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Summer summer summer summer summer. T4T meljay
Tfem Mel is canon to me <3 and Jayce DOES got that dorky tmasc swag
#jewishdainix#meljay#t4t meljay#mel medarda#mel tag#jayce talis#jayce tag#trans mel#trans jayce#arcane#💌#askies
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Favourite place you visited this year
definitely rome!!!! and id say. hm. maybe the national museum of rome?
end of the year asks
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Wolfy since youre talking about biblical figures what do you think about Yona (commonly knoen in pop culture as Jonah from Jonah and the whale, even though the fish that ate him wasnt a whale)?
Y'know. It was impressive that he tried to run from God. A useless venture but impressive. Him cursing out a tree cause he was hot is so real
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You talked a little in your post about how you became anti-zionist about the israeli left's aversion to religion, and I've noticed it aswell but could never fully manage to connect these dots. Do you mind sharing a bit more about it?
let me preface this by saying everything i say here is based on my own experience and observations. what i'm going to say here will be oversimplified and i apologize for that, however i am in no headspace to get into the full nuance of this right now and i do want to talk about this.
so the influence orthodox judaism has on israeli politics is a major, major topic that i am going to address a few aspects of here. the first one (which is the least interesting one to me) is the idf. military service in israel is mandatory for every citizen over 18, but haredim are exempt from it. quoting wikipedia here (sorry), "haredi jews maintain that the practice of studying the torah (or reciting) [...] is crucial in defending the israeli people from threats, similar to an additional 'praying division' of the military". to non-religious zionist jews, this is seen as a betrayal. this, combined with laws that allow yeshiva students to live on government allowances rather than working, makes a lot of israelis feel like they're being taken advantage of by the haredim. it's not uncommon to hear people say haredim are "living off of" them.
another aspect of this, which genuinely causes me (and a lot of other people, obviously) pain, is the way jewish law is incorporated into israeli law. you may have heard last year about how abortion is allowed in judaism under certain conditions; this is true, but if i wanted to get an abortion i would have to go in front of a committee to determine whether i meet these conditions. orthodox judaism doesn't allow driving on shabbat, so there is no public transportation on shabbat in israel (shabbat being friday afternoon - saturday evening). if i want to get on a train or a bus on a weekend, i can't. a christian or a muslim living in israel can't either. there is no legal way to get married as a jew in israel without involving the rabbinate, which means that gay marriage is illegal, interfaith marriage is illegal, and so forth (if your last name is cohen, you're not legally allowed to marry a divorced woman, for instance). and worse, if you are jewish and considered married in israel (even if you didn't get married in israel), you can only get divorced through the rabbinate. which means the woman has pretty much no say in this, and there is a phenomenon in israel of women who are married against their will (i recommend watching gett: the trial of viviane amsalem, because it's informative but mostly because it's an incredible film).
these are just a few examples of this. to summarize, the influences jewish law has on israeli law are prevalent as it is, and a lot of the current israeli leadership is seeking to make them even more so. and this reality is very scary to a lot of israeli citizens, jewish or not, myself included.
now, here is where it gets unpleasant. the israeli left is mostly hiloni, non-religious, and heavily opposes all of this. for good reason! but what i have noticed, is that it creates a general aversion within the left to judaism in particular and religion as a whole. it creates a hostility. my relationship with judaism is incredibly complicated, and most of it stems from the fact that i live here. i have friends who feel a genuine disdain for judaism, because of the way it's manifested in israel. and there's a very real fear that one day soon we will become the minority, and find ourselves in an ultra-jewish theocracy. it scares me, genuinely, as a woman and as a part of the queer community. it scares a lot of people.
and this is where it ties to the left's fear of a one secular state solution and the right of return. this very real fear of living in a jewish theocracy, manifests itself in the much less realistic fear of living in a muslim theocracy. i always get to this point when talking to my parents. they ask me if i actually believe that this won't happen if jews are no longer the majority here. and an argument that is always present in conversations about the fear of secular jews becoming the minority is that "they (haredim and other religious jewish groups) reproduce a lot faster than us". sounds awful, doesn't it? but statistically speaking, the more religious you are, the more children you have. and they use this same argument when talking about palestinians.
israelis talk about palestinians as if they're all hyper-religious muslims. we've seen this recently, in israel's attempts at pinkwahing. and they teach us about islam in school, with every islamophobic stereotype you can think of. they showed us "not without my daughter" in arabic class. so islamophobia is rampant in israel, obviously. and what i have noticed with the israeli left, is that even the most progressives of them are still terrified of the prospect of becoming a religious minority, because it's a fear they deal with daily in the face of the current israeli government. that is not to say they're not also islamophobic, many (most) of them are. but personally i think it's fascinating to see how this ties into how oppressed they feel by a religion that they're a part of. how scared they are of religion as a concept. how very concrete fears of where this country is currently headed tie into fears of where a hypothetical multi-ethnic secular state would go.
again, this in no way encapsulates the full situation or even just this issue. it's just something i've been thinking about a lot lately.
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Hehehehehehehehehe just got my book cover finalized, I'm formatting the inside. Soon I shall release my Gawain upon the world.
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Sara sweaty
I AM it's like 5 billion degrees here save me
#/j its like. what even is the temperature one sec#its 23 it's not actually hot. but for the bit it is#asks#jewishdainix#hi mina ily mina#anarcule tag
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Hello may I ask for a gunpowder tim holding a chicken. Maybe even a chiken with goggles idk sfhoshofhsifh
Oh damn i was gonna go to bed but.... Gpt & chicky...... 💛
Vote 4 me n I'll draw u stuffs ^_^
#the mechanisms#gunpowder tim#asks#maeart#jewishdainix#thank u fort he ask... 🥺 i love this sm its soooo cute yaknow
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@jewishdainix commented on this post:
The thing is, israel must be dismantaled because it is built on xenophobia, nationalism and subjeugation of palestinians. I agree with you on the worry of jewish safety, but that needs to be done by fostering and building communities of both nations of people, where both are welcome and safe, not by keeping an opressive colonialist state with no interest in equality or peace in power.
And Im saying this as a jew who lives in occupied palestine, btw. I know co-existing eont come out of nowhere, but it can be built.
(New post because the original is very long.)
Thank you for commenting! Most of the commentary I'm getting seems to be from people who are as removed from the conflict as I am.
I think a major factor in the discussion that stemmed from my initial response to the first "r u pro Palestine" question was that I was... well, very tired and not running on all cylinders, for one, but also in an intersection of Tumblr that sees a lot of half-baked political reblogs where people just... share things they either don't know ANYTHING about or don't realize how much is our isn't propaganda.
I am not immune to propaganda, especially the subtler kind, as evidenced by my having to adjust my understanding of the Yemen situation.
But the thing is that like... that intersection means I've seen a LOT of takes that are extreme (like Hamas and the Houthis being entirely right about Israel and how to handle it, or that even the children in Israel, by virtue of being Israeli, are guilty) as well as a lot of people who are supporting extreme solutions without really thinking things through?
Like, the majority of the people I see talking about Dismantling Israel seem to be in favor of doing so quickly and without regard to what happens to the people there, Because They're The Bad Guys, or because they just don't realize that this is the sort of thing that takes time and management to do safely.
Like... when I see so many people parroting things with an underlying tone of hate and malice towards even the civilians, it makes me concerned that any expression of support for a position like "dismantle Israel" will be taken as support by both "do so slowly and responsibly with an aim towards integration and safety for all" AND the "boot out all the jews" sides, because when the first question is only four words, I can't also answer in only four words, because political slogans are never JUST what they actually mean.
That said, the discussion over the past few days definitely has me sympathizing more with the Dismantle argument, but I do wonder about how it would be enforced, and by whom. Like, the Israeli government has made it pretty clear they have no interest in ceasefire, let alone a dismantling, so... does the UN get involved? NATO? Is the US sent in to undo Israel, the way they're trying to undo things like the Houthi government (as I've been told they're functionally the government of 70% of Yemen)? What gives us people of the world the right to choose interventionism in Israel but not Yemen or Iran?
Just cutting US aid from Israel opens the doors to Hamas and Houthi and associated groups "managing" the dismantling, which is the situation I expressed so much concern over in the previous post, so that's not an option. It looks like we do need the UN to be involved if that goal of Dismantling to build something new is possible, but that's interventionism, which is bad because it violates self-determination, except when it's not bad because there's mass murder happening, except when it's still bad even though the mass murder already happened, and...
It's so complicated and I WANT to believe there's a solution but the political philosophy and practical implications are kind of. A necessary consideration even when the ethics are clear cut.
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God can you imagine all the queer slang the six duchies would have
“friend of Lord Golden” HAS to be one to this day like. his impact
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In ruthlessness when poseidon sings "I am your darknest moment" I imagine there being a huge fucking wave showing up and getting to such a big size that it obscures the sun making it dark on odysseus's ship
OOHHHHH i always hear it as stormclouds obscuring the sun except a single beam hitting poseidon but that is such a cool concept.... art ideas art ideas
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Red_carnatiom for ao3??!??!?!!
#technically it's red__carnations#but yeah that's me#pigeon.txt#asks#jewishdainix#don't judge my old stuff on there too harshly lol
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You are like. Misinterpetations reciever georg
jdjskskekskkdjsjs bad faith reading of my posts georg
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You have the best posts
i do, thank you for noticing!
#asks#shrimp shrieks#i love random asks so much <333 i need them notifications. i eat them#jewishdainix
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For the ask game, 11, 31, 34!
11. are you listening to music right now?
only in my head. i have "don't wanna know" from inside in my head rn
31. 3 random facts
i cant think of anything but i've been staring at the friends script chana got me for my birthday so here are 3 random friends facts: joey and monica were meant to be the main couple, chandler and monica were meant to be a one night stand, there was a season 8 episode that was filmed pre 9/11 and featured an airport bombing joke. it was never aired but it's on youtube
34. most embarrassing moment
um im sure i have many from my adult life but here's one memory that stuck with me from kindergarten: i was splitting a cookie with my friend and my dad had just come to pick me up, so i went to show it to a guy who i thought was my dad to ask him if the parts of the cookie were even. he said "they seem even to me but i'm not your dad" and i had never been more mortified in my life
ask game
#later i asked my dad to show me his pants every morning so i wouldn't make that mistake again#ask game#jewishdainix#ty!!!
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Hi maggie. Im about to cook myaelf something
Ooooh yum food uh it’s thunderstorming here which is very fun fun indeed
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