#jesse x robaire
teayoungg · 5 months
IT'S GONNA BE⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️🗣🔥
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4townlove · 1 year
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love these guys such a normal amount. theyre so... they make me so unconditionally happy and hopeful and light and happy and full of glowing sparkling love i can literally not even describe it.
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4townn · 10 months
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suckmybigtoeoikawa · 1 year
can i req nsfw hcs for 4town?
maybe aaron z need jesse ig theres a limit to characters
If your uncomfy with what’s below then go look at something else, gracias !! i’m trying to clear my inbox with all the old stories i didn’t even respond back to
sure <33 i wrote for 4/5 of them because i didn’t know what to write for Taeyong lmao
Aaron Z
I honestly feel like he gives off soft Dom vibes but he can be a little bit shy in the beginning
he’s shy but at the same time he’s not; for example he’ll do something flirty to you and he’ll have this smirk on his face, but as soon as you do something back he wanna get all flustered 
also it’s really easy to get into the moment, it gets really intense with him 
 he's really good at complimenting your body (and the way you clench around him when he does complement you doesn't go unnoticed) 
he's lowkey kind of quiet but you know he feels good because the look on his face, it's a dead give away 
let’s say you’re riding him, his face will get red and his head will be thrown back
also he wouldn't keep his hands to himself they’d be on your ass or thighs 
I think that like when he makes music, it’s like he's very sexual and passionate (just like his voice actor’s music) and he’s like that when he gets comfortable 
ass>>> anything
he’ll slap, grab, bro lemme tell you something when he grabs he grabs, mf grips 
aftercare with him is really calm and quiet, and his hand is on your ass (no surprise) 
possessive at times, like if he sees you talking/ laughing with Robaire he’ll wait till you’re done talking to him (but ofc with a mean mug on his face) and then when y'all get home...
makes you beg 
if you want something you have to ask for it, and then he just keeps on egging it on with a smile on his face 
he puts your pleasure first then his
most of the time you guys have sex it’s spontaneous
one moment y'all could be watching a movie and/or talking about something deep and then he got you bent over
knows just about everything about your body and will tease you about it too
he’s a dirty talker, and he's to good at it 
he’s the type to come up behind you and grab your tits (over your shirt or under it doesn't matter to him, but he prefers under) 
some of 4towns more suggestive songs or songs that he sings solo are lyrics written about you 
he’s a lip biter and a neck kisser
he’ll also tease you when you try to kiss him
you’ll lean into the kiss and so will he but just when you think his lips will press yours his thumb will rub your bottom lip 
aggravating but hot 
uses toys on you
during after he will whisper praises into your ear and trace shapes on your arm, to precious 
i could see him being a soft dom
honestly i think he can be a bit jealous sometimes, soooo i believe that he marks his partner, on the neck a lil bit
so when the person he’s jealous about sees the marks he’ll just give a lil smirk and pull you closer by the waist
he’s a grunter and he’s the type to make you know how good you make him feel
even outside the bedroom he’s very passionate
most of the time he’s giving because he genuinely enjoys it
he likes to make you moan (so does the others but man he’s gonna praise you while you do and will encourage you to moan some more)
his voice is so likeeee sensual when he wants it to be, like he just really says the right things that make you feel some type of way
i’m seeing this for when he does his solo shit.. but he probably would use your moans in his songs
very possessive too but he’s more in public with it, so sometimes it’s not as sexual, he’ll do things like buy expensive things or always be around you to make sure that people know that ur being taken care of
and taken care of in other ways because this nigga will brag.. idk but it’s only around like his close right circle of friends
he’s a pussy pleaser 😜
Aaron T
like robaire he brags but he does it without even noticing it
like most of the time it’s vague but enough to be like wtf bud :)
he’s a moaned and whimpering type of nigga with he’s more submissive
when he’s more dominate i see him being more of a moaner
he constantly brags to his friend and in interviews about how pretty and beautiful you are
titties typa man, like if they’re in his face he don’t know what to do, he just goes crazy on it
i feel like he’s the type to really like it messy
he’s always gonna wanna kiss you too, like he’s so sweet but also so desperate too
he’s a sucker for dirty talk, if you want to rile him up in any way, dirty talk is the way to go
i also feel like he’s a thigh dude so just put his hand on your thigh and move his hand up and down on it, he’s already feelin some typa way
he’s get flustered easily but sometimes if he’s very unaware of when you’re trying to initiate
like let’s say you’re at a party and you’re trying to get him riled up, he’s not gonna pick up the hints until you blatantly tell him you wanna fuck
then he’s gonna be flustered and blushing because he loves when your straight forward.
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ankmankpank · 7 months
Aaron Z. x baby sis!reader
Tw: cussing and a sunburn maybe?? Nothing else, 4*town playing basketball shirtless as fuck. Ur not even a baby, just 4. I don’t have the talent to write and it’s maybe cringe at some places. I mean, I just had the idea and rlly wanted to do something with it, i don’t even care if it’s not well written. (I’m gonna kms)
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4*TOWN was a world famous boy band , we know that. But they were also human, which meant they had their families too.
And you, you were one of the members' little sister, Aaron Z.’s! He was 18 years older than you, which meant that you were 4 now, babe.
And your parents had to leave for a summer vacation, so they gave you to Aaron Z. for the summer who lived with the other members of 4*TOWN by second. To make work easier, or who knows why. Which meant, you lived with them too now.
But the thing was, Z. haven’t met you since your birth. Your parents never treated him well, except than buying him everything he needed since they were mad rich. It’s not like they treat you any better, you’re just a kid and you don’t really care how strict they are. How much does reputation matter for them. How much they expect from you, or how much they expected from Z. before the band took off and he decided to leave.
He wanted to get you out of there, but he couldn’t. And it’s not like he wanted to go back anyway.
So, this is how is it now.
It was a waaarm, warm afternoon and the boys were playing basketball outside on their court in the garden. And none of them would really leave you unsupervised(except T.), so you were sitting at one of the benches next to the court with two horse toys in your little hands, which were given to you by Jesse after Z. had a speech to him about not knowing what the fuck to do with a kid. It wasn’t like he didn’t want you there, he did! He was glad that he could finally meet you properly and that you were finally out of that hell of a sadly huge house that he was forced to grow up in, it’s just.. he was scared that he will fuck this up.
But like, playing with horsies and having zero problems in the world at all wasn’t so entertaining to you at the moment.
So you shifted your attention towards the boys. And maybe you didn’t pay attention to this detail at all, but fangirls would go mad crazy to see them like this. Shirtless, moving and jumping around, and sweat dripping off them as they playfully teased each other and T. sometimes started play fighting with Robaire. Truly a sight, too bad you didn’t care at all.
BOOOOOOOOORING, you wanted to go to an amusement park, the beach, a funeral just to wander off halfway into it and scare some birds! Just let something happen already.
“What’s up, Sweetcheeks?” FUCK AARON T. SCARED YOU.
T. chuckled at the way you jumped slightly as he sat down next to you on the bench, drying his face and sweaty body with a towel while he drank from his bottle. The five bottles and the towels were next to you on the ridiculously huge bench, you even thought about doing bowling with them, if you’d know how to do that.
“It’s hot.” You whined. “I’m bored.” You continued. “And I’m tired without even moving. How are you still alive?” You were swinging your feet as you talked, the two horses now on the bench on the other side of you.
But like, really. Did being shirtless help? Or it was the moving? He’s fit and you’re not? He’s 22? He was weird.
“I’m okay, Little Z. This is just a quick break then we’re back at it again.” T. told you as he closed the bottle and put it back at it’s place, taking a look at the others still playing before looking back at you. “But you need to be careful when it’s hot like this, baby. Do you need anything?”
“No I don’t.” You shook your little head. You didn’t think you did, but not like you wanted to do anything right now.
“Oh yes you do.” Walked Aaron Z. over to the two of you, patting T.’s shoulder to tell him that he can go now.
With that, T. and Z. switched places, now Z. sitting next to you, taking the tube of sunscreen next to the bottles before putting you into his lap with a quiet. “C’mere.”
“But I already have sunscreen on!”
“But you need more.” Z.’s expression stayed the usual I-wouldn’t-care-if-there-was-a-bomb-on-my-back face, popping open the small tube and applying some to the tip of his fingers. He pushed your hair back with one hand and he applied it to your puffy face with the other, happy that you’re not complaining while he’s putting it on.
You put your tongue out a little, angry that it was a defeat. “But the sunscreen is warm now! It was out in the sun too! Didn’t it get a sunburn?”
“Don’t be stupid and let me finish.”
By those words, people would think he didn’t care. But he did. His fingers were soft, gentle, as if he was afraid that he’d break you any moment. Z. was careful to apply it everywhere where the sun reached you. When he was finished, he took his bottle to pour some water into his palm before getting your scalp wet with it.
And the water was sooo cold it was SO good!
Just a moment after him finally drinking, which he thought could wait after he made sure you’re all safe from the sun, Z. scratched you behind your ear. The paparazzi would eat this moment up.
“Don’t you need sunscreen?” You asked him, pouting that he applied yours perfectly, so you couldn’t even slip out of his hands because of the slippery sunscreen. No, he had to do it perfectly.
“Then can you put sunscreen on my horsies too? Or can I put it on for them?” You asked him, eyes shining as you pointed to the two horses next to the two of you on the bench.
A few seconds of silence went by, and your big brother sighed. But then he grabbed the tube of sunscreen off the bench, and started applying it on the horse toys’ ears, one by one.
“Thank you!” You chirped as you stood up on his lap, quickly hugging his neck before you climbed out of his lap, back to your place.
They were always surprised how bubbly you were. How cute, oh my god. Look at you! You were always smiling, you loved every bug, every flower and everyone with no break at all! Tae was an absolute sweetheart to you and Z. was… Z., but you still treated them the same!
Not caring if Z. didn’t hug back sometimes.
With that, he was gone. Back on the game, with T. clinging into his neck like you did before, whining that how much he missed him and they were totally going to lose.
They all looked so sweaty and hot. It was weird how they weren't even thinking about how much they sweat, or that they were shirtless. That's the difference between boys and girls, boys can just do whatever they want without caring.
You envied them. Not for the fame or something like that, no.
For being boys, being older than you, being free when around each other, having fun.
You had fun too, but there was something different about boys being boys. Their personalities. The way that Z. looked like he’s going to hit his head into the wall until there’s a dent in his forehead every time T. decided to have a conversation. You liked watching them.
But you quickly got bored of this thought chain too.
You got off the bench and ran off into the big garden of the mansion, taking your horse toys with you. Your little legs ran off, your small hands holding the horse toys while you ran. The grass was soft beneath your feet, and you felt the sun on your puffy little face.
You didn't know where you were walking, but you went deeper and deeper into the huge garden while your big brother played with the others and laughed at each other. They were still yelling and swearing at each other, like they always do. They were nice to be around, you just couldn’t focus on something for more than 30 minutes.
You found yourself in a very quiet place. It was so calm and peaceful.
You were so busy playing with the grass, dirt, mud and flowers and bugs. It was like this little place belonged just to you, that you didn’t notice that sun was starting to go down, creating the most beautiful colors as it settled in the west. You had your bug friends named one by one, the rock castle you built just for them, their personalities and connections, you didn’t need anything else!
Well, maybe except another round of sunscreen. You didn’t know how long you were out in the sun, but you had fun. Had fun, it’s just that your face felt hot. And legs. And it had a funny feeling with it.
Mhm, shit.
Aaron Z.-1
You stayed longer than you should have. You knew that.
You won at having fun, but definitely lost at being scolded.
The sky was now a weak blue and pink color, the sun was about to set and it was so calm and peaceful just being outside in the garden by yourself. You didn’t care about your sunburn, but that wouldn’t stop your big brother from getting very, very angry once he saw you.
“There you are.”
You turned around as you heard your big brother’s voice, he found you! Hi Z.!!
"How long were you here?" He said sternly, not even giving you the time to explain as he quickly walked towards you. Just to notice that you were basically swimming in dirt, and.. was that a bug crawling on your arm?
“Umm.. since you put sunscreen on me and my horses.” You smiled, dusting off your dirty hands on your little overall. Tae chose your clothes for today, you thought he had a good taste! Even though that good taste, you already ruined it with the mud, so you didn’t stand up from the grass. You loved sitting in it!
He groaned, knowing that you definitely did get a sunburn.
“It’s been 5 hours. You’ve been out here with no protection from the sun. Have you seen your face?” He said, pointing towards your face as he crouched down to your level.
His hands slowly approached your cheeks, as he brushed your face, feeling how hot it was. Fuuuck.
“No, but it does hurt though..” You mumbled, patting your little arms with your little hands. “And my arm does too..” And it was hot. And it felt bad.
You realized now how burned you were by the sun. That was not good.
"Show me your shoulders and back," your big brother said with concern as he took off your overall and pulled down your undershirt slightly, to check your back and shoulders.
"This is not good. At all. Get up." He frowned, his eyes softening up for a moment. Then he sighed. He lifted you up effortlessly and carried you. You saw him doing all typa sports before, but it was so cool that how easy he could carry you!
You were always amazed by him.
He was going straight to Jesse with you. He knew that you liked talking to Jesse, and he also knew that Jesse enjoyed your company too. He knew how to deal with kids of course, so Z. often asked for advice from him.
“Mmhmhm.” You groaned. You didn’t want to go inside, you wanted to stay out to play. Though, your skin hurt and you felt hot and tired so you didn’t complain. Not like you really had the energy to. So, you laid your puffy cheek on his collarbone, not caring that it hurt, you didn’t rest your little heavy head for hours. And you pretty much needed that.
He probably didn’t know how to express it, but he really did feel bad for you. He really did care and most of all, he loved you. A lot. This was new to him too and he wanted to do it right, and even he didn’t know, Z. did it the best. He was the best.
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wondero28 · 9 months
4*Town Questions To Keep You Entertained
Keeping the 4Townie fish fed & enriched, more lil activities on the way
1. Who is your 4*Town bias/favorite member? Why do you like them?
2. Who is your least loved 4*Town boy? Why?
3. Whats an unpopular 4*town HC you have?
4. Whats a popular 4*town HC amongst the fandom that you enjoy/share?
5. Whats your favorite 4*Town headcanon/idea?
6. Do you have a favorite 4*Town fic or headcanon set? If so, what one?
7. Do you have a favorite 4*Town art piece or artist? If so, who?
8. Do you have a 4*Town OC? If so, what are they like? Tell me about em! Show em off! If you dont have one, make one up on the spot briefly
9. What official 4*Town content is your favorite? (Manga, gifs, the website, movie etc)
10. What UNofficial 4*Town content is your favorite (it can be your own! Or a fic an animation, a fan piece, fanmerch etc)
11. Whats your favorite 4*Town song? (Except you cant list its name or any of its lyrics, you just have to poorly describe it)
12. If you could make any self indulgent official 4*Town content, no limits on VA’s, no cost problems, whatever quality you want, what would it be? Why would it be that?
13. Make up (or talk) about a 4*Town AU thats self indulgent to you :]!! Whats it like? Whats it involve?
14. Who do you wanna date in 4*town? What would the date be? How would the guy behave?
15. You get to spend a day with 4*Town, what are y’all doin?
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may-25 · 1 year
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chillwildwave · 2 months
Sooooooooo most of you people didn’t know was that at one point, me and Aled @uva124 once came up with an idea that nearly all the starboys became a boyband, like 4*TOWN, BroZone, Several Timez and Boys Who Cry, and since that idea stayed soooo close to my head, I decided to launch some of these sillies in their chosen scenarios…..
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And finally, a little challenge for ALL of you, this task is to create a comic (or even better, an animatic) of the introduction from Turning Red but include the starboys and the Ashas, bets of luck, y’all!!!’
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So that’s the scene I want you all to recreate in the best form to commemorate the idea that the wonderful Aled and Wave created themselves and when they’re done, just tag me so that I can see the work, once again, best of luck pookies…
Ooh, and before you go…
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@annymation @oh-shtars @flicklikesstuff @signed-sapphire @wings-of-sapphire @dangerousflowerpanda @tumblingdownthefoxden @emillyverse @rylxdreams @rascalentertainments @your-ne1ghbor @spectator-zee @gracebethartacc @gracebeth3604 @cocoapowderpictures @mythartist21 @ishadow246 @thisnameisnotspokenfor
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writergirl3 · 1 year
4 Town x Pregnant Reader
I can't remember who requested this, but thanks for the idea! Hope y'all like this💜
Warnings; Mentions of pregnancy (obviously) and discomfort/pain. Fem reader, not proofread.
Taglist; @takemichiluvr @jessexselinalover @aaronzsbiggestsuperfan @4townlove @magicbratt @4townenthusiast @local-she-wolf @4townn (If I missed you off the list, or you wanna be added, lemme know!)
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As is the case with all the boys and their partners, Robaire would put you, and his unborn child, first. No questions asked. There's a big important meeting to sign new contract with the label? If you're not 100%, he will not be attending.
Ro is definitely the type to do that cute headphones-over-your-bump thing, playing music to your child. And he mostly chooses soothing French tunes like 'La Vie En Rose'. Although he did joke about recreating the 'Baby Got Back' scene from friends. If you hadn't refused, he for sure would've played it.
He's definitely cool, calm and collected. And it's not even an act. He has faith in you and your strength, and in whatever higher being that's up there. He sees your pregnancy as an obstacle-ridden journey, but he treasures the highs and the lows.
Definitely becomes an expert on pregnancy overnight. You're already at an advantage with him being a Dad of two already, and he has so much good advice. When it comes to pregnancy, though? He has quite a lot to learn. He'd already broken up with the mother of his two kids before they were born, so he's lacking in that area. But, fear not! There will be a mountain of pregnancy books on his side of the bed, and yes, he does read them all before you give birth.
Because of this, he's amazing at helping you through the hurdles. He has the magic remedy for morning sickness, cravings, and cramps. And if you find your anxiety spiralling, or mood up and down? He holds you close and gently coaxes you through the rough patches.
He's as responsible and caring as Robaire is calm, but secretly, Jesse is flapping on the inside. Please make sure that you check in with him too. He often worries about how the dynamic will change when you become a family of five, despite being so excited for it all. Remind him of that, and pregnancy with Jesse by your side will be a breeze.
Aaron T;
Oh Lord. I won't lie, he's pretty clueless in every respect. It took him a while to cotton on to what a period is, so the idea of a human baby growing inside your belly? Yeah, it freaks him out.
I feel like the pregnancy may not have been planned, too. So, he was a bit of a panicked mess when you broke the news to him. But, nevertheless, he's always wanted kids and couldn't imagine going into parenthood with anyone but you.
He definitely uses your pregnancy as an excuse for things. But in the best possible way! Like, if there's a press conference or something that he really couldn't care less about, he will be getting out of it because 'he has to be there for his baby mama'.
But he means well. You may have to talk things through with him, or be uber clear about what you need, but he'll take it all on board in a heartbeat. Because he cares so deeply for you, and treasures you and his unborn child above everything.
Aaron Z;
Right, so you know how Z is super overprotective over you and will literally bark down anyone who directs any negativity your way? Well, when you're pregnant, that increases tenfold.
He's definitely pretty anxious about it all, and that manifests into his usual perfectionism. Often, he'll have what you need ready before you even know you need it. You can thank his amazing observation skills, and general adoration for you, for that.
I feel like he'd be quite similar to Jesse, but just a little more stern about it. But not in a bad way! Like, if he notices you wincing when you reach down for something, he will insist on massaging your back right away. And no, he won't accept 'no' for an answer.
But he's also very sweet and sentimental. Sometimes you'll just catch him watching you, maybe while you're balancing a plate of food on your bump while you watch TV, and he'll just have so much love in his eyes. And it's all because you're carrying his child, and he can't wait for a lifetime of memories with you and his little one.
Tae Young;
He's for sure pretty anxious. Sometimes, it'll be you comforting him instead of the other way around. As is the case with T, I think your pregnancy would likely be unplanned, so he worries a lot about what his family and the label will say.
But once he realises what a gift your pregnancy is, he won't able to wipe the smile off of his face. He'll pepper your bump with kisses on a daily basis and spend his evenings off brainstorming names for you. I feel like he'd also start a scrapbook of your pregnancy so that you have it to look back on together.
Your pregnancy is a huge opportunity for growth and reflection for Tae. He knows that his parents probably won't approve, and being a father may not help his image as a boyband member, but he doesn't care. He's going to start a family with you and, in his eyes, that's one of the most precious of life's experiences. He vows to give your unborn child all the nurturing love that he needed when growing up. And he hopes that being parents will strengthen the love you share, too.
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rose-of-many-colors · 7 months
Incorrect 4*Town quotes
Part????? Idk anymore
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Tae Young: H-how do you ask someone out?
Aaron T: Well, first-
Y/N: Don't ask him, he asked me out in a McDonald's parkinglot
Tae Young: And you said yes??
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Robaire: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Aaron Z: We're chopsticks
Robaire: Well that's cute... Does that mean two snuggle together perfectly?
Y/N: No. It means if you take one away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing
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Jesse: We have a problem
Y/N: No, YOU have a problem, I have an idiot who keeps making them
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*Aaron T and Y/N looking at a locked gate into a park*
Y/N: Aw :(
Aaron T: You know what they say
Y/N: Please don't-
Aaron T: BE GAY, DO CRIME!! *hops the gate*
Y/N: Frick-
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Tae Young: I'm here for the cult stuff
Y/N: H-how did you find me?
Tae Young: I saw your ad on Craigslist
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magicbratt · 8 months
someone do a valentines special for 4town please🙇🏾‍♀️💝
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teayoungg · 11 months
still wondering what 4*town were doing in this deleted scene
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was it a music video????? an introduction??? can someone lmk 😭😭😭
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4townlove · 1 year
4⭐Town Moments that make you fall in love him even more.....
Robaire spotting you hunched over your desk working at your laptop, your mind obviously buzzing with your genius as you get work done. You'd come over earlier since, according to you, his inspiration inspires you to work harder but youve been sat there for hours with the same slight frustration on your face. Smirking, Robaire sneaks up behind you and presses a soft kiss to the back of your neck, laughing warmly when you jump in surprise and wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, a pleasant and loving distraction....
Jesse waiting restlessly for you at a local cafe for brunch, his leg bouncing under the table and his bright eyes narrow as they scan the street back and forth. When he sees you in the crowd, your bright smile and glowing delight to see him too, he stands quickly and embraces you with all the brilliant warmth of his love. it is as if the sun is shining brighter now that you're here, and as you eat, he can't take his eyes away from yours, nor let go of your hand or shake the smile blossoming across his face...
Taeyoung holding your hand as tightly as you hold his, both of you shoulder to shoulder as inch reluctantly through a haunted house together. youre about halfway through when you share a look of mutual regret, only to be scared out of your minds when a worker dressed as a giant zombified grizzly bear jumps out of the shadows. your heart is racing but when you finally stumble out the otherside of the house, still clinging to Taeyoungs hand, you both burst into peals of laughter at how terrified you were and the thrill of it seemed to glue you even closer together...
Aaron T beaming with pride as he presents you with a giant studio lined with huge white canvases and in the centre beside him is a kids pool filled with balloons filled with paint. you grin at his enthusiasm and idea about spending the afternoon making abstract splatter paint, but when his back is turned, to pick up a balloon aim and throw it intime for an explosion of yellow paint to erupt on his shoulder and the curve of his neck. for a moment he's stunned into silence, but then he beams, grabs three paint balls and chasing a now screaming you around the studio, both of you launching balloons at each other and shrieking with laughter as the room blooms with color...
Aaron Z sitting beside you beneath a near perfectly filled moon on the beach. its midnight, and besides you both on the shore, there is no one and nothing around besides thw sky, the moon and stars, the cool sand and the ever crashing waves of foamy ocean that pulls away just before your feet. it doesnt take long for you to sigh with contentment and rest your head on his sturdy shoulder, and feeling you rest against him, Z grins a blush to himself before leaning his head against yours, watching the perfect night with you pass in gentle peace.....
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4townn · 2 months
it's them 😭
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Random Yandere Headcanons: Do they call their darling “darling”? (Robaire, Aron Z, Jesse)
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He has many nicknames for his darling. They aren’t too cutesy, but they are still sweet. Some examples are darling, baby, sweetheart and others that are similar. 
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Aron Z: 
He barely calls them anything other than their name even in private. He will, however, at the very least call them a shortened version of their name if that's possible. 
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There’s only a select few that he calls his darling. They are more of the classic nicknames someone would hear someone calling their partner. But he always comes up with a few of his own. It's 40/60 if he calls them by their name or not.
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ankmankpank · 2 months
Aaron T. had a phase where he said “Respect” to everything and everyone.
Z. texts the gc that he’s not at the hotel bc he’s hooking up w some girl? Jesse replies w a 👍, Robaire says good luck man, Tae says ok and T is just: Respect🗣️🗣️
Tae is SCREAMING after one of his birds bc the bird flew away? T. is looking after the bird, not moving, only saying: Respect🙂‍↕️
A fan tries crawling up on the stage? While security is dragging her away, T. stops everything he was doing just to say: Respect🤯
One of Jesse’s kids make a HORRIBLE drawing of the band? T. leans over Robaire’s shoulder to see it, then says: Respect😎
Jesse falls like straight away FLIES on practice? T. looks down at him, and when he sees that blondie is okay, he just says: Respect😏
Robaire texts T. and says he can’t come today bc he has diarrhea?(i’m so sorry y’all) T.’s only answer: Respect😞
Then it got stuck on Tae too. But thankfully they grew out of it by now.. mostly.
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