#jess watches a show
caesarclowningaround · 7 months
me everytime i see caesar for 2 seconds in a flashback
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honestlydarkprincess · 9 months
watching the percy jackson show be like
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michameinmicha · 9 months
Do you ever miss a character from a show but not like in the way that you want to rewatch the whole show because theres so much stuff going on and thats not what youre looking for but you miss your boy
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linusbenjamin · 4 months
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Breaking Bad ☆ The Evolution of Jesse Pinkman
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greenconverses · 8 months
so the latest two episodes have perfectly showcased my main problem with the series and what i think is its greatest weakness. i truly could not care about absolute faithfulness to the source material as long as something fun and innovative is happening on screen and… it’s not! and part of that is because the show refuses to let there be any goddamn mystery about the greek myths and monsters of the week
all the episodes so far have had a formula: monsters must be immediately identified and exposition must be delivered. there is zero tension. we get boinked over the head with a lesson about something related to family. the monster is easily defeated/escaped with a poorly shot action scene. rinse and repeat as necessary.
medusa’s appearance is really the only one this formula worked for because they set up it right away in the beginning and she’s a greek myth most people could name, so making her a mystery is kind of a moot point.
but there’s no excuse to at least try to make everything else actually scary and strange and mysterious! actually let your show have some tension! let the audience work their brains for a bit! it’s fine!
(annabeth “knowing everything” isn’t a good enough reason either because she’s TWELVE and hasn’t been in the real world for years and these monsters have been clever enough to disguise themselves and kill demigods for years and years and MAYBE IT’S CHARACTER GROWTH TO LET HER BE WRONG)
anyway can we get some TV directors with action experience and a better script next season plz
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guardianspirits13 · 2 months
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Dead Boy Detectives but if they were actually 16yo boys…
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yyshcul · 1 year
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fanart for a very obscure show called "breaking bad". i wouldn't blame you if you've never heard of it before it's pretty niche and indie
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sarabethsilver · 1 month
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(HI BABY look at that almost-smile you're doing so great at work!)
Like all Literati fans, I love this scene, but I get so distracted by this shirt! What is this shirt? Does Jess Mariano want to demonstrate his support of the USA? No, can't be that. It looks like something you'd get off the sale rack at American Eagle... does Jess Mariano go to the mall? It's one of the only shirts we never see him wear a second time. Is he embarrassed that he wore it? Maybe he wears it underneath an enormous jacket in a different episode? Or is this the shirt he wears when he's playing basketball at the local park, which is a thing that definitely, really happens all the time?
Anyway. Rory likes watching him squirm, and I'm lost in elaborate theories about his USA 02 shirt. Go team!
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xofeno · 2 months
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Jesse on set of FBI: International / August 16, 2024
source video: jesseleesoffer instagram story 2024-08-16
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cronenbug · 2 years
the thing about jesse is that it is not a mischaracterization to say he is everyone's son and infantilize him a little bit bc he is infantilized by every older adult around him except maybe his parents. he's a son figure for both mike and walt and is referred to as a kid the whole show. he's treated as incompetent and inexperienced and constantly gets taken advantage of bc he's overly trusting and sensitive. like idk what to tell yal, it's not mischaracterization or woobification he's canonically just a little guy
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caesarclowningaround · 5 months
stooooooopid netflix gimme the second half of the season already!!!!!!
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honestlydarkprincess · 8 months
me finishing the lightning thief when i was a kid vs me finishing the pjo show as an adult
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the-overreactress · 2 months
I didn’t watch Gilmore Girls as it aired, and there are definitely people out there (likely some of my mutuals!) that watched it in 2000-2007. (For the record, I started watching it in syndication sometime around 2008.) But the thing is…I notice more and more that the show is intentionally misinterpreted or dissected using the standards and ideals of the 2020s. And you know, that tracks because it happens a lot with shows made during the 90s and early 00s. (Looking at you, 7th Heaven 😬)
I just…I feel like we also have to understand the cultural context for why a show like Gilmore Girls or any of the other WB teen dramas were made. The WB channel was created in the mid-1990s for several business related reasons, but one of them was to compete with teen programming made by UPN and Fox. The WB went through a lot of iterations (e.g. picking up Sister, Sister, original: the Jamie Foxx Show, Buffy, Felicity, Dawson’s Creek), but it’s primary focus at the time was making content for teenage girls. Gilmore Girls was the channel’s saving grace after a dip in viewing in 1999 until 2006 when the CW was formed with CBS.
Everyone has likely heard the story that ASP actually came up with the premise of Gilmore Girls on the spot when in a pitch meeting at WB, and it all evolved from there. The thing is…I just…other than the Connecticut setting and the WASP-y Gilmores, the references, music, and jokes of Gilmore Girls are entirely unique and pay homage to a bygone era of comedy. They’re also products of their time, both in positive ways and negative ones (i.e. any of the fatphobia jokes).
However, there’s not anything basic or cliched about having the likes of The Shins or any of the other alt/indie bands Lane, Rory, Jess, et al. listen to on a tv show in that era. In terms of music/soundtrack, Gilmore Girls is actually fucking stellar and better than the vast majority. You have to imagine Amy and the other music supervisors really knew what the fuck they were doing. (I’d kill for a biopic showing the making of Gilmore Girls from this angle!) Lorelai has peak Gen X taste, while Jess, Rory, and Lane are part of that really cool generation of Gen X/Millenial cuspers who got the best of the 80s, 90s and 00s underground.
Watching Gilmore Girls practically requires you to build up a certain level of pop cultural literacy. It’s actually why re-watches of the show are so great. You see and hear things you may not have seen or heard when you were 11, 15, 18, or even 28. I just wish this part of the show was given more attention and credit, in addition to the plots, characters, and fashion. It’s just as much part of the iconography of Gilmore Girls as the other things (if not more!)
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youhavethesun · 2 months
in all honesty I cannot believe the people watching gilmore girls in the background/casually
it is my own fault that I am unable to do this but I am much too emotionally invested to be putting this show on for its autumn vibes instead I am continuously tensing over the intricacies of the generational trauma and being unable to stop holding my breath because of how important every single scene of jess and rory is to me .
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hballegro · 2 months
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part 1 of drawing the cast as various images from my phone. edition one; fr mulcahy as lore and charles as jesse williams
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acertainperson · 1 year
Some Billy doodles yesterday..
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oh my gah they are besties !! (Literally abt to kill her..)
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