#icyhot save me
ron456 · 11 days
My back and neck hurt like HELL so you know what? New headcannon just dropped. Jeremy Heere has scoliosis. That's one of the reasons why he slouches. He's just like me, fr! 😍😍
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katsuki bakugou x reader
texts katsuki struggled to send you.
part 1/3
different than what i usually write, but i thought i’d try it out
inspired by down bad
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11:06 pm
kats: hey, idiot
kats: i’m sorry
11:10 pm
kats: i messed up
kats: happy?
11:18 pm
kats: ok im sorry again
kats: i just got jealous when i heard you went out with icyhot, thats all
kats: i know im the one that broke up with you
kats: but that doesn’t mean i was okay with seeing you go out with some other guy
kats: i know thats fucking stupid you don’t need to tell me
12:01 am
kats: i know you’re still mad at me
kats: i shouldn’t have freaked out like that when i saw ur instagram story
kats: shitty hair’s making me type most of this shit btw
12:53 am
kats: ok we’re alone he went to bed
kats: i can see ur online
kats: do you still have me saved with ur dumbass nickname
kats: i kinda hope you do
1:02 am
kats: i regret not texting you more often
kats: im sorry i was so dry
kats: but you’re the only person i’d ever text back
kats: i actually liked hearing from you
kats: im sorry
1:17 am
kats: i broke up with us bc i wasn’t treating you right and i went home everyday feeling like a shitty boyfriend. you deserved better
kats: i did it for ur own good, idiot
kats: especially after what i did to you
kats: i can’t ever make that up
kats: the guilt was killing me
kats: and after that i knew you deserved more
kats: but i miss you
kats: and im sorry i didn’t tell you the truth
kats: i take back everything i said
2:00 am
kats: are you asleep?
kats: whatever you’ll read this in the morning
kats: you left your moisturizer here
kats: i wish i could call you. i fucking miss your voice. im sorry
2:49 am
kats: you know ur the only person i want
kats: theres literally no one else
kats: and idk what i’ll do if i can’t have us
kats: i was an idiot to let you go
kats: im sorry about freaking out about that half and half bastard but im so much better for you
kats: i make you laugh
kats: i bet you were faking it with him
kats: even if you weren’t. lie to me
kats: i miss you
3:33 am
kats: you’re the prettiest person i have ever seen
kats: did i tell you that enough?
kats: well i’ll tell you now
kats: even if you slam the door in my face i’ll still tell you ur beautiful idc
kats: you’re so pretty it makes me angry
kats: i saw a photo of you in my gallery
kats: my mom says she misses you
3:51 am
kats: is ur apartment cold
kats: im sorry i never fixed your heater
kats: i should’ve made the time
kats: but i liked when you came to me for warmth
kats: maybe i didn’t fix it on purpose
kats: if you don’t take me back i’ll still fix it
kats: i love you like that
4:04 am
katsuki (do not answer) : have i told you that enough? that i love you?
katsuki (do not answer): im sorry
katsuki (do not answer): for not telling you i love you enough
katsuki (do not answer): for not telling you how god damn pretty you are
katsuki (do not answer): for not buying you flowers
katsuki (do not answer): for not treating you how i should have
katsuki (do not answer): i know i messed up
katsuki (do not answer): but i wanna make it right
katsuki (do not answer): you’re my whole fucking world
katsuki (do not answer): and i do love you
katsuki (do not answer): so open the door, im outside
part two soon! 🪽
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eris-snow · 8 months
𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐈𝐬 𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭
Tags: bakugou x gn!reader, todoroki shennigans, fluff, sweet, funny, humour, swearing
Todoroki conducts a highly scientific experiment and has come to prove that his highly scientific hypothesis is indeed correct.
Bakugou's going soft. Prove me wrong.
I mean, if you look at it with blinders, it's hard to see where he's coming from, but Todoroki can assure you that this is not just a theory anymore.
Can science explain how Bakugou's features simply melt when you kiss him? Can math explain how unexplainable his actions are towards you without the expression called love?
Shoto doesn't think the universe can explain a soft Bakugou. And that's why he's here to explain it for you-
"Todoroki, was it necessary to draw the blinds-."
Bakugou loves you to bits. Whether it's buying your favourite food back or loving little gestures, whether it's prioritising your safety even when on the battlefield...Bakugou's rough edges are slowly but sure smoothening out.
Not for everyone, of course, as Shoto has deduced. He still gets on the blond's bad sides and for some reason, he refuses to be called bestie, but hey, at least there's no punch to the face anymore.
Bakugou makes sure to walk on the outer side of the pavement. He makes sure to kiss you good night and whenever it's raining, he holds the umbrella for you so you can walk hands-free.
When you're sick, he goes all cabin fever and cooks for you. He checks your temperature and if you're feeling up to it, he'll explain the homework to you and show you your next few assignments.
He calls you Sunshine, which is so soft and nice compared to his other nicknames such as:
(Oh shit-)
There are stars in his eyes whenever he looks at you, and Shoto bets his father's black card that your boyfriend is already saving up for a ring, one as special and unique as you because you do way too much for the lovesick idiot.
You apologise for him.
You put up with him. (Mad respect.)
Everyone acts like being with Bakugou is such a dream, but being his partner is not easy.
Flaws that take time to be corrected are the separation marks for most couples, and the fact that you stayed by his side to build him up from his fucked-up asshole self takes more mental strength than any superficial fan could imagine.
Is Bakugou going soft? Absolutely.
"That brings me to the end of my presentation." Shoto bows, facing his class.
There are way too many crinkles on Aizawa's forehead. "The presentation was supposed to be on the latest news in the Hero community." His teacher says flatly. "Not another collection to your conspiracy theory folder."
Shoto is about to respond, before Bakugou speaks up first.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
There’s a flier someone’s left on the bus. Something shaming a—company logo he doesn’t recognize, as he shoves it aside to grab the last seat in the back that usually means he and Gem don’t have to sit next to anyone else—for “desecration of the Carrows Life”. Alright; with a logo and a slogan like that, it’s either a religious nut job or one of the people real mad at the Church about the demons.
Yeah, sure. He’s exhausted. Impulse can’t really bring himself to care about neon-yellow fliers in the dead of night on the bus.
Just another hour and practically every single stop down the line, and he’ll be home. He’s glad there’s a late-night bus down here; enough people come and go from these streets at two am that they make some poor bus driver do the route.
Next to him, Gem grumbles as she removes her makeup. “Impulse, why do I keep getting the waterproof kind?”
“Hard to dance and still look good if it doesn’t stand up to sweat,” Impulse says, settling into his seat as the bus starts moving again. “Don’t see why that should make it that much harder to remove, unless you’re sweating acetone these days, but they don’t pay me to know how your makeup works.”
“No, they pay you to be your stupid big protective butt. You absolutely know how my makeup works,” Gem says.
“You could wait until we aren’t on a moving bus to take it off?” Impulse offers.
“Nah. I need something to do so I don’t fall asleep, and I’m not opening my other bag until we’re both safely at home.”
“Yeah, fair,” Impulse says, not glancing at it for too long. Gem had a good night tonight. Sometimes, he’s jealous of the nights she has; the amount people are willing to throw at her sometimes is insane. Most of the time, though, he’s just glad he’s paid a regular salary to stand in the corner and occasionally show people exactly why he’s so big if they act up.
(Someone’s got to do it.)
The doors open. The unmistakeable smell of someone on way, way too much weed wafts through the doors. Impulse sighs. There’s a reason they sit in the back.
“What are the odds we get lucky and get home early?” Gem says. “My knee hurts.”
Impulse looks at her sharply. “You didn’t say anything during the show.”
Gem laughs. “Relax, relax. Not that bad. Nothing a bit of icyhot won’t solve, or one of your little…” She wiggles her fingers.
“You need to tell me these things before you dance on them, Gem,” Impulse says. “One of these days, I won’t be able to fix it! Then what are you gonna do about your knee, huh?”
“Uhuh. And the bruise on your face…?”
“He was drunk,” Impulse says. “It’s barely a scratch. Or, uh, well, it’s a bruise, but…”
“If I were any good at healing,” Gem says.
“I’ll ice it!” Impulse says, putting his hands up. “Besides, I don’t need my face to do my job. Might make guys respect me more?”
The bus stops. A few more people get on. There’s a bit of shouting from a drunk guy, and it makes Impulse look up on instinct, both his and Gem’s awareness hovering around their bag. Gem has a nasty curse on it if anyone but her tries to grab it, but these days…
The drunkard isn’t looking their way. He settles down again. Impulse doesn’t.
“One day, one of us will get a car, and we’ll just drive,” Impulse mutters.
“And pay for parking?” Gem asks.
“Well, it’s the thought that counts,” Impulse says.
The bus stops. Impulse looks up at the sign, just to make sure they aren’t near their stop. They aren’t. He almost looks down.
There’s a feeling in his gut. He doesn’t ignore gut feelings after as long as he’s been doing what he does. He puts a hand in his jacket. He doesn’t actually carry a gun; people think he does, but he’s fairly effective at threatening without it, and if all else fails, he does have a thick vest he’d bought with his own money after the only time he’d been shot. It had taken all of his savings, but it had been worth it.
He curls his fingers instead around the lucky charm Gem had given him after they’d become roommates and tries to focus on the feeling. There's something scraping nearby. A horrible scraping, like talons against brick, or maybe more like death clawing against soil.
The bus starts moving again. The drunks stay drunk. The fellow exhausted club and bar workers stay exhausted. The guy who’s high out of his mind doesn’t even blink.
A woman who had gotten on the bus, though, approaches them. Gem stiffens. Impulse is hyper-aware of the bag full of the night’s tips that Gem has with her.
“Hello. Sorry for interrupting,” the woman says. She’s tall. She has long, light brown hair that she hasn’t tied back. She’s wearing a long overcoat. It looks second-hand, but not properly so, like it’s being worn by someone who doesn’t quite know how to fit into second-hand clothes, or perhaps doesn’t quite know how not to fit.
There's bruises on her face, too. A split lip and a black eye and a bit of blood on the collar of her shirt.
"You look lost," Impulse says without thinking. The woman blinks.
"Oh! Yes, I suppose you could say that," she says. "That's..."
Impulse slowly takes his hand out of his jacket. Her voice is even more lost, somehow. Impeccably put-together. Very hard to read. But Impulse, he has to read people for a living, and this is a woman who is lost.
"I was just here because you two look the most aware and fit on the bus," she says.
"Oh, I'm not all that fit," Gem lies to the woman's face. "I mean, just look at me! I'm delicate!"
Impulse has seen Gem's abs. She's not delicate, she just puts on a show of being—still not delicate, actually, but the kind of not-delicate men like, not the kind of not-delicate she actually is. It's a fine line.
The woman raises an eyebrow. "Okay," she says. "I'm just—there are demons. Not far. I got away from them, but they might be following you."
"They're following you?" says Gem.
"Shhh," says the woman.
"Fine," Impulse says. "They're following you. Why? And why did you get on the bus?"
The woman is silent for a moment. "I don't think they'll catch up to us," she says. "I don't—I don't have another place to go back to, right now. I'm a bit... I don't mean to put anyone in danger. You two are the most fit looking people on here, is all. If danger did happen..."
Impulse feels something in him crack. He looks at Gem. It wouldn't be the first time the two of them have helped someone down on their luck off the streets. Of course, it's not entirely out of the goodness of their hearts, all the time, but, well, Impulse is still Impulse and Gem puts up with it and this world doesn't work if people don't help each other, Impulse has always said.
Gem shrugs and nods.
"Sit down. You can get off at our stop. My name's Gem, by the way."
The woman, slowly, sits down in a seat across from them.
"Impulse," Impulse says.
The woman opens her mouth. The woman closes it. "You can call me Griba," she says, finally.
Impulse quirks an eyebrow. "I can call you?"
"Hey, that sounds like—wasn't there someone with a name like that on the news recently?" Gem says.
The woman grimaces. "You could say that," she says.
Gem and Impulse look at each other. They look back at the woman. "Fine then. Keep your secrets," Gem says imperiously, and her tone works, because it makes—Griba, Impulse supposes, until she wants to give them her real name—laugh.
"At least until we find out if the demons get me," she says agreeably.
The bus stops again. They all tense. One person gets off and no one gets on. The bus starts moving again.
"One of these days," Impulse mutters.
"You've got to finish the sentence," Gem says. "Don't leave me hanging like that!"
"Is this an ongoing thing?" Griba says, and they continue onwards together.
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eyes-of-mischief · 1 year
weekly fic recs | 42
fandoms: bnha, hq, jjk, mdzs, tgcf
Flare Signal by achievingelysium
(graphic depictions of violence)
AU. Midoriya Izuku shouldn't be surprised he ended up like this: hiding the secret of One for All from his own father, the notorious villain Dragon. The path to being a hero is a hard one.
Or; Izuku is an aspiring hero forced to work for his father’s villain organization. Then he runs into All Might.
Fingers Itch, Are You Pistol-Whipped? by iizukuus
(explicit) (graphic depictions of violence)
Katsuki crosses one leg over the other in his seat when Todoroki stumbles into the conference room an hour and a half late. And yeah, Todoroki’s fucking killing him with that glare of his. Lip’s twitching, tugging, fingers going like he’s getting ready to lunge at Katsuki over the table, but he won’t. Can’t. Realistically, Katsuki didn’t do shit. He’s not Todoroki’s maid, he’s not his fucking mother, and the asshole can consider this payback for the six-day old dishes in the sink. Katsuki wasn’t gonna give in, but at a certain point — you gotta do what’s good for the apartment as a whole. In the end, IcyHot wasn’t getting on it and Katsuki spent two hours scrubbing and putting away a mess he didn’t make. So no, Katsuki isn’t gonna ride Todoroki’s dick, but Todoroki can sure as fuck suck his, cause that’s what he gets for not doing his fucking chores.
Or: Katsuki and Shouto just need a little love in their hearts.
to learn to be (me) by thekingoftrash
In order to deal with the shit show that is his life, Shouto's always relied on some unhealthy coping mechanisms to help. It starts to become a problem at UA, but luckily, there are some people in his life that'll do whatever it takes to give him the life and happiness he deserves. It just might hurt a little in the meantime.
Or a lot. But hey, nobody said it'd be easy.
Scheming Students by LindtLuirae 
“To be fair,” Atsumu says, biting into his favourite fatty tuna Onigiri and chewing thoughtfully. “I keep catching students gossiping about us.”
That gives Kiyoomi a pause. “About us?”
“Aha,” Atsumu nods, finishing his onigiri with relish. “Like they pass notes ‘bout us bein’ cute together.”
Antipathy by CalicoColors
It's not a problem like Itadori thinks it to be. It's just a habit of his, a quirky little trait. Some people pick their skin, or crack their joints, or cover their mirrors. Megumi just doesn't like to eat.
Company by WithBroomBefore
Lan Wangji is fourteen when the dying boy comes to stay at Cloud Recesses.
synesthesia by uchiuchi
When the darkness fades away and a face pops up, Wei Ying almost falls out of his chair.
What the fuck, he thinks. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.
Wei Ying counts to three, takes a breath, then shoots upwards. “Sorry, I dropped my pen,” he says, not even trying to make his lie sound convincing, because what the fuck, Lan Zhan is gorgeous. He has the brightest eyes Wei Ying’s ever seen, the nicest, longest eyelashes, and black hair draping over his shoulder. This guy has clearly won the lottery of attractive genes, which means he must be lacking in something else, like maybe his voice—
“It’s fine.”
(In which Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, students from different universities, are assigned to complete a senior project together.)
Covered in Bees by ScarlettStorm
“Cloud Reccesses Apiary,” says a toneless, deep masculine voice, with zero question in it. Wei Ying doesn’t care, because whoever possesses that voice is probably going to come save him from bees like a fucking hero while wearing like, a suit of armor. That’s what you wear to catch bees, right?
“I have like, so many bees outside my front door right now,” he says, mouth running out ahead of him before he can even begin to think about reining it in. “It’s like a sandstorm of bees out there. There are so many bees. I got out of my car and there were just bees and I don’t want these bees. Do you want these bees? Please tell me you will come get these bees. I can’t leave my house and I have enough food for maybe a week but then I’m gonna have to learn how to cook dry beans and no one wants that, especially not me.” Wei Ying runs out of air, takes a breath, and belatedly adds, “My name is Wei Ying. Hi.”
Or: The beekeeping AU that no one asked for.
your arms, my home by astrocosmos
One by one, Heavenly Officials have begun to vanish without a trace. It's up to the remaining few to uncover why.
—or is it?
two idiots don't cancel each other out by astrocosmos, moonsteps
“Gege? What’s going on?”
Xie Lian has gone bright red, his eyes flickering back and forth between He Xuan, who he’s still laying on, and Hua Cheng, who might have gone into actual shock.
“San Lang! We’re, we...uh, this is—”
He Xuan takes a deep breath, sends a prayer to the dead hermit crab he had when he was twelve, and says, “Xie Lian and I are dating.”
(Or: He Xuan gets dragged into a love triangle he never wanted to be part of.)
willow branches and flowers by curiositykilled
“Xie Lian?” the doctor asks.
Xie Lian had thought it safe enough to use his name after this many years, five hundred past the death of Xianle, but he questions that belief as her brow furrows.
“Ah,” he says, uncertain how to proceed but certain that changing it now would only raise her suspicions. “Yes?”
“Like the shrine?”
After a mishap helping a village get rid of a malevolent ghost, Xie Lian stumbles upon a mysterious shrine and its keeper and discovers his most devoted believer in the last place he'd ever think to look.
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cidnangarlond · 3 months
ibuprofen and tylenol haven't helped my pain... generic brand icyhot save me
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luffythinker · 1 year
One of my many random Tdbk fics i just started at a random point im calling it "To be or not to be is that a question?"
Todoroki apparently talk to a sus person and they use their quirk on him, whatever the quirk is it's supposed to like make him blow up or something if he doesn't fall in love with the last person he interacted with so Todoroki is trying to make Bakugo fall in love with him but Bakugo doesn't believe this is even a real quirk going on.
Also i was trying to make it clear that Bakugo is smoking that "Im not gay i can't be gay"
Bakugo slaps his hands away like he’s done something irreversible. “Stop it with that gay shit!” Todoroki looked at him instead of rubbing his hand. It didn't really hurt but there was a sensation like every interaction he’s ever had with Bakugo.
“I don’t like you,” he points his finger in Todoroki’s face, now he’s rubbing his hand cause the earlier sensation stings a bit. It's just physical pain not Bakugo's painful words. He makes sure he’s watching Bakugo when he continues to speak through.
“You don’t like me either. You think you do and i have no fucking idea why but you just do. But i don’t like you, i don’t like anyone so get the fuck away from me Icyhot.”
He shoves his hands down his pockets trying to evade him like he’s been doing this whole week long, however Todoroki isn’t going to take no for an answer. He follows him which makes him even angrier. He can practically see his fangs from behind his head, he pictures those angled eyes turned down at him. His imagination comes to life as Bakugo turns to him.
“Fucker what did i just fucking say? Get away from me!” He shoves him.
“But what about what that guy said? Don’t you believe him?”
Bakugo looks at him like he’s just asked him if he believed in the tooth fairy. “I fucking don’t and you shouldn’t either, that crook only told you what he did to get off on the idea of an idiot and you fell for it like a sack of rocks in the ocean.”
Shoto's life could very well be in danger so he's going to take this seriously. Shoto shakes his head at him staring.
“I believe him Bakugo, i believe what he said..”
“Fucking why?” Bakugo challenge’s his personal space bubble, he’s a couple inches away from Shoto’s face snarling. “And if you fucking say you want to be in love with me i'm going to blow your nasty ass sky high without question.” He makes his threat clear by the way he holds his hand painfully strained in that way he always does.
Shoto has to choose his next words carefully. -Well not really he isn’t scared of Bakugo he just rather not get into a fight right now. Talking er.. Yelling at eachother.. Um one sided argument is enough.-
The careful words he chose sound like this: “Because, I just think what he was saying was correct.”
“On what grounds Half n half?!” He asks trying to confirm something.
“My grounds?” Shoto answers confused at the question.
Bakugo sighs digging his fingers into his own face, pulling it down. That the thing he does when he’s done with Shoto’s antics, also known as giving up trying to get something through his thick skull.
“Nothing good ever comes from hanging out in a shitty back alley way” He tells him.
Shoto disagrees, he’s seen good things come from shady areas. Just look at Tokoyami.
“You got scammed. Tricked.” His temper changed that fast, he was angry, still is, just a little more calm. He’s just worried about me. Shoto thinks watching the other boy walk away. He follows suit not wanting to be left alone plus they were going in the same direction. Heights alliance.
“Bakugo?” his voice was hushed.
“What?” he growls.
“I know you don’t believe it but if this really was a quirk at work and you had to fall in love with me to save me would you do it?”
dont know where im going with this
help that is such a funny quirk, how did you even come up with this!!
(side note: but i'm currently reading a danmei novel where the protagonist is in this "im not gay" dilenma and oh god i forgot how frustrating but entertainign it is)
this is such a good prompt, also your writing is really good!!!!
So where to go next, i think bakugo would reply something passive agressive like "i don't want your death on my hands of fucking course i would, but this isn't true so leave me alone" [not exactly like this but you get the idea]
I think something would have to happen to prove to bakugo that the quirk is real, maybe shoutos health gets bad and only gets better if bkg is close to him, or something silly like this?? just something to make him take this seriously!! so they could eventually try to fall in love, go on dates, spend time together, etc, what do we think?
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ap-pear-ance · 1 year
~Someone To Save You~ pt.1
Read on ao3 -
Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki x Todoroki Shoto, Kirishima Eijiro x Midoriya Izuku
18!+ NSFW! Warnings - Mentions of self harm, gore, sex, cheating, fluff, smut, and angst
-I do not own these characters nor am I claiming to own them!-
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“What’s so wrong with me talking to him?” Deku squeaked out, already scared and confused at this point. Bakugou mocked Dekus words in a fake version of Dekus voice “what’s so wrong with me talking to him~ WHATS SO WRONG?! It’s not my fucking fault you’re such a whore! HAVE YOU SEEN HOW YOU DRESS?! God fucking dammit Deku! Everyone looks at you like they have fucked you already or want to! You are so OBLIVIOUS to everything around you!” Bakugou yelled at a sobbing Deku; Leaving him Bakugou stormed out of Dekus room, leaving a trail of smoke as his hands spark like a small firework. Dekus body shook as he sobbed, he slowly backed up till his back hit the wall and he sunk to his feet; Hugging his knees to his chest and shoving his face into the space between his knees and his chest. Bakugou was making his way to his own dorm room when Shoto stopped him. “Hey…you um ok?” Shoto eyed Bakugou up and down. As per usual Bakugou snapped at Shoto “Why do you fucking care. Fuck off IcyHot!” Shoto stepped out of Bakugous way, sighing as he grabbed the hot heads wrist, stopping him in his tracks. “If you don’t let go of me right now I will blow you to pieces” bakugou sneered causing Shoto to let go of Bakugous wrist, “I don’t know what happened or what’s going on but would you like to talk or yell about it with someone..?”. Bakugou calmed down just a bit and nodded, Shoto almost smiled and the two went into Shotos room.
About a week later after the fight, Deku was laying in his bed, sulking in a ball of self pity. Ever since the fight with Bakugou, Deku had decided to be a hermit for the rest of his life. Bakugous words hit hard, REALLY HARD. Deku never really thought he dressed like a…like a whore. Yes when he worked out he wore volleyball spandex shorts and a tank top and his pjs are just boxers and an almight robe. Was that really considered whorish?
Deku curled up more, pulling his almight plushie closer to his chest.
His phone *dinged* with the screen lighting up to show a message from ochako , asking if deku wanted dinner. Deku sighed, got up, attempted to make himself look less depressed, plastered the fakest smile ever on his face and walked out of his dorm room and to the elevators.
He stared at the sleek metal doors of the elevators with the most unfazed look on his face.He honestly didn’t hear the muttering coming from a couple doors down until the silence that had filled the hallway was interrupted by a loud gasp.
Deku looked down the hall and towards where the noise came from. Shuffling his way down the hall he found himself at bakugous door. He stood there staring at it as he heard bakugou and what sounded like shoto inside… were they..no..they couldn’t be.. he laid his hand on the doorknob and slowly twisted it, pushing the door open. “Bakugou…”
To Be Continued…
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g-on-ef · 2 years
Louder Than Bombs
A/N: Hello everyone ^^ as promised here is my villain Shouto x Izuku fic ^^ I am so excited to update this story and hear your guys thoughts and opinions on it ^^
Now fair warning this will this is gonna be a fucked up story Shouto will be a villain in the worst ways possible hell Imma be honest there is no redemption for Shouto if anything he's gonna try to bring Izuku down to his level and if not he will gladly lock him up for no one to have.
Will he love Izuku yes but he won't change he will still be the asshole till the end there is a happy ending well no really its more of a bittersweet ending you'll see when we get there and I hope you guys can stick with me to see this through ^^
There will be trigger warnings and i will include them in each chapter now enough of my babbling on with the show ^^
Summary: Why should I apologize for the monster I've become, no one has ever apologized for making me this way.
Madness was a cursed he inherited from his parents and he was okay with that he, the most dangerous villain in the world, the one known as the Red Death has finally reached a breaking point with the heroes specifically Dynamite. Shouto Todoroki had to watched as his empire slowly crumbled at the hands of the infamous class 1-A with their piece of shit leader Dynamite taking the lead and he has had enough. After a failed attempt of trying to get information out of him and his league Shouto has had enough and plans his revenge.
Most people tell Izuku how he a quirkless person should be honored in dating the new number 1 hero, that he should take pride that a powerful man took notice to him and decided to settle for him. Ignoring the fact that if it wasn't for Izuku and his plans Kaachan and class 1-A wouldn't have gotten as far as they did with the villain Rouge. He's nothing to Kaachan but a stress reliever and he has no problems reminding him that every chance he gets.
After an accident in which Shouto saves Izuku the villain finds out that Dynamite has a secret lover one kept out of the public eye. Shouto sees this as an opportiunity to get revenge and what better way than to steal Bakugo's lover?
Little does Shouto know the more time he spends with Izuku the more he sees why Dynamite chose him to be his lover and SHouto is beginning to wonder if he can truly have Izuku or will he lose him when he not only discovers who Shouto is but of all the crimes he's committed as well.
Chapter 1: Prologue
Bakugo struggled to get back up on his feet the fight took a lot out of him, more than any of the fights he had with Icyhot, he wasn't holding back, not this time.
All this time Bakugo thought he was stronger than Icyhot that he was at least strong enough to stop him by himself, he was wrong...dead wrong.
Since the death of Dabi Rouge has not held back like he did in the past. Killing mercilessly, whether they were heroes or villains or cilvilians he didn't care they will either be burned alive or frozen to death. He no longer cared if there were people in the buildings or if an area has been evacuated he would not hesitate to destroy buildings and homes if it meant causing massed destruction.
A killing machine who no longer showed mercy to his victims.
Dabi's words rang clearly through his head.
I'm not afraid to die hero, see if I'm gone there won't be anyone to control my little brother, you'll see a side of him you've never seen before...so go ahead kill me.
"He wasn't lying, that fucking patch work was right...this bastard...is more powerful than we thought,"
A groan of pain was heard, he turned and saw Kirishima struggling to get up.
Bakugo rushed to his side.
"Enjiro!" he reached the read hair's side and helped him to his feet.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, you?"
"I'll live,"
He watched as this monster destroyed their old school U.A. High.
Trying to figure our a way to stop him hoping they could make it out alive.
He watched as the love of his life destroyed the school where all the heroes once went to, watched as he killed heroes from both class 1-A and 1-B left and right.
Maybe he should send him a text to come home, call him and beg him to stop this carnage to return home and-
He turned his head and spotted the little angel that belonged to the late Dabi and Shigaraki.
she was wearing a star themed night gown and holding onto the teddy bear that her dads gave her before they passed away.
"Eri, what's wrong?" Izuku approached the little girl and scooped her in his arms not before turning off the tv so she wouldn't see the carnage unfold.
"the babies are awake,"
Babies as in his and Shouto's children, they must've woken up due to the loud sounds of the tv.
"Oh, than we should go and check on them and make sure they are resting,"
Izuku left the living room with his niece and knew that there was no point in trying to stop Shouto, his ex-husband will continue to kill, destroy, and ruin everything that associated itself with hero society.
Izuku entered the room that housed his children and attended to them he than asked Eri to get the bags ready knowing that once Shouto is done with his fun he will return to their family and force him and the children to go back to him
Just like he's done for the past three years...
A/N: Love it hate it tell me what you guys think ^^ again this story is gonna have a lot of dark themes and the ending won't be a fairy tale happy ending but I feel that the ending will be one that they all deserve anywhore till next time ^^
Next update will be Friday Jan. 20 ^^
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luv-4-kpop · 1 year
This story is based off this song!
Genre type:fluff
Shoto’s pov:
I was sitting in class at my desk talking to Midoryia and Ida when Mr. Aizawa walking in with a young beautiful girl with blue hair put up into a messy bun with little pieces of hair on the side of her face shaping around it. She looked familiar I wondered if we have met I went off in thought wondering why I felt like I knew her. I shook my head out of thought and listened properly. " class meet our new transfer student Sasake this is her first time in a public school so treat her with kindness and respect" he said shooting daggers at Mineta motioning what he said towards him." Please introduce yourself let me know when your done" He said in a low tone and zipped up his sleeping bag and curled up into a caterpillar form and sat in his chair. "Hi everyone I am Sasake, I drive to be a prohero because when I was younger I knew a boy who was my friend and  would save me from bullies and I want to learn to be strong and one day save people like he saved me" she said smiling brightly and sat down next to me. When she walked to her seat next to me  I could smell a scent  of vanilla and cinnamon then it clicked her scent, the familiarity, her introduction story,  I was the boy she was talking about when she introduced herself. As class started I grabbed paper and wrote her a note saying.
                                                                        Hi snowflake, I am the boy you mentioned I remember  how we used to play at the playground with my siblings before my left side of my face was burned. I remember the day you left with your dad. You looked so sad and you looked scared to go with him so you stood behind me. I tried protecting you but Endeavor  took me away and said to let you go with your dad. I struggled in his hold crying, him pulling me away. I would love to reconnect and talk.
                                                                                                                                  sincerely your old friend,
                                                                                                                                  Shoto Todoroki
I passed her the note folded up and I smiled as she grabbed it and started reading it. I watched her reaction with caution. I watched as she slowly teared up and smiled she turned towards me a tear sliding  down her face. I leaned over and wiped the tear and smiled holding her hand. I gently squeezed her hand letting her know everything will be alright and that I am there for her. She held my hand in hers feeling calm now and we paid attention to the lecture Mr. Aizawa was giving on sensory surrounding tips. After class was over and I let her hand go and we both stood up she ran into my arms and slightly cried. I hugged her back tightly and heard her say "I missed you Shoto or should I call you hot stuff now you definitely grew up to be so hot", she spoke with confidence and in a flirty manner,  I blushed at her compliment and grinned slightly "you have also definitely have grown to be  so beautiful princess" I said in return I could tell my flirty comeback sent shivers down her spine and gave her butterflies. We then all of a sudden heard sounds of shock we pulled apart to see most of the class either with there jaw dropped in shock or a confused look on there faces. She giggled and I chuckled at their reaction then we got bombarded with questions." what's going on", "omg they were hugging how cute" "oooh ,icyhot has a girlfriend", she  blushed at the comments being directed at us. "everyone I am the boy she was talking about when she introduced herself. We were friends as children". Midoriya smiled at her and welcomed a hand to her and said "its nice to meet you, I am one of Todoroki's friends ,this is Ida and Uraraka" she smiled and shook his hand, she hugged Uraraka and waved towards Ida." its nice to meet, icyhot is its, friends" she giggled at the nickname my classmates have made for me. I smiled as we walked together to our next class and watched her smile and laugh with my friends. Midoriya was asking her questions on her quirk and pro-hero name. As we made it to our next class we seperated to get dressed in our hero costumes.
Sasake's pov:
I walked with Uraraka to get changed into our hero costumes. While getting dressed she asked me about my relationship with Shoto." He made me feel safe when we were younger I lived with my father back then he treated me horrible because when my mom died in hero work he changed and started drinking and when I started hanging out with the pro hero Endeavor's children he took me away never let me see them until my grandmother saw what he had been doing to me and took me in and that's how I am here now I am glad I have found Todoroki again I will he admit he looks hotter now especially with the scar on his face do you happen to know why he has it" she looked at me with sympathy and she hugged me "I am your friend now and I am here if you ever need me" I hugged her back and we walked out and met up with the rest of class 1-A.
frost's hero costume:
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I smirked as I watched todoroki's jaw drop and him scan my body basically eye fucking me. I giggled and walked up to him. He was too entranced to notice how close I was to him. I whispered in his ear "see something you like hot stuff" he broke out of his trance and coughed clearing his throat. His face turned as  red as his half flames. I winked and walked away and a pink girl approached me with four other girls. "Hi I'm Mina hero name Pinky, this is Tsyuu also known as Froppy" Tsyuu ribbited and smiled at me" this is Momo aka Creati, and that's Jirou Earphone Jack" I waved hello to all of the girls." Hello, I'm Kasake but my hero name is  Frost" The girl Momo who had really big boobs said, " What is your quirk" "my quirk is called Ice body I can manipulate water vapor and turn into ice armor" "Wow that's so cool*ribbit*" "thanks Tsyuu", "so your quirk is simliar to todoroki's ice" " I guess kinda", " so do you like todoroki because he totally seems to act different around you and he's hot, yout hot sooo...?", " I mean we were close as kids and he is very attractive he was one of my only friends but I think he just likes me as a friend", " he totally likes you I bet", said Jirou playfully. We all laughed and soon class started luckily it has rained recently so I got to show of my quirk. we were broken into four teams: offence  team, support team, defense team, and rescue team.  I was put onto defense team with Chargebolt, SugarMan, Earphone Jack, Tsukuyomi. I was able to use my combat and quirk to my advantage against the teachers playing as villians. Once we saved the  2-B and had most of the teachers/villians  captured class was over. We all headed to rthe dorms to relax after a long day at UA.
Time skip…
I was in the dorm living room chatting and getting reconnected with todoroki and he told me what happened with his face and I talked about what happened after that day we got seperated,
It was around 5:00 when Shoto had asked to watch movies in his room, I agreed and followed behind him smiling as he held my hand. Once we got to his room he opened his door and we made a blanket fort on the floor and got cuddled up close to watcb movies. I everntually fell asleep on Todoroki's chest.
shoto's pov:
I smiled as I noticed snowflake asleep on my chest and I softly picked her up ad brought her to her room I left a kiss on her forehead and softly spoke to myself  out load " I will let no body take you away from me again I love you Sasake can't wait to spend more time with you" I covered her up and left to go back to my room and sleep.
Months later…
"you should  totally do it Todoroki", "what if she just likes me as a friend and says no and then it be awkward between us" " damn you Icyhot she obviously likes you go ask the extra out" "I'll do it but you have to ask Uraraka out too Midoriya" he blushed but agreed. so the next day on friday I walked up to Sasake and said, "will you umm p-pp-pplease go out with me on a date tommorrow" She smiled and hugged me and said, "of course hot stuff what time" "really *smiles* be ready by 6:00 I'll come get you from your room:" she nodded and the day went on.
time skip to date
Sasake's pov:
I was in a skirt and sweater with some cute long knee length boots. I had put light makeup and just let my hair down.
He picked me up wearing black skinny jeans and a black shirt with a black jacket and some converse. He smelled of good cologne he kissed my cheek and  complimented my outfit. He took me to a nice restaurant and  we ate good food he ordered some soba and steak I ordered some chicken pasta. We talked and laughed more he told me about his first days at UA. After dinner we took a night stroll through the old park we went to as kids. We were swinging on the swings and having a good time. Once we were walking back to the dorms he stopped for a second and faced towards me. "we have known each other along time and I thought that I would never see you again but here we are and I am so happy you came back into my life becaus e I like you maybe even love you, I guess what I am trying to say is Will you be my girlfriend", "oh my god yes I have been enchanted by you ever since meeting you, I think I love you too Shoto I would love to be your girlfriend". He smiled and hugged me I hugged back smiling and then when we pulled away we were still close and he leaned in and kissed me slowly and passionately with love. I kissed back with just as much love then we pulled away and he smiled at me and we went back to our separate dorms.
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oldsamarie · 10 months
save me icy hot...
icyhot save me
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silverynight · 2 years
The heart fireworks reminds me of katsukis quirk update with the rainbow explosions that made him go faster just so he can save izuku. Like this boy so gay for izuku its exploding out of him! Side note they got quirk updates because of each other and it makes me emotional 🥺❤ they would literally die (and kill) for each other. Their love is so strong it literally makes them stronger because of each other! I love them so much I will go on for hours about them! Poor todo having to watch them be soulmates. He'll find someone eventually if he wants but I'm glad he's able to help save them. Also I had a thought that what if todo accidentally gets them together. Like todo is flirting with deku or something just one too many times and katsuki finally reaches his limit and gets so pissed he blurts out how icyhot cant have izuku because izuku is his and he loves him the most and how he wants to marry izuku but he doesn't feel worthy enough to be by his side forever! And izuku gets offended and says kacchan is so amazing that izuku doesn't feel worthy of marrying him! And katsuki gets even more mad and just start yelling the sweetest most honest comments about izuku and izuku starts crying and he yells his heart out too and by the end one of them yells, so you wanna be my boyfriend or not?! And the other yells of course I do! I'm not sure want would happen next. Maybe they pause and release they just blurted out all their feelings to each other in front of their class and get embarrassed or they run to each other and make out or they run away to be alone with each other (😏) or probably a mix of all of it. Either way the class is jealous of katsuki but glad their pining is over cause the whole will they wont they thing was getting too much. And todo is just like.... what just happened??
I can see that happening lol.
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brainrotlux · 2 months
The witches and wizards and sorcerers who made this off brand icyhot could get crazy sloppy head from me oh my god this shit is saving my life
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heterochromatica · 3 years
Tag dump cuz I adjusted them a bit owo
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 3 years
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The Brownies
Alpha!Todoroki x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Bakugo
Summery: PSA, giving Alpha’s any type of viagra, NOT a good idea
Disclaimer: don’t do drugs😀
This fic is part of @s-zu Double Trouble Collab
Omegaverse Key
Warnings⚠️: 18+, rough sex, unintentional drug use, sorta dub-con but not really, CNC
Shout out to @s-zu for helping me out when it was 2am and I was stupid :’)
Quirk- You can touch people and making them do something with one word. And you can feel what they feel shout out to mantis
Poly Masterlist - Todoroki Masterlist - Bakugo Masterlist
You sit laughing at a movie. You and Denki decided to have a movie night, well, movie day. Your alphas weren't really in favor of letting you stay up watching movies with Denki instead of being in bed cuddling with them, so he came over early, and you spent the afternoon watching movies while Bakugo was in his office working. They also didn't like you being home with another alpha alone, so anytime you guys hung out, it had to be in public or at your house with either Bakugo or Todoroki home.
Denki turns to you on the couch, "I meant to tell you, I got these pills super good if you want to get high for a while." Denki says, pulling out a bottle and handing it to you. "Oh, cool. You giving me the whole thing?" You ask. "Yeah. It's strong. Good for omegas and betas, but alphas can't take it." He says. "It messes with our mind, and we go all types of nuts, keep those away from Todoroki and Bakugo," he adds. You nod and put them off to the side.
After the movie ends, Denki suggests that you guys bake the pills into brownies. You do, making a big batch. "I'll save these for tomorrow when we hang with Mina. Get a bowl, and I'll pack them all." You say. Once you both pack them in a container, leaving them on top of the fridge, you start to clean up the kitchen. Right as you finish, you hear the front door open, signaling Todoroki arriving back home. He walks into the kitchen, giving you a kiss before opening the fridge and grabbing a beer. He stands behind you, placing his arm around your waist, saying, "Goodnight, Kaminari." You roll your eyes, leaning up, giving Denki a goodbye hug, feeling a slight restrain from Shoto's arm around you, trying to hold you in place.
After he leaves, you turn around, kissing Shoto before excusing yourself to the bedroom. Unknowing to you, Shoto went looking for a snack, seeing the brownies on the fridge and taking them, opening the lid, and eating a few. He closes it, leaving it on the counter before joining you in the bedroom. You hop in bed, turning on the tv and waiting for your alphas to come. First, Todoroki came in, stripping off his hero suit, leaving himself in his boxers and getting in bed, laying his head on your stomach. After a few minutes, Bakugo came in, taking off his shirt, leaving his sweats on, and sitting in bed next to you.
A few minutes later, you and Bakugo were sitting up watching tv. You laid with your head on Bakugo's shoulder and Todoroki still laying on your stomach. You started getting sleepy, but out of nowhere, you smelt Shoto's scent change, your noise and face scrunching up at the scent. "Sho, you ok?" You ask. "Feel weird." He groans. "Your rut isn't for a while, right? Are you sick?" You ask, bringing your hand up and running it through his hair. He groans something under his breath, tightening his grip on you and pulling you down, laying his head on your chest.
Bakugo reaches over, turning the tv off. He slides down, laying next to you, but when he goes to lay his head against your shoulder, Shoto growls at him. "Oi, what's your problem, icyhot?" Bakugo spits out. "Shoto. What has gotten into you? What's wrong?" You ask, surprised. He doesn't answer, his scent only getting an even more rotten smell, showing his discomfort. "Hm. He's sick." You say, glancing up at Bakugo, who is holding himself upon his elbow looking at you both. You wiggle a little and pull at Shoto, moving him so that his head is tucked in your neck, letting him smell your scent, the sweeter scent your body was releasing, trying to calm your alpha. You bring your hand up, running your fingers through his hair gently and purring. His scent changes, turning to something move mellow, still in distress, but not as bad. Bakugo lays down again, laying against you, this time without any problem. In no time, you're all asleep.
You wake to the sound of shuffling in the room. You open your eyes, them taking a second to adjust to the dark, but seeing that it's Bakugo. "Katsuki. What're you doing?" You ask, voice thick with sleep. He turns around, "Sorry, got a call, and they need me to go downtown. I'll be back soon." He whispers, leaning down and kissing your forehead before slipping out of the room. While on his way out, he stops in the kitchen, grabbing a quick snack. He sees the container of brownies on the counter, opening it and eating a few before walking out of the house.
You tilt your head, looking at the sleeping alpha attached to your side. Todoroki's scent was more at ease, but he still showed signs of being in distress. You gently run your hand around his hair, knowing that calms him. You pull the blankets up closer around you both, wanting to keep him warm and comfortable. You figure all the hero work got the best of him, and that's why he's sick, why he was acting so off. After a few minutes, you start drifting to sleep again.
You wake to the feeling of a sensation on your sensitive scent gland. You stir, whining, knowing it's Shoto and trying to push him away. You had already told him and Bakugo that if they woke up and wanted to touch you, they could, but now isn't the time. You know Shoto isn't feeling well and needs to sleep. "Sho, stop. Get some rest." You groan without opening your eyes, trying to shake him off you. You feel him pull away, and you relax into the bed again.
Suddenly, you feel sharp teeth penetrating your neck. You jolt awake, a surprised yell coming from you, your eyes wide and tears peeking out of the corners. Any time either of your alphas re-bit into your mating mark, they'd warn you, and they'd ease into it, first light then getting harder, not wanting to hurt you too badly.
But now, just now, Shoto bit down full force, no warning, no nothing. "S-Shoto. W-why- AH." You scream in pain again when he digs his teeth in harder. Tears are now streaming down your cheeks, loud whimpers leaving your mouth as you try to push him away. The blood from the teeth marks spills into Todoroki's mouth. He grabs your arms, pinning them to the bed, his nails digging into your soft flesh. Your breathing quickens, chest rising and falling at a fast pace as tears stream out of your eyes from the intense pain. Your alpha was purposely hurting you, and he didn't care.
You fight back, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but he's too strong. "Todoroki. Todoroki, let me go." You say frantically. You feel his mouth finally detaching from your skin, letting you sigh in relief as you try to calm yourself again. His scent has a weird smell to it. Like when he's high, but there's a thick layer of distress masking it all, and it's so overpowering. "Omega," he coos, "why don't you relax for alpha." He says, letting one of your arms go and reaching down in between you, ripping away your underwear, and then reaching into his boxers. Your panic level spikes again. Was he really about to try to push into you? "Todoroki. Todorki, what are you doing?" you ask. He doesn’t answer, only sticking his tongue out and running it across your neck before putting his tip right at your entrance. Your eyes go wide, the sudden stretch of him trying to force his way inside.
Your heart rate increases and your free hand quickly flys up to his head. "Sleep!" You say, feeling his whole body go lax on top of you. You never liked to use your quirk on your alphas too much, only doing it when it was necessary, and this was definitely necessary. You push him off of you, quickly scrambling to the other side of the bed, trying to catch your breath, and keep yourself calm, so your quirk doesn't wear off. You reach over, clicking on the light and looking back at Todoroki. He's sprawled out on his back, your blood still around his mouth and chin. Your eyes fall on his cock. It's hard, painfully hard, you can tell. It seems like it grew the slightest amount, and you can visibly see it twitch and throb. He was definitely in pain.
You weren’t sure if his rut started early or if he really was very sick and not in the best thinking, but either way, you had to do something about it. Your shoulder is in pain, throbbing pain, and it hurts to move your arm. You reach your other hand over, grab your phone, and quickly dial Katsuki’s number. “Katsuki,” you whimper. “What’s wrong?” Bakugo asks. Hearing you whimper made his alpha instincts go on high alert, ignoring the way he felt. The slight pain pinging in his abdomen and the way his head felt light like he was on cloud 9.
“Katsuki. C-come home. It’s Sho, something’s wrong.” You say, moving further away from him to the floor and sitting against the wall, tears still streaming out of your eyes. You hear him yell something and then blasts, the sound of him blasting away, in a hurry to get back. “Are you both ok? What happened?” he asks. “I-I don't know. I had to put him to sleep,” you sniffle. The line goes dead, and in seconds he burst through the door, rushing to the bedroom. He looks around the room, spotting you on the floor and kneeling next to you. "Why did that bastard bite you so deeply?" Katsuki frowns, looking at your shoulder. You whimper, leaning your body into his touch.
Katsuki wraps his arms around you, picking you up to take you to the bathroom and take care of the still bleeding bite mark. It was taking everything in him not to rip Todoroki apart, but he knew you were using your quirk to keep him asleep, and you needed to focus, especially in this time of being in so much pain. He sat down in the bathroom, on top of the toilet with you still in his arms, leaning your head on his neck, letting you smell the calming pheromones he released while he gently whipped the blood off your shoulder, also putting a bandage over it.
He stares into your shoulder, keeping his focus, ignoring the pain in his stomach that seems to keep growing and getting more intense. You shift your head, smelling the sign of distress in his scent. "Katsu, you ok?" you ask. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He asks, his voice a little lower and concentrated. "Explain what happened." He says, finishing and putting his arm around you again, cradling you against him. "W-well, you left. And I went to sleep again. H-he seemed ok, but his scent was still off. T-then I woke up and felt him moving around. I told him to go back to sleep, and that's when he bit me without warning. He was acting weird and then t-tried to push his cock in, no prep. That's when I used my quirk." You whimper, your voice still shaky.
Katsuki cooed and purred in your ear, rubbing your back and rocking slightly. "We'll find out what happened. It's still early. Release your quirk and try to get some sleep. I'll close the door, and hopefully, he'll stay put." Bakugo says. You nod, and he stands, walking out of the bathroom to the living room and laying you down on the couch. He puts a blanket over you, rubbing your head and kissing your forehead. "I'll get you some water," he says. He walks to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water, seeing the brownies and taking those also. He felt like he was going to collapse, his mind felt stuffy, and the pain in his stomach was spreading, but he ignored it. He needed to take care of you. To make sure you were ok.
"I got you water and these brownies. You should eat some and then go to sleep." He says, setting the water on the side and holding the brownies in front of you. "No, no. Put those back on the fridge," you say. "Huh? Why? They weren't on the fridge. They were on the counter," Bakugo says. Your eyes shift up to him. "What? No. I left them on the counter." You say, sitting up and making sure he heard you. "They were on the counter when I found them. What's the big deal?" Bakugo shrugs. "Oh, no. No, no. That must be what's wrong. Shoto must've found them. Denki gave them to me earlier. Alpha's aren't supposed to have them. He said to keep it away from you guys. That's why I put it on the fridge. I didn't think either of you would bother them." You say, sitting up, looking worried.
Bakugo's heart stopped. He looked at you, seeing what Todoroki did to you apparently because of the same brownies that he also ate. "Y/n, I-I ate them too," he says. Your face falls to an even deeper frown. You stand and look at him. "What? Are you ok? How do you feel?" You ask, eyes wide with worry. "Weird. I- I'm- I wanted to make sure you were ok, but I don't think I'll be able to hold off much longer," he stutters. "Ok. Ok, I'll, um, I don't know. I don't know what to do. You can- I'm ok. Go back to the room. I'll figure it out." You say, your hands shaking with nervousness. There was no way you'd be able to protect yourself against the alphas unless you used your quirk.
You look up at Katsuki. He's staring down at you, frozen in place. "Put me to sleep." He says quietly under his breath. "What?" You ask, not hearing him clearly. "You have to put me to sleep. I only have the slightest bit of control left." He says, his voice hollow and raspy. You nod, walking with him to the bedroom and watching him lay down. You put your hand on his cheek, slowly rubbing it, giving him a sad look, and leaning down, putting your foreheads against each other and whispering, "Sleep."
His body goes lax, and his eyes close. You stand, looking at the sleeping alpha's on the bed, wondering what you were going to do. You sit back on the couch, wrapping yourself in the blanket and picking up your phone, dialing Denki's number. "Y/n? What's up?" He asks, his voice showing his confusion and tiredness. "Bakugo and Todoroki ate the brownies. I'm keeping them asleep with my quirk, but you were right. They're in pretty bad shape. Is there anything I can do?" you ask. "Oh, man. They didn't hurt you, did they?" He asks the tiredness from his voice disappearing. "I'm fine, Denki. What do I do?" you ask again. "Oh, jeez, uh. Yeah, wait it out, I guess. Keep them asleep with your quirk, and the aggression will wear off," he says. "Ok. I'll have to stay awake to use my quirk, but yeah, ok," you say, nodding. "Also, it'll wear off eventually, but the pain will stay. You'll have to have sex with them to make it stop," he adds. "Oh, ok. Thanks." You say, hanging up.
You get up from the couch, moving to the room with your nest. You sit, curling up in the more familiar scents of your alpha's. You have to stay awake to continue to use your quirk and keep them asleep until it wears off. You sigh, pulling out your phone again to pass the time. Hours later, you're delirious. You can barely keep your eyes open. You look at the time, and it's 7:45 am. You call into Bakugo and Todoroki's agencies, telling them they wouldn't be coming in today. After that, you get up, still wrapped in the blanket, shuffling to the bedroom.
You push the door open, seeing the alpha's in the same state you left them. You take a breath, hoping it wore off, knowing they won't give you a chance to put them asleep again if it hasn't. Finally, you deactivate your quirk, taking a few steps back when they both stir. Both their faces scrunch up, and both their scents have an intoxicating mixture of arousal and distress. Bakugo's hand closed around the bedsheets, gripping them tightly as he groans. Todoroki lets out heavy pants, opening his eyes wide, catching your scent, and looking over at you. Both of their cocks were harder than they've ever been before, pressed against the fabric of their pants.
Both their scents lost the edge, but the distress was still there. It was intoxicating, making you pull the blanket tighter around you, feeling your body already wanting to comfort them. You can see when they both catch your scent, their heads whipping over to you. “Omega, come over here, please,” Todoroki pants. Your body automatically moves, standing in front of the bed, waiting for further instructions. Todoroki quickly sits up, moving to the end of the bed and grabbing you, pulling you down and flipping you so you’re on your back and he’s immediately on top of you.
He rips away the blanket and dives in for a sloppy, animalistic kiss. But then, he hesitates, pulling away from the kiss and tucking his head in your neck, wanting your scent to make the pain go away. “Hurts so bad. I don’t know why it hurts so bad. Never hurts this bad,” Todoroki whines. “I know. I know, I’m sorry. You weren’t supposed to eat those brownies.” You say, feeling terrible. You glance over at Katsuki, and he’s already palming his cock, biting down hard on his lip. All over his face is written with pain and desperation. “I’ve been using my quirk, so I’m tired, but you can do what you need, both of you. I don’t want you guys in so much pain.” You say, rubbing one hand on the back of Todoroki’s neck and the other on Bakugo’s hand.
Todoroki doesn't move. He stays frozen on top of you as if he's calculating his next move. Bakugo, on the other hand, you don't have to tell him twice. He pushes the other alpha off of you, looking into your eyes before diving between your legs, ripping away your shorts and underwear, diving into your cunt, immediately sticking his tongue in for a taste. You gasp, feeling him flick and swirl his tongue, licking as if it was his last meal on earth. You knew what Katsuki was doing. He wanted to be inside you, but he still remembers what Shoto did, and he didn't want to do the same and hurt you, so he's trying to do what he can to prep you, even though he's in throbbing pain.
He wraps his big hands around your waist, using his strength to keep you still. You feel the coil in the pit of your stomach tightening, making you moan, threading your hands through his hair. You tilt your head, trying to see what Shoto is doing. You look next to you, seeing he had propped himself against the headboard, pulling his cock out, and was moving his hand quick on it, watching Katsuki eat you out, trying to get some relief, but the expression on his face letting you know he wasn't getting any. You lose focus on Shoto when Katsuki's tongue reaches a different spot, making your eyes cross, and a sudden moan erupts from your throat. Katsuki growls into your now wet cunt. It's different from the way he usually growls. It's more intense, intimidating, almost like he's trying to tell you to hurry up and cum.
Katsuki starts moving his tongue faster, pistoling it in and out of you, hitting a spot that makes you arch your back, moaning loudly. The coil finally snaps, your orgasm exploding through you. You gasp, slightly twitching before your body goes lax in the bed. Your eyes go heavy, using your quirk for so long to keep the strong alphas asleep, and now the intensity of your orgasm, taking its toll, making you increasingly tired. Katsuki pulls back, taking a breath. He moves your body, moving so you're vertical on the bed, and your head is hanging off the side. Katsuki sits back, his hands flying to his pants, fumbling to take them off.
He gets them off and settles between your legs, wrapping them around his waist and grabbing his cock, ready to push in you when Shoto finally speaks, "Why do you get her pussy? What if I wanted it?" Shoto asks, possessiveness in his voice. He had moved from the bed, standing next to your head, hands at his boxers, pulling them down. Bakugo's gaze shifts up, glaring at him through fierce eyes. "You gave her the scar, so you get her throat, and I get her tight pussy. Learn some restraint half n' half," Bakugo spits. You wanted to say something to Bakugo, to tell him to behave, that he didn't do it on purpose, but you were far too tired, so you just laid there, opening your mouth, waiting for him. Todoroki hadn't noticed the bandage over where your mating mark was until now, but he didn't have time to ask about it before the sharp pain and throbbing of his cock pulled his attention again. He only huffed and took his spot in front of your mouth.
Both alphas had their cock in their hands, making quick eye contact before pushing inside you at the same time, both letting out a loud, shaky moan of relief. They both still, Katsuki buried in your pussy and Shoto in your throat, his balls resting against your nose. You close your eyes, just waiting for them to move. Katsuki moves first, bucking his hips into you, causing you to jerk up on the bed, pushing slightly on Shoto's cock, your throat flexing, causing him to grunt. Just being inside you is taking away almost all the pain, replacing it with intense pleasure that's making both their minds go blank. Katsuki pulls his hips back, almost whimpering from the loss, and thrusts them forward, moaning through clenched teeth.
He moves his hands from their spots on either side of you, grabbing your waist and thrusting a few more times, setting a fast, bruising pace. Shoto follows, and they work to sink in rhythm. You aren't getting much time to breathe between Shoto's thrust, but it doesn't really matter. You can tell neither of them will last long enough for you to need air. Shoto looked down at you, watching the bulge in your throat as his cock moved in and out. He wrapped his hand around your throat, feeling it moving under his hand, throwing his head back in ecstasy. Bakugo suddenly groans, hunching over you as his cock paints your insides white. It twitches and pours out his cum. He feels the most relief he ever has. He doesn't knot you, but he keeps rolling his hips, working you to your orgasm.
You moan around Shoto when it finally cuts through you. Shoto grips your throat, thrusting faster before his cock finally bursts, his cum flowing directly down your throat. Both alphas take a moment, panting, their minds finally unclouded. Shoto pulls his cock from your mouth, sitting down on the bed, putting your head carefully in his hands as you cough, getting a tissue, and whipping any cum that falls from your mouth. Once your coughing fit's over, Shoto moved you, so you were laid on the bed while Katsuki cleaned up.
You let the boys get you under the blankets, too tired to try to do anything. Shoto cuddles you to his chest while Katsuki lays against your back, an arm stretched over you and Shoto. Shoto looks at your tired body, looking at the bandage. "Did I really do that?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper. "S'k, Sho." You mumble, your eyes fluttering close. He looks at Katsuki, who gives him a slightly sad look. Shoto's heart drops, and he cuddles you tighter, "I'm sorry. I don't remember anything after I came and laid with you." Shoto says, nuzzling your head. You're already partly unconscious, so you don't respond, but Katsuki does, saying, "You weren't in control. Just go to sleep, and we'll talk about it in the morning. Wasn’t your fault."
Poly Masterlist - Todoroki Masterlist - Bakugo Masterlist
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katsuizu-stuff · 2 years
Whenever Bakugo and Deku are together on screen they always have the most funniest scenes sometimes and it makes it better to just see screenshots because you can probably think of anything and it will make sense
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Katsuki: Why the hell is Deku smiling at Icyhot like that? His eyes should be on me not him
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Izuku: Just wait a minute Kacchan, that kid didn’t mean it like that
Katsuki: Who the hell cares. Who the hell does that extra think he is talking to
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Katsuki: How dare you say that to my face!
Izuku: I’m so dead
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Izuku: Come on Kacchan just one more kiss before you go
Katsuki: Get the hell off me! You’re making me late!
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Katsuki thinking: His lips look soft
Izuku thinking: Why is this weirdo looking at me like that?
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