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questkahaniya · 2 years ago
Jiraff aur Jamun Ki Kahani || Hindi Kahani #questkahaniya #jiraf #trendingshorts #viralstory
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crwbannwen · 4 months ago
So one way I keep Welsh (Cymraeg) alive in my brain is by translating Hello from the Hallowoods into Welsh. So far I’ve only been sticking to season 1 intros because actually doing the story would be quite the commitment and come with some complicated decisions.
But out of curiosity, I’d like some opinions on:
(If anyone is interested in more about Welsh and why I’m asking this, here’s my very very long ramblings below)
Welsh translations I’ve read often translate names which I’m not fussed on since it can change the intended ethnicity of a character and diminish diversity. The Welsh alphabet is different though (and we often translate names into the English alphabet, too), we don’t have ‘x’ ‘k’, ‘v’ or ‘z’. We have the sounds for ‘x’ ‘k’ and ‘v’ through ‘cs’ ‘c’ and ‘f’ (‘ff’ makes the english ‘f’ sound) but we don’t really have a ‘z’ (but we have ‘s’ which is the same just voiceless), it’s also very debated whether or not we have a ‘j’ (which makes the Wickers a frightening concept to translate). We had no ‘j’ sound so we added ‘j’ for loan words like ‘jiraf’ (giraffe). But some people think that’s us just tweaking our language to suit English. But quite frankly: if you speak welsh you know English well enough to know what the name ‘Kate’ is without making it spelt with a ‘c’. So the only names I’m planning to translate are object or verb ones like the mendes (and maybe the indies)
Some other questions I have: Like what type of ‘you’ should I use (it’s not always clear in english when someone is addressing a singular individual or multiple people or being polite or impolite, it actually makes English particularly effective for marketing)? Should I translate ‘Moth’ and moths pronouns to ‘Gwyfyn’ or keep it in English? Welsh doesn’t have a gender neutral object pronoun (we have a ‘they’ equivalent but no ‘it’ equivalent), so how should I refer to Creep? I’m not aware of any Neopronouns in Welsh, so what do I do then?
Here are welsh pronouns:
Female: hi / Ei + aspirate mutation
Male: e/fe/ef/o/fo/of / Ei + Soft Mutation.
(The many forms of ‘he’ come from dialect (o/e) and complicated rules about vowels (where the ‘f’ goes)).
They: nhw/eu (until the LGBT+ movement, I don’t know if ‘nhw’ was used for singular but it is now)
Objects are reffered to by their grammatical gender, welsh speakers rarely know grammatical gender (some people I’ve spoken to didn’t even know we had grammatical gender) so we just use masculine because the mutations are easier: so should Creep be changed to ‘nhw/ein’ to keep it gender neutral or to the grammatical gender of ‘amalgam of flesh and bone’?
There’s one cheat you can do with this, and that’s ‘mae’n’ is an abbreviation used for both ‘mae e’n’ and ‘mae hi’n’, (roughly means ‘it is’), but that means I’m heavily restricted to one tense and can’t talk about Creep in the past tense.
I could experiment and drop the pronoun, I suppose. Welsh is a pro-drop language. Dropping it in every tense and instance would be interesting at the very least. (Creep pronouns going to be: dim/diolch)
I was gonna delete all this but honestly? No, I enjoy ranting about the Welsh language, no one needs to read it if they don’t want to.
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forestinsomiac85 · 10 days ago
u look exactly the opposite as a jirafe…
It's not a compliment !!
.. stop it, i'm trying to sleep.
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steambot-shenanigans · 10 months ago
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AI art, traced and colored by Isabella Bennet from her (as of right now) ongoing art stream working on the May show poster
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imactuallyagiraffe · 2 years ago
whats it like being jiraf
Its the coolest <3. What it like being a Dino 🤨
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sweatyjiraf · 1 year ago
I just want you to know, you are wonderful. Have a wonderful day!
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tanzania2023 · 2 years ago
17 Juliol: Llac Manyara
Aviam, això va així:
Jambo: Hola
Asante: Gràcies
Karibu: Benvinguts / de res
Raca Raca: depressa
Pole Pole: A poc a poc
Tafadhali: Si us plau
Habari za asubuhi: Bon dia
Usiku mwema: Bona nit
Hakuna Matata: cap problema
Avui després d'esmorzar hem fet el checkout del Olerai Lodge i ja hem tingut problemes per pagar. La Visa no l'acceptava la màquina i hem de pagar amb dòlars. I aquí tenim el problema: bitllets petits? No. Bitllets una mica trencats o arrugats? No. Bitllets d'abans del 2009? No. I així hem anat passant l'estona, triant els bitllets un per un fins que als senyors els agradin.
Un cop passat el tràngol, enfilem cap a Napuru Waterfalls. La carretera surt desde la principal i té tants sotracs que sembla el Shambala. Passem pel mig de poblats amb carrers estrets, avançant un munt de nens uniformats que van al cole. La carretera es cada cop més verda, més selvàtica i més elevada.
Arribem a una esplanada on ahir hi havia l'arribada d'una maratón i encara queden restes de la carrera.
Hi ha una guixeta on una noia amb un entusiasme zero ens cobra 10 dòlars per cap.
Havent pagat, tres xavals apareixen per fer-nos de guies i ens acompanyen per un camí verd, humit i preciós. Sembla un bosc del Pirineu però amb plantes selvàtiques.
El camí rellisca i fa molta baixada, no es fàcil. Es molt dret i complicat, però aviat arribem a baix de tot on corre un riuet de muntanya preciós. Anem caminant pel riu, sortejant pedres, rocs i l'aigua. Els guies ens ajuden.
I, una estona després, arribem al final del camí: un salt d'aigua molt alt envoltat de verd i roca. Es preciós i ha valgut la pena venir.
A la tornada ja som amics de tota la vida amb els guies, que son molt bons nanos. Un es Massai i va descalç.
Un cop al cotxe de nou, anem a l'oficina de Roadtrips a recollir l'entrada al Serengeti, que ens costa gairebé 2000 dòlars pels 4, el guía i el cotxe, per 3 dies.
Dinem a una pizzería i enfilem cap el Llac Manyara, al Maramboi Tented Lodge
A mig camí ens trobem un mercat rollo encants dels Massai i li demanem al xòfer de parar. Es un mercat impressionant, no hem vist mai res així. Ple de Massais vestits de forma tradicional venent de tot: taronges, patates, cebes, llavors, sabates, roba, radios, i fins i tot cabres. En serio, hi havia un camió ple de cabres i els Massais feien cua per comprar-ne.
Hem fet fotos però no els hi agradava gaire i fins i tot una noia ens ha renyat.
Ha estat molt impactant i autèntic
Seguim cap al Lodge i en arribar ja ens hem trobat jirafes, impalas, monos babuins, ñus, i més bitxos.
El Lodge es espectacular, a prop del llac. Ens reben amb un suc boníssim i anem a veure la posta de sol a la piscina, des d'on truquem a l'Arnau.
Les habitacions són tendes i no tant impressionants
Només entrar ens surt un porc senglar (Pumba) de sota l'habitació, que marxa espantat.
Sopem a la terrassa del Lodge amb espelmes.
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awlwren · 10 months ago
[id: screenshots from tags and responses: “the turtle is prolly running for his life from this giant” “he’s helping him across the finish line🥰🥰” “#him legs to tall #must do splits to play with turtl” “Giraffe “His legs are so short… I’ll help him out.”” “#the way the giraffe bends his lil legs tho #like he does a big ol split to bend down to avoid[…]” “#that giraffe is being so cute and curious and gentle #and that is running full speed because this is the worst fucking day of his LIFE #like IMAGINE having your butt gently scooted by the snoot of a pressence(sic) so massive #your body is not designed to even see high enough to see the top of #and he’s just gently nudging you along as[…]” The masculine pronouns for each animal is circled in red “Giraffe is so gentle with the little guy 😍” “#text #videos #animals #so interesting when tiny and big boys interact”
“Las otras dos Jirafes: ya Martha, las estás asustando. 🤣” “Other Giraffe: “leave him alone Frank!!” 😂😂😂”]/end id.
That viral video from last month of a giraffe pushing a tortoise was interesting to me because I saw it in French & Spanish corners of the internet and everyone was referring to the animals in the video as 'she' since giraffe & tortoise are feminine words, meanwhile on the English-speaking internet I saw a minority of people referring to them as 'it' or 'they', an overwhelming majority using masculine words, and almost no one use 'she'
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Similarly romance language speakers humanised these animals using women's names while English speakers used men's names:
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And of course it would have been different had the giraffe been an elephant (masculine word) but yeah I find it interesting that when it comes to personifying animals and things, speakers of gendered languages will go 50% masculine 50% feminine due to grammatical gender, while speakers of a non-gendered language with a neutral pronoun will go like 80% masculine 18% neutral 2% feminine.
It must feel weird to learn a gendered language and have to accept that a door is 'she', but it also feels weird to learn a non-gendered language like English and then scroll down hundreds of comments under an animal video and all the animals are 'he'. I'm reminded of a cartoon I saw on tumblr once with a speaking lightbulb, and all the comments referred to it as 'he' and a 'guy' (in french & spanish, people would call it she.) I wonder how it affects the way you frame the world in your mind? you ask a French kid to personify a spoon or a mouse or a raindrop, it's going to be a female character by default. I feel like that's something English speakers rarely consider—that compared to languages that are 'visibly', officially gendered in a 50/50 way, English is less neutral, and more masculine-gendered. When anglophones learn about grammatical gender they tend to react like "why is a chair a 'she' that's absurd?", but when the context calls for it they'll call a lightbulb 'he' without thinking about it
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jerojerome · 4 months ago
The jiraf the friend
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viedemaigre · 10 months ago
#41 Le slam et l'IA
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La question est sur toutes les lèvres depuis quelques mois.
Des répliques d’Arnold Schwarzenegger finiront-elles par remplacer les artistes ? Plutôt qu’hurler avec les loups, j’ai préféré prendre un peu de distance et passer le sujet au prisme de ma modeste pratique : le slam poésie.
En septembre dernier, j’ai donc suivi un atelier aux JIRAFE (Journées de l’Innovation, la Répétition, l’Accompagnement, la Formation et l’Environnement) des musiques actuelles à Paris intitulé « Intelligences artificielles (IA) génératives : des outils pour la création musicale ? » et animé par Jérôme Pons, sympathique producteur de spectacles rennais.
Jéjé a poussé le vice en utilisant l’IA pour concevoir sa présentation. L’objectif ? Nous présenter les possibilités de la machine en matière de conception de visuels, de génération de vidéos, de production d’instrumentales et surtout en ce qui nous concerne…d’écriture de textes.
Premier constat (objectif) : la plupart des outils sont payants par abonnement et donc chers. Les versions gratuites étant volontairement limitées, modèle économique oblige.
Deuxième constat (subjectif) : les résultats actuels ne sont pas extraordinaires. Si certains visuels générés pourraient faire office de pochette d’album surréaliste potable, que certaines vidéos frôlent les cinématiques d’un Final Fantasy VIII (1999 quand même), les instrumentales se révèlent médiocres (moins sur les arrangements que la qualité du son) et les textes clichés voire incompréhensibles. Codée en anglais, la machine galère avec la langue de Molière. Bref, il faut repasser derrière.
« Mais tout dépend du prompt » assure Jéjé. C’est-à-dire des instructions transmises pour arriver au résultat souhaité.
Piqué mais pas Gérard, je décide donc de tester le fameux félin à trois lettres (ChatGPT) en lui demandant de m’écrire un slam à la manière de Grand Corps Malade, Kery James ou encore Hippocampe fou. Puis de m’écrire un slam sur X sujet en trois parties.
Là encore, les résultats sont peu probants et une évidence me saute aux yeux. La machine se contente de recracher un mix de données digérées. Elle ne peut pas innover. Alors que la quête de formes nouvelles est l’essence même de la poésie.
Mon approche aurait pu en rester là. C’était sans compter le mois de février. Je suis en plein cycle d’atelier slam, troisième séance quand un soupçon s’éveille en moi. Deux collégiens qui peinaient encore à écrire hier reviennent avec deux textes achevés, spatialement bien structurés sur le papier. L’un avance l’aide de sa sœur, l’autre le soutien de son voisin de table qui ne semble pas assumer tant de maturité.
Je n’ai pas de preuves mais ça sent l’entourloupe. Je suis pris de court sans avoir pu réfléchir au problème. Alors je vais me permettre de reproduire ici la réponse que j’ai tenu à la classe entière :
Je n’ai pas d’avis tranché sur l’IA dans le slam. Pour le moment. C’est un outil. Il peut donner des idées, inspirer, même si je trouve qu’il est limité et qu’a priori, il utilise le travail de créateur.e.s sans leur consentement. Pour le moment. Cela changera peut-être. En revanche, je pense que cela doit rester un outil et ne pas devenir un prolongement de la créativité humaine. Ne laissons pas ChatGPT devenir à l’imagination ce que la calculatrice est devenu au calcul mental et le GPS au sens de l’orientation. Cela passera peut-être en atelier. Pas sur une scène slam tout public. Pas lors d’un examen oral. Pas lors d’un entretien d’embauche. Pas pour faire rire ses potes. Pas pour séduire l’élu(e) de son cœur. C’est comme un muscle. Si on laisse l’effort à la machine, le muscle fond. Alors gardons la forme. Surtout en milieu scolaire.
Le reste n’appartient qu’à l’avenir.
- Image : ©kung_tom/Shutterstock
- Musique : « Savages » - AlttA
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d0n23a · 2 years ago
🪶 FanFics 🪶
2024 Recuperar tot el què s'ha deixat 🐢
La Shaki saltant 🐈
2024 TMNT 2007 🐢
Jo parlant de TMNT 🐢
El Leo se'n va 🐢
2023 Iaia Montse🧓🏼 2022 I Will Stay With You 🐢 Try 🐢 2021 Reborn_Live 3 👔 Algú 👤 Lucifer 😈 Moix 🐱 Ull 👁️ Prova digital Donnie 🐢 Tot anirà bé 🐢 Música 𝄞 Enfrontar-se al passat 🐢 La depressió🫀Boda Volkacio💍La llum d'en Mikey 🐢No estar preparat 🐢 Lluny, però encara present 🌍 2020 Iris Simpkins 🎭 Mozart 𝄞 Bill Hader 🎭 Nairobi 🎭 Mix & Moix 🐱 Jack Conway 1 🕶 Markus 🎭 Freddie Mercury 𝄞 AuronPlay 🐈‍⬛ Germán Garmendia 🎦 Janice Moss 🎭 Jack Conway 2 🕶 Will i Hannibal 🍽️ Hannibal 🍽️ Siempre juntos, Gustabo 🦋 Pogo 🤡 Michelle 👓 Reborn_Live 1 👔 Reborn_Live 2 👔 Volkacio ❄️ Postura Donnie versió 2 🐢
2019 Rocketman 𝄞 Mr Robot 🎭 2018 Molts més cavalls 🐴 2016 Més cavalls 🐴 Encara més cavalls 🐴 2015 De què es compont la nostra vida? 🕰️ 2014 Donnie i Leo 🐢 Papallona 🦋 2013 Postura Donnie versió 1 🐢 Estellicó 🐢 Retrat d'en Donnie 🐢 Retrat d'en Mikey 🐢 Retrat d'en Leo 🐢 Retrat d'en Raph 🐢 Donnie treballant 🐢 Doneu-li vacances al Donnie 🐢 Tinc por 🐢 Pau 👣 Bessones 👣 Michael Jackson 𝄞 Església de Sant Miquel ⛪ Referències de cavalls versió 1 🐴 Referències de cavalls versió 2 🐴 Referències de cavalls versió 3 🐴 Gats 🐱 Jirafes 🦒 Cavalls 🐴 April i Leo 🐢 April 🐢 2011 Poble inventat 🏘️ Mix 🐱
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guidens · 5 years ago
From Jiraf to GoJiraf
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Period: Oct 2019 - Jun 2020 Role: Product Owner
GoJiraf is a live shopping platform that connects customers with store associates in a live, highly engaging interactive video experience. Live Shopping puts together the best from the physical store experience and the best of digital commerce.
I successfully managed a hard pivot in the platform from a geolocated marketplace for videos on-demand to a Live Shopping platform leveraging existing resources and technology.
These efforts contributed in setting the foundational stone in Latin America for Live Shopping, making GoJiraf the first company that has hosted a Live Shopping Event. 
Key Milestones:
Shaped the app from a media oriented SaaS to a sales-oriented SaaS in 4 months.
Cut development costs by 74% by reusing current code.
Managed to validate a PMF after signing the first fashion apparel contract.
As a result, my job was to establish and manage the development and UX/UI team, increasing production speed by tenfold. Also, to help in the transition from an outsourced contractor to the newly created in-house team.
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atthebell-moved · 2 years ago
so in yiddish to spell out a soft g (like in giraffe or gem) you combine several letters, as there is no J in yiddish or hebrew. as an example ill stick with giraffe since it has no equivalent and thus is a borrow word, meaning it maintains the soft g/"zh-" sound.
so to get that soft g you combine three pre-existing letters in yiddish-- D, Z, & Sh (which is a letter in yiddish & hebrew); ד, ז, and ש respectively. i can't really explain in text why these three create a soft g but just pronounce the G in giraffe slowly and you might get it. so giraffe in yiddish is דזשיראַף-- transliterated best as "jiraf/dzhiraf" i suppose (again not using ipa bc i don't care enough and no one reading this does either).
there are other sounds which are not letters in yiddish and therefore have to be made out of multiple letters-- Ch is a great example (and an example in english as well) where the CH sound doesn't have its own letter, and instead you use ט and ש; T and Sh respectively. "Zh-" itself is one-- Z + Sh (זש) form that combo.
so anyway back to russian-- it seems to be that "zh-" does have a letter in russian (makes sense, as it is a common phoneme) but the soft g sound isn't necessarily represented that way all the time, so in some instances they combine the D and the Zh- letters to spell out a soft g.
this also isn't necessarily an issue of use-- yiddish uses "Ch-"/טש all the time but it's still two letters and not one, so this isn't to say russian doesnt make use of soft gs, just that it's interesting to see that both languages make use of multiple letters to achieve similar sounds.
not saying russian does this across the board with soft gs also-- some languages don't bother with this/don't do this consistently. some yiddish speakers might just spell giraffe as זשיראף (Zhiraf) and looking at the russian translation for giraffe it appears to be doing the same thing; "soft g" is also not that specific a term outside english and romance languages, so there's likely various ways that russian deals with hard and soft gs. this was just an instance where it aligned with yiddish and i thought it was neat!
oooh russian does a similar thing to yiddish with soft gs
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danielzu · 2 years ago
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#jiraf #feedingjiraffes #buschgardens #buschgardenstampa #jirafas #alimentandojirafas #tampa #inti (at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chi7koEObOj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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animalphax · 5 years ago
In this episode, we delve into the world of jirafs and then some. 
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tanzania2023 · 2 years ago
18 juliol - Tarangire
Lala Salama: que dormís bé
Mambo: Bon dia
A les 6:00 en punt ens llevem per esmorzar a la terrassa que, no se si ho he dit, es espectacular. L'Stanley ens espera, esmorzem amb ell. Després ens fem del buffet una bossa amb picnic pel dinar i l'Stanley ens porta cap al Parc Nacional del Tarangire, que es a prop. Ensenyem els papers a l'entrada i un cop travessat el portal, només entrar, hem començat a veure animals i ha estat un no parar: gaceles, zebres (moltes), ñus, jirafes, monos babuins, impalas, bisontes, elefants (molts), ocells de colors, talps, dingui-dinguis, hienes... I...
A sota d'un arbust, a l'ombra, al costat del camí, jeu una lleona adormida. Ens posem al costat; si estirem la mà quasi podríem tocar-la. L'Stanley li tira una mica d'aigua i la lleona aixeca el cap com dient "quins plastes" i es torna a adormir. Hi compto 5 cotxes més al voltant, tots mirant i fent fotos i la lleona passant de tot. Una mica més lluny hi ha el lleó mascle, però quasi no es veu.
Seguim fent ruta, buscant animals i l'espectacle continua. Més elefants, més ñus, més impales i més de tot.
De cop i volta veiem uns altres cotxes amuntegats a prop d'un arbre mort i caigut. Al costat hi ha dues lleones. Ens miren i, amb parsimònia, pugen a dalt del tronc i ens ofereixen una de les millors fotos que hem feta mai a la nostra vida: dues lleones estirades damunt un tronc trencat, mirant l'horitzó i pendents d'una zebra petita que hi havia a prop. Només aquesta imatge, aquesta foto, ja justifica el viatge.
Emocionats, seguim la ruta i a l'hora de dinar parem a una zona de pícnic. Hi ha uns monos petits que ens vigilen per robar-nos el menjar a la mínima que ens descuidem (rollo Tailandia). En veig un que ha fotut un plàtan a una parella davant dels seus nassos.
Una familia francesa, per fer la gracieta, deixa a una barana un tetrabrik de suc i un mono se l'emporta. M'aixeco indignat i els hi dic que què passarà ara amb el tetrabrik, que són deixalles que ves a saber on aniran a parar. Com que són francesos, es fan el longui, (je ne compre pas) però el pare sap què li estic dient i marxen avergonyits.
Tornem al Lodge i anem a la piscina mentres veiem la posta de sol i ens fotem un gintònic, que estem de vacances i això és una puta passada.
Sopem a la terrassa (ja he dit que es una terrassa espectacular?). Avui, peix del Llac Victòria a la planxa.
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