#jimin evil spirit au
joonslfttiddie · 4 months
Chapter 49: Completion...
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💜Fic Pairing: OT7 x OFC
💜AU/Genre: Reverse Harem/Polyfidelity/Ghosts/AMBW
💜Warnings: Adult Language/Adult Content/Murder/Blood/Attack by stalker/Strangulation/Magik/Spells/Rituals
💜Rating: MA
💜Word Count: 4,280
Jin’s POV
“It’s okay, Jungkook...she’s okay,” I try to reassure him.
“She’s not moving. Is she breathing? HOW IS SHE OKAY?!” Hoseok is obviously in a panic, and understandably so.
“Hoseok, she is okay. She seems to just be resting. I’m sure she’s exhausted after exerting so much energy fighting against whatever that was,” I try to reassure the men who are all gathered around us on the floor. “Y’all, please try to stay calm. This isn’t the time to freak out. We still have work to do. Could someone grab the remaining incense on the counter and the palo santo sticks from that drawer?” I ask no one in particular and realize that I have information in mind that I shouldn’t. I know nothing about this stuff. Hell, I shouldn’t know where Tia keeps her things or each of these men by name, but I do. “Burn it and smudge each room, especially upstairs.”
I don’t consider that the guys don’t know much about this stuff either so I look up to Namjoon and say, “I’m sorry. Burn the tip until it produces a good amount of smoke, then blow out the flame. Allow the smoke to move around each room. Get in every corner and closet. Make sure to open windows up there, too.” He nods his head in understanding, then grabs the mentioned items and jogs out of the kitchen. “JK and Hobi, could you go help Namjoon, please?”
“But-,” Jungkook starts. I already know he prefers to stay here with Tia, but I need him and Hoseok to occupy themselves, to help keep them composed. I can’t imagine what they are going through mentally right now, but I feel the desire to somehow lessen their load and their stress.
“I have her; I promise. Go.” This seems to appease him and, reluctantly, he and Hoseok follow behind Namjoon.
“How are you so sure that she’s okay?” The man next to me, with his piercing eyes, stares into mine as if searching for the truth in them.
“Honestly, I’m not sure, Tae, but I just know. I’m noticing I know a lot that I shouldn’t right now. I’m only assuming Tia gave me this information somehow before she lost consciousness.”
“What do you mean? What information?” Yoongi is kneeling behind me, I’m assuming, looking at Tia over my shoulder.
“Well, I know all of your names. We didn’t get an opportunity for introductions yesterday with all that was happening and then having to go to the station. She instructed me on what to do about that spirit thing, directed me to where the salt was, and gave me the spell, word for word. Also, the directions for smudging the house. I didn’t know what that was until a few moments ago, like, I had no knowledge of it, then I suddenly did.”
“She is truly amazing,” Jimin says, coming to sit in front of me as I’m still seated on the floor with Tia between my legs, her body draped across my thigh. “What is burning the incense and wood going to do?” He leans over his criss-crossed legs to caress her face with the back of his fingers, and then he pinches her cheek tenderly. The love he has for her is obvious, beautiful, and pure, so much so it nearly brings tears to my eyes.
“Basically, it will cleanse the space and us of any negative or evil energies. It’s for our protection and to balance the energies in the house,” I share my newfound knowledge. “Opening the windows allows the negative energy to escape.”
Despite the situation, this is the most whole I’ve felt in my entire life. I feel safe, understood, and seen. I’ve been going through the motions in life, just doing what I felt was expected of me. But here, with them, I feel that I have a purpose. I feel wanted. Needed.
Yoongi, still behind me, says with a quivering voice, “You’ve saved her twice within 24 hours. I don’t know how we can ever repay you.”
“Well, Yoongi, I have a feeling that we’ll have plenty of time to repay him,” Jimin says as he continues to pet her and watch her sleeping face lovingly. 
I guess I wasn’t able to get a good look at him yesterday at the station, but now I can appreciate his ethereal features. He’s so beautiful, I catch myself staring as if attempting to sear every detail into my mind.
“What do you mean, Mini? Is that what this is?”
“What, what is?” I ask Yoongi without looking back but before he can answer, Tia begins to stir.
“Oh my God…beautiful!”
“T, are you okay?”
We all worry over her, trying to make sure she’s not hurt. Before she can answer, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Hoseok return and rush to our side.
“Little!” Namjoon comes over, holding his arm wrapped in a colorful fabric.
“I’m okay,” she says as she sits up slowly as if not entirely sure of her own words herself. Then, she looks at me and smiles. At this moment, I would climb up to gather the stars from the sky for her if she asked me to. I melt inside and the familiar feeling I’ve been feeling since I approached the house earlier today intensifies.
“Jin,” she says excitedly and reaches out to cup my cheek. “How I’ve missed you, my love.”
My love?
Namjoon’s POV
I’m not sure why but I feel that I can put all of my trust in Jin, even though we’ve only just met yesterday. Under his direction, I grab the incense and palo santo sticks, then rush to the foyer to grab the matches I’d seen on the side table. Just as I’m trying to strike the match with shaky hands, I’m joined by Jungkook and Hoseok.
“Here. Let me do it for you,” Hoseok offers and I give him the box. His face looks distraught but his hands are steady enough to produce a flame and light the sticks. When smoke begins to swirl, he distributes the stems between us. He then heads into the living area and I go into the library, sweeping each room thoroughly before meeting Jungkook upstairs where we do the same in each of the spare bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, everywhere. We save our bedroom and bath for last and when I cross the threshold, there’s an immediate heaviness in the air. A thickness that makes me feel like I’m doing something I shouldn’t and will get caught any second now. Nevertheless, we move forward, wafting the fragrant cloud through the murky energy.
Finally, I make it to the far corner of the room to let up the first window, where I’m met with resistance. I’m literally having to push with all my might, noticeably more compared to the others in the other rooms. I eventually get it all the way up and move to the next one only for the first one to slam shut on its own.
“What the fuck?!”
Jungkook is just as floored as I am and rushes over to assist me by reopening and holding the first window. I open the third, the second slams shut, and I see that Jungkook is visibly straining to keep his window open. By this time, Hoseok comes out of the bathroom and rushes over to us and follows suit by opening and holding the second one; I hold the third. Whatever doesn’t want us doing this is strong as fuck, causing my muscles and veins to pop, showing through my skin.
“Shiiiiiiiiiit!” Jungkook yells, using every ounce of strength he has left. Just then, something heavy seems to shoulder check me hard, pushing me into the glass before crashing through itself, sending glass to shatter on the ground below along with pieces of wood and window trim. With my hand on the window sill, I catch myself before I can fall head first out the second story.
“Namjoon! Are you okay?”
The entity is gone, allowing the other men to leave their windows unmanned. Hoseok rushes to check me over, frantically taking in every inch of my skin that he can see. Jungkook does the same, touching and squeezing here and there.
“You good, bro?”
I am fine, that is until he checks my right shoulder. “Ah! Fuck, that hurts,” I let him know.
“Can you move it?” His expression mirrors the concern in his voice.
I try to raise my arm up, and I’m able to a little, but it hurts like a motherfucker. “Ah!”
“Joon,” Hoseok says in alarm.
“Damn. Okay, you can relax. It’s not broken but may be dislocated,” Jungkook informs us, then goes over to one of the nightstands, returning with one of Tia’s satin scarves. He creates a makeshift sling to take some of the strain off my shoulder, which helps a lot.
“Let’s get you to a doctor,” Hoseok announces.
“I will go later, I promise. I just need to make sure Tia is okay first.”
We hear raised voices coming from downstairs and rush down, hoping everyone is okay.
Jimin’s POV
I love the connection that we all share and that it’s so strong and pure, there is no mistaking when we feel it. At the station, as soon as Jin was within ten feet, the pull was undeniable. I couldn’t wait to get home and tell everyone but I haven’t had the chance to, only being able to share the news with Taehyung thus far. I’m assuming that everyone has noticed it now that things have settled down, and Tia just confirms it when she gazes at Jin lovingly, addressing him as ‘my love’.
“Beautiful, are you sure you’re fine?”
“Oh, Jimin, darlin’. I am right as rain, especially now,” Tia says. While I am happy that she is unharmed, I’m taken aback by her voice. And, ‘right as rain’? What the fuck does that even mean? I look at the guys, who all seem just as confused as I am.
Her eyes. They look…different.
When she looks at me, her usual chocolate brown eyes are now speckled with hints of honey and hazel. She stretches her arms above her head, then reaches up to Jungkook. “Well, Koo, don’t just stand there looking handsome. Help a lady up.”
Jungkook takes Tia’s hands, pulling her to her feet and into his chest and just holds her there for a moment. When he releases her, just far enough to look into her eyes which must have flickered back to normal. Jungkook doesn’t seem to notice, barely able to hold her eye contact. Maybe I’m just tweaking. I’m probably just stressed, these past two days have been quite eventful.
“Noona, I’m so sorry,” he says into her hair before kissing the top of her head. “I’m so sorry for how I acted earlier, for not wanting to listen to you. I was so angry, both at you and at myself, but more so because I couldn’t protect you. I would die if he’d taken you from me. Baby, I can’t live without you. I won’t. I should have been here for you.”
He kisses her passionately, eyes closed as one singular tear escapes to trail down his cheek. When he pulls away, releasing her lips, and opens his eyes, opening the dam that was containing the rest of his tears.
“Oh, JK,” her voice is raspy again as she wipes his face, her own tears threatening to fall. “I know that I upset you, I upset you all,” she looks around at the rest of us, “but I couldn’t tell you because things would have ended terribly. I saw it. I saw each of you hurt, killed, imprisoned…I couldn’t allow that to come to fruition, to see that again. I know you all are pissed, and I get it. But I don’t care. I rather have you all here, living, breathing, and mad, than any alternative.”
“Jagiya, you could have given us some type of heads up. Please, try to see it from our perspective,” Taehyung adds.
“Babe, I get what you’re saying, but I would die a million times if it meant you’d be safe,” I add.
“Tae. Jiminie. I hear you, but this may just be a topic we just have to agree to disagree on. If I were put in this situation again, I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again this way. Because if something happened to you guys,” her voice trails off, and the tears spring from her eyes.
“Tia,” Yoongi says, reaching out to take her hand.
Still squeezing his hand, she places it over her heart as the tears trail down her cheeks and continues, “Fuck safety, fuck everything. I wouldn’t want to live if you guys weren’t here. Period!”
“Okay, okay,” Jin chimes in. “I know that I shouldn’t even have a say, but to offer an objective viewpoint, you all are saying the same thing, just in different ways. It’s beautiful, really, that you all would risk your own lives to spare the other’s and that only hints at how deep your love is. There is no true resolution here so try focusing on that love and empathize with each other. I’m sure Tia saw her decision as the best option for the well-being of everyone and you guys would do anything to guarantee her safety.”
“That’s exactly right,” she agrees. “I knew that I would get hurt but I would live. And you all would live. I swear my intentions were just that.”
“We understand that, Little. Like Jin said, we just want to protect you. We don’t want to see you hurting or suffering,” Namjoon says. “But you played us. You played me, and I walked right into it, trusting you blindly, only to be put in a position where I couldn’t get to you in time. I couldn’t help you when you were literally being attacked in our own home. Don’t do this shit again! Don’t put yourself in harm's way to save us. That’s what we are here for; to keep YOU safe.”
“Joonie, what’s the point of being safe if I’m unhappy,” she says weakly. “I wouldn't want to live without you all.”
“Okay, guys. That’s enough,” Yoongi says. “I can see both sides of this but arguing about who’s right or wrong is pointless. Everyone has made their points and each one is valid.”
“I agree. Let’s just focus on what’s important. We are all here, blessed to see another day with each other,” Hoseok says, ending the spat.
We all stop, taking a breather so as not to allow tensions to rise any further, not wanting to risk saying something we can’t take back.
“What happened to your arm?” Jin looks over to Namjoon and my eyes follow to see his arm hanging in the fabric sling.
“Whatever that thing was, when we were forcing the windows open, it slammed his shoulder against the glass. Speaking of, Tae, we’re going to need another window repaired,” Jungkook says, describing the events that happened upstairs.
“Oh my God, baby, are you okay?” Tia reaches out to touch his shoulder, arm, and hand gently, caressing him with care.
“Yes, Little, I’m fine. It may just be dislocated. I’ll get it checked out in a little while, I just wanted to make sure you are okay before I go,” he says and leans down to kiss her forehead.
“That was him, wasn’t it? That darkness. It was Jason,” I ask.
“Yes, it was. I could see his deformed face in my mind’s eye, the way he looked after being shot. It was so gory and his smile…it was haunting. He was enjoying torturing us one last time.”
“Mind’s eye? Like, a vision?”
Jin is fitting in so well, I nearly forgot that he is unaware of what Tia is and the powers she wields.
“Yes. She has many supernatural abilities, including the ability to see visions of the past and future,” I summarize.
“Yea, and evidently, she can fly, too,” Taehyung teases, which seems to lighten the mood even more.
“Supernatural abilities? That is amazing. So, is that how I suddenly had the knowledge of things that I previously had no idea of?”
Tia turns to answer Jin.
“Yes. I was able to telecommunicate with you so that you could finish the job. I have communicated with the others as well, but this time, it had to be you,” she says with a twang in her voice.
“What does that mean?” Jin is just as clueless as we all are.
While we are not quite sure what she’s trying to explain, there's comfort in the word. A feeling of finality has filled the house since Jin came. It has me wondering if he may be the last puzzle piece.
“Wait,” Yoongi says, holding his hands up. “Is no one going to address how her voice keeps changing? Even her accent is different.”
“Beautiful,” I grab her by her shoulders and pull her to face me so that I can look into her brown eyes. “You’re not alone in there, are you?”
“No,” she says with a smile, “I’m not. She’s here, too.”
“Who the fuck is ‘she’?” Yoongi questions Tia, obviously on edge.
“Well, it’s an honor to officially meet you, fine gentlemen,” she says as her eyes switch, letting me know that I’m not tripping. “My name is Tilly.” She looks around at all of us, then reaches for Yoongi. “Are you okay, Suga’? Why, you look more nervous than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I swear, I don’t bite.”
Her voice is now smooth as velvet and her southern drawl sounds sweet as honey.
“Tilly…Tilly…Tilly,” Yoongi says, seeming to search the database that is his memory. “That name sounds so familiar for some reason! Where have I heard that name?”
“Tia has filled me in and let me know that the energy in the house is so high and we’re all vibrating at a crazy frequency right now which is allowing us to witness things we usually can’t,” Jin mentions. “But you used to know Tilly very well. Much like you now know Tia. Is that right?” Tilly just smiles, validating his statement.
“Well, yes and no, hun,” Tilly corrects him. “Tia and I are connected in a mighty special way. My time here on earth was many moons ago, but God saw fit to reunite me with my loves. You see, their lives were taken much too soon and we all suffered at the hands of a Burton, just like y’all. Because of that, the males in that family were cursed, having to wear a scar, a mark to symbolize their transgressions and they never find true love in their lifetimes. My soul was reincarnated in Tia and my loves are within you, which is why you may have fragments of memories, information, and may even dream of things you’ve never seen or experienced. Whenever a little voice has tried to redirect you or keep you out of harm’s way, sometimes it was us. We have protected you your whole lives and in return we have been blessed with a second chance through y’all. I’ve been able to tag along with Tia since she was born and can now communicate with her and you like this because of her familial gifts. I’m so grateful, darlin’, for you allowing me to ride along and for allowing me to tell my story in hopes of explaining some of yours,” Tilly says, with her hand over her heart as if speaking inwardly.
“That explains what I saw earlier! I saw them, like, inside of you two,” Yoongi says, pointing at Hoseok and Jungkook. “It’s like we were moving in slow motion, trying to get to Tia, when I saw you guys split into two people. Like a twin, but I could feel that they weren’t you.”
“I saw it, too! My arm split when I was throwing the salt, just like you’re describing. Jason was glitching as well, but it didn’t look like a twin,” Jin recalls. “Was that his reincarnated version?”
“No, that was his great-great-grandpa, the man that murdered my guys. The anger and entitlement in them two was so strong. They were able to manifest that creature in an attempt to claim us, Tia and me.”
“Oh my God, that is horrible. What happened to them?” The empathy and genuine concern in Namjoon’s eyes is comforting, even for me. 
“Well, we were upstairs, asleep in this very house, when he came over here drunk as a skunk. It wasn’t uncommon for him and his flunkies to come by some nights, yelling and screaming profanities and racist remarks. They even vandalized our property and tried to antagonize the guys, but that night was different. Long story short, he threw a homemade bomb through the living room window and the fuel he used lit the house up like Sunday morning.”
“Wait! That’s what Tony did with that boulder,” Jungkook adds.
“Yep. It was the same window,” Tilly verified before continuing. “When the fire started, it all happened so fast and the house was engulfed before we knew it. We tried our best to escape but only I made it out. Jin was the one to push me out of the window to safety after realizing we all couldn’t get out in time,” she says with fat tears in her eyes as if she’s reliving that day all over again. She looks at him and says, “That’s why it had to be you to finish all this.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that all of that happened to you,” I say, feeling so sad for her. For them.
“Thank you, baby, but it ain’t nothing to sit down and holler about now. It is right sad, but what’s done is done. Plus, I’ve been able to reunite with my hunnies. We’ve been able to watch over y’all as you grew up, matured, and came back together, which has been an utter delight to see.” Her smile warms my heart and I find comfort in knowing they have been looking out for us. “Now that everyone is here, we can all go in peace. I reckon our work here is done for now. We don’t have much time before we’re called home to glory,” she says.
“No, you can’t go so soon. We’ve just gotten a chance to talk to you,” Hoseok says to her.
“Bless your sweet heart,” she says, now holding his hand. “But with my girl on your side, we won’t be too far away.”
We watch as she steps out of Tia’s body, wearing a tan dress with beige kitten heels, and her natural hair is twisted to the back with a side part like Tia wears sometimes. Now, seeing her individually, I can make out subtle differences between her and Tia besides her eye color, which I'm sure most are due to the evolution of fashion over the centuries, though she is still just as beautiful, inside and out. She begins to walk away, holding Tia’s hand until the last second until only their fingertips are touching. They are smiling at each other like two sisters, not saying ‘goodbye’, but ‘see you later’ to each other. 
Tilly walks through our huddle, stopping to embrace each of us along the way, and once on the other side she says, “Come on fellas, let’s hit the road.”
We all gasp loudly while watching our counterparts pull apart from us and, much like watching Tia and Tilly, I’m able to take in their true features. Looking at myself in awe, I notice his outfit and his hairstyle, and I must admit, I’m fly. Well, he’s fly. We’re fly? Whatever, but I would definitely rock this fit even today! I look around at everyone else’s partner, and I’m thoroughly entertained. I wouldn’t believe this shit if I wasn’t witnessing it with my own eyes. 
“You’ve worked hard, brother. Please know that we are always here watching over you all as your spirit guides. If you ever need us, just give us a holler.”  I can feel the weight of his hand when he rests it on my shoulder and then gives it an encouraging squeeze before he floats over to hug Tia. He makes his way around the group, as they all do, spreading love, genuine care, and motivating words.
Not gonna lie. I’m sad to see them all go and watch as they leave the kitchen with arms linked, holding hands, or arms draped across shoulders. We all curiously follow them and watch when they travel into the library, heading straight for the far wall. I’m trying not to blink, not wanting to miss a second and watch as they dematerialize, abandoning their physical forms for a lavender-looking billow of smoke. It moves to slip under the bottom shelf of the bookcase with Jungkook and Hoseok following close behind.
“There’s something under here,” Hoseok says.
The guys come back over to us, Hoseok with what looks like a small, lilac-dyed, leather-bound journal and Jungkook with photos. “Holy shit,” he says, looking down at the pictures and then handing them to Jin.
We all huddle around, trying to get a better look at what looks like Tia wearing a flower crown. Then a picture of all of us.
“Wait a minute, is this-,” Namjoon starts.
“-their wedding portrait!” Yoongi finishes.
“Wow, this is so wild! They look just like us and are all dressed so nicely for their special day,” Jin adds.
“We should frame these!”
“And hang them in here!”
Taehyung and Namjoon speak in unison as if sharing a brain cell.
“Damn, this is so beautiful,” I say. “We should recreate these if we decide to have a wedding one day.”
Tia’s scruffy voice has returned when she agrees with me and says,“Oh, Jiminie, I love that idea. We absolutely should!”
Y’all…have you heard/seen the TikTok where a lady says, “What fucking lady?!” after someone has her believing that a ghost is in the room? That’s what I thought about when I wrote Yoongi’s reaction to Tilly 🤣 Special thanks to @yoongiobsessed for beta reading this chapter for me! 💜
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spookysh00ky · 2 years
hiii !! could anyone help me find a yoonmin a/b/o ao3 au? so from what i can rmb jimin is known as the towns slut? like the one alphas go to to have their first knot. yoongi goes and is awkward but jimin catches his attention. jimin kind of hates everyone lol so he tells him to not get his hopes up that just bc he knotted him doesn’t mean jimin likes him and yea. there’s a scene where yoongi is working on his roof with other workers and also there’s a thing where on a certain day you don’t stay out at night bc there’s like evil spirits? or smth and on that day jimin kicks yoongi out and yoongi gets stuck in those spirits but jimin goes to find him. yoongi ends up finding out that jimin had been stuck when he was younger and yea
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kookiecrumb · 3 years
Oou what about a jimin horror au where he's the evil spirit and the oc is exploring the haunted place and they yk 😅
Okay I'm going to be honest with you I had no idea how this fic would go because I've never written such a concept, but when I put it into a context that I could work with, it came together nicely. I regret not being able to write a proper smut for this one, but I would be willing to come back to it in the future and properly resolve it. Only if you beg, dear reader.
I listened exclusively to smooth jazz and Duke Ellington whilst writing this. Please enjoy it!
Insight into characterizing Jimin: Jimin doesn't like to be lonely, so this spirit would have been very upset if he were alone. Instead I put him in a more social setting.
pjm|| The Temptor,,
a kookiecrumb.
wc: 2.4K
warnings: de*th as a main theme, talk of de*th, implied future smut, marijuana smoking, strong language, dubcon if you squint, alcohol consumption, use of the word wh*re
tags: ghost/evil spirit!jimin x mortician's daughter!oc
partially betaed* (if you betaed this work please pm me so I can credit you, I don't have your tumblr)
It was October 31st of the 21st year of the 21st century and the winds were a-blowin' through the shaking trees. Halloween was here. 
Being a mortician's daughter, Halloween was the time of year where you'd hesitate before clocking in for the night shift. In the fall, it was typical for there to be a lingering fog flowing through the graveyard, but tonight the fog was particularly heavy, and the moonlight illumined the faces of the cool gray headstones. 
You gripped the railing of the stairs leading to the mortuary and stepped on up. With a sturdy tug, you smacked the door behind you shut and immediately began unwrapping your coats, scarves, and such. 
"Darlaaa~!" you sang. "Darlaaa~!!" Once you had slipped off your wet boots, you were left with a pair of warm, fuzzy socks. 
Darla came in through a door on the left, holding a tray of freshly baked cookies. She wore her hair in blonde curls which swept over her shoulders as she walked, in the same style she had worn them for forty years."Yes, yes, I hear you, girl!"  
She set the tray down on the front desk and hugged you warmly. "Hello! Happy Halloween, sweetheart." The smell of warm vanilla flirted with the air. "Ah, so glad to see you." 
Darla had been a family friend ever since you were a little girl. She was the maid of honor at your parents' wedding, and your mother's best friend since highschool. She took as much a part in raising you as your parents did. Her soul was kind, and her heart was pure. Even though her work would be considered morbid, her spirit was like a beacon of light in the lives of those whose loved ones had just recently passed on. 
"Don't tell me you baked sugar cookies," you jested. "How special." They were shaped like little jack o' lanterns. You pick one up and take a careful bite. The pleasantly sweet taste of the icing paired with the chewy texture of the cookie spread delightfully on your tongue. "So good," you hummed.
"Just don't tell your father," she winked, walking back into the staff kitchen. You glanced over at the clock. It was 9 o'clock at night, but you knew it would be a slow day, so you took your time ambling about the home. 
In the corridor, you paused in front of a mirror. Below it was a lit candle, and next to that, a bouquet of white Dahlias. They were lovely, only wilted at the ends. How sad. You were sure Mom had just visited the florist yesterday to negotiate a contract. Oh well. 
You walked past, toward the funeral chapel. Your father stood over a casket, mixing shades of lip balm on the palm of his hand. "Hey honeybee," he sighed. Your father had been downstairs in the chapel since the early morning, meeting with the family of the deceased and discussing options. It was never an easy job, but boy did your Dad know how to comfort others. 
"Hi Dad. I was wondering if I could be on flower duty tonight?" You suggested. "I know you have the guys coming in tomorrow morning doing the grass." 
"Oh, yeah. That would be such a big help. Thank you, honey," he crooned. Taking a long, thin brush, he swept up the balm onto the bristles. He holds the color up for you to see. "That is just right. That is a good swatch." 
You grinned. "Yeah, thanks Dad." 
While walking back the way you came, you noticed the candle had been put out. You figured a gust of wind had blown it, but the window at the end of the corridor was shut. Darla was in the kitchen, and it wasn't Dad. Peculiar, but not eerie enough to cause any panic. As to not invest yourself in something trivial such as a blown-out candle, you carried on your way. 
You took a box of white roses and set them down on a side table before layering your coats and such back on. You head out. 
The cheers and laughter of children trick-or-treating out in the streets filled your heart with nostalgia. You were once a little girl, running about those same streets searching for sweet treats, too. You gathered your flowers in their respective tiny vases and began distributing them among the graves.
There you stood, atop a misty hill underneath a grandmother willow tree with an empty box at the hip, looking out at the ocean of fog beneath you and out in the distance, houses lined up in a neat row with tenants handing out candy. 
As you looked out, a faint song, like a ragtime tune teased your ear. The music grew louder as a reflection of light washed over the field in front of you, creating a shadow. 
The noise was coming from behind you, you were sure, now. Gathering your courage, you turn. 
It felt like a dream. Where the funeral home had been, there now stood a mansion in the style of old. Questions flooding your mind, you blocked out your instincts and pushed forward to investigate further. 
The mansion seemed to possess an unearthly glow, the sheer energy of the dwelling made your skin pebble. "What the fuck…" you said under your breath. The railing that you'd touched earlier was transformed; it was now brand new. As you made your way up the stairs, you felt yourself transform. Your modern winter coat ceased to exist, and your pants transfigured into a long, red flowing dress. Jeweled rings transpire on your fingers in your size, and a long pearl necklace drapes itself over your collar. 
You hadn't smoked today. You don't smoke on weekdays. Desperately searching for sense, you turned back the way you came and realized the graveyard had disappeared completely. There was not a headstone in sight. There weren't even any houses or kids trick-or-treating around. The only notable landmark was the grandmother willow that stood atop that hill.
"Goodness," a baritone voice as clear as a bell rang. "You are here for the show, aren't you? You're late!" Before you was a man dressed in formal wear, his hair slicked back with gel and a mustache that's hard to miss. Shocked, you stumbled back. "Well don't just stand there looking at me with those big ol' eyes, come on! The whole band is up there waiting for their star!" 
Star? He couldn't have meant that you were to perform. Surely not! You don't sing. "Are you sure you've got the right person?" You sputtered as he pulled you through the door. 
You had entered another realm. Drinks were floating above glasses, pouring up gin and whiskey for spirits who didn't look a day past their prime. The murmur of the bar harmonized with the classic jazz which floated and wove itself around the party guests. 
In the very back, five men stood against the wall, smoking weed with their instruments perched up on their stands, having a conversation. One of them, the trumpet player, spotted you out in the crowd and tells his men to put out their joints. 
You were in a daze, meandering your way through the crowd until you found yourself on stage with a spotlight fixated on you. Your mouth went dry. You didn't know any of your music, how were you supposed to perform under these conditions? The musicians were waiting for your cue to start. Here goes nothing! 
"Maria!" A voice erupted from the crowd. "Oh, Maria, I've been looking for you all night. How did you wander so far, you thoughtless girl?" A young man emerged, pushing forward towards the stage, wagging his finger at you. His eyes begged you to go along with the bit. 
"Johnny! Oh thank God," you jump into his arms, whispering a quick thank you into his ear. "Find another girl!" You moued at the gentleman with the mustache. Jimin then carried you out of the lobby and into one of the quieter libraries. 
"Well," he sets you down. "My name is not Johnny and your name isn't Maria. I'm Jimin, what's yours, love?" 
"Y/N," you giggled. He kissed your hand, his sultry eyes greeting yours. "Quick question, uhm...what is this?" 
Jimin's expression shifted from pensive to surprised in a matter of a few seconds. "You'll have to excuse me, but I have a question for you first. What day is it in the mortal world?" 
"It's Halloween night," you replied. Jimin glances to the right, head bowed.
"I was afraid of this. You've entered into the realm of spirits, my dear. You're trapped here until daybreak." Jimin picked up a drink from a traveling waiter and took a swig. "Us spirits are stuck here, have been, between heaven and hell for nearly a century," he cringed upon taking another sip, putting it down afterwards. "And we've all got unsolved business in the overworld." 
If that was the case, then you might've had a chance to help Jimin."What's your business then?" The man flashed a smile. He didn't look the type to want any sort of vengeance upon anybody. 
"There's someone I need to meet," he said. "Come on, you've gotta meet the gang." 
Weaving through the parlaying guests and antique furniture, you followed behind him. You tilted your head up and marveled at the crystal chandeliers, refracting light to all corners of the grand lobby. You're swept by buffet tables lined with finger sandwiches and jello salads, hor d'oeuvres, plucking one or two from their trays. 
If you hadn't known any better, you would have thought that this was just a very well-coordinated historical reenactment, but everyone around you was dead. The thought made your arm hairs stand up. There were women in drop waist skirts wearing gaudy strings of pearls upon their breasts, men wearing long suits with high collars and lurid handkerchiefs flowing from their pockets. They made way for Jimin and his guest with peering eyes, some of them with a look of warning, others looked on with intrigue. 
Finally, you had arrived at an ordinary-looking door. Gripping the door handle, Jimin flashed a mischievous grin before turning it and pushing inside. 
Sat around the main table were six gentlemen. The one in the middle, the one with the zoot suit, nestled a handful of beaten cards whilst heatedly arguing with the skinnier gentleman with the cat-like face, in black.
"You bluffed, and I called you on your bluff and you're accusing me of being a liar?" He rose up from his seat, furious. In one swift movement, he threw his body across the table and grabbed the man by the collar, rip-- 
"Ahem," Jimin coughed. "We have a guest, gentlemen. Meet the lovely Y/N." You stepped forward, finding it appropriate to curtsey. 
Namjoon loosened his grip on Yoongi's collar, wiping his hands on his shirt. Relieved, Yoongi sank into his chair. "Welcome, welcome, mortal," he replied, fixing his posture. Beside him, a mature looking fellow smirked and lit a joint. 
"Hyung, does this mean that you'll finally be put to rest?" A wide-eyed man with a proud nose asked. 
"Depends on if I draw my cards right," Jimin nodded. He took off his suit jacket, hanging it on a coat hanger by the door. He wore a white shirt underneath, tailored exactly to accentuate his body, paired with a pair of slacks and suspenders.  
"Could you set up a game of twenty-one?" He stepped forward, his silver-banded fingers tapping the mahogany table. You joined him. A man with a long corduroy suit jacket and a backwards flat cap shuffled an idle deck and passed each of you a card from the top. "Do you know the rules?" 
Of course you did, Darla had taught you how to play during rainy days at the mortuary. It was a favorite of hers. "Mhm," you touched the card to turn it over. Jimin stopped you. 
"I'd like to make a deal with you, Y/N." Oh? This sounded interesting. What could this man possibly have in store for you? There was no sound apart from the social banter of the crowd outside. All eyes were set on you, expecting your reaction. "Isn't that how you play, you bet on something," a notable smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. 
"Yes, Jimin. What is it?" His anatomy faced yours, his hips positioned forward. His tongue swiped his bottom lip. He turned his head towards the door and then met your eyes. Gazing into his eyes was staring into the eyes of spite itself, defiance of death itself lived within the unrested soul of this man. Sin, deviant sin. All that was unholy possessed the spirit of the man who held the cards of your fate between his fingers. 
"I love that word," he announces to his gang. "I love that word: yes." He put his right hand in his pocket, and as he spoke you felt yourself get drawn into him. "Now, Y/N, will you make a deal with me, angel?" His voice melted in your ear like a siren's, his pretty eyes beckoning you. 
"Yes," you sighed, "Mhm, yes." 
"Good. We're going to play," Jimin smiled, his tone smooth and honey-like. "And if you lose this game, my love, you're to be my whore." The word sounded gorgeously dissonant spilling from his lips, and at once, thoughts penetrated your dazed consciousness. 
"Yes," you said, breathily. Satisfaction pooled his visage. 
He gestured to the cards splayed on the table and said: "Pick yours up. Hit or stand?" He held his card between his thumb and index.  
Your card was an ace of spades. You'd have been an idiot to hit, but you'd lose if you stand. You chose to hit and accept the risk of getting busted.  "Hit," you gestured towards Taehyung. He slides you another card. 
Jimin hit as well. 
Your cards hit the table. Your total was an 18. He scanned your cards with mock distress, making you believe that, just for a second, you'd won. 
He tossed his hand on the table. A King of Spades and an Ace of Hearts. He had 21. Jimin shrugged. "I won." 
"Don't act surprised or disappointed. You're coy if you think I don't know from how you look at me what you want me to do to you," he slides the cards over to the dealer. 
The night was young and the adrenaline in the room was high. You prepared yourself for a long and rewarding night. 
a/n: I needed to get this off my chest.
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euphoricfilter · 3 years
Devil That I Know (Part 1)
~ Dear My Angel
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Pairing: Demon! Jungkook x Human! Reader
Genre: (Inaccurate) Historical AU || Strangers to lovers AU || Supernatural AU || Smut || Fluff || Angst
Summary: Being sent up the mountain as a human sacrifice is the last place you saw yourself in this lifetime, as your relationship progresses with the four-armed demon so does his obsession with keeping you by his side for the rest of his eternal life.
Word count: 16.7k
Tags/ warnings: Fluff, Angst, swearing, minor/ major character deaths, descriptions of death/ murder, the start of mild yandere JK, soft JK, asshole jimin for like part of the first chapter, Taehyung just being a sweetheart, slow burn fic, use of magic, mentions of childhood trauma, descriptions of violence and injury, descriptions of sickness, more tags will be added for each chapter.
Notes: It's out 5 days early!! I got impatient so it's out!! It took less time to edit than I had thought, but after completely finishing the series I think I will go back and re-edit it again. I'm still not completely happy with the end scene, but i've written it so many times that I don't think i'll ever be really happy with it.
+++ +++ +++
Year 1859
When you were travelling to the coastline this time last year the last place you thought you would end up was a cell in a run-down village on the outskirts of what is to be modern-day Seoul, accused of being a foreign spy on the run. You’d laugh if anyone told you that you would be the virgin sacrifice to be sent up the mountain to the four-armed demon that resided there with his human friend. And you probably would have laughed even harder, if you were told how long you’d be staying with that demon, all the memories you’d make together.
The first leaves had begun to fall of the trees, and harvest season was a couple of months away; ready to be stocked up for the winter months. However, the towns people were in panic. That morning, one of the farmers had awoken to half of his crops rotting, thick black mould scattered over his land. The oldest woman of the village had explained that it must be an evil spirit and that no one should panic, she would bless charms to hang on the doors of all homes to warn off any other evil spirits that would attempt to enter the village.
After that, no more crops were rotting. A week later, another one of the farmers had woken before sunrise to feed the livestock and found three of his horses dead. Something had chewed through their skin throughout the night, organs a pale pink in the candle lit stable, blood pooling around the animals’ bodies, soaking into the hay. He let out a shout, alerting the farmer next-door.
“It must be a demon” the same old woman exclaimed, hand to her heart as she peered at the corpses. “We must sacrifice a virgin girl to the demon”.
That’s where you come in.
Having been captured by the village men months ago (you’d lost count a few days in) hadn’t been the most ideal, but they fed you a meal a day and you got to watch the sunset reflect off of the building opposite every evening through the small hole in the wall. Sometimes you felt forlorn, apparently the villagers didn’t make a hobby of taking random people prisoner leaving you lonely, listening to whoever was stupid enough to talk beside your window as your only company. And sure, the backache was killer and nights chilly, and you got to wash only once a week, but beggars can’t be choosers.
There were no other virgin sacrifices in the village. They apparently all had plans to be married come spring and couldn’t be sold off to a demon. Lucky for the villagers they had a virgin, a woman and a prisoner. Ready for sacrifice.
With the virgin sacrifice issue cleared, talk of where exactly the demon lived was now the main topic of the town. You’d overheard two girls (very much unmarried with no plans to wed until next winter) talking to the old woman about the hanok on the large mountain that overlooked the village.
“I had to make a delivery to the town on the other side of the mountain” she paused, “and someone definitely lives there”
“I saw it too” the second girl agreed. Clearly having not seen the hanok, the desperation in her voice giving her away. But hey, if you were in her situation, you probably would have done anything to not be sent up a mountain to some higher being where you didn’t have control over your own fate.
You turned over to face the opposite wall of your cell, blocking out the noise of their voices. You didn’t really want to know about your demise, it was slightly morbid. What if the demon didn’t live on the mountain? You doubt the villagers would hesitate to have your head. You’ve been lucky they’ve kept you alive for this long.
The next morning you’d been woken with a cold bucket of water being thrown over you. Your body shot up, shock running through your system as you tried to comprehend what, or who had rudely awoken you. Spluttering, you looked over at the entrance of the cell.
“Hey, get up” a boy a little older than you grunted. His plump lips turned down in a scowl. He would have been so pretty if didn’t look like he wanted you to drop dead.
You didn’t move, a secret you kept throughout your time in the village was that you understood their language. Acting oblivious. It was easier to get information that way. The boy tutted, roughly grabbing your arm and pulling you to stand. You yanked your arm out of his harsh grip, lips turned down in a frown as you made eye contact with him. Challenging him to grab you like that again, because you already had plans to elbow him in the nose hoping it breaks.
“Change into these” he shoved a pile of clothes into your chest before turning around. Rude.
Assuming he wasn’t leaving the cell anytime soon to give you privacy you pull you grime riddled shirt over your head. Using the inside of the shirt you attempted to dry your hair a little, so it wasn’t dripping down your back. Slipping on the clothes easily that you were given, it wasn’t the most flattering outfit. It seemed the clothes belonged to the lanky farmer’s son that rudely woke you up. Pulling the drawstrings tight so the trousers didn’t constantly fall, you tapped the boy’s shoulder.
“Jimin, are you almost done?” a much deeper voice called. Presumably one of the useless guards that stood outside the cell. More interested in his card games than your wellbeing.
“Almost” he calls back, quickly taking a step out of the cell to grab some rope. Jimin seemed just as, maybe even more disgusted that he was in such close proximity to you. He harshly grabbed both your wrists, no consideration for your comfort as he tied intricate knots around your limbs.
Personally, you thought it was unnecessary that both your arms and legs had been bound. Sure, Jimin had a lithe frame, but he was clearly a lot stronger than you. You’d seen the heavy equipment they used to farm. The baggy clothes probably doing no justice to the muscle that may lay beneath it, so you had no plans to run.
Plus, he wasn’t the tallest boy you’d seen in the village, but he was a lot taller than you, giving him longer strides, clearly not caring that not only were your legs shorter, but he’d also bound them together with limited leeway to walk properly. Definitely on purpose just to make this harder for you. You saw the smirk he had when he pulled the rope so you would stumble forward. Asshole.
Sweat rolled down your back by the time you reached the hanbok on the mountain, the midday sun beating down with no mercy on your tired body. Your legs felt like they were on fire, muscles screaming for you to take a break. Every time you’d try to subtly slow down Jimin would pull the rope so far forward you almost landed on your face more times than you could count.
Just as your restraint was about to snap you stopped outside of a wooden gate. ‘Jeon’ engraved on a slab of wood, messily hanging by moulding rope on one of the pickets of the fence.
Jimin grabbed the thick rope of the bell, alerting whoever, whatever lived here that they had guests. A tall boy, who looked to be around the same age as Jimin rushed out of the centre building, almost tripping over his sandals as he did so. He caught himself before he could fall, coming to an abrupt stop on the other side of the gate.
The taller boy with fluffy black hair placed a hand over his heart, taking a moment to catch his breath. “Hello” his voice extremely deep, a contrast to his soft features. “How may I help you?” he asked, as you noticed a small mole on the tip of his nose. It was cute. If he was the demon you’d be sacrificed to, he didn’t seem that bad?
He opens the gate a little to slip through it and stand in-front of you and Jimin.
“Good afternoon. Are you the demon that resides here?” Jimin asked, tone a lot nicer than when he had spoken to you that morning. You wanted to scoff. Kiss ass.
“Um, no I’m not. He’s inside” he pointed behind him with his thumb, his eyes trailing to you who was stood awkwardly behind Jimin. A wide smile spread across said male’s face as he yanked the rope around your wrists bringing you forward, almost tipping over because of your bound ankles.
“Here, delivery from the village” Jimin didn’t hesitate to shove the end of the rope into the other boy’s hand before grabbing the back of your neck tightly causing you to wince as his nails dug into your skin. “Untamed dogs like you don’t deserve to live. Hopefully you die” he whispered, a sadistic chuckle leaving his lips as he shoved your head forward.
Your teeth clenched, the idea of headbutting him in the nose and calling him multiple profanities extremely tempting but alas, he stepped away before your restraint could slip. And he started his descent down the mountain, whistling a tune now that you were gone.
The boy looked down at the rope in his hands, following it until he looked over your wrists. Rubbed red raw from Jimin being an asshole and tugging at the ropes when you wouldn’t walk fast enough. “Do you speak Korean? Are you okay?” he asked you once Jimin was out of earshot. You nodded, eyes meeting his own. Pity. You could see the pity in his eyes, and you weren’t sure how to feel about that.
“I’m Taehyung” he broke the silence, a boxy smile gracing his face as he hesitantly went to untie your wrists. “May I?” he asked, hands motioning to the rope, you looked down at your hands, then back at Taehyung and nodded.
“What’s your name?” he asked to make this process a little less awkward.
“Y/N” your voice came out hoarse, and he hummed to let you know he was listening as he knelt down to untie your ankles.
“Jungkook is really nice, I’m sure he’ll let you stay for a while” Taehyung brushed off his knees, head tilting up to give you a smile. You nod, a little awkward to say the least but Taehyung found it cute.
Opening the gate, Taehyung motioned for you to step inside, your eyes wandered over the courtyard. Freshly fallen leaves the colour of a sunset scattered across the grass. Stood through a small archway of trees, out of sight from the front gate, stood a smaller square building, steps leading up to the doors, which were slightly open to let the cool autumn air waft through the room. Without knocking Taehyung pulled open the sliding doors to reveal a small table sat in the centre of the room, a man (presumably Jungkook), looked younger than Taehyung, sat with a book in his first pair of hands. He had four arms.
His eyes raised to meet your own, and then looked over at Taehyung with a brow raised. He elegantly shut his book before diverging all his attention at the two of you stood in the doorway. You stood frigidly beside Taehyung, not sure if he was going to send you back to the village or let you stay.
He was good looking, you noted. Pretty doe eyes, thick dark eyebrows, a button nose, uneven lips, four arms. Dressed in the most expensive looking silk hanbok. You could see dark ink peaking from under the sleeve of his first pair of hands, the ones below seeming clean of art.
“And who is this?” He finally spoke after taking in your appearance. It was embarrassing, how well dressed he was compared to you in the clothes of the snobby farmer’s son that barely fit, pant legs pooling around your ankles and shirt slipping off your shoulder, cheeks pink from walking in the scorching sun for hours.
“Kook, this is Y/N” Taehyung answers when you don’t say anything, eyes trained on your bare feet that were probably dirtying this man’s floor.
“Does she understand Korean?” he asks, and Taehyung looked over at you, nudging your shoulder to get you to speak up.
“I do” your voice comes out as nothing more than a whisper, Jungkook hums.
“And why are you here, Y/N?” he asks, no malice in his voice just slight confusion.
Taehyung grabbed a pillow from under the table and motioned for you to sit down opposite Jungkook, “I’ll go and get some tea” he explained leaving you and the four-armed creature alone. You willed yourself to not stare at his extra set of arms, he was kind enough to not throw you off his land and it would be rude to stare for too long. So, your eyes stayed on your lap, fingers fiddling with the loose threads of Jimin’s shirt.
“I asked a question” Jungkook caught your attention, your eyes quickly flicking to meet his own before you averted them to the cover of the novel he was reading, “Why are you here?” he repeated. You swallowed.
“The village people, they think that they’ve angered you and that’s why you’ve been killing their crops and livestock” you explain and a laugh escapes Jungkook. Why would he care about the business of mere humans?
“And you were the unfortunate one to come and appease me?” he asks, and you shrug your shoulders.
“I was a prisoner; I was the easy way out”
“Yes. They thought I was spy that’s why they kept me for information” you vaguely explain.
“I see” he replies, and your eyes meet his own, “most village people haven’t seen people outside of this country, so it’s understandable you could be accused of being a foreign spy” he looks over you one more time.
Before you can ask him if he’s seen any foreigners like yourself, Taehyung walks back into the room, teapot and delicate china cups sat on a tray. “I wasn’t sure what tea you liked” he sighs as he places the wooden tray on the table.
“Thank you, Taehyung” your head bows down a little and Taehyung’s boxy smile makes a reappearance. “So, are you staying with us? I could use the extra help” He looks over at Jungkook who looks over at you.
Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other, eyes doing all the talking. You looked between them. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but staying here seemed like the safer option. If they kicked you out not only would you have no home, no food, who knows how long it will be before you’re accused of being a spy again and you’re sure the next village will kill you without hesitation. The last village kept you for their own selfish desires. In passing you’d heard them talk about the king sending out a notice that whichever town could catch the group of foreign spies, would be transferred to the palace for work, more luxurious food, better clothing. You being alone was just the beginning for the village people, if they caught 2 or 3 more ‘spies’ then they’d have their ticket into a life of luxury.
“You guys do whatever you want” Jungkook waved you both off after seeing the worry in your eyes, “Just don’t make too much noise or make a mess”.
Without warning, Taehyung threw himself on top of you, a small ‘oof’ leaving your lips, winded by Taehyung.
“You’re probably really tired from walking, right? I’ll show you the bath house and then you can wear some of my clothes until I make you some, and then I can put something on your wrists and ankles, they still look pretty red, that guy that you came with wasn’t that nice was he- “
“Tae” Jungkook interrupted his friend “you’ll overwhelm her, slow down”
Taehyung looked down at you, a sheepish smile gracing his face before he helped you stand. You bowed to Jungkook as Taehyung led you out of the building, behind it was a stone walkway, a little further under the trees was a wooden bridge that took you over the stream, to another wooden building. “You can bathe in here, some of my clothes are already inside so you can use those, there should also be slippers, so you don’t hurt your feet” he slides the door open, and you hesitantly walk inside, the door being shut behind you by Taehyung.
“A spy?” Jungkook asks Taehyung when he comes back from showing you the bathing room. The latter shaking his head.
“I don’t think so, the farmer that brought her here didn’t seem fond of her” Taehyung sat in-front of his friend and Jungkook nodded, picking up his book.
“Keep an eye on her, if she does anything suspicious then you know what to do”
Taehyung nods, lips pursed as he picked up his teacup taking a big gulp.
Before you knew it, a week had passed, and you’d fallen into a routine with Jungkook and Taehyung. Early mornings were spent in the kitchen with Taehyung cooking breakfast, late mornings spent alone exploring all the nooks and crannies of Jungkook’s land. You three ate together at lunch, and while Taehyung tended to whatever duties he set himself for the day, you would help clean the clothes and hang them to dry while Jungkook sat on the porch, book in hand, eyes occasionally flitting up to watch what you were doing. Other afternoons were spent raking the fallen leaves that covered the courtyard with Taehyung.
On more than one occasion Jungkook had seen your eyes wander to the books he held. “You can read any of the books on the shelf” he told you one evening once Taehyung left the room to get some more rice.
Your cheeks flushed crimson, how were you meant to tell him you couldn’t read hangul? “Thank you” you replied meekly, ashamed he had caught you staring. How embarrassing.
A satisfied smile gracing Jungkook’s lips before he turned and picked up his spoon once again. Your eyes gazed at the large bookshelf behind him before focusing back on the stew you and Tae had cooked for dinner.
Taehyung came back with another bowl of rice, chatting both of your ears off about a cat he saw while cleaning that afternoon.
Jungkook found you sat on the wooden deck outside your room that night, he was on his way back from the bath house, well past midnight. He just stood there for a moment, watching you watch the stars, he thought he could see the galaxies reflecting in your eyes, a gust of wind broke his train of thought as he watched goosebumps raise on the skin of your bare arms. He would have to ask Taehyung to make you some warmer clothes now that the colder weather was around the corner. Although he could see you were clearly cold, your eyes never left the sky. No plans of going back inside anytime soon.
He quietly made his way to the end room of the building where he kept all the spare supplies and grabbed a thick, woollen blanket.
“You’ll get sick if you stay out here in the cold” his voice startled you, heartrate picking up, and as you turned to him a heavy weight was placed on your shoulders. Your fingers brushed over the soft blanket, grabbing the hem to pull it tighter around yourself.
“Thank you” your voice came out a little breathless, the crisp night wind making your throat dry.
Jungkook sat down next to you, his eyes watching your side profile as you stared up at the stars again, clearly in awe. “Do you like the stars?” he asked.
Your eyes quickly flitted to meet his own before returning to look at the sky above you both, your neck aching but you didn’t want to miss a moment of the wonders that happen up in the sky. Maybe if you looked long enough, you’d see a shooting star. “Yes” you softly replied after a moment of silence, although it still felt too loud for the silence of the night. “I always wonder what it would be like to live among the stars”
“Did you look at the stars while in the village?” he asked, and your head turned to watch him as he looked up.
Another gust of wind broke the silence, “You must be cold, we should go inside” you went to stand up but one of Jungkook’s left hands held your shoulder. A silent suggestion for you to sit back down, his hand was light. Giving you the option to leave if you really wanted to. But you suppose an explanation was due.
“Don’t avoid the question” he muttered, and your shoulders slumped a little as you got into a more comfortable position.
You knew that Jungkook or Taehyung would eventually bring up where you came from, they’d gone a week leaving you to settle in with no questions asked about where you really came from or how you even ended up as a prisoner in the first place.
“I couldn’t” you reply, “they kept me in a cell, and the only hole in the wall was in a place that the sky was covered by the building beside it” you explain and Jungkook hums.
“How did you get to the village; you must have been travelling somewhere?”
“I was travelling to the coast but got caught” you briefly explain, as you turn your head to look at Jungkook who was already looking at you. Your cheek resting on your knees.
“The coast?” he raised an eyebrow and you nodded.
“I was going to leave Korea, my friend was going to help me, but we got caught by the village people”
“Because they thought you were a spy?” he asked and you nodded, “And your friend?”
You looked forward into the courtyard, swallowing thickly, fingers fiddling with the blanket still around your shoulders; “They killed him. Thought he was a traitor” a shiver running through your body at the memory.
You never knew how savage human beings could be, ripping his limbs off before feeding his organs to the dogs and burning the rest of his body. A warning. That if you didn’t comply with the village chiefs’ commands, that could be your skinned head on a stick next the one person you could trust in this cruel world.
Jungkook nods, “were you trying to leave the country because you did something wrong?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“This is the only place I’ve known. My mother, she was pregnant with me when they brought her on the boat. Apparently, she gave birth at sea, and they didn’t have the correct equipment, so she died. Threw her overboard and left me with one of the other women on the boat” you explained, no clear emotion in your voice.
“I’m sorry” Jungkook looked over at you and you met his eyes, smiling.
“It’s fine. I’m not really upset over it I mean I’ve never met my mother and it feels stupid to be angry over the death of someone I don’t know. I’ve lived a somewhat decent life” you shrug. “My friend, the one that died, his father didn’t like me too much, I’m pretty sure I heard him more than once planning my death. I brought a bad reputation to his business. Then the king’s orders came out.”
“King’s orders? He kicked you out?” Jungkook asked and you shook your head.
“Nope. The king sent out a notice to all villages last year, whoever catches the group of foreign spies will be sent to work in the palace. It’s easier to lay low in smaller villages further away from the capital. The old man didn’t kick me out, I left before he could know. The lady that looked after me on the boat, the wife of my friend’s father, she died last year. His father was becoming more hostile each day so I told my friend I wanted to find where I really came from so, he wouldn’t convince me to stay” You look back up at the sky, “He told me he had a friend that owned a boat who could help me to the country over, but we never made it to the coastline”
“Do you still want to leave?” Jungkook voiced after a moment of processing what you’d told him, you shrugged.
“Not sure. Maybe I’m not meant to leave and that’s why I’m somehow still alive and my friend isn’t”
“It’s not your fault” Jungkook tries to console you and a sad puff of air leaves your mouth.
“I still feel guilty. But I think he lives with the stars now. Hopefully with his mother” you look over at Jungkook, a solemn smile on your face.
“Did you love him?” Jungkook asks, your mind takes a minute to process his question. A little out there but you reply, nonetheless.
“Romantically? Not really. His mother was like my own, and although his father was a mean son of a bitch to me, he didn’t seem to like his son all that much either. He felt like my brother, I guess. We did have a fake wedding when we were young though. He was 4 years older than me; he was the best thing that happened to me” you smile, after a moment of silence you ask “You have a sob story behind being a demon?” a playful lilt in your voice, hoping to steer the topic away from your past.
The pretty bunny smile stretches across his face, his eyes locking with your own. Jungkook turns his body towards your own, and you follow. Both sat criss-cross legged in-front of each-other.
“Something like that” he chuckles, he seemed to have come to terms with his past. “I was exiled out of my village because I had four arms, my parents refused to even acknowledge me as their son. I found this other demon who told me what I was and then I found myself here” he motions to the courtyard, “More people found out about me, and they donate their money so they have healthy land, that’s how Taehyung and I pay for all of our food and clothes”
“Is that why the villagers thought you were messing with their land” you giggle and Jungkook shrugs, trying his hardest to supress a grin.
“Probably. I’m not the demon of the land though. Not sure where that rumour came from” he comically places a finger on his chin in thought.
“What are you the demon of then?” you inquire, curiosity peaked.
“This mountain” he puffs out his chest, proud.
“So, this mountain belongs to you?” you ask, and he nods. “That’s pretty cool” you hum, “do you have any special powers?”
Jungkook takes a moment, ears turning a little red “Kind of” he mummers and you nod, urging him to continue.
“It’s not that special” he tells you, “I can control the spirits of this mountain, and I know basic spells”
“Spirits?” your head tilts in question, Jungkook suppresses as smile at the cute gesture you make when curious about something.
“Yeah, I wasn’t the first one to inhabit the mountain, it was home to some tigers back in the day and once they died, I made a contract with a few. Plus, some other spirits that could come in handy one day.” He explains and you nod in understanding. You wondered what a real-life tiger would look like, your friend had told you they were magical creatures. Although he had never seen one before he died, he told you of the myths that surrounded the creatures that lived high in the mountainous areas of the country.
It was quiet for a while, just the wind and rustling of leaves echoing off the walls of the Hanok. Both of you looking up at the stars.
You let out a yawn, Jungkook taking notice of how your head almost tipped forward into his lap. A small smile gracing his lips, “Seems like it’s time for bed” he tells you, and you slowly nod. Mind working a little slower, clouded with sleep.
“Thank you, Jungkook. It’s nice having someone believe your story” you smile, going to hand the blanket back to Jungkook but he just shakes his head. “It’s going to stay this cold all night, keep it” his head motions towards your room and you nod, smiling. One that reaches your eyes, a genuine smile Jungkook notes.
“Goodnight” he calls out as you step into your room.
“Good night Jungkook”
After that evening, it seemed there was less hostility between the three of you. And as you became more comfortable with both boys, you couldn’t have been any happier. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, the days merging into weeks and weeks turning into months.
You three continued your routine, you helping Taehyung cook, sweeping leaves and washing clothes, time alone to explore, however your embarrassing secret was let out after Jungkook had given you a book he had ‘finished reading’ and said you might enjoy it, the cover had a picture of a full moon, stars scattered around it with a boy looking up at the sky. He had noticed you hadn’t taken of the books off his shelf, thinking maybe you weren’t exactly comfortable enough yet in his home to take a book as you please. He soon found out; you didn’t know how to read.
“Jungkookie taught me how to read so I can teach you” Taehyung had said, while your cheeks turned a bright red. Your eyes were downcast, refusing to look at either of them.
“No, really it’s okay” you whispered. Jungkook let out a loud laugh, your eyes shooting up to look at him, eyebrows furrowed asking him what was so funny.
“Stop being silly and come here” he pulled a cushion beside him, patting it. You timidly walked over and plopped yourself down next to him.
“Tae-ah can you get some paper and ink?” he asked the ebony haired boy, who quickly nodded. Scuttering to go and get the supplies for Jungkook.
Within no time, Taehyung was running back into the room, stack of paper help against his chest and a jar of ink and a thin quill to write with.
“First I’ll teach you the alphabet, then you can learn to write as well” he explained, grabbing a sheet of paper.
Your eyes followed the fluid movements of his wrist as he scribbled down 24 letters.
While eating dinner, your mind would try to remember how Jungkook had written each of the characters so you could get them perfect when he asked you to write something down. That night, even once Taehyung had gone to bed, the two of you sat in the candle lit room, knees touching as Jungkook taught you, from all basic characters, to vowels, to how to form words and basic sentences. He supposed because you knew how to speak the language you were learning quickly, already able to form basic words without his help. Your handwriting was a little sloppy, but he thought it was endearing, cute in its own way, and so very much you.
He felt bad, having remembered you’d grown up in the village where there was limited access to books, or the correct facilities to even teach you things like how to read, or write or about the world.
At some point in the night, you’d asked Jungkook if he could read part of the book he had given you that afternoon. Agreeing, he began to read. When he looked up after the first chapter to see if you liked it, he couldn’t help but smile as he watches you. Head leaning on your arms, eyes closed, deep in sleep. He often wondered what you dream about, your past? Your new home? With him (and Taehyung but he’s usually pushed out of the picture), the stars? He caught you more times than he had fingers (which was a lot) sitting looking up at the stars at night before he’d grab you a blanket and just sit there and watch with you.
One night, he’s asked if you were waiting for something to happen. You’d told him you didn’t know, you just liked looking at what was beyond you. Were there people living on the stars? Did they whisper to each other when everyone else was asleep? You didn’t know and probably never will, but it was nice sitting and watching them, wondering how many other people around the globe or other planets, even galaxies were looking at the same stars you were looking at in that same moment in time.
The night after when you’d been looking up at the large full moon, Jungkook had cleared his throat to get your attention. With rose-dusted cheeks he shoved a glass jar into your hands, a muslin cloth covering the top, a thick piece of ribbon holding it in place.
Inside the jar was more fireflies than you could count. “Since I can’t exactly get you any stars, these were the closest thing I could think of” he rubbed the back of his neck. Your eyes stung, tears threatening to spill over and cascade down your soft cheeks. Jungkook noticed this “I’m sorry” he blurted, “please don’t cry” he frantically waved his hands around, not sure if he could hold you, or if that would make you uncomfortable and hate him. His mind raced a mile a minute, until he heard your happy laugh filling the space of the courtyard.
Before he could comprehend that you weren’t upset, you ran and wrapped your arms around his mid-section, arms holding him between the small gap between his first and second pair of arms. Slowly he wrapped his top pair of arms around your shoulder, the bottom ones snaking around your waist. It was weird, having so many arms around you at one time but it was nice, safe even.
“Thank you” you squeezed him tighter, words kind of muffled because of your face buried in his chest. “I’ll keep them for the rest of my life” you looked up at him, the biggest smile he has ever seen on you gracing your face.
He decided he liked this. ‘this’ could be your wide smile. ‘this’ could be you in his arms. ‘this’ moment in time. Maybe a mix of all three, but his heart swelled, he couldn’t help but give you an equally as wide smile, his eyes crinkling as he looked down at you.
You’d placed the jar beside your bed, eyes watching the insects buzz around each other in the jar, a warm glow filling the expanse of your bedroom. And for the first night since you’d arrived here months ago, it felt a little more like home.
You and Taehyung were laying under a tree to get out of the autumn afternoon sun. Taehyung was laying in a ‘T’ shape, your head resting on his upper arm, eyes closed. You’d both finished washing up the pots you’d used to cook lunch and you’d swept up all the fallen leaves.
“Are you planning to stay?” Taehyung broke the silence, and you opened your eyes. Turning your head to look at him, and he turned his head to look at you. Your noses were almost touching at the close proximity, and you giggled, he looked funny this close up. You could get a better look at the cute mole at the end of his nose.
“Stay?” you asked, and he hummed, staring into your eyes. “I haven’t thought about it yet. I don’t want to intrude; you’ve already been too kind to me” you tell him, and Taehyung turns his body to the side so you follow.
“I’d be happy if you stayed. Jungkook won’t mind, he took me in and I’m still here” he smiles at you, bright boxy smile showing, and you can’t help but mirror his actions.
“I guess I can stay for a while longer” you tease and Taehyung giggles, poking at your cheek with his index finger.
He can’t help but admire your face, the sun peeking through the gaps of the branches shining like slices of orange across your face.
“How did you and Jungkook meet?” your eyes never left his.
“I was a painter in the village I grew up in, I didn’t have any family, so it was hard for me to live there especially with my only income being from my art.” He looks up, reminiscing the past, “Jungkook was wandering through the village when he stopped outside of my small home and told me, he really liked my paintings. I think he could see I was struggling to survive and asked if I wanted to come and work for him. He’d feed me, pay for my art supplies and then we just fell into this routine” he turned his head to look back at you, your eyes were wide with wonder and he couldn’t help but scrunch his nose up at how cute you were, “I got to travel a lot as well, now that you’re here we could do so much together, have you ever seen the sea?” he asked you and you shook your head.
“What’s the sea like?” you asked him, and he took a moment to think about it, eyes looking into your own. He explains to you how far the sea stretches, how when there are no clouds in the sky it looks like the sea and the sky become one. All the little sea creatures he’d seen last time he went, the fish, an eel he even saw a bright red crab that snapped at his fingers when he tried to touch it, that story made you laugh.
“When the sun hits the water it looks like diamonds that the ladies in the capital wear, and I really like the feeling of the water between my toes”
“Let’s go together one day” you tell him softly, and he smiles, nodding, “where else can we go?” you were looking at him like he had all the answers in the world, and he makes a noise in the back of his throat in thought.
“Wherever you want to go, I’ll take you” he says, and you scrunch your nose in reply at his cheesy answer, but grin up at him nonetheless.
“I think I’ll like it as long as you and Jungkook are there”
He smiles at that, happy to know that you really will fit into the small family they were forming. And so, as you both lay there, under the tree in a comfortable silence, he daydreams about all the trips he wants to take with you. Maybe he could visit the capital with you, you both could sit and watch people walk by, judging what they did by the clothes that they wore. He could take you to the mountainous area where all the tiger’s live, he’d make sure you wouldn’t get hurt but he’s sure you’d love the majestic creatures. Maybe he could take you to the village that he grew up in and show you the lake that he would play in as a child, he thinks you’d like that too.
Daydreams of places turned to daydreams scenarios, waking up each morning and brushing your hair as you slowly became more conscious, your back leaning against his chest, riding on a horse down to the village to get food for the three of you and he could even surprise you with one of the stray dogs that hung out at the bottom of the mountain as a companion for when you explored the forest area. He’s make your clothes as you both grew old, wake you up with that tea he’s come to know you like, and then you could both live the rest of your days together with Jungkook in the hanok on the mountain where no one could ruin the perfect bubble you had formed.
As the seasons changed, so did the weather. It was early evening, you’d gone to bed early, the day having been busy preparing for the winter months that were just around the corner. The echo of the wind rattled the door as you calmly lay there, mind void of any thoughts. Just as you were drifting off to sleep the loud crack of thunder made you shoot up in bed. Your eyes frantically looked around the room, you flinched when you heard another bang. Body shuddering when the patter of rain began to hit the wooden roof of the hanok.
You’d never been fond of the rain; it had never brought you and good memories. When you were 5, your friend’s father had locked you in a box because you accidently broke one of his wooden ornaments for a customer. He told you “bad children stay in the wooden box for 2 days”; your friend had never suffered the same punishment but who were you to argue with the scary old man? On the first night it had started to rain, the thick mud clogging all holes from the bottom half of the box as it begun to sink further into the ground, the pelting rain starting to gather inside the box. Before you knew it you were screaming, crying for anyone to come and save you before you drowned in the wooden box, the sound of rain pattering against the wooden box was causing your heart rate to pick up. Then you were submerged in the icy rainwater. You couldn’t breathe, lungs becoming tighter the longer you held your breath, head getting heavy and dizzy. Small hands pushing at the top of the box to try and get it to open. Soon your body felt numb, fingers paling, joints locking together. Maybe the gods took pity on you, your friend had saved you. He was only 9 at the time, it must have been just as hard on him to know his friend had almost drowned because of his father.
The second bad experience with bad rain came when you were 15. The nice woman that had taken you in was arguing with her husband, so you decided you’d go on a stroll. You knew you were the reason behind their constant arguments; She wanted to keep you, he didn’t. You’d been dragging a stick across the damp soil of the forest, crickets’ chirps echoing across the plain expanse of the land. You could smell it before the rain started, how the wind had picked up, a chill running down your body, clad in thin cloth. The smell of fresh, damp earth was somewhat calming, being in an open space where you weren’t suffocated by the stares of the village people or the constant yelling about how you didn’t belong. The rain began to pour. The leaves could only intercept so much before they became too heavy and large raindrops began to thump down onto the soil. You kept walking, hair soaked and clothes trying their best to absorb the water. You stopped in a clearing, a yelp of an animal causing your ears to perk up. You followed the yowling, spotting a small fox-like creature stuck in a dip next to a stream.
You looked behind you, biting your lip in thought before letting out a sigh as the animal began to cry out once more. Dropping your stick and kneeling you took off your shoes before peering back over the ledge to look down at the animal. Your eyes scanned the area, trying to find the best way to get down without slipping, the earth too loose to climb down as you would have liked.
“It’s okay” you said lowly to not startle the animal, carefully trying to step down the ledge.
Your foot slipped, a gasp falling from your lips, and you tried to grab onto something. A sharp rock caught the skin on your arm. When you reached the bottom of the ledge, sat next to the animal you looked down at your arm. There was a large gash, it hurt a lot. But you had a job to do. The animal was hostile at first, a hissing noise coming from the back of its throat.
“It’s okay, it’s okay” you hushed, “I’m going to get us out of here”
After a minute of standing there, just looking at each other, the animals on guard stance loosened. The rain continued to belt down on the both of you, you pushed your hair out of your face, slowly and carefully taking a step towards the animal, your hands began to reach for it. It hissed at you again, your hands retreated quickly, eyes widening.
“Um, what do I do?” you asked no one, bare feet sinking into the soil.
After a minute, you bent forward, patting your back signalling for the animal to jump on your back and up onto the ledge. It felt like forever before you felt a weight on your back, a smile spreading on your face, when the weight was gone you looked up at the animal, it looked back down at you in a silent thanks before it scurried off out of sight. The rain kept pouring, the pitter patter white noise in the background, your thoughts racing. How were you meant to get back up?
You tried to jump up and grab the ledge, because the land was so soggy, you fell back with two handfuls of moist soil. Your foot slipped, falling back into the stream. You hit your head on a large rock, head dizzy, you closed your eyes so the rainwater wouldn’t hit them. The surrounding water turning red with your blood. That was when you thought this was the end for you. All because of the rain. You really hated the rain. It only ever brought you misfortune.
You opened the door to your bedroom, jar of fireflies tucked in your arms, you peaked at the rain hitting the ground of the courtyard. You couldn’t go to Taehyung’s room; his room was over the bridge meaning you’d have to walk in the rain near a large body of water, in pitch black darkness. Your head turned to look at the room at the end of the building, you could see the candlelight seeping at the bottom of the door. Swallowing thickly, your footsteps were light as you tiptoed your way to Jungkook’s room.
You stood outside Jungkook’s room for what felt like an eternity before you lightly tapped on his door. You heard shuffling before he cracked the door open. He looked down at you, then at the jar held tightly in your hands.
“You okay?” he asked, opening the door further motioning for you to come inside.
“I don’t- I was just- well, you see” you pointed at the door, taking a breath. “I get scared when it rains” you say so quietly you hope Jungkook didn’t hear it. You already had plans to scuttle back to your room and shove your head under a pillow.
“So, you want to sleep here?” he asked, and you gulped.
“I didn’t think that far ahead” you admit and Jungkook smiles.
“I’ll tell you a secret” he motions for you to come closer; you slide a little towards him. He bends down to whisper into your ear, “Demon’s don’t need to sleep, you can take my bed”
When he stood at his full height again you nodded a little, eyes looking over at the mattress on the floor before looking back at Jungkook.
“Go on” he told you.
You put the jar of fireflies down beside the pillow, carefully peeling back the blanket before laying down and pulling the blanket over your chin.
“Jungkook?” you voiced, and he hummed, letting you know he was listening. “Can you sit beside me?”
Without saying a word, Jungkook grabbed the pillow he was sitting on and placed it beside the bed. He opened his book back up, “sleep” he told you, “You had a busy day”
In all honesty, he’d been reading the same line repeatedly for the last hour, his eyes trailing up to look at your face, checking if you were sleeping okay. No bad dreams plaguing your mind. The left hand that wasn’t holding his book slowly, hesitantly reaching to push your hair back before this thumb gently ran across your cheek bone. He froze as a small sigh left your lips, before his hand trailed down to rub across your jaw.
The pattering of rain outside was calming, Jungkook felt full, happy. Maybe after over a hundred years on this earth, he had made it. He now had his small family, you and Taehyung. He would never admit it to either of you, but he loved hearing you two giggle in the courtyard as you cleaned, watching you both cook, talk about anything and everything, listening to you ramble about the small things you’d seen on your adventure that day; all in his perfect house on the mountain. He never knew what loving felt like, what being loved back felt like, and as the rain poured outside, with your soft breaths barely noticeable if he didn’t focus on them, a tear slipped down his cheek. A happy tear, because he wanted to stay in this moment forever.
“Now that it’s close to winter I think it’s time to stock up on food” Taehyung told you as you sat around the pot, Jungkook somewhere else getting ready for the day.
“You went down to the village the other week though” you murmured, tongue slightly pocking from between your lips as you practiced writing.
Taehyung hummed, “Yeah but when it starts to snow, we can’t get down to the village so it’s better to stock up. I need an extra pair of hands” he told you, smiling a little at your concentration.
“Jungkook has those” you look up at him and Taehyung sniggers.
“What do I have?” Jungkook walks into the kitchen.
Taehyung looks up at him sceptically, in all his years living with Jungkook, he had never seen him enter the kitchen. “I was just saying we need to go and stock up on supplies” he informs the demon who hums. Eyes trailing to see what you were doing kneeled on the floor, elbows holding you up. His eyes crinkling as he smiles watching to concentrate on whatever you were writing. Looked like your name.
“The weather isn’t that bad today, maybe you should go before lunch”
“I was thinking of taking Y/n with me. There’s and extra mouth to feed so we might need to stock up more than usual” Taehyung looks back at the pot, mixing the soup you were working on.
Jungkook was quiet for a while, mind racing for any excuse to keep you in the safe space of his home. He let out a disgruntled sigh, head tipping back, “You finished making her winter clothes, right?”
“Of course,” Taehyung smiled wide, “Hear that angel? We get to go on an adventure” you look over at him with a grin on your face.
That’s how you found yourself stood at the gate you stood outside all those months ago, Jungkook bending down a little to pull your coat tighter around your body. “Do you need a scarf?” he asked you, eyes scanning your body one last time as you shook your head.
“I think I’ll get heat stroke” you tell him as he shakes his head.
“Kook don’t worry. We’ll be back before it starts to get dark and the temperature starts to drop” Taehyung tells his friend as he opens the gate, holding it open for you as you skip out and wait for Taehyung to mauver the wagon through the gate.
“You sure you’re okay with going?” Jungkook asks you one more time, hand holding the gate ready to open it wider to let you back in.
“I can’t stay here forever” you tell him softly, “I’ll be okay”
You could stay forever, will stay forever if he had any control over it.
Jungkook waited and watched until you and Taehyung were out of sight before he shut the gate, shoulders slumping. It felt empty. He couldn’t help the pout forming on his face. Over the last few months, when Taehyung would leave at least you would be milling around, studying, or exploring but now the silence engulfed him as he sat on the porch, watching the gate hoping you would make it home soon.
“Have you ever been to the village behind the mountain?” Taehyung asked you and you hiked down the mountain.
“Nope” you shook your head, “only the one in-front of it, over that way” you pointed over the side of the mountain as Taehyung nodded.
“I usually come to this one, they have nicer vegetables” Taehyung told you, “What was the other village like?”
You shrugged, no longer resenting the memory of your time in the village. You’d never forgive the village people for what they did, but the memory of the cell, and the harsh treatment you got and the fact they brutally killed someone you loved no longer made your blood run cold.
“I didn’t get to really see much of it. I’m sure it was pretty nice, they had everything they needed” you told him, and he nodded.
The rest of the walk was Taehyung telling you stories of when he was younger, you giggling at his memories as you peeked behind bushes and trees looking for any hidden treasures that may be hidden in the shrubs.
“Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen you paint” you tell him when he tells you about his favourite painting.
“I get embarrassed about them sometimes. Since I don’t need to sell my paintings for money anymore, they’re my little secrets” he tells you, you look back at him and stop walking.
“Please show them to me one day” you clasp your hands together and Taehyung laughs.
“One day. I’ll teach you how to draw as well if you like”
Your eyes shine, no one has wanted to teach you to draw before. “That would be amazing” you tell him, skipping ahead when you spot something scurry across the path.
“Be careful, Jungkook would throw me off the mountain if you got hurt” Taehyung warns as you try to reach the rodent.
“I’ll be fine” you shout back at him, standing straight when you can’t find it anymore.
“There it is” Taehyung tells you, pointing to the entrance of the village. It seemed nice enough, people busy, scuttering around buildings, pulling carts of food and other farming equipment.
Maybe this was all in your head, but as soon as you stepped into the village it went eerily quiet. The only sound being some farming equipment hitting the ground, the dull thump not easing your nerves.
You and Taehyung kept strolling slowly, he seemed to notice the change in atmosphere as he tried to ease the villager’s hostility with his award-winning smile. Your eyes stayed trained on the ground, you could feel all the eyes on you. Your anxiety spiked the longer you walked, lungs tightening making it harder to breathe. Taehyung seemed to notice your change in mood, he softly grabbed your wrist (now fully healed from the rope burn when you first met him) and pulled you closer to his body.
“You’re okay” he told you, pulling your arm through his.
You lifted your head to look up at Taehyung, wrong move because you made eye contact with an old man sat at his door a sneer spreading across his face. You quickly looked the other way at some chickens that were roaming freely, at least they didn’t resent your existence.
You almost fell face first when Taehyung stopped outside a small stall that had some fresh meat.
“Taehyung-ah, how have you been?” an elderly lady asked the young boy, a wide smile spread across his face.
“I’ve been good, nana” he tells her, eyes scanning over what she had to offer. “I’m planning to stock up for the winter, so I’ll need a lot of meat today”
A wide smile graces her face as she starts to grab chunks of meat, neatly placing them in a woven bag.
“And who’s this?” she asked, looking up, motioning to you who still had your eyes on the ground trying to cover your face with your hair.
“Ahh” Taehyung smiled, “This is my friend” he nudged you.
“It’s nice to meet you” you looked up mustering the best smile you can.
“She’s a pretty one” she winks at Taehyung who laughs as your cheeks flush pink.
“Thank you, ma’am” you shyly reply, her smile so contagious you can’t stop the grin from stretching across your face.
“Call me nana, little one” she tells you and you nod.
“Yes nana” you reply
“If things don’t work out then send her my way. My son really needs to settle down soon” she jokes with Taehyung when your attention is taken by a stray cat, although there was an underlying truth in her words.
“She’s staying for a while, sorry” Taehyung replies as he drops the coins into her wrinkled hand.
“I added some extra meat in there, you’re all skin and bones” She nudges your arm when you face her again. Meanwhile Taehyung carefully places the multiple bags of meat into the wagon.
“You shouldn’t have done that” Taehyung tells her, and she shakes her head.
You and Taehyung wave goodbye to your new friend and slowly make your way further into the centre of the village.
When Taehyung stopped at an old man’s vegetable stall you quietly slipped away from his side. The old man kept side eyeing you, clearly suspicious of you standing so close to his stall.
You wandered around the corner of a building, a small table outside of someone’s house catching your eye. The person behind the table looked to be a boy similar in age to you selling small wooden carved ornaments. A small bunny caught your eyes as you slowly made your way to stand in-front of the table. You squatted down to look at it. It reminded you of a certain four-armed demon.
“Do you like it?” the boy asked, and you nodded, looking up at him. He had a smile in his face, no malice in his gaze whatsoever, “Would you like to buy it?” he asked you after your gaze fell on the small bunny again. It was no bigger than the size of your palm, but the details were beautiful.
“Did you make these?” you asked him, motioning to the rest of the ornaments on the table. He had carved out cats, and dogs, you could even see small people scattered here and there. He hummed in reply.
“Yeah, it’s a hobby of mine but helps my family pay for meals”
Before you could tell him that you’d be leaving, you heard Taehyung call out for your name clearly now realising you weren’t by his side anymore.
“I’ll be back in a minute” you told the boy who nodded. And maybe if you’d gone to look back you would have seen the hatred in his eyes.
“TaeTae I’m here” you called for him and he quickly turned around engulfing you in a firm hug.
“Don’t wander off like that, what if I lost you?” he asked, clear distress in his voice.
“Do you have any spare coins?” you asked him as he looked down at you in his arms.
“Yes, did you see something you want to buy?” he asked you as you nodded.
Taehyung rummaged in his pockets and pulled out two silver coins, “I’m going to be over there where the paint brushes are” he told you, pointing to an open door. You nodded in understanding.
If you weren’t back with him within 3 minutes he would go and look for you. Taehyung watched you turn around the corner, a weird feeling settling in his stomach but he wanted to buy some new paint brushes so he could teach you how to paint when you both got home. Maybe he could even splurge on the nicer paper for the both of you he’s sure Jungkook wouldn’t mind.
You stood in-front of the table again. You held your hand out, palm up with the two coins. “May I have the bunny?” you asked, and the boy smiled.
He roughly grabbed the two coins, picking up the carved bunny and when you put your hand out to take it, he dropped it to the floor. You bent down to pick it up, something hard thumping on the back of your head. You stood up straight with the bunny securely held in your right hand, a dull thumping against the back of your skull. You looked down at the ground behind you and saw a rock laying beside your feet. Your head snapped towards the woodwork boy when he let out a loud whistle and before you could comprehend what was going on you felt multiple rocks being thrown at your back. You whipped around to try and see who was throwing stones at you, which was a bad decision on your part because one of the boys threw a sharp stone at you, gashing your cheek. The cut ran from the top of your cheekbone to your jaw, blood starting to drip down your neck soaking into your shirt. It stung, the pain causing your eyes to brim with tears, arms now lifting up to cover your face.
Someone shoved you from behind causing you to fall forward, sleeves of your coat ripping on impact. You gripped the bunny even tighter, the wood indenting into your skin at how hard you were holding it. A yelp escaped your lips as someone kicked you hard in the ribs repeatedly causing you to fall onto your side. Just as you’d covered your face readying yourself for the punch you could see one of the boy’s was winding up for a loud shout caused all of your heads to look in the direction it came from.
Taehyung looked furious, you’d never seen him anything but smiles and sunshine. His usual chirpy eyes were now clouded with anger, eyes a dark onyx as he stalked his way towards the group of boys that stood over your cowering body. You shuddered, you weren’t sure if it was from the pain, the adrenaline, or the look in Taehyung’s eyes. Your lungs struggled to get enough air, the only sound being you trying to breathe properly.
“What do you think you’re doing” Taehyung barked once he reached the group of boys who had retreated from standing over you. He grabbed the collar of the woodwork boy, “You lay a hand on her again, I swear on your mother’s life you won’t have any hands to make your stupid fucking ornaments with anymore.” He growled, shoving the boy back, kneeling down beside you who was lying in a puddle of your own blood. You curled yourself further into a ball when a shadow of body cast over your back, not knowing it was Taehyung. He watched you for a moment, body trembling and breaths coming out so fast he was sure you weren’t getting enough oxygen.
“Hey angel, it’s me” he lightly brushed his hands up and down your back, watching your body let out another shudder. “Can I pick you up?” He asked you softly, letting out a sigh of relief when you nod.
He steps over you so he’s facing your front, and as carefully as he could he slipped his hands under your knees and behind your back trying his hardest to not hurt you anymore than you already were. A small whimper escaped you when Taehyung stood at full height.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” He whispered against your head as he slowly laid you down in the wagon. He sent one more glare as a warning to the group of boys before he grabbed the handle of the wagon and slowly started making his way back towards the mountain.
Your mind felt fuzzy, body completely numb, chest pulsing dully every time you inhaled. With your adrenaline becoming less prominent, tears cascaded down your cheeks, breaths still coming in short bursts as you looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to set, it would probably be dark by the time you got home. Your grip slowly began to release the wooden bunny, you hoped Jungkook would like the gift. You knew that it would take more than a small wooden bunny to repay him for his kindness, but the bunny could be a start.
At some point Taehyung had ripped part of his shirt and held it against the gash on your cheek to stop it from bleeding. You could hear him talking to you, asking you to stay awake and telling jokes but you could hear the strain in his voice as he forced out a laugh to try and lighten the mood.
You didn’t say anything. You wanted to reply to Taehyung, you really did but it hurt enough to breathe. Taehyung would look back every few minutes, making sure you were still conscious.
Jungkook was seething when Taehyung had walked through the gate. Why were you guys so late? His eyes tried to find your body behind Taehyung, heart dropping when he couldn’t spot you. That was until Taehyung dropped the handle of the wagon to go and close the gate where Jungkook spotted you with part of Taehyung’s ripped shirt pressed against your cheek. Eyes looking over at Taehyung who stood, shoulders hunched with your blood smeared on his shirt. Taehyung didn’t look any better, eyes sunken, skin pale even when the moon was the only source of light in the silent courtyard.
Jungkook shot up from where he was sat, taking quick steps to help Taehyung carry you out of the wagon. He held you in his first pair of arms, the blood from the scratches on your arms smudging onto the expensive silk of his hanbok. He tried to get you to remove Taehyung’s shirt from your face, but you just weakly shook your head. You feel the dull ache of the cut, felt how it ran from your cheek to your jaw, felt the dribbling blood running down your neck.
“We’ll talk later” Jungkook turned back to look at Taehyung who weakly nodded, hands holding onto the wagon for support.
Jungkook wasted no time in leaning you to sit up against his bedroom wall before sprinting out to the end room where all the supplies were kept. He grabbed the large wooden bucket that you usually washed the clothes in and went to the bath house to fill it with water. He stood there, foot tapping against the floor impatiently as he watched the water slowly start to fill the bucket. He let out a grunt, it wasn’t even halfway full before he snatched it up from the ground. It was at this moment he thanked his lucky stars he had enough arms to carry all the supplies he needed so he only needed to take one trip instead of several.
As he slipped back into the room, he took in your form sat on the floor. You hadn’t moved an inch since he sat you down.
“Y/n, hey. You’re still with me yeah?” he asked kneeling down in-front of you. He dropped the bucket beside him, and the box of medical supplies between the two of you before he took your face into his hands.
“I’m fine” you tell him after a moment of silence, eyes holding no emotion.
“You’re not fine, let me take a look” he pries the shirt away from the side of your face. His eyes flit over to the gash, a frown instantly stretched across his face, eyebrows pinched together as if he was the one in pain. “Oh, my love” he muttered, your mind too hazy to fully comprehend what he just called you, “It’s okay, I’ll fix it” he told you, holding the good side of your face with his hand, he smiled sadly as you tilted your head into his palm. A silent comfort. He leaned forward and pressed a feather light kiss on the apple of your cheek, just above where the cut started before, he leaned back, one hand still holding your face as he used his other hands to open the box of medical supplies.
You wanted to tell him there was nothing to fix, you’d had cuts equally as bad as a child and that it will heal in no time, but you didn’t understand the underlying meaning in his words. He wouldn’t lose this.
“Jungkook, really, I’m fine. I think it was the shock of the situation that made this all worse” you told him as he rummaged through the box of medical supplies. Ribs burning when you took in a large breath.
He looked up at you for a moment, deciding to ignore your comment as he went back on his search for a towel or cloth or anything so he could clean the blood away from the cut. He let out a small ‘aha’ when he found some cloth and soaked it in the bucket of water.
“Tell me if it hurts too much” he told you as he carefully began to dab the cool, wet cloth around the area of your cut.
You closed your eyes, eyebrows pinching every now and then, head pulling away slightly when he would touch a tender part of skin. “I’m sorry” he would murmur every time you’d flinch back.
He tried to soothe you with his thumb gently rubbing at the skin under your ear. “It doesn’t look like it will need stitches” he told you, a look of relief washing over his face once you opened your eyes again.
“Wait here” he told you after dropping the bloodied cloth into the now blood-stained water. Now that he knew you weren’t going to pass out, he was a little less frantic in his steps, although his pace was still quick. He went to your bedroom to get some fresh clothes, and some more towels to clean the smaller scratches on your arms.
When he entered the room again, he saw you lifting your shirt, looking down at your ribs. A big purple bruise had formed from where you had been kicked by one of the boys. Jungkook winced just as hard as you did when you poked the tender skin.
He stepped further into the room, dropping down to kneel in-front of you again as he pulled up your shirt sleeves. The scratches on your arms were nowhere near as bad as your face but that didn’t change the fact you had been beaten, Jungkook’s jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowing in anger as he really took a moment to look over you slumped against his bedroom wall. You poked between his eyebrows, and he looked at you confused.
“I can see the cogs working in your head. I told you I’m okay” you tell him, and he sighs as he lifts up your left arm, so delicately anyone would think you’re made of glass. He gently dapped the wet cloth over your skin, the pain minuscule compared to the pain you felt every time you took in a large breath.
He wrapped a bandage around both of your arms so that the cuts wouldn’t get infected before he placed some pyjamas in your lap. “I’ll leave the room, tell me when you’ve changed” he stands up and you hum in reply.
Once Jungkook left the room, you use the wall as support to help you stand. You hand shoots to cover your mouth as you bend down to take your pants off, the pain shooting through your system. It hurt a little less when you went to lift your shirt over your head. You wiped your eyes, before you looked down at the pyjamas you needed to change into. Gently bending down, you found a way to put your clothes back on with a lot less pain than when you’d taken them off.
You slowly dragged your feet towards the door, body exhausted from the events of the day. You slowly opened it, slipping out of Jungkook’s room. As you turned to walk back to your own room you saw him leaning against the wall.
“Where are you going?” he turned towards you, and you pointed behind him.
“The bedroom” you told him, he noticed how you hadn’t called the room your own, a frown setting on his face. You knew this was your home now, right?
“It’s behind you” he pointed to his own room making you shake your head.
“Jungkook, that’s your room” you tell him as he waves you off.
“Mine, yours, what’s the difference? Is it because my bed doesn’t have enough pillows? Oh! You need your jar of stars to help you sleep right?” he guided you back into his room, sitting you down on his bed. “Stay here” his tone left no room for question.
He made quick strides towards your old bedroom, hands gathering up the large pile of pillows scattered around your bed. He’d thought it was adorable when you’d shyly asked him for extra pillows all those months ago, stuttering to explain that it feels comforting to be surrounded by something while sleeping. He’d teased you about it, watching your cheeks light up an even brighter red before he’s laughed and told you where you could find the extra supplies.
He also bent down to grab the jar of fireflies that you always had beside your bed before he took long strides back to your his bedroom. As he opened the door to the bedroom, he dropped the pillows onto the ground, carefully placing the jar down beside them, looking around the whole room as if you were hiding behind the limited furniture. He couldn’t see you hiding under the table, and you weren’t under the blanket, they were a little ruffled from where you had been sitting moments ago but still tucked in. There were no other hiding places.
“Y/n?” he called out, panic setting in. What if you had left? Or someone had taken you? No, no one would dare enter his home, humans were too cowardice, but another demon? Maybe Taehyung took you, he would snap the boy’s neck if he had. “Y/n this isn’t funny, come here right now” his voice was a mix of desperation and anger.
Jungkook shoved open his bedroom door wide, eyes scanning the courtyard, heartrate picking up as he tried to find any sign that you were there in the pitch black of the night. Ears listening for any rustling or footsteps or your breathing, anything. His fist banged against the wall.
“Jungkook?” you called him, worried as you watched him with his head in his hands, the candlelight from his bedroom causing a shadow to cover half of his face. His head shot up, eyes meeting your own where you sat inside the wagon.
“Love? What are you doing in there?” his bare feet touched the dewy grass.
“I forgot I bought you a gift, but it was too dark to see” you tell him innocently, the compressed feeling in his chest deflated as he smiled you sweetly. He held you under your elbows, and you let out a yelp at the strength he was showing.
“Please put me down” you turn your head to look at him and he just lets out a chuckle.
“Your feet will get dirty” he tells you lightly, happy now that you were in his arms.
He sat you down on his bed, turning around to grab the pillows he had dropped earlier. “Lay down” he told you, “I want to keep an eye on your condition just in case something happens”
You nod, in no mood to argue as you lay down with the bunny still held tight in your palm. “Kook?” you call him, he hums not turning around from grabbing the pillows.
“Can you come here?” you ask, and he instantly stands straight, turning towards you. He lets out a breathless ‘yes’ and he drops the pillows at the end of the mattress before kneeling beside you. “Hand, please”
He does so without hesitation. You place the small bunny into his hand, he looks down at it and then at you. “I wanted to wash it because it got dirty but it’s too dark right now” you tell him.
“You got this for me?” his eyes meet your own before they flit back to the bunny, his finger’s run over the intricate details and you nod.
One of his hands pushed the hair from your forehead as he smiled down at you. It was silent for a moment; the room was lit in the warm orange glow of the candlelight. You thought Jungkook looked more like an angel than a demon even if he did have an extra pair of arms. He looked into your eyes, and he thought maybe you could look into his soul, maybe you were trying to find the secrets that lay beneath is dark irises, he had to look away. He knew that his plan for keeping you here with him for eternity would upset you, but you were meant to be with him, weren’t you? Why would the earth hand him you on a silver platter just for you to leave him so soon?
“Sleep now. I’ll stay beside you tonight” he leans over to the end of the bed to grab the pillows, fluffing them around you, barricading you from all evil in the world. Shame they couldn’t save you from his own selfish desires.
You’d fallen asleep relatively quickly although Jungkook wasn’t surprised. He quietly slipped out of the room, careful not to wake you as he took light steps to a room on the opposite side of the courtyard. He pulled a key out of his pocket, fingers light as he unlocked the door. He let out a curse as the loud click echoed off the walls, praying that you didn’t wake up.
He held up the candle higher as he walked into the room. It was eerily silent, the only sound the creaking of the wood panels below Jungkook’s feet. His fingers skimmed over the spines of each book, the room full, floor to ceiling with large bookshelves. He bit his lip when he got to the fourth shelf, and he still hadn’t found what he was looking for.
“I know it’s here” he told himself, eyes raking over the hundreds of books before he smiled to himself. He found it.
From the outside the book looked ominous, old, like it had been used over and over again until the cover was frail, and pages started slipping out.
Jungkook locked the door to the room before slowly walking back to the bedroom. He opened the first page, eyes catching on the title.
‘Conversion of the mortal’
He flipped the page, biting his lip to suppress a smile as he skimmed through the steps.
Ingredients for spell: sage, rose petals, grain, demon blood, animal bone of choice, Blah blah blah.
Draw magic circle on floor with desired demon’s blood…
Said demonic blood must enter the body of the mortal, enchanted object can and is recommended to be used to do this for optimum effect…
Enchantment must be spoken with mortal within the circle…
Upon removing enchanted object, mortal should have lived if not then procedure failed...
Results include: stopping of ageing, quicker healing time, immunity to illness and other symptoms depending on the mortal used.
It seemed easy enough.
“I know you just went to the village, but I need you to get these for me” Jungkook pushed a piece of paper across the table.
Taehyung looked down at the list, “I don’t think they’ll welcome me back for a while” he tells Jungkook who hums.
“Go to the village in-front of the mountain”
Taehyung’s face went void of emotion. He knew that you weren’t going with him this time (you were still asleep in Jungkook’s room), but he didn’t like the people from that village. They’d kept you captive! How could he not hold a grudge against them?
Taehyung could never say no to Jungkook though. He felt like he owed Jungkook his life for taking him in when he needed him the most and so without question, he grabbed the list. “I’ll leave after breakfast”
He now stood on the outskirts of the town; it was a lot quieter than he had expected it to be. As he slowly walked past what looked like recently deserted houses, he could tell from all the produce and home furniture that were still scattered around and inside each of the houses. He heard footsteps coming from further in the village, so he followed the sound.
The closer to the village centre he got, the more the land looked like it was decaying. Animal carcases were scattered over the path and the lack of people were putting Taehyung on edge. As he turned the corner he saw a familiar face. It was the farmer that had brought you up the mountain to Taehyung and Jungkook.
The farmer boy flinched when Taehyung tapped him on the shoulder, and Taehyung’s eyes widened when the boy dropped to his knees, hands clasped together.
“Please, was the sacrifice not enough?” he cried, and Taehyung stepped back when Jimin tried to grab onto his leg, “What more do you need?”
“What happened here?” Taehyung whispered in a mix of shock and confusion as he took in the surrounding area. The smell of rotting bodied putrid, making his nose burn.
“The devil” Jimin looked up at Taehyung, his eyes sunken and skin turning an ashy grey. It looked like something was gnawing away at his skin as well, “You are his companion, aren’t you? Have you come to take more from us so he will fulfil our wish?”
Taehyung gulps, he didn’t want to lie. But he nods, nonetheless. Jungkook had asked him to get these items on the list so that is what he needs to, no, wants to do.
“I need these” he places the piece of paper in-front of Jimin who snatches it from the ground in a hurry.
“Yes, yes. I can get you these, please wait here” He lifts himself from the ground before hurrying around the side of one of the buildings. His movements uncoordinated, clear pain shown by the pinch in his brows and grunts every time he took a step.
Taehyung takes the time to slowly wander around, hand over his nose at the awful stench that wouldn’t go away. The side of houses were moulding, and the air surrounding the farmland was musty. It couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes before Jimin was scurrying back to where Taehyung was, shoving a wicker basket into his hands.
“Tell the demon to rid of the disease, I beg of you. More than half the village has been eaten by the devil”
Taehyung could see the hysteria in Jimin’s eyes, and now he was worried. What if he had contracted the disease?
“Disease?” Jungkook questioned when Taehyung had told him about what Jimin had said at the village.
“Yes, he told me to tell the demon to rid of the disease that were killing the village people. It was empty Jungkook, barely anyone around. It smelt like rotting flesh” he told his friend who hummed.
“You feel fine right?” Jungkook placed his hands on his friend’s shoulder’s and Taehyung nodded.
“I don’t feel sick” he replied and Jungkook nodded before running a hand over his face. “Maybe stay on your side of the river for a few days and we will see if anything happens. I can’t catch any disease, but Y/n can so for her safety let’s keep distance for a while” he tells Taehyung who nods in understanding.
“I’ll go to my room then, come and get me if you need help cooking. My cookbook is on the side in the kitchen if you need it” he tells the demon who huffs but smiles anyways.
Jungkook was on edge, you were animatedly chatting to him about something that he couldn’t pay attention to. He’d gotten used to your sleep schedule, knowing you would most likely start to get tired within the next few hours and then he could finally execute his plan.
It was easy. Gather his blood and mix it with the crushed-up ingredients, draw the circle, get some blood on the knife he had enchanted the night before while you and Taehyung were asleep, pierce the knife into your heart, say a few words and done. It was easy.
He’s practiced, he could do this.
When you’d eventually settled down to sleep, he waited in silence. The wind was howling outside, the warm glow of the candlelight cast over your soft features as you slept. He tried to push down his guilt, a small part of him knew this was wrong, knew you wouldn’t want this, but his own selfish desires overruled any sane part of his mind as all he could think about was spending the rest of his life with you by his side.
He liked the feeling of love too much to let it go, why feel heartbreak when it can be prevented? You could be happy with him; would be happy with him he knows you would be. It’s not like you had anyone to turn to, no one to save you, no one to love you like he did. And it was in that moment he decided it was time.
He wanted this process to go as smoothly as possible, so once Taehyung had come back yesterday afternoon, he began to crush all the ingredients he needed to mix with his own blood for the magic circle. He grabbed the small knife out of his front pocket, and with no hesitation he slashed at one of his hands, blood starting to pool in his palm. He allowed a few drops to fall into the bowl before mixing it all with the tip of his bloodied knife.
His face was stoic as he watched the rose petal soak up the blood before he dipped one of his fingers into the liquid and began to trace the intricate circle on the floor. He made sure it was big enough to fit your body inside of before he stood up to look at his work.
He stalked over to the table, abruptly stopping when he heard you shift in bed. He bit his lip as he turned around and let out a sigh of relief when he saw you still sleeping.
He opened the book to the page where the magic circle was drawn, he held it up above his head before turning to look at the circle he had drawn. Perfect.
Next step is to get you onto the circle. His feet were light as he made his way over to you. He carefully peeled the blanket back, hands slipping under your knees and behind your back before slowly lifting you up. He ever so slowly made his way over to the circle, holding his breath each time you would wiggle a little in his arms.
“Stay still for me” He whispered as he placed you in the centre of the circle. He grabbed the knife that was still in the bowl before straddling your wait, bottom pair of arms holding your arms above your head. He couldn’t have you thrashing around too much, you’d hurt yourself.
He lifted the knife above his head, taking in a deep breath before forcing through your skin right into your heart. The shock jolted you awake, not fully comprehending what was happening it all seemed like a blur, looking down you saw the handle of the knife protruding out of your chest, Jungkook chanting something you couldn’t understand, and an insatiable pain shooting through your body.
You began to squirm, trying to kick Jungkook off of you, crying at him to get off. “Jungkook what is going on” you grunted as he pinned your arms harder against the floor, “Stop it” you thrashed about, but he wouldn’t budge. As his chanting got louder so did the pain that was piercing through your body, you let out a loud cry, begging him to stop. The candles in the room seemed to grow brighter, and the floor beneath your back felt like it was ablaze.
And then it all stopped.
Your breathing came out in large huffs as the room went dark, tears slipping down your face from the pain, mouth wide open. It was silent for a moment before Jungkook grabbed the handle of the knife, pulling it from your chest. He laid a kiss on your forehead, “Sleep now, you won’t know any of this happened”
You don’t hear what he says, chest throbbing as you feel your own blood pour from your chest. Blankly staring up at the ceiling you close your eyes in hopes to escape whatever messed up reality you had woken up in.
Tears ran down Jungkook’s face as his eyes adjusted to the dark room, the moonlight shining onto the two of you. He thought you looked pretty like this, blissed out in sleep, serene with no worries in the world. He could only hope that you would wake up again and that he was successful in his first attempt to keep you by his side.
He laid down next to you, arms over your body as he held you close, closing his eyes.
D-3 Jungkook knocked on Taehyung’s door the moment the sun had started to rise. He still had blood on his sleeves, hands in worse shape from the cut that was still healing. His foot tapped against the floor impatiently as he banged a hand against the door again.
Taehyung sluggishly opened the door, eyes widening at the state Jungkook was in. Tear-stained cheeks, eyes red and puffy and his clothes covered in blood.
“What happened?” Taehyung croaked out, letting out a dry cough. Heaving for breath. Jungkook noticed he didn’t look too well, body shaking a little as he used the door frame to help him stand.
“Tae” Jungkook reached forward, engulfing his friend in a hug, “You-“ he choked out a sob.
“I’m fine Kook. What happened to you?” he wrapped his arm around the demon’s torso, eyes brimming with tears, because he didn’t know if he would be okay. They didn’t have the correct medicine to fight off whatever disease he may have contracted, he could only hope his body wouldn’t give up on him.
“Y/n she- what if she hates me?” Jungkook grabs his hair in frustration.
“What have you done?” Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s cheeks, eyes wide in worry but his friend wouldn’t look into his eyes.
Taehyung shouldered Jungkook out of the way when Jungkook didn’t reply, he quickly made his way over to your room. He knocked on the door, but didn’t get a reply, he started to cough again, limbs burning “She’s not in there” he heard Jungkook’s voice say from behind him and before he could think where you could be, the demon rushed to block the entrance of his own bedroom.
“Jungkook?” His steps were close behind Jungkook who just shook his head.
“You can’t go in” he told Taehyung, finally taking a moment to look at the condition of his friend.
His eyes looked sunken, skin turning an ashy grey as his breaths came out in harsh puffs. “Taehyung you’re ill you should sit down”
“Not before you let me see what happened” his tone was firm, Jungkook gulped shaking his head.
“Open the door Jungkook, what have you done to her?” he grabbed his friend’s forearms, the adrenaline pumping through his system helping him pull Jungkook away from the door before harshly shoving the door open.
His heart sank at the sight, eyes trailing over the room. He first spotted the blood drawn circle on the floor in-front of his feet. His eyes watered at the sight, before his head turned to look at the bed where you were messily placed. Bile rose in his throat at the sight of you, pyjamas soaked in what he assumed to be a mix of yours and Jungkook’s blood. He tripped over his own feet, hands shaking as he knelt down beside you.
“Jungkook what have you done?” he whispers as his tears began to fall. He bent down, head resting on your chest searching for a heartbeat. His hand grabbed your wrist as he kept his head on your chest, trying to find a pulse. His breathing came out shaky, as he listened.
“I can feel a pulse” he lifts his head, eyes staring down at the serene look on you face. His hand brushed some of your hair out of your face, a sad smile on his face. He heard a thump behind him, he turned around to see Jungkook kneeling on the floor, head in his hands.
“Thank you” Jungkook muttered to himself as he rocked back and forth a little, eyes trailing to look over at Taehyung who had your face in his hands.
Taehyung leaned his head against the wall, coughing loudly. He looked down at the hand he used to cover his mouth only to see blood.
D-2 the rest of yesterday was spent with Jungkook, and Taehyung sat on opposite sides of the room, Taehyung with his head in his knees and Jungkook with his legs crossed staring into space.
That morning Taehyung had woken up with his skin moulding like he had seen Jimin’s two day’s prior when he visited the village. His flesh dark and itchy as it clawed its way up his body. His cough only got worse, each time coughing up more blood than the last. The virus had been eating away at his organs, slowly making its way to his heart. It hurt whenever he tried to breathe. His insides starting to feel like liquid fire. He couldn’t stomach any food, and no matter how much he drank the feeling of dehydration wouldn’t go away.
“Taehyung please go and lay down” Jungkook looked up at Taehyung who shook his head.
“Not when she’s like this, don’t make me leave” Taehyung whispered, his body couldn’t really do much more than that, his chest heaving.
Jungkook’s gaze moved between the two of you, worried Taehyung would tip and faint any moment, and you to check if you were still breathing, the shallow rise and fall of your chest reassuring him that you were still alive.
The atmosphere of the room was gloomy, air musty, the only sound being to harsh winter wind rattling to door every now and then. Occasionally Taehyung would cough and wheeze, Jungkook watching him from the other side of the room.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have made you go to the village. I fucked up” Jungkook spoke up that afternoon breaking the solemn silence of the room.
“Don’t be sorry. I should have left when I noticed something was wrong” he sadly smiles.
“You’ll be okay, I know you will. Right?” Jungkook asked eyes brimming with tears, he wasn’t sure who he was trying to reassure more, himself or Taehyung.
“I’ll be okay” Taehyung whispered, head tipping back to lean against the wall.
it was this day when Taehyung knew he was dying.
He wasn’t sure how long he had left. It didn’t feel like long, and a lone tear escaped his eye.
“Kook?” he called out, Jungkook’s shallow eyes met his friends, humming to let him know he was listening.
“Can you go and get my paintbrushes and paper? I don’t think I can get up anymore” he looked down at his bare legs, biting his lip at how bad it looked and how painful it felt.
Jungkook looked over at you before he nodded, standing up, dragging his feet out of his room.
Taehyung looked over at you, a hand coming to run over his face at the situation he was in. As selfish as it seemed, he was happy he wouldn’t be dying alone. Even if you were unconscious, you’d still be beside him during his last breath. He wanted to paint once more before he died, get to feel the passion he has for art once more before he was gone. He wanted to leave something special that he can be remembered by even when he wasn’t there.
When Jungkook arrived back to his room, he carefully placed all of Taehyung’s art supplies in-front of him. He willed his body to cooperate as he scooted forward to sit beside you. Taking a moment to think about what he wated to paint. He smiled down at the paper when an idea formed in his head, dipping the brush into the ink.
“What’s that?” he had asked one morning, you were practicing writing again, but it seemed your mind hand wandered. He looked at the small drawing at the corner of the page.
“An angel” you had told him, looking up and smiling.
“An angel?”
“Yeah, do you ever wish you were someone else, Taehyung?” you asked him, and it took a moment before he replied.
“No, I don’t think I have” he sat beside you, watching as you started practicing again, “do you?” he asked after a beat of silence.
“Wish I was someone else?” you tilted your head and he nodded. You pointed at the drawing at the corner of your page, and his eyes met your own briefly before looking back at the drawing. “I want to be free, no more suffering, no sadness, and I could watch over the people I love the most”
And from then, you were his angel.
Taehyung hopes he’s reborn as an angel, that way he can look over you and Jungkook for the rest of your lives. Maybe he could meet you up in the sky when you decide to join him one day.
Jungkook watched Taehyung paint, watched as he occasionally looked over at you, smiling before looking back at the page. He could see the raw emotion in his eyes as his hands worked elegantly.
Taehyung thinks this is his favourite painting he’s ever created. An angel overlooking what looked like the hanok you three lived in. If you looked closely enough, you’d see the silhouette of a girl, looking up at the starry night sky with a certain four-armed demon sat on the porch of the hanok in-front of her. He’d like to think the angel would gift her the stars as she longingly looked at the sky each night.
He fell backwards and looked at the ceiling, a smile on his face as his body began to stop working. Disease finally taking over his organs. His heart began to slow as his eyes began to slowly close. He thinks he heard Jungkook kneels down beside him and shake his body, but everything felt numb, felt like he was submerged in water, so he wasn’t sure. Whatever Jungkook was saying was muffled, he made out a choked ‘I love you’. And he thought that maybe this was okay, as he replayed the memories he had formed with his new small family. It was a shame he couldn’t travel with you anymore, all the dreams he had of growing old together no longer a possibility.
He loved Jungkook, and he loved you more than either of you would ever get to know.
And so, his final message was at the bottom of the page: For my angel, from an angel. My Y/n.
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
Fic Faves | Prince AUs - Jimin
Based on a recent ask for a Prince Jimin fic rec. I must admit I have favorites AUs per member (like werewolf Jungkook, mafia Yoongi, CEO/Pres Namjoon, etc). I guess for Jimin, I have this obsession with him as a prince 🥰.
Fics are sectioned into:  Prince/King Jimin or Princess/Queen!OC
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💌  This was only made possible because someone took the time to plan, write and share these Prince Jimin imagines with us. So all credits go to our dear authors! If you’re a reader like me who enjoyed the fics, please reblog the fics or leave a positive comment 🥰.
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Please note that most of the fics are mature. Minors please DNI. Check the tags/warnings per fic too.
S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
Note: if link to fic doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist.
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Prince/King Jimin
A Love in a Bloom @xiaokoo​ - drabble | 494 | Prince Jimin, Mute!Reader, Little Mermaid AU-ish | F
Beholden @kpopfanfictrash​ - one shot | 4.4k | Queen!OC who got proposed to by a king from another land, King’s royal advisor (? or staff? he proposes on behalf of the King) | S
Best of Me @therealmintedmango​ - series [9/9] | 23k | Prince!Jimin x Dancer!Reader x Assistant!Taehyung (also his bestfriend), Medieval AU, Historical (Korean setting), poly but without the smut  | A, F
Blood to Spare @yoon-kooks​ - one shot | 6.7k | Prince!Jimin x Knight!Reader, Jimin’s “date” to the royal ball, forbidden love, some action | A, S
Blue Blood @joonbird​ - one shot | 26k | Royal Guard!Reader tasked to train the Prince before coronation, forbidden love, royalty au | S, A, F
Charity @inkjam-moon​ - one shot | 16.1k | Crown Prince Jimin, Maid!OC, modern royalty, secret identity (disguise), some karaoke moment | F, S, A
Crowned @yoon-ing​ - one shot | 11.7k | modern royalty, suddenly informed he’s part of the royal blood, lost prince type, some mystery (Kim Brothers were supposed to inherit the throne). Established relationship, it reminds me of a korean drama | A, F
Cygnet & Cinder @submissive-bangtan​ - two shot [2/2] | 25.2k | historical, thriller, action, Crown Prince Jimin as fencing trainee, secret relationship, Part 2 is two years after Cygnet, sub!jimin | S, A
Equinox @crystaljins​ - one shot | 7.2k | King of Spring, arranged marriage with Queen of Winter, feat annoying Queen of Summer | F
Full Moon and Arrows @bangtiddies​ - one shot | 3.1k | Fantasy, Crown Prince Jimin, OC is a warrior/archer (D&D and Inuyasha-inspired), secret identity (Jimin doesn’t know her full background) until the enemies appeared (expect a bit of action with some bandits) | A, F
His Throne @jiminsa​ - series [3/3] | 17.5k | Prince x Maid, secret relationship, friends with benefits (kind of), unrequited love (for OC in the beginning), Jimin to be engaged with some princess (so there are themes of infidelity) | S (lots), A (but very angsty too), F
Ice Burn @gguksgalaxy​ - one shot (but potential for Part 2) | 5.1K | Cold King Jimin (Ice Kingdom) x upbeat (kind of unorthodox) Queen, childhood friend, OC learning sword fighting, Supernatural (shamans, spirited knights/people, etc), political discussions (it’s not heavy but very interesting) | A, S, F
Induratize @hobiwonder​ - series [5/?] | 31k+ | kind of enemies to lovers (rival royal families), Prince!Jimin x Princess!Reader, Arranged Marriage, Tsundere Jimin x sweet OC combination, Royalty AU, some political games (by the King, Jimin’s Dad) | A, eventual S, F 02 03 04 05
Limitless @kimvtae​ - one shot | 10.3k | soulmate au, reincarnation, cursed (destined to meet soulmate!oc but never be able to touch her), royalty au (prince), eventually college au, idol au (reincationation themes), ending open to interpretation | A, implied S
Luce in Altis @seoulnotes​ - series [10/?] | 45.1k+ | Royalty AU, Two Kings, half-brother Taehyung/Jimin, fantasy, who is the true evil king type of scenario, romance, drama | A
Make It Right @moononthejoon​ - one shot | 12.4k | pre-modern period, historical au, King Jimin, part of a historical series | s, f, a
Pick Pocketing the Crown Jewels @glassbangtan​ - one shot | 10.5k | thug!OC who eventually becomes Prince Jimin’s trainer (in secret) | A, F
Silk and Lace @sunshyngal​ - series [11/?]  | 38k+  | OC is ex-fiancee of Crown Prince Jimin, CEO!Jimin, cam girl! OC, secret identity | S, A, F  
02 03 04 05 06 07 08.09 10 11
The Little Mermaid @guksthighs​ - one shot | 10.1k | Little Mermaid AU, fairy tale AU, royalty, mermaid!OC | S, F, A
Thief @shamrocklore​ - series [11/11] | 34k | Arranged Marriage (through raffling system), Fantasy AU, sort of Assassin!Reader, “prince!au where you are trying to help kill prince jimin, despite the fact that you are his future wife” | A, F
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 epilogue
Touched by a Fallen Star @cutaepatootie​ - one shot | 37.2k | Prince Jimin, part of Tales of Greyria, childhood friends au (started out as children), fantasy, mystery (OC’s identity), star-crossed lovers, some action, very fairy tale-ish and I love it | A, slight S, F (but this is an angst-heavy fic)
Weight @augustbutwinter​ - drabble | 1k | newly coronated King, star-crossed, childhood friends | A (so this is really angsty but so beautifully written 😭)
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Princess/Queen x Jimin
A Kiss of Poison @jimlingss​ - one shot | 39.2k | fairy tale au (Beauty and the Beast. Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent, a bit of Hansel & Gretel, Little Mermaid,etc), cursed au, OC is a princess who “inherits” the curse from a witch, engaged to Prince Jungkook, childhood friend Jimin, fantasy | A, slight F
Blackthorn Creek  @randombtsprincessa​ - one shot | 24k | Beauty and the Beast AU, Princess!OC (but cursed, she’s the Beast in the story), Fantasy AU, Curse AU, feat other members as the cursed objects (lol like Seokjin as the candleholder, etc) | A, F, S
Burning Bridges @drowsymochi​ - one shot | 5.7k | Princess!OC, bad boy!Jimin, enemies to lovers, Jimin is the Palace Chef’s son, Assassin!Jimin, open ending(?) | A
Let the Dead Weep @cinnaminsvga - one shot | 5.6k | royal guard!jimin, princess!reader, cold-hearted Jimin, feat Prince!Jungkook (arranged marriage), a love that can not be 😭 | A (extra angst)
Princess of the Hills @joonfxction​ - one shot | 8.7k | commoner!jimin, princess!reader, feat emperor!taehyung | A, F, S (this is more on angst than fluff 😭)
The Only Way @ethertae​ - one shot | 10.6k | historical au, renaissance au, princess!oc, guard!jimin, childhood friends au, OC engaged to Taehyung,  angsty ending | A, S, slight F
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Though I put it under Royalty AUs, I realize I haven’t included fics where he’s the knight or some other royal character (and OC is not a Princess/Queen)
Doesn’t include AO3 fic rec (except for realmintedmango since it’s the link provided on their blog)
I didn’t include fics I really love but discontinued (like Majesty by tayegi, but you can check the fic here; I just assumed it’s discontinued 😁)
I usually update this when I encounter new fics! =)
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🌷 I love to read so feel free to recommend a fic =) 🌷 posted: 2021 July 16 | updated: 🌷 other fic recs lists
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sugarliciousbaby · 7 years
🕸7 Deadly Sins🕸
[all cr. to owner]
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vinetae · 3 years
Lifetime Lovers
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Pairing: demon sin!jimin x (unknowing)Angel!reader
Genre: Fantasy!au, Angel!au, smut (18+)
Summary: The seven sins accept the terms in keeping the demon world and human world at bay. As a payment, they all each get their own angels. The only catch? The angels choose you.
Word Count: 2.7k
Warning(s): Greek gods and goddesses, Alcohol usage, Demons prowling reader, Evil spirits, f.masterbation, Vulgar language.
A/N: I've been having this idea stirring in my head for quite some time now, so i decided hey why not make it into a fanfic? So- here ya go. (Warning, extremely cringe smut writing ahead)
Many eons ago, the world was split into two kinds. Good and evil. When the almighty Zeus had instructed the rest of the Greek gods and goddesses to rule over a certain emotions or necessity to the world we now call earth, Zeus had seven emoti-sins left. Gluttony, Greed, sloth, Envy, Wrath, Pride, and of course, Lust.
While the seven emot-sins had were granted their tasks, Zeus had set up a deal with the heavens and hell. The were each allowed to one angel of their choosing. There was just one catch. The angel has to choose you.
"quiet quiet everyone!" Zeus announces sharply to simmer the burning talks and whispers.
"Can you believe it?? Angels! are coming down here! Here!!" One of the Gods spoke among his peers. Another, walks lavishly towards the 'men' so to say.
"Well obviously there not going to be prettier than me." The lavish woman takes a sip from her glass, the sensation burns her throat.
"Of course they would be, Dionysus! They're literal angels." They all swoon over their imaginations of what the new-comers would be like. Dionysus turns on her very tall heel, huffing at such ignorance from the lowly gods.
"Well obviously there not going to be prettier than me." She huffs, rolling her eyes to the back of her head.
The two men ignore her cry for attention, going back to the previous discussion. "I wonder if they'll have a spare one!" One of the men punches his shoulder, he yelps out from the blow. "Zeus would never let you have one, stupid! They're only for the 'higher-ups'." The man uses quotation marks to get his point across.
"Well I've been working hard and i-" Before he could get out the last syllabus, they all glance over to the seven sins in waiting. Each looking more distraught than the last. a certain chime rings through the air, as several different white dusts of light comes\funneling down softly onto the light fluffy clouds that held everyone.
"They're here!!" One apprentice announces. Zeus stands from his thrown, bowing to each of the individuals. A small, golden-haired woman stands high upon the bou. Her hair tousled and curled to frame her face. A white, glistening shadow creeps behind her, with such elegance.
"I am Corsecerea. These, are my humble sisters. The seven sins, please. Step forwards and announce yourself." A tall, slim looking man emerges from the crowd. He wears a long, overflowing gown that wraps around his accentuated waist. The color purple and pink embrioded into his attire.
"Name, Along with your human identity." the angel presses.
"Hubris. Ruler of pride. Kim Namjoon." The crowd gasps, knowing how much power they could easily have over anyone in the room. The sins all had to be wearing Anklets to keep their emotions in check. Without them, they would not be allowed to board the heavens, and therefore would not get their angels. A small smile presses the corner of the revealed angel. The next one comes when called. She crosses her arms against her benevolently peaking breasts.
"Name" the one second in line bows down, then peaks up.
"Midas. Ruler of greed. Kim Seokjin." he smirks, looking around at all of the puny gods. The third is called upon. He does the same routine.
"state your name" She orders.
"Lyssa. Ruler of Wrath. Min Yoongi." She lets out a small hum of approval, and moves onto the next sin. The fourth one has a different aura to him. No defined color. Almost seems...
"Aergia. Ruler of Sloth. Jung Hoseok." He backs up, letting the others take their turns. There's only a few more to go.
"wait, there's one missing!" One person yells from the crowd. The ceremony halts.
"Who??" They all look around, seeing one spot not being taken up. Each god quickly runs over fighting tooth and nail for the tiny space. Zeus stands from his thrown one more, silencing all of the participants.
"QUIET!" Everyone freezes, not daring to move.
A black and deep red smoke fills the air around, quieting the person who had asked a previous person. There, a man sits atop the small arched-way, eating a small, shiny, red apple. A smirks tugs his lips, a swing of his left leg crossed over the other, as he jumps down, walking confidentially over to the unrevealed angels.
"Eros! what took you so long!?" TThe sin turns to Zeus, smiling.
"I come when I want to~" he stifles a laugh from his own joke.
"Come on your own time boy, you've got an angel to meet!"
He tosses the apple over the side, as it rolls off of the withheld clouds, onto the soon-to-be mother earth. He walks up to the unseen angels, walking by once, lightly dragging his index finger across their bosoms. None seeming to have caught his eyes. Until a smirk appears on his lips when he stops at one.
"Hello, Agapi~"
"Y/n!" You turn over, covering your face to protect it from the bright early morning rays.
"Y/n! get up it's time for school!" Your eyes roll to the back of your head, as you sluggishly stand up, crossing paths over to your mirror. Your hair in a heap of tangles, morning breath very noticable, while the shirt you previous had gone to sleep in, now twisted all around your torso, revealing a small sliver of skin. The cold morning air brushes past your skin, dancing delicately, then moving away to go tease some others.
"Now, to find X in this problem we would need to combine like terms, thus creating a new problem below the first-"
The teacher's common voice drags lazily through one ear and out the other. Your eyes flutter closed while listening to the soft humming of the air conditioner turning on and off every once in a while. You've never been able to get to sleep so easily. Each night, you toss and turn, while feeling something staring at you from the corner of your room. Even as a kid, you always tried to stay awake in hopes the monster would just leave you alone. That's why you had looked like shit this morning. It took five hours to finally get the much needed shut eye. Until your mother had called you from the office saying it was time for school.
"Y/n. Mrs. Y/n!" A bunch of ooo's filled the room. You sit up, having a pencil stuck to your cheek. You, being met with the teacher's disapproved eyes.
"Principal's office, y/n. Maybe this will teach you to not fall asleep during lectures." You silently groan, while grabbing your backpack, making your way down to the hall. Each step taking more and more energy than before. It seemed like the older you got, the more tired you become. The room starts going fuzzy, then clear. It repeats it all too well.
"y/n-" a hallowed voice echoes through the empty halls. You look around, seeing nobody in sight.
"w..what?" You can see the small outline of a shadow infront of you. "Leave me a-alone!" you swing frantically at the air. A familiar voice clears your head. You look over, seeing the principal with her arms crosses against her chest. The big bun she accessorizes with tiny butterfly clips to seem 'cool' stares at you.
"In my office, y/n."
"What is going on y/n? it seems like everyday i see you here." She leans towards me, while evening out a stack of papers next to the picture frame she has. No one believes me.
"You won't believe me." You huff.
"Try me." She retorts. I lean close up to her face, being able to smell what she had for lunch earlier. "I hear a voice." She backs away, and chuckles.
"Well obviously. Your teacher is trying to do his jo-" I cut her off.
"No. Not his voice. A weird voice." She sends me a confused expression. "And...what does the..voice..say?" I look down, remembering all the things I hear the voice has said throughout the years.
"No no no don't do that! You're suppose to lift your picky up, and take a sip. Like from SpongeBob! Oh. You don't watch SpongeBob? Okay. Just act like you're very very fancy!" He laughs, while holding out his picky to take a sip.
"Like this?" I nod, smiling while pouring more tea.
"Y/n! Come down for breakfast!" I pout, seeing him starting to fade.
"Can my friend come too mommy??" yell back. You hear her let out a small chuckle. You look back, seeing the man now disappear. A sigh leaves your lips, as you pick up your small teddy, walking down into the kitchen.
"X would be the factor...no..Y would be the interceptive-" you had been going at your work for more than an hour now. "Ugh! Stupid y/n! Why can't you get it right?!".
"You're doing great, Agapi~"A shiver flows down your body.
"what does that even mean?? Sounds like I gotta pee-" a small chuckle circles the empty room. You never did think the 'monster' was ever really a monster. You always thought it was some sort of soul that had unfinished business to do. To be fair, your house was pretty old. The floors always creek when nobody is home, and things fall off the shelves all the time. Knowing you were never going to get this project finished on time, you decide to shut down your laptop, running to get some other clothes on.
There was a certain ice cream cart that had taken it's stand right next to your house a few years back. The family was a small-owned business. The old rickety sign hangs from the red and blue cart top. The chilling air emits from the cooler to keep the ice cream..well, icy. You had always snuck off here to get away from life's troubling attacks.
A sigh leaves your lips, as you look up to the darkening sky. If only you hadn't been given this curse. The shadows, voices, echoes follows you through each night. Creepily stalking you while in slumber. You, not daring to ever leave a light turned off, fearing for the safety of your mind. The hours spent with a flashlight under your bed, while the noises crawl around your small, little space. Knocking things over in frustration. Soft, familiar tunes clears your mind. All the fun times you've had with your friend is being revealed. The light scent of vanilla, cherry blossoms, and peppermint fills the air. Small rocks from your old bedroom rocking chair creaks back and forth. Men and women with wings, surround several men, and several heavenly figures appears on pedestals. Wait, what?
You lean against the counter, the stench of drunkies and alcohol fills your senses. The light clicking of noises over the loud music rings a bell in your ears.
"Can I get you anything else, ma'am?" A voices calls to you. You look up with dead eyes, knowing it'd be a bad idea to get another drink. You push away the logic. Tonight was your night. You only turn 21 once, right? A small chuckles rolls off your tounge. You slide your drink over to the waiting bartender.
"Another naked woman, please" he nods, walking away to prepare your order.
"that'd make two of you" A strange voices retorts. A small, but prowess looking man sits in the chair beside yours. Black hair falls perfectly right infront of his chocolate brown eyes. A black, sheer suit delicately wraps around his small figure. A smirk presses his lips. He makes a peace sign to the bartender who had noticed the stranger man.
You chuckle, rolling your eyes at his comment.
"What's a lovely little thing like yourself doing around here?~" You drunkily stifle a mocking laugh.
"Listen man, I don't know what kind of shit you're planning to pull, but do yourself a favor and go find someone else to bother. I'm busy" You reach down to your glasses, downing it in three goes. He lets out a small chuckle, bring his drink against his plump lips. The surrounding now drastically changing. He was every bit of sexy. His thighs spread just enough to balance out his weight, while a prominent tent appears just in-between. Flutters of his eyelashes wine with strand of his hair. Sweat dripping down the side of his neck, before rolling into the seam of his button up white shirt.
"Fuck-" you let out a small comment towards his appeal. Chuckling, he takes another sip of his beach paradise, while settling down a few dollars to thank the man for his service.
"What was that, love?" You didn't know where this sweet, alluring aura was coming from, but you knew damn well what it might get you into. You settle down the payment for the tender, and snatch your purse, about to make your out of the lust-filled area when a hand slowly drags itself upon your inner thigh, encouraging you to take back your seat. You abide, for some reason. You take your previous seat, wandering your eyes all around the reflective glass of his.
"Come on, Agapi. Stay awhile~ I'll buy" His words were like sweets to a cavity. You knew it hurt to do, but it tasted so damn good. But, something had caught your ear.
"what'd you just say?" He tilts his head, wondering what you're onto.
"I'll buy"
"no." you pause.
"Go back."
"come on?" you roll your eyes.
"After" he pretends to think for a minute, scratching the slight stumble upon his innocent-doll face.
"stay a while?" You huff, crossing your arms.
"Forget it." He leans closer, turning your chair to meet with his eyes.
"If you've got something to say, then say it, darling. I'm not waiting all night." His iris fills with a certain look. The air becomes very thin, even more so than before. Your faces had just been millimeters away from the breaking of your will.
"I-..you said something that I've heard before." he chuckles, and leans back, pressing the glass to his lips, a slight drip runs down the corner of his mouth. You'd never seen anything so fucking sexy in your whole entire life. You scoot closer, as he turns his gaze towards your, questioning why you're so close. You land your lips gently to meeting of his mouth, swirling your tounge around gently, tasting the sting of his alcohol mixed with your own. You can feel a smirk pull at his lips, as he wraps his arms around the dips of your waist, pulling your closer to his body. Your tounges, now having found one another, doing a delicate but intoxicated dance with each other.
Lips fighting against one another, to see who'll win the battle. Although, you're not really sure of the prize. You grip the collar of his shirt, taking your sweet time to undo a few of his buttons or two. He places his hands gently at your hips, giving them a light squeeze before running his digits all along the revealed skin. You had worn a basic, black dress with slits at the sides, that had tied in the front.
Nothing too fancy, you hadn't been expecting to meet such an attractive man at the bar anyways. Your mouths match the rhythm of the music, slowly down once the crowd had settled. Breaths of hot air brush past your ear, as he bites the lobe gently, lightly sucking on the skin, before pulling away. Confused and clearly frustrated you lean back in to resume the session, assuming he had just accidentally stopped. He leans back, refusing to go any further. Sliding his drink over to your side, he quickly stands up, fixing the buttons you had previously undone, thinking tonight was going somewhere. And just as fast as he had walked up, he left. The only thing he left behind is a half empty shot glass.
"Oh fuck~" Slight squelching noises fills the atmosphere. Moans erupt from your throat, as you throw your head back against the headboard. Your fingers working harshly against your bud, while grinding your hips up into thin air. Everything was almost too much. keyword: almost. It wasn't long before your were almost at your finale. You take in a deep breath, preparing to make a sound louder than thunder when a hand suddenly stops your motions.
"What did I tell you about pleasuring yourself, hmm?" he leans down, to whisper gently in your ear.
"You only cum when I say you do."
Other Chapters: 2 3 4
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petiteyoon · 4 years
Bunny Ears ~ masterlist
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-> pairing: rapper!yoongi x camboy!jungkook
-> fic type: social media au
-> genre: crack, angst, smut (later)
-> warnings: swearing, mature themes, mentions of alcohol
-> plot: Yoongi uses masturbation as stress relief and he has a favorite camboy: bunnybun. Everything's fine until Hoseok mistakenly exposes him for this.
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🐰00: yoongi / jungkook (profiles)
🐰01: that's being bros
🐰02: fluffy pillow lips || 02+: bonus
🐰03: jimin's evil spirits
🐰04: assholes go to hell
🐰05: it's always the quiet ones
🐰06: bunny boy has a boyfriend?
🐰07: we're not friends
🐰08: that's a bit fucked up
🐰09: he's not even that cute
🐰10: 100% brat tamer | [M]✍
🐰11: accept this ass
🐰12: study date
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Namjin Fic Rec 9
Shoujo Hero X Shoujo Hero by metastacia
before things come together by brightlight
Namjoon didn't expect to run into the TA from his philosophy class at the gay bar Taehyung and Jimin drag him to, he really didn't expect him to look this nice outside of class, and he really, really didn't expect to have a crush on him.
It's going to be an interesting semester.
skin and bone by metastacia
They say time heals everything, but Seokjin thinks that's bullshit and will tear through the fabric of time itself to find out why he was given such a shitty quirk, and why everyone else seems to have the upper hand.
with this ring, i give you my heart (and my forever, too) by yururin
With his arms wrapped around Joonie, head resting on his shoulder (like how they always do—Jungkook likes seeing them like that), he smiled up at Jungkook.
“You give a ring to the person you love, Jungkookie. You give it to the person you want to be with forever,” his Papa said softly, like each word he uttered was a secret, and Jungkook found himself leaning in to take in every word.
The Shaman and the Exorcist by metastacia
Seokjin doesn't believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he's kind of a big deal at his university; he's a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn't remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money.
Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can expel them. But there's a certain phoney shaman at his university who's stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he's not happy about it because haunted people pay good money.
So, what do they do? Figure out whose closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
Awake by saengie , YeonAh
Namjoon transfers to the Recovery Center to look after an illusionist, a teleporter, a wolf, a wraith, and 8 other ex-patients/experiments of a destroyed scientific facility. He probably should have stayed in Seoul. 
aka the AU where Jimin is an involuntary exhibitionist, Jin makes people see things, Taehyung wants to go home, Yoongi has a tail, and Jungkook and Hoseok are the unlucky neighbors.
FIC REC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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canarygirl1017 · 4 years
Ghosted Chapter 2
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Pairing: Reader / Jungkook, Reader / Taehyung (past relationship, friends to lovers to friends)
Genre:  College!au, fluff, angst, supernatural drama, smut, friends to lovers, emotional trauma, hurt/comfort
Length:  9, 806k words
Warnings:  language, episodes of anxiety, panic attacks, sexual themes in later chapters.
Summary:  Living in a world full of things only you have the ability to see, growing up with Jungkook has been your island amidst the chaos. But when your best friend makes an impossible request, your friendship is fractured, and your sudden decision to cut ties and move abroad changes everything. Three years later, Jungkook is thriving at university as he begins his junior year. He’s a star athlete, member of a popular fraternity, and every girl’s ideal boyfriend. He tells himself that he’s long forgotten you and the friendship he never had a chance to mend – that is, until you show up on campus as a transfer student with new friends in tow. It’s been three years, and everything has changed, but the biggest change is you. Your new found determination to use your abilities to help the ghosts you used to live in fear of, no matter how dangerous it might be, makes Jungkook fear he’ll lose you before he has a chance to fix what he broke. College AU. 
Disclaimer: Just for funsies, I don’t believe in real-life shipping. But I like to write, and I like fandom, so here we are. Please do not duplicate this work or repost anywhere else without permission.
Read Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Gettis University, and the surrounding town, were as full of creepy feelings and shadows as you’d expected. The strong presence of the otherworld could be felt as soon as you got within a couple of miles of the city limits, and the hot spots you’d passed as you drove through town would likely test your abilities in ways they’d not been tested before.
You paused in the great room of the old house where you’d be living for the next two years. It was a Victorian style home and though light, bright and newly renovated, you’d already felt the presence of something that you’d need to run out before you all slept that night.
You turned when you heard Yeontan’s little nails tapping on the floor behind you. You scooped him up and buried your face in his soft, black and tan fur. “Hi baby. Did you have a good walk?”
“He did,” Taehyung said as he walked in. “It’s good that we have an enclosed garden out back, but he loves the park down the street, too.”
“This house is way too big for two people, Tae,” you said, your tone admonishing. “What are we even going to do with all this space?”
“Well, we need space to set up an office for Namjoon and Chloe, plus the paranormal group they’ve been in contact with here will probably be over. We need extra bedrooms for when my parents visit because now that we’re back in the country, they probably will. And it was the only house near campus that also has a guest house for Joon and Chloe to have their own space.”
“Well, I’ll leave it to you to figure out what you want to do with all these rooms,” you said, knowing he probably did have some kind of plan for them. He’d need an office for himself since he often worked late on photography and art projects, and he liked having a home gym. “I’m glad your mom arranged to have it furnished before we got here. We just need to move in our personal things.”
“Yeah, Joon is sorting boxes outside.” Taehyung closed his eyes and rolled his shoulders. “I’m kind of sensing something here. Dark spirit?”
“A weaker one, but yes,” you answered. “We’ll deal with it after we get Joon and Chloe set up, and then we’ll hang talismans.”
While Taehyung couldn’t see the things you saw, with the rare exception that a spirit was strong enough to break through the barrier of the otherworld, he was sensitive to their energy. It was something that had wreaked havoc in his life before he met you because he didn’t understand why he had such dark and negative feelings all the time. When he’d started getting into trouble and drinking too much, his parents had sent him to England to attend boarding school with his cousin.
You’d known as soon as you saw him that he could feel the spirits that hung around him even if he didn’t know what they were. And so, one day after classes, you gave him one of your talismans and told him that he’d sleep better if he put it next to his pillow. You could tell by his raised brows that he thought you were kind of crazy, but he’d fallen asleep looking at it that night and finally slept better than he had in years.
At first, it had been weird to talk to someone other than Jungkook and Mrs. Kim about your abilities. You kept expecting him to think you were nuts and exit stage left because even your own mother had never believed you. But Taehyung never thought you were crazy. Even when you started exploring your abilities, looking into the resources you’d gotten from Mrs. Kim, and making contact with others whose work lay in the paranormal realm, he’d never acted like you were a burden, and he’d never abandoned you. His support had given you the strength to keep going on an increasingly scary and dangerous path.
While your academic focus was English literature and linguistics, Taehyung was most interested in art, photography and art history. Taehyung’s parents had expected him to return to California and perhaps study art at Berkeley or apply to NYU’s fine arts program. Instead, he’d followed you to Oxford when you were both accepted.
You had the support of a team now as well. During your Oxford years, you’d met Namjoon, a grad student who had been doing research on paranormal abilities as an unsanctioned side project while also studying experimental psychology. His girlfriend, Chloe, had a background in engineering and computer science and a similar interest in recording paranormal activity.
With their help and that of Mrs. Kim, with whom you’d remained in touch, you’d gradually built a network of contacts – people who were able to see the otherworld as you did, sensitives like Taehyung, and those who sought to understand the paranormal world. One of Mrs. Kim’s contacts, an elderly Chinese man named Mr. Lu, also had the ability to use Taoist amulets to banish spirits.
And not just spirits – you’d been stunned to learn that demons also inhabited the otherworld. You finally had an explanation as to how the ghostly man in the library had hurt you that night. While the strongest of the ghosts in the otherworld could also harm you if they gathered enough energy, burning someone with a touch was the specialty of low-level demons.
You had worked hard for the past couple of years to hone your abilities. It was a surprise to find that many of the spirits who inhabited the otherworld were harmless. They neither sought out human contact nor attempted to cause harm; they merely drifted in the remnants of a world that felt familiar to them, or they sought comfort by occasionally observing loved ones who remained among the living.
Some were nuisance ghosts who enjoyed playing pranks, but they were quite easily dealt with and did little to cause lasting damage. A small percentage fell into the realm of dark spirits – vengeance ghosts who were still angry at their manner of passing were some of the strongest ghosts and could pose real danger to people. Similarly, places that had seen evil acts committed, or mass deaths, were often portals of darkness which attracted demons and dark spirits alike.
Aided by Mr. Lu, you discovered that you had untapped potential to help spirits cross over to the light, as well as the power to harness dark spirits and banish them from the otherworld. Demons were trickier, but you were getting better at dealing with them. It had taken you time to recognize the power you held, but as you got older and it grew stronger, and as you became less afraid, you could feel it inside yourself – a little ball of light that you could coax forward and wield at will.
Learning to wield that power had not come easily. The burn mark on your arm wasn’t the only scar you carried on your body now either; you glanced down and traced the long, jagged mark that ran the length of your left arm from your inner elbow to your wrist. Strong fingers suddenly clasped yours and you looked up to see Taehyung looking at you with worried eyes.
“You can still change your mind about this,” Taehyung said softly. “We both know that being here is dangerous for you. If your friend still cares about you, he wouldn’t want you doing this for him.”
“I’m not just doing this for him, Tae,” you said truthfully. “I’m doing this for me. Because I have regrets about how and why I left, and I can’t keep running away from my past. There’s Jungkook, yes, but also Jin, and Jimin, and Emmie and Robbie. My mom. I ran away from everyone, thinking I was better off alone, and they were better off without me. Now I have to consider how I can merge my old life with my new one, at least enough to repair those relationships.”
“And if you can’t?”
“Then at least I’ll know I tried,” you said with a smile. “I know I can’t go back to how things were, but maybe there’s a way forward.”
Taehyung suddenly pulled you close, wrapping his arms around both you and Yeontan. “You know I’ll help you any way I can.”
Leaning your head against his chest, you nodded. “I know. I just hope your parents don’t hate me for dragging you to yet another university where you never intended to enroll.” It was one of the best universities in the country, and it did have an excellent fine arts program, but it wasn’t even on Taehyung’s radar before you applied for transfer.
“Hey, my parents love you. They credit you for getting me on the straight and narrow path, and even though I told them we’re not dating anymore, I’m certain my mom is still planning our wedding.”
Taehyung’s parents were Hollywood A-listers. His mom had a long film career that had eventually transitioned to television, and she was the popular star of a long running cable drama. His father was an English filmmaker who’d won two Oscars and now spent most of his time on documentaries. Taehyung had no interest in acting or film, but with his fine boned features, dark wavy hair and almond shaped, deep brown eyes, he did a handful of modeling assignments every year that fueled his interest in photography and fashion.
You pulled back and kissed his cheek before lifting Yeontan to give him a lick, making him laugh. “Come on, we should go help Joon and Chloe sort boxes and get things set up. Then I need to have a chat with this little spirit lurking about the place.”
 You woke the next morning feeling refreshed after a deep, dreamless sleep. You and Tae had helped Joon and Chloe set up their equipment in the room designated for their office. Then you’d made up the beds and begun the arduous task of unpacking and organizing personal items. By the time the sun set, you’d been ready to tackle the dark spirit haunting the house.
Like most weak spirits, its energy grew as night fell, and you’d caught it at just the right time before it gathered enough energy to put up a real fight. Still, using your Taoist amulet drained your energy too, and you were exhausted by the time your dinner order arrived. The last task had been to hang talismans at centrally located windows and main entrances, both in the main house and in the guest house, concealing some among the curtains and hiding others behind the artwork that Taehyung’s mother had selected for the house.
Though you still thought the house was too large for you and Taehyung, you couldn’t deny you were happy to have a tranquil bedroom overlooking the garden, and you owed Tae’s mom a phone call to thank her for having it decorated in your favorite colors. The walls were the palest of lavender with cream trim, and the cream, padded headboard of the queen-sized bed dominated the far wall. The light purple of the silk duvet was accented with splashes of cream and sage, and the bed held an array of pillows in similar colors.
Dramatic, arching windows were draped in swathes of delicate cream fabric tied back to let in the light. Comfortable sage armchairs created a cozy reading nook in the corner, and a large area rug in an irregular but complementing color pattern covered the hardwood floor. She’d thoughtfully selected artwork for the walls – an abstract floral design here, a water landscape there. Considering the negative energy that you felt so strongly in town, you knew this space would go a long way towards helping you feel calm, focused and centered.
You’d been too tired the night before to take note of the spa-like retreat that was the adjoining bathroom. Its marble floors and tiles had been warmed up with sage accent colors and a teak wood double vanity, while a claw foot tub sat in front of the large window that faced the far mountains. You eyed the tub longingly before opting for a quick shower, enjoying the rainfall effect.
After drying your hair and applying light makeup, you put on a lemon-yellow sundress, a gossamer thin white cardigan, and clasped your gold locket around your neck. Then you selected the gold watch and earrings Tae had given you for your birthday the week before.
You had one suitcase left to unpack and set it on the bed to sort through its contents – mostly fall and winter clothes that it was still too hot to wear. You paused when you got to the bottom and saw the black hoodie. You’d found two of Jungkook’s hoodies in your room before you left for England. You left one of them in the box that you’d told Emmie to take to him when he returned from camp. The other, you’d thrown into your suitcase a few minutes before you left.
You remembered the night he gave it to you. A few weeks before Christmas during your sophomore year, Jimin’s parents had gone away for the weekend and as he always did when they were away, he threw a party. You were sixteen, and Jungkook had decided it was time to try beer.
Hauling his drunk ass home later that night was quite the experience.
You snorted with laughter as Jungkook stopped beneath a streetlight and did part of a girl group dance that Jimin had dared him to do earlier. But he’d forgotten part of it and had been stopping every few minutes on the way home, trying to remember.
“Damn it,” he said, frustrated as he shook his hips, arms up, and then paused. “Are you sure you don’t remember it?”
“Even if I did, I wouldn’t do it in front of Jimin’s drunk friends or here on the street,” you replied. You tugged his arm. “Come on, if we miss curfew your mom is going to kill us.”
“Nah, as long as we’re together, she doesn’t really worry. She knows we’ll take care of each other.”
“It seems like I’m the one doing the work tonight,” you said with a grunt as he leaned into you. “Geez, you are heavy.” Once he hit his growth spurt, making him nearly a head taller than you, he’d also started putting on muscle.
“But you love meeee,” he sang, spinning you in a circle.
You couldn’t help laughing even as you stumbled sideways again. “I think we need to sit and let you sober up a little. We still have about thirty minutes.” Since you were staying at Jungkook’s tonight, and you were only going to Jimin’s house, his mom had extended the curfew until midnight.
You’d reached the halfway point, a large park that connected your neighborhood to Jimin’s, so it wouldn’t take more than ten minutes to get home. The park was well lit and safe as well, rarely home to any spirits. You guided Jungkook over to the swings and helped him sit before sitting in the one next to him.
“Remember when I fell out of this swing?” Jungkook asked as he started swinging.
“Of course. You just had to get as high as possible and then jump.” He still had the mark on his cheek where he’d hit the ground. “Even when we were kids, you were never afraid of anything.”
“I am scared, sometimes,” he said after a moment.
“Really? Of what?”
“Of things that can hurt you. It’s the only thing I’m really scared of.”
You looked over at him to see him staring up at the sky, a lot more sober than he’d been a few minutes ago. “You never told me you were scared before.”
He scuffed his boots against the ground and then pushed off again. “I have this dream sometimes, or a nightmare, I guess. You’re in the water and something comes for you, and I can’t get to you in time.”
You had that nightmare too, which is why you never went near the water after your encounter with the water ghost. “I’m sorry.” It was the first time you’d realized that he was carrying the weight of your personal horrors, and you felt the guilt creeping in.
“It’s not your fault. I just wish I could take it away, you know? Like, I wish I could be the one to see them and you could be safe.”
“I wouldn’t wish that on you, though.” You twisted your swing sideways, back and forth, and then leaned back to look at the sky. The moon was almost full and very bright, and it reminded you of the moon in the storybook you’d read to Emmie earlier that evening.
“I love you to the moon and back,” you murmured, leaning back further.
“I knew you loved me,” Jungkook said, laughing.
“Funny. The moon made me think of that book I read to Emmie earlier.”
“Well, I love you. To the moon and back, and to Saturn and Jupiter, and back to the moon…”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, okay. I love you too, to the moon and back.” You shivered as you stood up, holding out your hand. “We should get going.”
Jungkook stood and unzipped his black hoodie. “Here, put this on. I’m getting kind of hot anyway.”
You pulled it on and zipped it up. He laughed at you when you had to roll up the sleeves, his nose crinkling in amusement.
As you started walking again, Jungkook said, “I love you to…. infinity and beyond!”
“Shhh, God you’re loud. Please please be quiet when we get to your house.”
You ran your fingers over the soft material as you thought about that night. You’d worn the hoodie home the next morning and you’d just never given it back. It had become a type of security blanket over the years.
You carefully tucked it in a drawer, slipped on your sandals, and went to look for Taehyung. He wasn’t in the great room or the kitchen. Next you checked the downstairs master suite he’d claimed, but he was already up. Grabbing a cup of coffee, you walked past the guest house and out into the back garden where you spotted him sitting, legs crossed in a meditation pose, on a bench near the far wall.
He opened his eyes and smiled at you as you approached him. “Good morning. Feeling better?”
“Much.” You sat next to him and watched Yeontan nosing around the bushes. “I think I’m going to drive to campus and look around, get a feel for any hot spots. Do you want to come with me?”
“I can’t. The guy is coming to finish the water features.” Since water often served to deter spirits, Taehyung had enlisted a gardening company to install a water feature that ran along the walls of the back garden. The work had begun before you arrived; natural rocks had been carefully placed in a design that would create waterfalls flowing into small pools on either side of the garden. “Once they finish up today and get the water going, I think those pools will be deep enough for koi fish.”
“That will be pretty.” It was a lovely garden. Several trees provided shade, the lawn was expertly manicured, and lush flowerbeds and carefully pruned flowering bushes presented a pop of color among the greenery. “The water will make it cooler back here too. We could add a table and some lanterns and hang out here in the evening.”
“Are you okay going by yourself?” he asked, pushing his wavy hair out of his eyes as he whistled for Yeontan. “You could take Tannie with you.”
“Probably a good idea since they’re coming to finish up back here.”
“Hey.” Taehyung reached for a lock of your hair and tugged it gently. “Don’t confront anything by yourself. If you want to wander around, get your bearings, then fine. Just please don’t follow anything or let anything follow you until the rest of us are with you. This place is… dangerous. We need to be really careful here.”
“I know, don’t worry.” You reached for his hand and threaded your fingers together. “Thank you for coming with me, even though I was afraid to ask you. This would be so much harder without you here.”
You collected Yeontan’s leash and other essentials and drove to the main university parking lot, which was central to the sprawling campus. Yeontan trotted happily next to you as you took note of buildings. The Gothic architecture was a sharp contrast to the bright, late summer sun beating down, and you imagined the campus took on an entirely different aesthetic at night.
There were also plenty of hot spots. Dropping pins as you walked, you wondered exactly what type of spirits you would encounter here. You expected the usual vengeance ghosts, but you occasionally got impressions of something much, much darker as you walked. You dropped yet another pin as you passed the building that housed the pool and athletic departments. Mindful of your promise to Taehyung, you didn’t explore further.
When Yeontan got tired, you picked him up and followed a group of students chattering away with each other about classes beginning soon, upcoming mixers and welcome back activities. Soon you found yourself at a park that abutted a large, sparkling lake. You didn’t need to get too close to sense something in those waters, and so you kept a healthy distance as you turned your attention to the group playing baseball in the field.
And then you saw him. Jungkook wore loose black shorts, a white t-shirt, and a backwards black baseball cap as he stood with a group waiting for their turn at bat. From the people talking around you, you learned that it was just a friendly game between rival fraternities, which explained the number of girls hanging around.
This was your chance to talk to him – to let him know you were here. To explain why you had left. Seeing him again brought a wave of longing, and with it the familiar anxiety you felt when you thought of him.
“Oh, such a cute dog!”
You turned to see a very pretty girl about your age wiggling her fingers at Yeontan. Her dimples flashed when she smiled, and her eyes were such a clear shade of blue that you wondered if they were contact lenses. Her auburn hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she held a sign supporting Pi Kappa Alpha.
“I’m Sera,” she introduced herself. “And who’s this?”
“Yeontan,” you replied. “And I’m y/n. You can pet him if you want. He’s very friendly.”
“Are you new here?” Sera asked, scratching Yeontan’s head. At your surprised look, she nodded at the brochures sticking out of your open bag. “I recognize the welcome package.”
“I’m a transfer student from Oxford,” you confirmed, shifting the wiggling Yeontan in your arms. “We just got here yesterday.”
“Are you off campus? I’m in the Alpha Omicron Pi house.”
“We have a house – the old Victorian on Elmhurst Street.”
“Oh, I noticed they were renovating that house this summer. I grew up here,” she explained. “My parents live three streets over from you. That’s a big house – did you move here with friends?”
“My… friend, Taehyung, came with me,” you said. You weren’t dating anymore, but your relationship with Tae had fallen into something between friend and boyfriend, a kind of ambiguous realm you both were still feeling your way through. “And two other friends, Namjoon and Chloe, are living in the guest house.”
“That’s cool that you all came here together. I guess this will be a big change from Oxford. Hey, so tomorrow there’s a big welcome back picnic happening here around noon. My sorority is co-hosting. Why don’t you and your friends come? I can introduce you around.”
Your eyes drifted back to the field to see Jungkook up at bat. As expected, he hit the ball with a loud crack and took off running around the bases, making it to home before the outfielder had even retrieved the ball. He high fived a guy on his team who you recognized as Jimin when you saw his profile. Someone shouted Jungkook’s name and he suddenly looked in your direction.
Slipping your sunglasses back on, you let your hair fall to cover your profile. “I have to get going, but I’ll ask my friends about it when I get home.” With a wave at Sera, you turned and began walking back to your car as quickly as you could without drawing too much attention to yourself.
“Hope to see you tomorrow!” Sera called after you.
 Jungkook ran the bases with ease and did a shimmy on home base before high fiving Jimin.
“Such a showoff,” Jimin said with a laugh.
Jungkook grinned and glanced over at the crowd watching when he heard his name called, waving at Jimin’s girlfriend, Ayeong, and her friend Erin, who was waving her Pi Kappa sign enthusiastically. Then a girl in yellow caught his attention. He froze as the girl turned her face away before he could see her clearly. She was holding a small dog as she talked to Sera from the A O Pi sorority. Then she was hurrying away.
Jungkook didn’t realize he’d started walking in her direction until Jimin caught his arm. “Where are you going? You’re pitching.” Jimin followed his gaze, a troubled expression on his face. “I know that girl kind of looks like…”
Jungkook cut him off. “Let’s get back to the game.”
He tried to concentrate on the rest of the game, but he was agitated now, and pissed off. He’d promised himself two years ago that he’d stop looking for you in crowds and chasing the shadows of girls who looked even vaguely like you. That girl might have the same hair, and she might’ve been wearing one of those dumb, useless little sweaters you always liked, but she wasn’t you.
The problem was that now his head was full of you, and he did his best to push you back out like he always did when something reminded him of you. His team won, but he didn’t enjoy the victory, and he was silent in the car as Jimin drove back to the house they’d just moved into with Jin, who was enrolled in the theater program as a grad student.
“I’m glad you finally got permission from your coach to move off campus,” Jimin said. “I guess it helps that you’ll be living with family, so he trusts you not to get too wild or slack off on training.”
Jungkook leaned forward and turned up the radio, a signal that he didn’t want to talk.
Jimin sighed but fell silent. When they pulled up to the house, he jumped out and headed inside to find Jin had started painting the living room. He went straight through to the kitchen, ignoring his brother’s greeting.
“Hey, the least you could do is pick up a brush and help!” he heard Jin yell after him.
Jungkook got a bottle of water from the fridge and took a long drink. He could hear Jimin talking to Jin now.
“There was a girl at the game who looked kind of like y/n,” Jimin said in a low voice. “Plus it’s that time of year – you know how he gets.”
“Her birthday was last week, and his is coming up soon,” Jin said. “Not that he’s ever in the mood to celebrate it anymore anyway.”
Jungkook ignored them as he walked back into the living room and picked up a brush. “Let’s get this finished. Remember we have to go early to pick up the coolers and ice for the picnic.” He and Jimin belonged to the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, and they were co-hosting the welcome back picnic with the A O Pi sorority.
He let Jimin and Jin talk and concentrated on painting. He wasn’t going to think of you anymore and that was that. You hadn’t been back to the U.S. in three years – the last he’d heard from his mom, you opted to attend Oxford University. You’d cut everyone out of your life, and he wasn’t going to waste any more of his time thinking about the past.
That night he dreamed of you.
He stood at the edge of the lake, wading in when he saw you drifting further out in front of him. It always happened the same way; you would smile and stretch out a hand to him, and then you disappeared beneath the surface. And no matter how many times he dove under the water looking for you, you were just gone.
Jungkook woke in a cold sweat, gasping, heart pounding. He switched on his bedside lamp and sat up, glancing at the clock to see it was nearly four in the morning. Running his hands through his hair, he breathed deeply and willed his heart rate to slow.
He hated that fucking nightmare. He could tell himself all day long he wasn’t going to think of you, but then this would happen. He told himself that you were fine, wherever you were. If something terrible had happened to you, he would have heard about it from your mom or his mom. Your life wasn’t his business anymore.
Jungkook was sleep deprived and cranky the next day as he helped set up for the picnic. Students were arriving on campus now, and there were a lot of mixers and activities planned for the next week, many of which he was expected to help with because Jimin was a social butterfly who kept volunteering you both.
Ayeong and Erin were there as well, and he did his best to avoid Erin, whose crush on him was starting to make him uncomfortable. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but he didn’t want a girlfriend and she definitely wanted a boyfriend. The last person he had seriously liked was Grace, and they’d broken up before senior year started. Since then, he’d kept his relationships casual – maintaining his grades and baseball took up most of his time anyway.
An hour into the picnic, he was sitting in a shaded area with Jimin and Ayeong when a little dog ran up and panted at his feet. He smiled as he leaned over to pet the little ball of black and tan fluff. “Hey, little guy, who do you belong to?”
“That would be me – sorry.” A tall man with dark wavy hair approached holding a leash. He leaned down to clip it on the dog’s collar. “He doesn’t usually run away like that, but I think he’s excited about all the new people.”
“Cute,” Jungkook said with a grin as he scratched the little dog behind the ears. “What’s his name?”
“Yeontan,” the man replied with a smile. He held out his hand. “And I’m Taehyung.”
Jungkook shook his hand. “I’m Jungkook. This is Jimin, and that’s Ayeong.”
Taehyung’s smile faded. “I should get back to my friends.”
He was leaning down to pick up the little dog when Sera joined them. “Hey, it’s Yeontan!” She stroked the dog’s head and looked over at the man holding him. “Let me guess – you must be Taehyung?”
“Have we met?”
“No, but I met Yeontan at the game yesterday when I met your girlfriend.”
“Ah, you must be Sera.”
“So where is y/n? I haven’t seen her yet.”
Jungkook’s head shot up at the name. “Y/n?”
“Oh, there she is!” Sera waved at a girl who walked over to join Taehyung.
Since your eyes were on the dog, you didn’t notice him at first. “Oh, thank God. Bad Tannie!” You reached for the small dog and dropped a kiss on his nose. Behind you were two more people – a tall man with silver blond hair, and a woman with long, brown hair threaded with blue streaks.
It was a surreal moment seeing you again. You were wearing a dark blue, silky sundress and what looked like the same thin white sweater he’d seen you wearing the day before. Your wavy hair was held back from your face with little clips, and your gold locket hung around your neck just as it always had. The little dog yapped and licked your cheek, making you giggle, and you smiled up at Taehyung, who placed an arm around your waist.
“Oh, shit,” he heard Jimin mutter next to him.
That got your attention and when you glanced over to see him, you froze. Your eyes held his for several moments. Then you took a deep breath and said, “Hi, Jungkook.”
Sera was looking between you, her expression curious. “Do you know each other?”
When Jungkook didn’t answer, Jimin said, “We all went to school together until y/n left for boarding school senior year.” He stood up and walked over to give you a hug. “It’s nice to see you again.”
You smiled at him gratefully. “I’m happy to see you, too. I was going to call or something, but we’ve only been here for two days.”
Jungkook felt his jaw clench. He said nothing as Jimin introduced Ayeong, who seemed uncharacteristically shy as she greeted you and Taehyung.
“This is Namjoon,” you said, gesturing to the blond man. “And his girlfriend, Chloe.”
“I heard you guys moved into that big old Victorian house,” Sera said to Taehyung. “I was telling my mom about it when I talked to her last night. She’s an interior designer, so she was interested in how it had been updated.”
“You should come by some time,” Taehyung told her.
The way Taehyung kept looking between you and him told Jungkook that he knew who he was. That meant that you’d known he was here before you came. You’d probably seen him at the game yesterday and you’d still scurried off rather than talk to him.
He watched Sera lead you and Taehyung away, introducing you to other friends. You looked over your shoulder at him, but he averted his eyes rather than meet your gaze.
Jimin cleared his throat and looked at Namjoon and Chloe. “Are you students here too?”
Namjoon shook his head. “I met Tae and y/n at Oxford – I was in a psych grad program there. Chloe and I are researching paranormal activity, so we tagged along when we heard they were coming here.”
Jungkook felt Jimin looking at him again.
“Huh. Well, that’s interesting. It’s supposedly the most haunted campus in the country, so good luck with that,” Jimin said.
Namjoon and Chloe wandered over to join the group of people you were talking to.
“Are you alright?” Jimin asked quietly.
Jungkook tried to swallow down the hot anger he could feel building. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Do you guys know who that is?” Ayeong asked incredulously. “That’s Taehyung Kim. As in, son of actress Jinah Park and Oscar winning director John Kim. He models for big designers a few times a year – he has a verified Instagram account, too.” She tapped on her phone for a minute and held it out to Jimin.
Jimin scrolled silently for a few seconds. “He’s also a photographer?”
“Yeah. I think he’s had at least one showing in New York under the name Vante. It was a photo of your friend that got me interested in photography – about two years ago?” She took the phone back and scrolled for a minute before handing it back to Jimin. “That one. He called it The Sighting, and it still gives me the chills when I look at it.”
Jimin looked at it and then handed the phone to Jungkook. He took it and looked at the photo, a landscape shot of you next to a river. You were in profile, but the angle showed a haunting, pensive expression on your face as you stared across the water, arms folded across your midsection, your hair lifted by a breeze.
The Sighting was a good name for the photo, and he wondered what you had seen that day. After a moment of hesitation, Jungkook went to the thumbnail view of Taehyung’s Instagram page. It was full of you.
Some of the photos were more artistic and some were just little snapshots of happy moments. It was obvious that you had spent most of your time with Taehyung over the past three years, and that anger he’d felt earlier came rushing back. You couldn’t be bothered to let him know you were alive, but you could take cooking classes and adopt a puppy with the perfect Taehyung.
He carefully passed the phone back to Ayeong before he did something crazy like hurl it into the lake.
When Ayeong was distracted by a friend she was talking to, Jimin scooted his chair closer. “Seriously, the level of anger you’re repressing right now can’t be healthy. Can you please just talk to her? Maybe she had a good reason for not coming back until now.”
“I’m not interested,” Jungkook replied.
“You are so full of shit right now,” Jimin said evenly. “You told me that it was your fault she left to begin with. You were going to fix it, you said. Well, here’s your chance.”
“She’s not my fucking problem anymore, and I don’t care,” Jungkook snapped back. “So drop it.”
A quiet gasp made them both look up to see you and Taehyung standing a few feet away. You stared at him, a flush creeping up your neck betraying your emotions. There was something in your eyes that made him feel small in that moment because he knew he’d hurt you.
Without a word, you turned and walked away towards the lake. Taehyung shot a furious look in his direction before following you.
Jungkook spent the remainder of the afternoon battling conflicting emotions. He was mad at you, but he was also mad at himself for still getting angry about something he’d spent two years telling himself was over and done with. He was hurt that you’d just shown up like this with no warning and with new friends, evidence of how you’d replaced him.
He was also confused about why you’d come to this university when you had to know how dangerous it was for you. Jungkook couldn’t see or feel what you saw and felt, but here at Gettis, he occasionally got an uneasy feeling. It was enough that he’d hung a talisman at the window of his dorm, and he’d put up more at the house he shared with Jimin and Jin.
And now you were down by the lake like one of his nightmares come to life. As mad as he was, he was also fighting the urge to physically drag you away from the water. You’d been down there for an hour with Taehyung, Namjoon and Chloe. Thinking about what Namjoon had said – that he and Chloe were interested in paranormal activity – he had to wonder if you’d deliberately chosen to come here because you were looking, too.
He reminded himself again and again that it wasn’t his business, and what you did shouldn’t concern him now. He dredged up his anger to dispel the fear that curled in his stomach when he watched you walk to the end of the pier and lean down to touch the water before looking back at Chloe, who was looking at something on a tablet.
Jungkook guessed he had an answer – you were definitely here looking for something, and you displayed none of the fear that he’d expect, either. And somehow that scared him.
He was still sitting and watching you when Jin arrived.
“I guess Jimin called you,” Jungkook said.
“Where is she?” Jin asked.
He nodded down to the lake.
 “The readings here are insane,” Chloe said. “Look at this, Joon.”
“I see it.”
You closed your eyes and pushed out with your mind, searching. You heard the water ripple a few feet away – it could be mistaken for a fish, but you knew it wasn’t. Taehyung knew it too and crouched behind you to wrap one arm around your waist.
“Even after everything I’ve seen you do, these water ghosts are still the scariest,” he admitted as he anchored you.
They used to be the most terrifying to you as well, but you didn’t feel the same fear you used to feel when standing near the water. You were still scared, at least a little, and very alert to the danger. However, if it hadn’t broken you the night you went down to the lake alone three years ago, you supposed it wouldn’t now.
You could feel that Jungkook was still watching you, too. You didn’t need to look at him to know he must be wondering what you were doing down here. After all, the same fears that haunted you used to haunt him as well.
You’d been so nervous to see him, but once you were standing in front of him, you couldn’t deny the burst of happiness you felt. He looked the same in some ways, but there were little changes you committed to memory; he’d grown a bit taller, and he’d filled out even more. He’d lost the remaining roundness in his face, replaced by defined cheekbones and a sharp jawline. His hair no longer swept across his forehead, hiding his eyes, now replaced by an off-center part that exposed his strong brow.
You’d both grown up during these three years, though it was clear that he’d nursed a deep anger toward you. Maybe you deserved it, but it still hurt to hear him refer to you as a problem – one that he didn’t want to be a part of anymore.
You looked over to see Jin standing on the pier next to the lake edge. Taehyung released you as you stood and took a few tentative steps in Jin’s direction, wondering if he was angry, too.
Then he held his arms open, and you felt tears rush into your eyes. You closed the distance and wrapped your arms tightly around him. He just held you for a couple of minutes, petting the back of your head like he used to when he knew you’d had a bad day. His tall, solid presence instantly calmed you.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“I’m maybe a little mad, but I missed you too much to show it right now,” he said. “I’m glad you’re back.”
You finally pulled back and wiped your fingers under your eyes before looking up at him. “I thought you were still in L.A.”
“I was there for a couple of years. I did a couple of commercials, had a few walk-on roles. Mostly I just saved money so I could apply to the theater program here. I finally got in.”
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you said, squeezing his hand.
“What are you doing down here?” Jin asked. He looked concerned as he glanced at the people behind you. “This lake can be dangerous from what I’ve heard.”
You quickly introduced him to Taehyung, Namjoon and Chloe. Jin raised his brows when you mentioned that you were living with Tae, but he didn’t comment.
“Tae and I both transferred from Oxford,” you explained. You debated how much to say, but then added, “Namjoon and Chloe are working on a research project related to paranormal activity. There’s no better place for that than here, so they decided to come with us.”
“I see.” He looked out at the water for a moment and then held out his hand. “Come walk with me.”
As you walked around the perimeter of the lake, you noted that Jin put himself between you and the water.
“Can you really see ghosts?” he finally asked.
You stopped and stared up at him. “Did Jungkook tell you?”
“No,” he said. “You forget how many times over the years you slept over. I can’t even count how many blanket forts I built for you two on the living room floor once you were too old to share a bedroom, and if you remember, I usually slept on the couch. I heard you two talking more than once.”
“And you believed it?” you asked doubtfully.
“No, not at first. I thought you two had overactive imaginations because of what happened to you at the lake that time which, I admit, was hard to explain. But then I saw how you were after the library fire, and after that night we found you at the lake, I guess I wondered.”
You sighed and looked out over the water. “Even my mother doesn’t believe me, Jin. The only people I could talk to were Jungkook and Mrs. Kim.”
“So, it’s true.”
You nodded and met his gaze. “The otherworld is real, though not many people are aware of it. Some people are sensitive to that negative energy – Taehyung, for example. He can’t see them, but he can often feel their presence. And then there are people like me, who can see and interact with them.”
“Then why would you come here?” he asked. “This place even gives me the creeps sometimes. You used to jump at every shadow that crossed your path, and now you’re strolling near the lake looking for what? Water ghosts?”
“More than one,” you replied. “I was trying to feel them out and see how many are out there.”
He looked at you incredulously. “For what purpose? I remember hearing you and Jungkook talk once about how they sometimes followed you. Isn’t this dangerous for you?”
“They recognize me as part of the otherworld, so yes, they often follow me,” you replied. “But I haven’t wasted these last three years, Jin. I’m still learning, but I’m able to use my power in ways now that I couldn’t even comprehend before. And with all the hot spots here, I think this will be a good place for me to test my abilities.”
“So what you’re telling me is that you and your team of ghostbusters over there are here to look for dangerous ghosts,” he said. His laugh turned into a groan, and he wiped a hand down his face. “You and Jungkook are going to give me gray hair before I’m thirty.”
“Please don’t say anything to your mom,” you told him. “I don’t need her or my mom thinking I need a psych admittance.”
“That’s debatable,” Jin muttered. “Jungkook is too mad and stubborn to admit it right now, but he missed you too.”
You looked back over at the water. “He made it clear I’m not his problem anymore, and he’s right. He was kind of trapped in that world with me for ten years. I don’t blame him for opting out.”
“Is that why you left?”
You shrugged but didn’t answer.
“Stubborn, the both of you,” he said with a sigh. “He waited for you to come home that first year and then he tried to forget you. Do you know he hasn’t celebrated his birthday since you left? Like clockwork, August rolls around and Jungkook is a walking wound for a few weeks, snapping at everybody. He can push you out of his head, but he’s never been able to push you out of his heart, y/n, even if he thinks he did.”
Tears blurred your eyes as you stared at the water, and you forced them back. “I can’t force him to listen to what I have to say, Jin. Maybe he’s right and it doesn’t matter anymore.”
 Jin spent the afternoon trying to reason through everything you’d told him before abandoning reason. That evening he called his mom and asked if she had Mrs. Kim’s contact information. If his mother was curious as to why he needed it, she didn’t say anything. She simply told him that she’d look for it and send it to him later.
When he got off the phone, he saw that Jimin and Jungkook had walked in with the pizzas they’d picked up.
Jimin looked at him curiously. “Why do you want to talk to Mrs. Kim? I don’t think I’ve seen her since before your grandmother’s funeral.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because y/n is here hunting ghosts. From talking to her this afternoon, I think she probably still talks to Mrs. Kim, and I’d like to know exactly how worried I should be.”
Jimin gaped at him. “Wait, what? She really sees ghosts? I thought Hanna and Lily were full of it when they started that rumor back in elementary school.”
Jin looked at Jungkook and then back at Jimin. “You didn’t know?”
“No.” He shot an accusing look at Jungkook. “Did you know?”
Jungkook was staring at Jin. “What do you mean she’s here hunting ghosts?”
“I mean exactly that. There are multiple water ghosts in that lake, by the way, so I’d advise you both to stay out of it.”
Jimin still looked stunned. “Water ghosts.” He visibly started. “Wait, is that what happened to her at the birthday party? And why she wouldn’t go near the lake again?”
“Apparently.” Jin grabbed a plate and loaded three slices of pizza on it.
“But then why would she be down at this lake if she thinks it’s full of water ghosts?”
“See, she seems to think that she can fight them now or something. She said she’s still learning, but it sounds like she’s here to test her learning curve by hunting ghosts in one of the most haunted places in America. And I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”
Jin watched his brother while eating. Jungkook stared at the pizza on his plate, brow creased. He might try to hide it, but Jin could see he was worried.
Jimin was still trying to put all the pieces in place. “That fire at the library was always weird. Was that a ghost? Because it would explain why she stayed locked up in her bedroom if it was. And those lucky talismans? I noticed you hung a few up here, Jungkook. I thought they were just things you got from your grandmother.”
“They’re not lucky talismans,” Jungkook muttered. “They keep away spirits. Things feel weird here sometimes, so I hung them up just in case.”
“I can’t believe you guys didn’t tell me about this,” Jimin said with a reproachful look. “I wouldn’t have told anyone, you know.”
“Can we please talk about something else?” Jungkook pushed his plate away and stood up.
“Hey.” When Jungkook looked at him, Jin said, “I don’t know what happened between you and y/n three years ago, and I get that you’re still mad, but I’m going to need you to pull your head out of your ass and help me out here. Because she’s still family even if you’re mad at her, Jungkook. I need you to help me make sure she doesn’t get hurt or worse doing whatever it is she’s planning on doing here.”
 Jungkook tried not to think about you, but after Jin’s revelations, your new ghost hunting hobby was damn near all he could think about. Telling himself it wasn’t his problem anymore was one thing when he thought you had the sense to steer clear of the otherworld, but it was harder to convince himself when he was worried you were actively seeking out trouble.
Jin had mentioned that your boyfriend was a sensitive – someone who could feel but not see the spirits. He supposed that explained how you ended up together, and he obviously supported your newfound insanity. He still couldn’t believe you’d gone down to that lake and touched the water, knowing that it was full of water ghosts. As long as he lived, he’d never forget the force with which that ghost had yanked you into the water all those years ago, and that was only one ghost. Even though Taehyung had been anchoring you, he knew that would be useless if multiple ghosts came after you at once.
Jin had called Mrs. Kim and left her a long voicemail, but he hadn’t heard back from her yet. It had been two days since he’d seen you at the picnic; Jin had gone to visit you at your new house, but Jungkook had refused to go. He still felt confused, his emotions too raw to deal with you.
Jungkook wasn’t in the mood to go out, but Jimin dragged him down to the pool in the athletic building that afternoon.
“You need to work off some aggression,” Jimin said. “I’m tired of you snapping at everyone, and so is Jin.”
They hit the locker room first to change and then walked to the pool room. Once classes started, it would be in use more, but it was peaceful at the moment. Jungkook set his bag down on a chair, noting one other bag there, though no one was around. Then he saw your gold locket.
“Is that someone in the water?” Jimin suddenly asked.
Adrenaline rushed through him as he scanned the water and finally saw the dark shape at the bottom of the pool. “No.”
Jungkook hit the water and dove deep, fear giving him the extra push he needed to reach you within seconds. He jerked you into his arms and swam up. When he surfaced and started pulling you to the side, he was relieved to hear you coughing.
You clung to the side and coughed again before wiping your face.
Jungkook was livid as he climbed out and then lifted you out of the pool. “Are you out of your mind?”
You pushed your hair back and looked at him. “I wasn’t drowning – at least, not until you surprised me, and I inhaled water coming up.”
Jungkook barely controlled the urge to shake you. “You were at the bottom of the fucking pool, y/n! Are you fucking crazy?”
“Don’t curse at me,” you suddenly shouted back at him. “I can swim just fine now. I didn’t need you to jump in and play hero.”
“Whoa, okay you two need to calm down,” Jimin suddenly cut in. “If you weren’t drowning then what the hell were you doing at the bottom of the pool? Because the last time we saw you, you were scared to death of water.”
You walked over to your bag and pulled out a towel, wrapping it around yourself as you faced them. “I learned to swim more than two years ago. Sitting at the bottom of the pool is something I do to practice holding my breath. I like to see how long I can stay down there.”
“What if something was down there?” Jungkook asked, jaw clenched.
“I’m not stupid,” you shot back. “There was a water ghost here, but I got rid of it yesterday. It’s perfectly safe to swim here now.”
His attention was suddenly caught by the long, jagged scar on your left arm. He didn’t even have to ask to know you had gotten hurt doing something dangerous. Something like you were trying to do here. Jungkook thought his head was going to explode. “Are you listening to yourself? Are you trying to die on this campus?”
“What’s going on?”
He turned to see Taehyung coming from the direction of the bathrooms. He didn’t look happy to see Jungkook there, and in his current mood, the feeling was mutual.
“Nothing,” you said. “I want to go home.” You slid your shorts on and pulled a t-shirt over your head before fastening your locket around your neck.
Jungkook held out an arm to stop you from walking by him. “I thought Jin had to be wrong when he told me you were here hunting ghosts. Because that’s just crazy any way you want to look at it, and there’s no way you’d be stupid enough to go looking for that kind of trouble. Right?”
You stared up at him, and the stubborn tilt of your chin made his heart sink. “I think I’m not your fucking problem anymore, Jungkook. So whatever I am or am not doing, you don’t need to worry about it.”
Watching you walk out with Taehyung, he wanted to hit something. He settled for kicking his bag off the chair and then sat, raking his hands through his wet hair. “Fuck.”
Jimin sighed and sat next to him. “Maybe yelling at her isn’t the way to go, Jungkook. She’s not a child, and we have no idea what she’s experienced the last few years. It’s obvious that she’s not the same girl we knew who was afraid of everything, and maybe she has reasons for that.”
Elbows propped on his knees, he clasped his hands behind his head and tried to calm down. “You have no idea what kind of danger she’s putting herself in, Jimin, because you found out about this a couple of days ago. I lived with it for ten years. What she’s doing? She could die.”
Jimin stayed quiet for a minute. “I can’t pretend like I understand because I know I don’t. You two have ten years of secrets – that’s a lot. But it doesn’t change the fact that she has her own secrets now. Three years of secrets, to be exact, and the only way you’ll be able to understand who she is now is if she’ll talk to you about them. I’m just saying yelling won’t accomplish anything.”
Jungkook stayed by the pool when Jimin left, thinking over his friend’s words. Talking to you without getting angry seemed an impossible task at the moment. It would require him to dig at the wounds you’d left him with, to forgive you and ask for forgiveness in return. You had years of hurt and issues to hash out, and frankly, he didn’t know if he was ready for that.
His other option was just to stay away from you, but now that you were back, he didn’t know if he could do that either. And beneath it all, there was his deepest concern – how to keep you safe while he was figuring it out.
A/N – Hope you liked the update! I also updated the Ghosted playlist if you want to check that out. I put a link in my Master Fic List. My asks are open if you have any questions about the story, and I’ll work on getting Chapter 3 up as soon as I can. Yoongi and Hobi will be introduced in the next part as the U.S. liaison to y/n’s ghostbusting team, Hobi rather reluctantly lol.
Tag List:  @ggukkieland  @jikooksgirl19​  @waves-and-woods​  
108 notes · View notes
minnochu · 5 years
Lustrous (pt. 18)
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Hybrid!Kook x Fem!Reader AU
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Pt 17 | Pt 18 | Pt 19 
Warning: A copious amount of dialogue :’) 
(A/n): Hope everyone’s doing well and staying safe and healthy! Just remember to stay humble and kind and take this time if you’re self-quarantining to practice self-love!! Hope you enjoy :’)
“Where’s (Y/n)?” Namjoon asks when the whole pack has taken their seats at the dinner table the next morning, and the others notice one seat has yet to be filled. They look towards the hybrid in question, who averts his eyes.
“She left,” he muttered, swirling his chopsticks around in his bowl of fried rice.
The others grow alarmed at this. Jimin piping up from beside him, “What do you mean, she left?” 
The younger grows irate in result, his eyes glaring a bright blue at the other wolf, “She. Left.”
“And why didn’t you stop her?” Yoongi calmly interjected as Seokjin whispers a small spell to pull the two wolves’ chairs apart, “You were with her last night, weren’t you?”
He flinches at that, eyes dimming in result. It was true. There was no denying that fact.
The elder’s eyes narrow at the youngest pack member, “Stop being a fucking prick and explain to us why exactly the one person we need to protect is running away from us.”
Namjoon clears his throat as tension continues to rise, opening his eyes to flash his golden irises dangerously in warning at the pensive pack members, “I think we should eat first before the food gets cold, we’ll discuss this later.” His eyes briefly meets the youngest and the whole table settles down into a heavy silence. Jungkook’s shoulders sag as a result, clamping his mouth and turning his attention to his meal. Angry Namjoon was not one to mess with. 
The warlock releases a relieved sigh at the temporary cease fire and makes work to levitate dishes and food from the kitchen. He quietly prays he won’t have to clean up too much of a mess if anything escalates to anything more than a peaceful explanation. The aura surrounding the boys is turbulent, no doubt insinuating a quarrel when the food has finally been devoured.
“Gods help me,” the warlock sighs.
“Want to explain to me why you’re suddenly phasing into my attic at such a god awful hour?” Yahiko smiles softly as she sets down a blanket and pillows on your old bed. You ran to the one place you could only think of, your old home with the kitsune. You had crash landed, phasing in mid air before dropping with a loud thud on the wooden floor. The elderly woman had come rushing with her orbs flashing fiery orange, only to calm down when you came running into her arms.
She didn’t question it at first, welcoming you back into your old room with a mug of warm milk and honey, but you knew she would ask eventually.
“Don’t forget that I’m a kitsune, child,” she quirks a smile, “I may be over thousands of years older than you, but I still have a keen sense of smell.”
“And you reek,” she cackles, causing you to blush and smile in embarrassment. Dainty fingers push the locks of your hair behind your ear, “What troubles you? I smell distress and conflict within you.”
You mull over what to say first, about Jungkook, about your apparent feelings for him, about the Blackwells. 
“Is it that wolf-boy?” She muses nonchalantly, only speaking hypothetically, not expecting you to flinch from beside her, nearly sputtering and choking on the contents of your mug. “Oh, I’m correct?”
“There’s a lot on my mind right now,” You defend helplessly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Including that boy, no?”
Your shoulders sag in defeat, there was no denying it to her.
“It’s complicated…”
Yahiko makes a face, tapping the tip of your nose with her index finger, “You act like I had never dated a man before, (Y/n).”
“I, like many supernatural creatures, had a mate. He’s not here right now, but I assure you he’s watching over me,” She smiles softly, reminiscing her years with her fated, “He was a human, if you didn’t already connect the dots. I imprinted on him a long time ago, and the stupid man outgrew me.” The kitsune chuckled softly, glancing upward as if she could see his spirit watching her. 
“What was that like?” You ask tentatively, although it made you feel worse thinking about how this must be how Jungkook feels about Hyejin. The realization is a smack in the face, he must be hurting out of rejection from his fated.
Yahiko elbows you with a wry smile, “Your face is like an open book, child.”
“He was my world, to put it simply, losing him hurt. A lot. I wanted to die with him,” she says solemnly, “I wonder sometimes how I still do it when I still miss him very much.”
“How did you know he was yours? He was human right? He didn’t reject you for being a kitsune?” The elderly woman glances at you with amusement stretching her lips, causing you to clamp your mouth shut. As your cheeks burn from embarrassment, she can only laugh good naturedly at your curiosity. 
“You like that wolf very much, don’t you?” she sighs, “I must say, I have to apologize for rudely assuming that he’d hurt you based on the color of his true eyes. I hope he’s treating you well.”
Your silence proves her hypothesis correct, you like Jungkook, and that scares you. It hurts to know that he’ll only ever pine for Hyejin’s affection despite her obvious indifference towards him. 
“I was initially terrified, all the others in my family were mated to creatures of the same kind if not different types - such as the thunder kitsune - so then why was I different? We were taught to stay away from the humans… since at that time, the supernatural and the humans had not yet finalized the pact for peace and bounty hunters were much more prevalent than today. He was one of them.” She pauses to regard your gaping mouth, snickering when she taps your chin to shut it, “It felt like everything was just right when I met his gaze, but he didn’t know it then and tried to kill me. Of course, I overpowered him and let him go, but every time we encountered one another, we began to talk and understand the other and get to know one another as a living being. I told him about my family and showed off my powers” she emphasizes by holding out a dainty hand with her palm facing towards the ceiling and a spark of golden foxfire ignites abruptly from her fingertips, “In turn, he talked about his life, his fiance, his guilt for hunting my brethren when he realized we weren’t evil or to be feared of.”
“Fiance?!” You gasp as you watch the flames disperse and the light has died down from her hand.
“Yes, yes,” she frowns, “He had a fiance at the time, and it hurt, alot. Every time he brought her up, I wanted to change the subject, it filled me with envy and pain. Each time he said her name with that stupidly handsome smile on his face, it was like a sword twisting in my gut.”
“I thought I could’ve lived with the pain, or mate with a widow from another pack, but it wasn’t the same, and he saw that sadness in my eyes.”
“He confronted me about it, and I spilled. I told him about the imprinting, about my feelings. Gods that man was so infuriating, made me actually scared for my life if he were to be disgusted at my affections. Humans… they are quite fickle beings when it comes to love. Is this real? Is this your actual feelings, and not something forced upon you by the stars or your inner beast or what have you? I wondered those silly questions myself… but I wouldn’t have wanted any other man if suddenly the next day, I wasn’t bound by my imprintee.”
You wonder if that were the case with your friend. The idea of being imprinted on and its implications may have caused Hyejin to believe that Jungkook had no real affections for her. It wasn’t like she was chosen at random, you suppose, the stars saw it fit that the two were meant for each other, soulmates as you would put it. Fated for one another. So, why did she fear and hate him so much when he could be anything she wanted him to be. He would be at her every beck and call. 
Fuck. That hurt. 
You liked Jungkook. That revelation on the rooftop hurt. Finally you could put a name to the emotions you felt around the wolf-boy, but it didn’t lessen the pain of knowing he was meant for someone else, your closest and only friend made at school. At least… other than the boys. 
Yahiko saw it, she could feel the conflict dripping off of you in tangible waves. You didn’t know it, but she knew with the way Jungkook acted and looked at you the way he did. It reminded her of her own situation, she only hoped the whole ordeal would sort itself out quickly. Else you would spend years hurting each other. 
Children, she inwardly giggled at the coincidence of the predicament, if only they knew how to communicate properly. Although she couldn’t say much with the way she and her human mate had also suffered the same conflict. 
“Did he say so himself, that he imprinted on her?”
Um. Well. 
The way you hesitate speaks volumes. Now that she mentions it, he didn’t really deny it or confirm it.  The more he called you out for being nosy continually irritated you, why couldn’t he just give you a straight answer for once?
“Give the boy some time to sort out his feelings, my dear,” She sighs, “He’ll talk to you when he’s ready.”
“I’m not sure he’ll ever be,” you frown, “I don’t know what I’m waiting for, it seems like just last night I realized I… I like him… but who’s to say that he feels the same when he can barely open up to me, Hyejin pops up and he just stops functioning, and now!” You stammer your confession more lowly, barely above a whisper, with a beet red face. 
You freeze as the woman lays a gentle hand over yours. Then do you realize the way your lip had begun quivering.
“How am I supposed to face him?”
“You don’t,” Yahiko says after much silence, “Leave them alone long enough and he’ll sort out his feelings soon enough and give you a proper explanation.”
“Have some patience and get some sleep, you’re far too young to be looking so concerned like that.”
And that you do, finishing the rest of the milk she had brought up and shifting into your old bed. The kitsune leaves you with one last gentle caress of your head before she bids a good night. Morning comes and you have to force yourself to go to school, praying to whatever god there is that you don’t run into the boys. And you don’t, but Hyejin noticed the distance between you and the pack and has to put a stop to this nonsense.
“(Y/n), this needs to stop now, what’s going on?” 
Hyejin stops you from leaving school that day, dragging you to the nearest fast food chain for a much needed sit down and talk. It comes after first being bombarded by Jimin and Taehyung about your whereabouts and wellbeing, and finally when Jungkook confronts her. Nothing is ever that important for the subject of her hatred to talk to her himself. Perhaps there was more to the problem than just fixing your lost memories.
She sighs when you both get seated at a booth with your meals, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I think it’s badass that you’re a witch, but I’m really worried for you being away from the boys when you’ve got your whole family tree planning on killing you.”
You want to tell her, clamming up in the palms when your feelings for the wolf-boy are teetering on the tip of your tongue. Should you tell her? She was your friend. What was stopping you? Her past relationship with him? What if she still liked him? Was this going to ruin your friendship with her? 
“To be honest… I left to clear my head after finding out you and him dated before,” You blurt out, pursing your lips and expecting the worse. Silence is your answer, and when you peer over at your friend, she is blinking at you in evident surprise.
“How did you find out?” She starts off meekly, taking a generous swig from her soft drink, “I mean… Did he say anything?”
“Not really…” You wince, thinking about the time he forcibly shoved you from his head at the appearance of the girl in his memories, “It was only last night when he finally told me you both dated previously.”
The other exasperatedly exhales, her palm meeting her forehead, “That stupid dog.”
“You… You don’t like him still, do you?” You ask hesitantly, holding your breath in anticipation of her answer. Meanwhile, the other has to hold back her obnoxious cackle at that question, nearly spewing out her soda. Eyes softening, she cracks a small smile.
“You idiot.”
The reply astounds you, mouth opening and closing like a fish at the unexpected insult. 
“You know, you’re really dense you know that? Here I am, unable to believe the coincidence that you, my only friend at school, has fallen for Jeon Jungkook, and now you’re asking me if I still like him!”
“If you’re still wondering… No. I do not,” Hyejin snickers at your visible relief, “I think it’s really cute, your crush, but I still refuse to accept that it’s him.” 
The girl takes a french fry between her index and thumb, pointing the tip in your direction, “I probably do, deep down. Truth be told that I broke up with him out of fear. I knew he was a wolf, and kept that in mind, but I wasn’t expecting him to be a wolf and more. And like any other human, I ran.
“He was a cute boy in middle school, a grade above me, taller than most and very shy. He did everything and anything he could to catch my attention. The clumsy little idiot… we eventually dated, it continued into his first year in high school while I had one more year in middle school when I had come over to their cabin to hang with the pack. I had been helping out Seokjin with dinner when I dropped a plate, it shattered on the floor and over my bare foot, and my dumb self had attempted to pick up the larger pieces and nicked myself. Jungkook must’ve been hungry and went on a rampage... 
“He charged at me, eyes blue and gold, like I’d never seen them before. He was snapping at me, growling and breathing heavily… Couldn’t even speak coherently. The boys tried to tear him off me, but there really wasn’t a known way to calm him down… According to the boys, it was the first time he’d done something like that around them.”
Hyejin pauses, closing her eyes as the memories come rushing back of the terrible day, “I left that day with a disgusting scar, Seokjin wasn’t as proficient at healing at the time and could only close the wound long enough to get me to the hospital, but even the doctors could not get rid of the remnants of it.” Her hand grips at the hem of her uniform top before carefully pulling it up just enough to catch the sight of the fleshy tissue that runs jagged on her right abdomen. “I could not look him in the eye without seeing the deranged beast I saw that day, I left him soon after, crying and heartbroken, not because of relationship problems, but because I was scared… that he would someday kill me if he could just as easily lose control the way he did that day. I guess we just grew hateful of each other over time...”
Her eyes catch yours staring down at where her scar had been recovered by the top, and she quirks a small curl of her lips. Reaching over the table, she offers an open hand, to which you take gratefully with a meek smile in response, “You know… I’m surprised to hear you managed to calm him down…”
It makes sense, she thinks, after all, you didn’t know it yet who the hybrid truly imprinted on. 
“I think I’ve calmed down quite a bit… but seeing Jungkook full hybrid again at the cabin brought me back to middle school. It still haunts me, not as much as before… I used to get nightmares almost every other night. It’s at least once in a while now, I suppose.
“Which is why I always urged you to stay away from them. I didn’t want what happened that day, to eventually happen to you. You’re my only closest friend at school, I don’t want anything bad happening to you… I want to protect you (Y/n), but there’s only so much a human like me can do… Which is why I’m just a little grateful that you have Jungkook to protect you.”
The questions gnaws away at you. 
There was no harm in asking right? 
“You think Jeon Jungkook imprinted on me?” Hyejin nearly bursts into laughter, hopelessly trying to stifle the giggles with the back of her hand. Thankfully, she wasn’t too hung over having to remember and retell her relationship with Jungkook, but that didn’t warrant her nearly doubling over with tears in her eyes at your abrupt question. Your cheeks puff with a bright rosy hue at her reaction, suddenly feeling embarrassed for even asking. 
If only you knew, the girl thinks with a shake of her head.
“Dear God no, he did not, he’d have died by now just from me breaking up with him,” she muses with a wave of her hand, “That stupid dog just has a funny way of letting girls know his feelings.”
“So he does have an imprintee?” You ask expectantly, your heart in your throat at this point.
The look of determination and anticipation on your face is adorable, Hyejin thinks as she replies with a subtle shrug. 
“I think that’s something you need to wait for him to talk to you about.”
“For now, you both need to fucking make up before I do something about it.”
And that you do. 
You return to the cabin that night. Hyejin leaves you at the door with a comforting hug before she bids you good luck. Good luck and more is much needed when you sense the overwhelming bundle of aura sitting right on top of the roof. No one else but Jungkook had that much unrestrained magical aura, and you knew right away as soon as you came closer and closer to the house. Surely, he must’ve picked up on your scent as you phased onto the roof where the hybrid sat. 
He didn’t turn, nor did he make any indication in regard to your entrance. You knew he had been expecting you. So you take a seat beside him, pulling your knees close to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. 
“I’m still a little mad at you,” You whisper, your two index fingers twirling around one another. Glaring down at your feet, your hair falls down, casting a curtain on both sides and obscuring your vision of the hybrid beside you. “But… I should probably apologize for running away like a child… and that I shouldn’t be forcing you or expecting you to tell me anything like there’s any reason for me to know…”
Its silent between you both, and you wonder if he’s resorted to ignoring you or is just sleeping. When you turn slightly, you catch a glimpse of his side profile glaring up at the sky. His doe-like eyes are wide and reflect the colors of a galaxy. Dazzling azure with dozens of golden droplets like the stars. You have to fight the urge to reach over and touch him. You want to hug him, and tell him how you feel about him. But now wasn’t the time when you were so sure he only had eyes for Hyejin. 
“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” He finally speaks, voice barely above a whisper that you have to lean towards him and strain your ears, “I’m afraid. And I don’t even trust myself. I’m just not ready yet.” 
He catches your eyes before you can look away, the corners of his lips stretching into a taut smile, the ends just barely curling upwards. 
“I’m sorry… just give me some time.”
“N-No, I understand and I’ll wait until you feel comfortable enough to open up to me,” You stammer, quite flustered with the sudden eye contact. His irises are glowing, shimmering under the moonlight so beautifully that it catches you off guard.
Despite your reply, you didn’t really understand. Was it not simple for him to just out right tell you that he had imprinted on someone else, or just straight up didn’t like you. You inwardly gasped, what if he knew of your feelings and was trying to prepare himself to reject you?
“If it makes you feel better,” he swallows, turning his head to look away, “I uh, I never imprinted on Hyejin.”
In contrast to your worrying thoughts, the relief that washes over you is massive. Your whole body physically relaxes and sags. Cheeks flushing, you thank any god out there that he was looking away.
“I-I see… I don’t think this is gonna make you feel better though…”
His neck cranes, glancing at you curiously.
“I talked to Hyejin,” you shrink in your spot, suddenly embarrassed and ashamed for going to her for information he wasn’t ready to spill.
“What did she say?”
“About what broke you two up.”
Silence. You wonder if maybe you spoke too much or should’ve waited for him to tell you. It feels like he’s growing increasingly distant from you. 
“I see…”
Should you apologize? The growing discomfort in your chest became unbearable. You shifted on the roof till, unsure of what to say to soothe the atmosphere between you both. He hates you, you conclude. 
“...So you know then?” He finally asks, “That I went berserk on her. Seokjin had me locked in my room with his perfect cube spell... In the whole chaos, other than Hyejin, I really hurt Yoongi bad. Jimin and Taehyung managed to get away with scratches, but Yoongi could only heal so much on his own with Seokjin-hyung’s help that we had to turn to admitting him to the hospital.
“You don’t understand how much I hated myself for that. I hurt my family, I hurt Hyejin too. Fast forward today, I ended up attacking you. I can’t forgive myself for hurting people I care about. 
“Why did I have to survive the transition? Why me and not Junghyun? Why did I have to be made into this hybrid that can barely control himself when he goes on a rampage?”
You interject at that, “But you did control yourself, Jungkook, you were able to come back to us after that fight with Minerva. You were able to handle yourself when we fought with those bounty hunters. I’ve seen you many times trying to keep yourself at bay, and you’re doing your best at figuring out how to take control of your genes. No one could ask for any more than you already do. It’s not your fault for going through such a cruel transition, and it’s also not your fault that as a result you couldn’t control yourself, but you’re making progress and that’s all that matters.
“I trust you Jungkook, I hope that makes you feel better. It doesn’t matter to me that you had to drink from my blood. It doesn’t matter to me that you attacked me that night. I’ve forgiven you. You just keep blaming yourself and I hate it.
“You don’t think I hate myself for having to be protected by you guys? We’ve had to fight off my reanimated mother, a vampire, and bounty hunters. You guys wouldn’t have to go through this if it wasn’t for me. I just barely regained my memories, sure I remember spells and skills I learned with my mother, but that shies in comparison to the little training I have in utilizing them in an actual situation, moreover the fact that I have zero self defense experience.
“Don’t you dare tell me that I don’t understand. You said it yourself! You and I… we’re the same. Outcasts. Mutants. I thought you cared for me…” Your voice trails off and silence settles between you both, not as pensive as it was before, but still awkward with more questions swirling between you. Shoulders slumping, you didn’t mean to mope, but you were still at a loss.
“I do care for you (Y/n), did you not just hear me say how much I hated myself for hurting you and everyone?” Jungkook sighs after much thought, reaching a hand towards you before regretfully retracting it. He knows he’ll want to do more than just hold your shoulder. “I cared for you from the very beginning, there would have been no reason for me to keep letting you hang around me or saving you from those wendigos, no matter how hard I tried to keep you from sticking close to me.”
The realization of his words clicks in his mind and he hissed, turning away with his hand covering his dreaded mouth. Darn him for succumbing to you, if you were able to connect the dots, that would have been him smacking you in the face with a sign that read “I LIKE YOU, MY DUMBASS IMPRINTED ON YOU” in large bold characters. Thankfully, you turn and smile softly at him. 
“Sorry, I… I just don’t want you to hate on yourself for hurting me when I’m fine really.”
Despite himself, he leans over and taps your forehead with his index finger, the force just enough to move your head backwards just slightly. 
“Then don’t hate yourself for being a burden to the pack, you’re not just a guest in our house now, you’re pretty much a pack member. The boys don’t treat you any differently than they would each other.”
Your cheeks burn, hand rising to brush over the spot on your forehead, the gesture was slight but it did well to make your heart beat wildly. With a pout, you mull over his words before scrunching your eyebrows and raising you head to glare at him, “What do you mean burden? I’m a burden?”
The corner of his mouth twitches slightly, an action you catch as he turns his head away.
“Hey you! Answer me!”
LOL tell me why I totally forgot to put the tags.
@twilight-loveer​ @reinyrei​  @mistytail​ @mygukandonlyficrecs​ @xanny91​ @unpocodesoledadywisky​ @xxqueenwxtchxx​ @lildemonangele​ @gukworld​ @sunnyoongles​ @serendipity-secrets​ @ilaria-np​ @jules-park​ @treetops68​ @mischiefmakerliesmith5​ @jeonkooksgirl​ @coffeeismylife28​ @nshitae​ @bookoffracturedescapes​ @ellsbells72​ @zamirayinyue13​ @hannahdearr​ @tiredjedi @sushibunn​ @perrshian​ @lovinggalaxies​ @ditttiii​ @cookies-are-done @mintyrae​
When like two of you I can’t tag for some reason asjfhksdjhg... anywho~ thank you thank you so much for all the replies on the last part!
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Disney movies and Mario Cart (jjk&myg)
After you started dating Yoongi, you’d accidentally neglected your best friend a bit. But tonight it was all about him and despite how many years it had been since college, quality-time with Jungkook somehow still entailed drinking games and stupid challenges.
Characters: NonIdol!AU, Bestfriend!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Yoongi x reader
Genre: Crack, fluff, drinking games (drink responsibly guys!), nudity (though nothing sexual), best friend shenanigans with Jungkook sprinkled with some boyfriend fluff with Yoongi.
Word count: 2200
A/N: Felt like a bit of crack is just what we need these days.
You can find my masterlist here
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“So what are we doing today? Movie? K-drama? Video-game?”, you inquired as you plopped down on the couch and handed Jungkook one of the beers you’d just pulled out of the fridge.
It had been ages since the two of you had hung out alone. With 6 housemates and a busy work schedule paired with your 3 roommates and an equally busy life, finding time to just hang out like you used to do in college was proving very difficult.
Not to mention how much harder it had gotten, when you started dating his housemate. You had been terrified to tell Jungkook, afraid of how he would react, but it turned out he actually loved the idea.
“I never liked any of the other assholes you dated. At least this time, I know I can trust the guy you’re with,” he had shrugged, seemingly not even bothered enough to look from his video-game, leaving Yoongi and you standing sheepishly next to the TV.
Or you had been standing sheepishly.
Yoongi simply nodded at the younger with a subtle “okay”, before he grabbed your hand and led you back to his room for the nap you had promised him.
Despite Jungkook being okay with the dating, you were aware of how much time you’d spent with Yoongi instead of him. For a few months now all your free moments had been shared with Yoongi instead of Jungkook, and you felt kinda bad for how you had abandoned your best friend.
Thus this night.
You’d instructed Yoongi to take out the rest of the housemates so you and Kookie could have the house to yourself. You’d stocked up their kitchen with snacks and filled the fridge with beer. You’d been practically giddy happy the entire week leading up, popping into Jungkook’s room several times during the week to remind him to keep his Saturday evening free for you. Eventually he’d gotten so annoyed that he threw a shoe at you.
Nevertheless, he had waltzed into the living room with a huge grin when the others left. Not that you had doubted if he was looking forward to hanging out with you, but it had been nice to see him excited as well.
“We both know it doesn’t matter,” he laughed with a hair flip so he wouldn’t get beer in his long locks when he opened the beer and took his first sip. “We always end up doing the same anyway.”
“Then I have an idea until then,” you grinned mischievously as you grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him closer to you by the hair, laughing when you heard him yelp at the sting. “Why don’t I take a scissor to this hair? Preferably really poorly. You really are getting too cocky, guk. I think I need to take you down a peg or two.”
“Aish, get off me,” he scoffed with a smug laugh as he applied pressure to the trigger point on your hand, immediately making your grip on his hair falter enough for him to pull away from you. “You just don’t like sharing me with anyone else.”
“As your best friend, I think I’m entitled to think so. Now where are those scissors?”
“You are not touching my hair, Y/n,” he whined with a laugh, swatting away your hands which were already going for his hair again. “Just drop it!”
“Alright, then you think of something,” you challenged with a laugh, taking a swig of your beer as you watched his face scrunch up in thought. “Don’t think too hard. You might burn out the last of your brain-cells,” you teased, earning you an annoyed shove and a loud laugh.
“Let’s just watch a movie while we eat and then we can play a video game or something afterwards?”, he suggested with a playful twinkle in his eyes as he pulled out his phone, delivery app already open on the screen.
Two pizzas later and a lot of beers, your movie-watching had, true to tradition, turned into a drinking game.
When you choose your favorite Disney movie you’d been sure he wouldn’t be able to turn it into drinking.
But leave it to Jungkook to combine Tarzan with the hardest version of a drinking game you’d yet to survive.
“Son of man, look to the sky. Lift your spirit, set it free. Someday you’ll walk tall with pride. Son of Man, a man in time you’ll be,” you screamed at the top of your lungs, completely off-key and with tears streaming down your face.
“You gotta finish your drink if a song makes you cry,” Jungkook cackled with alcohol-rosy cheeks as he grinned triumphantly at you, earning a scoff in return though you finished your fifth beer diligently.
“This isn’t fair! You know I always cry to this movie,” you pouted as you reached for a new beer, just in time to drink when Tarzan tree-surfed on the screen, touching your bottle to Kookies beforehand.
“I do. Which is why I choose that rule.”
“Fine! Then I’m choosing the next game,” you laughed mischievously, getting a cocked eyebrow in mistrust from the man next to you when he saw your evil grin. “I challenge you to Mario Cart!”
“Really? We haven’t played that since college,” he snorted at your excitement, though there was no way he would back down from a challenge.
“Yes, really! But not just Mario Cart,” you grinned knowingly, laughing at his confused look which suddenly lit up in realization, causing him to turn to you wide-eyed with a smug chuckle.
“Oh, that kind of Mario Cart? You sure Yoongi wouldn’t get annoyed at you for playing that with me?”, he challenged with a confident smirk.
“Considering you’ll be the one losing anyway, I don’t see why he should mind,” you hummed, mirroring his smirk which grew to a grin at your words.
“Alright Y/l/n. Bring it on!”
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“What are you guys doing?", Namjoon laughed as he entered the living room a few hours later spotting you and Jungkook on the couch both only in your underwear.
"Are you really playing Strip Mario Cart? I haven’t seen you play that in ages," Taehyung chuckled as he eyed the two of you from the doorway, making Jungkook furrow his eyebrows in annoyance when he caught his friends eyes travelling your body.
"Ya!", he shrieked, clumsily throwing his body on yours trying to cover you up. "Don't look at my best friend like that!"
"They've seen me in a bathing suit countless of times. Calm your testicles, Jeon," you groaned, as you pushed his body off you, making him huff as he hit the floor and Namjoon and Taehyung cackle, before they both walked out with a headshake.
Giggling drunkenly, you picked up the controller once more.
"Come on, guk," you exclaimed, wiggling your eyebrows at him. "You've got one last chance to keep your clothes on."
"Ah, and I will win this time!", he shrieked from his position on the floor as he picked up his controller again.
"Yeah, that would be a first," Jimin huffed out in a laugh as he strolled into the room and sat down on the couch, earning a smirk from you and a scowl from Jungkook.
“You ready, Jeon?”, you shrieked as you started a new game on the screen, getting nothing but a nod back from the boy on the floor.
Sliding off the couch to join him on the floor, you shoved him playfully just as the race started, making him whine out protests of cheating through out the game, as you laughed triumphantly next to him.
"Yes!! Take it off, Jeon," you taunted, as you did a little victory dance around the living room a few minutes later, watching Jungkook try to shimmy out of his boxers without exposing too much skin as he hid his crotch behind a pillow.
"Hi babe," you grinned at Yoongi as he walked into the room, nearly choking on his drink at the sight of Jungkook completely naked and you only in your underwear.
“Okay, you take it from here,” Jimin chuckled as he got up from the couch to walk out. “I don’t know how to handle either of them when they’re like this.”
Laughing at Jimin’s words, Yoongi turned back to the scene in front of him with an amused smile as his eyes fell on you.
"Hi button," he chuckled, placing a soft kiss against your hair before sitting down on the couch behind you. "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?"
"We're playing Strip Mario Cart," you giggled proudly, as you turned back to the screen. "When I win this round, I win the game," you bragged, grinning at Yoongi who just shook his head at you.
"IF you win this round," Jungkook corrected you with a huff, as he repositioned the pillow so he could sit down without flashing anyone.
"Sure, as if you winning at this point is still a possibility," you taunted, making him pout at you which only looked utterly ridiculous with his toned chest on display.
Putting down the controller a short while later, you watched Jungkook hang his head in shame as you celebrated your victory by jumping into your boyfriend’s lap.
"What do you think, Yoonie?", you smirked confidently at him, earning a lazy smile in return. "You're up for challenging me? It'll be easy. I'm only wearing two items," you said, gesturing to your underwear and bra, giggling as Yoongi pinched the bare skin on your hip.
“I’m not gonna play you, kid,” he stated softly as he circled his arms around you, getting goosebumps at the feeling of your warm skin against his when he pulled you closer in his embrace.
“Why not? Are you afraid of losing? I know you’re bad, babe, but there is no way you’re that bad,” you sniggered drunkenly as you made yourself small in his embrace and snuggled up to his chest.
Humming against your neck and jaw, he feigned considering it as he pressed kisses and soft licks against your skin. Feeling you turn to putty in his hands, he couldn’t help the cocky smile appearing on his lips.
"I'm pretty sure, I don't need to best you in a game to get you out of your clothes, button," he grinned against your earlobe as he nibbled teasingly.
“Oh come on, guys. You know the rules,” Jin’s voice cut through the living room as he threw the two of you an annoyed glare. “No sex in the shared areas. Nobody wants to see your bare ass, Yoongi.”
“As opposed to Kookies?”, Yoongi snickered, gesturing towards the boy who had fallen asleep on the floor on his stomach, leaving his ass uncovered in the air as he snored away.
“Well that one is on Y/n,” Jin laughed at their youngest, before sending you a poor try at an accusing look. “You’re the one who got him this drunk.”
Laughing at your best friend’s predicament, you pushed yourself off your boyfriend’s lap and grabbed the blanket from the couch before spreading it out over his naked form on the floor with a chuckle.
“There we go,” you stated, sending Jin a proud smile only to see him huff out a laugh on his way out of the living room, before he shouted a goodnight back to you.
Looking back at Jungkook’s sleeping form again, you couldn’t help the fond smile on your lips as you took in his peaceful features. He always seemed at least 10 years younger when he was sleeping.
Feeling a pair of arms snake around you waist, you instinctively leaned back against his chest and pulled his arms tighter around your form.
“I take it tonight was a success?”, Yoongi mumbled against your neck, pressing small kisses to your skin in-between his words.
“Definitely,” you hummed in response, letting your head fall back on his shoulder with a sigh as you felt the alcohol buzzing through your veins.
"Wanna go to bed?”
Nodding sleepily, you heard him chuckle in response as he gently led you to his room.
Pulling one of his t-shirts over your head and flopping down on his bed, you made grabby hands towards your boyfriend across the room only to have him answer with a fond headshake.
“Go brush your teeth, button. I’ll be right back.”
Slipping out of his room, he missed the pout you were sporting as you got up from the bed again with a huff to brush your teeth. When you slipped under the covers again a few minutes later, he still wasn’t back and though you put on a fair fight, sleep was pulling heavily at your eyelids.
Seconds away from drifting off, you finally felt your boyfriend’s arms around you as he slipped in bed beside you.
“Where did you go?”, you whined, shuddering slightly when the cold air hit your bare legs, before he pulled the covers over you again.
“I had to take Kookie to bed. That kid is a lot heavier than he looks,” he chuckled against your warm skin, grinning fondly when he felt you entangle your legs with his.
“I could have helped you with that,” you mumbled groggily.
“Yeah, but I didn’t think it was necessary for you to see his dick. I know you guys are close, but still,” he snickered earning a drowsy laugh from you, though he wasn’t sure you’d actually heard what he said since it was immediately followed by a soft snore.
Chuckling soundlessly, he pulled you closer in his embrace as he shook his head lightly at the thought of finding you only in your underwear because of a game of Mario Cart with Jungkook. 
“How am I ever gonna keep up with you, button?”, he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. 
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hellreads · 5 years
Thank you for your blog it's really helpful sksjsksj anyway i don't know if you like dark themes(yandere, supernatural, psychological) but if you do what are the best fic you can recommend? Especially Jimin's? Thank you in advance ❤️❤️
hello there lovey! thank you for appreciating my blog, btw I LOVE DARK THEMED FICS and I have read a lot of stories with said theme (yandere and psychological are part of my fave reads), anyways, I will be listing below my favorites for every member, you can also check other fics on my organized shelf in case you’re looking for specific stories xxx | 🍒
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Kim Namjoon
❥ Let the Villain Win by @lemonjoonah➴ Author/Yandere!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ Kim Namjoon, famous author and your childhood friend has been keeping a secret from you. His new book treads on such dark themes that he’s finding it difficult to write. Excited by the prospect of a sinister plot you offer him a piece of advice, “Let the villain win…”
❥ First, Do No Harm by @psycho-slytherin➴ Doctor/Yandere!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ Dr. Kim is well known as the most skilled heart surgeon in the hospital, but when you notice his mortality statistics seem skewered, you discover all is not what it seems. Now, Dr. Kim is offering you a choice: will you join him? Or become yet another broken heart beneath his scalpel?
❥ A Little Bit of Sugar (but lots of poison too) by @lthyl➴ Noir!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ Namjoon is well aware that some, well actually most people could find his hobby not exactly common, yet he still considers himself to be a man of tasteful words and higher intellect - someone who managed to understand the true, deepest meaning of beauty itself.
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Kim Seokjin
❥ A Portrait’s Whisper by @jimlingss➴ Supernatural!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot➴ When you’re trapped in a house controlled by a witch’s power, Seokjin will go through every means to search for you again.
❥ Cake by yeyeniejjung➴ Killer/Yandere!AU | Seokjin x Reader | Series➴ “I was always hungry for your love. Just once, I wanted to know what is was like to get my fill of it. I wanted to be fed so much love that I couldn’t take it anymore, just once.”
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Min Yoongi
❥ Dead Leaves by wrienne➴ Police/Det!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jimin | Series➴ In which you (reader) are a homicide detective about to face the biggest hurdle both of your career and life.
Married to probably the kindest but most boring man you’ve ever met and living in a town where nothing ever seems to happen means life for you is dull. Dull enough to drive you crazy with boredom and dissatisfaction. However, life changes abruptly when your old boss retires and a new man takes his place - a man you used to love (and sleep very regularly with) more than a decade ago. Especially when your husband comes home smelling of perfume, you’re unable to resist your more carnal urges and dead women start showing up across the city with unnerving frequency.
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Jung Hoseok
❥ Lost and Found by @fortunexkookie➴ Peter Pan!AU | Hoseok x Reader | Series➴ The only hope you had at ending your exile and earning your life back came in the form of an infuriating and uncatchable man: Hoseok. He seemed to love the endless game of cat-and-mouse you two played - so much, in fact, that you were unsure if you were the cat or the mouse. What he failed to realize was that there was a third player, and this one wasn’t after him. The Crocodile hunted you with an intensity that rivaled the way you chased Hoseok, but with one difference: the games he played were deadly.
❥ Taken at Dusk by @yeontanismypresident➴ Hybrid/Yandere!AU | Hoseok x Reader x Jungkook | Series ➴ The moment you sauntered into the party, his gaze was locked in on your form. Everywhere you went, his eyes followed along, not wanting to lose you in the huge crowd of sweaty bodies. There was something about you that drove his instincts wild. Was it your scent? Your attitude? The manner in which you held yourself? He didn’t have a clue and he couldn’t have cared less, so long as you were his and his only. And he would do anything to make that happen.
❥ Red Door, Yellow Door by @polaritae➴ Supernatural/Incubus!AU | Seokjin x Reader x Hoseok | One-Shot➴ In hindsight, maybe going into a trance to communicate with the spirit world was a bad idea.
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Park Jimin
❥ Eradicate by @gukptune➴ Purge!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ A hotel intern finds himself trapped between death and lust.
❥ Neighbors by @jkeuphoriadreamland➴ Neighbors/Yandere!AU | Jimin x Reader | Series➴ Finally achieving your successes in life you never expected the distraction that came with your new hot neighbor. He however, had been trying to get your attention for a much different reason.
❥ Otherworldly by @sinning-on-a-sunday➴ Coraline!AU | Jimin x Reader | Two-Shot➴ When you discover a tiny door in your home that leads to a much better version of your own life, it seems too good to be true. little do you know, the man posing as your boyfriend may be a lot more dangerous than you care to admit. and he is not intent on letting you leave.
❥ The Uncanny by sinsirella➴ Stalker/Yandere!AU | Jimin x Reader | Series➴ “The uncanny is the psychological experience of something as strangely familiar, rather than simply mysterious.” An everyday object or occurrence can be experienced as something unsettling and alienated. This is accompanied by a discomforting effect and—most of the time—leads to an outright rejection of said subject. Or Someone.(Y/N) is a young girl whose Life turns upside down. One day her mother surprises her with news of her arranged husband, forcing her into her new chaotic lifestyle. Join her journey and experience her new life through her eyes. Will she get along with her husband? Or someone else? What are they hiding?
❥ Nine-One-One by @yminie➴ Det/Killer!AU | Jimin x Reader | Series➴ When murder and crime threaten the city of Seoul, there’s a team in place to help keep the public safe, but just what do you do when all your training is to help others, and the one that needs help is actually you?
❥ Devotion by @sugaxjpg➴ Angel/Demon!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ As an angel questioning your place in Heaven, the last thing you needed was for someone like him to appear.
❥ The Devil’s Own Luck by @jimlingss​➴ Demon!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ You should’ve known that opening that box would’ve made your luck go rotten. And not only that, but a certain demon would end up following you for the rest of your days. Introducing the devilish boy - Jimin! Your childhood best friend from the underworld who will never leave your side!
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Kim Taehyung ( I read a lot of dark fics for Taehyung so just check my shelf)
❥ Beastly Gods by @lemonjoonah​➴ Hybrid/Yandere!AU | Taehyung x Reader | One-Shot➴ ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you’ve been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
❥ Minutiae by coconutty ➴ Stalker!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series➴ Y/N meets a mysterious and alluring photographer and wants to interview him. Along the way things start getting a bit strange. What happens when you draw the attention of someone who always gets what they want?
❥ L’Appel Du Vide by @infireation​➴ Killer!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series➴ //
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Jeon Jungkook (I read a lot of JK dark fics too so pls just check my shelf)
❥ Only You by @sweetbunnykook (+ all of her stories!!!)➴ Lovers/Yandere!AU | Jungkook x Reader x Namjoon x Jin | Series➴ Jeon Jungkook, your wedding photographer, helps you escape on your big day upon learning about a secret your groom-to-be kept hidden. You soon fall for this young, passionate photographer. However, you underestimated just how much he was willing to reciprocate that love. Maybe, you think, he’s loving you just a little too much.
❥ Every Breath You Take by @junqkook​➴ Stalker/Yandere!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ Everything was going great when you first met jeon jungkook. he was a new light in your life with soft smiles and tinkling laughs; but then you noticed a lurking presence that seemed to follow you wherever you went.
❥ Lust by @umitae➴ Stalker/Killer!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ Everybody has a lust for something. but his lust was beyond the ordinary one. his lust for you was out of this world. he only wanted you and in order to make you his, everything had to go his way.
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OT7 (so all possible dark tags apply to these stories so please please please check all tags and warnings before reading!!!)
❥ Extreme Obsession by saylilirose➴ Psychological/Poly!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ In life, you meet one person that you live and grow old with. You? You meet seven. But your love? Non-existent. But theirs? Real…and obsessive.Which turns deadly and dangerous. Without hesitation.
❥ The Scarlet Lust by infires_fanfic➴ Vampire!AU | OT7 x Reader | Series➴ Your world becomes turned upside down as a series of unfortunate events places you directly in the hands of a clan of blood-thirsty vampires, where you become their one and only human servant. Filled with uncertainty, strange emotions and many questions, what truths will you uncover? Are your new keepers the intimate form of evil incarnate, or is there humanity hidden beneath the surface of their statuesquely beautiful faces?
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
546 Days Without You — Six: Day 73
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Pairing — Seokjin x Reader, also get bonus platonic!Jimin x Reader and platonic!Taehyung x Reader in this part
Tags — boyfriend!Seokjin, older brother!Yoongi, producer/songwriter!MC, military au (ish), idol au (ish)
Genre — fluff, angst
Word Count — 2.6k
Summary — Kim Seokjin is your entire world, and that world falls apart the moment he and your older brother Yoongi are conscripted into the South Korean military.
Part — 6 / 15
Warnings — None.
A/N — Taglist is open! Comment or submit an ask if you want to be added :) 
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“You know what would be really cool?” Jimin says aloud, half to himself and half to whoever might be within earshot of hearing his voice. Which is nothing out of the ordinary.
“What’s that?” you reply, shifting your headphones off your head for the first time in over an hour. 
Behind the glass, you hear Jungkook going through his warm-ups. Another day, another recording session. This particular afternoon is for the Busan boys, and you were happy to have them in such good spirits. You knew that you were going to have some long months ahead, preparing for the new album, but now that the songs had all been written and pre-produced, now it was time to actually get in the booth and sing their hearts out.
Today’s just a run-through of the solos, as well as Jimin and Jungkook’s sub-unit duet. They were over the moon about the selection and begged you to be there to give them pointers. While the youngest warmed up for his solo, you’d settled in behind the glass with Seokjin’s song playing over and over in your ears. Even while reading music sheets, you loved hearing his voice. It gave you the placebo effect of him still being there, which was a welcome feeling after seventy-three days in the military. There hasn’t been a single album before Map of the Soul: Dream for which Seokjin or Yoongi haven’t been in the recording studio. It’s a strange situation for everyone, but between having another Min and some pre-recorded segments from the missing boys, everyone is managing their emotions satisfactorily.
The blond spins his chair around, his head lulling against the cushion with a grin plastered on his face. At this moment, curled up in the seat as the room twirls around him, he looks more like a five-year-old than a twenty-five-year-old.
“Nah, it’s not worth saying. You’ll never go for it.”
Tossing your headphones onto the table, you reach out and stop Jimin’s actions with the edge of your foot. He jolts to the side, giving you a small glare at the intervention.
“Park Jimin, you’d better start talking or else.”
Your best friend arches a playful eyebrow. “Or else what, Min [Y/n]?”
Narrowing your eyes at him in a way that mimics your older brother, you grab the younger boy’s right forefinger and twist it back, moving it in an unnatural way. It’s not enough to actually hurt him, just enough to get his attention.
Instantly, Jimin is contouring around your touch, trying to escape from your grasp. “Owowow! What the hell, Min!”
Having got his attention, you loosen your grip, even if only a little bit. You lean closer and look him directly in the eye. “Spill, Park—”
“—All right, all right! Aish, you’re persistent!”
You drop your grip and allow Jimin to slip his finger from your hold. As he glares daggers in your direction, you slump back into your chair with a pleased expression.
“Where did you learn to be so evil?” the younger member mutters under his breath, adding a hint of babying to his voice. “Crazy lady.”
Choosing to ignore the comment, you wave your hand. “Go on.”
Jimin rolls his eyes and gestures to the tablet behind you, laying on the desk. “I was just going to say…wouldn’t it be cool if you recorded something of yours? Something you wrote, lyrics and melody and everything?”
“For what?” you laugh, finding the idea hilarious. “Shits and giggles?”
He shakes his head, wicked and beautiful grin returning. “For the album!”
You roll your eyes and turn back to the work station. “Sure, I’m the crazy one.”
“Why is that so crazy?” Jimin asks, pushing his chair so it rolls over to the desk beside yours. He rests an elbow against the surface so he can look straight at you. “Tell me.”
“Because no one wants to hear my voice, Chim. Let alone on BTS’ album. People only know me ‘cause I’m the great Suga’s little sister.”
“I’ve heard your voice! It’s pretty, and you’ve learned how to rap, too. I’ve heard you practicing Yoongi’s work with him before it’s recorded. You’re every bit as good as he is. You’re like Jungkook, or Hobi, or Namjoon, or your brother. You’re a triple-threat: you can write, you can sing, and you can rap.”
Shaking your head, you shove the blond’s chair, causing the piece of furniture to shoot to the other side of the room. “You’ve got some praise kink, Jimin. I hope you’re not trying to flirt with me.”
Despite being pushed back, Jimin scoots over once more and continues, “That’s not what this is and you know it. I’m serious! I know you have your own melodies and lyrics you’ve written. Yoongi’s always talking about how proud he is of your work, and it used to get under Seokjin’s skin so much because you never shared with him. And if I’m honest, as your best friend, I’d like in on the fun, too!”
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly. “It’s personal for me. What I create is very close to my heart.”
“And what we create isn’t?” Jimin pauses for a second. “Look, I’m not trying to convince you to do anything you don’t want to do. You’re one of my best friends. I wouldn’t do that. But there’s a big difference between wanting to keep your work private because you want it to be yours alone and being too scared to share.”
Something he says resonates with you on a deeper level, and you’re forced to consider both options. Are you just a private person, or are you scared? Does the weight of what people might think weigh you down, the idea that Min Yoongi's—the legendary Agust D and BTS’ Suga—own sister isn’t half as good as he is?
“Believe me, I know what the latter is like,” Jimin murmurs. “It’s a big reason I never shared a lot of what I wrote and let Yoongi and Namjoon do most of the lyrical work. With 'Friends,’ I finally broke out of my shell. And who sat me down and gave me a big 'you should do this for yourself’ talk?”
A smile tugs at the corner of your lips. “That would be me, the obnoxious friend.”
He reaches for your hand. “I needed that then, and so I’m returning the favor because I believe you need that same advice now. You’ve been holding all this creative energy inside, and it’s only grown in the past few months as an outlet of healing. But you refuse to show anyone. I know low self-confidence when I see it.”
“I don’t have low self-confidence, Jimin.”
“Maybe not in most areas,” he agrees. “When it comes to sharing your own lyrics and melodies with the world? You do. You always shy away from it. You won’t even share it with Seokjin or me or the rest of us. Do you really think that we would ever judge you?”
“No,” you sigh in agreement.
Jimin sees he’s getting through, so he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. “So…to quote your own words back at you, do this for yourself, [Y/n]. If not for anyone else, do it for you. You don’t have to share it with the world, or the company, or us at first. But one of these days, get in that booth and record something spectacular. Then, one day, show someone what you can really do.”
You reach over and run your fingers over Jimin’s hair, messing with the shorter strands at the back of his neck. “This is why you’re my best friend, Chim. You always know just what to say.”
Jimin’s cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and he pulls you closer so he can wrap you in a tight hug. The Busan-native has always been physically affectionate, and it’s one of your favorite things about him. His touch is eternally warm and reassuring. Even in the darkest days, Jimin is a light you know you can walk towards.
Seokjin might be your sun—the object of warmth that you revolve around. Yoongi might be your moon—the emotional stronghold of a satellite that’s always been there. But Jimin is your stars—all the twinkling lights that give you grace in the night.
Your best friend lets you go, and you settle back into your producer’s chair as Jungkook slips his headphones over his ears, ready to begin the practice session.
“Let’s take this nice and easy first round, okay?” you say through the microphone. 
Jungkook gives you a smile and a thumbs-up. Jimin merely smirks and shakes his head.
“Have you ever known Jungkookie to go nice and easy on anything?”
“Oh, not at all, but it was worth a shot.”
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Later in the day, after practice is finished and the Busan boys have wandered off to do whatever it is they wanted to do, you find yourself swinging by your oldest friend’s favorite burger joint. Taehyung had a hankering for this place ever since he first went there, but that was almost seven years ago. If you recall correctly, it was the place you both stopped on your way to Big Hit for the first time since he joined the group. You would have thought that the hunger for this hole-in-the-wall diner would have been sated by now, but you couldn’t be more wrong.
And that greasy, delectable burger is your secret weapon.
After grabbing take-away for you both, knowing his favorite order by heart, you scurry off to the dorms. Holding the paper bags in one hand, you hammer the other on his door. The jazz playing on the other side quiets, and the door opens moments later.
“On a scale of one to Winter Bear, how creative do you feel tonight?”
Taehyung cocks an eyebrow. “Are you implying that Winter Bear is the epitome of creative?” His eyes shift down to the bags in your grasp, eyes slightly widening as he spots the logo. “What’s that?”
You lift the bags and unceremoniously shake them in his face. “You wanna help me with something?”
His boxy grin appears, quickly turning sneaky as he grabs the bags and giggles. “You know just how to bribe me, [Y/n].”
Ruffling the taller man’s curly dark hair, you retort, “You’re not too hard to please, Tae.” Reaching for his free hand, you thread your fingers through his and tug him down the hall. “C'mon. I need your artistic expertise.”
After seeing you taking him towards Genius Lab, Taehyung asks, “Wait, why do you need my help? And on what, again?”
You press the code and usher him inside. Once seated on the sofa, Taehyung begins unpacking the meal. You take your usual perch in Yoongi’s studio chair and roll over towards Taehyung, scooping your burger from the coffee table and taking an enormous bite.
“I had a talk with Jimin today while we were waiting for Jungkook to warm up.”
Taehyung smirks and takes a bite out of his own, resting back against the sofa with his attention split between you and the meal. “Should I be scared to ask what about?”
With your free hand, you pull your notebook of melodies and toss it in Taehyung’s direction, feeling your heart rate quicken at the thought of someone else seeing your innermost creative work. Forcing those fears away, you nod towards it and encourage him to open it.
Your companion, sensing that this is something important to you by the way you stay silent, puts his burger down and gently picks up the notebook. With tender fingers, he flips from one page of drafted melodies to the next, seeing approximately a decades’s worth of what you consider your best work. 
For several minutes, the room is silent. He doesn’t touch his food, nor does he speak up. He merely observes the work on each page with wide and curious eyes. Taehyung isn’t one to keep his attention on anything for very long, especially when his favorite take-away is a foot in front of him. The thought gives you butterflies, and you can only hope his attention is focused on the good and not the bad.
“Are these the melodies you only show Yoongi?” he eventually asks, his voice deep and quiet.
You nod. “Until now. You’re the second person to see them, and I’m not sure even Yoongi has seen all of them.” Another beat of silence passes, and you start to squirm in your seat. “Well, what—what do you think?”
Taehyung laughs, shaking his head as he looks up at you for the first time since seeing your work. “I think you’ve been holding out on us.” He gestures to the pages. “I’ve never been the best at reading sheet music, but I can play all of these in my head and they sound beautiful. You have a talent, [Y/n]. Really, and you know I don’t say anything I don’t mean so don’t doubt it when I say these could all be songs in and of themselves.”
A heavy sigh of relief slips from your lips. “Oh, thank god. You were so quiet. I thought…” You shrug. “I don’t know.”
“And I’m honored to be the second person to see them, by the way.” He hands your notebook back to you, handling it like some sort of precious treasure. “What on earth did Jiminie say to make you change your mind after all these years?”
“You know Jimin,” you chuckle. “He’s got a silver tongue.” Taehyung scoffs in agreement. “But he didn’t tell me anything I didn’t need to hear. 'You love being creative, [Y/n]. It’s your outlet. Why don’t you combine your melodies and lyrics and record something for once?’”
The brunet’s head perks up. “Record? Like…you would sing?”
You make a noncommittal gesture with your hands. “I was considering it. I mean, I love to sing when I’m by myself. Sometimes I sing around Seokjin, and I’ve helped Yoongi practice his parts, both pre- and post-production. Jimin thinks I can rap and sing, and I’ve done both for a while…”
Taehyung’s boxy grin returns, even bigger than when he saw what food you’d brought him. “I think it’s a great idea! I’ve heard you sing in bits and pieces and always thought you had a pretty voice. How can I help?”
You tug a second notebook from the desk and hold it up. “These are newer. They’re my lyrics. I’ve…written a lot these past few months. It’s been a healing experience, but I’m struggling with putting lyrics to melodies. Your music gives me—and everyone—immense comfort, and they’re always blended seamlessly. I was hoping you could help me figure this out. It’s no fun doing all this alone all the time.”
The man from Daegu nods fervently. “No way I’d rather spend my evening.” He shoves the remaining bits of his burger into his mouth and makes grabby hands towards your notebooks. “We’re going to need a couple of plain sheets of music, a new notebook, all the colored pens you can find, and a bottle of wine. You get the first three, and I’ll get the last. Do you prefer red or white?”
You shake your head as Taehyung bounces excitedly off the sofa and towards the door. “You’re going to pick red no matter what I say, aren’t you?”
He doesn’t stop moving as he shouts over his shoulder, “Absolutely!”
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Taglist — @joyful-jimin, @gracehiii​, @live-2-fangirl​
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btsvt-adventures · 5 years
Shifter AU - Guarded Hearts
A/n: Long awaited (and procrastinated) part 3 lmao, this deadass took me months to write because life hit me hard in the face and yelled Fuck You 
Pairing: Jihoon x Seungcheol (Jicheol), Jeonghan x Jisoo (Jihan)
Warning(s): Angst, death, swearing  
Words:  3,767
Want more of this AU? Or want your own AU? Ask me here!
Shifter AU: (Cat)ch Me If You Can | Feline Feelings | Guarded Hearts
The Royal family had an ancestral secret. One that was fiercely protected, closely guarded, and well hidden.
All with royal blood were born with the ability to shapeshift into domesticated animals. All but one.
A hidden prince, born out of an illicit affair between the King and a maid. He alone had the mysterious ability to shift into predators.
Him, and his descendants were offered two options:
Guard the Royal family.
Or die.
All royal guards remember the day they were recruited. Some had happier stories, tales of excitement, joy, pride, even, at the thought of being selected for such an honour-filled task.
Others were… less. Seungcheol wishes he could erase the memory, but it’s permanently burned into his mind.
Seungcheol distinctly remembers the way he was so excited for his birthday – his eighteenth! –.
He’d woken up with a weird, tingling pit in his stomach, but he ignored it, figuring it was just nerves for hitting such a big, important, adult, milestone. He sat himself at the table, willfully ignoring the unsettling tension around him, brightening up when his sister brought out his favourite cake.
“Happy birthday Cheollie,” she beamed, setting it down in front of him. He leaned over to hug her, thanking her profusely for the red velvet birthday cake.
If only he’d paid more attention to the warning signs. He remembers the air, reeking of fear, their instinctive retreat when he tried to reach out for his family, the way they slumped in relief when the guards took him away.
He was panting, world dizzy and dread pooling in his belly. He could hear his parents screaming and his sister sobbing, apologizing over and over, but he was too disoriented to figure out whatever she had said. 
(He later learns that she’d spiked the cake with a shifting serum, thinking it would be harmless because he was human. 
He wasn’t.)
His vision was alarmingly sharp, and he could see the remnants of his birthday cake in a heap on the floor, the vibrant red crumbs scattered on the wood floor of their cozy apartment. The sweet scent of red velvet permeated the air, the sharp tang of cream cheese frosting tickling his nose, and.. something else. He couldn’t pinpoint it then, but the scent was unpleasant, bitter, even. He glanced up, staring at his family huddled in a corner of their house, away from the dangers, away from him.
“Eomma please I- I’m scared,” Seungcheol cries, reaching out for his mother, who just recoiled in fear.
Seungcheol bites back a whimper, lashes wet with tears as he watches his father pull his wife and daughter behind him.
“Appa –“
His pleas are suddenly cut off when three figures storm into the house. Seungcheol turns suddenly, a warning growl ripping from his throat. The guards are taken aback but didn’t move, and Seungcheol recoils when he realizes what he’s done.
“Choi Seungcheol, aged 18, Cheetah.”
“Ch-Cheetah?“ he gasps, scrambling back in a panic when they advance towards him. “N-No I’m sorry– Please –” One of the guards (who Seungcheol learns is named Yoongi) walks forward to where Seungcheol is, kneeling and meeting the teenager’s wide, terror-filled brown eyes.
“Hey, hey, kid, it’s okay,” he soothes. “I’m sorry, but you need to make a choice,” he murmurs, and Seungcheol hiccups, turning back to look at his family. Yoongi follows his gaze, waiting patiently till Seungcheol turns back to him, eyes red rimmed and filled with pain.
Yoongi hyung was one of the head recruiters. He was a cobra shifter, and had an uncanny ability to get people to calm down and listen to him (Seungcheol thinks it’s the way he’s completely unflustered, but Jimin thinks it’s because Yoongi has a terrifying aura and listening is better than certain death).
“What choice do I have?” he whispered hoarsely, tears spilling down his cheeks. Everyone knew what happened if you turned down the royal guards.
Seungcheol had never understood why they executed those who refused to join the guard, never knew why they didn’t just recruit normally like most armies did.
There were rumours of course, whispers in the night about the guard secretly being wizards, monsters, magical, evil creatures who had unnatural gifts, to turn into whatever they wanted, to conjure weapons at will, and only those who were chosen would be allowed to train in the mysterious art.
He never understood why they were so secretive.
Until now.
Yoongi looked at him gently, like he knew exactly how it felt. “You’re a predator shifter, descended from the exiled brother of the royal family,” he explained, voice lowered to make sure Seungcheol’s family wouldn’t ever hear a word about it. “All descendants from his line must serve the Royal family, or be executed immediately to protect the Royal Secret.”
Seungcheol had stared at him, dumbfounded. Some things certainly made sense now (mostly him turning into a fucking cheetah), but it still didn’t explain why he had to be punished for something some stupid Royal did. 
“What Royal Secret?” Seungcheol asks dumbly, and Yoongi sighs quietly. 
Seungcheol learned that day why he has to serve the Royal family. He hated that he had no say in it, that this- gift – no, curse – had ripped him from his family, but he felt an odd sense of pride, knowing that he, and a select few others had the ability to protect the Heads of the Kingdom. 
He’d written a note for his terrified parents, apologizing for everything that had happened, and wished them the best. He writes to his older sister, telling her to look after their parents, and that he’s sorry he can’t protect her anymore, or be the little brother she adored so much. He puts the pen down and leaves the note on the table, tucked under his favourite cup, and Yoongi led him out of the house, away from home, his family, and life as he knew it.
He had chosen to stay silent the entire ride to the palace, not bothering to look at the other recruits. Seungcheol recognized a few familiar faces, but he didn’t want to think about having to interact and be social with anyone. 
He just wanted to go home. 
They arrived at the palace without much fanfare, and Seungcheol was assigned to a Korean American shifter named Aron. The alligator shifter regarded him coldly, ordering Seungcheol to follow him, explaining the rules and expectations of training while showing him to the dormitories. 
There were three stages to fully qualify as a Royal Guard; a basic physical test, a written test, and a final, secret test. They trained 6 days a week, 16 hours a week. Aron was the harshest of all the trainers (according to his fellow trainees at least), frequently calling Seungcheol in for extra trainings on Sundays. Most of his peers looked at him with pity while they enjoyed their free time, but he was grateful for the extensive regimen; it took his mind off his family, and it meant that he would be guaranteed to fall into an exhausted, dreamless sleep.
His off days were the worst. With nothing to do, and no one barking orders at him, Seungcheol would let his mind drift back to his family, and he’d feel a stab in his already fragile heart, the pain of being ripped from his beloved parents and sister still fresh after 6 months. 
Aron, despite his harsh, cold demeanor, was actually a huge softie, often calling Seungcheol out for drinks and food, offering advice, or even just a listening ear, and for that Seungcheol was eternally grateful. The alligator shifter  had pushed him hard, and he’d ended the only trainee that had passed the written test. (He’d celebrated so hard with Aron that they both woke up with raging hangovers, but it was so worth it).  
Seungcheol knew there was a final, secret test before he was fully inducted as one of the Royal Guards, and he expected another physical test, or another written test even. 
He didn’t expect this. 
He stares at the list of names and address, and all his memories come rushing back. The screams, the fear, the heartache, and Seungcheol is frozen. After a year, he’s right back where he started.
He can’t do this. 
He can’t. 
He can’t rip another family apart.
Aron sees the horror on his protégés face, and tugs him away quietly. 
“Breathe, Cheollie, breathe,” Aron instructs, gripping Seungcheol’s shoulders firmly, trying to ground his very freaked out trainee. 
“H-hyung I can’t – this –” he forces out, hands trembling. “How could I do this to someone else?” he whispers, eyes panicked, teary and scared. 
“You do it because you have to,” Aron answers honestly, and Seungcheol sucks in a shaky, deep breath. “I’ll be with you, all the trainers will. All you need to do is watch. We’re not asking you to take them yourself, the final test is to prove that you’re strong enough to conquer this fear,” he murmurs, and Seungcheol nods, quickly wiping away the tears that threaten to fall. 
“Okay,” he hiccups, taking another breath to steady himself. “Okay, let’s go.” 
Aron watches as his student puts himself back together, putting on a front as he heads out with the recruiting guards. He sighs, running a hand through his hair. The pleas and screams still haunt him, every single one since he first started three (not-so) long years ago. He sighs, resignedly following the newly-determined recruit, hoping this test won’t break his spirit. 
Seungcheol’s horrified. 
It had all been going so well. They’d picked up a snow leopard named Junhui, who was more than confused about the whole situation, but was more than happy to be recruited. He’d even glanced at Seungcheol and winked suggestively, snickering when Seungcheol’s ears turned bright red. He was happy, relieved, almost, that their recruitment had gone so well. 
And then it didn’t.
He stares at the scene unfolding before him, the young lion shifter struggling against the Royal Guards, yelling for help, attempting to shift in a fruitless bid to get away. Seungcheol flinches, looking away when the shifter is forced to his knees, the injection mercilessly administered. The anger on the young teenager’s face gives way to shock, then fear, before his expression crumples, and he slumps forward, motionless. Aron moves forward silently, checking him for a pulse, nodding when he finds none. The look on the guards’ faces is grim as they carry the body back into the house, bowing politely before moving onto the next house. Seungcheol’s still standing behind the house, staring at the spot where the new shifter – 
He can’t bring himself to say it. It makes him sick, and he fights the urge to throw up right there. Aron puts a gentle hand on his shoulder and he jumps, staring at his mentor, eyes filled with tears. 
“He – they –” he stammers, still refusing to accept whatever had just happened. Aron nods, looking back into the house, where they can both hear the family’s desperate, broken cries over the son they just lost. 
“Yeah,” Aron answers quietly. “It’s the least painful way to go,” he shrugs. “They can’t be allowed to roam free, it’s too dangerous. You know what happened the last time someone let a predator go,” he murmurs, and Seungcheol flinches, recalling the carnage that was left behind. He sighs, forcing whatever he just saw into the deepest crevices of his mind. He shoots Aron a grateful smile, taking a steadying breath before nodding, forcing himself to move on. 
Seungcheol wants to go home, soak himself in boiling water and scrub his skin raw. Maybe then, just maybe, it’ll wash the blood staining his hands. It’ll at least be a fitting punishment for everything he’s done just in this one day alone. 
“Please, please I can’t go to the palace, I –” she falters, turning back to look at her brother tearfully. 
Park Minhee, 18, Lynx. 
Seungcheol stays silent, eyes flicking to the girl’s  mother, her skin a chalky white, and her breathing laboured. 
She doesn’t have much time left, Seungcheol thinks, feeling the guilt (and bile) quickly rising. He forces it down, stepping forward when Minhee growls warningly, desperate to be with her family.  
“Then you know the consequences,” Yoongi says quietly, and she chokes on a sob, hesitating before she nods reluctantly. 
“I’ll- I’ll go with you. G-give me a minute to-to say goodbye, please,” she croaks, and Yoongi nods brusquely, motioning for the other guards to prepare for their departure back to the palace. 
Seungcheol wants to look away, knows he shouldn’t watch such a private moment, but he’s transfixed, the guilt swallowing him whole. Minhee leans down, hugging the young boy – no older than seven or eight – tightly, before resting her hands on his shoulders.
“Look after eomma, okay? Noona’s gotta go somewhere,” she whispers, and the young boy frowns in confusion. 
“But- what about eomma?  When’s noona coming back?” he asks, and the girl whimpers, pulling her brother into another tight hug. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, pulling away. “You have to be a big boy and look after eomma, okay? I love you so much,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
Minhee stands, kneeling by her mother’s bedside, pressing gentle, loving kisses to both her cheeks, whispering a broken “I love you,” before she pulls away, walking away without a second glance. 
The guards file out behind her, and Seungcheol’s heart drops when he hears the little boy crying for his sister, gut-wrenching, broken sobs as he watches his only sibling leave him behind. 
Seungcheol looks down at her motionless form, wondering why she thought she could do it. She’d lied to Yoongi, pretended to agree to join the Royal Guards, then had tried to attack him from behind. Seungcheol had acted instinctively, grabbing her from behind and subduing her, his strength and training easily overpowering her fully shifted form. 
Yoongi had the syringe in hand. Seungcheol heard the pained whimper, and the effects were almost immediate. She shifted back, and turned to look at Seungcheol, eyes wide and fearful as the realization dawned on her. 
“I’m sorry,” Seungcheol whispers, and Minhee struggles for a second before going limp. He drops her, her eyes staring up at him, glassy and unseeing.  It makes his stomach lurch, and he reaches down, shutting her eyes quickly. She had begged and pleaded for them to let her go, that she wasn’t dangerous and she just wanted to look after her brother and sick mother. 
“She was just desperate to be with her family,” Seungcheol whispers hoarsely, and Yoongi sighs, looking down at the girl. 
“Take her with us. Her brother doesn’t need to know that she’s gone,” he murmurs, and Seungcheol looks up at him in surprise. “We’ll give her a proper burial.” 
Yoongi pats Seungcheol’s shoulder, handing him a thick blanket, and Seungcheol stares after Yoongi, wondering how he manages to do this for so long, unmoved and unaffected by anything. He does as he’s told, wrapping her up and putting her in the back. He tells Aron that he wants to walk back, and that he just needs some air. His mentor nods understandingly, reminding him to report for their debrief that evening. 
Seungcheol strolls the streets, picking up various snacks and bites as he tries to rid himself of the horrifying images from his mind. He’s so preoccupied he almost doesn’t register the yelling. 
He jerks back to reality, eyes scanning the crowd urgently, trying to find the source of the noise. He doesn’t know how, but the system must have missed one. 
“You know what happened the last time we let one go.” 
The words ring in his ears, and he tries to focus on the sound, frowning when he realizes that it doesn’t sound anything like a predator’s growl. Seungcheol searches anyway, pushing through the small crowd of kids and adults to finally spot the shifter, and he stops dead in his tracks. 
A pomeranian? What the fuck? 
It’s not possible. The only shifters outside the Royal family were predators, what – what was a domestic shifter doing here? 
What the fuck????
To everyone else, all they hear is incessant barking from a small, cute little dog, but Seungcheol understands him perfectly. He scoops up the puppy, carrying him away quickly, thanking the kids for finding his puppy.
The dog barks indignantly, evidently unhappy from being picked up. 
“I can help you, just shut up at trust me,” he whispers, looking around to ensure none of the other guards are around. The Pomeranian stops barking, staring up at him in surprise 
You can understand me??? He barks, and Seungcheol shushes him again. 
“Yes I can, but so can all the other shifter guards. If they find out you exist they’ll kill you without hesitation,” he hisses, and the Pomeranian promptly shuts up. 
“What’s your name?” he murmurs, and the Pomeranian barks once, before burrowing into the little nook in Seungcheol’s arms. 
Lee Jihoon, 18, Pomeranian
Seungcheol isn't entirely sure what had driven him to go help Jihoon, instead of just reporting him, but it isn’t his fault he was born. He has a faint idea of how the hell Jihoon is a domestic shifter, but he’s afraid of the consequences should his suspicions be proven wrong.
He heads back to the palace as quickly as he can, locking himself in his room and letting Jihoon out from his hiding spot. The pomeranian shakes out his fur, and stares expectantly at Seungcheol. 
“Well? Shift back so we can talk,” he says, and Jihoon shoots him a deadpan look (or as deadpan as a Pomeranian can look), and Seungcheol realizes he doesn’t know how. He panics for a second, then scoops him up again and heads for the only person who might be able to help. 
Crown Prince, Yoon Jeonghan. 
Even before the final test, Seungcheol had been assigned to guard the Crown Prince, solely because they were the same age. The King wished for his son to have someone would be able to keep up with him, and so Seungcheol had been offered up on a silver platter. 
Yoon Jeonghan was as challenging as everyone had cautioned, and to some extent, even more. He was wickedly smart, liked pissing Seungcheol off by sneaking off, and was overall a pain in the ass. But Seungcheol knew he had a good heart, and prayed that he would be able to explain what was happening, or at least show Jihoon how to shift back.
Jeonghan’s in his bedroom, reading a book about Greek Gods when the door slams open, and a disheveled Seungcheol bursts in. 
“I could have you kicked out for intruding like this,” he laughs, setting his book down when he sees how serious Seungcheol looks. “What happened?” he asks, and Seungcheol shuts the door, locking it firmly. 
“Ah ah, it’s a little early to try and seduce me, don’t you think?” he jokes, and Seungcheol makes a choked noise. 
“Y-Your highness I’m sorry for barging in like this but I didn’t know who else to turn to,” Seungcheol murmurs, hesitantly lifting his cape and revealing Jihoon. 
“He’s a – oh,” Jeonghan stares at the Pomeranian, the shock written clear on his face. “But… how?” he whispers, turning to stare at Seungcheol, not wanting to accept the truth staring the both of them in the face. 
“He has no father, mother died in childbirth, raised by his grandmother,” Seungcheol offers quietly, and the prince sucks in a breath. “He also doesn’t know how to shift back.” 
Jeonghan forces out a chuckle, shaking his head slightly. “It’s the first thing we’re taught,” he murmurs, shifting elegantly into his other half before showing Jihoon how to shift back. Seungcheol stands by the door, watching the two of them interact, and eventually Jihoon manages to shift, dark fluffy fur making way for milky white skin. 
“You’re tiny,” Jeonghan coos, and Jihoon looks up, glaring unhappily at Jeonghan. 
“I’m … naked,” he croaks, voice hoarse from underuse. “Wh-what happened? Why the fuck was I a dog?” 
“You’re probably my half brother, or more crudely, the King’s bastard child,” Jeonghan explains bluntly, and Jihoon’s eyes almost widen into saucers. “The Royal family have the ability to shift into domestic animals. An exiled branch of the family shift into predators, which now make up the Royal Guard.” 
Seungcheol stares at Jeonghan disapprovingly, and the crown prince raises an eyebrow at him. “What? Either he knows now and hides his identity, or he dies, we both know those are the only two options,” he shrugs, and Seungcheol can’t find it in him to refute that statement. 
He runs a hand through his hair, thanking Jeonghan quietly when the prince hands Jihoon some clothes, which the younger accepts gratefully. They sit in relative silence, waiting patiently for the new shifter to digest the overload of information. 
“S-so what do I do?” Jihoon eventually asks, glancing at Jeonghan and Seungcheol. Seungcheol shrugs, turning to Jeonghan expectantly, who explains that he either can go back into hiding, which would be incredibly risky, or join the Royal Guard. 
“But I’m not a predator,” he frowns, and Jeonghan waves his concerns away. 
“Don’t worry. You’ll be my personal guard. You’ll need to go through the basics of course, but I’ll spare you from the rest of the more intense training. If Father finds out one of his mistresses had a child, he’d slaughter your entire family just to keep it a secret,” he sighs, and Seungcheol suppresses a shudder, trying not to imagine the lengths the King would go to in order for his dirty secrets to stay silent.
“I need a day,” Jihoon says suddenly, and both Jeonghan and Seungcheol look surprised. “My- My grandmother. She’s raised me this entire time I need to tell her I’m – I’m joining the Royal Guard.” 
Jeonghan grins cheekily, hopping off his bed. “Well then, it’s off to the city we go! This way, you can hide in the car and no one will be any wiser,” he chirps, and Seungcheol rolls his eyes. 
“You just want to see that cafe owner don’t you,” he deadpans, and Jeonghan has the audacity to wink at him, flouncing off to change into something more “appropriate.” 
Jihoon fiddles with the hem of his shirt, trying to shrink into the walls while waiting for his highness. Seungcheol pats the younger’s frail shoulders reassuringly, and he can see some of the tension melting away. 
“We’ll take care of you, promise,” he murmurs, and Jihoon nods silently, still lost in his thoughts. 
Seungcheol can’t help but feel a flutter in his chest, a sense of protectiveness washing over him for the younger, dark haired boy. 
“Thank you hyung,” Jihoon whispers, cheeks flushed a dainty pink against his porcelain skin, and the fluttering suddenly becomes full on pterodactyls. 
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If you’d like more of this AU, or your own lil thing, of if you just wanna yell at me, you can do so here~
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httpjeon · 6 years
❝something’s not right (Ⅰ)❞ jjk/pjm ; determinant
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― summary: after a night playing with an ouija board with your friends, things begin to get strange in the house.
jungkook/reader/jimin | possession!au | horror, reader-interactive | 3.1k ↬ content warnings: demons, ouija boards, spooky ghosty business, priest!yoongi, reader interactive
a/n: VOTE LINK disclaimer: I used Yoongi as a priest who cleanses the house. If anything about the use of a Priest in a fic offends you then I suggest you don’t read it. He’s mostly based off the way priests are portrayed in paranormal horror movies.
→ blog masterlist     → pt2
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“Come on you guys, it’ll be fun!” Jimin begs, practically on his knees as you and Jungkook shared a gaze.
“Alright, fine,” Jungkook agreed suddenly, making you jaw drop open.
“We’re going to play with an Ouija Board, are you crazy?!” You shrieked, eye twitching as Jungkook began to attempt to yank you to floor, which you resisted.
“Taehyung does it all the time!” Jimin defended, using a lighter to light the white candle Taehyung had recommended he use. Something about cleansing and keeping evil away, you remembered.
With a pointed look from your best friends, you slowly slide off of Jungkook’s bed and onto the floor to join the circle they’ve formed around the board. Your knees where all touching, creating a closed circle which the board sat in the center of.
“Alright,” Jimin began, placing his fingers delicately on the wooden planchette. After a pointed look from him, you and Jungkook followed his lead. The planchette felt unusual under your touch, you couldn’t explain it but it felt as if you weren’t supposed to be doing this. Still, however, you continued on with the game.
"We call all spirits who wish to speak to us," Jimin said, voice resonating through the otherwise silent room. "If there is anyone listening, we invite you to come and use our energy to talk."
There was a stillness that overtook the room, there was nothing. There was no hum of electricity, there was no outside noise pollution, you couldn't even hear the boys breathing. It was an unnatural silence that filled the room. Your fingers were trembling against the wood of the planchette and you took a glance at your friends, both of their faces calm and unbothered.
"Is there anyone here?" Jimin asked, but his voice sounded muffled in your ears.
There was a beat of silence again. You stared at the board, silently praying there would be nothing.
"This is bullshit," Jungkook scoffed when nothing happened after a minute.
"Give them some time," Jimin growled, glaring at Jungkook, who rolled his eyes.
Suddenly, you felt movement beneath your fingers. Your eyes snapped down, tearing your line of sight from their faces. With wide eyes, you watched as the planchette slowly moved to 'Yes'. Jimin let out an excited squeal as Jungkook simply glared.
"You did that, didn't you?" He growled, making Jimin's excitement quickly vanish.
"No! Why would I lie?!" Jimin snapped, jaw set in his anger.
Things were tense, you could feel it in the air. You sensed the change in both of their attitudes and it made you uncomfortable. Jungkook didn't answer Jimin's question, simply looking back at the board.
"What's your name then?" Jungkook asked, voice flat and petulant. Jimin glared out of the corer of his eye but didn't comment.
The planchette moved immediately this time - traveling to the O...Z...A.
"Oza?" Jimin parroted, cocking his head to the side. "What a strange name..."
After Jimin spoke the name, a shiver ran down your spine. The room's temperature seemed the drop and goosebumps rose up on your skin. Looking across from you, you could see Jimin was sweating.
Was he nervous? What was he feeling?
Jungkook seemed to not feel either. He was still with his eyes staring down at the board, mouth in a straight line.
“O-Oza…” Jimin started, voice trembling. “A-Are you of the moon or the sun?”
The response was slower this time. You held your breath, waiting for the piece to move. You exhaled as it did, finally, except it didn’t move to either the sun or the moon. Instead, it slid over the letters again.
“Give?” Jimin said again, blinking. “Give what? Are you of the moon or sun?” He asked again, becoming more agitated.
“Guys,” You spoke for the first time, you voice sounding foreign to yourself. “I don’t want to play anymore,”
They both ignored you, watching as the planchette moved over onto the moon.
From the knowledge you gathered from Taehyung, the moon meant it wasn’t a friendly spirit you were talking to.
“Guys!” Your heart was racing, tears springing to your eyes as your breathing picked up,near panic level.
“How did you die?” Jimin asked suddenly, completely ignoring you and your panic.
The planchette moved over to No, confusing you.
No? What did that even mean?
“I’m not playing anymore!” You cried, ripping your hands off the planchette and jumping to your feet.
“_____!” Jimin snapped, glaring at you with clenched teeth. “You’re not supposed to pull off like that! We have to close the gate before letting go!”
“I don’t care, this is too weird. I’m going to get water,” You huffed and turned your back to them, feeling glaring eyes in your back.
You slipped out of the room, needing to get out of the tense atmosphere. Your feet pounded down the carpeted stairs before going into the kitchen. The house was still silent, it was making your ears ring. You grabbed a glass from the cabinet, the creaking of the hinges making you cringe. Once the glass was filled with water, you took a few long gulps. You hadn’t realized how dry your mouth had become until it touched your tongue.
There was a thump from upstairs, sounding much louder through the silence. You put the glass down onto the counter before taking a deep breath and venturing back upstairs.
The bedroom door creaked as you opened it. The candle was out and it was dark.
“Guys?” You asked, squinting into the darkness. Just faintly, you could make out the shadow of someone standing in the middle of the room. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. With trembling fingers, you flicked on the bedroom light, making the lamp on the table turn on.
Illuminated in pale yellow light, you found Jungkook standing in the middle of the room, back to you with Jimin laying on the floor.
“J-Jungkook? Jimin?” You asked, stepping into the room. “This isn’t funny. Jimin, get up?”
Suddenly Jungkook spun on his heel and advanced towards you, teeth bared as he grabbed you by the shoulders.
“Give your soul!” He snarled, making your scream and push him away. Jungkook fell back onto his butt, laughing his cute little head off.
“Give your soul?!” Jimin shrieked, standing up, laughing from where he had been splayed out on the floor. “That’s so stupid, Jeon!”
“You guys are assholes!” You shrieked, stamping your foot petulantly as they laughed.”Whatever, I’m going to bed.”
“Yeah, I guess I should head that way as well,” Jimin sighed, brushing past Jungkook to the door. “Hope you don’t have nightmares you two,”
“Oh ha-ha, cute,” You snapped, flipping both of them off  before you left the room, leaving them to laugh and tease you by themselves.
You laid in bed, staring blankly at the dark ceiling above you. It was burning hot in your room from the heater bring turned all the way up. Sweat stuck to your skin, making your sheets a little damp.
It was deathly silent, almost mimicking the absence of sound from earlier when you were all on the Ouija Board. It was unsettling but you were grateful to the occasional gust of wind outside.
Finally, you were unable to take it anymore. You’d been laying there sweating like crazy for hours and your mouth was dry. You flung the blankets off of your body and stepped onto the floor. The floorboards beneath the carpet creaked under the sudden weight, sounding much louder than normal in the silence.
Walking through the hallway, you noticed your roommates rooms closed as usual. There was no sound coming from Jimin’s room but you could hear what sounded like the television on in Jungkook’s room. However, there was no light from beneath the door so you dismissed it as being your imagination.
The creaking of the stairs was deafening as it echoed in back against the walls. You were thankful to be in the kitchen again, where you were able to be in the light and get some water. However, when you tried to turn the light on, you remained in darkness.
“Did the bulb blow?” You sighed, rolling your eyes in annoyance before carrying on getting some water.
As you stood, leaning against the counter, drinking water you heard a loud thump from upstairs. You went silent, lips pressed against the rim of your glass. The thump was followed by several other noises, raising in volume louder than the last.
You placed your cup in the sink and shuffled towards the stairs. Standing still, you heard a few more thumps, followed by the slam of a door. The sharp noise had you jumping in shock, holding in a scream of fright. After that, the noises were much more muffled until they died out completely.
You were still frozen at the bottom of the stairs as silence fell once more. Your heart was pounded so hard it made your ears ring. You sucked in a deep breath and crept back up the stairs.
Maybe it was just Jungkook. But what was he doing that was so loud?
When you got upstairs, you first noticed that Jimin hadn’t been awoken by the noises despite them taking place on the floor he was sleeping on. The next thing you noticed is that the faint voices of Jungkook’s television were now silent.
Perhaps it was Jungkook and he was just going to bed and knocked something over.
With that thought, you slipped back into your bedroom and into your bed. You curled up under the blanket, shivering. Why was it suddenly so cold? It was blisteringly hot not 10 minutes ago! Maybe the heater went out?
Sighing, you closed your eyes and attempted to drift off to sleep.
“I don’t know, Tae,” You sighed, resting your head against his wood table. “I’ve not slept in days, I’m exhausted.”
“That doesn’t mean you’re imagining things,” He cooed, rubbing your back to comfort you.
“I saw my laptop just shut on its own!” You cried, hating how crazy you sounded.
“Look,” Taehyung sighed, still rubbing your back. “Why don’t you get the house blessed?”
“Blessed?” You repeated, sitting up to look at him.
“Yeah, sometimes when I accidentally let something in, I call up Father Yoongi to come and bless the house to cleanse it of whatever I let in, everything goes back to normal after that,” He explained, chuckling when he saw the skepticism in your eyes. “Even if you don’t believe in spirits, maybe it’ll give you some peace of mind,”
By the time you left his house, you had been talked into contacting the priest. Taehyung gave you directions to his church and his contact information. Since you didn’t feel like returning to your now-unsettling home, you opted for a visit to Father Yoongi himself.
Dry leaves skuttled across the cracked pavement of the old church’s driveway. You adjusted your scarf around your neck as the gusts of wind blew to chill your bones.
When you entered the church, you walked into the chapel. A man was standing in the aisle of pews, arranging bibles in the pockets of the wood.
“Excuse me?” You winced when your voice echoed around the room. The man stood up straight, smiling kindly when he saw you.
“Come in,” His voice was deep and he was wearing a cassock with a white collar, showing his holy status. “I’m Father Yoongi, what’s your name?”
When you reached where he was standing, he took your hand in his. His skin was warm against your chilled self, and you took comfort in his gentle gaze as you whispered your name.
“I...I was told you could bless my home?” Your words seemed to stun him before he smiled, motioning for you to walk.
You were led into a small office off on the side of the chapel. Inside there were shelves of books, some in different languages. There was also a photograph of Father Yoongi with some nuns. He was wearing a large, gummy smile that could only be described as endearing.
“What makes you come here for a blessing?” He asked once you were both seated, you across from him as he sat behind a wooden desk.
“My friends and I were playing with an Ouija Board,” You began, watching as Yoongi’s gaze quickly became serious. “I think something’s in our house and I was told I can get it blessed to...cleanse?”
“I see,” He sighed, resting his elbows on the desk as he spoke. “I can come by and give a blessing, see if things will get better. Can you tell me some things you’ve been feeling?”
“I’ve not been sleeping, ever since that night,” You began, going down a mental list of all the things that have changed. “My roommates have been acting very strange, at night I hear things thumping and slamming. Lights won’t turn on at night but then in the morning they’ll be fine. I hear voices with no obvious source, the room suddenly gets freezing cold, I’ve seen things move on their own. This sounds insane, right?”
“Not at all, ______,” He have you a comforting smile. “A lot of the time, when we invite spirits to us, they bring negative energy. I can come in and bless it and it will remove the negative energy.”
“Thank you so much, Father,” You whispered, already feeling a step closer to normalcy.
Jimin and Jungkook thought you were nuts when you let Father Yoongi into the house. They watched him with furrowed brows as he walked around the house to investigate.
“There is some negative, dark energy in this house,” Yoongi murmured, flipping through his Bible to a page he had marked. “Tell me, did it say anything as you spoke to it?”
The question caught you all by surprise, none of you quite sure how to answer. Jimin, however, was the first to sober up and answer the man.
“It...told us its name,” He responded, sounding rather unsure in his words.
“None of you spoke its name, did you?” Yoongi asked, eyes level with the three of you.
“I...I don’t remember,” Jungkook answered immediately.
“Alright,” The priest muttered, letting out a soft sigh. “It shouldn’t take long to cleanse the house,”
And he didn’t take long. He walked through the room, seeming to focus on Jungkook’s bedroom where he splashed some holy water around, much to Jungkook’s chagrin.
As soon as he was done and standing before the three of you again, he held a calm smile on his face as he clutched the book to his chest.
“I hope things will be better now, please contact me again if you need more…” He pauses for a brief moment. “assistance.”
The next couple of nights were surprisingly peaceful. You managed to catch up on sleep and you could get up to go get water and the lights in the kitchen actually turned on. Everything was peaceful, that is, until night 4 after the blessing.
You woke up, looking at the time to see it was a little after 3am. You sighed, unsure why you had woken up but as you laid there staring blankly at the ceiling, you heard it.
A quiet mumble of a voice coming from the hallway. It was unsettling, the voice just barely above a whisper but you weren’t able to actually make out any words.
You crawl out of bed, intent on seeing what the source of the talking was. When you opened the door, you knew right away it was from Jimin’s room across the hall. There was a dim, flickering orange light coming from beneath his door; a candle.
What the hell was he doing?
As you opened the door a crack, careful not to make any noise, Jimin’s talking became much more clear. He was reciting something.
When you were able to slip into the room, you could see him sitting in his knees on the floor in his pajamas. There were three candles lit before him and there was an open book on the floor by his knees that he seemed to be reading from.
However, you didn’t recognize the language he was speaking. It wasn’t any you knew and you were shocked to hear that Jimin knew it.
“What are you doing?” You asked, making Jimin jump, whirling around to face you with dark eyes.
“Get out,” He snarled, shocking you into backing up.
“Get out!” This time he shouted and started to get up but before he could, you spun around and bailed.
However, when the door was shut behind you and you were in the safety of the hallway, another voice scared you once again.
“What’s going on?” Jungkook asked, voice groggy with sleep.
“I don’t know,” You whispered, turning to look at him as you put a hand over your racing heart. “He’s...chanting?”
“There’s something wrong with him lately, _____,” Jungkook muttered, eyes burning holes into the door. Jimin was still muttering inside. “He’s just...not right,”
“You’re right,” You confessed, feeling goosebumps go up your skin as the air around you became chilly. “Something’s not right. I’ll contact Father Yoongi in the morning,”
“Good idea,” Jungkook placed his hand on your head, ruffling your hair with a comforting smile. “Go back to sleep,”
“Alright,” You conceded, patting Jungkook’s back as you walked to your room. Jungkook remained in the hallway as you closed the door behind you.
A crash is what woke you up, only an hour after you had gone to Jimin’s room. You sat up straight in bed, listening as you heard your roommates shouting at each other.
Hauling yourself out from under the comforting blankets, you stormed into Jimin’s bedroom.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Jimin screamed, raising his hand to attempt to shove Jungkook off. Jungkook growled, attempting to restrain Jimin as the smaller man fought.
“W-What’s going on?” You asked, hoping your voice would reach them over the sound of the Jimin’s desk chair falling over.
“_____!” Jungkook cried, your appearance allowing Jimin to get the upper hand and flip Jungkook over. “H-He’s fucking crazy! He was per-performing some kind of satanic ritual in here!”
“What?!” You shrieked, looking at Jimin who pinned Jungkook’s arms down by his head.
“He’s lying!” Jimin shouted, panting as he fought with Jungkook. The younger had always been stronger and managed to deliver a solid kick to Jimin’s stomach and launch him off. “H-Fuck, he’s possessed or something!”
“Possessed?” Jungkook scoffed, sitting on the floor glaring at Jimin. “Are you crazy?! You’ve let Taehyung get into your fucking head too much! If anyone’s possessed, it’s you; with your weird ritual! The fuck were you doing?!”
“Taehyung’s been trying to help!” Jimin argued, pointing a trembling finger at Jungkook. “We’ve known...something’s not right with you since that night!”
Jungkook opened his mouth to argue but Jimin turned his head to look at you.
“_____, you believe me right?”
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost or modify.
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