moments. what I want to say is that I really wanna know what went throw Max’s mind when he hear Fred speak about the bruises. but I mean it like. when you've finished WYGIG obviously.
+1. I have storted things out about myself with this fic. have you seen that funny ao3 wrapped post? the one that's like spotify wrapped but ao3 and goes something like you get a fav author, and then you stalk them, see they are into some weird shit and now you're into that too? that's me with breeding kink. I'm a different person now than I was before starting this fic. (thanks)
+2 anon that wanted to draw them, please I beg you do it. I wanna see some fanarts 😽
so obviously I did 6 things. wow
ok I'll go one by one!!!!
lmao I forget that people aren't like. seeing everything like I'm seeing everything hahaha. but basically the other day the forum was discussing what Charles would do if he got pregnant accidentally, and then somebody suggested Max get a vasectomy, and somebody else said "You can never trust a man, Charles should get his chubes tied." so chubes = Charles tubes. NOT pubes, in case that was an option you came up with hahah
I don't have it on hand, I'm sorry! but I THINK what I told people was Lewis is outwardly pro omega, we'd already discussed Daniel would be pro omega (I think???), Lando was in the publicly staying out of category (but has now been revealed to have nefarious intentions), and George would be completely anti-omega just for funsies.
look I'll ignore what is obviously a very underdeveloped palette from you to address the REAL issue here: how did you end up at a fic with Charles Dickens?????????? pls message me and I can give you a crash course on how to use ao3, because a beautiful world awaits you my friend.
hm well, I probably won't go over it COMPLETELY, but there are some insights into previous Charles chapters when we finally get back to a Max POV.
+ 1. I'll be honest, that was my reaction the first time I read a fic with breeding kink. I was like "oh. this is really something I've learnt about myself huh."
+ 2. SAME!!!! Many big loves to anybody willing to draw Max fucking Charles into oblivion while telling him he wants to get him pregnant. (jk ... but also ... 👀👀)
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Wowowow this twink likes pop punk
Anyway, this week I listened to NOAHFINNCE's newest album, and I guess debut album, "Growing Up On The Internet"!!!
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⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4.5 out of 5 stars)(again, no half star emoji)
Yeah, I've been anticipating this album for way too long and I love it and it was worth the wait for sure! As much as I loved the singles, the rest of the songs are amazing to finally get our hands on. Anyway, it was a super fun album and is the second album I've really anticipated this year (first was Saviors, scroll back on this blog for that one)
Yeah lovely transgender and neurodivergent vibes on this one and I love it
Opinion Time!!! (album order as always, not any specific opinion order)
I have to pick out "Alexithymia" I know it's popular and I'm careful around picking favorites just because people agree but god this track is crazy, I love how it has its identity and is proud to play with it, I like the idea behind the song and of course the entire metaphor of it all. I ADORE the final chorus, the instrumentation, how it comes off of the middle break section, it's a lot of fun.
"Rise and Grind" is one of my favorites because I love how he sings half the song from the point of view of the crypto/twitter bros and half from his own position as a creator and it's a lot of fun. And like with "California" on "Awaken, My Love", I LOVE the sounds and noises on this track. It's also got really cool instrumentation
"Lovely Ladies" gets my pick because of what it stands for and goddamn, it sounds so fun. I can't wait to hear this track live someday (if only he would come to my city) I LOVE how "irreversible damage" is snuck in there in the bridge. I want to, with my entire soul, scream along to this track, it's brilliant
Honorable mentions!! 🥳🥳🥳
"Growing Up On the Internet" is a great track and very nearly made the top 3, another one I would love to scream along to, and I love the dial-up noises at the start and sprinkled throughout, it's a super fun name-sake track
"Subtitles" is unique in its identity and a much calmer song that builds up much slower but when it gets to the loud bit, god it's a great track. I love the drums, and I love how he describes overstimulation (as a person who gets overstimulated). It's fun!
"All the Same/Not the Same"- Only didn't make it because of how much I love "Lovely Ladies". It's another loud and fun track and I love how it leads into "Scumbag"
Also yeah, "Scumbag" is great, fuck jk rowling, fuck terfs <3 and its just a good song without what it means behind it
Been a fan of Noah Finnce for a long while and his music since "Underachiever" came out, and what a beautiful debut album, good job man
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Armand for the character thing
Sexuality Headcanon: BI, BITCHES. I can see him probably leaning more toward more masculine people most of the time, but he definitely also likes women.
Gender Headcanon: Is twink a gender? ;P
Haha jk. Sorta. I mean he's definitely got those ✨androgynous vibes✨ for better or for worse but he's a gentleman. Also a little shit. But he's a gentleman.
A ship I have with said character: Devil's Minion babeyyyy. Although lately I'm leaning more toward Marius/Armand than me two years ago ever thought I would 😅
A BROTP I have with said character: I guess this is more of a parental/filial relationship but I love him with Benji. Benji's just so fucking qiohbdiefpwjioh2j. Matching levels of small boy chaos.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't know. Santino, maybe? Although I won't say I definitively don't like that until I've tried it.
A random headcanon: He loves Phantom of the Opera. He looooooves Phantom of the Opera. I can definitely see him enjoying musicals and Phantom has that dark, romantic, fucked-up, sensual vibe to it that just meshes with his character so perfectly.
General Opinion over said character: Screaming, crying, throwing myself against a wall, rattling the bars to my cage, foaming at the mouth, thinking about him forever. He's too fascinating and multi-faceted and sad and badass and insane and fucked-up and tragic and wfhro2ufweihr2u4kjfv not to love. What else can I say? - he's Armand.
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
where's my Song of Achilles anon at ! I read the book. liked some stuff didn't like other stuff. it was fanficition of a two thousand year old poem from a three thousand or more year old story. stuff gets silly. Odysseus was still my favorite he's always my guy. Anyway rest of my thoughts under the cut
I think I liked the perspective of Patroclus a really normal guy next to the warrior of the ages. One pov of a boy unsure of his place in the world surrounded by men older and claiming to be wiser and his godly boytoy.
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this personally made me cackle. Patroclus is that oh my god get him some brown contacts please meme.
The myths were actually pretty good. I like how vague they were about Patroclus's mother there are like six different women in history claimed to be her it's really Patroclus's paternal ancestors that matter.
I think it's genuinely a major issue with the plot that Patroclus knew of the prophecy and still acted in accordance to Homeric Legend. I just think he should have found out right before but too late when they're in Troy already perhaps in an angry scorn from Thetis about he'll lose too.
Like you I also thought it was stupid as fuck how Patroclus was a totally useless twink. Didn't even know about legendary Myrmidons the fighting force named after his great grandfather mind you. The mythic ant stuff is literally his own family history.
Achilles being so nervous about the war only to fall into it so easily. Like a god finding their domain he was born for it. I really enjoyed the nitty gritty of war planning too. Him getting Achilles dressed the lips being the only part of him still soft. That was awesome why is that no quoted more. Achilles climbing onto Patroclus covered in blood like god that scene is going to be in my head on a loop. There is so much to it. Patroclus knowing him by scent and touch alone but what creature has come to wake him? Achilles so proud of what he's done seeing the revulsion in his lover who was so sure nothing Achilles could do would revolt him.
There could have for sure been so much more to a much more sensitive Patroclus being unable to love Achilles anymore and that's why Achilles stops fighting until Patroclus realizes he can't hold back his demigod lover from greatness. Taking the book in a radical direction but alas.
Brisies was very well done I appreciated her character a lot. I think it was a very good choice to expand on her mythos and remove a lot of the violence. People often read myths and go oh so he raped her when that's either not stated in the text/not needed to include other than their fetishes driving them.
ALSO so fucking annoying Patroclus doesn't die because he's no good at fighting he dies because Hector is Better. Hector is the sole reason the Acheans struggled. He was the Trojan Achilles idk how that point got turned into well Patroclus could barely hold a spear tee hee. Spending the whole book being like Patroclus can't fight ooh one of Achilles's generals is useless. To then be like jk as in accordance with the Iliad he's really good and killed a bunch of people is actually bad writing sorry. I did giggle at Apollo just fucking with him knocking him off the wall all pretty like just twirling his perfect hair.
Turning Troilus the son of Apollo who Achilles chased down tried to rape and then beheaded in the temple of Apollo leaving his mutilated body for his father to die and therefore the reason Apollo kills him into a random death cause the boy was an idiot. Like Troilus literally the Greek representation of losing a young son to unjust murder. Well okay then...
Thetis raising Achilles's son here is so perfect because that boy is rancid. He saw Agememnon and said I could do worse watch I'll go kill Hector's baby just for fun. And they really delivered on what a piece of fucking shit he was.
Thetis giving in, in the end was really good. Liked it
Overall I think the book was really good. I approached it from the knowledge this is taking thousands of years of myths and giving it to the perspective of a side character and I think it delivered.
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