#jessie childs
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verecunda · 8 months ago
On 25 October [1641], John Pym, the king’s key opponent in the Commons, was handed a letter in the chamber. The porter said that he had received it that morning on Fish Street Hill from a man on a horse with a red ribbon around his arm. The rider’s face was covered by a montero (a flapped hunting cap), but the porter had noticed a wart on his nose, and the twelvepence reward. He passed the letter to Pym. It contained a bandage saturated in plague pus and a note stating that if the infection did not kill him, a dagger would follow.
— The Siege of Loyalty House, Jessie Childs
They fuckin. tried to send this guy the plague through the post!
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fideidefenswhore · 11 months ago
Henry VIII was inordinately fond of his son. He showered him with gifts, not only on New Year's Day, when it was conventional to give ostentatiously, but also at random times throughout the year. On one occasion he paid his fletcher twenty shillings for arrows to supply Fitzroy's bow; in 1531 he bought him a lute; another time saw Fitzroy being presented with a gold collar, enamelled with white roses, 'sent from the King's Highness [...]'. Fitzroy was Henry VIII's 'worldly jewel,' and the King loved him, so the Venetian ambassador observed, 'like his own soul.'
Henry VIII’s Last Victim: The Life and Times of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Jessie Childs
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morgan--reads · 2 years ago
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Summary: A history of the sieges against Basing House during the first English Civil War. 
Quote: “That God was angry with his people was evident. But whose side was he on and what did he want—peace or more blood?”
My rating: 3.5/5.0   Goodreads: 4.07/5.0 
Review: An engaging and well-written account of a dramatic series of events in the English Civil War. If you don’t have any background knowledge of the Civil War, this might be a bit of a reach. Childs does give some background information but the focus is truly on Basing House, a microhistory that gives a lot of insight into the devastation and the difficulties of the war. Childs sticks closely to the sources, which makes for rigorous history, but also means that there is an emotional distance between the reader and the people who lived the history, as we don’t have diaries or letters for most of them. There are lots of interesting, and sometimes bizarre, details that light up the story, but the human element is sometimes missing.
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cee-jay-mcwfc · 2 months ago
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‘Closing a great week in Abu Dhabi’
- Leila’s IG 8.1.25
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daydreaming-jessi · 1 year ago
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More baby Baph stuff! idk this just really tickled my brain. I have some more stuff still even! So I guess lemme know if you wanna see it? Anyways, peeled lamb is so uncanny to me, is it a buzz cut, that encircles their entire body??? Aaaaah???? I have no idea how to feel about it…. I do know it’s the first time I drew ratoo and I love it.
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autumncottageattic · 4 months ago
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instagram- fox_and_blueberry
original embroidery - KolomanKnitShop
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maliciousalice · 11 months ago
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You guys ever have revelations?
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gynandromorph · 4 months ago
I've been drawing a scene with Evelyn in it, so I've been thinking a lot about Evelyn, right? How many friends do you think she has lost because Jessie killed the friend's kid or maimed grandma or even just directly murked the friend or something? After a while? Probably a lot!
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rebouks · 2 years ago
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Jessie: Can you say something-.. like, are you okay? [Ivan buried his head in hands and squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to say something-.. he wanted to say a million things, but his voice had long since abandoned him] Jessie: I wasn’t sure what to do at first, y’know-.. but by the time I tried to find you, I couldn’t. [Ivan offered a muffled scoff] Jessie: You were never at home! I didn’t have your number, Hunter went back to prison, Clara moved-.. I really tried. Jessie: I even thought Miya might know where you’d gone but I never saw her again-.. Lucie’s closed, the Front closed… I figured it was all connected to what was going on in the news. Ivan: So, y’gave up? Jessie: Not exactly, I spent hours scouring dating apps, social media-… Ivan: It’d help if y’got my fuckin’ name right. Jessie: I’m bad with names, okay-.. and how was I supposed to know you were a family man, rather than a crook? Ivan: I s’pose it’s a long story… [Jessie snorted, wiping her eyes with her sleeve] Ivan: I’m sorry, I’m just-.. it’s a lot t’take in is all. I’m pretty gutted I’ve missed so much. Jessie: Really? Ivan: ‘Course! That’s my lil’ guy, ain’t it? Jessie: I didn’t think you’d care. Ivan: That’s a bit presumptuous-.. y’don’t even know me. Jessie: Maybe it was just easier to think that way. Ivan: I’ll give y’that… Jessie: He’ll be so excited to know he has a daddy now; he’s forever asking questions about him. [Ivan couldn’t help but smile, he wasn’t sure he’d ever have kids, and now he suddenly had two] Jessie: I don’t expect child support, by the way. Like, I have a good job n’ stuff, and my mom’s pretty well off too-.. she lives nearby, actually. Ivan: Eh, we’ll figure somethin’ out… Jessie: So, what now? Ivan: S’pose we oughta get t’know each other? Jessie: Is the little girl-… Ivan: Mine? Yeah. Jessie: Uhm… Ivan: Surrogate. Jessie: Ah. [Ivan tried his best not to tear up as Jude hurtled towards them, smiling the same goofy smile he’d seen in dozens of his own childhood photographs] Jessie: C’mere-.. I’ve got a huge surprise for you! [Ivan’s brow shot up; he thought Jessie would’ve wanted to explain the situation to Jude later-.. or in private, but he didn’t seem too phased by the news] Jude: You’re my daddy? Ivan: Sure looks like it, bud. Jude: [gasps] Does that mean I have a doggy?! Jessie: He’s obsessed with dogs, probably because we can’t have one… Ivan: [chuckles] Aye, me n’ Oreo are a package deal. Jessie: We’ll see Oreo again soon-.. c’mon, we’re already way past late. [Jude frowns briefly. He’d rather stay here, but school was exciting too, and he knew better than to argue] Jessie: I’ll call you later, yeah? Ivan: Please… Jude: Bye Oreo, bye daddy, bye-.. man and baby! … Ivan: The fuck just happened, B? [Bruno held Ivan closely, leaving his rhetorical question unanswered] Ivan: I swear I ain’t cheated on you, I-… Bruno: I know. Ivan: But-… Bruno: He’s too old for that-.. I know. [Ivan stared at the floor, his mind moving too fast for him to keep up. He wanted to yell, laugh and weep all at once] Bruno: Let’s go home. We’ll take the day off, okay? [Ivan nodded as Bruno nudged him to his feet, forever grateful for his ridiculously calm demeanour]
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samantha-and-nellie · 7 months ago
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between this and jessie saying that she’s grown two inches in a short period of time, i think it’s safe to say that samantha went through a gangly period
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whosplayerthree · 9 months ago
happy pride month to the trio who made me trans
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years ago
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"The whole of the winter was spent in Paris, where Surrey and Richmond dined and supped daily with the French princes. Less than three years had passed since the release of the two elder brothers, Francois and Henri, from their captivity in Spain and still they bore the emotional scars of their four-and-a-half-year ordeal. The Dauphin, aged fourteen, only ever wore sombre clothes and was reportedly 'cold, temperate, and staid'. Henri, Duke of Orleans, was thirteen and prone to severe melancholy, but he was more spirited than his elder brother. He had refused to submit to his imprisonment, attempting escape more than once, and when, on his release, one of his captors had sought his forgiveness, Henri had turned his back on him and farted."-The Life and Times of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey by Jessie Childs
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multitypes · 1 month ago
after rewatching it im a lot more mixed on the ursaring episode than i was before tbh
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bowandbrush · 1 year ago
if you wear shoes in the house
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hagbrigade · 1 month ago
peyton list you are my friend
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personallbest · 2 years ago
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“The Secret Life of Mr. Kipling”
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