beef-brisket · 3 days
✨️Moth!Adam Headcanons✨️
• Adam loves being taller. He rubs it in all of the Hotel members' faces. Especially Lucifer.
• While he likes having two sets of arms, he finds it annoying to buy shirts.
• He may have gotten some fashion inspiration from Val, but he makes it his own. He adds more leather, more chains and spikes.
• Finds himself wearing Angel's clothes more than his own. Especially his heels.
• when he's lying down on his stomach, he'll puff up the fluff around his neck and squishes his head into it. He falls asleep instantly.
• He knows Lucifer takes photos of him sleeping, he secretly loves it.
• His vision is really bad. He's smacked into so many things around the hotel that Charlie has gone out of her way to make sure the floor is clean at all times.
• Alastor randomly moves furniture so Adam walks into it.
• He split his head open three weeks after arriving at the hotel, he walked into a doorframe. He was running from Nifty.
• He was ranting to Lucifer about Nifty when he squeaked for the first time.
• Everyone tries to get Adam mad to hear him squeak.
• Being on edge around the Hotel members at the start of his stay made Adam depressed and anxious.
• Adam has glasses but refuses to wear them.
• Adam squeaks when he expresses any intense emotion. Whether he's frustrated, angry, happy or sad.
• He hated it at first but starts to tolerate it when Lucifer coos at him.
• Adam is the only one tall enough to get into Val's face. He's also the only one to beat the shit out of him.
• He perfers his moth wings over his angel wings.
• His eyes can get sore if he spends hours in direct light. When this happens, he gets migraines. He doesn't tell anyone.
• At first, his long tongue made him uncomfortable. Now, he really enjoys flustering people with it.
• He has two tongue piercings, one at the base and one closer to the tip.
• He can get so worked up that he can do nothing but squeak.
• Lucifer loves Adam's fluff and often shoves his hands in it to fluff it up.
• Adam loves to wear tops that show his pecks off. Lucifer loves it too.
• He also wears a chain that connects his nipple piercings.
• He stops wearing them around Lucifer because he pull on it. Hard.
• Charlie has him follow her around so he can reach all the high places. Lucifer loves watching how Adam and Charlie interact with each other. Adam goes into dad mode with her.
• Adam loves to annoy Lucifer. He smacks him with his large wings before drapping them over him.
• Lucifer is now head height to Adam's dick.
• He reaches hi mid-thigh when Adams wearing his heels.
• Adam often carries Lucifer in his lower set of arms.
✨️Adam and Angel Dust✨️
• Adam loves going to clubs with Angel, they get hit on all the time.
• They've done a few terf wars together.
• They steal eachothers clothes.
• Adam's tried some of Angels drugs. He had a great time but when he saw how disappointed Charlie was, he stopped.
• Adam has kicked Val's ass ob more than one occasion.
• Val tried to get him to film a fee videos with Angel. Adam's response was to burn the studio down. He managed to get Angel three weeks off work.
• He met Vox when he went to pick up Angel, once. He's been the only person he could see clearly because of his screen, he found himself unable to look away. Angel had to start dragging him.
✨️Adam and Hell✨️
• Adam doesn't hate Hell as much as he thought he would.
• Because he's a moth demon, no one recognizes him.
• He loves going for night flights. Sometimes Lucifer or Husk joins him.
• Adam often goes to Rosie to help make him clothes. He's still not really cool with her because of the last extermination, but he finds her sweet.
• Adam has gone on a few walks with Alastor. Fuckers still creepy but he doesn't hate talking with him. He especially loves it when people run from them
• He's saved a couple of sinners from random attacks.
• He loves the attention he gets because of his looks.
• He accidentally squeaked when a goat demon slapped his ass.
@fanofstuff01 @things-arent-what-they-seem66
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