#jirai matching
angelbunnysweeet · 3 months
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Rent a girlfriend Jirai kei pfps matching♡
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dracocorpse · 1 year
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   𝅼    ୨ 🎀 ׂ 𖹭 divider by me
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suiana · 1 day
omg guys!!! i've been thinking about it but like yandere! jirai kei bf >>___<<
he wears pretty clothes and has all these super cool fashion stuff! he has a really cute sense of fashion and is an absolute pretty boy!!! bro is actually loaded with money too and loves to buy you cute plushies so u and him can match :3
unfortunately he's also a bit crazy!
YOU: haha bae ur so funny im gonna go sleep now
mentalhospitalpatient#69: ok babe good night ❤️
5 minutes later
mentalhospitalpatient#69: baby how could u not invite me to sleep with you? r u cheating on me? do u want me to die? u know how much u mean to me i cant believe this im going to breaki into ur house and explode
yeah hes an absolute landmine. u remember there was one time where u didn't say u loved him and he went batshit ballistic CRAZY
YOU: lol ok see u later
mentalhospitalpatient#69: yay >w< see u later bby!! i love u!!
seen at 14:23
mentalhospitalpatient#69: okay i see how it is u dont love me anymore is that it? u hate me? i knew u never liked me i shouldve just gone the kidnapping route n made u mine that way ud never lose feelings for me. the normal route was too risky i cant believe that i actually thought things would work out for once but
YOU: what the fuck vro
YOU: i love u now chill damn
mentalhospitalpatient#69: okay❤️ yay❤️
mentalhospitalpatient#69: actually no why did u speak to me in that tone i knew u hated me im going to burn your house down
you can't believe ur dating someone like him. you know that he overthinks a lot and is... unhealthily attached to you but seriously?? he can't go 5 minutes without a fraction of your time and it's actually making you crazy.
if it weren't for that monstrous dick and his pretty face you probably would have shoved him into the mental hospital.
actually he'd just break out.
"wtf what r u doing here bro u should be in the mental hospital???"
"yeah i broke out because i missed you <3"
...you swear one of these days he's actually gonna act on his words. and when that day comes you'll probably explode and die. stupid boyfriend. you're gonna throw him into the ocean.
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lavendergalactic · 8 months
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☆  ame rentry graphics!
day 2 of @nevermore-s event ! " a character who's aesthetic you enjoy " f2u w/ credit, reblog appreciated!
matching with the kangel graphics i made!
red jirai kei is so prettyy if i had prettier hair i'd definetly want to try it out myself
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justjiraithings · 3 months
just jirai things #4
the more you show your capabilities to financially support your oshi/honmei/tantou, the higher the chances are of you getting special attention! but your oshi isn't gonna see every single merch purchase you made... so you need to figure out how to visibly show that you got the funds! and so the mcm backpack is worn!!! thanks to the korean and overseas celebrity style trends in the 2010s, the dubbed kabukicho randoseru (歌舞伎町ランドセル) has become *the* recognizable luxury bag similar to a fendi baguette! commonly worn by wotakus, bangyas, hosuguruis, and other fans who have a special someone to impress even if that special someone barely knows you exist TT...
(usually if you just wanna increase your chances of getting noticed by your oshi or other wotas, then you'd most likely just get a knockoff, just make sure no one looks too close! but a thing fans sometimes do is gift their oshi an mcm backpack to match, in this case, many will seek out real mcm backpacks no matter the means or cost because you definitely don't want to get caught by your oshi for gifting a dupe. other brand options include balenciaga and gucci... good luck o7)
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Hi thank you for taking my request if it's all right can I please ask for a part two where he finds out the darling is good and stitching/customizing and
Where he find the darling making a doll of him
So they can hug it when he isn't there
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1.43k words. Scara masterlist
TW:? Signals of anxiety, Bl00d mentions, Threatening. Shameless manipulation
Featuring?: Childe. Mentions of scaras fatui life and backstory/Inazuma spoilers.
Scara's oufit for your 'date' ->> Link
First part -> Jirai Kai
Kuni pulled away from the kiss to observe your fragile body against the tree. "Hah. Never though you could make the taste of dango better my love. We should have more dates like this~" you blushed and looked away from him. "I-it wasnt a date! We we're just going to pick up your package. i-i didnt even want to come out.." "Oh really? but im sure you did enjoy the little show i put on for you, didnt you?" he snickered at your silence, then licked off the woman's blood from his hand.
"You liked talking to that sneaky youkai as well.. Why didnt you tell me those two humans we're bothering you. I would've got rid of them right then and there." He roughly cupped your cheek, Giving you no choice but to stare at his dead indigo eyes and bloodstained choker. Until You we're interrupted by the sudden roar of thunder. "Ugh. How irritating.." He then pulled away from you to look back at his 'masterpiece' "Lets head back through the way to tenshukaku darling. Then im sure you wont have to worry about anyone else~" you smiled at his suggestion, only to be startled by the sudden drop of rain. You turned and kneel'd down to open your pastel bag. It had a small umbrella inside, plushies, snacks, 1 energy drink and your empty sowing kit. You pulled out the small umbrella, sighing at your empty kit. Meanwhile, Scara was still in a daze. Wondering if one day he could show you his work within the fatui personally. You nervously tapped his shoulder. to which he immediately turned around to. "Hm? Whats that love?" the water and blood began to mix, draining down his overshirt. "…I brought an umbrella just incase..Do you want to walk together Sca- Kuni?" A warm smile appeared on his face. It was rare, but something about the way he'd smile would always warm your heart. It was a pure and innocent smile as if he never committed the 100s of atrocities he's done. He took the umbrella out of your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist. Holding you close while guiding throughout the path to tenshukaku.
You walked through the city again while getting a couple of stares and laughs over how kuni looked, making you cling onto him even more. The anxious pit in your chest felt as if it subsided a little. It was still their and it wasnt easy tuning it all out but you felt a mysterious comfort with kuni around. //The two of you first met at ogura muro's kimono shop as you we're browsing for dark sakura patterns to use as doll fabric. Your hoodie was still over your head. "Excuse me? Do you mind helping me pick out some fabrics. A friend of mine also has a interest in those colors you have but.. I cant seem to know which one is right." He smiled but you didnt reply. The counter woman giggled.
"Sorry dear, Y/N always has her headphones on." She smiled. 'So it is her.' Kuni thought. He already knew who you were beforehand but never intervened. He looked at your beautiful choice of style. In inazuma their rarely was any unique styles of clothing, being deemed as inappropriate. but he couldnt get over how astonishing you looked. from your stockings with little hearts that matched your black footwear, to your cute sanrio trinkets and keychains along your bag.
Fantasizing over the two of you walking throughout inazuma in matching outfits, exchanging tastes in music, or even coming to your house for dinner. He wanted you from the beginning. You lived in his head rent free while he was in schneznaya for a year. It pained wondering anxiously if something happened to you due to the laws. He wasnt the best artist but to calm his worries during breaks on missions he'd draw pictures of you in his clothes and the wet fantasys he'd have of helping you take them off.//
You browsed through your phone, hoping to distract yourself from directed stares. "Hmm. Your being awfully kind arent you? Im surprised you didnt let me walk in the rain myself." he looked down at you while you scrolled through your gallery of dolls. Tuning out his words just as you first met. Eventually walking past ogura mio at her textiles and kimono shop, You tugged at scara's shirt. Then pointed to the shop. "Of course, darling." You rushed with a smile on your face. Searching through layers of fabric while he was amused with your 'childish' reactions. After finally picking out things you liked, you walked towards the counter hoping to see Ms Ogura again. After all..It has been 3 years since Kuni kept you. Your smile turned to a frown after realizing she wasn't there. Her daughter, Mura Mio was lazily taking care of the family business. Headphones in ears and reading manga "Um..Excuse me.." Mura didnt reply, mearly looking you up and down with a tsk then turning back to her book. The pit swirled in your chest from the awkwardness. You held the cloth and thread in your hand then walked back to kuni. He looked up at your grim eyes and immediately put his cold hand on your shoulder, Bringing you back under the umbrella. "Whats wrong baby? They didnt have anything you wanted? I thought this was your favorite store." You looked down. "...l-lets just go home kuni...its closed." Kuni then gave the umbrella to you and walked back towards the store after looking then seeing mura. "N-no kuni its fine lets just go home please-" You shieled your face in embarrassment, Hoping he wouldnt make a scene.
He walked up to Mura's desk. Watching her look him up and down. "Hi welcome to ogura-" she glanced behind him to read the sign but saw you. Realizing the both of you had similar outfits on, She sighed again. "I dont know why your girlfriend had to send you in here to make a scene." Kuni leaned over the counter, resting one of his hands on it. "Are you deaf or just stupid?" "Ugh- Excuse me?!" Mura leaned back in her chair as he got closer to her uncomfortably. "My Wife, wanted to buy something from this-" He looked at the run down markings in the floor. "Store. But you act like you cant do your own fucking job-" Mura cut kuni off. "i dont even want to work here, And i dont really care what that…other freak is to you, and-" She bit her tounge. A faint smell of metal began to come from kuni. "What? You Dont have anything else to say to this Freak?" Blood countined to drip down his choker, Pattering onto the pages of her manga. Mura shivered as the metalic smell and taste from her tongue overwhelmed. She looked down at the picture then back at the male. His indigo eyes then began to glow with a purple tint, disappointingly looking at mura. "Humans like you truly are pathetic, A complete waste of space." Mura froze in fear as Kuni began walking around the counter and towards her. Still stuck in her chair. "You act tough and degrade a person behind their back or even to their face, Yet When I come around, People like you regret ever being like this to my darling." "P-please..i-..Im sorry. T-take whatever you want from the store! Bring her in and!-" "Orders? Hah. Your telling me what to do with my love? You sure have a mouth to run dont you? How about…I cut it? Watch you choke on your own sloppy-" He stopped talking to look back at his darling, sitting at another dango stall with the umbrella and eating. 'My love, Your so precious. Too delicate for this world. Why did you leave me? Dont you remember when we first met here' At the sudden thought he then remembered that this was ogura's daughter. The glow in his eyes faded, he walked throughout the store picking out things similar to the items you chose. loving how humans would fear him. Especially after an act like Mura's. He still paid for what he bought out of respect for Ogura since you actually cared about the woman. He looked back at Mura. Both knowing her demise.
Kuni walked towards you sitting with your umbrella closed, The rain finally stopped. "My love~" You shuddered at the sudden call. Internally sighing that the nice silence you had was over "Y-yes kuni?" "What do you even need this shi- this stuff for anyway? Do you make clothes or something?" He looked through the bags then glanced at your now starlit eyes. "Oh! i- i like making dolls. Even customizing! Some of the keychains on my bag I made them too! S-sorry if its a boring hobby.. I know hobbys are for 'idle bodys' as you'd say." He flashed the bags in your face, Insistingly. "Take it and have fun." "W-what..?" "I said, Take it and have fun. Do i have to repeat myself?" He sighed as you giggled and looked through the bag. "Back when I was kubuki- I mean, Traveling. I met a boy, A fledgling just out of the nest..He gave me a doll he made that looked just like me." He then sucked his teeth after realizing he started to get emotional. Reaching to comfort his eyes until you ambushed him with a hug. You didn't know why you hugged him, Countless thoughts we're telling you not to after he kidnapped you, killed your entire family and livelyhood but you didnt listen. staining your beautiful outfit against his bloodstained clothes. While the bags buckled against his back as you wrapped your arms around him. He immediately pulled you into a kiss. Ignoring the now tolerable taste of dango. "Your mine Y/n." Your heart swelled, falling into Kunikuzushi's trance once again.
"Turns out this Mura chick fled out to sumeru, Sucks.. She's kinda hot." Childe Breezed through the papers while the boat rocked. "Wouldn't expect anything less from you Childe, In love with the weak. Explains why your the 11th." Scara turned in his seat. Looking as the view of the tallest point of the academia was visible through the ocean waves. "Hey, At least ill be sure the one I have really loves me~ I wont have to go through any extra killing or-" "Living off of lies wont do you any good Childe, This is why your still single." Childe laughed 'thats ironic' he thought. "Comrad its called, Waiting for the right one. Besides, being this rude wont give you a free month of me doing your missions so you can hang out with y/n!!" he poked scara's shoulder as the boat rocked again, Making his hat tipple over a bit. "Do me a favor childe." "Sure comrade!" "Jump off the boat." "Aw cmon kuni, be nice. 3 more weeks with me will be fast." Kuni then glanced down at the electro crest on his fatui uniform, And the dangling feather his mom gave him when he was first born. He swore he'd never take it off, Along with the mini doll keychain you gave of him. Kuni was pouting as his hat was halfway hanging onto his head, Unlike the one the little boy gave him, it was if he was smiling this time, Human emotion. Something he'd only show for you. He smiled then looked back at childe.
"I look forward to that."
Authors note/ Thank you for reading if you made it this far :) Ive been posting off and on because I still have responsibilities, but summer is here babes so im free! Have a great day everyone :)
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yourdarlingness · 10 months
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 Rozaliya & Liliya Olenveya (Honkai Impact 3rd) matching icons
﹢ F2U◞ reblog / like◞ credit if using
 @ jirai-doll 's secret santa event !
╰ ﹢ a gift for @lovesicklie
 ㆍ┈┈ㆍ┈┈ㆍ ㆍ┈┈ㆍ┈┈ㆍ ㆍ┈┈ㆍ┈┈ㆍ
 —— resources
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pandamaster203 · 1 year
I don't have many ideas but could I please ask for a yandere angel or Alastor with a darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because it's kind of like a coping mechanism for their mental health issues / abandonment issues
And the darling gives him a gift as a way of saying thank you
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I'm sorry you're probably sick of me sending in a request
But thank you very much for taking my requests
Not at all, and I really like getting requests! I love writing any chance I get, so it’s ok! I couldn’t decide to go platonic or romantic so I wrote neutral, you can decide which you want.
Yandere Alastor
- This guy knows how to manipulate people for his benefit, so if wants you then he’a gonna pull a lot for you.
- Your mental health issues and abandonment issues help him greatly with getting closer
- He’s not a big fan of touch unless your really close, so until then a simple arm around the shoulder and a nice head pat will do just fine for him.
- He doesn’t understand your fashion but he tries to, if he notices something similar to whatever you wear he’ll get it for you no matter who’s life he has to take.
- So when you give him your gift to say thank you, his smile turns to a genuine one. He will wear it in place of his normal tie when out and with you. NO ONE is allowed to touch it!!!!!
Yandere Angel
- He’s a lot different then Alastor, he’s not serious about a lot of things but he is when it comes to you.
- He see’s himself in you half the time and wants to be there for you 24/7. If he can’t be there, he’s leaving you with Fat Nuggets!
- Now he is a clingy dude, pretty much a cuddle pro. He likes doing stuff with you either going out and doing something or just sitting around to talk. He loves being around you.
- He loves your fashion. He will buy or steal anything you want, or even get some himself to match you. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. Maybe even gets Fat Nuggets some so you all can match!!!
- When you give him your present to say thank you, he is not afraid to admit he started crying. Full crying and hugging you, thanking you for it over and over. He will never go a day without your present, wears it in his hair or around his waist so he can feel it.
I hope you enjoy these. I went with both so I hope it’s alright.
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arcadekitten · 5 months
Is there any particular reason why Lambchop still dresses more "cute" in his pastel sweater? Is it just because that's most of what he owns, or does he actively like the contrast between his appearance and personality?
I think there isn't much clothing variety to begin with, but even despite that I don't think Lambchop dislikes dressing the way he does now!
I'm sure when given the opportunity he'd run to edgier styles, but after getting it out of his system he might mix and match different clothing styles day by day. I could easily see him dressing in a style like jirai dashi
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idolrinko · 10 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ /) ⑅/)⠀⠀Neneko x Omi Matching rentry graphics!⠀♡ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ー⠀REQ by @jirai-girl. F ╱ O⠀&⠀Id ╱ Kin ╱ Me OK!
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dazedloli · 4 months
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❤︎ Mitte ou Nimi ..꒰🍮` 19 ﹙she && her﹚ demiaroace
quiet bpd, ocd, dpd ૮꒰◌ .๑. ꒱ა‎ 🩷 taken by @freakyfinn 🩷
🎒.. ❤︎ matchy with @crimsonprayer & @cagedseraph ❤︎
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꒰꒰ 🩵 .. TW FOR SELF HARM, MENTAL HEALTH, JIRAI COMMUNITY, PROBLEMATIC TERMINOLOGY (loli and "heavy" jokes such as nsfw and dark topics), OBSESSION, SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR !! if you have a problem with me send an ask I don't bite I promise !! `` , 🍬 ; I ask that you don't send me asks && dms on how to make me be better or get better !! I am in therapy, medical and psychological, and I am aware of what helps me and what doesn't !! .. 🩷 ꒱꒱
Haaaai !! Welcome to my blog.. I reblog about anything that I might enjoy 🩷 mostly a lot of stuff I relate to: mental health problems, characters I ID with, tons of obsessive loveposting, occasionally my own art and hobbies..
I have autism, and I'm heavily messed up identity wise .. ` ꒰🐙꒱ .. this means I latch onto characters and define them as Me Irl, I ask that you respect that hehe.. I'm very very.. possessive of those characters since they're me and and me only .. ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა I also heavily ID with the term Loli, due to a lack of physical development and mental age !! Not because I condone lolicon/map type fetishes, as much as I'm neutral on fiction I don't think u should show off ur gross weird fetishes online, keep it to urself u creep !! It's not Age Regression, since I don't Regress, my mind is permanently stuck as Non-Aged !! If I had to guess,, I'd say I'm mentally around 9/10
I'm a lifestyle Jirai, might not wear the fashion but surely I am part of the community, mental illness and with a history of homelessness, I'm a real landmine !! Fashion jirais are not welcome. ‹3 I also would consider myself Pro Fiction or Dark Ship but the terms have been butchered so much by pedophiles and maps that I refuse to use them bleah .. lots of my ships tend to match my rl with bfie, which is very much Con Abuse and Intense/Violent in a .. nice way.
My spinterests include but are not limited to: vampires, naval concepts/piracy, Sanrio, jojifuku and yumekawa and generally cutesy girly childish fashions, Toradora, Hellsing, cuteness (anything that is pink or pastel or cutesy.. it's hard to explain), jirai !! .. I love collecting plushies and eating sweets and snacks :3
Currently I don't have a job nor do I attend school.. I dropped out, you could call me a neet but frankly I don't use the term to refer to myself, I'm just a weird shut in obsessed with her boyfriend 🩷 my hobbies include napping, watching anime, collecting cute things, rotting in bed, gardening (I touch grass daily!!), cooking and chatting w my beloved..
Characters that are Me Irl : Kanna Kamui, Anzu Futaba, Kisaragi (Azur Lane), Miyu, Ibuki, Mutsuki (Blue Archive), Nemu Sanjou/Nemurin, MyMelody, Charmmy Kitty, and maaaany others :3
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landminepuppie · 19 days
i want a jirai girlfriend so bad -w- we can be insane together & plan out cute matching coords & we'll both understand each other so we can comfort each other thru our pain
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speaksleazy · 9 months
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Art used in banner by @/tetramera.
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Good evening everyone!! I'm excited to announce that I'll be hosting a rentry graphic | editing event in celebration of hitting 50 followers :} I'll be hosting these once every follower milestone ( 100 , 150 , 200 , so on... ) since I've seen other people do them and they seem like a good time. Anyone is free to join in and participate if they so wish !!
Days can be skipped and uploaded at later dates, but please wait until during or after a prompt's day to post your edit. The event starts on January 4th and goes through the 13th.
Please @ me and tag your submissions with #amoromeo001 to ensure I see them. No prizes for the time being, this is all for fun!
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Day 1 ~ Characters from 2 separate media who you think would get along.
Day 2 ~ A character you love from a media you hate. OR A media you hate in general.
Day 3 ~ A character from something you think is underrated.
Day 4 ~ A character from something you think is overrated.
Day 5 ~ A monochrome edit.
Day 6 ~ A rainbow edit.
Day 7 ~ A canon ship you enjoy. OR A canon duo you enjoy.
Day 8 ~ A non-canon ship you enjoy. OR A non-canon duo you enjoy.
Day 9 ~ A character edited with poetry. OR A character edited with the lyrics to your favorite song.
Day 10 ~ A pride edit. ( Queer character headcanons, your own flags, or simply flags that match the aesthetic of the character you're editing. )
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Promo tags ! No pressure to reblog or participate ~ @essthereal , @thehauntedcemetery , @kiochisato , @cutesiplushi , @circuswhisprs , @blessedfangs , @autibf , @jirai-doll , @mizukolai , @ringchime , @cherryshh , @lovesicklie , @luvistrz
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[ PT : Amoromeo's 50+ followers event!
Art used in banner by @/tetramera.
Good evening everyone! I'm excited to announce that I'll be hosting a rentry graphic/editing event in celebration of hitting 50 followers (Smiley face with beak emoticon) I'll be hosting these once every follower milestone (100, 150, 200, so on...) since I've seen other people do them and they seem like a good time. Anyone is free to join in and participate if they so wish!
Days can be skipped and uploaded at later dates, but please wait until during or after a prompt's day to post your edit. The event starts on January 4th and goes through the 13th.
Please @ (tag) me and tag your submissions with #amoromeo001 to ensure I see them. No prizes for the time being, this is all for fun!
Non themed.
Day 1, characters from 2 separate media who you think would get along.
Day 2, a character you love from a media you hate or a media you hate in general.
Day 3, a character from something you think is underrated.
Day 4, a character from something you think is overrated.
Day 5, a monochrome edit.
Day 6, a rainbow edit.
Day 7, a canon ship you enjoy or a canon duo you enjoy.
Day 8, a non-canon ship you enjoy or a non-canon duo you enjoy.
Day 9, A character edited with poetry or a character edited with the lyrics of your favorite song.
Day 10, a pride edit. (Your character headcanons, your own flags, or simply flags that match the aesthetic of the character you're editing.)
Promo tags! No pressure to reblog or participate: (List of tags.) End PT. ]
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yanyan-stuck · 1 year
Sorry about my first request if it's okay can I please ask for a yandere Miku
With a quiet and sweet darling that wears
Jirai Kai fashion because it's cute and because of their social anxiety and
Even though they're aware of Miku being a yandere the darling is understanding and willing about it
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Sorry if this is too much
Miku With an Accepting and Sweet Darling Who Wears Jirai Kei
When Miku started following you and bringing you gifts, you weren’t sure how to react. She seemed to know everything about you, her gifts tailored to your unique sense of style— Jirai Kei. Her gifts are so numerous that after a couple of weeks you feel like half of your accessory collection is made up of what she’s given you.
You’re generally meek, so you didn’t speak up against it despite the unusualness— and besides, you didn’t really dislike it. Nobody had ever paid attention to you before.
Especially because you’re openly fond of her, Miku is sweet to you, and always gives you compliments.
Miku imitates your style so that you two match.
You’re willing to cater to her obsession, telling her you wouldn’t mind being kept by her forever and that you’d be willing to stay with her until the end of time.
You start hearing horror stories around your school campus about Miku that confirm her disturbing nature. Other students warn you to stay away from her.
However, they never paid attention to you, and even teased you for your style and shy nature before you started hanging out with Miku— why should you listen to them now?
Miku never feels the need to kidnap or hurt you, because she knows that you won’t try to leave her side. She showers you in love to make sure you won’t ever want to.
She speaks up for you in social situations and is always very insistent upon your needs and wants.
She gets sad when you have responsibilities that don’t relate to her, and tends to follow you to them. It’s awkward and difficult to explain having her there at job interviews and things of the like, but you do appreciate her presence.
Eventually you’ll become just as obsessed with her as she is with you. Win-win.
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yan-lorkai · 1 year
I'm not sure if you're in Box is open but could you please do a yandere Floyd or riddle with a quiet and sweet darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because of their social anxiety and abandonment issues and because it's cute and it's used as a coping mechanism
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The first thing he noticed when he met you was the way you dressed and the makeup you wore. It's so unique, so beautiful, Floyd can't take his eyes off you for a second. He wants to look at you and memorize every detail of your face, the fabric of the skirts and dresses that adorn your figure so well, and mostly he wants to squeeze you and pat your head.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The colors of your clothes match perfectly with your skin color and make you extremely adorable to his eyes, even more so when he notices that you are more shy and quiet. Like, congratulations but you just gained a new friend who won't leave you for nothing and when you gain his friendship, you automatically lose the others because they are afraid of Floyd. But that's ok, he won't abandon you like them.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Oh no. If it were possible he would keep you by his side 24/7, always with one hand reaching for your shoulder or back to pull you closer. He can't stop himself, he just likes you so much to the point of obsession and even if you tried he wouldn't leave you alone.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Floyd peppers you with questions about your style. Things like why you dress like that, when did you start dressing like that, if this style has any special meaning to you, and if he doesn't get bored, the story behind that fashion. Floyd will listen to everything you have to say and will do his best to get you more clothes in this style.
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d-vewing · 9 months
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♡ My take on the jiraikeic flag ♡
[pt: My take on the jiraikeic flag] [no spoons for id]
This is not meant to replace the jiraikeic flag, as that flag is gorgeous! I just wanted one that matched my jirai transfem && other jirai flags!
Jiraikeic coined by @\begendered-queer ! This flag is only for lifestyle landmines
Dividers by essthereal
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