#jeremy is weak
fungus-amongus00 · 21 days
keremy romance novel, hell yea
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holmesandbees · 1 year
Can we all say thank you to Granada Holmes for showing Holmes and Watson reacting this way to a blackmailer bringing up how he destroyed a gay man’s life?
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tofangirlonly · 3 months
-almost falls over-
-saves it by petting a tire-
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bumpingbees · 6 months
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Can we talk about this? Nora writes consent so beautifully. This is on par with "I won't be like them; I won't let you let me be" and Andrew saying no to Neil touching his arm when Neil wanted to know how Andrew could stand his touch.
Jeremy recognizes Jean is abused and, despite feeling attraction, he immediately tells Jean to tell him if he ever feels unsafe in the sense of pursuing him... but when Jean says he feels unsafe in a conversation, Jeremy backs down and respects it even if this is an important discussion.
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thedoctordionysus · 6 months
These are not inspired by me listening to these songs on repeat, I swear (hurriedly shoving all my mummy/daddy issues into an overflowing box that refuses to shut) but check out what I made
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or alternatively
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where-is-my-whump · 3 months
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Avengers Endgame
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melaclintbartoncorner · 6 months
Get away with the muscle man, I prefer an archers statue. 🥰
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cuteguywhump · 3 months
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The Andromeda Strain (2008)
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unbelievable (i love them dearly)
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skyhighdisco · 10 months
Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond on voice activation and electric boot closing.
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ron456 · 26 days
My back and neck hurt like HELL so you know what? New headcannon just dropped. Jeremy Heere has scoliosis. That's one of the reasons why he slouches. He's just like me, fr! 😍😍
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alchemicalwerewolf · 3 months
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All my fedora Jeremy pictures
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tofangirlonly · 3 months
Look I just don't think it's a coincidence that Jeremy dancing on Broadway caused earthquakes and HD Clyde was released in the middle of a huge heat wave
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 1 year
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@biscuitbakerbecca i told you I'd make fanart hahaa >:D bitchy rich kid Jeremy my beloved
Anyway yall should check out Weakness on ao3, under the username BeccatheBiscuitBaker
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beebeetheclown · 9 months
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I read a comment saying “he definitely talks you through it.” I have been thinking about it all day. I had so much work to catch up on but I only managed to fall more behind as I thought about it all day. I am very normal.
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amazingmsme · 8 months
michael mell meets richie lipschitz ohhh hyper fixation to hyper fixation convo
OMG COULD YOU IMAGINE! They share so many fandoms & hyperfixations, they’re both talking a mile a minute, interrupting each other with a corresponding idea, stopping mid sentence to derail to ANOTHER topic, literally the only other people who can understand the conversation even remotely are Peter & Jeremy
Practically love at first sight lol
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