#jewish medic anyone?
dill-picle · 2 months
making mercs are circumsised headcanons is dumb.png
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let those skins hang brother
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divinemackerel · 6 months
your posts have been fucking fantastic the past hour. jewish medic is so real to me. also i hope u have/had fun at the show and qna!!!
THANK YOU! I am going to be sick OBSLWBDN after the QnA ill probably post more jewish medic stuff to calm my nerves bc they are EVERYWHERE.
I love jewish medic. Genuinely one of my fav hcs and im going to write a whole fic about it eventually LOL <- it is still in the planning process.
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im making this post for @wafans-blog because she is trying to reach the goal of 80k by sunday august 18 in order to evacuate her sister and brothers families who are trapped in gaza. wafa went to egypt before the war for medical treatment and has been separated from her family since and is extremely worried about them.
throughout my life ive read so many historical stories about jewish refugees from nazi germany where peoples families were separated and never saw each other again despite searching for years after the war, people who were deported to their deaths a day before they were planning to escape, people who acquired the right papers just after it became useless for them anyways, people whos lives depended on the whims of strangers, border guards, officials, workers, passerbys- on whether they would choose to help someone or do nothing. the actual difference between life and death made into completely arbitrary decisions that are out of the control of those suffering, for the most part. this is the type of existential situation that is created when a people are targeted for destruction, like in the genocidal war israel is waging on gaza right now. i cant help but think about everything ive been told about history since i was young when i see what is happening in gaza today. i dont want that to happen to anyone else.
wafa told me earlier today that the situation now is gaza is getting worse and worse for her family members. the other day they were forced to evacuate at 1am and sleep on the street, leaving behind everything they had in their tents because of another idf bombing on areas previously deemed "safe." they have a young infant, salem, with them who was born during the war and has only been exposed to suffering and devastation. salem is sick right now and theres very little access to medicine or any of the resources that a newborn baby needs. its really urgent that they raise enough money to register them for evacuation so they can join wafa in egypt when the border opens soon, god willing.
out of so many arbitrary decisions that life is reduced to under the conditions of a genocide, one of the less arbitrary ones is that anyone on here, especially those in the west who likely have a higher income in a stronger currency than non-westerners, could help someone today escape death.
i really implore people to donate. especially if you have a degree of disposable income or economic security– consider your life circumstances and how much you can actually afford to give to help save something that really can not be monetarily quantified, which is human life. please donate to this campaign and help reach its goal. if you cant donate, share this with someone who can.
$65,035 raised of $80,000
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zingay · 1 year
No Israeli was raped, no Israeli children were beheaded, the hostages are treated better than Israel treats anyone who isn't jewish, and even the stupid zionist bitch everyone is martyring is apparently still alive and being treated in a PALESTINIAN HOSPITAL
Meanwhile, Palestinian people have been routinely raped by IOF (men AND women), are being bombarded nonstop in a way never seen before, babies and children are being pulled out of rubble dead, their only exits blocked or destroyed, a complete blockade and shutting down all food transport, electricity and water, medics and press being targetted to cover everything up, Israelis have telegram groups filled with images and videos of Palestinians getting killed and laughing at it, and all of these war crimes are being documented by the fucking facist in charge himself on twitter
Even all their allies are being threatened with war, the Egyptian border already bombed in an attempt to prevent humanitarian aid, Lebanon's border bombed to prevent anyone from providing military aid
And SOMEHOW all of you are mad at the Palestinian people? Calling them savages and animals? You make me fucking sick and I hope you know you're ignorance and stupidity is empowering the violent colonisation happening right now
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snarky-badger · 11 months
Places to donate to help Palestine
PCRF.net - They did over a 100 medical missions in 2022 (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund)
Middle East Children's Alliance - A Non-profit organization fighting for the well-being and rights of Middle Eastern Children. They also have a link to a 'tool kit' to help spread information about the Gaza Genocide. I'm linking to it directly HERE
Anera: Where Hope Finds a Way - They provide everything from food, medicine and hygiene kits. $30 equals 16 blood bags - an essential thing for helping doctors help people survive horrible physical trauma.
UNICEF.org - Link to where you can donate to help UNICEF get aid to those suffering in Palestine.
And because I know damn well that lots of people don't have the extra funds to donate money - you can help by simply clicking here once a day. It donates ad revenue. Click to help Palestine
[I wanted so much to find other places people could donate that weren't in the US or Canada, but I was having problems figuring out how to ensure that they were reputable. If anyone knows of any, please reblog and add the links!]
And some basic informational sources for those who want to understand what's really going on other than the misleading information from the media.
BDS - The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians. Offers actual news about what's happening.
Decolonize Palestine - In depth information about the history and origins of Palestine. Also has a great 'debunked myths' section that lists almost all of all the lies the Media has been peddling.
Mondoweiss - An independent website devoted to informing readers about developments in Israel/Palestine and related US foreign policy. (Be aware: Some articles show disturbing images of the horrors happening in Gaza.)
Petitions I found with reputable track records (there are a LOT of fakes out there)
Independant Jewish Voices Canada - Gaza on the Brink Ceasefire Now! - Prewritten letter to Justin Trudeau and Mélanie Joly calling for an immediate ceasefire, and for an end to the collective punishment of Palestinians. Just sign your name and it sends a letter!
There are several other ways (Including email addresses to various people/companies, as well as physical addresses you can mail letters to) listed here.
DON'T send threats/hate mail. That does nothing but make them double down on their current stances. Be polite. You don't have to take a happy tone, but be polite.
United States:
USA - Tell Congress: Stop Fueling the Gaza Genocide - Demanding an immediate ceasefire and for Humanitarian Aid to be allowed into Gaza.
Jewish Voice for Peace - You can use their form for send a letter to Congress to demand that they should focus on de-escalation instead of sending money and weapons to Israel so they can continue their genocidal war against Palestinians.
Jewish Voice for Peace (part 2) - Fill out this form and inform President Biden that he should call for a ceasefire and stop supplying money and weapons to Israel.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
In case you haven't noticed … When they say "woke," they mean Black. When they say "Soros" or "globalist," they mean Jewish. When they say "parents' rights," they mean Christian zealots' rights to overrule all other parents, ban books, and dictate lessons. When they say "freedom," they mean freedom to inspect your son's genitals and log your daughter's periods. Freedom to indoctrinate and impose an agenda, just like they accuse their opponents of doing. Freedom to restrict voting and overturn elections. Freedom to deny medical treatment so women die and kids kill themselves. Freedom to wield the power of the state and applaud vigilante violence against anyone who disagrees or looks different. Today's Republican Party serves exactly three groups: the NRA, untaxed billionaires, and bigots who want white supremacist theocracy. To say you're a Republican is to say you have exactly two values: privilege and hate.
Paid for by Eric Grevstad, Bradenton, Florida
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By the way, for anyone who is still confused about messianics and why I have such a problem with them (as do the vast, vast majority of actual Jews - one of the few things we can virtually all agree on) think about it like this: they are like the Crisis Pregnancy Centers of the Jewish world.
CPCs deliberately market themselves in ways that imply that they provide actual medical care, pregnancy resources, or information on abortion, only to get their clients in a vulnerable situation and then accost them with forced-birther bullshit and massive guilt trips to convince them to keep their darling baby that I'm totally 100% sure will be the next Mozart if you only gave Jesus a chance!
Messianics do this by marketing themselves as observant, devout orthodoxim with deep Torah learning, mystical insights, and a unique perspective on living a life of mitzvot....... who happen to believe Yeshua was Ha-Moshiach, and worship him as a god, but this totally isn't avodah zarah because Yeshua told them so! Also *toot toot* the shofar to bring in our Sunday Sabbath!
It's fine to want to keep an unplanned pregnancy and it's fine to get an abortion. It's not fine to try to trick people into making a major decision that could ruin their lives.
Similarly, it's fine to be a Xtian just like it's fine to be a Jew. It's not fine to be a Xtian playing offensive dress-up as a Jew to trick Jews into worshipping Jesus.
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applesauce42069 · 26 days
With people like Candace Owens spreading misinformation about medical experiments at Auschwitz, it is important to be literate in this aspect of Holocaust history.
TW below the cut for: medical experimentation and malpractice, forced sterilization, antisemitism, anti-roma and sinti racism, discussion of concentration camps and the Holocaust. I will not include any photos. My source for everything is this book, published by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum.
There were more Nazi "doctors" at Auschwitz than I will be able to cover in this post. It is important to note that these "doctors" did not just perform experiments, but they also played a direct role in the genocide of the Jews at Auschwitz by participating in "selections." During these "selections," prisoners or prospective prisoners were chosen to be sent to the gas chambers. I say prospective prisoners because a selection usually took place at arrival upon the camp, with most children, the elderly, and anyone unfit for work, or for some people,just because, were sent immediately to the gas chambers without even being registered in the camp. This is a process that is unique to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Josef Mengele is by far the most famous SS "doctor" at Auschwitz. He was the head physician of the sector of Auschwitz II - Birkenau which held Roma and Sinti families, before the camp was "liquidated" which mean that every man, woman and child in it were sent to the gas chambers. Mengele performed experiments related to twins, people with dwarfism, and a disease called noma (don't look it up its gross).
Lorenc Andreas Menasche and his twin sister were experimented on by Josef Mengele. Menasche testified about undergoing experimentation with his sister:
"They also gave us injections all over our bodies. As a result of these injections, my sister fell ill. Her neck swelled up as a result of a severe infection. They sent her to the hospital and operated on her without anesthetic in primitive conditions"
Elzbieta Piekut-Warszawska, an Auschwitz prisoner forced to assist with Mengele's experiments, describes experiments on Jewish twins:
"Drops were also put into their eyes. I did not see the procedure itself, since they took the children into the next room. Some pairs of children received drops in both eyes, and others only in one. I was ordered to observed the reactions, and not to intervene in any way in case of any changes... The results of these practices were very painful for the victims. They suffered from severe swelling of the eyelids, a burning sensation, and intense watering of hte eyes"
Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jew, was also forced to assist Dr. Mengele. He describes being forced to perform autopsies on a pair of "small twins" who:
"... died [were killed] simultaneously... Their death makes it possible to carry out autopsies on them, intended to solve the mystery of reproduction."
Nyiszli says that Mengele was interested in twins with the aim of "increas[ing] the birth rate of the 'higher race'"
At the same time, two separate "doctors," Carl Clauberg and Horst Schumann, were performing sterilization experiments on Jewish prisoners in order to find an effective method of mass sterilization.
Clauberg's experiments involved introducing chemicals into the reproductive organs of Jewish women. Alina Białostocka, an Auschwitz prisoner who was forced to assist Clauberg testified that
"[the] procedure was carried out brutally, and often caused complications"
When it "worked," the procedure left women forcibly sterilized for life.
Horst Schumann's experiments involved the use of x-ray on male and female genitalia. According to Felicja Pleszowska, an Auschwitz prisoner forced to assist with experiments, Schumann's experiments were
"very painful and dangerous to life. There were frequent cases of men dying immediately after such procedures"
From the combined victims of these two men, only very few individuals survived.
Eduard Wirths, Friedrich Entress, Helmuth Vetter, Fritz Klein, Werner Rhode, Hans Wilhem Konig, Victor Capesius and Bruno Weber all tested pharmaceuticals on Auschwitz prisoners on behalf of companies like Bayer (which still exist and operate).
I cannot stress enough the mortality rate of all the medical experiments that took place in Auschwitz. I cannot stress enough the harm done to those who survived. I cannot stress enough the fact that the information I have provided here is just the tip of the iceberg, and that these experiments were VERY well documented BY THE NAZIS THEMSELVES.
This is horrifying. This is real. And we cannot let people insult the memory of these horrors by manipulating historical fact for selfish gain.
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I want a bar mitzvah after I've finished medically transitioning (the last step will be bottom surgery). i will definitely not be the right age and idk if anyone will agree to this because im not 13, I just think itd be a nice way to celebrate finally living life as a jewish man.
you are all invited as long as you're not a child when it happens. you are encouraged to bring food, alcohol, and anything guinea pig related. there is no dress code but you are encouraged to dress your best. whatever that means is up to you you can wear a suit of armor if you want
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elliescoolerwife · 8 months
Nazi dumbfuck
Being against murder and genocide is not a nazi ideology but go off I guess.
If anyone is nazi, it’s zionists.
Lets take a look:
In particular, the Nazis embraced the false idea that Jews were a separate and inferior race. - Israeli politicians have called palestinian children the “children off darkness” and israelis “the children of light”. Also, they’ve called Palestinians animals and not humans and therefore should be treated as such.
the Nazis referred to Jews as a “parasitic race.” - there is posters around Israel and on the internet created by Israelis where they compare palestinians to parasites - saying that they’re parasites to the israeli soil and needs to be removed.
Nazis wanted to separate Jews and Aryan Germans. They tried to force Jews to leave Germany. Not only do Israelis see Palestinians as animals, they’ve displaced 2 million Palestinians. Do you have any idea of what’s going on in Rafah rn?
Those whom the Nazis identified as non-Aryans (including Jews) were persecuted and discriminated against. Israelis have murdered 700.000 palestinians and removed their access to water, food and medical care. Israelis have been protesting by sitting in front of vehicles with medical equipment so gazans don’t get help. Israel have been dropping white phosphorus for 10 years so Palestinians either 1. Get burned. 2. Get killed by the water they drink that contains that white phosphorus. PS! White phosphorus is illegal but not when israelis do it🤡
the Nazis carried out forced sterilizations of certain groups whom they considered inferior.. lets swich our focus from Palestinians and lets take a look at the black people in Israel, lot of them ethiopians, that have been forced to sterilize themselves because israelis don’t want “black” in their jewish line. They want to keep it “clean” and not let black genes, especially not when those black people have converted and aren’t “real” jews. Do you remember who also wanted to keep their race clean? Does it sound familiar?
The Nazis believed that races were destined to wage war against each other. For them, war was a way for the Aryan race to gain land and resources. Specifically, the Nazis wanted to conquer territory in eastern Europe. They planned to remove, dominate, or murder the people who lived there. They believed that Aryan Germans should control this land because they were the supposed master race. Israelis believe that they are Gods chosen people and therefore owns that land. They have removed, dominated and murderer Palestinians who live there to take that land from them, claiming they are the superior race because God chose them. Therefore, they have every right to take that territory from the indigenous people.
Nazis also falsely claimed that all Jews were an existential threat to Germany and that they had to be destroyed. Israelis claim that this “war” will not be over until total victory - meaning until every Palestinian is dead or removed. They celebrated when north gaza looked like a desert, because the “parasites” who was a threath to Israel is now gone. And now Netanyahu is telling these parasites to leave Rafah, the claimed “safe space” or else they get murdered there too. And lets remember that Israelis don’t discriminate. They murder all Palestinians! Muslims, Christians, jews. All of them. And anyone who supports them.
And don’t even dare to say the Hamas because Israel never cared about Hamas nor did Hamas exist when this started. They have claimed that they need to murder children in order to prevent them from growing up and joining hamas. Children. Women. Elderly.
Bold of you to ask this anonymously, though.
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matan4il · 5 months
On Friday, during Passover, a terrorist attack took place in Israel. The terrorist attacked an 18 years old girl on the streets of Ramla, stabbed her in the back, leaving her seriously wounded, as he ran away. The girl was in the city visiting a friend, whose father and brother heard the girl's screams and chased the terrorist. The dad, a civilian with a personal weapon, neutralized the attacker. The girl's state has since improved, but she's still hospitalized.
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There is footage of the terrorist chasing the young girl down the street, stabbing her in the back without even stopping, causing her to collapse to the ground, as he continues, and flees the scene.
The anti-Israel protests on college campuses in the west are horrifying to watch. They were bad enough when they started on Oct 8, while Israel wasn't even counting its dead yet, because we were still fighting terrorists invading our country and endangering our civilians, so Israel's army was still not free to do anything in Gaza, but these protests have somehow gotten so much worse. They've become more openly antisemitic (we've seen more and more people doing the Nazi salute, and using signs calling for a "final solution," the whitewashed Nazi term for their intended annihilation of all Jews):
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They are now more openly calling for blood (in the past week or so, we've seen no calls for a ceasefire, instead we've heard chants to kill Zionists, to burn Tel Aviv, for Iran to fire rockets at Israel, meaning at its civilian population, and to globalize the intifada, a wave of anti-Israel terrorist attacks. During the second intifada alone, over 1,200 people in Israel were murdered). They've also become more physically violent, with more and more Jewish and pro-Israel people being assaulted, and even requiring medical care:
I've been seeing so much, and it's being talked about on the news here more than you can imagine. The presidents of Israeli universities even did something unprecedented, that they've never done during any of Israel's former conflicts, no matter how bad those got. After publishing repeated calls for foreign universities to fight antisemitism and protect their Jewish students, the presidents of Israeli universities have now published an open letter, lamenting that the problem might be beyond the capacity of university presidents abroad to solve, and addressing Jewish students, stating they have a safe space here, offering them any assistance with pursuing it.
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The worst protests are in the US, at Ivy League universities of all places, but I've heard horrifying things about universities in Canada, France, Australia as well... I feel like I can't really do this subject justice in just one post, so if I only share with you one last thing about it, this following vid would be it, because it's bigger than just the protests, and at the same time, partly explains how so many people have been recruited into them. It's a typical example of how in this complex conflict, real facts (such as vids filmed on the ground) are often taken out of context and manipulated to present a simplistic narrative, in which Zionists (i.e the overwhelming majority of Jews) are presented as intrinsically violent and evil, while ignoring and even lying about the anti-Jewish violence at play:
Jews and Jewish allies abroad, please take care of yourselves! And don't let all the hate get to you... Just because there's a lot of them, doesn't mean they're right. Or even that they're the majority. They just give that impression by being more vocal than anyone else, and taking over public spaces, pushing everyone else out.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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WIBTA if I start giving some very *very* Christian family members religious pamphlets from non-Christian religions as gifts?
To be clear, I am writing this while firmly believing I'm NTA but I am angry and don't trust my own judgment too much right now.
Background and Players: My Son (19) was adopted out as a baby by his incubator behind (my husband, 40) his father's back. He was abandoned at 4 by his adopted family because of behavioral issues related to what his incubator was putting into her body while she was pregnant with him, and went into foster care with people I will call Amom and Adad. Adad is a pastor in his 90s and Amom is a pastor's wife in her 80s. When Son was 13 and I had been with Husband for 5ish years, we had been told (by someone from his incubator's family but we didn't know that at the time) he was non-verbal and "mentally an infant" and that trying to pull him out of the routine he had would just be incredibly harmful to him, so we had given up hope of finding him and having a relationship with him. We got a phone call one day, a worker who was looking for a medical history for Son. Husband spent close to 3 hours on the phone with her, answering questions and asking anything he could squeeze in. Turns out, we had been lied to about his mental health just... completely. He's impossible to shut up and he graduated high school last year despite, you know, *gestures vaguely at everything* and I am incredibly proud of him. Half an hour after that call ended, she called back and told us Son might be interested in meeting us, was it okay for her to pass on our contact info. A month later, Son, Amom, Adad, Husband and I were sitting in a restaurant together and a month after that we went to their place for a week to spend Christmas with them. This is when they informed us that they had finalized his legal adoption a couple of weeks earlier. 2 years after that, my QPP moved in with us, and another year later 16 year old Son asked if he could move in with us. He still does.
The Issue: Son wants a continuing relationship with Amom and Adad, but due to the previously mentioned substances used by his incubator, he has memory and time management issues so I have to regularly remind him to contact them. I have no problem doing this, but the contact we have had with them over the last few years has soured me on their company. I've got no problem reminding Son to contact them and organizing rides for him to visit (usually QPP and I driving him, the trip is a couple of hours each way) but I'd rather never speak to them myself if it can be avoided. It didn't start out this way, but over the years they have made it very clear that they don't respect anyone else's beliefs. Not just us, like there was one night where they were going off about some Danish surgeon saying publicly that he was Muslim first, Danish second, and they were trying to convince us to be terrified by that. The conversation ended awkwardly when Husband asked if Adad was Nationality or Christian first (because that's different you see). We have found books on the bookshelves in the guest room about how any kind of queerness at all is demonic possession, one of which they wrote. They talk about things like being sent on a mission by their god to save as many (and I hate that these are quotes) "brown heathen children" by making them Christians as possible (Son and his adopted siblings are all First Nations, Amom and Adad are as white as I am), or how Jewish people are evil for stopping Christians from claiming their suffering because "Jesus was a Jew so aren't all Christians also Jews?". Amom once spent a week trying to convince me to go to church with her and share the details of my childhood sexual abuse with the entire congregation because "it will show God you are ready to be forgiven". QPP is a shintoist and after they found that out, we started seeing more literature about the Japanese, specifically during WWII, around their house when we visited.
We have politely made it clear that we are not interested in Christianity, especially not their version. Multiple times. We thought it was finally over after Son had a meltdown at them at his graduation ceremony because he wanted JUST ONE conversation with them that wasn't about Jesus. He was in tears trying to explain that to them, and their response was to tell him he needed to come back to church so they could lay on hands and chase all the demons making him say these horrible disrespectful things to them out of him. He was supposed to stay with them for a few days to visit after that, but by the time I tracked him down and got him calm, he didn't want to go anymore. They seemed to stop after that, like they actually backed off and I think I got maybe 2 emails that didn't mention God or Jesus, not even a "God bless" in the sign off. We were optimistic. Son was late organizing it but we dropped him off (at his request, he's worried that Adad won't make it to next Christmas and wanted to see him) at their place on Boxing Day. We did not hang around, we did not send gifts, we didn't even reply to the Family Christmas Email (it had a video of a Jordan B Peterson rant embedded in it and I've told them before that we are not interested in anything that sack of hateful arrogance has to say please stop putting him in my inbox). We have done everything we can to make it clear that we do not want a relationship with them for ourselves, including outright directly telling them politely to their faces that we will not stop Son from seeing them but we don't feel comfortable around them and don't want a relationship with them for ourselves. Son came back with "gifts" from them - a study guide for a specific Bible book (I got John, Husband got Michael, QPP set his on fire before we saw who it was) and a bag of candy that looked like it came out of a thrift store (I got the same one they always get me, which I laughed off the first and second and third time and explained I couldn't stand them because my abuser used to give me one when he was done. Husband is diabetic and got York Patties. QPP actually got something decent though, $20 for gas).
I have managed to keep my "I'd rather you hadn't bothered actually" rantingvto Tumblr, which i don't think they even know exists, but I'm still pissed about the Bible crap as "gifts". I am considering changing tactics completely and being super friendly, mirroring their energy, and giving them the same treatment they've given us. I want to make excuses to visit so I can explain the finer points of shintoism and Celtic paganism in every single conversation. I want to give them books for gifts, books like The Tao of Pooh and The Gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I want to wrap cash in pamphlets about The Invisible Pink Unicorn and leave it on their fridge.
QPP and husband think I should give myself more time to calm down and just keep ignoring it and playing nice when I'm forced to play at all but like, IT'S BEEN 6 YEARS.
What are these acronyms?
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poisonousquinzel · 8 months
In honor of the Deadpool 3 talk going around, be aware that the director Shawn Levy is a Zionist who supports Noah Schnapp, with Ryan Reynold's support.
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Caption: These are just a few images of the hundreds that compel me to speak up: More than 1000 dead, over 150 kidnapped , others raped, wounded, brutalized .
Children, teens, women, and the elderly...
This terrorist act has and CAN have NO justification, no 'context' that can explain or forgive .
To be clear: this was perpetrated by Hamas-- a terrorist organization that does not seek peace, nor democracy , nor a 2-state coexistence for the Palestinian and Israeli people; they want the elimination of Israel, the eradication of the Jewish people, and what they did in Israel should outrage anyone with basic human principles. You can care about the struggles of the Palestinians and still condemn Hamas as the barbaric terrorists they clearly show themselves to be. Honestly baffled that there's even any debate about this .
You don't need to be Jewish to stand with these innocent victims and hostages. You don't need to be Jewish to be heartsick, outraged and stand against this terror; you just need to be a human being with eyes and ears and heart.
Oct 10, 2023
And yeah, unsurprisingly, he's posted jackshit in regards to the proven lies that were and are spread about the events of Oct 7, or about the propaganda he helped spread, or about how Israel killed it's own people on Oct 7, or how they have repeatedly had chances to get the hostages back (including this month as well!!) and refuse because this has never been about the hostages, or how they've repeatedly lied about Hamas bases and operatives to try n justify bombing hospitals & schools, or how Israel has committed dozens of war crimes over and over, or how there's plenty of recorded proof of IDF / IOF soldiers beating up and assaulting Jewish people who disagree with them, or the videos of Israeli settlers harassing others in their circle for having empathy for Palestinians, screaming obscenities and insults at teachers for having empathy for other humans, or the thousands of Jewish people who stand with Palestine and have been this whole time, or the heinous racist shit Noah Schnapp has spewed lately, or how the IDF / IOF is known for having a problem with soldiers sexually assaulting each other, or how Israel is a safe haven for pedophiles (ya know, rapists), or about the little girl who was stuck in a car with her dead relatives until she was also murdered by Israel (alongside the medical workers who had gone to recuse her), or about the videos of the Israeli military using bulldozers to run over people in tents, to run over a pregnant woman, to run over refugees, or about the family members who've had to carry the pieces of their loves ones in bags because they were blown to pieces by the bombs set off by the Israeli military, or about how they're actively starving every Palestinian person they can and refusing to allow aid into Gaza, or how Israeli folks are actively driving out in droves to physically prevent aid trucks from passing to get to a starving population, or how it's been a tradition for Israeli settlers to go to the edge near Gaza to listen and Celebrate bombings long before Oct 7, or the countless pieces of irreplaceable historical landmarks have been destroyed, or the over 30,000 Palestinians who've been murdered in cold blood since Oct 7 while Zionist cheer on the violence.
Marvel supports Israel, actively, don't let your love for that specific series cloud that.
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deleteddewewted · 9 months
König Headcanons
A/n: These are just personal hc I have and have been talking to friends about for a while. If you have any of your own please share them!
W: Angst, Scars, Mental Health Issues, Bullying, Religoun is mentioned in passing, Trauma, injuries
Commissions: Open! (You can commission/support me on Ko-fi!)
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He grew up in a household with only his mother and grandmother. His father left before he was born.
He grew up poor and it led to a lot of issues when he went to school. He would get bullied for both being too tall for his age and for having less than others.
This led to a lot of insecurities, especially about his looks. His nose was broken in middle school by a bully as he was trying to defend himself and it just never healed correctly.
He's always anxious. His heart feels like his heart is going to burst out of his chest. He feels like he's going to die at any time.
He's a brunette. Doesn't care too much about his hair. He kinda just does whatever feels right for the time being. There have been times when he forgets to cut his hair and it gets all the way past his shoulders. (This is not regulation in the military but his mother likes it so he tries to keep it long.)
His favorite season of the year is winter because he got to do things like celebrate the holidays that happened around that time.
His grandmother is Jewish but his mother stopped practicing around her adult years. They still did things like celebrate Hanukkah and light the menorah since his grandmother didn't have anyone other than him and his mother to celebrate with.
He found the flames captivating every time they would light the menorah. Something about the movement of the flames and the brightness of the light kept him entertained. Burned himself by accident because he once tried touching it as a child.
It fascinated him as did the lights his neighbors would hang on their homes to celebrate Christmas.
He never celebrated Christmas, this was mainly because his mother never had enough money to get him gifts like other parents.
He never believed in Santa Claus but he did wish he would have had that innocence to do so. Maybe it would have broken his heart as a child if he did since he wouldn't have gotten any of the things he would have asked for.
As he rented his teen years, his anxiety got worse and so did his depression. He was sick all the time. He's constantly trying to get better but he can't. The bullying got worse as he grew and he started resenting his long hair. (He forgets to take care of himself and his hair.)
Once he was old enough to enlist, he did so without any hesitation. His mother and grandmother tried convincing him to not do it but he wanted to help them get out of the poverty they were in. He wanted his family to have more in life even if it meant sacrificing his body, mind, and soul.
Enlisting was both a saving grace and a downturn in his life.
He finally had money to give to his family and he finally got to have a warm place to go back to but it wasn't home and the friendships he made felt superficial.
His mental health took a greater hit once he started taking on operations. He tried ignoring it and when it didn’t help he started to suffer from sudden panic attacks through the day. It felt like he was trapped in his own skin.
He had to go to therapy or he would be discharged from his position. He was out on medication and given weekly therapy sessions to ensure that he was making progress.
He finally got to celebrate Christmas with others but he still knew that under the communal Christmas tree was no present for him.
The more he worked and the older he got, the more he realized he wasn't sure he knew if this was it for him. He couldn't become a sniper and his only friend was an American he didn't really know all that well.
When he got offered a position at Kortac he was elated. He would gain more money and his talents would be out to use.
It meant he would have to renounce his Austrian citizenship. (He didn't need to though. Kortac took care of everything and he could freely enter the country with no issue.)
He made sure to fully repair the house his family lived in and buy the plot of land that was next to their own in order to expand the house and give his grandmother the garden she had once talked about fondly.
Kortac was an opportunity that he would forever be grateful for.
It gave him friends and allowed relationships to blossom he never thought he would have.
He and Horangi became friends and shared so much of their lives together. He finally had someone he could confide in when it came to his struggles with relationships or his feelings of not being enough.
He grew to look at himself as a victor and less as a wounded dog licking his own wounds.
He no longer winced when he looked at himself in the mirror.
The scar running over his cheek, the crookedness of his nose, the scruff on his cheeks, the grey in his hair, the crow's feet at the corner of his eyes.
Everything about him was now something he embraced.
And now when he gets to celebrate the holidays either at home or on the base, he takes his time to set up the tree and its lights, taking a moment to admire as the multicolored lights glow and shower the space with its joy.
He knows he has a gift under the tree for him and more once he gets home for his scheduled leave.
Once he starts dating he felt like he had to take care of himself more. He didn’t want to burden his partner so he tried developing healthier habits such as washing his face and trimming his hair.
It isn’t until he truly settled down with someone that he starts to let go of some do his insecurities.
He’s still on edge about his partner touching his scars but he’s more conflicted about his anxiety ruining things for him. He didn’t want to come off as possessive or insecure but his anxiety got the best do him at times.
Dreads getting into arguments with his partner. He doesn’t want to fight or argue since he knows that it might lead to something more serious happening.
Enjoys cuddling and holding his partner close. Will either sleep on top of his partner or use his partner as a weighted blanket.
He likes being reassured that he’s enough or that he’s handsome. It makes him blush but he likes hearing it.
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zingay · 1 year
To provide an explanation for people who don't understand the living situation in Gaza:
Gaza is under siege, there are no open exits, the only passages are Israeli checkpoints and the Rafah Crossing at the border of Egypt. The border is completely closed due to Egyptian relations with Israel and the West. Israel does not allow Palestinians to pass through checkpoints.
The other border is the sea, which is not a passage they are able to take as they have no transportation as well as the fact that Israel has an active navy
All of their necessities (food, clean water, medical supplies, electricity) are controlled by Israel, they cannot recieve humanitarian aid as all attempts are met with threats. They are given less than the necessary amounts of resources to sustain themselves. Israel has now cut that off completely. Hospitals are running on generators
They do not have the materials, permits or machinery required to make water purifiers, produce medical equipment, ensure food safety or to even rebuild demolished housing.
This also means they don't have the means to build bomb shelters, something I've noticed many Westerners expect them to have. Gaza has no shelters and nobody is able to build them
This means every time Israel has sent a bombardment, Gazzans have been out in the open or hiding in corners of their hopes hoping not to get killed.
Human rights are non-existent for Gaza. Protest is met with snipers. Children are met with violence. Any non-white, non-jewish people who pass through a checkpoint are forced to strip in order to be searched. Palestinians are treated as subhuman
Palestinian people, including children, have been arrested without provocation and are held prisoner without trial for years on end. Many who were arrested as young teenagers are now adults and still imprisoned, with some in solitary confinement for years
Rape is extremely prevalent among IOF soldiers. Both men and women have bragged about sexually assaulting Palestinian men, women, and children. This includes prison guards, who sexually abuse prisoners. Sexual abuse is also prevalent at checkpoints and during interrogations
Anyone who manages to leave can never come back, as Palestinians are not given a state or government, and are forced into remaining stateless and a refugee in most countries
If I see you people still supporting Israel after seeing this, then I have to believe you're heartless
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
This is not a holy war. Do not let israel convince you it is.
This is a slaughtering of innocent Palestinian Muslims, Jews, and Christians that have nothing to do with Hamas' attack by a falsely installed government that calls Palestinians "human animals".
Although the killing of innocents from both the israeli government and hamas is wrong, this has been building for a long time due to the israeli government's treatment of Palestinians.
The rage that brings these attacks stems from DECADES of abuse, displacement, murder, and more that israel has inflicted upon the Palestinians.
Israel justifying what they've done calling themselves a "Jewish state" when NONE of these actions are REMOTELY Jewish puts a target on the backs of actual Jews. Israel itself, by committing horrible atrocities in the name of a Jewish holy war is antisemitic, and breeds antisemitism against actual Jews.
It is not antisemitic to be against the israeli government.
What is antisemitic is the israeli government labeling itself and it's actions as Jewish.
Supporting the oppressed? That's Judaism.
Supporting Palestinians being free? That's Judaism.
While the actions of Hamas are not justifiable, neither are the actions of israel. However, the rage that has been building against the oppressive israeli government by the members of Hamas? I get that.
And before anyone comes at me, again: I am not justifying the actions, the rapes* the child murders, the kidnappings, the beheadings*, the bombings. I am saying I understand the rage of an oppressed people boiling over and attacking the oppressors. And in the same vein, I will never justify the actions of the israeli government and their murder, and starvation, and destruction of medical facilities, displacement, confinement and terrorist attacks against the people they oppress and hold captive and have complete control over.
*No Rape and beheading has been over 20 days later. What I believe has been proven that hasn't gotten much media attention is that Israel lied about the body count and who killed all of the people, there are many reports from eyewitnesses that IDF soldiers killed israelis.
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