#jinyoung laugh
bamdora · 1 year
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jjproblem · 2 years
i guess the losing side was a lil bit bitter
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cloudysvt · 2 years
pinwheels | park jinyoung 📚⛰
item description: jinyoung knew yn was a classics major, and he also knew she was a silly little guy. so why did he take the greek mythology class? and why did he ever agree to let yn make the powerpoint? ingredients: one-shot smau, friends-ish-to-lovers, enemies-ish(one sided)-to-lovers, classmates-to-lovers, fluff, silliness and jokes, powerpoint makes relationships happen
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thanks for shopping with us today! we hope you enjoy your purchase, please leave your reviews in the feedback box here!
have a great day! - management :)
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e9g7videos · 2 years
Jinyoung and Jackson
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kingkangyohan · 2 years
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Jackson Wang Magic Man in London
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shinwhoohoo · 1 year
I'm sorry. Because English is not my native language, maybe my words look rude in English? But I really didn't mean to criticize you. I just think your reasoning is a little over-reliable on A3. I've read a lot of your articles and found it's a very meaningful discussion.I've seen a lot of negative comments of Jinyoung and Baro in the past, but they're very short, just tag attacks. Leave one selfish and the betrayal will be over. I have seen many comments attacking Jinyoung and Baro in the past, but they are all very short, just say "selfish", "betrayal", "they framed A3" and it's over.
But you explained your reasoning in detail. Because of A3's reaction, you think Jinyoung and Baro must have done something wrong to them, especially Jinyoung. In fact, reading your article made me gain a lot, and I think it is good to be able to look at the matter from a different perspective. So it's really interesting to see, I've seen the data for about 2020, and I started my reading from the data of 2023. I'm going to watch it all! Because the content is abundant!! It's rare to see such a serious discussion.
I think there are often things in life where both parties feel that they are the wronged party, and both parties feel that they are the right party. In fact, JY also shed tears on his FM in 2019, and he also mentioned that there are many misunderstandings and criticisms of him. So I think Jinyoung also feels hurt. People on both sides feel hurt, and we cannot judge which side is at fault just based on who cries harder and who reacts more violently.
When it comes to work, A3 seems to be viewed their efforts entirely from the perspective of fan service, but in fact, B1A4's success and failure are objectively related to their earnings. In fact, there are many efforts that are no different from those of us who work for ourselves. But when it comes to JY's hard work, it seems that what he does is ALL about personal gain. That's why I would say in your eyes, A3 seems really is very kind, and JY is a completely selfish person.
I think all five of them have a side that cares about fans, but they also have a selfish side. If you really want to try to guess what happened, you have to put aside your love for them and deliberate like someone who doesn't know them at all, in order to get a more objective answer. This is my opinion.
If my words offend you again, I'd like to apologize first.But because my English is not good enough, I'm afraid I'll make the same mistake. I hope I don't do that this time.
#B1A4 # Jinyoung #CNU #Sandeul #Baro #Gongchan #OT5 #OT3 #WM #BB #RBW #5 of them are ordinary people
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Like I said before, I no longer have any desire to comment on this particular subject as it’s been something I have already addressed over and over and over again these last 5 years. I have moved on, all the boys have moved on, and I think the best thing is for the rest of the fandom to move on.
We will all have our own thoughts about it, based on what we saw happen and what the boys have said on it. And I can respect that you have your opinions, just as I have mine.
Take care, and I hope you can get to a point where you feel at peace with the situation and can support all five of them as they continue in their careers.
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spohkh · 9 months
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jackson im so unserious im fuckng crying
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looxxi · 2 years
Wasn't expecting to see yumi and babi's car makeout scene in love in contract but here we are
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Daniel Park with Unhinged F! Reader
You, the peak of the verse with a list of supposedly strong and powerful men to kill meet.
Gun Park | Goo Kim | Samuel Seo | Samuel Seo Part 2 | James Lee/DG | Jinyoung Park | Eli Jang | Tom Lee | Ryuhei Kuroda | Eugene | Vin Jin | Charles Choi | Daniel Park
I had a request sometime last year on Unhinged F!Reader helping out Allied. Soooo- this is my response to it...
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'Why are you following me?"
You turn around in the alleyway to see a guy approximately the same height as you. Unremarkable if not for the way he has managed to pick you out from the shadows and keep up with your steps.
"Please, I need your help."
Help? Does this person have any idea who you are?
You arch an eyebrow at his request as he continues to stare at you with wide eyes.
Honestly. Did he think this puppy dog look was going to work on you? Of all people? You don't say anything, letting the silence add pressure until he spills out his guts.
Something about the Four Crews and HNH, which vaguely rings a bell.
You start to examine your nails as he rambles, quickly losing interest. Damn, is that dried blood underneath? You really must clean them better post fight.
And tch! Another chipped nail too. Ugh.
Oh. He's still talking, huh.
You've already tuned him out but the sound of his voice grows irritating and you cut him off, just as he starts to mention the Ten Geniuses or whatever.
You thrust a palm out at him, inches from his face and clever boy, he shuts up immediately. "Why should I help you?"
"Um." He hesitates. "I can pay you?"
"Not interested."
"I.. I can copy moves? You can teach me to be your masterpiece-"
"Cool," you say, stifling a yawn. Wasn't that crazy old doctor also a copy user? You dispatched him without difficulty.
"Let me guess-" You start ticking off each point on your fingers.
"One. You don’t move like you’re a natural, so you do have a master but they're not cutting it anymore- " He nods.
"Two. You've somehow found out about me and managed to seek me out-"  You don't tell him you're reluctantly impressed at that part.
"Three. Then hoped that I would help you because I have such a good moral compass-" You roll your eyes at this. What is it with pathetic men expecting women to clean up their mess?
"Four. So you've come here to ask me to help and promise me riches as a sweetener but sorry to break your heart, I don't give a shit-" He recoils, taken aback by your bluntness.
"Anyway, which mediocre fool has been teaching you?"
"One of the Ten Geniuses I mentioned. The Learning Genius."
What a lame title. "Who?"
"Gun Park."
You have a vague recollection of this person and gesture for him to tell you more as you pull out your small slip of paper. The one with the list of crossed out names, that you hunted down and defeated one by one until only a few remain. 
Oh wait... the name Gun Park is here-
"Um. Black eyes, half naked all the time, tattoos on his arms, smokes-"
"Right!" You click your fingers. "That loser! The Learning Genius, did you say?"
He widens his eyes at you insulting his master but nods anyway.
"Pfffft-" you stifle a laugh unsuccessfully. Goddamn that is funny.
"Learning Genius!" You squeal, letting out a cackle that leaves his hairs standing on end. The more you think about it, the funnier it gets. On what planet is that guy qualified, good enough, to teach anyone? You laugh and laugh, clutching your stomach as he backs away awkwardly.
Wiping away tears from your eyes, you make up your mind and ask, "What did you say your name was?"
"I... I didn't. It's Daniel Park,"
You dig out the pen in your pocket and add his name to your list.
He's undercooked. Maybe fun in a few more years but now Daniel is nothing but a baby. It'll be fun to crush him eventually.
"Listen," You fold your note carefully, slipping it back into your pocket. "I have zero inclination to help you. None."
He opens his mouth to argue-
And you cut him off again with a shrug. "Mainly 'cause I don't want to. Anyway, I'll find you once you're ready to fight. It'll be a shame to kill you any sooner, but-"
You lunge at him, slamming Daniel into the wall with a hand on his neck before he has had a chance to react.
"- Follow me again and I won't hesitate." You smile sweetly, like butter wouldn't melt. Smile stretching further, turning monstrous and unhinged when you feel him attempt to free himself from your grasp but to no avail.
You give his throat one more squeeze for good measure as he chokes and claws at your hand before releasing him. “See ya!”
Daniel drops to the floor, gasping desperately for air and rubbing at his neck. Thinks that this has been a grave mistake and now he has a target on his back.
He watches you, humming to yourself and sashaying away into the night, melting into the shadows once more.
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erospandemos · 7 months
Some things never change
NewJeans Danielle x Reader
Where Danielle tries everything in her power to make you understand her feelings
Beta-reader: @leafostuff
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You had known Danielle Marsh all your life, from when she was just a little kid to now that she's a fully grown adult, although her height kind of stopped halfway. You met her in the first days of elementary school. She must have looked weak to the other kids with her two missing teeth, thin legs, and pale complex, so a group of rascals started messing with her.
They would call her all sorts of names with their limited word knowledge, mocking her with gestures and weird sounds. They'd also push her around or make her trip and fall. Even though their mind was still limited, they already had a knack for bullying.
You happened to be around her when you witnessed one of those scenes. All it took was a slap and a threat and the kids fled away. It was just a normal thing for you, as fights were very common at that age but for Danielle, you were her saviour.
"Are you okay?" you asked her worryingly.
Amidst her sniffling, Danielle managed to reply, "Those bullies were teasing me. But you made them go away, so thank you."
You felt a bit bad about her. Her eyes were so red from crying and she kept rubbing her eyelids to dry those endless tears. "Don't worry Danielle. They will never tease you again. I'll always be here for you," you reassured her, not knowing what kind of promise you were making.
What followed were days, weeks, and months of annoyance. Danielle followed you everywhere you went, pestering you from the morning to the afternoon—always talking, always joking, always asking.
"Thank you for helping me!" she told you. "Jinyoung hasn't been mean to me anymore! I love you!"
You were annoyed. You let her talk and kept walking, "He was just being an ass. It's nothing special."
She began to be your shadow, a silent companion seeking solace. A girl looking for a friend, or at least that is what you and she thought. There was already something present in her heart but you just didn't know it yet. But kids learned quickly.
It was a random day in April when she made her first move.
"My parents taught me that I should hug the ones I love. Can I hug you?" Danielle asked you, her eyes earnest and pleading.
You were caught off guard but still nodded hesitantly. You opened your arms and she stopped closer, embracing you tightly. She found comfort in your warmth and kept you there close to her. You didn't know why she did that but you liked it too.
Then a couple of months later, you were invited to her house. You and her parents got to know each other and figured it would be a good occasion for you two to bond together. At her house, there was a very nice illustrated book for children. The kind to have small but enormous sentences. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement when she brought it out from her desk to show it to you.
"It's a story about a prince who married the princess he saved. Don't you think that it's so... cool?" She said, her eyes wondering between dreams and fantasies.
"Yeah, I guess," you replied. You didn't fully grasp the implication of the tale. You just liked the drawings.
"You saved me from the bullies, just like the prince. Maybe... maybe we could get married someday?" Danielle confessed, blushing.
You chuckled nervously, still oblivious and clueless.
Things also got more complicated when she caught you talking with a girl from your class.
"Who's she?" Danielle asked, laced with jealousy.
"Oh, this is my friend from the class, Seo-yeon," you introduced her, unaware of her stern demeanor.
"Well, she better not try to steal you away from me!" she declared, pouting and crossing her arms.
You laughed nervously again, not understanding what she was trying to say, and apologized the poor Seo-yeon who was receiving the possessive gave from Danielle.
That was more than ten years ago. But now that you were both grown up, things didn't change at all.
You're reading the book you've been saving up for weeks, finally free from the exam season of college. It's been a relaxing day, as it's been the first full break you could take and you decided to just replenish your energy by doing nothing all day. The day was good outside but you didn't feel like going out at all.
But you did not know that the outside would visit you instead.
A too-familiar figure barged into your room, with a familiar voice and force. "Hey! Your mom said I could come in. Hope you don't mind," Danielle exclaims.
You look up, surprised. You have to bid goodbye to your book because there was no way she would've left the house now.
"Uh, hey. No, not at all," you say, recollecting yourself. Looking around, you could see the mess the room was left in but after all the times your friend had seen, it wasn't much of a problem. You just left it as it was.
Danielle approaches, her grin widening as she eyes the book in your hands. She lowers her head and reads your title, not because she is interested, but because it could be a potential reason to tease you.
"What fascinating world are you escaping to today?" Danielle asks you.
Before you can respond, Danielle snatches the book away, dramatically flipping through the pages, not a word passing through her eyes.
"It's a great book, you know," you say before she can judge you. But that wasn't her intention. Danielle tosses the book aside and, with a sly grin, moves closer to you.
"Boys, your age don't really stay in their house all day, shouldn't you go outside?"
You raise your eyebrow. "What are you trying to say?
She clears her throat, "Well, you know, all boys go around picking girls, shouldn't you be interested in girls too? Especially me..."
"Books are interesting enough," you say, annoyed.
Danielle sighs heavily and slaps your shoulder. "You really don't get it do you...? Whatever," she says, "But do you know what's even more interesting than books?"
Without waiting for an answer, Danielle wraps her arm around you, pulling him into an unexpected side hug. You, visibly annoyed and embarrassed, squirm from the surprise and try to claw out of her grasp. But it just gets tighter. "Danielle, seriously, what are you doing?" you stutter.
Danielle chuckles, enjoying your annoyed remarks, and lets her other arm get you too.
"Just playing with you."
You try to pull away, but Danielle persists.
"Can we not do this right now?" you say. Danielle rolls her eyes and sighs before releasing you.
"Oh, come on. Just having a bit of fun," she says, pouting.
She playfully pokes your cheek and laughs.
"This is ridiculous."
Danielle seizes the opportunity and leans closer, circling your thighs. "You know, a little embarrassment never hurt anyone," she says and eyes you up and down, locking her eyes with yours. "Besides, you're kinda cute when you're flustered."
You groan, covering your face with your hands. "Why are you doing this???"
She laughs, finally satisfied, and lets herself fall on the couch. "You know," she speaks truthfully, "there's something about you that's just too irresistible."
"Yeah, you aren't the only one."
Suddenly, you feel Danielle's intense gaze on you. "Who else is teasing you? Girls?"
"Oh, that's not good. They have to know you're taken."
You raise an eyebrow. You don't sense anything good coming. "What are you talking about now?"
"I was thinking, maybe I should leave my scent on you. You know, like marking my territory. That way, other girls will know you're taken."
You blink repeatedly, utterly bewildered.
"Leave your scent? Danielle, we're not animals."
Danielle chuckles.
"Just imagine it – you walk into a room, and everyone's like, –Oh, they smell like Danielle. They're off the market!–"
"You've been watching too many nature documentaries."
"Shut up and come here."
Danielle snuggles closer, her energy warming the room and your body. You feel her arms quickly wrapping around your body and her legs tangling into yours and before you knew it, she was already spooning you. After all these years of doing so, she has gotten quite good at it. "You know, you really should loosen up. It's just a cuddle between old friends."
You shift uncomfortably, a bit against her although her lively insistence was stronger than your will. "Danielle, seriously, we're not kids anymore. We can't just... cuddle like this."
She tilts her head, studying you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Come on! Don't be such a grown-up. We used to do this all the time when we were kids. It's nostalgic!"
You sigh, giving in a bit. "Yeah, but things are different now."
Danielle was a slim girl, petite. She felt small although you were the one under her grasp, and her limbs were delicate and fragile. She felt small but soft as well. She was an adult now, and her touch made your heart beat faster, in a way it never did.
Danielle grins, unphased. "Different doesn't have to mean worse."
"But seriously," Danielle says with curiosity, "you used to be the one initiating these cuddle sessions. What happened to that fearless little kid?"
You blush, a rare occurrence for the reserved you. "Well, things change. People change."
Danielle's eyes soften, and she nudges you gently. You can smell her perfume and it calms you. "Change isn't always bad, you know."
You can't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm. Danielle, her head still nestled against your shoulder, can't resist the opportunity to tease you. "You know, I always thought you were the bravest little knight in our little adventures when we were young."
You raise an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "A knight, huh? I'm not sure I see the resemblance."
Danielle chuckles, tracing imaginary patterns on your arm. A soft red starts to appear on your cheek. "Oh, please! You were my protector, always ready to face imaginary dragons and monsters. What happened to that fearless warrior?"
"Well, maybe I outgrew the knight phase."
Danielle leans back, looking at you with a sly grin. "Outgrew, or maybe you're just afraid to admit that deep down, you still have a bit of that brave knight in you."
You roll your eyes, but a small smile lingers on your face.
"Did you remember when I told you I'd be your princess? I still mean it you know?" she says, as if it was nothing.
You realize the meaning of her words and can't fathom any response, and Danielle can't help but enjoy the gentle blush that colors your cheeks. She teases you further, "You're blushing, Mr. Grown-up. Who would've thought the mighty knight would be so easily flustered?"
You mumble something incoherent, avoiding her gaze.
That was typical of you and your friend: constant teasing and joking. But you knew you wanted something more from her and you were just running around, trying to avoid it. One day, however, it finally came to you, knocking at your door, and you had to face it head-on.
You hear a loud frantic knocking on your door. The sudden noise surprises you and you get slowly, weary of who might be on the other end. The knocking doesn't stop and you look into the peephole. To your surprise, it wasn't a killer coming for you but it was your friend, Danielle, and from the looks of it, with her disheveled hair and tired eyes, she wasn't looking so good. You open the door and she bursts inside your apartment, drenched from head to toe, dripping water everywhere.
"Whoa, Danielle! What happened to you?" you exclaim.
She shakes herself like a wet dog, sending droplets flying, and brushes her wet strands away from her forehead to look at you in the eyes. "Caught in a sudden downpour. I practically swam here!"
You chuckle and walk to the bathroom. "Don't move!" you tell her as you go grab some towels. You don't want her wetting the whole house as well. "Well, you certainly look like you went for a swim."
Danielle takes the towel, but instead of immediately drying off, she shoots you a mischievous grin. "You look quite excited about seeing me, don't you?"
You raise an eyebrow and look at her, confused. "What do you mean?"
Danielle pretends to inspect her soaked clothes with exaggerated concern, scanning her shirt, and her skirt. She opens her arms and invites you to look at her clothes. "Oh, no. I think these clothes might be see-through now. But I'm sure you already noticed. I can feel you glued on me."
You immediately understand what she's trying to say. You roll your eyes and grow. "Danielle, come on. Don't be ridiculous."
She smirks, wringing out her hair over the towel. "Ridiculous? Or am I just giving you a little peek? You know it's fine. I didn't tell you not to look."
You blush, trying to play it cool. "You're impossible. I'm lucky it's just the two of us. Otherwise, I might get in trouble." You hate to agree with Danielle, but it was impossible for you not to notice her figure, perfectly feminine, perfectly grown, and perfectly beautiful. You gulp loudly and stare at the wall.
Danielle giggles, sauntering over to me with a playful twirl of her wet hair. "Well, I can't let you miss out on the view, can I?" She laughs again as you shoot a quick sideeye at her. "Oh, did I catch you looking again?"
"Come on! No, I didn't."
Danielle comes closer, she's having fun, too much fun. She sways her hips, brushing your chest, leaving wet handprints on your shirt and looks at you with such a teasing smile that you couldn't do anything but blush and back intot he wall. "Oh, don't look away, baby."
"Danielle, cut it out," you stammer, my cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.
She leans in, her voice dropping to a sultrier tone. "What's the matter? Don't tell me you're not enjoying this."
You try to look away, but Danielle continues to playfully tease you. Then she laughs, finally satisfied.
"Okay, okay, I'm just messing with you!" she confesses, wiping away a tear of laughter. "I couldn't resist seeing you squirm."
You sigh in relief, but your embarrassment lingers. "You're unbelievable, Danielle."
She giggles while running away.
You go to your room to pick up some clothes for her, unfortunately you got nothing else to give her but your own clothes. You try the smallest size possible, so at least she wouldn't have to swim in them. You smell them first, to make sure, she won't be annoyed by an unwanted smell, then think if she'd feel cold or not—the house was quite warm on the inside. You knew she always liked to wear shorts, so you get a pair and a shirt and sweater to match.
You hand her the clothes, "Here, these should be more comfortable than wet clothes."
Danielle, takes them and smiles brightly. "Oh, I didn't know you were such a considerate boyfriend," she says. You start blushing but this time she's blushing too between her creased cheeks. You chuckle nervously, dismissing the comment.
"It's nothing," you say and then point the bathroom. "You've already been here before. Go change there or take a shower if you want."
"I'll just change, thank you. Don't peek at me though, okay?"
"What are you saying? Of course I won't," you reply.
She grins and runs into the bathroom to put on your outfit. It doesn't take her a while before she emerges wearing your oversized hoodie and shorts, her hair slightly toused. You have to admit, she looked adorable. The way the hoodie was way too big for her, and how the shorts let you peek at her legs, it was amazing.
It almost looked like she was your girlfriend, and she knew it too.
"Look at me, wearing your clothes," she says, raising her arms. "It's like we're in some romantic drama."
"It's just because your clothes are wet. Don't read too much into it."
Danielle continues, batting her eyelashes dramatically. She looks at you with wide eyes. "You've never offered me your clothes before. Are you sure you're not secretly seeing me as your girlfriend?"
"Don't be ridiculous. It's just clothes," you say, but her words can't leave your mind. You almost agreed.
"But these clothes smell like you," she says, taking a sniff at it. You blush brightly. "Am I stealing your scent now?"
The situation looks absurd and you're getting more and more flustered but still, you had to keep your cool. "Don't overthink it."
She bursts into laughing and jumps into the couch. "You're so cute when you deny things. Maybe I should keep wearing your clothes more often."
Trying to hide his embarrassment, you manage a weak smile. "Sure, Dani, make yourself at home."
You and Danielle keep joking around until something starts to bother your friend. She looks at the sky, more precisely at the rain, as it runs down the window, and her smile starts to fade.
Danielle turns to you and her face drops into a malinconic gaze, her eyes are half there, they're thinking about something else, but you feel the weight on you. "You know, I'm starting to feel like a fool," she says with a sigh.
You blink, taken aback by the sudden intensity in her tone. "What do you mean?"
Danielle paces the room, her agitation pouring out with every step. "You've known for ages how I feel about you. I've dropped hints, practically spelled it out, and yet you never do anything."
Bewildered, you look at her. You couldn't lie to her, you wish you could say you never realized it, but you did. You did know she was flirting with you and you did hear what she told you, clearly and explicitly. But you didn't want to accept it, you didn't want to believe it. "I... I don't realize you feel that way. I think we're just really good friends," you say and truly, you didn't think a girl like her would have any serious intentions behind her smile.
She halts, turning to face you, frustration etched on her features. "Really good friends? You and I spend hours together, we share our deepest thoughts, and I've been giving you every possible sign that I like you. How do you miss it?"
You stammer, attempting to find the right words. "I don't think... I mean, I think you're just being friendly. I never imagined you feel something more. I thought you were just messing with me."
Danielle sighs."That's the problem. You never imagine. You never consider the possibility that my feelings might extend beyond friendship. I've been dropping hints, practically shouting them, and you remain oblivious. Did it ever go through your mind?"
You run a hand through your hair, frustration mirrored in your eyes. "I never mean to hurt you, Danielle. I just... I didn't see it."
Her eyes narrow, the pent-up frustration reaching its peak. "That's precisely it. You don't see it. You never see me. It's like I've been invisible, and no matter how much I hint, you never make a move."
Danielle's words knock the air out of your lungs. You've never seen Danielle this riled up and it hurt you to know you were the cause. You take a moment to trace back your words. Have you ever imagined a life with her? Have you ever wanted to have her to yourself? Have you ever desired her?
The answer was yes. You think deeply if it was fair for you to say that only after she basically begged you to acknowledge her, but it was true, you did like her and you didn't know you were allowed to.
Danielle takes another deep breath, attempting to compose herself, but the frustration continues to spill out. "I've liked you for so long. I think you might feel the same way, but you never make a move. I've been stuck in this limbo, unsure if you even see me as more than a friend. It's driving me insane."
Your eyes soften, a mix of regret and realization settling in. "I didn't mean to make you feel invisible, Danielle. I've just been clueless, and I'm sorry if I hurt you."
She shakes her head, her frustration giving way to a sense of vulnerability. "It's not just about now. It's about all those moments before, the missed opportunities. I can't keep waiting for something that might never happen."
As Danielle's words linger in the air, a heavy silence envelops the room, punctuated only by the sound of rain tapping against the window.
"I never wanted to hurt you, Danielle," you begin. "I've been so focused on convincing myself that you couldn't possibly feel that way about me, that I never stopped to consider how you might be feeling. I'm sorry for not seeing what was right in front of me."
Danielle's gaze softens, a mix of frustration and hurt still lingering. "You're not off the hook that easily. You can't just apologize and expect me to believe you."
You nod. "You're right. I messed up, and I can't change that. But I can be honest with you now. The truth is, I've been afraid. Afraid of ruining our friendship, afraid of facing my own feelings. It's not an excuse, just an explanation."
Danielle raises an eyebrow and folds her arms. "Afraid? You?"
You chuckle wryly. "Fear doesn't always make sense. And I guess I've been scared of admitting that I like you too."
Her eyes widen, she's surprised "You do?"
You nod, your vulnerability laid bare. You hope you didn't make a mistake but you couldn't hold it in, it was now or never. "Yes, Danielle. I do. I've liked you for a while, but I never thought you could feel the same way. I convinced myself it was just a dream."
She tilts her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "So, Mr. Fearless finally admits he's not invincible."
You grin, the tension between you starting to dissipate.
Danielle steps closer, a playful glint in her eyes. As the rain outside continues its rhythmic dance, Danielle takes your hand. "No more hiding, okay? Let's figure this out together."
And for the first time, you hug her first. Your hand gently pulls her and she lets herself go, straight into your arms. You hug her softly, but with passion, with happiness. Danielle does the same, for the first time, not to tease you and not to try to make you fall in love because for once, she knows in her heart you truly love her.
Written, 16 February - 22 February 2024
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neomujinjja · 7 months
Come Back Safe
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Pairing: Park Chanyoung x reader
Length: 885 words Genre: imagine, reunion, fluff(?)
Warnings: not edited, pre sweet home events, reference to enlistment, vague mention of celebrity treatment during enlistment, mentions of guns, cursing, crying
Synopsis: You and your boyfriend were only supposed to part for a little while for his enlistment. But with the outbreak, you're not even sure of his status. And yet, the world works in mysterious ways.
Note: Because it felt too soon/too close to home to write this for woodz. But hey! sweet home 💃; also jinyoung is insane in the left picture 😵‍💫. I don't know when Chanyoung is said to be enlisted but I assumed it would be some months before the events of Sweet Home S1 happen.
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"Are you sure you're okay with waiting for me?" Chanyoung asked as he set his bags down. The two of you had just became exclusive; you had been on dates with one another but only decided on your relationship recently.
"Yes, you just focus on getting back to me safely" you told him with a nod and smile. You were scared for him, that he'd be treated badly due to his celebrity status or become hurt at some point during his enlistment. Chanyoung hummed before pulling you into a hug.
"I will be. Promise me that you'll keep yourself safe as well" he said before pecking whatever he could reach. You hit him on the shoulder and laughed.
"What the worse that could happen to me in the civilian world?"
"Just promise me. It'll make me feel at ease."
"Okay. I promise~" You pulled away to place your pinky finger between you. The baseball star snickered as he interlocked his into yours. He pressed a kiss onto your lips with a smile.
"Seal it with a kiss" Chanyoung whispered before pulling entirely away from you. You stood in a slight stupor at his actions, that was insanely smooth. You complained at him, explaining he shouldn't tease you before leaving for roughly two years. The enlisted male only laughed, playfully grabbing your hands to fight you off. The two of you struggling against the other whilst your stomaches began to ache from the fits of laughter. Chanyoung relaxed his arms, allowing you to lean in close to his chest, the two of you successfully out of breath. "Okay, I've really got to get going" he panted as he released your arms and sat to put his boots on properly. You watched as he did so, continuing until he had all of his bags gathered up and was opening the door.
"Be safe, I mean it" you told him, leaning onto the door frame. You knew that it was just bad timing and there was nothing you could do, but you wished you didn't have to be separated from your boyfriend so early on. Chanyoung saluted with a smile before blowing a kiss and heading down your apartment complex hallway. The two of you decided that it'd be best for you not to send him off at the gate to avoid dealing with the news tabloids; meaning this would be the last time you'd see him until his break or a visit.
'Shit!' you cursed in your mind. You had thought that moving early in the morning would prevent you from meeting others. You were especially trying to avoid soldiers, the civilians were bad enough, you didn't need to deal with people with gun access. Hiding behind a pillar, you thought about what your next move would be. The sound of voices caught your attention, you whipped your head in the direction it came from. Listening in to their conversation, you let out a sigh of relief at the their addressing. Watching the two males on the balcony, you decided to head inside the building anyway; any medicine you could get your hands on would do some good in the long run making it worth the risk.
'Fuck' you cursed in your head once again. You hadn't seen the tray behind you; and of course, your elbow bumped it causing it to crash to the floor. You turned your head in the door's direction, praying silently that no one would come to check it out. Though it would be a death sentence to not a noise out in recent events.
"I thought the building was empty?" a female voice asked.
"I'm not sure. Stay here, I'll check" a male voice responded. You heard the female scoff at his words but she didn't make anymore verbal protest. The room you managed to sneak and ransack was barren of any hiding spots. Running a hand through your hair, you closed your eyes with no choice but to accept whatever fate that came. "Who are you?" the male asked.
"Human" was the only thing you said as you opened your eyes again. You were left shocked by the person standing in the doorway. Standing there was Chanyoung pointing a weapon in your face. Your boyfriend was alive, seemingly safe and sound, with a gun trained on you.
The two of you spoke at the same time. The former baseball player lowered his weapon, staring at your figure in similar shock.
"Where have you been this whole time?" Chanyoung exclaimed as he practically threw the gun to the side. You said nothing as he strides closer to you. "Are you okay? Have you been safe?" the male asked. Chanyoung grabbed you, checking over what he could see for any visible injuries. He pulled you into a hug when he didn't find any, his right hand caressing your hair. You brought your hands up, lightly setting them onto the male's lower back. You began shaking as you released tears, one's of relief and frustration. "What's wrong?" Chanyoung panicked as he tried to pull away but you held onto his clothing.
"You're safe. You came back safe, you kept our promise" you whispered in between your sniffles. You ignored your boyfriend's coos as you buried yourself deeper into his arms.
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jungkookschin · 7 months
demigod trials: fates intertwined | two
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synopsis: you met jungkook at camp half-blood when you were 10 years old. since then, your fates have been infinitely intertwined.
word count: 10k
pairing: son of ares!jungkook x daughter of hephaestus!reader
genre: camp half blood au, percy jackson au, demigod au, childhood friends to lovers, exes to lovers , enemies to lovers, jungkook is sooo in love, jungkook is emotionally constipated, THEY FALL INTO TARTARUS TOGETHERR, jk and y/n are supposed to be reminiscent of percabeth, y/n can wield fire 😳 , ANGSTYY, taehyung as a son of poseidon, namjoon son of athena, mingyu son of jupiter, mina daughter of venus,
warnings: death, angst, blood, kinda gruesome, SMUT (not explicit at all- it's told more in a poetic way), v card loss, many percy jackson references, character death (she comes back to life)
author’s note
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 3.5 | chapter four
That morning, Jungkook, Namjoon (son of Athena), Taehyung (son of Poseidon), Jinyoung (son of Hermes), Jennie (daughter of Hades), Jaehyun (son of Apollo), Jisoo (daughter of Demeter), Mark (son of Hephaestus), and Yeri (the satyr) gathered around the ping pong table in the Big House, as called by Chiron.
The purpose of the gathering was to address the need for camp expansion. With the current cabins unable to accommodate all the demigods, it seemed impractical to have 22-year olds like Jungkook share living quarters with ten year-olds.  
Namjoon unfolded the blueprints across the ping pong table, revealing intricate architectural designs for every cabin, along with plans to make space for adjacent cabins to accommodate all the demigods. 
“So,” Taehyung begins, “We can separate the cabins by, like, minors and 18+?” he shrugs, to which everyone murmurs in agreement. 
“Gods, that sounds good,” Jinyoung asserts, “My eight year old brother pulled condoms from my bag and kept asking me what they were! Can you imagine how I felt?” 
Jennie swats Jinyoung’s chest. “Seriously? In front of Chiron?”
Jinyoung shrugs, “We’re all grown, I’m sure Chiron is aware of- that we… you know,”
Chiron sighs. “I’ve experienced worse with my brothers the Party Ponies. If anything, this is all the more reason to push for expansion. We must ensure the children are not inadvertently exposed to your... daily activities,” he finishes, eliciting laughter from the cabin leaders. 
Jisoo plants her palms on the ping pong table and looks over the blueprints for the Demeter cabin. She bats her lashes at Namjoon. “Any way you can expand our garden, too?”, to which Yeri the satyr joins and uses her puppy eyes on him. 
When Namjoon sighs and acquiesces, Jisoo and Yeri interlock fingers and squeal in excitement.  
“In that case, can I get a pool in my cabin?-”
“Taehyung, shut up.”
Mark steps through and rapidly scans Namjoon’s blueprints before stepping back and nodding. “The Hephaestus cabin can do this in two weeks min and a month max.”
Jungkook dealt with weird emotions each time he crossed paths with Mark, your younger brother. Seeing Mark earnestly step up to lead the Hephaestus cabin, carrying the responsibilities you once shouldered, filled Jungkook with indescribable pride and sorrow.
“Anything we can do to help, then?” Jungkook offers to which Mark nods
“Namjoon and I can organize a list of materials we need for each cabin to gather. But beyond that, it would be best if you all stayed out of our ways, erm- respectfully, of course,” Mark responds. 
Jaehyun laughs at that, throwing a lazy arm around Mark. “I’m so proud of you,” he nuzzles his forehead against the side of Mark’s head, “Our baby is all grown up.”
“Eww, get off me,” Mark responds, lightly nudging Jaehyun away.
Later in the day, Jungkook started collecting the materials Mark had instructed the Ares cabin to gather. He ran into the woods to start cutting wood when he senses another presence. 
A monster, maybe, or perhaps a nymph or satyr wandering about. The sound of footsteps rustling through the dry leaves Jungkook further concerned, and he unsheathes his Celestial Bronze knife. “Show yourself.”
You step out from behind a tree in a fresh set of clothes and Jungkook drops his knife. 
He looks at you, and you look at him. 
In an instant, Jungkook's pupils burst into flaming orbs as he draws his sword, swiftly advancing towards you. The sheer disdain etched on his features is unforgettable, and you quickly realize that he likely mistook you for a monster taking on your appearance.
You turn around and run. You sprint towards the camp barriers, screaming for your life before you trip on a rock, sending you sprawling onto the ground, your face meeting the cold, hard earth.
Confusion clouds Jungkook's features as he slows his pursuit. He looks you up and down, uncertainty written across his face as he assesses the situation.
“Jungkook! It’s me! It’s actually me! Stop!” you scream, desperately trying to make him recognize you. 
He assumes a defensive stance, but his voice quivers. “Y/N?”
“Jungkook,” you respond breathlessly, “I can explain. Did Rosie tell you guys about the Physician’s Cure?”
Jungkook comes to a sudden halt. "I... just..." His brain malfunctions, leaving him at a loss for words in your presence. 
He pulls himself together. “I’m going to arrest you and take you to the Big House… just in case.”
You appear a little stunned but you nod, reaching into your magic toolbelt to pull out handcuffs, grinning at him a little when you toss them to him. 
News of your return spread through the camp like a wildfire. Jungkook guides you to the Big House while a crowd of people formed around him
His heart insists that it’s you, and his soul is screaming at him that it’s you, but after all this time he refuses to believe it. 
Camp Half-Blood achieved a new milestone by hosting the highest number of meetings in a single day: 2. 
The ping pong table has been folded and moved to the side, leaving a single chair in the empty space for you- or a monster pretending to be you.
All the cabin leaders sprinted to the Big House once they heard the news.
Taehyung and Namjoon, sweaty from sprinting from the pegasi stables, stand in the doorway to catch a glimpse of you.
Taehyung instantly falls to his knees and Namjoon drops the notebook in his hand.
The seas of people part at the sound of Chiron’s hooves, whose face morphed into exasperation at your appearance. “My gods, it can’t be. Y/N?”
You smile shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind your air before waving with your fingers, “Hi?”
Jennie peeked from behind Chiron, gasping, and she tried to run towards you until Chiron stuck his arm out to stop her.
Jaehyun stepped forward with a bow strung on his arrow, ready to fire at any moment. “Explain,” he seethes.
“Oh,” you laugh awkwardly, combing through your hair with your fingers, “What a warm welcome.”
A horn blows throughout the camp, signaling the arrival of the Roman demigods, who were alerted of the news immediately after Jungkook made the announcement. 
Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood established a teleportation portal between the two camps, allowing instant and seamless communication.
Rose passed through the crowd, gasping when her eyes landed on you. Ignoring Chiron’s warnings, she ran to you, her hands falling on your shoulders.
“The Physician’s Cure?” she asks, breathless.
You nod, and she embraces you tightly, tears streaming down her face. “Fuck, Y/N. It fucking worked It’s a miracle.”
“Rose Park,” Mina’s voice echoes throughout the building, and she assumes an offensive stance with her Imperial Gold spatha. “You’ll be under arrest for treason if you don’t explain what’s going on.”
You rise abruptly, shielding Rose with your body. “I’ll explain. I am Y/N L/N, and it’s true that I died, but I was brought back to life with the Physician’s Cure.”
“On the ship, after Jungkook and I returned from Tartarus,” you begin, your eyes flickering towards Jungkook, “Rose and I began developing the Physician's Cure, an injection that can bring anybody back to life. It was formulated by Asclepius, son of Apollo and the god of medicine.”
Rose nods sternly. “I’d been researching the Physician’s Cure for years,” she adds, “Y/N was the only one I trusted with its formula, and we did it. I thought we had failed, but Gods, it worked.”
You vigorously nod. “And I had this idea- this idea that I had to be the one to kill Gaia. To storm or fire the world shall fall,” you state, recalling the prophecy,  “I’m fire. It had to be me. So Rosie and I devised a plan to kill Gaia for good. And I knew the risks, I knew I could die-  but when Rosie told me about the Physician’s Cure I knew I had to do it. It was a sign from the fates. I had to get rid of Gaia by burning her to death, and the only way I could do it was burning myself to death. We would fly Gaia away from her home court, burn her to death, and Pulchra would bring me back with the Physician's Cure.”
Jungkook’s features twist in pain, in betrayal. “So it wasn’t an accident? You planned on dying without telling us?” 
His attention turns towards Rose. “And you knew?” he seethes, “This whole time, all this pain could have been avoided-“
“I thought she was dead!” Rose responds, “You were so depressed I didn’t want to give you any false hope! That injection had a 10% chance of working- I didn’t know!”
“So you knew Y/N was going to die and did nothing about it,” Taehyung seethes.
“It was my choice,” you interject, “It was for the mission. Gaia is gone and that means it was a success.”
Jungkook scoffs. “To storm or fire the world shall fall,” he recites the prophecy. “Storm would have sufficed. Mingyu and I had a plan, Y/N. We could have avoided all this.”
“But Mingyu would have died!” You respond.
“I wouldn’t have!” Mingyu interjects, “With all due respect, my body could have taken it,” He puts a hand on his heart to convey his sincerity. “You should have told us. Can you imagine how Jungkook and I felt when you fucking died in front of us? And we couldn’t do anything about it?”
“I’m here now, aren’t I? Why does it matter?”
Mingyu looks at you with an especially crestfallen expression and your stomach plummets. You shift your gaze to Jungkook and he looks arguably worse, eyes turning red as he stares at the ground, shaking his head in disbelief.
Chiron steps in the middle to intervene. “That’s enough, everybody. Let Y/N finish her story. Where have you been the past two years?”
Your face falls and your knees buckle. “T-two years? What?”
Rosie hooks her arm through yours. “It’s been two years. Take a minute to process everything.” She leads you to your seat, and you inhale so deeply your chest hurts.
Two years? It was just yesterday that you incinerated Gaia.
“I-I woke up on an island,” you explain, “I don’t know where exactly I was, but it was somewhere in the Indian ocean. I made some tweaks to Pulchra’s GPS system and flew back here as fast as I could.”
Jungkook nods bitterly, tears streaming down his face as he addresses you. “Yea Y/N, it’s been two years- two fucking years. We’re not teenagers anymore, we’re adults and we take responsibility for our actions,” he bitterly states.
“Kook, I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.”
“Did you know that we spent six months looking for you? Traveled every sea, walked every country to find you, even though the Hades kids confirmed your death?” Jungkook adds, voice quivering. “So this information would have been nice to know when were on that ship for six fucking months,” he seethes, redirecting his attention to Rose.
“Don’t blame her,” you interject, “She was in a tough position, she couldn’t have-“
“Oh don’t worry, inferno princess, I blame you too. I must’ve meant shit to you if you were planning on dying without telling me. Did everything…” he trails off, gazing at you with such profound betrayal, “Did everything mean nothing to you?”
You shake your head, unable to conjure a proper response. “I-I thought I’d only be gone for a few hours Kook- I didn’t know-”
“And if the Physician’s Cure didn’t work?” Jungkook asks, staring at you incredulously, “Rose herself said it had a 90% failure rate, so if it didn’t work, you would have just died and expected me to live with myself? To live without you?” The pain in his chest is nearly unbearable, and sadness envelopes your entire being.
“I’m sorry,” is all you say.
“Sorry? Sorry? So that night when we- when you- with the candles, did you know? Did you know you were going to die?” Jungkook asks.
Your face falls, and Jungkook bitterly scoffs at that. “What you did wasn’t heroic, Y/N. What you did was cruel. You’re- you’re crueler than the gods.” And with that, he bitterly stomps away, the crowd parting for his exit.
Chiron clears his throat, walking towards the middle of the room before he announces “Campers under the age of 20, you are dismissed. Return to your daily activities immediately.”
You gaze at your trembling hands, struggling to comprehend everything, when Namjoon engulfs you in the most intense hug he's ever given. In his embrace, you crumble and break into tears.
“Gods Y/N, I’m just- I’m glad you’re back.”
You embrace him with the same intensity, crying into his shoulders. 
You refuse to let Namjoon go until you’re ripped from him from the hem of your shirt and pulled into Taehyung’s embrace. He’s crying harder than you, body trembling as he holds you and at that moment, you would do anything to ease his anxiety and calm the tremors coursing through his body. You sniffle, rubbing his back up and down with your palms, and the only thing you can say to him is that you’re sorry.
Mingyu is up next, and as pissed off as he was, he holds you tight and cries into your shoulder. “You’re a fucking idiot,” he says and all you do is cry.
Mina, dropping her Spatha, rushes towards you, throwing herself into your arms. She buries her face in your hair, letting out guttural cries 
For hours, you and your childhood friends stay in the Big House, crying, hugging, and catching up.
That night at dinner, you reconvene with your siblings in the Hephaestus cabin, who ardently welcome you home with a toast to your father. 
Mark, your younger brother who is now the head of the Hephaestus cabin, receives the biggest hug the moment you spot him. He laughs and returns the hug with equal enthusiasm, saying, "So, does this mean I don’t have to be head counselor anymore?"
You shoot him a playful glare. “Don’t even. You’ve been doing so well. I’m proud of you. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to help.”
“Of course, sis,” he adds, “It’s water under the bridge- you did save the world anyway,” he shrugs. 
During dinner, your gaze involuntarily wanders towards the Ares table, and Jungkook is noticeably absent.
The thought of what you did to Jungkook makes you sick to your stomach. Back then, your focus was solely on the quest, and you didn't want him to intervene because you believed the mission had to take precedence. 
The mission carried immense stress, and you had to devise a strategy to eliminate Gaia. The fate of the world hung in the balance, dependent on your actions. Your friends would've intervened if they knew, and Gaia might have fully come back to life.
Everything he said was true. You were selfish. You knew you were going to die and you pretended like everything was okay because you desperately clung onto that sense of normalcy you had with him.
You were selfish, and you were a coward. 
While dying for a noble cause sounds heroic- Jungkook was right, you were selfish. You would rather die than deal with the grief of losing your friends. 
Nobody says anything about your encounter with Jungkook, until Jaehyun approaches you after dinner.
As you walk back to the Hephaestus cabin, he scares the shit out of you when he appears from the shadows, “So, Jungkook? Were you guys like …?”
You’re a little taken aback, but you can’t help but notice the crestfallen expression on Jaehyun’s face and all you can do is nod. “He’s it for me. It’s him or nothing,” you respond.
Jaehyun tightens his lips and gives a nod. "I- well- alright. If you ever change your mind... just let me know," he says with an awkward smile. He offers to walk you back to your cabin, and you oblige to catch up with him. 
Walking past the Ares cabin, you can’t help but notice two figures convening by its side, one on their tiptoes to kiss the other. You tilt your head and momentarily pause.
“Wait Y/N- we should just go back-“
Your heart drops when you realize it’s Jungkook and a girl, a girl you definitely don't recognize. She’s got her hands on his cheeks, her thumbs rubbing his skin soothingly, and he can’t seem to take his eyes off her as they speak to each other.
You shake your head, immediately backing away before you stumble and fall onto Jaehyun. He catches you, gaze immediately sweeping over your face. You collect yourself and wipe the dust from your clothes. 
"It-it's fine," you say, but tears are already streaming down your face. You sprint back to your cabin before Jaehyun can say anything.
That night, you can’t sleep. You and your younger brother Mark spend the entire night in the main room of the Hephaestus cabin, poring over a blueprint of a prototype he's working on for the new 18+ Hephaestus cabin.
"Obviously, I'm not sticking to Namjoon's blueprints for our cabin," Mark declares, as if it's the most evident statement, “Since you and I are the only 18+ kids in our cabin, we’re gonna make that shit the best building Camp Half-Blood’s ever seen!” he expresses with a twinkle in his eye.
You smile at his enthusiasm as you scan over his blueprints. “Jacuzzi tub for every bunk?” you express, “I like how you think little brother.”
For hours, you and Mark review blueprints, constructing the best cabin to ever be built.
The next morning, you and Mark look like death, but you insist on heading to breakfast anyway.
Your expression darkens as you catch sight of Jungkook and his girlfriend walking towards the dining hall. Mark instantly notices the shift in your mood and attempts to divert your attention by sharing another idea he had for the cabin.
Throughout the night, you had confided in your brother about the details of your past relationship with Jungkook, and now he fills you in on the information he gathered about Jungkook's new girlfriend.
A descendant of the Roman Apollo, Sofia traveled all the way to Camp Half-Blood to visit Jungkook.
In Jungkook's eyes, Sofia became a symbol of unwavering support, a pillar of unconditional devotion, and Mark’s verbiage makes you feel infinitely worse, considering that you disappeared after three weeks of dating Jungkook. 
You know, maybe you weren’t so in the wrong. Ironically, considering he has moved on, perhaps you weren't as significant to him as you thought, not enough for him to hold on for two years.
Instead, you direct your attention to Mark’s plans for magical laundry chutes throughout the new Hephaestus cabin.
Taehyung and Namjoon join you for breakfast at the Hephaestus table, eagerly spilling everything they’ve accomplished the past two years.
Namjoon is now Chief Architect for Mount Olympus, and Taehyung discovered an underwater Camp Half-Blood for mermen. Mina and Mingyu join later and you immerse yourself in conversation, learning that Mina and Mingyu are the Praetors for the Roman Legion.
You smile at everybody, eagerly chatting and listening along, perceiving exactly how much you missed the past two years, as happy as you are for your friends, you’re heartbroken by the realization of your prolonged absence. 
You’re pulled from your trance when Mina makes a damning statement. “Rose is on probation. She’s going to be put on trial for treason against the Legion and conspiring for your death.”
You freeze. 
Mina sighs. “I’m sorry Y/N, but that’s the law. I can’t bend rules because she’s my friend.”
The tension at the table is palpable, and you stare at Mingyu and Mina with a tenacious reflection in your eyes.
“Where is she?” you ask, adrenaline surging through your veins.
Mina and Mingyu exchange glances, imploring the other to answer the question. “She’s in a jail cell back in Camp Jupiter,” Mingyu finally answers.
You gasp, abruptly rising to your feet before Taehyung grabs your hand to stop you from going anywhere. “Y/N, sit,” he says through gritted teeth.
As you stand, eyes searching for answers, you catch Taehyung's grip on your hand and the subtle shake of Namjoon's head.  You glance around and notice the curious and concerned gazes of fellow demigods in the dining hall. Innocent children, still unaware of the haunting reality of being a demigod.
These are the demigods you once swore to protect. You can't afford to disrupt the fragile peace that binds them together, even if your heart screams for justice.
Feeling the weight of the collective gaze, you reluctantly sink back into your seat. The metal chair feels cold against your skin, mirroring the chill that has settled in your heart.
Immediately after breakfast, the head counselors for every cabin meet at the Big House for yet another meeting. You’re back in the middle of the room, all eyes on you as you implore your friends to stick up for Rose. 
"You can't go through with this," you express with exasperation, directing your gaze at Mina and Mingyu.
Mina dismissively shakes her head, her expression resolute. "It's not just about you," she emphasizes, "Well, it is but it's also about the principles we stand for in this camp. Trust, transparency, and accountability are crucial, especially when lives are at stake. Rose's actions have raised questions about the very foundations of our community."
The weight of Mina's words hangs in the air, and you can sense the gravity of the situation settling in the room.
“Killing Gaia my way was the only way, and I can prove it,” you counter. “Rose did the right thing. She saved the world.”
Mark, your little brother, steps forward and places a comforting shoulder on the small of your back.
“Jungkook is right,” Mina adds, “We were on a quest for six months to find you. She should have said something, but she didn't. She committed a crime against the Roman Legion."
At the mention of Jungkook's name, your gaze shifts toward him. He's leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, eyes trained downward.
You shake your head. “The Physician’s Cure was a prototype. We both knew that it probably wouldn’t work. What’s the point of bringing it up? To turn the six month quest into a year long quest? You have to understand her-“
Jaehyun grimaces, biting his lip, immediately speaking up. “Y/N, you don’t get it. After you died, it was rough. Really rough. Rose is in the wrong. She should have said something. She alone could have provided us more clarity, more closure.”
"And this isn't just about you; it's about the entire quest, the well-being of everyone involved,” Namjoon adds, his expression grave. “Hiding the details of your death is a serious offense in the eyes of both gods and mortals.”
You pause. “I get it. I really do, but what was she supposed to do? Would she have gone to jail for ‘conspiring in my death’ if she said anything? The reason we planned it out without telling you guys was because we knew you would stop me. The quest takes precedence. We had to put the quest first. And that’s what we did.”
Jisoo intervenes. “Y/N has a point. If Rosie mentioned the Physician’s Cure, would that have made a difference? It would have just left us with uncertainty, and we would have gone in circles around the world clinging on to hope. Isn’t it good that we moved forward?”
The room stills at Jisoo’s comment, silently acknowledging the validity of her point.
Ignorance is bliss, and Rose left both camps blissfully ignorant, free to move forward with the closure that they exhausted all efforts to find you.  
You venture to ask something at that moment. “If I told you guys what I was planning… would you have stopped me?” You finally ask, eyes flickering to the demigods present on the quest.
Mina shakes her head almost immediately. “I wouldn’t have. You’re right Y/N. The quest takes precedence and the prophecy clearly states  ‘To storm or fire the world must fall’.”
“I would have,” Taehyung states. “100%, and I wouldn't do anything differently if it happened today.”
“I-“ you look around, “I can prove why it had to be fire and not storm. Mingyu, your plan would have never worked in the sense that there would have been too much collateral damage.”
Mingyu tilts his head at your comment, and you whip out a white board marker, approaching the white board on the wall.
“Do you know how hot I burned to incinerate Gaia?” you ask everyone, and everybody’s eyes follow you- even Jungkook’s, listening and watching intently.
In bright red letters, you write 1,200-2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
“That’s how hot lava burns,” you explain, pausing before you write another figure on the board. 
10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
“I burned at 10,000 degrees when I finally incinerated Gaia,” you state, and everybody looks dumbfounded at the number, unable to comprehend how hot 10,000 degrees actually is. “That’s as hot as the surface of the sun. At 10,000 degrees, matter does not exist, atoms do not exist- it simply implodes.”
The next thing you write on the board is 
Saffir Sampson Hurricane Wind Scale. 
Pointing to it, you explain, “This is how we measure intensity of storms. It rates hurricanes from Category 1 to Category 5 based on wind speeds. The deadliest hurricane on this scale was Hurricane Mitch in 1998, with wind speeds exceeding 155 miles per hour,” you explain, writing 155 MPH on the board. 
Everyone appears to be aware of the direction you're heading, yet you still need to articulate it to drive your point home.
“Hurricane Mitch resulted in 11,000 to 19,000 fatalities, and I’m not even talking about injuries or displacement. So imagine the devastation of a storm with an intensity equivalent to 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit!”
Namjoon tilts his head, rising. “I get what you’re saying but that argument won’t hold up in court. Conversion metrics between temperature and speed don’t exist in Science- but hypothetically, a storm strong enough to kill Gaia would also kill a lot of people in its wake.”
You nod vigorously. “So Rose, by keeping a secret, killed Gaia and potentially saved the lives of thousands! Beyond that, you’re free to question her moral integrity, but it wouldn’t make a difference anyways!”
The features of Mingyu, the man who is responsible for stirring this hypothetical storm, morph into deep contemplation. “You’re free to argue that in court, Y/N. Our job is to uphold Roman law. I’m sorry.”
Your testimony for Rose in court reveals to be successful. The charges are dropped against Rose, and she is reinstated as the Official Healer for the Roman Legion.
However, Rose’s acquittal fails to supersede the animosity, hatred, and damage that have infiltrated the once-unbreakable bond among the seven demigods who triumphed over the Earth mother Gaia. 
While the evil primordial goddess was physically dead, she successfully sowed her seeds of disdain within your group of friends. 
The tension between Rose, Mina and Mingyu is more palpable than ever. How can a friendship be repaired after your best friends send you to jail?  Rose refuses to talk to Mina and you can’t blame her. Nor can you blame Mina and Mingyu. You understand the rigidity of the role of Praetor, and Mina and Mingyu were simply fulfilling their duty.  
At the same time, Jungkook still refuses to acknowledge your existence. If he sees you, he turns the opposite direction, not batting a lash at you. 
The hurt in his eyes and the bitterness in his actions show how horribly he feels betrayed, and it makes you sick to your stomach. Despite Namjoon and Taehyung's assurances that he'll eventually come around, your intuition tells you that Jungkook's actions aren’t a choice he’s making willingly, but rather a burden too heavy for him to bear.  
The bonds that once held your group together are now strained with secrets, regrets, and the harsh realities of the decisions you made.
You can’t even fathom how or if your friendships will ever be repaired. The wounds go deep, leaving scars that aren't just physical – they're emotional and psychological, ingrained in the very essence of your shared history.
It’s only three months after your miraculous return that Jungkook speaks to you. 
By this time, the construction of the 18+ cabins were complete, meaning that all demigods over the age of 18 were given their own quarters separate from their little siblings. 
Jungwon, a thirteen year old kid from the Ares cabin, established his name amongst Camp Half-Blood as the next best swordsman after Jungkook, of course. 
Last month, he ventured on a quest now dubbed the Quest to the City Stuck in Time. Eldritch Haven, a quaint city in Maine, became seemingly stuck in time. The Oracle only called for a 13 year old Jungwon, calling him to eradicate the threat of the Lamented Souls- vengeful spirits ensnaring the city in a temporal web.
As requested by Chiron, you forged Jungwon a brand new Celestial Bronze blade called Kataklysmós, or Cataclysm, the forthbringer of destruction. 
Armed with the freshly crafted blade, you secure it in its sheath and make your way to the Ares cabins. Of course, Jungwon resides in the cabin for minors, so you politely knock on the door to present him with his newly forged blade. 
The door knob turns and to your surprise, Jungkook greets you. 
He gazes at you, his expression devoid of any emotion, and his eyes pass from your face to the sword held in your hand.
“Come in.” 
You abhor how he addresses you with such formality.
You follow Jungkook to the living room within the cabin, gingerly taking a seat on the leather sofa before Jungwon pops out from the adjacent room. He greets you with a firm and brief handshake before sitting on the couch in front of you. 
Jungkook looms behind his younger brother, arms crossed as he scrutinizes every inch of your face. Gods, as handsome as he was, he also is the most terrifying and intimidating man you’ve ever encountered. 
You clear your throat and unsheathe the blade. “Jungwon, I present you with the Kataklysmós. Henceforth, this blade shall be your weapon of choice on quests and your primary tool against monsters. Your skills were recognized by Chiron, and he prompted me to design and construct the finest sword I’ve ever created.”
Jungwon's eyes gleam as they lock onto the sword, sparkling against the silver reflection of the blade. Anyone could tell that this kid has fallen in love at first sight. 
Honestly, you feel the same. This blade is the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen. Kataklysmós is a celestial bronze blade adorned with intricate engravings depicting scenes of Jungwon slicing through the Lamented Souls. Its hilt, crafted from Stygian iron, features a blood-red gemstone at its pommel, a gemstone embedded with divine magic. 
 “Not only does this sword enhance the weapon's slicing capability, it is magically embedded with divine magic. So, long as you form a soul link with your weapon, Kataklysmós will absorb the essence of fallen enemies, temporarily enhancing the wielder's strength and combat prowess.”
A small gasp leaves Jungwon’s lips and  his gaze shifts from the sword to you. “What?” he asks like his breath has been taken away.
“A soul binding link,” you clarify, “You have to form a bond with your weapon for its celestial energy to be channeled,” your eyes flicker towards Jungkook whose features are twisted in a mixture of confusion and curiosity, and his face slightly disorients you so you clear your throat.
“This is new technology. My little brother Mark, Chiron, and I have been working on forging weapons with magical enhancement,” you elaborate.
“Weapons with divine energy from ancient times exist, but creating one has been a significantly challenging process” you continue, looking back at Jungwon, “So I don’t know exactly how you’ll form a soul tie with your blade, but I know you can do it. Chiron chose you to be the first wielder of a magically enhanced weapon for a reason.” You offer Jungwon a sisterly smile, and he appears like a fish, unable to comprehend your words.
“If this is the first weapon, doesn’t Cataclysm run the risk of causing harm to Jungwon?” Jungkook jumps in, question stern and abrupt.
You shake your head, locking eyes with him. “Magical enhancements don’t work that way. It only runs the risk of not working. It can only cause harm to its user if I enchanted it with some evil spell,” you confirm.
“Gonna pull out a whiteboard to explain that too? We have one in the other room,” he shrugs.
You wish there was someone you knew to exchange uncomfortable glances with, because was he cracking a joke after not acknowledging your existence for three months?
“Excuse my brother,” Jungwon intervenes, “It truly is a blessing to be the first candidate chosen to weild an enchanted blade. Thank you, Y/N.”
Observing Jungwon fixedly gazing at you with earnest eyes, you can’t help but think that 13-year old Jungwon is a stark contrast from 13-year old Jungkook. Jungwon is polite, a sweetie pie if you’ve ever seen one. 13-year old Jungkook cursed at Chiron, was a fireball of impulsivity, wreaking havoc everywhere he went.
You smile. “Yea Jungwon. I know you can do it. Congratulations on your last quest.” 
“However, I do need you to keep a log of your progress," you add, retrieving a small notebook from your pocket. "Every day, as you work on forming a soul tie, fill out the form in this book. It's straightforward, covering things like the time you spent practicing with the sword and your thoughts during the process."
Jungwon nods, taking the logbook from you before flipping through it. “Got it, Y/N, and can I find you in the Hephaestus cabin if I have any questions?”
You nod. “Any time.”
With that, Jungwon gives you a final handshake before hurrying off to the dueling arena to practice parries and strikes.
You're on the verge of leaving when Jungkook clasps his arm around your wrist. His touch feels electrifying, and you look up at him.
"Let's talk."
Jungkook takes you to the 18+ Ares cabins, where so far, he is the only resident. The cabin looks different from how you constructed it, littered with his own personal Jungkook touch.
A sleek flat screen TV sits in the front of the room of the TV, a leather black couch you don’t recognize is littered with Hello Kitty plushies, probably from his girlfriend. The thought makes you nauseous.
You sit on the leather couch, watching as Jungkook whisks towards the kitchen to fill up a glass of water before handing it to you.
He sits next to you, his hands resting on his thighs. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he states, and you’re a bit taken aback.
“Do you.. do you know what my fatal flaw is?” he continues, addressing you directly, not looking away even when you fail to meet his eyes.
Despite the years of separation, the answer is clear to you. With Jungkook, it was painfully obvious, and you caught on immediately during your adventures in Tartarus. 
“Yea,” you respond, “Love. Your fatal flaw is love.”
He nods, seemingly a bit taken aback before releasing a relieved laughter. “Of course.” He smiles cheekily to himself, a wave of nostalgia seemingly crashing over him. 
“That’s why..” Jungkook trails off, “That’s why I was so sensitive to… to your death,” he finishes. “I led the quest for six months around the world, and when we couldn’t find you, I left Camp Half-Blood for a year.”
You nod. You heard from the others what had occurred during your absence, but hearing it from Jungkook still makes your stomach drop. “I’m sorry Jungkook-“
“No,” he cuts you off, “I get it. You were right. Mine and Mingyu’s plan would have never worked. In the end, it was my fault,” He looks forward, a gleam of despondence reflective in his eyes, “I couldn’t protect you. It was my weakness that forced you to do something so dire, and you paid the price with your life.”
“This whole thing,” Jungkook continues, “This whole thing is a mess. The more I think about it, we were so young. Why did we have to go through all that?” He shakes his head in disbelief.
“If you told me about your plan, I would have gone ballistic,” he describes, face twisting with emotion, “And- and if Rosie told me what actually happened, gods, I would have destroyed Apollo’s shrine with my bare hands.” 
“So maybe you were right to hide it from me. It sucks to say it, but our relationship was a small price to pay for saving the world, and as demigods we have to bear that burden.”
Your hands still, and this impulsive little demon living inside you is screaming tell him you love him, tell him you want him! Instead, you shakily exhale, blinking tears from your eyes. 
Usually, when you cry, Jungkook wipes your tears or counsels you with his embrace.
  This time he does nothing.
“We were kids,” he concurs, “The gods put us in this situation. You did your best, Y/N. Thank you for serving diligently.”
Unknowingly, your hands grasp onto the Hello Kitty plushie by your side, mistaking it for a pillow to hold. When you realize what you're clutching, you quickly set it down. “Sorry. That’s from... your—your—“
“My girlfriend?” Jungkook finishes, “My girlfriend…” he trails off, “Do you think I would even be speaking to you if I still had a girlfriend?”
You blink at him. “Did you guys.. break up?” You don’t realize you're holding your breath until you sigh in relief at his response.
“Yea,” he agrees. “Sofia’s a good girl. She needs someone who can love her, take care of her. I guess a kid of Ares isn’t that guy. She said I was too emotionally unavailable and found some other guy in Camp Jupiter.” He shrugs it off.
You’re a bit taken aback by that. Sofia seemed so enamored with Jungkook; you can’t fathom that she was the one to break it off.
Jungkook bitterly laughs. “The gods fucked us up so bad no one in our generation will ever get married.”
You know Jungkook is doing his Jungkook thing by coping with humor, but you can’t bring yourself to laugh along. Looking down with despondency at the Hello Kitty plushie, a sad “Yea,” is all you’re able to conjure.
As you both stare at the Hello Kitty plushy, Jungkook breaks the somber atmosphere with a casual tone. "So Y/N, friends?" he asks, a small smile playing on his lips. "It sucks to not talk to you—I mean, I still use this stupid knife all the time," he says, pointing to the Celestial Bronze knife you crafted for him all those years ago.
You smile, nodding at Jungkook. “Yea,” you concur, “Friends.”
Rebuilding your friendship with Jungkook was a lovely experience. You loved him and wanted him in any way, and if that was to be platonic, you would take it.
Countless hours were spent in the 18+ Poseidon cabin, immersed in the cool waters of Taehyung’s pool. Jungkook joined you in the forge, learning how to craft magically embedded weapons, and for an Ares kid, he wasn’t so horrible at it. As counselors for your cabins, you both emerged as pillars and leaders for the young demigods, echoing the very positions you once occupied years ago.
Neither of you dared to cross the boundary between friendship and love, and maybe it was better that way. It was too painful to love. There was too much at risk.
At 23, Jungkook embarks on a one-year journey to Camp Jupiter, assuming the role of Assistant Commander for the Roman Legion. A Greek in the Roman Legion was almost unheard of, but Jungkook who was highly respected for everything he accomplished, seized an unprecedented opportunity. 
At 24, you find yourself presented with the opportunity to work in your father Hephaestus's forge for a year. Immediately, you accept it and bid goodbye to your friends in Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood. 
And at age 25, you return to Earth, reuniting with Jungkook at Camp Jupiter for a meeting- a meeting of seemingly great importance, considering that the most powerful demigods have been summoned to gather.
25 years old
As Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, and you meander around the grounds of New Rome, you explore the coffee shops, savoring the thrill of the bustling city and immersing yourselves in the rich tapestry of its culture.
You’re standing by a statue of your father in his Roman form Vulcan, posing with Namjoon for the photo while Jungkook snaps a shot. 
You skip over to Jungkook, looking over his shoulder to view the photo before you’re tackled to the ground. 
“Y/N! You bitch!” Rose, daughter of Apollo, is on top of you, holding her Imperial Gold dagger to your neck. She’s fuming, her face scrunched in hatred, and you already know what this is about. 
Jungkook, Namjoon, and Taehyung aren’t sure if they should intervene; perhaps this was the cute new way you girls greeted each other (?)
Namjoon intervenes only when Rose starts drawing blood from your neck, and somehow, Rose has acquired monstrous strength, as she doesn't budge an inch when. Instead, she elbows him in the crotch and Namjoon falls to the floor with a thud. 
Apollo: 1. Athena: 0.
“Y/N, you fucked my dad?!” Rose seethes, threatening to push the dagger further into your neck.
“Get off!” You employ your feet to push her away from your body and start wiping the blood from your neck.
Romantic entanglements between gods and demigods weren't uncommon. In various stories from Greek mythology, gods were known for their pursuits of mortal beings, including demigods. Quite frankly, the gods didn’t care that demigods were children of the other gods- they really had no decency. Anyone was free game. 
“I did not fuck your dad!” you enunciate, “He came after me. I turned him down every time.”
“You liar!” She hisses, and suddenly she eerily resembles Lamia- the same demon who tried to kill you multiple times- before she pounces after you. Before you can comprehend it, you’re sprinting away. 
Thank the gods Taehyung, your knight in shining armor, restrains Rose, locking her wrists behind her back. “Gods Rose, it’s not Y/N’s fault your dad is a slut,” Taehyung murmurs, looking up and raising his brows in amusement. 
Rose quite literally growls at that, trying to release herself from Taehyung’s grip, and honestly you’re scared she’s going to kill you. 
“Y/N, I swear to the gods- if you fucked my dad, I’m going to murder you,” she hisses, fuming from her ears. 
“I did not fuck your dad! Are you insane?!” 
“Taehyung, let me go!” Rose screams, “I’m not going to do anything, just let me go!” She screeches. Taehyung obliges and she falls on her face. 
Her chest rises up and down while she catches her breath. She looks up at you,  murderous intent still in her eyes. “Tell me everything that happened.”
During your time on Olympus, the god Apollo approached you in the forge multiple times, attempting to coax you into sleeping with him. You weren’t flattered, nor were you offended. It was Apollo being Apollo. 
Under the protection of your father, you were able to pretend that he didn’t exist. Hephaestus soon got fed up and engineered a metal net to put an end to Apollo’s visits. 
That’s how you, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and Rose end up at a nearby cafe, chowing down on pizza while you retell the story. 
“Why are you blaming me for this?” you deadpan, “In what world would you be blaming me for your dad trying to sleep with me?” 
Rose slams her face on the table, “I had a dream, Y/N. Not a dream, a fucking nightmare. I had a very vivid and repulsive dream of you and my father and I- I- Gods, my daddy issues are so horrible,” she mutters into the metal surface. 
Jungkook places a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Yea, me too,” he concurs, blankly staring into the atmosphere. 
Taehyung dismisses the notion with a wave of his hand, “You should’ve known it was a dream and not a vision. My Y/N’s a good girl- she doesn’t do stuff like that.” Teasingly, he inches closer towards you and drapes an arm over your shoulder.  
Your features twist in disgust and you whack him in the head with a rolled up newspaper. 
Jungkook shrugs, "Y/N is beautiful. We all know that. It was bound to happen eventually," he takes a sip from his iced coffee, so nonchalant, like he doesn’t know how you desperately cling on to his every word, dying a little inside at his little compliment.
Namjoon side-eyes you. 
Rose scoffs, glaring at Jungkook, “My father. My father tried to fuck my best friend. That wasn’t just bound to happen.”
Taehyung grins, “Y/N kissed your brother and then fucked your dad. Are you sure she’s your best friend?” he muses, so blatantly trying to trigger another cat fight between you and Rose. 
Instead, you both frown deeply at him. 
“So are you going to apologize to me for elbowing me in the balls or-” 
“Gods Namjoon, I’m sorry. I was in the wrong. Blah, blah, blah,”
While Taehyung, Namjoon, and Rose bicker amongst each other Jungkook turns towards you, pointing to his neck, prompting you to look down at yours. “Want me to bandage it for you?” he mouths, to which you shake your head.
Rose didn’t cut you that deep. A sip of ambrosia would do the trick. 
“You sure?” he mouths. 
You nod. “It’s all good.”
The Senate House is home to important gatherings, crucial decisions, and the collective wisdom of the Roman demigods who shape the destiny of New Rome.
As you enter, you can feel the palpable tension in the air, making it seem colder than the rest of New Rome.
Jennie, daughter of Hades, stands at the podium, her stunning features clouded with pure exhaustion. She looks like a walking corpse with her cheekbones caved in and a gray shadow casting over her face. The aura she exudes is so dark that you can feel its weight from meters away. 
She locks eyes with you but quickly averts her gaze, beads of cold sweat forming on her forehead. She begins trembling intensely, and Mina, daughter of Venus and the Praetor of the Roman Legion, rushes over to hand Jennie a bottle of water. 
In the corner of your eye, you notice Mingyu conversing with another soldier in the Roman Legion. He seems taller and more muscular, his usual playful demeanor crushed under the weight of a serious expression on his face. He oddly resembles Atlas, a titan forced to hold the weight of the sky, and it sends chills down your body. 
Timidly, you take a seat in the audience and wait for the meeting to be called into order. 
Mina and Mingyu step in front of the podium. "Senators and esteemed demigods of Rome and Greece, your immediate attention is required. We gather here not in routine matters, but in the face of an unprecedented and dire threat. Our very existence is under siege, and the safety of our camp hangs in the balance,” Mina begins
“I beseech you, lend me your ears and hearts, for what I am about to reveal is of utmost gravity. Recent developments have uncovered a menace that surpasses any we have faced before. The threads of fate are unraveling, and the forces that threaten us are ancient, powerful, and malevolent,” Mingyu continues before glancing at Jennie. 
With a gulp, she addresses the assembly through the microphone. “Hades, my father, has lost his reign over the Underworld. The primordial god Tartarus has plunged the Underworld into chaos and is plotting to ascend to the surface, aiming to annihilate both demigods and gods.”
Her gaze shifts towards you and Jungkook. "He has somehow taken control of my body, sending me vivid and disturbing dreams. He's furious and demands a sacrifice – a sacrifice of the demigods who once intruded into Tartarus six years ago. If we don't comply, he threatens to rise to Earth through the surface of Camp Jupiter, annihilating Camp Jupiter completely upon his return."
thanks for reading this far :) if u want then check out the
author’s note
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acalamity · 4 months
author's note
first time using tumblr, this account has been untouched for a while. I'm sorry for any mistakes (typos or anything else) and hello!! :D
this idea was supposed to be for a fic (vibrant ribbons weave astral reverie) but I scrapped it since it was too much, so this is a snippet. here's part two
lookism! jake kim x reader as seperated childhood friends. reader is an aspiring tailor.
more under the wubbaboo!!
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Jake Kim wondered what else changed in the time you were apart. He used to be your partner, your ride and die. Now, after so many years of seperation, you are different.
Of course you are, you've matured and gone through puberty. You've graduated high school while he dropped out, and chased your ambitions while he was rooted in Big Deal. The two of you lived very different lives, and somehow— no matter how close he is to you physically, the gaping distance is always there. In his heart, he is always a step away from you.
Maybe you'll have to part ways again one day. Criminal life is very dangerous, and he would rather not have you involved in any fights.
Or maybe you'll grow too big for his little and humble street. He's sure you'll reach great heights and he looks forward to the day you'll stand on a grand stage. A stage grander than he can imagine.
He winced, face crinkling as his hand unwittingly travelled up to his face. From beside him, he could see you staring at him with your arms crossed over your chest, very much unamused. Instantly, the leader pieced together that you had probably pinched his cheek to snap him out of his stupor, "What was that for?"
"I've been calling your name for a while." You sighed, "What we're you thinking about?"
"Oh, you know. . ." Jake trailed off, he's not sure how to tell you about the thoughts rampant in his mind, so he settled for a question instead, "[Name], since when did you pick up archery?"
Oh, you realised, bringing up your bandaged fingers and palms, glancing over your hands swiftly, he was concerned.
The words that fall out of your lips are slow— and Jake realised you were unravelling an old, old, hidden wound, ". . . Out of my own frustration, I ran away from my mentors once."
"I was alone and young so a few people came up to me. Although I managed to escape in the end, I promised hat I would never let something like that happen to myself again." You huffed through your nose, "I had to start somewhere and my mentor just so happen to have a bow."
". . . I'm sorry." If he was there, a part of your life instead of living in bloodshed and chasing dirty money that did nothing to save his own predecessor, he would have ran away with you. Yet he was not there, and he can't take the wounds on your hands or your invisible battles away, "Sorry."
"Hm? What are you apologizing for now? Did you accidentally ruin my mannequins again?" Even you didn't know how he did it that one time, but he did.
His reply was instant, eyes wide and dumbfounded, "No!"
"You broke my belongings when we were children too. Then you'd come to me apologizing with that wide-eyed, kicked puppy look on your face." You stared at this face, holding back a laugh with a sigh, "Exactly like that face you're making now. Some things never change."
Jake blinked, once, twice— and just like that he was smiling along with you, "Do you still like the cookies I gave you?"
Gave you after everytime he kicked you in his sleep, kept you up with his snores and unintentionally roughhoused your items, he meant. Of course, like a good elder (of one year) and role model, he'd give Jerry some too.
"Those peanut cookies you received from Uncle Jinyoung and gave Jerry and I as an apology?" There was a nervous chuckle, "Yes, why bring it up?"
"I wanted to know." The beaming gleam in his eyes gave his simple answer away, "That's all."
And two days later, Jerry handed you a bunch of deformed peanut cookies, "Boss Jake wanted to give this to you personally, but he's stuck in his office."
"Well, drag him out." You took the package, and walked pass the second-hand. From what you could tell the cookies were homemade, with plenty of effort and struggle and not much success— though it probably wouldn't taste good, it makes your heart feel warm even in the chilly wind. With a huff, you turned to your friend, "Jerry, let's bother him for old times' sake."
"Please go ahead, Boss Jake is in his office now." And though Jerry is very much against bothering his boss, he can't find it in him to stop you, especially when he knows you'll never actually be a bother his boss. True to his thoughts, Jake's face lit up when he sees you.
"There you go again. Were you waiting for me to come?" So perhaps Jake was hoping you would barge into his office, like you barged into his life many years ago. You sat down next to Jake, placing the pouch of cookies down, "I received the goods—"
"You make it sound like I'm dealing drugs."
"— thank you."
A light remark, perhaps a bit teasing, "Can I have some?"
A pointed look without heat, "After you finish your paperwork."
"[Name]." He called out to you after moments of silence, "Hm? What is it?"
His expression was warm, tainted by overflowing affection, and whisper gentle, like a muted memory of a lullaby, "Thanks for coming."
The person in front of you is no longer the not-so-little bratty menace with chubby cheeks, he has grown beyond your expectations. In the future, the both of you surely continue to change, for good or bad, no one knows. But you (the no-nonsense peanut cookie muncher) are still the same person crafted by your childhood together, and he will surely have many more moments together with you. And those too, will be just as precious as the old stories that shine in his memories.
In the little office, so that he may witness the rest of your life, Jake weaved your name into his heart.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
my way to you special: in the moonlight / jeon wonwoo
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➝ Wonwoo x fem!Reader
➝ rich!AU // heir & heiress!AU // est relationship // best friends to lovers <3 // fluff // slice of life
➝ warning: curses, so much fluff it's disgusting, kissing towards the end, they love each other so much it's unreal D:
➝ word count: 2.6~k
A/N: hi! another short one to celebrate my 3k milestone. i've missed this couple too and i'm just so so soft for them <//3 once again, thank you for your support and please enjoy this little gift. don't hesitate to drop by and tell me your thoughts too!
my way to you masterlist
“So?” Wonwoo raises his eyebrow, wondering what you’re up to.
“The wedding is next week.” You nudge him with a cheeky smile. “You ready?”
He rolls his eyes and nudges you back, then laughs when you stumble a little because he forgot just how easy you lose your balance.
“It’s Jinyoung’s wedding, why would I need to be ready?”
“Best man stuff.” You shrug as you lean over to hug his arm and claim the rightful spot that is his shoulder.
You’re currently out for a walk with Wonwoo, because it’s nice out and you’re a little too full from the lunch you’ve just had with him. You smile as you see a dog running in your direction, hugging yourself closer to Wonwoo to make ways for the owner to pass you.
“You know it’s just formality. I don’t even know why he needs a best man.”
“Formality is right. Let’s not have those for our wedding.” You say absentmindedly, not even looking at him.
Wonwoo bites his lip to suppress a stupid smile at your comment about your (currently) nonexistent wedding plan. You’ve been doing that a lot since Jinyoung’s wedding preparation; mentioning what to do at your wedding even though none of you has talked about marriage just yet.
Yes, you both know you’re going to marry each other and it definitely will happen someday. But it’s not like he’s proposed yet and he’s starting to think that he should do it soon now that you keep on mentioning it.
Is this you sending him codes?
He doubts. You’re usually very straightforward with what you want from him, even more when it comes to your relationship.
So, you talking about these things can only mean one thing: you’re already more than comfortable with the idea of marriage (hopefully only with him). He probably should start planning for a proposal after Jinyoung’s wedding.
“Why are you smiling by yourself, you weirdo?” You frown with a concerned look, stopping on your track. Wonwoo simply shakes his head and pulls you with him again, and he doesn’t even indulge you when you keep on insisting to find out what’s inside his mind.
You really should’ve known by now it’s only you in his mind and he has no plan in changing it.
“Princess, I think you’ve tried enough already.” He pretends to be reluctant when you insist on going into one more shop for a dress. But, really, he’s just afraid his heart wouldn’t be able to take it if he sees you in one more dress.
He doesn’t see why you thought every single one you’ve tried on has some sort of flaws. Whatever it is, Wonwoo definitely can’t tell because you seem perfect in each one of them. Plus, it doesn’t help that he keeps on imagining you with a wedding dress everytime you come out of the fitting room to give him a twirl.
Fuck, can you be more adorable than you already are?
“Last one, I promise.” You pull him with no effort, because despite the fact that he’s whining for you to stop, he’s still an absolute simp when it comes to you so there’s no way he’d be able to say no under any circumstances. “If I still don’t find any, we’ll have dinner and head home?”
Home means Wonwoo’s place. And despite the fact that you’ve been addressing it as such since a few months back and you’ve been practically living in his place since the moment he moved in, it still warms his heart everytime he hears you call it home.
Seungcheol doesn’t even drive you to your place anymore after office unless you specifically say so.
“Why don’t you just make your own dress?” He suggests. “Don’t you do that sometimes?”
“The designer that makes my clothes is on maternity leave and I only like her works.”
“Clearly you’re not liking any of these, too.” He says before he even realizes, then winces when you hit his shoulder. You can really hit when you want to is something that Wonwoo has learned throughout the years he’s been with you. “Alright, come on. But I get to choose dinner.”
Wonwoo should’ve tried harder to convince you to go shopping with Chaeyoung. Because now his heart is about to burst at how fucking beautiful you look wrapped in a rose gold colored dress that hugs your body just right, falling just right below your knees. Some part of your skin is peeking through the sheer material, and he almost wants you to not like this because there’s no way in hell he is going to be able to stand you looking like this for hours straight.
“I take that you like this one?” You giggle at his expression; mouth ajar and eyes blown open though nothing escapes his lips.
“You look beautiful.” He says, almost like in a trance when he stands up to look at you closer.
It’s unfair just how beautiful you look, alright.
“A little too beautiful.”
You scrunch your nose at that, though your heart is beating in a messy rhythm. Wonwoo does that sometimes; gets severely honest during this kinda moment that he’s almost cheesy had this been any other situation. But you’re not complaining, and you can only whisper a small ‘really?’ because you’re suddenlt shy under his gaze.
“This is the dress, then.”
That was why you insisted on going shopping with him, alright.
“How are you feeling?” You hold Jisoo’s hand, careful not to ruin anything even though there’s really nothing you can ruin by holding her hand. 
She looks like the pristine picture of a bride. She’s the bride, you decide. You’ve attended enough weddings to be able to tell when the bride is happy or is standing there against her will, but you’ve never seen a bride glowing as much as Jisoo is right now.
She’s radiating with all the good things in the world; she’s so in love and so happy that she’s not having cold feet at all. She’s so sure; in the promise of eternity, in life with Jinyoung, in whatever uncertainty that she might need to face after this day. Looking at the way she smiles before she mentions her soon-to-be-husband’s name, you suddenly feel like crying as you think about how you’d look on your wedding day.
“Hey, hey.” Jisoo panics a little, her hairstylist glaring at you for making her move. “Why are you crying?”
“No. Sorry, I just–” You blink continuously in hope it will stop your tears, but your lips are trembling and Jisoo actually tells her hairstylist to stop for a bit because she needs to stand up. Jennie has just come into the room when Jisoo reaches to hug you. She sends her friend a concerned look, but the look in the older girl’s face obviously means she’s not sure what’s going on either.
“I’m so sorry.” You shake your head as you carefully wipe your tears. “I’m not sure why I’m crying.”
Jisoo shares a look with Jennie, then takes a deep breath before she cups your cheek and gets into her older sister mode.
Dating Jinyoung for almost a decade and knowing him for more means she’s also known you for as long. She’s watched you and Wonwoo throughout the years, and she was probably one of the happiest parties when it was made clear that you and Wonwoo are finally dating.
She remembered telling Jinyoung a long time ago, way before you and Wonwoo started dating, that she’s envious of what you had with his brother. The both of you made love seem very easy, like it’s just obvious that you have to take care of each other.
As some sort of older sister for both you and Wonwoo, she can tell for sure that you’re one of those lucky couples that are just meant for each other. Jisoo has never believed much in soulmates; even her relationship with Jinyoung was nothing sort of magical because they choose to stay with each other.
They love each other, but it’s not easy to stay together when they have different ways of thinking and sometimes different views on life in general. She never doubts that Jinyoung loves her, but there used to be times when she doubted if love alone was enough. Unlike you and Wonwoo that she just knew would end up together no matter what, Jinyoung and Jisoo had quite the hurdles to finally get where they’re at.
Perhaps that’s why it feels fulfilling now that they’re taking another step for their future.
“Want me to call for Wonwoo?” Jennie offers, rubbing your back in comfort.
“No, it’s fine.” You smile despite your sniffles. “I’m just–happy for you. And… yeah. It’s not important. It’s your big day, sorry.”
Jisoo presses her lips together before she carefully asks Jennie and her makeup artists if she can have some time alone with you. You look up in surprise, but Jennie simply nods and smiles before she says she’ll just be nearby just in case.
It’s silent for a moment after everyone leaves, and you look at Jisoo, all gorgeous in her wedding dress even if her makeup is unfinished. You don’t talk to her on a daily basis, but she feels like she’s always been in your life due to her long years with Jinyoung–who’s basically your brother.
She’s always been kind to you though. She takes care of you a lot and even though you’re not the closest to her and you’d hang out with her from time to time even without Jinyoung or Wonwoo around. You remember going to her the few times you did end up fighting with Wonwoo, or when you just felt like sulking to someone older because Jeonghan and Shua just wouldn’t get it.
She’s not your closest friend, nor is she the first person you’d seek when you have a problem; but she’s still like your sister regardless and you couldn’t be happier for her.
“You’re thinking about your wedding, aren’t you?”
You offer her a small smile, a little shy but not seeing any reason to deny it.
“Do you want it to be soon?”
“Not sure.” You say honestly. Do you? Will it make any difference? You’ve always had Wonwoo by your side even though it’s only been two years or so since you framed your relationship under romance. You know it’s him you’re going to marry someday, but you’ve never thought of it as a pressing matter. Some days you even think it might be okay to just stay the way you are; together. 
Is there any need to get married when you already know you’re it for each other?
But after seeing more and more of Jinyoung’s wedding preparations, you notice some kind of preferences you have regarding a lot of stuff. You find yourself thinking about what to do or what not to do for your own wedding. 
And now that it’s d-day and you get to see Jisoo in her wedding dress, readying herself to seal the vow of eternity, you suddenly get a wave of imaginary pictures of you at your own wedding. They’re overwhelming, they scare you a little, but, more importantly, they give you a rush of giddiness that you’ve never experienced in your life.
“What scares you?” She shoots right to the point, and you open your mouth to say something–anything, but nothing comes out because you really don’t know what does. She seems to get this, so she changes her question to one far more fitting. “What makes you think you’re not ready?”
But you keep your silence. Because now that you think about it… nothing does.
Were you really not ready?
Or did you just think marrying him was just obvious?
“Nothing?” She smiles knowingly and squeezes your hands. “Maybe you’re more ready than you thought you were, then.”
“What was that?” Wonwoo asks once you’ve settled beside him on the bed, fresh out of the shower. It’s almost 2AM now, Jinyoung’s wedding celebration ended just a few hours ago. But between being an immediate family and the after party for the youngsters, you and Wonwoo barely make it to the hotel room they’ve booked for you.
“What was what?” You know what he’s asking, but you’re still a little tipsy from all the drinks and you feel like playing dumb. You have all the time in the world, anyway.
You sneak your arms around his middle and lean against his chest, your ear right where his heart is at. The two of you really should be sleeping, if only because you’re dead tired and you’re sleepy; but none of you feel like doing so for some reason, so you’re just sitting there against the headboard of your bed, a blanket covering your bottom half as you cuddle with each other.
“You cried during the wedding.”
“Duh.” You bury yourself further into him. “It’s a wedding.”
He chuckles regardless, then drops a kiss on top of your head and rephrases his question. “You don’t usually cry at weddings, princess. Anything you wanna tell me?”
“Dunno.” You shrug. You look up and plant your chin on his chest to look up at him, the position is uncomfortable, but Wonwoo steals a kiss that you happily return. You spend a few moments just like that, sharing a lazy kiss that’s not going to lead anywhere.
If you hadn’t known Wonwoo since you were a kid, and if you hadn’t been practically living with him, you’d probably be thinking about how lucky you’d be if you got the chance to wake up next to him in the morning.
But you already do. You wake up to him everyday, and he’s not always the most handsome during then, sometimes he’s even borderline annoying, but you love him anyway and he’s still the most beautiful person in your world. 
You’re not taking his love for granted, but if there’s anything you’re sure of in this world, you’re sure about your love for him and his love for you.
“You’re really not going to tell me?” He whispers like it’s a secret, his lips barely away from yours.
You stare at him for a bit before you move to sit on his lap instead. If he’s surprised, Wonwoo doesn’t show it, but he happily lets you circle your arms around his neck while he puts his around your waist.
Time is a strange concept when you’re with him. You don’t know if it’s been seconds, minutes, or even hours, but you know that his eyes hold your galaxies and you’ll never get tired of drowning in them. Wonwoo doesn’t seem concerned though, which is yet another thing you love about him because he just seems to be able to translate your silence very well.
It’s then that you decide to break the serene moment.
Your voice is small, barely even a whisper, but it's so clear to him like music that's only reserved for his ears and his ears only.
“Spend the rest of your life with me?”
Wonwoo blinks. Once, and then twice. And then he smiles and hugs you closer to kiss your forehead.
“I will even if you don’t ask me to.”
It’s 2 in the morning, you’re in your pajamas, and you don’t have any grand proposal up your sleeves but it’s okay because Wonwoo is always one step ahead than you are. And as he pulls away and gets off the bed to take something from his small luggage, you end up crying in the middle of the dusk when he slides the ring to your finger.
You can’t imagine a proposal better than this one; just you and him with no one to witness the magical moment that’s only reserved for you two, the city asleep and the moon high up in the sky.
©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don't allow any translations or reposting of my works.
A/N: hi. just want to remind you that your words mean a lot to writers and i wanna remind you also that we're doing this for free. when i say i can't believe i have 3k followers, i don't mean it in an insecure way, i mean it in a way that: i barely have people who interact with me, what do you mean there are 3 thousand blogs here??? i think not even 10% of these blogs ever talk to me. but, at this point, this felt like talking to a wall and it gets discouraging. so i'm just... going to write whenever i feel like writing, and i'm considering to get rid of my tag list too while i'm at it. anyhow, thank you to those who always leave feedbacks and drop by from time to time, and i'm thankful for all of you still for taking your time to read this and my other works and i'll see you whenever i post smth again :)
mwty taglist: @hoe4wonwoo @dnylwoo @yslshua @twogyuu @najaemin138 @blueixnie @boowanie @pwettytae @itsveronicaxxx @aphrodyteeth @leechanniee @jeoonghann @sdoulc@kyeomjjigae @ru-lin @listxn@yngreid @vynnz @lilactangerine @justasoftstan @02psh@lovelywoo@pusangmamon@yoontaedotin @soonchanshua @fanfic24 @nothingbutadeadesceane @nollixtrml @sweetheart-gs@rjsmochii@dowoonwoodealer
permanent taglist: @stantrash171819 @sebongmochi @luveveryonewoo @thinkinboutwonu@kpopjackie@ursweetener @lavenderautumnx @shuahoshiscoups @sunshinein17 @leechanniee @twogyuu @hoe4wonwoo @h3h3tm0n @noraehey @seokshook @rubyhoons @just-here-to-read-01 @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @svtreverie @coveyland @reallydgafaboutmyusername @sysymei @ovai @aikisbbq @fr0g-filez
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smileysuh · 1 year
Private Room : Nct 127
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🌙 staring. nct 127 x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “A lot has changed,” you admit. “Honestly- I never thought I’d take a break from cam shows once I started- never thought I’d be doing a solo show with a nct 127 private room- but here we are.”
cw/ tw. cam sex, solo cam room, masturbation, use of toys, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, praise, vibrator, dildo, overstim, etc...
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.6k
🍭 aus. cam girl reader, poly idols, idols sharing a fuck buddy, dirty boy idols, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. cam room directory here - after a long haitus, cam baby is back :) this is the first of 5 new chapters that will be coming out in the next few weeks :) stay tuned for all the angsty forbidden love that cambaby is low key known for - this series is covered in audio by the Kpop Pillow Talk podcast, listen here
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It’s been so long since you last did a cam show that you’re not sure who will even join, and the thought of an unsuccessful evening is what prompts you to message some of your most devoted fans.
Despite being on tour, you’re still in frequent contact with Johnny, Jaehyun and Haechan, so when you suggest a NCT 127 only camroom to the eldest of the three, it takes no time at all for him to run it by all his members and come back to you with a confirmation that eight of nine will tune in for your show.
“Everyone’s excited for another episode of our little cam baby,” Johnny tells you when he calls you before your start time. “The guys are getting a little agitated from our tour lasting so long- and I know Jae and Hyuck miss you-”
“What about you, John?” you toy, enjoying the taste of his legal name on your tongue. “Are you missing me yet?”
“I always miss you, baby.” 
You can hear the grin in his voice, and your heart does summersaults in your chest, the way it always does when you talk to your most longstanding, loyal, and kind dominant. 
“Miss you too,” you admit. “For more than just cam shows- although… well, you know I also miss being on camera with you.”
The last time you’d enjoyed Johnny infront of a live audience, it had been under the watchful eye of got7’s Jinyoung. 
So much has happened since then-
“The guys are eager to hear what you’ve been up to,” Johnny tells you, pulling you from your thoughts. “I think they’ll like it that it’s just all of us- they can ask more personal questions.”
“Personal questions-” you echo, letting out an anxious laugh, “uh oh.”
“You don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to,” Johnny assures you. “Remember, you’re running the show, princess.”
“I’m running the show,” you repeat, allowing the words to calm you while you get set up with a tripod and your box of toys.
“That’s my girl,” Johnny’s praise is the cherry on top, and you realize that - while it has been a while since you did a show - you’re still going to do just fine. 
All you have to do is be yourself- that’s always worked in the past. 
In fact, a solo cam session with your closest supporters is the perfect avenue to practice radical self love… in all forms. 
“Ok, Johnny I gotta hang up so I can start my show on time-”
“Yeah, no problem-”
“But uh…” you swallow thickly, pausing as you stare at your phone. There’s something itching on the back of your tongue- something you dare not say, so instead, you hit him with; “You’re all in separate hotel rooms during this, or…?”
“Uh huh,” Johnny laughs- “as much as we’re all close as members, I don’t think any of us actually want to watch you while we’re in the same room, Yuta joked about it once, but- we’re not Wayv.”
The mention of their brother group makes you giggle- there’d been a time when a few of the members had been big into your cam show, and they’d ditch practice to huddle in the bathroom and watch you- but 127 is not Wayv. 
“Get on with your show, baby,” Johnny’s smooth voice is always so calming, “I’ll see ya in there.”
“Bye, John.”
“Bye, baby.” 
The line goes dead, and you finish the rest of your set up in record time. Soon, you’re placing your phone in the tripod, sending a private room link off to your 127 group chat, and turning the camera on.
By the time you’ve gone to sit on your bed, adjusting your laptop so you can see the comment section, a handful of idols have already joined.
“Hey guys-” you breathe, eyes skimming through the usernames you know: NiceGuyJohnny, KittyTae, yutAH, Doie, ValentineJae97, HeyChannie-
And then two new users pop into the chat, with names that couldn’t be more diametrically opposed: PuppyBoyWoo and MarcusLee.
“Marcus Lee?” you read out loud, laughing as you lift your eyes to the camera. “I’d thought yutAH was bold but okay Mark, I see you-”
HeyChannie: fucking mark
NiceGuyJohnny: have you never made a fake user profile before markie?
yutAH: this kid
PuppyBoyWoo: what about me? What do you think of my user name?
“Hi Jungwoo, I love your user name- it’s good to see you here,” you smile. “Are you my little puppy boy, Woo?”
PuppyBoyWoo: bark bark bark
HeyChannie: woof woof
HeyChannie has donated $69
yutAH: grrrrrrr
yutAH has donated $69
NiceGuyJohnny has donated $69
PuppyBoyWoo has donated $100
MarcusLee has donated $100
ValentineJae97 has donated $420
God, you’ve missed this, missed how easy it is- 
“How about our resident kitty? You still here, Tae?” you ask, wanting to involve all eight members if possible- 
KittyTae: meow
KittyTae has donated $69
“Now we’re just waiting on you Doyoung-”
Doie has donated $200
“And that makes eight,” you grin. “Too bad Taeil couldn’t join.”
HeyChannie: couldnt? More like WOULDNT
NiceGuyJohnny: we all know Taeil is married to his beauty sleep
Doie: we should probably ALL be asleep right now. We have a flight tomorrow morning
HeyChannie: then LEAVE
HeyChannie: bitch
“Hyuck-” you groan, “I’m never going to take any of my clothes off if you force me to be a moderator- can’t you behave yourself for the next little while? For me?”
HeyChannie has donated $69
HeyChannie: fine. But I won’t be HAPPY about it
“Never needed you to be happy, just needed you to listen and be a good boy for me tonight-” you grin, enjoying the way you can toy with Hyuck with the safe distance between you. 
ValentineJae97: are you into good boys now baby?
ValentineJae97: what else has changed since your last show
“A lot has changed,” you admit. “Honestly- I never thought I’d take a break from cam shows once I started- never thought I’d be doing a solo show with a nct 127 private room- but here we are.” 
PuppyBoyWoo: what’s changed? This is my first show
“Well, for starters-” you lean back against your bed, toying with the fabric of your hoodie, “Got7 left their company- I think Mark would still join a cam room, but his time change is a lot- then, BTS is touring and busy too-”
NiceGuyJohnny: tell them about the job you got baby
“Right, I got a job… briefly.” You laugh at the memory. “I was doing behind the scenes with the Legendary Kingdom stuff- couldn’t really be doing a cam show during all of that. Just… a lot has been going on… I think I’m going to start doing more of these again… but uh…. While you guys are all on tour, I can’t just keep doing nct 127 solo rooms, so there might be some new faces and users popping up too.”
ValentineJae97: like who
yutAH: spill the deets baby
“Are we really here to talk my personal life?” you avoid the question. “I thought you guys wanted a show-”
PuppyBoyWoo: yes
PuppyBoyWoo: please take your shirt off : )
HeyChannie: what he said
HeyChannie: I don’t need to be made jealous while on the last leg of our tour
HeyChannie: I’m going to pretend it’s just us 
Doie: delusional 
“Anyways!” you lift your toy box, showing it to the camera. “Here’s my collection-”
NiceGuyJohnny: *side eye*
“Screw you John-” you groan, hating that he knows you so well, “fine it’s not my whole collection, it’s just what I like best for tonight.” 
HeyChannie: that’s a lot of vibrators baby
“And what about it?” you taunt, picking up one of the black, chordless wands. “Honestly, this is one of my favourites-” while looking down at your toybox, you consider your options. “Part of me had thought I’d let you guys choose what I should use tonight- but after reading the chaos of your chat, I think maybe I should just do my own thing and you guys should be thankful I put up with all your bickering and low donations.”
Doie: low donations-
Doie has donated $200
HeyChannie has donated $69
ValentineJae97 has donated $500
MarcusLee has donated $100
PuppyBoyWoo has donated $100
NiceGuyJohnny has donated $1000
yutAH: you know what? I was going to donate something fun, but after Johnny just slamming money down- I’m not so sure
NiceGuyJohnny: pay the nice cam baby you menace
yutAH has donated $666
KittyTae has donated $100
“I like the sound of donations,” you grin, “think it’s about time I started taking my clothes off, huh?”
You avoid your computer while undressing, although you see the chat blowing up in your periphery. 
After going so long without a show, a slow strip tease is just what you need to feel sexy on camera again. 
Your hoodie is removed first, and then you slowly slide out of your sleeping shorts. The large tshirt covering your form is next, and it leaves you in your bra and panties.
“Should I keep going?” you ask. “I think I wanna hear some coins if I’m going to take any more off.”
Your computer dings a few times, the sound of money making you grin. Ever the tease, you turn your back to the camera, reaching behind yourself to unclasp your bra.
You collect your breasts with a hand braced across your front, turning to face the camera at the foot of the bed. “Should I go slow tonight? I know you guys are used to me getting my clothes torn off really quick, but… now that it’s just me, I can tease, right?”
You shift your attention to the computer at your side, skimming the comments there. You’ve got a pretty divided cam room- with Johnny, Jungwoo and Mark being reassuring while Haechan, Yuta and Doyoung are more to the point-
“Are you really that concerned about your bed time, Doie?” you laugh, having not expected this kind of reaction from the stoic man you’re often shocked to see in your cam room at all. With a sigh, you give in, removing your hand from your chest and allowing your breasts to be exposed, nipples hardening with the temperature of your room. “I guess I do need to be mindful of your schedule- gotta catch that flight tomorrow…”
Doie has donated $200
“If you guys are in that much of a rush to see me cum- I guess I might as well start, hmm?” You reach for your favourite vibrator and the sound of coins confirms you’re making the right choice. “But because I’m being rushed- maybe I shouldn’t even take off my panties until I’ve cum at least once.”
You’re enjoying having power- enjoying the ability to tease your cam room and go at your own pace- although you make them think they’re dictating at least some of it.
The vibrator buzzes to life and you bring it down to your panty covered core, groaning at the way the machine feels even through a piece of fabric. “So good…” you say, loud enough for your idols to hear. “Think I’m just going to relax back against my pillow and enjoy this.”
You’ve cum solo enough times to know how to use your toys with an expert hand, and it’s easy enough to get lost in the feeling of your vibrator in the exact spot you like. 
You know how much of a tease this is- you laying flat, breasts exposed, pretty pussy still hidden while you begin to grind down on your toy- moving your hips fluidly-
Sounds begin to slip out of you, moans and whines that are as akin to music as the noise of coins and donations flooding in.
“Fuck, guys-” you groan when you apply more pressure to your clit- “my panties are sticking to me- I’m so wet already-”
You turn your head to the side, eager to read a few of the comments that are coming in on the computer next to you. 
NiceGuyJohnny: take them off
HeyChannie: yeah take them off
PuppyBoyWoo: please take them off
ValentineJae97: you look so pretty baby
ValentineJae97 has donated $100
NiceGuyJohnny: are you close baby? 
ValentineJae97: you can’t cum with your panties on like that
NiceGuyJohnny: yeah- move them to the side for us princess
HeyChannie: miss the look of that pretty fucking pussy
PuppyBoyWoo: bet you’re so pretty
PuppyBoyWoo: just for us
“Should I really take them off?” you ask, already feeling breathless- from the attention, or the vibrations on your clit- you’re not sure. “You guys wanna see my pretty little pussy- all wet and needy-”
The jingling of coins prompts you to reach down and toy with the waistband of your underwear. Jaehyun’s right about the annoyance you feel with panties in the way when you want to cum- and you know that if you get fully naked, you’ll reach your high in no time.
You suppose nct deserves it- suppose that after such a long time without a show, they should get to see you cum, fully, without your panties in the way. 
With a groan, you move your vibrator away, pulling your underwear down before throwing them across the room. 
“There we go-” you sigh, shifting your body closer to the camera at the foot of your bed, “someone better tell me I’m pretty or so help me god-”
ValentineJae97: so pretty
HeyChannie: the prettiest cam baby in the world
MarcusLee: you’re literally perfect
NiceGuyJohnny: gorgeous as always, princess
yutAH: fine as fuck
More moans leave your lips as the vibrator gets direct contact with your clit. Your wet makes it easy for the silicoln head to glide through your pussy lips, and you find yourself getting closer and closer-
“Shit- guys, I’m gonna cum-” you announce for the camera, earning coins a moment later. “Yeah- I’m gonna cum-” you can’t find it in yourself to look at the comment section, too focused on chasing your release as you grind your core harder against the vibrator. “Shit-” 
The tension in your lower abdomen snaps, your orgasm slamming into you and making your toes curl. Gasps and whimpers escape you as you work your way through it- toy never leaving your pussy until you’re a shivering mess, legs closing around your hand-
You groan loudly, reaching your breaking point and turning your vibrator off before tossing it to the side. “That felt so good, fuck, I need a sec-”
You need to take a moment to recuperate, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths while the aftershocks of your orgasm roll through you. 
When you’re able, you turn your head to look at the comment section, skimming through the words of praise and the donations. 
ValentineJae97: you still sound so good when you cum baby
HeyChannie: fuck I miss your pretty pussy like you wouldn’t believe
NiceGuyJohnny: need this tour to be over princess
yutAH: you’re gonna have us all simping by the time this solo room is over
“You guys like the solo?” you ask, eager to hear their opinions on it.
HeyChannie: love the solo
PuppyBoyWoo: so good to be here : )
Doie: solos over watching you get fucked
HeyChannie: solos AND watching you get fucked… by me
yutAH: can’t wait to watch you fuck yourself though
“Yeah? With what though?” You reach for your boy of toys. “How many inches? Six… seven… eight?” 
HeyChannie: eight
yutAH: 8
KittyTae: anything
NiceGuyJohnny: do you have a nine kicking around somewhere?
“A nine?!” you laugh. “Daddy- if I had a nine, would I still need you?”
NiceGuyJohnny: no one fucks like I do princess
NiceGuyJohnny: especially not some stupid toy
“You’re right about that-” you sigh, reaching for a dildo. “Even so, I think I’ll go with a seven incher today- it will give me something to miss about you guys. Plus…” you tease your tongue across the toy, “not everything is about big being better.”
HeyChannie: since when
Doie: oh my god shut up hyuck
HeyChannie: I think we’ve all learned something about the size of doyoungs dick today
“You two better stop fighting,” you groan, bringing the toy to your entrance and teasing it past your clit, “watching you bicker is not a turn on for anyone.”
The chat erupts in laughter and donations, and you draw your attention away from your computer, closing your eyes to focus on the feeling of the cock that you press into your tight hole, testing yourself.
“Fuck- that feels good,” you breathe. “Not the real thing, but… good.” You push the toy further into your pussy, delighted by the way your body reacts and squeezes around it. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but uh… it’s been a little while since I was properly fucked and… I might cum embarrassingly fast on this-”
PuppyBoyWoo: really????
HeyChannie: wanna watch you cum again
“You guys wanna watch me cum? Then I think… maybe the sound of donations might help…”
You love the way your computer dings immediately, and you begin to thrust the toy in and out of your pussy, marveling at how great it feels to be back on cam and chasing an orgasm with your own hands doing the work. 
Gasps and moans begin to escape you, and you lean into them, knowing that a few of the nct members have a thing for audio and the sounds a girl makes when she cums hard.
“Fuck, guys- it’s so deep-” the base of the toy makes contact with your skin each time you thrust it, and it does a perfect job imitating the pretty noise you listen to when you’re getting fucked- you only wish you had a sexy man groaning in your ear. “Shit- I need you guys to come back from tour- I need someone whispering dirty nothings in my ear-”
You hadn’t realized how much you’d missed dirty talk, and doing a solo has made you more aware of the noise in your mind- noise that’s always quieted and drowned out by the men you fuck. 
“Fuck-” you shift against your duvet, feeling the tension rising in the pit of your stomach- your free hand reaches for your vibrator and you announce “need to cum” loud enough for everyone to know what you’re about to do.
A shiver runs through your body when the second toy makes contact with your clit, and the hand thrusting your dildo into you stops momentarily while you let out a loud whine-
“Oh my god-” you begin to fuck yourself even harder, keeping the vibrator directly on your clit. Your legs begin to shake with effort and stimulation, and the dildo slides into you even smoother as you get wetter and wetter-
“Im gonna-” you whimper, biting your lip as the sound of donations floods through your room, “I’m gonna cum- fuck-” as your high hits you, you find the name “daddy-” slipping out of you, and you try to embody your favourite dominant as you overstim yourself, keeping the vibrator on your clit and the toy gliding in and out of your pussy until you’re a shaking, moaning mess.
The vibrator is the first toy you pull away from your core, flipping it off before tossing it to the side. The seven incher stays inside of you, and you wriggle your hips, gasping as the final shocks of your orgasm pass you by.
“Fuck-” you groan, turning your head to the side to read some comments while you slowly come down from your high.
PuppyBoyWoo: who’s daddy? 
HeyChannie: obviously me
ValentineJae97: you wish
Doie: I think you both wish
yutAH: we all know IM oppa
HeyChannie: lol says who
yutAH: Markus
MarcusLee: it’s marcus with a C tho
NiceGuyJohnny: sounded so pretty when you came baby
PuppyBoyWoo: I think I can see who daddy is now
Doie: not haechan 
HeyChannie: im going to put hair removal cream in ur shampoo 
“I thought I said no more fighting-” you laugh, shaking your head at the way nct uses your chat feature. “Also… I think we all know Taeil is daddy.”
It feels safe to smooth over the issue at hand, to divert attention with a bit of comedic relief-
You can’t have it being a known thing that you pick favourites- that when you cum alone, in the safety of your own home, there’s only one man in your thoughts-
“I really liked doing this show for you guys,” you say, swallowing thickly and avoiding the thoughts bubbling inside of you. “Hope the rest of your tour goes well.”
NiceGuyJohnny: are we gonna get to see you on a show again before we get back?
Your heart squeezes in your chest. “Uh… yeah? I mean… maybe?”
NiceGuyJohnny: weren’t you just teasing us about new faces sweetheart?
NiceGuyJohnny: where did this ‘maybe’ come from 
HeyChannie: she’s cute when she gets shy after cumming on cam
HeyChannie has donated $200 
Doie has donated $200
KittyTae: thanks for the show angel
KittyTae has donated $200
PuppyBoyWoo: excited for your next show ;)
MarcusLee has donated $200
PuppyBoyWoo has donated $200
yutAH has donated $200
ValentineJae97: it’s been good seeing you again baby
ValentineJae97 has donated $400
NiceGuyJohnny: get some rest after this princess ;) see you around
NiceGuyJohnny has donated $1000
“Goodnight guys, have a good flight tomorrow morning,” you smile softly, finally pulling your toy from between your legs so you can sit up and grab your phone to turn off the camera.
When the show is off, phone discarded, you take a deep breath.
It’s funny how you can make nearly a years rent in one show- 
Funny how the money still doesn’t do anything for the deep hole in your heart, a hole that can only be truly filled by one thing, the one thing you're afraid you'll never be able to find.
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knightyoomyoui · 6 months
The Tale Of The Bloodline | TWICE MiSaMo (Mina, Sana & Momo) x M/F Reader- CHAPTER 11: “The Myoui's Acknowledgment Celebration Goes Wrong”
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I'm back!
I know I've said this when I updated the TWICE x Reader one-shot book on my actual return, but lemme do this as I began to revive all my works that were left undone during my hiatus.
Speaking of hiatus, I'm sorry if yours truly took months of break away from writing. Your boy wasn't been treated well by the world but you know, you gotta find ways to keep on going and nevermind everything that's stopping you from making your life goes on, right?
Anyways, let's get these right back up as here you go, it's been since last year when I last updated this book, and boyyy the story is about to expand more as what's also been going on with The Bloodline's storyline right now in WWE (which is fucking fantastic again, if yall gonna ask me what I have to say about it. Can't wait for WrestleMania XL btw!)
I hope you enjoy the return of The Holy Trinity back in the ring to continue the tale, everyone!
"Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take that "Honorary"away, and I'm gonna make her our official Bloodline's muse." Yuta said as he points out at Sana's scarf around her neck, with YN now back at being seriousness even though the glimpse of how he surrendered herself from Sana's irresistable effect is still visible.
YN gave Yuta an incomprehensible look, muttering "You can't be serious, cous?!" but Yuta just nodded back at him and points his head. "Use the time well, think wisely."
"Well ladies and gentlemen, I think The Empire Chief has called an end to this segment. Please catch your Empire Chief LIVE and in person from all around the world next time on Friday Night Knockdown." Jinyoung said as he gave his closing remark in regards to The Bloodline, doing a mic drop before the arena played Yuta's theme again.
The show ended with The Bloodline as Yuta walked out on the ring first followed by Jinyoung, Mina, and Momo until YN and Sana were the last ones. Sana gave a cheeky smile on him in which he blushed before quickly rolling his eyes back and ignoring her to hid it away.
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1 WEEK LATER | November 4, 2022
The camera switches to the Bloodline members gathered around in their locker room. Momo is in her usual pose, elbows tucked against each other along with her poker face, Mina with her cool demeanor, YN with the angst and Sana looking hyper as ever.
"Girls, we are rolling, we are rolling, we are ROLLINGGG!!! Oh, The Bloodline is rolling right now!" Sana exclaimed in glee. "Roman is current handling business on his own..."
"Yup." Mina goes along with Sana's speech, responding to the words she's saying while nodding her head at the vibe.
"So are you girls against BLACKPINK..."
"And when you do, you girls were on the verge of breaking the all-time record as the longest Tag Team Champions in the history! You're there!" Sana clapped as she gave much emphasis at how important the last words should mean for the twins who are gonna face BLACKPINK tonight for the said mission.
"Yeah we're near there, and that means we're about to go out there right now and tell BLACKPINK what's about to happen tomorrow when they mess at us!" YN answered. Sana paused for a second as she looked confused. Mina and Momo looked at you too.
"With there? At the ring?"
"Right now."
Sana snorted and nervously laughs before proceeding to speak. "Uhm, YN... we talked about it okay?..."
Another complain coming from the Honorary Muse, blocking away your intention to do what you think is the right thing to do. That prompted you to remove the Tag Title belts on your shoulder frustratingly as blood began to boil again on your head.
"...and I feel like we're making some absolute progress here hmm?" Sana continued as you tried to intimidatingly staredown at her while waiting for her to finish talking. Mina is just watched the two's tension starting to grow again between each other.
"Can you please not do that? Going out there in the ring? There's no need the reason for it, the match is made, you get a good night sleep, you go beat BLACKPINK, you go on the record that's right there at the corner. There's no reason-" Sana's enumeration got interrupted when YN burst out the anomaly spotted behind those lines.
"Okay okay, so just because you're only one step ahead on becoming an official muse of The Bloodline, you think you're in change of me?" YN mocks Sana. Mina and Momo are just guarding them stressfully. "Because of what Yuta said huh? Hey, check this out: this ain't no Bloodline thing, it's exclusive only as The Myouis thing. We are tag team champions before you, and we will be still the tag team championship long after you're gone, Sana.", you pointed at her.
Sana only stared at you seriously who nudges your elbow at the back of Mina's arm to signal yourselves that they have to leave. As you disappeared at the scene, it left Mina looking at Sana apologetically.
"He's got a point, Sha." Mina's lips tilted and she shrugged before she departed too.
Sana and Momo were the ones left remaining inside the locker room. "Wait, Mina please don't go, girls don't go..." Sana beggingly tried to call their attention but went no effect.
"Why why why...oh well, they're gone." She slumped her hands on her waist, head bowing down in disappointment.
Meanwhile, The Myouis exit backstage to appear inside the arena, making their entrance to the ramp as they are scheduled for a segment tonight in the ring. They posed and bragged with their Tag Team Titles on the ropes before they grabbed microphones eached for their speech to be heard.
As their theme ended, it revealed the echoing boos from the crowd they received. The twins remained nonchalant, as it's part of being their bad guy routine anyway to piss people off but still remain undeniable.
"HEY HEY, THE BLOODLINE IS NOW IN YOUR CITY!!!" You shouted before you raised your finger to the sky followed by Mina to perform the signature gesture of your stable.
"Hey, brother / sister, we are on our way baby" Mina said to you with a large interested grin plastered in her face.
"To what?"
"We are on way to a history-making when it starts tomorrow night at Crystal Doom as the longest reigning Tag Team Champions EVER!" Mina clarified, hitting a preview for the viewers for what's most likely about to come this coming Saturday as they go on a fight with BLACKPINK in another pay-per-view event.
The crowd was divided in the chant, some are continously throwing boos while others began mentioning the unintentional joke that Sana made you embarassed and almost laugh at how silly it is.
You rolled your eyes at that flashback and avoided your gaze away at the crowd as shyness starts to become evident on your expression. "And it all starts with BLACKPINK. Yeah, that color group because YOU THE TWOS, AND WE... THE... ONES!" Both you and Mina proudly raised your fingers again before the crowd got uplifted as the titantron and the theme of MAMAMOO played in the arena.
The Myouis gazed annoyingly at the stage, watching the duo Solar and Moonbyul make their way into the ring.
"Hold up hold up hold up..." Solar was the first to speak while they're walking.
"Let's pump the brakes right now." Moonbyul followed.
"Slow it down...
"Take a second..."
"Just stop, stop..." Solar tells the twins. "At Crystal Doom, it's gonna be The Myouis vs. The BLACKPINK for the Japan Federation Tag Team Championships, and to be honest... we all root for BLACKPINK." she made it clear who they despise as they reached the ringside and approach the steel stairs.
They entered the ring, and stepped foot in front of The Myouis letting them talk their talk. "But if there's some Bloodline luck on yall and win against BLACKPINK then retain those titles, then we need you both to understand one thing." Moonbyul said as Mina following her glares.
"When you're on that plane, flying back home, as soon as you both got back down and step here in Japanese soil, you will have the longest reigning World Tag Team Champions waiting to tear you both from limb to limb in order to protect our legacy!"
The crowd cheered. Mina and YN nodded and smirking impressively at their challenge while being too boastful deep inside of them that they're just gonna be another obstacle to pass in their journey.
"In other words, we got next!" Solar simplified their plans in one sentence. They want the turn for the titles.
Moonbyul raises her mic to make the crowd cheering for their team name to be heard louder. Mina and YN mocked them as they presented the titles gripped around their hands. They went away from the microphones and traded barbed words at each other off mic as things slowly get fuming up between the two most legendary tag team in the company's modern history.
In the middle of their confrontation, it was surprisingly interrupted by a sudden blindside attack by BLACKPINK who hit both Mina and YN on their backs, sending them down on the mat.
Rosé and Jisoo are now standing face to face with Moonbyul and Solar who met their arrival.
After seconds of silence and staredown, their minds had one thing in common, and their intrusive thought won as each pair attacks The Myouis. Moonbyul and Jisoo is stomping YN while Solar and Rosé is doing the same thing on Mina.
"MAMAMOO and BLACKPINK are teaming up against The Myouis!" commentator Knight Yoo calls the scenario on the ring.
"Both in kahoots with their common enemies!" his partner Lee Kwang-soo added a remark as they watch the ongoing outnumbered advantage of attacks being given to The Myouis.
That didn't last long when Minatozaki Sana and Hirai Momo of The Bloodline came down rushing to the ramp to help their members.
MAMAMOO turned around as they noticed additional footsteps from behind. They were then met by a strong clothesline by The Fighting Machine of The Bloodline.
Sana then charged at Rosé and the two traded hits around their bodies. Jisoo then ran at Momo and cradled her from behind, trapping her into a choke.
Momo grunted as she uses her full strength to push Jisoo upwards until she got placed on top on her shoulders before being slammed down hard on the ring.
Sana dodged Rosé's hit and pushed her towards Momo who greeted her with a loud superkick straight to the face.
Momo is completely decimating the chaos in the ring. She picks up Jisoo and throws her out of the ring through the ropes while Mina goes for a superkick also on Moonbyul.
Joining your twin, you superkicked Solar also as soon as she got right back up on her feet, having her rolled out of the ring. All of The Bloodline members remained and the only enemy they have left with them is Rosè who is still hurting from Momo's superkick.
They all pointed at the poor helpless fighter. Momo and Sana picks up Rosé while you and Mina readied yourselves in a distance. They pushed her to receive a thunderous double superkick from The Myouis.
Rosé was knocked out while The Bloodline marches around the ring to boast at everyone watching who owns the show and who is on the top here.
Sana then directed Mina and YN to climb up to the ropes to do one more devastating assault. They followed the Honorary Muse and they both prepared to jump high for a double frog splash down through Rosé's broken body.
However, it didn't happen when thankfully Jisoo came back in for a rescue and this time in a much more effective way. Bringing the classic strong style in her, she brought a steel chair with her and quickly smashes it on Momo and Sana before she scares off The Myouis out from the turnbuckles.
She was so distracted that she didn't realized that Momo came back up and surprises her with a superkick to shut her off. She they hurriedly hooks Jisoo and performs her finisher Spinning Momo as she slams her hard again on the ring.
Momo lets out a battlecry before she checks upon her co-members. "And tonight, The Bloodline unifies. Tonight, on the same page. Tonight, protecting the family." Knight Yoo reacted.
The Bloodline members rolled out of the ring, leaving the damage they have done on their opponents as they end their segment for this week's episode of Knockdown.
3 DAYS LATER | November 7, 2022
Following Monday Night War, The Bloodline opened the show with the still defending Japan Federation World Tag Team Champions The Myouis with Hirai Momo successfully defended the titles against BLACKPINK this past Saturday at Crystal Doom pay-per-view event held in the Philippines.
They were interrupted by MAMAMOO who still has scores to settle against them after receiving attacks last Friday night.
"Ladies and gentlemen, in just 4 days on Friday night, you are looking at the longest Japan World Tag Team Champions in history defending our reign against the current Tag Team Champions, The Myouis." Moonbyul confirmed to everybody about their upcoming match this week with them.
"But... but... listen to us when we say you both the truth that after match, we will become the champions once again and most importantly, our reign of 483 days before will never be broken." Moonbyul smirked.
"Look, wait... we gave yall your promise right? Hell of a tag team."
"Also record-breakers." YN agreed to his/her sister.
"Breaking down barriers..."
"And multiple tag team champions too." They kept continuing on mentioning MAMAMOO's accomplishments before. "You know, I'm proud of yall."
"I'm really proud too."
"Yeah, and these people must be so proud of yall too." Mina included the crowd who proved her thoughts correct as they cheered. "Even me would be so proud, it must have feel so great to become... the SECOND greatest tag-team champions of all time."
Mina laughed as the crowd switched into boos.
"Wait, did they said 'second best'?" Moonbyul asked with a weirded reaction. "You two must have forgotten: we still hold the record, so that means YOU are chasing US." She said as she pointed back and forth at them to theirs.
"That means you're chasing the girls who built this place from ground to up. You two are chasing the girls who changed what Tag Team wrestling should be in Japan. Lastly, you two are chasing us who are first-generational superstars." Moonbyul referred to their team.
"You see, you all had people cuddling and holding you two around teaching you how to do this. You both got tryouts baaed from what your families did before you!" Moonbyul continued to spit some facts against their famous rivals. YN and Mina are getting sour at their reality check.
"You two have built your legacy from the backs of your cousins, your uncles, your fathers, grandfathers while WE built our legacy from our OWN BACKS!" The crowd then cheered louder at how harshly true she's beginning to be.
"You don't know about the pressure we've been on before!" Mina argued back, not letting theirselves getting humiliated. "What do you know about pressure, huh? What do you know about making a name for yourself, coming from a family like ours!"
"They don't!" YN assisted. "Yall have never been in the ring with our family before!"
"Do you know who belongs in the ring here with you now?"
"Talk to them!"
"It's the perfect definition of what two tag-team are!"
"Since day one, we the ones!"
"YN and Mina... we are THE MYOUIS!!!" YN exclaimed as loud as he/she can get to release the fire building up inside of him/her.
"NOW THAT'S PRESSURE!" Mina bragged about the intensity of the exchange of their lines to slap back against these two biggest haters of their careers in front of them. The crowd were very impressed at their mic skills and how they were able to return back the favor after being destroyed by Solar and Moonbyul earlier.
Moonbyul stepped forward and eyed sharply at both YN and Mina. "Do. Not. Speak. To. Us. Like. You. Know. What. Pressure. Is.
PRESSURE is when you are roaming at the backstage, not knowing if you'll get fired someday. PRESSURE is when you want to try other things outside of this company just to see if it'll work and provide you higher rate of survival in your daily life. PRESSURE is when you put three of the most important women together in one team only to get booed at first, so don't you both dare speak to us like YOU KNOW WHAT REAL PRESSURE FEELS LIKE!"
The crowd is getting wild from their positive reactions at the sight of this masterclass of a segment between these two professional teams going personal within each other.
Moonbyul and Solar heard their names being chanted and they appreciated it wholeheartedly. "Do you hear that? Because they know what we've been through. That all those pressure has what turned us into DIAMONDS!"
"DIAMONDS? You talking about those diamonds in your crown?" Mina retorted, referring to when Moonbyul won a tournament before and crowned as the 'Queen of the Battleground' only to get destroyed by The Bloodline, especially Yuta Nakamoto who smashed her accessories.
"Those diamonds must be those jewels that our cousin Yuta Nakamoto stomped in?" Mina and YN scoffed and chuckled as they teased Moonbyul who is getting offended.
"Poor you, cuz look at us, we got the real diamonds around here now!" Mina and YN then raised their title belts above.
"And about you, Solar..." YN focused on her this time after being quiet while letting her friend Moonbyul talk about their frustrations. Solar's attention got taken, as she stares directly at YN.
"If we haven't forfeited in that turmoil years ago, there will never be a WrestleTopia moment for you!" The crowd ooh-ed at how brutal that fact was. The Myouis were talking about that moment 3 years ago when they were babyface at that time, they helped Solar win the whole gauntlet match by forfeiting their spot so that she can advantage on the last opponent in which she won and granted her a world title match at the main event of WrestleTopia. Months later, she won and had her first world title win.
"Remember that? We gave you that chance and that moment! Having your kids running around and taking pictures with you, so you're welcome Solar!" YN sarcastically told her. "As a matter of fact, don't even show up on Friday.  Just stay home with your kids and let us do what we always do."
Solar sneezed and shook her head before replying to YN. "Stay home with my kids, huh. What kind of mother would I be if I chose to forfeit such an important match from the likes of... you?"
YN got insulted, her smirk shrinked. "You don't understand what this reign means for us. For yall it's just another accomplishment, another championship but for us, this represents us back in the times when we started with a lame concept that nobdoy should've ever overcame that, BUT WE DID!
It represents a time when we come for work, clawing and scratching all we have just to fight to attain a resemblance of what a success of  team should be like for this industry, all to be told by many that we suck but we did that!
And lastly, it represents a time... that might be the last time that us, MAMAMOO as whole who will elevate you in the process so... no. We will not forfeit in this match just to let yall continue to reign."
Solar and Moonbyul has made their final decision, dropping their mics as well as The Myouis who has no other chouce but to accept the determination and bravery of these two tp step on the plate and challenge them for one of the richest prize in the industry.
They raised the title belts and they all looked up at it, mesmerized and motivated that either of them will become a champion this Friday night on their showdown.
4 DAYS LATER | November 11, 2022
The Bloodline once again opens up the show but this time, for this weeks Friday Night Knockdown and it is understandable when the people know that it has been announced that tonight, The Empire Chief is gonna pay another city a visit to lead a "Bloodline Acknowledgment Ceremony" for The Myouis once they win against MAMAMOO (in which they did, making them now the longest reigning Tag Team Champs of all time earlier at the show), and for them to...
"...RECOGNIZE ME!" Yuta Nakamoto yelled on his command, making the rest of The Bloodline (except for Sana who is absent for a day-off due to personal matters) and most of the crowd raising their ones to the sky for the current World Champion. YN felt a weird reflex when your head moved on it's way and your eyes lingered around, someone's missing beside you. You realized that Sana wasn't there. Furrowing your eyebrows, it had your perplexed why of all the members of your group, she's the one you sought to find first.
The special adviser for The Bloodline, Park Jinyoung took the opportunity to speak next about the topic he has in store for the public. You shook your head to focus yourself back on the most relevant subject here. "Ladies and gentlemen, your Empire Chief and I were having a discussion on the private jet flying onto this hellhole..." The crowd of Yokohama then booed loudly at him for insulting their city. Jinyoung was shocked as he spun around to witness the whole audience hating him.
He went silent to enjoy the whiny voice echoing around the arena before proceeding to speak. "MAMAMOO vs The Myouis is not a good sports rivalry. MAMAMOO aren't gonna compare to The Myouis. No team can! The longest reigning tag team champions in the history lives on the Island Of Relevancy and now, MAMAMOO has been cast out of the Ocean of Obsecurity like any other beings who stepped up against The Empire Chief... Tbe Highness Of The Land... and your Japan Combat Federation World Champion, Yuta Nakamoto."
Jinyoung said, praising the stable he's managing. He then passed the mic on Yuta after gesturing him to do so.
"It's not easy to be my cousin. Our whole lives, everyone has been acknowledging me for my greatness. And honestly, I never thought I'll see this moment to come." Yuta said as he walked back and forth on delivering his speech. "YN... Mina..."
Yuta paused when they heard the theme of BLACKPINK play, ruining their celebration. Rosé and Jisoo came out with microphones in their hand.
"You see, we're sick of The Bloodline using numbers game every week." Rosé spoke up. "Well, tonight... it's fight night! And we... got some backup."
A familar theme hits the speakers, causing the crowd to erupt in joy. Rosé and Jisoo got hyped up to see a close friend return in one piece.
Lisa Manoban confidently makes her appearance, with a bandage wrapped around her arm.
"It is indeed fight night! The woman who The Bloodline took out of action with a fractured elbow is back!" Knight Yoo exclaimed on the commentary.
She began to speak, but the crowd nor even The Bloodline can hear what she's saying. The microphone is having a technical difficulty, but Lisa kept on continuing to speak through stutters.
Yuta laughed out loud. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what is this? Y-you can't even get the microphone work, I mean come on! What are you gonna do now?"
Lisa sighed and got a little bit pissed off at the technical team for embarassing her at her return but she just placed it aside and walked with Rosé and Jisoo on the ramp, approaching the ring.
"You see, Yuta..." Lisa's voice is now loud and clear. "I have no problem saying it to your face when the truth of the matter is that..."
Rosé and Jisoo instead sprinted through the ring as Lisa secretly tasked them to get distracted. She follows her friends as BLACKPINK collided with The Myouis while she went forward against Hirai Momo.
Yuta Nakamoto disgustingly watched the whole mess around him before he decided to join the fray by stomping on Jisoo. It has became a 4 on 3 assault, with The Bloodline slowly punishing BLACKPINK.
Yuta was about to boast the domination they're having in the ring but he got interrupted when the titantron plays the theme of "The Korean Warrior" Kim Jennie, eliciting another loud cheers from the fans.
All reactions from The Bloodline was shock and disbelief as they didn't expect that Jennie would help her former friends, but little did they know that because of the assault and what they did on Lisa's elbow a month ago has  made BLACKPINK to change from heels to babyfaces in order to battle against The Bloodline.
Mina came rushing on Jennie but she presented her with a big boot, then rapidly rushed through the ring before YN approaches her next, only to receive a beadbutt.
Jennie then goes face to face with the woman who costs her the World Championship back at her homeland in Clash In The Combat months ago, Hirai Momo. The two stares down at each other before they unloaded exchange blows at one another.
Momo slapped Jennie hard but she bounced back on the ropes and clotheslined Momo. She then received a sneaky big boot by Yuta who was watching their fight.
Yuta then knuckled Jennie's top of the head until Lisa gets back up and spun Yuta around, turning his attention on her as she passed couple of hits around his face.
He then stopped her attacks by wrapping her around the waist and carried her on the turnbuckle to unleash some bumps on her midsection. The rest of the Bloodline and BLACKPINK then went on to continue attacking each other around the ring, giving the viewers a possible hint of a future feud and a match to come.
The show ends with the security and backstage personnels arrive in the ring to break up the brawl beween The Bloodline and BLACKPINK as the time runs out to air.
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