#jjw art
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jalapenorocks · 3 months ago
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Liu'Er Yuchen eyes!
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jazzy-j-wolf · 7 months ago
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Ronin plz she tried her best
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jjwclothing · 4 months ago
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abigailshorel6 · 9 months ago
Figure List
Inari Type (2020) Inari Typeface [online image] Available from: www.itsnicethat.com/articles/inari-type-graphic-design-220420. Accessed 16 May 2024. [Accessed 16 May 2024]
Théodore, L (2023) Léna Théodore: A l’an que ven lettering [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/lena-theodore-graphic-design-discover-040923 [Accessed 16 May 2024]
Morten Halvorsen parkinson’s typeface
Halvorsen, M (2020) Morten Halvorsen: Write With Parkinson’s [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/morten-halvorsen-write-with-parkinsons-graphic-design-140220 [Accessed 16 May 2024]
Studio Tempo® (2023) Tempo Studio: Ama [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/studio-tempo-ama-graphic-design-product-design-project-110723 [Accessed 16 May 2024]
errorerror.studio® (2023) errorerror.studio®: Rajola® [online image] Available from: www.itsnicethat.com/articles/error-error-stuido-rajola-graphic-design-project-130923. [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Mills, A (2021) Anna Mills: Anything Can B a B [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/anna-mills-graphic-design-171221 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Elmehag, J (2019) [online image] Available from: https://intern-mag.com/johan-elmehag/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Wright, H (2022) Copyright © Harry Wright, 2022 [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/harry-wright-discover-graphic-design-illustration-081222 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Gerard, V (2020) [online image] Available from: https://intern-mag.com/victor-gerard/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Koobas, M (2017) [online image] Available from: https://intern-mag.com/maarit-koobas/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Sindroms (2021) [online image] Available from: https://stackmagazines.com/art-design/feeling-blue/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Paul, J (2023) [online image] Available from: https://medium.com/@jennifer.paul12521/the-use-of-forensic-handwriting-analysis-in-criminal-investigations-to-unearth-the-truth-3591cd4b7b2f#:~:text=Handwriting%20analysis%20can%20reveal%20vital,when%20the%20document%20was%20generated. [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Hook, K (2003) Emotional body language expressed by the actor.  [online image] Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Emotional-body-language-expressed-by-the-actor_fig3_240838134 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
FBI The Seven Universal Facial Expressions of Emotion. [online image] Available from: https://leb.fbi.gov/image-repository/truth_8.jpg/view [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Studio Dumbar (2012) Studio Dumbar: Alzheimer Nederland [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/alzheimer-nederland [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Gavriss, A (2014) Human Emotions _ official art video [online image] Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTWkfpa-jJw [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Beeke, A Alphabet van Anton Beeke [online image] Available from: https://fokas.nl/2016/01/05/catalogus-75-paulbooks/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Flotner, P (1534) Peter Flötner's "Human Alphabet” [online image] Available from: https://admin.kuleuven.be/icts/services/blogwiki [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
(1782) The Comical Hotch Potch, or The Alphabet turn'd Posture-Master, 1782 [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/pov-the-human-alphabet-visual-trend-graphic-design-200324 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
(1789) Bourbonnoise Alphabet [online image] Available from: https://www.loc.gov/resource/ppmsca.15895/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Zapata, C (2024) THE NEW YORK TIMES, WORD THROUGH THE TIMES : A Pop, Dip and Spin Through the History of ‘Pose,’JANUARY 2024 [online image] Available from: https://crystalzapata.com/Image [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
SUNNEI (2022) HELIOT EMIL SS23 ‘Primal Substance’ [online image] Available from: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmTQErCPuVE/?img_index=2 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Grevet, T (2023) Pin-Up [online image] Available from: https://twitter.com/domesticetch/status/1662292451476774912 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
RCA [online image] Available from: https://www.are.na/block/7621633 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
[online image] Available from: https://www.are.na/block/3014496 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Grilli Type (2018) Film Independent [online image] Available from: https://www.grillitype.com/commissions/film-independent [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Grilli Type Gt Pressura [online image] Available from: https://www.gt-pressura.com/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Nickerson, B BN Hooha [online image] Available from: https://www.bnicks.com/shop/p/hooha [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
KlimType Calibre [online image] Available from: https://klim.co.nz/retail-fonts/calibre/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
RaggedEdge East London Liquor Co [online image] Available from: https://raggededge.com/work/east-london-liquor-co/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Grilli Type (2018) Film Independent [online image] Available from: https://www.grillitype.com/commissions/film-independent [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Schriër, D  [online image] Available from: https://www.instagram.com/schrier.xyz/?hl=en [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Schriër, D  [online image] Available from: https://www.instagram.com/schrier.xyz/?hl=en [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
PlayType rialto [online image] Available from: https://playtype.com/typefaces/rialta/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Wiltshire, F [online image] Available from: https://www.instagram.com/fredsfonts/?hl=en [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
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Sagmeister, S The Happy Show [online image] Available from: https://sagmeister.com/work/the-happy-show/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
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Fung, J (2022) Happy Fat Font [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/jazlyn-fung-graphic-design-120422 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Autistica [online image] Available from: https://www.autistica.org.uk/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
National Autistic Society [online image] Available from: https://www.autism.org.uk/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Translate Transform
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Zheng, R (2017) Look/Hear [online image] Available from: https://www.typeroom.eu/article/ran-zheng-wants-us-feel-look-and-hear-typography-miraculous-ways [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
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Zhu, R (2024) [online image] Available from: https://www.typeroom.eu/typographys-uncharted-territories-rozi-zhu-is-here-to-push-design-boundaries-forward [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
JUNO x Arctic Paper (2022) Munken Creator [online image] Available from: https://www.typeroom.eu/juno-x-arctic-paper-munken-creator-generative-typography-creative-coding-munken-sans  [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Reklamekollektivet (2022) Reklamekollektivet: Kulturhuset identity [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/reklamekollektivet-kulturhuset-identity-graphic-design-110322 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Hubner, P [online image] Available from: https://www.patrik-huebner.com/datadesigndictionary/creative-coding/ [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Jackson, T (2022) Trevor Jackson: KH, Looking At My Pager [online image] Available from: https://www.itsnicethat.com/news/trevor-jackson-looking-at-your-pager-digital-100622 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
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Hutton, B (2018) Rather than abstract soundscapes, the records become a visual system to understand how Bowie masterfully crafted Major Tom’s journey. [online image] Available from: https://medium.muz.li/oddityviz-a-tribute-to-david-bowie-with-data-3566d3bd6bd8 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
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Kraning, S Pager [online image] Available from: https://sarahkraning.com/  [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
Brusspup Screenshots from: “Resonance experiment! (Full version- with tones)” youtube.com/brusspup [online image] Available from: https://edinburghsoundmassage.com/blog/f/cymatics-the-visual-representation-of-sound-and-vibration [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
[online image] Available from: https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1901f77a1e540082&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIK97VzLpnlUULSb3Ya1lkwkaLycAw:1715860768009&q=sound+waves&uds=ADvngMiwfn8uYCYg6uH33md7hfeMOSZYL97pij0RXwgYkA14a0SGYAYgheetD_dB6bWw2Pq8UxDHW4C0Ea6XdfRsJX607NalpTXxfPeF_p6NhnW-2LFGo7y_c53muEgYdLs4ynMpW0iIvS0GfJJP9RhzS96LN80wqO3vhAqu_xu8xGSmXjZmCXTGy21e76Ch7GriJFa4ekNnzjSjJ2XuwEsLAqUY6k9fBbxYwhD3elBwvYgOiPOcNs_dDWGlAs-8hS-dB6mq2Of6c6H5d6Ugg00qdAllqV6aqElyBsltTBgVyjWjqf1YjTM&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwj5lb68j5KGAxVHgf0HHWDXDmkQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=1437&bih=720&dpr=2 [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
[online image] Available from: https://www.google.com/search?q=sheet+music&sca_esv=1901f77a1e540082&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=1437&bih=720&sxsrf=ADLYWILetrPd4pvsqnRXpccE8W2zycRCGA%3A1715860769945&ei=IfVFZoWoOeOHhbIPyKyGoAY&ved=0ahUKEwjFvLS9j5KGAxXjQ0EAHUiWAWQQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=sheet+music&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiC3NoZWV0IG11c2ljMgQQIxgnMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESOkNUABYpgxwAHgAkAEBmAG3AaAB6waqAQM5LjK4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgqgAt8FwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigXCAggQABiABBixA8ICDhAAGIAEGLEDGIMBGIoFmAMAkgcDOS4xoAeTSA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
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Schimautz [online image] Available from: https://juliaschimautz.com/Animation [Accessed 16 May 2024.]
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latribune · 2 years ago
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your-bro-s-attic · 6 years ago
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I'm really bad at doing those, huh. Lilac & Draco, Yuuma & Ryouma. I'm still sad tho, I wish I had guts to finish it( Was listening Satellite (2018) — Jung Jinwoo, all day. Sran JJW, stan PLT, stan talent. #utopia #original #oc . . . . . . . . . #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistsontumblr #sketch #unfinished https://www.instagram.com/p/BqTMHW6HwOO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ujmkke7twyv7
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insidethegiftbasket · 4 years ago
Justin Wilson
Justin James Wilson (they call him The Big JJW) is coming back for a second tour with the Yankees for his age-33 season after spending 2015 in the Bronx (you may remember that as the Greg Bird season). The hard-throwing southpaw is here on a pretty team-friendly deal—he only makes $2.85M this year, and 2022 is a player option for $2.3M, and then 2023 is a team option for $1.1M—and he will provide solid veteran depth to the bullpen, while also covering decently while we wait for Zack Britton to return from injury later this summer.
I’d share some personal, Instagram photos of his, but due to there being a second Justin Wilson in the Yankees system, and an NFL Justin Wilson, and apparently a child named Justin Wilson that’s quasi-famous on Instagram for being a good drummer, you’ll have to live with this shot of his tremendously goofy pitching face (and this isn’t to make fun, all pitchers do it—if I can find any of me on the mound I’ll gladly show y’all).
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2020 Came Justin Time…
…for the Yankees to get him on a relatively cheap deal. See, Wilson’s 2020 was fine. Nothing insane, but nothing too bad either.
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This really does look like the textbook definition of decent, especially considering he’s a bit older and was coming off a 2019 that included missed time due to soreness in his throwing elbow. He didn’t need TJS or anything, he just had some recurring tendonitis in the elbow and spent most of April and May hopping on and off the IL while getting himself sorted. The crazy thing is, once he got himself back into form and his elbow stopped barking, he was excellent in 2019.
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Healthy 2019 Justin Wilson is a guy that should be getting $10M a year to come in and do his thing for 50 innings a year, and given all of the bullshit surrounding the 2020 season, I’m sure the Mets are not thrilled that we were able to bring him in on such a team-friendly contract (especially considering the way Steve Cohen likes to conduct himself in public).
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But, what you do get with Justin Wilson is consistency. I don’t mean in results, because he’s about as volatile as any other reliever out there, but in how he pitches. In 2020 Wilson threw 345 pitches, and 328 of them were either a heater or a cutter.
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Both of these pitches sit around 93-95 and he has the control and command to put them where he wants them most of the time.
Maybe you’re thinking he just kept it simple because of how weird 2020 was. Well, here’s the 2019 chart.
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That’s 634 of 691 for fastballs. Guy loves the heat, lives the heat. By the way, I love seeing all the red on the 4-seamer chart there. He was putting that ball wherever he wanted it in 2019, and that was a big part of his success that season.
If Wilson has one bugaboo, though, it’s that he’s prone to issuing more walks than he ought to. With a career BB% over 10%, and pushing 11%, he can often find himself in jams that he really has no business being in given his ability to pound the strike zone as you saw in the above charts. He is, though, at least, not bad at getting out of these jams, but it’s still a situation you’d rather not see your medium-to-high-leverage reliever in.
And one last thing to note is the quality of contact Wilson generates, which is frankly, pretty shit.
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That’s A LOT of Soft and Medium contact, and not a lot of Hard. That, along with a career HR/FB% of just 8.7% means that he has the tools to play well in the more hitter-friendly AL East parks, and not just the cavernous Citi Field (also his 2015 numbers are really good here too, but he was good in general that year).
Realistically, he should fit in quite nicely, especially as we wait for Britt to return.
Will He or Won’t He
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I don’t see how you can predict him to have an ERA above 4 while still posting positive WAR as a lefty-specialist reliever, but I’m not a computer. Most of these are showing a healthy, relatively stable and normal season for a pitcher of Wilson’s experience and repertoire and the level of competition he’ll have to face in the cutthroat AL East. It is hard to find anything to argue with these numbers, other than the advanced math that my Fine Arts degrees prevent me from even understanding in the simplest of abstracts.
Justin Credible
In a perfect world, he pitches a lot like he did for us in 2015, or the Pirates in 2013, or the Mets in 2019. He comes in, does his job and does it well and makes himself an invaluable piece in the bullpen and helps us bridge the gap to the Green/Chappy Nighty-Nighty Combination Jug Band, while providing enough versatility to pitch in the 8th and maybe even close a game or two because of how Boone hates using relievers 3 games in a row. He pitches to an ERA in the low-3s or high-2s, and we feel safe and comfortable and secure whenever he steps out onto the bump in the Boogie Down Bronx.
(You knew that heading was coming.)
Well, there’s also a world where age and his history of minor injuries catches up to him because this is the 2018-??? Yankees and our guys are literally just always hurt or always on the verge of being hurt. But I feel like I’ve said that a lot, so let’s assume he’s healthy, but just sucks. His control fails him some, and the low FB/HR% spikes due to the obscene volume of HR hitters our division is home to and he just never gets into a groove. This would leave him with an innings count similar to the ZiPS projection, but with a significantly inflated ERA and what I can only assume would be negative WAR. He picks up his option after a shit year because he knows there ain’t gonna be $2.3M out in the market for him, and we’re stuck watching this same shit show again in 2022.
Evan’s Official (Patrick/Russell/Rainn/Jackie/Brian) Wilson (Phillips/Basketballs/Pickett) Gift Basket Prediction
I think you could reasonably slot Justin Wilson in for 45-55 innings of okay, but not great ball. I can’t help but see the inevitable regression as he’s forced to pitch to the high-octane offenses in the AL, and especially with how much the Jays and Rays will realistically see him. I would guess an ERA in the low 4s, maybe 4.25-4.4, and he’s okay enough where he’s not hurting the team, but he’s not really helping either. He comes back in 2022 because he knows that there still won’t be $2.3M out on the market for him now a very medium year older, but we won’t be picking up that 2023 team option either.
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biolum1ne · 4 years ago
HI FRIENDS I PROMISE I am alive just not on Tumblr 
Few updates 
I finally have a PC! Commissions allowed me to finally upgrade my setup so this small artist can now do speedpaints, streams, animations, etc.
Starting school so imma be inactive on here again T_T 
Lastly I'm thinking of starting up a small project I've had in mind for quite some time now! (Online store probably hehe) 
That's pretty much it I'll drop some of my links here if you liked the 3 pieces of art I posted on here lmao
► ART INSTAGRAM : https://instagram.com/rynn3ku
► TWITTER : https://twitter.com/xk4libryn
► YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdKHCGD73ZY5jAHqKzi-Jjw
► TWITCH : https://twitch.tv/xrynn3ku (I stream gameplay AND art)
love yall <3
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tell me i'm not bisexual because i love how he loves me, but don't think for a second that i don't remember how her skin tasted under my lips. and, don't assume i've chosen a side, like this is some sort of war to be fought, because they've both already won as far as i can see. do yourself a favor, you misguided soul, and don't ever think that because he's the one that i forgot how it felt with her. and, yes, i know where his eyes are straying on those beautiful females that no man can ignore because my eyes are already there, appreciating the beauty as he does. tell me i'm not bisexual, and i will just laugh.
tell me it's wrong to love outside of my race, but keep in mind that i don't care what your opinion is. their dark skin next to mine may be an issue for you, but dear, all i see is endless possibilities and potential flavors. my body tells me that their skin are works of art, so gorgeous and strong, and the desire i feel when i see it is not something i'm ashamed of. and, don't think my dad hasn't told me forever that it's wrong, because he's tried to beat it into me for years. if i won't listen to him, why would I listen to you? tell me it's wrong to love outside of my race, but love is love regardless, and i'm proud to love what you tell me i should stray from.
tell me it's wrong to love sex because i'm a woman, that i shouldn't be loud and proud with how i've been pleased and how i've pleased others. just because women used to treat sex like a chore doesn't mean i have to as well. men of old treated it like a duty for their wives to fulfill, like cooking dinner and taking care of the children. mine treats it like fun, like an erotic moment full of intimacy and love. for me, it's not a chore, it's so much more, it's special. i will not be ashamed of how i love and get love. so, go ahead and tell me how i can't just treat sex like a good time, like men do, and i will proceed to grin naughtily and pity you because you've clearly never experienced sex as i have.
tell me that i'm not supposed to be who i am, and i will laugh. do not attempt to erase me, dear. i am sassy, and naughty, and dirty, and rebellious. i am everything you fear your present or future daughter will be. but, am I really. because, i am open-minded, and proud, and unforgiving, and determined. funny how those are all one in the same, depending on perspective. so, go ahead and tell me i can't be who i am, tell me you won't allow your daughter to be like me, and i won't care.
- A look into my head; jjw// listen, sharon, I don't give two fucks what you think about me as a woman. but don't pin what you consider my misgivings on your daughter. you better hope she's like me. then she will know true happiness and unfiltered pride at being herself. not caring what people like you think is the best thing i've ever learned.
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mavonduritrilogy · 8 years ago
#PIMPMYBIO for #PitchWars 2017 - @Mavonduri
Ok, so it’s been a WHILE since I’ve even posted on this thing. But I’m hellbent on waging a proper Pitch War, so here goes nothing...
Werewolves are my thing. Always have been. Don’t ask me why. It seems they have a story to tell, and want me to tell it. Something to do with Atlantis. It gets complicated. So, I write. How goes it? I’m Jeff, pleasure to meet you.
I’ll get right to the book then, shall I? If you have a similar affinity for the lycanthropic, the fantastical, the esoteric... you might enjoy this macabre thing I call THE PERSONAL ACCOUNT OF DARIUS CARLYLE
I like to think my work occupies a happy middle ground between YA and adult. The genre is flexible enough, and our kids desensitized enough that a little blood and gore might be good for them. Plus, Happily Never Afters are where it’s at.
What’s most important to note about this book is that it’s a journal. Not my journal per se, but Darius’s. Here’s where I usually digress onto some inane tangent about the handwritten rough draft. The intimacy of pen on paper akin to channeling a past life from a parallel universe, blah blah blah...
In truth, it actually was cathartic. Cathartic, and creative. It’s a bloody work of art I couldn’t be prouder of, because I was able to dig through thousands of years of history, written only ten years before, when I fancied myself the next Tolkien (my crest has fallen since, of course). And therein I found the key to a story half a lifetime in the writing...
In 1888 Darius Carlyle investigates the slew of murders London's penny dreadfuls attribute to Jack the Ripper. When his dearest Kate follows him to Whitechapel, she becomes the Ripper's next intended victim. Unhinged, Darius hunts the Ripper down with murderous prejudice. But the Ripper's death reveals the true threat: an ancient werewolf with a personal vendetta. And Darius soon learns the depths of the creature's malice, as Kate's humanity begins waning with each full moon. 
Werewolves, Jack the Ripper, esoteric magick, and damned love. All recounted in a mystical werewolf hunter’s journal.
All Darius Carlyle ever wanted was someone to love and werewolves to hunt. By cruel happenstance, his dearest Kate becomes one and the same.
Give me a good book, a good movie, and a good beer (Jameson to wash it down, please, on the rocks). Some of my favorite films/TV shows:
Lord of the Rings (all three Extended Editions)
Batman Begins
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (favorite guilty pleasure)
The Prestige
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Ancient. Effing. Aliens
Penny Dreadful (not so secretly in love with Eva Green)
Supernatural (c’mon)
The Flash
Harry Potter should be a given
I grew up on a healthy literary diet of R. L. Stine (Goosebumps) and K. A. Applegate (Animorphs). Recent favorite books include I, Lucifer by Glenn Duncan and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clark. I also take a lot of inspiration from the likes of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde and of course, the great Professor, J. R. R. Tolkien, perhaps the singular great literary influence on my life. 
 I’ve always been fascinated by what’s on the fringe of the impossible, and gravitate to stories which explore it. The idea there’s so much we don’t know for certain draws me to history and myth, science and superstition. And I suppose that’s seeped into my writing.
I wish I could add gifs; sadly I’m not that fluent in Tumblr. I have a lot more personality on Twitter. Suffice it to say I’ve pimped my bio, yes? 
Don’t be shy, say hi!
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jalapenorocks · 3 months ago
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Just a character OC! For Lego Monkie Kid!
Meet Liu'Er Yuchen
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Will probably add more to her story later!
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jazzy-j-wolf · 1 year ago
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My own tadc Oc, Figit!
With some art of them with other people's Ocs. All from Toyhouse, In order: - Mixy by @/SomeRandomPerson - Alabe by @/Joshiepopop - BoyD by @/QhraineTV - Vincey by @/NeonStudios
It took Figit quite awhile to get use to their new body, especially their arms; it took them even longer to fully have control over the rubber limbs. Figit's arm can stretch around 2x their normal length, though the longer they get the less controle they have over them.
Figit has a problem of either getting their head all mixed or getting their arms knotted together; and will need help from someone to get themselves fixed. They get very disoriented when their eyes aren't on the same side and tend to just sit down, close their eyes and fix it. Thanks to Figit's head not being attached, their head tends to lag behind when they run.
Games and puzzles are Figit's favorite things of all time. He loves playing any game and explaining puzzles to anyone who will listen. While Figit is quite good at puzzles everything else comes with a little more difficulty for them, big words tend to go over their head and basic math can sometimes stump them.
Figit ends up asking a lot of questions, but their confusion is often mistaken for sarcasm thanks to their tone.
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hoxylove · 5 years ago
• Petty Bitxhes • Season 1 • Episode 91 #HoxyLove #HoxýLove #Hoxý #PettyBitxhes #Lockdown #StaySafe #StayHome #ContentCreator #BlackModel #QueerActivist #MusicalTheatre #Humanitarian #BadBitch #WorkBitch #SuperModel #Actor #Dancer #Stylist #Creative #Presenter #Art #SelfLove #SelfAffirmation #SouthAfrican #SouthAfricanArtist #WorldClass #GenderNonconforming #GenderNeutral #GenderFluid #African Executive Producer: @Hoxy_love Camerawoman: @Koko_pop2.0 (at Pretoria, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqeKz-jjWS/?igshid=13pa6joap6qln
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teenage-hexbag · 5 years ago
Hello my sweetheart please , there's a psychic who told me that i will work with my (jjw) on the future in creative field , i just want to know what kind of creative ? What will my work will going to be like ? Thaaank you for opening and offering free intuitive reading 💖💖💖💖 - NS ♐♐
Right off the bat, when I tune in, I pick up on your anxiety. You seem flustered. When going into creative fields, you need to be able to ground yourself a little more.  I keep seeing a lot of visual art, but I think that’s more where you’ll start (and not really the end goal).  JUST CLEARING OUT MY ASK BOX. FREE READINGS ARE CLOSED. PAID READINGS ARE ALWAYS OPEN. Good luck! Keep in touch. Don’t forget to leave some feedback or a tip (Cash app at $MaxLevine01 or Ko-FI is teenage_hexbag. Links in bio).
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nathanglenrichardson · 7 years ago
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rough screen shot of a design for JJW created with some cool public domain art :] 
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cultura-y-diseno-ii · 8 years ago
Objetos de diseño como objetos de cultura
Cada objeto tiene un diseño, estos objetos son fabricados con un vínculo mecánico y emociona,  eso significa, un contexto cultural, un significado; son creados en base a una cultura, para así, dar la solución a las necesidades de la sociedad requerida. 
Cada país genera un objeto para su sociedad y hay veces que hay objetos que son importados y otros exportados. Aquí veremos como los paises aceptan objetos culturales de otros países, adoptan esta cultura y benefician a otro país económicamente como cultural. 
Esto nos hace personas multi culturales, ya que adoptamos objetos culturales que no son nuestros y hasta usamos más estos objetos provenientes de otros países que objetos  provenientes de nuestro país.
Para demostrar lo que les comento, un ejemplo es la Avenida de Reforma...
La Av.Reforma, es la más importante debido a sus servicios financieros que presenta como inversión, movimientos económicos, etc.
Tiene varias glorietas como: El Ángle, Colón, Caballito de Sebastían.
La Alameda, fue el primer parque público que se construye en México, recibió el nombre de Alameda, debido a que se sembró álamos en esa zona.
Acontinuación, se muestra un plano de transmonte en México del 1854, realizado por Casemiro Castas, el mejor grabador de México.
La Alameda iba a surgir con la conexión entre Chapultepec y Reforma.
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El plano de 1864, Maximiliano de Hasburgo mandó a realizar la Avenida Paseo de Reforma, con un estilo europeo. La avenida Paseo de reforma antes se llamaba Paseo de la Emperatriz.
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Antes de que se formara la Av. Reforma, la glorieta del caballito marcaba el final de la Ciudad de México y atrás había una plaza de toros y ya luego se realiza el proyecto de Reforma así conectando las zonas principales de la ciudad. 
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Este proyecto se convierte en uno de los más importantes para la población revolucionaria del siglo XX, se da en la época del porfiriato y una parte del siglo XX. Entonces Porfirio Díaz, manda a sembrar arboles en la Av.Reforma, se encarga de embellecer las calles como: las lamparas de luz de gas, se empieza a ver automóviles, pero aún es muy raro verlos, aún eran de carrozas.
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Final de siglo XIX Porfirio arreglo la Av Reforma, primeras glorietas. 
Se cuestiona , cuando realizan dos monumentos, ya que consideran a l rey , como un idiota y por esa persona que descrubre, trae problemas al país.
Carlos IV 
Sacaron la escultura y se puso en la calle , se convirtió importante , pero menos significativo. Se vuelve más arte que el significado que se quería expresar.
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Cristobal Colón.
ponen un monumento de Colón, tiene una tarea civilizadora, conectar nuevos mundos, entonces simboliza el proyecto civilizatorio de la sociedad.
El suegro de Maximiliano de Habsburgo, Leopoldo I, decidió regalarle la estatua a México, pero por razones político-sociales, el proyecto no se concretó. Fue durante el mandato de Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada cuando Antonio Escandón propuso retomar la idea y se le solicitó al escultor francés Carlos Cordier su creación. Se inauguró en 1877, en el mismo lugar que Maximiliano había elegido años atrás.
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Aparecen más automóviles en el siglo. 
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El mexicano es contradictorio por naturaleza,siempre tendrá dudas por su identidad.
Se cuestionan esta parte,y se corrige, para ello se hace otra escultura, se realiza a Cuahtemoc
El 5 de mayo de 1878 fue colocada de la primera piedra y nueve años después, en 1887, el monumento fue inaugurado. Vicente Riva Palacio quiso rendir honor al último tlatoani mexica y el proyecto estuvo a cargo del arquitecto Francisco H. Jiménez y el escultor Miguel Noreña. A su alrededor hay ocho jaguares de bronce y lápidas con pasajes importantes de la vida del tlatoani.
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Presidente Porfirio Díaz, para que no se vea tan mal la historia de patria, decidió mandar a realizar dos emperadores aztecas a la Av. Reforma, fue el hazme reir, realizaron unas esculturas mul malas, por ello se enviaron al metro indios verdes.
Fueron diseñadas por el escultor Alejandro Casarín en 1891. Son dos estatuas de bronce que representan a los reyes aztecas Izcóatl y Ahuízotl, comúnmente conocidos como los Indios Verdes debido a la pátina de ese color que se genera a causa de su exposición a las condiciones climáticas. Han cambiado de ubicación en cuatro ocasiones.
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En la actualidad...
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En la época del Porfiriato, el caballito ilustraba el progreso de la Ciudad de México en los 60´s, muestra una arquitectura mejorada, arte popular, hace que el caballito se vuelva una cultura sin respeto.
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Se realizan postales de Reforma
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postal de las olimpiadas
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En la actualidad, podemos comparar como ha ido evolucionando la Av.Reforma.
Panoramica del caballito glorieta
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Para proteger las esculturas y edificios, se creo el christo  instalaciones arte moderno- envuelven a los objetos para su cuidado.
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No hay diseño neutro , siempre hay una contaminación ideológica, uno piensa para el gusto y no para la abstracción.
Mezcla de estilos en monumento de Cuahutemoc.
Leonas emplumadas, no se ve, solamente en México, leona con su penacho (azteca)
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Se ha transformado el significado del monumento del angel , ha sido tomado para celebrar, bodas, XV, marchas , protestas, ha sido usado para todo.
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Y ahora...
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Podemos decir que, cada objeto es creado con un proposito, con una cultura, ya depende de la sociedad si quiere aceptarla y respetarla. Y no como se ha visto en México que no se respeta a los objetos culturales, ya que, han sido adaptados y usados para otros motivos insignificantes. No podemos separar la cultura de los objetos, pero si transformarla en otro significado que no era el establecido. 
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