#jenny kirk rdr2
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valfeathers · 7 months ago
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“baby, both arms cradle you now,
both arms cradle you now”
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redreyenotarget · 23 days ago
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Sooome RDR art dump
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zarkishere · 7 months ago
free to use, just credit me if you do :) (also tag me if you use it for rdr2 oc's i'd love that hehe)
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Young Jack ver ⤴️
Old Jack ver ⤵️
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notes cuz i love overthinking shit :
EVERYONE except Micah, Sadie and Kieran have both little hair thingies
for Micah it's cuz....yknow. he's not really part. he's the rat. doesn't even have one of the two.
For Sadie and Kieran they have 1 since they are part of the gang, they just happened to join later
I changed some people's design a little bit but it's minor changes that don't mean much just me fixing up stuff
Molly and Grimshaw's eye-makeup-thingies are the same (cuz yknow. Dutch.) Molly's hair doesn't naturally do the Little Hair Thing, she has to do it every morning, hence why it's...oddly curly (this time not because she's not part of the gang, but because she feels the need to have it. maybe Dutch will love her if she does. if she's like the rest.)
I decided to make older Jack have a few things from other characters who are theorized to be his dad (lol. i don't believe those theories just for the record, i think Jack is John's kid, i just like stirring the pot HJKASJKHASGASG)
Jenny is like that cuz we never see her apart from a drawing, so i thought i should make her all sketchy and silly
Mac is. a fucking square. we never see that mf.
Karen has 3 freckles instead of 3 cuz she's quirky and not like the other girls (no but fr)
i tried to keep it right side people who would agree most with Dutch after Dutch...? if that makes sense? so yknow Micah is first, then Bill, etc. from the left side is the people who agreed the most with Arthur/John...so Hosea, Charles, lenny, etc.
Arthur facing John, Hosea facing Dutch, Charles facing Micah is on purpose teehee (Kieran is also kinda facing Mary-Beth but you can call bullshit and i'll accept it)
Jack is the only boyo between the women cuz he stands with his momma
i thought Arthur and John's hat bonking was p funny
idk what else to say, i've probably forgoren a lot but idc so...
these designs are 100% not perfect but i am p satisfied with most overall, lemme know what you think!
i don't have any fucking clue why person's eyes are the only ones like that please someone fix him whats wrong with him help get him eye contacts or something PLEASE--
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galacta-phantasma · 2 months ago
The faint chirping of crickets could be heard as another day at Beecher's Hope drew to a close. Most of them live on the property, but those that don't visit so much that they might as well be.
Everyone's crammed into the main house tonight. Javier is playing a gentle melody on his guitar. Next to him, Kieran is building up the courage to ask Javier to teach him how to play, eyes darting between his nimble fingers and serene face. Mary-Beth, Lenny, and Jack are discussing the books they've read recently, the elder two of the trio helping Jack write his first short story. Closer to the corner of the room, Sadie is telling Charles and Arthur how her latest bounty nearly ended with her being catapulted into a river. Amelia - Abigail's spitting image - sits in her grandpa Hosea's lap, babbling logical nonsense the way only a 3 year old could, and he nods along as if she's telling him the world's darkest secrets. Tilly and Karen swap parenting tips as they sew, and Sean, sitting on the floor, is "helping" by adding a drop of blood to every lopsided stitch he makes.
In the kitchen, Molly, Pearson, and Abigail are arguing loud enough to shake the roof as Bessie and Jenny watch on placidly, poker game forgotten, only willing to step in should things come to blows. Jenny flagrantly fans herself with the cards Bessie slipped her. They've yet to notice. Uncle's been passed out for a few hours now, and Grimshaw is beginning to attempt to herd everyone to bed for an early morning none of them are rushing to meet.
And John? He's happier than he thinks he's ever been, hiding his big goofy grin behind his hat, chest fit to burst with all the love in his heart.
...and then he wakes up alone, in an empty house, in a different country. The only noises are the faint creaks of the house settling, the slight shuffle of blankets, and his own breathing. For a brief, selfish moment, he wishes he hadn't.
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st0lax · 6 months ago
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"You can't change what's done, you can only move on"
The nine graves you can visit in red dead redemption 2.
in order
Jenny Kirk, Davey Callander, Sean McGuire
Kieran Duffy, Hosea Matthews, Lenny Summers
Eagle Flies, Susan Grimshaw, Arthur Morgan
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nthspecialll · 3 months ago
I know we don't know much about jenny and Micah's relationship, only that they were involved with each other in black water, but i'd love to hear your thoughts on them and jenny's relationship with lenny!
You know, yesterday I was reading an argument about this in a tiktok comment, some said that Micah had raped her and someone else said "you can't asume he raped her because he has done other bad things!" which was interesting...
But I am going to asume that he probably did force himself due to what he said earlier in that convosation. "Why do we need a gaggle of girls who won't even fuck you if you put a gun to their head" "I am sure you have tried" "Is it too much to ask considering they get a bit of every dollar I bring in?"
There is also the fact that Micah canonly mixes up signals. He talks about how he likes Abigail and Morgan replies "I don't get the sense that the feeling is mutural" Micah's responds is "you just don't understand girls Morgan." Which is interesting considering that Abigail really does not like him. So if we give him just the tinest benefit of doubt, he might have thought it was consentual but I doubt it.
But I will also say, I am not sure that he had her at all. He is a man to brag, he isn't one to go quiet about any achievement, so the fact that he only mentions it then is a little suspecious, also because the only person who can confirm or deny the story is dead.
Either way, what does it mean for Lenny? Not much I believe, he doesn't know it happened (if it did at all), but should he learn it would absolutely break his heart and Morgan knows that as he tells Micah to not tell Lenny.
As for if Jenny liked Lenny, we don't know enough about it, we don't hear anything about the two interacting, only that Lenny liked her which could have been earning from afar. There is also the fact that Hosea uses their names for relationships that wouldn't have worked out, so yeah... It probably wouldn't.
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snifsnoof · 2 years ago
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various rdr2 related doodles
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Sit down and let's talk. No, just listen. Young love is beautiful and joyfull and fresh and sparkling and explosive. And it gets destroyed every single time. Lenny who was sweet on Jenny, but she died during the Blackwater shootout. Karen who might never say it sober but loved Sean, who died by the hands of some white cousin-fucking farmer. Mary-Beth who saw something more in Kieran, more than a O'Driscoll who died by the hands of men by the order of a cruel man. Behind these guns stood men, but the fault was greed of a different one.
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no0neimportantsstuff · 3 months ago
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Been meaning to post so take a rdr2 art spread 👍
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reddeadsredhead · 2 months ago
Got any red dead 2 rarepairs?
Oh rarepairs huh? Idk if Lenny x Jenny counts but I'd love to have known more about Jenny and how they felt about each other
I guess my biggest rarepair is Sean x Charles. Sean definitely has a thing for that man. And though he gets on Charles's nerves with his incessant talking Sean's got more respect for him than a lot of people when it comes down to it. He often expresses himself by being crude and annoying, however, so I'd find it interesting to see how they'd navigate a relationship. I think Charles could warm up to Sean romantically if Sean would show a little more restraint. They seem like the pair to get together for one night and then pretend nothing happened afterward, in my opinion.
I do actually also like Sean x Mary-Beth. Mostly from the stagecoach robbery, we can see Sean being concerned and protective over her, and he even shoots the guy being a bit creepy towards her even though he said he was just putting in a warning shot. Could very much also be seen as pure friendship, respect and care for his fellow gang member, but the idea of them being involved romantically is neat to me.
OH AND Molly x Karen, because enemies to lovers. In a world where Molly learns to be less stuck up and Karen learns to be less bitter, idk I just think it's really cute for them to realize they have more in common than they think they do. They're just young women who have trouble with men who they don't feel truly loved by, and I think they could bond over that at first. Plus I find it kind of amusing for Karen's next romantic interest to be the other Irish person in the gang. Shit now I'm thinking about it too much and I wish there were more Molly x Karen fics out there. *Proceeds to go digging through ao3*
Arthur x Albert Mason isn't really that rare, but with Charthur being the dominant ship in the entire fandom it outnumbers the ship a hundred to one and I'd like to see more of it in the tags.
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verdemoun · 8 months ago
OKAY SO they're a polycule where karen is sean's sort of gf and jenny is sort of lenny's gf but lenny and sean are married. and karen is also hitting on jenny constantly (jenny is one of those straight girls who are entirely aware of the effect they have on the same sex despite not being attracted to women sexually). like an N where lenny and sean are absolutes and jenny and karen are the secondaries.
karen just isn't the monogamous relationship sort. if sean had proposed to her she would have said no. she does adore him more than platonically but she is much more comfortable not being in a committed relationship. their on again off again i hate you btw you busy later dynamic works a lot better for her. she cannot handle how overwhelmingly smitten sean is when he's in a relationship. it's fun flirting with sean but the fact he can't pick up when she's saying she needs time to herself is a massive barrier in them ever being more than a heteroromantic codependent friends with benefits situation
sean and karen understand each other as alcoholics using alcohol to mask the sheer burden of their projected overconfident identities. karen might act like a sex symbol but she loathes the male gaze objectifying her, taking advantage of how men view her at the expense of her own self-worth is just how she learned to survive as a woman in 1899. sean has a lot more trauma than happy go lucky implies but avoiding processing it is his way of coping and they both use alcohol to help support their faux identities
jenny is similar to karen in that she does enjoy how sweet lenny can be and lenny is v much in love with both her and sean but she needs a lot more freedom and space than being in a monogamous relationship with lenny would allow, keeping in mind she is one of the unspoken badass women in rdr2 like highkey implied to have been a gunman for the VDLs (killed in the Blackwater shootout) despite being a teenager (based on relationship with lenny in canon) who was abandoned on the roadside in the grizzlies (i hc by her parents, abandonment based on arthur's journal)
jenny likes having lenny as a soft place to land when her self-destructive episodes end but she doesn't need the level of coddling and gentle affection lenny offers 24/7. she has a massive trauma-based disconnect between romantic and sexual affection she would happily have good sex with anyone but there are very few she is comfortable being emotionally and romantically entangled with. being in a polycule means she doesn't feel like she's solely dependent on one person to be her emotional wellbeing and that is comforting to her
meanwhile lenny and sean compliment each other almost perfectly in high energy meets rock, forced to grow up to soon meets uses constant immaturity to mask, awestruck by each other's bravado while also seeing glimpses of each other's damage and being willing to support one another even if they don't fully understand one another (lenny doesn't understand sean's relationship with alcohol, sean doesn't understand the disconnect between how logical lenny is vs his very emotion-based irrational decisions)
karen and jenny are both very supportive of how intense sean and lenny's attraction is. like they both want their 'male counterpart' to be happy and are glad for how happy sean and lenny make each other. being able to feel like part of a relationship without the label of girlfriend/partner suits them both for different reasons. they are more than happy they are downright supportive of lenny and sean being able to turn to each other and be in love and have each other as supports through modern era
macsummers is endgame like lenny and sean only fall more in love with each other as they age and grow together in timewarp which karen and jenny support. they are happy and content going days/weeks without any attention from their male companion
but if karen needs to feel seen she will always go to sean, and if jenny needs to feel safe come down from a manic episode she will go to lenny, but also being in a polycule means they both know they can go to anyone else in their relationship quartet without judgement and still get the level of supportive partner they need without the obligation of a sexual component of the relationship.
lenny would gladly sit and listen to karen while validating her emotions and sean will similarly happily bring jenny snacks and sit with her so she doesn't feel alone when the depressive episodes are so bad she can't get out of bed
maeve is biologically karen and sean's daughter but views all four of them as her parents. karen gets to find self-worth outside of the male gaze, sean gets to feel closer to his da in recognizing his own feelings being a da, lenny similarly feels more able to address his feelings towards his own parents by being stern but also more emotionally available than his parents were, and jenny gets to heal her inner child by being a maternal figure
tbf raising the grandchild of the legendary darragh macguire takes four people. she is a duplicate of sean if sean could get away with using 'i'm just a baby' as an excuse for his antics
maybe it's internalized homophobia maybe if sean and lenny hadn'y grown up with 19th century values they would identify as gay and be in a happy monogamous relationship but in timewarp their 'i love you but i have a thing with a woman' dynamic serves everyone (including maeve's odds of survival) perfect
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cowboysmell · 4 months ago
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Jenny, Jack... some others... for my animalfolk au
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marsismadeofgold · 2 months ago
The weather in Montana is bleak and dreary, their food situation is rapidly becoming dire, and the dilapidated windmill they’re taking shelter in is a strong wind away from launching off across the plain with the whole sodden lot of them still inside it. Cold and hungry and hunted by the law, they should be as dull and depressed as the storm outside.
Instead, they’re dancing.
It’s a strange and unusual turn of events, and the only thing Arthur can think of to blame it on is the sudden appearance of the woman they had found earlier, halfway drowned in the rain and curled up with her hands over her head on the side of the road. Someone he'd found strangely familiar.
Jenny Kirk certainly knows how to make an introduction. Tonight, she has decided to take the van der Lindes by storm. She’s always had some spark, that girl.
Jenny Kirk backstory if you’re interested! All I post now is shameless self promo
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amrass · 7 months ago
3/8 oneshot requests filled
This is a little update on my reader-request-darkfic-project on Ao3, Barbwired Tumbleweed, this time intended for the Micah fans. Three of eight fills are now done, and I'll begin filling the other five requests.
(Undead!Abigail x soon-to-be-undead!John smut is next in line!!!)
Below are links with info on the three fics. One is Gen, one is M/F and one is M/M, but remember, these stories are intentionally disturbing.
1. Bear Trap: Micah Bell & Bill Williamson. While running from an O'Driscoll, Micah gets his foot stuck in a bear trap. He is then saved by a bear.
2. Night Swimming: Micah Bell/Jenny Kirk. Jenny is out swimming one late evening, reaching the outskirts of camp, where she spots a familiar figure.
3. Barbwired Tumbleweed: Micah Bell/Sam Freeman. After committing crimes in Tumbleweed, Micah trades sexual favors against water with the sheriff.
These three all include varying degrees of graphic violence. Number 2 and 3 deserve a rape/non-con warning. All (of my fics ever) have ambiguous endings that might be considered bad endings by some.
I had a lot of fun writing these!!!
Thanks to those that shared their ideas with me :D
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cheesewedge · 2 years ago
a question about micah and jenny
tw: mention of non-consent
i recently saw a video where micah admits he "had jenny." i've seen this clip before and always chalked that up to being bullshit (she's dead after all and can't confirm or deny these claims. not to mention he's a racist who's targeted lenny several times in camp before so it wasn't totally inconceivable to me that he'd use jenny as a way to poke at lenny further, even if it was behind his back).
but some commenters were speculating on whether it actually happened. and more importantly, that it most likely wouldn't have been consensual.
is there anything else regarding his little tidbit or is it just kind of up for speculation?
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paragon-of-grief · 4 months ago
I was not expecting to find Jenny’s grave. At least Arthur visited her once last time.
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