#jess rambles about random things
puppyluver256 · 1 year
not an """ex-bi""" catholic blog getting the right to be blazed on the "queerest place on the internet" less than a week before pride...
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graedari · 4 months
hi! I love your marked Jessamine art, but I can't quite read the purple text, what does it say?
Hello lovely anon! Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked my Marked Jess art!! 💜💜💜 Not sure which doodle on the page between two you're referring to, but!
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In reference to this one, The Outsider's text reads, "Oh... This is going to be... interesting..."
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And in this one, her text behind her and Daud is one of the Heart lines and reads, "Where have the Overseers gone? They wade through chest high waters with their hounds".
Her Marked Abilities in the AU are linked to the Heart and when Corvo uses it, she herself will speak the lines almost as if in a trance receiving knowledge about whatever Corvo has used it on!
I do try to include any words on a drawing in the Image ID's in the Alt Text of my drawings! So if something is ever hard to read, I definitely recommend checking them out! But I'm also never opposed to answering asks for clarification!
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pixiesfz · 27 days
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microphone drop j.f x reader
plot: In which Vanessa forgets to tell Jessie she is mic’d up and all she talks about is you
warning: just fluff
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Jessie was in the gym after training when Vanessa caught her.
“Jeff, Jflem, Jessatron, the Jessanator, the-“
“Hi” Jessie cut her friend off before she said random words with ‘jess’ in front of it.
“Whatchu up to?” Vanessa asked and Jessie motioned to the weights next to her “nice, hot your PB yet?”
Jessie crossed her head “no but y/n is helping me at home”
Vanessa smiled at the mention of you, she thought you were good for Jessie. You made her happy and Sinc always says she would never forget how giddy Jessie got after the first Australian friendly and you asked to swap shirts with her.
“How is y/n/n?”
Jessie blushed, “good, really good uhm did I tell you about my plan yet or-“
“No tell me, tell me now”
Even Vanessa forgot she was mic’d.
“Well after international break and before Olympics I was planning on proposing and-“ “what!” Vanessa jumped up in excitement
Jessie looked around nervously “yes?”
“This is huge Jessie” Vanessa smiled at her and she rubbed her already red cheeks “How are you going to do it?”
Jessie sat down next to Vanessa and pulled out her phone, excited to go into detail about this with someone.
“Okay so this is the ring, I saw her look at it before when we were buying a gift for her sister, it kinda gave me the whole idea in the first place but anyway” she rambled before going to her next photo of a FaceTime call with y/n’s parents as they gave a thumbs up.
“Then I got the permission from her parents but she likes to call them her rentals which I don’t get”
“Oh it’s like Australian slang there, parental figures without the ‘pa’” Vanessa explained and Jessie’s eyes widened as she finally got it “How do you know that?”
Jessie nodded before swiping to the next picture of confirmed plane tickets to Australia, your homeland “she thinks we’re going on a spontaneous trip to see her family, which we are but I’m also going to propose to her there” she explained and Vanessa swore she had never seen her captain so happy.
“And then I bought her this dress she always said she wanted but she said it was too cold to wear in London so I got it so she could wear it in Australia” Jessie said, swiping to the next picture as Vanessa realised Jessie had made an album dedicated to the planning of the big event.
“You going to do a speech”
“I want to try, I wrote one but I’m not that great at remembering lines” Jessie said, scratching behind her ear “that’s fine you’re good at thinking on the spot and also knowing y/n she will be saying yes even before your knee hits the ground”
Jessie smiled “I only plan on doing the ‘proposal’ thing once so I want it to be perfect for her”
Vanessa slapped her friend in the shoulder supportively “I’m sure y/n will think it’s perfect no matter what”.
It wasn’t until later when Jessie had finished spotting Vanessa on chest pressed and the social media came over asking for the mic was when her face paled over.
“You were mic’d the entire time?” She asked, her cheeks red as panic now evident on her face.
“Did I forget to tell you?” Vanessa asked as she thought back to their conversation.
“You know you cannot use any of that”.
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elsgooglyeyes · 11 months
remember how i said long-distance situationships are hard? yeah i’m still in the trenches.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚゚☾
when you and ellie are going through long distance, she would beg you to send lil updates throughout your day, what you were doing…any random thought that pops into your head…literally anything. and then at night, she always asks to facetime so she can see your face and hear your voice.
you’re both on your bed, your head squished up against a pillow as you listen to ellie ramble on about whatever the fuck dina and jesse have been up to. she stops suddenly and looks at you, “did you hear a word i just said?”
“no…was too busy thinkin’ ‘bout somethin’ else…” you mumble, mouth halfway on the pillow. ellie raises her eyebrows slightly, “and what is that?” she puts her hand to her ear knowing full well what you’re about to say. “you…everything about you…” she smirks and nods her head slowly, “i figured.” she chuckles and lays on her stomach so you’re not just staring at each other face to face, the only thing separating you is the tiny glass wall (and however many miles are in between you, but don’t worry about that).
“i miss you,” you grumble “not the same without you here, els. i wish you could’ve come with me.” ellie’s eyebrows furrow lightly and she smiles “i know, baby…i miss you too. i love you so much, just remember that i’m always with you. literally, like, in your brain. i’ve set up shop in there, so if you think of something funny trust it was me,” she smirks and you laugh out loud, always grateful for her humor to lighten your melancholy. “i thought i felt a tickle in there earlier. guess it was you, huh?”
“yup!” she says, popping the “p” and chuckling for a bit before she settles back in and looks at you. “we’ll be together before you even know, i swear.” you smile weakly at her and kiss your phone over and over again, “hope you felt those, they were for you,” you giggle with a wink.
the rest of your night is spent talking nonsense, until you fall asleep still on call. ellie watches you for a bit before going to sleep herself, not daring hanging up and accidentally waking you up.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚゚☾
extra: some texts y’all would probably send each other throughout the days (are these mine and said situationships you may ask? mind your own business…)
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you decide who is who
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nyasbae · 1 year
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sleep deprived
pairings: gustavo fring x fem!reader
summary: your boss noticed you’re overworking yourself and decides to do something about it.
a/n: gus got that email rizz
warnings: really messy lol
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You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t. Gus had you making ninety pounds worth of meth every week, and due to your partners’ sudden disappearance, you were stuck doing all the work by yourself. You sighed, thinking back to how you got into this position.
You were a just a broke college student, trying to pay off your loans when you you met Jesse. You knew each other back in high school, and now he was your dealer. The two of you became buddies and one day you walked in on him and Walt talking about somebody named Gustavo Fring, the owner of a fast food restaurant with an undercover drug business.
You needed money and you convinced them to let join in. Realizing that the “the more the merrier” shit you had pulled really was just that, shit. After they had taught you the recipe, you ended up doing everything, always.
Gus had put to lines under the deadlines, signifying that if you didn’t get this done in time — there’d be consequences. At the same time you had a lot of due college assignments, and skipping all your lectures. So you practically lived in the lab, sleeping and eating there, until you had no time for either of those things.
You were leaning against the counter with a hand on your jaw, steadying your face. Your eyes shut and light snores coming out of your mouth. As Gus inspected your face, he realized you’d never once look so peaceful as you did in that moment.
“I see you’re getting a lot of work done,” he commented, knowing it’d wake you. Gus needed to talk to you about this. He had cameras everywhere and had been paying very close attention to how much time you’d been spending at the lap. You had your laptop and school books there, a few snacks and amount less cups of coffee.
The sudden sound of his voice startled you as you woke up with a final snore. “Shit– I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t even notice I was, uh’falling asleep” your slurred, your words blurring together due to your grogginess. You looked up at him with lazy eyes.
Gus looked at you through his glasses, his expression as emotionless as usual. You thought you saw a glimpse of emotion in his eyes, though it was probably just your sleep deprivation making you see things. Gustavo Fring doesn’t care for anyone. Especially not some random meth cook who can’t even do her job right… right?
“You should get home and get some rest, ___. Your drowsiness is affecting your work performance.” Stated as a fact, though functioning more as an excuse.
“I can’t, sir! I’ve only made like, half of the meth I was supposed to and–“ you rambled on, but he interrupted you almost instantly. “Stop it, ___! You have done your part. Your partners’s neglect of their responsibilities is not your problem,” as he shushed you, his expression remained the same though his voice got notably more aggressive. “I’ll consider getting you new partners, you’ve mastered the arts of cooking now.” In that moment, you couldn’t be bothered by his comment on your friends; all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.
“Are you absolutely sure? I’ll get back to work as soon as I wake up, I promise!” You insisted, and he shook his head. “No, you’ll have the rest of the week off,” he said. “I value your effort but I cannot have your drowsiness affect my product.” Gus explained while putting a gentle yet firm hand on your shoulder. You eyed the hand and as did he, though he didn’t let go before he you reluctantly agreed.
“Alright, I guess,” you sighed. He smiled professionally as he took out his notebook, scribbling something something. “Fantastic! Write down your email and we can discuss your work ethic further.” He demanded suggested, handing you a note and a pen. You smiled as you messily wrote down your email address and gave it back to him.
When you went to sleep that night all you could think about was your interaction earlier, and how this might’ve been his stiff attempt at flirting with you. Although you figured this could’ve easily been your head playing tricks on you agin.
When you woke up the next morning you noticed a gmail notification. Written bellow a [email protected] it read:
Hello, I hope you slept a worthwhile and woke up energetic and better. I suggest we meet up at my restaurant to further discuss our game plan.
Sincerely, Gustavo Fring.
Did Gustavo Fring just ask out out on a date?
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drafgost · 1 month
Man I’m so pissed that this is gonna be my first post but I have GOT to break my silence for Grippy. I need to know why these cheeks hit the fucking airwaves. She a ten piece like a mcnugget. What else can I really say? We’re talking about Grippy by Cash Cobain & J. Cole.
I’m not usually going to dive into the lyrics this much, but something about this song broke me. Every bar is straight ass and I’m compelled to talk about it. Grippy. I’m also going to be much more organized than this, but I’ve lost my. Fucking. Grippy. On what semblance of sanity I retain.
The song starts immediately with a dull ass beat and J. Cole briefly describing the progression of a relationship between him and a girl.
“She like my kick game
And when you know me, you don’t kick game
I put her front row at the Knick game
Now she in my phone with a nickname”
Unfortunately for us all, after a line where it seems like he’s actively trying to come up with said nickname because he’s just saying “it’s, it’s, ummm”, he tells us that she’s down in his phone as Grippy. Why? Don’t worry, he guides us through his thought process, just in case we were lost.
“Grippy, I call her that ‘cause it’s grippy”
What else, Jermaine?
“She thick in the hips, she a hippie
And she thick in the lips, she gon’ lick me”
“When she see me, she say she gon’ strip me
She gon’ chew on this stick like it’s Wrigley’s”
I don’t want to know that, Jermaine.
I don’t know why he thought this next bar would be a reasonable thing to say, but he also just said he wanted Grippy to gnaw on his wood like a beaver so I think dude was just operating on some real hell dimension vibes.
“She said she was gay until I slayed
Now she strictly dickly”
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There’s no bars of noteworthy ass past this point from J. Grippy pages him and he hits 150 to get there, running Hollywood Cole a $100 base fine for speeding if the Grippyverse takes place in Cali. He has a Grippepiphany. We learn that Grippy is wet. Cole introduces Sabrina and Tiffany and they only pass one third of the Bechdel test. After he states that he “tryna see how that glove gon’ fit” (this is what OJ died for) and that he “wanna feel like [he] touchin’ [Grippy’s] kidneys”, he offers to take her kids to Disney.
That was utterly terrible, but we’re not done. You fucking buffoons have sorely neglected the real villain of this track: Cash Cobain.
“I wanna kill it like rest in peace
Eat on that pussy like it was a recipe”
So far, not worse than Grippy. A real Trojan Horse of pussy verses. How bad could it get?
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We have a brief respite while Cash fucking rambles while saying random women’s names, but then he throws us one of his best bars on the song:
“You piss my bitches off like a potty”
More woman rambling. He wants to make Jess a mess, he has something he must confess, he wants to see her undress and is about to send her his address. He wants to fuck Millie ‘til she’s dizzy, and wants her to “suck it sloppy, make it spitty”. Finally, while still addressing poor Spitty Millie, he delivers his magnum opus:
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That’s all lots of unpack, and we can truly only scratch the surface. The Grippyverse is immense, and I was certainly overwhelmed by Marvel-level character buildup clogging the narrative artery. Grippy, Sabrina, Tiffany, Destiny (rest in peace), Pregnancy Scare Shanti, Zari, Mia, Jada, Mash Potatoes Kayla, Good Vagina China, Shy Niyah, Toni Macaroni, Polisher Lexi and a possible second Destiny, Marni and her immense conflict, Jess the Mess, and Spitty Millie are all introduced in the freakiest fucking four minute role call I’ve heard to date. How do they relate to each other, if at all? We know the first three are friends, as Cole state’s he thought the whole clique was bad but liked Grippy the best. Are the two Destiny’s aware of each other? Did Polisher Destiny murk Destiny Rest In Peace to take her place? Why doesn’t Cash want to talk to Marni? What did she do to piss off bitches like a potty? Why is the beat so fucking boring?
I haven’t touched on how the song sounds. It sounds the same. The whole song sounds like a trickle of consistent noise. The beat is boring as shit and remains boring as shit the whole run. I listened to the song a few times to really get a feel and kept forgetting it was on once I began to ignore the lyrics.
The one ounce of joy I derived from this song were the initial Genius annotations that were later replaced by people just desperately trying to make sense of this pile of wet sawdust by explaining the potty bar, and what a pager was. “UNC FREAKY” was a much better thing to read than exposition on why Jermaine Lamarr Cole immortalized some poor woman as Grippy, which was readily evident within context.
My Final Rating of Grippy
Lyrics: 2/10
One point awarded for the potty bar. I won’t explain myself. Another point awarded out of respect for Destiny Rest In Peace (peace be upon her, Amen)
Vocals: 5/10
Literally just so average. Nothing special and nothing terrible, and just not worth giving anything other than an average score.
Sound: 5/10
Once again just so infuriatingly bland. Absolutely nothing special about it whatsoever, for better or worse.
Overall Score
Averaging my numbers equals out to
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But I will not tarnish my good name by rating this hot bowl of mac n cheeks so high, so it gets a
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
Introduction Post!!
-> Hi! I’m crazylittlejester, but you can call me Jes or Jesse. My pronouns are he/him
-> I write fics on ao3 under the user Can_Opener
-> Fic Series Master List
-> MINI FIC REQUESTS: Closed for now!! I’ll open them when I have more energy :)
-> This is my sideblog but I seriously treat it like my main blog at this point. I mainly post Zelda/LU thoughts, but you will see me talkin’ about other random things
-> I seriously never shut up I am always on here yappin, my apologies in advance I don’t know when to shut my mouth 🫶
-> Asks are always open and anons are back on! Feel free to speak your thoughts, drop in and say hi, share headcanons, theories and/or ideas, I love to read them! You can say whatever you want. I am dyslexic and autistic and it’s hard for me to read tone through text and also the words in general, so please try to be very clear when you talk to me so I can understand :)
-> I’m also totally fine with DMs, HOWEVER: Please speak incredibly clearly to me, as said in the above point, I struggle with understanding tone. I am fine with DMs if your intention is to YAP (about Zelda or LU or anything else really). I am not okay with: vague/threatening messages, venting without asking, spam. If you wanna chat or talk that’s absolutely fine, I love talkin’ to people and I’m totally down :) Basically just be kind to me, I am a person too, I do have feelings and such
-> A little about me: I love BG3 and Resident Evil, and I like to go on lil adventures >:)
-> I have my OWN Links Meet au over on @linked-through-the-centuries! (Here’s the link to the fic on ao3) (it is slow to update, not abandoned)
My mad ramblings all have #jes talks in the tags, my fics are #jes fic, any asks y’all send are posted with #jes ask, and my art is tagged with #jes art
Remember to drink some water and take care of yourselves! :)
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itsjustbl0op · 7 months
Random TADC concept THEORY⁉️⁉️
Alright, so if we are to follow the theory that characters from the amazing digital circus are being sent there due to them playing a game or something like that. What if for some reason or someone Pomni is able to get out of the digital circus, and I can go back to the real world, which you feel like some sort of survivor guilt. Would it be like in Infinity Train in which she's gonna be trying to get her way back just like what Jesse did for Lake. In order to save others, if character growth actually happens for Pomni, then we would expect that compared to the first time where she just left Ragatha. And. That's it! She would this time actually care for these characters and want to bring them back to life or, like, back to the world they were. Thinking about it, this would throw us into another loop, and it's like. Things start all over again, and she's just caught in this infinitely, but who cares?
Ps sorry if some of these words don't sound right I was just rambling using speech to text and I have an accent. I did go back to change some things tho. But text to speech thought I was saying palm knee so that was funny.
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reneedraws06 · 2 months
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MY FIRST CHOSEN DRAWING! (that's digital anyway..)
Drawing notes
I am proud to say that the chosen has made a very positive impact on my life it allowed me to see jesus and in a whole new light
The chosen does a great job at showing me the humanity of christ this show does a great job showing jesus having a sense of humor and loving his mother
And also showing his sorrow but that's to be seen at a later time I just love the way they show him loving his mother and his disciples
A lot of people get so caught up in his divinity they forget he was a man too a man a bared the weight of all our sins that he understands all of feelings because he felt them as well
This drawing has the characters in their season one outfits featuring Jesus hugging Simon Peter in the finale of season 1
Now I not saying that every single thing that happens in the show is entirely scriptureally accurate but to quite honest with you what Movie/TV show is about the bible is..
It has its own added characters to give the show more life such as Barnaby and Shula and Tamar And they man at the well which they named Jesse who they written as the brother the Simon the zealot
But it does have quite a bit that is scriptureally accurate such as the healing of the paralytic Man The healing of the leopard walking on water Jesus wept healing of the man at the pool and so on and so forth
If you're someone who watches movies about the Bible about the New testament about Jesus and you're just not connecting with it I recommend you try the chosen it feels real it feels like something that happened in real life it doesn't feel like something that was just written by a random man or made up religion it feels really good to watch it and to see Jesus in a whole new light it for sure made me feel closer to him and like I was seeing things in a new way
Anyway I'm rambling a bit I just wanted to sure my thoughts on series and and how much it means to me
And as always til next time!
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your-queer-dad · 1 month
hi dad!
i'm gonna ramble about one of my stories/ocs and i have a lot of them, but right now i really like this one for some reason.
so the main character's name is zero (he/it), and he was raised in a lab for reasons (he's not exactly a clone, but he was grown from human cells and they wanted to watch him grow up)
so when the story starts it's like 15/16 and the people who run the lab decide to have it move in with this random old lady and have it come for testing like once or twice a week
and since it's his first time living outside the lab he's obviously really nervous and sort of doesn't know how to act but eventually he meets this girl called jesse and they become friends and eventually a couple (also they're t4t yippee)
anyhow i really like it and i'm very proud of its design (i'm not gonnna show a picture because i want to stay on anon but i think it looks very cute)
anyway i really want to make this into an actual comic at some point, and i think i would make it usually really wholesome and then sort of horrifying at some points because of the whole human experiment thing
anyway bye and thanks for letting me ramble to you :D
Hey kiddo!!! Those sound awesome!!! It sounds awesome, I love the balance between sci fi horror and cute rom com!! The characters sound really interesting too! If you want to share some art or anything privately, I'd be more than happy to see! I'm so proud of you kiddo, and I'm always happy to hear people ramble!
- dad x
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bradycore · 1 year
okay here’s the thing about bloody mary. it’s one of the most essential episodes of one of the best seasons of the show. it’s literally the kickoff for the beloved psychic sam arc, and the way it’s done is BRILLIANT. the rambling is under the cut, but first i’ll say that of course the born-again identity is a fantastic episode. it has sam 1) making a friend and 2) suffering immensely, plus the plot-driven sam elements too, so i’m here for it, i am! but it’s NOT bloody mary.
so you’ve got all the nostalgic classics of this era of the show (which i'm having to cut down on for length oops): familiar lore but a good mystery; the lighting & desaturation, the clothes & hair, the shots that are eerily similar to ones seasons down the line (the ahbl and levee parallels alone, oh my god!!!); salmondean lying out of their asses and failing miserably; the bantering; “it might not be our thing” “when is it ever not our thing”; more lying and snooping; the side character of the week experiencing some genuinely scary shit, like, actual horror-movie horror; lines that are funny when you watch them but horribly ironic in hindsight (“600 years of bad luck”); committing b&e and property damage...you get the gist. and sam comes from all this. you can take s7 era away from sam and still have him, but you can't take away this. the roots of the show are the roots of him.
anyway, throughout it all, sam has nightmares. horrible nightmares that we experience with him, but we think they’re normal, and dean thinks they’re normal, and then sam says he has a secret. and we realize that it’s been building up to something. the pinnacle: sam, eyes bleeding, black veins crawling up his face, trying desperately to kill his own reflection as it tells him he’s inhuman. how many times did we see this happen metaphorically over the next five seasons? how huge is this theme for his character? and right here, right now, late at night in an old antique store in midwestern ohio, this is when it starts, when it’s raw, when he’s face to face not with a random character parallel but with himself and the literal mirrors all around him are the inescapable threat and we the audience have our stomachs drop as we realize for the first time that he’s not the Normal One. he’s the Other. there is something Wrong. you had those nightmares for days before she died.
and his reflection told him it was his fault jess died. and he tells the motw victim’s daughter that it’s okay, you couldn’t have stopped your loved one’s death, you should forgive yourself; but when he gets in the car with dean, he keeps his secret. to be normal, to be safe.
and then that last fucking shot, oh my god, those five incredible seconds of cinema: jess standing on a street corner as they drive away with the classic rock music in the background. continuing to raise the question of his psychicness, and ephemeral as ever in her white nightgown, wind in her hair, staring right at him and then she’s gone. and 15 seasons later he will still be thinking about her, and this moment is the last time he ever truly sees her.
this episode is so fundamental. it captures the essence of old-school-spn sam while having narrative and cinematic elements that set the stage for his character throughout the entire rest of the show. born-again identity is sam with a crisis in a hospital; bloody mary is sam with a crowbar and a secret. born-again identity is one of those episodes that’s about him; bloody mary is one of those episodes that’s the heart of him. and bloody mary deserved to win.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 months
tag game~
tagged by the amazing @coquelicoq to list 5 topics i can talk on for an hour without preparing any material! thanksss <3 <3
this is honestly a really difficult one for me cos as much as i love to ramble, the prospect of having to do a talk for an hour about anything would a) make me INCREDIBLY anxious and 2) i would promptly forget everything i know about said subject literally the second i have to do the talk pfft.... wait... the prompt doesnt say i have to do the talk in front of people so hmm... maybe i'd be ok lol
anyway topics time lol (these aren't really in any order btw just writing them as i think of them)!
art history ofc... i could equally talk as much about art i love as much as art i HATE lol (duchamp's goddamn toilet fountain you're going fucking DOWN bitch)... can't promise my hour speech won't just be a list of fun art-y facts lol (like uh in medieval paintings that used gold leaf, artists would put down this red gesso/glue like mixture (called something like boll?) because the red gave the gold a warmer glow than just sticking it onto the plain wooden panel lol) or that it won't be me massively misremembering parts of my degree pfft...
history of the british monarchy lol! ok so i may not currently like the monarchy, but i am a MASSIVE fan of the history of the royals lol... especially the tudor era! a lot of my talk would be me trying to remember the order of the monarchs from william the conqueror until now (which would mean me singing the horrible histories monarchy song lol sorry not sorry)... i would also spend the time being like 'yeh so this one had allegations of being gay, as did this one, and THIS one had several male favourites who he was definitely in relationships with' lol
kpop lol... not really sure what i would talk about? maybe specific groups (exo would be in contention for sure, they have a very interesting history tbh), or just the wider cultural phenomenon and history of kpop? or just like talk about niche kpop groups that basically no one remembers pfft (like that group that jackie chan made lol! already mentioned it on my kpop haveyouheard blog but people in the notes were like 'wait jackie chan did WHAT???' lol...) like i definitely don't know a lot of stuff, but i know more than the average joe so like... it might be fun idk??
queer films lol... i'd also say films in general, but i definitely feel like i have more niche and interesting knowledge specifically of queer films so.... i DEFINITELY could talk for well over an hour about that lol! this would also definitely include me complaining about films like call me by your name and blue is the warmest colour lol... (i actually was speaking to myself the other day about both films and how perceptions of both have changed SO much over the years since they came out lol...) but i'd mainly want to talk about the amazing queer films i've watched over the years!!... i'd also throw in some talk of asian queer media here since i've been watching it for literally 6 or so years at this point lol...
back to history, this time ancient egypt! returning to my childhood roots with this one lol i know a lot of random things about ancient egypt that i could potentially string into an hour long talk? actually recently went to an exhibition at the place where they film downton abbey (it's not called that btw lol) where it had a whole thing about the discovery of tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 which had a lot of interesting info tbh! dont come to this talk if u dont want to hear me talk about all the incest that went on in ancient egyptian royalty pfft... (like...historians believe that tut's mother was also his aunt, and his sister was also his wife, which kinda explain why none of their children survived... royals of all eras really were like 'we have to intermarry to keep the bloodline pure' and it's like (breaking bad bald guy meme) jesse NO that's what's KILLING you!!!!!!!!!!)
for most of these i'd basically say something and then immediately be like 'don't fact check me on that though' because chances are i remembered the thing wrong pfft...
tagging (no pressure to do it ofc!): @abnerkrill @asoftspotforangels @sylvasa @dollopheadsandclotpoles @zelvuska @micamicster & whoever else wants to do it!!
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caelwynn · 4 months
I'm still physically wiped out and my head's too fuzzy to do 'real' writing/revisions on my story, but I'm just coherent enough that I want to chitter-chatter about my fic.
So in the course of working on Choices, one of the things I've spent an inordinate amount of time on is figuring out the 'cohorts' for the valleyfolk. What I mean by 'cohorts' are the groups of people who are in a similar age-range to one another and then further subdivided into 'natives' (aka 'people who grew up together in the valley') and 'transplants.' After all, one of the things I'm trying to accomplish is interweaving three large expansion mods with the base game and coming up with a cohesive whole, and that means knowing who from the various mods have known each other basically forever.
Under the cut, I break down who's in what cohort. I may or may not later flesh out my thinking about why I plopped certain people into certain groups, mostly because when I started to do so with this list, the post grew disgustingly (more) bloated. If I do, I'll probably do a separate post for each cohort. After all, this is the site for rambling about this sort of random stuff, right? 😅 (Edit: that's exactly how I spent my afternoon. You can find my thoughts on each cohort here: Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5.)
If you squint just right, these could be considered spoilers for SVE/Ridgeside/East Scarp.
I divided the population of the valley into five different cohorts/generations. Ages are based on how old they are/would be during the course of Choices. They are also in order of eldest down to youngest. I have actual ages recorded for most of the characters, but it cluttered up this list waaay too much.
(OG) - Base Game, (SVE) - Stardew Valley Expanded, (R) - Ridgeside, (ES) - East Scarp
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Natives
Maive (R)
Richard (R)
Gil (OG)
Evelyn (OG)
Linus (OG)
Willy (OG)
Lenny (R)
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Transplants
George (OG)
Mr. Aguar (R)
Sonny (R)
Mrs. Olsen (Emily and Haley's mother) (OG-ish)
Lola (R)
Freddie (R)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Natives
Lewis (OG)
Vivienne (ES)
Jessie (ES)
Mr. Olsen (Emily and Haley's father) (OG-ish)
Lily-Anne (ES)
Ezekiel (R)
Clement (ES)
Helen (R)
Marlon (OG)
Daisy (Adventurer's Guild Expanded)
Mark (ES) (Sterling's father, unnamed in mod)
Jess (ES) (Henry's father, unnamed in mod)
Pierre (OG)
Alecto (Stand Alone)
Robin (OG)
Marnie (OG)
Gunther (OG)
Susan (SVE)
Kimpoi (R)
Kent (OG)
Bert (R)
Olga (R)
Lorenzo (R)
Caroline (OG)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Transplants
Rasmodius (OG)
Carmen (R)
Pam (OG)
Andy (SVE)
Jodi (OG)
Demetrius (OG)
Olivia (SVE)
Pika (R)
Malaya (R)
Naomi (R)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Natives
Tristan (ES)
Clint (OG)
Shane (OG)
Henry (ES)
Sterling (ES)
Mona (OG/ES?)
Jacob [He turns 31 during the fic] (ES)
Mateo (ES)
Jasper (ES)
Kenneth (R)
Emily (OG)
Sandy (OG)
Anton (R)
Maria (R)
Paula (R)
Gloria (ES)
Zayne (R)
Kiarra (R)
Sophia (SVE)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Transplants
Harvey (OG)
Shanice (R)
Mia (ES)
Elliott (OG)
Leah (OG)
Bryle (R)
Philip (R)
June (R)
Kataryna (ES)
Jeric (R)
Aideen (ES)
Rosa (ES)
Flor (R)
Irene (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Natives
Penny (OG)
Sebastian (OG)
Alissa (R)
Abigail (OG)
Shiro (R)
Corine (R)
Sam (OG)
Ysabelle (R)
Alex (OG)
Haley (OG)
Lexi (ES)
Blair (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Transplants
Victor (SVE)
Maddie (R)
Faye (R)
Juliet (ES)
Sean (R)
Gen 5 (Ages 5-17)
Maru (OG)
Oliver (ES)
Ariah (R)
Trinnie (R)
Keahi (R)
Eloise (ES)
Louie (R)
Vincent (OG)
Jas (OG)
Yuuma (R)
Lavril (ES)
Gen 5 (Haven't decided ages yet)
Leo (OG)
Morgan (SVE)
Bliss (R)
Pipo (R)
Undreya (R)
Yeah, I know there are characters missing (especially from East Scarp, as I have difficulty keeping track of all the individual NPC mods, and SVE), but there it is. I wonder if this is actually interesting to anyone other than me. Oh well. 😅
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jaytohell · 3 months
headcanons/idk what splurge about mcd aaron & aphmau BECAUSE I SAID SO.
i need to talk about them because i just do. my thoughts on them need to be heard.
btw!!! typing this at work during my break so thoughs WILL be completely disorganized and there will be constant run on sentences!
first i’m going to talk about aaron because OH MY FUCKING GOD.
he could’ve been such a interesting character if he wasn’t reduced to aph’s love interest once again and if jess and jason could’ve shown more of his character.
i truly believe that jess was trying to do some shitty indirect characterization and flesh out his character by not outright saying it, but she done a really shitty job; the only reason why being her target audience at the time was younger and she didn’t want to expose them to more “mature themes” or some shit.
aaron is not a well written character at all and tbh all i see him as is “woah, ‘sexy’ (not really) mysterious man” who has absolutely not character depth. i wish jess could’ve delved more into him being a lord, a father and husband, and his vendetta against zane to give us more insight of his character. jess gave us little crumbs and pieces about him (like him being a broken human or some shit like that??? would’ve been cool if she incorporated some magic shit into that). he’s just so bland and boring and he needed so much more character development than he got.
time for aarmau…
SO. first off, aaron and aph’s relationship came out of fucking no where. it literally feels like jess pulled that straight out of her ass hole because of how random it was to me when i was younger. once again, i believe that the reason for it that is that jess is really bad at foreshadowing and shit, so the relationship came out of nowhere (also bc jason is really weird but we’re not going to talk about that…). it’s just so weird that jess made their relationship such like, a secret thing, in s2 but gave it so much more light on s3 like we knew everything about it?? which i guess i can kinda excuse because she didn’t even like how she was taking it, but it’s still super weird.
ok, done with that rambling…now for headcanons about aaron and aarmau :3
aaron is in his late mid to late 30s, possibly early 40s
he is BUFF. like buff buff.
and tall, super tall. like tbh i think he’d be like 6’5-6’6
SCRUFFY!!! he has a little beard that he doesn’t have time nor the energy to shave off
actually kinda shy—he’s only seems so mysterious bc he’s traumatized and also pretty shy
i don’t wanna talk about him anymore so aarmau now
they were never in love.
yes i said it.
i wholeheartedly believe that they had a fling
aph was stressed w/ lillith, garroth still being in the irene demension, laurance struggling with the calling, the phoenix alliance, and the whole weird goddess powers shit that she needed comfort in someone
aaron was the one she chose
he understood loosing everything in less than a day, he understood her feeling if loss, so she latched to him
aaron on the other hand, was reminded of his late wife by aph; they acted so similar and there was just a touch of resemblance that drew aaron to aph
all of this mixed together led to and accidental kiss and hookup in the woods that night it was “took dark to go back”
the kiss right before aaron’s sacrifice was not one of love to aph, but one final kiss to his wife that he wished he could’ve gave to her
aph struggled with his death because she didn’t love him like a lover, but because she had lost one of her closest friends while garroth and laurence were gone: the only one who she believed could truly understand what she was going through
so sorry that was a lot 😭
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j is for jess, i wish she had a happy birthday today :)
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the things i love about her:
her scarlett johansson obsession
her calls with @gayerthanevertbh at 2 am playing fornite
her laugh
her fics, she's very talented. go follow her rn @daddynattt
she's amazing, go follow her rn (if you don't already do)
when she sends random tiktoks to me
her hating on @abbyromanoff 's and my nickname for her 🙄 screw you, we're still gonna call you that
her listening to me rambling about a current show/k-drama i watch (go watch business proposal it's on netflix babes)
she's literally so beautiful
she should get some sleep.
her calls when it's 3-4 fucking am where she is
her odd dislike of captial letters, because same :/
happy birthday @daddynattt !! i love you so much i also wish i could've written a fic but i couldn't, so i made scarlett edits instead :) i hope your day has been going well jessy wessy <3
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jovieinramshackle · 2 months
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{Jovie's hoard} #jovie's art #jovie's writing (includes both rambles and structured writing) #jovie's rants (random posts of me rambling/ranting about things) #jovie's gift list (LOVE THEM ALL ABSDJEABEDHABW 💖💖💖) #jovieinramshackle (a very general tag for me lol
{OCs/Ships} #jess ariti (my MC/Prefect) #winter bloom (Jess x Neige ship) #inky ribbons ( Jovie x Azul ship) #yumeship (my yumeships in general)
{Reblogs/Inbox/Other} #moot reblog (reblogs of mutuals) #self reblog #reblog #moot ask (asks from mutuals) #ask me anything (all of my asks) #twst jp (JP spoilers)
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