#jingo replies
ollierachnid · 1 year
I feel like everyone everyone who's ever read warrior cats has their favourite random barely tangible side character(s) and I think that's beautiful
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kingkunigami · 2 years
Scoring, In More Ways Than One | Kunigami Rensuke x Raichi Jingo x Reader
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When you ask your non-writer friends to help you name your fic and you end up with football puns, but I’m not even mad about it.
This is a disgustingly late submission to @prettyboykatsuki​‘s Corruption collab. I’m so sorry that I’m now so late you probably forgot all about the collab entirely, but thank you so much for letting me join! This has been dying in my docs for months so it feels amazing to actually finish it and I hope you guys enjoy!
Summary: You knew when you first started dating Kunigami that he took football extremely seriously, and it was something that you accepted about him.  He’s waiting until he makes it into the Pro-leagues to have sex with you, because he can’t have any vices or distractions from his childhood dream, but Raichi thinks you’re the biggest distraction there is.
Warnings: 18+, pwp, no beta, virgin!reader, implied/hinted virgin!Kunigami, threesomes, degradation from Raichi, praise, blowjobs, hand jobs, cunnilingus, fingering, multiple orgasms, spanking, sweat, cumplay, creampies, no protection, voyeurism.
Pairing: Kunigami Rensuke x Raichi Jingo x f!reader.
Word Count: 8.6k.
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Qualifying matches were often a hostile environment for your boyfriend and his football team, the tensions high as they made their way up the tables towards the finals. During these periods it was normal for you to see less of Kunigami as he spent all his free time practising with his team, but for a few cherished moments each evening, you’d have him all to yourself.
You’d been lucky enough to accompany him to the championships this year. Often having to resort to FaceTime, texts and voice calls to keep close during the distance in your relationship. But as well as getting to spend more time with your boyfriend during downtime and watching the games from the sidelines, this meant you now got to experience how hostile the environment could get with his teammates.
“That goal was mine, Kunigami.” Raichi snarled after shouldering his way into your hotel room that evening, “You always have to play the fuckin’ hero, huh?”
“You weren’t open,” Kunigami replied smoothly, towelling his hair dry as he stood at the foot of the bed with a pair of sweats slung low on his hips, “And we needed to win.”
“Are you trying to say I couldn’t have made it?” Raichi scoffed.
“There was no way,” Kunigami shrugged, “That’s why Isagi passed to me.”
"And you thought you'd just score the winning goal." Raichi rolled his eyes.
"Isn't that the point of the game, Raichi?" Kunigami tutted, dropping the towel onto the office chair in the room to cross his arms over his chest, “Scoring goals?”
"You're so lucky to have such a good guy ain't ya, sweetheart." Raichi seethed, pure venom dripping from his every word.
"Yeah, she is." Kunigami furrowed his brows, "And I think it's time for you to leave."
“Oh, am I interrupting something?" Raichi's eyes darted between you and Kunigami, assessing him in his current state of undress.
“Yeah, you are actually.” He continued.
“Alright, alright. I’ll leave you to have sex with your girlfriend,” Raichi sneered, “Maybe that’ll stop you being selfish for five fuckin’ minutes.”
“Oh, we weren’t,” You felt your cheeks heat up at the blunt question, “We don’t—”
“You don’t what?” Raichi pressed, taking a step closer to you as he narrowed his eyes at you.
You worried your glossed bottom lip between your teeth at the question as you felt your heartbeat increase under his scrutiny; wondering how someone had the gall and confidence to ask such a personal question.
“We don’t— we weren’t having sex tonight.”
“You fighting?” Raichi’s tone became softer as he tilted his head to try and meet your gaze, subtly trying to check if you were okay before leaving the room.
“Oh, no. Everything’s fine.” You gave him a reassuring smile.
“Good, ‘cause if he does anything to ya you can tell me, you know?”
“Stop being an idiot, Raichi,” Kunigami uttered coolly.
“I’m not,” He growled, “I’m just checkin’ she’s okay, ‘cause if she ain’t I ain’t about to leave her with you.”
“We don’t have sex.” You blurted out.
Both men snapped their heads towards you in shock, eyes wide as you felt minuscule in their presence.
“You what?” Raichi’s eyes widened in surprise as he looked towards Kunigami, perplexed, “You don’t fuck?”
“Uh, not yet.” You replied as Kunigami narrowed his eyes at Raichi, stepping forward as though he was about to shove him out of your room.
“What does she see in you?” Raichi scoffed, “Neglecting her for football.”
“I’m not neglecting her,” Kunigami glared at his teammate “She knows the rule.”
“No distractions.” You murmured shyly.
You knew your boyfriend would be proud to score the winning goal, the goal that had his team going into the semi-finals. Excited to get back to your hotel room for the evening to get him to yourself for a few hours before he had to go and do it all again in the morning. Setting his alarm for the same ungodly hour he chose to wake up at just to make sure he had enough time to go for a jog before practice.
“Distractions?” Raichi laughed, “You’re that bad at football you can’t do both?”
“You clearly can’t.” Kunigami bit back, “How many goals did you score tonight?”
“That’s cause Isagi didn’t pass to me, asshole.” Raichi spat back.
You’d known about Kunigami’s rule before you’d started getting serious, laughing when he’d told you about it one night over drinks and dinner. Being with him for so long, you knew how seriously he took his craft, he’d made it clear to you that it had always been his dream to become a professional footballer and you were behind him one hundred percent. But you’d assumed his rule about no vices and no distractions would be loose, or at least easily broken.
Losing count of the number of nights you’d spent unable to fall asleep when Kunigami had left you at your apartment building dripping and needy, those gentle goodbye kisses often turning into sloppy make-out sessions that left you feeling hot and bothered as you grabbed your trusty vibrator to help get you off before bed. Disbelieving that your boyfriend's willpower could be that strong you still continued to try to break him down, sending him suggestive selfies and messages that did little to break his resolve.
“Why’d you think I call it my sexy football, hah?” Raichi grinned. shooting you a smug grin.
“You don’t have a girlfriend,” Kunigami continued, “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Oh yeah? Try me.” Raichi looked as though he was about to square up to your boyfriend, both men seemingly forgetting you were even in the room as they begun to throw their weight around to try and assert their dominance. 
“The sex must be good.” Raichi took a step towards you, “Is that it, sweetheart? He got a big cock?”
Raichi already knew the answer, he knew from the stolen glances in the changing rooms at Blue Lock that Kunigami was packing.
“I uh— I don’t know.” You felt flustered, a heat rising through your body and boiling to the surface as you tried to pat the flushed feeling away from your cheeks.
With all the lewd photographs you’d sent Kunigami, you’d never received one of anything below the waist. Save for the few that he’d send when he was getting ready for training, or the gym. Although, the bulge beneath his pants was clear to see, especially out on the field. It was no secret that your boyfriend was certainly hiding something below his belt, but you’d never experienced it firsthand. 
“You don’t know?” Raichi raised a brow in confusion, taking a step towards you, “Wait, you’re a virgin?”
It felt awkward admitting it to someone outside the relationship what your sexual status was, a man who was virtually a stranger outside of being Kunigami’s teammate. You nodded your head in affirmation as you glanced back at Kunigami behind Raichi, who had an unreadable expression on his face.
“Come on man, you’re not telling me you haven’t had sex yet?” Raichi shook his head in disbelief, “Look at her—”
“Football is first.” Kunigami replied simply, as though it was the most obvious answer in the world, “I can’t have any distractions.”
“Yet your girlfriend is the biggest distraction there is, just fuckin’ look at her.” Raichi’s eyes shamelessly roamed your body as you felt yourself inch closer to your boyfriend, looking over you as though he was a jaguar poised and ready to pounce on its prey, “Have you even noticed how pretty she is?”
But the thought that you didn’t even know what your own boyfriend looked like, that he hadn’t even allowed you a messy fumble in the dark had Raichi’s cock throbbing beneath his shorts. Even though football was his dream, he’d let his path to becoming the greatest player in the world stray if it meant a moment buried deep inside your warm, wet cunt.
“Of course, I have.” Kunigami found himself rolling his eyes at his old teammate, “But I can’t let it get in the way of being signed—”
“But that doesn’t mean you should leave a pretty little thing like this unsatisfied, ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
You chewed your bottom lip between your teeth as you neglected to answer the question. You’d lost count of the sheer number of times you’d touched yourself to the thought of Kunigami’s head between your thighs, or the sensation of him sinking into you for the first time. Your fingers were no match for how he would actually feel in comparison, you knew from the nights where you’d press yourself back against him in your sleep that he was well endowed, but if only he would show you—
“See, she wants it.” Raichi continued, taking your silence as the answer that he desired, “If she was my girlfriend I think I’d be permanently hard.”
“Yeah, well lucky for you and her, she isn’t your girlfriend.” Kunigami snapped back, clearly irritated by the conversation.
“I don’t know how you manage to focus on the pitch when you have such a hot girl waiting for ya.” He continued pushing your boyfriend's buttons, something he’d learned to do from months of training together, “She’s so distracting.”
Raichi caught you by surprise as he reached out for you, his warm hand cupping your cheek. Calloused skin from years of arduous training as it caught comfortingly against your soft skin, his thumb tilting your chin up to gaze into his eyes.
“I’m not like you,” Kunigami began.
Raichi’s gaze looked ravenous, predatory. As though you were a sheep being led to the slaughter and he was the rapacious wolf.
“I don’t get distracted.” You missed the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly, the thoughts of giving into his desires now at the forefront of his mind.
“Oh, I know you ain’t nothing like me,” Raichi smirked, his warm breath fanning across your cheeks as he leaned impossibly closer, his lips dangerously close to yours. If you just made the slightest movement—
“Back off, Raichi,” Kunigami growled to your left, his nostrils flaring as you glanced towards him.
Raichi’s upper lip curled into a snarl as Kunigami broke your gaze from him, his gentle fingertips tightened against your cheeks as he pursed your lips onto a pout.
“Why? Someone's gotta take care of her,” Raichi continued, “Since you clearly ain’t.”
“I take great care of her actually—”
“Yeah? Let’s look at how wet her little panties are and then we’ll see, huh?” Raichi’s grin was almost deranged when he caught the way your eyes rolled at the suggestion, “Oh? You like the sound of that, sweetheart? Want us to see how soaked you are right now?”
“Knock it off, man.” Kunigami snarled.
You were unsure the last time you’d heard your boyfriend sound so indignant, maybe during a match when the referee was about to hand out a yellow for a minor infraction— the disruption to the game preventing him from reaching the goal line to score. Or the stories he’d return home with after stressful practices the ones where he’d spent the rest of the evening sulking because nothing seemed to go right.
“Why don’t you for once ask what she wants?” Raichi moved away from your face and stood back to full height. Still no match for the inches Kunigami had on him, but the domineering aura still surrounded his stature, “When’s the last time you thought about that?”
Kunigami was silent as his golden eyes met your gaze, his jaw tightened as he dwelled on the question. For so long he’d been so selfish, so focused on his own career and goals— his dream. That he never once thought about what you wanted. Too complacent in believing that you were going to be there for him through everything, and you were. You are.
“Thought so.” Raichi scoffed, “You can still be a top player and have some fun, look at Drogba—”
Kunigami remained silent as you watched the gears in his head begin to turn, much like he’d do whilst on the pitch as he tried to choose the next course of action. His next move. Your next move.
“You know your rules are fuckin’ bullshit.” Raichi continued, “You want to, don’t you?”
Raichi turned his attention back to you, and all of a sudden you felt intimidated to have both men waiting for your response. The air in the room felt thick and heavy as you tried to remember to breathe, your heart pounded against your ribcage as you barely breathed out a response.
The answer was all it took for the sharp-toothed grin to reappear across Raichi’s cheeks, with a final glance out of the side of his eyes to Kunigami he leaned forward again.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head, sweetheart.” Raichi whispered, his large palm curled around your neck to hold it at the nape, calloused pads pressing into the soft skin, “I’ll show him what to do to make you feel good.”
Your gasp was caught in your throat as Raichi brought you into a scorching kiss, his lips hot and heavy as you felt his dominance encapsulate you. His tongue bullied its way between your parted lips as you felt it lash against your teeth, exploring every inch of new territory. He was ravenous as his other hand moved to your hip, squeezing the supple skin as you let out a gentle moan.
While things would often get hot and heavy with Kunigami, especially after a particularly intense football match. He’d never kissed you like this. Breaking it off before it became too intense, too much. The restraint and control learned after years of arduous training and strict regimes, but it often left you feeling hot and bothered as you were left with a racing heart and sticky panties.
Raichi’s fingertips felt scorching as they travelled higher, slipping beneath your shirt to press against your skin. Your hands instantly moved to his broad shoulders to try and give yourself some semblance of reality as you felt him smirk against your lips at the action. Deepening the kiss as his tongue swirled against your own, his gruff grunts swallowed by your mouth as he let his hands roam your body.
Usually, this would be the part where Kunigami would stop, his breath shaky and eyes wild as he tried in vain to calm himself down. His hard cock straining against his shorts as he’d excuse himself to make a drink, or take a cold shower while you were left unsatisfied. But Raichi wasn’t about to stop here—
His hands began to pull your top up your torso, reluctantly breaking the kiss to pull the offending fabric up and over your head as he carelessly let it drop to the floor. Leaning back to catch a glimpse of the pretty black bra you wore that framed your breasts perfectly.
“Black?” He grinned, glancing over at Kunigami, “You know what black underwear means, Kuni?”
“What?” Your boyfriend raised a brow as Raichi let his thumbs stroke against the intricate lace, all teeth showing as he noticed the way your nipples pebbled against the fabric.
“Means she wants to have sex,” He grinned, “Wonder if your knickers match too, sweetheart.”
Kunigami’s eyes widened in surprise, there was no way that’s what the simple colour choice of your undergarments meant. But with the way Raichi’s eyes were roaming your exposed skin he couldn’t help but join him. You looked gorgeous standing under their gaze, the gentle glow of light from the hotel room somehow managed to cast some kind of ethereal glow against your skin as Raichi’s hands slipped around your frame.
“Is this alright?” He whispered uncharacteristically. Knowing that in that moment your answer would’ve meant everything as he waited for your response.
“Yeah,” You smiled softly.
Your heart was racing as Raichi began to fiddle with the clasp.
“You’re acting so cocky but you can’t undo her bra?” Kunigami scoffed, “Just like your football.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Raichi glared, brows furrowed, “I know more than you, wildcard.”
“That’s debatable.” Kunigami rolled his eyes, “Let me do it.”
“You didn’t even wanna fuck her, leaving her neglec—”
“Yes, I do!” Kunigami snapped, cutting him off as a faint hint of pink blush stained his cheeks.
Heating the admission from him had your heart fluttering, remembering those nights when he’d left you unsatisfied and needy whilst questioning whether he even wanted you at all.
“Yeah? So why not do it.” Raichi finally managed to grasp the clasp of your bra as the fabric went lax around your frame, the straps pooled around your elbows and the cups dropped from your soft mounds, exposing your skin to the cool air of the room.
Both men stopped in their tracks at the sight, their argument immediately diminished to silence as they took in the sight of your bare chest.
“Fuck,” Kunigami groaned softly, chewing his bottom lip between his teeth as he couldn’t take his chestnut eyes off you.
“You tellin’ me you haven’t even seen her tits before?” Raichi raised a brow in disbelief as he shot a look towards his teammate.
“No— well, yeah I have.” Kunigami mumbled, “She sends me pictures.”
Raichi’s eyes lit up at the admission, turning his attention back to you as he pulled the needless fabric from your arms, letting it fall to the floor as he honed in on you.
“You sending Kunigami dirty pictures, sweetheart?” He grinned, “You’re filthy, ain’tcha?”
He reached out to pinch one of your hard nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he tweaked it, tugging it from your body as he watched your lips curl into a pouty whine. Letting go as your breast bounced back into place.
“You’re gonna have to send me those too,” Raichi shot at Kunigami as he palmed your other breast, massaging it softly as you let out a gentle whine, “Can't think of better game motivation than that.”
“You aren’t getting shit.” Kunigami growled, “Those are for my eyes only.”
“That’s alright, I’m sure she’ll take some just for me. Won’t you, sweetheart?” Raichi winked at you as you felt your cunt clench around nothing at the thought.
“You wish.” Kunigami spat back.
Raichi leaned forward, bending at the waist to pull one of your taut nipples into his warm, wet mouth. Your back arched into his touch as you felt his teeth graze the sensitive skin, his tongue circling the soft bud as you tried to keep yourself upright. Your legs quivered as your fingers curled into his messy hair, your nails grazing his scalp as a salacious moan left your lips.
“Why not try it, Kunigami?” Raichi pulled back from your nipple with a pop, his tongue flicking it, “Look how much she likes it.”
You were surprised when Kunigami stepped closer, towering over both of you as a large palm cupped your cheek, meeting your gaze as if to ask for silent permission before he brought you into a sensual kiss.
His other hand reached up to hesitantly palm your naked breast. So used to soft petting and dry humping when you were both fully clothed, it felt exhilarating to have his hands pressed against your naked skin. His restraint was far stronger than your own whenever you were intimate, stopping just before things went too far but you were left dripping in your own slick.
“Rensuke.” His name was swallowed by his lips as he groaned into the kiss at the sound of it uttered so desperately.
“See?” Raichi goaded, “Look how bad she wants it.”
“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” Kunigami broke the kiss to shoot a glare at his teammate.
“You should know better than anyone that I don’t.” Raichi gave him a wide, toothy grin as he rut his hips against your side, allowing you to feel how hard and needy he was for you.
You felt Raichi’s thumbs dip into the hem of your skirt, teasingly tugging at the material before he began to tug it down your plush thighs, shamelessly ogling your naked skin as he caught the hint of your black panties to match the bra that was now forgotten on the floor.
“I fuckin’ knew it,” He grinned when he saw them, “And all lacy and shit too? You’re begging to be fucked, sweetheart.”
Kunigami felt the heat rise in his cheeks as he looked at the tiny piece of cloth that hid your most intimate area, his cock throbbing beneath his shorts as he thought about what lay beneath. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t fucked his fist to the thought multiple times, working out his frustrations in the shower as the loud cascade of water drowned out his groans of pleasure.
“I think you’re a fuckin’ liar, Kunigami.” Raichi pressed, “Ain’t no way you haven’t fucked this yet.”
“I haven’t.” He mumbled. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but Ego’s words continued to ring in his ears about distractions that could stop him from reaching his dream. The wildcard made him come too close to failure, he couldn’t face that again.
“So it must be that you ain’t got a clue what you’re doing then?” He continued.
“I know what I’m fucking doing.” The sound of Kunigami swearing had your clit throbbing as both men bickered beside you.
“Yeah?” Raichi scoffed, turning his attention to you, “You think he knows what he’s doing, sweetheart? Or do you think I could make you cum harder?”
You didn’t answer, already seeing the fury in your boyfriend's eyes as he moved your body as though you weighed nothing. Years of intense training built him into a wall of muscle as you felt the backs of your thighs hit the plush hotel bed, falling back onto the mattress as Kunigami stalked you like prey. Nimble fingers curled into the hem of your panties as he peeled them from your body. Both men watched the way the crotch stuck to your skin from how wet you were, glossy strings of your slick breaking off against your slit and inner thighs as Raichi swore beneath his breath.
“Jesus, Kunigami.” Raichi growled, “How the fuck are you not bedding this every damn night.”
Kunigami couldn’t respond, he wasn’t even sure of the answer himself. Not that he had any experience, but he was certain you had the most perfect pussy he’d ever lay his eyes on. His cock jumped at the sight as the glossy mess of your slick glistened beneath the room's lighting.
“I’d wanna be buried inside her permanently, shit.” Raichi groaned as he tugged his shirt up, pulling it from the back as he displayed his toned muscles.
“Shame she isn’t your girlfriend then, isn’t it?” Kunigami rolled his eyes, flexing his own muscles as a subtle display of dominance.
“You ever had this pretty pussy ate, sweet girl?” Raichi climbed onto the bed beside his teammate as he began to run a palm up your inner thigh, nimble fingers stroking against the apex as he touched dangerously close to your labia, “Look at her— She’s so fucking pretty isn’t she? She deserves it.”
You shook your head wordlessly as you felt like an innocent lamb captured by two hungry wolves. Feasting on you with their predatory gazes as they thought about consuming you whole.
“Let me show you what it feels like, yeah?” Raichi’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned down, unabashedly breathing in through his nose to inhale the scent of you.
“If anyone’s going to be tasting her, it’ll be me.” Kunigami shouldered him roughly, settling himself between your thighs as he shot Raichi a glare.
“Do you even know what you’re doing?” Raichi scoffed.
“Yes.” Kunigami shot back, but you could hear the underlying uncertainty in his tone.
“Yeah? Let’s see then, wildcard.”
Kunigami met your gaze as if asking for silent permission as he lowered himself onto his chest, one of his muscular arms wrapped around your thigh as he took a moment to stare at your glossy slit, your essence dripping from your tiny hole and trickling down the curve of your ass. Whining, you shifted your hips slightly, a silent invitation for him to do something as you felt both men's eyes on your naked body.
“Sorry, princess,” He hummed gently, leaning forward to press a lingering kiss to your clit which had your entire body convulsing. Your hips jerked wildly as Kunigami’s arm tightened around your thigh to stop you from moving away.
“Holy fucking shit, she’s so sensitive.” Raichi groaned, leaning down to palm himself through his shorts.
Kunigami tentatively poked his tongue out to taste you, licking his lips as his warm breath tickled your skin. Gliding it through your messy folds as he found your slick entrance, pressing forward so the tip disappeared inside you. Your hand weaved into his messy hair as you held him tight, your iris’ blown as you tried to control your breathing. The sensation was nothing like you’d ever felt before, certain that your fingers and toys could never replicate the feeling.
“Does that feel good, pretty girl?” Raichi grinned as he moved up the bed to kneel by your face.
“Yeah,” You nodded as Kunigami continued to feast on your cunt, his tongue dipping inside your tight entrance to taste more of you as you languidly rolled your hips into him.
His palm splayed against your soft mound as he used his fingers to spread your lips apart, giving him better access as he slurped on your folds. The soft timber of his groans vibrated against your hole as his nose occasionally nudged your clit.
“Think you can handle sucking my cock while Kunigami eats that pretty pussy?” Raichi stroked your cheek, so unused to seeing this soft, sweet side of him as you nodded obediently.
The change in his expression was swift. A dark, depraved smirk etched into his features as he was quick to pull his shorts down. The heavy weight of his cock flopped out as he let his shorts rest around the curve of his ass. The fat tip was a dark pinkish hue as pre began to bead in his slit, his fist wrapping around his girth to give himself a teasing pump as he noticed the nervous expression on your face.
“You ever sucked cock before, sweetness?” He asked as you shook your head.
“That’s cute, you gonna be good at it. I can tell.” He pressed the tip of his cock against your parted lips as you felt the tacky sensation of his cum coat them. Smearing it against them before you experimentally poked the tip out to taste him.
“Fuuuck, that’s it. Good girl.” He groaned as he pushed forward, watching the head slowly disappear between your parted lips, “Get it all nice and wet for me.”
You moaned around him as you felt the stretch in your jaw from his sheer size, Kunigami’s tongue still persistent inside your cunt as Raichi began a slow, steady pace.
“Jesus christ, Kunigami. What the fuck have you done together? Nothin’?” He groaned, “You got no clue what you’re missing out on.”
Your tongue followed the thick vein on the underside of his cock as you bobbed your head, feeling lightheaded from the combination of pleasure as Kunigami remained buried between your thighs.
“Suck her clit,” Raichi goaded, “Do you even know what that is?”
“Course I fucking do.” Kunigami snarled.
“Then do it, idiot.” Raichi spat back.
You were caught by surprise when Raichi leaned down to press his palm against the back of Kunigami’s head, his fingers weaving into his hair as he tugged roughly. Deliberately moving his lips towards your puffy clit, the sudden sensation had your hips bucking off the bed as you cried out the moment that Kunigami wrapped his lips around the sensitive nub.
“That’s it, she liked that. Didn’t you, sweetheart?” Raichi grinned, “Bet that pretty little pussy is creaming right now. Kunigami add a finger, stretch her out.”
Kunigami followed the instruction as he pressed his middle finger against your tight entrance, groaning against your clit when he felt the way your walls clung to him.
“Curl it up slightly, she’ll love it.” Raichi continued as Kunigami began to pump his finger in and out of your slick heat, curling it slightly but just enough for it to barely brush against the spongy spot inside you.
“Come on, man. Fuckin’ curl it-” Raichi pressed, grunting when your tongue lapped against his slit as you tasted fresh pre, “Can’t even take simple instruction.”
Raichi leaned down between your thighs as he pressed his index finger against your tight entrance, breaching your hole as his digit joined Kunigami’s. Bending his finger almost painfully as he deliberately pushed it against the spot inside you.
“I can do it better,” Kunigami growled as he tried desperately to find that sweet spot inside you.
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Raichi goaded with a sly smirk.
“Piss off,” Kunigami growled.
“You wanna curl it until you find it,” Raichi grinned, his eyes remaining focused on your face until he got the indication he needed. Your thick lashes fluttered as a sultry moan vibrates against his cock, “There it is.”
Kunigami obediently followed Raichi’s instructions, both men fucking into you gently with their fingers. You felt your toes curl as your legs began to shake, their movements unsynchronised which had both of them simultaneously brushing against the spongy spot inside you and not allowing you a moment's respite.
“Can you feel that? Her little pussy’s clenchin’ she’s gonna cum, aren’t you sweetheart?”
You weren’t sure you could talk, even without Raichi’s cock in your mouth as you felt yourself coming closer to the edge. Kunigami’s lips were still wrapped firmly around your clit as both men tried to outdo each other by roughly fingering you. Blunt nails dragged against your warmth as you felt the coil inside you snap, a desperate moan vibrating against Raichi’s cock as you came hard.
“Fuck, beautiful.” Kunigami moved back to watch you cum, your eyes rolling as your chest began to heave.
“Don’t fuckin’ stop, idiot.” Raichi chastised as he moved his fingers to your puffy clit, pressing all four against it as he began to press fast circles against it, “Help her ride out her climax, Jesus.”
“Fuck,” Your voice was muffled by Raichi’s cock as you felt yourself being goaded towards another harsh climax. Your tight hole clenched around Kunigami’s finger as both men watched intently.
“Gonna cum again, sweetheart?” Raichi cooed, “Show me.”
You couldn’t hold back, your chest heaving as another intense orgasm was stolen from you. The lack of oxygen made it difficult to breathe as you felt your thighs become lax.
“God, she’s so fuckin’ pretty.” Raichi gave a sudden rut of his hips that had the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat as you began to cough and splutter around him.
“Oi!” Kunigami growled, moving from his position between your thighs to sit up on his knees. Chestnut eyes gazed down at you with concern as he rubbed soft circles into your thighs, uncaring that your slick was now leaving glistening lines against your skin and dribbling down his chin.
“Shit, baby. I’m sorry.” He smiled apologetically as Kunigami glared at him.
“Careful, asshole,” Kunigami growled, looking as though he was ready to fight him even in this state.
“I said I was sorry, man. Felt too fuckin’ good.” Raichi shrugged, “You liked it though, didn’t you sweetheart?”
You couldn’t respond, your chest still heaving in gulps of air as you tried to calm your racing heart from the two mind-numbing orgasms you’d just been gifted, unsure if you could handle a third.
“Yeah, you did.” He grinned, “It’ll feel even better in your pretty pussy.”
Raichi gave his cock a languid tug as he moved to shift down the bed, a motion that was stopped abruptly by Kunigami who pushed his shoulder back with a harsh shove.
“You’re not putting it in.” He growled.
“Oh, so now you suddenly want to fuck her?” Raichi glared.
“I’ve always wanted to fuck her.” Kunigami bit back.
“Yeah? So why’d you neglect her for so long?”
The word hurt Kunigami. He’d never seen it that way before. So focused on his own career and goals he never once thought to ask about your thoughts or feelings. So certain that you were content in the relationship with him. He’d done everything he could in his power to make sure that you felt loved, cherished and important whenever he was with you, it was difficult to believe that he’d made you feel this way for so long but now he had the chance to make it up to you and he was determined to prove that he could.
“You okay?” Kunigami questioned softly as he lined himself up with your tight entrance, smoothing the tip of his cock through your messy folds to coat himself with your essence.
“Yeah,” You breathed deeply, weaving your arms around his back as you felt him slowly start to breach your walls. The fat tip of his cock stretched you out as you shifted uncomfortably beneath him, trying to ignore the dull ache that was now throbbing through your lower half.
Raichi’s fingers reached out to pinch and tug at your pebbled nipples, trying to distract you from the pain as you felt Kunigami begin to push deeper. His movements were slow and uncertain, worried as though he may hurt you more if he went too fast. But you were choking on air as you tried to pull him deeper, your thighs wrapping around his waist in a feeble attempt to get him to bottom out as you murmured.
“You’re so beautiful,” Kunigami whispered, stroking his fingers against your hips as he began to give quick, shallow thrusts to try and stretch you out more. Watching his cock slowly disappear inside your warmth, “Does it feel good?”
“Yeah,” You exhaled, unsure how else to describe the sensation as Kunigami set a steady pace, “Oh, fuck.”
“Tell me to stop and I’ll stop, okay?” He murmured, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your parted lips as you hummed softly. The dull ache between your thighs slowly morphing into pleasure.
Each forward thrust felt like Kunigami was splitting you open, his thick cock stretching your pliant walls into the shape of him as you clung to his muscular arms. There’s something about the way Kunigami handles you, so full of care and poise— as though he’s terrified that if he’s too rough he might break you, preventing the cracks like cradling fine bone china.
“Fuck her properly,” Raichi rolls his eyes, noticing the way his teammate gently cants his hips forward. His strong hands moved down to Kunigami’s hips as he grips him tight, pushing him forward to plunge his thickness deeper inside you as you let out a salacious groan.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Kunigami growls, his hand flailing wildly behind him in an attempt to shove Raichi away, still buried deep inside your warm heat.
“Move your hips like this,” Raichi’s fingertips pushed into Kunigami’s sides hard, angling him slightly so the curve of his cock was brushing against the same spot inside you with each forward motion. Delving deeper instead of catching against your inner walls and making you wince, the slightest change now had you crying out in pleasure.
“That’s it,” He grinned, “See— look how much she fuckin’ loves it.”
You’re so wet, so warm, so tight— it has Kunigami’s mind reeling as he rocks his hips into you, chestnut eyes focused on your reaction with each languid movement. The change in angle has him seemingly deeper inside you, as the tip of his cock fucks deep enough to meet your cervix.
“More, fuck— Ren. Please, fuck me hard.”
“Listen to her, practically begging for it,” Raichi grins, reaching up to palm one of your bouncing breasts, “You’ve had her desperate and needy for too long, Kunigami.”
He obliges as the sheer force of his thrusts have you squealing out for him, fat tears now clinging to your thick lashes as they blur your vision. Quickly blinking them back in order not to obscure the view of your boyfriend ploughing into your body above you. Even on the pitch, you’ve yet to see him this ravenous, this hungry. Your nails dig into the expanse of his arms as you leave crescent-shaped moons in their wake, certain to leave marks, reminders of this night together.
“How many times have you played with this sloppy pussy to the thought of this, huh?”
You can’t even answer, any coherent thoughts fled from your mind the moment you felt Kunigami slide his thick cock inside your eager cunt. The only thing that matters to you now is the pleasure building inside your core, tightening with every pronounced thrust. The slick sound of his balls slapping against your ass fills the room as you try desperately to try and match his rhythm. The attempts were futile from this position as you can do nothing more but lay there and take everything Kunigami has to give you.
“Oi,” Raichi prompts, his calloused fingers pinching at your taut nipple roughly, “Answer the question, pretty girl.”
“What question?” You mumble deliriously as Kunigami hits that same spot inside you with such precision.
“How many times you touched yourself to the thought of this?” He almost growls, fingers pinching and pulling your hardened buds as you whine.
“A lot.” You feel the air caught in your throat when your walls begin to clamp down around Kunigami, your orgasm hovering over you as he continues sending you over the edge.
“Thought so, you dirty girl.” Raichi smirks, teeth gleaming beneath the harsh lights as your fingers fist the white hotel sheets, “That’s why this pussy's so greedy, huh?”
You’re certain you can’t last much longer, not with the way Kunigami is plunging inside your tight heat, every single thrust has him pushing you further up the mattress towards the headboard as his entire body is practically on top of you now, making you feel minuscule in comparison as he continues his pace.
“Rensuke,” You whispered, “I’m gonna cum.”
The admission has Kunigami’s pace faltering, a choked “shit” leaving his lips as his hips stutter inside you. Warm hands holding your thighs even tighter as you're certain his grip will bruise your soft skin.
“That’s it, sweetheart.” Raichi cooed, “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?”
The words seem to have Kunigami moving with more vigour, as though he’s desperate to have you bolting into your own pleasure before he finds his. The molten heat radiating from between your thighs is scorching, your slick coating your skin and making him stick to you comfortably as he wrecks your tight cunt.
“Someone to ruin your sloppy little pussy.” Raichi’s words did nothing to satiate the desire building inside you,
“Shit, shit, shit,” You cry in time with each rough thrust Kunigami gives you, unable to hold back any longer, “I’m cumming.”
The dam inside you finally bursts as you feel yourself succumb to the pleasure coursing through you. A jumbled cry of Kunigami’s name spills from your lips as your release trickles around his thick cock, your walls clamping down around him as he follows you into euphoria.
“Fuck,” Kunigami snarled, his hips stuttering as his climax caught him off guard. Unable to stop himself as he came deep inside you. Scorching hot spurts of cum coat your inner walls as he fills you with his release, fucking it deeper inside you as he gives a few more shaky cants of his hips before he’s pulling himself from your warmth, creamy rings of your slick glistening around the base of his softening cock as he collapses beside you on the bed.
Raichi immediately pulls one of your thighs up towards him at the top of the bed, causing Kunigami to spit out a harsh “Careful.” as he practically moved you like a Ragdoll.
“Can I, sweetheart?” His thick tip smooths through your wet folds, coating himself in your slick as his head nudges your sensitive clit, “Promise I’m clean.”
“That’s debatable.” Kunigsmi scoffed.
“Man, fuck you.” Raichi shot his friend a glare before gazing back down at you, “Please?”
You stare up at him in a daze as you nod, your hips jerking when you feel him tap the underside of his cock against your clit.
“Need to hear you say it, sweetheart. Try again.” He coos.
“Yeah,” You mumble, “Yes, please.”
Raichi doesn’t waste a moment before his hard cock was buried deep inside your sopping cunt, feeling the final tremors of your climax as your walls clenched around him.
“Oh, fuck.” He groans, “Such a slut letting me fuck you raw, ain’tcha.”
You were embarrassed by the crude squelch your cunt made each time Raichi drove his hips forward, the stretch and the mixture of cum had your cheeks inflamed as you tried to hide your face with your palms.
“Aw, baby. Don’t hide your pretty face,” Raichi cooed, one of his palms reaching up to wrap around your wrist to show him your face again, “Listen to how sloppy your little pussy is. Making such pretty noises for me.”
His other hand pressed your thigh up, changing the angle as your knee was positioned near your face. The movement increased the lewd sounds as you felt your tits bounce with each harsh thrust. Unlike Kunigami, Raichi showed no care or concern for your comfort. Fucking into your pliant body with vigour as he chased his own release, the slick sounds only goading him on as you felt his balls slap against your ass with each vigorous thrust.
“Acting all sweet and innocent,” Raichi cooed, “But you’re a slut aren’t you, pretty girl?”
A rough hand caught the curve of your ass, slapping against your upper thigh as you cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. The contrast in the way either manhandled you had you throbbing around Raichi’s cock as Kunigami sat up to stop him.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He snarled, a darkness to his tone that you weren’t sure you’d heard before, the sound had your tight cunt clamping down around Raichi’s cock.
“Fuck— come on, man. She fucking loves it, don’t you?” He gave you another smack and the moan that left your throat was damn near sinful, “See. God, your sloppy pussy is making such a mess of my cock. Or is that you, Kunigami.”
Raichi leaned back to shamelessly stare down at where your bodies were connected, the loud squelch of your cunt intensifying as he saw the mixture of juices glistening against his cock.
“What a messy little pussy,” He smirked, “You got no idea how much I’ve thought about this, sweetness.”
His admission had you struggling for air, your heart racing as he continued his fast, harsh pace. Everything about him was a stark contrast to your soft and sensual lover Kunigami. Each stroke had a brute force behind it that had you crying out, your boyfriend's warm palm stroking your face to ease the tension as he pressed a soft kiss to your dewy temple. His other hand was wrapped around his throbbing cock, the site of you laying back so salaciously had him groaning deep and guttural in his chest as he pressed a sloppy kiss to your lips. 
You hesitantly reached out to wrap your hand around Kunigami’s cock instead, pulling another deep groan from his lips as he watched you slowly stroke his cock while Raichi continued driving his hips forward into you. His larger palm wrapped around yours to tighten your grip against his length as he set a consistent pace, his hips jerking up off the bed as he fucked into your fist. 
“Gonna make such a mess of this pretty pussy,” Raichi groaned.
Raichi’s fingers dug into your thighs almost uncomfortably as he held onto both for leverage, feeling him almost fold you in two as his sweaty body stuck to your skin.
“Jesus, Kunigami.” Raichi growled, “How the fuck are you not bedding this every damn night.”
There was a predatory glint in Raichi’s eyes as his gaze seared into your skin, the hungry desire all-consuming as you thought he may devour you whole. Sweat beaded against his temples as he set his relentless pace, the crude squealing sound only echoed around the hotel room as you allowed him to use your body as he pleased.
“I’d wanna be permanently buried inside her.” He continued, “She’s so fuckin’ tight.”
“Yeah, well it’s a shame you’ll only get this one chance, huh?” Kunigami spat back, “So you better enjoy it while you can.
“Yeah, we’ll see about that.” He smirked back with a challenging glint in his eyes.
Both men bickered as though you weren’t even in the room, as though one wasn’t currently buried balls deep inside your tight, warm heat. The mushroomed head of his cock hitting the deepest part of you with each buck of his hips, the thick veins running along his length dragging against your spongy walls with each movement that had you hurtling towards another climax like a train about to derail.
“Fuck,” You whined as you felt Raichi hit deep inside you, the pleasure coursing through your body and lumping in your throat as you clung to the sheets beneath you, your nails digging into the soft cotton as you were certain you were tearing holes in it.
“Yeah?” He grinned down at you with sharp teeth, “You like that, pretty girl?”
“I fuck you better than Kunigami ever could, huh?” He smirked down at you, giving a harsh thrust for emphasis.
“Shut the hell up,” Kunigami growled, the sound breaking off into a whine as you circled your hand over the tip of his cock, gathering the pre beading at the slit as you used it as lubrication to drag down his length. 
“You can’t get mad at me for speaking facts, bro.” Raichi spat back cockily as he continued to roll his hips.
“If you stopped worrying about what everyone else is doing maybe you wouldn’t end up benched for every game.”
“You fuckin’ prick, I’ll kill—” Raichi snarled, leaning forward to swipe at his teammate.
“Can you stop arguing?” You groaned.
“Aww, you feeling neglected, sweetheart?” Raichi’s voice oozed with faux sympathy, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of ya.”
Reaching between your connected bodies with a sly grin as he pressed a calloused thumb to your puffy clit, spinning rough circles against it as he felt your walls clamp down around him in response.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Cream my cock,” Raichi cooed, “You just needed someone to show you what to do, didn’t you?”
You can’t hold back, not with Raichi’s cock moulding you into the shape of him, fucking Kunigami’s cum even deeper inside you as the lewd squelch fills the room. Both men’s eyes are on you, watching your every move with intense depravity that has you feeling completely perceived, wanted, and desired. The desire building inside you becomes harder to hold onto, and the need to satiate the molten fire inside you becomes too much to bear.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum.” You cry out, feeling Raichi’s thumb speed up against your clit, “Oh my god-”
You can’t think straight, all you can think about is the white hot pleasure coursing through your veins as Raichi continues his ruthless pace. He’s got your toes curling and your eyes rolling back as he coaxes you towards your climax, daring you to come undone for him. So he can see you melt into nothing more than a puddle beneath him as he continues his assault on your pliant body.
“Go on then, pretty girl. Cum all over my cock,” Raichi grins.
You’re mind is hazy as he presses against your clit with more fevour, demanding that you succumb to the ecstasy flowing through you and submit to him, almost choking on the spit pooling in your throat as you forget how to breathe. The sensation is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before as he has you dancing on the edge of another mind-numbing release. Certain that you’ll never be able to go back to using your fingers or toys again, not when you’ve found euphoria like this.
Raichi deliberately angles every precise thrust towards your g-spot, hitting it with tenacity each time he cants his hips forward into you. Your messy essence sticks to the hairs at the base of his cock as you coat him in your release. A bright smile breaks out against his features as he stares down at you like the cat that got the cream when he feels you beginning to convulse against him.
“That’s it, good girl. Good fuckin’ girl.” Both men watch as you thrash beneath him, your mind completely blank as you fall apart for them, your climax crashing into you like a tidal wave as you let out a debauched moan.
“So fuckin’ tight.” Raichi continues as your walls clamp down around him in a carnal attempt to milk him of his release, and you don’t even try to stop him as you watch him give a few more chaotic thrusts into your worn cunt.
“Don’t you dare cum inside her.” Kunigami snarls.
But the words fall on deaf ears as Raichi becomes lost in his own pleasure. Chasing his own high as he buries himself inside you to the hilt, the matted hairs at the base of his cock tickling your clit as he meets his own end. His heavy balls tighten as he begins to release hot, sticky spurts of cum inside your abused hole.
“Fuck,” Kunigami grunted as he followed you both into his own bliss, his release spilling out onto your hand and his thighs as he gave a few more lazy ruts into your tight fist before turning to glare at his teammate. 
“What did I fuckin’ say, asshole. You can’t take simple instruction.” Kunigami snarled, “This is why you’re always benched.”
“It’s not my fault.” He groaned, pulling out to watch the mixture of cum leaking from your fluttering hole, “I had to fuck ‘er full of you it’s the least you could do.”
“I thought you were supposed to be experienced.” Kunigami continued, grimacing when he noticed the cum covering his palm and thighs.
“Lasted longer than you, asshole.” Raichi scoffed, “You’ve felt this sloppy pussy now so you should get it.”
Raichi’s hands shamelessly slipped down to spread your lips apart, watching the mixture of cum slowly seeping out of you in thick rivulets and onto the soft sheets beneath you.
“Besides, you liked it didn’t you, pretty girl?” He cooed.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up, princess,” Kunigami whispered to you softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“Yeah, has your room got that massive shower too?” Raichi grinned as he stood from the bed in all his naked glory, his soft cock still glistening with your slick.
“Who said you were invited?” Kunigami replied coolly.
“Aw, don’t be like that Kunigami.” Raichi smirked, “Not after I’ve just seen your girl naked.”
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bueris · 5 months
homebrew necromany
[in the afterlife, it is a barren grassland with only a few rocks poking above the grass, there is a mountain range in the far distance but they do not seem as if they wish to be reached]
bue: (kicking a rock) boo, this is boring I thought there'd be more fire and brimstone. what a cop out
[there is no reply, no voice answer back and even the wind doesn't blow]
bue: (sigh) well, there's no point in staying in one place... hmm, those mountains are pretty, might as well check them out. (begins to walk towards them)
[the landscape changes rapidly, the grassland becomes a valley, flat ground shifts into steep slops that are populated with thistle and tough grass that pricks at bue's ankles]
bue: (flailing) woa- whoa! almost fell there... (looks down) oh? what's this?
[bue crouches down to pick up a tattered poster, she takes the torn edges between her fingers and is immediately drawn to the face of her twin printed next to her own]
bue: (muttering) wanted... dead or alive... bounty of 1.3 million galactic credits.... what?
[bue flips the paper around several times, trying to find anything else. faintly a shimmer of text of another universe inscribed on the back glints in the overcast light. it is nothing like bue had ever seen before, but they could understand it nonetheless]
bue: (confused) "I'm sorry, I tried, I swear. I tried to stop us I really did. - R"... who's R?
bue: (worried) what does it mean..?
[with a concerned face, bue folds the tattered poster into quarters and tucks it into their pocket. hesitant, she continues into the basin of the valley]
bue: (quietly) it's like the lake district... I suppose dying isn't that bad if these are the views you get... still those mountains...
[the snow caps of the mountains are distantly visible from over the other side of the valley, the distance has not changed and it is still far]
bue: (downcast, eyes facing down at her feet as she walks through the brush) I hope girlfriend fc is okay, we were in quite the predicament from what I last gathered... oh @riririnnnn, @hooudie212, @someprettyname I miss you already, it's so scary to be so far from you...
[bue finally reaches the stream that bisects the bottom of the valley, it's weird to think such a little stream once cut through the valley's rock, but bue supposes time can change anything]
bue: uh, do I just wade? what if it's like the Styx or something... I don't wanna be caught lacking, what would the people on instagram reels say? (shivers)
bue: I don't think I have a choice...
[with a squeak, bue wades into the stream. its gentle current laps at her ankles and seeps through her cleats and she shivers at the feeling]
bue: (looking down) huh?
[the pebbles at the bottom of the stream start to transform, ordinary little rocks expanding in ways that violate reality to become half recognisable mementos]
bue: oh....
[a journal is flicked open by the current and it washes away the writing on every page, a yellow rose, a phone, a futuristic looking gun, and odd shapes bue could tell represented something all warped themselves into the stream bed, pinned down by rocks no matter how easily they could be swept off by the current]
???: (kindly) so you chose to move forward? I'm glad.
bue: (incredibly shocked) JINGO RAICHI???
[raichi is dressed in peculiar ways, draped in cloth that bent reality itself with an uncharacteristically calm smile on his face]
raichi: yes, I suppose you know me by that
bue: what are you doing here?
raichi: helping you, obviously?
bue: ..."helping"?
raichi: you asked for it, no?
[bue stares at him in disbelief, what in the world is happening??]
raichi: the river, you stepped in it.
bue: there was no other way across?
raichi: you wanted to find a way forward and that is enough for me.
bue: (worried) 'kay...
raichi: have a seat (snaps his fingers)
[a rock pops into existence behind bue, pressing on the back of her knees in such a way it makes her sit down, across from her raichi takes a seat on a rock of his own]
raichi: to move forward you need to let go of what is old, you see those things in the river, yes?
bue: ...mhm...
raichi: you remember what they mean, right? so tell me
bue: well that journal was from the worst time ever, it was a very dark time-
raichi: (hums and nods)
bue: that rose, I hurt someone... the phone was so much and... I don't know what the gun means, sorry...
raichi: baby steps. you need to let them wash away
bue: what?
raichi: wash them away, let go
bue: I'm not holding them?
raichi: spiritually, you dumbass!
[bue flinches at the sudden yelling, but that was much more raichi-like. he pinches his nose in frustration but with a harsh sigh he seems to calm down]
bue: (hesitantly) well, um, I grew from the journal I...
raichi: go on
bue: well, I'm different now, I used to be so miserable... not just my feelings, I was a total downer and I only saw the worst in everything... sometimes I think I still do...
raichi: but do you want to?
bue: no! of course not!
raichi: then put your faith in the best, it's as easy as you make it
[bue sits in silence for a moment, thinking about it. it hits her eventually, it might be hard at some points but being more positive was as easy as catching bad thoughts and replacing them, she really could just do that]
[the journal flips to the last page and disintegrates in the water, carried away by the current, bue looks at raichi with surprise]
raichi: easy, right? now the rose.
bue: I hurt someone, I'm sorry for it
raichi: okay and?
bue: huh?
raichi: yeah you hurt someone but your inaction keeps you from moving on
bue: oh... I can't... really talk to her anymore. I know I was wrong and I don't ever want to do that again but I don't know what to do
raichi: I'm not going to absolve you of guilt. but if you can't do anything except change, why are you still letting it take up that much space?
[bue's breath hitches, she looks at the rose and thinks of all the good that came from it, promises to be better, wishes "her" the best and watches as the flower is delicately torn apart and carried off by the current]
raichi: the phone?
bue: same as the journal, really
[the phone disintergrates]
bue: what about the rest?
raichi: do you have the determination to keep going? to live despite it all? to live with love in the centre of your heart?
[they fall into silence as bue tries to unravel whatever riddle raichi wove]
bue: yes?
raichi: do you really?
bue: (brows furrowed) yes.
[every amorphous rock, stone and pebble drifts away and leaves only the gun behind]
bue: (pointing) what about that?
raichi: remember how you were twins with @riririnnnn in a past life? that is the link between that life and this one. you almost destroyed the universe together, can you come to terms with this?
bue: yes
raichi: you'll do your best to control yourself and become the best you can be?
bue: yes
raichi: (nodding at other side of stream) then cross
[cautiously, bue walks over to the far bank, only stopping to look back at raichi only to find he was no longer there and neither were the rocks they sat on. bue makes a note to get raichi something nice when she gets back]
bue: (happily) oh!
[bue crouches again to pick up girlfriend fc jersey, instinctively she pulls it on]
[the memory of her first time at gf fc replays in her head as the shirt goes over her face. a sunlit room and a sense of belonging were all the remained when the shirt collar settled against her collarbone]
[with determination, bue began to walk up the steep side of the valley, set on making it to the mountains]
bue: (exhaustedly) phew, what a climb!
[bue looks back on their climb, she hadn't felt like she'd travelled far but when she peered down the stream seemed a million miles behind her]
bue: (to herself) to the top...
[bue continue to climb the slope, dragging herself all the way to the top where she could see the mountains that had gotten closer. so close in fact that bue could reach out and touch them]
bue: (touching the mountain) whoa... cool...
[snow fell onto her wrist as she brushed the frost covered grass close to where uncovered rock met the snow cap]
bue: (earnestly) I'm not done yet, I have a lot to live for and I will continue to live in the best way I can. I will be ambitious and loving, I promise.
[bue grips the tuft of snow covered grass and shakes it firmly.]
[her vision goes pitch black and the cold feeling of snow creeps up her arm and stretches all over her body and she shivers. it felt cramped like she's been shoved in a box and there was something stuck to her forehead uncomfortably]
bue: cold!!
[struggling, bue reaches to peel off the sticky thing on her forehead but in the cold box there is no light to see what it was. blindly she gropes around, pushing in every side until one side gives out. light blinds her as she tumbles out of the freezer and on to the girlfriend fc headquarters kitchen]
bue: (happily) I LIVE!!!!
[she skitters out of the room to assess the situation and hopefully find her family]
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boinin · 1 year
Well, while we digest the TREASURE TROVE that Niko/Kunigami/Hiori's light novel backstories are... what characters does Tumblr think the next volume should include?
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summitclan-chronicles · 10 months
Applications are Closed!
Holy cow, we finally made it - and what a grand venture this has been! So many new faces, so many new friends, so many questions and answers! I've learned so much about the people that have come here, even before anyone hops onboard the server!
I'm so thankful for the kindness, grace, curiosity, interest and patience you have all granted me. I have wanted to make this roleplay since I was very much a child too young to be on the internet, and to see that it might actually be something - even significant, at that? - it blows my mind without hesitation.
And just the same, I am thankful for everyone that faced the bravery of coming off anon and talking to me in asks and replies! I'm so glad to have some familiar faces in my feed so early - and I'm sure others have come to recognize and respect you too!
Now, with the soft gushy stuff over, I have 3 gifts to present to you!
i. Application Replies!
Some were multiple choice, so I gathered those together to put in review:
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The arcs question made me & fiancee smile, because it stayed pretty consistent, with the most people having read TPB and the fewest having read ASC. On the contrary, I was not expecting so many people to have been rping in the kitty scene for over 10 years! I was also surprised at how many inexperienced people we got - and how filled out the middle was! I'm entertained by the near perfect split on wanting staff roles, & how few people chose Leader on the rank question.
Most importantly, I want to point out the question regarding being placed on a list for future loners and kittens. 98.4% is roughly 59 people, dude! We're going to have a robust list of people waiting for such openings, so I won't have to worry about inadequate responses just yet - much to my relief!
ii. A sneak-peak at our server setup!
I won't be giving out any more than this!
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III. A Summitclan Playlist!
To get ourselves in the Summitclan spirit, I put together a little playlist! I'll be making a much longer one at a later date - but this works great for writing up a post or brainstorming characters!
The songs are ordered to flow nicely into one another, but they sound great shuffled too!
In conclusion...
Get on your best jammies, snuggle up into something warm and put on your favorite music... spend time with the people you love & the things you love to do. Remember all this past year has brought to you, and know the good you've put into the world will return twicefold to you. Be it snowing, sleeting, raining or sunny where you are - be it arctic or balmy - you are here, alive and loved very deeply. You are someone to be celebrated, and you make people proud each and every day to be your friend.
Admin Jingo may be a bit absent due to family shenanigans, but feel free to send asks or reply to posts!
I love you all very much! As a reminder before I go...
Make sure your main Discord is accepting Friend Requests and DMs by December 29th (Friday).
If you get a friend request from someone named "Jingo-tastic", that's me!
Once the link has been sent to you, you'll have 1 week to heed it. If 3 days pass without a reply, I'll send a bump msg to your secondary!
You will be given access to the Summitclan Lore on January 1st, 2024 at midnight EST.
Roleplaying begins on January 8th.
Character creation/editing ends on January 15th.
Now that the grand opening has closed, the only way to join SCC is by way of newborn kittens or loners coming in from outside.
And one more time:
Thank you! ☃️
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hollowslantern · 1 year
if it's an other not discworld book you have to tell me where to get it ☺️
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cakesandfail · 7 years
rufuvus replied to your post: , ♖,
oh same fave funny book?? for me it’s jingo or going postal. tho lets face the facts they’re all god tier comedy
every single one of these books is an absolute gift and tbh I did consider Going Postal but ultimately "a watchman IS a civilian, you inbred streak of piss" just edged Jingo ahead
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isagisyoichi · 4 years
congrats on 100 followers babes you deserve it !! Ilove your writing sm & can i request raichi with prompt 18 pls </3
WARNINGS: swearing + italics are someones thoughts. also its canon that his fav city is new york or smth like that i just know he rlly likes it so 😭
A/N: thank u sm anon my beloved i hope u like <333 lol writing this reminded me of kyo x tohru from frubas :') im acc watching it rn i love it lol
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"this reminded me of you."
you hold up a little postcard, and on it is a glossy picture of the new york skyline. "i'm gonna go off on a limb and assume you don't collect postcards," you joke, making raichi snort a little.
"but, when i saw this at the convenience store, i thought of you, because you told me new york was your favorite city, and all," you admit. "so, i just ended buying it for you, cause why not, you know?" you say as you hand raichi the card, smiling kindly.
"you remembered i told you that?" raichi asks, hints of red starting to grace his face as he avoids eye contact with you.
"'course i did, you basically a whole speech about it, weirdo," you chuckle.
he's inwardly in awe that you remembered something as trivial as that. raichi feels his insides starting to get all warm.
he hates the way you're able to make him feel like this so easily. with something as simple as a flash of your annoyingly adorable smile and a convenience store card, is already enough to make him blush. you're fuckin' killing me, y/n, he sighs internally.
but he wouldn't have it any other way.
"thank you, y/n," he mutters, grabbing the paper as he looks down at the ground, still avoiding your eyes. if you weren't paying enough attention, you would've missed the way raichi was holding back a smile.
"anytime," you reply, smiling back at him.
"this looks familiar- wait isn't this the postcard i gave you before we started dating? i can't believe you kept it all this time," you gasp out, as you admire the gifted postcard that raichi had hung up on his wall. "i didn't know you were such a softie."
"i'll throw that shit out right now, y/n," he sighs out exasperatedly.
"we both know damn well you won't do shit."
raichi smiles.
you know him too well.
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softlyblues · 4 years
Hi! i read your story if we who are left and i thought it was rly good. one thing i wondered was why Moist is always picked as patrician after Veterinari if you knew anything about that?
hi, thank you! it’s a good question, because i think most discworld people had the idea individually and then went online to find that everyone else was on the patrician moist train. i spent all day thinking about this, actually, and i have an answer that’s definitely more complicated than you were looking for. 
i think there are three and a half people that vetinari might realistically consider as his successor, because in order to succeed vetinari you need to see the man behind the myth, and very few people do. sam vimes, rufus drumknott, and moist von lipwig are the three, and william de worde is the half. (every night i cry with the lack of anymore newspaper books.) 
so lets look at those options! sam first. vimes & vetinari have perhaps the most public relationship, and vimes is definitely the person vetinari feels most comfortable showing weakness/vulnerability around. for example, in feet of clay with the Poisoning That Sparked A Thousand Fanfics, and in men at arms with the gonne shooting, vetinari is both physically and mentally vulnerable - to a really incredible extent - for vimes. in both instances, vetinari’s life is in his hands. in the fifth elephant, snuff, jingo, and thud!, although vetinari’s life is not physically in vimes’ hands, he is very explicit in trusting his reputation and the future of ankh-morpork to vimes, much to vimes’ consternation. 
however, vimes would not be an ideal successor. there’s age, of course - night watch shows us vetinari is at most five years older than vimes, as he is a senior assassin student where sam is entering his first job, and so vimes would be retiring at the same time as vetinari. but more important than that there is vimes’ attitude to leadership and power. sybil, when telling sam that he has risen to the top, gets the reply “so does the scum”, and vimes is always deeply and intensely uncomfortable with the privilege he wields over others. he delegates to carrot as often as he can, and always always takes the most dangerous position; look at thud!, or jingo, or. fuck it. look at every single book. vimes is a commander, but he really, really doesn’t want to be one, and he’s very uncomfortable with the inequality in treatment that comes with holding power. 
okay, now drumknott! imo, the title of vetinari’s terrier is wasted on sam; drumknott is the true “loyal dog” figure. in the truth, despite being the subject of the assault and witnessing it with his own eyes, he is the only character to openly deny that vetinari stole/tried to kill him. he is “very shaken” by the idea that this could happen. unseen academicals shows us vetinari is comfortable showing weakness in front of him, with his admission that he is drunk, and we know that drumknott is his sounding-board in many little scenes throughout the series. so far, so good. drumknott is probably a dark clerk, and almost definitely attended the assassins guild, so there’s no lack of intelligence or knowledge of the city. 
but drumknott lacks one thing, which is creativity. unseen academicals shows us this crack, the whole scene with vetinari asking him what he would do if presented with a ball on the street, and his single-minded interest in stationery. he also hero-worships vetinari too much; he can’t succeed as patrician because of his own perceived lack of what makes vetinari special. 
(i want to quickly look at william before i go to moist. if we had a second newspaper book i firmly believe william would be as beloved as moist is, but as it is we don’t. ;-; the key thing between william & vetinari is that william lacks a loving father figure, and in the truth vetinari shows a paternal indulgence towards the newspaper and movable type that he doesn’t show to other innovations like moving pictures/music with rocks in/previous attempts at a printing press. when william uncovers the truth, vetinari is pleased, but not surprised. william has potential, but that’s sadly all he has - vetinari is definitely a father figure for him, though.) 
so moist! moist is a criminal, a rogue, and completely untrustworthy. he is more talented at manipulation than any other character on the disc apart from vetinari and possibly granny, and he can balance plans on a knife-edge better than anyone except vetinari. if he isn’t presented with a constant life-threatening challenge, he grows so bored he starts breaking into his own house. he has contingencies upon just-in-cases upon getaways hidden all over the city, and like vetinari, is very skilled at pretending to be someone else; or at blending into the background. at the time of raising steam moist has at least three full-time jobs, and is looking for more. vetinari several times makes comments about the state of taxes in ankh-morpork and other public services that he thinks moist would manage well over. 
crucially, vetinari does show weakness in front of moist, albeit of a different kind. with vimes and drumknott its physical weakness, but with moist, it’s civic weakness; vetinari hands him the banks, the post office, the trains, the clacks, because he (vetinari) can’t handle them. so while vetinari trusts vimes and drumknott with his person, he trusts moist with something he values a lot more than his body; he trusts him with the inner workings of his city. looking at age, too, moist is described as early-middle-aged in raising steam, definitely a great deal younger than a vetinari who is entering old age. (it’s been brought up to me that he is 26 [provided he doesn’t lie] in going postal, so assuming 10-15 years have passed between postal and raising steam that puts him at a perfect age for the job) in other words, moist is a perfect age to take over as leader of a city-state. 
vetinari trusts moist with his city in a way he doesn’t trust vimes; he trusts moist explicitly, instead of the implicit trust he gives sam. he knows sam will always be there, because sam has built the system of checks and balances that makes up an almost-perfect watch; he knows moist will always be trying to improve, and that moist has that creativity and imagination that a leader needs to be successful. 
sorry this was so long lmao. but in conclusion: lord moist von lipwig for patrician, and i have a big bang fic i should be working on instead of this
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josiebelladonna · 3 years
gray ghost / chapter three / the monolith
*read this chapter as you're listening to jingo by santana
Even though I was willing to take the bus up there, Jon offered to tag along with me.
“We're musicians,” he explained to me, “—and moreover, we're musicians in a world that feels to be turning against us. We have to stand together.”
Indeed, Chino and Stephen were these two heavier young men who seemed to glide through the barren darkness of Northern California. The setting sun kissed their dark heads: Chino wore a white shower cap by the time Jon and I showed up to their place together and it made his already round face appear even rounder than before; I thought he was Asian at first when he emerged from the front of the house and then retreated back inside; at least all of that was according to Jon.
The scraggly trees that surrounded their garage rose up to the afternoon blue sky before us: fallen red and orange leaves were strewn about the grass underneath it all; every time a slight gust of wind rose up before us, it sent a chill down my spine. Dry and cold, dry and cold as the feeling in my chest.
“Should've brought a jacket,” Jon said to me once we reached the sidewalk.
“I didn't think it'd be this cold, though,” I confessed.
Stephen took a joint out from between his lips and a light plume of smoke billowed out into the amber sunlight. The rank smell of marijuana caught my attention, such that it made me recoil a bit.
“You sure you wanna be smokin' that?” Jon asked him once we reached the front step.
“There's no cops around, though,” Stephen pointed out. “Plus I rolled it to make it look like a cigarette.”
“He means the other thing,” I corrected him as another lick of breeze came up over us.
“Oh, the Diablo winds,” Stephen filled in. “They're not supposed to fire up until later tonight when the sun goes down. At least they're not like they are down south, the Santa Anas.”
It felt like a million years since I last heard the phrase “Santa Ana winds”.
He stuck the joint back into his lips and he adjusted the lapels of his black hoodie. I recognized the pointed letters of the Testament logo on his chest, and I grinned at the sight of it.
“You're a fan of Testament?” I asked him.
“Chuck is my first cousin,” he replied with a grin on his face. I took a second look at him and I noticed he had those smooth, slightly sunken brown eyes, indicative of the Native American blood that ran through him.
“It's a small world,” I told him.
“It's definitely a small world.” And with nothing more, he flashed me a wink.
“Where'd Chi go, anyways?” Jon asked him.
“Went to take the shower cap off—at least that's what he said to me.”
“Okay—” Jon stepped past us and through the front door of the house. Stephen then turned to me.
“Kristina, right?”
“Jon told me about you. Kinda interested in your recordings now.”
“I brought a few along with me. And I'll perform something for you guys if you'd like.”
Chino then surfaced from the front door right behind him. Some blond highlights started to come forth upon the tips of his otherwise black hair.
“Little performance for us?” he asked me as part of his greeting to me.
I shrugged my shoulders and I slid my guitar case right off of my back; he kept his attention fixed on me for a full minute. Those big eyes so deep and calm that it made me stand still for a second. A different shade and yet I thought of both Scott and Alex: like the ghost of my past loves who had manifested right there before me. No yarmulkes or menorahs, but there was something more there.
“Maybe,” I replied in a soft voice. “If you boys ask nicely.”
“C'mon, you're a student of Satriani,” Stephen insisted as he snubbed out the remainder of the joint on the concrete doorstep.
“She's been recording stuff for over a decade, too,” Jon added.
“I'm totally interested now. C'mon in.”
Stephen stood to his feet and he ducked back into the front of that low house first, and Jon followed suit. Chino then turned to me, still with that thoughtful look riddled upon his face.
“You look like you wanna tell me something,” I said to him.
“Something is hurting you,” he whispered to me.
“I've been struggling so much lately,” I told him.
“No, it's not that,” he insisted. He gestured for me to follow him into another side of the house: the smell of cinnamon greeted me, as well as Stephen and Jon's voices from the kitchen right in front of us. Chino led me down the hall and towards a spot near the back of the house, a dark narrow room about the size of a closet lit up by nothing more than the ambient light from the setting sun. Bunches of orange and yellow marigolds had been collected around the floor around us; up against the wall was a heavy wooden shelf with a series of tall narrow candles surrounded by a half dozen bright and colorful sugar skulls: two pink ones, two blue, one black and one pearly white. The strip of the wall within the shelf was as dark as night.
“I know this might seem strange,” he began in a low voice, “especially since we already met, but I feel the darkness within you. I feel that pain inside you. We're here at what I call the monolith—especially with Day of the Dead coming up here.”
I set my guitar case down on the floor and I leaned it against the wall; it left us with a tight fit in there.
“Want me to close the door?” I asked him.
“Please. But not all the way, though.”
I nudged the door partially closed, until there was an inch of clearance between the edge of the door and the actual frame.
“So, tell me—what's hurting you?”
I swallowed. I hadn't told anyone about the ache in my heart so much, such that I had no idea as to how to break it to him.
“It's alright,” he assured me; the smell of the cinnamon gave way to the soft aroma laced in his hair. He had dyed his hair and then washed it all well away just for Jon and me.
“I'm in love with my best friend,” I confessed; I dared not tell him if it was either Alex or Scott.
“Grieve for him,” he said. “It is a 'he', right?”
“The ritual behind Dia de Los Muertos is to grieve for your loved ones who've passed. But sometimes grievance goes a little further than that. Sometimes grievance comes in the form of a hole in your heart because the one you love—love romantically, anyways—is not near you.”
He pressed his back to the wall for me to stand before the monolith itself; but then he reached for a box of matches behind one of the candles. He took out a match and ignited it: he touched the flame upon the wicks of the candles: right in the middle of the shelf was a tray of incense sticks, and he lit up one of those as well. It reminded me of the menorah at Scott's house when we were growing up together; he blew out the match and we were greeted by the odor of the sulfur. The sole light against the darkness of that small room.
“Close your eyes for me,” he said, “close your eyes and count backwards from twenty.”
I closed my eyes and held still for him. I counted back from twenty; but before I got to ten, the mixed aromas and the fact we were alone in that room brought on something on the backs of my eyelids. The amber light from the flame shone onto my face; outside the Diablo winds were picking up, almost like clockwork.
“Feel him,” he whispered to me. “Feel the softness of his body. Feel his heart and his mind. Feel as though you're making love to him. The one you love, so soft and silken against your body. Feel him—and now reach out to try and touch him—do you see him?”
Indeed, I made out the shape of a man's body behind my eyelids, but I couldn't tell if he was short like Scott or tall like Alex; stubby and lanky like Scott, or elegant and slightly round like Alex. All I could see was his silhouette against the darkness.
“Do you see him?” Chino asked me again.
“I do,” I whispered in a broken voice.
“Touch him. Touch him and now—let him go—”
For a split second, Charlie burst into my mind, and then Scott and Alex followed suit. And then, nothing. The tears ran down my face and the pain in my chest returned, just like the winds outside.
Chino then handed me a marigold and kissed my forehead.
“Come on—I wanna hear you perform now.”
Without another word, he blew out the candles and carried the incense out of there; I followed him as more tears streaked down my face. But I needed to have it all together as I prepared to put it on for the three of them.
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cbk1000 · 4 years
What is some of the most striking writing you’ve ever read? Something that made you pause or reread or just stop for a moment? Can be from a book, a poem, a particularly profound cereal box, I don’t care.
Here are some of my favorite quotes:
‘We tell stories. We tell stories to pass the time, to leave the world for a while, or go more deeply into it. We tell stories to heal the pain of living.’ --Niall Williams, History of the Rain
‘There watched I for the Dead; but no ghost woke. Each one whom Life exiled I named and called. But they were all too far, or dumbed, or thralled, and never one fared back to me or spoke. Then peered the indefinite unshapen dawn with vacant gloaming, sad as half-lit minds, the weak-limned hour when sick men’s sighs are drained. And while I wondered on their being withdrawn, gagged by the smothering Wing which none unbinds, I dreaded even a heaven with doors so chained.’ Wilfred Owen, The Unreturning
‘Certain thoughts are prayers. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.’ Victor Hugo, Les Miserables 
‘”The best thing for being sad,” replied Merlyn, beginning to puff and blow, “is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then, to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the thing for you.”‘ T.H. White, The Once and Future King
‘History was full of the bones of good men who'd followed bad orders in the hope that they could soften the blow. Oh, yes, there were worse things they could do, but most of them began right where they started following bad orders.’  Terry Pratchett, Jingo
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⍚ HaikWeek!! 2020 ⍚ Day 7 (Yutaka Obara) Camping
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📑 Table of Contents | « Previous Day
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Comedy, Friendship
Word Count: 4,086
Pairing: Reader x Obara
World: Haikyuu!!
Prompt: Free Choice!  
Author’s Note: Here is the next entry for @haikyuuweek2020​~ I had no ideas for this free space SO I used the [Wheels of the Haikyuu!! Bus] post made by @pyblos​ in order to choose for me! My results were Date Tech > Jingo Fukiage Yutaka Obara > angst + fluff > camping au. I also want to apologize if this is short or not the best, my mood is pretty bad right now but I did my best.
━━━━━━༻⍚ 🏐 HaikWeek!! 2020 🏐 ⍚༺━━━━━━
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“We’re going camping!” Moniwa announced with a grin, throwing his hands above his head.
Futakuchi quirked a brow at him, hand on his hip. “What does camping have to do with volleyball?”
The captain’s cheeks darkened. “A-Ah, well…”
Kamasaki huffed, coming to the shorter boy’s rescue. “It’s bonding time to strengthen the team!”
“I just thought that, well…” Moniwa poked his index fingers together, eyes focused on the floor. “Since the third years are leaving the team, I thought we could have fun together one last time…”
No one said anything, their hearts being squeezed by the captain’s heartfelt words. Several minutes of silence passed by before you finally cleared your throat from beside Futakuchi.
“I really hate to be that guy -”
“Then don’t,” Kamasaki narrowed his eyes at you, knowing you were going to say something to piss him off.
You ignored him, as you usually did. “- but, what does this have to do with me? I’m not even on the team.”
Moniwa pouted at you. “You don’t want to join us, Y/N-san?”
“Not particularly.”
“Too bad!” The blonde yelled out, making the captain beside him jump in fright. His finger was inches away from your face. “As my childhood friend, you are obligated to go with me!”
The wing spiker beside you snickered, sending his senpai a condescending look. “That’s not even how that works. You’re so pushy, no wonder Y/N doesn’t want to spend time with you.”
“What’d you say?!” his eye twitched and he turned his eyes to the second-year. “And it’s Y/N-senpai, have some damn respect for your upperclassmen!”
“But they don’t even care,” Futakuchi sent you a look, silently asking for backup. Kamasaki also turned his eyes to you and you held your hands up.
“I’m not getting involved in this.”
“It’s about you!” They both cried before Aone appeared behind them, forcing them apart with his long limbs.
You snickered at the fact that Aone was able to shove them apart as if they were pieces of paper, but it was cut short when you felt warm hands gripping yours. Your eyes met Moniwa’s, which were shimmering under the lights of the gym.
“Won’t you please join us, Y/N-san? I know you’re not on the team, but you’re definitely one of us!”
A bead of sweat rolled down your cheek and you found it extremely hard to say no, especially when he was asking you directly. You knew how upset he, Sasaya, and Kamasaki had been after losing to Karasuno and now they had to leave the team to focus on their future. This trip meant a lot to him, and probably to the other third-years, as well.
You sighed heavily, closing your eyes. A headache was already beginning to present itself in preparation for the weekend trip. “Fine, I’ll go.”
“Thank you,” he responded softly, a bright smile lighting up his face.
Unbeknownst to you, Obara was watching from the back of the group, feeling a swirl of emotions within his gut. The most prominent ones were excitement and nervousness over the thought of spending the weekend with you along with just a twinge of jealousy because he knew you didn’t return his feelings.
He was positive that you and Kamasaki were secretly dating.
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You yawned loudly as you stepped off the bus behind Kamasaki, eyes half-closed as sleep tugged at your consciousness. The sun hadn’t even risen yet, leaving the world dark aside from the pale streetlamps that were dotted around the parking lot at the base of the mountain.
When you had agreed to go camping with the team, you hadn’t realized that they would be gathering at such an ungodly hour. Not only that, but Kamasaki had burst into your room like the fucking world was ending, scaring you half to death. This left you in a bad mood and the other boys seemed to realize this, choosing to leave you alone.
“Okay,” Moniwa turned toward the group with a smile far too bright given the current time. “Does anyone need to use the restroom before we start hiking?”
“Hiking?” you groaned, rubbing at your eyes. “No one said anything about feckin’ hiking.”
“It was implied, idiot,” Kamasaki rolled his eyes from beside you.
“Don’t call me an idiot, you idiot.”
“I’m not the one failing math!”
“Math is hard, okay!”
The hulking second-year appeared beside the two of you, pushing him back away from you while keeping his arm in front of you so you couldn’t move forward, not like you had the energy to do so anyway.
“Suck it up,” Kamasaki stuck his tongue out at you before starting toward the path leading up the mountain. The other boys followed suit, leaving you standing there debating on whether you should just get back onto the bus and go to sleep. Maybe you’ll wake up parked in front of sky high.
“Um, Y/N-senpai?”
You glanced over at Obara who shifted his weight from one foot to the other, giving you a nervous smile. “What is it?”
A small strip of pink crossed his cheeks as he met your eyes. “If you’d like… I can carry you. I know you’re still half-asleep and tired.”
Your eyes widened a fraction and you turned toward him. “Ah, I just like complaining, don’t worry, Obara!”
“Oh… okay then,” he forced a closed-eye smile. “We can walk together, then.”
“Sure,” you started toward the trail with him at your side, a slightly awkward silence settling over the two of you as you tried to catch up with the rest of the boys.
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“Oi, Y/N. Get over here and help me set up the tent,” Kamasaki waved you over and you dropped your bag to the ground, approaching the blonde.
“You know I’ve never done this before, right?”
“I’m your best friend, I know everything about you.”
“Do you know how creepy that sounds?”
“It’s not creepy between childhood friends, idiot.”
“I mean, I’m feeling pretty creeped out, Sushi.”
His eye twitched. “I told you not to call me that!”
“But it’s cute,” you snickered, kneeling down across from him to secure the other end of the tent into the dirt. “Plus it annoys you, so that’s a pretty big bonus.”
He rolled his eyes, biting his tongue against whatever remark was lingering there. A comfortable silence settled over the two of you as you finished setting up the tent, finishing before anyone else had – though Aone and Futakuchi were close behind.
“You’re staying in the tent with me.”
You quirked a brow as he dusted off his hands, throwing his bag through the door. “I mean, I kind of figured that.”
He scoffed, sending you a grin. “I was gonna make you sleep outside, but since you helped out with the tent I’ll let you sleep inside.”
“Gee, thanks. What a good best friend.”
He chuckled, stepping closer so he could throw his arm around your shoulder, his head resting against your own. “Thanks for agreeing to come along.”
You hummed, throwing your arm around his waist. “Getting soft in your old age, Sushi?”
His hand lifted, smacking against the back of your head. “I hate you so much.”
“Love you too, buddy.”
Obara paused in his effort to erect the tent with Sakunami, frowning at the two of you as you embraced. The words stung his heart like a colony of angry wasps. Why did he have to fall for you so hard? If it was just a crush, maybe he could just ignore it and move on, but he had fallen hard for you and it just wasn’t fair.
“You okay, Obara-senpai?” Sakunami frowned at the other boy, noticing how tense his shoulders had become. He followed the boy’s gaze, finding Kamasaki now holding you in a headlock while you threatened to behead him. It was certainly nothing new for the two of you so why would it be upsetting him?
Obara forced a smile as he stood up. “Sorry, I need a minute.” And without giving him a chance to reply, he turned on his heel and rushed away from the camp. His mind wandered as his feet moved on their own, taking him through the trees and sliding down sharp declines.
There was no denying it any longer, he was head over heels in love with you. Every time someone so much as mentioned your name, his heart started to do summersaults within his chest. He loved your voice and your smile, your smart remarks and the way you bickered with Kamasaki.
His lips tugged down, hand gripping his shirt over his heart.
You and Kamasaki grew up together but that was just the stepping stone for a relationship, wasn’t it? Every one of the romantic comedies that his sister made him watch always ended with the best friends falling in love with each other. Life often tended to mimic art, after all, so it made sense to him.
Half of Date Tech thought the two of you were dating because of how close the two of you were and neither of you bothered to correct them. It hurt him so bad knowing that you were right in front of him but just outside of his grasp, but he could never betray his teammate by expressing his feelings to you.
He finally came to a stop when he reached the river, stopping at the edge of the water as he watched the water flowing fast down the mountain. The trees around him were rustling loudly in the autumn breeze, their leaves dancing through the air before finally settling on the surface of the water.
“Obara-senpai?” Sakunami broke through the tree line, looking at his upperclassmen with a frown.
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You stifled a yawn as you leaned against Aone who was attempting to start a fire with two sticks and a rock. The keyword being trying. He had been at for about ten minutes without so much as a spark.
Moniwa glanced at the final tent belonging to Obara and Sakunami, half put up while the other half sagged pathetically. His eyes scanned the campsite, but the two boys were nowhere in sight. “Has anyone seen Obara or Sakunami?”
Futakuchi glanced over his shoulder at his captain before returning to ruffling through his bag. “I saw Obara walking away like fifteen minutes ago. Sakunami followed him about five minutes ago.”
“Which way?”
Futakuchi pointed and Moniwa started in that direction but Kamasaki stood in his way. “You’re the only one that knows how to properly start a fire and it’ll be dark soon.”
“But, what about -”
Kamasaki grabbed two flashlights from his bag, tossing one towards you which you didn’t even notice. Thankfully, Aone was observant and super quick to catch it before it could hit you.
You scowled at the blonde. “Idiot! You’re supposed to at least say catch or something!”
“Oh right.”
“‘Oh right’ – you could have killed me!”
“Please, your head would break the damn thing,” he turned toward Moniwa. “Me and Y/N will go looking for them.”
“Why do you always have to volunteer me for stuff?”
He deadpanned. “Because you’re the only one not doing anything.”
“Excuse you, I’m offering moral support to Aone,” you scoffed, patting the large second-year on the shoulder. He nodded, handing you the flashlight before going back to his task. You stood up with a huff, dusting the dirt from your backside. “I’ll go, but only to find our precious underclassmen.”
“Whatever. You go that way and I’ll go this way.”
“Okay~” you gave him a mock salute before heading in the opposite direction of him, carefully stepping over fallen branches and nearly tripping over large rocks hidden beneath piles of rust-colored leaves. The sun was starting to sink on the horizon, casting an orange hue across the mountain and you figured you had a good thirty or so minutes before you had to flip on the flashlight.
You were just approaching the break in the trees near the river when you heard Obara’s voice, full of pain and frustration. Your body froze when you heard your name, sliding behind the trunk of a thick tree as you peaked out at the two boys, completely oblivious to your presence.
“It’s just not fair. Why did it have to be Y/N?”
“We don’t get to choose these things, unfortunately,” Sakunami frowned, glancing at the boy beside him. “I think you should tell them.”
“How can I? I don’t want to make things tense between the team and I don’t want to ruin my friendship with them.”
“I don’t think Y/N-senpai is the type to stop being friends with you over something like that.”
“They aren’t, but… you can’t just go back to being friends after you confess your love to someone,” Obara smiled sadly at the water, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t know loving someone could hurt so much.”
Your eyes widened, swallowing hard as you pressed your back flat against the tree. Had your ears deceived you? Was Obara really in love with you? Different memories started to float through your mind like a movie, scenes of him giving you soft smiles, blushing when you paid attention to him. He always offered to help you even if it inconvenienced himself and he always seemed to know when something was wrong with you.
Now it made sense to you.
Although he was generally a nice and respectful boy, he wasn’t treating you that way because of his kind nature – he was doing it because he had strong feelings for you. It was his subtle way of getting closer to you and showing you that he cared, but you usually brushed him off. You weren’t really one to accept help from others unless it was from Kamasaki. Why hadn’t you noticed how his expression had fallen every time you told him you didn’t need his help?
You were never rude about it, but now you realized why his smiles always seemed so forced. It’s because they were. You understood his fear of ruining his friendship with you, but why would his feelings cause problems with the team? You bit down on your lip, trying to decide if you should continue listening or present yourself to them.
Shaking your head, you took a deep breath to calm your heart before stepping around the tree, hoping your face didn’t portray the raging thoughts within your head. “There you two are! It’s getting dark, you need to come back to camp.”
“Ah, Y/N-senpai!” Sakunami straightened his back, glancing nervously at Obara who had his back to you. “We’re sorry for worrying you, we’ll head back now.” He tugged on the sleeve of the spiker’s shirt and he finally turned around, keeping his head down as he started toward the breach in the trees.
Your hand reached up but you hesitated grabbing him. If you said something, they’d know that you were listening in on their conversation and you doubted that they would be too happy about that. At the same time, you did really like him. Maybe not as much as he liked you, but you weren’t opposed to being in a relationship with him.
He was such a sweet guy, one of the few on the team that you felt that you could be yourself around.
“Senpai? Are you alright?”
You snapped out of your thoughts, whirling around to meet the confused gaze of the first-year. “A-Ah, I’m fine, sorry. Let’s go!” You cleared your throat, clicking on the flashlight as you slid past the two boys back the way you had come.
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Kamasaki quirked a brow as he sat down beside him on the log, the roaring flames flickering across your faces. It was late, the moon high up in the sky that was littered with bright stars. The wildlife was quiet because of the cold temperature of autumn, the only sounds on the mountain being the leaves ruffling in the wind and the crackle of the fire.
Moniwa and Sasaya were both asleep. Aone was reading manga in his tent while Futakuchi scrolled through his phone, grumbling about the lack of service. Obara had returned to his tent early on and Sakunami had only just returned, their tent silent and dark.
“Alright, what’s going on?”
You glanced at him, shrugging one of your shoulders. “Nothin’.”
“Don’t give me that shit,” he rolled his eyes. “I know you like the back of my hand. Something’s been bothering you since you came back.”
You frowned at the flames, contemplating whether or not to tell him what you had heard. Finally, you sighed, angling your body toward him before explaining what had happened down by the river. He listened intently, nodding every moment or so to indicate that he was paying attention.
When you finally finished your tale, he scoffed. “I never thought someone would fall for you, damn.”
“Are you saying I’m unlovable?”
“I’m saying you’re difficult.”
“Like you aren’t?”
“Never said I wasn’t, idiot,” he smirked. “So, what are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know…” you sighed, propping your hand up in your chin. “I still don’t understand why he thinks it would cause a problem with the team, though.”
“Maybe someone else likes you?” he wondered before sending you a grin. “You can start your own harem.”
“No thanks.”
“You guys can’t be serious…”
Both of you snapped your attention to Futakuchi who was now sitting up at the entrance of his tent, sending you both a deadpan look. You exchanged a look with Kamasaki before turning back toward the second-year.
“You shouldn’t eavesdrop,” Kamasaki scowled, eyes narrowed at him.
“You should have thought about that before speaking about it in the center of camp,” he smirked at his senpai before turning to look at you, his expression softening just the tiniest bit. “He thinks the two of you are dating.”
The two of you exchanged another look before pulling disgusted faces.
“That’s like dating my sibling.”
“I’d rather date a roach.”
“You wish you could find a roach as good as me.”
“You’re stupid, aren’t you? Too many volleyballs to the head, aye?”
“Hah?! Whose grades are -”
Futakuchi cleared his throat before giving you a look as if you had just proved his point. “The two of you bicker like an old married couple. Half the school thinks you’re dating in secret.”
“Wait, then that means…” your brow furrowed as you put the pieces together in your mind. “He doesn’t want to admit his feelings because he thinks it’ll upset Kamasaki?”
“Exactly. Though,” he sent a holier-than-thou look at the blonde. “Not sure why he’d care about upsetting him.”
“Go to sleep!” Kamasaki barked, fist clenched in annoyance. “It’s past your bedtime, brat!”
“Whatever~” he rolled his eyes before zipping up the tent.
You could only send your best friend a look. “I’m gonna confront him in the morning.”
“Good luck.”
“Hey, Yasu?”
“Thank you.”
He scoffed, his voice soft. “What, you fall in love and now you’re all soft? What are you even thanking me for?”
You chuckled. “Being my best friend and my brother, and always supporting me even if you don’t agree with my decisions.”
“That’s what best friends are for, idiot.”
“I know.”
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Morning came quick, along with the soft chirping of the birds as they woke from their slumber, fluffing out their wings to rid their feathers of the frost that had accumulated overnight.
Aone was the first one awake, beginning to relight the fire the way Moniwa had shown him. The flames had just roared to life when you crawled out of the tent, dark circles beneath your eyes as you yawned loudly.
“Good morning, senpai,” he responded softly. “Are you okay?”
“Didn’t sleep well. Had a lot on my mind,” you swiped at your eyes. “Need a hand?”
“It’s okay, I’ve got it,” he smiled softly at you before stepping off through the trees to collect more sticks for the fire.
You frowned at the flames before shaking your head. To distract yourself from marching into Obara’s tent and waking him up, you grabbed the pan down from the tree before picking up the cooler. Eggs were on the menu, along with a medley of fruits that had been brought by Moniwa.
The handle of the pan was wrapped with cloth to prevent your hand from being burnt as the metal heated up over the fire, but you couldn’t stop glancing over at his tent. This ended up costing you when you pushed your hand a bit too far, the fire licking at your hand. You yelped in pain, nearly dropping the pan.
Moniwa, who was just crawling from his tent, and Aone, who had just returned to camp, both rushed toward you with worried looks on their faces. You winced, setting the pan on the ground beside you, your hand throbbing and burning.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Moniwa kneeled beside you, his hand hovering in mid-air because he was too afraid to touch you.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you winced again, forcing a smile. “I’ll go set my hand in the river, it’ll be fine.”
“I’ll go with you, senpai,” Aone stated softly as he set down the wood beside the fire. You nodded and the two of you headed down toward the river in silence. Most people were intimidated by the silent second-year, but you always felt comfortable in his presence. And with your feelings and thoughts raging, it was nice to be near him.
You got on your knees at the edge of the river, slowly dipping your hand into the icy water and hissing at the sensation of your hand going numb. It felt so much better than the burning. “You don’t have to stay with me, Aone. I’ll probably be here a while.”
He frowned, shifting his weight. “Are you sure, senpai?”
With a nod, he hesitantly turned around, heading back toward camp. A sigh passed your lips as you lied down on the ground, keeping your hand in the water as you covered your eyes with your free arm. The sun was beginning to rise, light filtering through the break in the trees and warming up your body.
“Y/N-senpai!” Obara broke through into the clearing, breathing heavily as his eyes landed on you.
You looked over at him in surprise, pushing yourself up as he came to a stop a foot away. “Obara…”
“Aone said you got hurt,” he shifted closer, eyes landing on your hand. “Are you okay?”
“I will be,” you pulled your hand up, nose wrinkling at how red it had become. You shook it lightly before standing up. “Can we talk?”
“What about?” his gaze was still on your hand, lips tugging farther downward. “We should wrap your hand to keep it from getting worse.”
“Don’t worry about that,” you waved him off, closing the distance between you. “I heard you and Sakunami yesterday.”
Obara’s eyes widened, his lips parting as a strip of color came across his cheeks. “You… what?”
“I didn’t mean to. I just heard my name and kinda froze,” you smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Senpai, I… I’m sorry!” he bowed, brow furrowed. “I understand if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore… I’ll leave you alone.” He turned on his heel and started back toward camp but you grabbed his arm, tugging him back.
Stepping to the side, your free hand rested on the side of his neck before you smashed your lips against his. His body tensed, face turning a deep red as his body tried to process what was happening.
You pulled back with a small smile. “I like you too, Obara.”
“But… what about Kamasaki-senpai?” he questioned softly, his lips brushing yours as he spoke.
“We’re not dating,” your nose wrinkled. “We’ve never dated and never will. He’s family. You, on the other hand~” You pressed your lips to his again and this time he responded, his lips moving in sync with your own as his hands gripped your hips to bring your body against his.
“I’m yours,” he spoke softly, as if afraid that this would all disappear if he spoke too loudly.
“And I’m yours, Yutaka~”
His smile was bright when he pulled you into a hug, his breath ruffling your hair. His smile was contagious, your own lips sliding upward as you embraced your new boyfriend.
━━━━━━༻⍚ 🏐 HaikWeek!! 2020 🏐 ⍚༺━━━━━━
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attilarrific · 4 years
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 stlkrchck replied to your post: hey! so i found your blog through your mdzs fics...
If you’re interested in more Terry Pratchett talk — I started Monstrous Regiment and couldn’t get into it, but I just read going postal the other day and LOVED it. Do you have any recommendations for someone who loved going postal?
Sure! So first off, obvious answer to this is Making Money, since that’s the direct sequel and still about Moist’s shenanigans. (There’s also Raising Steam, but that’s one of the last books he ever wrote, and, well... Yeah. But Making Money is amazing.)
After that, though, I think I’ll recommend The Truth. This is the newspaper book! If you read Going Postal, you’ve met Sacharissa (and Otto, a bit), who are much more major characters in this one. The Truth is another ‘industrial revolution shenanigans in Ankh-Morpork’ book, and it’s got a similar vibe and general attitude. It’s also a standalone, so don’t worry about context (you’ve already met Ankh-Morpork and Vetinari---you’ll be fine).
Depending how okay you are with jumping in mid-series, you might also try some of the later Watch books (just promise me you won’t start with Night Watch---it’s my favorite, but it does actually need context). I’m making some assumptions about why Monstrous Regiment didn’t work for you and Going Postal did, but maybe trying to jump forward to Jingo? (Let me be clear that I love every single Watch book, but the beginnings can be harder to get through, depending on what you’re into.)
Let me know if these appeal! If not, tell me why, and I’ll refine and try again. I’m always happy to try and find the right Discworld for everyone.
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teddy-stonehill · 4 years
whats your recommended reading order for discworld?
Thank you for asking!
A couple notes before I dive in: I usually personalize these recommendation lists depending on what I know about the person’s particular interests, so I’ll include notes throughout on how to personalize it for yourself.
Second, I tend to think of Discworld Books as falling roughly into three periods: The Early Period, where Terry Pratchett was primarily writing genre parodies, and his books were funny, but not all that deep; The Middle Period, where Terry Pratchett’s books were both hilarious and deep, with a lot of attention paid to both character and theme. And the Late Period, where Terry Pratchett started repeating themes from earlier works and doing them... worse this time. He gets deeply neoliberal in the late period and those books are pretty hard to read imo.
So I primarily recommend books from The Middle Period, because I think those books are most representative of Terry Pratchett’s writing at its best. If you want to go back and read more from the early and late periods after you get through my recommendations, you should feel free to, but I won’t include them on my list. 
Okay, with all that said, let’s dive in:
Standalone Books
Monstrous Regiment
Small Gods
I almost always recommend people start with one of these two. If you’re LGBT, you most likely want to start with Monstrous Regiment. If you’re neurodivergent or especially interested in philosophy/religion, you might want to start with Small Gods instead. Either way, these two are where you want to begin.
City Watch Books
The best mini-series and also the part of Discworld that most benefits from reading them in chronological order. Note: The first book in this mini-series, Guards! Guards!, is actually part of the early period, so it’s more parody/comedy than anything. But the later books in this series are some of the best Discworld has to offer, despite being about cops, so it’s worth getting through. Vimes may be a cop, but he’s also an anti-monarchist working class hero, so. Pros and cons. (This is where the Vimes Boots Theory of Economic Unfairness comes from)
Guards! Guards!
Men At Arms
Feet of Clay
The Fifth Elephant
Night Watch
(There’s an 8th book called Snuff but it’s part of the Late Period and it’s SO bad I really don’t recommend it.)
Miscellaneous Ankh-Morpork Books
These books take place in the same city as the City Watch books and have some character crossover, so if you wanted you could read these in publishing order mixed in with the Watch books, but you don’t really have to. They also mostly work as standalones.
The Truth
Thief of Time
Going Postal
Making Money
Unseen Academicals
(Making Money is a sequel to Going Postal so read those two in order. There’s a third book called Raising Steam but again, it’s part of the late period and it’s even worse than Snuff.)
Tiffany Aching Series
Prioritize these if you really like YA/coming of age books about magic kids.
The Wee Free Men
A Hat Full of Sky
I Shall Wear Midnight
(There’s a fifth book in this series called The Shepherd’s Crown. It was the last ever Discworld book, published after Terry Pratchett’s death, and I haven’t been brave enough to read it yet.)
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
(Not part of this series but thematically/tonally it would make sense to read this around the same time you read the Tiffany Aching books.)
Death Series
Reaper Man
The Death books are kind of of mixed quality in my opinion, but one of the storylines in Reaper Man is one of the absolute best things in all of Discworld, so it’s worth reading them (or at least worth reading Reaper Man if you don’t want to bother with the others). 
Witches Series
Lords and Ladies
Carpe Jugulum
There are a lot more witches books, but these two are the most interesting in my opinion. The witches books are mostly part of the early period.
The Rest
Okay, after all this, feel free to read the rest of the Witches books or even the Rincewind Books (the earliest of the early period) as you want. I don’t feel as strongly about those books, so I’m afraid I can’t really guide you through them. But even if you stop reading here you’ll have gotten a clear idea of the best stuff Discworld has to offer.
If anyone has any further questions about any of the books listed here or the order in which to read them, feel free to message me/send me an ask/reply to this post. 
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gurguliare · 5 years
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thislousytshirt replied to your post “thislousytshirt replied to your post: i fell...”
whats your fave pre night watch watch book?
Thanks for calling me the fuck out. I think it’s Feet of Clay but it’s possible I think so because I just finished rereading Feet of Clay. I’m a weathercock like that. No, it’s probably FOC though. I tried to rank them actually, not with great conviction: Night Watch, FOC, Men at Arms, Jingo, Guards! Guards!, The Fifth Elephant, Thud, etc.? I haven’t reread Thud in ages though.
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ossie-oswald · 5 years
It was a nice day for staking a claim on a tree and singing your heart out. Or taking a nice jaunt in the park, if that's more your speed. Maggie was humming through tunes in a higgledy-piggledy fashion until she struck on one she felt like in that moment, and burst out into full blown song. "In the land of San Domingo, Lived a girl called Oh! by Jingo," the tune began. A fun novelty song from by-gone years.
What Maggie may not have expected, was a reply to come out from the path near this particular tree.
"From the fields and from the marshes, came the young and oh by goshes-"
A pleasing baritone, which came from a perfectly pleasing gentleman, who'd stopped and was leaning on his walking stick while he sang.
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