#jeremy x ian
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut
valkyrie and thor:
Like a lot of ships with a white man and a woman of color, their chemistry and history get shunted to the side by racist writers and fans who refuse to acknowledge them as anything other than friends.
alexa, liana, jeremy, and ian:
the Only barbie animated movie where the girl(s) do not end up with a guy. alexa & liana live together and enact a ton of romantic tropes together, the twin guys do flirt with them but then the girls are separated from them by... a magic rainbow. they do dance together at the end of the movie... before the girls leave to go live together again. wearing dresses that are literally the bi and lesbian pride flags. no joke. cottagecore wlw separated from potential male love interests by literal magic rainbow the gayest barbie movie
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supercap2319 · 7 months
If you have time, You and Damon make Jeremy dress up as Cupid and present himself and love him in a thong and wings.
"You know you actually look better this way, Little Gilbert." Damon teased with a smirk on his lips. To see Jeremy Gilbert in this was truly a treat for the eyes.
Y/N admired the golden wings and red straps going down Jeremy's surprisingly muscular body. Who would have thought that Elena's little brother would be so hot and sexy as a Cupid for Valentine's Day.
"Guys, this is embarrassing. Why am I the only one who has to dress up?" Jeremy whines with a blush. This was utterly humiliating. He was basically naked except for the red thong between his legs.
Because. You look so beautiful and good like this. Definitely in for a wild ride tonight." Damon smirks, fangs out.
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soulc-hilde · 4 months
Ch. 01 - Jekyll and Hyde
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Pairing: Lip Gallagher x Black! OFC
Warning(s): Follows the FX tv show, Shameless, viewer discretion be advised. Depictions of grooming as well as non-consensual acts being mentioned, depictions and ideations of suicide, depictions of drug and alcohol abuse, racial and homophobic slurs, mentions of CPS/CYS and foster care, depictions and mentions of consensual sexual acts, depictions of violence (gun and maybe gang), depictions of mental health, depictions of inherited addiction, and so much fucking more.
Synopsis: All Lip Gallagher ever had was family and despite the praise over his intellect, the health and wellbeing of his people were far more important than him furthering his education. Lecroy was a young girl destined to face abandonment until the Gallagher clan came through. Using her own skillset and connects to build a better life for those she loves, she ties Lip and his family to her hip.
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"Lecroy, please be careful after school, your father and I won't be home by the time your let out," the Murphy matriarch, Carly, practically begs as she hustles around the house.
On the staircase / coat closet, an exhausted teenage girl sits just nodding away with soft hums. Her mind struggled to decide if it wanted to fall victim to her urge to sleep or appease the anxiety of her mother. Her head was stuffed between the deep brown painted bars of the railing, weirdly finding the cold touch to be comfortable.
Not noticing a thing, Carly continues muttering about. "If you can, just stay over at the Gallaghers and if not, either come straight home or to the shop." She'd state from inside kitchen, speed racing to brew herself some coffee.
"I'll be working the night the shift as well, Monique called off at the last minute and we need the money, so please... I don't wanna hear it," she huffs, finally reaching the door.
Her arms were accessorized with a large tote bag, stuffed with a steel travel cup, a pair of crocs to shift into, and her lunches for both shifts while the other arm carried her Louis Vuitton purse. She was dressed in black and gold scrubs with a black hair wrap and black converse.
Carly -- short for Carleen II -- was a beautiful woman who reached around the average height of 5'4" with a thick, curvy figure. Her brown skin shined gracefully, her face free of all blemishes and wrinkles. She inherited the round yet sharp features dotted with freckles from her father's side of the family. Her naturally red hair, lined with white streaks was styled in box braids and tied into a top bun.
As beautiful and rare as she was, her daughter followed. Lecroy inherited most of her visible genes from her mother whereas everything else was inherited from her father. She had dark brown skin and a round face, dotted with freckles and paired with onyx colored eyes. Her red hair was brighter than her mother's and so thick, it seemed as if it defied gravity.
Unlike either of her parents, though, she was a bit on the short side. She's reached 5'2" when she was 10 and started her period at the same time, poor girl hasn't grown an inch since. She carried a set of broad shoulders that made her father jealous along with short arms and small pudgy hands.
Turning around, Carly's face drops at Lecroy's unfathomable positioning. She sighs, "really? Okay, I'll see you soon, my love."
Leaning over, she pecks the girl's forehead before gently shifting her head to lay on the carpet covered stairs. Quietly, she walks out of the door, locking it behind her. Laying there for a few more minutes, she slowly stands with a groan.
"I gotta grab Gallagher," she sighs. "Fine, fine." Shuffling upstairs with the occasional groan, she shuts the blacked out door to her bedroom and music begins to blare from her stereo.
Rushing from the toilet to the shower, she brushed her teeth, oiled her scalp and combed her hair after unwrapping it, and storm back into her room. Dressed in black cargo pants, a black cropped tank paired with a black hooded jean jacket, and black Jordan 1s, she snatches her satchel off the floor.
Heading for the door, she locks it behind her and points her key in the direction of her used Jeep Patriot. Hopping inside, she pulls from in front of her house with 'Drug In Me Is You' blaring from the radio. Pulling outside the Gallagher's house, she jumps out and rushes through the door.
"Yo," she calls out into the madness. "What's up, asshats?" Seeing Liam babbling away and making grabby hands at her, Lecroy leans down and places an array of pecks across his small face.
"And good morning, my sunshine," she coos causing the baby boy to laugh. Quickly wrapping an arm around Debbie's shoulder, she lays a peck on the crown of her head.
Fiona bustles about, decorating the table with milk and cereal, doing the best she could to prepare her siblings for school. "Mornin', LeLe," she greets the younger teen. "Sup, Croy," Carl greets her with a soft punch to the thigh.
"Sup, beanhead," she greets back, gently smacking the back of his head. Taking her seat beside Lip, the curly haired boy gives a fleeting glance her way before doing a double take.
A smile draws across his face as he leans over, pecking her dimpled cheek. "Hey, peaches," he nearly mumbles. She smiles, "mornin', blue."
In front of them, Fiona lays a reused cardboard candy box and what looked like a bill. "Electric," she states. "Yeah," Lip nods, adding money to it. Before he could pass it on, Lecroy mindlessly drops a thick roll of money down.
The older male of the family pauses, looking back at her. "What... what was that?" He asks, still trying to process the amount of money she tossed in. She shrugs, her attention being taken by Liam, "just some spending money I had saved from work."
"No," he shakes his head, "no, no, no. Take it back, you don't have to give us your money." She simply nods, "I know I don't but I want to."
Lip drops the tray in front of her, "take the damn money, Croy." Rolling her eyes, she nods, "fine." She picks up the tray and gently sets it in front of Ian, "electric," she gently states.
Sitting back with a scoff, Lip side eyes her. In return, she sends a smug smirk his way. She mouths, "suck it," flicking her fingers from under her chin.
Putting in his portion, Ian sends it to Carl, who sends it to Debbie. Ian pulls out a slip of paper, laying it on the table. "I need dad's signature for a field trip," he says.
The younger auburn haired girl nods, forging their drunk of a father's name. Lip looks over, nodding, "Deb, that's getting really good." Fiona looks over at the group, "who's got the phone?"
Lip goes to grab it from his pocket, "I got it." She raises a brow, "any minutes left?" He tosses it her way, "uh, fourteen." She catches it with both hands, kneeling in front of the damaged washer.
"Hey, I need something for show-and-tell," Debbie mentions. Lecroy nods, "I got you, honey." The copper haired teen bends down, pulling out a vintage Irish Barbie doll that was still packed inside of its pristine packaging.
Her eyes widen, "whoa. I can't take this." Lip looks over, nodding frantically, "you're damn right, you can't." Lecroy ignores him, "yes, you can."
Setting the box into her arms, she pats the girl's chubby hands, "it was a gift from my great-grandparents to my mom. Just keep it safe and talk about how it's an resemblance of your family heritage."
"How much are we short?" Fiona's voice cuts over, grabbing the box. Debbie sits the doll in her lap, counting the money. "Uh," she pauses, "we're like forty dollars over."
The elder woman spins around, nearly giving herself whiplash. "Over or short forty dollars?" She asks, stress gripping at her eyes. Debbie repeats herself, "forty dollars over."
Fiona's jaw bounces, stuttering over her thoughts, "uh, how? Carl, did you finally add money to the bin? I said work for the money, not put us in more debt."
Lecroy grins, raising a hand that carried the colorful spoon that fed Liam. "That was me, actually. I had some extra spending money from work."
"Oh, uh, Lecroy," Fiona huffs, the feeling of pity firing through her bones. "You didn't have to do that, it's your money to spend." The teen nods, "and I chose to spend it on you guys. End of discussion."
Setting Liam's food splattered dishes in the sink, she doses them with soap before refilling his sippy cup. The lot begins to scold Carl over his lack of adding to the bills as Fiona forces the washer shut. She takes Liam from his high chair, thankfully grabbing the sippy cup from Lecroy's hands.
"I'm covering for Candi tonight," she starts. Immediately, Lip and Ian chime in. "Extra kraut on mine," he requests and Ian follows with a simple: "Cheese on mine."
Ignoring their orders, she looks desperately at her siblings, "somebody's gotta take Liam." Quickly, the kids scatter with excuses. "I got a calculus test," Lip jolts from his seat.
"I'm working after school," Ian shakes his head. Lecroy shakes her head, "Ian, Lip, take my keys and unlock the car. I'll meet you there. I can drop Liam off at my Nana's and pick him up on my way to work."
Fiona sighs, her baggy eyes nearly tearing, "thank you, LeLe. You don't have to do this, you and your family don't have to do any of what you've already done for us."
Carrying the babbling boy, the teen simply shrugs with a smile, "the Irish look after each other." Shuffling to the Jeep, Carl and Debbie rush down the sidewalk to the bus stop while Ian and Lip wrestle for the passenger seat.
"Hey, losers, keep playing and Liam will be sitting up front," she settles the cooing boy in, double checking his straps until she was sure that they were secured.
As she slides into the driver seat, Lip takes the front seat while Ian sits in the back with a groan. Turning the radio on, she pulls off down the road. After dropping off the baby Gallagher to her grandmother and the trio scoring a hot meal for lunch, they officially send off to school.
"So, what's the plan after school?" Ian asks. Lecroy shrugs, "you got work, Lip has a prostitute to please, and I have a couple of overlapping shifts. So--"
Lip grunts, "Karen's not a prostitute." She ignores him, continuing on, "so we won't be up to much later." Pulling into her assigned stall, she shuts the SUV off. "Out losers," she waves them off.
Taking their time, Ian glares at the back of his brother's head. Lip raises an eyebrow at him, "what're you looking at?" He jumps out of the Jeep, tossing his bag on his back.
"You're fucking it up, man," Ian scoffs. He follows with his own bag, slamming the door closed. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm not fucking shit up." The redhead simply shakes his head, "I don't talk to idiots."
Lip and Lecroy, the Terror Twins... Jekyll and Hyde, since kindergarten those two have been attached at the hip. The partnership grew after a couple of kids were grabbing at the boy's curls and calling him names over colored blocks.
Irritated with the interruption to her reading time, the young girl huffed and snatched one of the kids away by their hair. "Hush," she solely stated, glaring at the children. She picked the Gallagher kid by the collar of his shirt in one hand and a few of the colored blocks in the other, dragging him to where she originally sat with her book.
Letting him go, she plops down and points beside her. "Sit," she states and opens her book once again. Lip slowly nods, "okay." A few moments of silence goes by before he speaks again. "I'm Lip," he introduced himself.
"I know," the girl nods, her eyes darting across the old tainted yellow pages. "Lecroy. Murphy."
The next day, the Murphy child walks into the Gallagher household in hopes of running into either Lip or Ian. The teen dawned a navy blue jumpsuit paired with her black Jordans. The top of the suit was unzipped and its sleeves were tied around her waist to reveal the black cropped tank underneath.
"Hey, Fi," she greets the elder Gallagher. The tall woman gives her a quick smile, "hey, hun. Lip's not here." She nods, "I figured getting his teeth pulled wouldn't stop him being out."
She shakes her head, "regardless, I just wanted to drop off his work from today." Fiona takes it, gratefully, "appreciate it. You headin' home?"
Lecroy shakes her head, "no. I gotta a detail job at the shop. I may or may not see you guys later tonight." As she heads to the door, it bursts with Ian sprinting inside as Lip limps behind him.
Both women watch in shock, "what happened?!" Lip winces, "old lady. Train." Ian and Lecroy take place on either side of him, helping to the steps.
"You two, take him upstairs. I'll call V and Mrs. Murphy," Fiona orders, dialling Veronica. Setting him onto Carl's bed, Fiona walks in behind them and takes a seat at the end where his foot lays.
"Really?" She questions, rhetorically, "an old lady on the train?" Ian begins spewing an excuse, "oh, yeah, the doors were closing on her walker. Lip barely got his foot in, in time to stop--"
Lip barks a yell, "Jesus, Fiona!" She mumbles to herself, eyebrows scrunched, "I can't remember whether that's good or bad." Lecroy tilts her head in thought, "I'd say a mix of both. He can feel the pain, so it's nothing too severe, but it may be broken or fractured."
"Most likely you jumped the turnstiles again and he twisted it trying to outrun the transit cops," Fiona glares at the two. Veronica and Carly walk through the door. "No, always elevate extremities!"
Carly shakes her head, "let me take your spot for a second, Fiona, sweetie." She nods, switching spots. "You okay, honey?" Carly asks. He nods, "yeah. Just, please, don't touch it."
"I won't put too much pressure on it, but I do need to at least get an idea on what we're workin' with," she explains, softly. Her small hands carefully glide over rough, nearly swollen foot.
Fiona's gaze focuses on Lip's foot. "Should we get it x-rayed?" She asks. Carly shakes her head, "absolutely not. You'll be stuck in that shit forever all for what? Sub-metatarsal hematoma? Tell us something we don't know."
She looks over to Veronica, "grab some ice, ibuprofen, freeze spray, and ace bandages." The woman nods, heading out when Ian calls out: "I'll go help." Just as the two head out, a knock echoes from the front door.
Like cockroaches, Lip and Ian begin to scatter with panic. "Shit!" Lip curses, "I'm not here. I'm not here." He shuffles into the back corner, arms wrapping around Lecroy's thighs using them to hide behind.
"You don't know us, Fiona!" Ian yells at the older girl, sliding underneath the next. She glares over at the two, "what have you done?" As she goes to answer the door, Ian leaves with Veronica to grab the supplies.
Returning with everything, Carly wraps Lip's foot and helps him walk down the stairs with Veronica's help. "Got it? Ice will help with the swelling, but only for so long. A great alternative will be heat and advil will help as well. Keep your weight off of it."
As they reach the kitchen, their eyes fall onto the brand new washer that was in the process of being hooked up while everyone else gathers around, watching. "Oh? What do we have here?" The older red head raises an eyebrow.
"I thought you were broke," Veronica chimes in. Ian smiles, "that's what I said." Fiona smiles, jittering in her stance, leaping towards a bouquet of roses, "these were in the washer."
V steps forward, reading the note that stuck out of the roses. "Steve?" She reads, face scrunched with confusion before it quickly shifts into realization. "No," she gasps.
Fiona cheeses, nodding, "yeah. Uh-huh." Wanting to confirm her thoughts, V asks, "who's Steve?" Fiona's eyebrows raise, "the other night." V's jaw drops, "no!" The taller woman nods, "I know."
Later that day, Ian and Lecroy sat on his bed while everyone else was downstairs, chatting and getting ready to eat. "Ian, what's going on?" She asks, chewing on some gushers. "You and Lip did something, more like Lip did something and dragged you into his shit."
"He knows, Le," he sighs. "He knows that I'm gay and wanted to test it by having Karen Jackson blow me. However, her dad ended up catching us and chasing us out the house."
Her eyebrows scrunch, pissed, "he did what-- Did you tell him that it's something that you are sure of, thanks to the CIA-proof folder you created?" The boy shrugs, "somewhat? Besides, you know Lip, once he gets an idea, he goes for it till the end."
"Unfortunately," she sighs. "I think he hates me," he whispers. Lecroy scoffs, "Lip does not hate you and he never could. If anything, he's just being an asshole right now. You two will get through this."
He raises a brow, "how are you so sure about that?" Lecroy smiles, "you're his right hand man. That boy would be lost without you." He hugs her, tightly, "thank you, Le. We don't appreciate you enough."
"You do," she smiles, "you always do."
The next day, Lecroy was at the shop once again. Dressed in a greased stained white tank, blue jeans, and a pair of Timbs. Her body glistens with sweat as she lifts materials at least twice her weight and three times her size.
Appearing in the garage entrance, Lip shifts from one foot to another awkwardly with a bag of tools in his hand. He silently watches her, blue eyes study every muscle that shifts under her bronze skin as she lifts tires and cranks cars off the floor. It wasn't said often, but Lecroy is a beautiful girl with a mighty heart.
She has the looks, the personality, the body, the intelligence, but not many of the neighborhood male percentile were really open minded to treating women with respect, especially a girl whose name echoed across the Southside with respect. Girls like the Murphy women didn't deserve to waste their lives in this slum, instead, they work themselves into the grave just trying to surv ive.
"Hey, Murphy," he greets her. She looks over from the gallons of old oil pouring from the vehicle. She smiles, "Gallagher, what's up, baby?" He shrugs, "nothing much. Just finished helping Karen fix their window, I'm about to head for Kash's to return the tools."
He continues, stepping deeper into the garage. "I was thinking you, me, and Ian could hang out after we pick him up from work." Lecroy nods, wiping her hands off, "yeah, for sure. Thankfully, I'm not the only one working tonight, so I can go."
He follows her back to the locker room. She looks over her shoulder, yelling, "Marquel, finish Duncan's Bronco. I'm'a' head out." She grabs a khaki colored oversized button up and tosses it over her shoulders before grabbing her keys.
"Let's go," she calls, the two making their way to her Jeep. Parallel parking outside the store, they hop out and rush for the front door. Knocking and pounding their fists, "yo, Kash," they try to shout through the door.
Lecroy nudges her head to the side, "let's go 'round back." Thankfully, the back door for the trash was unlocked. The duo steps inside the empty store. "Yo, Kash!" Lip yells again.
Walking down the main aisle, their heads stretch down lane to another in hopes either Ian or Kash would appear. They could hear some rustling near the door, so they walk further down when Kash's voice abruptly breaks the silence.
"Alright," he says, "you stack the butter. I'll do the snacks." He sounded slightly out of breath. He turns, feigning a double take at the duo. "Oh, Jesus Christ, Lip, Lecroy."
Lip nods, "yeah, sorry. Sorry, Kash, I just.. I just wanted to say thanks for the tools." Kash smiles, "anytime, as long as I get them back." His eyes bounce to Lecroy, who gave him a deadpan.
"Uh, what's up, Lecroy? How's the family?" He asks. She shrugs, "workin', hustlin'... together, happily." As she speaks, she sends a quick glance to Lip before disappearing down an aisle.
With a raised eyebrow, Lip shrugs her behavior off, looking back between the two. Noticing that Ian hasn't said much yet, he looks over, eyeing him down. Noticing the mix match of shoes on their feet, his eyes bounce between the two. "You must be joking," he states.
"You're fucking him?" He points at the store owner. Both of them pause, watching for his reaction. As he drops the bag of tools, ready to storm off, a family size box of Twinkies slam into Kash's forehead.
"What the--" Kash swears, only to be cut off when an off-putting roar escapes from the teen. "You raggedy bitch," she continues to toss an arsenal of snacks at the man.
Both Gallaghers step back, their jaws dropping at the assault. Kash trips over the food, sliding on his back. Charging forward, she picks up one of the mini shelves at the end of an aisle and begins to slam it on his torso repeatedly. Kash scream, pleading for her to stop.
"Should... should we help?" Ian stutters. Lip shakes his head, "I think it's best that we don't interrupt." With a final umph, she slams the shelf down, "I hope Allah turns your ass into the animal you are or else I'm'a' kill you, Inshallah."
With that, she storms out, leaving a smirking Lip and a frightened Ian behind alongside a whimpering Kash. Lip runs, following after her.
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Yeah, so I did a little fixer upper. The original plot I had going got lost on me, so I did a little fixing in hopes that Lecroy's development and intro is solid. To be honest, I like this form so much better.
Taglist: @slytherinroyalty16 @v1rgorl
Series Masterlist
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cloudy-em · 1 year
The Deal - Lip Gallagher x Fem!Reader
To be honest, I don’t know why it started. I made a deal with Y/N that if she pretended to be my girlfriend so I could avoid Andrea, then I’d do whatever she wanted for a day. It was stupid. I didn’t even like Andrea. We had sex at a party one time and suddenly she was following me everywhere. Of all the people I could’ve asked to fake date me, I don’t know why I asked Y/N. Some neo-freudians can claim that it was my subconscious trying to manifest my hidden urges into real life, or a neuroscientist can claim that I’m not a genius and that I’m actually stupid. I’d definitely agree with both perspectives. 
At first I was shocked that Y/N even agreed. We’re close friends, sure, but it was definitely a higher-stakes ask. When she said yes, I felt a bubbling excitement, but I wrote it off as excitement that I could finally get Andrea to leave me the fuck alone. 
It started slow. We’d hold hands at school, skip class to smoke together. Nothing out of the ordinary for us. Usually, I’d hold her hand in the busy hallways to ensure she wouldn’t get pushed around, and we always shared our cigarette and weed stashes with each other. That was phase one. 
Phase two consisted of being seen alone together in public. I’d saved up some money from doing other kids’ homework, so I’d start taking Y/N out on dates. Not under the L or to the Alibi where we could get free beer, but actual dates where people would see us. Little diners nearby, nothing to expensive. We’d go after school most Fridays and get fries or milkshakes to share. Pretty soon, rumors were spreading that Lip Gallagher was no longer available for a quick fuck because he was dating Y/N L/N. 
Phase three was the phase I figured would keep Andrea away for sure. Y/N and I would leave classes and pretend to fuck in janitor’s closets and bathrooms, locking ourselves in and fake moaning, trying not to laugh at each other over how stupid it all seemed. She’d started sleeping over in my room as a “just in case”, and it worked out for both of us. If Andrea was ever walking by the house, she’d see us walking in or out together or in the windows. It worked for her because she got to avoid her home life. We’d share cigarettes curled up in the top bunk together, laughing over how we’d gotten $50 each from one kid’s tutoring session. Andrea didn’t stand down. 
Phase four was the last and final phase that Carl, Ian, and I had planned to keep Andrea away. Y/N and I would go to a party, drink a lot, get a little handsy, and head back home together. Andrea was a party girl for sure, and there’s no way she’d miss one, which made it easy for Y/N and I to execute the finale of the operation. Ryan Bodero was hosting a big party, and Y/N and I thought it would be a good one to finalize our mission. We arrived fashionably late (we smoked a joint together to help us get through the evening) and the party was in full swing. Drunk students everywhere, clouds of smoke, loud music, and enough alcohol to be a full-service bar. I squeezed Y/N’s hand, guiding her through the crowd. She let go of my hand to hold onto my bicep as she stood on her tip-toes to whisper in my ear. 
“Andrea’s over there, by the bar, you wanna get a drink?” she pulled away and smirked. I nodded at her before rejoining are hands and heading over to the “bar”. We stood right next to Andrea. Perfect. 
“Alright, baby, what do you want? I’ll make it for you,” I was playing the role of good boyfriend probably louder than I needed to, but whatever it took. Y/N giggled, twirling her hair and pretending to think. “Hmm, what about a vodka cranberry?” she requested. Of course, after being friends for years, I knew that’s what she wanted. I nodded and kissed her forehead before moving over down the counter to mix her drink. I’d never kissed her forehead before. The only PDA we exhibited were hugs and handholding, but it felt natural to place a kiss there, like I was keeping her safe while I was away. After everything she’s been through, it’s what she deserves. I’m supposed to be her loving boyfriend, afterall. 
I finish her drink and bring it over to her, a beer in my other hand for me. She takes her drink and takes a sip, knowing before she even tasted it I made it how she likes it. She smiled at me, wrapping one arm around my neck in a brief hug and pulling away. It was too soon. “Thanks, honey! I’m gonna go talk to Laila real quick and then I’ll be back!” I watched her walk away, smiling even after she left and leaned up against the counter, looking around the room. When I turned to my right, Andrea was suddenly there. 
“So, you and Y/N, huh?” she asked. Thank god, she’s finally accepting that I don’t like her, and she’ll move on. “Yeah,” I sighed. “Best thing that ever happened to me!” I laughed. “Ha, well, I don’t think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to her,” Andrea says. I’m confused, and she can see it on my face, so she grabs my chin and turns my face to where she’s looking. Y/N and Ryan Bodero are talking, a bit too close for comfort, and his hands are on her hips. Only, she doesn’t seem to want them there. I feel my blood boil, ripping my face from Andrea’s grip. 
“Hey, asshole!” I say, walking towards Ryan. “That’s my girl, didn’t you know?” Ryan rolls his eyes and laughs, “No, but I don’t think she cares.” He pulls her closer for emphasis, but she tries to pull away, an uncomfortable look on her face. “Let me go,” she says to him before looking at me, practically begging me to do something. 
“Alright look, Ryan, I get that you have no respect for women, but let me teach you something. When a lady says no, you respect her,” I tell him, smashing my beer bottle on the side of his head. He lets her go and stumbles backwards, but comes back for me. We throw a few punches back and forth. My knuckles are hot, but I barely notice the pain. He can’t treat Y/N like that. I won’t allow it. He gets me in the eye, and I’m sent backwards. I go to lurch forward again, but Y/N touches my bicep. 
“Lip, you’re hurt, let’s go please,” she says. I nod at her, seeing her concern, but I turn to Ryan. “This isn’t over.” Ryan turns back to his friends as Y/N and I walk away. I hear her mutter, “yes, it is over.”
It’s a short walk back to my place, Y/N still clung to my arm, quiet but worried. When we walk inside, she tells me to go sit in the kitchen. I do. She grabs ice and some towels to clean up the blood and put ice on my eye to keep the swelling down. I’m sitting in the chair, and she’s standing in front of me, one of the few times she’s ever taller than me. I can’t help but stare up at her, but she doesn’t meet my gaze, too focused on cleaning the blood from my lip and nose. 
“Lip,” she starts. “You can’t just start fights like that. Someone could call the cops or maybe he’ll press charges! You can’t afford to go to jail.” 
“I know, baby,” the nickname rolling off my tongue like second nature and I barely notice her shoulders tense. “But he wasn’t respecting you, and he needed to be taught a lesson.” 
“No, he didn’t-” she starts to argue. “Dammit, you’re my girlfriend and I love you! Let me look out for you, please!” I’m slightly exasperated, not even realizing my confession. She’s shocked, lips parted like she wants to say something but can’t. I sigh, slouching in the chair, defeated. 
“Look, I know that wasn’t the deal. You didn’t sign up for a real relationship. But we’ve been friends for years and I’ve had a crush on you but I kept trying to get over it because I didn’t wanna fuck things up and here I am fucking things up but the more we fake dated, the more it felt real and I know in reality you’re single and you can do what you want but seeing my girlfriend being harassed by some asshole just made me so mad and I just lost it. I’m sorry.” I don’t usually talk about my feelings. I don’t even remember the last time I talked about my feelings. But I needed her to know that it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing, that I wasn’t just lonely. That I really cared for her. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. 
I feel her run her fingers through my hair, her rings gently tugging on the strands. 
“You’re right, baby,” she says softly. I look up at her, and we make eye contact for the first time since we walked through the door. “You’re my boyfriend. I should let you look out for me, just like you should let me look out for you. We’re in this together, right?” I nod, at a loss for words, still processing. I wrap my arms around her, my head hitting just below her breasts as I hold her tightly, her fingers still moving through my hair. 
“What do you say we forget this whole deal and we just date like we’re supposed to?” 
We both liked that idea.
thank you so much for reading!!
requests are open, so send me a message if you have any ideas or if you'd like to join one of my taglists!
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anonynaomi · 19 days
can someone help settle a debate between me (who hasn’t watched shameless) and my friend (who has watched shameless)
are Mickey and Ian from Shameless toxic or the best relationship dynamic?
I think they’re toxic but I’ve been told I don’t know/understand their relationship arc (true) and so I’ll agree and back down if the majority thinks so too.
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bibibusinessman · 7 months
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retold-tales · 1 year
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Protective Brothers
Imagine being Ian and Jeremy's little sister and fainting infront of them causing them to freak and take care of you
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ak-rye-47 · 7 months
Enzo : *Driving...see's a road sign.... putting on his best Twink American accent
" Road works ahead???? Yeah i sure HOPE it does " *sassy bitoch*
The still teen minded our The girl gang and Jeremy
: *shook*
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Damon : *sighs* "Introducing you to 21st century entertainment was a mistake"
Jeremy : " whatchu talkin about he's a Misaiah!!!!!!"
Bonnie : " He THE BITCH! "
Damon : * Ready to fight* " Did you just call my husband a BITCH? "
Enzo : " Nawhh na Day she called me THE bitch..."
Damon : ????
Enzo Bonnie Elena Caroline Jeremy *all at once*
: " Theres a difference "
Damon : * realisation kickin in*
"Am gonna loose my husband real quick real soon amn't i ? "
Stefan : * pats his back *
Ric : * Millennial confusion*
I mean you can't tell me Enzo hasn't gone through each and every single advancement and pop culture reference after makin his 'bad bitch returns' entry
P.S He owns a tumblr account....stefan helped
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An Ian ( Beware of the villainess ) x reader
Where the reader is tired of him cheating on her and mistreating her
So, she finally decided to follow her destiny
Be a hoe and hook up with other male characters ( Jeremy, Dion etc etc )
Coming right up 😍
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damonalbarn · 2 months
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When All On The Board (Ian Redpath & Jeremy Chopra) met Damon Albarn [X] allontheboard: It was a huge honour to meet one of our heroes, the one and only Damon Albarn. It was lovely to let him know how much we love Blur and how much the band’s music has meant to us since we were 14 years old. Such a wonderful bloke and obviously a legend and a genius as well.
O2 Silver Clef Awards 2024 (5 July 2024)
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femmehysteria · 11 months
Best Character Named X Poll
FOLLOW @best-character-named-x-poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM GMT everyday.
ask box closed for now
WILL BE POSTING POLLS ON @best-character-named-x-poll FROM FEB 1ST
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count.
Round 85: David
Round 86: Tiffany
Round 87: Charlie
Round 88: Sandy
Round 89: Cody
Round 90: Amanda
Round 91: Jeremy
Past Polls and Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Caroline, Tyler, Louis, Leonard, Rebecca, Steve, Nicole, Isabelle, Victoria, Katherine, Jade, Alex, Sophie, Greg, Jake, Ellie, Isaac, Robin, Tony, Annie, Lisa, Margaret, Oliver, Clark, Kara, Phoebe, Emma, Ruby, Bart, Alfie, Beth, Julian, Nancy, Penny, Margaret, Tessa, Erica, Theresa, George, Kevin, Sebastian, Felix, Martin, Michael, Erin, Caleb, Helen, Charlotte, Kyle, Martha, Diana, Elsa, Gary, Zoe, Connor, Colin, Daisy, Eric, Maya, Adam, Andy, Magnus, Alma, Nora, Alice, Spike, Leon, Marcel, Kim, Juno, Sue, Chris, Otto, Donald, Daphne, Kate, Todd, Ned, Ken, Angel, Judy, Jo, Hazel, Naomi, Diego, Miranda, Joel, Lila, Duncan, Dexter, Meredith, Pearl, Lily, Malcolm, Napolean, Joan, Nico, Jamie, Nadia, Velma, Jill, Kiera, Rory, Evan, Tam, Klaus, Neil, Derek, Michelle, Luna, Laila, Cordelia, Zack, Imogen, Felicity, Cindy, Alicia, Kelly, Alan, April, Astrid, Delilah, Jodie, Claudia, Juliet, Karen, Jonas, Milo, Celia, Hannah, Joy, Ethan, Katya, Aria, Atticus, Ian, Cynthia, Faye, Frank, Boo, River, Corey, Gabrielle, Minerva, Ebony, Zia, Beverly, Rudy, Georgina
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Sean, Troy, Cain, Agatha, Warren, Percy, Reggie, Mina, Ryan, Felicia, Dylan, Josh, Shirley, Debbie, Jared, June, Mabel, Ray, Chad, Moe, Hugh, Fearne, Christine, Joe, August, May, Scarlet, Alana, Leela, Manny, Dean, Francis, Mason, Oscar, Quinn, Guy, Ulrich, Wally, Yasmin, Tobias, Woody, Sabrina, Quentin, Margot, Alina, Matilda, Freya, Kendra, Angus, Ophelia, Leisel, Zelda, Adora, Piper, Scarlet, Sheila, Valentine, Laurie, Laurel, Fitz, Violet, Gabriel, Ford, Artemis, Owen, Bianca, Newton, Summer, Darcy, Noah, Taylor, Miriam, Hugh, Aurora, Hank, Henry, Dawn, Delia, Cosmo, Wanda, Zeke, Cecil, Aiden, Calvin, Ayesha, Beatrice, Parker, Chase, Hunter, Tina, Misty, Amaya, Amara, Harvey, Talia, Tatiana, Tanya, Orion, Eugene, Kit, Bo, Duke, Blue, Cameron, Rudolf, Mara, Marianne, Carl
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
Past Polls
Round 1: Peter : WINNER: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Round 2: Elizabeth : WINNER: Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Round 3: Jason : WINNER: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Round 4: Eve : WINNER: EVE (WALL-E)
Round 5: Fred : WINNER: Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)
Round 6: Rachel : WINNER: Rachel (Animorphs)
Round 7: Arthur : WINNER: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Round 8: Amy : WINNER: Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Round 9: Tom : WINNER: Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Round 10: Claire : WINNER: Clare Devlin (Derry Girls)
Round 11: James : WINNER: James (Pokemon)
Round 12: Max : WINNER: Max (Black Sails)
Round 13: Simon : WINNER: Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Round 14: Jane : WINNER: Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Round 15: Victor : WINNER: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
Round 16: Mary : WINNER: Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Round 17: Will : WINNER: Will Graham (Hannibal)
Round 18: Laura : WINNER: Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Round 19: Ben : WINNER: Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi (Star Wars)
Round 20: Chloe : WINNER: Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)
Round 21: John : WINNER: Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Round 22: Lydia : WINNER: Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Round 23: Mark : WINNER: Marc Spector (Moon Knight)
Round 24: Jess : WINNER: Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Round 25: Theo : WINNER: Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown Of Candy)
Round 26: Sarah: WINNER: Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who)
Round 27: Richard : WINNER: Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Round 28: Cass : WINNER: Cassandra Cain (Batman)
Round 29: Edward : WINNER: Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 30: Carm : WINNER: Carmen Sandiego (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?)
Round 31: Hal : WINNER: HAL9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Round 32: Sid : WINNER: Sydney Adamu (The Bear)
Round 33: Jack : WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Round 34: Stephanie : WINNER: Stephanie Brown (Batman)
Round 35: Ash : WINNER: Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Round 36: Veronica : WINNER: Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Round 37: Kurt : WINNER: Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Round 38: Eleanor : WINNER: Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Round 39: Nathan : WINNER: Nathan Young (Misfits)
Round 40: Fiona : WINNER: Princess Fiona (Shrek)
Round 41: Gale : WINNER: Gayle Waters-Waters (Chris Fleming)
Round 42: Barbara : WINNER: Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie (Barbie)
Round 43: Sam : WINNER: Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Round 44: Grace : WINNER: Grace Chastity (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Round 45: Barry : WINNER: Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone)
Round 46: Raven : WINNER: Raven (Teen Titans)
Round 47: Dan : WINNER: Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Round 48: Mia : WINNER: Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
Round 49: Matt : WINNER: Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Round 50: Rose : WINNER: Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Round 51: Robert : WINNER: Robbie Rotten (LazyTown)
Round 52: Lola : WINNER: Lola Bunny (Space Jam)
Round 53: Scott : WINNER: Scott Summers aka Cyclops (X-Men)
Round 54: Olivia : WINNER: Olivia Octavious (Spiderverse)
Round 55: Finn : WINNER: Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Round 56: Emily : WINNER: Emily Charlton (The Devil Wears Prada)
Round 57: Elliot : WINNER: Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Round 58: Sonia : WINNER: Sonia (Pokemon)
Round 59: Gideon : WINNER: Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Round 60: Jen : WINNER: Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Round 61: Miles : WINNER: Miles Morales (Spider-Man)
Round 62: Lana : WINNER: Lana Skye (Ace Attorney)
Round 63: Spencer : WINNER: Spencer Shay (iCarly)
Round 64: Tracy : WINNER: Tracy Turnbald (Hairspray!)
Round 65: Luke : WINNER: Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Round 66: Natalie : WINNER: Natalie Scatorccio (Yellowjackets)
Round 67: Harry : WINNER: Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Round 68: Lucy : WINNER: Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts)
Round 69: Damian : WINNER: Damian Wayne (Batman)
Round 70: Tabitha : WINNER: Tabitha Casper (Dan and Phil Games: Sims 4)
Round 71: Nick : WINNER: Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Round 72: Gwen : WINNER: Guinevere (Merlin)
Round 73: Paul : WINNER: Paulette Bonafonte (Legally Blonde)
Round 74: Abigail : WINNER: Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
Round 75: Jordan : WINNER: Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby)
Round 76: Donna : WINNER: Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Round 77: Morgan : WINNER: Morgana (Merlin)
Round 78: Allison : WINNER: Alison Cooper (BBC Ghosts)
Round 79: Patrick : WINNER: Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Round 80: Linda : WINNER: Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
Round 81: Philip : WINNER: Philip J. Fry (Futurama)
Round 82: Clarisse : WINNER: Clarisse La Rue (Percy Jackson)
Round 83: Jeff
Round 84: Maria
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut
alexa, liana, jeremy, and ian:
the Only barbie animated movie where the girl(s) do not end up with a guy. alexa & liana live together and enact a ton of romantic tropes together, the twin guys do flirt with them but then the girls are separated from them by... a magic rainbow. they do dance together at the end of the movie... before the girls leave to go live together again. wearing dresses that are literally the bi and lesbian pride flags. no joke.
angel and cordelia:
A solid friends-to-almost-lovers dynamic that ends tragically Because the showrunners of Angel didn't go in with the idea of putting these two together, the characters' friendship was allowed to develop organically without the assumption of romance, which then made the realization of their feelings for each other more satisfying. Unfortunately the shadow of Bangel (Buffy x Angel) still held over Angel's character, so I think it was a hard sell at the time and didn't gain a lot of popularity in the years since. Both these two characters grew alongside each other, supported each other, and despite knowing that they loved each other, let each other go to pursue their destinies.
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fairykery · 11 months
The Vampire Diaries opinions people hate me for:
Forwood is actually a good ship and I wish it didn't have to go down like that, at the expense of Caroline's character.
I ship Klaroline; but Klaus was toxic. I could only ever see this ship becoming endgame if Klaus redeemed himself first.
Caroline had chemistry with everyone except Stefan.
Bamon had potential (and it was literally in the books). If they had come up with a "I had my humanity off" plotline it would have made the ship work🤷🏻‍♀️
Bonezo is a good ship and is clearly less toxic than Bamon; but it only happened to please racist dullena fans that complained about Bamon's romantic implications(even if it happened in the books)
Caroline, Katherine, Bonnie, & Stefan are the most interesting characters of TVD
Jeremy & Anna were cute IDK🤷🏻‍♀️
Matt did not deserve the hate. His feelings were valid. All his friends were killers and he was an abandoned, heartbroken boy, whose mom was a drunk and pedophile, and his only sister & family was killed by the boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend who he loved alot, just cause he decided he was bored. He remained loyal & brave to his friends and they didn't account for their murders and killings & stopped caring for the innocent.
Alaric was not a bad father and teacher. Even if he had his slip-ups he was actually an interesting & good character.
Damon is way too defended In this fandom. People should like the character and not defend the wrongs?! Just how many women has he compelled to sleep with him and to let him drink their blood? And what about what he did to Aaron whitmore? He slaughtered entire families of Innocents even while dating Elena. So all that "sHe mAkEs hiM bEtTeR" crap, is not valid. You can like Ian's acting and the smugness of his character, & like the character for those reasons, without defending the terrible acts of the character.
Delena was a horrible ship. The only reason it's popular is due to the shallow fact that people see Ian as more handsome than Paul. The ship only has good chemistry and looks. Beyond that, there is nothing.
Stefan is still the better man. (Fried humanity/off humanity Stefan don't count just as it goes for all the other vampires) Gaslighting writing through the other characters won't change that(Nice try, Julie P)🤷🏻‍♀️
Alaric and Jo were really cute together. I don't care. They made epic twins together.
Elena is overloved; but overhated at the same time. It's annoying. Just love the kind human girl that she used to be and hate the vicious, selfish girl she became, without hating her for breathing. That simple.
Klelijah(Katherine x Elijah) is not a good ship. Katherine loved stefan. She was only using Elijah to survive, and back then she only pitied him. Elijah also only was with her because of what he did to Tatia
Katherine did deserve better though, even if she did bad things. Making her the biggest/& ultimate devil and pretending there wasn't any good in her was incredibly misogynistic. Like Damon & Klaus did worse things and they get happy lives and good character ends? Like No! Horrible! Katherine's core was a scared little girl who wanted to live a normal human life while still being powerful and beautiful. She was chased for 500 years, had to see her entire family slaughtered, lost a baby because of misogynistic expectations, found her again, just to see her last family die again. Did she do horrible things? Yes; all to survive. But she also saved Jeremy, Damon, Stefan, encouraged Elena to be honest about what she felt for Damon even when she didn't have to.
Caroline did annoying things; but overall she was an interesting character. And she was way too smart and strong as a vampire. I loved seeing it.
Bonnie deserved so much more than the show gave her. I hope she gets her own show one day. A show about witches would be pretty lit.
Rebecca could have tried harder to be kinder and less evil. I get she had centuries of habits she needed to break but still. (Elena stabbing her in the back was still shit though)
Klaus was evil to his default and was an abuser to his family. I'm glad he changed/died for hope; but still I would have been nice if there were other factors to this action.
They shouldn't have thrown away the good of Elijah Mikalson. He didn't deserve that. The way they also tried to pull a Stefan on him.
Haylijah was a cute ship🤷🏻‍♀️
Esther wasn't wrong about her children being evil as vampires. And what she wanted to do with them was have them live as humans.
What the originals did to Marcel was fucked up
What the originals did to Davina was cruel
I wish we could have seen more of the witch that played "the hollow".
Glamorizing Hope's evil side is not "a flex". Again, like the character & actor art; but not the vicious actions.
Hosie should have been canon
That random new original sister was so unnecessary.
Kolvina is the most interesting ship of the entire TVDverse I wish there was more of them
All TVD ships were good I just find: Steroline, Delena, & Klamille to be cringe. Steroline only happened to compensate Forwood/& Klaroline and justify Delena. And Delena only happened because of looks and the love story was trash. Klamille was also a compensation ship to Klaroline so yeah, cringe.
TVD writing, lore, acting, cinematography,. directing is all a 10. The only thing that is trash is the ending and all the romantic entanglement the show had.
Warning: This isn't to start an agree to disagree party. This post is just so that those that agree with me can high-five with me. If you disagree, don't even bother commenting on this post. Everything is a matter of perception & perspective. I'm just sharing mine, while venting. By jumping on this post to fight with me you are immediately self-labeling yourself as entitled. Everyone has their own opinions bestie so don't even.
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soulc-hilde · 4 months
Ch. 02 - No Good Fridays
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A/N: Even though the gif would've been perfect for the first chapter seeing as this happened in episode 1, I'll still use it because Jeremy's face is just perfect!
Pairing: Lip Gallagher x Black!OFC
Warning(s): Follows the FX tv show, Shameless, viewer discretion be advised. Depictions of grooming as well as non-consensual acts being mentioned, depictions and ideations of suicide, depictions of drug and alcohol abuse, racial and homophobic slurs, mentions of CPS/CYS and foster care, depictions and mentions of consensual sexual acts, depictions of violence (gun and maybe gang), depictions of mental health, depictions of inherited addiction, and so much fucking more.
Synopsis: All Lip Gallagher ever had was family and despite the praise over his intellect, the health and wellbeing of his people were far more important than him furthering his education. Lecroy was a young girl destined to face abandonment until the Gallagher clan came through. Using her own skillset and connects to build a better life for those she loves, she ties Lip and his family to her hip.
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Two of the greatest events in television history will broadcast tonight. One - The UFC pay-per-view and two - The Deadliest Catch Season Finale. Such a big event, that Frank went as far as trying to tie his soiled hair in a ponytail before meeting his little friends at the Alibi. Behind him, two cars pull in at the same time. Steve and Ian jump out the black BMW coupe with bags in their hands while Lecroy follows suit.
As the crew began to set up before the show, Lecroy's once relaxed posture turns fridged at the sight of Karen in the living room with Lip. Rather than greeting the boy, she walks past him and into the kitchen with Ian and Steve to grab the food.
"Burgers comin' through," Ian sings, leaving the kitchen. Fiona turns over her shoulder, "uh, Lip, napkins." Karen takes a step forward, "I can do it," but Lip was already ahead of her. "I got it," he shakes his head.
Fiona raises an interested eyebrow, studying the interaction. Wanting to test a theory, she watches as he goes for the kitchen as well, passing the only - other - positive woman in his life. "Hey, Peaches," he greets with a small smile.
However, he receives a rushed head nod and nothing else. Both of Fiona's eyebrows raise as she bites her bottom lip. Oh, great, a pissed off Murphy and a possibly puppy-eyed Lip, the eldest Gallagher huffs to herself.
"Only ketchup," Steve reads off the order. Debbie raises her hand, "me!" He then reads off the next one, "extra onions, jalapenos." V opens the front door, taking it, "me."
She climbs over the couch, landing beside Fiona just as Carl makes his way over. He tries to grab at her cookies only for her to pull it back, "uh-aht-aht, after you finish your shake and fries."
He sits back with a slight pout. Lecroy laughs, patting the back of his head softly before sitting him in her lap on the couch. "It's okay," she whispers, "I'll get you your cookies, bubba."
He now smiles, happily diving into his sandwich. V turns, catching sight of the unfamiliar blonde in her peripheral, "who's this?" Lip answers, coming back with napkins, "this is Karen."
"Hey, Karen. Nice top," V greets her, "what size are you?" Fiona cuts in, waving her hand, "shh! Shut up." As the narrator of the show begins to talk, Lecroy softly nudges V with her elbow.
The two meet eyes as the copper haired teen bounces her eyebrows before rolling her eyes. V's mouth drops, mouthing an understanding, "oh." In other words, Lecroy reminded the woman that Karen was the blonde neighborly pass around who not only is stealing her best friend, but is just an all round nuisance.
After watching maybe like... 2-3 minutes in? A bloody, pouting drunk Frank returns to the house, slamming the front door closed. Everyone turns, watching him with humor and wonder; mostly wondering who out of every Southside resident had the urge to rightfully punch him.
"You okay, Frank?" Steve asks, face scrunching with sympathy. Lecroy, on the other hand, snickers to herself. "Hey," Ian starts, eyes noticing something strange on his deadbeat father. He follows after the man from his seat. "That my shirt?"
At the question, the boy's father stops and turns in silence. On guard, Lecroy carefully sits Carl between herself and V in case she'd have to launch at the man. "Yeah," Frank nods, stepping towards Ian.
His son slowly steps back, shaking his head, "uh, I'm just asking." Frank nods, forcing his forehead down onto Ian's nose with enough force that the teen flies and lands on the table. Everyone jumps, screaming as Fiona begins asking Ian if he was okay.
"Guy in the bar said to pass it on," Frank explains. Immediately, Lecroy pounces at the father.
Sending a right hook at his trachea, the older man collapses to his knees as he fights for oxygen. Clasping onto his throat, wheezing, his eyes widen with delay as her denim clad knee jabs into his glabella. His body falls back without resistance, comparable to a ragdoll.
Steve and Fiona's eyes widen as they try to pull her away from him. Steve's arms wrap under her arms as he tries to lift her away. Fiona calls out, urgently, "wait, no, don't--" but it was too late. Lecroy's elbow forces down into the man's ribs eliciting a gasp, edging on a whimper, to escape.
"She's so strong," he winces, holding his sides. Keeping face, he turns to glare at the drunkard. "You don't do this to your kids, Frank," he grits his teeth. "What are you, a tough guy, Steve? You think you're a fucking tough guy?" Frank teases.
He steps forward, "because you look like a premenstrual Filipino." He points at a glaring Lecroy who stood beside a wincing Ian. "If anyone's tough, it's that baboon bitch--"
Without hesitating, the girl picks up the tray of milkshakes and hurls it at him. He stubbles back, slightly hissing at the sting, glaring toward the teen.
"What the fuck, Frank?!" Lip belts in outrage, happily watching her mop the floor with him. "What the hell did he just call her?!" V shouts, pushing Carl to hide behind her back.
"You wanna come at me, Babygirl," he teases, "then let's go. Let's see how long you'd sit in Juvie this time. Even better, that might put ya in the loony bin."
She forces him against the wall, gripping him by the collar. Repeatedly, she forces him against it until Steve forces her off without getting hit again. Fiona hops in front of the girl, bending down in hopes catching her eye would settle the teen.
The older woman's eyes water at the dark, dead eyes that seem to stare through her. "C'mon, Le," Fiona quietly pleads, "calm down. He's not worth it, okay? Not again."
She pulls her into her chest, hugging her tightly, "go upstairs and calm down, a'ight. It's okay, it's okay." Feeling her shoulders slacken, Fiona slowly turns her to the steps, not allowing Frank to fall in her sight.
As the teen shuffles up the stairs, silent, like a zombie, Fiona turns to the others. Steve puffs his chest, ready to swing on Frank, but she quickly pushes him back and gets between the two. "Steve, go. Get out. Hey, just go!" She orders.
"Please," she pleads, she points at the door as Debbie softly shows him out with a skillet still in hand. "Come on," Franks yells, "don't go. Come on. Puss, puss, puss."
On the table with napkins trying to stop the bleeding, Ian chokes on some blood that slips down his throat. "Ice," V orders. Frank brushes his hair back, "it's a bloody nose. He's not dyin'."
"Shut the fuck up, Frank," V grits, her mind overworked and exhausted as it bounced from Ian being hit by his own father to the man egging on a 16-year-old with explosive anger.
He goes to walk away before turning to them, "anybody notice that I'm bleedin'?" Ian waves away everyone's hands, marching up the stairs, "I got it. Where's Croy?" Lip follows after him, the brothers now in search of the manic girl.
Lodged in the boys' bedroom, Lecroy sat on Ian's bed with a lit blunt hanging from between her lips. Instead of actively inhaling and exhaling the substance, she simply partook in allowing the smoke to swirl inside her body with every passive breath in and shooting out of her nostrils with every breath out.
Her onyx eyes take a pitch of black that gives her a soulless appearance in the nearly dark room. They stare at the floor with a blank glare, not a thought emerging behind those pretty eyes. Lip and Ian, hell anyone who's a part of the Gallagher's close circle, was no stranger to Lecroy's bursts of rage.
It was as if she was her own Hulk, but without the heroic music playing in the background. She could threaten to tear a building from the inside out and mean it, enjoying the pain that licked at her skin with every hit. To the Gallaghers' it was a part of who she was, who they knew Lecroy to be. In her family, however, this was an unspoken of reality for them; a curse, as her grandmother would put it.
Each Gallagher teen takes a seat on her sides. Lip gently pulls the blunt from her lips, inhaling some for himself as Ian changed shirts. "You should've hi'im' back," Lip opens the conversation.
Ian looks down at him, "if I ever do, I'll fucking kill him." The blip of anger seeps between his teeth as he forces the clean shirt over his head. He nods to the blanked out girl between them. "Besides, Le was ahead on that mission," he scoffs, humorlessly.
"So?" Lip shrugs, "eight to ten for manslaughter. Get laid as often as you want. Tattoos and everything. It's gay heaven, man." Rather than respond, Ian takes his seat beside Lecroy, blotting at the blood on his face.
He takes the offered blunt before passing it back. Feeling her bones come to a settle from the enraged shaking underneath her skin, the girl begins to slowly blink as she comes to reality. Noticing the loss of weed in her lungs, she grabs the blunt from Ian's fingers and places it between her lips.
Lip, who waited his turn in the session, softly smiles and lands a quick peck on the girl's temple. The three musketeers, as always, had won another battle against the world. Rather than going home, she stayed the night at the Gallaghers.
In the morning, she cooks breakfast while Debbie sets off to steal the neighbor's paper in search for coupons and Ian, with the help of V, steals milk and creamer from Conrad, the local delivery guy for all the corner stores. Basically, a regular Friday.
Plating up the food, it was a simple menu of sunny side eggs with toast and bacon. Setting a plate down for every Gallagher, she received the usual thanks -- one of them being a soft pat on the rear by Lip -- as Ian sat a half gallon of milk on the table.
"Don't forget V's coupons," Debbie states. The boy nods, walking back outside. In the meantime, Fiona comes down with Liam and grabs the mail. Lip helps her set him up in the high chair.
As she sorts through the mail, gratefully taking the cup of coffee Lecroy made for her, Ian comes back inside with V's coupons. He looks at his sister, "any pizza left from last night?"
Both Fiona and Lecroy glare over at him. "No pizza. Fruit or juice," Fiona answers. Lecroy then states, "besides I'm making a whole breakfast. We've got eggs, bacon, and toast. Take it."
The two girls smile at his disgruntled yet satisfied look. "OJ's in the top, grape's in the bottom drawer," she directs. Over at the table, Debbie reads off all the coupons they've received.
"Poptarts, Frosted Flakes, Bisquick, Heinz Ketchup, and ooh-ooh! Even got a couple two-for-ones for Tide," the young auburn girl grins, waving the coupon beside her head.
Leaving the fridge, Ian looks over at her, "any coupons for meat?" She nods, "yeah. They got a special on ground chuck at Costco and Hot Pockets." Fiona chuckles, "great. We'll go tomorrow."
Lecroy sits between Liam and Lip, feeding the toddler some eggs and finely crumbled pieces of bacon. As his pouty lips fumble around the tips of the plastic fork, slowly swallowing the egg, Lip watches the two. He sets a sippy cup filled with milk in front of her. She sends him a small smile before giving it to Liam.
"Lip, you seen Frank?" Fiona asks, after reading the postal stamp on a yellow envelope. The teen pauses, swallowing, "uh, no." She hums, "what day is it?" He answers again with a sigh, "Friday. Why?"
Fiona skips up the stairs, searching for him without an answer. A firm knock rings from the back door, Ian sets down a plate in front of Carl before answering. Lecroy side-eyes the boy as he licks at the yolk, shooting a piece of bacon at his forehead.
He glances up at her, a small frown taking over his face. She sends a mocking one back, "eat your food, not disrupt the masses."
From behind him, Steve walks through with donuts and cups from the local coffee shop. "Mornin' campers," he greets them.
"Whoa, what'chu got?" Lip asks.
"Jelly, plain, and glazed," he sets the stuff down, winking at Lecroy, "I even got you a couple bostons saved."
The girl smiles, "and to think, I was gon'a be mad that you interrupted a healthy breakfast. All's good now." The two laugh as he hands her the cup labeled: 'hot chai latte.'
He leans over, watching as Carl continues to lick at the yolk of his eggs as Lecroy was distracted. Quickly, he takes a piece of bread from his plate, quickly tapping it against the yolk as the boy side-eyes him.
"Bet you hate when that happens," he teases. Ian scoffs in disgust, "they're his tits. It's the only reason he eats eggs."
Lecroy shakes her head, "I've stopped the ranting and just started throwing things at him," she leans over, playfully glaring at the boy, "like a dog."
Debbie's face scrunches in disgust, "he just licked that one." Fiona comes down the stairs, slowing at the sight of Steve. She looks down, noticing the donuts and coffee.
"Oh, great," she sighs. "Le and I've been trying to get them to eat a healthy breakfast." Munching on a boston creme, Lecroy mindlessly waves the older woman off.
"I already chewed him out about it, Fi," she pauses mid-chew and side eyes her, "the bostons are mine."
Steve smirks, gesturing to the table, "I bought all the essential morning food groups: caffeine, sugar, lard," he lands a peck on her lips, leaning back with a content hum.
She pulls him to the side, "I'm sorry about last night." He shakes his head, "never apologize for your parents. Believe me, I don't. So you can let go of that." Flustered, she sends him a quick smile before looking at the group with a confused frown.
"Has anybody seen Dad?" She asks once again. Debbie answers, "he was asleep behind the armchair." Fiona sighs, marching for the chair with the others following with curiosity.
Leaning over the back of the chair, her face scrunches as she snatches at the polyester material. "It's a tent," she acknowledges, turning to the others, "why is there a tent in the living room?"
"Oh, uh, drying it out," Ian confesses, "ROTC training in Wisconsin next week."
Debbie bends down, "I thought it was Dad. I left him a cup of coffee LeLe made this morning." She picks up the cup, "I thought I heard him say thanks."
Fiona leaves without a word, most likely going to V and Kev's for answers. Fiona returns with a final declaration, "I think Dad's missin'." Like clockwork, Lecroy and the Gallaghers start calling across the neighborhood in hopes anyone had seen the drunkard.
"Hey, Ted," Lip speaks into the phone, "yeah. Yeah. Since Michael Jackson died?"
Debbie sits on the landline, "hey, John, it's Debbie. Have you seen Frank since last night?"
Laying on the floor in the doorway of the living room and the kitchen, Lecroy is caught up in her own two conversations on two phones. One being with her mother:
"Yeah, has he been checked in at all since last night? This morning?" She pauses, "nah, ma, everything's fine... somewhat. The old bastard done went Houdini."
And the other being her boss, or dad:
"Baba, I know," she huffs as the man falls into a rant, "yeah, you wouldn't let him in the shop, regardless, I just need to know if you've seen him? I don't care if you drove past his body on the sidewalk, it'll count."
Fiona stations herself on the couch, "since last night, at the Alibi."
Ian sat on a phone as well, "sorry about the door. And the window. y-yeah, so, anyways, I was wondering; have you seen Frank?"
"Hello, has Frank been down at the department say last night or this morning?" V asks the receptionist at the Police station.
All of a sudden the landline from her house is snatched out of the window, the phone whipping from her hands. "Shit!" She yells, leaning out the window to see the phone being roped down the sidewalk.
"What the fuck? Motherfucker," She wonders to herself, rushing out of the Gallagher house. Still on the phone, but now sitting up, Lecroy laughs with a shake of her head.
"That's some ghetto ass shit," her smile drops as muffled voices begin cussing her out on both phones.
Laying back down, she blurts out rushed apologies into both receivers, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! No, 'm not shoutin'a' ye'."
Soon after Kev had roped V back to the house, everyone's phone calls came to a stop. "Anything?" Fiona asks, looking at them. They all shake their heads.
Ian answers, "nobody's seen him since yesterday." Debbie whines, her freckled face falling. Fiona consoles her, "hey, hey, don't worry, Debs. We're gon'a find him, okay?"
Her small body falls into small tremors. From behind, Lecroy plants a gentle peck on her crown, softly rubbing her shoulders. Ian leans over, muttering words of comfort.
Fiona looks at everyone, "we split up. All the regular spots, okay? Go."
Everyone splits up. Lip and Karen go together, much to the Murphy's chagrin. Instead, Ian and herself ventured off in her Jeep, pulling off with a screeching. They travel around the block, searching every nook and cranny the piece of shit could possibly hide in.
Even going as far as whipping open port-a-potties until Ian accidentally showcased a shitting man. Quickly, all three scramble to shut the door before the two redheads run off to their next spot.
Rounding corners of junkyards and even the neighbors' backyards, they began dumpster searching for him. It was a great idea until Lecroy loses her grip and front flips into one of the bins.
She leaps out of the stank container with a cry, trembling in disgust as Ian laughs his ass, falling in the alleyway. The duo steals a tarp and tucks it over the driver's seat before returning home. However, things weren't much better there.
Pulling in front of V and Kev's place, they walk in, eyes lighting up at the sight of Fiona and Steve. Stepping deeper in the room, they falter at the sight of Veronica ironing a shirt while topless for the webcam.
Ian smiles at the ridiculous scenery, "hey, V."
The woman's portrayal of some sort of sexy housewife doesn't falter as she greets him back, "hey, Ian."
Lecroy, on the other hand, couldn't snatch her eyes off of the woman's breast, blinking with a deadpan. "God, I love women," she mutters shamelessly.
"Um, sorry, Fiona," Ian changes the subject, "Debbie needs you. It's bad." Lecroy nods, jaw clenching as her focus falls back onto what brought them in the first place.
Back in the Gallagher house, a panicking Debbie sobs as she's surrounded by everyone. "Again, Debbie," Fiona speaks. The girl fumbles across her words, sounding as if she was singing hymns.
"Uh, Holly thought she saw a body under the tracks on Halsted," Ian explains. Fiona looks at him in shock, "what?" Steve denies the false tale, "it's not him, Debs, or the police would've contacted us by now."
Lecroy pats her head gently, "besides, it's Holly, honey. She's been in the third grade for four years." Fiona nearly growls, "I'm gonna deck that little bitch."
The Murphy girl shakes her head, "let me do it. I got a pre-buried hole in my backyard anyways." For a second, Steve pauses and glances at the teen with concern before looking back at Debbie.
"Does that even make sense, Debbie?" He asks, bending in front of her. "Why would your dad be in Halsted when he lives in the opposite direction?"
Lip steps in from behind, "well, depends. How was he lookin' when you, uh, left him at the Alibi Room last night, Steve?" He stands up, called out as Fiona follows. "When?" She asks.
"Uh," the man stammers, "ten? Ten thirty. Went to apologize, bought him a drink, then went home." He begins to light a cigarette, trying to appear collected under the lie.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Fiona asks. The front door opens as Kev walks in, "hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" The elder Gallagher steps toward him to the side.
"They found a body under the L," he says.
Once again, the family races off to the tracks, their hearts pounding against their chests in hopes that the body wasn't their father. Sliding to a stop at the circle of officers, Fiona speaks first.
"Do you know who that is?" She pants. "Stay back, okay? Stay back," the officer orders rather than answering her question.
They watch, silently as the coroner studies the body before flipping it over to reveal some homeless man who was very obviously not Frank. Veronica and the kids squeal with cheer while Lip and the others puff out a sigh of relief.
Wiping his hands down his face, the cyan eyed boy takes a hold of Lecroy's left hand, squeezing it into his chest. She looks at him, gifting a small smile, nodding. It's okay, she mouths to him. He simply returns with a smile, looking at the younger Gallaghers.
Off, behind them, Karen watches with studious eyes, lifting an eyebrow at the slip of affection. Despite the continuous ride on the Thrilling Gallagher Adventures thanks to Lip, she could care less about the boy's obvious yet simple need to involve her in his life.
All she needed was a fuck buddy and he seemed to keep her entertain, much like the rest of her roster. However, that doesn't mean she's willing to give him up and allow him to fall into the Murphy teen's arms. While Karen's... extra-curricular activities were a known fact, not much was known about Lecroy.
Her mother's a nurse, takes care of the Gallaghers and is an advocate for DV, her father owns a small auto shop, her nana runs the neighborhood daycare center, and the teen was a certified hustler.
That was it. Not too detailed. Not too vague. A respectable, working class family. Karen could fucking barf.
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Oookay, so, this is probably the longest piece I've written yet and this is just 30 mins of episode 2. The rest will be added into Chapter 3, later on.
As we've slightly touched on Murphy's mental health - specifically -- disruptive behavior disorder, at some point we will take a dive into just exactly what she's inherited from her family and how it affects her daily life.
Don't be afraid to inbox me or simply heart, reblog, comment, and/or follow me for more content! Ask me any questions, my time is yours right here,
Much Love!!
Taglist: @slytherinroyalty16 @v1rgorl
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Already got a list of the ships for the ULTIMATE fucked up ship tournament done. Hopefully will start it in two weeks or so. This is a list of the ships:
1. The Darkling and Alina, The Grisha Trilogy
2. Batman and The Riddler, The Batman 2022
3. stu and billy from scream
4. Vriska and Terezifrom homestuck
5. light and l from death note
6. Dirk Strider and Jake English from Homestuck,
7. Vio and Shadow Link from the Four Swords manga
8. Emilio Murkmere x Tobias Schenien from Ghost Eyes
9. Oswald x Ed from Gotham
10. Anna Croft/ Yu Junghyeok (orv)
11. Dimitri/Edelgard - Fire Emblem Three Houses
12. Will Graham and Hannibal, Hannibal
13. yoonbum x sangwoo, killing stalking
14. Starscream and Megatron, from the Transformers franchise
15. Mukuro Ikusaba/Junko Enoshima from Dangan Ronpa
16. Ladd Russo and Lua Klein from Baccano!
17. Daida and Miranjo from Ousama Ranking
18. Shizuo and Izaya from Durarara!!
19. theresa x otto, honkai impact
20. dorian x fem! inquisitor, dragon age
21. renee x huey from baccano
22. nanami x touga, revolutionary girl Utena
23. madoka and homura, puella magi madoka magica
24. (Ronan Lynch x Joseph Kavinksy) - The Raven Cycle
25. Seishirou and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon/X
26. Misaki/Satou, Welcome to the NHK
27. Bakugou and Deku (My Hero Academia)
28. Akito and Shigure, Fruits Basket
29. House and Wilson, House MD
30. Scarlet and Chase, I’m the Grim Reaper
31. Jong-woo and Moon-jo, Strangers from Hell
32. Moon-young and Gang-tae, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
33. Medea and Helio, Your Throne
34. Celty and Shinra, Durarara
35. Akira and Ryo, Devilman
36. Yoshino and Kirishima, Raise wa Tanin Ga ii
37. Chateau and Ryang-ha, Love of Kill
38. Satoko and Shinpei, Hotaru no Yomeiri
39. Clarice and Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs
40. He Yan and Fu Shenxing, Who is the Prey
41. Cain/Owen from Promise of Wizard / Mahoyaku
42. Texas/Lappland from Arknights.
43. Jeongmin and Siyun, Dreaming Freedom
44. Han Chae-ah and Park Yunsu, Trapped
45. akane kurashiki/junpei tenmyouji from zero escape
46. Juri/Shiori (from Revolutionary Girl Utena)
47. Jackie/Shauna, Yellowjackets)
48. Cassandra/Rapunzel from the Tangled series
49. Damien and Elena from vampire diaries
50. Kristoph/Phoenix, Ace Attorney
51. Juice and Chibs, Sons of Anarchy
52. Utena/Anthy from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena.
53. Cutthroat x Swindler, from Akudama Drive.
54. Yuno Gasai x Yukkiteru Amano from Mirai Nikki
55. Sal/Syakesan x Wadanohara from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea.
56. Jeremy and the SQUIP, Be More Chill
57. Ian Grimm and Poppy Li, Mythic Quest
58. Lestat de Lioncourt and Louis De Pointe du Lac, Interview with the Vampire
59. fuuma and kamui from clamp's x/1999
60. Victor and Eli, Vicious
61. Elisabeth and Der Tod, Elisabeth
62. Rudolf and Der Tod, Elisabeth
63. Veronica Sawyer and J.D, Heathers
64. Akechi Goro × Persona 5 protagonist (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya)
65. Hondomachi and Fukuda, ID: Invaded
66. Harley Quinn and the Joker, DC
67. Christine and Erik, Phantom of the Opera
68. Lisa Reisert and Jackson Rippner, Red Eye
69. Valeta and Reinhart, I Failed to Oust the Villain
70. Light Yagami and Misa Amane, Death Note
71. Sumire and Hakubo, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
72. Mika Harima and Seiji Yagiri, Durarara!!
73. Emma Wilson and Yohan Lee, My Deepest Secret
74. Sarah and Jareth, Labyrinth
75. Addie LaRue and Luc, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
76. Ja Yoon and The Nobleman, The Witch, Part One: Subversion
77. Makima and Denji, Chainsaw Man
78. Kyoko and Katsuya, Fruits Basket
79. Mrs. De Winter and Maxim, Rebecca
80. Mutsuki Tooru and Urie Kuku, Tokyo Ghoul
81. Victor and Elizabeth, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
82. Constanta, Magdalena, and Alexei and Dracula, A Dowry of Blood
83. Ha-im and Geunhu, Never Ending Darling
84. Frank Cotton & Julia Cotton - Hellraiser (1987)
85. Yuki Cross & Kaname Kuran, Vampire Knight
86. Johann and Sasha, The Double Agent
87. Sian and Yul, Secret Alliance
88. Charlize and Dylan, The Taming of the Tyrant
89. Lin and Dosung, 340 Days
90. Makishima Shougo & Shinya Kougami from PSYCHOPASS.
91. Charlotte Willmore x Lizzie Wells, from The Perfection (2018).
92. “Hikaru”/Yoshiki from The Summer hikaru Died,
93. Dolph Laserhawk x Alex Taylor from Captain Laserhawk
94. Dolph Laserhawk x Rayman from Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
95. Yuuji Itadori x Mahito from Jujitsu Kaisen
96. (luo binghe x shen qingqiu) from scum villain's self saving system.
97. Heaven Official's Blessing. Ships He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan.
98. Ives and Boyd from Ravenous 1999
99. Eve and Vilanelle, Killing Eve
100. Sephiroth/Cloud (FF7 Compilation)
101. Clary and Jace from the Mortal Instruments
102. Rika Sasaki/Yoshiyuki Terada, Cardcaptor Sakura,
103. Veralidaine Sarrasri/Numair Salmalín, from the Immortals Quartet
104. Eli/Oskar, Let the Right One In (2008).
105. Lavan Firestorm/Kalira, Brightly Burning
106. Lapis/Jasper (Steven Universe
107. PearlescentMoon/SMajor, the Life Series
108. Christine/Erik (Phantom Takarazuka)
109. The Brain/Julia (Animaniacs 2020)
110. Sterek, Teen Wolf
111. Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard, The Magnus Archives
112. Fyodor and Nikolai, Bungo Stray Dogs
113. Beatrice and Battler, Beabato, from "Umineko”
114. Father Paul/Riley Flynn; Midnight Mass
115. Edward Teach/Izzy Hands; Our Flag Means Death;
116. Batman/Joker
117. Cesare Borgia/Lucrezia Borgia - The Borgias
118. Dean/Sam Winchester from Supernatural
119. Vegas/Pete (Kinnporsche: The Series)
120. Hitori Uzune and Nanaki Kazuaki from Hatoful Boyfriends.
121. Lanze/Bluepool and Anan from Beauty and the Beasts
122. Blade and Dan Heng from Honkai Star Rail
123. Spike and Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
124. Isaac and Finn, I’m Dating a Psychopath
125. Lenore and Annabelle, Nevermore
126. Estelle and Khalid, From a Knight to a Lady
127. Layla and Matthias, Cry or Better Yet Beg
128. Hyuna and Luka, Alien Stage
129. Karuto and Lily, Dear my Living Dead
130. Andrew and Ashley Graves, Coffin of Andy and Leyley
131. Lydia Deetz/Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice
132. Harrow and gideon from gideon the ninth/Locked Tomb
133. Cathy x Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
134. Felix x Ollie (Saltburn)
135. Grace Chastity x Max Jaegerman, Nerdy Prudes Must Die
136. Mikoto and Haijin, Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi
137. Eucenielle and Tes, I Hold the Tyrant’s Heart
138. Claire and Balt, The East Wind of the Altas
139. Usui and Misaki, Maid Sama
140. Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive, Black Butler
141. Dabi x Hawks from My Hero Academia
142. Alice “Daisy” Tonner/Basira Hussain, The Magnus Archives
143. Naruto and Sasuke, from Naruto
144. Byleth Eisner / Jeritza von Hrym from fire emblem three houses
145. Akira x keisuke from togainu no chi (nitro+chiral game)
146. Lucy Gray Baird and Coriolanus Snow, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
147. Elias and Chise, The Ancient Magus Bride
148. Gendo and Yui Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
149. Punpun and Aiko, Goodnight Punpun
150. Sang-hyun and Tae-ju, Thirst
151. Hawa and Adam, The Guy Upstairs
152. Satoru Fujnuma and Gaku Yashiro, Erased
153. Root and Sameen Shaw, Person of Interest
154. The Doctor and the master, Doctor Who
155. Juliette and Warner, Shatter Me
156. Ich and Mrs Danvers, Rebecca das Musical
157. Kokichi Ouma and Shuichi Saihara, Danganronpa V3
158. Roxy and Velma, Chicago
159. Griffith and Guts, Berserk
160. Creed and Train, Black Cat
161. Torso and Mutsuki, Tokyo ghoul
162. Vash and Knives, Trigun
163. Sweeney Tod and Mrs Lovett, Sweeney Tod
164. Kuroi and Mashiro, Thou Dhall Not Die
165. Amy and Nick, Gone Girl
166. India and Charlie Stoker, Stoker
167. Pig and Runt, Disco Pigs
168. Anakin and Padme, Star Wars
169. Chloe and Kairos, I Shall Kill That Sweet Devil
170. Jung and Seol, Cheese in the Trap
171. Anthy and Akio Ohtori, Revolutionary Girl Utena
172. Feyre and Rhysand, A Court of Thrones and Roses
173. Lelouch and Suzaku, Code Geass
174. Mikiya and Shiki, Garden of Sinners
175. Gatsby and Daisy, The Great Gatsby
176. Ivan and Till, Alien Stage
177. Sylar and Elle Bishop, Heroes
178. Helena and Demetrius, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
179. V and Rika, Mystic Messenger
180. Yukari and George, Paradise Kiss
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
blog rules !
the biggest and most obvious is MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. minors are absolutely not welcome on my blog, it's 18+ only. — (i don't care if you're 17 and gonna be 18 in a week. you're still a minor for a week. respect my rules or get blocked, that simple.)
i do not give consent for my works to be published on other sites by other people. my work is only published on my tumblr, if you see it posted elsewhere please let me know!
i kindly ask that you respect my pronouns and identity ! i'm nonbinary (sorta fem aligned) and use they/she pronouns (boundaries regarding gendered terms in my about)
i also kindly ask that you understand my writing may look a little wonky or odd sometimes cus i have dyslexia (i'm also canadian so i just spell some things weird)
bigots dni (racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemetic, etc)
i'm also just a person running this silly little blog to make myself happy, but i am a real human being with a job and a life outside of tumblr so i may not always be as active as i'd like to be, don't be offended if any of my responses take a little longer
requesting rules !
i obviously reserve the right to deny any requests i'm uncomfortable with
i will not write canonical mlm or wlw characters in a mlw situation (ie i will not write ian x a female reader, or debbie x a male reader)
i will not write real people, fictional characters or fictional reps of real people only (ie i may thirst over jeremy allen white, but i wouldn't write an x reader with him. i would write his portrayal of kerry von erich, however!)
please try to give me a character (or characters) + an idea of you want or else i might not know what to do with it 💔
i probably won't write anything high school related unless it's a flashback, that just doesn't really itch my brain that much soz
i do not write cnc or dubcon (somnophilia is the exception). sorry if you're into that but it's not my cup of tea, and i do not wanna potentially trigger my audience with that kind of content!
be. patient. my motivation fluctuates, my brainrot and brain worms fluctuate. i also try to do things in order!!
"who can i request?" good question! here are who i take reqs for —
shameless ; fiona (wlw only), lip, ian (mlm only), debbie (wlw only), carl, mickey (mlm only), mandy, sandy (wlw only), kev, v
shameless ships ; mlm gallavich (mlm only), mlw gallavich, wlw gallavich (wlw only), veronikev, viona (wlw only)
the bear ; carmy, luca, marcus, nat/sugar, richie, sydney
the bear ships ; carmluca, sydluca, sydrichie (i apologize to my sydcarmy friends, i'm a platonic only sydcarmy person 😭)
crossover ships ; carmandy (carmy & mandy), gallzatto (lip & carmy), sydlip (sydney & lip)
"i wanna be tagged in a fic or au!"
fill out this form!
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