#jinyoung image
uhhhhmanda · 3 months
my jinyoungies collection
This will probably be a thread. Started by this post, these are the pictures of Park Jinyoung that I keep in my phone to cheer me up. I find them to be very effective.
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41 notes · View notes
knightyoomyoui · 18 days
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Written by: knightyoomyoui
Commissioned by: @nchris00
Part: CHAPTER 5 | "Ghost Of The Past"
Word Count: 6,300 words
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You and Mina arrived home just as when the sky welcomes the moonlight. From your observation, she seems more active now that it’s dark, which is what the kind of surrounding they supposed to be in. Because of that matter, you don’t even need to shade her off with your umbrella or simply escort her too much.
Upon entering the penthouse, both of you were greeted by the girls who are watching TV, except for Jeongyeon, Momo, Chaeyoung, and Jihyo in which you only found out what she’s doing when you found her in the laundry washing some of her clothes.
Jihyo notices you both and seeing that Mina is still there in a good condition, she rated you with a ‘good job’ smile in which you appreciated. 
After you and Mina drank water and… blood, you haven’t forgot that this lady you’re accompanying is a vampire. You were giving sneak glances at her while she slurps that glass filled with animal blood, a disgust still creeps up inside of you but at the same time, you have also noticed how her side-profile looks enticing.
As she was about to finish, you let go of your eyes from her and you followed her upstairs. Entering her bedroom, Momo wasn’t there surprisingly and the door is closed from the other room, which could only mean that they’re probably out for a while.
“I know you’re also here to… you know, as our escort to the outside, not just mine. So, can you please also mention it to them that we’ll be going out again on Thursday once they asked for you to join them on their errands outside?” Mina said while she removes her jacket, revealing her toned body topped with sleeveless blue shirt.
You looked away sheepishly at the sight of her exposed skin, not wanting to stare too much or else she might caught you being a perv or something. But anyway, it confused you a little bit on why you acting like this if she even let you enter her private room willingly.
“Y-yeah, will do.”
You kept composed as Mina hangs her jacket and takes out the paper that was given to her by that businessman. She laid it off the table. 
“You’re gonna join me returning the money to them. Just felt like… I still need some assistance on this one.” She said as she tapped her finger on it.
“He looks quite intimidating and… strange, I should say.” You commented. “I understand why, Mina.”
“Ofcourse, I do. I’ve never seen Jinyoung looked tense like that.” She said. “That’s why you’re going with me still when we meet him. I’m not scared-”
“You don’t trust anybody, I know.” You completed her words. Mina went speechless and she only nodded in response. Both of you went silent for a second before you cut off the awkwardness. “I’ll be going out now.”
“Sure, Thanks for coming with me today, Jeonghoon.”
“No problem.” And you walked through the door before shutting it off.
As Mina watches you leave, she sat on her gaming setup, grabbing the card and reading what it says before she began typing on her keyboard.
You on the other hand, remained standing still after closing her door. The words of Jinyoung repeated in your mind after what Mina just said.
“.... then you just gonna find out that they trust you.”
The last tip he gave on how to discover if they have completely entrusted you with their sake. Mina agreed that she doesn’t trust anybody, yet you were the chosen one out of all the people in the world out there that she haven’t able to meet yet…
… especially, a fellow human like you.
You glanced at her room and smiled, a new motivation for you to keep moving forward built up inside of you as you went downstairs to join the other girls.
Moving on to another scenario, there was a rapid shots of a forest draped in snow. It was winter season, and there were some images of burning house, screaming men, weapons being raised, and running footsteps.
It then shifted to some close-up look of wailing and shrieking faces of people with fangs, bloodied or not, as they rather crawl back or shielded themselves with their arms before their noises cut short.
A long blade was slashed across them before they become lifeless on the ground. Then, with a swing of the weapon that was used, the perspective pointed into the look of a crying child.
And Hayoung’s eyes sprung up.
He woke up, leaning off from his office chair before he groaned as he stretches his back and massaged his temple. He was aware of the dream he just had. Not a nightmare, when you were the one enjoying what’s occuring inside your head during your sleep.
Hayoung rolled his swivel chair backwards to give him space to peek below his desk. It was an average sized safe vault. He kneeled and pressed the passcode before it opens.
Inside, he reached out with his hands to grab what it keeps. A wooden box appearing in his hold, he untied it and unboxed. There, it reveals an amount of broken fangs, and a set that is tied together with an abaca.
“I hope my instincts are wrong, because if it is… I may be able to return to who I was, and I might not hold back.” He declares while he stares at the object.
The next day, all the ladies in the penthouse were occupied at whatever they’re doing, mostly at their phones. Honestly, witnessing them that this is the only thing they rely on which connects them to what’s happening daily in the outside world saddens you. They’re maybe vampires but from how they live, it was evident that they just wanted to be one like humans.
That’s why, you promised that someday if you’re able to be, you’ll set a time where all of them can go out and experience how is it like to move around freely among humans without any fear inflicted to them.
Out of everyone in this dorm, what piqued your interest was Jeongyeon working something on the kitchen. It is 11AM and the perfect time to start making lunch, since Jeongyeon is the chef around this group and they’re 9 of them… which was now added by your presence here that makes it 10, you felt a bit of pity seeing Jeongyeon cook a large amount of food to satisfy 10 stomachs.
That’s why you got up and joined Jeongyeon in the kitchen, peeking at the food she’s preparing. “Oh, hey Jeong number 2. Hungry?” She asked while not looking at you, instead she was busy chopping some vegetables on the board.
“A little bit. And wow, what did you just called me? Jeong number 2?” You looked at the back of her head with a perplexed expression.
“Yeah. Because I’m the first Jeong in this house. And I will always be the number one.” She said boastfully, dropping her knife just so she can point her thumb at herself and smirk.
“Ain’t gonna argue with that.” You chuckled and shrugged. Jeongyeon laughed afterwards.
“Would you mind letting me help you around?” You asked. 
“Why, you’re bored?” 
“Hmm, or you shy to get along with them?”
“T-that’s not it, I just don’t know any topic to start with them.” You defended. “And just look at them, they seemed very invested on whatever they’re looking at their phones right now.”
“Alright, as you wish. Help me place all of these there on the pan.” She said as she handed you a plate filled with chopped vegetables. 
“Nice.” You accepted and poured it down there where she instructed.
“Hey, noona. Would you mind asking me this? Are you used now on cooking such a large food that is good for 9 people… or guess I could say, 10?”
“9, yes. But 10? Ugh, why did you have to be here. Now you gave me a tougher task to do.” She said, sighing. You gawked at her complain and felt like you stepped back, offended.
“Oh wow. That’s why? Okay, fine I’m heading out-”
“Hahaha just kidding.” She laughed again. Hearing her crack out a laughter is boosting your mood further. “I’m already used to this. I’ve been living with them for 20 decades and more already. I’ve cooked through any methods, any types of stove through every generation and never once I felt tired or forced doing this. Because this is for us. To not get starved. Feeding them is like my responsibility as the second oldest in the group.”
“Yeah you’re right.” The only thing you responded at her accurate answer. “But I just want to… you know, apologize still that now you have another person to feed-”
“Nah, don’t.” Jeongyeon insisted. “Have you forgotten that I’m one of the girls here who voted to keep you here in the house? Why should I be against of including on you the food I prepare everyday? You’re now one of us, so better be also adding you on what we consume just to survive everyday… well except for the blood.” Jeongyeon stated the obvious, bouncing her eyebrows and stretching her lips.
“Well, that’s good to hear. Thanks for that, noona.” You smiled as you monitored the pot she’s cooking.
“Why are you so soft-spoken today? Did Mina do something on you that made you this fluff?” She asked with a playful glare. 
“W-what do you mean? No, nothing.” You answered perplexedly. “What does it have to do with Mina anyway?”
“Well, she’s the softest and kindest member in our group. I just had a thought that hanging around with her… you know, might be making your heart melt. And it results… to how you act with me today.” Jeongyeon says as she twirls the knife as she points it at you.
“She was just thankful that I accompanied her yesterday. Well, especially since the one we met gives off some suspicious aura, I could say.” 
“I thought you and her just went to the orphanage yesterday? Who is the one you are talking about?”
“Well the boss of the loan sharks that the kids got scammed for borrowing money for visited the place yesterday, he apologized for what his men have done so he was the one who came by himself to request… but kindly this time… to pay for the borrowed money. Then, Mina volunteered to be the one to do it.”
“Ahh. I mean even after all these decades we are still not familiar enough to how people act in front of us since we spent most of our lives hiding. I think it’s natural for Mina to act like that… and maybe you, because you’re a scaredy cat.”
“Excuse me?” 
“Hehe joke.” Jeongyeon laughed again. You took a note in your mind that you’ll prepare for some comebacks to tease this woman in revenge. For now, you’ll just allow her to make a trip out of you. “I mean you just had youf alertness intact in case Mina would need it. You probably sensed it too that whoever that person is, acting weirdly in front of Mina, you are just concerned for her.”
“I am. And will always be also for the rest of you.”
Jeongyeon smiled and awwed. She ruffled my hair swept you aside gently to face the food she’s currently cooking. “We’ll be there for you too, my number 2.”
You blushed a little at what she called you. You watched her from behind, your heart suddenly pounding  as you felt flattered. You walked near from her and watched the food she’s mixing from her shoulder.
“Smells good.” You commented. Jeongyeon gulped on the other hand, she knew her back is just inches away from leaning onto your chest. Your face is just beside her head and what you just said had her misintepret if you’re also referring to how she smells.
“T-thanks…” She stammered. 
“For sure there must be someone who helps you still on cooking. Who among here assist you the most?”
“Mostly it’s Jihyo, but currently she’s upstairs busy folding all the clothes she washes yesterday.” She said. “The rest, I don’t want to be harsh but I don’t want our place to be set on fire.”
Both of you laughed a lot. You walked away from her. Jeongyeon was relieved and breathed comfortably again. You cleaned the counter where she prepared the garnishes. “By the way, when can I start working for you?”
“Oh yeah, about that. We’ll do it on Monday.” She said. “You can use the salary I’ll give to you for yourself, since you want to still make a living out of yourself and not just rely on us.”
“Yeah. Thanks, again noona.”
“Okay. The food’s about to be done. Tell the girls to come on the dining table now.” 
“Aye aye.” You replied as you left the kitchen and called the girls for a while before returning to Jeongyeon and help her serve the food.
Meanwhile, Nayeon and Tzuyu went upstairs. Tzuyu joined Nayeon who is the only one supposed to call Jihyo from her room since she has to grab something from her room too.
As they reached the bedroom, the door was slightly ajar. They were about to open it wider when Tzuyu paused Nayeon from doing so, and they both noticed what’s going on inside.
Jihyo was sitting on her bed, folded clothes around her but what captured their eyes more was the familiar black box seated beside her.  Her head was hanging low, as if she’s looking or reading something.
But Tzuyu and Nayeon both know what their leader is holding, and it made them sad just by looking at their friend being like this again.
Tzuyu nodded which gave Nayeon the signal to knock twice. It made Jihyo frantic to return the thing from the box. They were about to speak but the last thing they caught was her hand sweeping on her cheek for a moment there.
“Uhm, Jihyo. The food is ready downstairs. Join us there, okay?” Nayeon said.
“Yeah, I’ll just return all of these back in the closet.” Jihyo responded. As she faced them after standing up from the bed, she saw their concerned faces. 
“Unnie, are you okay?” Her beloved maknae asked her with care. Jihyo’s frown changed into a small smile.
“I am. Thanks, Tzuyu-ah.”
Later that night, Chaeyoung and Momo were eating ice cream in their respective cups as they sit on the stairs together. Them along with Jihyo who is comfortably sleeping on her room and Mina and Tzuyu who are on the other room playing games are the only ones who are seperated from the group gathered in the living room.
Not oblivious to the scene near them, especially when it is the one that attracts their attention the most. They are silently eating as they watch you getting along with Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Dahyun, and Sana as they all watch a horror movie about vampires. You requested for them to criticize how the actors portray them as vampires if its accurate or not.
Chaeyoung and Momo lost count of how many times they’ve laughed and exchanged conversation with one another, and surprisingly only one of them finds this irritating.
“Look at him, he already seems to grow fond with them.” Momo finally spoke and entered a topic for them to discuss. Their eyes are glued at you looking shocked when Nayeon slapped you in the shoulder while she’s laughing out loud. “It’s weird to see the girls this happy with another person around that wasn’t our kind, let alone a male one.”
Chaeyoung remains silent but when Momo heard her groan and hiss her tongue in annoyance of mentioning Jeonghoon, it was clear enough for her that the latter still doesn’t feel the same as what the girls are now developing for the young man.
“That manipulative bitch.” Chaeyoung curses. “I got to give it to him, he’s an expert of controlling others and make like a fool for him. But what irks me is that its my friends he’s been doing that for.”
“You know what, Chaeng.” Momo pauses as she scoops another ice cream and puts it in her mouth. “I ghotva agrhe wh-” 
“Will you please swallow it first before you speak, unnie. I ain’t no listening to your gibberish mouth being full like that.” Chaeyiung rolled her eyes and winces at her.
Momo followed, signalling her to wait before she did what she had told at. “Hehe. Sorry. As I was saying, I think I have to admit that he’s starting to become a part of us.”
“What did you say?”
“It wasn’t that bad of a decision to accept Jeonghoon into our family. There, my point.” Momo reiterates. 
Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows closer. “No way, don’t tell me… you’re also rooting for him now?” She stares at Momo who remains poker face. “I thought you hate her as much as I do.”
“I do. I hate him too, but look at them. Can’t you still hate him when in fact he’s making the girls happy, as much as we want them to be?” Momo replies. “Chaeng, let’s be honest here. We all wanted someone who is willing to accept who we are. A human, I must say. For us to be friends with, and it seems that Jeonghoon might be that person we’re looking for after all these long time.” 
“All of us think one important thing right here, and that is for us to enjoy our lives and be safe. Look at them, have you seen them like that? I mean, we also had a great time together, but wasn’t it that beautiful to see them still being like that… but with somebody who isn’t even one of us.”
“And where are you going with this one?” Chaeyoung asked.
“It wouldn’t hurt for us to create a connection with Jeonghoon. What if… he’s actually not the type of person you think of?” 
Chaeyoung rubs her head stressfully. “I thought this ice cream would hurt my brain but again, it’s about him. Unnie, have you all forgotten that Jeonghoon has been here for only almost a week yet?! You guys already trust him with that short period of time!”
“Don’t spin my words, Chaeng. I didn’t say that we have to trust, we just have to give him a chance.” Momo slightly raised her voice in a whispery tone. 
“But it’s so obvious that you’re going through there!” 
Chaeyoung and Momo stares down at each other, the Japanese woman wearing a defensive expression while the younger Korean plasters a frustrated one.
“I can’t believe we have to argue at something I thought we would both share a similar opinion for.” Chaeyoung expresses her disappointment.
“I’m sorry, Chaeng.” Momo took the last remaining spoonfuls of ice cream in her cup. “I just feel that we’re going to get tired being like this, trying to stop the inevitable of having to get close with Jeonghoon. And if that’s what the girls want for us to do soon, I have no other choice but to oblige.”
Chaeyoung shook her head as they went back on looking at what’s happening in the living room. Dahyun and Sana were trying to scare Jeonghoon as if they’re impersonating how the acting of them as a vampire is being performed on the TV.
“You guys were blinded at the anticipation of having to meet a human who would accept us, that all of you have forgotten the one thing that had kept us together in the first place for over three decades.” Chaeyoung bluntly said.
“And for that to not be wasted like that…” Momo looks at her, both curious and concerned for Chaeyoung. She knows that she understands also Chaeyoung’s argument, it’s just that this girl has been focusing more on the negative side than the positive.
“I will be the one who will volunteer to get rid of Jeonghoon once the times comes that I have to prevent us from suffering.” Chaeyoung then stands up and descends through the steps to bring her used cup to the dishes while Momo just sighs heavily at her hardheaded friend.
Meanwhile, you had to share your focus of watching the horror movie being played on the TV with the two hyperactive individuals sitting beside you. 
A jumpscare was just shown on the TV and it made Nayeon create a defeaning scream that made Jeongyeon cover her ears, while you winced along with Dahyun who contorts her face and Sana who just hid on your shoulder.
“Well, looks like you girls finally encountered an effective one.” You chuckled as you watched all of their shook reactions.
“Meh. I can even do better than that.” Jeongyeon said, remaining calm after the nightmarish scene that was shown in the screen.
“Oh, it didn’t got through noona too, I guess.” You said impressively. “It wasn’t that scary too, my heart rather jumped when Nayeon noona screamed so loud.”
“Yah, you almost broke my eardrums you stupid.” Jeongyeon flicked her finger on Nayeon’s forehead which caused her to exclaim an ‘ouch’.
“Sorry, okay! I thought this film is just going to be hilarious from start to finish.” Nayeon apologizes as she rubs the spot where Jeongyeon’s flick landed.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep peacefully tonight with this.” Dahyun said as she grips your arm tightly with her shivering hands.
“Yeah, me too. I think I need someone to join me on the bed tonight.” Sana agreed. She rubs your other arm and looked at you as she lays her head atop of your shoulder, basically cuddling it at this point. “Can you help me with that, Jeonghoonie?”
“Ah-eh, me?” You asked confusedly, meeting Sana’s puppy eyes. “But-”
“But I need my dongsaeng more! I think he would rather be with me.” Dahyun pouts as she looks at you. “I’m too scared to be alone, Hoonie.”
“Dahyun moves too might when she sleeps, you might get disturbed.” Sana fights back. You have started to notice that the two are exchanging turns to create reasons why they are the deserving ones to claim you for tonight. “Unlike me, I’m a good girl in the bed, Jeonghoonie. Would you like me… to… show it… just how obedient I am?” You felt chills when her fingertips traced along your chest as her gaze changed from cuteness to something… seducive.
“No! I know that look, Sana-unnie. You’ll just gonna do something to him!” Dahyun pulls you close to her. “Unnie is speaking lies, don’t listen to him. Don’t you get bored sleeping here in the couch? You can stay with me for now if you want.”
“I’m not thinking whatever you’re thinking, Dahyun-ah!” Sana retorts. She also pulls your arm, making your body almost bumo back to her. “We’re going to have a good time together, Jeonghoon. What do you say, wanna give it… a try?” She smirks and winks before she glares back at Dahyun who is gasping at her actions.
You gulped at the sudden change of Sana’s aura. Although you don’t want to ignore her, you couldn’t resist her charms, as well as Dahyun’s cuteness, but it seems like this isn’t a good idea at all, since this is now becoming to start into a fight you don’t want to be part of.
“Hoonie wants me!” Dahyun grunts as she pulls you again to her.
“G-girls… calm down-”
“No, he’s mine!” Sana tugs you back.
“Girls wait! Uhh- stop pulling me”
“In your dreams!”
“HEY, BOTH OF YOU QUIT IT!” Jeongyeon scolds the two which immediately made them silent and stop using you as a human tug of war rope. “Jihyo is going to be awake because of your noises. You girls want to feel her wrath when she goes down here?”
“S-sorry unnie.” Both Sana and Dahyun responded, bowing their heads down.
“Now get off from him. Jeez, Jeonghoon may have become dizzy because of shaking him back and forth with your possessive antics!” Nayeon joins the second eldest sister of the group from disciplining these two clingy girls.
She goes near from you and massaged your head. “Are you okay, Jeonghoon?”
“Y-yeah, I’m good. Thanks for the save, noona.” You said. “And to you two, Sana and Dahyun noona. Even if I agree, I don’t think Jihyo would agree with that idea. It’s not good to sleep with a man and a woman together in one bed if they aren’t… close enough.” You tightlipped. “Sorry, noonas.”
“It’s fine, we’re sorry too Hoonie.” Dahyun replied.
“Yeah, you’re right anyway. Don’t worry, sorry also for forcing you Jeonghoon.” Sana smiled. 
“What’s gotten into you girls anyway?” Jeongyeon chuckled. 
“Just sleep together as usual. Leave our poor dongsaeng alone, is that right Jeonghoon?” Nayeon said in a baby-ish tone as she wraps her arms around the your neck and laid her chin on top of your head. To your surprise, you had your hand grasping Nayeon’s wrists as she gently rattles you.
“Y-yeah. It is.” You smiled as Nayeon peeks from your side, awaiting for your reply. Dahyun and Sana spotted that blush you’re having in your cheeks after you felt Nayeon’s contact on you. They both looked at each other, defeatedly at their own dare they have arranged to each other earlier.
“How about this, what if we try to flirt with Jeonghoon, and one of us should get what his heart prefers.” Sana shares her idea.
“What’s with the sudden dare? Do you have a crush with him, unnie?” Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows.
“Huh? N-no, I don’t! I’m just bored, I guess. I want to try if my charms work also on guys like him.” Sana denied.
“So you find him cute?”
“Well yes, but don’t think differently.” Sana admits. “I know you are as well, Dahyun-ah.”
“E-eh? I mean… he’s nice-looking, but like what you said, don’t turn it the other way.” Dahyun also confesses. “Okay, I’m in. And if one of us lose then what do we do?”
“She will reveal our dare before Jeonghoon reaches his first month of staying here. Deal?”
“Challenge accepted.” Dahyun grins as she accepts Sana’s handshake.
Back to the present time, they both sigh and felt hilarious at themselves for both losing. Facing the consequences, they have to do what they agreed on soon.
Watching from the distance, Momo felt a slight pang of jealousy in her heart for her friends already gotten comfortable being around Jeonghoon.
Few more hours have passed, and all of them already felt the call of exhaustion for them to go to sleep on their rooms, except for Mina who stayed up awake still after a long grind of playing her favorite video game on computer.
She switched it off and rearranged the chair back under the desk. She reopened the lights and when she turned around, her large collection of all the souvenirs and displays of her favorite characters from various genre and sources greeted her sight.
Her heart suddenly took the control on her body movements, and she just found herself slowly walking forward through the shelves that covers up the walls of half of her room. 
She looked around, her lips curved into a smile, and a memory played on her head as she reminisce the story behind how she got the most remarkable gift she ever had in her life which none of her self-bought things would compare at its value.
“Look who it is, our penguin has finally woke up~” Her father cooed as he and his wife saw young Mina exit her bedroom, rubbing her eyes and yawning 
“I told you already, sweetheart. Staying up late isn’t good for your age. It’s already 10 in the morning.” Her mother scolded her gently, sipping the coffee on her cup.
“Sorry, mom.”
“Listen to your mother, penguin. We may be vampires but you’re too young. Health is still important, okay?” 
“Yes, papa.” 
“Come here.” Young Mina slowly walked towards her father and he lifted her up to have her sit sideways on his lap. “Do you know what day it is today?”
Her mother contagiously chuckled and Papa Myoui reacted the same way. “Correct, but… what I mean is, well tell me the date today.”
“Papa, cmon I’m just kidding. It’s March 24, and-”
“You silly penguin, how dare you fool your old man!” Papa Myoui tickled Young Mina on her sides, which made the latter elicit laughters. “Happy Birthday, our Minari. You’re growing up very fast.”
“Thank you, papa.”
“And because it’s your special day today, we have a present for you.” Mina looked at her mother who is smirking and bounced her eyebrows at her husband who seems to get her signal. 
Mama Myoui reached below the table and unveiled an average sized rectangular box wrapped in paper. 
“Woah, a gift… and it looks the biggest one I have so far!” Mina said as she gasped at the size of the wrapped gift placed on the table.
“Well go on, sweetheart. Open it up to see what’s inside.”
They let Mina tear apart the wrapping until it slowly unveils of what it seems to be a box containing a figurine of-
Both Mama and Papa Myoui laughed when Mina immediately takes out Astro Boy and hugged him tightly. They both know that their daughter considers Astro Boy as her favorite fictional character. She loves him so much that he is the reason why Mina stays up late at night just to read the volumes of his manga.
“He looks fantastic!” Mina looks at it proudly and then went at her parents. “Thank you so much, mom and dad!”
“Anything for you, penguin. We want this to be the best birthday you’ll ever have.”
The flashback ends and Mina blinks rapidly as she returns back to her senses. She founds herself touching the glass of the shelf containing Astro Boy. Up to this day, March 24, 1963 remains as the best birthday she ever had.
Because not only she received the best gift ever, but it was also given and she celebrated that day with her parents, which unfortunately will never happen again.
Mina felt her chest tighten and gave Astro Boy one last look before she smiles painfully and left her room with a towel. 
She went downstairs, and there she saw you sleeping peacefully in the couch. She head towards the bathroom where she took a quick half bath and some skin care on her face.
As she was about to return back to her room, her curiousity led her again step onto the living area and stand beside on the couch where she views your sleeping posture.
Mina smiles at how cute and comfortable you look while you rest. While she watches, she remembered your conversation with her back at the orphanage, on why she loves children and why she thinks the possibility of having one for herself is impossible.
She expressed her thoughts of insecurity to herself and for other people she might surround herself with. 
She may not say this to you directly, but Mina admits to herself that she is still not 100% ready to meet and get along with humans.
But since meeting and knowing you, through the impression you’ve been giving her so far with your personality, hope arises inside that is persuading her to reconsider the decision and beliefs she already set in life that prevents the possible beautiful changes in her future to happen.
“Guide me as much as I want to follow you, Jeonghoon.” Mina whispers before she leaves you alone again to get some much-needed sleep of her own.
The next day, you and Mina left the penthouse to visit the address of Mr. Jin Hayoung’s whereabouts. Before that, she requested for the both of you to stop first on a bank as she’s has to withdraw all of the money she needs to pay from her account. 
With the payment now prepared, you have arrived at the designated location after following the route to get through there. Mina wore her hoodie jacket as you came out first to shed her under the umbrella. Both of you then looked upstairs to view the towering skyscraper that belongs to that certain businessman they’re about to meet.
“I have an arranged meeting with Mr. Jin Hayoung. Where can I find him?” Mina asked to the help clerk on the booth.
“Give me a second, maam. I’ll just going to inform him. Can you state your name please?” The clerk lady asked politely as she grabbed the telephone.
“Myoui Mina.” 
“Okay, maam.” She dialed the phone and the other one on the end of line picks it up.
“Good morning, boss. Do you have a scheduled meeting today with Ms. Myoui Mina? She says she has to see you for some matter. Y-yes, sir. ” The clerk then nodded afterwards. “Got it, sir. Thank you.”
She dropped the phone and looked back at you and Mina. “You may now go, maam.” 
“But Mr. Hayoung requested that it has to be only you.” 
Mina paused and looked at you who got concerned for a while. The thought of leaving her side as she faces that man alone made you feel uneasy for her. The reason why you joined her is the first place is something that is being restricted right now for the two of you to do.
“Mina, will you be alright?”
“I am. Maybe it’s a personal or a private matter to discuss. You’ll wait outside, okay?” 
“Mr. Hayoung’s office is in 5th floor.”
“Thank you.” Mina bowed before she proceeded to walk through the elevator to bring yourselves up through the mentioned area.
A large door with the namecard of Mr. Jin Hayoung at the end of the hallway stopped your tracks. As she was about to enter, instructed you something to do.
“Give me your phone.”
You handed the new phone that was given to you by Jeongyeon. Mina placed her number and she inputted yours on each other’s contacts. 
“Stay here and keep yourself alert with this. I’m going to call you in case I need help. I’ll hide this on my back pocket.”
“Will you be okay here?”
“Yeah. I can wait for you.” 
Mina smiled and opened the door. A light has greeted her eyes and she squinted at the sight of it. She almost felt nervous having exposed to it but thankfully the room is sealed with window panes, blocking her from the actual source from the sun. 
As the light faded and uncovering her eyes, the figure of Mr. Jin Hayoung appeared in front of her, sitting on his office chair managing some papers.
He sensed a presence from his distance, approaching him. Hayoung discreetly smirked.
“Good morning, thank you for really putting an effort to allow yourself come in my building Miss Mina. Nice to meet you again.” He said with an enthusiastic tone.
“Me too, Mr. Jin.”
“I’m sorry if it brought some hassle of you coming in here,but hey let’s go right ahead. The one we talked about.” 
“It’s here with me.” Mina pulled something from her shoulder bag. It was a pack of cash inside an envelope. “The exact amount. You can give it a double check.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust but I definitely will. We can’t waste a single penny nowadays, am i right? Money is just that too damn important.” Mina hummed and nodded. 
Hayoung grabbed some cutter and halted for a second before proceeding to cut the covered lid. As the tip about to reach the end, he quickly slashed it and accidentally cut his fingertip in the process, causing it to blood enermously.
“Ah shit! Tsk tsk.” Hayoung immediately covered his fingers as it started to release blood that it even crawled through his other hand and drop some on the desk. 
“A-are you okay, Mr. Jin?”
“Y-yeah, I just… had my finger sliced but it’s just a wound that’s all.” Hayoung said.
Mina nodded. However, her eyes are fixated on Hayoung’s bloody finger. She began to smell the aroma of its freshness, causing her to feel her body getting colder and shivering. Her throat is gulping on its own, and her face twitches as she tries to clench her jaw from getting responsive to the blood.
“No, n-not now.” Mina muttered to herself as she remained frozen and staring wide eyed at Hayoung who is now grabbing some first aid from his desk.
“Are you okay there, Mina?” Hayoung asked. She didn’t received no response. Meanwhile, you were standing outside keeping the phone on your ear and noticed that Hayoung is asking if Mina is okay, causing you to get worried a bit.
Hayoung slowly rolled his eyes upward while bowing his head to sneakily observe Mina avoiding the gaze of him getting bloodied. As soon as he heard him elicit loud sniffs as she constantly rubs her nose, his eyes then squinted and straightened his lips.
“There it is.” Hayoung whispered fascinatingly he finally confirmed that Mina is something he curiously wonders about since few days ago when they met for the first time: a possible ghost from the past.
As he was about to touch the button underneath his desk, Mina’s bag fell from her shoulder, she picks it up and while curled into a ball, she said it quick to the phone.
“Get in here, please.”
You heard it and without any hesitation, you sprung out of the door at the same time when Hayoung pressed the button, unbeknownst that it just sent a signal for an impending danger about to strike.
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AN: Yes, the title is from Partition by Beyoncé. Starting off my GOT7 works with the bias wrecker lol. Also, me? Including word counts? Who is she.
Synopsis: Your husband is typically the image of self-control. However, when he sees how stunning you look tonight in particular, he can't help himself.
Heads up: Park Jinyoung x Fem! Reader, pwp, established, car sex, fingering (f. receiving), dirty talk, very mild degradation (f. receiving), slight praise kink, unprotected piv sex, unconsensual exhibitionism in a sense (? the chauffeur could potentially hear them, but it's not stated that he does) and creampie.
Word count: 1409
I will block you if you are minor and have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
"Hey, could you please put the divider up?" You hear your husband politely ask the chauffeur, taking you out of your daydreaming as you two make your way to the award show.
"No problem, sir," he responds, doing so immediately.
Before you have the opportunity to ask why he wanted the divider up, Jinyoung pounces on you. His hand cups your jaw as he presses a searing kiss to your lips. You're left completely stunned, your mouth moving against his out of habit. You pull back from his mouth to catch your breath, Jinyoung shifting to kiss your exposed neck in a frenzy.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what's gotten into you?" You ask, biting back whimpers from each brush of his lips on your sensitive skin.
"You look gorgeous tonight," Jinyoung breathes against your skin, his hand moving from your jaw to snake between your soft thighs. You can't control the gasp that manages to escape your lips when you feel his fingers brush against you over your panties.
"So fucking beautiful. I can't help myself. Want you," he groans, kissing his way back to your mouth and pulling you into another delirious kiss. His fingers drawing circles against your clit through your panties.
Fortunately Jinyoung is keeping your mouth occupied because you're not confident you could've silenced all of your moans and mewls. Not that he doesn't make you feel desired, but you've rarely seen your husband get this... desperate. It's an incredibly attractive sight nonetheless, your insides clenching around nothing and arousal dripping onto your panties.
You accidentally bite down on his bottom lip when his fingers push your panties to the side and, sink into your warm, wet pussy. You both moan into each other at the feeling, your walls clenching around the intrusion harshly and fresh wetness leaking onto Jinyoung's fingers.
"Fuck, you're already so wet. So tight," he groans, sealing your mouth with his once more as to not clue in the chauffeur as to what was occurring in his backseat as Jinyoung fucks you on his fingers mercilessly. Gleefully exploiting every weakness he's picked up over the years.
You try your best to bite back all your moans and keens, but it's becoming increasingly difficult with Jinyoung abusing the most sensitive parts of your walls over and over and over again, eventually introducing his thumb to draw quick circles on your clit directly this time around.
Apparently his mouth wasn't enough because he soon decides to cover your mouth with his unoccupied hand. Lidded eyes take in the sight of you losing all composure on his fingers, his bruised, pretty lips whispering filth to you all the while.
"You're so tight and warm and wet, baby," he half-whisperd half-moans, "Are you going to cum on my fingers in the back of car that isn't even ours?"
A smirk spreads across his flushed, handsome face at the high-pitched whine you let out in response to his words. Jinyoung leans in to whisper the remainder of his words against the sensitive shell of your ear, "That's so dirty. You're such a needy, desperate, little slut, y/n." He even has the nerve to lick at the skin beneath your ear and litter it with kisses, occasionally nipping at your earlobe as well.
You feel your eyes roll into the back of your head from all the sensations Jinyoung is making you take. Almost biting down on his hand when he quickens his thumb against your clit and fucks you harder on his fingers. The obscene sounds of your wetness filling the space between the two of you.
Jinyoung presses his hand harder against your mouth when you cum. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your insides spasm around his fingers, wetness dripping down his fingers onto his palm. Your nails claw at his blazer covered shoulders, trying to steady yourself as Jinyoung continues to finger you through it all.
"That's my good girl. Just like that, baby," he coos against your skin, panting as he presses messy kisses against your sensitive skin. His fingers eventually still inside of you, your whimpers quieter now, and he feels confident enough to remove his hand from your mouth.
His mouth shifts from your throat to your bruised lips, nipping and sucking at your bottom lip as he hurriedly unbuckles his belt and tugs his pants and boxers low enough for his flushed cock to spring free.
You let out a whimper when he pulls away from you and makes himself comfortable against the backseat. His hair a tousled mess, his pretty lips attractively plumped and his cock very appealingly resting against his shirt covered abdomen. Your walls clench hard, and your thighs rub together at the vision he makes.
"Well? What're you waiting for? Come sit on my dick, baby," he commands, his molten gaze fixed on you.
You scramble so fast to straddle him that you're half surprised you didn't hit your head on the roof of the car in your haste. Pointedly ignoring the smug smirk on his face. You hike up your dress as far as it can reasonably go, your unoccupied hand steadying yourself on the backseat. Once you're satisfied, your hand grasps his cock in his hand, excitement coursing through you at the quiet moan Jinyoung let's out from the contact.
His hands fly to your hips as you begin to sink down onto him, toes curling at the phenomenal stretch his cock provides with every centimetre of him you sheath inside of you. A violent shudder runs through your body when he's fully sheathed inside of you. Hot, long, impossibly thick and so familiar. Still, you find yourself crumpling into him and muffling your whimpers into his shoulder as you give yourself time to adjust. Jinyoung isn't fairing much better. His hold on your hips already becoming bruising as he bites back groans and veins petrude on his neck with how hard he's clenching his teeth.
"So wet. So tight," he groans lowly into your ear, his hands shifting to your ass. Grabbing a generous handful as you slowly rise up before sinking back down onto him. His hold guiding you all the while. "We have to hurry, baby. We don't have much time," he grits out, lightly biting your neck as your walls drag along his girthy cock.
"Okay," you respond with the little brain power you have remaining. Kissing him messily as you ride him faster, the sounds of skin slapping against skin quickly filling the space in the back of the car. His hold on your ass becoming harsh with each slam of your thighs against his, trying his best to thrust up into you all the while.
In the very back of your mind you sincerely hope the chauffeur can't hear you or is polite enough not to say anything.
"Baby, I'm gonna cum soon," he warns against your mouth between kisses, his hands on your ass helping you ride him faster. His tip touching the deepest parts of you in a way you're sure could make you cum again. That familiar tightening worsening in your very core. You unconsciously grip him tighter inside of you at the mention of his orgasm growing closer. The thought of being filled with his cum making you whine and nod hurriedly against his plump lips.
"Jinyoung, please. Want it. Want you. Want you to fill me up with your cum," you babble out, pulling him closer to you.
Your husband always manages to look otherworldly when he cums. A cute furrow in his brows and his plump lips parted in a ridiculously hot o, his hands always leaving bruises in their wake from how hard he holds onto you.
This time around, you have the foresight to kiss him. Trying your best to silence each others' desperate sounds while his cock floods your insides with his thick cum. Swallowing down his groans while he does the same with your whimpers. Clinging to each other like a lifeline.
Jinyoung eventually sags against the backseat. His head coming to rest against your shoulder as the two you catch your respective breaths. His hands soothingly ran along your hips and thighs as he presses kisses to whatever skin he is able to access.
"I think we should reconsider attending the award show," you muse, toying with the ends of his hair.
"I think you're right," he responds with a chuckle.
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ravenbloodshot · 8 months
B1a4 jinyoung personality reading
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He may run and go on jogs often (I saw a scene of him running in the cold, his breath fogging out, his heart racing rhythmically and a mountain watching from a distance)
That was kind of poetic. He may be a writer (ik he's a producer so he may write in his free time even with him being an actor, he probably still writes)
He loves the monsoon season, likes rain. Likely gets a lot of musical inspiration from watching rain pour
He has some familial trauma and doesn't have a good relationship with his parents (poor scorpios, this tends to be the case for them). He can fall into the wrong social circles or friend groups due to his wish to be accepted. He's like the kind of person that if he grew up in American hoods could have been led astray by gang activities due to lack of stability at home. He has identity issues
He definitely is loyal to the wrong ppl. Ppl that would betray him, no doubt. He finds it hard to separate himself from ppl that he considers to be like family to him even when they're toxic
He knows how to relinquish control of himself, which could help him destress. I don't know if he's religious or does yoga or something, but I feel as if he meditates or does something that helps in him in relinquishing control of his body.
I'm also getting a vibe that he can be too trusting in others. He puts his life in the hands of others
Okay, so. He's kind of a pervert(good and bad way). In love with the female body and the natural femininity of women. Like the type of guy to be like, "I can't stand guys. We're so dirty"....."But women, they're so soft, clean, and different from us." He really enjoys seeing nudity in others, and he could be someone who watches too much porn. But I feel like he's more so the type to like nude magazines (where women are posing in sensual positions with little to no clothes).
He has quite a high sex drive
He may be afraid of spiders
Also, he wants a big family (lots of kids). May have some type of pregnancy kink
He's obsessed with those who have a sexy image. (I'm telling you guys, the man is a plain lover of women. He's absolutely obsessed with them. It's kind of cute)
He's the male version of a pick me. But he's a good pick me (Is the male version just a simp????)
Sex Therapy by Robin Thicke is a song that fits this reading's energy
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lienwyn · 3 months
your photo realistic drawings? are so good? i remember skipping past the drawing of the who holds the devil forehead flick, thinking it was a screen grab from another one of jinyoung's dramas but you drew that? and the moon jo portrait? ur so insanely talented
Thank you so much! That honestly makes me so happy to hear 💜
The illustration from Who Holds the Devil was meant to look as much like a screenshot as possible to continue the whole "Who Holds the Devil is as close to a second season as we're gonna get" joke (which might be less of a joke now I guess?). Because if I'm writing it, why not supply people with the screenshots as well?
I even studied the specific lighting in Ga On's apartment to make sure it was the right hue and angle. And had to paste together three different screenshots of his apartment to get a reference for the background. And also had to pretend that I had any idea what I was doing when it came to the shadows and lighting — especially on Ga On's face because the reference had a completely different light source. That drawing was — and still is — the most complex piece I've made in terms of combining references and trying to make it look as unified and realistic as possible.
All of which backfired spectacularly since a lot of people now seem to scroll past it, thinking it's just a manipulated screenshot x'D
So mission accomplished? But, like, mission accomplished so successfully that it ends up being a failure since many don't seem to realise it's a drawing. One meant to imitate a screenshot from the non-existent season two, sure, but a drawing nonetheless.
I still have the WIP images from when I was drawing and here's a little gif I made out of them, in case anyone is curious:
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The drawing turned out so much better than I had ever dared to hope and I'm so, so proud of it. Especially since I learned a lot during it and it helped push my limits in a way I'm usually too cowardly to attempt.
And sure, it was terrifying — especially when it came time to post it — but I also had a lot of fun. And now know a lot more about what makes things look realistic!
Thank you again for the lovely compliments! 💜
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blackbat05 · 2 years
We’re a Duo
Jake Kim/Kim Gimyeong x Reader
Summary: The stubborn Number 1 of Big Deal has went AWOL again. Only this time, he wasn’t going to be alone.
Genre: PG-13
A/N: PTJ must have heard me and gave Jake crumbs!
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“What do you mean?” You almost dropped your phone. “Jason, what do you mean Jake left for the first affiliate?”
A long stretch of silence passes and you hear the third in command sigh.
“The first affiliate seems to be the final piece that Jake needs. If he finds Jinyoung…”
“He’s one step closer to finding out the real reason behind his father’s death.” You finished the sentence, a sinking feeling in your gut.
You were no stranger. You knew Jake openly despised his father for the womanizer he was. Yet, his death was so unjust. Even if Jake hated to admit it, he was too much like his father. He couldn’t tolerate injustice.
And then, there was Sinu. The sacrifices that the former leader of Big Deal made. The time that couldn’t be earned back. If Jake had it his way, he would have burned down Workers if he could. He would kill Charles Choi himself.
All he wanted was to find answers and to end it once and for all. But he couldn’t bring you into this. Not when he had burdened you with so much already.
“Damn it… I told him not to go alone…” Jason lets out a noise of frustration. “He’s going to get himself killed.”
An odd wave of calm washes over you. Walking to your room, you opened your cupboard, staring at the contents with resolve.
“No he’s not. I’m not letting him die on my watch.”
Jake adjusts his cap, before slipping into the back door. For a first affiliate, this was too easy. He couldn’t let his guard down yet.
The smell of disinfectant pervades his nose, tickling his throat. Jake moves down the hallway, attempting not to attract any attention to himself.
He can’t help but to let his mind linger, the image of today morning deeply etched in his mind. The image of your soft snores as he left. How you must hate him now.
As he reaches the end of the first corridor, a hand reaches out to grab him, pulling Jake into the spare room. Raising his fists, he prepares to go into defense, only to smell a familiar scent of hand lotion.
Jake manages to adjust his vision to the darkness and he finds himself inches away from your face that was a mixture of disapproval and worry.
“I know you’re the boss of Big Deal, but news flash - there’s only so much you can do on your own. You don’t even know what you were walking into!” You hissed.
“Babe, you can’t-”
You cut him off, “Did you not hear what I just said? If you’re going, I’m going. So what’s the plan?”
Despite the unfavorable location the two of you are in, he can’t help but to admire your spitfire personality.
“We need to get the doctor alone. But he’s always with his… bodyguard. I would like to take them on but…”
You nod. “Injury. I get it. You get the doctor, I’ll distract the guard.”
He blinks, trying to process what you just said. Maybe it’s because you didn’t see the guard, for he was three times the size of you. Not that Jake doubted your capabilities or anything but-
“You guys think it’s all about the fists,” you wagged your finger in the dark, as if you read his mind. “Just watch and learn.”
Before Jake could say anything, you slip out of the room quietly, putting your plan into action. With bated breath, Jake watches you through the tiny gap of the door.
You pretend to look lost, walking in the direction of the hulking figure. Bumping into him, you see what Jake had meant. The guard had almost gave you a concussion.
“Oops! Sorry about that. I was trying to find the reception. Do you know where it might be?”
You had to hand it to the guard as he didn’t flinch at your sweet attempts or batting of eyelashes. However, he did raise his eyebrow and the edge of his mouth formed a thick straight line.
Yeah, maybe you should have came up with a better excuse seeing that this was a restricted area.
Whipping out the bottle, you didn’t give him a chance to react as you sprayed the liquid on his face.
“What the-” He tries to clean the green substance off his face without much success. You catch Jake’s vision and signaled that the coast was clear. Despite his cap, you could see that he was fighting to keep his rage in.
Towering over the man that has now slumped onto the floor, Jake grabs his collar.
“I’m only going to ask this once. Baek Hangyeoul. Where is he?”
Even in his dazed state, realization flashes across the man’s face. “You must be Jake, Joongoo told me all about you… you stand no chance… when they know I’m gone… they’ll find you and kill you.”
You couldn’t stand the greasy look that he was giving you and the attitude that he was showing to Jake. You sprayed more of the substance before kicking the daylights of him.
“I doubt they will even know you’re gone you worthless piece of trash.” You stand to full height to see Jake looking at you with amazement.
“You never told me you were this badass.”
You snorted at his choice of words. “You never asked. I spent my time perfecting the chemicals while you were looking for Sinu.” You referred to the bottle of liquid in your hand.
Jake knew you didn’t mean it but a pant of guilt hit him once more.
You turned, finger gently caressing his scared nose. “You did what you had to do. But now, you don’t have to do it alone alright?”
He holds your hand in his, enjoying the intimate moment. A flurry of movement could be heard further down, breaking the moment. You pry yourself away reluctantly from Jake, preparing for combat.
“Now, let’s go get that son of a bitch.”
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w3bgrl · 10 months
universal deviation
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synopsis: changbin and juyeon officially deny their dating rumors; now it’s time to talk about it privately.
date: april 5th 2019
era: miroh
word count: 2.3k
featuring: kang juyeon, seo changbin, jyp, bang chan
warnings: n/a, just angst! maybe hinted misogyny at the end?
a/n: lied in that ask lol merry binchumas to those who celebrate! ps this occurs after their music bank performance! also ummm calling jyp ‘jinyoung’ is so weirddd (°_°)
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“so…i’m sure you both know why i called you in today,”
changbin and juyeon sat anxiously before their boss in the jyp entertainment conference room with sweaty palms, tongues nearly bitten in half as he spoke.
“but, i wanted to get on top of this issue before it could get too out of hand. especially since you’re in the same group. firstly, however,”
they swore they could guess what was coming next.
“congratulations on your first win yesterday!”
juyeon and changbin let out a breath they had been holding since the moment they entered the room and smiled with the relief of some weight being lifted from their chests, thanking him humbly in unison.
“i have high hopes for the future of stray kids.” jinyoung eye-smiled in the same kindred way he always did to make others feel more comfortable in his authoritative presence. “i believe your time to really shine will come sooner than later, and i look forward to watching you all grow as artists.”
his smile fell now, replaced with that stone cold expression they had become quite familiar with during their trainee days. “but, all of that starts with maintaining your images for the fans. so, i’d like to get a direct quote that explains the situation and clarifies the status of your relationship with one another.”
“before we begin,” jinyoung slid the notepad beside him closer to where he could write “i’ll remind you that the company dating policy states that romantic relationships are strictly prohibited for the first 3 years after debut. in your case, this will be in 2021. i think as idols, the first three to five years after debut should be focused purely on promoting. so, with that said, is there anything in particular you would like to be cited?”
for the first time since sitting down the accused pair now looked at one another with knowing eyes. it was a good thing they read each other better than jyp because obviously they saw right through the others feigned innocence. juyeon was the first to turn back to their boss, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before she spoke.
“um…i know to be more subtle showing affection to my members for the public eye, so i apologize for acting without thinking. i will be more careful with my actions moving forward.”
the older man nodded approvingly and began to transcribe her account on his notepad. at this same time, changbin nudged her foot with his own under the table, eyes meeting from the corners of their vision. his eyebrows just barely knitted together like he disapproved of what she said, and as jyp looked back up, juyeon shifted to cross her legs.
“so,” he sighed and clicked his pen a few times “i’m just gonna go right ahead and ask; are you two in a relationship?”
changbin was the one to speak this time. “no.” he said stolidly, his tone flat and almost disinterested. “we’re just friends.”
“close friends.” she added
there was a moment of scrutiny from the man across the table who stared at them with narrowed, unmoving eyes. to be completely fair, both of their answers did sound a little uncertain, like they weren’t on the same page about where they stood. yet, jinyoung simply nodded and jotted down their words.
“that is good to hear, teamwork is an important piece of the puzzle. i hope this incident won’t impact your friendship.”
it was a blessing their boss wasn’t paying them any mind when he said this. even the most oblivious person in the world could have noticed the thunderstorm that brewed between them, growling and snarling as lightning struck with his words. they shared another knowing glance.
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the trip home was quiet.
changbin and juyeon walked side by side with an unfamiliar distance between them, sullen eyes wandering from the cold tile flooring every few seconds to get a glimpse of the other. neither dared to mention the dark clouds that hung over their heads and instead fell head first into the busy swirl of anxieties, only starting to get dizzy once they arrived at their front door. changbin prayed that someone - anyone - would be home to ease the aching tension between them but all hope was lost when he wiggled the handle to find it locked.
the younger boy sighed heavily as he fished in his pocket for the key and hurriedly unlocked the door, obviously frustrated and yet he still held it open for her.
once in the entryway they both turned away from one another to take their shoes off and throw their stuff down haphazardly by the door. from his spot on the ground to unlace his boots changbin could see juyeon face him for only a moment before she left to disappear around the corner of the living room, a heavy thud followed by a grumble echoing off the wooden floors. he finally worked the shoe off his heel and meekly followed after to find her slumped into the couch.
juyeon looked up at him through her dark lashes and, though her features were tainted with woe, she offered him a weak smile. changbin felt a kick to the chest and left a noticeable gap as he sat down beside her, his mannerisms and movements now much softer than just a few moments ago.
there was a good long pause where both of them searched for something to say. anything would have sufficed, honestly, because this melancholic silence was really starting to eat away at their shared sanity. or what little was left of it at this point.
“please say something.”
she’d never heard his voice so frail, so weak. like a child asking for reassurance that things were okay. and unfortunately, the older girl didn’t have anything reassuring to say. she opted for another approach instead.
“sorry for getting you caught up in all this.”
changbin habitually reached out to tuck the stray hairs behind her ear so he could see her face but decided against it halfway. he sat back. “it’s a two-way street, joong. you can’t take all the blame.”
“but i am to blame.” she hummed, her gaze everywhere but him “we wouldn’t be here if i just…didn’t do…what i did...”
finally she looked back over at the delicate flower beside her who blinked away tears as he shifted in his seat. “i’m glad you did. if not i would’ve spent the rest of my life wondering what it would be like. whatever it—”
he stopped himself. he knew what it was. they both did. and it was a part of the past now, there was no point in weaseling around anymore. still, he couldn’t put the word to it.
“—it was nice. and for what it’s worth, i wouldn’t change anything. if given another chance i’d do it all again. i’d rather die at your hands than never have felt them at all.”
she couldn’t help but smile at his words. he was always so poetic.
“you’re really special, you know that? i don’t know if anyone’s ever told you. i don’t know if i ever told you. but i hope you know. there is no one else in the world that even comes close.”
while the older girl rarely allowed her painful emotions to be shown in front of anyone else, changbin was someone who wore his heart on his sleeve - feelings displayed before him for anyone to bear witness. so when he finally gave up on fighting the tears and let them fall in thick streams down his cheeks that met at the scar on his chin, juyeon had to look away.
“don’t do that.” her voice was shaky as she nudged him with her foot “i’m not going anywhere — neither are you. i’ll be right here for a long time.”
he finally broke his gaze from her figure to wipe his wet face. “i know - i just…i just wish things were different. i don’t want this chapter to be over yet.”
there was a beat before her response.
“i’ll keep the corner folded on your page.”
her words resonated a bittersweet song that played on his heartstrings and when he was finally able to convince himself to look back over at the close friend beside him, there was already that familiar doting smile on her lips. he could feel his eyes getting wet again as she reached out to wipe the overlooked tear on his cheek and, for the first time, her touch left a sting.
“i know your feelings are locked up tight and all but…” he winced “how are you so okay?”
juyeon took a deep breath, subconsciously self-soothing. “i have to be. at least on the outside.”
“you can’t keep that up forever”
“it won’t be forever. just for…” her comforting smile became muddled as the timeline began to unfold before her “…for a while.” she said. her mouth tasted bitter.
he wanted to refute her claims - to tell her that it was okay to show them (him) how she really felt, especially in the privacy of their own dorm. but as he took just a second longer to think about it, he realized she was right. they weren’t just automatically in the clear once the statement came out, and though he’d certainly have to make some adjustments, juyeon especially would be scrutinized far worse than he ever would. or any other member for that matter. it happened before for less. he just couldn’t stop wishing that things were different; the people and the standards and their boss and —
her soft hum pulled him from the spiral.
“one day we’ll look back and laugh about this. and things will be different, but it’ll be okay. it is okay.”
changbin caught her fingers to pull her hand away from his cheek, deciding instead to cherish how perfectly the puzzle pieces of their palms fit together just one more time. he watched his thumb trace over the tattoo on the back of her hand and spoke so softly it was almost like he didn’t want her to hear him.
“i’ll ache over you until then.”
juyeon gave his hand a squeeze, and in that soft voice he used to adore, she put the final nail in the coffin that sealed their fate. maybe it was cruel of her; finally putting a word to it now of all times. but to her it was more like a secret message to the universe. like folding the corner of a page to revisit it later.
“the love isn’t going anywhere, bin. it’ll always be here.”
without the context she kept hidden inside, her original theory was correct; it was cruel. and her choice of words hit him like a truck. though he’d never been stabbed before, changbin could imagine that it felt pretty similar to this. and just as the tears began to fall again, there was a commotion on the other side of the room.
the pained pair whipped their heads in horror to see what it was - who had just stumbled upon something they definitely shouldn’t have - only to find chan waddling out of his room, eyes bleary with sleep. his hair stuck up in all places and as his focus zeroed-in on the recently accused chan was quickly brought back to reality.
“hey — are you okay? the meeting?”
changbin still hadn’t gotten past that word yet; love. it rang in his ears like his morning alarms, jarring and above all else, frustrating. that just left juyeon to handle the damage control and thankfully she was quick to jump into action.
“meeting went fine, binnie just felt bad i got in trouble.” she feigned nonchalance and fluffed his hair while he wiped his tears “but it’s okay, nothing’s changing and there should be a statement soon.”
changbin sniffled and plastered on a weak smile with a thumbs up to help the cause. it seemed to work as chan nodded with a yawn.
“well, i’m glad it went well. sorry you got in trouble, biya.”
she stood with a shrug, finally leaving the younger boys’ side to lighten the tension she felt with a joke as she grabbed a drink from the fridge. “it’s fine. just can’t be friends with my friends on camera, that’s all.”
chan chuckled dryly, “you’re funny, but that actually makes me very sad.”
“want a hug?” she offered over her shoulder as she unscrewed the lid.
“of course!”
the leader (who seemed like both the oldest and the maknae at times) giggled and happily bounced over to her, arms wrapping around her waist to lift her off her feet in a tight bear hug. he made incomprehensible squeaky noises as she wheezed and set her back down with a pat on the head.
juyeon laughed breathlessly as a result of having all the oxygen squeezed from her lungs. “better?”
“for now.” chan beamed. the chirp! of a twitter notification made his phone vibrate in his pocket and upon checking it he looked back to changbin, tears gone but the emotion still prevalent. “the rest of the boys should be bringing food home soon and then we’re going to the studio. you guys coming?”
both parties hummed in response.
he nodded and began to backpedal toward the bathroom. “kay, then i’m gonna go take a quick shower before i have to fight for it.”
“don’t slip!” juyeon called after him
“we’ll see!”
chan entered the bathroom and made sure to lock it behind him before looking in the mirror to find the natural perplexed expression he had been biting back. did they think they were slick? juyeon and changbin may have been able to fly under the radar to their boss, but really, how could they ever deceive someone who knew them as well as chan did?
23 notes · View notes
Spoilers 473-474
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I knew I recognized him somewhere
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The fact these models don't look as unrealistic at the other female characters in this webtoon even though they've gotten surgery. Before yall come at me, women can look like this, it's just not as common and purely genetics with a good amount of exercise. Although they look a lot more realistic in the first image. I think it's the boobs.
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This piece of cunt doesn't deserve his sweetheart of a brother.
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So true trash should stick together besti. Garbage and toxic waste ❤️
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Bruh, like you would know what a healthy relationship is like.
Eugene 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 Baekgyeol
Using your brother (who doesn't know any better but would still do anything for you) to fight your battles (literally)
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Facts, glad someone pointed it out. But also, goo knew what they were doing at all the workers' affiliates. Trash😒
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I want to see them fight. What if Jinyoung comes again and takes Allied's sides? Would Tom switch sides?
40 notes · View notes
mykoreanlove · 1 year
I wanna know everything, all about you
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Today was officially one of those days that made you wonder if you somehow turned into the universe’s public enemy. After dodging one catastrophe after the other you plummeted into your office chair, folded your hands above your head and let out a long, deep sigh.
Thoughts of quitting your job and pitying yourself were interrupted by the noise coming from your leather bag. You grabbed your phone and smiled wholeheartedly as you read the name on the screen: Jinyoung.
You wanted nothing more than to leave this shithole behind and jump into his muscular arms venting about the horrible day you had but you were very reluctant to do so. You haven’t been dating for that long and you were still insecure at times, wanting to keep your strong and non-vulnerable image alive. You rarely opened up about heavier topics, let alone cried in front of him. The fear of him leaving you once he figured out that you were no way near perfect was lingering in the back of your mind too often. You shook your body interrupting that train of thought, took a deep breath and answered the call.
Hello?, you said nervously. Jagiya! You felt his smile through the phone which melted your heart instantly. Jinyoung’s smile was the first thing you noticed about him when you two first met that day at the river. It was beyond easy to fall for that smile that turned his deep brown eyes into the shape of crescents, exposing his whiskers and turning him into the most adorable human to ever exist. I miss you. How is your day going?
You gulped. You hated lying, especially to him but you couldn’t bring yourself to admit what was going on. You tried your best to adapt to his chirpy energy and told him that your day was amazing, but full of work. Oh, really? Long night in the office then?
You felt your stomach churn but tried to remain calm. Yeah, there’s still a lot to do. In fact, I think I need to go now. You said your goodbyes and ended the call hastily, feeling worse than before. Since you couldn’t concentrate on work anyways you grabbed your bag and fled out of the office.
You hated lying and you hated your reasons for doing so even more. What kind of girlfriend were you? The kind to always assume the worst, the critical voice in the back of your mind reminded you. A deep sigh left your lips as you made your way home.
Living in Seoul was terrifying yet wonderful at the same time. You loved the architecture – walking through the streets at night was one of your favorite things to do. The city felt vibrant at night, full of lights, full of people. You loved the feeling of getting lost in the masses, of always discovering something new. The thought alone brightened your mood and you automatically found yourself going out the door again, not even bothering to bring your phone with you.
You wandered around aimlessly as you absorbed the lights, sounds and energies of the people around you. For a moment you forgot about the shitty day at work, the way you felt about lying to your boyfriend and all the other troubles occupying your mind. Not long after you came to a stop at your favorite place of the whole city: Han river.
You watched the light’s reflection on the water and relaxed – for the first time today you felt at ease. You sat down on a wooden bench and took it all in when someone sat down next to you.
Y/N.., you turned to your side facing the person next to you. Your eyes widened in shock as you realized who was calling out your name. Jinyoung, you whispered. Wanna explain what you’re doing here? Concerned eyes were looking at you, searching for the truth in your eyes, as well. You looked down at your hands which were folded on your lap, too ashamed to face him. Breathing deeply used to help with holding back tears but this time it failed you. Hey, Jinyoung’s voice softened as he put you into a strong embrace.
You managed to stabilize your breathing which luckily also stopped the crying. Jinyoung took your face into his hands while looking at you with the most loving gaze asking if you were okay. As you nodded your head, he wiped away the last tears and smiled at you. Let’s go, he took your hand in his, helping you to your feet while smiling his most radiant smile. Wha..? Your questioning look got interrupted by his playfulness. You’ll see, and with that he kissed you and dragged you along to his car.
Jinyoung tried to cheer you up on the ride home by telling you lame jokes and quizzing you on the most random stuff. He figured the more absurd, the better – anything really to put a smile on your face. As you both entered his flat you were greeted with the coziest pillow tent you have ever seen. Your eyes widened as you took it all in – several colored pillows, blankets and even fairy lights transformed his living room into a playground for lovers. You felt his breath on your neck as he whispered into your ear, Do you like it?
You turned around and swung your arms around his neck pulling him into a close kiss. I love this, you whispered softly. But why? Jinyoung frowned his forehead and looked at you seriously. He took your hand in his and guided you to the fort taking a seat on the plushy pillows. Y/N, you lied to me earlier, didn’t you? You felt the heat in your cheeks, hating to be confronted like that. You see, when I called you earlier, I could tell that something was wrong. You didn’t sound like yourself, and I sensed that something was troubling you. But you said you were fine. I figured you did not want to talk about it, he faltered, at least not with me. You saw the sadness in his eyes driving you crazy as upsetting him was the last thing you wanted to do. I figured that you needed something to cheer you up, so I built this. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk to me about it but I still want you to know that I am here for you.
His words touched you in a way you haven’t been touched before which resulted in you crying again. Before he could hug you again you spoke up and explained yourself. When you called earlier,  I wanted nothing more than coming home to you and vent about my stupid day and have you hold me in your strong arms and tell me that everything is going to be okay, you sniffled while looking down at your hands. But I couldn’t. You felt his hand grabbing your chin upwards and now facing him directly. Why not?
You took a deep breath and smiled shyly, because I don’t want you to think less of me. Jinyoung took your hands into his, looking at you dumbfoundedly. Why would I think less of you? 
Because I’m not perfect. I’m flawed. I have shitty days. I get mad. I cry. I feel like a victim and like nothing is going my way and I don’t want you to see me as a failure. I need to be perfect for you. Your eyes widened in shock as you realized what you just had said. Your boyfriend, if you could still call him that, still held your hands lovingly in his. You felt relieved yet at the same time on edge. What if this confession ruined it all? What if this was the end?
Y/N, baby, his eyes almost piercing through you. Are you afraid that I’m gonna leave you because you’re not perfect? Because listen, a broad smile formed on his lips, I’m not perfect, either. I have flaws, too. I have shitty days, too. I get mad, too. And I also feel like a failure at times, but I would never leave you because of that. I don’t need you to be perfect, I need you to be real.
You looked at him with wide eyes, clearly not anticipating this kind of answer. Jinyoung moved closer to you, now whispering almost inaudible, I like you exactly the way you are. In fact, I wanna know everything, all about you. The good, the bad, the ugly – all those things make you you and well, he chuckled, I am hella crazy about you. He leaned in for a kiss, just a pec to see if you were down for it.
When you felt him moving away from you, you grabbed his neck swiftly and pulled him on top of you while simultaneously laying down on the ocean of pillows. The kisses you shared were colored by longing, desperation even. It still frightened you to open up completely, but you were curious about it, too. Something about Jinyoung, the way he cared for you gave you safety. It felt like it was okay to jump because he was there to catch you. You broke the kiss and pushed him away from you. His dark eyes, now even darker filled with lust, looked at you questioningly. How did you find me?
He was now hovering over you leaning on his elbows giving you pecks on your nose. You really have no idea? As he was leaning in for another peck you placed your index finger on his lips. Tell me, loverboy, grinning widely, or no more kisses for you. His eyes widened in shock, Okay, okay, okay. Don’t do this to a man. You both laughed at his overly dramatic expression and then continued to stare into each other’s eyes. I drove over to your apartment because I wanted to kidnap you into my fort, you see. But you didn’t open up. You also didn’t answer your phone which made me think. You looked at him expectedly, surprised by his many efforts. Where would my beautiful girlfriend go when she’s clearly stressed out? He kissed your nose. Where would she go if she needed a place to relax and collect herself? Another peck on your left eye. Where would she hide? Followed by a kiss on your right eye. Since it wasn’t me, I figured that it must be another place that gives you comfort and security. And if I were in your shoes, I would have gone to Han river because to me that’s what that place represents.
You looked at him doubtingly. It does? Jinyoung smiled again, Yes, at Han river I found the thing that gives me the most comfort and security. That’s where I found, you interrupted him by blurting out ME!
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I am NOT Thank You Notes
Some disclaimers/notes!
These are the thank you notes from the photo book/liner notes of Stray Kids' I am NOT album, as best as I can translate them.
I do not speak much Korean, but I can read the alphabet and know some basic words. I took a picture of each page, scanned it via Google lens, and ran it through Google translate (and other sites as needed). After that, I cleaned up grammar and weird phrasing and sometimes had to go back and manually correct omissions or figure out where typos got mistranslated. It was kinda grueling at times ngl.
I omitted Woojin's notes, as most current Stays would probably rather it be that way, but I chose not to omit mentions of him in the others' notes. What they wrote is what they wrote.
Hyunjin's handwriting was horrific, so sometimes I truly just had to make my best guess at what he even attempted to write. If I got stuff wrong, blame him, not me.
I'm not gonna correct Felix's own English punctuation and grammar, but again, I'm leaving in his mistakes, and they are not my own 😭
Italics indicate parts that were already in English or the Roman alphabet and [brackets] indicate my own notes.
I left in most honorifics they used, including a common shortening of *seonsaengnim, ie teacher, but putting in addendums like "composer" after every composer listed got a bit tedious, so I left those out. Just assume they're being very respectful of everyone unless they're equal or younger in age lol.
You will quickly figure out that they're thanking a lot of the same people, but you get some quirks too, including some familiar names of other JYPE artists!
Without further ado, enjoy!
Bang Chan
Hello! I have finally made my official debut! There are so many people who helped Chan come this far, and I am truly, truly grateful! First of all, my family in Australia, my dad, mom, Haena, and Wonie! Thank you so much for believing in me until the end and always supporting me... It must have been really frustrating, difficult, and painful to wait, but I'm so, so thankful for sticking with it until the end... I'll be successful and become a great son, oppa, and hyung for waiting so long! Love you always! I am also very grateful to my relatives in Korea. Of course, I don't see you often, but thank you so much for being a great help to me anytime and anywhere!
Another precious family in Korea... JYP FAMILY! Thank you so so so much! First of all, our PD Park Jinyoung, President Jung Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byun Sangbong, and Vice President Pyo Jongrok, please always understand that I still have many shortcomings. Thank you so much for watching me get this far! A cool person who can show correct behavior and a good image in the future, I will be Chan! It's a promise!
Now, the Training Team that has been with me for 7 years! I can never forget it. Jiyoung noona, Yuri noona, Youngkyoon hyung, Anjin noona, Yeonsik hyung, Allen hyung, Seongha hyung! There are people who have seen me for a long time and there are people who have seen me recently, but time is not important. I'm just so grateful and I love you.. To those who helped me get here, thank you so much for helping me! I am so grateful to the Training Team and the countless teachers who taught me! First of all, Sujeong-ssaem* and Yumi-ssaem are like mothers... thank you very much for always being with me! Ali-ssaem! NO.. God Ali-ssaem! Thank you for teaching me so many things! Shin Yumi-ssaem, Hyungjoo-ssaem, Seongeun-ssaem, Youngsam-ssaem, Jisoo-ssaem, Jaesung-ssaem, Semi-ssaem, Doobu-ssaem, Jinhwan-ssaem, Jaeyeop-ssaem, Jinok-ssaem, Jjitong-ssaem, and Youngwo-ssaem! Thank you so much for teaching me so much! Another family-like Casting Team! Hyunkyung noona, Si-eun noona, Blake hyung, Donghwan hyung, Jin noona, Jiyoon noona (now not in the casting team)! Thank you for always watching over me! KJ[?] hyung, KJ from Thailand! I can't forget it~ Also, my Narae noona! I love you! Jeongeun noona, Heoni noona! I still remember! Ah, Hyang-ssaem, Gyurim-ssaem, Tatsuya-ssaem, and Hasegawa-ssaem, who taught me the language! Thank you for always teaching me well!
During my trainee period, I learned a lot from my trainee hyungs, noonas, friends, and dongsaengs! Thank you so much to everyone who stayed with me so far! It's great to see the current trainees always working hard, and they should continue to work hard in the future!
Yaochen, my favorite and hard-working dongsaeng, are you doing well? I will always be cheering you on! I graduated from the training center and was nervous about the new environment, but when I arrived there were so many familiar faces that I felt really at ease! First of all, I love our Stray Kids Team!
Song Ji-eun, CEO of Division 1, thank you so much for trusting me and my team and letting us go together in the future! Jeonghan hyung, whom I will continue to see in the future, Eunyoung noona, Jiyeon noona! Please take good care of us and we will always keep up with you! Also, Soojeon noona, Yoonjeong noona, Sunmi noona who are watching over us, and the unforgettable A&R Team! Yeji noona and Jiho hyung! Thank you so much for trusting us and being with us! I will do my best! Hana noona, Jihyung noona, Jane noona, Jeongmin noona, Bohyun noona, Ara noona, Jena noona, Dayoon noona, Taewon noona, Jeongeun noona, and Sinae noona! Really, thank you so much and see you often~ Soonhyung hyung? Hahaha, you know that I love you, who is really like a big brother to me, right? Also, thank you to our wonderful engineer hyung/noonas! Team leader Taeseop, Hyejin noona, Sehwe noona, Minji noona, Hansoo hyung, Hongjin hyung, and Sangyeop hyung, thank you always and see you often! Thank you to our Division 1 2PM Team hyung/noonas! Team leader Chaeyoon, Sooyeon noona, Mihee noona... I know the names are difficult, but I will try my best to memorize them all! I will work hard and show only my best side! Performance Team! Namyong-ssaem, Hyungwoong-ssaem, Taeul-ssaem, Gwangyeol-ssaem, Choi So-ssaem, Dasol (ssaem)? Haha. Thank you so much for helping me and my team so well! I hope to see you more often in the future~
Director Kim Heewon, Director Moon Hoyoon, Jaeho hyung, Team Leader Eunmok, Team Leader Park Chan, Team Leader Park Jongsook, Jihye noona, and Yejin noona! Thank you so much for just knowing me! We will only show you our good side! Ah~ Our Publishing Team’s CEO Lee Jeongyoon, Minji noona, Daye noona and Hyunwoo hyung! Thank you so much for helping me so well! Oh, and Kang Soonhyun! I love you haha. Thank you so much to the sunbaenims I know and appreciate! If you see it sometimes, you wrote it for me too, but now it's my turn!
To the 2PM sunbaenims we really respect, thank you for always taking good care of us wherever you are! We will become cool artists like our hyungs! Also, sunbaenim Yubin, who takes good care of me! And thank you to Hyelim sunbaenim! Thank you to Fei noona and Suzy noona for teaching me many things when I was young! We will work harder in the future! Also, A Yeon noona, Yerin, Jimin, Bernard hyung and Somi! Thank you so much! Thank you so much to GOT7, Day6, and Twice sunbaenims who made many memories together! Jaebeom hyung, Jinyoung hyung, Mark hyung, Jackson hyung, Youngjae hyung, Yugyeom, BamBam, Sungjin hyung, Jehyung hyung, Young K, Brian, Younghyun hyung, Wonpil hyung, Dowoon hyung, Nayeon noona, Jeongyeon noona, Jihyo noona, Momo noona, Sana noona, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu! I'm so grateful to everyone and it's so nice to feel like we're together again as family~ I love you! Ah, I love our Boy Story sunbaenims/cute dongsaengs too!
Thank you so much to the composers who worked with me on the songs for the last Mixtape album and this I am NOT album! Armadillo, Earattack, Trippy, Won Taek, Garden, Real Men, "School Life" composers, Hong Jisang, Lee Woomin, Kim Park Chella, Faces of Glory, and This N That! Thank you for working with us and teaching us so much! Also, thank you so much to Director High Quality Fish for making our Music Videos and Performance Videos beautiful! And 8oobagraphy took great pictures of us! Thank you so much! Thank you so much to the PD hyungs, writer noonas, and camera hyung/noonas who took good care of us while broadcasting Stray Kids! I miss you all! Thank you so much to the hair and makeup noonas who traveled with us and always took care of us! Thank you for always! And thank you so much to the stylist hyung/noonas who dress me up in cool outfits! Thanks to you, I always have strength!
I am so grateful to my friends in Australia who always believe in me and make me laugh, and I am also very grateful to my school friends in Korea! I miss you all for the first time in a while~ Love ya all! And our Stray Kids members! Woojin, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin! I really wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys... I'm always grateful and will always continue to be~! Haha
And last but not least, our fans! Thank you so so so much! We get a lot of strength thanks to our fans! We will run harder for our fans! Even though we are still lacking a lot and don't have much experience, when people support us from the side, we have a lot of strength! We still have a long way to go, but I believe we will go on a fun adventure together! Come run with us! Turn everything upside down~! I love you all and thank you with all my heart!
Lee Know
Hello! This is Stray Kids Lee Minho. This is our first album, and PD Park Jinyoung, CEO Jung Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byun Sangbong, and Vice President Pyo Jongrok all helped us release such a great album. Thank you for creating this great opportunity! And Jiyoung noona, CEO Song Ji-eun, thank you so much, Si-eun noona who cast me, the casting team hyungs and noonas, and the training team hyungs and noonas. Sujeong-ssaem, Yumi-ssaem, Seongeun-ssaem, Sool Jei-ssaem, Taehoon-ssaem, Namyong-ssaem, Hyungwoong-ssaem, Gwangryeol-ssaem, Ali-ssaem, and Jae-im-ssaem who helped me grow like this. Thank you so much! Also, our team Jeonghan hyung, Soojin noona, Jiyeon noona, Eunyoung noona, Yoonjeong noona, Sunmi noona, Yeji noona, Jiho hyung, 2PM team leader Chaeyoon, and Sooyeon noona. And thank you to Soonhyung hyung, Bohyun noona, and Ara noona. And thank you to the PD hyungs and writer noonas who filmed Stray Kids broadcast and made it great. Also, the composers who created wonderful songs. Director Mackerel, who made a great trailer and music video, and Booba hyung, who took pretty pictures. Thank you for always. Also, I would like to thank my hair and makeup noonas and stylist hyungs for always creating great hair and faces. Thank you for your continued support.
And to my family, mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, Soonie, Doongie, and other relatives, I am truly very grateful.
Thank you to my dancer friends, hyungs, noonas, dongsaengs, and my friends who danced with me.
And thank you so so much to our fans. I want to continue to be together in the future, and I will always show you my best side, please be my strength!! ♡
Also, thank you to our Stray Kids brothers; you must continue to take good care of me. Let's do our best.
Stray Kids has finally released their debut album!! First of all, my family, my most beloved supporters in the world, have been through a lot of crying and laughing together to get to this place, and I am so grateful to you for always believing in me and supporting me. We would like to thank PD Park Jinyoung, President Jeong Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byun Sangbong, and Vice President Pyo Jongrok for allowing the nine of us to pursue our dreams together and always giving kind words and support. And I am very grateful to Stray Kids' mom Jiyoung noona and training team hyung/noonas who made our Stray Kids exist. My Jayoon noona, who had a keen eye for casting me ^^ Even if you go to other teams, always hwaitinggg!!
We are always grateful to the Stray Kids team CEO Song Ji-eun, Soojin noona, Junghwan hyung, Sunmi noona, Yoonjeong noona, Yeji noona, Eunyoung noona, and Jiyeon noona, who lead us on a good path, support us, and take care of us ㅜㅜ You must have gone through a lot of hardships because of us. Thank you so much for trusting and leading me until the end. Well, please take care of me in the future! Jihyung noona, Bohyun noona, Ara noona, Dawoon noona, Jena noona, Hana noona, Sunhyung hyung, Jeongmin noona, and Jane noona, who worked hard and worked together all night long for our great appearance and good songs both in the pre-debut album and this debut album, I am always so grateful to all of you! And thank you to team leader Chaeyoon and Sooyeon noona who helped us during our MD filming. Thank you so much to Booba hyung who took a lot of great photos this time, and to Director Mackerel who stayed up all night filming and making the appetizing music video! Thank you to Trippy hyung, Kim Park Chella, Jisang hyung, Jeongseok-ssaem, Lee Woomin, and Faces of Glory who worked with me on the great songs I would like to share on this debut album.
I am so grateful to my friends who give me strength and support from afar ^^ I miss you! Thank you to all of our Stray Kids hair and makeup stylist hyung/noonas who always make it appealing.
Lastly, I am so grateful to the fans who are the driving force behind Stray Kids' ability to run. Even though it's hard and tiring from practicing, I get strength when I think of you all and see your faces ㅜㅜ So, I hope we can be a source of strength to our fans too! Stray Kids will work even harder to achieve that, so please watch closely!! Stray Kids members Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix, Jisung, Hyunjin, Minho hyung, Woojin hyung, Chan hyung! I’m so thankful and happy because we’re a team together, Stray Kids ^^ Let’s go to the end!!
Hello, this is Stray Kids Hyunjin. I am so excited to debut with our Stray Kids members. I'm so happy to be on such a good team with Chan hyung, Woojin hyung, Minho hyung, Changbin hyung, Jisung, Yongbok, Seungmin, and Jeongin. I love you—let's do well in the future. I think it's my greatest joy to have you as brothers. And the people I am most thankful for in my life are my mom and dad. Thank you for believing in me, helping me go down this path, giving me the most support, and loving me. I love you.
PD Park Jin-young, CEO Jeong Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byun Sangbong, and Pyo Jong-rok, who created the family called Stray Kids. Vice President, CEO Song Ji-eun, thank you very much. Please take care of our Stray Kids in the future. Please enjoy it! We are all in the same boat as our team: Soojin noona, Jeonghan hyung, Yoonjeong noona, Neungmi[?] noona, Eunyoung noona, Jiyeon noona, Jiho hyung, and Yeji noona, so please take care of them like your own family! I will work hard, I love you! And Jiyoung noona, Yuri noona, Youngkyoon hyung, Anjin noona, Yeonsik hyung, Allen hyung, and Seongha hyung, who treated me well when I was at the training center, and Hyunkyung noona, Si-eun noona, Joonwoo[??] hyung, Donghwan hyung, and Jin noona, who were casting members, thank you for making and guiding me to grow like this.
I love you, A&R who took care of us for our album, Hana noona, Jane noona, Soonhyung hyung, Jeongmin noona, Jihyung noona, Bohyun noona, Jiyoon noona, Ara noona, Jena noona, and Dayoon noona, for making the quality so good and for being ours. And thank you to team leader Chaeyoon and Sooyeon noona for encouraging us to come out and see our MD photos. Please take care of me in the future. Yumi-ssaem, Ali-ssaem, Jaeyeop-ssaem, Sool Jei-ssaem, Soojeong-ssaem, Hyunjoo-ssaem, Jisoo-ssaem, and Seongeun-ssaem, whom I respect, thank you for helping me grow and raising me with kind and sometimes bitter words. I love you. I would like to thank my performance hyungs, Namyong-ssaem, Hyungwoong-ssaem, Gwangryeol-ssaem, and Taehoon-ssaem for coordinating all my choreography and formations. Thank you for your continued support.
Many thanks to my cherished hyungs, friends, and dongsaengs who were like treasures to me and spent every day with me when I was a trainee. I'll never forget you, and I heard that you guys are cheering me on even when I can't see my old neighborhood friends who support and care for me from far away. Maybe that's why I really miss you. I hope you do well in everything you are trying to do now. I love you. And to the dancers who are dancing hard with me in my class now, I want to make sure we all succeed and dance together in the future. Thank you for supporting me so much and good luck to the 8th class of calligraphy! To my middle and high school teachers, thank you for caring for me and giving me many kind words.
We are indebted to the music video for this album, the writer, and the cinematographer. Thank you for making a great music video for us. And I would like to thank my hair, makeup, and stylist hyung/noonas for working hard to make me look as good as possible on the screen.
And our Stray Kids fans, we met many of you for the first time on Mnet's Stray Kids. I think we worked even harder thanks to your support during the broadcast, which would have been difficult without the fans' support. Thank you so much for always coming to see us and always loving us.
I will work hard to repay you. I love you.
Hello! This is Stray Kids Han Jisung, who finally debuted this time. First of all, I would like to thank PD Park Jinyoung, CEO Jeong Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byun Sangbong, Vice President Pyo Jongrok, and CEO Song Ji-eun for helping us release our album.
Thank you so much to the Training Team, Jiyoung noona, Yuri noona, Youngkyoon hyung, Anjin noona, Seongha hyung, and Yeonsik hyung and Allen hyung from the China branch, who helped us grow so far. And from the A&R headquarters, Jihyung noona, Bohyun noona, Hana noona, Jeongmin noona, Ara noona, Soonhyung hyung who always helped us make good songs! Thank you for always helping us.
We are so grateful to the Stray Kids Team of Division 1, Soojin noona, Jeonghan hyung, Yoonjeong noona, Sunmi noona, Eunyoung noona, Jiyeon noona, Jiho hyung, and Yeji noona, who always work all night long for us. Thank you for always believing in us! We will work harder in the future.
Also, Namyong-ssaem, Hyungwoong-ssaem, Gwangyeol-ssaem, and Taehoon-ssaem, who created and taught us cool and impactful choreography for our songs! Thank you for always working hard to help us overcome our shortcomings! And I am always grateful and have respect for Yumi-ssaem, Sujeong-ssaem, and Ali-ssaem, who helped us improve our lacking skills. Thank you to our JYP family who work hard for us in places we can't see.
Also, Director Kim Yongsoo and my hyung, noonas on set filmed this quality, wonderful, movie-like music video, so thank you! And thank you, Booba hyung, for always taking pictures of me looking cool and pretty! Thank you so much to our hair and makeup noonas who always come out earlier than us and do our hair and makeup beautifully. Also, I am always grateful to the stylist hyung, noonas who dress us in cool, pretty clothes!
My dad, mom, and older brother, who are always worried about the youngest child in the family, are far away and although they are not with me, I am always thankful for their support and prayers, and I love them so much.
And... our Stray Kids brothers are always by each other's side, encouraging and supporting each other, and now I miss them even if I don't see them even for a day, and our members who have become one family now are Chan hyung, Woojin hyung, Minho hyung, Changbin hyung, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin, thank you always... I'm so happy that our members are Stray Kids. Let us continue to be wonderful and closer brothers to each other! In the future too~ Please take good care of me!! It's a little embarrassing and unfamiliar, but... I love you. Hahaha
Lastly, our fans who have been waiting for our official debut as much as we have... no, even more than us! We are so grateful to you for giving us such a precious opportunity behind the scenes so that we can stand in this position. You always support us. I think it is a great gift to receive support from fans in our lives! Now we're growing up by your side! We will show you that we are always consistent and never lose our original intention! We will do our best to be a Stray Kids who can always bring happiness to you! We are always grateful to our Fans who always give us so much love despite our shortcomings,♡ I love you.♡ [heart exclamation point] Everyone! Please look forward to it in the future! Thank you all so much.
Hello, this is Straykids Felix. Thanks to PD Park Jinyoung, President Jeong Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byeon Sangbong, and Vice President Pyo Jongrok, thank you very much for your hard work for Straykids so far. Still, I still want to learn a lot about Korean culture, skills, and JYP style, and I am honored to be able to work as a JYP artist in the future. I will try my best. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ♡
Thanks to CEO Song Ji-eun ♡♡ Thank you for taking care of us, helping us debut, and being with us in the future. Whenever we do a music video, Jambangee, or something important, the CEO always takes care of us and buys us delicious food, so I think the CEO is a loving mother to Straykids ♡^^ We will work hard to make CEO Song Ji-eun and everyone proud of Straykids. We will show you a better image in the future. Thank you ^^♡♡♡
Thanks to Straykids team Soojin noona, Jeonghan hyung, Yoonjeong noona, Sunmi noona, Jiyeon noona, Eunyoung noona, Jiho hyung and Yeji noona!! When we first met, I was worried because it was awkward with my hyung, noonas, but thank you for working until dawn, coming home late, and being with us Straykids. We, the 9 Straykids, will work hard and show it with good hearts. In the future, we will show you that we will always work hard to achieve success.
Thanks to training centre Jiyoung noona, Yuri noona, Youngkyoon hyung, Anjin noona, Si-eun noona, Yeonsik hyung, Allen hyung, Jihyung noona, Bohyun noona, Ara noona, Dayoon noona, Jena noona, and Soonhyung hyung. Thank you for taking pictures, creating the mixtape album, and allowing me to meet the 9 Straykids when Straykids started. I didn't have much time to prepare, but fortunately, thanks to my brothers and sisters, I learned a lot about JYP style and Korean culture, and I will always be grateful and miss you. Thank you for taking good care of me so far, and I ask for your continued support.
Thanks to Namyong-ssaem, Taehoon-ssaem, Hyungwoong-ssaem, Gwangyeol-ssaem, Sujeong-ssaem, Yumi-ssaem, Sool Jei-ssaem, Ali-ssaem, Jinhwan-ssaem, Jeongseok-ssaem, Jaeyeop-ssaem, Jisoo-ssaem, and Lee Hyang-ssaem. When I first came here, I practiced without knowing much about how to find my skills, but I am grateful to the teachers who have worked hard to teach me a lot so far. If the teachers hadn't focused on it, it would have been very lacking. Although I am still lacking, I have learned a lot and will work harder to become a great artist. Thank you!
Thanks to my family Straykids Chan hyung, Woojin hyung, Minho hyung, Changbin hyung, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin, from the beginning until now, they have helped and understood each other, given a lot of love, and eaten together. I think we really are a dream team, practicing as a group and shedding sweat like tears. I'm always sorry if I did any harm to the team because I didn't know what to do at first, so thank you. I will learn and work hard to be a plus to the team. Thank you very much for understanding. This is just the beginning and we are short on time, but let’s work hard to succeed in the future! Straykids hwaiting.
Thanks to Straykids fans! Thank you so much for your continued support from the start of the broadcast and for listening to our music a lot ♡. Please look forward to better songs, stages, and appearances in the future, and we will show you only the best. I love you and thank you~ ♡
Straykids Fans! From the start of Straykids reality show til now, thank you so much for the love and support Straykids needed. In the future Straykids will release much more surprising, touching and great music so please look forward!! We will show a much better side!
Thanks to close, supportive mates in school and church. Thanks for all the good times we've had and unforgettable moments. I'll always remember the parties, ceremonies, camping holidays and lastly the kindness Ive always recieved.
In order to repay all the kindness recieved, I have wrote down my thanks in this album for you guys. At this early age, leaving Australia were hard, for my dream and goals however found. I pray for you guys to find your own successful life goals in the future. lastly, cheers.
Thanks to highschool teachers and church teachers
Thank you for all the hard work and effort teaching my year!!
I have learn't many things that will help myself in the future. throughout my years in highschool, there were many fun, memorable moments I cannot forget... it's a shame there was not alot of time to spend with my year and teachers. All the useful, supportive Hps during highschool has help me reach beyond my limits and changed myself into a much better person. Without the support, I wouldn't know what kind of person I'd turn out to be so thankyou and God bless.
Thanks to my family
Thank you for watching over me and giving me so much love when I was in Australia since I was born.
I will miss you all... Thank you for giving me the opportunity to become an artist in Korea. I will show you how hard I work. I love you, and hwaiting! ♡
I am truly grateful to the entire JYP family, my dream company, for recognizing such an ordinary student and helping him rise to this point. PD Park Jinyoung! I first met the PD during the broadcast of 'Stray Kids', and since then, I would like to thank you for always helping me and giving me many kind words. Thank you for allowing all 9 of us to debut together!
President Jeong Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byun Sangbong, and Vice President Pyo Jongrok!! Thank you for trusting us and allowing us to come this far. Based on this good start, we will continue to work steadily!! A&R Director Lee Jiyoung! Thank you for seeing the potential and choosing me. I think I was able to come this far because of that beginning. And even though he must have been colder than us during important filming or MV filming, he stayed there until the end, so I really believed in his strength. Please continue to discover more dream trees with better roots! [No idea what was meant here] Subdivision representative Song Ji-eun!! Thanks to the fact that you always trust us and take care of us first, we will also trust and follow you. It's really cool to see how sincerely you treat us every time we see you. Please continue to treat me well.
Training team: Yuri noona, Youngkyoon hyung, Anjin noona, Yeonsik hyung, Allen hyung, and Seongha hyung! Thank you for helping us get into the outside world. We really didn't listen to each other, but thank you for always thinking only of our success and making it happen!
Casting team Hyunkyung noona, Si-eun noona, Joongoo hyung, Donghwan hyung (Daeho hyung), Jin noona, and Jiyoon noona, who is now on the production team! Thank you for joining us in the memorable start of the public recruitment audition, selecting an ordinary student, and recognizing my effort and passion. I haven't been able to see you often at work because I'm away on business trips, but I'm always grateful!!
And our Stray Kids team that will be with us from now on!! Assistant manager Soojin, Jeonghan hyung, Sunmi noona, Yoonjeong noona, Eunyoung noona, Jiyeon noona, Jiho hyung, Yeji noona! I hope we can live together as a family in harmony for a long time to come! Thank you for always taking care of us first and working hard for us until late. We want to work hard to do the right thing and leave you feeling even more proud. The reason we are able to shine like this now is thanks to our hyung/noonas who worked hard. Division 1 Team Leader Chaeyoon, Sooyeon noona!! Thank you for having us during our last MD shoot and helping us take pretty pictures!!
Production team leader Jihyung, Bohyun noona, Ara noona, Dayoon noona, Jena noona! Thank you for always taking care of us during filming, helping us, and making great videos and photos behind the scenes. I think I was able to work harder because I was encouraged by the frequent pats on set! Our teachers have helped me develop good skills and follow the right path since I was a trainee!!! Soojeong-ssaem, Yumi-ssaem, Ali-ssaem!!!! In a short period of time, and even now, thanks to my teachers, I was able to think and make the right decisions and enjoy singing, dancing, and performing on stage more. I will continue to stick with you and work harder! Performance Directing Team Director Namyong, Hyungwoong-ssaem, Gwangyeol-ssaem, and Taehoon-ssaem! Thank you for always creating cool choreography for our songs and refining it until late so that we can perform better on stage.
Recording engineer team Hansoo hyung and Sehee noona!! Thank you for accepting and polishing our voices beautifully starting from the Mixtape album!! Acting management team Narae noona! Thank you for always saying kind words and welcoming me every time we ran into each other!!
Composers who make good songs together! I will practice more and work hard to ensure that you are satisfied with the song! Trippy hyung, Jisang! Jeongseok-ssaem! It was great to be with you this time too! And the High Quality Fish team who created really cool trailers and music videos, and artist Booba who is always by our side and takes natural, pretty, cool photos!! Thank you for the feedback, I think my photography skills are improving!! Hair and makeup noonas who always make our hair and faces pretty!! Thank you for allowing me to stand in front of my fans with a great appearance!!! I am often surprised to see how you can turn plain white drawing paper into a beautiful picture, haha. When I go to the store, I feel like the person in front of the mirror is not me, haha. And our wonderful stylist hyung/noonas! We are always grateful to you for dressing us in cool outfits that we could never have imagined at first. It may be difficult every time, but we will help you more in the future! There are times when filming ends late, and there are times when I feel sorry that you always take care of us first. Hair, makeup, and costume team hyung/noonas! Thank you for your hard work!
Music team Soonhyung hyung and Jeongmin noona!! Thank you for your many musical comments and compliments. Thank you for your continued support! Thank you for always having great ideas! Jongwook, head of the legal team! Thanks to you, I was able to get off to a safe and good start. thank you!!
Last year’s homeroom teacher, Wonjeong-ssaem!! Thank you for helping me have a good school life and always encouraging me! Let’s keep seeing each other in the future! And my friends who I have grown up with since I was young! Thanks to you, I can smile and have fun every time I go to school. Even if I can't express it in words, I feel proud and thanks for having it, you guys. Let’s work hard in our respective fields and see each other later with a smile.
We, the 9 members who met by fate to do what we wanted to do, let's go without losing our original intention!! Thank you for always being my support. Mnet's 'Stray Kids' PDs, writer hyung/noonas, and camera hyung/noonas who gave us a good start!! Now I see you often on M Countdown!! I'm so attached to it that I can't wait to see it. Thanks to you, I was able to cry and laugh and become closer to the members.
Lastly, even though I can never express it in words, I am so thankful and sorry to my beloved family. Your youngest son, who cried and asked you to live a life singing, is about to start his career as a singer. I have received a lot of love since I was young, and now I am truly grateful to my fans for allowing me to receive love from them as well, which I will share with them and work hard to grow into a worthy person. Thank you so much for believing in your son and allowing him to do what he wants. Thank you again for raising me nicely and properly, and now I will repay you!
In addition to my mom, dad, and sister, my aunt, my family and my two grandfathers who were a good influence on me and taught me what the truth is, my grandmother who wanted to see her grandchildren's faces even once but couldn't, and my grandmother who always encouraged me and made me feel beautiful. Thank you so much to everyone. From now on, I'm going to give back all the love I've received!! Thank you.
Hello! This is Stray Kids maknae Yang Jeongin! For allowing our Stray Kids to come this far, thank you all. Thank you so so much to PD Park Jinyoung, CEO Jeong Wook, Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Pyo Jongrok, Vice President Byun Sangbong, and CEO Ji-eun who helped us release the album. Thanks to you, I think a much better album has come out.
And the Stray Kids team that always promotes and supports us, Soojin noona, Yoonjeong noona, Sunmi noona, Jeonghan hyung, Eunyoung noona, Jiyeon noona, Jiho hyung, and Yeji noona, we will work harder to repay you, hyung, noonas! And to Namyong-ssaem, Taehoon-ssaem, Gwangyeol-ssaem, and Ali-ssaem, who always help us with our dances, we would like to thank them for making our dances and teaching us. Youngkyoon hyung, Yuri noona, Anjin noona, Allen hyung, Seongha hyung, Yeonsik hyung, and the casting hyung/noonas who have helped us since we were trainees, Hyunkyung noona, Si-eun noona, Joongoo hyung, Donghwan hyung, Jin noona, even those who are not currently on the production team. Thank you so so much ㅠㅠㅠ I think we were able to debut like this thanks to you!! Thank you so so much!!
And the A&R team! Thank you, Jiyeon noona, Jihyung noona, Bohyun noona, Ara noona, Dayoon noona, and Jena noona for the hair and makeup test, and thank you for always being there during trailer and MV filmings and watching us until the end. I am always so grateful to the hair and makeup staff noonas who always work hard on site and help me, and to the stylist hyung, noonas who always dress me up in pretty clothes! Thank you for being so nice to us, and please continue to treat us well!! I would also like to thank director Kim Yongsoo for filming this music video and trailer beautifully. I'm really glad it came out so nicely. Also, Booba takes great pictures of us, and I'm often surprised at how great the pictures are. Please take more good photos in the future!
Yumi-ssaem, who always helps me with vocals, I will work harder from now on, and Sujeong-ssaem, who always gives me kind words, thank you. Music team Soonhyung hyung, Hana noona, and Jeongmin noona, thank you for helping us produce good songs. And thank you to the PDs and writers who helped Stray Kids broadcast. I think we was able to do so well thanks to them~^^
Thank you to the teachers at my school, and thank you so much to my friends who support me! And I am so grateful to Mom, Dad, my older brother, and my younger brother Yoon for always supporting and taking good care of me. I hope to become a great son to my mom and dad. I am also grateful to my relatives who always support me.
To the 0th generation fan club members and everyone who loves Stray Kids even if they are not from the 0th generation fanclub, I love and thank you so much. Please take care of me in the future. Thank you. Lastly, I would like to thank my member hyungs. I love you, thank you. Let's last a long time!
[Every time Jeongin writes Stray Kids in English, he tries to write it like Chan/the logo, and it's so cute 😭]
Stray Kids
We would like to thank PD Park Jinyoung and CEO Jeong Wook, who always say good things to us and set us great examples, and Vice President Jo Haesung, Vice President Byun Sangbong, and Pyo Jongrok, who always cheer us on with a smile and give us strength.
Jiyoung noona, Yuri noona, Youngkyoon hyung, Anjin noona, Yeonsik hyung, Allen hyung, and Seongha hyung who have taken care of us and guided us on a good path since we were trainees, Hyunkyung noona, Si-eun noona, Joongoo hyung, and Donghyun hyung who always greet us with a smile, Jin noona, our Stray Kids team representative Ji-eun, Soojin noona, Jeonghan hyung, Yoonjeong noona, Sunmi noona, Jiyeon noona, Eunyoung noona, Jiho hyung, and Yeji noona, who always care for us, take care of us, and say kind words, thank you so much.
The music team, Hana noona, Jane noona, Soonhyung noona, Jeongmin noona, who work hard together day and night to make our album great, and the production team Jihyung noona, Bohyun noona, Tae-eun noona, Jeongeun noona, Yeona noona, Soyeon noona, Jiyoon noona, Ara noona, Dayoon noona, Jena noona, Sinae noona, who improve the quality of our album!! Thank you for always working hard for us who are lacking. And to the recording engineer team that beautifully polishes our songs, team leader Taeseop, Hyejin noona, Hongjin hyung, Sehee noona, awesome~ Hansoo hyung, Minji noona, and Sangyeop hyung~~ Thank you for always making our songs of better quality. ㅜㅜ
Thank you to 2PM team leader Chaeyoon, Manager Gwangmyeong, Hwamok hyung, Eunseop hyung, Sooyeon noona, and Mihee noona for being so kind. We are truly grateful and look forward to your continued support!! We are always so so grateful to the performance directing LAB team, including Namyong-ssaem, Hyungwoong-ssaem, Assistant Manager Heeso, Gwangyeol-ssaem, Taehoon-ssaem, and Dasol noona, who teach us our choreography.
Artist Headquarters 2 Head Heewon, Gyunghyun hyung, Seongsu hyung, Jeongyu hyung, Minsung hyung, Assistant Manager Leewon, Assistant Manager Jihye, Yejin noona, Seonkyung noona, Ryerim noona, Assistant Manager Jong-gu, Assistant Manager Yeonjung, Ari noona, Sangho hyung, Donghyun hyung, Jasung hyung, Hyejin noona, Hyesoo noona, Narae noona, Artist 3 Headquarters Manager Hyunkook, Team Leader Joon-gil, Yongkyo hyung, Seonhwa noona, Sora noona, Team leader Haejoon, assistant manager Bora, assistant manager Hyoyoon, Nayeon noona, Jongbum hyung, Raejang hyung, Yongjin hyung, Daseol noona, Hyukjoon hyung, Hanmi noona, Saerom noona, Studio-J headquarters manager Hoyoon, team leader Youngjun, Assistant manager Sungjin, Gyungsin hyung, Junghyun noona, Yejin noona, Kangsoon hyung, Haram hyung, Sihyung hyung, Dayeol hyung, Assistant Manager Yerin, Jihyun noona, Ji-eun noona, Seunghee noona, Hyeri noona, Mujoon hyung, Gayoung noona, Acting Management team's team leader Ga-eul, Manager Sanghyun, Soonho hyung, Jaehyung hyung, Seungwon hyung, Taehyung hyung, Daehoon hyung, Sungbum hyung, Sanghoon hyung, Donggeun hyung, Assistant Manager Narae, Da-ae noona, Sojung noona, Manager Youngjoo, Assistant Manager Hwayoung, Hyunsun noona, Director Sangho of the Public Relations team, Manager Yoonji, Assistant Manager Seoyoon, Dayeon noona, Ye-eun noona, head of the Broadcasting team Jincheol, Assistant Manager Younggeol, Jaeseo of the Secretarial team, Gyungmin hyung, and Miri noona.
Advertising team Manager Jaeho, Assistant Manager Jungyoon, Hosoo hyung, Seongmin hyung, and Na-eun noona. Team Leader Eunwok of the Performance Business Team, Assistant Manager Seungeun, Assistant Manager Hyojung, Yujin noona, and Jeongmin noona. Yongho of the Management Resources Office, Team Leader Hyojung of the Accounting Team, Deputy Manager Yoonjoo, Manager Jinyoung, Assistant Manager Boram, Sister Sejin, Gyohee noona, Team Leader Sunghyun of the Human Resources and General Affairs Team, Manager Gyungjin, Hyunjoo noona, Kangmin hyung, Junho hyung, Team Leader Jongwook of the Legal Team, Changwoo hyung, IR team leader Younghwan, IT team leader Park Chan, Manager Siyong, Assistant Manager Chanmoo, F&B Team Leader Sunkyung, Manager Jaeyoung, Cafe Business Team Manager Sungho, JYP Pictures Manager Rayoung, Assistant Manager Jihye, Gyungheun hyung, JYP Publishing Team CEO Jungyoon, Manager Minji, Assistant Manager Daye, Hyunwoo hyung, JYP Japan Deputy Branch Manager Gyunghee, Manager Narita Rinko, Assistant Manager Jihoon, Assistant Manager Park Won, Team Leader Saiki Ayumi, Sungbeop hyung, Minaka Miho noona, Assistant Manager Sung-ah, Mina noona, Sudo Huuka noona, JYP China branch representative Cheolhoon, Director Yoomyo, Team Leader Miran, Songyoung noona, Team Leader Sungcheol, Assistant Manager Yoosin, Sooyoung noona, Rui Yakpyung noona, Jinhee noona, Team Leader Hyoyeon, Assistant Manager Hagon, Ihan noona, Weeryang, Assistant Manager Jangman, Assistant Manager Gyunghwan, Sangdal noona from the JYP Pictures China team, JYP Thailand branch director Gijae, assistant manager Nutcha Chansing, assistant manager Wasinee Srithavatch, Charunya Thairuksa nim, Vilaiwan Yodmai noona, and writers from the JYP publishing team Jisang hyung, writer Eunji, writer Tommy Park, and writer Eunsoo, writer Woomin, writer Jiwook, writer Daesung, writer Seunggeun, writer Seungsoo, writer Minhyung, writer Hyunkyung, writer Yongwoon, Armadillo hyung, Frants hyung, writer Itoyo, writer RAINSTONE, Garden hyung, writer Haesol, writer Joohyung, writer Seunghyuk, writer Jungsik, writer Inkwan, writer Wonjoon, and the company's seniors, Yubin sunbaenim, Hyelim sunbaenim, 2PM sunbaenim, Fei sunbaenim, Suzy sunbaenim, Baek A-yeon sunbaenim, 15& sunbaenim, GOT7 sunbaenim, Nakjoon sunbaenim, DAY6 sunbaenim, TWICE sunbaenim, Somi sunbaenim, we would like to thank all the JYP family members who helped us debut, and as JYP 's maknaes, we will work hard to become Stray Kids with pride! Thank you to everyone and we ask for your interest and anticipation in the future!! We will work hard without wavering and show only our best side!! Thank you!! We love the JYP family ♡♡
Thank you to Trippy hyung, writer Kim Park Chella, Jisang hyung, Jeongseok-ssaem, writer Lee Woomin, writer Fredro, and the two writers of Faces of Glory for collaborating on such great songs. Director HIGHQUALITYFISH, thank you so much for filming our music video and trailer in a cinematic way. Boobagraphy, thank you so much for capturing our pretty and wonderful sides in your photos. Additionally, Director Jei, Jiwon noona, Jihyun noona, and Miri noona, and other noonas who always bring vitality to our looks! Thank you for letting us take beautiful photos. Also, we are really, really grateful to Director Youngjin, Sangcheol hyung, Hyoseok hyung, Sera noona, and Mijeong noona, who give us wings with their stylish clothes. We will work harder as you make it more beautiful. Please continue to be with Stray Kids, hwaiting!!
I think we exist because of our fans. We felt like we had to work really hard when we saw people waiting outside until late to support our stage even though it was cold. Thank you so much for always supporting and giving us so much love!! We will continue to work hard to show you a good and unchanging image. Will you continue to love us a lot in the future? Thank you ♡ We love you ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
To the members of our 9 families who always support and take care of us, thank you so much for giving birth to us and raising us!! Thank you for taking care of us whenever we are sick and watching over us from afar. We miss you a lot, and we will be great on stage, so please keep an eye on us ♡♡ We love you ♡♡
Lastly, our Stray Kids brothers! We've been running with the goal of debuting, but think of it as a new start rather than an arrival, so let's work hard and make sure that something good happens!! Let's rely on each other and keep it like this and run again!! Stray Kids, let’s turn everything upside down, hwaiting!!!!
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yunhohours · 2 years
cix reaction: sending them nudes
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Request: cix reacting to you sending them nudes ??
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♡⃕  Byounggon
Tbh he probably is the one asking you to send him nudes dsfsdfs. It's interesting because he gets the most shy about receiving them, but he wants them the most. He'll pout to you via text about having a tiring day and how he just needs something to make his day better :( Coaxes additional nudes out of you by saying things like "i can't see your pretty legs enough 🥺️" or "i need a kiss too 🥺️" and who are you to not baby him? He's adorable. Will literally pout to you when he sees you about "how was i supposed to think about anything else and be productive today when you sent me things like that 🥺️" as if he isn't the one that asked for them. On the occasion that you surprise him with nudes, he's walking around with hearts around his head all day and flushed cheeks that make it blaringly obvious that he's up to something. Doesn't send nudes back. It's very much a him-centered comfort thing. And while that may sound bad on paper, it's actually quite precious in practice. You love how needy he is for you and he loves being wrapped around your finger.
‎♡⃕  Seunghun
It takes everything in him not to show the photos to everyone within his immediate location. He would never consider it with full nudes, but if it's something like lingerie or a sexy outfit, he is so so so so tempted to show everyone how perfect you are and, by proxy, how lucky he is. Will call or video chat you two seconds after you get the read receipt. He's practically kicking his feet and twirling his hair over you. He's obsessed. If you're on a video call, he'll ask you to show him more while he watches with heart eyes and a bright smile that simply will not go away. He makes sure to finish everything he has to do that day as quickly as possible so he can come to you. Isn't shy about letting you know how much you affect him and how much he wants you. Sends you a nude back after you get off the call because he knows you won't be expecting it by then. He wants to tease and play with you for a while. He needs to know you want him just as badly. As if you sending him nudes in the first place wasn't evidence enough.
‎♡⃕  Yonghee
Your #1 fan </3 He is in complete awe of you. He may get a little shy if other people are around, but he pushes past it to shower you in every praise imaginable while also being a little playful. He notices everything. He's complimenting the lighting, the way your leg is angled just so, how soft your skin looks. The playfulness comes in the form of questions: what made his pretty baby decide to send him these gorgeous photos? What do they want from him when he comes home? What were they thinking about when taking the photos? He's making you blush and you're the one that sent him nudes! He will send voice notes if he's able. He doesn't usually send nudes back, but he does usually send something. Could just be a normal selfie with his reaction conveyed via facial expression, could be a photo of him from the neck down to show you what he's wearing to ignite your imagination, could be a photo of him exposing whatever part of skin of his he knows drives you craziest (collarbone, a peek of skin above his belt).
‎♡⃕  Jinyoung
The type to just silently bite his lip, look for a few seconds with a smile brewing, and then put his phone in his pocket without replying right away. Will have his read receipts on so you know he saw it. He knows you'll be eagerly awaiting his response and he finds it fun making you wait for it. He's also attempting to formulate the perfect response that seems nonchalant but doesn't make you feel rejected. He likes to play it cool like that. He'll text back like 30 minutes later and all he'll say is "Oh?" Conveys intrigue while still maintaining his unbothered image. Does not send nudes back... ever. He'll call you when he has time and talk to you like it never happened just so he can hear the frustration in your voice. He can't stop smiling to himself. If you whine to him enough when you see him, he'll indulge you. It becomes routine for you to have this exact type of interaction. You become addicted to trying to pull more of a reaction out of him each time and he becomes addicted to the foreplay of it all.
‎♡⃕  Hyunsuk
Spends 5 seconds with wide eyes and flushed cheeks because he can't believe his eyes. He's convinced during that short frame of time that every single person can see what's on his phone screen above his head or something. He feels exposed. He quickly comes back down to earth, though, and once he realizes that literally no one else knows unless he shows them, he's so cocky and excited to play with you. Sends multiple texts in a row ranging from gushing over your beauty to expressing how grateful he is for you to telling you to send him more. He will spend all day going back and forth with you, challenging himself to not make it too obvious around everyone else. Likes the thrill of it. Doesn't usually send nudes back unless he feels like you've "earned it." You'll either have to persuade him well enough and/or follow his instructions to get that prized nude (and often times... it's just a lewd). He loves to tease you like that so you're practically foaming at the mouth by the time you see him. And then he'll play so innocent like he doesn't know why—
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Nothing More(M) - Five
Hello everyone!! Long time no see, indeed! I must say I hit writer's block these days but in no way did I abandon this story. Even more so now, when I am so eager to continue. This chapter will bring you spicy surprises and turning points ^^. Enjoy!
~6k words, angst, smut
I want to make you forget about that ex. In truth, I loved the idea of you overthinking all your texts. And I wanted all your neighbors to hear you yell when we have sex. I don’t want it to be a problem when we come together. And I don’t want us a secret.
Jackson plopped down on Mark’s couch, still carrying a serious look of disbelief on his face. “Look, I agree but Bambam literally said what we all thought. Collectively.”
Mark rolled his eyes at Jackson’s remark. He was searching for another song in his playlist to play on his vintage stereo system.
“I think we were more shocked to meet her like that,” Jinyoung continued, leaning against an empty small table in the living room. “Showing up at our studio.”
“And in that motorcycle jacket? Take my money. Did you know she had a bike?” Jackson put a hand dramatically over his chest.
Mark nodded. “Yeah, saw it first time I went to her house.”
“Living the dream. Hottest date, to ride the bikes together around town.”
“Could you stop fantasizing on my behalf?” Mark chuckled in Jackson’s direction and the latter laughed at the note. Mark then turned to Jinyoung, who was cocking an eyebrow. “I had no idea she would come to the studio, believe me. I wanted you to meet her under different circumstances.”
Jinyoung crossed his arms over his chest, a playful look in his eye. “You never told us why you came so early from your date.”
“Yeah, cause it wasn’t a date.” Mark commented and the other two men almost simultaneously turned to him. “Had the surprise to see her with another man.”
The playful look disappeared from Jinyoung’s expression. “You’d have to elaborate on that.”
“I can’t really elaborate, I didn’t stay around enough to see what happened next.” Mark shrugged his shoulders. “The guy had her backed against the lockers, a hand holding her cheek. It was not the first time he… they did that. It was the reason Sam came to the studio.”
“To explain.” Jinyoung completed, albeit not in agreement with the situation. “And what’s your take on that?”
Truth was, Mark did not have an exact answer to Jinyoung’s inquiry. Sure, the scenery of Samantha being present in the proximity of another man displeased and hurt Mark. He built some expectations for the two of them, carried away by their unquestionable synergy, and by the trust exuded by Samantha at every small dare or challenge presented by Mark. He believed in her words, and more than anything he believed in her. Mark believed in Samantha when she said she missed him, when she confided in him, when she said there would not be another guy. So, he put in the effort to carry himself in such a manner that would make Samantha desire him even more. At some point, Mark considered trying to have the talk with her, to play with his cards on the table, to build trust in them as more than just an arrangement.
At the very end, Samantha never promised anything, she never drew the line. Mark did not have it in him to throw the bouquet of the flowers he handpicked in the trash. But he was not indifferent to the image of her subjugated by the intimacy of another that was not him.
“I’ll hear her out.” Mark said lastly, seating himself by Jackson on the couch. A short quirk of the eyebrows as Jinyoung opted to simply nod his head.
“If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Jackson chuckled. “If you wanted us to actually believe you, you should have used your acting skills at least.”
“Why? Not that convincing?”
Mark agreed with Jackson. “We’ve known each other 12 years. It takes so much more than that.”
The three of them laughed. Truly, a bond that not many people get to have in a lifetime. And Mark knew Jinyoung, as much as everyone else, was looking out for him.
“If you have something to say, just say it.”
Jinyoung sighed and threw his hands in the air. “Look, I know, a good-looking, bike-riding, smart surgeon woman, who has a mysterious aura about herself. I’d be a hypocrite to say I wouldn’t get interested.”
“You know what he’s gonna say.” Jackson extended an arm over the backrest of the couch.
“All I’m saying is that, given the circumstances, I wouldn’t be happy at all. If a guy touched or held the girl I liked like that.”
All eyes were focused on Mark.
“But why don’t you talk to her and set the record straight? I’m all for explaining,” Jackson shifted his body to face Mark, “but if you told her, you liked her beyond just the sex, at least you’d know it’s either this or that.”
Jinyoung moved his hands in a gesture that indicated he agreed with Jackson. And Mark agreed with them, too. In any given situation, he would be the type of man to express his wishes and voice his wants and needs. Mark did not necessarily like the chasing. Within his chest, he knew why he was still playing the game and why he did not walk away the second he saw Samantha with the stranger man who was playing with his mind. Regardless, Mark let the little evil elves whispering in his ear take the reins of reasoning. The bell of the front door started ringing vigorously.
“It’s complicated.” Mark rose from the couch. “It’s also Samantha at the door,” said he, half-doubtful he spoke the words to convince himself it truly was her at the door. When he opened it, he actually made sure of it.
Samantha looked very different since the morning visit to the studio. The commanding behavior softened to a natural feminine aura, the sun-kissed freckles no longer hidden behind foundation accompanied by the mellow smile she had the day they met, everything stunned Mark.
Samantha felt very different.
“Hey, beautiful.” Mark welcomed Samantha with an observation he’d hoped was as visible to her as much as it was to him. Mark was distracted by the lively bark of Murphy, eagerly anticipating a welcome as warm as his mother’s. So, he obliged, the smile sketched on his face growing as he knelt to ruffle Murphy’s fur.
Samantha followed Mark’s carefree movements with warmth coloring her features. She didn’t know what to expect from him; all that she hoped was that Mark wouldn’t look at her with repulsion. Instead, Samantha was met by the same jovial Mark she’d met the very first time. And it scared Samantha that Mark felt very different since morning, all the same.
Did he care, still?
“Hey, yourself.” Samantha replied and watched as he straightened his body to meet her eyes. How much did she wish that that would’ve been their reunion, that he’d plant a kiss on her lips and circle his arms around her frame in a longing embrace. Suddenly, Mark felt so far apart.
“Come in.”
Mark pushed the door open and guided Samantha into the living room. She noticed two very familiar silhouettes, Jackson as he was putting his leather vest on, and Jinyoung as he was gathering his things. Murphy’s little woofs distracted the two men into looking at the source of sound, smiling at the little creature. Eyes speedily travelled to Samantha’s physique, and both greeted her with a smile. Perhaps Jackson’s more expressive. He was the first one to formally introduce himself. There was a lively song playing in the background.
“I’m Jackson, nice to meet you, finally.”
Samantha prevented her eyes from widening. Maybe Mark did speak about her. She took Jackson’s hand and shook it, enjoying his amiability.
“Likewise, Jackson. I truly hope you didn’t think I was a freak or anything.” Samantha offered a smile of her own eliciting a chuckle from the other. She caught Jinyoung in the corner of her eye as he examined her. Not blatantly, yet not covertly either. Samantha wondered what they both thought about her.
“Far from that,” Jinyoung chimed in, giving his own hand for a greeting, “but you definitely incited the collective curiosity.”
Samantha took the invitation, meeting Jinyoung halfway. Out of everyone, she figured he was the toughest to impress. And on good merit, nonetheless. “I wouldn’t say about myself that I’m an open book but please know I’m more than happy to clear the curiosities.”
The corner of Jinyoung’s lips lifted in a modest smirk. “Maybe I’ll heed the invitation.”
Jackson cleared his throat and Jinyoung pulled back. “Don’t worry about us, we were just leaving.”
“No bother at all. I wouldn’t want us to be so formal, it was very nice meeting you both.” Samantha extended her hands to offer the two men a warm wave and a small dip of her head. Jackson and Jinyoung both did the same, the last action they made prior to heading out the door. “Likewise, Samantha”.
Mark’s loud sigh doubled the echo of the closing door which caused Samantha to fiddle with her fingers. “I must have made a terrible impression, haven’t I? They definitely think I’m a freak.”
“Nope, no freak,” Mark turned around to walk toward Samantha’s direction. As he was approaching, he was unzipping his hoodie. “They just don’t know you. Actually, Jackson was quite smitten with you, I could swear he’d want to steal you for himself.”
It was the first time Mark had openly spoken about his members, even more so about anything that had to do with their opinion about her. Mark’s words were not reassuring enough for Samantha as eyes were still focused on her nervous fingers. She didn’t know what to make of the entire situation. “Jinyoung doesn’t like me.”
Mark grabbed at the hem of his T-shirt to throw it over his head. A bracelet at his wrist was tangling loosely when he guided Samantha’s chin to make her look at him. “Out of all of us, Jinyoung is the one who doesn’t play games when it comes to people. You have to make him trust you before he lets you in."
The initial nervousness Samantha felt while fidgeting with her fingers transformed into butterflies into her stomach. Although the main emotion she was feeling was uneasiness, at his words, and at his sudden naked torso. She had but a moment to watch the muscles of his abdomen contract and relax with the movement of the arm which was holding her frozen in place. Henry’s most similar gesture crossed her mind. “Do you play the game, Mark?”
Mark’s irises were fixated on hers. The tone of his voice softened and lowered with each spoken word, until it became little more than a whisper. A question for a question. “Are we playing the game, Sam?”
Samantha’s lips parted with a sigh, the knot in her stomach tightening. There was no hint to suggest that Mark was not serious with his inquiry. She knew the answer to his question, but the words were frozen like they weren’t hers to speak. While Mark was looking at her, with the stoicism of his body and the seriousness of his eyes, Samantha presented herself agonizingly transparent.
“Wasn’t this the way he was holding you?” taunted Mark, drawing closer to her in an even voice. His other hand found the clothed valley of her hips. “Did you want him to kiss you?”
“No.” Samantha stated, an ounce of desperation evading beyond her control. The infinitesimal distance Mark was keeping between them was slowly driving her crazy. And he knew he held all control. “At no point did I want him to kiss me.”
Silence followed. A harrowing silence growing heavier with each movement of Mark’s brown orbs drawing back and forth on her features. Samantha grabbed Mark by the chest. “Say something goddammit!” she urged.
Mark pulled Samantha into him and slammed his lips against hers. In the background, a sexual melody mix broke into the stereo system. Samantha wobbled on her feet, which caused Mark to tighten his grasp around her figure. The background music melted with the swift ringing in her ears and the tips of her fingers turned cold from the unanticipated contact. Mark’s kiss was raw and hurried, yet obscenely sensual. Samantha’s lungs were deflating quickly, and Mark did not seem too eager to let her breathe. It was the first time he initiated such a kiss. His lips had always worked against hers with tenderness, at times enticing, but never so ardently carnal.
It was a possessive kiss and Mark wanted Samantha to feel it.
Mark pushed their bodies into the couch, and he slid his knee in between her thighs. During the brief moment their lips were separated, Samantha gasped for air, which was rather a sharp moan with Mark settling above her, and his clothed knee tormenting her womanhood. “Mark, I can’t breathe.”
“I couldn’t breathe either when he was towering over you, Samantha.” His visage was wearing the same chilling expression, albeit a sliver of distress hiding behind it. “I imagined him doing all sorts of things to you, with you. Fuck.”
Mark tilted his head to the side, a canine digging into the plush of his lower lip. Samantha’s eyes were watching him intensely. She was devoid of any courage to speak a word. Never would she have imagined she would see Mark like that. Not for her.
“I missed you girl, I missed you. And I…” You’re all I fucking think about.
Samantha gulped. She was observing Mark’s every gesture, every little shift in his facial expression, every word he was speaking. All the feelings in her chest were strangers and Mark was tempting and enchanting. He was everything Samantha wanted him to be. Even when he suppressed his thoughts, Mark was everything Samantha wanted. And he was there, in her immediate grasp.
You’re all I ever thought about.
“Kiss me, Mark.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Mark lowered his body instantly to connect the kiss in a lustful motion. His tongue lost no time to part Samantha’s lips and find her own into a frenzied tango. As his hands slid down to play with the hem of her t-shirt, so did the ever-growing feelings for the woman he was holding. The blood in his veins was pulsating with apparent unrequited affection, and it set him ablaze.
Mark broke the kiss in a nimble motion to undress Samantha of her shirt, to reveal her braless breasts. The tantalizing sight aroused Mark like it did the first time. For him, sex with Samantha felt like it was the first time every time. There was always something new he’d discover in the voluptuousness of her body, in the way her body would curve differently with each heated touch of his hand. Mark licked his lips and undid her shorts.
“Mark…” Samantha mewled, the cold breeze circling her breasts provoked a shudder. She edged her breasts as her eyes darted back and forth between Mark’s hands and the growing bulge in his jeans. Samantha was struggling to form coherent thoughts when he was immorally commanding the pace. She didn’t fight the vulgar lust invading her core. It was easier giving in to the euphoria than acknowledging the truth.
Easier than voicing that Mark should be the one.
“Tell me, darling.” There was a wicked inflection in Mark’s tone, busy with undressing Samantha of her shorts and underwear all at once. “What do you want?”
If it was any other moment, Samantha would have said it was his love she wanted. Still, a hue of shyness colored her rosy cheeks. “I want you, Mark.”
Mark was happy to obey, even if he was convinced Samantha was not speaking seriously. She wanted his body, while he desired her soul. In the heat of the moment, for the short time they’d spend as one, Mark heard what he needed to. That she wanted him, and she’d choose him. He lowered his body to plant kisses through the valley between her breasts, the butterfly pecks eliciting sultry moans out of Samantha’s throat. When his lips passed her chest’s threshold, Mark continued the delicious trail to her abdomen, one hand encircling Samantha’s breast. The other was keeping her thigh from squirming.
Samantha closed her eyes and threw her head into the soft material of the couch to indulge in the intense eroticism Mark was injecting into her body. When his sinful mouth reached her womanhood, Mark chuckled. Then he continued to leave kisses on her inner thigh, deliberately ignoring the wetness of her cavern. Samantha was vexed by Mark’s actions, and she groaned in protest. The hand previously on her breast travelled to her hip to intertwine with her fingers. Mark acknowledged her objection by nibbling a violet spot into her thigh. He traced it with the free index, shifting his body to worship Samantha’s other thigh with blissful movements of the tongue. The little perverted sounds she was making were truly driving Mark to impatience.
The way Samantha’s body was submitting to his febrile touches indicated that she wasn’t that far away either.
Mark pulled away momentarily to unzip his jeans and dispose of them on the floor. The rupture of their connected hands forced Samantha to dig her fingers into the plush of the sofa. The heat in her genitals was much more intense than she anticipated it would be. The simple fact that Mark retreated from tending to her pelvis made her moan loudly, and her vagina clench. Samantha watched him as he undressed himself to reveal his throbbing shaft, and she bit her lip in anticipation. Mark smirked at her and climbed atop her to seat himself between her legs. As he was leaning down to reach her level, the tip of his cock rimmed against soaked clit.
Mark linked their foreheads together, supporting himself with one arm by the side of her head. His other hand rested at the cusp of her jaw. He angled himself at her saturated entrance and slid the tip of his penis inside her. A guttural moan echoed in the air.
“We never did it like this, so tell me if it hurts.” Spoke Mark in a gentle tone and opened his eyes to observe Samantha. She gently shook her head and her fingers stretched into Mark’s shoulder blades to guide his body in a slow thrust. He let out a groan from the depth of his throat, feeling the creamy walls of her vagina enclosing around his shaft. Mark gave her a moment to adapt to his size, gazing intently at her. Samantha was so beautiful, with flushed cheeks and her splendid naked body, all of her offered to him.
Mark felt his heart ache.
“How can you say I’m not making love to you when I’m touching you like this?”
Samantha’s eyelids closed and fluttered open with Mark’s affirmation. The coherent words she tried to form were dispelled instantly when he started moving inside her with controlled thrusts, each forward move taunting her sweet spot. Samantha opened her mouth only to allow the moans to flood the air. And Mark was watching every contraction of her body and indulging in each pulsation of her pussy.
He leaned down to nip at the lobe of her ear. “When you’re giving yourself to me like this?”
“Mark…” Samantha reached to his face to lead the hazel of his eyes to hers. In his eyes she found the same commanding yearning but propelled by a raw sincerity that Mark had not given to her. Everything he was doing gave her a sense of serenity, fueled by the abnormally erotic movements of his hips. In a matter of minutes, she surrendered to him and to the zealous whines her lungs were making.
“What is it, baby?” He picked up the speed of his thrusts, heeding the contractions in Samantha’s womanhood. “You’re close, I know. What I didn’t know is how wet you could get.”
Samantha intended to avert her bashful expression, but Mark’s touch kept her focused on him. “Don’t hide. Let me take care of you.”
Amidst the whorl of sentiments and thoughts racing through her mind, Samantha found an anchor in Mark. She registered all the words he’d spoken to her and all the shielded gestures, and bare confessions. Samantha was powerless to respond, instead. There never was a man in her life to bear his heart on his sleeve, even half of how Mark was bearing his. In her normality, he was an abnormality. And still, he made good of his words and actions and took care of her.
Samantha relaxed in his embrace and extended her body to plant a kiss on his lips. A mellow kiss which Mark reciprocated so naturally that life halted for a second.
Then Mark enveloped Samantha as her body abruptly contracted. She held on to him as she reached for nirvana, her vocal cords enchanting Mark with lascivious breaths repeatedly. Hearing Samantha succumb to ecstasy was the sweetest testament Mark could receive. The hot blood in his veins met the point of boiling as he was getting closer to climax. A couple more lustful thrusts accompanied by roaring groans, each growing faster than the other, brought Mark as close to the edge as he could get. He guided himself out of Samantha’s core to reach his orgasm and paint her abdomen with his white cream.
Samantha enjoyed that particular view of Mark, so much that it was his turn to show a timid smile. It took a little while for Samantha to follow what happened, and when she did, both of them chuckled at each other.
“I’ll get some paper towels.”
“You’ll find me here.”
Samantha’s ears followed the sound of Mark’s steps and the muffled grunt that followed soon after. He returned with a handful of paper towels, and Samantha couldn’t look away from his still hard penis.
Mark took one cloth to clean his canvas half-heartedly. “Round two?”
Samantha giggled. “I’ll have to refuse. Round one was unexpectedly intense.”
“You have no idea how sexy you are.”
Samantha felt her cheek darken once more. She was watching silently as Mark was wiping her abdomen. When he was done, he walked away to throw the used napkins.
“Are you okay? You’re unusually quiet.” Mark’s voice reverberated through the kitchen.
“I’m alright, just a bit tired.” She responded, and Mark immediately walked back to her. He knelt down with her back facing her, gesturing for her to hop on his back.
“Let’s get to bed.”
Samantha hummed and attached herself to Mark’s body. She had never noticed how broad his back was, under the hoodies and oversized shirts he was usually wearing. Mark effortlessly rose from the ground and carried her to the nearby bedroom. He carefully seated Samantha on the edge of his neat bed, and she smiled to herself at the considerable number of pillows residing there. In front of the bed there was a small dressing which Mark opened to retrieve one clean shirt and a pair of shorts for himself.
“I don’t want you to get cold. Here, arms up.” Mark whispered, and Samantha complied with his actions. The dark shirt Mark had given her was large enough to reach her knees. He tossed the thin summery blanket away and helped Samantha up into the nook of his bed.
“Thank you, Mark. You’re so protective of me.” She smiled softly and happily accepted the invitation to encompass herself into Mark’s arms.
 He raised an eyebrow, even though she couldn’t see. “You don’t want me to be?”
“I do,” she answered quickly and laced their hands together. “I like this a lot.”
Mark tilted his head to follow the lazy sunset shimmer through the window. The loose hand he folded under his head served as a good excuse to avoid looking Samantha in the eye. As easy as it had been to drown in her orbs while laying together, just as hard it was to do so while returning to reality. Samantha noticed the atypical silence. With the aphrodisiac sensations fading away, all the words that Mark spoke to her started to click. Samantha was drawing absentmindedly on Mark’s forearm with the tip of her index, trying to reproduce the memory of each phrase. The subtle agony of I couldn’t breathe either when he was towering over you, Samantha, the slight panic in the I imagined him doing all sorts of things to you, with you.
The melancholy in the How can you say I’m not making love to you when I’m touching you like this? which made Samantha’s heart tremble was the seed of hope planted in her soul. If there was any source of truth to say that Mark truly harbored feeling for her, it was not tangible anymore.
Mark, once again, felt so different.
 “What are you thinking about, Mark?” Samantha looked up at him just in time to see how breathtaking the warm colors of the sunset appeared on his features.
He was silent for a while. “About you.”
Samantha furrowed her eyebrows. “What about me? I’m right here.”
A little sigh. “Nothing… it’s just I’m leaving tomorrow, and we won’t see each other a while again.”
“I know…” Samantha’s voice trailed off in sadness. “I don’t want you to go.”
Mark gave a little squeeze to her hand, eyes still watching the first moments of dusk adorning the sky. “That’s not under my control, unfortunately.”
 “I don’t want you to go out of my life, Mark.”
Samantha could swear the vein in Mark’s wrist strained at her words. Still, his expression remained impassable. After a couple moments spent in unmerciful silence, he continued. “Do you think about us? About what we could be?”
The palm of her hand was starting to sweat. Easy answer? Yes, I cannot devote myself to anything that’s not you. True answer? Do you want to take my broken heart? Samantha sensed that she was running out of time, and in hindsight, she should have known that earlier. A man like Mark who had the world at the tips of his fingers, who could have anyone he wished for, wouldn’t say the things he said to any woman that easily. All of it meant something, it should have meant something. It was everything Samantha clung to, for it to mean something. She had to make a decision.
“Forget I asked. You don’t need to say anything.”
“He hit me, Mark.”
The music formerly playing in the background silence of the living room stopped altogether. Mark’s phone must have died, and so did his concentration at Samantha’s sudden confession. His head jerked back to her direction in an impulse to check if she was hurt, even if there was no earthly possibility for her body to be in physical pain at that moment.
Samantha’s mouth was dry, and it shocked her to see Mark’s immediate reaction. She didn’t lose him, he was still there with her. “He hit me after he killed a mother and her unborn child in the operating room.”
“How are we doing there, mrs. Dalton? Can you say something for me?”
Henry’s deft motions of his nimble hands kept raising the standards for a second-year resident. The attendings in the observing room were watching the awake brain surgery with great interest, as was the then-director of the hospital.
“Oh, I can’t wait for this to be done,” the woman rubbed her hand lovingly on her pregnant belly. “Sandra should know the adventures mommy went through.”
“Status on the baby, Doctor Stoss?”
Up until the question was addressed to her, Samantha did not unpeel her eyes from the fetal monitor. “Like a Swiss watch.”
“Keep saying the good news, Doctor Stoss. I’m sure mama Dalton would love to hear that more often.”
“Oh Doctor Carter, I’m sure you were born such a charmer.”
Samantha’s vision was fixated on the handle of the dressing door. She was explaining her memories as if she was living them again. “This surgery had half the hospital watching. It was a procedure previously not done in that medical center, and Henry had had the privilege to participate in one once when we were interns in Toronto. He’s thinking of himself as the hotshot, as he should. His skill and knowledge are top-notch. But they failed him.”
“Doctor Stoss over there can attest to me being a charmer. Or not.” Henry chuckled under his surgical mask, and he quickly stole a glance at Samantha, before focusing on the region of the tumor which he had just reached. “We’re here, mama. Shouldn’t take too long to take it out.”
Mrs. Dalton’s vitals spiked up a level and Samantha observed the nerves on her face. She left her intern in charge of the fetal monitor and approached the woman to reassure her. “It’s going to be okay. We’re here for both you and your little girl.”
Just as Samantha was returning to her previous post, henry was actively preparing to remove the tumor located in a tricky area of mrs. Dalton’s brain. “I’m in.”
The collective audience in the gallery leaned forward to witness Henry’s work. At that point, the loud beeping of the machines pierced the operating room with alarming sounds.
“Doctor Carter, baby’s vitals are starting to drop.”
“What do you mean? What’s going on with my baby?”
“Please try to remain calm, Mrs. Dalton. These reactions happen naturally when a tumor body is being extracted. Once I take this out, everything will get back to normal—”
“Only it didn’t.” Samantha’s fingers curled unconsciously as if reaching out for a scalpel. “I was repeatedly telling him I needed to do a C-Section to save the girl and put her in NICU. At seven months old, she had all the odds of surviving. If only we moved fast enough…”
The distressing sounds of the monitors multiplied when the woman lost consciousness. Her vitals became hectic graphics on the monitors, and Henry visibly stiffened.
“Henry, we are losing this baby. I need to perform the emergency C-Section now.”
“No. I’ll save them both, wait.”
While Henry was applying the standard emergency measures, Samantha’s attention was distracted by the uneasiness of the spectator gallery. She briefly noticed Jonathan, with a looming look on his face that any surgeon regardless of their specialty would understand. The unborn baby was losing its vitals.
“Henry, I’ll move forward. Scalpel, please!”
“I told you to wait! Doctor Stoss, I need you to follow the protocol of my OR.”
“I guess indeed it was his surgery. But those were not his lives to take.”
Half-heartedly, Samantha hesitated to start the neonatal protocol. While Henry had authority, he did not have a positive chance to save both lives. When the fetal monitor fell flat, Samantha went against his instructions and cut into the mother’s belly.
“By the time we took out the little girl, her heart had already stopped beating. We did all the resuscitation maneuvers we knew and could…” Samantha let out a sigh, and Mark pulled her tighter into him. “All hell broke loose. I don’t know when Jonathan got to the OR, but he was there for all of it.”
“Time of death…” Samantha’s discouraged voice echoed throughout the macabre silence of the operating room. “Six thirty-one.” Two paces away, resuscitation maneuvers were still going for the woman on the table. When Henry realized there was no use for them anymore, he stepped away from the body, prompting everyone else to follow his example. “Time of death, six thirty-five.”
Nobody in the room dared move a finger. Two casualties in an operating room which, on paper, could have been avoided. It was a medical disaster. Samantha pulled down her surgical mask, to try and take hold of the situation. “We’ll need to go outside and inform the father—”
“You let her die.”
All eyes fell on Henry. Samantha couldn’t believe her ears. “Excuse me?”
“That baby could have been saved.”
Henry’s voice grew louder, more assertive. Samantha stood her ground, deliberately choosing to ignore Henry’s last comment. “I understand this must be a difficult situation for you, Doctor Carter, but in no way am I to blame.”
“That baby could have been saved!”
As his voice grew into a striking holler, Samantha no longer recognized the man in front of her. She was searching for the proficient doctor, for the partner that he was. And for the lover that he used to be.
“Henry,” Samantha kept calm even though her head was spinning in disbelief “you told me to follow your protocol in your OR—"
 At that point, Samantha could not register what had just happened. Henry raised his hand at her and slapped her on the cheek. There was a shared gasp among the people in the room who refused to understand Henry’s tameless reaction. By the time Samantha tilted her head back to look at Henry, Jonathan had stepped up to punch him in the face.
Mark raised an eyebrow. Although he got off to a rocky start with Jonathan, his respect for him grew substantially.
“A couple of guys had to restrain Jonathan because clearly that wouldn’t have been the last punch he would’ve thrown. After that, I went to inform the father of his… losses. Henry was not allowed to accompany me. The father sued the hospital for malpractice, and I have no idea how they settled. I only saw Henry once, after that. They summoned all the medical operating staff to testify. He never looked me in the eye, not once. I wanted to believe that he was sorry, something to make me believe our relationship was not a lie. I never got closure for that.”
Mark waited patiently for Samantha to continue. When she did not, he placed a chaste kiss on the crown of her head. “Did you need that? Closure?”
She sighed. “I guess I did. When you think you have something of that magnitude with someone, only for it to fall apart in the most gruesome way, I needed some sort of a life raft. Truth is, we started falling apart even before he hit me. Henry was starting to become distant and full of himself. But I never expected him to be violent.”
Mark noticed the flake of regret in her voice, to briefly wonder how things are settled in the vast Universe. Hadn’t Henry done that, Mark wouldn’t have gotten to fall in love with her. Life was funny, that way.
Samantha sighed, once again, yet more out of liberation. Albeit painful, she truly needed to convey the feelings out loud for them to become less repressive. Maybe to disappear.
“Can you understand now, Mark? Why he was able to hold me down at all? Why it is tough for me to trust someone again?”
Mark’s lungs filled with air. “Even me?”
Samantha closed her eyes. He did not need to spell it out loud for her to understand what he meant. “I just need a little more time, Mark.”
Indeed, he never expected to hear anything different, it still did not mean it hurt less. On the one hand, because Samantha still didn’t see him fit to be trustworthy, and on the other hand because he seemingly was giving more than she was ready to receive.
“Should I keep my distance then?” his voice was flat, too much so that he must have given away he was disappointed, because Samantha tightened their holding hands.
“No.” She answered timidly, looking up at him for the first time in a long while. Mark’s eyes were diverted to the emerging summer night. He was slipping away through her fingers, once more.
“I don’t know if I can give you both ways.” Not when I know I'll never treat you the way he did.
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aestheticseungmean · 2 years
And They Were Roomates
Featuring: Kim Taehyung, Min Yoongi, and Jeong Jungkook with brief Park Jimin
Warnings: Daddy kink, oral (male and fem), implied female reader, name calling, edging, overstimulation, sir kink, master kink, reader being referred to as bitch, praise, voyeurism, dacryphilia, choking, biting, threesome.
Please do not send any hate. This is my first threesome smut. Request open and please enjoy
Word count: 7.6K words
Taehyung. Taehyung. Taehyung. You banged your head in your hands frustratedly. At one point, you missed and banged your head on the desk. The teacher stopped speaking and everyone looked at you. “I’m okay…” She shrugged and went back to writing impossible math problems on the board. All but one of the students directed their attention back to the board. You sighed and winced when you got hit by a note. You opened it and smiled. Your dorm @4 and your bed is mine. Quickly, you threw a glance at your mint-haired friend who smirked at you. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him. Luckily, you had homework so you wouldn’t fight over the bed.
Four rolled around quickly and you left your door unlocked. It wasn’t like your friend was going to knock anyways. “I’M HERE AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND.” “IN HERE.” You watched as he entered the room. “Hey, Yoongs!” He muttered a ‘hey’ and jumped on your bed. “My homework gives me more reaction than you.” “I’m here, too.” A small voice came from the doorway. “Chimmy!” Jimin was your childhood crush, but as all good things get older, they fade. That’s exactly what happened. Now you have a crush on the campus hot boy alien, Kim Taehyung. He was untouchable. Unreachable. And he’s been on your mind since he gave you his umbrella and stood in the rain.
“Yoongles?” “Why do you hate me?” He sighed and groaned. “Cause I do. Now, did you pay attention in class?” You heard a slight chuckle. “I was zoned out but I know one thing. You were thinking of Taehyung.” He sneered. The closest soft thing was a plushie, so you decided to throw it at Yoongi. Jimin perked up. “I wanna talk about Tae.” “I don’t.” Jimin forcefully turned your seat around and made you look at him. “We are talking about Taehyung.” “You looked like shit in class.” Of course, Yoongi noticed. No matter how much concealer you put on, he could tell. “I didn’t get good sleep last night.” “I can tell. These sheets smell clean, which means you washed them this morning.” True. You did. You hate washing your sheets so you do it once a month unless you have a reason to do it sooner.
“Okay, so I had a dream…” That was the truth… just not the full truth. “What kind of dream?” Yoongi smirked. “Obviously one about Taehyung, Jimin.” Sighing and blushing, you hid your head in your hands. “Ooh, was he choking you? Did he chain you up? Did he blindfold you? Did he make you call him daddy?” No. No. No. You absolutely did not want that image in your head right now, especially not in front of your friends. You bit back a moan and shuddered instead. “I don’t want to talk about it.” “He’s got you whipped.” Jimin giggled, playfully teasing you. You groaned. “Shut up, please!” Jimin looked taken aback. “Man, you need to get fucked and fast. You’re a bitch.” “I don’t need your criticism, Jimin. Or your advice.” At this point, the homework was forgotten until you turned around. Your phone buzzed violently.
ᗰᗩᗰᗩ ᒍIᑎ
Did you hear the news?
Did you?
Did you?
Answer me!
I cannot believe you don’t love your brother
What news?
Taehyung’s heading towards your house
I think it was something like he’s moving in next to you.
“SERIOUSLY, HE DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME THAT TAEHYUNG IS MOVING IN NEXT DOOR?” “Ooh, the tea is piping hot!” “Shut up, Jimin.” You groaned as someone knocked on the door. “Must be, Jinyoung.” The dorms were co-ed which was stupid, but you guess that the administration didn’t care if you got an STD, or worse, pregnant. Jinyoung hadn’t been home in weeks and you noticed his door was closed the entire time, but he was a private person so nothing was thought of it. You stood up and readjusted your shorts from riding up any farther. Thinking he could hear you, you started complaining to the door. “Jinyoung, you know that the key opens the door. Don’t tell me you lost it otherwise-“ You finally paid attention to who was at the door. Kim Taehyung. Jungkook was standing behind him with the second half of Taehyung’s stuff. “Hi! Are you going to let me into my dorm, roomie?”
A knock sounded on your bedroom door and Jimin opened it before you could react. Taehyung and Jungkook stood at the door. “YOU GOT AN XBOX ONE, PLAYSTATION, WII, AND TWO COMPUTERS FOR GAMING!” You giggled at Jungkook’s reaction. Typically, after school, you would come in here and play against people or just play for fun. “Is Jungkookie excited by my new roommate’s gaming system?” He nodded. “If you want, we can play sometime, Jungkook.” You could see him glowing with excitement. “I can come back if you want to be alone.” Taehyung eyed Jimin and Yoongi cautiously. His tone told you that he was thinking you were going to do something with Jimin and Yoongi. “It’s okay, they’re just friends.” “I’m not just your friend…” Jimin is not helping. “I’m your childhood best friend too!” “Go order takeout and make yourself useful.”
He stuck his tongue out at you before going to the living room to order. “What do you need?” “I was wondering if you’d help me do laundry?” Yoongi chuckled and gave you a look. That ‘this is the guy you want to fuck you’ look. “You don’t know how to do laundry?” He sheepishly grinned. “I mean, I do, but I don’t want to break another washer because it was different.” Jungkook chimed in much to the despair of his best friend. “Oh yeah! You broke the knob off and then fried the wiring.” Yoongi chuckled at you. Through gritted teeth, Taehyung spoke. “Yes, I was referring to that one.” Thankfully, Jimin came back into the room which saved Taehyung from complete embarrassment. Whatever, you thought. “Let’s go, it’s downstairs.” He nodded and grabbed his laundry. The two of you walked side by side in silence until you got to the laundry room. He watched closely as you showed him how to use the washer, eyes analyzing your every move. ———————————————————
“I-I have to go.” You were too embarrassed to stay and deal with the fact that your hot roommate heard you get turned on by a dryer. “Stay.” Taehyung’s voice was dominant and turned you on even more. Your juices were slowly soaking through to your shorts. Luckily, you were wearing black so it didn’t show, but at least you were in a place where you could wash your clothes. “Did that turn you on?” You shook your head. “Answer me, baby doll.” A small whimper left your lips when he forced his leg in between yours. “Yes, Daddy.” Daddy. Taehyung just realized that he had a Daddy kink. “Fuck, that was hot.” He watched as your face turned pink and you looked away from him. This wasn’t acceptable in his book. His hand gripped your chin and forced you to look at him. You looked into his lust-filled eyes and gulped as he leaned in closer, lips brushing yours. The need controlled your movements as you pulled him into a heated kiss. It was a mess of moans and tongues as you submitted to Taehyung.
Pulling away to catch your breath, Taehyung nipped and sucked at the soft skin of your neck, leaving marks. “We can’t do this here. There are cameras.” He nipped harshly at a sweet spot, causing you to moan. “Let them watch.” Forcing yourself not to succumb to his wants, you pushed him away. “We’ll get kicked out.” You jumped down only to be pushed against the wall. Taehyung grinded himself against you, the pleasure making you throw your head back. “Tae,” your voice was barely a whimper now. “You can’t leave me hanging babydoll, now can you?” “No Daddy but-“ He effectively cut you off by thrusting his long, slender fingers in your mouth, making you gag at the sudden intrusion. Drool spilled out of the corner of your mouth, making you feel absolutely filthy. If one were to walk into the laundry room, they’d know exactly what was going down or who was going down.
Footsteps sounded in the hallway, nearing closer to the laundry room. “Stay quiet, babydoll and they won’t know a thing. You can do that for me, right?” “Yes, Daddy,” you sighed. “Good girl.” Taehyung removed his fingers from your mouth and wiped them on his sweatpants. “Hey, Taehyung. ________.” You managed to squeak out a small hi to your classmate, but Taehyung’s wandering hands didn’t help either. When she looked away to grab clothes, Taehyung’s large hand groped your breast, pinching your sensitive nipple through the shirt. “Shit,” you gasped. “Are you okay?” You looked up to see the girl staring at you worried. “Yeah, just had a cold chill.” It wasn’t a total lie, but it was believable enough for her to return to her laundry. “Who knew my baby doll had a little mouth on her?” Taehyung whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “What else can that pretty mouth say?” “Wait until we get back to the dorm to do anything,” you hissed, scared of getting caught but loving the thrill. “Tsk. Are you disrespecting me? Do I need to punish you?”
The thought of what Taehyung could do to you made you even wetter. Your juices threatened to escape your shorts and show him how much that affected you but there was no need. His fingers slipped into your shorts and ran across your clit, forcing you to bite your lip to keep quiet. “Hey, you look sick. Are you okay?” You looked up to find the girl staring at you and suddenly, you were all too aware of Taehyung’s fingers threatening to push into you in a public area. “Yeah, it’s just hot in here.” She nodded in agreement. “It is a little, but will you be kind enough to watch my clothes? I have to study and I don’t want someone to set them on top again in the middle of the wash.” A quick nod made her smile, and she left the room. “Babydoll, I think you have a voyeurism kink.” A smirk was etched onto his face as you turned to him, wide-eyed. “And I think I know just how to satiate that. Would you like me to call Jungkookie? Or how about Yoongi hyung, hmm? How would you like to have your best friend watch you get ruined?”
“You don’t even need to talk, your body is talking for you,” he purred into your ear. You whined when he slipped his hands out of your shorts and tapped your lips. “Open up, babydoll.” Maybe you could get some retribution for his teasing. The lewd sucking sounds from you made Taehyung groan out loud. He pulled his fingers out and dried them on his sweatpants before turning to the dryer. “I think the dryer’s done.” Your mouth hung open as he completely ignored the fact that he had just been toying with you, making you a mess. Taehyung grabbed his phone and pulled up his contacts before calling someone. “I’ll be right back,” he said, heading out to the hallway. Dumbfounded, you stood in place trying to figure out what just happened. Sexually frustrated, you squeezed your thighs together, hoping that your classmate would come to get her clothes so you could go home and fix your own problems. Fuck Taehyung. Fuck him and his effect on you.
“Hey, thank you! I owe you a favor.” You came back down to earth to see the second person you wanted to see the most. “Oh, it’s no biggie.” Exhaling heavily, you grabbed Taehyung’s clothes from the dryer, put them in his basket, and walked out to where he stood, still on his phone. He grunted when you shoved the basket into his chest before stomping back to the apartment, clearly struggling to keep your cool. Behind you, you heard Taehyung chuckle. “Okay, see you soon. Bye.” Was he really going to leave you like this? Almost immediately, you shut your bedroom door. You threw yourself face down on your bed, screaming. You turned over and stared at the ceiling, thinking about how it would feel to have Taehyung’s long fingers reaching lengths that your own couldn’t. Just the thought itself made your hands crawl down to the place that needed the most attention. You wasted no time slipping your fingers in between your folds, collecting the slick that was now dripping down onto the back of your shorts.
With ease, you pushed in one finger, your back arching at the pleasure. “Fuck,” you moaned out, now thrusting your fingers in and out of yourself. Moans spilled from your mouth as you edged closer to your high. Your door creaked open and you heard a tsk. “Babydoll, you couldn’t wait for me?” “You were busy on the phone,” you spat. “Being a little brat, are we? I think I can fix that.” Taehyung grabbed the silk tie from your robe hanging on the door and crawled onto your bed. “Hands.” “No, I’m so close,” you whimpered. He ignored your pleading as his large hands wrapped around your wrists, forcing them up towards the bed frame. “You don’t want to listen, then you don’t get to cum, baby doll. Fine. By. Me.” You tugged at the silk that restricted you to the bed. “Tae,” you whined out, earning a glare. “What did you just call me?” He asked darkly. “I’m sorry, Daddy.” His dark eyes disappeared when he smiled, causing you to internally scream at the fact that he could look so sexy one minute, but the next minute so cute.
“I brought you a gift!” Taehyung exclaimed. Confused, you watched as he opened the door to reveal your best friend, leaning against your door frame. “Y-Yoongi, what are you doing here?” “No speaking without permission, Babydoll.” Yoongi strolled in and sat down in your desk chair, spreading his legs while exerting dominance. “Daddy, what are you doing?” “Kitten, I believe he told you not to talk without permission.” You gulped and watched as Taehyung stalked you like his prey. “Hmm, I bet you taste sweet.” Your hips rutted into the air as Taehyung dragged his fingers up your leg, over the spot you wanted them most, over your chest, and to your cheeks where he harshly squeezed them and forced you to look at him. “I want you to be a good girl for me. Or else.” Without warning, Taehyung ripped your shirt, exposing the dark red bra that you were thankful you had put on before going to the laundry room. “We won’t be needing this,” he said before reaching underneath you and unclasping your bra in one swift motion.
As the garment was thrown across the room, Taehyung was working at your perked nipples. You gasped as he pinched and twisted the sensitive bud. A low chuckle escaped from his lips as he took the other in his mouth, using his tongue to stimulate you. “Fuck,” you whined. Taehyung pulled back and removed his hands. “I’m pretty sure Taehyung made himself clear, Kitten,” Yoongi stated. You looked up at Taehyung as if asking for permission to talk. “You may speak, babydoll.” “I’m sorry, Daddy. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Just touch me please,” you said desperately, already having been denied an orgasm once. “I think you should ask Yoongi hyung what he thinks.” “Yoongi-“ He held up his hand to quiet you. “If you want to get anywhere with me, then you should call me master.” “Master, I’ll do anything, I just want someone to touch me. Please.” You saw a small smirk appear on his face as you spoke. “Taehyung, I think Kitten wants you to taste her.” “With pleasure.”
Taehyung tapped your thigh to signal for you to lift your hips so he could take off your shorts. “Babydoll, you're soaked. Is it because of Daddy or maybe it’s caused by your master?” You took your lip in between your teeth to stop the noises threatening to release themselves. A loud moan forced its way out of your mouth as Taehyung licked a stripe up your folds. “How does she taste?” “So good.” Just as quick as he spoke, he was already diving back in, devouring you like a starved man. You let out a broken sob at the euphoric feeling. If your hands weren’t tied, they’d be tangled up in Taehyung’s messy hair. Instead, you let your thighs tighten around his head. “Kitten, you're gonna suffocate him.” The male in between your legs let out a groan when he realized Yoongi’s words affected you. “Use your fingers, Taehyung.” Complying to Yoongi’s command, Taehyung slipped a finger into you, moving it at a fast pace. “Don’t be a pussy, add more. She can take it.” “Master-“ Your words were cut off by the male adding two more fingers. You felt your high approaching and so did Taehyung. Right before you came, he pulled away, letting your orgasm fade.
“You didn’t think I’d actually let you come so soon, did you, babydoll? You’ve been a bad girl.” You stared at him, tears spilling out of your eyes from being so close. “Don’t look so sad, Kitten. We’re just getting started.” Taehyung crawled off the bed and stripped off his shirt and pants, leaving himself in his underwear. Your eyes widened at the sight of Taehyung’s bulge straining against his boxers. You happily sighed as he took them off, letting his dick stand tall and proud. “Like what you see?” Taehyung asked cockily. “I know for a fact that Yoongi’s bigger.” He let out a growl, sounding almost animalistic as Yoongi chuckled from the side. “Well, she’s not wrong.” “It doesn’t matter the size, as long as you fuck your bitch right.” The bed dipped as he untied the silk from the bed frame. He pulled you towards him, seeing as how your wrists were still tied together. “And tonight, along with every other night, you are my bitch.” His lips crashed against yours in a messy make out. You fought for dominance but ultimately lost. Taehyung pulled away for air and readjusted you so you were on his lap. Even though he was dominating you, he still wanted to make sure you were ready for him.
“Are you ready?” The sincerity in his voice was sweet but you were too far gone to care. “Take me, daddy. Make me your bitch.” You whispered the last word into his ear before nibbling at it, making him groan. Taehyung lifted you up and helped you ease onto his dick. He let out a guttural groan as he bottomed out. “Move for me, babydoll.” Using his chest as leverage, you brought your body up before slamming it back down, repeating the process. Eventually, you started to slow down, becoming worn out from doing all the work. Taehyung gladly took control, flipping you over and pounding you deep into the mattress, making you moan out loud. You glanced over at Yoongi, who was watching the entire show with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. A sharp gasp left your lips as Taehyung found that ‘special’ spot. “YOONGI,” you screamed out in pleasure, making Taehyung wrap his hands around your throat and lean down towards you. He chuckled deeply into your ear. “Oh babydoll, you’re in for a long night.”
You became frustrated when Taehyung pulled out once again, making you cry out. “Daddy. Please let me cum just once.” He pretended to think about it before shaking his head. “I think you’ve been a good girl but I’m not letting you cum. He might though.” You froze and looked to where Taehyung was pointing. Jungkook stood dumbfounded in the doorway, watching your naked body shudder under his gaze. Yoongi pulled up the other chair and patted it, signaling Jungkook to sit down. You watched as he shifted in his chair, trying to ignore the raging hard-on he was sporting. “Looks like Jungkookie has a little problem. Why don’t you let him use you? Maybe he’ll let you cum.” Jungkook visibly gulped as Taehyung stepped away and gave him permission to come up to you. “C-Can I?” He asked, reaching out for your hand. “Yes, sir.” His eyes darkened at the two little words that held a monumental effect on him. Jungkook carefully took your hand in his, wanting to be a little more on the sweet side.
“She’s not porcelain, she won’t break,” Taehyung scoffed. “Trust me, I know.” He added, throwing you a smirk. “You’re right, I didn’t break. Maybe you just didn’t fuck me hard enough.” Sure you were gonna die, but it would be worth it. “Bitch-“ Jungkook turned and stood face to face with Taehyung. “You said it was my turn, therefore; it’s my turn. Clearly, you didn’t impress her.” Taehyung backed up, astonished that his friend just spoke back to him. Jungkook returned to his spot beside you and untied your wrists. “No need for this.” You sighed and rolled your wrists, happy that there wasn’t something restraining them anymore. “Thank you, sir.” “On your knees.” Gladly, you dropped down on your knees in front of him. His hands fumbled to get the belt on his jeans undone, but once he got it off everything else was easy. “I want you to put that pretty mouth to use. You said you don’t have a gag reflex and I’m here to test that, Princess.”
Once his dick was free from its confinement, you set to work, smearing his precum along his length. He let out an almost pornographic moan when you kitten licked his tip. “Don’t tease.” Not wanting to make him wait any longer, you opened your mouth and fit as much as you could at one time. “Good girl,” Jungkook groaned, his fingers tangling into your hair and pushing you further down, enjoying the feeling of your tongue swirling around his dick. You hollow your cheeks and begin to suck on his length softly. He bucked his hips harshly when he felt you swallow the drool threatening to spill out of the corners of your mouth. “I can’t hold back, Princess.” You tapped his thigh, signaling to let go of his restraint and just fuck your mouth until your throat is raw. Jungkook happily did so, thrusting roughly to the point where your nose reached the skin at the base of his dick. “You weren’t lying, babydoll. You really don’t have a gag reflex.” Feeling proud of your little feat, you sucked harshly, making Jungkook’s head fall back in pleasure. Somewhere in there, you swore you heard Yoongi mumble, “fuck, that’s hot,” under his breath.
“I’m cumming, Princess.” You felt him pull out of your mouth and use his hand to get his release. “Open your mouth,” Jungkook commanded. Just the sheer tone of his voice made you eagerly stick out your tongue, awaiting his next move. He moaned as he came, his release staying mainly on your tongue but escaping to your chin and down to your chest. “Look at the little cum slut so eager to please,” Yoongi chuckled, his thumb coming to wipe the excess off your chin and bringing it to your mouth. “Open up, Princess.” You took Yoongi’s thumb in your mouth and sucked, trying to make his facade break. “You can show me what that little mouth of yours can do later. Right now, it’s Jungkook’s turn, Kitten.” Listening to Yoongi, you turned to see Jungkook already shirtless and working on his skinny jeans. You gawked at his muscles, admiring how well built he was. “Shit,” you whispered under your breath, imagining Jungkook fucking you up against your bedroom wall. His strong arms hold you up while his hips thrust into you at an inhuman pace.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, Princess.” Back in reality, Jungkook was already stripped and standing in front of you. “Nothing, sir.” “Now don’t lie or you won’t get what you want.” You gulped nervously and spoke. “I was thinking about you f-fucking me against the wall.” Your voice was hushed and raw but Jungkook still smirked, hearing you clearly. “Your wish is my command.” Before you could speak, his hands were already helping you to your feet. He pulled you into a kiss that started out soft, his teeth occasionally nibbling at your bottom lip. “Jump.” As soon as your legs wrapped around his body, the kiss became rougher and needier. Your hands tangled into his hair, and your back hit the cold wall, making you whine. With his strength, he gingerly slid you onto his length. The sound of his skillful hips slapping against your skin soon filled the room as Jungkook set to work on covering your neck in his marks. You moaned when he found your sweet spot. “Found it,” he said with a small chuckle. He continued his assault on your neck, enjoying the sinful sounds you made dangerously close to his ear.
“Sir, I’m going to cum,” you whispered in between marking his neck. “Cum for me, Princess.” Unable to hold back any longer, you bit down onto Jungkook’s neck as you came, your moans being muffled. Jungkook wasn’t expecting you to have a biting kink but it had him pulling out and cumming in seconds. “I wasn’t expecting that,” he said breathlessly. Your head laid on his shoulders, tired and worn out. Jungkook laid you onto the bed and watched as you started to drift off, chuckling because they were not done with you. Sleep was only an inch away when you were jolted awake by a tongue against your sensitive clit. You looked down to see Yoongi lazily eating you out, taking his time and ruining any chance of you getting any energy back. “Yoongi,” you whimpered out, earning a small bite on your thigh. “Master, please. I can’t take it. It hurts.” He pulled his head up to look at you with dangerous eyes. “Keep complaining and I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” You threw your head back in defeat as Yoongi continued his assault. After a minute or two, he decided to add one of his fingers, pushing it in slowly. Instinctively, your hips bucked into his fingers to get more friction. Your own fingers were tangled in his hair, pulling when his fingers pushed in.
It was so dirty and filthy the way you were enjoying how your best friend was making you feel. The way his tongue skillfully danced across your clit. The way the sucking and nibbling made you cry out in pleasure. “Did I say you could make noise?” “No but-“ Yoongi looked up at you with a dark, piercing gaze. “Make one more sound, and I’ll punish you.” You almost whimpered at the sound of his harsh tone, but you held it back and nodded your head. “Good girl.” While Yoongi was teasing you, you tried your hardest to not make a sound, biting your lip so hard it almost started to bleed. His lips traveled up your body, placing light, feathery kisses along with marks that would take weeks to disappear. He crashed his lips against yours in a messy make out and you were careful not to make noise. Your hips moved along with his fingers at a fast pace, making the whole scene feel heavenly. Everyone else in the room became non-existent as Yoongi kissed you roughly, sending bolts down to your core. Even as you were making out with him, you still fought the urge to make noise. Yoongi pulled away from the kiss. “Struggling much, kitten?”
With all your strength, you reached up and crashed your lips against his again to stop the whine threatening to slip from your lips. You were so caught up in kissing him, that you didn’t feel his fingers run through your hair. Yoongi waited a few seconds before tugging your hair harshly. A cry escaped your lips as you grabbed the sheets, crumpling up the once pristine purple sheets. Your eyes widened at the realization of what you had just done, broken his only rule. “Master, please. I didn’t mean to.” The pleads of forgiveness slipped out in a broken voice. Yoongi chuckles darkly. “I had one rule, kitten. And you couldn’t even follow it. I’m disappointed. I didn’t want to have to punish you.” “Please. I’ve been a good girl. Don’t do this,” you whined, feeling his fingers work your orgasm closer. Noticing the way you clenched heavily around his fingers, he pulled them out of you. “You sound cute when you beg, kitten. I can’t wait to make you beg me to stop. If you take your punishment like the good girl I know you are, I’ll fuck you until you’re crying. Okay?” You nodded desperately. “Good. You didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
“On your knees, slut. I’m going to fuck your throat raw,” Yoongi commanded. While you got on your knees and awaited your fate, Yoongi undressed himself. He walked to where you were kneeling for him. You were too busy looking at the floor to notice him, so he yanked your hair to make you look at him. “Now that I have your attention, you ready?” You took a deep breath before nodding at him. He released your hair, but only for a minute. He pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail as he thrust into your mouth. Yoongi chuckled as drool dribbled out of your mouth and down your chin. His low groans were music to your ears. As he grew closer to his release, his pace got rougher and sloppier. Right before he came, he pulled out of your mouth, breathing heavily. “Master, you didn’t cum,” you forced out, your words not fully forming because of your raw throat. “Listen to that. Babydoll can’t speak properly.” Yoongi threw a smirk towards the two other boys in the room as if saying ‘I did this and you didn’t’. “I don’t want to cum yet because you are going to take it like the little cumslut you are. And you’ll enjoy every minute of it whether you like it or not.”
You mentally smiled, knowing that even though Yoongi was treating you like a slut, he would stop if need be. “Bed. Now.” You immediately stood up and went to the bed, complying to Yoongi’s command. “Face down, ass up,” he enunciated each word, forcing you to do the action by pressing his hand in the middle of your back and pushing down so your back was arched. The bed dipped as he climbed up behind you and prepared himself. The stretch was a little different from Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s dicks. It was slightly longer than Jungkook’s but less girthier and Taehyung just couldn’t compare. Taehyung’s length was a bit shorter and less girthier than both men. It was perfect for causal sex but right now, you wanted to be fucked, destroyed, not able to walk tomorrow. The sound of Yoongi placing harsh smacks on your ass while pounding you face first into the mattress was a sight for the others. Jungkook had gotten his phone out and started to record while Taehyung had grabbed his camera from the other room and took pictures of your fucked out expressions to add to his new keepsake box.
“Let the neighbours hear how good I make you feel, kitten,” Yoongi growled out, focusing on the feeling of you clenching around him. A loud, pornographic moan erupted from your lips, eliciting a smirk from Yoongi. He groaned when he looked at where your cunt was swallowing his dick, pulling it in with a vice-like grip. A word slipped past your mouth, making Yoongi chuckle. “Are you sure you’re ready for me to go faster, kitten?” You tapped the bed, signaling yes as your confirmation words were swallowed into the mattress. Your face went even further into the mattress… if that was even possible. Yoongi thrusted into you at an almost animalistic pace, making you scream into the sheets. “Maybe you should fuck the bitch more often if she screams that loud for you,” Taehyung said, his voice deeper than usual. “Maybe I should. It’s not like you could anyways.” Taehyung clenched his jaw, but opted to not say anything. “Are you going cum all over my dick for me, Kitten?” Knowing you couldn't answer, Yoongi continued to thrust into you harshly, edging you closer to your limit. “Yoongi,” you yelled out as he continued his relentless pace through your orgasm, immediately overstimulating you.
“I’m not stopping until I cum, little brat.” He flipped you over onto your back and repositioned you so that your leg was on his shoulder and the other was against your chest. Tears spilled from your eyes as he ignored your pleas. His hips stuttered as he came inside of you, thrusting a little more to milk himself of every last drop before he fell beside you. “I did too much work,” he huffed out. “Pfft. A good fuck goes all night. A mediocre fuck goes one round,” Taehyung teased, riling up the mint haired boy. “I never said I couldn’t go more rounds, I just said I’m done doing the work.” While the two bickered back and forth, Jungkook was already making his way over to you, wheeling in the chair. With the last bit of strength you had, you climbed into his lap. “How are you feeling, princess?” He asked sweetly. You laid your head on his shoulder, tired. “Sore and tired,” you sighed out, placing a soft kiss on his neck. Jungkook placed a kiss on your forehead and allowed you to rest for a minute or two. “Don’t go to sleep yet. We aren’t finished with you,” he said softly but yet something about it was hot. Discreetly, his hands moved your bottom half against his growing problem. “Sir, please. Five more minutes.” Jungkook sighed sharply. “But I need to be in you.” You lifted yourself up and allowed Jungkook to slip his dick into your sensitive heat.
“Don’t move.” While he didn’t enjoy orders from you, he did enjoy the warmth of your tight walls around his length. Caught up in the passion and slowness of the moment, you kissed Jungkook. You kissed him slowly and passionately, not rough like you did when he was taking you against the wall. His hands laid upon your waist, holding you close. Your arms were wrapped around the back of his neck as you continued your soft make out session. You were so into the kiss that you didn’t realize a few things. A)Jungkook had started moving, going against your instructions. B) Yoongi was watching what was going on. C) Taehyung was now behind you, trailing his fingers up your body as he sucked marks on your neck and shoulder bone. Feeling Taehyung behind you, sucking and biting at your neck, made you kiss Jungkook with a little bit more rush. “Let’s turn you around, babydoll.” Careful, not to move too much, you turned around and came face to face with two dicks. “We’ll give Jungkook the pleasure of finishing off in you last, but I want your mouth, babydoll. Let me see what had the others coming so fast.”
Yoongi looked at you expectantly, clearly not wanting to be left to help himself. Your hand wrapped around his dick and began to pump his length. Taehyung on the other hand, had tapped your lips with his fingers making you open up. He slid his dick in easily and you hollowed your cheeks before bobbing your mouth up and down. Jungkook, noticing that you were preoccupied, took matters into his own hands by bucking his hips up into you, causing you to moan around Taehyung. The vibrations against his length made Taehyung groan out and you were pretty sure the neighbours could hear and knew exactly what was going on. “I’m taking over, okay Babydoll?” You looked up at him through your blown out eyes and nodded. His long fingers grabbed a hold of your hair and the back of your head, pushing you down to meet his thrust. He did this a couple of times to test the waters before picking up the speed almost making you gag at times. The hand that was working Yoongi stuttered as you tried to focus on the two things that were fucking into you and he quickly lost patience, taking matters into his own hands.
Yoongi started fucking into your hand at the same pace as Taehyung, imagining that it was your skillful tongue working him and not a measly hand. Your knees quickly grew painful at the hard cracked leather scraping and scratching at them but you pushed through. In your bliss, you looked up and saw Taehyung become a groaning mess as he felt his high near. His face was contorted with pleasure as his hands grabbed whatever was nearest to him which happened to be your desk. Yoongi was close by, moaning out your name as you struggled to keep your hand shaped for him. Jungkook wasn’t far behind as he had been edging himself during the time Yoongi was fucking the life out of you. You weren’t as close as the others and you were counting on one of them to help you. “I’m coming, babydoll,” Taehyung choked out. You swallowed the drool that had form in your mouth around him to make room for the next thing. His large hand pushed your head down all the way and released down your throat effectively making you gag. He pulled away, exhausted and went to grab some lotion and towels.
You felt Yoongi’s thumb grab up the excess cum from your mouth and wiped it on your bottom lip. You were going to lick it off to tease him but Jungkook hit just right and had your head falling back against his shoulder. “Sir, more please.” “Yoongi isn't finished yet.” A whine fell from your lips but you set to work making your hand meet Yoongi’s thrusts. You leaned down to where his dick poked through and kitten licked the tip each time it came through. “Shit. Keep doing that and I won’t be able to hold back.” A few more thrusts or so of doing that and he was cumming. Bits of it were all over your neck and face and some landed on your breasts. The entire picture was lewd. Before Yoongi could get affected by the scene again, he rushed to get the bath running. “It’s just you and me, princess.” With ease, Jungkook went faster while you slammed your hips down to meet his. “Jungkookie, I’m cumming!” “Cum for me, Princess.” He had neared his high right as you had and you both came at the same time. You shut your eyes, tired, sore and hungry. A scream came from the doorway.
“What the fuck?” The new voice had Taehyung and Yoongi running, only Yoongi had the decency to wear a towel around his waist. “YOONGI? Oh my god! I’ll come back later. Have fun.” “Jimin-ah.” Yoongi called him, effectively making the boy turn and stare. “Tell anyone about this and I’ll break you.” Jimin smiled sheepishly knowing he would die if he didn’t listen. “I believe you. I mean, you already broke our best friend. Wait, is she still your best friend or….” “Go wait in the living room.” You gave a weak smile as you heard Jimin laugh down the hallway, running from Yoongi. “Let’s get you two in the bath.” The voice wasn’t registering in your head but you felt yourself being lifted up and placed in the hot bath. Not long after, you felt another body enter the tub. “Come cuddle me, Princess.” “No, we are washing you guys up.” You felt hands placing soap in your hair, washing it before moving onto your body. “She’s tired, Taehyung.” “We all fucked her pretty good.” “Correction, I did.” “Shut up Kook.” “You, Tae.” You chuckled at the boys and let whoever was washing you, continue. “Come on, up you go.” It was Yoongi washing you with such gentleness. He wrapped a towel around you as soon as he helped you stand up. “Let’s go get you some clothes,” he spoke softly which was a nice change from all the times before.
You walked out to the living room in Jungkook's shirt and a pair of loose shorts and nothing else. With the help of the walls, you walked out to Jimin and sat beside him. “One of the boys couldn’t have helped you out here?” “I could do it myself, I’m a big girl,” you said weakly. “Yes you are. So tell me….” You looked at him expectantly, not knowing what was going to be said. “How were they? Especially Yoongi! Was he as big and good as he claimed to be?” The way Jimin threw question after question and cutely stared at you waiting for the answers made you laugh. “They were good and Yoongi is way better and bigger than what he said he was.” The two of you got lost in conversation when the other three came out to sit on the couch and chairs. “I hear you talking good things about Yoongi and Jungkook but what about me?” “You were okay,” you teased Taehyung who pouted. Still hazy from the sex, you leaned over and kissed him. “Did you just kiss me?” “Was I not allowed to?” You question, curious as to why not right now, just minutes after they were all kissing and making out with you. “What are we?” Jungkook asked. “Whatever you guys want to be,” you shrugged, down with being in a relationship or a friends with benefits situation or even just friends and this never happened. The room was silent with people thinking of what to call this.
Yoongi spoke up first. “I’m okay with all of us being in a relationship.” “You’re suggesting polyamory?” You asked, watching his head nod. “I’m down!” All four heads turned to look at the enthusiastic Jungkook already eyeing you. “All you guys need is Taehyung,” Jimin pointed out. “Yeah, I’m good with it. I have more chances to prove myself now.” You threw the pillow at Taehyung and laughed when it hit his head. “Shut up.” “How about no?” “Wait, so this means that I can do couply things with you guys and kiss you and be alone with you?” Yoongi nodded. “Yeah but don’t kiss me in public. Don’t need Jimin getting jealous.” “Yah! I’m not jealous. You’re mediocre at best, hyung.” You smacked Jimin’s chest making him wince. “Don’t say anything you don’t know.” “Oh yeah, I forgot. You’re an expert on Yoongi now,” he joked, sticking his tongue out at you. “I am. And I am an expert on Taehyung and Jungkook. Got a problem?” “No. You aren’t an expert on me so we are good.” You painfully crossed your arms standing your ground. “Oh yeah? Should I tell them about the 3 am Dream calls where you interrupt my sleep talking about your sex dreams?” Jimin’s eyes went wide. “No, I’m sorry. I’ll go order Chinese as a sorry.” The four of you laughed as you watched Jimin scurry off to order food. “Hey, princess?” You turned towards Jungkook only to be met by a quick kiss. “Meanie.”
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limjaeseven · 1 year
Blood Red Love
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Pairing: Jinyoung x Yugyeom
Genre: Horror, Angst, Hannibal!AU
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Cannibalism, lots of death and gore, graphic description of murder and dead bodies
Word Count: 5,919
Summary: Yugyeom should have remembered that if something seems too good to be true, it probably was, and that something, or better, someone came in the shape of a tall, handsome, psychiatrist with an impeccable taste in fashion and a penchant for the unspeakable.
[a/n]: Written about half a century late for @flurrys-creativity's supernatural collab. This was really fun to write, I appreciate the incredible sense you have of coming up with collabs themed around the exact shows I'm obsessing over at any point of time.
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Yugyeom should have known better. He worked as a cop for years, he was working for the NIS for god’s sake. If there was someone who should have seen this coming, it should have been him. He had managed to miss every red flag till it came kicking his door down.
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Six months prior
The day was cold enough that Yugyeom had to pull out his thickest jacket. Dusting it off took a while, he had an impressive tolerance for the cold so it got little use. Donning it, he bid his dog a quick goodbye in the form of a pat on its head before heading off in his beat up Volvo.
His new job at the National Intelligence Service was proving to be nothing short of trouble. He hadn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in weeks, images of his investigation victims haunting him. His “perfect empathy” had always been there, but it became an asset when he got into law enforcement and made a bit of a name for himself.
That’s when he met Lim Jaebeom, director of the Behavioural Science Unit and the reason behind Yugyeom’s torment. He had heard of Yugyeom’s skill of being able to perfectly recreate the happenings at a crime scene and recruited him to consult for a few minor cases.
Yugyeom had wondered why he had been called for it, because the cases were easy to solve, there was no way Jaebeom hadn't figured them out on his own. Well, if there's one thing Yugyeom has learned about himself, it's that he's bad at seeing things coming his way.
They didn't cross paths again for years. Yugyeom had quit the police and joined the NIS training academy as a professor. Jaebeom had dropped by one of his lectures where he offered, more like forced upon, Yugyeom a job as a profiler for a high profile case he was working on.
And that was what led him to his predicament where he's spending one of the coldest days of the year at the NIS building instead of being at home with his dog. Jaebeom wanted him to stick around after they solved the first case and it wasn't like Yugyeom had a choice. What Jaebeom wanted, he got.
“So, what does it look like?” The Director asked, having handed Yugyeom a dossier full of photos of their latest case.
“An act of justice.” Yugyeom closed his eyes and tried to concentrate but it wasn't working. “I'll need to see the scene for more, the photos don’t give me a sense of the space.”
“Well we’re basically snowed in at this point so try harder. We don't know if or when he’s going to strike again so we need to figure this out quick,” Jaebeom snapped. Yugyeom could feel a headache radiating its way up the back of his skull. Realising that his presence was probably not helping, Jaebeom left him alone to brood in his office, promising to return soon.
Sighing, Yugyeom went back to examining the photos to better understand the geography of the house so that he could piece the series of events together. Closing his eyes, he tried to picture himself in the room, turning back time on the elements around him till he was envisioning the moments before the act took place.
He found himself across from Mrs Yoo, sitting on a plush sofa in her living room. Looking down, he saw a revolver in his right hand, a glass of wine in the other. The way Mrs Yoo’s eyes shone looking at him, it had to be motherly, a mix of care, kindness and fear. She was afraid of what he had become, knowing full well that it was her fault.
Yugyeom spun the wine in his hands gently before breathing its aroma in and taking a small sip, setting the glass carefully on the side table after.
“I despise the gentleness in Mrs Yoo’s eyes. They remind me of too much pain. I left because of those eyes, because of the pity that drips from them. I need those eyes to stop staring at me, I need everyone to stop looking at me.” Yugyeom examines the gun in his hand and raises it to be level with Mrs Yoo’s head.
“I stare straight into Mrs Yoo’s eyes as she trembles in fear in front of me. She’s begging for a forgiveness she knows I can’t afford. It takes a single shot to pierce right through her left eye and end both of our misery.”
Yugyeom sighs as he opens his eyes, rubbing his face with his hands as he tries to calm his breathing. He calls Jaebeom and the staff back into the room before asking, “Does Mrs Yoo have any kids on the record, someone old enough to own a firearm?”
Youngjae, a member of the forensic team, looked through the file in his hand before replying, “Yeah, a son. He’s 25, works at a tech firm on the other side of the country. We looked into him, he doesn’t seem to have been in the area on the day of the incident.”
“Look into him again just in case,” Jaebeom said before turning to Yugyeom, “Any other possible leads?”
“Maybe an illegitimate child? It’s someone who looked up to her as a mother figure but felt betrayed. Someone into their adulthood with years to have ruminated on their feelings on Mrs Yoo and turned it into a carefully plotted murder.”
“Look into the shooting ranges nearby, see if you can link any of their regulars near the area.” Jaebeom added, pointing at the image of Mrs Yoo’s body and how cleanly the bullet had hit her eye. “Too good of a shot for an amateur.”
Yugyeom stood there, eyes wide open, feeling rattled. Doing this was hard enough when he was at the crime scene but having to construct everything just out of photos drained him of everything. He slumped into the nearest chair and let his head roll back as he tried to calm himself down. Jaebeom gave him a pat on the shoulder before leaving him alone in the lab.
It had taken him a long time to learn the best way to come down from his “sessions” without having a panic attack or scaring those around him. Some space and a series of breathing exercises were what he finally settled on, concentrating on a spot on the ceiling to keep himself focused. He was just about done when a knock on the lab door pulled him out of his head.
“Mr Kim?” The man asked. He was dressed to the nines in a three piece suit, hair perfectly styled, eyes sharp as he watched Yugyeom.
Nodding, Yugyeom stood up. “And you would be?”
“Park Jinyoung. Jaebeom’s an old friend, he wanted my help with the case.”
“You don’t look like law enforcement.”
“Oh no, these hands weren’t meant for firearms.” Jinyoung said, holding them up. “People used to say they’d be good for paintbrushes but I drifted towards scalpels first, then towards people’s minds.”
“Psychiatrist for such a low priority case?”
Jinyoung pressed a hand thoughtfully to his chin, “Would you be here if it was low priority?”
“This is not the only case of its kind, is it?” Yugyeom asked, running his hands through his hair exasperatedly.
“Fifth one in a row. Each in a different state along the east coast, all women in their late forties or early fifties. No seeming connections between them.” Jinyoung walked across the room to a table piled high with files before pulling a thin one out. “This is everything that could be found in common. We don’t even know if it’s one killer or multiple different ones.”
“And why didn’t Jaebeom tell me any of this?�� Yugyeom felt anger simmer inside him. Jaebeom had done this too many times for him to be surprised but it didn’t affect him any less.
“Too many theories floating around the office. He wanted a fresh perspective.” The table was now littered with tens of photos, each one different in setting but the same in execution. “What you saw was the first one that happened three months ago. That’s why he wanted you here, because there’s no crime scene to see.”
“When was the last one?”
“Last week. Each murder has had between two and three weeks between them. Jaebeom was hoping to catch the next one before it happened but he wasn’t getting anywhere.”
“What’s your theory, Doctor?”
Jinyoung rifled through the pictures to find one of each victim, photographed from a similar angle, that of the chair opposite to where the women sat. “Odds say it was all the same killer, but it feels too intimate for that. How many years does a young boy spend at home? How many of those would he have to build a bond that burned him when it got cut?”
“They all knew each other. They planned this together. They all had to be good enough shots to hit exactly the eye from a decent distance and also have the resources to clean up after themselves.”
“Maybe the reason why Jaebeom couldn’t understand it was because he kept looking outside for answers.”
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Watching cops getting arrested would never stop being unnerving to Yugyeom. After confirming the details with Jinyoung they both went to Jaebeom with their findings. It wasn’t an easy search but since they knew the killers would be inside the law enforcement system, they had enough connections.
“All foster children, brought into seemingly perfect households.” Yugyeom said as he read over the final report. He sat in Jinyoung’s office across from the man himself, a glass of scotch in his hand. “Abused for being troubled, sent to police academies to learn discipline.”
“It’s not incredibly difficult to find those of a similar disposition once inside. The cruelty of the academy breeds resentment and the resources to get away with one’s darkest desires.”
“Why left eyes though?”
Jinyoung stood up from his seat and walked over to one of the bookshelves that lined his walls. He pulled one out and handed it to Yugyeom. “Any luck reading Chinese?”
Yugyeom chuckled and flipped through the book. “My mom had one of these, she tried to get me to read it but I was never any good.”
“It’s a common text around these parts, stories, traditions and superstitions. It has a part on the twitching of eyes. Left eyes signify life in women.”
“A bit on the nose, don’t you think?”
“Maybe, but revenge blinds. It can never be measured, for it always has alterior motives.” Jinyoung took a long whiff of his wine before sipping it. “The best poet loves poetry for it’s own sake.”
“Well, glad this lot weren’t poets.” Yugyeom said.
Jinyoung laughed and raised his glass. “To amateurs, then.” Yugyeom grinned and raised his own glass. “Could I tempt you to dinner with me this weekend? Something celebratory for our accomplishment.”
“Will you tell me which wine I should bring so that I don’t pick the wrong one?”
“Find a good Chianti. Saturday, eight o’clock. I’ll have my assistant deliver you a formal invite.”
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Yugyeom felt woefully underdressed when Jinyoung opened the door, dressed in another perfectly tailored three piece suit with a tastefully patterned tie. He wished he had taken his blazer to wear over his full sleeve shirt rolled up to the elbows and slacks.
“I hope this will do,” He said, extending the bottle of wine.
Jinyoung barely glanced at the label before clicking his tongue. Yugyeom felt a shiver down his spine, a sudden fear of disappointing the doctor gripping him. Jinyoung’s eyebrows furrowed for a second before they softened into a teasing smile.
“This will do perfectly. Please, come in.” Jinyoung stepped away and Yugyeom was met with an extravagant living room, decorated with utmost care. The doctor seemed like a man of exquisite taste and wealth, unafraid of indulging in the luxuries of life.
Jinyoung led him to the dining room, where a long glass topped table took up much of the space. It was decorated with an elaborate flower and fruit arrangement in the centre, with two places set up, one at the head of the table, and one to its right.
“Please take a seat,” Jinyoung said before disappearing into the kitchen. He returned with a decanter of wine in one hand and two plates artfully balanced on the other, one on his palm and the other on his wrist. With a flourish, he filled both of their glasses before setting a plate in front of Yugyeom and one in his own place before sitting down. “Stuffed Roast Heart with Devilled Kidneys and Garlic Liver Paté.”
Yugyeom stared at the food in wonder, not having seen such a beautifully plated dish before. “What is it that you can’t do, Doctor?”
“You flatter me too much, I’m merely a man of a few interests.”
“This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten, Doctor. I don’t think this comes just from being a hobbyist.”
Jinyoung smiled and sipped his wine before answering, “I started cooking for my sister young, then it became a passion, if you will.”
“Well I do hope we work together more often in the future if it means you’ll call me over for dinner every time.”
“It would be an absolute pleasure,” Jinyoung said before holding his glass up for a toast. “To Lim Jaebom, an eternal friend and pain.”
“To Jaebeom indeed.”
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The joy of the night together was quickly sobered in the morning when Yugyeom woke up to Jaebeom calling him early in the morning.
“Dr Park will be picking you up soon, we need you two here stat.”
He barely had the time to get himself out of bed and dressed before Jinyoung showed up, looking as classy as ever, dressed slightly down in a shirt with no tie and a sport coat. “Did you eat anything?” Jinyoung asked as they got into the car.
“Nope, Jaebeom called me ten minutes ago,” said Yugyeom. “Also why’re you here? I could have gone myself.”
“I offered since your house was on the way.” Jinyoung paused for a second, glancing at Yugyeom before continuing, “And Jaebeom thought it’d be best if I was with you at the scene.”
Lim Jaebeom was hard headed, short tempered, rude, but he was also almost always right. Yugyeom was glad he had Jinyoung with him when he arrived at the scene. There was a small group of officers standing outside the local art museum looking rather green and it made sense as they stepped in.
The hall was large, lined with paintings along the walls. The centre of it featured only two pieces, well three now. Between the two displays, like a sculpture, stood a body. It was stripped naked, posed like a ballet dancer, one leg slightly raised, arms up in the air, held up by red ropes that hung from the ceiling. The body was so carefully positioned that it only rested on the ground by the toes of one foot.
Most notably, though, what captured the eye first was the fact that the corpse’s chest was cut open, split down the middle and flayed open, the ribs slightly pried apart to show a hole in the middle, filled with a small bouquet of flowers where the heart should have been.
“Okay after last night’s dinner this is probably not the best thing to happen,” Yugyeom mumbled, feeling light headed. “Sure you’re not serving up human hearts are you, Doctor?”
“Only the finest beef, Mr Kim. I can put you through to my butcher if you’d wish to confirm.” They both laughed a little to ease the tension but the glares from those around quieted them quickly.
Jaebeom stormed in immediately after, his voice loud and frustrated. “Get to work, the two of you. I need this sorted out and fast.”
“Any other similar cases anytime recently that you’d like to tell me about?” Yugyeom asked, trying his best to not sound accusatory.
“With parts of the body missing? Yes. With this level of… what do I even call it? Craftsmanship? Not so much.”
Jinyoung interjected before things had the chance to go awry. “Noted, Jaebeom. Lets just work with the assumption that this is a one off thing first, then we’ll try connecting the dots.”
Jaebeom nodded before leaving the two to examine the body. Youngjae stayed with them to brief them about the latest developments. “Jeong Jisub, 42. Luxury car salesman. Unmarried and orphaned. Wasn’t very well known even to his own neighbours and not well liked by those who did recognise him.”
“Unlikable doesn’t mean having enemies,” Yugyeom mumbled. “This doesn’t feel personal.”
“What, flowers are impersonal now?”
“What Mr Kim is trying to say, Mr Choi,” Jinyoung answered, addressing Youngjae, “Is that while the gesture of the flowers and the body may be symbolic and personal, the murder itself. or at least the choice of victim doesn’t feel so.”
Yugyeom nodded, adding, “There was a lot of care put into the act of rigging up the body, but it was the same to the killer as making a sculpture. The marble itself is immaterial to obtaining the final outcome.” He walked around the body, examining every minor detail. “Check the back, the kidneys should also be missing. This isn’t just art, it’s a message.” He turned to Jinyoung, “Doctor, you’re sure this wasn’t you, right?”
Jinyoung put up his hands, wrists pressed together. “You’ve caught me officer, take me away.” His tone was light and teasing, matching Yugyeom’s.
“Why kidneys?” Youngjae asked as he looked at the back of the body and noticed the small sutures present there that corresponded with where the organs would be present. The killer had carefully cut open the back to extract them and stitched it back up almost imperceptibly.
“Two organs of humanity, two organs of love,” Jinyoung said after a minute of pondering. “The Egyptians left the heart and kidneys inside when mummifying their corpses and many traditions considered the kidneys the locus of affection.”
“The flowers, what do they signify?” Yugyeom asked Youngjae.
The forensic analyst looked down at his file before answering, “All imply something along the lines of romantic interest, infatuation, crushes.”
“Our killer seems to have fallen in love.”
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“Why ballet? Why the flowers of infatuation but organs of love?” Yugyeom wondered out loud as he once again sat at Jinyoung’s side at his dining table. Jinyoung had offered to cook lunch since they’d wrapped up early and Jaebeom wouldn’t be available to talk to till the next day.
“Some things, emotions, people are both delicate and sturdy at once. They’re fragile, easily disturbed, hurt, broken, but if nurtured correctly, they blossom powerfully, often dangerously.” Yugyeom felt Jinyoung staring into his soul as he spoke those words.
“Wait a minute—” He started, getting up from his seat abruptly. “You’re not here for Jaebeom or the cases are you?”
“Mr Kim, please, we can talk this out cordially—”
“No, you’re not getting into my head anymore. We’re done.”
“Yugyeom, Jaebeom asked me to do it out of concern for your well being. He told me about the dark places you retreat to after the cases. How the darkness from the killers’ minds seeps into your own and haunts you. How you lose yourself in the process.” Jinyoung’s eyes looked pleading as he spoke, “I want to help you.”
Yugyeom chuckled bitterly, “Help me or Jaebeom?”
“You, Yugyeom. All Jaebeom needs is a report saying that you’re fit enough for duty. I have that prepared here,” Jinyoung left the dining room for a moment before returning with a file. “You have the choice now. Tell me to stop and I’ll tell Jaebeom that my work is done.”
“Tuesdays.” Yugyeom mumbled into his drink.
“Pardon me?”
Grabbing his jacket, Yugeom moved to leave the room but turned just as he was about to step out, “Sessions on Tuesdays, I get off work early.”
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It was difficult for Yugyeom to look Jinyoung or Jaebeom in the eye without getting angry knowing what they were doing to him, but the case forced them into the same room, the body on a table in front of them, pictures of the crime scene scattered on the one on the side.
“Yugyeom, what did you see yesterday?” Jaebeom asked.
Closing his eyes, Yugyeom envisioned himself back in the art gallery, the body that was once hung in front of him now lying on the floor next to him, not yet rigged up.
“I never saw Mr Jeong as a person. His life was worth less than an insect crushed under my foot. His death was quick and painless. I would have dragged it longer if I’d so desired, but I had other priorities. This display was everything. I needed it to be perfect.
“I spent hours making sure the pose was correct, rigging ropes carefully to hold the body in place. I placed the flowers in last, the finishing touch to a labour of love. A proposal, a request for courtship, proof of the power and devotion I held in my hands.”
Moments of silence ticked by as Yugyeom collected his thoughts. “It’s a letter, Jaebeom. The killer wanted someone in particular to see this, someone who’d understand what it meant. He wanted them to know what he was capable of.”
“Who in the world would appreciate a dead body with missing organs as a letter? Another killer? Don’t tell me we have two killers to deal with.”
“You said there were other cases with organs missing, right?” Jinyoung asked. Jaebeom nodded and handed him a case file.
“Twelve deaths over two years. All of them displayed one way or the other, clearly meant to be found. They were all far more detached than this one, though, more a show of ruthlessness than art.” Jaebeom thought for a moment before adding, “Don’t tell me our new killer is in love with our old one, that might just make me quit. I’ve worked tirelessly to catch the ‘Butcher’ as we call him, I don’t have time for another one.”
“I don’t think these are two killers, Jaebeom,” Jinyoung said, and Yugyeom nodded in assent. “I think the Butcher met someone who softened him.”
“All of these cases show someone with expertise with bodies, a doctor, nurse or mortician of some kind. One with a build large enough to carry them around and access to medical supplies and some sort of space to do the dissection,” Yugyeom noted, rifling through the photos.
“What does he do with the organs? And it's not just organs, some of them have flesh missing. Sometimes just sections, other times an entire limb,” asked Jaebeom.
Everyone turned to Jinyoung as the resident doctor, “Surgical trophies, maybe? He could be keeping them as a personal collection, a piece of every person he’s killed.” Turning to Youngjae who was working on the body he asked, “Anything in common between all the victims?”
“Nothing we could figure out. The gender division is pretty even, ages stick between eighteen and fifty. Some had families, others no one. They feel extremely random, half the victims originally from different parts of the country but all of them turned up in the general area of this city and two over.”
“I need time to think, Jaebeom. Start your search with medical professionals in the area, I’ll give you more details as soon as I can.”
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Despite Yugyeom’s wishes, he ended up in Jinyoung’s office that evening. The scotch in his hand was the only thing keeping him sane, especially as he sat facing the doctor.
“I want this to be a place where you can be honest, Yugyeom. I am contractually obliged to not utter a word outside these walls. You can tell me whatever’s on your mind. I’m not here to judge, but listen.”
“You’ve lied to me before, why should I trust you?”
“Lies of omission are not the same, are they? But I’m not here to defend that. I’m sorry, I wasn’t able to figure out a better way for you to open up to me, but it was still wrong of me to. Would you be open to starting fresh?”
Yugyeom thought for a second before nodding. He pushed himself off his chair and started strolling around the office. The space was large, with a tall ceiling and a staircase leading up to a mezzanine lined with bookshelves end to end. Ladders rested against the bookcases on both floors, allowing access to the books stored up high.
Stopping by the nearest ladder, Yugyeom turned his back to it, resting a leg on the lowest step and leaning back against it. “This killer,” he started, “he makes me feel so many emotions.”
Jinyoung sat silently, his eyes expectant, waiting for Yugyeom to open up to him.
“I’m equal parts horrified and fascinated by him.” Yugyeom sighed and took a large swig of his drink. “I don’t know why I’m saying this but for a moment it felt like that letter was for me.”
Crossing one leg on top of the other, Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, “And why did it feel like that?”
“Jaebeom said that the person the Butcher is in love with, has to be a killer or someone who understands his work. Looking at the body, I could feel the emotions the Butcher put into it, I could understand the effort he went into to put it up there. It just felt like it was made for me, then. Like he knew I’d see it, that I’d understand him because that’s my job. To put myself into the heads of those who kill and find them inside there. Not see them as cold blooded killers but as people with motivations, desires, wants, needs. Maybe he hoped I’d see beyond the body, the murder, and see him in his art.”
Jinyoung stood up and joined Yugyeom near the ladder, standing close enough that Yugyeom got a strong whiff of the doctor’s perfume, a classy, masculine scent, much like the man himself. “What did you see of him?”
The image of the killer in Yugyeom’s head was blurry at best, but seeing the body, it felt like Yugyeom knew him. “A strong, skilled man. A bit traditional, trying to prove himself as the provider and caretaker but not one to be held down by norms. He kills not for lowly reasons of revenge but because he merely can. He sees his work as art, even when its cold and lifeless, he still wants it to be a spectacle.” Yugyeom stopped for a moment, arranging his thoughts. “He’s playing god.”
Those words hung between the two of them as they took them in. “What does that mean, Yugyeom? What does it mean to the killer?”
“He sees himself as above man. He wasn’t decorating the body, he was elevating it. He wants the person he likes to see what he’s capable of, how he can make something as repulsive as a dead body to art that moves.”
“Then why the trophies? Wouldn't that be uplifting the remnants of the murders a bit too much?” Jinyoung asked, pushing Yugyeom to think harder. “What could he be doing with the organs that would put himself above them?”
“I don’t know,” Yugyeom admitted. “That’s the one thing that doesn’t make sense. But I think they have something to do with the confession too.”
“Do you think that person will like it? Will they accept the courtship?”
“I do.”
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Yugyeom tried his best to explain everything they’ve figured out to Jaebeom without the detail of how he saw a little too much in the Butcher’s work. It didn’t help narrow their search much but helped them build a more detailed profile of the killer. This left Yugyeom and Jinyoung free till more evidence came up while Jaebeom’s team worked on finding suspects.
“I’m heading back to the training centre, I’ve missed too many lectures,” Yugyeom said as they wrapped up their meeting.
“I’ll see you on Tuesday then,” Jinyoung said with a soft smile. They walked out of the building together and Jinyoung helped Yugyeom get into his car before waving him off.
For the first time in two weeks Yugyeom felt himself breathe. He was, even if temporarily, free of the cases and everything related to them. Driving had always been a comforting activity for Yugyeom, giving him the space and time to think for himself. He had two hours before his lecture so he decided to just use the time driving around town and maybe grab something to eat.
As he drove, he let his thoughts wander, but it kept coming back to case. There had to be something that he was missing. The question the doctor asked still bugged him. What was the Butcher doing with the organs and flesh? Surgical trophies make sense but doesn’t explain all the cases. What would he do with chunks of meat from the back, on either side of the spine?
That’s when it hit him. Yugyeom slammed the brakes on his car and pressed his head into the steering wheel. Angry horns from behind got him to snap out for a second and he pulled the car up by the side of the road and let the world stop around him.
Meat. Of course he saw the victims as less than himself. He saw them as pigs, animals meant to be grown just enough to be killed and taken apart for personal enjoyment. Yugyeom felt himself getting sick as he thought of the Butcher, of himself in the killer’s mind, eating his spoils.
He needed Jinyoung to know when he’d realised. He couldn’t deal with the thoughts alone and so he turned the car back around and drove to the doctor’s house.
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Ringing the bell didn’t reward him with an answer. The door didn’t open regardless of how long he waited. That meant that either the doctor was still at his office or Yugyeom would have to wait a while for him to return from wherever he was. Just as he was about to turn away to try the office, he felt the impulse to try turning the knob on the door and he saw the door open under his fingers.
A flash of panic swept through him as he wondered if the doctor was in trouble. He didn’t seem the type to just leave his front door open. Reaching to his side, Yugyeom pulled out the gun that he’d been allowed to keep now that he was back in service. He tiptoed through the ground floor and found nothing. The house was seemingly empty.
He was about to climb the stairs to the first floor when he heard a sound. Footsteps from somewhere below him. Searching around the house, he tried to find where the way to the basement could be, till he found a door in the kitchen that looked like any other cabinet door. It led him down a set of steps to a metal room, designed much like the forensic lab at the NIS.
Turning the corner into the room, Yugyeom held his gun up but felt his grip loosening at the sight in front of him.
On a metal table lay Lim Jaebeom, very clearly dead. “Took you long enough,” A familiar voice called from behind him, forcing Yugyeom further into the room to turn to face it.
He should have known it was Jinyoung all along. It was way too obvious and that’s exactly why he missed it. “Why?” was the only thing Yugyeom could think of asking.
“You already know, Yugyeom. You explained it all to me yourself yesterday.” Jinyoung walked closer to Yugyeom despite the gun pointed squarely at his chest.
“And you thought I’d like all of this? That I’d say yes?” Yugyeom’s hands were shaking as he tried to hold his ground.
Jinyoung reached out to wrap his hand around the barrel of the gun and push Yugyeom’s arms down and out of the way. He used his other hand to grip the side of Yugyeom’s face. “I think you already have,” he whispered.
“No! I’m not a monster like you!” Yugyeom shouted as he pulled himself free of Jinyoung’s grip.
“Am I a monster? You’ve seen the inside of my head. You’ve seen what’s there. Can you look at all of that and still call me a monster?”
“Why kill Jaebeom though, I thought he was your friend!”
Jinyoung glanced at the body with a look of inconvenience, not regret. “An unfortunate casualty. I needed insurance, Yugyeom. I’m a simple man, if I can’t have what I want, I’ll burn it all down.” He looked at Yugyeom thoughtfully before continuing, “You know what I’m capable of. Walk out of here and you get framed for the murder of not only Lim Jaebeom but of all the Butcher’s victims. A perfect liar, who had access to everything he needed to carry his killings out, with medic training from his days with the police. No one would believe your innocence, I’ve made sure of that.”
Or you can stay with me. We put Jaebeom’s body up together, a proof of our courtship and then we run away. I have enough money for us to settle down anywhere in the world and never be bothered again.” He once again held Yugyeom’s face, who was shaken to his bones as he processed everything Jinyoung was saying. “You see me for who I am, not for who you want me to be. Stay, please.”
Yugyeom felt his knees weakening as a flood of emotions washed over him. He realised that some part of him had known since he saw the Butcher’s victim for the first time. He knew it was Jinyoung, that it was meant for him, and that he’d accepted the courtship.
“You knew that I wouldn’t be able to say no to you, insurance or not,” Yugyeom said.
“I had to cut off the ropes that held you here. Jaebeom would have tracked you down wherever you were if I’d left him alive.” Jinyoung held Yugyeom as he broke down and fell to his knees, finally giving himself entirely to Jinyoung.
“I’ll stay, I’ll see you for who you are,” Yugyeom whispered, “If you promise to hold dear the darkness in me too.”
“I promise.”
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psychicreadsgirl · 11 months
Cix jinyoung ideal type :)
Average to tall height, long legs and limbs, good body proportion, nice healthy hair like not frizzy/dry/damaged, funny, cheerful, optimistic, charming, a bit flirty but not too much, cute, sexy, playful, naughty, has a wild side, polite, generous, forgiving, open minded, listens to him, lets him make the final decisions, boosts his confidence/ego, praises him a lot, supportive, a good listener, doesn't talk too much, not too loud, has good taste for aesthetics, dresses in a fashionable way, cares about their image/reputation/appearance, clear complexion, puts effort in the way they dress/look whenever they are outside like even if they're taking out the garbage they have to look well dressed
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lgcmedia · 1 year
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Kim Jinseo and Kim Jinyoung show off sibling dynamics in the latest Lotte Let’s Be Coffee CF
Model brothers KIM JINSEO and KIM JINYOUNG finally work together as they star in the newest Lotte Let's Be Coffee commercial. The brothers enjoy Let’s Be Coffee’s Taiwan and Vietnam coffee flavors. The commercial leaves their fans laughing as they showcase their comedic timing and acting skills, as well as their dynamic as brothers. 
A source from the company said, “JINSEO's coffee know-how is the reason we chose him to endorse the brand, and having him endorse the brand validates the quality of our product. Meanwhile, JINYOUNG's friendly and fresh image is a hit with the youth, who are also known to patronize canned coffee.”
Check out the commercial here. 
[ + / - ] i'm so happy they got to do this omg! their dynamics are A+ and i completely agree with this. their dynamics go so well together!
[ + / - ] it's so obvious how staged this is. feeding off their dynamics just because they're "siblings". coffee know-how? fresh image? they just wanted an easy selling point lol. I'm not buying it.
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