#jesse henderson
thirst-for-boys · 7 months
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Jesse Henderson via his IG story.
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andloveisenough · 5 months
I feel like so many critics are angry about the Civil War movie 'not taking a stand' but I think that misses the point. This was not gonna be a movie about "this side good, that side bad". On the ground, war is hardly political. The 'looters' being strung up ("knew him in high school, he barely talked to me, now he does"), the two soldiers pinned down by a sniper with christmas background music, Jesse Plemons' character picking them off one by one, the Global Relief Fund camp, etc. This wasn't necessarily about (American) politics, why the civil war broke out, or how the various alliances came about. This was about war on the ground, on the streets, the role of journalists in showing that, are they complicit or not, how much must you sacrifice for the money shot, is there a 'right' meaning we can draw from their images?
To me it was actually a very effective and thought-provoking anti-war movie. (Also the cast and cinematography were both phenomenal.)
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
After Dustin’s comment about Steve not making a big deal about him cooking in their kitchen and at the request of dozens upon dozens of fans in Eddie’s comments, he goes up to check on Steve. Dustin follows behind him with the phone so the stream can see that Steve is fine.
Dustin stays in the doorway while Eddie goes into the living room where Steve is slouched down on the couch, watching New Girl. He sticks his face in Steve’s line of sight and blocks the tv, “Hey, baby! Did you see Dustin? He was cooking in the kitchen.”
Steve, tilting his head so he can see the tv: Barely, he used the microwave.
Eddie: Yeah, but he didn’t use a cover
Dustin: Hey
Eddie: Something wrong, sweetheart? Something happen at work?
Steve: I’m fine
Steve, big sigh: Some people were mean to me today
Eddie: Mean to you? How is that possible? You’re basically - you’re basically *gesturing to the tv* her! You’re Jessica Day! You’re even wearing polka dots.
Steve, the corner of his mouth turning up against his will: That makes you Nick
Eddie: Of course I’m Nick. Look at me!
Dustin: I wanna be Cece. She’s cools and Jess’ best friend
Eddie: You’re Ferguson. No debates.
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iamtryingtobelieve · 4 months
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"Every time I survived a war zone, I thought I was sending a warning home - "Don't do this". But here we are." Civil War (2024) Dir: Alex Garland
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artistsonthelam · 5 months
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Folks from Hong Kong are known for their street smarts and resourcefulness c'mon!! // (my Threads post)
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i-didnt-hate-it · 6 months
I didn't hate Civil War, but I wouldn't say I absolutely loved it, either. It is an amazing movie, but it was very hard to watch.
I would say it is best to watch Civil War knowing as little as possible, so please be warned for any potential spoilers below.
It is incredibly well written, directed, shot, and acted. I really appreciate the story, it gripped me from the beginning, with the unique sound design during the A24 title card.
But I also nearly got a panic attack in the first 5 minutes. This movie is definitely not for those with PTSD, especially combat and/or gun-related trauma. If any of those apply to you and you still want to see it, I wouldn't recommend IMAX. You will feel every shot fired. Otherwise, the biggest screen with the loudest speakers is the best way to watch Civil War.
The cast was fantastic. Kirsten Dunst and Wagner Moura felt so real, and Stephen McKinley Henderson just seems like an expansion of his Dune character, in the best way. I'll be honest, and again this is kind of a spoiler, but I was expecting more Jesse Plemons. He was great, the scene was fantasticly blood-pumping, but I just thought he might have a larger role. My real standout performance, though, is from Cailee Spaeny as Jessie. Last seeing her in Pacific Rim: Uprising helped to reinforce the idea that she's still "just a kid", but her performance as the story progresses really exemplifies the horror of war that turns bright-eyed kids into weary adults in an instant.
As much as people will try to figure out the politics of Civil War or just make up their own, this movie isn't about politics. There is a scene that really drives the message home, if you're paying attention (LAST SPOILER WARNING).
The scene at the winter wonderland is just a microcosm of the movie and the war. You have two sides shooting at each other, and all that matters to the other is that they shoot first. It doesn't matter who started or who is from where or who believes in what. That might've mattered at the beginning, but now all that matters is being the last one standing.
It doesn't matter who started the war or why, all that matters to either side is victory.
I am a pacifist, but I appreciate war films, because most of them are anti-war. Civil War was hard to watch, but I'm very glad I did.
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avenirdelight · 2 years
A False Accusation
Anyone You Like
They have a heated argument where she drops an accusation on him. He claims that it’s a false accusation.
⚠️ Curse words
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“You don't love me.”
She voiced the words to the room, clearly and firmly. Strangely enough, saying it out loud didn’t make her chest feel lighter like she’d thought it would. It still felt as suffocating as it had been.
“Wow,” he scoffed, his shoulders shook when he did. “That’s a terrible accusation, that.”
She glanced at him, but she quickly dropped her gaze again after she noticed the hurt plastered all over his face. He couldn’t believe that she had the audacity to say such cruel words.
“And also,” he continued, leaning forward on the sofa, propping his body with his elbows on his knees. “It’s a false accusation. That’s terrible from you.”
She was sitting on the other sofa across from him, leaning back and folding her arms in front of her chest. She could feel his eyes boring into her and she couldn’t resist the temptation to stare back at him. So she did.
She gritted her teeth. Those eyes were angry, those eyes had used to look at her in the most special way. She refused to believe that it was just in her head, that she was just making it up, because she had used to easily fall in love all over again every time she looked at those eyes but at some point, she started to feel that they’d changed.
“Really?” She challenged him, giving him a sharp look that matched his.
He scoffed again, pinching the bridge of his nose in stress. He shook his head. He couldn’t quite believe that she truly believed that he didn’t love her. Where did it even come from?
“Are you telling me that I lie every time I tell you I love you? Mind you, I say that every single day,” he said. But she was silent, so he continued. “Don’t I always give you everything? Make sure that you have everything you need, that you’re safe?” He asked. If she forgot about that, he was ready to remind her of all the things he did for her. Everything that he needed to sacrifice. “I give you my world.”
“You give me your money.” Her voice was firm and certain. And it stabbed him right in his heart. 
It wasn’t that she was ungrateful for everything he’d given her. Moving her into his big house, constantly buying her expensive gifts, taking her to travel the world on holidays, giving her a luxury life—but that wasn’t the reason she’d fallen in love with him. She was never in it for the dime.
She had fallen in love with him for who he was. Or at least who he had used to be.
“I’m thankful that you gave me this wonderful life but I really don’t need the latest Prada release or to be on a yacht every holiday. I don’t need new jewellery every time you feel sorry, I don’t need you to surprise me with flowers in the morning just for you to go missing for the rest of the day.” 
“I thought you liked them. Have you been lying, then?”
“I do appreciate them but that’s not the point! The point is I need you!” She sounded so desperate. She honestly had been feeling this way for a while and she hoped that this time he was really listening to her. “I just need a little bit of your time, for you to be with me, and not just physically. You’re with me but your head is somewhere else. I need you to just look at me, I–”
“Well, I’m sorry, okay?!” He cut her off, the tone of his voice rising up. “I’m sorry that my work demands so much of my time, it asks so much from me, I’ve always told you that from the beginning. My career is my life and there would be rough bumps along the way. Things get hard, things–”
“Yeah, that’s the problem, don’t you see??” Her tone was as high now, it was only adding to the tension. “You run away from me when things get hard for you. You don’t even want to share anything with me. You give me gifts and temporary attention to ‘make up’ for it. Every time!” She stood up from the sofa. She frustratingly pointed a finger against her chest, giving him a piercing gaze. “Am I so untrustworthy or unreliable? Am I that insufferable to deal with so you don’t want to open up to me?”
“Don’t.” He shook his head, clenching his fists. “Don’t start making up things now. I never for a second think about you that way.”
“Well, you always make me wonder. Wonder why you shut me out.” She shrugged. “It’s the truth, you can’t deny it. You always leave me out of things.”
“I’m just protecting you!” He abruptly stood up. “I can’t– I’m sorry if it’s hard for me to share things that I know would just hurt you and stress you out!” He moved his hands animatedly and quite angrily. “Don’t you understand?! I am saving you the troubles and the pain!”
“I want the f*cking pain!!” 
Her voice pierced through his ears and he froze in his place, feeling shivers down his spine. He clenched his jaw and gulped. The anger, the desperation, the pain that she had been holding in, she’d just let it all out. She’d gotten so upset at this point, the tears quickly pooled in her eyes and threatened to fall. It pained him even more. He had never seen her like this.
“I’d rather feel the pain, suffer with you.” Her voice was small and timid this time, but there were so many emotions in it. “I’d choose that, rather than feeling left out and not appreciated. I promise you that’s the worst thing to feel. I hate it. I absolutely f*cking hate it.”
He sat back down, burying his face into his hands, trying to compose himself and find the right words to say. He felt her anger, her sadness, but he also needed her to understand that he did everything for a reason.
He let out a little sigh as he looked up to her. Her tears were already streaming down her cheeks. 
“I don't live a normal life and all I’m trying to do is to keep you out of the abnormalities and all the absurd things. The sh*t people say out there, it gets scary sometimes. People are actually willing to do foolish and crazy things to bring me down.” He spoke with a more gentle tone, trying to reason with her. “And if you’re hurt, if something bad happens to you, I won’t be able to forgive myself.”
She wiped her tears away with her shaky hands, before she hugged herself with arms, trying to provide herself some comfort. He didn’t only sound serious, he also sounded sorry.
“What do you want me to do, then?” He stared at her with tired eyes. The anger in his eyes had worn off, it even looked like he was going to cry. “I’m sorry. I really am.” His voice was a bit shaky. “I’ll do whatever makes you happy. Please. I can’t lose you. What am I going to be if I lose you?”
Her heart clenched painfully. She couldn’t deny that it was heartbreaking to see himself asking the question—like he was really scared to lose her, like his world would crumble down in an instant if he lost her. She had never seen him like this before. He’d always appeared strong in front of her, like nothing could ever bring him down, like no one could ever catch him looking weak.
“Every single thing that I’ve ever done is to protect you and to make you happy, to earn your love. Most of the time I don’t think I deserve you, you know. Because you deserve more than this f*cking fool,” he said pointing at himself. “Who apparently doesn’t know how to love. I’m sorry if I’ve done it the wrong way and made you feel the opposite way.”
Without her even realising it, what she’d been wishing to see was happening right in front of her—for him to open up to her and show his vulnerable side. Her tears fell again, but for a different reason this time. She felt his confusion, his sorrow, and she was hurting with him.
After a moment of deafening silence, he suddenly stood up. He approached her, who was just standing with her head down. He grabbed her by her waist and turned her to look at him. He fixed her dishevelled hair, tucking stray strands of hair to the back of her ears. He lifted her head up by her chin, before he continued to wipe her tears again. Every touch was so gentle, every touch felt gave her warmth and comfort that she’d been longing.
“Look at me, please,” he said. She finally shifted her gaze up and stared back at him. His eyes were looking at her fondly. “I love you so much. Please believe me.” He choked up, trying his best to convey his feelings through his voice. “I took you home to my mum and told her you’re the most special person in my life, I try to treat you like a queen, I see you and talk about you like you’re my prized possession, because you are.”
She listened to him. She tried to really listen to him. And honestly, this time it wasn’t so hard to believe him. She appreciated that he was finally opening up, even though it had taken them quite a long time to get there, not to mention all the struggle they had had to go through. But he finally found his courage to be fragile.
“Do you know what? You don’t have to be strong all the time,” she said as his hands fell to her waists and safely rested there. Her voice was almost a whisper. “I’m your girlfriend. You have a responsibility to protect me, but I also have a responsibility to be your partner. So let me do my part.” She held his face and stroked a thumb on his cheek. “We do this together. We’re supposed to go through happiness and sadness together, we go through all the troubles together. You hear me?”
“Yeah, I hear you.” He nodded. “I’m really sorry, okay? I love you,” he said again, before she pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too. I love you,” she mumbled against his shoulder. She heard him letting out a sob as his chest and shoulders shook. He held her tight, and it had been a while since it felt like this. She felt heard and seen. She felt loved. It was all she ever wanted.
And he couldn’t describe the wave of relief that washed over him. He really thought that his biggest fear, losing her, was really going to happen. He realised that he’d actually failed her. All this time he had loved her his own way which he thought was the best and the safest way but apparently, it didn’t give her the safety he wanted for her. She was right—they had to do this together, and it meant that he had to listen to her, count her thoughts and feelings.
He would try. He promised he would try his best to see her how she wanted to be seen, and love her how she wanted to be loved. Because she was the most important person in his life, and he’d do anything to make himself deserve her.
i had this sitting on my draft and i almost forgot about it! i kept switching between john and hendo when i wrote it. tell me who you imagined this! i hope you enjoyed it<3
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jesselouiscox · 11 months
Something is coming…
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eclairoo · 1 year
Ive been wanting to write for quite some time now but I've been too afraid to post lol. should i?
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hendolish · 6 months
England NT Fic Recs ♡
never know where to start for a pairing or you're new to england nt rpf? here's a shameless collection of my favourite fics to give you a head start 🫶🏻 ———
Jack Grealish/Jordan Henderson
melt by inlovewithnight (8k)
soulmate au where you feel everything your soulmate does and can't bear being too far away from each other. they're just so at ease and in love with each other in this. probably my favourite hendolish fic! <3
About as subtle as an earthquake, I know by Lizz_88 (Bluejay00) (68k)
jack's a stripper, jordan's himself. so much more than what it says on the tin! all the characters are super complex and it takes a lot of work for these two to get together (with no shortage of lap dances and smut along the way) <3
Calm Before The Storm by preachingdoll (6k)
post-euro 2020 heartbreak jack needs a bit of help coping. jordan's there to offer a helping hand... the smut and dirty talk is 10/10
best worst behaviour by Bellelaide (25k)
kind of a hendolish classic, jordan puts bratty jack in his place.
John Stones/Jordan Pickford
Sun City AU by Bellelaide (series, 40k)
honestly one of my favourite fics ever, let alone footie-wise. jordan's on a very british all-inclusive holiday at a hotel where john works. the vibes are just immaculate, you can visualise everything so clearly and there's so much depth to their characters!
Ice Melts by Bellelaide (7k)
enemies to lovers kinda? john doesn't think much of jordan before the 2018 wc but the further they get in the tournament, the closer they become. amazing characterisation and banter as always.
Helping Hand by slatkomore (14k)
with john's career ended abruptly by an injury, he turns to coaching instead and soon becomes the england u19s manager where he meets the goalkeeper coach, jordan pickford...
your world cup or mine? by Bellelaide (15k)
john goes to sleep at the 2022 wc and wakes up back in 2018 where he and jordan aren't together and barely friends. such an interesting concept and dynamic!
Jack Grealish/John Stones
The Things We Did and Didn't Do by InTheFicOfIt (series, 104k)
john and jack sleep together in the aftermath of the euros, the following fic explores everything that comes after, including jack moving to man city and their friends finding out. i'm never usually tempted by this pairing but this fic is so damn good! it's written so wonderfully and there's so much of it- i couldn't put it down!
Ben white/Aaron Ramsdale
happy together by foxholecourts (1k)
this fic perfectly encapsulates their vibe for me. the back and forth between the two of them is just delightful and exactly how i imagine them to be together, but it's also as equally sappy! i love these two idiots sm <3
watching you watching me by foxholecourts (2k)
ben likes to be watched... 10/10 benaaron characterisation from this author as always.
sweettalker by Anonymous (5k)
smut with a lot of dirty talk about the other arsenal lads. ben is very complex in this- an interesting take on their relationship!
I’m Not In Love by ceraunophilex (1k)
aaron falls in love immediately, ben slowly warms to him. short and sweet.
Jordan Henderson/Trent Alexander-Arnold
Shake Me Into the Night by orphan_account (17k)
always hits me right in the feels. based around liverpool winning the champions league, the writing is so detailed and amazing!!
Jude Bellingham/Reece James
the sun and the rainfall by ohsusie (series, 6k)
jude asks reece about some of the rumours surrounding him to help him broach a sensitive topic of his own. reece gives him some guidence. they're so sweet in this!
Dele Alli/Eric Dier
In This World Of Ours by dierdele (53k)
the classic deledier best friends to lovers 2018 world cup get-together fic. you can't beat it, literally so cute oml.
Marcus Rashford/Jesse Lingard
both your hands in the holes of my sweater by yvenger (jjjat3am) (3k)
this one is so much fun hehe, the ~2018 man u squad if they were a sunday league team where jesse's very confident and marcus has a huge crush on him. love the inner dialogue so, so much. ending is super cute!!
i can feel that body shake by princessrosberg (3k)
an england nt night out leads to them getting together and their first time! jesse and marcus characterisations are on point, esp the way they talk to each other <3
Harry Kane/Gareth Southgate
All Good Things... by orphan_account (12k)
their established relationship is so cute in this! post-2018 wc and preparing for the euros, england team banter is perfect.
wished by orphan_account (23k)
gareth is harry's p.e teacher at school. listen… no comment... there's a reason it's the most kudos-ed southkane fic
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trendfilmsetter · 10 months
First look at A24’s upcoming film CIVIL WAR directed by Alex Garland. Starring:
Kirsten Dunst
Wagner Moura
Stephen McKinley Henderson
Cailee Spaeny
Jesse Plemons
Nick Offerman.
Releasing in theaters April 26th, 2024
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thirst-for-boys · 7 months
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Jesse Henderson
0 notes
argentangelhelps · 4 months
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all screencaps are free to use with credit to @argentangelhelps!
you may edit to your liking for personal use (icons, edits, promos ect)
do not use for : celebrity/real person rps or paid commissions, everything else is up to user discretion. (don’t make me change this rule). if you want to use these for icons on your own rph even for free, please message me.
the zip files are free to download through DROPBOX !
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moviemosaics · 4 months
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Civil War
directed by Alex Garland, 2024
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camyfilms · 3 months
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Once you start asking those questions you can't stop. So we don't ask. We record so other people ask.
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clemsfilmdiary · 4 months
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Civil War (2024, Alex Garland)
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