#jerejean hcs
stick-ball · 9 months
In this essay I will
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jeanmoroses · 2 months
tsc social media au part three :)
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tweets/messages between andrew, laila, and neil are inspired by @4phr0d17e’s banger post!
as a socal (and astronomy) girlie griffith observatory is one of my favorite la landmarks EVER i love it so much (getty museum and san clemente are contenders too)
also if it’s unclear in the first gc the upperclassmen and travis are getting lunch at a usc café it’s like a tradition for them
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kitausu · 3 months
If Jeremy and Jean do not have even a HINT of service top!Jeremy bossing Jean around because Jean just really likes it and Jeremy likes making Jean feel good then what are we even doing?
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britney62 · 5 months
Headcanon that if when Jerejean becomes canon and if Jean still has his 3 tattooed then (because if we know Nora well something will happen to that tattoo soon enough) then Jeremy will treat it like a target for kisses
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hatfordheadquarters · 4 months
listen y’all, personally I have never liked Kevin/Andrew/Neil or Kevin/Jeremy/Jean 🙃🙃 I am neutral on Kevin/Aaron and Kevin/Thea, and honestly I am very intrigued with Kevin/Allison.
In saying all this, I really really vibe with aroace Kevin.
I feel like every time I bring this up though people are like, “oh you’re only saying that because you think he only cares about exy.”
No, I don’t think he only cares about exy.
I think he is one of the most passionate characters in the whole series. I think he cares deeply about everyone and everything to his own detriment.
I think the idea that he is uninterested in nonplatonic dynamics doesn’t undervalue his relationships. Neither does it change that the people in his life care deeply for him.
I think aroace Kevin is honestly kinda perfect.
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ravenexy · 1 year
andrew: i don’t do relationships
neil, simply existing:
andrew: well shit
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ahomeganeyatsu · 2 months
Thinking about Jean having conversations with a random cat on campus. Like one of those times where he's sitting on a bench and waiting for the next person to accompany him to his class. And a cat comes up to him, maybe it's one that's claimed that particular bench as their napping spot. It stares Jean down but Jean will not be moved, until he finds how ridiculous this must look, so he scoots over and the cat reluctantly accepts him as a bench buddy.
At first, he simply ignores the cat. Standing up when he spots Jeremy or whoever's been assigned to him that day. A whispered, "À plus."
He thought it would be the last, but he ends up seeing the cat around. More often than not, they end up keeping each other company.
Jean starts talking to the cat. Maybe expressing his thoughts on a reading material, bouncing ideas to it about his classes or how unbearable his team/classmates are. (He rants to them about Jeremy sometimes, even Neil or Kevin.)
Then, he starts bringing it treats. A trade for bearing his company and lending its feline ears to his woes. The first time it bumps its head against his hand, Jean reminds himself to breathe. The first time it sits on his laps, it reminds him to breathe.
He's not trying to hide this. (He totally is.) But he keeps the cat a secret. Something about having something to himself. Even though he knows he can't keep it.
Eventually, he gets found out. He doesn't know whether it's good luck that Jeremy's the one who does or bad luck that Jeremy had to hear him having a conversation with the cat.
He's glad enough that Jeremy doesn't say a word about it. Just gives him that smile that feels like sunshine and tastes like the sea. He denies the warmth spreading across his face, the lightness in his heart, the urge to reach over and wipe that damnable smile off with his own lips.
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As I see it we have 2 possible Jeans to meet:
1) One who is convinced that he (and everyone for that matter) deserved all the things that happened in the Nest and just doesn't compute about normal human interactions. This Jean probably still thinks that Neil needed to shut up and obey Riko, hates Kevin and it's very pessimistic.
2) One who tried his best to still grasp some of the outside world, that is sad because his friend leaved him but happy that he found a better place to stay, that didn't really wanted to be involved with other Ravens and did what was told. That doesn't understand how people could accept someone this broken, and is glad that Neil appeared in his life and gave Renee his number and that Kevin convinced Jeremy that he was worthy of a chance.
And as I write this, I hope that we have an algamation of both Jean's. The one that was raised in a cult but still kept stickers and post cards, the one that's jealous Kevin could scape but do not want to change the past and would've helped him a million times again. The one that doesn't understand that the Trojans are friendly and aren't gonna cut him for letting a ball past but also would shout to a freshman that didn't score a perfectly easy goal. The one that thinks he didn't deserve a redemption and the one that knows he did it all to survive.
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idkimtiredanddumb · 2 years
Jean is gentle with everything he does. It’s one of the things Jeremy admires the most about him, how careful he is with his hands, how soft, no matter what he is touching. A paintbrush, his exy stick, Jeremy’s shoulder, a frying pan, a dogs head. His words are calculated missiles, angry and sarcastic and cold. But his hands betray him. He is terribly delicate for someone so angry.
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walkingcorpse03 · 2 years
my day be so fine then suddenly i think about jean moreau slowly learning that he doesn’t need to have his guard up 24/7 around the trojans and i start crying
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codename-adler · 1 year
in my head Jean Moreau has a sister, couple of years younger than him, and their relationship is so tragic yet beautiful, because like the twins they have only reunited late in their youth, and i want you all to know that this is something so personal to me & they are my everything
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stick-ball · 11 months
If we get a scene where Jeremy teaches Jean how to play pool im gonna die. How is my fragile queer heart supposed to take the homoeroticism in that and not overthink.
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xhaoticprince · 11 months
Jean Moreau is this song, Jean Moreau is that song... Jean Moreau is a song from the singer Pomme. She's one of my favorite singer and if Jean is close of being "Anxiété" (anxiety), or even "Ceux qui rêvent" (those who dreams). This man is the literal fucking personification of "Chanson for my depressed", fight me. This song was written by Jeremy for him.
Like "Dors encore jusqu'au jour où tout ira bien, Et moi je crois que c'est demain, Que vient le jour où tout ira bien" translates to "Sleep until tomorrow where everything is fine, And I believe it's tomorrow, That comes the day everything will be fine". And that's him. That's literally him, and I will die on that hill.
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kitausu · 1 year
I just had this thought of Jean's first year with the Trojans. Specifically thinking about how that first year Jean is, for the first time, on a team where he's allowed to speak his mind, but he's also still hip deep in Raven mentality and it's making him well...kind of an asshole. He can't seep to keep criticism to himself, losing his temper at every failed play, and even talking over Jeremy's very important pep talks.
And while Jeremy Knox is FULLY self aware enough to know he has a bit of a (okay huge) crush on Jean, his on court behavior is driving everyone up the wall.
Like now. They're one hour in to a grueling practice and Jean will not stop complaining about everyone and Jeremy finally snaps and says the only thing he can think of.
"Go sit in time out and think about your actions!"
In Jeremy's defense it's the worst punishment he had ever received as a child and it had been devastating at the time. Jean looks...nonplussed. But despite his complaining, he has never disobeyed a direct order.
So he goes...and sits in the corner. And it only takes 20 minutes for Jeremy to become utterly embarrassed by his behavior, but when he jogs over Jean looks fine. Relaxed even.
"All done?" He asks and Jeremy blinks because Jean seems well....content and it totally kills the apology on his lips.
"Uh, yeah. You can come back now. Just...watch it."
And Jean nods all docile and Jeremy is baffled, but weeks later when Jean acts out and Jeremy does it again, it just...works.
And basically I just want to think about Jean being gently corrected instead of beaten like he had been his entire life 😭
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Last thought before I disappear off the face of the earth (go back to work)
HC that the biggest jerejean shipper out of all the foxes isn’t Neil, or Kevin, or even Renee
it’s Nicky Hemmick.
He’s flirting with Jeremy bc ofc he is and Jer doesn’t realize that he’s joking. Turns him down politely and tells him that he’s flattered but he has someone else in mind right now.
And Jeremy’s not trying to be obvious but Nicky has spent a year with Andrew and Neil’s subtle-as-fuck flirting and he sees the way Jeremy just hovers around Jean the whole night, the way Jean gravitates to Jeremy when he feels uncomfortable and the victory on Jeremy’s face everytime jean smiles. It’s not hard to draw conclusions, not even for someone as outwardly oblivious as Nicky.
and because Nicky has never ever given a single fuck about subtlety he straight up corners Jean and asks “hey, you know that Jeremy has been trying to get in your pants the whole night right?” Jean cannot get over how crude that was and curses him out in French and English but Nicky knows a crush when he sees one so he just stares back triumphantly as Jean tells him to jump in the ocean with a thousand pound weight.
(Nicky doesn’t know how much the comment fucked with Jean’s sense of security tho and Jean spends the rest of the night convincing himself that Jeremy was being normal and Nicky’s a bitch)
anyway somehow Nicky ends up being one of the only foxes to know abt jerejean’s not so unreciprocated pining and every time he sees them on tv or watching game tape he’ll shout “JUST FUCK ALREADY” at the screen at risk of getting yelled at for hours by Kevin
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hatfordheadquarters · 3 months
‼️new Jeremy Knox headcanon👀
What if Jeremy killed his brother?
So we know that Jeremy has done something that his family, or at least his sister believes, has ruined their lives. He has a bad relationship with his living brother and is constantly being told to make sure he doesn’t do anything else that would cause trouble for his family. Especially since he is the step son of a political figure.
There’s also the theory that he has a brother who died (idk if it’s been confirmed or not, and I can’t remember if it’s stated in the book)
He is also wary of law enforcement, and actively avoids them. It’s probably because of whatever went down with his parents and the thing he did that ‘ruined’ everything.
What if Jeremy killed his brother, but by accident? Like imagine they were fighting out on a balcony or something during this political event he’s forced to go to because of his family. Even a small gathering of sorts.
Maybe his brother started it because he found out Jeremy was gay. Maybe Jeremy started it because there was something small that he didn’t agree with that his brother had done. It can be a small spat or a big thing. They could have a pretty good relationship normally, or bad one. Whichever you vibe with more.
Regardless, imagine they fight, and Jeremy pushed him not realizing how close his brother was to the railing, or how uneven or slippery the ground was, and off the balcony his brother goes.
His family knows what he did. He knows what he did. But what if nobody else does?
Like his step dad is powerful and a figure of authority, so he could potentially cover up an accident like this. To everyone else, his brother committed suicide. That would also be bad press for an influential family, so maybe they also controlled that news circulation. Slapping people with NDA’s or just covering it up before anyone becomes aware of it.
Something like this would definitely cause his family to believe he ruined them. It also is something they could use against him to get him to come when they call, and do things for them he’d rather not do.
To make sure he takes them seriously, they could threaten him with the police. This could be why he’s nervous about being recognized, not just as a politicians son, but as a murder. He can’t be sure if his family would throw him under the bus if the story being out would be more beneficial to them now as time has passed and Jeremy is an exy star. A star in a sport they don’t even want him doing.
They have an image to protect, and Jeremy can either make or break it.
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