#jensen + bandana
deansraspberrypie · 1 year
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Jensen + bandanas 😍🔥
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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alwayscaskett810 · 1 year
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jacklesthings · 1 year
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He is so cute 💕
From Steve Carlson IG stories
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markofcastiel · 1 month
Not Jensen Derangement Syndrome Ackles singing first "Every Light Before Me" (which is the Dean Winchester refusing Heaven song) and keeping a handkerchief hidden in his back pocket all throughout this song only to pull it out at the end and say:
"I used to get asked all the time why I keep a bandana in my back pocket. Now you know why..."
Not Jacking Joices Ackles wiping his face for plausible deniability then saying:
"Let me slow it down for ya"
Not Jensen Where's the Tapes Ackles following that up with the opening to "Watching Over Me" and changing the lyrics CHANGING THE FUCKIN LYRICS from
"Lay it on now that I can see"
"Lay it on now that YOU can see"
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deancrowleycas · 1 month
you need to know I was distracted by Jensen's hanky code-esque bandana that was wandering through his back pocket during the whole concert
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atw2006 · 1 month
I can't believe I wasted a whole god damn day of my one precious life wondering if Jensen Ackles knew what hanging bandana's from his ass pocket meant only to find out that yes. No only is he fucking aware. But he's making jokes about it. Not only that, the joke implies he learned about handkerchief code by being propositioned.
Then he sang his destiel love song.
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thebiggerbear · 4 months
WIP Wednesday - 5/29/24 - Beau Arlen x Reader
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A/N: Oh wow, I haven't done one of these in a while, but I've still been a busy bee behind the scenes. This is from another short series for Beau x Female Reader that I've been working on since, sheesh, July 29th of last year (don't judge me lol). It's another project I really love with my whole heart because it's allowing me to go to places with Beau and this world that I haven't gone to before and explore some...things about his character that we got a glimpse of in the show. Without giving too much away, this is going to be a bit darker than my average Beau story. I will start posting this very soon. I took out any specific spoilers. This takes place a bit after season 3. All unbeta'd.
Warnings: mentions of domestic violence (not Beau); injury/blood; a split second of violence
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Beau Taglist: @deans-spinster-witch; @birdiellie; @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @illicithallways; @muhahaha303
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
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You and Poppernak had responded to a domestic disturbance call and the husband was obviously at least twice past the legal limit for blood alcohol. Seeing his wife’s rapidly blackening eye, you talked her into pressing charges to at least get him out of the house for the night, if not for longer. When you went to arrest him, he pulled a knife on you and you saw it just in time. As you moved away, dodging his blows, thankfully Poppernak snuck up behind him and knocked him to the ground. You both then tackled him and forced him to drop the knife. Once he was in handcuffs, Poppernak radioed for backup and a bus. 
“You okay?”
You glanced at your bloodied shirt sleeve. “Yeah, I think so. Just a scratch.”
Poppernak shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. You’re getting that checked out.” He pulled a bandana from his pocket and placed it against your arm, urging you to keep it there and steadily apply pressure.
You rolled your eyes but didn’t argue. Usually, you would have but the wife was watching you and you knew what you had to do. Without realizing it, the stupid son of a bitch had just given the justice system the perfect reason to keep him from going back home right away, even if his wife changed her mind regarding the charges. Now, he had assaulted an officer, so you had even more reason not to resist the full process of reporting and medical follow up.    
So here you were, in the ER, waiting on the nurse to finish up so you could get out of here.
“There. All set.” She snapped her gloves off and threw them in the trash.
“Thanks.” You carefully slipped your injured arm into the sleeve of your jacket. 
The woman held up a sheet of paper. “Now, here are the care instructions. You’ll need to—”
You took the form from her and gave her a reassuring smile. “I appreciate it but I already know the drill. Not my first rodeo.” You slipped the other arm into your jacket and shrugged into it, wincing at the slight jab of pain.
“Okay,” she replied in a singsong voice, obviously assuming you were that type of patient. “You go home and get some rest now, you hear?” 
She was gone before you could roll your eyes at her fake cheeriness. You pulled out your phone, about to text Poppernak that you were ready for pickup, when a young male nurse strolled in. “Oh, good. I’m glad I caught you.”
“I was discharged so…” You held up the paper in your hand as proof. No way were they keeping you any longer. You had a job to get back to, though you had a feeling you would be arguing with Beau not that long from now about you being able to complete your shift.
“Oh, I know. Dr. Strickland wants to see you quickly before you leave.”
Dammit, just when you were about to get out of here. “Do I have to?”
He gave you a look. “If Dr. Strickland is asking to see you, it’s probably best if you hear what she has to say.”
“Fine,” you groaned. “Where is her office?”
“Down the hall, make two lefts, then a right, first door on the left,” he directed as he began to clean up where you had just been sitting.
“That’s not confusing at all,” you muttered under your breath as you left the room. Much to your surprise a few minutes later, his directions had been spot on.
The door was open and you rapped on it, sticking your head in. Dr. Strickland glanced up from her desk and gave you a smile. “Deputy Y/L/N. I’m so glad Ryan caught you before you left. Please, close the door and have a seat.”
“Okay…” You did as she asked, plopping down into the open chair facing her. “Everything okay? My insurance should cover all of this, I’m pretty sure.”
Dr. Strickland waved a hand in dismissal. “This isn’t about that. If it were, you’d be sitting in the Billing Office instead.” She chuckled at her own joke.
Right. You had already had a rough few days; you weren’t really in the mood for jokes or being polite for politeness' sake, so you cut right to the chase. “What’s up, doc? Why did you need to see me?”
The older woman typed something up on her computer. “When you were brought in, even though it wasn’t a deep cut, I ran your blood work just as a precaution. In case a tetanus booster was needed.”
“I remember.” You weren’t afraid of needles but you weren’t exactly a fan so anytime one came near you, you made sure to look away until they were done doing whatever it was they were going to do with it. 
“Well,” Dr. Strickland glanced over her glasses at you. “We found something.” She swung her gaze back to her computer, continuing to type. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach. You should have fucking known. Ever since you’d come up here to Helena at Beau’s insistence, everything had been wrong. Why wouldn’t they find something in your blood work on top of everything else? “What did you find?” You nearly whispered.
The doctor’s eyes snapped to you and she gave you a reassuring smile. “Oh, nothing like that. Don’t worry.” She hit a button and the printer started up. She then folded her hands on her desk, patiently waiting for the paper to finish printing. “You’re pregnant.”
There was a ringing in your ears and you began to feel light-headed. There was no way you heard her right. “I’m sorry…what?”
“You’re pregnant,” she repeated, picking up the paper as it spit out from the printer. “Here is a copy of your test results.” She offered it to you and for a moment, you considered not taking it. There was no way; she must have made a mistake. Perhaps your results got mixed up with someone else’s.
“That’s impossible.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion. “Actually, it’s quite possible. A blood test is ninety-nine percent more accurate than urine tests. It’s hard to know exactly how far along you are without a proper examination but the results don’t lie. You’re pregnant.”
The ringing and light-headedness got worse, so much so that you barely heard her telling you that you needed to make an appointment with your OB-GYN to start prenatal care and get your first ultrasound to determine how far along you were in your pregnancy. Pregnancy? What the hell was she talking about? There was no way you could be pregnant...no fucking way. Not the moment that you had finally put your foot down with Beau — oh God. Fucking…Beau!
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Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for this upcoming mini series.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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zombiecastiell · 4 months
i met misha, ruth, mark, dj qualls, and jensen and i was physically able to talk to everyone one of them but ruth (i have a big fat lesbian crush on her) like the words were not able to come out but she was so sweet! and she didn’t know what a pentagram was, my friend ask her and mark sheppard to do a pentagram on a bandana and mark just wrote “no.” on it and ruth did little love hearts instead 😶‍🌫️
wow what a beautiful experience 🤩
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Wrong Number (Part 2)
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Summary: The reader has second thoughts about meeting up with Jensen in person until he comes up with a plan that works for them both...
Part 1
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 2,200ish
Warnings: language, previous bad marriage
A/N: Look what I found hiding away in my drafts!
By the time lunch had rolled around, you were wondering what the hell you had agreed to do that night. Fly to Austin? Meet a complete and total stranger? 
Who knew if the guy even was who he said was? Maybe he was just some guy that had hacked you and was manipulating you and was going to drag you off to who knew where.
You were ready to text Jensen, or whoever he was, and tell him no way you were going, just as a call came in from him.
“Hello?” you answered, leaving your desk and ducking out the side door of the building.
“Hey, Y/N. Uh. About this weekend...can we reschedule? I really, really want to see you but Cati is moving some of her crap out of the house apparently and I’d really rather not get you involved with that basket of crazy.”
“Oh. Yeah, that’s totally cool. I uh,” you said, leaning back against the brick building. “I was actually going to call you and cancel before you got a flight for me.”
“Oh. I feel not so bad then. You get roped into work?” he asked. You very easily could lie and he was nice enough to not say anything. But a part of you didn’t like lying with him. You hadn’t so far and he was still there.
“No. I uh, got sort of nervous. Flying down out of the blue to meet a guy I’ve never met,” you said.
“It’s okay,” he said, voice gentler than you were expecting. “If I was you, I’d be pretty skeptical of me too. If you never want to meet, that’s okay. I’d never want to make you uncomfortable.”
“How do I know you’re real?” you asked. “That this isn’t some scam or something.”
“Next weekend there’s a convention in Dallas. How about I book you a flight for that, a hotel room and everything, get you hooked up with a badge and all that and Saturday night, if you like how the concert goes, we can go out on a date afterwards. Plenty of people around, I’ll stay away until you know I’m not pulling anything. How’s that sound?”
“What do you mean about the concert?” you asked.
“Well, you’re concerned I’m not really who I say I am, right?”
“I’m being stupid. I mean, I can tell by your voice that-”
“Ah, ah. You’re right. I went too overboard with the asking you to stay over my house thing. This is my do over. So, you tell me to wear something on Saturday night and when you see me with it on, then you’ll know it’s really me,” he said.
“Or we could just facetime?” you asked.
“Oh, come on. My way’s more fun and cheesy and romantic,” he chuckled. 
“I can pick whatever I want?”
“Go for it,” he said.
“Alright. Let me think about it and I’ll text you the next few days,” you said.
“Alright. I guess I’ll see you next weekend then.”
“I guess you will, Ackles.”
One Week Later
“Hi,” you said, nervously tapping on a security guard dressed in a black suit on the shoulder. They looked down at you and your swallowed. You held up your badge like Jensen had told you to do earlier in the day and the guy talked into a radio for a moment before he waved you back. 
Carefully you wandered into a back hall, someone showing you down to a back room. They stopped you outside of it and you paused, the person going inside. A moment later they exited, followed by Jensen, his face lighting up when he saw you.
“Hi,” you said.
“Hi. You are...fuck, you’re pretty,” he said. You smirked and he shared one of his own. “I pass the test?”
“I like your pink bandana,” you said, Jensen laughing as he pulled it from his back pocket.
“I so knew you were gonna pick something pink too,” he said, holding it out to you. “To be honest, I got a little nervous you weren’t real either.”
“Yeah well, I thought we decided you’ve been hurt enough lately,” you said. “No tricks.”
You tied the bandana around his wrist, Jensen smiling back at you.
“Let me say bye to my friends quick and then we can get out of here,” he said.
“Take your time,” you said. He ducked inside and was out less than thirty seconds later, clasping his hands behind his back. “So. What do actor rockstars do for first dates?”
“I could go for some dinner and a drink,” he said. “I know a good hole in the wall place. You like steak?”
“Who doesn’t?” you said.
“I knew there was a reason I liked you,” he said. “You enjoy the show?”
“Yeah. You’re not half bad,” you said. He rubbed the back of his neck and you swore you saw a bit of blush on his face. “So this place close by?”
“It’s probably a fifteen minute walk from here if that’s okay,” he said.
“Yeah. No problem. I’m not one for heels unless I know I’ll be able to sit,” you said.
“Really? I thought you worked in an uppity uppity office,” he said.
“I do. I kick them off under my desk constantly,” you said. “I wasn’t really sure what the dress code was so I stuck to the basics.”
“Basics are always a good bet,” he said, holding open the door for you, the cooler night air refreshing after being in the hot room the past few hours. “I dig the neon orange sneakers.”
“Thanks,” you said, taking off your badge and shoving it in your purse. He was quiet as you made your way to a street corner, waiting for the crossing light. “Jensen?”
“We do know each other. Can we get over this awkward thing in the air?” you asked.
“Yeah. I’d much rather get back to teasing you over how you call heating frozen waffles cooking dinner,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he chuckled. “Even on 14 hour work days, I still made a meal.”
“Well I can’t cook. You knew that coming into this relationship,” you said.
“Oh, relationship?” he teased, getting a hip bump from you. “You’re hot. I can handle your bad cooking in exchange.”
“Such a guy,” you said, the light going green. You started to walk but Jensen held out a hand, a car rushing through the red. “Not used to a city.”
“You get used to it. I much prefer the suburbs for living,” he said, the two of you starting to walk again. “Weren’t you thinking about renting a small house instead of that apartment?”
“As much as I loathe the one bedroom, size of a shoebox place, it’s cheap. Houses are expensive,” you said.
“Yeah but it’s not in a great neighborhood. You work late sometimes. Isn’t there that skeevy guy outside always?”
“I’m not worried. I honestly will probably get a promotion to the New York City or LA office soon. I’m not killing myself for nothing,” you said.
“But do you like it?” he asked. “Being a financial spy.”
“Financial investigator,” you said with a laugh.
“Same thing,” he said, putting his hands in his pockets. “I don’t know. I’ve worked the long days so I know they suck. But I got breaks and I love what I do.”
“Then why end the show?” you asked.
“Cause I love it and I didn’t want it to go to shit. Five years from now, they get in another writer, I’d sign on for a movie or miniseries in a heartbeat,” he said. “We’re just going on a break in my mind. Jared’s too. But I got another job lined up for the fall. Not everyday is perfect. No job is. But I do love what I get to do. I don’t know if I could do that with a job I hated.”
“When I was a kid, I wanted to be an architect. Then an engineer. Then a heart surgeon. Then I went to college for business and finance because it’s a safe bet. The world always needs those kinds of people,” you said.
“They need those other kinds of people too,” he said. “I guess even nerds have to love the finance jobs.”
“I sorta hate it,” you said.
“I know. You vent about it sometimes. Plus your boss sounds like a dick.”
“Don’t remind me. He was mad cause I used a single day of vacation time. Not like I have a gajillion hours saved or anything.”
“Would you ever go back? School?”
“I’ve been out of college eight years. No way would I survive another four.”
“I think you could. But I’ve never been so who am I to say,” he said. “You should take more time off.”
“Now you sound like my mom,” you laughed. “My parents have always owned their own business. I don’t think they quite get it.”
“Maybe not. Still. It’s good to take some time every once in a while,” he said. “You have to fly home tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Flight’s at 7:30. I gotta run after your panel,” you said.
“I feel like I made you come all the way out here for a few hours together,” he said.
“I’m enjoying the convention,” you said. “And the company.”
“Want to know how the show ends?” he teased. You whacked his shoulder and he laughed, a devilish smile on his face. “I can’t tell you that. I wouldn’t spoil it.”
“Yet you’re up for more. I wonder what that tells me,” you said.
“I’m also going to be taking more time off,” he said. “Try to have a lazy day every now and then.”
“Good. You work too much,” you said.
“So. You wanna take some time off with me?”
“I’ve known you for a grand total of seven minutes.”
“We’ve known each other more than two months. We talk every day. It’s been a lot more than seven minutes,” he said. You were quiet for a beat, Jensen’s hand bumping yours a few times before he curled a finger around yours. He slid his fingers through yours, lacing your hands together.
“I know I’ve said this a million times but you didn’t deserve what she did.”
“I know the cheating wasn’t my fault.”
“You know I’m talking about the other thing.”
“I know that one too,” he said. “I’m glad she fucked around to be honest.”
“Because I’d rather dump her before we got into the whole kid situation.”
“I thought she fucked that up with what she said and all.”
“She definitely tried. But I got a good lawyer and he found enough evidence to prove it wasn’t true. So we came to a deal.”
“Really? I hadn’t heard of that.”
“It happened this week when we finalized everything. As of Tuesday, I am 100% officially divorced. Yay,” he chuckled.
“She got the house, didn’t she,” you said.
“Actually, she didn’t get anything. I let her keep her stuff, like clothes and her car but that was it. She didn’t get a dime. It was part of our deal. Amazing how much you can keep when you have the threat of prison time over the other person,” he said.
“It still sucks you had to go through all of that,” you said.
“My sister says I was a sucker from the start. She always thought Cati was a bitch and I never got it until I caught what Cati was up to. Mac picked up on evil chick radar way better than I ever did apparently.”
“S’okay to be a sucker. It means you’re kind,” you said.
“I thought you never had a legit boyfriend you said.”
“I haven’t. Doesn’t mean I haven’t been a sucker,” you said.
“That guy the reason you never went and had one?”
“Pretty much. Much safer in your own personal bubble,” you said. 
“True,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze. “Hard to find someone you trust to not just not hurt you but also somebody that makes you feel safe.”
“Cati ever do that for you?”
“No. I thought she did but I can tell the difference now,” he said. “I just started seeing this girl. I think I might trust her.”
“Oh? Well I can tell you she might trust you too,” you said.
“Quit that stupid job. Get out of that office and away from freaking Chad. I know it eats you up.”
“I’ll think about it,” you said. “Got any more cons for awhile?”
“Not for about two months,” he said. 
“Maybe some weekend you could come visit,” you said with a shrug.
“Maybe next weekend,” he said, a big smile plastered on his cheeks. “If you’re free.”
“I am,” you said. 
“Good. It’s a date then,” he said.
“Assuming this one goes well,” you said. 
“How am I doing so far?”
“Pretty decent. I don’t want to give it away just yet.”
“And I’m the one that teases in this relationship. Right,” he said, slowing his walk as you approached a restaurant. “Ladies first.”
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rose-ackles · 1 year
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Jensen Ackles+ Bandanas+🕶️ ❤️
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lightofraye · 4 months
stop posting Jensen and saying he’s hot yet insulting his wife
Hello anon!
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As for Danneel...
It's only insults if it's not true.
But which parts are you complaining about?
Her awful fashion sense?
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Are you kidding me?! Her fashion sense is blech, awful!
Her horrific plastic surgery? Yeah, sorry, that's also not a lie.
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Given you can't recognize her from what she looked like a long time ago....
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Face lifts causes your hair line to push back. That's why her forehead is so big and her hair line is horrible. She tries to hide it with bandanas. If you look at picture of her before all the plastic surgeries her hairline looked fine.
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And if that isn't enough, should I repost some of her bullying crap? Or where she pretends to be Jensen and has full-blown conversations with herself?
Oh! I know! How she uses JJ to shame and embarrass Jensen (not to mention other stuff)?
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To repeat myself, anon: No.
And by the way--Danneel is not Jensen. Jensen is not Danneel. I am not obligated in any shape or form to like her.
I won't stan abusers. I won't tolerate them.
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urboymutual · 2 years
[remembers jensen ackles white bandana back pocket incident] aw hell nah.
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
Jared Padalecki/Sam Winchester: Born to Be Bad? Interview snippets
These are some tidbits from the "Born to be Bad?" interview exclusive with Jared Padalecki and Kate Lloyd to the Supernatural Magazine's 5th issue published in Aug/Sept 2008, pages 10 to 16. [x]
"Just before she blows I the police station to hell in Jus In Bello, Lilith has a query I for Agent Henrikser and Nancy. “Excuse me. I'm looking for two brothers? One’s really tall and one’s really cute." While the majority of Supernatural fans would argue that both Winchester brothers are really cute, It's only when you meet Jared Padalecki In the flesh that you fully understand why the writers went for that particular characteristic of Sam's, rather than say, his dimples or his floppy hair. When the actor stands to greet The Official Supernatural Magazine In the downstairs bar of the exclusive Brown’s Hotel in London, we can’t help but notice that he goes up and up… and up. (He’s also extremely cute, but that always was a given.)"
Interesting Ruby goes on to talk about how one is really tall and one is really cute in this episode. Even though both of them [Jared and Jensen] are handsome men, it does seem that this reflects how a lot of the fandom see the two of them. I wonder if this is one reason why Jared has said things like he's the scary one and Jensen is the good looking one (paraphrasing here), and seems to put himself down quite often. I don't know why but I find it quite interesting that this line was in the episode Jus in Bello when Jared did have one of his meltdowns while in Italy for a Jus in Bello con back in May 2015.
Born to Be Bad?
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"Dressed casually in jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt, with his hair swept back under a bandana, Padalecki is in the UK as part of a two-day whirlwind press tour Following the media blitz, he and his girlfriend (and now fiancée) Sandra McCoy, are heading to Barcelona and Paris for a romantic European vacation. As Supernatural Magazine settles down onto the sofa opposite Padalecki, we’re surprised to learn that despite having only been in the country for 48 hours, the happy couple have already managed to squeeze in a bit of sightseeing.
"After we landed, we forced ourselves to stay awake and went to Stonehenge," explains Padalecki in his distinctive Texan drawl. “It was much smaller them I thought, I still thought it was cool and creepy and eerie, but it was smaller than I thought and I was disappointed by [its] proximity to the highway. I [felt like I] could throw a stone from the street and topple it. “There was one point when I was about to take a picture and there was a rainbow in the background,” he continues with a chuckle. “I thought, ‘Cool, I can make it look like it’s coming out of Stonehenge. I went around the back and started to line up the shot with my camera. I was zooming in and zooming out, and I got down [on the ground] and I swear to God, right as I was trying to center it, a double-decker bus drove past. It was just so funny, because there I was at this centuries-old monument and suddenly there was a [modem day] double-decker bus!"
Jared also stated “It would be a great setting for a Supernatural episode” in this story.
Three and Easy
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"Hey, what about this?’ Yes!' ‘How about this?’ ‘Yes!’ They were knocking it out of the park, so it was tough when we had to stop because we finally felt like we not only getting somewhere, but [we were] getting there fast." Padalecki is, of course, referring to the writers’ strike that saw production on Supernatural, as well as virtually every other TV show in America, grind to a halt for more than three months. Thankfully the strike was eventually resolved, but it did mean that Supernatural's third year had to be cut from 22 episodes to 16. Despite the shortened season, however, Padalecki was thrilled with the surprising direction many of the episodes took, and also the opportunities the year as a whole presented to both he and Jensen Ackles as actors."
"'I talked with Eric Kripke about where [we were] going during the shooting of A Very Supernatural Christmas' Padalecki reveals. “He came up to Vancouver to have a discussion with Jensen and myself about where we were going to go, what we thought, what we felt, and whether we had any ideas. He excited me, because he talked about really [exploring) the dark side of Sam and Dean. We've seen their relationship and how they are so close, and how they live off each other, and Eric kind of hinted that wanted to see what would be like if the brothers really started to butt heads."
Now this paragraph from this section of this magazine interview caught my eye for a couple reasons. One, it seems that Jared is referencing to the time Kripke came up to Vancouver around the time Jared had his breakdown on the set of Supernatural back in 2007. According to some Redditors, Kripke had a very unpleasant conversation with Jared around this time [while season 3 was filiming], NOT just about ideas pertaining to "the dark side of Sam and Dean"... or should I say Jared "threw a hissy fit" according to one of the Redditors.
Two, I mentioned a tarot reading I did per an anonymous ask I received from a so called "tinhatter" last month here and did mention this breakdown in 2007. One of the cards in this reading was the 3 of cups and brought up one of the meanings being "three's a crowd". I noticed this section of the magazine interview is called "Three and Easy". It seems this meltdown was the start of Jared being perceived as unreliable on the set. Maybe this conversation was actually Kripke hinting he was contemplating having Sam Winchester aka Jared Padalecki leave the show in the name of "exploring the dark side of Sam and Dean". Hmmm...
More from this section...
"The shoot-first-ask-questions later Sam Winchester we saw in season three certainly was a far cry from the reluctant soldier who questioned every kill in seasons one and two, most noticeably in the episodes Jus In Bello and Time Is On My Side, when it seemed as if Sam was prepared to risk anything and everything - even the lives of innocent men and women - to save his brother."
This tidbit also caught my eye for another reason. I don't know if you're familiar with my blog or not but I write a lot about divine blueprints, divination, etc. Based on the context of this particular magazine interview, I do believe that the content in this magazine article was unknowingly predicting Jared's second publicized breakdown in May 2015 while he was overseas in Italy for a Jus in Bello con. It was reported he went to a watch museum in Geneva "to clear his head". Interesting coincidences if you ask me...
Girl Power
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"Being on the road as much as they are, the Winchester brothers seldom have time to form any meaningful relationships, and this was especially true of Sam in year three. In fact, his only real dalliance with the fairer sex during that season was in Dream A Little Dream Of Me, when he had a naughty fantasy about Bela (of all people).
"That scene came right after the holidays, and they were like. 'Hey, you're going home for Christmas and stuff, but don’t eat too much because you have a sex scene two weeks after you get back,"’ recalls Padalecki with a chuckle. "I’m like, 'C’mon, how can you do that to me?' because I like nothing more than going home for the holidays and gorging.
“I remember Lauren coming up to me and saying [adopts posh English accent], I hear we have a saucy scene,'” he continues. “And I’m like [adopts posh English accent again], 'Oh, do we have a saucy scene?’ I love that word, ‘saucy,’ It wasn't that saucy a scene, but it was a little saucy. That’s a really funny episode, and it’s clever how it’s done. The guy who directed that episode, Steve Boyum, also directed Crossroad Blues, and we really like his work. He makes really interesting episodes. He’s very good and very hardworking, and a lot of fun to have on set."
Fan Tribute
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“It's so nice to be part of a [series] that people are watching because they actually enjoy the show. I know people who watch Grey's Anatomy because their friends at work watch Grey's Anatomy. It’s almost like a book club. So if you’re missing these gigantic shows [to watch Supernatural], which are also good shows, but if you're missing Grey's Anatomy and Lost and CSI and House, it’s because you really are a fan of the show, and that’s so humbling and flattering. “Supernatural might not be as successful as Lost or CSI or any of those, but the people who know the show are fans of Jared and myself,” Padalecki concludes. “That means a lot, because I know some people who can’t tell you a single actor on CSI even though they watch it every week.'"
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jacklesthings · 1 year
He is so cute 💕
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jackles010378 · 1 year
Why does everyone think Jensen is moving? From what Clif has posted on IG it just sounds like their on a road trip 🤔🫤
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Love the bandana 😍😍
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
Does Jensen have a snake around his neck in your pfp?
It is a bandana but I wish it was a snake that would be epic as fuck!
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