#is there such a thing as watching this show too many times?
fastandcarlos · 2 days
My Little Graduate : ̗̀➛ Max Verstappen
summary: you're all prepared to graduate with your family by your side, and an unexpected extra sneaking into the crowd
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“There she is...my little graduate!” Max cheered as he watched you walk through the crowd of people, opening his arms up and inviting you straight into the room. 
You were lifted up of your feet as soon as Max’s arms wrapped around you, your hand reaching up to keep a hold of your cap that was on the top of your head. Max pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek before pulling away, studying you closely. His hand slipped into yours as he twirled you around, his eyes drawn to the wide smile on your face. 
It was everything that Max wanted to see, after watching you stress and suffer for so many months, he was finally seeing the proper you in front of him again. 
“You’ve got no idea how proud I am of you,” Max smiled, taking both of your hands into his, “you’ve worked so hard to get that moment today.” 
He was in awe of how hard you’d worked, relentlessly researching, typing, proofreading, whatever you needed to do in order to get yourself your degree that you’d dreamed of for so long. Max was hardworking himself, but nothing could compare to how hard you’d pushed yourself. 
Little did Max know the part that he had played though. The constant late night visits, dashes to the shop to help you, offers to read over what you’d written to make sure that it made sense in your sleep state.  
“Graduation suits you too,” Max complimented, taking a closer look at you. 
The slight breeze blew your gown up slightly, showing off the dress that you wore underneath. The finishing touch for Max though was the cap that you wore on top of your head, the one thing you’d talked about wanting to wear for so long, and at last it was finally yours. 
“I can’t believe I’m dating a graduate,” Max smiled, keeping his eyes firmly on you. “How does it feel to finally receive the recognition that you deserve?” 
“This is the moment I dreamt of when I sent that application in all those years ago,” you chuckled, smoothing down your gown. “There were plenty of moments too when I was sure that I wasn’t actually going to see the end of this degree.” 
There had been many conversations between you and Max when you felt like giving up. He was there every time though, reminding you of how hard you’d worked and how rewarding it would be if you saw it through to the end. 
He wasn’t sure at the time whether you truly believed him, but now as you celebrated your moment, he was relieved that you had listened and stuck it out, no matter how many times you wanted to turn around and say no. 
“I always knew you’d get here,” Max shrugged, as if it was the easiest thing in the world that you’d achieved. “There was no doubt in my mind with that incredibly smart mind of yours.” 
Your hands rested against Max’s chest, tilting your head back to look up at him. “I don’t think I’d have got to this moment without you, you’ve always been my biggest cheerleader.” 
As your eyes met Max’s, you couldn’t help but smile, reaching up and taking your cap off. You twirled it in your hands before placing it on top of Max’s head instead, taking a step back so that you could admire how well it suited him. Although your degree was yours, Max had played a huge part in it too. His smile turned up as he positioned the cap so that it was straight, allowing you to pull your phone out and take a picture of him. 
Once he had it, Max didn’t want to take it off, finding himself quite comfortable with a graduate cap on his head. He knew it was never going to be his, but he didn’t take for granted how appreciative you were of everything that he had done for you over the past couple of years. 
“You deserve to wear that for a moment,” you told him, handing it back as Max went to take it off. “It probably doesn’t compare to all those fancy trophies that you win on a podium, but that to me is probably the biggest trophy I’ll ever earn. So, I want you to hold it, like you tell me to do with yours.” 
“This is all yours,” Max protested, taking the cap and popping it back onto the top of your head. “I’m just enjoying the fact that there’s so many graduates around here today, and yet I’m dating the best one.” 
“I’m emotional enough as it is today without you getting soppy.” 
You hit hard against Max’s chest as his arms snaked back around your frame. He pressed a kiss against the top of your head, blocking out everything that was going on around you. Despite the hundreds of names that had been read as people walked across the stage, there was only one that meant anything to him. 
A hand poked against your side, dragging you out of your daydream. “What’s the plan now that you’ve got a super official degree to your name?” 
“I guess I have to go and get a job now,” you chuckled, “I can’t study and travel the world supporting you forever, as nice as it’s been for the past couple of years.” 
“You’ll still come to some races though, won’t you? Even though you’re going to be busy?” Max nervously asked you. 
It didn’t matter how career driven you were, there was no way you were going to stop going to races completely. Depending on what direction you were about to go in, you knew every race would be impossible, but if there was any chance that you could get there, then you absolutely would. 
“Wherever you go next, I’ll be supporting you,” Max assured you, “and wherever that place is, I know you’re going to go on and do absolutely amazing things too.” 
“I should probably go and collect a few more degrees to try and match all your world championships.” 
“Yours is a lot more impressive than mine,” Max grinned. 
Your eyes narrowed back at him, “millions of people get degrees, but there’s only one champion of the world, and that just so happens to be you.” 
Although you had a point, Max was still far more impressed by what you achieved then what he had. He was at the top in his field, and he knew now that the world was your oyster that you were absolutely going to rise to the top of your field too. 
“I really am proud of you,” Max told you once again, kissing against your forehead. 
“I know you are,” you giggled, “it’s taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to this moment, but I’m so happy that we’re finally here.” 
“I’m just looking forward to having you back, without the stress, the late trips to the library,” Max couldn’t help but joke, “it’s just going to be you again, with that big, beautiful smile on your face.” 
Your eyes widened as Max spoke, “are you suggesting that I’ve been stressed and stroppy over the past few months?” You challenged. 
“Love, you’ve been an absolute nightmare.” 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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roosterforme · 2 days
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 25 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Career Day arrives, and you definitely have the coolest collection of adults visiting your classroom. Bradley orchestrates a surprise, hoping you don't realize it's just a cover for something even bigger.
Warnings: fluff, adult language, 18+
Length: 4200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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You were up before your alarm, too excited to stay in bed for a minute longer. When you tried to roll away from Bradley, his knee dug into your butt, and you groaned.
"Morning, Gorgeous," he grunted, arm wrapping around you like a boa constrictor until you were snug up against him again.
"Bradley," you whined, trying to squirm away. "I'm sore from being spanked."
You could hear his soft rumble of laughter as he released you, and you dragged yourself out of the other side of the bed. You weren't sure how you were going to make it through the day like this. You didn't even know if you'd be able to sit down. Still, you couldn't stop the smile that bloomed across your face, and soon Bradley was wearing one to match.
"Maybe we should have saved that for tonight," you whispered, gingerly rubbing your butt as you pulled your most capable looking dress from the closet you now shared with Bradley.
"We can revisit that activity tonight if you'd like." Just when you were about to argue there was no way that was going to happen again just yet, he let his hand slip down to the right side of your butt which went untouched last night. He gave you a little squeeze and whispered, "I'll get breakfast ready. I want you one hundred percent ready to go for Career Day, Baby."
The way he strutted around the house naked was highly distracting, but you had so much to do. You wanted to make sure your hair and makeup were perfect, and you wanted to get to your classroom early. So you got started, and at some point when you were in the bathroom, Bradley must have put his flight suit on. He was wearing it when he knocked on the door, and you told him to come in while you rooted around under the sink, trying to find the lotion you wanted to use.
"What are you doing?" he asked, panic lacing his voice as you glanced up at him.
"Looking for my lotion. The stuff in the blue bottle." You turned back to your task, and a second later, Bradley was in front of you, snatching up the exact thing you were looking for.
"This it?" he asked anxiously, nudging the cabinet closed with his knee as he handed it to you.
"Thanks," you muttered, wondering why he was acting strange as you smoothed the lotion all over your hands and arms.
"Let's eat breakfast before you're late for your big day."
You wanted to argue that it was his big day, too. He could do anything for his presentation, and your kids would eat it up. But for you, Career Day was always a chance for the fourth grade teachers to show off who they were able to get in their classroom. Who had the coolest adults. It was ridiculous, but you were still excited about it.
Bradley's idea of breakfast was an enormous bowl of cereal, toast, muffins and a banana. "I don't have time to finish all of this!"
"I'll eat whatever you don't eat," he promised. And he did. You watched him inhale the rest of the food as you double checked that you had everything in your bag, and then the two of you went out to his Bronco with travel mugs of coffee.
Bradley was nervous about today. He couldn't pinpoint one reason why, because there were several. First of all, he'd spent so much time in your classroom already, maybe it wasn't the best idea to have him scheduled for last out of all the Career Day participants. The kids were bound to find him stale at some point, and Marty had just scratched the surface of his many talents. He didn't want it to be his fault if things ended on a low note for you today.
Second, he was already hoping and praying that Natasha was going to be able to distract you the way that he wanted. He needed a little bit of help from your students to make this extra special. 
And third, just because he thought his mom's retro ring from the early 1980s was cool didn't mean you would. But that was really the least of his concerns. He wanted you to have it if you agreed to marry him, but he'd buy you something else if you so desired.
"You're so quiet," you mused softly, and Bradley almost forgot he was holding your hand while he drove. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he said before clearing his throat. "Just going over what I want to talk to your kids about."
"What are you going to talk about today?"
He smiled and tilted the sun visor a little bit more. "Remember that video I posted on YouTube before I left in December? When I said there would be a quiz? I'm going to quiz them on everything they've learned with me. Stuff from the video and their field trip. Things I talked about in my letters. I'm going to try to stump them."
"I don't think you'll be able to," you said, lacing your fingers with his. "They hang on your every word. Just like I do."
Oh, he wanted you to have an engagement ring on that hand in the worst way. His life had changed so much since your first letter, but he knew pretty early on that he had feelings for you. And he knew as soon as the first date that he would end up here, completely in love with you.
When he pulled into your school parking lot, Bradley drove past all of the empty spots to drop you off at the front doors. "Aren't you coming with me?" you asked him, but he shook his head.
"I don't want to be a distraction for your morning routine. I'll wait out here for Nat and Marty and come inside with everyone else at nine."
"Okay," you replied, but you were looking straight ahead now. "I'm a little nervous."
"Why?" He shifted into park and reached for you.
You sighed against him. "It's ridiculous, but I want my guests to be the coolest ones. The other fourth grade teachers all rolled their eyes at me for even writing to an aviator in the first place."
"Joke's on them. You can't even get rid of me now," Bradley murmured, making you laugh. "You've got Nat and Marty. And one of your kids' parents owns a pizza shop. You're golden, Baby. Coolest fourth grade teacher ever."
You kind of rolled your eyes at him, but you smiled and kissed him before you climbed out. "I'll see you inside."
Bradley had a while to wait for Nat and Marty to arrive, and he considered running to Starbucks for his newest addiction. Instead he grabbed the bag that was tucked underneath his seat and started to sort through all the notes inside. It was a sizable collection now. All of the letters you and your students wrote to him made a stack a few inches thick. Some of the pages were creased and worn, but they would work perfectly for what he had planned.
When Nat tapped on his window, he jolted, sending pages flying.
"Why are you so jumpy?" she asked, opening his door.
"Jesus, Nat. I already told you I was anxious about this!"
She huffed out a breath. "And I already told you that you could put in literally no effort at all, and she would say yes. You could hand her a ring and grunt, 'Marriage?' and she would start planning a wedding."
Bradley laughed as he organized the pages again. "I want it to be special. Butterflies and all that shit. She makes me feel incredible."
His best friend leaned against the door, crossing her arms over her flight suit, and asked, "You still want Marty and I to help with your distraction scheme?"
"I need you to."
"You got it."
Your students were on their best behavior. The guests were all excited to be there. Bradley kept smiling at you. Your rear end was still sore, but it turns out there was no reason to be nervous at all. Even the music teacher and school librarian decided to hang out in your classroom for part of the day, because your kids talked it up so much.
Nia's mom, a pediatrician, gave a presentation about keeping your body healthy. Oliver's dad talked about designing skyscrapers and then let the kids build with Lego blocks. Now you were listening to Natasha talk about the challenges of landing a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier, and even the parents were enthralled.
"What do you think would happen if I flew in too low?" she asked, pointing at Jackie who had her hand up.
"You could like miss the deck?"
"Absolutely," Nat replied. "And what if I came in from too high?"
Jayden's hand shot up this time. "You could crash!"
"I could indeed," Nat answered seriously. Five more hands shot up in the air as she talked about velocity, and Marty, who was standing next to you at the back of the room, leaned in closer to you.
"Why are you making me go after Lieutenant Trace?" he whispered as she engaged with the kids.
You smiled at the older man in his khaki shirt and dark pants. "You can hold your own, Marty. Trust me." You knew for a fact he arrived with two tool boxes and some engine parts you couldn't even identify. You were already excited for what that meant. He would be just fine.
Suddenly the room erupted in applause as Natasha finished up, and you made your way up to the front of the classroom. "Thank you so much, Lieutenant Trace. Next we will hear from our favorite mechanic whom we met on our field trip to North Island. Marty needs a few minutes to set up, so in the meantime, Nia's mom is going to share some healthy snacks that we can enjoy."
You were going to go stand with Bradley while your classroom dissolved into the soft hum of conversation, but Nat cornered you first. "I just got a text from Maverick about something so exciting, but I need to run it past you first. Can we talk in the hallway?"
"Uh, sure." 
You looked around the room before deciding on asking Ms. Masters the librarian to help you out. "Would you mind monitoring things for a couple minutes?"
"I'll take care of it," she promised with a nod, and you knew everyone was in good hands as you slipped out into the hallway with your boyfriend's best friend.
"How would you feel about a flyover today?" 
You stared at Natasha, blinking silently at her words. "A flyover?"
"Yeah," she replied casually.
"Like over the school?"
"Mmhmm," she hummed, buffing her nails on her flight suit.
"Are you serious right now?"
You felt like she was being kind of purposely slow to give details as your mind swirled. "You're talking actual Naval aircrafts?"
"Of course," she said with a grin. "I mean, once again, it would be Hangman and Coyote flying them, but even those two can handle holding a simple formation."
Now you were really excited. "How is this actually happening?" you whispered.
"Bradley and I asked Mav about it the other day," she said with a shrug. "Any chance we can walk out to the parking lot and make sure there's enough room for everyone to stand safely?"
When you tried to peek through the rectangular window in your classroom door, Natasha slid her body in front of it. When you tried to look over her head, she seemed to grow several inches as she went up on her tiptoes. 
"Yeah... we can go look at the parking lot." 
You were wearing your key card on your lanyard, and Ms. Masters could probably keep your class under control for an entire day if you needed her to.
"Well then, let's go."
As soon as you walked out of the room with Nat, Bradley jumped to action. It wasn't his intention to steamroll Nia's mom or her packs of apple slices, but he had something important he needed the kids to help him with. Marty was setting up some sort of demonstration with tool boxes on the desks in the front row, but Bradley grabbed the stack of papers he brought with him and cleared his throat.
"Do all of you think you can help your pen pal out with something for a few minutes?" Eyes went wide, backs went straight, and Oliver even saluted him as he started handing out the papers. "I brought all of the letters you kiddos sent me last year when I was deployed. There are a lot of them, and I'm going to use them for something special. A surprise for your teacher."
"What kind of surprise?" Henry asked, crunching through a piece of apple.
"I can't tell you that," Bradley replied with a wink. "It's classified."
"Are you really going to marry our teacher someday?" Violet asked as he handed her three of the handwritten notes.
Bradley froze, unsure how to answer. "If she wants to marry me, then I definitely want to marry her."
"She wants to marry you," Violet said easily. "What are we doing with all of these letters?"
"Paper airplanes," Bradley announced, holding up the last sheet of paper. Even the parents and Marty seemed amused now. "We are folding them up into the best looking paper airplanes we can make within the next six minutes or so. Watch how I fold this one, and then work on as many as you can, okay?"
He folded it up using the top of your desk when he needed to smooth the creases, and then he held it up for everyone to see. "Start folding!"
There was a flurry of activity as he walked around helping, and even the librarian and music teacher were getting involved. Bradley whipped through a few himself before walking around the room with an open trash bag.
"When you're done, drop them in here."
"But what are they for?" Oliver asked, dropping three airplanes into the bag. "Are you going to have airplane races with our teacher?"
"Not exactly. All of you are really doing me a favor here though. I promise."
"Do you love our teacher?" Jayden asked. Bradley thought maybe he should have felt silly admitting it in front of all of the adults, but he did it anyway.
"I absolutely do. I'm going to use the paper planes for a little project to show her just how much, okay?" He got several nods in response as he checked the time. You and Nat left seven minutes ago, and he knew he couldn't hope for much more than that. "Time's up! toss everything into the bag. And you can't tell her about any of this!"
You were smiling when you walked back in with Nat. He thought that things must have gone well for everyone as he tied up the bag. Marty was ready to give his presentation, and the kids all scuttled back to their seats.
Now he had everything he needed to make this the best weekend of his life.
Marty looked a little nervous as he started out by greeting everyone and telling them a bit about himself. He told your class that he had a lot of fun the last time he saw everyone on the naval base. You already knew about his decades-long Naval career, and your students already thought he was extremely cool, but he was about to get even cooler.
"I brought three identical intake manifold pieces from jets exactly like the ones that Lieutenant Bradshaw and Lieutenant Trace fly. Does anyone know how they work?"
Several of your students raised their hands, and you watched as Marty walked around the room with the engine parts and let them answer his questions to the best of their ability before he took over.
"This is fascinating." You turned to your right where Ms. Masters was watching Marty, completely absorbed. "I can't believe you got military clearance to take your class to visit North Island," she whispered.
You were about to tell her that it was really all thanks to Lieutenant Bradshaw when you realized she was perhaps looking at Marty even more than she was paying attention to the engine parts in his rough hands. You cleared your throat softly and said, "You know, meeting Marty was probably the highlight of that whole day. And that includes touring the air traffic control tower."
"Really?" she murmured.
"Mmhmm. He put on a brilliant workshop for us. And he's just the sweetest man. Really takes the time to connect with the kids."
If you knew one thing about Ruby Masters, you knew she loved it when kids got excited about learning something new. And if you knew one thing about women in general, most of them loved a man in uniform. Right now, Marty was absolutely rocking his ensign khakis and his pins, and Ms. Masters stood up a little straighter when he turned your way with a smile on his face.
"Okay, time for some fun," Marty said as he headed back to the front of the classroom. "One manifold has been put together correctly." He held it up in the air once again. "Two are in pieces on these desks. I'm going to take this one apart and put it back together while you watch. Pay close attention, because after that, we're going to have a race."
Your kids looked absolutely delighted, and you had to ask Oliver not to sit on his desk while he watched the demonstration. Even all of the adults in the room were watching intently as Marty worked with a wrench from one of the toolboxes until he finished reassembling everything.
"Pretty simple, right?" he asked. Your kids all nodded and answered yes. "Who thinks they can race me?" You gasped in delight when a few of your students raised their hands. "What if I made it a little easier? What if I was blindfolded?"
"No way," you whispered, meeting Bradley's eyes across the room where he was holding a garbage bag for some reason. "Is he serious?" you whispered.
"He's so serious," Bradley confirmed, and sure enough, Marty pulled a handkerchief from his pocket.
"I'll let your teacher pick my opponent," Marty said as he tied the square of fabric so it was covering his eyes.
You needed to pick a child who would be a gracious winner or loser, but you were almost convinced Marty was going to be able to beat any of them. "How about... Jayden."
You set him up next to Marty, making sure he had all of the tools he needed lined up. Then you gave them a countdown and stepped away again. The room erupted in cheers as Jayden puzzled his way through the task. Marty seemed to be moving smoothly, using muscle memory to do something he'd done hundreds of times before.
"Oh," Ms. Masters said. "It seems like Marty is... really good with his hands."
Your lips parted in surprise. "I'm sure he must be," you replied, trying not to squeal as she smiled and covered her face in embarrassment.
It turns out Jayden didn't stand a chance. "Marty wins!" boomed Bradley's voice, and you watched as the older man peeked out from his blindfold with a hesitant little smile on his face.
You were still applauding his effort as you thanked him for joining your classroom today. You were almost overwhelmed by how wonderfully the day seemed to be going. Bradley was your last guest, and then there was the flyover that Nat promised.
"Our last guest really doesn't need an introduction," you said with a laugh.
"Is it Lieutenant Bradshaw?" Oliver asked, ready to climb on top of his desk again as your boyfriend strolled up to stand next to you.
"Yes, of course it's Lieutenant Bradshaw." You smiled at him and said, "Take it away, Lieutenant."
There was a little smirk on his lips as he turned away from you to address your kids. "I know you all learned a lot about aviation this year, but right now, we're going to see just how much. I hope you all remembered that I said I was going to give you a quiz."
"Not a quiz!" complained Jackie, but Bradley held up his hands in mock surrender.
"If you pass, I can promise with one hundred percent certainty that you'll love the prize."
"There's a prize?" Violet asked, perking up.
"A secret prize," Bradley confirmed.
"Alright," Oliver said, still a little skeptical. "Let's do it."
Bradley started calling out questions, letting your students deliberate as a group to come up with an answer, and you leaned against the back wall near where Marty was packing up his toolboxes. 
"That was absolutely fascinating," you heard Ms. Masters tell him softly. "I'm Ruby Masters, the Mira Mesa Elementary librarian."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Marty with pink cheeks, wiping his palm on his shirt before shaking her hand. "It's nice to meet you," he whispered while Bradley continued to try to stump your kids. "This is the first time I've ever been to a career day."
"Well, you're a natural with the kids," she replied, still holding his hand. "And obviously very smart. I'm kind of new to the topic of aviation, but always interested in learning more."
"Oh. There's an endless amount to learn," he muttered, staring at Ruby like he couldn't look away.
"If you're ever free and feel like it, maybe you could show me how you rebuilt that manifold so quickly?"
Bradley had your kids taking turns writing at the board now, but you couldn't stop eavesdropping as you witnessed Marty go silent. The crash and burn was painful as he just stood there while Ruby finally extracted her hand. You were silently begging Marty to say something. Anything. But the seconds passed, and Ruby took a step away from him toward the door.
"Okay, no worries. It was nice to meet you." She gave you a forced smile as she slipped out into the hallway, and you rounded on Marty who was standing there like someone just stole his favorite toy at recess.
"I don't mean to overstep, so please feel free to tell me to mind my own business," you whispered.
"Uh. Okay?"
"Marty... Ms. Masters is hot and single, and she was flirting with you. She wanted you to ask for her phone number."
His eyes went wide as he gaped at you. "She did? Are you sure?"
You cradled your forehead and groaned softly. "I'm positive. She can't have gone far. The library is out and to the left, and then another left."
He nodded before dashing out of the room, leaving you alone just as Bradley said, "Are you sure you're all still in fourth grade? Or is this a grad school level physics class? You win. I can't even stump you. Come see me or Lieutenant Trace to get ear plugs for the Super Hornet flyover."
Your classroom was probably louder than the jet engine would be.
The whole school was buzzing with excitement as everyone emptied out onto the lawn and the parking lot. Something must have happened earlier, because Marty and the school librarian were standing awfully close together in all the chaos. As far as Bradley could recall, he'd never seen that man smile so much before.
"Ear plugs in! And then hands over your ears!" Natasha shouted, giving a safety demonstration. "Do it just how I do it!"
It was almost time. Bradley tried to keep the hand holding and cheek kisses to a minimum, but it was so hard when you were standing right next to him. You looked tired but happy as you put your orange, industrial ear plugs in place. With a dreamy look on your face, you leaned up and kissed him right on the lips, and that familiar roar of an F/A-18 engine approached. 
Bradley put his own earplugs in before the sound of the jet wash hit. You and everyone else stared up at the sky where his colleagues were flying overhead, but he kept his eyes on you. He was in love. He had Carole's ring and the paper planes. He had all of these words that he wanted to say to you, but mostly he wanted to promise that he'd feel the same way about you forever. And he wanted to hear you say the same thing.
As soon as you had your ear plugs out again, you threw your arms around his neck with a huge smile. "Thank you, Bradley."
"For what? I barely did anything."
You laughed and shook your head. "You did everything."
I love Career Day. Marty is the man. The oblivious man, but the man nonetheless. And our boy Bradley is ready to go! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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divinesangel · 1 day
— why people are jealous of you [detailed]
pm me for an affordable, in-depth personal reading! — 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞!
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
people see you and they don’t always understand. they are jealous of you, not because of what you have, but because of how you carry yourself. there’s a quiet strength in the way you move, in how you know what you want, how you’ve always been so sure, so grounded. you’ve always known what you want, clear and unwavering, standing firm in your choices. there’s a steadiness in you, a calm certainty that others struggle to find in themselves.
it unnerves them, because where they doubt, you are grounded. when they question, you are sure. you seem so complete, like you’ve mapped out your life and found your way, while they’re still wandering. and instead of looking inside themselves, they project their envy onto you, as if your certainty reflects their own uncertainty. they feel the pull of you—how others are drawn to you without even trying. they see the way you move through the world, pulling people in without effort, and it stirs something in them. envy. insecurity. they can’t quite explain it, but they feel it.
there’s something in your warmth, hidden at first beneath that cool surface. when people first meet you, they might mistake you for someone cold, distant. but as time passes, and you let your guard down just a little, they see what others have already seen—that warmth, that care that runs deep in you. it’s rare, the way you care so deeply, so genuinely. and that, too, makes them jealous. you are genuine in a way that’s hard to find, and that makes you stand out even more. the ones who already feel insecure around you, they feel this too, and it only fuels their envy. they see you as someone who can draw opportunities toward you without trying, someone who doesn’t need to push so hard. you just are. you follow your instincts, and things seem to fall into place. it’s like they’re in competition with you, even though you’ve never played that game.
they think things come easy for you, that you don’t have to try as hard, but they don’t see the work behind the ease, the quiet effort. they battle within themselves. part of them knows you’re not their enemy, that you’ve worked for everything, and that maybe, you’re even on their side, trying to help. but the other part, the envious part, pulls them back, makes them feel small in comparison to you. they know, deep down, that you’re going to succeed, and it terrifies them. that you are destined for something bigger. and while they fight their own feelings, they can’t help but see you as someone complete, someone who has figured it all out. they feel the weight of their own uncertainty when they look at you, because you remind them of what they’re still searching for. and it’s not your fault, but it makes them feel like they’re not enough. in their eyes, you’re already living the life they wish they could have, and that’s what tears them apart. but it’s their own doubts they’re really wrestling with, not you. you’re just the mirror they don’t want to look into.
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
many people feel it, the quiet envy, watching the way you’ve come to treat yourself, like someone worth tending to, someone who knows their worth. you’ve been through it—transformations that have left you raw, broken open. maybe you come from a troubled past, maybe it was love or friendships that drained you, left you wrecked and empty. but you took that wreckage and rebuilt. you changed, over and over, until you became someone new. and it shows now, that transformation, it rises to the surface like light breaking through.
they see it, that shift, and there’s jealousy in how you've moved through things they can't fathom. they wonder how you’ve managed to endure so much and still come out strong, still doing well. they watch, but they don’t understand it—how you’re always changing, always moving forward. it’s like change is part of your blood now. when life turns, when things don’t go your way, you shift. you redirect yourself, finding the better path. and this ability of yours bothers them. they feel stuck, caught in places you’ve long outgrown. the distance between you widens, and they feel the emptiness in themselves more deeply because of it. they watch you keep moving, eyes always on the horizon, while they hesitate, afraid of what lies beyond their small view.
despite your past, despite the weight of what you’ve been through, you still hold hope for what’s to come. your vision, who you want to be, who you’ll allow into your life, it’s all clear now. instead of breaking, you’ve taken your wounds and made them into armor. you wear your scars with strength, but still so soft, never pretending to be more than you are. you are honest about your journey, open about what it’s taken to get here.
and this is what unsettles them. they can’t face their own cracks, their own unhealed wounds. they watch from a distance, filled with a passive longing, a quiet bitterness. your heart is full, and they see that. they see how you’re not afraid of the unknown, how you’re building a life that reflects what you want, even if it’s still in pieces. and they can’t grasp how you find contentment in the progress, how you’ve taken nothing and built it into something beautiful. you’re getting what you wished for, piece by piece, and that stirs something in them, something they can’t quite name. they want that strength, that quiet power, but they haven’t healed enough to claim it for themselves. so they watch, unsettled, as you thrive.
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— 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
there's a sense of peace in your life that unsettles others, a peace that runs deeper than happiness. it's not just contentment, it's a kind of emotional depth they can’t touch, can’t understand. you’ve built something solid—your own home, your own space, a belonging so sure of itself, it shakes them. while they skim the surface, jumping from moment to moment, you’re grounded. you know how to build connections that last, that matter. it’s that steadiness, that contentment, that upsets them the most. you don’t boast about it, don’t need to. but they see it. they see you living in a place they can’t reach, and it leaves them feeling empty, like something inside them is missing.
sometimes, this feels less like a general crowd and more like one person, someone who feels unsettled just by how you move through the world. you have this way about you, this ability to create connections and tend to them, to take care of the people who choose you. and when a friendship goes wrong, when something turns nasty, it’s not your fault. you know how to hold onto people, how to keep that peace around you. so when things fall apart, it’s not a reflection of you. they see your calm, your balance, the way you move forward without rushing, without crumbling, and it makes them uneasy.
you’ve found a middle ground, where you can grow and stay strong, without falling apart. and that community you’ve built, the people around you—it’s strong. or maybe you just know how to get along with everyone. there’s something approachable in you, something that draws people in, makes them want to know you. but that can make others jealous. it’s a double-edged sword, meeting so many people and letting them in. but you see through it all. you don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment, and you’re not cold either. you have a clarity, a way of seeing people and situations for what they are.
you’ve learned to protect yourself, to keep out those who don’t belong. you know your worth, your value. you’ve built this, and you protect it fiercely. you only want healthy, nurturing relationships, and you’re careful about who you let in. that makes people uneasy, too. you don’t let strange energies into your space, because you’ve worked hard to protect your peace. in the past, there were friendships that hurt, that didn’t understand you, that crossed your boundaries. but now, you guard yourself, and not everyone can handle that. they can’t handle how sure you are, how much you’ve grown, how much you’ve learned to care for yourself. you’ve come a long way, and not everyone can keep up.
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𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 !
hi! it's daphne here.
i'm currently offering personal readings for €7 and soulmate readings for €14 so don't hesitate to send me a private message if you're interested!
thank you for being here!
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wosohours · 2 days
bracelets - leah williamson x reader
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With Leah being out on concussion protocol, the club doctors ordered her to take a couple of days off to rest. While she is still able to do light activities here and there, she just had to be careful with things that would cause too much strain on her brain, like being on her phone, watching TV, reading a book, etc.
Although it is unfortunate that she cannot play for a bit, you both are grateful that you two get to spend some time together, especially Leah, since she likes it when you take care of her.
You have been doing your best in terms of trying to keep her mind off of her short recovery in the form of many different mini hobbies such as; diamond painting, legos, and puzzles. At one point you had faith that you could get Leah into baking but of course the second she passes the threshold into the kitchen disaster strikes.
Today you decided to get Leah to do something that will not only keep her busy but will keep her away from her phone for a bit.
Walking into your shared bedroom you greet Leah with a kiss on her forehead and say, “Put your shoes on, we’re going to the crafts store.”
“The crafts store? Is this another one of your little hobby ideas to keep me busy?” she says getting off the bed to walk to her closet.
“Yes, even though this is nothing like your ACL days, I just know how you get when you are stuck in your head for too long,’ you tell her.
“That’s very sweet of you babe. I appreciate you putting up with me these past couple of days,” she replies.
As you two walk around the crafts store you point out certain things that might pique her interest, but not quite caught her eye.
“You should do these,” you say, grabbing a container full of different colorful seed beads. “You can make cute personalized bracelets for your teammates and maybe even some to give back to fans since they’re always making some for you.”
A big smile grows on Leah’s face as she takes the beads from you to observe them. “This is a great idea baby. Let’s get colorful threads too so we can make friendship bracelets,” she says looking around the aisle for the threads.
Looking around a bit more you find individual color bead strands making you think of a TikTok you saw a couple of days ago. You grab a few different shades of blue and walk over to Leah putting them up against her eye.
“What are you doing?” Leah giggles giving you a confused look.
Smiling at her, you put another shade of blue next to her face and ask, “Do you remember that TikTok video I showed you the other day? Where couples would find beads that matched their partner’s eye color and then they would combine the two colors to make a bracelet?”
“Yes, I do remember that. Wait let me go find one that matches your eyes too,” She says walking over to the bead wall in search of a color that closely represents her favorite set of eyes.
“Yep, these will do. I can’t wait to wear these all the time,” she says looking at you.
After grabbing the rest of the stuff you need for the bracelets such as stretchy string and little initial beads, you make your way to check out and head home.
Leah immediately sets up all the stuff you two got on the dining room table while you go into the kitchen to get her some water and pain meds since her head is starting to hurt again.
“What do you want to do first?” you ask, sitting across from her.
“Let's make the eye color ones first,” she replies.
While making the bracelets you two sit in silence with music playing softly in the background just enjoying being in each other’s presence.
“This was such a great idea, love. Can you tie mine on my wrist?” she asks, and you do so.
When you are done tying her bracelet you tell her, “You know I used to make these and sell them at school. I wanted this pair of boots so bad, and my mom said that if I can come up with half the price of the boots she’d pay the rest. My classmates came up to me with special color requests and in two weeks I had more than half the price, and I got them the next day.”
“I could tell you’re a pro at this. You’ve always been a hard worker,” Leah says smiling down at her new bracelet.
A couple hours later you and Leah were still at it making bracelets. Well Leah was making bracelets, you were cooking dinner and would stop every now and then to tie them so they would not fall apart.
“FUCK!” you hear Leah shout from the dining room making you rush over to check on her.
“What happened?” you ask with concern in your tone.
Leah lifts up the clear string with no beads on it and says, “I just tried to tie it and the beads exploded everywhere. I don’t know how you do this, it’s so hard.”
She gets down on her knees and starts to pick up all the stray beads. “I mean they are everywhere, we’re going to be finding random beads for weeks.”
You stifle a laugh as you go to help her pick up the beads, “I’ve had years of practice baby, it’s okay.”
“I can pick them up babe, I don’t want you to burn dinner because of me,” she says.
“Alright, why don’t you try the threads and make friendship bracelets for the girls,” you suggest walking back to the kitchen.
“Yea I’ll need your help with that, I can’t figure that shit out to save my life. I can’t believe how many different patterns there are to make a bracelet,” she says, rolling her eyes, still picking up beads.
“It just depends on the design you want, but I’ll help you,” you call out.
After dinner you and Leah were back at it, this time making thread bracelets so it would not be as messy.
“I finished Beth's, that should be the last one. Man my hands hurt,” Leah says, cracking her knuckles.
You finish tying Beth’s bracelet and say, “Let’s clean up and head to bed. You can give these to the girls tomorrow.”
As you two walk to your bedroom you hear Leah let out a small yelp making you quickly turn around. “I just stepped on a damn bead,” Leah says, holding up a small red bead.
The next day before you two head to the game Leah grabs all of the bracelets she made and puts them in her bag.
Currently, you two are sitting in the stands with her mother and brother waiting for the game to start. “Do you think they’ll like their bracelets?” Leah asks you while her eyes are on the field.
“Of course baby, I think they’ll love them,” you tell her, kissing her cheek.
She had already given a few lucky fans some bracelets and their reactions warmed her heart. She liked being able to give them something that she made for once instead of the other way around.
After the final whistle blew she grabbed your hand pulling you towards the field with her where she started handing out the bracelets.
“Aww Leah for me? These are so cute,” Lia said, pulling Leah into a hug.
“Is this how you spend your recovery time? Also matching one your lady,” Beth teased, putting on her bracelet.
“Yeah, it was my girl’s idea. It’s our eye colors see,” Leah beamed as she turned around, watching you speak to Viv who also got a bracelet.
“Of course it was, this is very sweet. Thank you, Leah,” Alessia says.
Why Leah was still chatting with the girls, she felt your arms wrap around her waist making her lean back into you. “I told you they would love them,’ you said, kissing the side of her beanie-covered head.
“I know, it was a great idea on your part,” she says, turning around in your arms, “Thank you for taking care of me, I know I can be a lot sometimes.”
“You’re just fine baby, I love taking care of you,” you tell her tightening your arms around her.
As Leah leans in for a kiss she gets interrupted by someone making a gagging noise. “You two are so cute it makes me physically sick,” Katie yells, causing everyone around to laugh.
Leah rolls her eyes and gives you a kiss, sneakily showing Katie her middle finger.
note: idk fam.
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endereies · 2 days
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Pairing: Matt x Reader
Contains: You always go to Matt whenever things get hard, but little do you know he wants you to be there by his side permanently. Includes comments on weight, arguing, drunkenness - if I missed anything, let me know !!
Requested?: no
Author's notes: I definitely did not forget that I had this !! No happy ending in this one y'all <3
Word Count: 3815
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Going back and forth between California and Boston wasn’t an easy feat, even for the triplets themselves. And yet, you always stood proud at the airport, smiling at their exhausted expressions that plastered their faces.
Nick adored you, holding a steady peace sign against your head in the photo that was scattered on his desk. You found similarities between the pair of you that quickly became abundantly clear to others. The loud laughs that escaped your lungs were easily heard by surrounding spectators. Some lucky enough to the hear the jokes made while others watch you both heave with confusion. It was the raw consistency between you two that kept the friendship strong. You became a staple in his Instagram posts, being in the foreground of a restaurant setting or even the camera man that he’d credit in his stories. You were there. You’d find yourself caught up in a mini vlog sent over via Snapchat which wound you leaning on the sofa arm with a heavy head. He never could escape that life.
Chris was nothing short of Nick, cherishing each time Mario Kart blessed the screen in front of you. Being in the carpeted floors of your bedrooms often led to video game sessions. Stores on main streets allowed you to find a new game per week or so to indulge in. And obviously Chris joined. He always joined in, attached at your hip. Chris was always more physical than the other two and you frequently embraced that fact. You absentmindedly grabbed his arm for stabilisation whenever your laces came loose. Yet, he often acted the same, standing their on his phone, not paying attention to the small gesture. He was always one to pay things forward, so you’d find a can of your favourite soda to repay the same one you bought him mere hours ago. No matter how many times you tried to stop him, he practically insisted, how could you argue with him anyway?
Matt was less reluctant to open himself to you. He had a hard time maintaining close relationships with people, they often changed throughout lengthy seasons as the distance grew. He figured it would be the same with you. That summer entered his life as fast as you did, cool breezes enclosing around you while you greeted him. You never showed the slight disappointment when he replied with a meek smile. ‘That’s how he is, don’t sweat it too much.’ Nick’s words didn’t offer you as much comfort as time did. Two years went by and you stuck like glue to the three of them. Each trip they went on back home didn’t lack any calls between you all, initiated by Chris. Of course.
Each late night conversation and campfire story revealed each other to you. They typically ended with each of you swinging your legs on the logs as the marshmallow melts on a stick. He more or less listened to you ramble about random things whilst he acknowledged each syllable. Time drifted easily in those situations, Nick and Chris leaving you two be to rest.
He loved learning new things about new, writing things in his notes so he wouldn’t forget. That’s how he always knew what to get you in the convenience store, or even for your birthday. One thing he was surprised to hear about was your boyfriend.
Cameron wasn’t a name that slipped past your lips easily. It should’ve been. You only revealed his existence about 6 months after knowing the triplets, that’s when the questions came.
You loved Cameron, most the time. It was when he drunk that you tended to place guards up. It’s like he thinks that alcohol is an opening to say and do whatever he pleases whenever he pleases. He tried to push me into drinking occasionally, but after months of resistance, he gave up that idea.
But in this moment, your only thought was on getting the triplets home, so you did just that. The fast food that you collected each ride back from airports tainted their loopy grins with sweetened appreciation. It was nice to see the glint of affection within their eyes. Especially seeing Matt’s become frequent.
This was your third time collecting them up after their flights. When Matt asked you the first time, he seemed hesitant about asking. It wasn’t like you would yell at him and laugh in his face about waking up in early hours. They may have not been the most appealing, but it was worth it.
“Oh, come on! You had aux last night; you are not getting that privilege again.” One thing you had missed while you were away, were the loud personalities they possessed, but now wasn’t one of those times.
“Chris, can you stop snatching the lead it keeps hitting me!” Bickering emerged between himself and Nick within the first ten minutes of the drive back. Unlike the middle triplet who sat diagonal to you with his headphones blocking out each sound.
“Only if Nick gives it up, I have to listen to the new song Lil Skies released” Nick groaned almost immediately, mocking Chris with hand motions.
“Chris gets it for an hour, then Nick. That better?” Once more you felt the lead hit your shoulder, a little harder due to his eminent excitement. Yet you kept your grace and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.
When you all arrived at their houses and immediately a few things stand out. Nick was asleep. Chris was asleep. Matt was awake. Your eyes glanced at Nick first, watching his still form except his chest which rose with each steady breath. Unexpectedly, you caught Matt’s own gaze on you. His eyes narrowed with forecasted fatigue. However, his lips twitched upwards into a genuine smile.
The sound of the engine finally switched off with a turn of your keys, for once you could really feel the tension among the silence. Darker clouds seemed to roll in steadily and you were just thankful that you managed to arrive on time. Your body pushed the door open with a click, making the car brighter with the sudden lights.
Matt immediately lets out a giggle as Nick groans, covering his eyes from the warm light that turned on directly above him.
You took it against yourself to carry the boys’ luggage out of the boot, the cases as identical as themselves. The only difference were the coloured tags wrapped around the handles.
Nick and Chris both murmured small ‘thank you’s’ and left with their cases in their hands, struggling to open the door as quickly as normal.
“Thank you again for doing this, you really didn’t have too.” A whispered voice takes your view away from Nick and Chris and focuses on the middle triplet standing next to you.
“You know that I’m happy to help out, all you have to do is ask.” Due to the darkness, you couldn’t see his face, yet you were positive he was smiling. You could practically hear it.
“I know, we all do, doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate it.” He said quietly, pausing for a moment as if he wanted to speak more. “Do you want to sleep over tonight? It is late after all…”
As if it was fate, your phone buzzed in your back pocket. It rang with the familiar tune you set for your boyfriend, it wasn’t long before Matt grimaced.
“Hi Cameron, I was about to ca-“ Your words were cut short by a short yell from the phone, heard by Matt.
“Where are you! It’s nearly midnight and your ass said they’d be home by half eleven at the latest.”
“I’m sorry, we got caught up in traffic...” You genuinely felt apologetic, even if you hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Get home. Now.” He attempted to act stern and yet his words slurred and mixed between the next.
Before you could respond, he hung up quickly. Air harshly left your lungs in a deep sigh. Matt heard everything. You couldn’t bring yourself to speak first, the embarrassment was too much.
“I’ll take that as a no…” His attempt at a joke worked slightly as you let out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah, sorry. Another time I guess” Your voice was timid, yet it wasn’t due to being tired.
“You need anything, you let me know, alright?” His case was now alongside his frame, the handle barely reaching his stomach.
“Cam..? I’m home!” Sounds of your voice echoed off the empty walls of your shared apartment, Cam’s to be exact. You decided to move in with him, more of less he forced you, but it was still happening. You knew he was home since you heard the voice lines of his Call of Duty character running low on health. You also knew he couldn’t hear you.
You simply sighed and placed your bag onto the counter, picking out a spare protein bar you didn’t get around to touching through the car ride. Water drains from the Stanley you got bought a few weeks ago, by Matt of course.
Cameron came slumping down the stairs, his footsteps thudding in comparison to yours. After all, he was drunk. His slurring confirmed that.
“You took forever, you said it was gonna only take you three hours.” He didn’t necessarily lie, yet he didn’t consider things could go wrong.
“Baby…I did say that there was traffic, you know I can't text and drive to let you k-“ He shut you up with a sloppy finger to your lips.
“Always the excuses, huh! Never admit you’re fuckin’ wrong, can ya?” Your head hung low while the skin of your fingers wrapped around your sleeves.
He didn’t utter another word, only strings of mumbles as he walked away. Not a single idea that traversed your head made sense as to why he’d want you home, if he was just going to walk away from you. It made you question his behaviour, nothing that you would converse aloud, not in this state.
It wasn’t long before another thread of hurtful comments were thrown your way early in the morning. It had only been a week since that late evening, however all your boyfriend seemed to crave were the hot tears that fell from your lashes.
“Come on y/n, the dishes aren’t hard to do! Do I have to do everything around here!” With each word he spoke, another tear rolled down your cheeks, the redness growing with each second. You hadn’t meant to cry, you had actually tried so hard to keep it together. Although the moment he attacked you directly, you snapped.
“You’ve become so lazy with yourself, do you even take care of yourself anymore..?” Almost immediately, you looked down at your body, hidden underneath a loose shirt and hoodie. You weren’t sure if that was a subconscious choice.
His hands gestured to my body lazily with his hands,
“What do you mean” You hadn’t meant to let your emotion seep into your voice but once it began, it only grow.
“Don’t act like it isn’t obvious, or do I really have to spell it all out for you. You’ve gained weight.”
His glass of wine practically slammed on the kitchen counter, surprise filling you at how it hadn’t managed to break. He’d done that before.
“Go sort yourself out, such a pig” The sound of his voice is muffled under his breath, but he made sure that you heard it, the sly grin said it all.
Your gaze lightly treads the apartment to see the high load of dishes that were in the sink, remnants of the earlier stir fry tracing the air around it. Excessive scrubbing seemed to do something to ease your emotions. Which ever ones they were. They were too tangled in your stomach to distinguish any particular ones.
Sharp sounds from the scouring sponge hissed into your ear as you harshly stroked the pans. You hadn’t even realised the force of it until the paint starting chipping across the bottom. All you did was blame the hot water and throw it on the drying rack.
Every deep breath felt like a little more air than you had left your lungs. Even your body wanted to force out that feeling, not that you blamed it.
Why does love hurt so much?
A charger and spare clothes were soon stuffed into a small, black backpack, one that was bought for you several Christmas’s ago.
Keys jingled and rattled against the wooden door of your apartment. You left. It was easier if you did. You wouldn’t annoy Cameron anymore and you wouldn’t get belittled by his drunk attitude.
Your eyes stared at Matt’s contact on the screen, the profile picture from an old festival you dragged him to. A deep breath forced its way out of your lungs as you swiped up. The ringing tone echoed in your ears along with the slight breeze.
“Hello?” You were relieved when he answered the phone, a change of emotion filled you. His voice was raspier than usual and a faint shuffle of what you assumed were duvet covers could be heard.
“Hey, I’m sorry to call this late but can I come over?”
“Of course, what’s the occasion.” His voice seemed to light up at the thought of seeing you again.
“I just need some fresh air I guess... and a possible rant” The words trailed off, hearing him sigh in the background.
He doesn’t speak for a moment, soaking in your words. “It’s Cam, isn’t it?” Matt took your silence as a yes.
It was like that for a moment. Silent. You couldn’t tell why, was it Cam? You knew he hated his name falling from your lips. The same lips you didn’t know he craved. However, you only hated saying it when he was drunk, it was a beacon for mercy. The next day it felt like heaven once he was sober. Until it repeated of course. Matt had grown to hate that name, the presence. Even if he wasn’t such a dick, he knew he would remain in the same mindset.
“I’ll leave the door open, I think I still have your ice cream. If Chris hasn’t taken it.” For a second you forgot it wouldn't be just you and Matt in that house. “Are they awake?”
“At 2am? Nick is out like a light, Chris has a meeting early in the morning. so he's passed out in his room."
The sky grew darker as the night went on but that didn’t matter. Not when you arrived on the porch of the triplets’ house. As you went to wipe the exhaustion off your face, sudden tears became evident to you. You pulled your hand away to reveal a glisten that coated your hand, the lights subtly highlighting your sadness.
Quickly, you wiped your hand and used it to knock on the front door.
You stood there for only a few moments before the door slowly creaked open, as to not wake the others. Matt's hair was evidently tussled which you can only assume is by his interrupted sleep. That only made you feel more guilty. Porch lights above you both highlighted a few features, his eyes being one. They were filled with emotions you couldn't quite pin-point. Exhaustion, irritation, care? You weren't sure.
"Are you goin' to come in? Or stand there in the cold looking upset?" His body moved towards the door, leaving me room to walk through. As soon as you step inside, the cold air is immediately replaced with a warm atmosphere. A sigh escaped your lips at the heat surrounding your body and turned to Matt with a grateful smile. Yet by now his expression remained more stoic than before.
"Let's get your ice cream and a drink, then we can talk, yeah?" Before you could respond he brushed past you to the kitchen, the light illuminating the room. You simply traced his actions with your eyes before moving forwards to help him grab the few cans of drink from his arms.
"My room?" His voice had grown gentle, trying hard not to grit his teeth at the conversation they were about to have. "Yeah, sounds good."
His room wasn't anything fancy, just some simple pieces of furniture scattered around his room, along with the several monitors on his desk. His duvet hadn't seemed to be made yet it somehow looked better than most times you saw it. A few clothes are sprawled over the edge of his chair but little to no mess covered the floors. You and his brothers mentioned making the room more him yet he seemed content with his hung poster from Hawaii.
You placed the drinks from your hands onto the bedside table and looked towards Matt who did the same with snacks and confectionary.
Once you both got settled the air grew heavy. You laid the blanket up to about your shins, while Matt was completely on top of it. It had been a few minutes of silence, with the occasional sip. He knew not to force the situation, but it was hard when tears brimmed in your eyes.
“Do you think I’m... gaining weight” You shunned away from him, seeing his body tense up a little was enough to cause a reaction. You had always been a little conscious of your weight, that was nothing new. Yet it hurt, knowing that someone who you actually cared about diminished you to one quality. Matt saw this too and edged a little closer towards you.
“Did he say that to you.” His tone was brittle, like any one of your next words could fluctuate his choices so easily. You ignored him, he attempted to avoid the question, knowing how much it made your heart ache.
“I didn’t even notice anything until you pointed it out. I see you for you, not what your body shows. Honest.”
You knew he meant it, letting a small smile twitch at the corners of your mouth. Until the rest of Cam’s words struck you again. You hadn’t meant to cry, in fact you wanted to avoid it. Letting his words affect you counted as a win, a win to his drunken state. He was so caring when he wanted to be. He seemed to want alcohol more, however.
“He called me a pig…He made sure I heard it.” You stammer slightly before giving up. When you mustered up enough courage you looked towards Matt, but he wasn’t looking at you. Only the section of blanket he shoved and gripped between his fingers. He seemed to zone out slightly after each comment you made.
“He just gets drunk a lot, and… you know how he is whenever he is drunk. I can’t get through to him. He is really a sweetheart but- “Matt’s sharp voice cuts off my tear-ridden words.
“Is he.”
You looked up at him, it hurt him to see your eyes red and glossed over. He wanted to concentrate so hard on anything but his seething emotions towards your boyfriend but he couldn't help it. You ran to him because the person who supposedly loved you belittled you so much. It hurt to see you unhappy. It hurt to see you crying in front of him. It hurt him to see you stay with him.
He watched as you lowered your head, causing him to before doing the same. Hot tears stained your cheeks as Cameron's words echo repeatedly, old and new. The names he called you sunk deep and made you feel so shit about yourself. It shouldn't get to you, but you loved him, so much. But, it wasn't ever meant to feel like this.
It took a moment of silence before Matt reached his body towards you. His hands wrapped around your waist as he gently pushed your head to his chest. You felt as his hands gently rubbed your back, slowly but enough to be noticed.
"M'sorry, you don't deserve any of this, never...Please don't believe anything he says. He has no idea what he is talking about."
"I love him, really I do, it's just-" You found yourself lacking any other words to explain yourself with but even so, his grip simply tightened, shunning you to silence. "You don't have to explain yourself. Let's just take your mind off things, yeah?"
It had been an hour and you had fallen asleep beside Matt, gravity falls on a low volume in the background. After getting up to place rubbish in the bin and return the ice-cream to his freezer, he re-entered his room. He was aware you were a light sleeper and avoided any floorboards he knew made sound and moved quietly around his room.
He was happy to see that you had drunk the can of drink he gave you along with some of the snacks. A few still resided in the packaging and he sighed a little. The comments that your boyfriend made has obviously left a slightly mark on you, he noticed the hesitancy a few times but chose to stay silent. If he spoke he feared he'd spark something neither of you wanted to deal with.
His attention turned to the screen before him, the end of the episode nearing. With no sign of you waking any time soon, Matt lifted the edges of the duvet you hadn't touched and shuffled underneath them. Some distance remained between you, not wanting to make anything awkward. However, he couldn't resist placing his hand on your head, rubbing it back and forth. Brushing a stand out of your face, he stayed like that for a while.
When the episodes credits rolled to black, Matt grabbed the remote and switched it off. Silence filled the room, less tense than before. The words that Cameron said about you, to your face, bubbled in his mind. He hated how you slowly grew to hide yourself away. Anything that made you the person he adored was slowly being pushed away and all he wanted was for you to feel like you could be you.
Tiredness started to take over his body, his eyes growing heavy and a soft yawn passing his lips. His head leant back against the headboard while his hand continued to run through your hair. Your face was perfectly rested against one of his pillows, a bundle of the blanket tucked snuggly into your chest. A bittersweet smile crossed his face as he took in each of your features.
Matt laid himself under the blanket, his hand eventually leaving you with the distance he made. As his eyes grew heavy once more he gave you one more glance, muttering a few words before falling asleep by your side.
“Loving you is the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced.”
────────────────────˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗───────────────────
@melliflws @yuhayeee @st7rnioioss @sturn-bugz @bueckers @worldlxvlys @raysmayhem-72 @patscorner @y0urm4m @bernardsbendystraws @junnniiieee07 @luverboychris @jnkvivi @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @shorthairchris @missmimii
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biteyoubiteme · 1 day
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something soft
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chan x fem!reader
synopsis: getting high with chan.
warnings: 🔞!!! under the influence, lots of kissing, slight nipple play, marking, no protection, creampie prob forgot some sorry
wc: 925
an: a little something for chans bday! not proofread sorry! feedback is appreciated :))
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It wasn't the first time the two of you had gotten high together and it wouldn't be the last time. Sometimes you need a night separate from exams and work just to sit back with your friend and think about nothing else. Most of the time you didn't last long after a movie was put on; curling up with the coziest fluffy blanket and falling asleep petting the fabric.
Chan was usually there next to you giggling along to whatever you put on the tv trying to get you to answer all his questions about it even if you've never seen the movie. 
Sometimes you got too overstimulated with having too many people over when you got high but chan was always the exception; always the first one you called. Only this was the first time either of you found your hands on each other. 
You're pretty sure it was you who started it. Your sense of touch always feels heightened when high and while sitting on the couch you brushed chans hair behind his ear. “Oh wow,” your fingers sliding along his scalp as he rolled his head back to look at you. Red rimmed eyes half lidded as he hummed, “your hair is so soft,” 
He gave a lazy smile, “do you like it?” and you're nodding sitting up so you can get both hands into his hair only it’s an awkward in the position you're in. 
It's how you convince yourself straddling his lap is the perfect solution and he doesn't object, his hands falling to your hips holding you in place as you keep brushing his hair back. 
He doesn't even realize his hands have slipped under your sweatshirt brushing along your smooth skin as he watches the way you bite at your lip. You feel like the two of you are moving so slow before you finally kiss. 
It was so easy to get to this point without seeing it coming at all. It's not like you didn't want to kiss chan if anything this was how you wished your smoking sessions turned out only they never did. You didn't even think about regretting it when you wanted him this bad. His hands all over you as he moaned into your mouth; as you tugged on his hair. 
You didn't have a bra on and chan was fast to run his thumbs over your pebbling nipples, pinching them until you whined. Your kissing was so sloppy neither of you cared about anything besides feeling each other. Hips rolling against his hardening cock. 
Chan pulls your sweatshirt off hands falling back to your waist to help guide your movements as he kisses down your chest. Your soft sounds fill up the space around you two as he sucks marks onto your skin. 
Everything was building up to be too much if you didn't get him inside you. Pulling away you stand to take off your shorts, chan following after you to strip. His cock pressed against your stomach as he pulled you back in for another kiss. Only breaking to say, “god i could kiss you forever,” 
When you two make it back to the couch you're laid back with him on top of you, kissing down your jaw before pushing into you. The stretch has you gasping, arms wrapped around his neck as he buries his face into your hair. You've never had sex high before and didn't know just how good it would actually feel. Every drag of his hips, brush of his fingers, was highlighted and when he was settled all the way in he was pressed so deep inside you, you couldn't believe it. 
His slow thrusts only feel drawn out with the sensation of being high. Every throaty moan rumbling in his chest as he pressed his nose against yours. It was probably the most intimate thing you've ever done with a man. The golden light from the lamp showing off every pretty feature on his face. “Look at you,” he whispered, lips ghosting over yours. 
When he slips a hand down between the two of you to rub at your clit he kisses away your sounds, needing to feel your gummy walls clenching around him. Every sloppy thrust helps build up your orgasm, the warmth in your pelvis building and building as you wrap your legs around his hips, heels pressing into his ass to keep him closer to you. 
“Im not- im not wearing a condom,” he mutters but neither of you care as he sinks in closer, pressing his weight into you. 
“Its okay, i wanna feel it, all of it,” 
You're so wet it's easy to slip in and out of you, the soft build up of your whimpers letting him know you're close before you cum. Your nails dig into his back a silent moan on your lips as you feel the overwhelming flood of euphoria. Chan gives no warnings as he follows right after making sure to be pushed as deep as he can get, cock twitching as he fills you up with his hot cum. He's slow to ride out his orgasm, barely thrusting before completely wrapping you up in his arms.  
Neither of you try to move away from one another, basking in the feeling of one another without thought, every now and then softly kissing, fingertips drawing patterns on each other's skin. Chan doesnt pull out until he's completely soft, the gush of cum bothering no one as you tangle up, cuddling in closer without another word.
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tra1nchi · 2 days
Day One:Mindcontrol!!!
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MINORS DNI!! Bttm male reader🎃🎃
Extra ⚠️:Siren character x caretaker,,fingering,,oral
He had always wanted a mate. Someone to cherish, someone to please but he was stuck, he couldn't leave and he could bearly even move in his tank. Forced to live in a facility that shows him off like a precious fish to drooling little kids.
He hates it. He wishes he could sing his heart out to make all the humans leave him alone. It was impossible of course. The tank was specially made for creatures like him, Sound proof and most importantly escape proof.
He could say the only good thing about his life was you, his personal sweet little caretaker. You weren't like the scientists that poked and prodded at him like he was some kind of dead salmon, you were special, Atleast to him you were.
You were the perfect candidate for a mate, too trusting of him. He was after all a siren at heart and sirens have a desire to hunt even if they aren't aware of it. He would slowly start to court you, innocent at first with simple shells from the bottom of his tank but soon his desire grew darker.
Slowly coaxing you to come above his tank, making you go against your job guidelines, sweettalking you at first until during one of your many visits, he finally broke. Unable to hold himself back any longer.
He sang to you. His voice slow and hypnotic and he couldn't deny the spark in his gut as he watched your pretty eyes glaze over. There wasn't a thought behind your eyes, if he knew that it would be that easy he would have done it ages ago!
Commanding you to sit down on the edge of your pool, his praise causing you to become even more lethargic by the second. "That's it, good boy." He mused as he quickly removed the bottom half of your clothing, his tail basically thumping against his tank wall from excitement.
"So hard for me already hm? Poor boy must like my singing~" His webbed hand reaches out to wrap around your dick, you couldn't resist or deny against the siren, too deep under the trance of his song. Stroking it up and down rhythmically, He didn't bother to hide the smirk at the sound of your breathy moans emitting from your lips.
"How cute." He mutters before leaning down, taking your dick into his mouth. His sharp teeth running down the underside of it. Laughing through your dick when he feels your body shuddering. His long tongue swirling around your tip and lapping up all the pre cum that your hypnotised dick leaked.
He seemed to get a little carried away. Losing track on how many times he made you cum by just his mouth. Pulling off your dick as he soothed you with a gentle lullaby before flipping you over, his eyes softening at how willingly exposed you were.
Spreading your ass apart just for his eyes as his sharp finger slipped in, lazily fingering your hole as his other hand groped and playfully slapped your ass. He knew that his mate would be nice and submissive for him and now that he had you, he would never let you leave his special trance.
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desi2go · 2 days
First times
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pairing: Channie x reader
warning: fluff
summary: How were your first times with him?
author's note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANNIE!!!!! I love you so much and I hope you have a great day <3<3<3<3<3
𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤
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You never thought that you would meet the love of your life on the beach. You and your friends were on vacation in Australia, enjoying the beautiful beach in the warmth of the sun. There were so many people, laying next to each other due to the limited space but it still was relaxing.
You were just reading a book while sunbathing and trying to get a good tan, your friends swam in the warm water, leaving you alone on your towel. Suddenly, a ball hit you, bouncing over you onto your friend's towel. You looked around for the culprit, expecting it to be a child but instead, three men stood a few metres away. They pushed each other forward and when they caught your staring, they pointed at each other, claiming that it was the other ones fault.
You rolled amused with your eyes, not believing that grown up men could act like children. Two of them, one with long blonde and the one with short black hair, pushed their friend forward with force, letting him stumble.
The message was clear, he should get the ball back from you. You fished it from your friend's towel and waited for him to step up to you.
He was beautiful, his black hair hidden by a black base cap but his face was gorgeous. Those brown eyes looked like delicious chocolate and the smile that formed on his face made you blush.
You held the ball out while he stood in front of you, rubbing his back.
"Thank you" he exclaimed, taking the ball and already turning.
"You're welcome" you responded. But the good looking man stopped in his tracks when he saw his friends making signals with their hands. You figured out that the blonde was signing phone and the other acted like he wrote something, pointing to you.
The man with the base cap sighned. "I hate you guys sometimes" he mumbled, heading towards you again while blushing and hiding his face under the cap.
"Already back?" you asked amused, watching him with a smirk. "Yes. Can I have your number perhaps?" he questioned, becoming a blushing mess.
You chuckled. "Did your friends tell you that?"
He laughed. "No, they just encouraged me. I'm Chan by the way"
𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊
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You texted on a daily basis, getting to know him very well and you found out that he was an idol. Since you were from south korea too, you didn't think that this would be an obstacle for your relationship. Before he would go back to korea, he wanted to show you Sydney on a personal trip.
The whole day, he showed you around, poiting to the hidden spots and attractions that a normal tourist wouldn't see. It was fun to spend time with him, easy and without uncomfortable silences.
He was a true gentlemen, opening doors for you and even paying your ice cream. You laughed a lot and you must admit that you already adored his. His gentle gaze would always be on you, letting you feel safe and secure in his proximity.
When the sun was replaced by the moon and stars, he lead you to a small restaurant. You sat down in front of it, the soft light of fairylights luminated his face, emphazising all his beautiful features.
Chan told you that this was his favourite restaurant and he couldn't even deny it anymore when the waiter greeted him with his name, making you laugh. He recommended you some things and after getting your order, he even let you try his meal. You couldn't even remember if a man before him had fed you once, but he did, blowing on his fork to cool it down and then placing it in your mouth carefully.
His ears were red but the smile on his face was hypnoticing. You could watch this man for your entire life.
𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉
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As soon as you were back in south korea, he took you out on more dates and you were sure that he was the person you wanted to spend your life with.
It was just that you feared for asking him if he wanted to be your boyfriend. You were just insecure how to approach this, afraid that it might be too soon for his liking but all your doubt were destroyed when he asked you instead.
It was on one of your dates. He had picked you up at your apartment and brought you to the park a little outside from Seoul where you could be alone. You both had planned to do a picknick to enjoy one of the last summer days before the cold winter would come.
You spread the blanket and placed the food down, talking about everything. While you laid down, he fed you some strawberries that were dipped into chocolate, reminding you of his eye colour.
You had noticed from the beginning that he acted different than usual, he seemed nervous. But you trusted him to tell you what was on his mind.
His hand caressed your cheek and you closed your eyes, eating the strawberries from time to time. He cleared his throat, not responding to a question you had asked.
"Okay Channie, tell me what is up with you today. You seem nervous" you expressed, opening your eyes to take his form in.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He spoke fastly, leaving you speachless. You definitely didn't expected that.
You chuckled. "That bothered you so much?" He nodded hesitantly, clearly panicking that you would say no.
"Of course Channie, I love you" you pushed yourself up from his lap, pressing your lips on his own.
𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖙𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗
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Saying that you weren't nervous at all was wrong, completely wrong. You knew that it was just Channie, your Channie, and you didn't need to be so tense but this felt like a big step in your relationship.
You were officially together now and even if it sounded unbelievable, you hadn't spend a night together yet. You didn't mind since both of you wanted to take things slow.
Now, you stood in front of his apartment with a bag in hand, pressing his doorbell. He opened immeadiatly as if he had waited impatiently for you on the other side. He pressed a loving kiss on your lips and taking the bag from you in the same moment.
"Hello love" he greeted, pulling you out of the cold hallway. It wasn't the first time being in his apartment and you liked his way of decorating from the first moment.
"Hey Channie" you responded, getting rid of your shoes and jacket while he placed the bag into his bedroom. "I just started cooking" he told you, leading you into the kitchen where the food was already cooking.
You laughed a lot while you observed your boyfriend since he forced you to sit down instead of letting you help.
After dinner, you two layed down on his couch to watch a movie, your head an his shoulder while he played with a strand of your hair. You felt him pressing his nose into your hair and you laughed when you heard him inhale deeply. "What? I love your smell" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around you.
Afterwards, you headed to bed after getting ready together. He didn't even give you the chance to bring some sort of distance between you or letting you even lay down for a second before he was already pulling you into his arms again, leaving you squealing and giggling.
"Come here! I need my cuddles!" he demanded, giving you a light bite on your shoulder. "As if you weren't cuddling me all the time" you stated, brushing a few hair strands out of his face.
"They are never enough, never"
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Chan's proposal was something you hadn't expected. Well, yes at some point in the future yes but you were surprised when the love of your life suddenly kneeled in front of you, a beautiful and well-chosen ring in his hand. Of course you said yes! I mean how could you not?
The preparation of the wedding let the time pass so fast. You chose the perfect venue in Australia on the beach you had met years ago and your wedding dress was breathtaking and you couldn't wait to see Chan's reaction.
When you walked down the aisle, you were so nervous but yet so excited. With a beautiful bouquet in hand, you headed to your future, to your beloved husband. He looked absolutely gorgeous in his black suit and as soon as his eyes found yours, a stunning smile decorated his face.
Your farther gave you into Chan's arms and got back to his seat. During the whole ceremony, your lover's eyes never left yours and his fingers caressed your hands. Soon, you both said yes and exchanged your rings that you had chosen. Your wedding band was silver with a white stone and on the inside, hidden from the outside, were your initials engraved.
Chan gently pressed his lips on yours, your hands finding its way in his hair.
𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉
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You and Chan were married for over a year now and you knew that he wanted kids and you must admit that you imagined being a mother too. And after settling into marriage you felt that it was the right time to try for a baby.
Chan was excited and couldn't wait until you were pregnant. Just some months later, you found out that you were indeed with child and on the first doctor's appointment, Chan cried as soon as he saw the cell that is your baby.
During the whole pregnancy, he was so nervous and affectionate. Whenever he found time, he would caress your bump or lay on your stomach to tell you and your baby about his day.
As your bump grew, he was cautious about everything. You couldn't even do laundry without him jumping up and taking over, claiming that you needed to rest.
When you went into labour, he stayed by your side during the whole process. His hand never left yours and he drove to the hospital, even when you tightened your hold with each contraction.
After hours of labour, you heard your baby's first cries and it felt like all the pain faded away. The only thing you could concentrate on, was to hold your baby. Chan kissed your forehead in joy, complimenting you how great you did this. In his own eyes were tears as they laid the beautiful baby girl in your arms.
Tenderly, he caressed his finger over the smooth skin and oh lord - he was smitten. He felt nervous when you suggested to hold his girl but he agreed and listened to the instructions the nurse gave him. He undressed his chest because newborns liked the skin to skin contact to hold their temperature and to control their breathing.
He laughed in joy as he held his little one finally after months of waiting, the smile never left his lips again.
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berriblossom · 1 day
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Devotion - Childe
☆| Helloooo, another sagau fic! Liking these atm, read warnings below!|
☆| WARNING| male masturbation, semi-smut (not really just tartag jacking off), religious themes, obsessed devotion, reader is reffered to as a holy elder/ ancient god in teyvat AKA "The Great Divine", MDNI, ALL WORK AND CHARACTERS PROTRAYALS ARE FICTIONAL! Enjoy yaaay!|
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Holy divinity was different for many people. Specifically in his homeland of Snezhnaya, the way the cryo archon and the fatui worshipped the elder god of this land, was through trials of hardship and sacrifice. Not by human life but more so in spirit. Tartaglia remembers before he fell into the abyss, he remembers how his parents would take him to the capital of the nation as people handed out hot mule, carts of candies, soups, and strict coupons from the Northland Bank as a way to get more people into debt. Ah sweet times he remembers, but specifically the core of this memory and why he wanted to grow strong in the first place was the military parade, led under the first Fatui Harbinger, Capitano, or the Captain.
How the soldiers and men under such an esteemed figure, followed his order, chanting prayers of absolute dedication and power given to her lady the Tsaritsa and the Great Divine. How they held onto their weapons and raised them in the air, promising victory in their journey, for they won't falter in this promise, and how this promise to their benevolent gods was a sign of pure devotion and strength. As a young boy watching this with eyes of life and joy, Ajax made a promise to himself that day at the small celebration, that he too would lay his life for not only the cryo archon but now his devoted and beloved Divine diety.
Ajax entered the now vacant temple hall. At the moment he had returned to his homeland for a banquet held by the Regretor for the honor of bringing home another gnosis in the name of the Cryo archon. However, he left the party early, a rare sign for the youngest harbinger. Usually, some would suspect the adrenaline-driven young man to be bursting with energy at large gathering and times to show of himself. But unlike an actual party, Fatui Banquets aren't about celebration, but rather politics and money. Something despite his position wasn't something he felt interest in. Just for him to be reminded of the greed and personal gain each of his fellow members had for themselves, so silently he left. Ajax sat on a temple pew, your frosted statue standing at the top of the hall, sat atop a small stage with a chair beside it, representing the Tsaritsa as she would sit or stand beside you in glory at your fated return to Teyvat. Ajax sat on the step underneath your statue, the air was cold, his breath coming in small pants, cheeks blushed as the usual bite of the cold nibbled on his features. But his eyes remained on your statue, focused and unchanging.
Silently, Ajax wondered what the feeling your benevolent gaze had on him. He remembered that even his master, Skirk mentioned casually that despite your benevolence to humankind, you were in fact a being of havoc and destruction, it was that you chose to keep humans, mortals, and immortals out of said fury, and wrath out of your kindness. Hearing that at a young age, made Ajax double his promise to you, that he would lay his life for you, even fight for you. Hell if needed he would betray his fellow harbingers for you and the cryo archon, without a split second to rethink the decision. Even as he travels for work and missions handed to him by the Tsaritsa, he carries a small page of scripture for you, words from thousands of years ago spoken that still ring in his mind when he feels unsettled or disturbed and needs your guidance and love.
"For human life and soul is the building block of all things in this world, without it, I am nothing, and as nothing, I shall depend on the love my humans have created out of nothing to give for me, something. Human love is worth a thousand years in memory and gold."
Ajax no matter what the anxiety, fear, or even boredom that plagues his mind, he daydreams of the day you'd return. How in his wildest fantasies, he'd get to hold you, cherish you, worship you, kiss your feet, and hands, hold the strong hands and fingers that sculpted his entire being and blessed him for the victories in battle he as acquired and carry scars as if they were trophies.
His breathing in the cold temple hall stalls for a moment.
He looks up.
His eyes meet your stone-engraved ones. Closed as a warm smile is printed onto the marble statue, forever frozen in a warming embrace and careful tenderness. Ajax whimpers as he closes his eyes tightly shut, his hands grip into fists against the tile flooring, leaning over as he kneels under your stone gaze. He mumbles quietly.
Ajax's voice echoes as he feels the weight of his words hangs in the empty temple. The world feels like it is silent, for it feels like he is only here with your statue, your presence, your being. Pressure builds in the base of his spine, crawling up his sides like a flame, tingling and burning with passion, burning at his fingertips, the cold leaving a numbing feeling as his other hand stays on the cold tiled floor. The hand from his chest lowers as he swallows hard, his eyes fluttering open and close with each breath, and each touch he leaves, imagining it was you. His voice falters as his pleas grow silent but his soft noises echo louder.
"My grace...by the names given to you...my dear loving god...hear me.." His voice was hoarse as he shivered feeling what felt like warm air hit his clothed back. Covered in the official Fatui coat, Ajax's hands tighten as he releases his fist and lays his fingers flat on the floor, his voice picks up again in the cold room. Light only by a sole candle illuminating your stone-etched face. "My grace, hear my prayers, as your devoted soldier, I want... no need for your blessings, the gifts of life and victory you've given me have warmed my heart, have been so tender...I am grateful....however.."
Ajax sighs and as he feels another wisp of warm air hit his neck, shivering he brings his hand to his chest, flat as his heart beats steadily. "I want more than your power...my fellow harbingers wish for your dominion, wishing to be like the gods you've created and destroyed....I want..your love...your sole love..your divine love only for me...a sin it is to be ready my grace, but I plead..."
With the promise he made set in his heart, Ajax tumbled forward, his chest heaving, as he spilled warmth into his palm, his flesh flushed, heart pounding in his ears, the warm hands he imagined, the sensation was replaced with his rough scarred palm. He looks down at his hand, his face flushed but eerily calm. He sighs and pulls his gloves back on, not caring about the mess as he stands, his coat overhanging on his shoulders.
He bites off his glove, wanting to imagine a new sensation, a warm scarred hand is replaced by his fantasy, a hand he can't recognize but adores. His eyes water as his fantasies grow wild, your voice, he imagines surrounding him, asking him to explain his needs, how he wants you to love him. The hand slides down his toned abdomen, tickling at his ribs and chest, flicks of hydro swirling around his fingers as he whimpers again..
"Please..." His voice gave in, slowly hurling over, the hand he imagined dipped below his belt, tossing away the useless fabric, taking hold of his form, his breath quickens as the pace is slow, "as it should" he thinks in the back of his mind. It shouldn't be rushed...he whispers into his consciousness, it should be slow, careful, tender. With love, he moans into the cold room. The candle flickers in the cold wind, the wisp of warm air against his fingers as they stroke hypnotically, circling around his flesh as he bites down on his lip harshly. Fresh drops of blood drip into his throat, flowing slowly as he swallows some, delusionally believing it could be your blood into him, flowing into him he wishes.
He desperately wants everything of you, all of it. Even if it hurts, even if it killed him. Ajax was prepared for such a price for your love, depraved and unattached, he choked a struggled moan as he felt his body tense, he quickened his pace, his voice speaking in hushed prayer as he used the other hand to press against his neck. His moans begging.
"Please...please...give me it...all of it...my grace..... give-"
He looks at your statue.
A smile creeps onto his face the gloved fingers just used for pleasure, cup your sculpted face. His final whisper relayed before leaving the frozen temple.
"You will be mine...and I yours, my beloved divine and holy god."
☆|Oof, I made him a freakish ngl, anyways I hoped you enjoyed it!
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mytheoristavenue · 3 days
DS Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader 🍋 - Something In The Air
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Kinktober 2024 - II
Sex pollen + public sex
Summary: You've been training to go out for missions with Rengoku for ages, but nothing could have prepared you to have a demon with the power to stimulate arousal- in the middle of a crowded market, no less!
Warnings: Sex pollen trope, public sex, unprotected sex, creampie, fem!reader, breeding, rushed/short, fluffy ending, pregnancy, Senjuro mentioned, mentor x mentee dynamic at first
You could hardly contain your enthusiasm, you'd trained for what felt like forever in order to have the privilege of accompanying hashiras on missions. Today was finally the day of your first one and you couldn't be more excited to show off what you could do- especially to the man walking beside you. You'd admired Rengoku ever since meeting him shortly after final selection and it was only natural that that respect would grow into attraction the more you got to know him.
Currently, he led you to a bustling trade village, home to a well-known market which many people tended to come far distances to attend. He was rattling off lists of why this market was so special, and you were trying to listen in earnest, but you couldn't focus, too stuck on some sweet smell that had suddenly hit your nose. Apparently, he smelled it too.
"I love coming to this market," He smiled over his shoulder at you. "It's a long pathway, filled with all things tasty." You couldn't help but giggle at his sunny disposition, feeling even more fond of him than you usually did. "Though, I've never smelt this scent before, one of the vendors must have something new to offer. We should try it before we leave, providing the demon doesn't cause too much damage to the surrounding area, of course."
You nodded with a shy smile, catching up to him as the village came into view. Dusk was beginning to settle in and the many lights of the town were starting to flicker on. It was like watching the market awaken over the horizon, casting a lovely amber glow over the pair of you.
As you drew nearer, that smell persisted, gaining potency with every step. The saccharine aroma began to overwhelm your senses as you approach the village gate, so you decided to pick up the conversation, hoping to distract yourself. "So, do we know anything about this demon?"
Rengoku thought for a moment before smiling again. "I took the time to do some reconanance before this trip," He began, slowing his pace so you could walk side by side with him with less issue. "It would appear this demon is match maker."
"A match maker?" You repeated curiously. "Like someone who arranges marriages?"
"Precisely." He replied with a proud grin. "According to locals, marriage and birth rates in this area have skyrocketed over the last decade."
"Isn't that a good thing?" You tilted your head up to look at him, something that made his heart skip a beat. "What's so bad about people falling in love?"
"Love is a human emotion, it's not something that a demon can feel or replicate." He explained, quickly regaining his composure. "So what these people are experiencing is just an intense, prolonged infatuation, they're not actually falling in love. The effects seem to wear off after about a year, or when stress is introduced to the relationship."
"And babies can be quite stressful," You finish his thought, filling him with pride at your intuitiveness. "And divorce isn't legal in Japan, so these people are just stuck in loveless marriages. How awful! Why would any demon do this, just toy with people's hearts?"
"It would seem the children of these unions have been going missing," Rengoku reveals, suddenly turning serious. "It's possible one of the reasons is to cultivate a lasting food source." You were horrified, to say the least. Interfering with the hearts of men, eating children? Just how evil was this demon? "Don't fret, my dear," His voice suddenly pulled you out of your thoughts, charming and full of tender confidence. "Together, you and I will slay this demon and free this village from its torment."
"And what about the couples affected by it?" You asked quietly, thoughts flooding back in quicker than he could dispel them.
"We can only hope that they'll genuinely fall in love through bonding over their shared experience." His smile faded a bit upon realizing he couldn't fully put you at ease, but was somewhat relieved when you asked a slightly unrelated question.
"So, how will we know when we find this demon or their work?" You asked curiously, tilting your head up at him again. This time, not only did his heart skip a beat, but he also felt heat pool in his belly. It must be some sort of anxiety for the battle ahead, he decided.
"Rumor has it that the demon puts off a distinct smell that's been likened to sugared flower-" Suddenly, he paused, pale as he swallowed dryly. "Petals..." How could he be so naive? That heavenly aroma was never a new type of pastry sold at the market. He'd lead you both into a trap. "Plug your nose, now."
You stiffened as his tone suddenly turned sharp and you wondered if you'd angered him, raising your hand to cover your nose with your haori sleeve. "Mr. Rengoku is everything-"
"Hold your breath." His command killed the words on your lips and you sucked in a deep breath, holding it in your cheeks as you followed him into the village.
Rengoku's mind raced. Had the power already begun to take effect, or did he have time? Was there an antidote or some way to dull the reaction? In the back of his mind, he knew it was too late, he could smell it for miles back, God knows how long you'd both been exposed. A tug at his sleeve stopped him dead in his tracks and his thoughts shattered like glass. Looking back at you stalled him like a car with a ruined transmission.
You looked like an absolute mess. Cheeks red and burning, eyes tired and submissive with brows knitted upwards. Had your lower face not been obscured, he would have seen the drool dripping down your chin.
"S-Sir, I don't feel well..." You confessed timidly, hoping he wouldn't look down on you too harshly. Instead, he softened, pulling you close with a hand on the small of your back, pushing his needs aside in favor of yours. "You're going to be just fine, my dear, I swear it." He reassured though he wasn't sure if even he believed it to be true.
He led you through the bustling market, expertly dodging pedestrians and obstacles alike, before pulling you into an alleyway to explain things more privately. "Don't be alarmed, everything will be alright." He started, resting you against the wall. "I believe we've been poisoned by the demon's scent, but rest assured, my intentions are pure." Nothing could have possibly made you think otherwise, you were so enchanted with him. "I fear this reaction could have dire consequences for us if we don't find a way to satiate it, but I swear to you, I will not waiver in my convictions. You are safe with me."
He almost seemed stressed, trying to convince you that he was trustworthy. You never would have thought otherwise, but it seemed like he was losing trust in himself. The longer he looked at you, the worse he ached. You looked positively disheveled, breath ragged, hair beginning to fall from your pin. He couldn't stop himself from wondering how much more of a mess he could turn you into.
You began to grow disappointed with his rocksteady refusal to give in. A part of you was excited by the situation, by the thought of the object of your admiration claiming you in a dark alleyway, feet away from civilization. Another part of you worried that suggesting you satiate the need might make you look cheap to him. None of it mattered, though, because he had already began to run on fumes, his body inching closer before his mind could tell it to stop.
His lips crashed to yours like a speeding car, all firey need and firm pressure. Before you could pull him closer, he tore away from you, wiping your taste from his mouth. "F-Forgive me, my dear!" He stammered, horrified with himself for giving in so easily. "M-My body reacted on instinct, it won't happen again!" He swore, beginning to tremble. Your response made his blood run cold, blazing eyes becoming even more owlish.
"It won't...?" Your tone dripped with sugar and disappointment, only one of which he'd normally seek out in you, but in this moment, both tasted the same. "If we've been put under the demon's influence, does that not make us...matched?"
"Matched?" He repeated dumbly, despite knowing all too well what the word entailed. He wanted to hear you explain it.
"If this demon matches individuals together for marriage and conception via this sweet smell..." You trailed almost seductively. "And the pair of us have been exposed, and are only in need of one another, does that not stand to reason that...we have been matched together?"
"I-I suppose it does," He admitted, swallowing dryly. "But we are here to slay the demon, not fall under its enchantment."
You carefully pushed away from the wall, leaning against his chest for support, prompting him to wrap you up in his embrace for the sake of your stability. "Are you not enchanted?" You whisper, dazed and desperate.
"I-I am." He trembled, holding you tight to his chest. "But enchantment be damned, I would never force myself upon you for any reason."
"What if I asked you to?" You giggled drunkenly, nuzzling into his uniform.
"A-Asked me to do what, my dear?" He swallowed, already knowing what you'd say. He desperately tried to convince himself to hold steadfast, that you were unconsenting to his whims, but how could he go on when you were throwing yourself at him?
"Take me, Kyojuro." You cooed, calling him out by name for the very first time. The way his given name rolled off your tongue sent shivers down his spine and he could no longer deny the inevitable.
"M-My dear, you mustn't tempt me..." He warned lowly, bushy brown twitching with restraint. "I-I may not be able to resist you much longer."
"I'm counting on it," You confessed, leaning up and pressing a gentle kiss to his Adam's apple. The moment your lips graced his skin, his resolve gave way like unsteady ground and you were pressed against the wall again. One shaky hand held your chin still and the other dove for your belt, eager to unobscure your lower half to the cold night air.
Hardly any words were spoken between the two of you, but there was a silent understanding between you both as he shimmied your uniform trousers down, your hands pawing at this belt buckle all the while. The moment was clumsy and escalated to a fever pitch almost immediately, but it was also passionate and driven by something other than the toxin in the air- something mutual that had always been there.
Once your trousers were far enough down your thighs where he could access you, and his erection was free, he immediately hoisted you up against the wall, holding you there with his upper body strength alone, pressing your knees into your collarbone. The ache in your core became soothed instantly when he came into contact with it, spit-slicked fingers coaxing it gently before briefly dipping inside. His fingers parted inside you, in a vain attempt to prepare you for breach.
Within minutes, Rengoku was sinking into you, a soft, almost pained sigh escaping him as his forehead dropped to rest on your shoulder. Like an antidote, the soreness inside you was eased, massaged away by his tedious pace and hot, breathy praise. "D-Divine..." He murmured into the cook of your neck, bottoming out time after time, patiently working a rhythm into motion.
He was so much more than you'd imagined, in all ways. Longer, thicker, gentler, more passionate. Nothing could have ever prepared you to finally have him in all his desperate glory, but here you were, trapped between him and a hard place with nowhere you'd rather be.
You couldn't think on that in the moment, though, too overwhelmed by the feeling in your hypersensitive state. Just his steady pace was enough to drive you both mad, whispering near silent worship to each other, hooked together like puzzle pieces. He held you so close, you felt like one being, as his hips lazily rolled into yours, not needing more than that to come close.
Judging by the tension leading up to this moment, you'd imagined he'd ravage you right there in the alleyway, but that isn't what happened. When Rengoku claimed you, he did it as softly as he could, his touch filled with affection and care, as if he were handling a glass figuring, centuries old. The throws of passion overwhelmed you so much that, you hardly even noticed when his tenderness had brought you to the edge, pushing you into the void with a sweet kiss and a whispered "I love you, my dear."
Sensing your undoing by how tightly you constricted him, his eyes squeezed shut, quivering lips peppering kisses to what little of your neck was exposed, repeating his confession however many times he felt it needed to be said. He never ceased his romantic chant as he stalled inside you, spilling what all he had to give, hips straining to keep moving, as if driven by the carnal need to plant life.
After the pair of you were spent, he continued to hold you just like that, reluctant to withdraw from you for fear that the fertilization may not take. Afterward, though, Rengoku began to feel the fog clear from his mind, plastering a confident smile on his face as he gently set you down and helped you redress. Now that he'd faced this hurdle, he was confident that slaying this demon would be easy. It was the consequences of the spell which would be challenging, or so he thought.
"Kyo," You called sweetly from the garden of his family home, led down the pathway by his sweet younger brother. Rengoku beamed at you, returning home from another long mission to his beautiful wife on maternity leave. Your belly was round and full and your gait was reduced to an unsteady waddle, but luckily, Senjuro was unwilling to leave your side until his brother was there to relieve his duties.
"My match," He cooed, dropping his sword and bag to run to you, happily peppering kisses on your face. "You're positively glowing, how are you?"
"I'm wonderful, darling, how are you?" You answered sweetly, pecking his cheek.
"Over the moon," He replied, crouching down to press a kiss to your swollen tummy. "How is our little flame?"
"Never better, thanks to Sen," You laugh lighthearted, reaching out to the boy, who had stepped away, pulling him into your side. "He's taken good care of me since you've been away."
"Have you, now?" Rengoku's eyes lit up even further, standing to place a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You're growing into a fine young man, Senjuro."
The boy's timid features softened at your combined praises, and he pressed his face into your stomach, hugging you both tightly. "I can't wait to meet my niece..."
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whosbloom · 1 day
Peter Maximoff » Movie Marathon
day 2 of flufftober
⋆.˚ summary: while in the middle of a horror movie marathon, Peter finds himself blurting out a confession
⋆.˚ fluff , mutual pining , horrible confession , we’ll pretend the movies line up with the canon time-line
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“I am so ready for this!” Peter exclaimed as he plopped onto the couch next to you, a bowl of popcorn in one arm and a soda in the other.
You both had agreed to watch a bunch of movies instead of going out for Halloween—not because you didn’t want too, but mostly because guys were struggling to settle on just one duo costume to decide on.
“I can tell, you got the DVDs, right?” You asked with a raised brow, reaching over and grabbed a bit of popcorn, only for him to swat away your hand. “One, save it for the movie. Two, yes I did. And trust me, I paid this time.
He flashed you a knowing smile as he put his things down on the coffee table and walked over to the TV, sitting down on the floor and shuffled through the many movies he had brought over.
“Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, I got the good stuff.” He turned back to you, holding up a few of them with a smile. “You get first pick.”
You nodded and moved off the couch to pick a DVD, before settling on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
“I bet you’re gonna chicken out after two movies.” You smiled and put the movie into the player, moving quickly to settle back on the couch, curling up under a blanket and pointed back towards the light switch. “Cut the lights for me?”
Within a second the lights were off and he was next to you, an arm thrown across the back of the couch and the blanket draped across both of you. “I’m not gonna get scared, y’know. I’m not a wuss.”
He nudged your side, smiling lightly before grabbing the TV remote, finally starting the movie. He grabbed the bowl of popcorn and placed it between the two of you, already stuffing his face before anyone even showed up on screen.
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Four movies in and Peter had been curled up into your side, a hand covering his face while he just barely peaked through his fingers.
“Who watches this stuff? It’s messed up!” He whined and buried his face back into your neck, the warmth of his breathing tickling your skin.
“I told you.. wuss.” You chuckled under your breath, listening as he grumbled and shook his head, before lifting it and peered down at you.
“This is not how I planned it, at all! I wanted to be the one holding you and making sure you’re not scared.” He blurted out quickly, not fully realizing what he was saying.
You were about to respond when he found himself cutting you off and saying way more than he even wanted to.
“I wanted to impress you, y’know? I wanted to be this tough guy, who can handle these movies, I wanted you to be attracted to that and then maybe feel the same way I do.”
He huffed and ran his hands over his face, leaning back against the cushions of the couch, shaking his head.
“You.. wanted me to feel the same way?” You questioned quietly, taking a glance at the TV, before turning back to him.
He hesitantly looked at you, feeling his face grow flush as he nervously and awkwardly sat there, his hands dropping into his lap. “Maybe.” He shrugged, looking like he was getting ready to leave.
“Peter, I do feel the same way. I hope that’s what you mean and I’m not reading it wrong, at least. But I like you. Too. I like you too.” You blurted out, turning away as you marched his awkward demeanor.
He took a moment to process your words, glancing between his hands and you.
“Can I kiss you then?” He looked at you fully, a hopeful smile on his lips.
“How about not when someone is being murdered on the TV?”
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tags: @lemoniiiiiii , @jazz-berry , @xrag-dollx (lemme know if you wanna be tagged !!”
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miyukisu · 1 day
I Might Bite .ᐟ
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❤︎ | Resorting to dirty measures like biting your superior during sparring usually doesn't end without you having a taste of your own medicine... (2.6k wc) ╰ feat. Hoshina Soshiro (Kn8) x afab! reader
kinktober entry no. 2 | kinktober masterlist
tags - subordinate! reader, biting, marking, spanking, pussy slaps, humiliation & punishment, Hoshina's kinda mean, fingering, p in v, creampies, swearing
minors do not interact
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The recent uptick of kaiju attacks over the city has every member of the JAKDF on edge. No one knows when the next attack is coming or if they'll live to see their next birthday. The atmosphere in the Tachikawa base specifically felt odd. Most were hopeless, but then there was you.
You weren't the strongest by any means, but you believed that if it came to being persistent—you'd be the best. It showed; after all, you trained your ass off even in your off hours.
There were times you bled and shed a tear, but you never stopped. Your fellow officers often told you to slow down. But there was one person who always watched from the sidelines—silently observing how you improved every night that you would sneak away into the training rooms.
It was none other than your superior, Hoshina Soshiro.
The vice captain didn't seem all too interested to be invested in the lives of the officers. Frankly, he had better things to do. But the rookie that worked themselves to the bone had successfully caught his eye. There was something about them that reminded him of himself. In many ways, he was drawn to that fiery spirit.
Not a lot of recruits had your determination and he was more than willing to foster that. What kind of vice captain would he be if he didn't help you in honing your skills?
You stared, dumbfounded, at the fox eyed man in front of you.
"Ya heard me right the first time," he insisted.
You gulp down. "Well... I'm certainly not going to refuse your offer, sir. I was just making sure I understood what you said."
"I told ya—I'll help ya train every night. I meant it."
Finding out that your superior knew you have been violating the curfew had you expecting the worst. But Hoshina's reaction was rather unforeseen.
Instead of making you run laps or do cleaning duty—he offered to train with you during your night sessions. It made sense; training with someone better than you would allow you to improve at faster speeds. The choice was a no-brainer.
"Alright... thank you, sir."
Hoshina simply nodded before walking away from you, satisfied that you were cooperative with his ideas.
He turns around with a small smile. "Yes?"
"When do we start?"
"Have ya skipped a day before?"
"...No, not really."
His smile widens. "Ya have yer answer then."
Labored breaths filled the training room—though, most of it came from you. Hoshina barely broke a sweat throughout your entire sparring session. It wasn't shocking anymore at this point.
You estimate that it's already about two weeks since he has started joining you in your training. Not once have you won against him.
At first, it felt quite motivating—knowing that you had so much to improve. But as days go by, it becomes depressing how you can never even land a good hit on him.
You weren't fit to face a kaiju with how things stand and it crushed your once blazing spirits.
With your chest heaving and your vision blurring, you continued to anticipate his next move. You figured he'd at least cut you some slack after seeing the massive difference in skill, but he was merciless. You didn't even fight back as he tackled you to the ground.
Hoshina Soshiro wasn't just talented with a blade, but also with his bare hands. Who would have thought he knew grappling as well? He easily put you in a rear naked choke and you felt your airway quickly constrict.
He taught you that if you couldn't even handle basic hand-to-hand combat—then you'd be nothing doing anything else. Besides, before ending your session with the usual bare knuckled fighting, he trained you with swords and other weapons... in which you couldn't beat him in either.
Going up against him was futile. You absorbed his teachings like a sponge, but when it came to applying them—all hope is lost.
You were going to pass out soon; you could feel it.
Despite telling yourself that you'd always fight fair and square—you realized that this wasn't the time to be righteous. Virtues, principles—whatever the fuck it is—chucked out the window.
You bit down on his arm—hard. Did you draw blood? Perhaps. But that hardly mattered to you. He finally let go, failing to defeat you completely. Hoshina hissed, checking out the fresh wound you gave him.
Neither could you move or speak. In fact, you kept your back leaning on his chest. Doing anything other than breathing was a bit too much at the moment.
"Ya play dirty, don'cha?" he whispered darkly into your ear.
The thickness and intimidation laced in his voice was enough to reinvigorate your entire being. You took the deepest breath possible before peeling yourself off of him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"
"Of course ya didn't mean ta do that, right?" he cuts you off, lifting you off of the ground with his impressive strength.
"What shall I ever do with ya? Li'l thing bitin' her superior."
You could only stutter out a pathetic apology as he carries you in his arms.
"Nah, don'cha apologize now. Ya must be sick of me treatin' ya like a ragdoll hm?"
He was right, of course. But you weren't about to admit that to him.
Hoshina carried you over to the side of the room where the long metal bench was. Even out of fighting, he continued to treat you like a doll with the way you effortlessly flipped you over. Your stomach pressed against his lap with one of his hands resting on your nape.
You weren't sure where his other hand was, but you soon found out... the hard way.
A sharp slap made its way to your ass. It had you sucking in more air than usual.
"Not even a single yelp huh? Think ya can handle more? Ya need to be punished after all."
Another slap and then another on the other cheek. Tears were starting to brim in your eyes. With the next slap, you finally yelped in pain. Hearing your sharp breaths, he caressed your poor behind in a soothing manner.
"Think ya've repented enough?"
God, you didn't want to sound weak, but a few sniffles escaped you. His question racked your brain, yet not a single good answer came for it. It was a trap and he was steadily luring you in.
You figured—silence was the best response. However, that pissed off the vice captain even more. Hoshina let out a long and deep sigh. He didn't want to do this; he swears. But you just had to push his buttons.
"Not speakin' huh? How many times will ya disrespect yer superior after I've been kind enough ta be trainin' ya every night?"
If you've learned one thing about him these past few sessions—it was that he never gave you time to react. Only now, you're discovering that it applies to things apart from fighting as well.
He slid you off his lap without warning. Soon as you flipped yourself over, the vice captain was already hovering over you with a stern expression on his face.
He inched closer, slowly but steadily. His eyes never left yours and it seemed to have you in a trance because you failed to realize how he had already caged you between his thick arms.
"Sir..." you managed to say between shaky breaths.
"So you can speak?"
Your eyes finally stray from his face, feeling flustered by the proximity.
"Ya should use that mouth of yers fer talkin' —not fer bitin' ," he said. He leaned in to the point that you felt the warmth of his breath against your neck. It was tantalizing—almost paralyzing. "I think ya should get a taste of yer own medicine," he added.
No time was given to protest as he sunk his sharp teeth into your neck. You gasp, hands finding purchase on his arms. He suckled on the tender skin, sure to leave a mark that you'd have to cover up in the morning.
Then another bite came. Your fingers dug into his flesh. It was painful, but oddly arousing. The intoxicating scent he radiated coupled with his fine looks were a recipe for disaster. But the only one being ruined was you.
Perhaps he felt satisfied after two bites, settling on wet kisses scattered on your neck instead. He kept getting lower and lower until he was met with a barrier.
"Lemme get this out of the way, a'ight?" he says before gripping the soft fabric of your black tanktop—ripping it apart. He smirked at the sight, a flimsy lacey bra.
He pushed it up before smashing his face down on your chest, sucking and lightly biting at a sensitive bud. Your hands went from his biceps to his hair, almost pulling out the strands from the roots.
He bit, tugged, and marked you all over again—like he was staking claim. Hoshina made sure to give attention to the other one as well, sucking on the swell of your breast while using his fingers to toy with the other.
Truth be told, he was too excited and immersed in devouring you that he only now became aware of your sounds. It was delightful to say the least. It made him smile as he nipped at the sensitive flesh.
You began to arch your back, needing more of him. But he took this as a sign to go even lower, planting more kisses that trailed down your stomach. He was giving you whiplash with the alternating softness and harshness of his touch.
He looked up at you and saw your dazed expression, unable to even look back at him. This was fine; this was the only time he'd permit a subordinate not looking him in the eye.
For once, you were able to catch your breath and make sense of it all. You returned your gaze to the man above you. He was hovering over you again, looking down with a feral glare. His large hand gripped your thigh.
"Ya know... fer someone bein' disciplined... ya sure look like yer enjoyin' this."
"I'm not," you retorted. But both of you knew the truth.
"Ya challengin' me? Let's see then, shall we?"
He made quick work of the zipper on your pants before pulling it down and throwing it off to God knows where. His eyes opened slightly, zeroing on the damp patch on your panties. Of course, he was right.
"Would ya look at that—yer pussy's all soaked from that. How naughty."
"I... I... um..."
He huffed. "Ya what?"
Slap. He had slapped your pussy. The stinging sensation had you arching your back off of the cold metallic surface of the bench. A soft groan fell from your lips.
He landed another slap. "Look at how wet ya are right now. Ya shouldn't have lied huh?"
As if to soothe you again, he began rubbing his thumb over your poor cunt. "Didn't mean ta make her cry."
Hoshina smirked at his own joke—because who else would appreciate it? Definitely not you; you were too fucked out to even catch everything that he's saying.
He hooked a finger in the gusset before pulling your panties out of the way. The sight of your dripping cunt made his dick twitch. He had already been especially frustrated this week and the cute little subordinate he trained every night wasn't helping. Her little stunt was essentially the final nail in the coffin.
There was nothing else he wanted more but to fuck you senseless already. But he was a refined man; he had patience.
Hoshina pushed in two digits at first and it almost made him shudder with how tight and warm you were. Patience be damned; he was crumbling all too quickly for his liking.
"Fuck... yer suckin' it in."
A string of soft moans left you. It was music to his ears and he wanted it to be louder.
He began fucking his fingers into you at a faster pace. The muscles of his arm tensed and the veins on his forearm were popping out. A loud and vulgar moan reverberated through the training room. You could only hope that everyone in the base was asleep because there was no way you could be quiet with what he's doing to you.
You tightened around his fingers before unravelling completely. Your pussy fluttered, cumming on to his fingers shamelessly. It almost felt like a task to him—only getting it out of the way to get to the main event.
Hoshina pulled out his fingers, sucking them clean. He would have loved to get a taste of it on his tongue, but all restraint had been lost. He had to sheath himself in you or else he'd actually lose it.
"Take a deep breath for me, a'ight?" he says while unzipping his pants, only barely pulling out his leaking cock from its confines.
Maybe you should have listened because the sudden intrusion of his cock knocked the air out of your lungs. It filled you up nicely, hitting every spot with just one fluid motion.
He groans, throwing his head back in ecstasy. His fingers were practically white with how hard he gripped the bench supporting the both of you.
"Coulda fought me with this instead. Maybe ya coulda won," he teased. He began slowly fucking into you, perhaps a reprieve after his previous actions.
Your hands held on to his back, softly digging your nails into the chiseled flesh. A satisfied groan poured from his smiling lips.
The string of moans coming from you urged him to go faster. He had enough of being slow and soft. He snapped his hips at a maddening pace almost immediately. Your leg fell of the bench, hanging off and allowing him deeper access into you.
He never faltered for a second—even as he leaned down to leave marks on your neck again. You held him closer to you as if you never wanted him to leave... and he wasn't; at least, not until you've cum all over his cock.
His ragged breaths filled your ear as he continued to rut into you. Hoshina was tough, ruthless, and precise—much like on the battlefield.
A familiar clench squeezed his dick. "Ya close? Ya gonna cum on my cock? C'mon, do it," he goaded.
His thumb began circling your swollen clit. After holding on to the cold bench for a while, his touch felt freezing. The warmth you felt inside contrasted with the cold touch of his thumb. The sensation was almost numbing with how good it felt.
"Wanna cum with me? How romantic of ya," he teased again. "Fuck... I'm cummin' —take it all. This is still part of yer punishment. Got that?"
You responded with a breathless moan. That was all it took before hot ropes of cum filled you. The warmth seemed to push you over the edge as well, milking him for all he's worth. And like he said—it would be romantic. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"Ya learned yer lesson yet?" he asked, but not before capturing your wet lips in a kiss.
Hoshina let a shaky breath out as he pulled away. He knew it would be good, but he wasn't expecting for it to be this good.
"Shit... was only plannin' one round. Guess it wouldn't hurt ta discipline ya more."
He lazily rubbed his still hard cock. "C'mon, get on all fours fer me and I might not make ya run laps in morning's training." He watched intently as you followed, lining up his dick against your entrance. It was going to be a long night.
"Good fuckin' girl."
©miyukisu do not repost/reupload/translate any of my works on other platforms
╰ author's note slightly longer I guess because I like Hoshina more lol
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elsecrytt · 2 days
Kinktober - Day 2
Aftercare | Blood Play | Harem
Warnings: noncon, captivity, torture/bad bdsm etiquette.
You didn’t ask for this. You don’t even want to be here. They’d drugged you and chained you up, gagged you when you talked back.
Both of them. Sure, Geto was the obvious one in charge; explaining the “rules of your new life” with his excuses of your protection and him and his lover’s well-being. But Gojo was absolutely complicit – he’d stood there the whole time, smiling and chiming in and nodding along with it, as if Geto weren’t speaking straight nonsense.
At least, you’d thought it was nonsense. Until the first displays of their powers. Gojo’s little light shows, his magic forcefield trick. It’s awe-inspiring, the way watching a movie would be. Even when he takes you out to some secluded countryside area and tears it up, it doesn’t feel real – not with his bright hair and dimpled smile shining at you alongside the devastation.
Geto, though, Geto does something you can feel. You don’t see it – apparently non-sorcerers can’t see them – but he lets them touch you.
“It won’t hurt you,” He coos as you flinch away form the weird sensation, “I have it under control. Just hold still.”
You’d realized, later, that the words were more for Gojo’s benefit than your own. Gojo’s fingers twitch as he watches, genuinely nervous, and that makes you more nervous than the strange pressure trailing over your arms, legs, chest. Something wet and slimy flicks over your throat and Geto has to hold Gojo back with a laugh.
Maybe being a non-sorcerer is a good thing. Maybe it would be, if Geto weren’t convinced it made you an invalid. Unable to make your own decisions. At the whims of people like him and Gojo, powerful people, who knew better.
They talk about Jujutsu Society, about the “Higher-ups”, about a cleansing and a revolution. None of it makes any sense to you.
And it doesn’t need to. No, all they want you to understand is that you’re the missing piece they never realized they needed. All you need to know is that you’re with them, now, and you’re free to do for them what you’ve done for Gojo so many times before.
That’s the only thing you need to do, actually. No more going out, no more job, no more clients (Geto says it like they’re doing you a favor). Just them.
You thought they’d get bored of you blatantly ignoring them. They seem surprised you’re not jumping to fuck them both after they assaulted you and now are keeping you captive.
“Come on, do it again,” Gojo whines, like you’re a vending machine he wants an extra treat out of, “Just like before! Suguru’s here, too, it’s just a different place. This is nicer, isn’t it?”
Your comment that it would be even nicer to not have your hands in chains was met with laughter, mostly from Geto.
“He doesn’t do it like you,” The complaint comes, but it’s clipped, interspersed with a glance at Geto, who’s stony-faced. “Do it with us.”
Unsurprisingly, that doesn’t convince you to fuck him.
So they go at it on their own. You get a firsthand seat to Geto’s repugnant BDSM etiquette. There’s no checks, no shows of affection, you’re pretty sure there’s not really a safe word, either.
All the while, Geto steals little smirks at you. Tiny glances. Gojo doesn’t so much steal them as seizes them in broad daylight, pouting at you with a half-bitten lip and those pretty eyes.
You think you know what he’s getting at. He’s not doing it right, blatantly ignoring all the advice you’d given him before – before they lost their fucking minds – no check-ins, no kisses or praise, nothing to make it feel more like sex and less like domestic violence.
He must figure that if you’re watching him mess up, you’ll be compelled to speak out. And he’s right.
Even as much as you despise Gojo for putting you in this situation… you took pride in being a dominant partner. It was an honor to have someone so thoroughly entrust their being to you, and you did everything you could to be worthy of that trust.
Gojo trusted you like that, once. You suppose he still does, and that’s why you’re here.
Watching Geto stomp all over it? Bend Gojo over, fuck him dry and raw, snarling into his ear how much he’s a whore who likes being watched, getting fucked, getting ruined as a whore like him deserves –
Geto draws blood.
You wouldn’t do that outside the most careful, pre-planned scenarios, only very lightly –
Geto slaps him, hard, you hear a crack that sounds like something desperately important.
He raises Gojo up by the hair, face bloodied and already bruising, lips pulled into a smile, “Yeah? That all you got?”
 This isn’t okay. This really isn’t okay. They’re both fucked up, they’re both insane, but you watch Geto’s hands grow bloodier and Gojo’s pretty white hair stain red and you can’t help yourself, just like Geto wanted –
“For fuck’s sake, you’re hurting him! Can’t you tell you need to stop? Just because he’s getting off doesn’t mean he can keep going!” You’d watched Gojo throw up when he came back from a session with Geto, oblivious to his own body’s reactions.
So many people don’t know their own limits. It’s the responsibility of the one in charge to set a hard stop when it’s needed.
Only Geto must not have wanted you to intervene at all. You watch his eyes darken with something terrible, his fist closing in Gojo’s hair as he slams that pretty face straight into the concrete floor, hard enough to make you shriek.
All that comes from Gojo is an ugly, heartrending crack.
Did he fucking kill him?
You’re shaking, even though you don’t realize it. Geto’s eyes don’t leave yours.
Gojo gets up. His face is covered in red, but otherwise unharmed. He’s smiling, the redness stark against the white of his teeth, his hair. Eyes blue and bright and far too wide.
“See, he’s fine,” Geto drones, low and vicious, “You think you know him? Better than I do? You’re not even willing to give him what he needs.”
That’s only the beginning of it.
They do get off, on some level, to fucking in front of you. That’s for sure. Geto likes to say you could join, have in on the fun whenever you wanted, like you were just a frustrated child refusing to play. Gojo dismisses any protests and goes on as normal – ready to be a brat, to beg or plead as appropriate.
It’s more unsettling how normal they act about it. How unaware they are. You can’t just beat a man and expect him to be okay because it makes him hard. You’ve told both of them that before, exasperated, and maybe you should have been a little more worried when they laughed it off.
But when Geto let you “show him” it seemed to be going so well. You guiding his hand against Gojo, tempering his strikes, petting Gojo’s hair as he took it, calling him your good boy after Geto told him he was a filthy slut.
It was hot. You’d liked it! Consented to it, even! Gojo would eat you out while Geto fucked him, and Geto didn’t hesitate to manhandle his lean body to get face-to-face to kiss you. He would cup your face, kiss your cheeks, look at you with those hooded eyes and that subtle smirk – and god, you were no masochist, but you knew why Gojo got on his knees for this man.
Back then, you thought he was normal. Just a man going a bit too far with a brat who usually had it coming. You’d seen the bruises, but you had no idea the violence that hid behind that gentle face. He’d been tender with you, careful, even, exuding a smug confidence that worked so well for a dom. You remember thinking he had potential.
Now, he just seems terrifying.
Geto’s so-called sorcery is invisible, at least to you, but you’re starting to think that makes it worse.
There’s something cold and slick that wraps around your body, your mouth, and you can’t see it but it’s holding fast to you anyways. You can’t even scream. Can’t even tell him to stop.
There’s so much of that noise. That sickening crack that has to be bone splintering.
Gojo will be okay. He’s always okay after this. He’s not okay no one here is okay nothing about this is fucking OKAY.
(Maybe it’s his own mind that Geto is stomping to bits, maybe his heart, his sanity. Maybe he was cracked to begin with, to let any of this happen.)
“Tell her how much you like it,” Geto snarls, “Tell her you want more!”
Gojo doesn’t want more, there’s no way he wants more. His body quivers, erratically, at random intervals. Legs barely holding him up – Geto’s hand in his hair does most of the work there – but he smiles at you as he says what Geto tells him to.
His cheeks are blushing, every bit the bashful maiden except for the dark purpling swell on his cheek.
HIs cock is red and painful looking at this point, splotchy with release and punishment alike. Geto reaches at it, tugs it, pulling broken whines from his raw throat – but his eyes never leave yours.
“I love it, I love it so much, r-really,” Gojo says, stuttering as Geto jerks him lazily, shoving him forward onto his hands and knees and spreading his beaten ass again, “F-fuck, Geto, fuck me – more – please, more please please Geto please – ”
All intelligible speech is lost as Geto drives into him, the hand on his head shoving his face down into the floor. Geto barely bends over, barely looks at him, eyes straight on you.
Like he’s daring you to contradict him. Gojo can barely hold himself up. Gojo, who cried when you hit him too many times without cooing praise in between. Gojo who flushed so pretty when you choked him and chased your lips as soon as you let him up for breath in thanks. Gojo who wanted you to kiss every bruise right after.
That Gojo is getting fucked within an inch of his life, now, mercilessly, ruthlessly. You’re forced to watch, unable to look away. He begs for it, begs to cum, and he does – but not before Geto.
Geto who fucks him while he looks at you, this is mine, he is mine, he loves me, can’t you see? can’t you see he belongs to me? he’ll love me no matter what, and a million emotions swirl in your chest.
Curdled arousal rotting to a sliver, because he’s beautiful, he is, Gojo is always beautiful, even more when he’s ruined. Geto is handsome in his own right and he spits just the sort of degrading stuff you’d be into, but – but you could never –
There’s no softness there, no safety, no warmth or affection or anchor to hold onto. Gojo and Geto are both lost in their own intensity, in the point they’re trying to prove I love you Geto, I love you so much, I love everything you do, I don’t love her more just because I want her, and Prove it prove it PROVE YOU LOVE ME prove you’ll never leave me no matter what –
Sick and sickening to each other, carving hollows in one another’s hearts. Geto gets his release and spills inside him with a groan – it’s the only time he looks away from you.
He stares, for a moment, at Gojo panting and sweating beneath him, before he pulls back.
Geto leaves him like that. On the cold hard floor, to think about what he’s done, the filthy slut, does he think anyone would treat him better, knew him better, trembling and bleeding in a pitiful heap. Whatever Geto had on you releases you, though it’s cold comfort with the door locked and Gojo here. Even in this condition, he’s stronger than you.
It’s a while before Gojo can pull himself up to his arms. Little noises of genuine discomfort escaping him as his aching limbs force themselves into action. He looks up at you with eyes glazed over. Face half-blank. You’d known he must have had a panic attack at some point, probably threw up in his own mouth.
Whatever he sees in your eyes, he stares for a few minutes, and then starts to blink away tears.
You fucking hate this. You hate Geto and you hate Gojo and you know that Gojo is a willing participant here, he’s keeping you prisoner right along with Geto, in fact he’s stronger than Geto is and he could make this stop at any time –
But something in your chest is split open and bleeding. There’s a terror that haunts your bones from all those awful cracking noises. Watching him crumble beneath Geto, so willing and blissful and terrified. Twitching on the ground like some dying creature while Geto leaves him to rot.
Silent tears slip down your cheeks. You try not to think about it.
You open your arms wide. You try, very hard, not to think about what expression is on your face, what Gojo sees in you. What he thinks of this person he’s loved and captured and won’t release. What he thinks of the person he loved who left him here.
He falls into your embrace, wordless and heavy.
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beef-brisket · 3 days
✨️Moth!Adam Headcanons✨️
• Adam loves being taller. He rubs it in all of the Hotel members' faces. Especially Lucifer.
• While he likes having two sets of arms, he finds it annoying to buy shirts.
• He may have gotten some fashion inspiration from Val, but he makes it his own. He adds more leather, more chains and spikes.
• Finds himself wearing Angel's clothes more than his own. Especially his heels.
• when he's lying down on his stomach, he'll puff up the fluff around his neck and squishes his head into it. He falls asleep instantly.
• He knows Lucifer takes photos of him sleeping, he secretly loves it.
• His vision is really bad. He's smacked into so many things around the hotel that Charlie has gone out of her way to make sure the floor is clean at all times.
• Alastor randomly moves furniture so Adam walks into it.
• He split his head open three weeks after arriving at the hotel, he walked into a doorframe. He was running from Nifty.
• He was ranting to Lucifer about Nifty when he squeaked for the first time.
• Everyone tries to get Adam mad to hear him squeak.
• Being on edge around the Hotel members at the start of his stay made Adam depressed and anxious.
• Adam has glasses but refuses to wear them.
• Adam squeaks when he expresses any intense emotion. Whether he's frustrated, angry, happy or sad.
• He hated it at first but starts to tolerate it when Lucifer coos at him.
• Adam is the only one tall enough to get into Val's face. He's also the only one to beat the shit out of him.
• He perfers his moth wings over his angel wings.
• His eyes can get sore if he spends hours in direct light. When this happens, he gets migraines. He doesn't tell anyone.
• At first, his long tongue made him uncomfortable. Now, he really enjoys flustering people with it.
• He has two tongue piercings, one at the base and one closer to the tip.
• He can get so worked up that he can do nothing but squeak.
• Lucifer loves Adam's fluff and often shoves his hands in it to fluff it up.
• Adam loves to wear tops that show his pecks off. Lucifer loves it too.
• He also wears a chain that connects his nipple piercings.
• He stops wearing them around Lucifer because he pull on it. Hard.
• Charlie has him follow her around so he can reach all the high places. Lucifer loves watching how Adam and Charlie interact with each other. Adam goes into dad mode with her.
• Adam loves to annoy Lucifer. He smacks him with his large wings before drapping them over him.
• Lucifer is now head height to Adam's dick.
• He reaches hi mid-thigh when Adams wearing his heels.
• Adam often carries Lucifer in his lower set of arms.
✨️Adam and Angel Dust✨️
• Adam loves going to clubs with Angel, they get hit on all the time.
• They've done a few terf wars together.
• They steal eachothers clothes.
• Adam's tried some of Angels drugs. He had a great time but when he saw how disappointed Charlie was, he stopped.
• Adam has kicked Val's ass ob more than one occasion.
• Val tried to get him to film a fee videos with Angel. Adam's response was to burn the studio down. He managed to get Angel three weeks off work.
• He met Vox when he went to pick up Angel, once. He's been the only person he could see clearly because of his screen, he found himself unable to look away. Angel had to start dragging him.
✨️Adam and Hell✨️
• Adam doesn't hate Hell as much as he thought he would.
• Because he's a moth demon, no one recognizes him.
• He loves going for night flights. Sometimes Lucifer or Husk joins him.
• Adam often goes to Rosie to help make him clothes. He's still not really cool with her because of the last extermination, but he finds her sweet.
• Adam has gone on a few walks with Alastor. Fuckers still creepy but he doesn't hate talking with him. He especially loves it when people run from them
• He's saved a couple of sinners from random attacks.
• He loves the attention he gets because of his looks.
• He accidentally squeaked when a goat demon slapped his ass.
@fanofstuff01 @things-arent-what-they-seem66
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bpmiranda · 2 hours
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Won’t You Marry Me? (Hugh Jackman)
A/N: purely fictional, fluffy, mild smut, hugh x actress!reader, 25+ f!reader, established relationship, brief smut towards the end
The two of you starred in a romantic comedy together and though you weren’t each other’s love interest in the film, you certainly were off screen. It surprised almost everyone, but once they saw the chemistry between you, it made perfect sense. They wondered how it could be possible that you weren’t cast as the leading woman at the time, but it didn’t matter all that much to you because you came out the leading woman anyway.
Hugh was taken by your friendliness, the wonderful smile that was never missing from your face, your gentle yet animated hand gestures that he adored and made him grin when you were in conversation. “Sweetheart?” He said one afternoon as you were leaving the set together on your way to lunch. You turned to him with your signature smile and raised your eyebrows at him. “Won’t you marry me?” He asks suddenly and you grin.
“Hugh, we’ve only been seeing each other for two months.” You laugh lightly as you link your arm through his once you reach the lot.
“But will you?” He asks, kissing your temple gently as you reach his car and you shake your head at him. “Someday?” He asks, opening the passenger door for you and leaning his arms on it as he stares lovingly at you.
“Someday.” You grin up at him from your seat and that’s enough for him right now.
Your relationship reaches six months and you’re at the gym together because he’s training for the next X-Men film and you figured you could work out too so that you can still spend time together. You’re squatting with some thirty pound weights and Hugh’s taking a breather, drinking some water as he watches you and he sighs dreamily. You can’t help the grin on your face as you finish your reps and set the weights down. “Something on your mind?” You ask playfully as you look over at him with your hands on your hips.
“You should marry me.” He says, leaning against a wall as he takes in the sight of you and you’re aware that your hair is falling out of its bun and you’re all sweaty.
“Hugh,” You laugh, covering your face with one hand and shaking your head. “This certainly isn’t the time for that question.” You look back at him and he steps towards you with a little smirk.
“You should though.” He shrugs, closing the space between you and kissing you gently on the lips. You return the kiss, a hand on his sweaty, bare chest and you nod.
“I will, someday.” You promise, smiling sweetly up at him as you lean into his body. And Hugh murmurs a quiet ‘good’ as he kisses you again.
A year later, you are backstage of The Graham Norton Show where Hugh is appearing with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender. They are talking about certain new faces appearing in the X-Men franchise such as Nicholas Hoult and Jennifer Lawrence when your name suddenly comes up. “What about your lady love, Mr. Jackman? Could you get her to make an appearance or is she currently involved in a project?”
Hugh grins at the mention of you and he instinctively looks at the cameras, aware that you are watching on a screen somewhere backstage. “Unfortunately, I can’t get that woman to do a thing. It must all be on her accord.” He says, looking back at Graham and the others as they all share a laugh. “Very strong-willed lady, mine is, I can’t even get her to marry me.” The audience reacts in shock and Graham’s mouth falls open.
“No!” The show host exclaims dramatically and you can’t help laugh and roll your eyes at your boyfriend. “She won’t marry you?”
“Have you not gotten the correct ring?” James teases and Hugh laughs.
“I think I’ve just asked her so many times she thinks I’m joking.” Hugh grinned and Michael clapped his hands as he threw his head back in a fit of laughter. “No, seriously, I asked her two months into us dating, she said someday, and it’s been two years now.”
The audience laughed and Graham held up his hand in question. “Wait, so you really propose to her every other day just to see if her answer will change?”
“Mate, I asked her in the car on the way here.” Hugh jests, using his index finger to motion to the studio and the men erupt into laughter.
After that, you are pretty much constantly bombarded with queries about marriage and whether it is a path you and Hugh plan to take together in the future.
“Of course, I’d love to be married,” You laugh, shaking you head. You are doing a promotional interview for a new series you’re starring in and it is not long before your personal life is brought up which you are happy to speak about because you are an open book and have nothing to be secretive about.
The interview woman nods as she glances at her cards. “You and Hugh have been together for a little over three years now, is that correct?” She asks and you nod with a proud smile. “When do you think will be the right time?”
“There’s just so much keeping us apart with work right now that I think I would like to wait for a moment in our careers when we can be together daily so that we might be able to plan everything and, you know, spend time together after the engagement.” You say with small shrug and a shy smile. “Once we’re engaged, there’s no stopping that marriage carriage from rolling through.” You playfully rub at your belly which leads to you and the interviewer gushing happily as the conversation shifts to the topic of children and motherhood which is the subject of your upcoming series.
During filming for your show, you are forced to tap into the character of a young mother struggling to provide for her daughter without the help of a father figure and, though it is all for television entertainment, you find yourself contemplating the fact that some women don’t have the support of a husband when it comes to raising children. It makes you look at Hugh and strongly consider how you would feel about having children with him, and the idea thrills you. He would be the most reliable and devoted spouse, of that you have no doubts.
Late at night, when you’re tangled in each other’s arms, panting heavily underneath the bedsheets, you get the feeling that you’re ready. Lips and tongues intertwining with one another, teeth nipping tenderly at each other’s exposed flesh, and you feel so safe and loved. You’re so full and numb, gasping softly as Hugh moves within you slowly yet roughly. “C’mon, baby,” He breathes out, his forehead resting against yours as you rake your fingernails down his back. “You’re so close, I can feel it.”
“Hugh!” You whine, your thighs clench around his waist as the tension in your belly unravels and envelopes him in a wet and warm gush of release and he swears into the base of your neck, nipping at your collarbone as your orgasm drags him over the edge of his own.
His hands tangle in your hair as he’s caging you underneath him with his arms and he gently tucks your head into his chest as he finishes inside you. “Sh-shit!” He grunts, his cocks throbs with each spurt of his cum and his broad frame shudders above you as you kiss his neck and his jaw. “Oh, darlin’, I love you.” He says breathlessly and you smile up at him, moistening your dried out lips with the tip of your tongue before you speak.
“Hugh?” You say in a whispered voice and his dazed eyes fall into your blown out pupils.
“Yeah, baby?”
“It’s been a few days since you’ve asked me.” You point out and he grins at you. “You should ask me again.” You say as a warmth creeps onto your cheeks while he beams at you.
Hugh kisses you softly, exhaling through his nose as you return the gesture, you hands caressing his muscled back lovingly. His hazel eyes find yours again, searching your face for a moment, and then he easily reaches into the drawer of the nightstand with his long arm, making you laugh lightly. You hadn’t expected him to be this prepared. Hugh clears his throat as he hovers back over you, not having separated himself from within you, and he holds up the dainty gold band with a large diamond sparkling in your moonlit bedroom. “Will you marry me, sweetheart?”
With glossy eyes, you nod and press a loving kiss to his lips. “Yes, Hugh, I’ll marry you.”
Just a little mind blurb I simply had to expand on🙃
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12 @shybluebirdninja @iamburdened @pinkanonwriting @xxvendettaxx @throwmethroughawindow
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finelinevogue · 6 hours
Hi!! I would love a blurb for Azriel (ACOTAR) with 3 & 17 please ❤️ thank you!!!
hi!! of course🌟💖 az has such a soft place in my heart so i’m super excited to write more for him<3
am i allowed to miss you?
summary - azriel comes back from a mission and you’re not sure whether you’re allowed to miss him or not
pairing - azriel x new-mate!reader
Elain bursts through the library doors, looking for you.
“Is everything okay?” You asked, sitting up and closing your book to show attention to her.
“Azriel’s back.” She breathed out, pausing a moment to watch you digest the news before leaving you alone again.
Elain left the door open, allowing you to hear the commotion in the hallway of all your friends greeting Azriel a warm welcome home.
It took you just a moment, but you started to feel his presence beside you. You allowed that warm feeling within-side you to fester and grow, feeling an overwhelming amount of love and safety all at once.
It was the bond.
The new bond.
You and Azriel were only a few weeks mated, after only having courted for a few weeks before that. You couldn’t help but mate each other because of how strong your feelings were to one another. It just made sense.
However, a few days ago Azriel had to leave to go on a mission even though both of you were still reeling in the honeymoon phase of your newly mated lives.
Standing up, you brushed some crumbs off your dress skirt and breathed out shakily.
You were so nervous.
The pace at which you’d been with Az had been so fast that you were still a little unsure how you were supposed to feel. It wasn’t a conventional relationship, per say, but that didn’t mean what you felt for each other was any less real. You knew that. However, you worried.
Walking out of the library you rounded the corner to see everyone crowding Azriel.
Rhys ruffled his hair and Cassian was finishing squeezing him tight as if he’d been gone for 30 years not 30 hours.
You watched with a smile on your face.
Azriel hates being fussed over like he currently is being, so it’s a little funny to watch. He’s too polite to tell them to leave, or maybe a secret part of him actually likes it. Either way, you stand back and allow him to be fussed over.
“Anything to report back?” Rhys asked.
“Rhys, you sent me on a scouting mission to count how many cattle Beron has. Except from the number ‘73’, no. Nothing to report.” Azriel said in the most sarcastic way.
Feyre laughed at this, teasing Rhys over something so silly.
“Counting cattle? Whatever for?” Amren asked.
“I have my reasons.” Rhys blushed, seemingly embarrassed but everyone knew there must be a good reason behind it all. Rhys was respected enough by everyone not for anyone to question anything.
“Was one of those reasons keeping me from my mate?” Azriel asked.
It was then that you’d realised that you’d clearly missed something and Azriel appeared behind you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. His kissed the top of your head and held you close for a moment.
“More like to give us a break from you being with your mate.” Cassian grumbled.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Azriel questioned for you both.
“Umm…” Cassian blushed.
“What Cassian is trying to insinuate is that the walls are old and so the walls are thin. We can hear… everything.” Nesta suggested for her mate.
You muttered a curse to the Gods under your breath, turning beet red at Nesta’s comment.
Everyone else chuckled.
Azriel must have known that you were feeling embarrassed because the next thing you knew you were being swept up in his arms, being carried like a bride.
“Right. Y/N and I are leaving. You can count your own cattle from now on Rhysand. And as for you, Lord od Bloodshed, would you like me to tell everyone about the time I caught you in Nesta’s lingerie and not for a devious reason?”
“You little…” Cassian started to move forward but Azriel had disappeared, along with you, before he could get anywhere close.
You both appeared in his room, out of the shadows.
Azriel put you down on the bed, following you down so he was leaning over you.
“I’ve missed you so much.” Azriel said, kissing you deeply.
You followed his kisses, taking his lead and kissing as much as Azriel was giving. It was soft but at the same time urgent. Your fingers cupped his cheeks, attempting to keep him placed against you forever.
“Welcome home.” You said softly, kissing him once more.
Next thing you know he’s kissing your forehead, nose, chin and cheek. He kept going, moving down across your jaw and onto your neck.
“Did you miss me?” He asked, finding the spot on your neck that you loved him kissing and keeping there.
You didn’t respond to his question, pushing it off as distraction and not listening.
“Y/N?” He left the spot on your neck, moving his eyes until they caught your distanced ones. “Hey. Don’t get shy on me.”
“I’m not.”
“You seem… distracted.”
You watched his eyes assess your face for a long moment. His eyes swirled with a flurry of emotions and you could feel his concern within your own chest. You imagined that he could feel your anxiety in his.
“Am I…” You started then stopped.
Azriel didn’t push you or try and finish the question for you, instead he pushed himself off you and sat on the bed. He carefully took your hand and pulled you up too, not satisfied until he swung you across his lap and held you close.
One of Az’s hands intertwined with yours and you sat like this for a moment more. Enjoying being next to each other. Enjoying the overwhelming emotions settle down as your bond recognised your closeness.
“Am I allowed to miss you?” You asked, remaining looking at his hand rather than him.
“You… Why… Of course you can miss me, my love.” He kissed your forehead. “Why would you think not? Was it Cassian? I swear to….”
“No!” You exclaimed, looking at him then, “It wasn’t Cassian, no.”
“It’s just. Everything between us has happened so fast. I went from liking you, to loving you, to mating you all into the space of a month. I don’t feel like time exists and yet… I also feel like I don’t have the right to miss you so much that my heart physically aches after so little time.”
Azriel brings your tied hands up to his chest, leaving your hand to feel his heart beating.
“My heart physically ached too.” He gives you a soft smile.
“I did. I really did miss you.”
“I know. I know, because I felt the same way.” He gave you one loving kiss, “I don’t think it’s silly to worry over how quickly everything has shifted between us, and I do think that we feel right. I think we’re good. And we love each other enough to miss each other. So never worry about how you’re feeling, or if you’re feeling too much too soon - chances are I’m feeling it too.”
“Welcome home, Az.” You give him another kiss.
“Now let’s give Cassian something to groan about.” Azriel says before flipping you back on the bed.
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