#The Open Road with some sweeeet Caroline
alwayscaskett810 · 1 year
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jensenackles-daily · 1 year
jensenackles: The open road… with some Sweeeet Caroline.
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positivexcellence · 1 year
jensenackles: The open road… with some Sweeeet Caroline.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Into The Woods - Chapter Thirteen
Story also available on Wattpad.
Chapter One Previous Chapter
AN: This chapter is the peak of my writing career.
Confidence, he had told her, was the thing she needed. Confidence and courage to help her finally kill him. She stretched her arms and rolled her shoulders. She put on her mask and stretched her legs, then rolled her neck. She took her phone from inside her boot and grabbed the small speaker lying on the ground. She turned it on and waited for the bluetooth to hook up to her phone. Once the two were connected, she opened spotify, and hit shuffle on her workout playlist.
''Looks like it's abandoned...'' Liu murmured as he pulled Jeff into the dark warehouse with him. He helped his brother limp over to a space next to the door and sat him down. ''You okay?'' he asked.
''My leg hurts like shit.'' Jeff mumbled. ''But yeah, I'm good.''
Liu laughed quietly and sat himself down. Jeff grabbed his backpack, taking it off, and pulled out his coat. He put it on and stuffed his hands into the pockets. Liu couldn't blame him. The warehouse wasn't exactly warm, but it was still better than being outside. Liu stood up for a moment.
''I'm gonna go outside and get stuff for a fire. You stay here okay? Rest your leg.''
Jeff nodded and pulled up his hood. Liu smiled a bit at the way Jeff's face almost entirely disappeared under messy hair when he did that. Liu mentally made a note to brush it for him later.
She watched him walk out of the warehouse and quickly ducked behind the wall before he could spot her. She quickly walked around to where she'd left her speaker and grabbed her mask from the ground. She put it on and grabbed the speaker, then climbed up a ladder to one of the walkways by the side of the warehouse. She opened the metal door leading inside. She stood on another walkway, overlooking the entire warehouse floor. She could see him, across the space, sitting on the ground. She grinned and turned up the volume on her speaker.
Jeff hugged himself and rubbed at his nose. He sniffed. It wasn't so blocked up before. He frowned, then suddenly sneezed. ''Ugh.'' he murmured as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. He sighed to himself, just hoping Liu would come back soon.
A noise broke him out of his thoughts. It came from...across the warehouse? He looked up and around for the source. It was echoing and sounded like...music. He frowned.
''Where it began, I can't begin to knowing
But then I know it's growing strong...''
Was that...Neil Diamond...?
''Was in the spring
And spring became the summer...''
Jeff stared around, suddenly scared. How the fuck was that song so eerie? And where the fuck was it coming from? He backed up towards the wall, looking around in panic.
''Who'd have believed you'd come along...?''
That line wasn't Neil. it was someone else. Somebody was singing. Jeff stared around. The voice was female, and actually kind of pretty. He gulped. ''H-Hello...?'' he called out.
''Haaaands...touchin' haaaands...''
She continued singing. Jeff continued staring around in fear. He anxiously reached for his bag, digging through it till his hand closed around the knife, still bloody from his first murders. He gulped.
''Reachin' out...! Touchin' me!''
He finally spotted the singer. She stood on the walkway on the other side of the warehouse. She wore nothing but black, and a white mask.
''Touchiiin you....!''
She ran towards the edge of the walkway and jumped. Jeff watched in amazement as she flipped through the air and hit the ground without even faltering in her singing.
''Sweeeet Caroline...!!!''
Outside, Liu looked up suddenly. He paused for a moment and listened. He'd strayed away from the warehouse looking for tinder, but he could've sworn he heard-
''Good times never seemed so good...''
Was that...?
''I've been inclined...!''
Sweet...Caroline...? As in- the Neil Diamond song? He walked off towards the warehouse, confused and slightly worried.
''To believe they never would
But now I...''
Jeff stared in horror as the masked goth strode towards him. He couldn't say anything, he was too terrified and just- confused at this entire situation. She moved closer to him, still singing.
''Look at the night...and it don't seem so lonely...''
She was admittedly a good singer. Jeff would give her that. She got closer and closer, and Jeff backed up against the wall.
''We filled it up with only two...''
She kicked Liu's bag aside and crouched down in front of him. Her face leaned into Jeff's. She practically snarled the word 'two'. He whimpered in fright.
''And when I hurt...''
She reached over and gently caressed Jeff's face. The boy recoiled in fear as she softly sang to him.
''Hurtin' runs off my shoulders...''
Her hands gently slid down and ran across his shoulders. Her hands glided over to his chest and suddenly gripped his hoodie tightly. Jeff let out a scared ''urk!'' and beneath her mask she grinned with delight. Slowly, she lifted him up with strength Jeff didn't expect her to have. He writhed in her arms, trying to kick her away. He yelped in pain, forgetting that his leg was damaged.
''How can I hurt when holdin' you?''
She began turning in a circle, slowly gaining speed. Jeff stared at her, helpless and scared.
''Oooone, touchin' oooone,''
As Liu reached the abandoned warehouse, the music got louder. He quickly ran to the door. ''Jeff!'' he called out, panic beginning to rise in him. ''Jeff!''
She got faster and faster. Jeff clung helplessly to her wrists, hoping to god this crazy woman wouldn't let go of him.
Liu burst into the warehouse just in time to see a crazy goth lady swing his brother around one last time and then let go, throwing him against one of the walls. She turned to him and stared straight at him.
''Sweeeet Caroline!''
Jeff let out a strangled gasp as he hit the wall. Pain burst through his body, his back aching, his lungs gasping for air. He dropped to the ground and grunted softly in pain. He took a few shaky breaths, trying to gain his grasp on reality again. All he could hear was fucking Niel Diamond being sung by some crazy lady and- his brother- his brother! Liu! He forced himself to get up and stared around, his arms shaking as he knelt.
''Good times never seemed so good!''
Her singing sounded proud now, full of joy and delight as she stared at Liu. ''Get away from my brother!'' he yelled. She only laughed in response. Liu glanced quickly from her to Jeff, then bolted over to Jeff. He helped him up. Jeff groaned softly in pain and leaned against his brother.
''I've been inclined...to believe they never would, oh no, no...''
She seemed to have lost interest in them, at least temporarily. Liu quickly dragged his brother over to where their bags were and grabbed their things.
They both froze and turned to look at her in horror. She was holding a gun and pointing it straight at them. None of them moved, just staring at one another in fear.
''Sweet Caroline...''
She cocked the gun.
''Good times never seemed so good.''
''BANG!'' Liu shoved Jeff to the ground, dodging her bullet. A burst of adrenaline had Liu grab Jeff, literally hold him under his arm and run as fast as he possibly could. His brain registered nothing but the need to run, Jeff quietly screaming beside him and the crazy goth behind him STILL FUCKING SINGING.
Liu skidded to a halt at the gate leading to the warehouse. He yanked it open with his one free hand and began running again.
Liu whipped his head over to the road and saw a pickup truck speeding along towards them. He took a deep breath and began running towards the road.
''CAR!'' Jeff screamed beside him. Liu ignored him.
Liu took a deep breath and threw himself towards the road just as the pickup truck sped by. Both of them yelled as they crashed into the back of it, tumbling on top of each other. Liu sat up quickly and stared back at the girl as she disappeared into the distance.
''Good times never seemed so good...''
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