#jim is douxie's brother
albentelisa · 1 year
Hi! Here's an interesting ask. What if Jim was Douxie's younger brother but still falls for Claire?
Oh, I actually have a fic draft with that premise in my notes though I don't know if or when I may post that one. So, I guess, I'll just share some of my notes.
So, in that AU, Douxie and Jim are half-brothers (they have the same mother who is the daughter of the Casperan family head). They are two years apart, with Douxie being the older one. Douxie is supposed to be an heir - he was born from the arranged marriage between his mother and a talented wizard from another powerful magic clan. Casperan family was once powerful but currently is in decline. The arranged marriage was an attempt to revive the former glory.
As for Jim, he is born out of an affair between his mother and a Camelot knight. This birth seemingly ruins everything for Casperan's family. Douxie's dad leaves as he is greatly insulted. The mother dies soon after giving birth to Jim, leaving both boys in the care of their aunt and grandfather.
Jim is greatly despised in the family. They refuse to give him a magical name, giving him a regular one James. While no one attempts to get rid of him actively, the family keeps sending him into dangerous places to gather ingredients for potions hoping that Jim won't return. Jim befriends Blinky during one of those outings.
Jim seemingly possesses no magic (yet another reason why his family cannot stand him), but Douxie doesn't fare that much better. He was supposed to be a rare prodigy and the hope of the Casperan family, yet he is nowhere close to the expectations. Besides, he likes music and wandering way more than studying under his grandfather's tutelage.
Technically, Douxie and Jim trust only each other in their family, feeling no familial attachment to anyone else (well, Douxie also has his familiar Archie, but that's it).
Jim's magic manifests out of nowhere when he is 9. Unfortunately for him, his magic is shadowmancy (it's blue and black in color, BTW!) and the Casperan family tolerates that one even less than Merlin.
They decide to kill Jim, but Douxie and Archie save him and the three of them run away and settle in Camelot (because of Arthur's purges, the Casperan family has no connections there).
After some time Douxie discovers some unexplained oddity about his brother - Jim has stopped aging both physically and mentally (think of a Peter Pan-like situation). It's the result of Jim's trauma.
Even though they are only two years apart as time passes and Douxie keeps growing, it starts to look like their age difference is bigger.
Jim has a horrible opinion about all wizards except Douxie (he believes his brother is a rare exception and everyone else is a horrible person). He likes knights instead - well, the concept of a knight, who is a noble protector and a true hero, and their aesthetics.
Douxie meets Merlin when he is 16, and around the same time, Jim meets Morgana (his magic goes out of control and she senses him). Morgana is extremely happy to meet another shadowmancer and proposes Jim to become her apprentice. It's the first time someone treats Jim's magic as a good thing (even Douxie, while not calling shadow magic evil, avoids discussing it).
So, Douxie and Jim end as apprentices of Merlin and Morgana respectfully. Merlin is furious about Morgana's decision, he believes she isn't ready to teach anyone and most likely will only set Jim on the wrong path. Morgana simply doesn't care about her master's opinion.
Morgana's support makes Jim start growing again and he also starts to understand that there are more good people among wizards than he thought before. Jim's shadow magic is slightly different than Morgana's - he exceeds in conjuring different stuff from shadows and because of his admiration of knights he can easily summon and maintain an armor and sword made of shadows. Merlin is both horrified and enraged when he discovers it and claims that something like that is too dangerous. Morgana simply believes that Merlin is jealous as doing something like that without external conduits is a rare skill.
When Morgana changes sides, it's another low blow for Jim (as Morgana was a true mother figure for him). Not to mention that Merlin is pretty much deadset on sealing Jim as well before he grows up to become as dangerous as his master. Only Douxie's pleas make him change the plan, but Jim is put under non-stop surveillance from the Camelot knights with some wizards always ready to seal him if something goes wrong.
All of that is obviously no good for Jim's mental health and his time stops once again. Douxie tries his best to heal his brother's psyche but Jim seemingly needs something he can't give him. There are centuries of roaming with no change.
James Lake is Douxie and Jim's latest caretaker from Camelot knights (they keep existing as an organization) and he is a bit more flexible than his predecessors (well, and actually not that devoted to the case). That's why Douxie manages to talk him into trying to play the true family (as he hopes that if Jim has some normal life it may help him).
Douxie and Jim both take the de-aging potion and pose as James's small sons. Eventually, James meets Barbara and they marry. It is serious for Barbara (and she also gets attached to boys fast), but for James, it's just a passing infatuation. He falls in love with someone else and abandons Barbara. Douxie and Jim insist on staying though and James sees it as an opportunity to get rid of an annoying responsibility. Douxie is supposed to report to headquarters about the development, but he ends up faking reports to get some freedom.
Douxie's plan actually succeeds. Jim has Barbara and Toby now, and Jim finally actually gets into living through the teen years.
In this AU, Jim isn't the Trollhunter. Barbara takes over this role and Jim is forced to actively use his shadowmancy to protect her (as she is another mother figure for him and he'll do anything to protect her).
As for Claire in this AU, Morgana plans to use her as a vessel, so Jim is eventually forced into picking between his beloved master and the girl he loves. Obviously, he picks Claire. This entire situation helps him to get a full grip of his magic at last.
Some other stuff this AU features:
part-Akiridon Toby (both Toby and Jim discover each other's secret simultaneously - and it's awkward),
changeling Steve (and he's also Draal's younger brother),
space mercenary Darci (which leads to some problems when she starts dating Toby),
Mary's family are devoted servants of the Arcane Order and she initially is a spy,
Eli is extra sensitive and being surrounded by so many people who feels 'odd' to him drives him crazy
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thosetrollkids · 11 months
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and not the fun kind of souvenir!
little taste of some sphinx douxie lore as im working on character info more here and there for the monster kids au...
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bluheaven-adw · 2 years
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Early Christmas gift for @honeyxmonkey !!
Thank you for being such a kind, supportive, and beautiful soul.
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hammert-fitzerald · 1 year
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day 13; team effort; Draal, Douxie, Jim and Claire are combining their magic and Draal their powers of calamity to revive Kanjigar, the petrified statue of Kanjigar began to break and pieces of the statue came out and living blue parts of Kanjigar were seen and Kanjigar began to return to life so they can be together again
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Dedícate to @bluheaven-adw
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
How do you think that NotEnrique and Jim view each other? Before and after NotEnrique became an ally to the Trollhunters.
I think before NotEnrique was truly part of team Trollhunters he didn't really respect or like Jim much. He's the reason why he was exposed in the first place after all. Jim likewise viewed NotEnrique with a fair amount of disgust and dislike.
Once NotEnrique was willing to risk his life for Claire and actually be viewed as a sibling by her, he actually began to warm up to Jim. Mostly that he doesn't try any funny business with his sis. But NotEnrique looks up to Jim, even if he'd never admit it.
Jim sees that Claire views NotEnrique as her brother, and that he really isn't so bad, even if he's still rude and crass. So he makes an effort to be friends with NotEnrique, since they both treasure Claire, albeit in very different ways.
So in a way Jim gets a changeling brother along with Claire.
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honeyxmonkey · 9 months
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everyone stfu i'm thinking about douxie and morro parallels and interactions.
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winter-leftovers · 6 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty eight: Childhood Home (28/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Merlin comes back with bad news.
Word count: 3621
Warnings: no
(Wizards Episodes 1)
Song?: A burning hill by Mitski
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Y/n sighed as she submerged her body into the tub, the hot water now kissing her neck. The wrinkles on her skin gave away the hours she had spent on the soapy water. The bathroom had turned into a warm, quiet refuge from the babies running around in the Lake’s house. The screaming, the noisy toys, the spit, the dirty diapers. It all had become too much for the wizard to handle. The only moments of peace she could find were when she would put her head under the water. The world disappearing for an instant, the only noise she could hear was the calming lullaby of her blood pumping under the boiling water.
The tiles vibrated loud enough to make the babies napping in Jim’s room to scream in desperation. Y/n sat up, water spilling out of the tub as she prepared herself to throw the culprit across the room only to look down at Toby’s smiling face on her phone looking back at her. The bubbling anger died down to be taken over by another type of annoyance, the one where you are the only one to blame.
Toby had been texting and calling all day and Y/n had been avoiding his texts and calls all day. She didn’t have a good explanation, she just wanted to be left alone. Since Jim left she hasn’t been able to be alone, not even while peeing ever since the babies learnt to walk. Always working, hanging out or taking care of someone.
Y/n groaned, submerging herself into the water. The tub was the only place where she could be, but from her water tumb she heard someone knocking at the door. She emerged, her shoulders already falling forward.
“Y/n? Honey?” Barbara called.
“Yes, mom?”
“You should check your phone”
Y/n’s hand trembled as she opened the door to the bookstore. Toby said that the world may be ending yet again, but that wasn’t her biggest worry. Merlin had been awakened for more than a few days and Y/n didn’t say a word to Douxie. She blamed herself. Why did she always listen to her father?
She breathed in and out trying to leave her fears out on the street.
“And Steve Palchuk, Creepslayer!”
“I have no idea who you are” books flew around the once well kept bookstore, Merlin sorted them out before packing them in a flying chest “but we’re desperate. Thankfully, we have the brute”
Y/n stood behind Douxie and whispered in his ear:
“Oh, he is in a good mood”
Douxie smiled, turning back:
“Hello, darling”
“Hi” she smiled back.
Douxie grabbed her hand and for a moment, they ignored what was happening around them, both lost in eachother’s eyes, in eachother’s warmth. “Aah!” Steve’s yelp pulled Y/n out of the enchantment.
“Careful!” Y/n called out the older wizard and the chest flying behind him for their recklessness“ Are you okay?” She ran to the blonde teenager, using the hand that held Douxie to hold Steve’s head.
“Yes” he sniffed.
“Y/n! That’s great! Now we have the brute and a master wizard” Merlin didn’t turn to greet his daughter.
“Good to see you too” she said sarcastically “What’s going on?” She looked around looking for the messy black haired boy “Where’s Jim?”
“Yeah, where’s Claire?” Toby joined the chorus “I thought they were with you”
“Answers forthcoming. Make preparations. We’ve a journey ahead” Merlin kept packing “and don’t…”
“But, master…” Douxie interrupted.
“ ‘But, master’ me” Merlin finished.
“Are you sure you want to count on these children? They’re clearly not ready for this” Douxie asked.
“Excuse me, college dude, these children fought off a fifty foot extraterrestrial” Steve accidentally punched the head off the enchanted armor.
“Oh, that’s why you kept calling me?” Y/n turned to Toby, guilt creeping up her throat.
“Don’t worry. We…” Toby turned to help Steve fight off the enchanted armor “Dude, let’s go off his head”
“Douxie is right, father” Y/n quickly followed Merlin and Douxie away from the teenagers “They already fought enough things. Kids shouldn’t be fighting. They can’t keep doing this”
“Master, I’m ready for this” Douxie pitched himself full of confidence.
“Doubtful” Merlin said, focused on packing.
Y/n sighed:
“Just hear him out…”
“Silence!” Merlin commanded.
Y/n mouth stayed open, her smile falling into a frown, the words still weighing on her tongue. The familiar warmth of anger quickly ran through her body.
“I mean, silence” Merlin repeated softer “all of you” turning to the fighting teenagers “Can you not hear that?”
The group shook their heads. After the battle, Arcadia was destroyed, again, so the strange sounds could be anything, a car finally exploding or a building giving up. What wasn’t normal was the power going out. Y/n turned her head to the window, in the darkness the only thing she could see was the reflection of the chimney’s fire. She twisted her wrist revealing her staff.
“Something wicked this way comes” Merlin walked to the window followed by Douxie.
Something hit against the glass activating the barrier. Douxie took a step back covering his eyes.
“Shadow mephits?” Merlin turned to his apprentice “Hisirdoux, did you lead them here?”
“No, no!” Douxie waved his hands around, appalled that his master would think that.
Y/n pinched her nose. She felt like she had seen this scene many times before.
“I mean, I don’t think so?” Douxie looked out the window once more.
“Yes, we did” Archie walked up to confirm their mistake.
Douxie nervously chuckled under his master’s incredulous gaze.
“The barrier won’t hold for long” Merlin turned back “We must make egress! Tobias, take my things” with a movement of his arm, Toby went flying on top of the chest through the stairs.
Before Merlin could keep giving directions, the shadow memphits broke down the barrier, entering the bookstore.
“All of you, to the roof!” Merlin screamed, killing one of the creatures with his magic.
Y/n ran behind her friends to the roof only to find the roof as full shadow memphits as the bookstore.
“Why is the roof full of shadow memphits?” Y/n heard Al’s voice. The girl turned and saw the cat biting one of the creatures’ tales.
“Al!” Y/n ran, picking him up before the creatures could return the favor.
“That tasted awful” he shook his head.
“Stand back!” Merlin alerted.
“Everyone on” Before she could turn to look, Aaarrrgghh threw her onto a ship.
“I would like a warning next time” Al left Y/n’s arms.
“Maybe when we aren’t under attack” Y/n stood up pointing her staff to the shadow memphits Aaarrrgghh had on his back, destroying them in a ray of crimson so Steve and Toby could help the troll get into the ship.
As she lowered her staff she saw Douxie grabbing the baranda, distracted by something in the ground.
“Are you okay?” She walked up to him, softly grabbing his elbow.
He didn’t turn back, his mind absorbed by what the blue light of the barrier was reflecting.
“Doux…” Y/n called looking down, finally seeing what paralyzed Douxie: a knight surrounded by dark magic Y/n couldn’t understand.
The knight looked back at Douxie, his empty eyes focused only on the wizard. Douxie shivered when he returned the look. The knight appeared soulless, there seemed to be no emotion behind the visor.
The shadow memphits started to crawl into the mystery knight’s body like they were returning to its home making Y/n shiver. That wasn’t natural.
“Boy…” the dark voice echoed in the wizard's minds.
Y/n’s nails dig into Douxie’s bicep, both frozen in place looking back at the knight while his voice poisoned their insides with fear.
“Look out!” Merlin pulled them down by their jackets before the knight’s spears could reach them.
Y/n stood up, looking back at her father with a frown, not out of anger but out of confusion, she doesn’t remember the knight attacking them.
“Are you alright, love?” Douxie grabbed Y/n’s cheek with both hands and examined every inch of her face.
“Of course” she smiled, shaking the confusion away “Are you?” She grabbed one of his wrists, pulling his hand away to lay in his chest.
“I’m alright” he pulled her closer.
Y/n closed her eyes letting the movement of the ship and the familiar warmth of Douxie wash the adrenaline of the battle out of her sistem.
“What the heck is that?!” Steve screamed.
“Welcome, young squires to Camelot” Merlin announced.
Y/n quickly opened her eyes up, slightly pulling away from Douxie. In front of them, flying in the middle of the night sky stood the old castle that she once called home. A nostalgia ridden sigh escaped out of her lips. The castle was frozen in time, everything looked the same except a big green stone under it but that still didn’t change the strange feeling of coming back home after a long journey that invaded her.
“Camelot? As in ancient-old-people-times Camelot?” Toby screamed.
“Let the old people jokes begin” Y/n turned to Douxie, laughing.
The boy chuckled but his eyes were still glossy with the nostalgia of their childhood home, he was still lost in the emotion of coming back.
Y/n smiled, laying her head against his shoulder letting herself too be lost in what used to be.
“Sir Galahad, how look the skies?” Merlin screamed to the old man keeping watch in one of the towers.
“All quiet, my old friend!” The knight reported back.
Y/n turned to look at Sir Galahad waving back. She messily laughed, euphoria cursing through her veins when she saw he hadn’t changed one bit.
“Keep your eyes on the horizon” Merlin ordered before starting his parking maneuver.
“Oh, lord” Y/n gripped the baranda as she felt the instability in the velocity.
“I say, coming in a little hot, don’t you think?” Archie suggested as he grabbed himself from dear life.
“Rubbish!” Complained Merlin.
“He’s going to kill us all!” Al screamed as the green light slowed down the ship.
“Whoo hoo hoo hoo!” Steve screamed as he walked the entrance of the castle.
“Woah!” Toby echoed.
“It’s been nine hundred years since I was last here” Douxie said more to himself, turning around observing the unchanged castle.
“It hasn’t changed a bit” Y/n looked around searching for a small vase out of place but not finding it.
“Well except for the flying part” Douxie added.
“Nine hundred years?” Steve chuckled “Yeah right. You’re like 19?”
Y/n and Douxie shared a look, with a smile reminding all the adventures they had in the last century.
“Give or take a few centuries” Archie explained before flying away.
“Wait, don’t leave me here!” Al quickly followed.
“So, how many things can your cats turn into?” Steve asked, following the cats’ flying pattern with his head.
“That depends. How many things are there?” Douxie answered.
“Uh, cool floating castle ship, but what’s the grave danger you keep talking about? Toby ran after Merlin before he could disappear in the endless hallways.
“Ah, there you are” Merlin opened his arms, welcoming his old guests.
“Claire!” Toby screamed.
“Toby!” The girl ran to his friend’s arms.
Y/n ran to the other side of the room, waiting to see her brother only to find Claire and an injured Blinky. She kept her smile, hiding her disappointment in her back pocket as the four of them hugged.
“I’m glad you’re okay” Y/n hugged Claire.
“Whoa, hey, Steve’s here too! How about…How about some love for Steve?”
“Oh. Hi, Steve” Claire pulled away from Y/n, her face devoid of feelings.
“What happened? Where’s Jim?” Y/n frowned, she had waited enough time.
“Follow me” Merlin sighed, walking deeper into the castle.
Y/n turned to Claire trying to look for clues into her face but the devastated look on the young wizard was as terrifying as the broken sigh in her father’s mouth.
She walked through the hallways of the castle with her heart in her palms as she has done many times before. How is she going to look at her mother in the eyes now?
“Jim” Toby ran to the table where Jim laid, kneeling by his side.
Y/n walked slowly, she couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing: her little brother laying inside a crystal with a spear in his heart.
“What happened?” Y/n asked her voice sharp as the bottom of her staff.
“We were ambushed. Some ancient, dark warrior. An unstoppable knight clad in green who struck down Master Jim” Blinky recounted.
But Y/n didn’t care, the hot tears brewing in her heart didn’t care. All she could hear was: they didn’t do enough.
“Master, is that the same knight we saw at the bookstore?” Douxie's voice appeared through the cloud of anger.
“One and the same. That onyx shard is working its way towards his heart. I placed the boy in stasis, stalling its progress…for now”
‘I didn’t see it’ Y/n mind replays that moment again and again. How can she blame them when she probably couldn’t stop him either?
The anger softens and migrates to her neck, tying itself around her neck pulling tight becoming sadness, guilt.
“If I had my shadow staff, I could’ve saved him” Claire cried.
Y/n wishes she could say that that’s not true but she’s afraid that everyone can see what’s hanging around her neck.
“Who is this green knight? How do I get my hands on him?” Toby’s anger starts to spill out.
“I do not know” Merlin confesses “The green knight said but one name, which chilled me to the bone: Morgana”
Y/n frowned. This definitely wasn’t one of her tricks. At least, it didn’t look like one.
“I hate that lady” Toby said, the memories of the Eternal Night coming back to him “Wait” he looked back at the older wizard “I thought we kicked her bee witch butt to the Shadow Realm”
“Which he appeared not to know” Merlin frowned, still puzzled by the encounter with the mysterious knight.
“So this is not Morgana’s work” Y/n question, certain in her heart of the answer.
Merlin shook his head:
“I cannot confirm his alliances but he wore the emblem of Camelot”
Douxie turned to Y/n, eyes full of confusion and worry.
“Come with me, quickly” Merlin turned, walking away, leading the group across a bridge to his studio “I fear the answer lies in the past. A dark menace is coming, one even I cannot face alone”
The room, as the rest of the castle, was the same as it was a century ago. Y/n could feel the ghost of her long skirt hitting her ankles and the knot in her throat everytime she would enter her father's workspace.
“You are all now soldiers in a war started centuries ago for the world of magic” Merlin opened a small white box, from inside it a blue sphere of light appeared revealing images of the past “Once, the realms of Magic and Man clashed in endless bloodshed” Merlin twirled the circle showing them an image of the late King “King Arthur sought to wipe out magic that ravaged the lands in his was against Gunmar. I brought what few spellcasters I could under my protection to spare them from the sword…”
“Including myself” Explained Douxie.
“And Morgana le Fay” added Y/n when Morgana’s image appeared in the magic circle.
“She was the finest student I ever taught” Merlin observed the memory of young Morgana, his eyes full of proudness, he thought she was destined for great things “…until she tried to kill me” he closed his eyes “Thankfully, in my all-seeing wisdom, I created a secret weapon” he touch the sphere “the Trollhunter amulet. The war came to a standstill and I imprisoned Morgana at the Battle of Killahead Bridge. This Green Knight that assailed us was clearly born of dark magic but I have no memory of him nor what connection he could have to Morgana”
Y/n looked back at the image of his sister, Guinevere’s words stitched to her heart “you can love the person you knew” and that’s what she’s been doing every day, carrying daisies to an imaginary grave, remembering the woman who would free the trolls from the traps, the woman who would sneak her extra dessert but she knew what she saw, what she felt. That Knight is not Morgana’s work
“I really don’t think he had a connection…” Y/n wasn’t able to finish.
“You never do, Y/n. You are not impartial” Merlin cut her off.
“I know what I saw. That magic is not Morgana’s!” Y/n hit the table.
Merlin opened his mouth to protest but the warning bells cut him off.
Before they could turn to see what danger was looking for them, the castle was hit, shaking the entire structure.
“What’s happening?” Claire screamed in fear.
“Have you never been under attack before?” Merlin helped Y/n to get up from the ground “To the battlements!”
Y/n ran, her staff in hand ready to confront whatever was trying to destroy Camelot like she had done many times before. What she didn’t expect was the amount of power their enemy seemed to have. ‘The Arcane Order’ her father called it. She considered herself an experienced wizard and she had only heard that name one time when she was very young and her father made it clear she wasn’t supposed to ask anymore questions.
“Everyone get to safety now!” Merlin ordered as soon as he saw the wizards emerge from the gigantic ship that was trying to board the castle.
The wizard with ice powers attacked first, quickly overpowering Merlin, throwing him into the ground and his staff off the castle.
“I got it” Archie flew behind.
Y/n was impressed. She didn’t have another word for it. She had never seen such ability, especially in wizards that seemed as young as her
Soon enough, cannons were fired making it impossible for anyone to stand.
“We must flee” Merlin ordered.
“I’m on it” Douxie ran to steer the ship away from The Arcane Order.
The castle shook once more, Merlin and Y/n turned, seeing their new obstacle: a bridge made of ice joining the ships.
“They’re boarding us!” Merlin screamed.
“I’m on it” Y/n jumped into the edge of the tower “Go get the staff”
“Steer us clear at my command!” Merlin jumped to another tower.
Y/n pointed her staff to the thick ice that joined the ships, a hot lightning melting the middle of the bridge. She frowned, she felt sweat dripping from her forehead, melting a simple block of a was being harder than it should be. She pulled back, falling backwards into the cold stone of the castle. While the ice wizard built multiple bridges, their ally was bombing the castle shaking the old structure.
Y/n stood back up, nodded her head, her eyes focused on this time, severing the connection between the ships. She tightened the grip on her staff and swung, a big ball of red lightning cut all the communications the ship had.
“Yeah!” Y/n screamed, jumping around alone celebrating her victory. Her short victory.
The wind changed. The wizard heard the crackling of the ice murmuring behind her, she slowly turned around, afraid to confirm her suspicion: all the broken bridges were made new again and were crawling with shadow memphits.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Y/n climbed to Douxie’s post.
“Archie, find the staff or we are all dead meat!” Douxie screamed fighting off shadow memphits off the steers.
“What do you people think I’m doing?” Archie screamed back from the sky.
The castle shook once more, making Y/n’ stomach turn.
“I officially hate flying” she joked, eyes lost in the horizon.
“We’ll travel by boat. Old style” Douxie nodded.
“Flying castles suck!” Steve screamed
Y/n turned, they were joined by Steve wearing a helmet and Claire.
“Hisirdoux, now!” Merlin screamed.
“Please don’t blow us up” Douxie prayed as he set up the time map and steered the ship “Please don’t blow us up!”
“We don’t have enough power for the jump!” Archie flew close.
“Trust in Merlin” Screamed Douxie.
Archie was wrong. The time rift was opened but the Arcane Order wasn’t about to let them leave so easily. Y/n didn’t see them hit the castle, she just knew she was lucky enough to grab Douxie's hand before falling to the night sky, until she saw his brother fall through the time rift, then, she didn’t feel so lucky.
She looked up at Douxie knowing what she had to do but before she could apologize he nodded. He knew well what Y/n wanted to do and he supported it. They let go of each other's hands at the same time.
Y/n fell as she heard Claire and Steve’s terrified screams but she couldn’t be scared, not when her eyes were focused on Douxie.
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A/n: sorry for leaving 👉👈 again
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @adrias23 @wickedlovely121 If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know!
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Claire Nunez Headcannons
Claire's parents don't remember her birthday because when she was 4 they began making her birthday about fundraising galas/dinners and started inviting people she didn't know. On her 6th birthday and onwards, she was not allowed to invite any of her friends as they didn't like them. They remember every year to hold the galas and dinners for social purposes and invite people they want to impress and help with their political career but they don't remember why they initially held it thus they don't remember her birthday. On her 10th birthday, another kid that she did not know came up to her and whose party it was. This is the same with every holiday. No more celebrating with just each other, just inviting others and impressing others
Claire is definitely an artist girl. She loves drawing, sketching etc.
Claire joins Ash Dispersal Pattern with Douxie and Zoe
Claire's parents essentially turned her into a parent for Enrique because they were always busy. Saying that as his older sister, she needs to step up to help her parents.
Her parents were very controlling of her. She is their kid, thus she must be perfect because if she's not then they will look bad in front of their political friends and they have to have the image of the perfect family. They put a lot of pressure on her. Getting perfect grades, being the popular kid, taking care of her brother, how to talk to others, how to be perfect in front of others, how she dressed, what she ate. Everything. And if she wasn't they would scold and yell at her and take away things that she genuinely loved doing. Which eventually led to becoming a perfectionist. Because she did not want to disappoint her parents
Band and theater practice were the only places she could relax and not stress and when she was drawing
Claire's parents disown her after the whole troll-hunting thing is revealed. After Barbra's whole speech about trusting their kids, they try to take Claire back. They don't like the fact that they don't have control over her and the fact that she is rebelling against them. After they fail to physically drag her out in a rage they disown her. Claire is heartbroken because she actually loved her parents and Enrique and now she can never see her brother again and her parents
When she gets the vision of the staff and Merlin's tomb and they are getting ready Jim and Toby tell her that she doesn't have to come if she's not up to it. She says that she's coming and this will help get her mind off things. As they are getting ready Jim separately talks to her and tells her that she doesn't have to come and how she's doing. She's not doing great but right now they have much bigger things to deal with. Jim just hugs her. It is one of the few hugs she has gotten in her life.
Claire's love language would be drawing and sketching her loved ones. The same way Jim's love language is cooking for his loved ones.
Claire asks NotEnrique to keep an eye on Enrique when she, Jim, and the other trolls go to New Jersey. She was really scared about Enrique and how her parents were going to treat him and their neglect.
She gets a job as an interior designer
She has her contact saved in Steves's phone as "Monster Fuc*er"
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albentelisa · 9 months
Hi! Here's an interesting ask. What if Douxie had met and eventually adopted by Barbara a few years before the events of Season One happen?
Barabra and Jim are both aware of the supernatural during season one due to them finding out Douxie is a wizard. As to how Jim and Douxie both claim: "it was Archie's fault" when Claire asks the same question when she learns.
So, I'd say that Douxie gets in trouble with some witches who have a personal vendetta against Merlin. He uses a de-aging potion to escape them, turning into a twelve-year-old kid. Initial Douxie's plan is to hide for a while, using a potion until the witches leave Arcadia. He also uses a foster care system to throw them off his tracks.
One day, Douxie gets injured and taken to the hospital where he meets Barbara for the first time. Barbara takes a liking to this kid, and after some consideration, decides to adopt him.
That is how Jim gets an elder brother when he is ten. Both Jim and Barbara start to consider Douxie their real family fast enough.
Douxie feels slightly conflicted about the development - while being in an actual family will clearly cover his tracks better, he realizes how much he starts caring about Barbara and Jim. So Douxie's decision is to continue with de-aging until he reaches his actual age of 19 while keeping the magic part secret.
The latter one is where he fails spectacularly because of Archie who isn't able to tolerate being treated as a silly cat for long and loses it one day when Toby tries to babytalk to him. So, Toby, Jim, and Barbara who are present, learn that Archie isn't a cat at all, and Douxie decides it'll be fair to tell them everything fully expecting that Barbara might throw him out after his confession. However, the truth actually makes their bonds tighter. It's such a relief for everyone as Barbara has always felt her adopted son hid something, not to mention that Douxie doesn't need to pretend to be a kid all the time (and Archie is the happiest for finally being treated with some respect).
Initially, Barbara is worried about Douxie's occasional monster hunts, but as he proves his competence, she lets him go. However, she strictly prohibits Jim and Toby from joining - and Douxie supports this decision as he's aware of how dangerous are his outings. Not that the boys agree with that as they keep sneaking out and following Douxie. It ends up with Douxie teaching them how to deal with various types of creatures as he realizes that Jim and Toby will continue anyway, and it will be better to ensure that they will at least know how to defend themselves.
Not that Jim is content with only that. He wishes to have a true adventure, not just warding off some goblins. At some point, he even tries to learn magic, but unfortunately for him, he has no aptitude for it.
Everything changes when Jim picks up the amulet. He (and Toby) know straight away that the amulet is magic, but cannot tell what exactly it is. When Jim is back home, he asks Douxie about it right away - and Douxie doesn't take it well because he 1)knows what it is and 2) knows that Jim cannot refuse the mantle. Merlin ordered Douxie not to get involved with the Trollhunters until Merlin contacts him, but it's not like Douxie can ignore his little brother getting into a dangerous situation.
Blinky and Aaarrrgghh come right amid Douxie's explanation about the amulet. Jim isn't that shocked or scared to see them as he knows about trolls' existence. He's also rather excited to finally get his adventure. Besides, Douxie is on his team too.
Initially, Jim hopes to keep everything from Barbara as he doesn't want to trouble her more. She finds out the next day though as trolls barge in openly (they are sure that everyone in the Lakes' household knows about magic, so see no problem, and Jim has forgotten to mention it to them to keep his mom in the dark).
So, in this AU Jim has support from both his mom and elder brother. It changes some things:
Barbara is initially worried sick about Jim risking his life and only calms down a bit once Douxie promises her that he'll make sure that no one is hurt;
Barbara is a team medic and frequent to the Trollmarket. She still has a relationship with Strickler as no one has been aware that Strickler is a changeling for a while;
Douxie provides some information about different magical creatures and the amulet;
Douxie also helps Jim with dating advice (though, Jim is still awkward when it comes to Claire);
once Jim learns that Strickler is a changeling, he is reluctant to tell it to Barbara. Keeping it secret leads to Barbara falling under the binding spell of Angor Rot. She learns the truth soon afterward, but the damage is already done;
Douxie starts teaching Claire magic once she gets a shadow staff, however, Claire has been interested in magic since joining the team
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
This AU was made in April 2023, and is inspired by @emwritesfanfics' Heirs to the Arcana, but with a twist: Krel didn't get Skrael's powers. Aja did.
This doesn't really change anything. The world still ends. Aja tries to protect everyone with her new ice powers and fails.
Krel had been denying his feelings for months. He was standing next to Douxie when Aja was killed. Krel realized that he had lost the person he loved most, and the person he loved second-most would die without ever knowing about Krel's feelings. And so in one last desperate action, Krel kissed Douxie.
Jim wakes up with fire powers and the excalibur amulet. (Whether or not he gets the daylight amulet depends on if I were to use my no-time-travel version of Wizards or not. If I used canon Wizards, it'd be Jim to prevent an unstable loop involving troll!Jim. If I didn't, then Toby or Claire would become the trollhunter so we'd have one more person w/memories, this time regaining their memories the first time they transform in the armor.)
Aja wakes up with ice powers and immediately rushes over to check on her brother. (Also, she and Steve did not have kids. At most, she had been researching if they could ever have kids and if not then how to preserve House Tarron.)
Douxie wakes up with plant powers and the taste of Krel's lips on his own.
Krel's like "sure, this might as well happen" about Aja having ice powers and being from the future. Everyone's always said that Aja was extraordinary, and he was normal. At least she's more mature. Aja's sad that Krel doesn't remember.
The coup still happens, despite Aja's best efforts, and they end up on Earth (maybe even earlier bc Aja's attempts to fix things went badly). Douxie decides not to say anything about the kiss to Krel or Aja, though he had confided in Jim late one night.
They grab Gaylen's core earlier and move it elsewhere for safe keeping. Krel becomes obsessed with it
And then he merges with it
And he remembers everything
Once all the other craziness of "Krel wtf why did you merge w/Gaylen's core and why do you have wings" dies down, Krel has a quiet conversation with Douxie
Krel: I'm sorry I kissed you. Douxie, internally: Yep, it's just what I thought! He panicked at the end of the world and doesn't have feelings for me! This is part of why I never brought it up and now he's bringing it up! Krel: I didn't want to die without telling you, but now that I have context I know I must've made you deeply uncomfortable. I hope you can one day forgive me. Douxie: Uh actually do you wanna kiss me again? Please?
Also, post-Gaylenifcation Krel is more physically affectionate and less grumpy, which isn't actually that much of a change but seeing the rapid change weirds everyone out
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aevyk-ing · 3 months
Lights and Shadows of Camelot: Chapter 21
King Arthur couldn’t believe his eyes as Bular ran towards him, twin swords raised. He took Excalibur and stopped the strike.
“Where is Morgana?” he asked. “Or this is just a war between Trolls and Camelot?”
Bular bared his teeth. The witch had only told them to debilitate Arthur until she arrived. Bular really wanted to fight the Trollhunter, for the two had a long story, so he was angry he had to fight the human king.
“Who cares?” he snarled. “I’ll be drinking from your skull when she gets here!”
However, Gunmar was having a bad time. Jim had managed to jump over the Bridge, trying not to give away the plan. Daylight was no rival for Gunmar’s Decimaar Blade and the swords clashed several times. It was such a spectacle to be seen; however, the rest of the battlefield was pure chaos.
Claire was trembling. Just as she had feared, it was as if her powers had disappeared the second Morgana had taken the Shadow Staff. Douxie and her were now free to move and the wizard took a step forward, drying his tears with the back of his hand. He crossed the golden circle of light.
“A hopeless apprentice and an insecure witch.” Morgana cackled. “I’ll be reuniting with my brother in no time.”
“Come on, Claire.” Douxie said, his bracelet shining as he performed some hand movements. The girl couldn’t move. Archie tried to give her a gentle shove. She might be covered in shining metal from head to toe, but she felt as vulnerable as ever.
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rock-crusher · 6 months
I haven't posted about this fic to Tumblr at all, but I thought I might as well have some sort of announcement after the mini-hiatus it went through. The fifth chapter is posted now!
Want a TOA fic with Wizard Jim and Trollhunter Claire, and an official brotherhood between Jim and Douxie? This is the place!
I know @that-one-clotpole will be very excited to hear this news
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
If Jim had been related to Douxie and a Wizard as well, how much of Canon do you think would change?
Ooohhh everyone already headcanons Jim and Douxie as brothers, but if they were biologically related AND Jim had magic??
That would change a LOT.
First of all, Douxie would automatically be in the know, since I'm assuming they know they're related once Jim started to develop his own magic probably way before Canon. That also means it's likely that Barbara knows too. And that Jim is aware of magical creatures, including trolls.
He'd be a lot more prepared for Trollhunting. But I think he would still keep it a secret initially from Barbara to not stress her out same as in Canon. This would also mean it's likely that Jim could adapt to Daylight fairly quickly and gain respect from Trollmarket by being a wizard. Even if it's only grudgingly given.
Bular would die far earlier on, and as Jim has done his own research on changelings, rather than just listen to the trolls opinion of them, he's more willing to hear them out and sympathase with them.
Basically, it would make Canon better and involve Douxie almost from the start. Honestly wish Douxie had gotten involved in Trollhunters, would have made the entire series better lol.
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honeyxmonkey · 2 years
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Based on @sakon76 saying Douxie, as Jim’s older brother, would definitely be able to contain Jim’s feral energy. Just grab him by the scruff and say, “No. Don’t you dare.”
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winter-leftovers · 7 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty five: As The World Caves In (25/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Merlin and the trollhunter team make Jim take a decision. Y/n and Douxie have their last night on earth.
Word count: 4150
Warnings: a lil of angst. +16 stuff, implied smut, nothing explicit
See episode ten of Trollhunters before reading for extra rage!
(Season 3 Episodes 9, 10)
Song?: As The World Caves In by Sarah Cothran
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“We’re home, mom! Y/n! Merlin?” Y/n heard the front door opening “Got the stuff you needed”
Her heart increased its already fast pace.
“He is going to kill me” she whispered as she looked up at the couple surviving pieces of Jim’s vespa laying on the garage’s table from her place on the floor.
“Ugh” Merlin rolled his eyes. The wizard was tired of the girl’s nervousness.
Y/n ignored him. She tried and tried to explain to him how important the vespa was but it didn’t seem to matter to him. It didn’t fit his logic, if it does fit what Merlin already believes, he won't try to do it any other way.
“What’s that smell?” Toby complained.
“Hell” Y/n screamed to the trollhunter team that were still at the door.
“We’re in the garage” Blinky announced.
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky were still impregnated by the horrid smell of the cave where Merlin sent them to look for something that he didn’t allow Y/n to see.
Jim followed the voice of the troll, opening the door followed by Toby and Claire carrying the trophies of their conquest.
“It appears your little excursion was just as fruitful as our own” Blinky pointed to the table.
“My vespa?” Jim screamed, only being able to focus on the remains of his bike.
“I’m so sorry, Jim” Y/n stood up.
“Aaah” he dropped to the floor in agony “what did you do?”
“I put it to much better use” Merlin nodded and Y/n pulled one of the covers “This one is for Tobias”
“What?! We got armors too?!” Toby screamed as the sheet fell to the ground revealing an orange suit of armor “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this! So cool! So cool!” He ran up to it to look it up closer. With one of his finger, he carefully caresed the metal “Look how shiny it is”
Y/n smiled, happy that her work with Jim’s bike had made him so happy. She took a step back and looked at her father before revealing the last one.
“And this one is for Lady Claire” Merlin said as the sheet fell revealing a purple set of armor.
“Oh. Wow” Claire breathed “Holy guacamole”
“Do you like it?” Y/n smiled “I used purple because is totally your color”
“Yes” the girl carefully touched the metal “You did this?”
“I like mine better” Toby stated.
“I’m glad. I did it thinking of you” Y/n chuckled, turning to Claire “Yeah. I’m going to have metal under my nails for a hundred years”
“Wow. Thanks. It’s amazing” Claire smiled.
Y/n blushed. She took a step back to observe the happiness her work has made.
“Good work” Merlin ruffled Y/n hair.
She smiled back to her father. Besides being forced to destroy her brother’s bike the afternoon was very tame, nice even. Merlin let her take the lead in the design and construction of the armors. Father and daughter working together side by side on the floor of the garage, recounting old memories in between the comfortable silence.
“That’s surprisingly nice of you, Merlin” Jim said.
“Quick query” Blinky wasn’t as trusty as his student “If we’ve been collecting items for a spell to thwart Gunmar, then why would they require armor?”
“A spell? You thought we would stop Gunmar and Angor Rot without going to war?” Merlin couldn't believe the ingenuity of the troll.
Y/n shifted in her place. They still haven’t recovered from the consequences from the last war but Merlin was right. There wasn’t any other way
“Do you have sand for brains?” The wizard started pacing.
“Wait, a war?” Jim asked.
“Once freed,” Merlin cracked his neck “Morgana will attempt to bring forth the Eternal Night”
“Free Morgana?” Y/n’s voice came out more hopeful than she wanted to.
“Sounds like you’re saying you’re not going to stop Gunmar from freeing that witch” Claire stopped playing with her new armor and turned to the wizard.
“Oh, did I not make myself clear? I’m not here to stop Gunmar” Merlin clenched his fists behind his back. Y/n frowned, she only saw him do this a couple of times: once when Douxie wouldn’t shut up about his staff after almost dying and a couple of times when discussing important matters with King Arthur “I’m here to kill Morgana”
Y/n felt her knees give out. She walked back until she found a solid surface, a wall to hold the weight of her soul. Maybe it was naive, childish even but all these years she hoped to bring back the Morgana she knew, that maybe, if they gave her enough time, Y/n could find a way to bring back the sister she once knew, but with this war, Merlin wouldn’t give her the time.
Her father’s possible words resonated in her mind “Grow up, Y/n! She’s a monster! She’s never going to change! We have to kill her, now!” She would cry and her father would mellow, he would understand the grief her daughter is going through and say “I’m sorry, Birdie but there is no other way”
“And maybe there’s no other way. Maybe I have to grow up. Maybe my sister has been dead this whole time” she thought.
“Jim. Jim. Jim!” Y/n was brought back by Claire’s screams.
“Want to weigh in here?” An irritated Toby asked the trollhunter “Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose”
Y/n looked around, her father had walked to the other side of the room somehow. She walked by the entrance door where he was standing and sat down on the steps, her body still too shaky to stand.
“Wait, he destroyed my Vespa” Jim said.
Y/n chuckled, lowering her head, her shoes suddenly more calming. Looks like she wasn’t the only one at her limit.
“He what? See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!” Blinky screamed.
“Gunmar has the staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her. This is when we will strike. Together, we’ll slay Morgana before the Eternal Night starts” Merlin explained.
“Woah woah woah” interrupted Toby “I’m sorry, you want Jim to go up against Gunmar and Angor Rot and Morgana?”
“Do you have any other idea?” Y/n asked, already disheartened by the circumstances.
“Now is the time to strike” Merlin didn’t let Toby answer “She’s been imprisoned for centuries and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance”
“Wait” Claire stepped forward “If Jim defeats Morgana, you get your magic back”
Y/n lifted her head.
“That would be a pleasant bonus, yes” Merlin frowned.
“Oh, you only want your magic back!” Blinky said ironically “Aaarrrgghh, my friend, put your fist through the old man’s face”
“Well, that’s not fair” Y/n stood up, her face revealing the anger she felt at her friends.
“Mmm. Old man make sense. Stop witch forever” Aaarrrgghh shook his head.
“I’m with Blinky. Sounds like Merlin wants his magic back” Toby said.
“What if Merlin’s right? He’s been right about everything else” Claire frowned, scared of making the wrong choice.
“Thank you” Merlin bowed.
“Claire” Toby chuckled “Gunmar and Morgana wants to destroy the world” he turned to Merlin “We live in this world!”
“Yet, this world is protected by the trollhunter. What say he?” Merlin turned to Jim
“Uuh” Jim looked back at the expecting eyes “I need to think”
“Then, I await your decision” Merlin bowed.
“Jim” Y/n walked up to him with a soft smile in her face, she grabbed his hands “The decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for”
Jim nodded, returning the smile with difficulty, the nervousness creeping into his spine.
Y/n turned back to leave.
“Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we’ll need an army. Aaaarrrgghh and I will see what we can do. As to whom we are fighting. I’ll leave that to master Jim” Blinky said.
Merlin and Y/n shared a look and rolled their eyes.
“She’s not receiving my texts” Y/n tipped with one hand and bitted her other index fingernail.
“Thanks. Call me if you do” Claire says to her phone “My mom hasn’t seen her either”
“She’s not at the hospital” added Toby.
Jim and Y/n looked at eachother, hoping that the other had news they hadn’t shared.
“Asking for mommy’s permission?” Merlin mocked from behind the fridge.
“Shut up” Y/n turned, pointing Merlin with her phone “I used to ask for permission to breathe. There’s no need to be an ass”
Merlin raised his eyebrows, a half smile in his face.
“You’re asking us to wage a war. It’s only fair to have everyone weigh in” Jim explained, calmer than Y/n.
“I’m feeling a bit peckish. Where do you keep your fresh haggis?” Merlin looked through the fridge.
“What sort of cannibal wizard hungers for boiled meat in a sheep’s stomach? Ugh” Toby turned to the door “I’ll see if anyone at the school has seen her”
“What kind of sixteen year old knows what a haggis is?” Y/n frowned.
Before Toby could open the door he was tackled by Nomura.
“Jeez, lady, don’t you knock?” He complained.
“Nomura!” Jim ran to aid his friend and the changeling.
“Blood! There’s blood on the rug and it’s purple!” Toby screamed.
“What happened?” Y/n walked up to the changeling.
“Usurna tried to capture me at the museum” Nomura stood up with difficulty “Gunmar needs a changeling to activate the staff of Avalon”
“So he found a way around my safeguard. He needs human hands who can speak in troll tongue. If they fail to take her, they’ll look for others” Merlin looked at Jim.
“Strickler” he said.
“Mom” Y/n said.
“Do you think she’s with him?” Claire asked.
Jim quickly pulled out his phone and called Strickler only to be sent to voicemail.
“We don’t know for sure she was with him” Toby tried to be positive.
“Don’t be naive” Y/n burst his bubble.
“Split up and search everywhere! Find my mother!” Desperation irradiated from Jim’s plea.
“It’s okay. We’ll find them, Jim” Claire smiled.
Y/n turned to Merlin her eyes full of tears:
“Please, let me go with them” she grabbed his arm.
“Of course, Birdie. What kind of man wouldn’t let her daughter look for her mother?” He smiled, wiping with his thumb the tear that had fallen.
“Thank you, father” she hugged him, her cheek hitting the cold metal of the armor.
“Go” he kissed her head.
Y/n ran to the center of Arcadia looking in every corner hoping to find her mother’s red hair but only finding empty spaces. She walked and walked, praying that she was wrong, that she didn’t send Claire and Toby to a dangerous fight. She imagined Strickler and her mother having a date in a remote corner of Arcadia and for the first time she didn’t want to pull her hair out.
Y/n feet stopped. She looked down, tears falling down from her face, she chuckled.
“Hi, Al”
“Meow” he repeated, rubbing himself between her legs.
Y/n kept looking at the cat with amusement. The way his skinny body moved in circles between her legs, his soft fur felt against his shaky body, how his tail, that seemed burnt at the tip, tickled when it disconnected from her body. Her brain was so filled with tragedy that looking at her cat felt like a religious experience.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice sounded so distant yet so close.
She looked up, finding in the distance the boy, the man which she was hoping to see all day. A smile formed in her face washing away all the tears that were burning her eyes.
“Doux?” she asked, well aware of the answer.
The blue haired guy shifted his broom from hand to hand and waved. His hand stopped in the middle of the air but quickly resumed the greeting.
Y/n laughed at the young wizard, her heart filling with the warmth she craved.
“Doux!” She screamed as she ran to the man’s arms.
“Y/n!” He screamed, dropping the broom to catch her before both of them could fall.
She snaked her legs around his waist, pulling her head away from his neck.
“Hi!” She said with a gigantic smile.
“Hello?” Douxie frowned, his cheeks flushed “are you okay?”
Y/n squinted.
“Were you crying?” Tried to get closer to her eyes.
The sudden happiness that had invaded her body disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Y/n dropped her legs, her eyes filling up once more.
“I’ve been an idiot” she looked deeply into his hazel eyes.
“I really don’t follow” he chuckled, disappointed at the loss of touch.
“Can we talk inside” she points to the library.
Douxie nodded.
Y/n looks at the sky and can’t help to, once again, pray for everyone’s safety.
Y/n followed Douxie to his apartment, to her favourite place in this town: the brown leather couch. She sat down, closing her eyes when her head hit the back. With her eyes closed, she wished she could be more selfish and leave this war to someone else, to go back to her house and say to everyone “hey! We don’t have to do this! Someone else can! Let’s hide at Doux until it’s over!” But she can’t. She couldn’t.
“Do you want something to drink?”
Y/n opened her eyes and found Douxie looking down at her.
“No. No” she grabbed his wrist “Come sit” she pushed him close to her.
“Love, what’s going on? Should I be worried?” Douxie lifted his arms as Y/n finded a comfortable position in his chest.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about everything but I can’t tell you exactly what’s going on” she crossed her arms behind his back “Don’t be mad”
Douxie sighed:
“I’m not mad” he lowered his arms, hugging her back “You said you wanted to talk?”
“I know” her voice trembled.
Douxie looked down at Y/n. Her eyes were lost in whatever was the whole issue at hand. He knew the situation well. Back in Camelot, when Merlin used to make her keep secrets, useless or not so useless secrets that would fill her up, to eat her up, she would shut down like this. Now, she was trying to compartmentalize the secret to tell Douxie what she could without getting into trouble with her father.
“They’re going to free Morgana” Y/n said, tears falling down unapologetically.
“Oh. How…”
“And they’re going to kill her” she sobbed, hiding her face into his chest “I know is the only way…”
“But you hoped it wasn’t” Douxie hugged her tighter.
“Why do we have to do this all over again?” She sat up “Maybe there is another way? I mean…there is a human trollhunter…” she stopped when she saw Douxie’s look.
“I’m sorry” he whispered.
“I know. She doomed and she did it to herself” she lowered her head in Douxie’s shoulder “Maybe in another life”
He hugged her closer trying to absorb the grief from the tragedy that has been following them since they were children. Y/n closed her eyes, melting in his touch.
“Doux” she whispered.
“The world may be ending in a couple of hours…” she looked up.
He looked down at her, his eyes full of curiosity.
She lifted her hands placing it in his cheek, the little stubble prickling her palm. He gave into the warmth of her movement.
“I don’t want it to end without being yours” she whispered, her face red as the roses Douxie had brought for her.
“We don’t have time to get married besides Master…” he rambled, too nervous to answer.
Y/n chuckled:
“No, dumbass” her hand falling to his chest as her face got redder by the second.
“Oh. Oh” he face relaxed and tensed back.
“Oh” Y/n mocked with a smile.
Douxie smiled at the girl's attempt to lighten up the mood. He grabbed her face and got closer to her:
“We don’t have to” he whispered.
“I want to” she grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed with the passion of a woman with no future.
Douxie quickly returned the kiss, his hungry hands wandering Y/n’s torso, finding the hem of the shirt and discarding it easily.
Y/n panted as she felt Douxie’s penetrating gaze on her. The flush traveled to her chest as his glossy eyes moved up and down.
“You’re even more beautiful than the first time I saw you” he said, his cheeks as crimson as hers.
“Thank you” Y/n smiled.
Douxie smiled back and kissed Y/n nose making her giggle.
“Should I?” Y/n gently pulled Douxie’s black shirt.
“Do you want to?” He raised his brow “Scandalous”
“Please, don’t tell the ladies of the court” Y/n laughed as she took out Douxie’s shirt.
Y/n was mesmerized. She probably had the same face he had seconds ago. She stretched her hand, with her fingers caressing his chests, his stomach. Obsessing how Douxie would twitch under her touch.
“Now I get all the teenagers” she pressed her palm on his chest “you’re hot”
“Now you get them?” Douxie pretended to be offended.
Y/n nodded with a big smile as she got closer to his neck, biting the place where his shoulder and neck met.
“Ah” he moaned, pulling Y/n away softly by the hair “What was that?”
“In case we survive. I don’t like sharing” she laughed.
“I don’t like sharing either” Douxie lifted Y/n from the couch and disappeared into the bedroom.
Y/n closed her eyes, Douxie’s limbs and hers tangled with each other, outside the birds sang and the wind ruffled the trees. For a moment, the world is not ending, nobody is dying, she’s not losing a part of herself. She wishes she could live in this moment but she knows that her wishes always fall on deaf ears, that the god that was assigned to her has left the building long ago. She was granted one wish, one good thing for eternity and she was sharing a bed with him.
She felt Douxie shift so she turned to face him.
“I can’t believe I slept with Douxie from Ash Dispersal Pattern” she joked.
Douxie laughed and lifted his head from the pillow. “Good for you love but you better leave before my girlfriend gets here” he said putting on a raspy voice.
“I’ll kill you” Y/n bitted Douxie’s bicep. “That’s an awful Ozzy by the way”
“I do what I can” he dropped back to the pillow, dragging himself to be closer to Y/n.
“What now?” She buried her hand in Douxie’s hair.
“We wait until you have to go or I’ll have to go to the battle of the bands” Douxie’s hand found a place in Y/n waist.
“No! The battle of the bands! I completely forgot” Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose “How do I still have a job is beyond me” Y/n sighed, her job was at the bottom of her list of priorities right now.
“Shh” Douxie pulled her closer “Let’s just lay here. Let’s wait for the end”
“Thank you” Y/n kissed Douxie's forehead.
“Why?” He whispered.
“For going along” Y/n closed her eyes.
“Til the end of eternity” Douxie kissed her cheek, closing his eyes.
Y/n laid there pretending to be in the woods of her childhood, back where her problems were less smothering, back when she could still dream to run away with the errand boy without hurting anybody. Now, she loved more people than the three she had back then. She couldn’t abandon the world without consequences. She had to fight and fighting was going to cost her ever more than last time.
Something turned in Y/n’s stomach.
“Did you feel that?” She sat up, starting to dress up.
“No, I was falling asleep” Douxie muttered.
Something had just happened that was going to change the balance in the world.
“I have to go” Y/n kissed Douxie.
“Should I go with you?” Douxie sat up once the urgency woke him up.
“No, be normal” she screamed from the living room as she looked for her bag.
Y/n moved her wrist making her staff appear in her hand. She took a deep breath and pointed the staff to the door, focussing to make a portal appear. Her staff shot a dark mass that quickly stabilized. Y/n sighed and crossed it, appearing in her house.
She wanted to shout, she hadn't used dark magic in years but the sense of darkness killed all her joy.
The house was a mess. Furniture thrown around everywhere, the tv was on on a random channel, all of the books where in the floor.
“Jim? Father?” Y/n screamed as she walked on top of a broken vase.
“Birdie! Have you found your mother?” Merlin walked out of the kitchen, unfazed by the mess.
“What happened?” Y/n clenched her staff.
“What had to happen” he walked forward with his hands behind his back “I talked to Jim”
“What did you tell him?” Y/n frowned, the feeling was growing stronger.
“I shared with him a vision I had while I rested” Merlin put a hand on Y/n’s shoulder “I saw a way to finally end this stalemate. To win this war, I must have a champion with a foot in both worlds”
“No” Y/n whispered, shaking her head. She looked up at her father with her eyes full of tear “You didn’t” she pushing his hand away.
“It’s his destiny” Merlin said like it would suffice.
“He is a child!” Y/n screamed “Sixteen. A baby”
“It’s the only way!”
“I don’t care!”
Y/n felt the atmosphere dropping, everything was heavy to be quickly lifted from her shoulders. She looked around, everything seemed similar except her father’s concerned face.
“You’re bleeding” he pointed to her face.
She lifted her hand to her nose and cleaned the blood from under it. She looked at it and looked back at her father.
“I don’t…” she couldn’t finish the phrase, a gigantic explosion in her mind interrupted her. She took her hands to her temples trying to quiet down the sound.
“The Eternal Night is here” Morgana’s voice proclaimed and everything was quiet once more.
Y/n looked up at her father, cleaning up the new blood coming out from her nose:
“She’s out”
Y/n heard the faucet turned on and ran up stairs ignoring the rest of blood in her hands and face.
“Jim” she screamed “Please! Let me find another way!” She screamed and kicked the door.
“Y/n Ambrosius do not interviene. It’s his choice” Merlin warned from the living room.
“Jim! Please!” She cried and knocked on the door until her knuckles bleeded.
Y/n sat by the door in silence as she heard the tub filled up. She screamed and kicked and knocked, he wasn’t coming out.
“I guess I’m staying until you come out” Y/n chuckled “He’s right. It’s your choice and I already told you the decision you make is the one I’ll be happy to fight for. I guess this still applies”
The faucet stopped.
Y/n stood up.
“I love you, Jim” She whispered to the door “I’ll see you on the other side”
Y/n walked down the stairs and sat on the floor looking at her father walking around the room.
“There really wasn’t any other way?” She asked one last time trying to kill her guilt. She already knew if it was in his father’s vision it was probably the only way.
“No” he shook his head.
She nodded. Lowering her head, waiting for Jim to come out. Y/n smiled when she noticed she had accidentally put on Douxie’s shirt.
“Jim” Toby screamed.
Y/n looked at the door. Claire and Toby had brought her mother and Stickler back in one piece.
“Where’s Jim?” Barbara screamed at the wizard that was playing with the tv.
“Finally becoming a true trollhunter” Merlin said.
“You never” Strickler stepped forward.
The house shook, making Barbara follow the sounds.
“Jim! “She screamed “are you in there?”
They screamed and kicked and knocked but Jim wouldn’t answer.
Y/n stood up and walked to her father, like a child who's afraid would do when she can’t tolerate the dark anymore. She pressed her forehead on his back, closing her eyes with force, trying to block out the screams and then the silence.
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A/n: every time I see a cat is a religious experience.
I’m back with more!!! I think 4150 words is the longest I ever written in this series I honestly don’t know what happened but I’m happy with this chapter ☺️ sorry for the delay but THEY CUT MY POWER AGAIN FOR THREE DAYS dont get me started you’ll read my manifesto soon. Also my silly course is over friday 🙏🏻 if I pass it would mean extra credit so pray for me
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @castle-archives If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know! 📩
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