boysinperil · 1 year
How did I miss that squidge.org was rebuilding the old jinjurly podfic database??? And that of the 5000+ stories, they're down to under 800 still missing? Go check your old drives, my loves, and see if you have a missing fic!
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vex-verlain · 1 year
Jinjurly Audiofic Archive - Help Still Needed!
Remember the Jinjurly archive that hosted a ton of podfic back in the day?  It is being restored by Walter and the folks over at Squidge.org (which has been around since 1994 and is an absolute blessing).  A new call for help was posted today by the squidgestatus account. They have managed to recover more than 4,300 of the 5,078 files but they're still missing nearly 800!  So please take a moment to look at the updated spreadsheet noted in the post and see if you can help track down a missing podfic!
[view the post here] - Can YOU Help?
And don't forget that Squidge.org recently became a 501(c)(3) organization!  If you have any extra funds, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help support all of the hard work that goes into bringing Squidge.org's valuable resources (like Jinjurly) to fandom!  More information regarding donating online can be found in this post. 
(Please note that I am in no way associated with the Squidge.org; I have simply admired many facets of the project since around 2000.)
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devilwithabirddress · 15 days
Audiofic Archive Hype!
I now have archivist privileges on the Audiofic Archive so hey podficcers and other fandom audio creators - submit your stuff on the site to be archived! Let me do the data things! Data things bring me joy!
(This has been a message from one of your local data gremlins.)
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zippers · 2 years
does anyone have any long, canon-era ds9 podfic recs? no ship or rating preference, just has to be good, and super special bonus points if it has kira/odo :)
and in a similar vein... ds9 fic archive recs?
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Attention fellow ghesties & slasher fans!
AO3 has been having trouble recently (DDoS attack), so I figure now is a good time to tell you about Squidgeworld!
It's basically an AO3 clone (made with the same software), and the organization behind it (Squidge.org, which has been around for about as long as I have) has recently become a non-profit. It's a good place to crosspost your fic, and to find other fics to read. Consider making an account there!
There's also image hosting (so you can post the "spicier" art that typically gets flagged on here), podfic hosting (using jinjurly), webhosting, and mailing lists.
It's all worth checking out!
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pilvimarja · 2 years
There are literally no Roosmav (or Goosmav or Hangmav or Hangster or Slice) podfics on AO3. How is that even possible? Is there some other site people are sharing their podfics at now like Jinjurly back in the day? Do you know any podficcers doing commissions maybe?
Podfics have never been something I personally listen to, so I have to admit that I haven't paid much attention to them in the TGM fandom. If I want to listen to a fic instead of reading it, I usually download an epub file from AO3 and upload it to a reader app and have one of Google's more authentic and human-sounding text to speech voices read it to me like an audio book.
But I assume that the lack of podfics about the various TGM ships could simply be because a podfic takes so much time and effort to make. If it's not your own fic, you have to get the author's permission to turn it into a podfic and then you have to actually read it and record it. And a lot of people probably don't have good microphones and might be shy about their accents if English isn't their first language. I know I personally would never record a podfic because I have a really thick accent and I doubt anyone would want to listen to a fic where Mav and Rooster sound Scandinavian 😂 I also get the feeling that podfics might not be that popular with the younger generation of fans, and the TGM fandom seems to have a large number of first time fandomers and people who are in their late teens and early 20s.
But I do hope that you and anyone else who likes podfics finds someone make you some! And if not, you could always be the change you want to see and make some yourself? 🙂
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Hello do you know of any pod fics on any of the other sites apart from ao3. I’ve used atog and other fics, but I would really like more. Can you or any of your readers recommend any? Thank you!
Most of the podfics have been posted to AO3. Here are other ones I could find. - HKVoyage
Jinjurly’s archive of audio fics with Kurt/Blaine pairing.
Podfic of My Body Betrays Me by emilianadarling (narrated by the author)
Podfic of  While We Two Keep Together by cimmerians (narrated by oohshinyfangirl) 
Depending upon your devise/computer and the platform, there are ways to convert books to audio. I don’t have any specific recommendations so you’ll have to investigate yourself. I know it’s not the same as having a human narrator, but it’s something. - HKVoyage
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blue-logos · 2 years
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[podfic] and all the rest AO3-T, Astro, JinCha 00:06:20, 8.8MB Written for the 90's Movies comment_fic prompt: To Be Continued, Cha Eunwoo, Never Been Kissed (1999). The boys play "Never Have I Ever" for a live broadcast and Eunwoo confesses to something that nobody believes. Listen on: AO3|archive.org|jinjurly @kpop-podfic
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rhea314 · 2 years
Dear Rhea,
Today I stumbled on your blog through the reblog chain about using Crisco as lubricant, and absolutely did a doubletake because I didn't realize you had a Tumblr! I used to download your podfic from the jinjurly archive back in highschool in, oh, 2009-2012-ish (....sheesh I feel old now).
Your podfics are still some of my favorites to listen to, I still have them on my clunky old iPod Video and they make me happy every time I relisten. It turns out I'm pretty picky about readers, and you were one of the first few I found that just clicked well for me.
So, thanks for being one of the formative voices of my early fandom years! :)
This makes me so incredibly happy!!! I'll have been making podfic for 15 years this coming ~June which is just WILD to me. (We can all feel old together XD) It's super cool to hear that you've enjoyed my work and to hear how I've been a part of your fannish experience \o/
Fandom is just so nifty. I've been able to meet so many wonderful people, both virtually an in person. I've read and listened to (for free!) the most amazing stories, things that really made my life better, brought me happiness (or tears in a good way), and brightened my day. Sometimes I can feel like I'm just doing it for myself and maybe no one is listening, I love what I do so that's fine, but then hearing about how someone has listened to my work and enjoyed it in the same way I've found joy in all the many hours of podfic I've listened by others, that is super inspiring and happy-making! Thank you!
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squidgeorg · 10 months
So I made a sideblog from my regular blog (@SquidgiePDX) specifically for Squidge.org stuff - webhosting, SquidgeWorld Archive, Squidge Images, Jinjurly podfic archive, and others.
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bending-sickle · 2 years
Audiofic Archive:
The mission of the audiofic archive is two-fold: to mirror and preserve podfic files on the behalf of and with the permission and full knowledge of the file creators; and to provide stable access to those files in downloadable form.
Fanlore wiki (emphasis added):
In 2016, the Archive suffered a server corruption that led to a huge file loss. [...] Software was located at the end of 2021 that identified all Archive entries with missing files and in early 2022 squidgiepdx recruited several other fans to help restore the Archive. The 5,082 missing files are being relocated through a crowdsourced project with a public spreadsheet. For details on the project and to assist locating the last missing files, see the SquidgeStatus page on Dreamwidth. The Archive is also once again taking submissions for additional podfics to be added, and all restored and new entries now have a streaming link in addition to download links.
“The Jinjurly Missing Files Spreadsheet!” by squidgestatus on Jan. 23rd, 2022 09:15 am
If you go to the link below, you'll see the 5,400+ entries in the Jinjurly Audiofic Archive that are missing MP3/M4B files.   First off, the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n7sLNnTLECHHZfxpMqzWEkEOwSurqypuGDLaqFyTSpQ/edit?usp=sharing
For more details, see the entry here.
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squidgiepdx · 3 years
People In Fandom!
We're at the point of the Jinjurly Audiofic Archive restoration that we need your help! Do you have any podfics laying around? If so, we may need a copy! Details here: https://squidgestatus.dreamwidth.org/89520.html
And feel free to signalboost to other fandom communities. THANK YOU!
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cream-soda-please · 4 years
the audiofic archive is back up as of August 23, 2020!!
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Call to Restore the Jinjurly Archive!
Hey, podfic fans! As many of you may remember, the Jinjurly podfic archive was once a massively important reservoir for podfics. However, the archive was corrupted and over five thousand files were lost.
A collaborative effort is underway to collect and restore the missing files. If you have any podfics saved on old hard drives or devices, please check to see if they are missing from the archive!
You can find instructions and a link to the spreadsheet here.
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captaingondolin · 3 years
Podfics?? I've listened to a few and always enjoyed reading aloud, but don't know much more than that.
Thank you for giving me half the chance to talk your ear off about the magic of podfic! Since you didn't ask a specific question...
Here is the AO3 tag for Podfics. This is the now-defunct (sigh, sob) Jinjurly Audiofic Archive - but you can still find a lot of gems over there.
If you want to hear podficcers nerd out, you might want to listen to Behind the Pod (link goes to the AO3 profile for this series of talks about podfic).
Are you interested in podficcing yourself? Podficcing: where to start. But don't let the amount information overwhelm you, as long as you have a phone or computer that can record, you can do podfic.
More poficcing info & links to archives of audio effects to spruce up your pods.
And finally... if you're on my blog, maybe you like Star Wars. Maybe. Possibly. In that case, your ears are in for a treat, because we have some magnificent podficcers in this fandom: reena_jenkins (she recorded this 22 hours arranged marriage, slowburn Codywan for me two years ago, and I have yet to recover), litrapod (if you like Thrawn, that's the person for you), knight_tracer, Opalsong, GodOfLaundryBaskets, blackglass, KeeperofSeeds, and I'm for sure forgetting others, because there are so many amazing, talented people here!
The podficcers I know tend to hang out on twitter and Discord (though I haven't been on discord in like... a year? ops). There is podathon, a monthly podfic recording marathon (but not really a marathon, more like gentle mutual encouragment over twitter), and a few other fandom exchanges or events happening over there.
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Sunday, August 1
Fred: Crazy. I'm crazy for feeling so lonely. I'm crazy… Cordy: I swear to god she picked out the song herself.
~~That Old Gang of Mine~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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​Surprises (Oz, G)  by RonneeM
Forever (Willow, Oz, G)  by RonneeM
The Lady and the... (Buffy, G)  by RonneeM
Heaven (Willow, G)  by RonneeM
New England Leaves (Buffy & Dawn, G)  by RonneeM
Saving Graces (Dawn, G)  by RonneeM
Oops (Willow, Xander, & Buffy, G)  by RonneeM
Slips in Time (Willow & Xander, G)  by RonneeM
Grave (Buffy/Willow, G)  by yelenasbangs
When in Rome (Tara/Faith, E)  by BuffyBot3000
[podfic] Sailor's Delight (Night of the Comet crossover, Dawn, T)  by aphelant, general_jinjur (jinjurly)
Jacket Snatcher (Spike, G)  by Coop500
Two Valentines (Spike/Xander, T)  by forsaken2003
The Hardest Shackles To Bear (Wesley/Faith, T)  by FollowTheEcho
payback (Buffy & Giles, G)  by summers-maclay-lehane (ofstormsandwolves)
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A Fix in Time (Avengers crossover, Buffy, FR13)  by mmooch
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Sphere Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, M)  by Coraline_Finn
Broken Bridges Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, M)  by Dusty87
Beneath the Spider Chapter 1 (MCU crossover, Dawn/Peter Parker, T)  by Aragorn_II_Elessar
Eternal Mark Complete (Buffy/Spike, M)  by sandy_s
144 Days Chapter 71 (Jenny/Giles, T)  by violettathepiratequeen
"Pathways in the Dark" - Timeline Part 3 (Multiple crossovers, NR)  by Soledad
le tien, le mien Chapter 1 (Jenny/Anya, G)  by calendiles
Beautiful Dangerous Chaos Complete (Buffy/Spike, E)  by Passion4Spike
One Foot In Front of the Other Chapter 6 (Stargate Atlantis crossover, Buffy, G)  by Mirrored_Illusions
Guardians of the Light Chapter 10 (Wesley/Faith, M)  by crayonbreakygal
Farewell My Love, Remember Me Chapter 28 (Buffy/Angel, M)  by Janis70
Caller of the Aspects Chapter 16 (Vaesen crossover, Tara/Willow, T)  by Rutkowski
The path to redemption Chapter 48 (Tara/Willow, T)  by Aragorn_II_Elessar
The Hobbit: The Unexpected Companions Chapter 16 (Tolkien crossover, Tara/Willow, T)  by Aragorn_II_Elessar
Little Boy... Stuck Chapter 1 (Faith, T)  by GM3
Guardian Doyle Chapter 1 (Cordelia/Doyle, NR)  by GM3
A Power against the Devil Chapter 1 (MCU crossover, Faith/Matt Murdock, T)  by Aragorn_II_Elessar
Thirty-ish Days (and Thirty-ish Years) Chapter 7 (Buffy/Giles, T)  by Dynapink
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The Tiger is Out Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, R)  by Cosmic Tuesdays
Bite Your Tongue Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, NC17)  by hostile17
Raining Possibilities Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R)  by DarkVoid116
Kindred Chapter 43 (Buffy/Spike, NC17)  by sweetprincipale
Payday Never Comes Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R)  by GillO
Club Zero Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, Adult)  by MaggieLaFey
Law of Nature Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, PG13)  by JayeMaru
The Weight of a Dream Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R)  by Eurydice
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The Love of the Bullied Chapter 15 (Spike/Xander, R)  by Forsaken2003
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Graphics: Spike Graphics  by NMCIL
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Photo: It gets better. Danny Strong responds to SMG’s Instagram response  by dillaq
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Artwork: Vamp Jenny and Anya  by halfrek
Artwork: Buffy print  by buffylife
Artwork: Colour study from season 1 Buffy  by hogwartshorror
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Blue Monday  by S.R. Edits
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch - S02E20 - Go Fish, S02E21/E22 - Becoming Part 1&2, S02E17 – Passion, S03E01 – Anne, S03E02 - Dead Man's Party, and S03E03 - Faith, Hope And Trick  by girl4music
I have finally finished BTVS and I have some notes  by bebidocrimes
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Buffy 4.08 and Angel 1.08 lets cry  by naj
Crimson Cowl Comic Club #47 (190)  (Tea Time) by Crimson Cowl Comics
[Fandom Discussions]
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Just finished Angel for the 3rd time  by Cyberdemon
Dawn appreciation thread  by Mylie
Freds Character arc!  by Btvs fan
Willow was pretty similar to Warren in season 6  by Fool for Buffy
Was Wes Right Choices S3 EP19  by KaitKait
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer officially joins Disney w/new book series  by ONTD
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Buffy was an amazing self-less person  by Opening_Knowledge868
Favorite Buffy Underscores?  by rednax2009
Favorite Angel Season Premiere  by rednax2009
Seeking Info On Buffy's Room Decor  by splitting_eve
What do you think about different levels of evilness in unsouled vampires?  by 82shninklebot
Heartbreaking episode  by moshmoshhh
I will always laugh at this shot of Spike tied to a chair by just his torso...  by breanotbrie
Riley  by Opening_Knowledge868
Do you think there was a deeper cost to Willow's big spell in season 6?  by 360Saturn
Why was Faith the only one given a hard time by everyone in the Scoobies but everyone gave Anya...  by jdpm1991
There is nothing like the Buffyverse out there on TV for me  by jdpm1991
I realized Buffy was my favorite show in season 3, episode 1, Anne...  by thekindlyeightyeight
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Angel – This is fine  by highonbandcandy
Dawn’s realness  by gothcarrie
Fandom wank  by emmathompsonegot
Willow’s parents  by dontwarnthetadpoles
calendiles & spike × british soap operas  by halfrek
Let’s Fix It: BtVS S7  by spnxoververse
Best Buffy & Willow platonic and romantic moments: Season 1  by dontwarnthetadpoles
How Riley left the show  by emmathompsonegot
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Characters You Totally Forgot Existed  at What Culture
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