#jessie burton
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nofeelingisfinall · 2 years ago
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love is sunlight.
[andrew garfield about emma stone || the song of achilles, madeline miller || sunset, jungho lee || sunlight, hozier || rainer maria rilke || sisters, holly warburton || bloodsport, yves oalde || six of crows, leigh bardugo || kissing god goodbye, june jordan || unkown || david viscott || making amands - panel 3, holly warburton || carry on, rainbow rowell || the miniaturist, jessie burton]
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kavalyera · 1 year ago
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anne magill, “shimmer” | anne magill, “walking home through the park” | john wick chapter 4 screenplay | delta rae, “chasing twisters” | thomas pynchon, “gravity’s rainbow” | jessie burton, “the miniaturist”
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litandlifequotes · 9 months ago
You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed. My darling
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
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bloodmaarked · 6 months ago
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➫ monthly book round-up: september 2024
books read: 6 [-25%] average rating: 3.92 [+5%] average speed: 15.5 days [+19%] total pages: 2,265 [-5%] yearly goal progress: 61/50 [122%] best of the month: an african history of africa, zeinab badawi worst of the month: the muse, jessie burton
5* reads:
an african history of africa: from the dawn of humanity to independence, zeinab badawi
4* reads:
as long as the lemon trees grow, zoulfa katouh
4.5* reads:
the body in the library, agatha christie
3.5* reads:
solomon time: adventures in the south pacific, will randall
you and me on vacation, emily henry
3* reads:
the muse, jessie burton
currently reading:
disorientation, elaine hsieh chou
the house of broken bricks, fiona williams
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slaughter-books · 2 years ago
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Day 13: JOMPBPC: Watercolours
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ardent-reflections · 2 years ago
You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed.
- Jessie Burton
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hayleylovesjessica · 1 year ago
Hayley Atwell and Jessie Burton in conversation at the Frans Hals exhibition at the National Gallery, London
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shxpeshifterr · 2 years ago
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helion-ism · 1 year ago
You see, remembering’s a blessing and a curse. You can’t erase your bad memories, but a life without regrets is a life unlived.
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aforcedelire · 1 year ago
Miniaturiste, Jessie Burton
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En 1686 alors qu’elle est âgée de 18 ans, la jeune Nella quitte le domicile familial pour rejoindre à Amsterdam son futur époux, Johannes Brandt. Homme d’âge mûr, il est un des marchands les plus prospères de la VOC (la compagnie néerlandaise des Indes orientales), et il vit avec deux domestiques et sa sœur Marin, qui accueille Nella de façon plus que froide. Pour l’occuper lors de son absence due à ses nombreux voyages, Johannes offre à Nella la réplique miniature de leur demeure, qu’elle va se faire une joie de meubler auprès d’un miniaturiste de la ville. Mais très vite, ses commandes vont mettre au jour de dangereux secrets…
J’ai adoré ce roman ! Une ancienne collègue m’en avait vanté les mérites et m’avait assuré que j’allais aimer, et maintenant que je l’ai (enfin) lu, je peux dire qu’elle avait raison ! D’abord, j’ai adoré l’histoire : cette jeune fille d’à peine 18 ans, propulsée dans une nouvelle et grande ville, qui est accueillie de façon très étrange dans sa nouvelle demeure. Qui ne comprend pas pourquoi l’ambiance reste sombre et cachottière. Ça m’a beaucoup rappelé Rebecca, j’ai vraiment aimé l’aspect gothique et incertain qui se dégage de Miniaturiste. Surtout lorsqu’entre en scène l’artiste, avec son envoi mystérieux et indésirable ; d’autant plus quand Nella commence à découvrir les secrets de sa nouvelle famille… J’ai beaucoup aimé la suivre ! Tout m’a vraiment plu, je le recommande chaudement. Je l’ai dévoré, et passée la moitié, je l’ai englouti, je voulais vraiment avoir le fin mot de l’histoire. (Et au moment où j’écris cet avis, je suis déjà à la moitié de la suite 🤭)
19/12/2023 - 28/12/2023
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mmepastel · 2 years ago
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J’avais écrit un post hier sur ce livre tip top, mais il a disparu suite à un bug.
J’ai actuellement une grosse flemmasse de tout recommencer alors je résume : c’est très très bien, deux destins de femmes atypiques, un mystérieux tableau, Londres en 67, l’Andalousie pré Franco.
Lisons Jessie Burton, elle est douée pour raconter des histoires habiles qui mêlent art et psychologie.
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viviween · 5 months ago
In un giorno del 1686, la diciottenne 𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘖𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘯 - 𝘕𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢-𝘧𝘳𝘢-𝘭𝘦-𝘯𝘶𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘦, bussa alla porta d'una casa situata nel quartiere più benestante di Amsterdam: è arrivata dalla campagna per iniziare una nuova vita come moglie dell'illustre mercante Johannes Brandt; invece del consorte, Nella trova la sua indisponente sorella; quando Johannes torna dai suoi viaggi, evita di dormire con Nella: l'unica attenzione che le riserva è il dono della miniatura della loro casa e l'invito ad arredarla.
Nella si rivolge all'unico miniaturista che trova ad Amsterdam: una enigmatica figura che sembra sfuggirle continuamente, anche se tra loro inizia un dialogo sempre più fitto, senza parole, ma attraverso piccoli, straordinari manufatti che raccontano i misteri di casa Brandt.
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tintededges · 1 year ago
The Confession
Novel about a missing mother, a whirlwind romance and decades of secrets I won a signed, hardcover copy of this book when it was first published about four years ago in a contest from the publisher. It has an absolutely beautiful cover with green foil on the rose leaves, and I am always a sucker for anything rabbit-related. Photo is of “The Confession” by Jessie Burton. The hardcover book is…
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litandlifequotes · 22 days ago
You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed. My darling.
The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
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bloodmaarked · 6 months ago
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the muse // jessie burton
first published: 2016 read: 24 august 2024 - 08 september 2024 pages: 446 format: e-book
genres: fiction; adult; historical fiction; mystery(ish?) favourite character(s): lawrie least favourite character(s): isaac, also olive kinda
rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑 thoughts: my thoughts on the muse are that it was fine. it wasn't a standout and i might not remember much of it by the end of the year. it's been a couple of days since i finished it and i already feel even more lukewarm. there were a few sparks of interesting plot points but for the most part, i was unmoved.
the characters were fine. the plot was fine but i think it could've been a lot more interesting and special... somehow. i don't know what it was missing or what it needed, exactly. it was just not that exciting. there was an interesting reveal but as a whole the story was lacking something that could draw me back in. i would put it down and not pick it up again for ages. i preferred the 1960s timeline to the 1930s one - and the story could've been reworked so that it focused a bit less on the 30s side of the story. would that have made a better book? potentially. perhaps, if in doing so, it also reduced the length of the book somewhat.
i wouldn't go back to this author. i think people have quite enjoyed some of her other works but personally, i'm not bothered enough to give it a go. the muse might be a hit with someone else out there but it just didn't do much for me.
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qpr-tourney · 1 month ago
Elimination Round 7: Bottom 3 are Out
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