#jk Rowling hate club
floral-poisons · 2 years
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ironically this has the potential to be a lot better than whatever terf rowling actually wrote.
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flolife · 1 year
I keep thinking abt the snitch in quidditch bc imagine if ur watching a neck and neck game of basketball or cricket and there’s just 2 people on the field chasing around a rat and when they get it the announcer goes “THE FIELD RAT HAS BEEN CAUGHT!!! THIS TEAM WINS BY 150 POINTS!”
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explorers-central · 4 months
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Alex Bell's writing inspiration really explains why Beanie is autistic but an extreme autistic stereotype.
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JK Rowling herself said that she's upset that fans like Draco and it's so ridiculous to me. Like you literally give him a redemption arc and get upset that we sympathize for this child???? but then you want us to applaud and forgive Snape (a grown ass man) for his great, heroic, selfless deeds ????? Like Jo please explain i'm genuinely lost on this one
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As a former Harry Potter fan, I was pretty stoked to find out it’s coming to Netflix lol
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lilbeanz · 6 months
your interpretation of pansy is so good; i read the og OotP and remembered rhat she's racist not only to muggleborns, but to black people 😔
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Honestly, I think JK Fucking Rowling was looking for reasons for people to hate the Slytherins even more.
Also, unseen conversation in the Snidget...
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there must've been an entire conversation leading up to Hermione agreeing to Tracey doing her braids, wouldn't you think? 👀
And also, the fact that one minute Pansy’s being racist to Angelina Johnson in OotP, and then the next moment she's on the arm of Blaise Zabini at the Slug Club in HBP? Umm.... Something doesn't quite add up there.
At least keep your character flaws consistent, Joanne 🙄
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bitterkarella · 10 months
Midnight Pals: Cars
[at unicorn fuck club] CS Lewis: hey jrrt when are you going to give us another hobbit story? JRR Tolkien: oh you guys liked the hobbit? Lewis: yeah we all loved it! we want more hobbit adventures! Lewis: we need to know what happened to bilbo and the ring after that whole dragon affair
JRR Tolkien: well since you're all so interested Tolkien: i DO have another story Tolkien: about a certain hobbitty little character who has a grand adventure out Tolkien: i call it Tolkien: the wacky car crashes of mr Bumbles Q. Crash-a-lot!
Tolkien: it's the story of a guy who buys a car and he crashes it all the time! Tolkien: oh ho ho ho! Tolkien: delightfully wacky! Tolkien: those wacky newfangled cars! Tolkien: they're always crashing! CS Lewis: yeah they DO crash a lot
Brian Jacques: [squeaking] i use a roller skate for a car! Tolkien: wait how do you control it? Jacques: [squeaking] i use a silver dollar for a steering wheel Tolkien: is that dangerous? Jacques: [squeaking] i use a thimble for a helmet!
Tolkien: our hero decides to buy a motor car so that he can drive around in the modern style Tolkien: much to the chagrin of his pet girabbit Tolkien: which is like part giraffe and part rabbit Tolkien: like in tenchi muyo
Tolkien: this fellow, he's always getting in trouble because of his car Tolkien: like when he gets kidnapped by some bears Tolkien: or has a run in with 4 fat guys JK Rowling: i hate them
Tolkien: so then he crashes his car Tolkien: oh it's terrible, it's Tolkien: it's Tolkien: hmm Tolkien: is there a word for a bad eucatastrophe?
GRR Martin: are you trying to buy time to finish your big hobbit book by writing a kids story? Tolkien: Tolkien: [hanging head] yeah Martin: haha! Martin: delightly devilish, JRRT! I love it! Martin: oh i uh got a story CS Lewis: FINALLy some winds of winter! Martin: yeah i call this Martin: the story of Biggles Bunnyfluff and the Fuzzy Duckling Caper Lewis: that's not what we wanted! Martin: TOO BAD
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rab-moonbeam · 2 months
i love jegulus & haters can suck it
saw this reddit post from last month and got really heated and then this rant came to be
it's crazy to me how people who are in the mauraders fandom (specifically more canon-mauraders fans) have such a strong hatred towards jegulus. first of all literally please grow up it's a fucking fictional world about wizards first and foremost. IT'S NOT REAL ANYWAY. but like y'all are shitting on people having fun with people creating characterizations for a character(s) that in all honesty, jk rowling only used to further her plot to help the good guys and were nothing more than black and white bad guys or random names of people who were friends but didn't matter enough to be anything more than names.
the fact that the one main issue some have with jegulus is that there is no way that regulus and james would never have interacted with each other which is honesty, truly a stupid take. even during harry's years we see him interact with people who are in the years above and below him so to think that james never interacted with regulus at any point during their time at hogwarts is ridiculous. not only would he have met regulus during his second year because honestly to think that sirius would not have introduced his younger brother to his friends is kinda dumb and you obviously don't have a good sense of who he is as a character in my opinion. sirius would still have treated regulus as his little brother, would have wanted to share his friends with him. i don't care how they differed later on, it didn't happen over night and it probably didn't happen until after regulus started at hogwarts and got more and more indoctrinated with the other slytherins.
now later on when regulus starts to get involved with the death eaters, and as he goes through his time in slytherin yeah they probably didn't interact much. BUT again, who is to say they didn't end up in the library at the same time, they didn't interact with each other through smack talk about quiddich, weren't in similar clubs, hell weren't in prefect meetings together. you truly act like they will never have seen each other ever, that james and regulus will never have said a single thing to each other.
another point jegulus haters love to try and make is that sirius hated regulus and that regulus (barty and evan too) are bad people. in canon they killed people, they were death eaters. first of all again it's fanfiction, it does not have to have a damn ounce of whatever is in canon. second is that there is not one time in the entire series that sirius says that he hates regulus. he says that he was naive and believed everything his parents said. THAT is canon. THAT is what can be literally found written by the terf herself. also to reduce regulus (and again barty and evan) to their actions like "they killed people" and that's all there is to say about that is dumb. yes in canon, they killed people. evan and barty are confirmed to have killed people. regulus with the fact that he was a death eater most likely killed people. that is not anything we negate as people who like jegulus. what we do though is take that and create characters who are able to fucking have more depth than the bad shit they did after having been indoctrinated into a cause that they were made to believe was the correct way of thinking since literal birth and then continued to get hammered into them for years and years at school and at home. like yeah they were kinda shitheads, but let me be honest, barty is always portrayed as a shithead, he's a little crazy, gets into trouble, might have some messed up morals, he's also got a shit home life, his dad kinda sucks and that doesn't mean he can't be a good friend, doesn't mean he can't love someone, can't be loved, can't be silly, can't be smart. the exact same thing happens for evan. he's the same as regulus raised in a pureplood slytherin household. like what else was he going to think? but again does that mean he can't have more depth, doesn't deserve love? can't be a good friend? can't be silly? then we've got regulus. yeah he can be cold, take no shit, be kind of pretentious, but you know what he can also be babygirl. he can love, he can have love, he can be anxious, he can change his mind after learning that the way that he was brought up was shit. they all can need comfort and need their friends and ride or die for their friends. like none of that negates either point.
now the biggest thing that gets to me and makes me really heated is when people shit on jegulus and say it doesn't make sense then have the gall to like drarry but then say the paralle between jegulus and drarry is wrong.....how the actual fuck does that makes sense. regulus and draco are so much like each other. not only because narcissa is someone regulus grew up around and was also bought into the same bullshit he did and married someone who was just as in deep if not more into the whole volemort love fest, but you think they aren't the same? they don't have the same ideals? they didn't have to go to the same type of pureblood parties and dinners? like draco wasn't around people who were death eaters from the jump? like even more than regulus probably was given the time he was born. like no the only difference between draco and regulus is that one had actual loving parents who cared about him and the other was born into a family where his parents were cousins and definitely only had kids to carry on the family name and nothing else.
my last thing is that people act like regulus doesn't have any redemption in what he does with the locket. like yeah fine he probably only went after voledemort because of what he did to kreature but like okay and? he obviously wasn't indoctrinated as much as y'all love to claim he was the same way lucius wasn't as loyal as everyone thought either bc they knew that that loyalty only ran so far. this man hurt someone they loved and THAT meant more to them than this war and pureblood culture. like so i think regulus had some room to actually become like fanon regulus where he's able to see a different side of things. he's able to get away from that deeply ingrained prejudice. you know the same way draco does at the end of the series. but like y'all can only care and love and vouch for draco bc he's still alive god forbid we want to see a character that was killed off at 17 trying to destroy the one thing that he could to get revenge and hurt voldemort.
all in all let's be real clear it's fucking fiction. you guys are allowed to hold dear something that has meant so much to you for years because of course harry potter has meant a lot to a lot of people and still does despite jk rowling being a terf and bigott. but that doesn't mean you get to police or shit on how other people interact with that content because they find are also finding solace and fun and enjoying shit the same way you are and that means something to them.
please just just let people ship and enjoy what they want. it doesn't have to make sense to you. it doesn't need to be your cup of tea. if you and others aren't being genuinely hurt by it shut! up!
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hjellacott · 5 months
Dear Trans Community,
If you do not feel safe sharing spaces/institutions/apps with biological males, why would you think I'd feel safe sharing mine with you?
I have no problem with you having a Trans Women/Men Only gym, bathroom, locker room, prison, sports competitions, dating apps, health services, job opportunities, institutions, organisations... No problem at all. Feel absolutely free to have that. I just want the option to have the same thing but for females (biological women) only.
I have no problem with adult trans people having whatever medical procedures they think they need to have done to feel better with themselves. I just don't want children to be encouraged in any way to make such decisions about their own health until they're grown-up adults.
I have no problem with Queer people having parties, organisations, clubs... that fight for their rights, their freedoms, and what's best for them, so long as I can have biological women's only parties, organisations, clubs and so on that fight for our own rights, freedoms and what's best for us.
You don't want to be hated for being queer or trans or whatever you identify yourself as. You want a life of freedom, security, you want to feel safe, you want to be happy. Well, biological women want exactly the same for ourselves.
So if I'm not against you, why are you against me? Why do you accuse me, or people like JK Rowling, or like thousands of other women, of wanting you dead, when all we're saying is protect trans people, yes, but also biological women? Why is it OK for you to have entire blogs and accounts fantasizing about abducting and raping women, and yet we are accused of being violent when we don't do those things? Why is it OK for known paedophiles to stand up in Trans protests (such as the one in London recently) and shout, using a speaker, violent messages against women? If I did that against you, I'd be in prison! But you're not.
Why is it OK for you to demand whatever you want, and literally assault women and female-led organisations, pubs, business women... shut down their business, in the name of Trans Rights, yet Women can't demand anything without being accused of wanting you dead?
I don't want you dead. I just want my rights, my freedoms... I want exactly the same as you. The option to avoid males at all costs, basically.
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Finders Keepers (Cormac McLaggen x fem!reader)
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Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: Eventual smut in future chapters (not this one though sorry), language, sexual themes, homophobia (kind of but it's received by reader as banter)
Summary: It's your seventh year at Hogwarts and you've finally been made Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. This year is going to be your year... if you can make it through your N.E.W.Ts without being distracted by your new Potions partner.
A/N: The content nobody asked for. But I am begging the Freddie Stroma stans to give Cormac McLaggen a chance. I PROMISE I CAN FIX HIM!!!! Reader is a bisexual 'not like other girls' type of girl but she becomes more bearable as the story goes on. Reader and McLaggen are both 18. Also I just want to say that I fucking hate JK Rowling and will be gleefully bastardising her work.
Chapter 1: Amortentia
Breakfast on the second day of term was a much more rushed experience than it had been in previous years- you barely had time to collect your timetables from Professor Flitwick, never mind eat anything. You hardly noticed the cool September sun streaming through the ceiling of the Great Hall. Gazing wistfully at the breakfast table, you listened while Flitwick reminded you of the importance of your seventh year at Hogwarts.
Marietta was taking much longer than usual to get ready these days, and so, you, her and Cho had left Ravenclaw Tower late. Ever since that Hermione Granger had cursed her, Marietta had been applying a thick layer of makeup to hide the pimples spelling ‘sneak’ across her face and you resented Granger for upsetting your dormmate- especially when that dormmate’s new skincare routine just made you miss your favourite meal of the day.
“What do you think Slughorn will be like?” asks Cho, as the three of you stand at the back of the short queue outside the Potions classroom- your first lesson of the year.
“Seems like a bit of a creep,” you shrug. “Didn’t you hear about his Slug Club? Nonce behaviour if you ask me.”
Cho chuckles half-heartedly while Marietta only deigns to give you a scandalised look. Alicia would have found it funny, you think to yourself, a knife twisting in your stomach when you’re reminded of her. 
Cho and Marietta were the closest friends you had at Hogwarts now that Alicia Spinnett had graduated and then unceremoniously dumped you immediately afterwards. Your sense of humour was a little too crude for Cho and Marietta, and this combined with your general disinterest in giggling and gossiping about the boys at Hogwarts made you the third wheel of the group.
The queue starts moving and you file into the dungeon past a cauldron, filled to the brim with what you quickly recognise from your textbook as Amortentia. The powerful love potion is supposed to smell different to each person, depending on what attracts them and you’ve always wondered what it would smell like to you. The three of you step forward - you inhale and it smells simultaneously like the leather of new Quidditch keeper gloves, buttery toast and a spicy amber and jasmine scent that you only vaguely recognise.
The class is considerably smaller than it was last year after several students found Snape’s demands of N.E.W.T level students to be too much and dropped out. Cho and Marietta, predictably sit at a table together leaving you to sit at the desk behind them next to… ugh, Cormac McLaggen. You suppose that you don’t hate McLaggen but you’ve always found him to be a typical Gryffindor- arrogant and entitled. 
You give each other a silent nod in recognition as you walk towards him. McLaggen reluctantly moves his book bag from the chair beside him as if it’s inconveniencing him to put his belongings on the floor - entitled. You sit down and have to shuffle your chair away several inches from him because his stupidly broad shoulders take up so much space. Even from the very back of the classroom, the sweet and spicy fragrance of Amortentia reaches your nostrils.
Professor Slughorn opens his arms. “Welcome, seventh-years, to the most important year of all at Hogwarts. Your N.E.W.T.s will take place in just a few short months.” You fidget with your silver cutting knife impatiently- you’ve already heard this speech. Slughorn walks over to his cauldron and continues “Today we’re going to be making something that regularly comes up in your practical exam: Amortentia. Can anyone-”
You practically hear the whoosh of four hands shooting up in the air, the Ravenclaws already desperate to prove their potions prowess to the new teacher. You roll your eyes and catch McLaggen doing the same. Ugh, you don’t want to be associated with McLaggen, who doesn’t even feel like he has to try to impress Slughorn - arrogant - so you lift your hand listlessly in the air.
“My, my!” guffaws Slughorn, observing the eager students around the room. “I see we’ve all had our breakfast today!” Your stomach grumbles. “Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?” Your half-hearted hand seems to draw his attention more than the keen, upright ones. He points at you.
“It’s the world’s most dangerous love potion, Sir.”
He raises his eyebrows. “Oh-ho! An interesting choice of words. Would you care to elaborate?”
“It causes intense feelings of infatuation, to the point of obsession. I think it should be made illegal.”
“Here we go,” mutters McLaggen and you feel the tension in the class as they brace themselves. You’re reminded by their reaction that your tendency to be hot-headed was the final straw in your breakup with Alicia. So instead, you take a deep breath and give a more measured answer than you had originally intended.
“MACUSA made Amortenia a controlled substance in 1922 and I think the Ministry of Magic should follow suit. The use of any love potion on a non-consenting person, but especially one as strong as Amortentia, is unethical, to say the least.”
Some of your fellow students shift uncomfortably. If the rumours are to be believed, many of them have used love potions before but you hold your tongue.
“I say!” says Slughorn, looking pleased with the mild discourse you’ve caused, livening up his early morning lesson. “Very well-reasoned of you. And I assume, by your impassioned stance, that it’s your desire to join the Department of Magical Law Enforcement when you leave Hogwarts?”
“Er…” You hesitate, anticipating the usually negative reaction your answer gets you. “Not really. Well, maybe if I can’t play Quidditch. Professionally.”
“Well, you may end up a tad over-qualified - there aren’t many professional Quidditch players with an N.E.W.T. in Potions, I can tell you that! But take a well-earned point for Ravenclaw for your answer.” He smiles genially. “Convictions aside, we will be brewing this very love potion today. And while they’re not illegal, they are banned at Hogwarts so I’ll be ensuring that you’ve vanished your potions at the end of class.”
Professor Slughorn instructs you all to find the page on Amortentia in ‘Advanced Potion Making’ and to start brewing the potion. It’s one the most delicate potion recipes you’ve ever come across- even compared to the other N.E.W.T. level potions you made last year. 
Your cauldron needs to be as hot as possible so you set the fire underneath it and get to work, furrowing your brow and reading the steps outlined in your textbook. You add rose petals to your pestle and mortar and start grinding them into a paste.
“So, what did you smell when you walked past?” McLaggen nods to the front of the room. “The Gryffindor girls’ dorm?”
“Yeah, right, what did you smell? The seat of Harry Potter’s broomstick? Because sticking your nose there is the only way you’ll actually make the team this year.”
He laughs. “I don’t know, I fancy my chances now that a few of the old stalwarts have left. What’s Alicia up to these days, anyway?” He asks, not unpleasantly but your jaw clenches all the same as you grind your rose petals.
“We broke up at the start of summer.”
“Ah well, I’ll put a word in with Katie Bell for you when I join the team. I know how much you like those Gryffindor chasers.”
“Fuck off, McLaggen.” You realise you’ve been mashing your rose petals a bit too hard and they’ve turned to slop. Shit.
“Alright, just a joke.”
“Yeah, well don’t bother.” 
While your breakup isn’t fresh, you’re in no mood to talk about Alicia. Minutes pass as both of you stand side by side, stirring your cauldrons anti-clockwise. Your arm aches and your brow begins to sweat from the heat of the cauldron as you count to one hundred and eleven- the correct number of times you’re supposed to stir it according to ‘Advanced Potion Making’.
You stop stirring and drop a moonstone into your potion. The sweet and spicy smell coming from McLaggen’s direction is already much stronger than yours even though you’re a step further ahead of him. You peer interestedly over at his cauldron just as he holds a stone over it, ready to drop it in but your hand flies out to catch it before it can hit the liquid.
“Woah, what-?”
“That’s quartz- not moonstone,” you tut, tossing the quartz on his table.
“Shit, thanks. Good catch- you could be a seeker.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
He smirks in agreement as he chucks a moonstone into his cauldron.
“So, how’s your team looking this year?” He asks, breaking the silence as you wait for your potions to start bubbling, watching for the steam to start rising in characteristic spirals. 
“Not bad. Most of last year’s squad is still here, including Cho obviously. I just need a new Chaser to replace Davies.” The heady smell is almost overpowering now as you both lean against the table. You start chopping peppermint leaves and he does the same. “I’ve booked the pitch for try-outs this Saturday. When are Gryffindor’s?”
“No word yet. Potter’s not as organised as you.”
“Well, let me know and I might pop down to watch you embarrass yourself.” 
He laughs and scrapes his leaves into his cauldron with the edge of his knife.
“I’m hoping to catch him at Slughorn’s dinner party, see if I can butter him up a little.”
“Right, Slug Club,” you say derisively. Honestly, you’d have more respect for Potter if he made his useless friend Gryffindor keeper rather than choosing McLaggen because they’re both in Slughorn’s clique for the Howarts elite. 
You tip in your leaves and stir your cauldron counter-clockwise, waiting for the liquid to turn from sage green to pearlescent milky white. McLaggen quickly grabs your arm, his large hand encircling the entire circumference of your forearm. 
“Clockwise!” He urges, releasing you so you can start stirring in the opposite direction. 
“Fuck!” Making stupid mistakes in Potions is thus far unmarked territory for you. You’re not used to having a Potions partner who distracts you. You watch your potion as you frantically stir the other way, praying that it turns its signature mother-of-pearl sheen. It stays adamantly green.
“Sorry, I didn’t notice- I should have stopped you quicker.”
“And time’s up!” says Slughorn, clapping his hands together. 
You look up at McLaggen and he’s looking back at you apprehensively as if you might go off on one- your fiery reputation predecdes you. You take a deep breath and your nostrils fill with the amber and jasmine scent, making you instantly feel calmer. “It’s fine. My mistake. Besides, we can’t all have my reflexes.”
Slughorn walks around the room inspecting the potions and providing feedback. You feel a twinge of resentment when you see that McLaggen’s looks almost identical to the example potion.
Slughorn looks in your cauldron and gives you a small nod. “A decent effort but that should have been clockwise stirring in the final step, my dear.” You purse your lips and give him a curt jerk of the head in acknowledgement.
He positively beams when he turns to look in McLaggen’s cauldron. “Ah, excellent, excellent Cormac m’boy!” coos Slughorn, reaching up and gripping McLaggen’s shoulder congratulatorily. He gestures to the rest of the class to come over and see McLaggen’s cauldron. “Now, this is what we’re looking for. A textbook example. One drop and I daresay we’d all be besotted with you.” McLaggen looks at you intently, you suppose he’s feeling guilty for accepting Slughorn’s praise without giving you any credit. “Class dismissed. Cormac, take five points for Gryffindor and I’ll see you on Thursday night for our little get-together.”
“Yes, sir.”
You quickly vanish your potion, shove your belongings into your bookbag, and leave the classroom to catch up with Cho and Marietta in the corridor. The three of you start making your way upstairs through the throng of students to your next class but you hear a voice calling from behind you.
“Hey!” A heavy hand clasps your shoulder and you spin around. “Thanks for saving me in there,” says McLaggen. 
“Anytime,” you say, in what you hope is a casual, and not annoyed tone.
In the busy corridor, someone bumps into the heavy bag on your shoulder, knocking you off balance. McLaggen catches you before you fall, holding you tightly against him and you’re overpowered by the scent of amber and jasmine again. He helps you stand back upright and places a hand on each of your shoulders to steady you. You blink up at him, stunned, meeting his green eyes.
“There. We’re even.” He grins. “My reflexes aren’t that bad after all. Anyway, see you later.” He slaps you on the back in a sporting kind of way and heads off in the opposite direction. 
“Are you okay?” asks Cho as you stare after him, speechless, watching his broad figure, head and shoulders above most of the crowd, as he walks away. You feel your heart pounding in your chest.
He smells like Amortentia.  Or, says a small voice in your head, Amortentia smells like him.
Chapter 2: Confundo
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“On November 23, Natalee Bingham, a friend of a Club Q victim, appeared on CNN to refute the shooter’s alleged gender identity. When asked for comment on Aldrich’s “non-binary” identity, Bingham called it “ludicrous,” and claimed “it was obvious” Aldrich was a man based on his appearance.”                                     But I thought you couldn’t assume gender based on appearance?
After it was revealed that a shooter who killed 5 people and injured 25 others at an LGBT nightclub in Colorado identifies as “non-binary” and uses gender neutral pronouns, trans activists took to social media to express disbelief over his self-declared identity.
Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, opened fire at Club Q on November 19, tragically killing Raymond Green Vance, Kelly Loving, Daniel Aston, Derrick Rump and Ashley Paugh. At least 25 others in the venue were also injured during the incident. Aldrich was arrested at the scene and taken into police custody.
Following news of the mass killings, prominent figures blamed “homophobia” and “transphobia” for the shooting.
California Senator Scott Wiener, who introduced a bill that turns the state into a refuge for youth and parents of children seeking out puberty-halting drugs, went so far as to blame the shooting on the use of the word “groomer” online.
However, a recent court filing revealed that Aldrich identifies as a non-binary individual, and therefore could be considered a member of the LGBTQ community according to his chosen status.
On November 22, Aldrich’s legal team submitted court documents stating that their client prefers use they/them pronouns and goes by “Mx. Aldrich” as opposed to “Mr.” or “Ms.” Aldrich. The shooter also had legally changed his name shortly after his 16th birthday, and was born Nicholas Franklin Brink.
The revelation came after days of fierce online assertions over the shooters motivations, with many trans activists blaming both conservatives and gender critical feminists for the shooting. Some took aim at conservative commentators such as Matt Walsh and Tucker Carlson, with others even directing their ire at children’s author JK Rowling.
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“Wow turns out I had never in my life experienced fury until the second I read the sentence ‘the shooter now claims he is non-binary,'” tweeted Gretchen Felker-Martin. Felker-Martin recently published a novelcentered around trans-identified males graphically murdering feminists.
Some reporters even struggled to decide which pronouns to use for the shooter when reporting on the case. One CBS News clip showed reporter Karen Morfitt stumbling over her words as she attempted to use gender neutral pronouns for Aldrich, while CNN presenters speculated that Aldrich wasn’t really non-binary, but was instead setting up his defense case against the hate crime charges. 
On November 23, Natalee Bingham, a friend of a Club Q victim, appeared on CNN to refute the shooter’s alleged gender identity.
When asked for comment on Aldrich’s “non-binary” identity, Bingham called it “ludicrous,” and claimed “it was obvious” Aldrich was a man based on his appearance. 
“It was obvious with the mugshot that’s a man. That’s not a non-binary person because in no way shape or form could they appear as a woman the next day,” Bingham claimed.
Bingham called it “offensive” for a “male” to “play that role,” and reiterated that it was easy to tell Aldrich was not really what he claimed to be.
The clip of Bingham’s appearance began circulating on social media, and many users were quick to point out Bingham’s hypocrisy over not respecting Aldrich’s identity because of his appearance.
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Disclosure notice: @Slatzism is the Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx.
“But I thought we can’t tell anyone’s gender until they tell us? Aren’t we just supposed to believe what people say? Fairly sure Natalee is engaging in some double standards here,” one user said in response to the clip.
“Oh so it sounds like we don’t need to declare or recognize pronouns any more, we can just go by looks. Right?,” another user questioned.
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The narrative that Aldrich is claiming to be non-binary as a legal maneuver to secure leniency during the trial began circulating across social media shortly after news of the court filing broke. Many trans activists are now claiming that Aldrich is only pretending to be non-binary, citing evidence such as family members using he/him pronouns to describe him on social media. 
Trans activist and alleged sex offender Eli Erlick repeatedly misgendered Aldrich on Twitter and claimed he is “playing the media by lying” about his gender identity.
“Using queer and trans self-determination ethos against us is a disgusting but effective way to further harm our communities.” Erlick stated on Twitter. In the past, Erlickhas criticized those who accurately identify him as male, despite some anecdotal evidence that he leveraged his own self-declared transgender status to avoid criticism for alleged crimes he committed. 
The debate amongst trans activists about Aldrich not being “authentically” non-binary are in contrast with long-standing assertion that trans activists claiming the only requirement to being “non-binary” is to self identify as such.
A viral tweet from September asserted that non-binary people “deserve to be respected without having their identity picked apart.”
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The situation with Aldrich resembles recent controversies surrounding non-binary actor Ezra Miller.
Miller, known for his roles in The Flash and We Need to Talk About Kevin, became the subject of international outcry after numerous disturbing incidents came to light.
Miller is alleged to have committed multiple acts of violence against women, some of which were filmed and well-documented. In 2020, Miller was caught on video choking a female fan in Iceland and throwing her to the concrete. Earlier this year, Miller was reported to police by a Hawaiian woman who stated he had hit her in the head with a chair.
Most disturbingly, the mother of a young woman took to Twitter to report that her daughter had been effectively kidnapped by Miller, who had groomed her from when she was a minor, and plied her with illicit drugs.
Environmental activist Sara Jumping Eagle told her followers that her daughter, Tokata Iron Eyes, has not had a phone since January of this year, and that her family has been unable to locate her.
Yet despite all of his controversies, activists on Twitter asserted that Miller’s non-binary identity must be respected regardless of his improprieties. The actor uses the pronouns they/them/it and zir.
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Similarly, earlier this year, internet celebrity Christian Weston Chandler, known more commonly as Chris Chan, appeared in court charged with raping his own 79 year old mother. 
During the court proceedings, people on Twitter began posting about the importance of not misgenderingChandler, who identifies as both a woman and a lesbian.
In addition to those outright denying Aldrich’s identity, some claimed it was “suspicious” for him to have begun using they/them pronouns only after his arrest. 
Trans activist and writer Katelyn Burns tweeted: “I just think it’s very convenient that the first time anyone on the planet has ever heard of you preferring they them pronouns is just after you’ve been arrested for shooting up a queer bar.”
But women’s rights advocates were quick to retort by pointing out that criminals identifying as transgender following an arrest, conviction, or incarceration was a relatively common occurrence.
Responding to Burns, one Twitter user wrote: “It’s almost like gender identity ideology allows males to do as they please and then claim trans status to avoid the repercussions. Most (transwomen) in Scottish jails only discovered they were trans after they were arrested. Funny that.”
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Many pointed to a study published in the British Journal of Criminology which speculated that “the transitions of transgender people might be an attempt by pedophiles or other sex offenders to access cis-women in the female prison estate.” The same study found that a large percentage of men who identified as women in prison detransitioned upon release. 
“So, the Colorado shooting suspect is identifying as ‘non-binary’ with ‘they/them’ pronouns. Many desperate for this inconvenient info to go away are claiming ‘they’ are just gaming the system. Possibly true. But haven’t gender critical women been warning about this for years?” tweeted podcaster Stephen Knight.
The motive for Aldrich’s horrific actions have still yet to be determined by official investigation, despite the array of online speculation. So far, it has been revealed that the shooter had a traumatic upbringing with both parents having criminal backgrounds.
At 16, Aldrich filed a legal petition in Texas seeking to “protect himself” from his father, who had a criminal history including domestic violence against his mother. Aldrich’s father is an MMA fighter and porn actor who is reportedly addicted to methamphetamine. 
Formal charges are to expected to be brought against Aldrich at his next court hearing, set for December 6.
By Shay Woulahan Shay is a writer and social media content creator for Reduxx. She is a proud lesbian activist and feminist who lives in Northern Ireland with her partner and their four-legged, fluffy friends.
It is possible to mourn the dead and point out the hypocrisy of the TRA response to a shooter with pronouns.
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angelmelon · 4 months
I can do caricaturization too, Rusty Leasebound
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meet the staff of YOUNIQUE, the club which caused the GAP gang the not so friendly inciting incident that leads to them opening their trans friendly club!!
oh yeah I changed the name to YOUNIQUE, not YONIQUE. Bestie I don’t know if that was a typo or if Ruth Gangrine thought the letter U had a penis and stomped its face in. Either way whatever
such friendly folks as….
VIRGIN ISLANDS SCRATCHER REGINA FARTEL!!! (I wish that was a fake last name… people actually have that last name)
DEMENTIA PATIENT RUSTY LEA….. oh wait huh. No sorry I meant DANIELA DEMENTIAS!!! Sorry these TERFs are REALLY hard to tell apart… same hair, same aesthetics, same hateful ideologies… you know after awhile you start to wonder if you’re looking at some really weird Adam Sandler off branch of the Amish.
has anyone else noticed how basically every TERF you meet has their fly down?? TERFs should not be trusted with jeans istg
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explorers-central · 5 months
The explorer clubs are just like the houses in H*rry P*tter but honestly full of facists.
Gryffindor = Polar Bear
Slytherin = Ocean Squid
Ravenclaw = Desert Jackal
Hufflepuff = Jungle Cat
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xoxochb · 7 days
jk rowling SUCKS I hate her sm
jk rowling hate club unite!!
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here to TORTURE YOU WITH MY ASKS !!!!!! what fandoms are you in (besides spn ofc)
Well, demon slayer, class of 09, heartstopper, young royals, Lacey games, Yandere simulator (i hate yan dev), bluey, stranger Things, harry Potter(I hate jk rowling), spy x family, and doki doki literature club.
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queenofsliferred · 3 months
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Due to character limits, this will just be names of my OCs. You can get more information by clicking this link. I welcome nearly any question about my silly mary sues.
Adventure Quest: Chalia
Akira: Kuroda Emi
ATLA: Rimon Suu
Big Bang Theory: Alex Munroe
The Big Chill: Veronica Heather
Big Hero Six: Mati Spence, Masuyo Smith
Bleach: Chikako Aizen, Hotaru Kurosaki, Halcyon Boosalis
Buckaroo Banzai: Sage Spence
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Isolabella Dawson
Cats & Dogs: Aurora Lee Phantasm
Chainsaw Man: Moe Nagamine
Channel Awesome: Avalon SexehTwilight Mary Sue, The Black Widow
Charlie the Unicorn: Jenniffer the Pegasus
Cowboy Bebop: Hazel Prince
Cyberpunk 2077: Himiko Otomo, Vidya "V" Zenith
Danganronpa: Sumire "Owlyn Srebrenka" Hino
Deadly Premonition: Absinthe Maidstone Stonewall MacShakeit, Abigail Maidstone
Death Note: Katherine "K" Kilgore, Melusine "Meruko" Badeaux, Sora Kurohoshi, Jezebel Blackheart, Mitsune Sakura
Devil May Cry: Beatrice Lacrimae, Lavinia Sparda-Amata
Devilman: Astraroth "Astra"
Digimon: Hana Otogi
Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Moemi Saiki
Dragon Age: Coriander Tabris, Craig Cousland, Dove Surana, Lieselotte Brosca, Princess Aeducan, Lovewave Lavellan
Dragon Ball: Remin, Unshiu
Earth Girls Are Easy: Andromevak "Andy"
Eltingville Club: Seraphim "Sera" Herrera
Fallout: None, Nothing
Fate: Cosette Everild-LaAnimus, Delphine Everlid-LaAnimus
Final Fantasy: Jehfa Fakthu
Fire Emblem: Briar, Delshad, Dreamer, Euphemia, Florian Gloucester, Historia, Marguerite Ciar, Primrose Gloucester, Solanine, Wander
Free!: Akira Hanamura
Friday the 13th: Lynn Curtis
Ghostbusters: Aisling Redhead (2016), Aisling Redhead (1986)
Goosebumps: Rosalind "RL" Greene
Gorillaz: Clotilda Culpepper
Grand Budapest Hotel: Cvetka Kovacs
Gundam: Atlus Darkwater, Nnyley Romantica
Halloween: Alice Linklater, Bijou Hart, Brianna Willow-Winters, Dolores Orth, Jason Lee Cranston, Lynn Curtis, Moon n Stars Morris
Harry Potter (All created when I was in middle and high school. This was before JK Rowling shat her diaper. I do not condone Joanne and her hateful bullshit and just wanted to share OCs I made as a kid.) : Akemi Akiyama, Cassandra Finnegan, Harmony Dumbledore, Jaycelynn "Jacky" Lavgine, Kendra Pepper
Independence Day: RL Stineler
Inuyasha: Aihime, Kiki (2004), Kiki Shiina, Usagi Hinode
Jennifer's Body: Christie Fatt Cox
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Fiori Stelline, Jonah Joestar-Angelakos, Kanon "Eileen Diamandis" Shiina, Otome Tanaka, Passion Angelakos, Sakuro Gackt-Myers, Stephanie McCormick
Jujutsu Kaisen: Chidori "Chitose" Iori
Jurassic Park: Anna Rose Morgan, Gillian Mayham, Jen Morris, Joy Tootoosis, JT Malcolm, Marina Malcolm, and Miharu Hamano
Kingdom Hearts: Kitana, Nerissa
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou: Dazzle Kovacs
The Lorax: Cipher, Avalon and Story
Mario: Princess Velvet
Marvel: Allie N Blumsford, Genesis, Jamie Johnson, Jocasta "Cipher" Macbeth, Makelsolakveder, Zelda Kirkness
Mass Effect: Adette Shepard
Metalocalypse: Maiko "Manko Kechaman" Roberts
Mortal Kombat: Amaya, Emberlynn Augus, Feather Dance, Stryker's Dad, Kandace Stryker, Laytanya Moore, Marina "Monsoon", Kirke
My Hero Academia: Rin Amamiya, Kirameki Sarashina, Youmu Yumemite
Naruto: Akiko Haruno, Asuka Hatake, Hoshiyo Kanmuri, Kazuma Hanamori, Subaru Kanmuri
The Office: Cam Keeper
One Punch Man: Sumika Nagisa
Ouran High School Host Club: Bunko Matsushima, Ryunosuke Kanagawa
The Outsiders: Josephine "Joey" Wiehler, Serenity "SW" Wiehler, Sincerity Travis
Passengers: Dr. Galaxy Pepper
Persona: Jun Adachi, Junya Daidara, Marina, Momoka Mishima, Minako Iori, Sayaka Sakamoto, Stephanie McCormick, Tomoko Nakajima, Hamuko Arisato, Minako Arisato, Rin Amamiya, Yuka Narukami
Pokemon: Amanda, Altreis, Catalina, Dolores "Lolita-chan", Emilia, Isobel "Izzy", Galan, Gabrielle, Gelato, Medee, Muffy, Paloma, Pycal, Tila, Twinkle, Wasabon
Power Rangers: Emi Johnson, Dawn "Milky" Garson, Jacintha Cranson-Park, Lady Johnson, Lady Johnson (2017), Octavia Clearwater, Serena Ryder, Tamsin "Tami" Oliver, Thomas "Tommy" Oliver, Wednesday Neckoway, Yumeko Takahara, Ashton Redhead, Derek Ng, Jaiden Lawliet, Lux Cranston, Morgan Valentine, Nicholas DuBois, Scout Park, Saintan
Rance: Aellae, Ashelotte, Desu, Cosmia
Resident Evil: Ianthe Hawke
Rise of the Guardians: Eros
Riverdale: Winona "Sodapop" Bighetty
Sonic: Blossom, Purple, Jeff, Mango, Mist
SPY x Family: Lyubov
Stardew Valley: Stella
Star Wars: Hiak Ray "Talarth"
Steven Universe: Imperial Topaz, Nokomis Queens
Stranger Things: Heather Ranger
Street Fighter: Neroli
Sugar Sugar Rune: Akiko Sakura, Cerise Incroyable, Sugar Graves
Tezuka: Daiya Mondo, Melody Serendipity
Tokyo Ghoul: Teruko Yumemiya
Touken Ranbu: Kanon Tachibana, Momoe Tachibana, Tokiko Minami
Transformers: Carly Rae Jepsentron
Twin Peaks: Eden Hill
Until Dawn: Moon n Stars Morris, Rosario Hicks
View Askewniverse: Artoo "Ari" Hicks, Alyce Linklater, Bijou "Rhapsody" Hart, Jaycelynne "Squall" Thiffault, Nova Phoenix
Voltron Legendary Defender: Forever, Harper Thiffault
XIN: Myth
YuGiOh: Aikako Hisahama, Airi Sarahi, Hitomi Nakajima, Hotaru Tenjouin, Jason Trudeau, Jaycelynn Trudeau, Kairi Sarahi, Masuyo Tachibana, Momoe Yukimura, Naomi Sarahi, Ringo Hinagiku, Raven Sarahi
YuGiOh GX: Ai Yuki, Aika Hana, Anais Kuroda, Anastasia Rosseau, Emi Jounouchi, Hitomi Nakajima (GX), Jaycelynn Rosseau, Kaori Tenjouin, Katsuro Jounouchi, Marina Mikan, Naomi, Soul Yagami, Yuudai Yuki, Kaori Torimaki, Koden Saotome, Moira Tenjouin
YuGiOh 5Ds: Barbie O'Neil
YuGiOh ARC V: Shinju Sawatari
Zack and Miri Make a Porno: Pepper Culpepper
Crossovers: Jaycelynn Yuki, Aqua Marine, Desu
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In History, Maybe - A coming-of-age story starring Hazel Nylan and her on-again-off-again girlfriend, Stephanie McCormick just trying to make it in the third biggest “city” in Manitoba.
Hazel Nylan , Stephanie McCormick
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Nobody of the Luck - A fantasy-isekai story about depressed popular boy getting sucked into a fantasy themed eroge called Nobody of the Luck and saving the world by accident.
Tristan Stark, Aellae, Freya
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Fractured Faerie Tales - Tristan is sucked into yet another eroge, this time its fairy tale themed.
Tristan, Cendrillion
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RandoRanger - A team of spandex technicolour clad heroes are here to defeat the hentai tentacle monsters!
Masuyo Kusanagi, Ryota Matsuda
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Starry Starry Night - Akiko Valentina constantly wished that she’d take that advice to heart for once in her life. Growing up, it seemed like every wish she’d make would come true. Life should’ve been a breeze… and it was for a while. Her family had won the lottery a few years ago, along with her mother’s seaweed gin distillery taking off which brought the Valentina Family even more fortune. Classes would be cancelled, boys asked her to the dance, her favourite TV shows would suddenly be back even when they were cancelled whenever she seemed to will it. Though, like a bad 90s kids horror series, there was always a cruel twist at the end.
Now living alone in the penthouse apartment her now dead family’s fortune got her, Akiko spends her free time overindulging herself in luxury, to distract herself from the dark. Things had gotten stale after two years of spoiling herself rotten.
“I wish something would happen in my boring life.”
One night, she’s approached by a stranger on the way home from partying…
Amber “Akiko” Valentina, Akira Angelus, Blair Princeton, Charles Broadmoor, Cheyenne Princeton, Fafnir, Gaylene, Kirk Grimme, Nyarou, Thorn
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Fairy Ring - A small town on the border of southern Manitoba that hides some magical secrets.
Antigone, “Kisecawchuck”, Dorothy, Carly, David Young, Abigail Maidstone
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Roseburough - A city with a dark past–its first settlers were a group of cultist for a demon of lust–that has a proclivity for less than pure activities.
Amelie, Anita Wood, Aurora, Circe, Dani Michaels, Daniel Michaels, Eitaro Satou, Emiri Satou, Genesis “Genni” Jones, Joey Spence
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Eidolons and Eudaemonia -Eudaimonia is a world where each country worships a particular element. Each country has a temple and a candle that must be lit at all times to prevent a calamity. Its said that the candles represent hope, the one thing that kept ‘humanity’ going after the first calamity. Every few centuries, new candles must be created and infused with magic and blessings from each country before being placed in the temples and lit. It’s a ritual that has been carried on long before the formation of the Church of the Star Bringer, which eventually took control of candle duties. 
Team Disatisfaction: Anita, Arlis, Milk, Opal, Rubia, Vesta, The Artist
The Demon Lords: Lovena
Magical Flower Maidens: Anemone, Cassiane, Ione, Renthe, Sayuri, Zinnia
Tristan's Party: Tristan, Akihime, Plum and Peaches.
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Story-less OCs:
Stephanie "Desu" McCormick, Stephen "Boku" McCormick, Aisling McCormick
Mermaid Squad: Arctic, Sea Bunny, Goffik
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