#jjk manga chapter 143
Random poll because i was curious about other people's headcanons about Yuuji's feelings. Personally I'm inclined towards either chapter 143 or Yuuji realizing he loved Megumi just as (or after) he lost him (temporarily. He will be back), because i like the angst of it. But idk, what are your thoughts?
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originaljiraiyan · 2 years
Anime Theories (Jujutsu Kaisen): Is Kenjaku Yuji's mother?
Anime Theories (Jujutsu Kaisen): Is Kenjaku Yuji’s mother?
Many fans of Jujutsu Kaisen have notice the mystery surrounding Yuji Itadori’s parentage. Yuji was raised by his grandfather, Wasuke Itadori, who dies leaving Yuji without any parents or guardians. Early in the series we also learn that Yuji never meet his mother and can “barely remember” his father. With Yuji having no knowledge of his parents and his grandfather’s death, his parents origins and…
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Could you do a romantic Naoya Zen'in with a female!sorceror!reader please! Thank you!
Oh he's going to be such an asshole... so I hope you know what you're expecting- I'm on Chapter 143, so some info may be wrong.
Possible JJK Manga Spoilers within this for chapters after where the anime (Season 2) leaves off!
Yandere! Naoya Zenin with Female Sorcerer! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Controlling behavior, Sexism, Condescending/Degrading behavior, Possessive behavior, Attempted forced marriage/courting, Stalking, Violence, Blood, Murder, Toxic masculinity, Threats, Forced relationship.
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You just know he's going to be horrible to deal with due to his family's principles.
The Zenin family canonically has sexist views, seeing women as just wives.
This is seen with Maki and Mai in the series, Naoya's language only confirms it.
It's canon that he views women as wives and thinks if they aren't three paces behind a man, they should be stabbed in the back (Actual quote, you wish I was joking.)
So it's safe to say Naoya is going to be hell.
He's such an entitled brat, tone and behavior often dripping in arrogance.
He would refuse to see you as skilled.
Being around Naoya as a female Jujutsu Sorcerer often comes with... comments.
Comments literally no one asked for.
Naoya would be degrading and condescending towards you.
He'd often view you as weak.
You could never measure up to him in a battle.
Like he did with Maki and Mai, he likes to break you down.
But here's the worst part.
Naoya would be the type of person to bully you because he likes you.
He definitely finds himself wanting your attention, so he'll get it in any way he can.
It's so easy to hate him, he doesn't even mind all that much at first.
Naoya would hunt you down just to mess with you.
At first it's just because he finds your goals to be stronger preposterous.
Although... before he even realizes it, he may follow you because he finds you attractive.
He likes that you're strong for a woman and might even see you as good wife material.
Naoya stalks you around, watching you kill Curses before stepping in to essentially steal the glory.
It's like in some twisted way he's trying to impress you.
Naoya treats you like you can't do anything alone.
He acts like he should be the man in your life.
He's so possessive... he thinks he owns you.
If he doesn't, he knows he will at some point.
Naoya is a nuisance to you due to both his beliefs... and the growing attraction he has.
You hate his guts... but Naoya feels he can't live without your attention.
He loves it when you look at him, he loves it when you react to him, he finds it cute when you fight him.
He believes he is leagues above you in power... yet adores you all the same.
Naoya would definitely put you down, then try to pull you into relying on him.
He tells you you're weak on your own... that you need him in your life.
In reality, it's the other way around.
Naoya feels he needs you.
However, Naoya is a prideful man and would never want to admit to that.
Naoya would often claim himself to be your man, be that boyfriend or husband.
In fact, Naoya may just jump straight into husband territory.
He's unwilling to believe you have any other choice.
Hate his guts? Sure... but you'll be married someday in his eyes.
He hates it when you disobey him to make him upset.
You want nothing to do with him, you want to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer without Naoya breathing down your neck.
Naoya is a Sorcerer who quickly turns to violence to get what he wants.
In the manga we see him quickly deciding to kill Megumi and Yuji to become head of the Zenin clan.
Imagine if you had a suitor already? Y'know... one who supports your career?
Naoya won't stand for that.
I can see Naoya stalking you until seeing your lover, only to confront them.
As I said, he feels he's the only man and partner for you.
So Naoya would probably kill them... with no regrets... in front of you.
The blood covering his clothes means nothing to him.
All that matters is making you his.
He's such a hypocrite, telling you to rely on him as if you need him.
You're capable on your own, but it's like he refuses to see that.
He wants you to listen to his every order, to beg to be with him.
In reality he's projecting, wanting to do that to you yet his pride won't let him.
At some point he gives in to the fact he loves you.
He loves you, he needs you, why can't you obey him?
The fact you're a woman who won't listen to him breaks him at times.
Yet he's determined to make you his wife.
It doesn't matter what you think of him...
Naoya is a selfish entitled brat who's used to getting what he wants.
He knows at some point he'll get you.
It doesn't matter how much blood he spills to make it happen... or if he has to break you mentally.
He'll make you his... his perfect little wife... who needs him as much as he needs you.
Naoya could drag you into his arms kicking and screaming, the blood on his clothes staining your skin as he grins down at you.
He doesn't care if he has to drag you to your wedding bound.
Naoya knows he'll have you... that you'll be his and you'll give him strong heirs...
You'll learn your role like every other woman in his clan... forced to stay by his side like the good wife he knows you are.
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ingued · 27 days
As much as I love Nobara’s comeback, I’m also disappointed that it came this late on
Fushiguro and Itadori had this dramatic exploration and evolution of their relationship, adding layers to both characters and deepening their connection. Meanwhile Nobara’s fake death feels a bit like it was used to sideline her, to avoid having to develop her as much
Fushiguro’s been both losing and finding a reason to live, Itadori’s finally realising how awful his cog mentality really is and is levelling up to be even stronger than Sukuna
Meanwhile Nobara’s the same person she was four years of manga earlier. Even if she does develop or improve over the next five chapters, those aren’t going to change her 143 absent chapters, which I don’t need to remind you is over half of jjk
As much as I like Gege’s writing, I feel like her “comeback twist” just ended up with it feeling like the story has significantly less respect for her character than the rest of the first year trio
I am SO happy about her comeback, but couldn’t she have returned a little earlier? I mean the stakes have been very high for a very long time in the manga, so it could have been just as effective as her “last minute return” fifty chapters ago for all I think
She’s introduced as a main character but missing for half the story
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thoughtssvt · 5 months
jjk manga spoilers for 143, 236, 257
yall know how grandpa itadori was trying to talk to jin about kaori to which jin said "i don't want you to say that stuff in front of yuuji, babies remember more than we think"
and then grandpa itadori was trying to tell yuuji something before he died to which yuuji said he didn't want to hear it. like
ehhh so we know that grandpa itadori wanted to tell jin that it's more possible for kaori to come back from the dead by negative means than jin thinks but im waiting for the "remember more than we think" like this has to be a foreshadowing right??? is yuuji going to remember something???
my prediction is also that grandpa itadori wanted to tell yuuji about their family lineage before he died. but how does that tie into his summary of "help even just one person" ...?
i just feel like these itadori family ties have been foreshadowed so much but HOW
like chapter 236 when gojo's talking to geto "then there's that stuff with his dad... well, i asked shoko to handle that" which then geto immediately follows with "how was the fight with the king of curses?"
readers thought gojo was talking about megumi, but the flow of gojo's and geto's conversation??
my half braincell is quivering that conversation couldn't only have been foreshadowing that sukuna is yuuji's uncle. like it has to indicate some hope, some breakthrough of how they win this right??
anyway have this bc this post lead to absolutely nowhere :
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cursedvibes · 3 months
My JJK Arc Ranking
Culling Game (ch 159-221) + Baka Survivor (ch 239-243)
Perfect Preparation (ch 144-158)
Itadori's Extermination (ch 137-143)
Death Painting (ch 55-64)
Shibuya Incident (ch 79-136)
Vs Mahito (ch 19-31)
Fearsome Womb (ch 1-18)
Hidden Inventory (ch 65-79)
Shinjuku Showdown (ch 222-262+)
Kyoto Goodwill Event (ch 32-54)
Cursed Child (Vol 0)
Note that this is my personal ranking of which arcs I like the most and least, not any objective statement. Like for example, I think Hidden Inventory is well-written, but it doesn't interest me much, that's why it's further towards the bottom.
With the manga drawing to a close, I thought I'd write down my thoughts about what we've gotten so far and what I like or don't like in the different arcs.
Culling Game
Starting at #1 with the Culling Game Arc. It's where my interest in the story really picked up and I got invested to the point of bothering to write analyses, dig into the lore and historical background and even start writing fanfiction. Culling Game is the meat of the story, where we got introduced to new important lore of characters, further explored their themes and connected dots that had been set up before. It is sort of a lul after the big climax of the Shibuya Incident, but I think that's also what was needed here, since this is more of a section where Gege takes time to explore concepts and characters further. Shibuya is a big payoff for the first part of the story and Culling Game builds on that, it establishes a level ground for the last part of the story. Characters like Yuuji and Maki for example found themselves fundamentally changed after Shibuya and used this time to find their footing again and try to create a new way for themselves to move forward. In Yuuji's case he had to do it twice even with the massive turn of not being Sukuna's vessel anymore aka having his role, purpose and ideal death taken from him. He catches himself relatively quickly though.
Also this arc just had a lot of moments I really like, actually most of my favourite moments in jjk happen here. Like Kenjaku calling Yuuji their son, Yuuji's fight against Higuruma, Maki's awakening, Noritoshi reconciling with his mother having a new family, Kenjaku & Uraume rolling up to the White House, the Yuki vs Kenjaku fight, the Heian trio spa day, Yorozu's backstory, Kenjaku and Tengen getting Sukuna's mummy and much more. The fights were for the most part also great. You always took something new away and I liked how we were slowly spoon-fed information about the Culling Game and Kenjaku's plans. Almost every chapter had something to pick apart and even with the cycle through the colonies there was always tension because you didn't know what this would all lead to. Even when the protagonists were doing well, things could change at the drop of a dime. There was a false sense of security. The main group got a little bit of control only to have it ripped away when they least expected it.
Baka Survivor
I put the Baka Survivor arc up here as well because while it might technically be during the Shinjuku Showdown, I thought it was so far removed from the fight against Sukuna that it's reasonable to see it as its own mini-arc. Plus, I think this section is a lot better than the majority of the Shinjuku Showdown. It's like Gege took some time to play around and write what was fun to them, the stuff they actually want to write. The end was a bit...meh. Mainly because of the context of this fight and Kenjaku's larger role in the story, especially what Kenjaku's death this early would mean (or not mean...) for Yuuji. Yuuta's integration here was also very weak because while he might have reasons to go after Kenjaku that were a little bit explored (although I think you could've done way more with it than just "wants to do it for Gojo" after all a big theme of this fight was connecting with other people and building friendships/partnerships, which is something closely related to Yuuta's character), he was absolutely irrelevant from Kenjaku's perspective. You could've put anyone in his place and it wouldn't have changed anything from Kenjaku's point of view. Well, maybe if you put Yuuji there, but Gege was clearly not interested in exploring their relationship like that....
Anyway, I have raved about this arc a lot on my blog already, but in summary I absolutely love how we explore both Kenjaku and Takaba further, compare them and their understanding of comedy/curiosity and how both of them struggle to open up to others, show their real self and make themselves vulnerable. I especially think that this was actually thematically a very nice end for Kenjaku. They indulge in what they really want, have fun without the need of excessive cruelty (although there was violence from both of them) and they allowed themselves to connect with someone else again and make a friend. Chasing after their superficial goals of merging humanity they lost their closest friend, Tengen, were thrown into doubt and Takaba both offered himself as an alternative and pulled them further away from their insane ideas. Best thing about it is that Kenjaku went for it! They got caught up in the comedy with Takaba, they paid the price for allowing themselves such a close relationship with someone else and lowering their guard, and they still didn't regret it. In fact they were glad they spend their time before their death with Takaba and finally having fun. Of course the merger plan continues, they can't just let Tengen die with them or fall into the protagonists hands and it is too late for Tengen to change back anyway, but I absolutely love Kenjaku's character development here. Just remains to be seen how Takaba will leave this fight and how he will react to having once again lost a partner.
Perfect Preparation
Really like this arc for all the new lore we get as well as emotional chapters like the Zenin massacre and Yaga's death. The introduction of Hakari and Kirara was fun too, but the highlight for me is definitely the meeting with Tengen and Maki's massacre. Ch 145 and 146 might be in the top 5 of the chapters I have reread most often. You always find something new there and there's so much about the relationship between Tengen, the Star Plasma Vessels and the six eyes to take apart, particularly with later reveals like Yuki also being a Star Plasma Vessel. Those two chapters were also what first really got me more interested in Kenjaku and their history with Tengen. It's when it becomes apparent just how much Kenjaku has planned and arranged over the past millennium and it also raises even more questions of why Tengen never mentioned them before and how Kenjaku could stay undercover for so long.
Then we of course also have the Zenin massacre. I like how it starts with giving us some clan politics. I love that shit. Wish we got something similar for the Kamo and Gojo, but oh well. Maki's meeting with her mother when she goes for the weapon storage is already pretty chilling, but it's even better when you see her mother go from "why can't you make me proud of you for once?" to "I'm glad I gave birth to you". Shows how much she suffered under the Zenin as well, despite playing by their rules. Too bad she only came to the conclusion to treat her kids decently when it was already too late. Maki also only found out her mother did care about her and was the one to finish off Naoya when she was already dead. Just like her reunion and clearing conversation with Mai, it all happens just a little too late and that's what makes it so wonderfully tragic.
Also shout-out to Yaga's death scene. I've come to appreciate it much more recently and I particularly like seeing him together with all the other autonomous cursed corpses he keeps hidden away and the hints of the friendship he has with Kusakabe.
Itadori's Extermination
Honestly, I mostly like this arc for its atmosphere. It's one of the instances where you feel the most just how much destruction, chaos and desolation Shibuya and the start of the Culling Game caused. The main characters roaming the streets all split up and sleeping by campfires, the broken buildings and civilians hunting for scraps of food, curses praying on desperate humans...it's great. Wish we got more of that later on, but I only really got a similar feeling when the foreign armies attacked.
And of course we get the fateful Itadori flashback here. I don't know how many hours I spend looking at those two pages and taking the dialogue apart. Just two pages and I've become utterly obsessed by this weird family. Also the first time we see Kenjaku in a vessel that is not Geto, so that's extra nice.
I remember also really liking Yuuta's reintroduction when the chapters first came out. He looked so much worse than in Vol 0, so that was really intriguing. Bit disappointed there wasn't more conflict and it turned out he looks like shit because...well, that's just his look now. Still good arc.
Death Painting
I like this one because it's where Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi feel most like a team going on a mission and solving a mystery. Especially the opening of it, with weird paranormal events that remind you of classic Japanese horror stories is really nice and always manages to draw me in. Kinda wish there were more missions like that just for the sake of atmosphere, even though I don't think the story necessarily needs it. Seeing Mahito and Kenjaku capture a civilian man, strip him, nail him to a wall and then feed him a cursed fetus was also insane. Never get tired of watching/reading that no matter if it's the manga or anime. Vol 7 was the first jjk volume I ever bought and I remember how striking it was to open the book and start with that scene. Gave me chills.
I also love the entire fight with Eso and Kechizu. One because I just like their characters and getting introduced to the background of the Death Painting's existence was interesting, but I also really enjoyed Yuuji and Nobara's dynamic here and their talk about what it means to kill.
Shibuya Incident
Really good arc and what made me more interest in how jjk would continue when I first read the manga, but rereading it there are definitely some fights and scenes that really drag for me and I end up skipping whenever I read it again or when I watched S2. Like all the curse users working for Kenjaku that ended up being entirely irrelevant. The backstory of Ogami and the guy with the big eyes was nice because it gave us an insight into what the life of regular curse users (not big hitters like Geto or Kenjaku) is actually like and how society changed when Gojo was born. That's some world building I very much appreciate. Aside from that all the curse users are very forgettable though. There's a reason I only remember Ogami's name and none of the others'. Some other stuff also just comes down to character preferences like I'm not that interested in what Nanami or Ino were up to and Toji was also...eh. Nice, but I'm not losing my mind over it. Nanami's death scene is great though. I mostly love Shibuya for its later stages. Yuuji's fight against Mahito, how seeing his friends and civilians die through his inaction makes him breakdown, how his world view changes over the course of fighting Mahito and their scene at the end when the roles of predator and prey are reversed. Kenjaku's entrance and explanation of their plan and what was to come is also very interesting and probably the part I reread most in this arc.
Vs Mahito
I gotta say I do really like Junpei's story and his developing friendship with Yuuji. Yuuji's first few encounters with Mahito are great as well. It's nice seeing them get to know each other and seeing the inciting incidents that cause both of them to gradually get more and more obsessed with killing the other. I also really appreciate this arc for giving us some of those slower scenes that are just focused on Mahito, the curse family or Mahito & Junpei talking philosophy. Mahito is a quite fascinating character even in his simplistic cruelty and here you can also see the most just how horrific, but also intriguing, Idle Transfiguration is. This arc has one of the best horror in jjk and I appreciate the anime for emphasizing the comparisons to the Human Centipede movies and human experimentation even further. It's really close between this and Shibuya Incident. I just ended up putting Shibuya higher because when it hits, it hits hard and I still like the high points it has more than the Vs Mahito arc. Still appreciate the groundwork this arc laid for Shibuya to be as impactful as it was.
Hidden Inventory
Like I said in the beginning, I do think this arc is well-written and I think it's a great way to flesh out Gojo and Geto's characters as well as give us more world building and establish the background presence of Tengen and the connection of the Star Plasma Vessel and six eyes to her. I'm also convinced that what we learn here about the Time Vessel Association and the cults that build around Tengen will become relevant again when we get to the Heian flashback and Sukuna's/Tengen's/Kenjaku's backstory. Still have that "Kenjaku created the Time Vessel Association in the Nara period" theory in the back of my mind. This lore is also the main thing I like about this arc. Don't get me wrong, Gojo and Geto's struggles and change in mindset is nice too, but I don't care much about Gojo and don't like Geto, so I ended up focusing more on everything around them. Including Riko. I find her story, the way she grew up and her inevitable death very interesting. Episode 3 of season 2 is still my favourite episode of the season of maybe even the entire anime because it's just that beautiful and I love how they added to the themes of her character by connecting her to the ocean. The inside of the Tomb of Stars is also so eery and entrancing, I could soak in that atmosphere forever. The only reason it's so low is because a lot of this arc is dedicated to Gojo and Geto and their relationship etc. While that is absolutely necessary and was very well done, it's not something I'm much interested in.
Fearsome Womb
Start of the series. It's really those first few chapters and the mission at the detention centre I like about it. It's where you see Yuuji still quite naive and ready to play the hero. I am very interested in his life before joining Jujutsu Tech and when he first got introduced to jujutsu, so this is always nice to revisit and see how he acted before he was forced to become a seasoned sorcerer very quickly. Those glimpses of how Yuuji was always a bit of a loner and also extraordinary from the start due to Kenjaku's meddling. Knowing his family background makes these scenes now even more interesting. His mentality back then is also what makes the moment in the detention centre so special, where he realizes Sukuna isn't Kurama and won't be a convenient power source for him. He could die if he is careless (which he is, of course, he never dealt with anything like this before) and he is scared of it.
Besides that, I also like the introduction of Kenjaku and the curses, how chill it is and how you see them walking among regular citizens undetected by anyone. I think that's especially a fitting introduction to Kenjaku's character. They are unassuming in the beginning of the series, easy to overlook next to flashy Mahito and Jogo, but that's how they have always been throughout history and it's part of the reason for why they never drew much attention besides the Death Painting experiment, which wasn't directly linked to them. Of course Tengen covering for them was the other big reason.
Overall, nice start into the series, even if some parts are a bit slow and don't animate me much to reread them.
Shinjuku Showdown
Shinjuku Showdown fights on a reread do merge well into each other, but it's undeniable that they are very formulaic. Yuuta starts out the same way Higuruma does. Talking about regrets, giving his all, how he has to end everything with a technique only he can use and then he gets cut down. Same with Maki, Kusakabe, Miguel and Larue. It is all the same. We are currently literally watching a slight reshuffle of the fight that started this arc.
Parallel we learn more about Yuuji's new abilities and Sukuna has to gradually exert more force. Technically a good thing, but it's all so repetitive that it loses more and more of it's emotional impact for me. If there is any emotional impact at all. Eventually it just becomes explaining of cursed technique after cursed technique that won't work anyway with minimal depth otherwise. Things get a bit better when most people have been cut away and we start focusing on Yuuji and Sukuna, but by that point I'm already so tired by everything that came before that I can't get that hyped about it and just want a complete change of pace that breaks all rules that have been set up and introduces something completely new. Like the merger for example... Although I have to say, Kashimo's fight might be my favourite still out of the bunch. Has a lot to do with my particular interest and what I'm looking for in a fight. It was short, but we got a nice wrap-up for Kashimo's character, learned more about the Heian era, explored the theme of love and strength and got what is so far one of the deepest looks at Sukuna's philosophy and mindset.
Besides that, on the reread, by the time Kusakabe's fight happens I'm catching myself only skimming the pages. It doesn't help that there's not much initiative happening from Sukuna's side besides the very recent chapters. He's just waiting for others to do something, which lowers the perception of any imminent threat from him. The later half (before Yuuta showed up again) isn't as bad as the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, but I'm still having a hard time staying invested while reading it. Gojo vs Sukuna 2.0 pretty much tanked my interest again. Every week I'm shaking Sukuna to just spit out his backstory already and release Tengen because that's the only thing I care about at this point and I'm bored of this fight. But again, my opinion, others likely feel otherwise.
Kyoto Goodwill Event
Was a bit tempted to put it above Shinjuku Showdown, but at the end of it Shinjuku Showdown still has some scenes I really like, like Kashimo's fight, Yuuji fighting Sukuna and the Sukuna, Uraume and Kenjaku scenes in ch 222. That's more than what I could say for Kyoto Goodwill Event. I don't necessarily dislike it. It doesn't really have any moments that bother me as much as the ones in Shinjuku Showdown, but at the same time nothing in this arc really stands out to me or catches my interest. Often I end up forgetting about it entirely. There's not really much to say about it because I don't have any strong feelings about this one. Not really something I reread unless I'm looking for some very specific information.
Cursed Child
When I first read Vol 0 (right before the Death Painting arc) I thought it was a concept story for jjk. The infant stage of it before Gege made the proper story. Sort of like the original chapter of Naruto where he's actually a fox spirit. Interesting to read to see where jjk started, but not tied to canon. That's also why I didn't question Geto acting very different here. I just though "wow, they made his character way less aggravating". So yeah, Vol 0 is really not something I find interesting or enjoy and I think the writing in it is quite rough. I didn't find Yuuta very compelling. He's an obvious Shinji rip-off, which wouldn't be that bad in itself except I don't find his personality that interesting and him pulling powers out of his ass without any of them being set up prior made me really dislike him. He can just copy techniques now and use them much better than the original person because he's just that overpowered. Who knows how he learned about any of this, who knows what the limitations to any of his powers are, he can apparently just do anything and that makes his fights not very thrilling because there aren't really any stakes. He also has barely any connection to the villain of this arc except that he happens to kill people Yuuta cares about. Geto's ideology is entirely irrelevant. Geto could've said he's killing people because he wants to turn them into Christmas decoration and the fight would've happened the same way. I think putting an ideologically-driven villain against someone whose only care is that his friends are alive and who has also not even the experience to judge if anything Geto says is justified wasn't a very good move. Centring Gojo and Geto's conflict would've been better and also showing us literally anything that would make it possible for us to judge if any of Geto's complaints are justified, if he's talking about real problems. Just going by Vol 0, we don't know that. We can only tell that the bullshit he spouts is an allegory for white supremacy/racism, which obviously is bad. But on it's own it seems like he's just spouting bigotry for bigotry's sake, which doesn't make for a very compelling villain, especially if the rest of the characters and setting don't fit his attitude. Nobody can ever even bring themselves to say something like "genocide bad, eugenics bad". They just don't engage with what he's saying and if that's the case, then why bring it up in the first case. It makes Geto's antics even more unnecessary. On its own it's really not that good of a story and since it's a oneshot with initially no guaranteed sequel, I would expect a bit more.
All that being said, the first time I read Vol 0 I was very annoyed and glad I followed it up with the Death Painting arc, something which is much better written and more up my alley. If Vol 0 was my first exposure to jjk, I don't think I would've continued reading. Having more context from Hidden Inventory fleshes at least out what Gojo and Geto have going on, but my complaints about Yuuta and his lack of meaningful relation to Geto and what he stands for still makes me dislike this arc.
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aviculor · 19 days
clownflower Replied to your post“JJK was interesting, but it boiled down to "Bleach...”
"In order to breed Yuuji as the ideal vessel for Sukuna's fingers" is an absolutely wild sequence of words.
Oh, you bet. On the subject of Itadori Kaori, this is all we've been shown of Yuuji's parents
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chapter 143
The fact that Kenjaku didn't simply kill and replace Kaori under Jin's nose has absolutely WILD implications. No, it would have been one thing if Jin was just an unwitting pawn in Kenjaku's plot. But what seems to have happened (based on Wasuke's outburst) is that Kaori died and Jin was so upset they never had a child together that he enlisted the aid of a thousand-year-old body-hopping talking brain to puppeteer her corpse so he could perform necrophilia. Do you want to run that by me one more time? Why is over 14% of the manga just the Sukuna fight but we've heard next to nothing about whatever the actual fuck was going on HERE?
I also need to reread the beginning chapters because I'm pretty sure Yuuji was introduced as a complete outsider to the world of jujutsu rather than being of sorcerer pedigree. Was Wasuke trying to shield him from this life?
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girlstacian · 9 months
Which Chapter would be the ending of JJK S2?
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If you ask me? I think JJK Manga Chapter 143 would be about the best ending for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2. Because of Yuji's father, mother & grandfather. to finally see and hear them all together one last time. And also because of Megumi's sister! after Yuta is done with fighting.
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m1shapanda · 1 year
give me some of the stuff you enjoyed and i'll give u stuff i think you'll enjoy (im srs i have a list)
UH OLKAY WAIT LET ME THINKKL,,, these arent all of em obv but there are too many for me to even thnik of rn]
our life, saint spell book, witchy life story, monster prom there r more but these r at the top of my list lolol
oh god where fdo i even start? one punch man, mob pshsyco 100, campfire cooking in another world, jjk, fairy tail, demon slayer, saiki k, spy x family, that time i got reincarnated as a slime, ouran highschool host club, hunter x hunter, welcome to dmeon school iruma kun, dr stone, a silent voice, a whisker away, my hero academia, haikyuu, blue exorcist, banana fish, howl's moving castle, spirited away, NOT AN ANIME BUT ARCANE, death note, love is war, cells at work,
our life, saint spell book, witchy life story, monster prom, volcano princess, creme de la creme, a tale of crowns, genshin impact, honkai star rail, twisted wonderland, obey me, pokemon, project sekai, fear and hunger, mystic messenger, UNDERWORLD OFFICE, lakeburg legacies, royal alchemist, heart fragments, error 143, enstars, minecraft, entangled hearts, todo: TODAY, the arcana, last legacy, deam house days, stardew valley,
nimona, spiderverse, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022), mosat if not all the barbie movies, the prince of egypt, the little mermaid, parasite, shrek 1, 2 and 4, the book of life, the son of bigfoot, coco, encanto
tcf, orv, song of achilles, return of the mount hua sect, sssvs (though im only like 100 chapters in), the s/classes i raised, jjk, toilet bound hanako kun, blue lock, blue period, the promised neverland,
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linkspooky · 1 year
Spoilers if you still haven't read the new jjk leaks so...
I really cant believe that your prediction of Gojo's battle ending up like Kaneki's beatdown has come full circle...my God even the one where he is lying dead chopped up with no arms and legs is exactly the same.
What are your thoughts on the conclusion of this battle or the whole progression of the story rn,because this really cemented Gege's bad writing at its finest for me.Such a lamest and most underwhelming death granted to one of the most well written character of the series with an offscreen death coupled with his whole afterlife dialogues dickriding Sukuna saying he wouldn't have stood a chance even without sukuna using 10s when the whole battle contradicts this,then Nanami telling Gojo that they always knew Gojo was a battle junkie and didn't care for others,committing a massive character assassination.Just why did Gege had to butcher his character this much?Im so livid right now with the way his death was executed and Gojo's character arc without achieving anything in his life and says he doesn't have any regrets and satisfied? I decided to drop the series because this all left a sour taste in my mouth and knows that there are more ridiculous asspulls to come in the future.But there are some theories going online saying Gojo will come back by rebirth or as a vengeful spirit by going North and correlating to the Lotus flowers in the panels.I still dont believe this will happen since Gege ruined the character for good,but I need to know your predictions on this one too to huff on my tiny amount of copium.
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Besides the fact that I have proven without a doubt that I can see the future and therefore I can tell everyone with confidence Megumi will live until the end of the manga (this is a joke, or is it?), I have some more to say on the rest of your ask anon.
I'm not going to comment on whether or not I think this is good or bad writing. For me the question is not "is Gojo's death written well?" but rather "What does Gojo's death mean for the story?"
I'll address some parts of your ask and remember I'm not really agreeing or disagreeing with you, just trying to analyze why Gege made the story choices that he did.
with an offscreen death coupled with his whole afterlife dialogues dickriding Sukuna saying he wouldn't have stood a chance even without sukuna using 10s when the whole battle contradicts this
In this case I believe Gege offscreening the death is a pretty classic bait and switch. It happens exactly the same way that Kaneki's fight happens in chapter 143 of Tokyo Ghoul: Re, we as the audience see a build up to a big climactic fight between Kaneki and Juzou two of the most powerful characters in the manga only to literally skip the entire fight and show it's conclusion: Kaneki limbless on the ground.
It inspired a huge controversy back in the old days of the Tokyo Ghoul fandom too, imagine if instead of just skipping the final moment of the fight we skipped the ENTIRE fight between Gojo and Sukuna. Just Nah, I'll Win *Smash Cut to Gojo cut in half* The last chapter also ends with this, declaring Gojo's victory.
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My friend Comun said basically after this Gojo was guaranteed to lose because in shonen manga the second a character is entertain that they'll win they have the rug pulled out from underneath them. It's the same reason that when you're making a plan to have a heist in a heist movie you whisper it at first instead of explaining the whole plan ahead of time. If you just explain the whole plan and everything goes according to plan you've spoiled your own story.
In other words the classic bait and switch the audience is led to believe one thing and then slapped in the face with something else. This is just my justification for why I think the ending to the fight is offscreened, the same way it is for Kaneki's fight with Juzou, it's almost parodying battle shonen. Jujutsu Kaisen is a story where characters fight, and Gojo and Sukuna is one of the most hyped up fights in the manga, but the fight is not the most important part the characters are. Fight mechanics are important to the story, but they don't trump everything else so less important to the question of how Gojo lost, or even seeing his loss onscreen is the question of why he lost.
In my opinion the reason Gojo lost is because he was fighting for the wrong reasons, he cared far more about winning a satisfying fight then he did saving Megumi the kid he was responsible for. Gojo is kind of like the audience, he cares more about the battle aspect of shonen manga then the characters, so the author denies both Gojo and the readers their climax.
This is what we call an Anti-Climax.
As a result, the subversion of the climax, the Anticlimax, is probably almost as old. The anticlimax is when you're set up for a climax, such as a spectacular, battle-to-end-all-battles between the hero and the villain. It's built up more and more until the suspense is extremely exciting, and the reader/viewer can't wait for it...then the hero kills the villain in one hit, or the villain spontaneously drops dead [...] Anticlimaxes can work well if it's clear that the subversion of audience expectations is the point, either for humorous purposes [...] or as a more serious commentary on the genre of the work.
It's alright if you're disappointed though because fights are one of the main draws of the series, I'm just explaining the trope that's at work here. As for Gojo saying he wouldn't have stood a chance against Sukuna if he was going all-out I'm not sure precisely that's what he said. He just says he's unsure he would have beaten him even without the ten-shadows, that it would have been close. It's also not completely out of left field that Gojo found Sukuna challenging.
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We are told beforehand that Sukuna is holding back a move, because Gojo only has to defeat Sukuna, while Sukuna has to do a boss-rush marathon and beat Gojo and everyone who comes after him. We also receive this piece of foreshadowing, Sukuna saying "Very Good" after Mahoraga succesfully cleaves off Gojo's arm which was likely him learning the technique that he'd use to finish Gojo. He even called Mahoraga his shadow.
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Someone else pointed out that Sukuna was also winning the domain battles pretty thoroughly before Sukuna started to use the TenShadows in the fight so I don't think Gojo's statement of how he could have won with his techniques was that out of left field.
If it were not for Sukuna's whim of wanting to use Mahoraga, he would have beaten Satoru and it is even implied that Sukuna allowed himself to be hit so that Mahoraga would adapt to Satoru's infinity. Even in their activation of domains Gojo had to destroy and regenerate his brain five times while Sukuna didn't have this problem, this is because Sukuna didn't lose his domain as many times as Satoru because we must not forget that Sukuna's domain doesn't need barrier like Gojo's so it was easier to destroy Satoru's domain than Sukuna's.
Yet another person also pointed out that Gojo acting completely on top of his game the whole fight and confident in his victory, and yet seemingly contradicting that at the end by saying he might have lost even if Sukuna didn't have the Ten SHadows makes sense if you consider the fact that Gojo was putting on a show for his students. He had to appear absolutely confident he was going to win in front of them to make them feel safe. Whereas, with Geto he's with a peer so he can be more honest about what he thought his chances were.
There's another shift after the opening stage of their fight in chapter 224. What always stuck out to me from that chapter was Gojo noticing that their fight was being broadcasted. After he spots Mei Mei's crows, Gojo never, not once, for the remainder of the fight expresses doubt in himself in any outward way. We see frustration, we see anger, we see surprise, but never doubt. Never worry. And what does he say as soon as he get's the upper hand in the fight?
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As for the final part of your post:
Im so livid right now with the way his death was executed and Gojo's character arc without achieving anything in his life and says he doesn't have any regrets and satisfied?
I don't think Gojo said he was satisfied. In fact it's the opposite.
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Gojo's unsatisfied because of two reasons, number one he wasn't able to push Sukuna into giving his all, and number two that Geto wasn't among the people who were saying goodbye to him before he went off to fight. I did an entire post, on why I don't think Gojo is satisfied with his death at all.
However, the TLDR: Version, Gojo could have chosen to fight for two things, number one to be the strongest and number two for the sake of his connections to other people. Gojo chooses the first and he fails at that. He's not only no longer the strongest but he couldn't give Sukuna the fight of his life. He's unsatisfied for that reason. He's also unsatisfied because he deliberately gave up all of his personal connections in life, and chose to only focus on being the strongest. Not only did he fail at being the strongest but he also lost Geto and practically everyone else. If he'd have chosen to fight for personal connections instead then maybe things would be different and Geto would still be alive, and he'd be more satisfied because he could have lived a life with genuine connections to other people, but that's not what he chose.
If anything I think it's there to connect him to TOji and the way they died. They both die offscreen and die standing on their feet. In Toji's final moments he thinks he only chose to fight for his personal pride but then Megumi flashes by his mind.
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In Gojo's final moments he thinks about how much he regrets that he wasn't able to give Sukuna a true challenge, and then Geto flashes by his mind. He could have chosen to live for something other than pride, the same way Toji could have chosen to live as a father and that possibility flashes before their eyes before their deaths.
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Hey, I hope you’re doing well. Ik we fic writers always complain about the lack of discussion surrounding our work so I thought I’d start asking questions to my peers.
Here we go:
I have a few questions about the Jin x Kenjaku fic you wrote:
1- How did you get the idea?
2- Did Jin’s characterisation cause you any problems since we don’t know much about him? How do you usually handle characters we don’t have much information about?
3- Can you detail your writing process a little bit for that one? Did you write it easily? Did it take a few days or more?
My last question is about writing in general. What do you like about writing Mirko?
Thank you in advance 💕
For anyone curious, this is the fic -> Blissfully Clueless
1 - Since I've been more "active" with JJK, I remember doing a reread and getting to chapter 143 and going "Oh, new fic idea" when I read the flashback scene. Wanted to try out an interpretation of how Jin's relationship with Kenjaku could have been like, you know? Simply was just writing it to be writing it! Honestly, I'm surprised I even wrote that fic because I didn't think would! Most of my fics are more comedic, but lately, I've been dipping into trying more styles.
2 - Ooh, so this plays into what I'll say later! It wasn't easy coming up with some kind of characterization for Jin, but at the same it was kind of easy. What made it difficult was that, yeah, we don't know much about Jin like that. Writing the fic, I questioned myself "how can I write this particular character without making feel too OOC, how to make a possible personality fit for this character"? Now what made it easy is that Jin doesn't have a lot to him in canon. Whenever I write characters who have little to nothing to them in canon, I think of them as empty or unfinished canvas. I have room to add colors to them, details that can bring them to life. Instead of a paintbrush, I'm using words. With characters like that, I'm able to let my imagination roam free because there are no limitations. If Jin had a lot more to him in canon, then it feel as if I have to take that and work with that. It's like "Well, he's like this in canon, so I can't mess up". I won't lie, sometimes I feel pressured to write a character aligned with canon personality because I feel like if I step just a little over the line, someone is going to get fussy about it. I mean, I understand that some people tend to write characters completely different just to bash that character in their fics or twist them in ways they see fit because they feel they have some authority over that character even though it's not theirs. But other times, there are those who do it as a creative choice, they're doing it to fit into an idea they have for a story. And it doesn't mean they really think of the character that way.
3 - That fic actually took a good twenty minutes or so! I needed a distraction that day and thus, that fic was born! Like a lot of my fics, I didn't plan that one. The idea came to me and I just wrote. As I wrote, that's when I question how I could possibly frame Jin's character. A challenge it was, but it was a fun one!
Oooh, to choose what I like writing when it comes to Miruko is giving her more depth. Okay, she has a personality in canon, but I just feel like she isn't just this "aggressive, angry rabbit woman" that some of the fandom sees her as. Now, unlike Jin, Miruko does have more backstory and screentime. In Vigilantes (BNHA Spin-off manga, it's great), she even has a whole flashback arc. So I have a little more to work with when it comes to her.
However, she is still just a minor character, so there is still not too much for her in canon. Even so, again, she's a canvas to me.
I actually have a lot of posts analyzing her character just from little information and her dialogue. I don't know how I do it, but I believe it comes from more how much I enjoy Miruko.
When writing her in fics, I don't want her to feel one-dimensional. Some of the fandom already do from canon which sucks. I'm about to sound salty, but it's just crazy to me that some fans will complain about aspects of female characters they find annoying and displeasing, but makes excuses for the male characters and admire them some those same aspects.
Some people will say the female characters barely got personality, but come on. Some of the male characters are bland as hell or has been done a thousand times before. It's not just the female characters, folks.
Anyways! I want readers to see that Miruko is capable of being sad, happy, tired... that she is capable of feeling, too. So I often think back to my posts about her and incorporate them in my fics. Or even vice versa. Sometimes, my fics inspire a post.
Sometimes, it can be a challenge, but not one I'll give up on because it's fun taking a line of dialogue and deciphering what it could mean for Miruko. I get enjoyment from looking at a scene and writing a post about it.
Gets the creativity flowing!
That's all I really can say for now. 💜
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cherryys · 2 months
Hii, this is the anon ^^ thank you for answering!
Before saying anything I wanted to say that your reasons are pretty solid, and Yuuji's detention center death thing is one of the reasons that make my own waver a lot lol. I didn't even consider that Kenjaku's words could still apply despite them being technically separated (for now). And also that second-to-last paragraph made me tear up a little ngl.
Maybe my reasonings are tainted by me being an itafushi fan too lmao, but these are mainly the reasons that make me think they'll have the same fate:
Their cog mentality. Yuuji's is more prominent and repeated, but we see Megumi present it too in chapter 9 (a little fun fact is that Gege uses slightly different kanji for them, Megumi's 歯車 being more like a literal cog and Yuuji's 部品 more like "part/component"). Maybe this is more of a meta read from a reader's point of view, but imo having Gege give them such similar, low views of themselves and their roles in the story makes me believe they'll both end up looking in the same direction and come to the same conclusion (especially after that narration post-Choso's death and everything that's been building up for Megumi, with his own role and purpose being obliterated).
They're also taking each other's roles as the plot progresses. If Yuuji literally dooms himself for Megumi's sake (ch.1) and sacrifices himself for Megumi (ch.1/9), then it's Megumi's turn to put himself in danger for Yuuji's sake (ch.143-212). If Yuuji has to go through his own personal hell (Shibuya) by Sukuna's hands, then Megumi has to go through his own personal hell (Tsumiki) by Sukuna's hands. I also think it's important that it's been made a point to show this "whose turn it is to sacrifice himself to Sukuna" thing through the title of the chapters being the same in ch.9/212, when even Megumi himself had said in the detention center that "it seems our roles have been switched" (from who's going to die - Megumi thought it would be him this time).
Like, I don't really know how to express it better, but they've spent the entire story sacrificing themselves for the other, so I think the conclusion will be them putting an end to it by finding their own value through the other. There must be a reason Gege has been having them mirror each other's paths throughout the story. I just can't see one's conclusion without the other's, since this story started with them both. I don't see Wasuke's "curse" as the ending but more chapter 1 as a whole, which is about Megumi and Yuuji making sacrifices for the other until both of them have to bear the burden that is Sukuna.
Maybe "taking the burden together" means they'll both die with the King of Curses but the cycle will just repeat again years later as is humanity's nature, maybe it means they both will have to find a way to live after all this devastation in their lives, despite it all. And yes Yuuji is the MC so his own, personal curse from the start of the manga should take priority, but Megumi (and Sukuna) is so tied to him that I think they will have to either die or live together. What would it mean to Megumi if the one person he has decided to save dies for his sake? Or what would it mean for Yuuji that he has to follow the cruel fate he's decided/been given instead of managing to pull through and finding a reason to want to stay alive, selfishly (since saving Megumi is definitely not the sanest choice here)?
I yapped a lot sorry if this doesn't make much sense, but overall I think I just have a more optimistic(?) point of view, and of course I could just be very wrong. After all, jjk has tragedy in every of its corners and who better than the protagonist to put a nice, final bow to it lol. But tragedy can take many forms so I guess I just want to believe that jjk also wants to say that unwavering love/humanity CAN break even the biggest of curses and to keep on moving forward no matter how bleak everything is, and there's no one better to do that than the two guys who have been pulling through for each other from the very start (Megumi finding a reason to get stronger in Yuuji, Yuuji finding a reason to live in Megumi during the CG, etc).
(p.s.: here's my translation of Wasuke's last words from the og jp text, but i'm leaving the jp too in case you want to translate yourself ^^:
オマエは強いから - you're strong, so
人を助けろ - save people
手の届く範囲でいい - it's fine if it's those within your hand's reach
救える奴は救っとけ - save those who can be saved
迷っても感謝されなくても - even if you waver, even if you aren't thanked
とにかく助けてやれ - even then, save (people)
オマエは大勢に囲まれて死ね - die surrounded by many people
俺みたいにはなるなよ - don't end up like me)
You bring up very valid points! Yuuji and Megumi's fates are very intertwined so it's hard to see any conclusion of either character without the other intrinsically embedded in it.
An ending where they both die, effectively ridding the world of the King Of Curses since it's a burden they both shared would be pretty tragic in its own right imo but them both surviving and helping each other heal while trying to fix their mistakes would be a much more hopeful ending and would especially work with the theme of the younger generation breaking the cycle of the older generation, where Gojo & Geto made disasterous decisions and died before they could truly bear the consequences of it (Shibuya and Culling Games), Yuuji and Megumi will live on to bear the consequences, but this time together, where the burden will be much more easier on their shoulders.
Yes JJK is a tragedy, but it shouldn't be a depressing one all the way through. We see scenes of hope that things would turn out better this time (Megumi telling Yuuji to share the burden after Shibuya, unlike Gojo who told Geto that he alone should bear the burden of failing to protect Riko, thus driving them away from each other) (Jujutsu Sorcerers fighting together to stop Sukuna instead of the classic mentality of "Jujutsu Sorcerers die alone so they should fight alone) stuff like that.
I do think it would also be unnecessarily cruel if Yuuji were to die right after Megumi (assuming he gets up because of Yuuji eventually) starts believing in a person again right after he drowned in despair because he lost all the people he believed in lol but Gege is known for just putting Megumi through the wringer so it would unfortunately fall in line with what he's doing. Like that guy can never catch a break, holy shit. (People kept saying he hates Gojo, but look at what he's doing to Megumi 😭)
i'm not too hopeful that one won't bite the curb prematurely, but i would like it if they do live on
(Also thank you so much for the translation!!! Official translations can be so wacky and the original meaning always gets lost in translation(
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mothboypoison · 5 months
I'm curious about JJK kiss 👀
This was a Nobara/Maki fic I was writing! I abandoned it because it was supposed to be funny and I decided I wanted to write something miserable instead for them ♥
The premise was based off Chapter 143 of the manga Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, where two characters share their first kiss completely by accident when someone knocks one of them into the other. I do like what I had so far and the plot was essentially going to be Yuuji (of course) accidentally knocking Maki into Nobara (who is crushing on Maki) and they kiss. Nobara is furious and Yuuji ropes Megumi in to help him fix things.
I would like to finish it one day when I feel like writing comedy! Here's an excerpt:
Now he can hear as Maki storms out of Itadori’s room and runs down the corridor, and Inumaki follows; he can tell this because he can still hear Itadori’s frantic pleading and Kugisaki’s furious rage. He has absolutely no desire to know what happened. He doesn’t care. He has to study. He lets his hands fall from his face and he leans back in his chair to stare up at the ceiling. I miss when I was the only first year, he thinks. “ITADORI YUUJI, DON’T YOU DARE—” More footsteps and Megumi groans again when he hears them getting closer. He looks over as Itadori wrenches open his door and slams it shut behind him. He quickly locks it and leans back against it, his chest heaving and his face as pink as his hair. Megumi wonders if he’ll be able to get away with not asking what just happened. He doesn’t think so. Itadori’s eyes are wide with fear and he gets the sense that someone is going to have to sort out whatever mess he’s got himself into, and it’s going to have to be him. He sighs, resigned to his fate. “What happened?” He asks, drumming his fingers on the desk. “Fushiguro,” Itadori says, voice trembling. “I fucked up.” “Tell me.”
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romi-v-i-i-7 · 3 years
Jjk manga chapter 143 spoilers!! 🤓
Nahh just some theories im focusing on yuji's backstory specificly on him being a decedant to some powerful jujutsu and stuff
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1. So what if this Noritoshi Kamo was possessing Yuji's mom just like he possessed Geto's body. Ok lets break it up a bit. Gramps said that Kaori (Yuji's mother i suppose) had died before getting cut off by her mother with the stiches on her forehead. This can go both ways now, kaori died and Noritoshi's brain transfered into her so she survived or she died and the woman with stiches came into view and became Jin's wife (jin is Yuji's dad)
2. what if sukuna was Yuji's ancestor? I mean it isnt mentioned abt sukuna's life as a human but jjk focuses more on family matters of the sorcerers so it doesn't seem far fetched. Besides the the whole sorcery thing revolves around the three great sorcerer family which are the Zenin fam, the Gojo fam and the Kamo fam. I also agree with the reincarnation theory but the familial blood lines is also a possibility.
3. Choso said that yuji was his brother and he confirmed it with his blood technique thing when yuji was died (again) but he but yuta did some of his curse power thing idk. So this goes back to yuji's mother, supposedly the one with the stiches, Kaori probably. Lets say that that kaori died but is smh is still alive bc of Noritoshi's possesing and gave birth to yuji, why did he chose her as the vessel? Was it random? Is it bc she had the kamo bloodline? But then again geto wasnt a kamo... Did he chose her for sth else
4. the theory i had a long time ago was sukuna and yuji being somewhat related. The reincarnation does makes sense but family members can also hv same faces, features, whatever it is thats possible .(uhh its called genes) aight now this was mostly bc i imagine both of them freaking out that theyre actually might be blood related
Probably be sth like this:
Yuji: wait we're family??
Sukuna: oh no oh hell no
Yuji: im related to you??!
Sukuna: this is the worst day of my life
Sorry this was messy. I had zero braincells doing this. This is alsoy first time doing sth like thus. And i kinda lost my motivation to go detective mode
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timeofdeathnote · 4 years
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*cue romantic music*
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yuutahime · 4 years
new chapter got me confused about an infite number of things, hoWEVER. the fact that megumi probably knew how yuuji was drifting away in his guilt and self-hatred.
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and came to offer him a clear, attainable first step (“save me”) towards yuuji's very vague goal and purpose as per his grandpa's dying wish (“save as many people as you can”).
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most likely in order to, you know, stop a whole lot of people from dying, but also to bring yuuji back on track & give him something solid to work towards instead of aimlessly hunting curses by himself (which imho was equal parts an attempt to atone for what he feels was his fault + to protect everyone he cares about).
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all while yuuta watches this exchange and understands exactly what yuuji is currently going through, because he's been in the same situation not too long ago.
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yeah, THAT.
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