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ddeardolly · 3 months ago
am I hallucinating or
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missisjoker · 14 days ago
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jianghushenanigans · 9 months ago
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having a great time is relative. sometimes a great time is just not being actively hounded by a paranoid emperor
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haifoct · 1 month ago
"Feeling unwell" is an understatement at this point
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whydoyouaskmethis · 13 days ago
Will watch Veil of Shadows for its insane plot.
The plot:
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jiroli · 3 months ago
Ghost ship lowkey sailing in another universe fr
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janitetsu · 4 months ago
Meeting Xia Yan and eventually “dating” him Headcanons!
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wc: 1,535 words this was supposed to be short...i blame the lack of yan content! no one's writing for him? fine, i'll do it myself!! SFW, written with gender-neutral pronouns <3
Yan is the literal top dog, the Head of The Worm. He is NOT going to be dating or even forming relationships from within the organization. Everything is strictly professional there, and he doesn’t need additional headaches. He doesn’t want to worry about his S/O doing their job wrong or getting beaten up by the Kengan Association. This man hates his own twin, though, who on Earth doesn’t hate Ji? He also already has enough on his plate with Wulong, who has definitely taken decades off his life with the stress he causes. Save this man.
With this, I want to say that his dynamic with a civilian partner would be very interesting. Or a partner semi-involved with the Kengan Association (like being an office worker from or someone with a distinguished position for one of the companies who have Kengan fighters)
Perhaps he’d meet you while spectating a Kengan match or when he’s looking for Wulong. Of course, while wearing his usual disguise, his first words to you would be: “Have you seen an old man/middle-aged man with a ponytail and stubble…”
Yan is NOT used to genuineness. Trust is earned, yet most often broken (Ji’s constant failures alongside other potential Worm fuckups, and Wulong’s whimsy has definitely made his trust issues worse, thus being more stressed), and everyone always has ulterior motives in his world, so meeting and eventually having a partner who’s genuine and kind will definitely boggle his mind (in a good way), so when they reply they haven’t, but are willing to dedicate some of their time to helping him would surprise him. Why would this person drop what they were doing and help me, a total stranger, he would think. He could be a scam artist. A kidnapper. A trafficker, or what he actually is—the head of a terrorist organization, yet here you were, still helping. Is this stupidity and gullibility, or just plain, genuine kindness? If the latter, then, why? He can’t tell. He needs to keep an eye on your potential idiocy.
Has never had serious partners. All of the ones he had were for these reasons: > he was one of the former Head’s sons (the less arrogant, less painful to be around, and calmer one) and therefore had a lot of hopeful partners who were trying to gain favor with his father > introduced and formally referred by his father > for overall very shallow and ingenuine intentions
Because of the reasons above, he’ll be very skeptical of getting into a relationship or getting too involved, much less with a normal civilian
Will get your contact details in the most discreet way possible, that is, by asking for your name and number, also leaving his own details with you (most likely using a fake name since he was the one who gave that idea to Wulong before), “just in case you do see an old man/middle-aged man with a ponytail and stubble”
He excuses himself quickly after. Gets back to the Bilton Hotel eventually, and he cannot think about anything else but YOU
He has never PURSUED anyone before, he’s never had the time or interest in forming relationships (that could end up intimate?!?!), what should he do? Wait for you to text or do it of his own accord? Oh, should he make a call or text? But calls could be invasive. It’s different with Wulong, that motherfucker either answers calls, or he completely doesn’t. What if you’re busy? What if you’re helping someone else? What if—
He texts you.
It’s a simple thank-you message for offering to help him out earlier.
“I’ve found the man I was looking for. Thank you for being kind enough to offer help earlier.”
Should he…add that he’d like to see you again? But that would seem too forward. He might seem like a creep. THE Head of the Worm, being worried he might be seen by a creep by someone like you? That’s new.
But it’s a valid fear. Not just that, he’s literally in a terrorist group. The HEAD of it, even. He might—no, will just bring you danger.
But, maybe, if he’s careful enough, it could work. He’d just need to always don his disguise.
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With this in mind, he does also end up asking you out, most likely to eat (he’s always seen eating outside with Wulong) at a café or Japanese/Chinese food joint (might take you to that great gyoza place he and Wulong ate at)
When you do settle on an available day, you see him wearing…close to the same thing he wore the last time you saw him. At first you think he’s an important person, maybe a Douyin celebrity, since he gave you a Chinese name? He’s shifty and always looking around, too.
Through his black-tinted sunglasses, he sees you. His heart starts beating fast, and it feels like he’s got a lump stuck in his throat. Try as he might to swallow said lump, it won’t go away and only makes him more…anxious. An emotion he rarely felt. Maybe it’s just his disguise, but his face feels…hot. Even his ears. It’s a good thing he’s got a facemask on, too.
Keep in mind, this man is said to EASILY clear two meters (likely 6’6 ft). Tall and imposing. No one’s going to dare approach you when you’re with him, even with that disguise.
Will always treat you on your dates. He’s a bit of a traditionalist. Not only that, but he’s also got enough wealth that will last him for generations. You try to offer and pay, but he will insist on paying as the one who initiates dates…Dates? Hangouts? He doesn’t know yet. But he likes getting to know you.
Likes getting to know about your mundane life. Overall, just listening to you. It feels nice to listen and not be the one barking orders. He’s never known what it’s like to be…normal. He’s had his own fair of hardships, sure, overexerting himself to be even on par with his twin brother’s innate martial arts abilities, and managing an organization as big and worldwide as The Worm, but of course, that’s nothing compared to most other people. He’s literally a terrorist, for fuck’s sake. But here he is, being on a…normal date. It’s forbidden, he shouldn’t be doing this, but something about you was just so inviting and genuine. He’s experiencing from you things and emotions he’s never had the chance of feeling ever since he was born.
After around five dates, he starts to remove his facial disguise bit by bit. On your sixth, you were surprised to find him without the sunglasses. (Since we still don’t have an official volume cover of Yan, I assume he has the same hair and eye colors as Ji’s volume cover!) He was already peculiar enough as is with the white hair, but having pretty pastel cream eyes only made him more unique…ly pretty. He’s so beautiful, and you haven’t even seen the rest of his face yet!
Does his best to be vague about his line of work, especially in the first month of “hanging out”.  Dating? Well, there’s no label yet, and Yan hasn’t completely finished checking your background yet to deem you safe. You ask him if he’s famous, and he says “Well, yes.”, and does not elaborate further. Vague, but still, it’s an answer, you thought.
After two months is when he finally removes his facemask, too. He’s probably finished checking your background. You are safe and not a threat (to his heart, though, perhaps you are). Now you REALLY think he’s some Douyin Chinese celebrity. His stoic charm, smooth and pretty face, extremely tall stature, and the way he really pays attention and looks at you as you talk about whatever? He’d be perfect for those boyfriend POV videos on TikTok/Douyin.
He only hopes The Connector will not hear about this, and, if he does, not mercilessly tease him about it. Knowing Wulong, he’d probably encourage these feelings (to get Yan off his ass, but also for Yan to experience and finally have some semblance of normalcy), but also tease him.
“When are you gonna see them next?” “Where are you gonna take them next?” “Oh, take them to the bar Joji and I went to.”
“Connector, please, shut the fuck up.”
He will not. He’s got self-proclaimed millennia of “relationship” experience (probably bullshitting, Yan can’t tell)
It’s a real slow burn with this man, but it’ll be worth it. He’s very patient, attentive, and always ends his imperatives (shall we go out? shall we move to the park nearby? shall we hold hands?, etc.) with “…but only if you’d really like to, of course.” Never one to force you.
It’s risky, but he really likes these newfound emotions and experiences he has with you. He’s willing to give it a try. Someday, in the very near future, he’ll tell you his real name, too.
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swiftletinthecloud · 9 months ago
THE DOUBLE 墨雨云间 (2024)
@asiandramanet july bingo: FREE CHOICE - edited ending | ep 40
Why did I make this edit?
No onscreen death scenes for Wen Ji and Lu Ji so headcanoning that they're obviously still alive
Sexy pendant scene is still there
How did Xiao Heng survive? Reinforcement from Emperor Besties obviously
Includes parts of the 5-min special with Xiao Heng and Xue Fang Fei's married life to make the HE more explicit
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vampireboba · 9 months ago
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the way kuroo calls him "oika'a-kun" 😭😭😭😭😭
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kdram-chjh · 29 days ago
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Cdrama: Love and Sword (2025)
#高伟光 #gaoweiguang #vengo Love and Sword promo 💕🌺
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/85mny-Su2es
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ddeardolly · 9 months ago
hey everyone!! i was wondering if anyone, absolutely anyone has any proofs, screenshots, vms, of user @scaryans ( aka @/ji-yans aka @/dazaisdior aka @/kurolumiis aka @/lu-naes aka @/lumscars aka @/scarsluvr ) displaying unhealthy, toxic, or manipulative behaviour (that weren’t included in the call-out posts)!!! anything helps and your identity will be kept anonymous if you so wish. if you do, feel free to dm me or send in an ask about your experience with them. thank you <3
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missisjoker · 2 months ago
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littlestarpjm · 2 months ago
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Look at how adorable Ji Ling looks with those big as fluffy cuffs and trims😭😭 they were filming a scene eating some kind of snacks here and Ji Ling even offers one to Li Jie they're on a date you can't concin me otherwise
The way this show and these two already have a chokehold on me before it even airs...
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haifoct · 1 month ago
Guys, I think they get along and like each other's presence quite a bit? *thinking face emoji, thinking face emoji*
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almostwisegalaxy · 2 months ago
Under a Grey Sky : Bonus part
The original story
Older men x fem!reader
Music to listen to for the atmosphere : A fathers song_allen stone
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The morning light gently broke through the curtains when Armand was awakened by small taps on his shoulder. Y/n, now three years old, had slipped out of her bed and stood there, barefoot, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and seriousness.
“Papa! Mama came last night,” she said clearly.
Armand immediately sat up, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“Yes! She came to my room, and we talked a lot. She told me I have to tell you some important things.”
He placed a hand on his daughter’s small shoulder, looking at her with a mix of tenderness and curiosity. A flicker of worry passed through his mind—what if someone had somehow entered her room during the night? But he wasn’t prepared for what came next.
“All right, my little star. Tell me everything.”
Y/n climbed onto the bed, sitting cross-legged, and took a deep breath, as if preparing for a long speech.
“Mama said she loves me very much, but I already knew that,” she added with a hint of pride.
Armand smiled softly, his heart tightening.
“And she said to tell you that she loves you too. Very, very, very much. That you’re a great papa, but… you work too much!”
He lowered his gaze, a sad smile playing on his lips.
“She said that, huh?”
Y/n nodded vigorously.
“Yes! And she told me to say, "I’ve been proud of him for a long time, but he needs to rest."”
She paused, taking another breath, as if reciting a carefully memorized lesson.
“And she said you have to stop burning cakes.”
Armand burst into laughter despite himself, surprised by the comment.
“Oh, really?”
Y/n crossed her arms, mimicking her mother’s mock-serious expression.
“Yes! She said, "Tell him to stop looking at my recipe book like it’s made of gold. He should open it, and then you two can finally eat real cakes, not charcoal!"”
His laughter softened, replaced by a bittersweet feeling. The words were so typical of Y/n’s mother that they felt like a warm embrace.
“She always knew how to make me blush,” he murmured.
But little Y/n wasn’t finished.
“She told me one more thing, Papa. She said to tell you that… that you’re perfect just the way you are. That you’re doing your best, and she’s always proud of you.”
Armand closed his eyes for a moment, overwhelmed by emotion. His daughter continued, unaware of the tears welling up in her father’s eyes.
“And she said she loves it when I sing my songs. Even if I sing badly. And that you have to keep encouraging me because she wants me to be happy.”
Y/n smiled brightly, clearly proud of this last point.
“And she said I had to give you a big kiss from her.”
Before he could respond, Y/n leaned in and planted a loud kiss on his cheek.
Armand pulled her into his arms, holding her close as if she were the fragile but powerful bridge between him and his beloved.
“Thank you, my little star,” he murmured, his voice trembling.
That morning, after dropping Y/n off at preschool, Armand went straight to the kitchen. He took a deep breath and, for the first time in years, opened Y/n’s mother’s recipe book. The pages were filled with her familiar handwriting, little notes, and playful doodles.
He smiled, his eyes glistening with tears, and whispered:
“You’re right, Y/n. It’s time I did something good with this.”
That day, he carefully baked a cake. When it came out of the oven, perfectly golden, he looked up toward the sky and said with a smile:
“So, what do you think? Not bad for a start, huh?”
And in his heart, he thought he could hear her laughter—clear and teasing—as if answering him from the past.
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The days passed, and Armand often found himself lost in the gentle memories of y/n. His daughter, little y/n, with her wide, curious eyes and vibrant smiles, had become the bridge between the past and the present—a living connection to the love he had lost. Every burst of laughter, every song she sang, every little gesture she made carried within it the imprint of y/n, her mother.
One morning, as they were tidying up y/n’s toys before heading to preschool, she handed him a small package carefully wrapped in colorful paper.
“This is for you, Papa. It’s a secret.”
Armand, a bit surprised, took the package and slowly unwrapped it. Inside, he found a small wooden box she had decorated with drawings, glitter, and hearts. Within the box were simple but meaningful objects: a small photo of the two of them, pieces of fabric she had cut out, stones she had picked up during their walks—a tiny world of y/n, a world full of love captured in ordinary things.
“This is my treasure, Papa. For you. So you’ll always think of me, even when I’m not here.”
Armand held the box to his chest, deeply moved, feeling a strange mix of gratitude and heartache. A tear welled up in the corner of his eye.
“But... you’re always here, my little one,” he murmured, his voice breaking with emotion.
Y/n looked at him with a seriousness surprising for her age.
“Yes, but like Mama, even when I’m gone, you’ll have this to remember me.”
Armand felt a weight settle in his chest. There were no words to describe what he felt—just a profound, ineffable love that overwhelmed him whenever his daughter spoke such words.
A few days later, Armand took little y/n by the hand and led her to the cemetery, a place that had become sacred to him. Y/n’s mother’s grave was always adorned with fresh flowers, the decorations changing with the seasons. That day, he had prepared a small picnic, including a cake he had made himself—still unsure of his skills but determined to get it right.
Under the weeping willow, y/n ran to the gravestone and, as usual, sat down in front of it.
“Hi, Mommy,” she said cheerfully, a big smile on her face.
Armand stood beside her, his eyes on the gravestone but his whole being focused on little y/n, who seemed to know exactly what she wanted to say.
“Mommy, I love you. And Papa does too. But Papa works too much. Tell him to stop sometimes so he can be with us. He’s already amazing, but he needs to rest.”
Armand closed his eyes for a moment, a faint smile on his lips. Y/n’s words, simple and direct, struck a little too close to home.
“We’ll be leaving soon, Mommy. But we’ll come back. All the time.”
She then leaned toward the gravestone as if placing a kiss on it and added:
“We’ll come back, with cakes… Yes, my Papa can make edible cakes now. Can you believe it Mommy ?”
Armand burst into laughter, his throat tight. It was so like y/n—full of life and love, with the innocent perspective of a child who didn’t yet fully grasp the weight of goodbyes.
Back home, after putting y/n to bed, Armand found himself alone in the living room, the wooden box still in his hands. He stared at it for a long time, almost as if trying to decipher a mystery. He opened it again, rediscovering each object, each gesture filled with meaning. Y/n’s drawings, the stones, everything that had been a piece of her world.
He stood up, walked to the kitchen, and, for the first time in months, opened y/n’s mother’s recipe book. His hands trembled slightly as he turned the pages. There were notes, laughter captured in words, bursts of life and love, clumsy but affectionate cooking tips. He began to cook slowly and carefully. Today, he would get it right. Today, he would honor that book and all that it represented.
The cake came out of the oven, perfectly golden. As he looked at it, Armand felt an overwhelming sense of quiet love, as if he weren’t alone. As if, in some way, y/n was still there—in every gesture, every thought, every failed or successful cake.
He looked up toward the sky, a faint smile on his lips.
“Are you proud of me, y/n?”
And deep in his heart, he thought he could hear a silent answer, a breath of eternal love, telling him that yes, y/n would always be there, in every part of his world.
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Tags list: @elizalabs3 @slvt4her
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jiroli · 3 months ago
Okay but this shot is REEKING ANGST
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Like it's the usual way of ending when an immortal falls in love with a mortal. The mortal continues to age and will untimely die while the immortal takes care of him till the end of the mortal's life.
The tragedy of the love between a mortal and an immortal
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