#jennie lock screens
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19kisoir · 1 year ago
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✧ ' 📸 i hope you get to spend lots of time with your loved ones @elwitas ︵ -o-)
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admireforever · 5 months ago
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Charlie & Tori
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 year ago
Injured VI
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: Jenni returns to you
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Mapi and Ingrid come over a lot now that you don't see Mami. They visit you and Tia Alba all the time and bring you things like new trains and toys and Ingrid even buys you new ballet pumps when you tearfully tell her that you left your ones at Mami's home.
It's different living with Tia Alba. She works from home a lot and she has plenty of time for you. That's a little weird, you think. The attention is nice but it's a little scary.
All of this is a little scary.
Last week, when Abuela came to see you and you asked the bad question, she cried. Abuela cried and cried and you cried too. She said that she would fix this, she promised you that she would fix this but one look at Tia Alba's face told you that no one was sure that this could be fixed.
You wish things were back to normal. You don't want to live with Mami right now but you miss her. You miss the Mami from before, who would take you to the train store after her games and read you fun bedtime stories with all the special voices.
You miss the Mami who would give you little kisses all over your face and call you her most favourite little girl in the whole entire world. You miss the Mami who would let you crawl into bed with her and sit on her knee before a game.
But now, Mami loves Miss Olga and baby Jaume and the train store near Mami's house is shutting down.
There is no Before anymore and you don't think you can get the Before back ever again.
You don't see Mami and you don't want to, even if you really miss her sometimes. Tia Alba looks like Mami and sometimes you can pretend that she is Mami, if you close your eyes and try really hard.
Tia Alba gives you cuddles and kisses and plays trains with you and takes you to your ballet lessons on time. If you try really hard and squeeze your eyes shut nice and tight, you can pretend that it's Mami doing those things and you're in the Before again, when it was just you and her.
"We have a surprise for you," Mapi says as she gets ready to leave," Me and Ingrid. Would you like to see it?"
A surprise makes you scared. Mami told you about baby Jaume as a surprise too.
You look up at Tia Alba and she nods in encouragement so you nod as well.
Ingrid covers your eyes and that makes you nervous too, straining your ears.
You don't want the surprise to be Mami. You really, really don't want it to be Mami.
"How's my favourite little girl in the entire world?"
Ingrid's hands peal away from your eyes and you're already moving.
The arms around you feel nice and safe. You're tucked securely into the neck of a very familiar body. Familiar hands card through your hair and squeeze you with just the right amount of pressure that makes you go all limp and boneless.
You sniffle.
"Hi, Bambi," She coos at you. Kisses land on the top of your head.
You don't even notice Mapi and Ingrid leaving, so nice and secure in Jenni's arms.
"I missed you," You whisper.
"I missed you too. I always miss my favourite little girl."
You sniffle again, pulling away. You don't believe her. Mami used to say the same thing. You want to believe Jenni but you don't because you believed Mami once and all she did was lie to you.
"I missed you so, so much. See?" Jenni says. One hand lets go of you to pull out her phone. She turns on her lock screen.
It's a picture of you and her from the last time you saw each other.
You're smiling and Jenni's smiling too and more tears run unchecked down your cheeks.
"I missed you, Jenni," You whimper.
"I missed you too, Bambi. Do you want another cuddle?"
You nod.
You're absolutely tiny compared to her, so tiny and weak and completely broken. Jenni could scarcely believe it when Mapi called out of the blue.
She was in the middle of training but something told her to pick up and she did. The words came out of Mapi's mouth like an avalanche and Jenni didn't believe them.
"Alexia wouldn't neglect Bambi," She'd replied," Don't be stupid, Mapi. Bambi is the greatest thing in her life."
It was only later that Jenni realised that maybe she was projecting. You were the greatest thing in her life and had been since you were born.
You were even smaller than you were now, swaddled in a pale pink blanket Jenni had seen at a store one day and bought randomly. You had fit so beautifully in her arms with your tiny little limbs. You were everything and more and Jenni had felt jealousy stir within her that you were Alexia's.
You were the greatest thing in Jenni's life and she couldn't understand that there was a world where you weren't the greatest thing in Alexia's too.
You still fit so perfectly against her, like when you were younger, even though you're so different to then. You're so different yet completely the same.
Your trains are scattered around Alba's living room floor. You swing your legs when Jenni picks you up and you rest your head against her shoulder until all she can feel are the soft, sleepy puffs of your breath against her neck.
"You didn't have to come," Alba says softly," I don't want you to miss your matches."
"I took time off," Jenni says dismissively as she moves you until you're tucked more securely against her, completely asleep after crying yourself out," Bambi comes first."
"I almost adopted her, you know," Jenni cuts her off, blinking her own tears away," When Alexia and I were still together. Everything was nearly finished. I still have the papers. I'd signed everything. I just needed Alexia's signature giving her permission."
It's new information to Alba, clearly, but Jenni had assumed that. It was meant to be a quiet thing, a surprise for you and the rest of the family.
"And then you broke up," Alba replies.
"And then we broke up." Jenni looks down at you. Even in your sleep, you look troubled, your hand tightly making a fist around her shirt like you're afraid that she's going to disappear. "I was still happy to go through with it but I was going to Mexico and Alexia thought it would cause too much stress on Bambi. She was right, of course, but...I can't believe she's done this."
Jenni's still in shock from it all. She'd left for Mexico thinking that you would be loved, that you would be so loved by Alexia and whoever she ended up with, whoever else would adopt you in Jenni's stead. She didn't think anything like this was even possible.
"Have you got a place to stay?"
"There's a hotel-"
"Stay here," Alba says," I've only got one spare room but I don't think Bambi minds sharing. She's been sleeping with me most nights anyway."
If Jenni didn't care as much, she'd try to resist but you feel so soft and small against her that she doesn't care. She doesn't want to get a hotel room across the city. She wants to be right here, with you.
"Thank you, Alba."
"She's got ballet at three. You can take her if you want. Parents can stay in the reception area and watch."
When you wake up from your impromptu nap, it's to the shocking realisation that Jenni is real. She's real and she's holding you, lounging back on the sofa and watching tv. She's holding you and she lays soft kisses on top of your head every so often. She's laying soft kisses on your head and her nails are gently scratching at your back.
"We've got ballet soon," She whispers to you when she notices your staring," Do you feel better?"
You nod, dropping your head back down onto her chest as more kisses rain down on top of you.
"Do you enjoy ballet?" Jenni asks. Her voice is still soft and low and it wraps you up in a nice bubble that feels like the Before.
"Yes." Your voice is as equally quiet and soft.
"More than football?"
The thought of football makes your stomach go wavy. It churns and swirls and your throat closes up. "Mami was upset," You whisper," Because I was not very good when she took me."
A few months before Jaume was born, Mami took you to a team of kids your age. She had watched you with eagle eyes the whole time as the other kids left you in the dust. She hadn't yelled. She hadn't screamed but she had gone quiet.
You'd asked her what was wrong when she was driving home, her hands clenching the steering wheel so tight her knuckles went white.
"Nothing is wrong," She'd said to you," I'm just disappointed."
She'd taken you back a few more times but every time it was the same. Every day ended with 'I'm just disappointed'.
It was Abuela that told Mami to put you into ballet, spending weeks convincing her that you not playing football wasn't the end of the world.
You're scared Jenni is going to be the same so you scrunch your eyes up tight and wait for this familiar words.
"Do you really like ballet?" Jenni asks instead.
You wonder if this is a trick. You don't know what you're supposed to say so you settle on the truth. Tia Alba always tells you that you can't get in trouble for saying the truth.
"I think I like it more than I like my trains," You murmur and Jenni lands a kiss on your head.
"Well, you've got ballet in a bit," Jenni says," Is it okay if I come to watch?"
"Please, Jenni."
The ballet studio wasn't too far from Alba's house, a walkable distance between it and Alexia's.
You seemed to get more and more excited the closer you got until you were practically vibrating as Jenni swapped your trainers for your ballet pumps, twisting your hair back into a bun for you.
There's a space of parents to sit and wait, able to peer in on the session through the glass doors.
"I haven't seen you here before," One of the mothers say," Usually, Alexia drops her off and leaves. It's nice that someone is staying."
"I'm Jenni."
"y/n's other mother then? It's nice to meet you."
Jenni knows that she should correct this woman. You're not hers. You're Alexia's. But...she doesn't. She doesn't correct her because, just this once, she wants to live this fantasy where you're hers and you're happy.
"You too," Jenni says, neither confirming or denying this woman's assumption.
Her eyes don't stray from you, not even for a second. You're more animated than Jenni thinks you've been in a while. You're smiling and you're moving and that lingering air of sadness is almost completely gone.
Jenni could pretend that you were happy if it weren't for the fact that you keep glancing out the door, looking genuinely surprised that she's there every time you make eye contact.
"It's so nice that she has someone to support her," The mum from earlier continues," It's such a shame that Alexia never stays to watch. She's so talented."
Jenni's eyes stray to the door, a bolt of lightning shooting down her spine when she notices a very familiar women trying to peer through the reception doors.
"Excuse me." Jenni dismisses herself. She grabs the woman's arm as soon as she's out the door. "You've got a lot of fucking nerve showing up here. I heard Eli banned you from seeing her."
There's a fire in Alexia's eyes that tells Jenni all she needs to know. This wasn't a coincidence.
"How can I make amends if none of you let me see her? What are you even doing here, huh? Last I checked, you live in Mexico."
"And last I checked you were a good mother!"
Jenni balls her hands up into fists to stop herself from lashing out. She pushes away from Alexia, taking a few deep breaths away.
"Just...go away, Alexia."
"No!" Alexia looks half to tears. "No, I won't! That's my baby in there! I just want to see if she's okay!"
"She's going to be okay! But you need to leave her alone!"
"I'm her mother! I shouldn't have to leave her alone! She's mine!"
Jenni sighs, turning her back to her ex. "Go, Ale."
"Jenni...Jenni, please. That's my baby."
Jenni ignores her, shoving the door open and letting it swing shut right in Alexia's face.
"Coparenting issues?" The mother from earlier asks. She tuts. "I remember those days. It'll get better."
Jenni makes a noise of acknowledgement and focuses back on you.
When you come out nearly an hour later, you're so excited, grabbing Jenni's hand and pulling her all the way over to your dance teacher.
"You're not Alexia," The woman says.
"Jenni. Jenni Hermoso. I'm y/n's-"
She has to stop herself. She's not sure what to say. She's not your mother. She's not your step-mother. She's the woman that could have adopted you, once upon a time.
"I'm Jenni," She settles on.
"Well, Jenni, if you could pass this along to Alexia? I run another class on Thursdays for the more..." She glances around, lowering her voice. "Advanced students. I really think your y/n would fit right in."
She hands Jenni a permission slip and information pack and Jenni just nods dumbly, one hand holding yours and the other this stack of papers.
"Er...yeah," She says," I'll get it to her."
The teacher smiles and bids you goodbye as the older children flood into her studio.
"Advanced, huh?" Jenni says, beaming at you as she hoists you up onto her hip.
You don't make eye contact. "Is that okay? Mami says sometimes that dance is hard to fit in with her schedule."
"I'm not Mami," Jenni says, her eyes flicking to where Alexia is standing in the car park, just watching," It fits perfectly into my schedule."
Alexia looks pathetic, Jenni thinks. She looks small and curled in on herself, nothing like the strong Barcelona captain she knows Alexia is. She looks exhausted too, more exhausted than someone with just a simple newborn.
It's eating her up inside, Jenni knows this but she can find no sympathy in her for the woman she once dreamed of parenting you with.
She dug her grave. Now she must lie in it.
But Jenni's certain that she's not going to let Alexia bury you too.
"That's Mami." Your smile drops from your face and your shoulders slump when you notice Alexia.
"It is," Jenni confirms, standing in the middle of the pavement.
She doesn't want Alexia to see you but she doesn't want you to stop seeing Alexia if you want to see her.
"Is she here to take me away?" Your voice wobbles and you look over at your Mami from under your lashes.
"I think she's just here to see how your lesson went."
"She got me a train and another present," You whisper," I haven't opened them. Will she be angry at me?"
"No, Bambi," Jenni says and her next words taste like ash in her mouth," Your Mami loves you too much to be angry at you."
"And she won't take me from you?"
"No one is going to take you from me."
You bite at your lip and Jenni hates the uncertainty in your eyes. "Can...Can we see Mami?"
"If you want."
"Please, Jenni."
Her steps are careful and measured and Alexia stands up straight when she notices you both coming. She wipes her hands on her shirt and straightens out her clothes.
Jenni places you on the ground and Alexia kneels, her arms open for you.
You shy away, ducking behind Jenni's legs and peaking out.
Alexia feels like crying as she drops her arms. "Hola, Bambi," She says, trying to control the wobble in her voice," How was dance?"
"Good," You say," I...My teacher says I can move up. She gave Jenni papers."
Alexia frowns, her eyes flicking up to Jenni. "That's nice."
Jenni holds the papers out to her. "It's a permission slip and information pack," She says," For the advanced class. Bambi is very good at ballet."
Alexia flashes you a smile. "That's good, isn't it, Bambi? You're very good at ballet, huh?"
Your head bobs up and down. "My teacher thinks so."
"I'm very proud of you."
The look of shock on your face is heartbreaking, like you can't quite believe she's saying those words to you.
"Really?" Tears glisten in your eyes and Alexia hates herself for what she's done. You never used to be so uncertain around her.
Her throat closes up and she has to push past the lump to speak again. "So, so proud of you, Bambi. I'm glad you're doing so well at ballet. Maybe I can come and watch soon."
It's clear in that moment that Alexia has maybe pushed too far. The wounds of your neglect are still too raw for you, still open and weeping blood.
You recoil again and squeeze Jenni's hand.
"I have Jenni," You say," She watches me dance."
The look on Alexia's face is heartbroken and finally, Jenni feels the smallest bit of pity.
"Maybe not soon," She says, a hand stroking down the flyaways from your bun," Maybe one day."
"Maybe one day," You repeat softly and Alexia gives you a watery kind of smile in response.
"Maybe one day," She confirms. She stands properly again, looking at the papers in her hand. "I'll...I'll get these back to you signed off soon."
Jenni nods. "I'll talk to your mother. Supervised visits might not be out of the question."
"Thank you."
Jenni picks you up again as Alexia gets into her car. You don't leave her arms all the way back to Alba's place.
Jenni wasn't your mother. There was a chance, a long time ago, that she could have been but Alexia never signed on the dotted line, a line drawn in the sand that's now a gaping chasm.
Jenni isn't your mother but that doesn't mean she doesn't wish she was.
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gottencents · 2 months ago
Next To You - Jennie Kim
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pairing. idol!jennie x bp!added!member!reader
synopsis. during a late-night gaming stream, y/n becomes so engrossed in playing baldur’s gate 3 that she completely loses track of time
the room is dimly lit, the glow of y/n’s monitor illuminating her face as she clicks furiously at her keyboard. her focus is completely locked on the screen, her character in baldur’s gate 3 sneaking through a dungeon.
“alright, shadowheart, let’s not mess this up,” y/n mutters under her breath. she’s completely immersed, ignoring the faint buzz of her phone on the desk beside her.
on her phone screen, missed notifications pile up:
lisa: y/n, get off the game.
lisa: seriously, it’s almost 4 am.
lisa: jennie’s going to kill you if she wakes up.
but y/n doesn’t see it. she’s too busy strategizing her next move in the game. that is until the door to her room suddenly bursts open, and jennie, wearing a sweatshirt and pajama shorts, storms in with her hair slightly messy.
“y/n, get off the fucking game!” jennie yells, startling y/n so much that she nearly jumps out of her chair.
“holy—jennie!” y/n quickly mutes her mic and spins her chair around to face her. “what’s going on?”
“what’s going on?” jennie echoes, her voice sharp. “it’s four in the morning, and you’re still yelling at a computer screen! i can’t sleep with you screaming about spells and—whatever it is you’re doing!”
y/n’s mouth opens, but before she can respond, jennie sighs deeply and pinches the bridge of her nose. “sorry. i didn’t mean to yell… or curse. it’s just… it’s so loud, and it’s so late. can you please turn it off?”
y/n blinks, feeling a pang of guilt. “oh, jennie, i’m sorry. i didn’t realize it was that late. i didn’t mean to keep you up.”
jennie crosses her arms, still looking frustrated but clearly softening as y/n speaks. “i know you didn’t, but come on. you’ve been at this for hours.”
y/n scratches the back of her neck, looking sheepish. “okay, okay. i’ll log off. but, uh…” she pauses, glancing back at her screen, then back at jennie. “before i do, i need your opinion on something really important.”
jennie raises an eyebrow, confused. “what could possibly be important right now?”
“should i romance shadowheart or not?” y/n asks, completely serious, her expression earnest.
jennie stares at her, dumbfounded. “…what?”
“shadowheart,” y/n repeats, gesturing toward the screen. “she’s this really cool cleric, super mysterious, kind of edgy. i think she’s into me—well, my character. but, like, i don’t know if i should go for it. what do you think?”
jennie looks at y/n like she’s grown another head. “y/n, i don’t even know what you’re talking about. i just want to sleep.”
y/n grins, trying to lighten the mood. “okay, okay. forget shadowheart. let’s talk about you instead.”
jennie narrows her eyes suspiciously. “what about me?”
“you’re gorgeous, you know that? like, stunning even at four am,” y/n says with a playful smile, leaning back in her chair.
jennie’s frustration melts into a mix of flustered confusion and exasperation. “y/n… stop trying to distract me with compliments.”
“but it’s true,” y/n insists, grinning wider.
jennie shakes her head, muttering something under her breath as she turns to leave. “goodnight, y/n. turn off the game. i’m serious.”
as the door closes behind her, y/n can’t help but chuckle softly before turning back to her stream and saying to her viewers, “well, that happened. guess it’s time to log off before jennie disowns me.”
the next morning, clips of the late-night interaction surface online, and fans go wild:
“did y/n just flirt with jennie in the middle of an argument???”
“jennie storming in at 4 am and y/n asking about shadowheart… iconic.”
“they’ve been shipped for years, and now this?!”
“y/n calling jennie stunning at 4 am… goals.”
the moment becomes an instant meme, cementing y/n and jennie as the internet’s favorite “married couple.”
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shaylogic · 4 months ago
Joshua Colley on Monty: Adventures & Mysteries, Friendships, Joys & Fears, Thoughts on Niko, Crystal, and Jenny, and Facing the DBDA World Unburdened by Homophobia
[Transcription of my linked Joshua Colley Cameo]
Hello, Shay! It is me, Josh. Um, thank you so much for getting this Cameo. Thank you so much for supporting me. You said, "Hello <3" Hi! "What are some more mysteries and adventures you would've liked to see Monty go on with the detective agency friends? Which members would he get closer to over time?" Oh my gosh! Well, I think him and Niko would've been *crosses finger in the "tight" gesture* locked in. And I also think him and Charles probably would've been locked in. I know he was kind of--Monty was kind of a hater at the beginning. Um, but towards the end he--he turned it around. So I think they--they would definitely get along. Um, and I don't know, I think I would love to see--in my mind, in, like, another season, or y'know, like, Monty would be like, slowly--he would get turned back into a human, but then he would be slowly turning back into a crow until--like his end transformation would be like, him in human form but he had wings. So I think uncovering that kind of mystery could have been really fun. Um, and just more--just more adventures. I mean, those mysteries were so fun in season one. So, um, that's what I would've loved to explore, but we're just going to have to use our imaginations. Um, you said, "What were his thoughts on Niko, Crystal, and Jenny? Did the butcher shop creep him out after Esther's kitchen and blood magic?" Um, probably. *nods* I think he--I think he loves Niko. Um, I think he was just, like, vibing with Crystal. I think he was scared of Jenny, for sure. Um, but love all of the actors that played those parts. We had a grand old time. Um, "What are some of Monty's biggest joys and fears?" I think his biggest joys are probably just, I think he really liked the romance of it all. And like, just getting to explore his new human body was probably really fun. And his fears were probably his mom. *laughs* I would have to say his mother--and his heartbreak. Um, "It occurs to me that Edwin's life was heavily affected by homophobic society, but Monty was pretty isolated from other people and queer history/culture. How might he have adapted to going out into the dating world on his own?" Ooh, I don't know. I think--you know, in the world of "Dead Boy Detectives"--um, I kind of like the way. . . it wasn't that big a deal that Monty was a queer character. Um, I like the--how natural it felt, and how--um, yeah, I don't know, I just really loved that. And I think, um, I know that's really a big part of Edwin's. . . um, y'know, arc. And so I think it was nice for Monty to be kind of just confident and um, naive, in a way, to that. . . side of--of things, you know what I mean? And I think that's what made him so wonderful and. . .um, sweet. And lovable. I love Monty, and I'm so happy that you loved him, too. "Thanks so much for your work, and your answering these questions." Oh my gosh. Of course, anytime, Shay. Thank you so much for watching "Dead Boy Detectives". Thank you for supporting me again. Um, it seriously means the world. I hope I get to meet you one day, um, and answer more questions, and give you a big hug. But, until then, *gestures between his face and the phone* we're just gonna' have to do it through the screen. Um, but yes, thank you for all the love, um, and, I'll see you soon! *aggressively peck-kisses the phone camera* Bye! *sing-song cutie voice*
Loved this so much! And I still do love Monty <3
Joshua Colley is still on Cameo if you'd like to support him.
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moonlilith · 23 days ago
track 7: mantra - suna rintarou x reader
˗ˏˋ 🍒 ˎˊ˗ interconnected song fics of suna rintaro x reader based on the song in jennie’s album ruby
ruby - s. rintarou
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“This that pretty-girl mantra, this that flaunt you. Just touched down in L.A. ”
Suna Rintarou was used to watching from the sidelines. Unfazed, cool, and unreadable. After all, he had a reputation to maintain. The man who never became overly interested. The one who played it cool.
But perhaps he was staring a bit too intently when you strolled in, overflowing with confidence and giggling loud enough to draw attention. You walked in, carrying yourself as if the world belonged to you. 
Perhaps he was observing how you threw your hair and how your lips curled at the corners when you realized that everyone was staring at you.
Maybe he was wondering how the hell someone could glow like that.
“Pretty girls don’t do drama, ‘less we wanna. It’ll be depending on the day. ”
You weren't just attractive; you were dangerous. The type of girl that can annihilate someone without raising a finger. And you knew it. 
You did not ask for permission to exist in a loud manner. You just did. Unapologetic. Fearless. Beautiful in a way that went beyond appearances. 
Suna was not dumb. He noticed how other males looked at you, how they leaned in too close, convinced they had a chance. Convinced that you would even glance at their way.
 A grin appeared on his face as he debated which guy you would let approach. Suna wasn't lying if he didn't wish it would be him.
He also witnessed your dismissive laughter, as if they were not even worthy of your time. 
He liked that about you.
You weren’t just a pretty face. You had a bite. Looks that could kill. 
“Mix me with the drama (drama) Check you like commas (ah) ”
Hours blurred into a flurry of neon lights, and bass-heavy music, and Suna although never letting his gaze away from you, noticed that you got closer. Or was it him that got closer? Not that the details matter. 
The infrequent, carefree yet purposeful touch of Suna’s fingertips against your skin. He never pushed too hard or hung on for too long.
But he never let you stray too far either.
Suna slipped in next to you while you were leaning against the bar and drinking something sweet and potent. Even when he was in his typical laid-back stance, his presence was captivating.
His voice was smooth above the music as he inquired, "Are you enjoying yourself yet?"
You swirled your drink and hummed. "It depends. Will you dance with me or will you spend the entire evening hiding in the shadows?”
His lips twitched. “Lurking’s kind of my thing.”
You rolled your eyes, setting your glass down. “Boring.”
You took hold of his wrist and dragged him onto the dance floor before he could react.
Suna didn’t resist.
"I thought I'd give you a little more time to enjoy the attention,"
He could see the twitching of your lips even as you rolled your eyes.
Yes. You were his.
“Daytime baddie use her mind Quick switch of the fit for the night (night) ”
You moved effortlessly to the music, the rhythm pouring through your blood. Suna, for all of his lack of interest, moved just as fluidly, his hands landing at your waist with confidence that sent shivers down your spine.
It was easy to get lost in him—the way he looked at you, the lazy smirk he hardly bothered to conceal, the way his fingers tightened just enough to indicate he was paying attention.
The air between you was dense with something unsaid, something lurking beneath the surface.
And then— 
“It's not that deep (deep), I'm not that drunk (drunk) Sometimes girls just gotta have fun. ”
—your phone buzzed.
a message. A name on the screen made your stomach turn.
Suna noticed it before you could hide it, his eyes flicking to yours.
"Do you want me to delete it for you?" he inquired, his voice deceptively light.
You sighed, locking your phone and not replying. "No need."
He tilted his head, looking at your face. "You sure?"
You gave a nod. "I'm not that dumb."
Suna refrained from pushing. Didn't ask any questions. Just drew you in, hands warm across your skin.
He whispered, "You look good tonight."
You raised your chin in a smile. "I always look nice."
Leaning forward just enough to let his breath ghost on your ear, Suna laughed.
"Yes," he whispered. "But you're mine tonight."
The message on your phone suddenly becomes irrelevant.
Not when Suna had this look on his face.
“Pretty girls packed in a Defender, know I’ma defend her. Never let her catch no stray. ”
A guy tried to approach you too closely at the club. Too close to his liking.
Suna was there before you could say anything.
With a single sharp look and a well-placed arm between you and the jerk, the message was clear.
You smirked at him and cocked your head. "I didn't think you were the envious kind."
He just shrugged, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "I didn't think you were the kind to allow anyone to approach."
You stepped into his personal space and caressed his wrist while laughing.
"Good thing you're not just anybody, isn't that right?"
This could become second nature to him. 
“Throw it back, all that ass Me and my sis, way too attached”
You smiled, twisting in Suna's embrace as the bass beat beneath your feet. He wasn't much of a dancer—not in the wild, reckless way you were—but he had his own style of moving, slow and purposeful, hands firm at your waist as if he wasn't going to let you go.
Not tonight.
You caught his glance, golden in the low lighting, keen and unreadable. He wasn't really attempting to figure you out. Suna wasn't the kind to dig. But he noticed you in a way that most others did not.
Perhaps that was what kept you coming back to him.
Maybe that's why you disregarded your phone when it buzzed again.
“It's not that deep (deep), we're not that dumb (dumb) Look at them Bonnies on the run”
With your fingers tightening around the material of his shirt, you whispered, "Let's leave."
Suna smirked slowly and teasedly. "That eager, huh?"
You didn't deny it, but you rolled your eyes.
It might have been the way he gazed at you. Perhaps it was the fact that you didn't feel like running for once, or perhaps it was the way the music and the drinks were making your head spin.
Not from this.
Not from him.
“Love what it feels like To be off of the grid, like, all night ”
In murmured discussions and wavering lighting, time passed slowly. It was a warm night, full of the kind of electricity that buzzed like a live wire between you and Suna. 
He leaned on the hood of his car, observing as you twisted your drink in your palm, his gaze shifting between him and the city skyline.
"Are you always so quiet?" you teased, taking a step closer.
Suna gave a lazy chuckle and tilted his head. "You always this loud?"
A smirk. "Only when I want to be heard."
“Swerve off all the creeps, no weird vibes We ain't never let it ruin a good time”
He moved in a way that you liked—unconcerned, aloof, but somehow always there when it counted. Although he wasn't the kind to hover, he was constantly observing and listening.
You also didn't mind being watched for once.
You slid into the passenger seat of his car and said, "Are you coming or what?"
Suna shook his head and smirked. "Bossy."
Nevertheless, he followed.
“Ain't nobody gon' dim our good light This the words we're living by”
The drive was quiet, but not the awkward kind. The kind where the silence was its own conversation. The kind where every glance meant something.
Suna tapped his fingers on the wheel, stealing a quick look at you. Your head was tilted back, eyes half-lidded, the neon lights outside casting a glow on your skin.
You looked like trouble.
He kinda liked that.
“This that pretty-girl mantra, she's that stunna Make you wanna swing both ways”
At a red light, you turned to face him directly, your eyes flashing with mischief.
"You always this hard to read?"
Suna hummed and pretended to think. "Maybe."
You huffed, but your voice sounded cheerful. "Guess I'll just have to figure you out, then."
He looked at you with an unreadable expression.
"Good luck with that."
But something told him that you were not the sort to back down from a challenge.
And maybe he didn't want you to.
"Inside glowing like the sun (sun, s-) You gonna feel us every day (day)”
With your legs resting on his lap in the backseat and his fingertips making languid lines across your skin, the ride back was peaceful. You two didn't need to say much because Suna didn't want to talk until absolutely necessary.
When he saw you staring back, he simply observed you, his eyes heavy and his lips curling.
"What?" you inquired in a quieter tone than previously.
He dragged his thumb along your knee and whispered, "Nothing." "I was just curious how long you plan to continue acting like this is a lighthearted endeavour."
Even though your breath caught, you continued to look.
He always managed to surprise you just when you thought you understood him.
"I don't act," you remarked.
Leaning back and grinning as if he knew something you didn't, Suna hummed. "Yes."
You detested how quickly he irritated you.
However, you discovered that you didn't really mind as you dragged him into your apartment, his hands grabbing your hips, and his lips meeting yours.
Not when Suna was involved.
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a/n: super pumped about jennie's new album RUBY which will be released on March 7th! divider by: @bernardsbendystraws
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zeezelweazel · 1 year ago
I would love it if you started writing for Chloe kelly
Chloe Kelly| Lost in euphoria|
My girl is having such a great season, hope we can win the league cuz Chelsea needs to be humbled. Anyway I'm still not over that world cup final so have this.
First Chloe fic let's goo
You can't sleep. Of course you can't, the world cup final is tomorrow. You bled sweat and tears to get to this point. With your captain and best player in the world barely back in shape and the federation being full of sexist assholes you feel like you've fought a war to reach the final.
Nerves are normal before matches like this one. The winner takes it all and you have to make sure that you are the winner. You've learnt how to live with it and get over it so you can give it your all on the pitch. This time though it's different, because you're playing England in the final.
You dread the moment you have to step on the pitch. They want this as much as you and they need this as much as you. How will you be able to play against your girlfriend in such a game? Sure, you play eachother often enough, in the league and even the cup sometimes and you're definitely used to the rivalry given how she plays for manchester city and you for united but this is different. This is a world cup final. An entire nation depends on you.
Just as you're about to turn around and try to sleep your phone lights up with a notification. You look at the screen to see a message.
Baby blue 💙
I can't sleep
You smile when you see Chloe's text, immediately forgetting about the match tomorrow. You grab your phone and text her back immediately. You probably should be getting some sleep before such an important game but it's not like you'd do anything but roll around in bed all night. Plus talking to Chloe always helps you relax, right now it also helps you forget the fact that tomorrow she'd be your biggest rival.
No words can describe the feeling of playing in a wolrd cup final. The atmosphere is electric, your whole body pumbed with adrenaline and nerves that only got worse when the whistle blew. You were equal parts relieved and upset that Chloe wasn't on the starting line up. She deserves to be on the starting eleven, you know this but you can't help but feel relieved that you can prolong playing against her.
The first half is obviously in your favour. England's attacks are disjointed and messy, most of them not leading to anything good. You and Ona didn't let anything get through, closing down every English attack. The forwards are doing their job successfully, as expected with Aitana bossing the midfield and pulling the strings. Sure enough after a stady and good performance Olga manages to open the scoreline with a good shot.
Your first instinct is to turn to Irene and hug her tightly before running to meet the rest of the girls up ahead and join in the celebrations.
After the half time whistle blew you were very eager to finally get the chance to catch your breath. You blocked the annoying drill of Vilda's voice and instead focused on keeping your head clear and your mind set on the target. You know England wasn't going to give up easily.
A few moments later Jenni places a hand on your shoulder and shakes you out of your thoughts. The second half was about to start, but when you get up from the bench and move to the pitch you see Chloe doing the same. Of course she'd be subbed in on the second half, England needed to get better on the final third and your girlfriend was the perfect choice alongside Lauren James.
You took a deep breath and tried to ignore the awful feelings that tried to crawl up your chest. You thought you were used to playing against her but this is different. This is the world cup.
Right before the whistle blows you try and catch her eyes but Chloe's gaze is firmly locked on the ball. You gulp down any last remnants of nervousness and focus.
Chloe and Lauren change the game immediately and England's attacks start gaining momentum but with how well you and the rest of the Spanish defence are playing said momentum is quickly crumbling.
The clock is ticking and even though Jenni missed a penalty England is getting desperate for an equaliser. They've come close a couple times but still nothing and now with the final minutes of extra time it looks like it's over. But of course, life is never that easy.
Two minutes of extra time remain when a fatal mistake is made. England steals the ball in your half of the pitch and with Ona out of position there's a huge open space. The ball is thrown ahead by James and within a second Chloe is on it with you chasing behind. The crowd is already starting to go wild for something that looks to be a certain goal. Chloe is closing in on goal but just as she's about to lift her foot to take the shot you slide on the pitch and manage to knock the ball off her feet in a clean tackle that has half the crowd gasping and groaning in defeat and the other half cheering and clapping wildly. Chloe gets up and goes for the ball immediately, the blonde not one to give up until she hears the whistle but you're on her once more and you cut off her desperate attempt at a last minute cross to the Spanish box.
Once the ball goes out of play the ref blows the whistle and it's all over.
The crowd erupts in a loud roar, players and fans alike jumping in happiness or slumping in defeat. Before you can react half of the team is swarming you, patting your back and kissing your cheeks and ruffling your hair. Alexia pulls you in a tight embrace and you can't help but return it with teary eyes.
"You saved us Y/N. You won us the world cup."
You release a watery laugh and shake your head at your captain.
"No Ale, it was all of us. We did this."
It takes a while for all the girls to spread on the field but when they do your eyes instinctively scan the field for a familiar blonde ponytail.
You see Chloe sitting on the side of the pitch, seemingly not having moved since the final whistle. Lauren Hemp is by her side rubbing a hand down Chloe's back. She notices your approach and leaves the two of you alone. You sit down beside her and for a while neither of you talk. The atmosphere is tense and you feel like if you don't say something soon you'll lose your mind.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry."
You both look at eachother before you burst out in a short fit of light giggles. When you stop laughing your smile falls slightly at the sight of Chloe's puffy eyes and you softly wipe some stray tears from her cheeks.
"I ruined it for you, I'm so sorry I-"
Chloe looked at you with surprise evident on her face. She shook her head and took one of your hands holding it tightly.
"You did what any great degender would've done. That was like, the best tackle I've seen."
You laugh and lean closer to her. You knew that your girlfriend wouldn't be upset about what happened but part of you feels guilty that you stripped her of that moment. A moment of silce washes over the both of you as Chloe plays with you hands.
"We failed."
Her words were soft and defeated, so different from her usual loud and confident attitude, that it tugged on your heart strings painfully. You placed your hand on her face and softly urged her to look up to you.
"You didn't fail Chloe. You finished second in the world cup. I understand how painful it is to get so close to a trophy just to lose it on the last minute but failing is not even making it past the group stage or getting eliminated in the round of 16. You did amazing, I'm so proud of you."
Your insides feel warm when a big grin breaks it's way into Chloe's face.
"God, I wish I could kiss you right now."
You laugh and nod in agreement but there's no rush. You'll have all the time in the world to spent on celebrating your win with your girlfriend. Your little bubble pops when you notice Alexia beckoning you to get up. You guess it's time for the ceremony. You turn to Chloe one last time and smile. She pats your cheek and gets up before helping you rise off the pitch as well.
"Come on world champion, you have a trophy to lift."
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isaut · 1 year ago
𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒓— f!reader x chrollo lucilfer. 2.5 k, refurbished. original: ao3
synopsis: during a simple heist job two years ago, chrollo offered you a cigarette outside the library. it isn’t his fault he fell in love with you, is it? I finally felt it was time to give this fic a face lift. I’ve changed a lot since I started her, and it only felt right. If this gets a sign off from tumblr.com I’ll change the ao3 version
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The skyline of Sirap is stunning, with the silhouetted buildings twinkling with lights, a hum bubbling from the streets and from the blimps in the sky. It’s a place that Chrollo has found solace in, has even made a home and a routine for himself in the past few years. He’s overstayed his welcome, set by his own nature. It’s been years since he’s fallen back into his mysterious, nomadic ways.  
Sitting in his study, Chrollo’s gaze is not on the skyline. He is not taking in the movements below him, taking up an old pastime of watching as people scurry by and wondering where they are going. Instead, his gaze is fixated on his computer, the blue light of the screen singing his eyes, drying them out. The pen in his hand clicks steadily against the stained oak of his desk. 
The steady click click click of the pen does little to soothe the worries that have begun to stir in his stomach. The unsettling feeling on his soul as he reads the message before him.
It’s an email. From his bank. A simple request for 10 000 000 jenny. With a simple message attached. 
I took care of the man who requested I eliminate your lover. I’ve forwarded his balance to you. You should receive a file from me shortly with details. Congratulations on your relationship. 
In a brief fit of rage that is quite unbecoming of the man he wishes to present himself as, Chrollo slams his hand against his desk before lending back in his chair, stewing over the message. He tears his eyes away from the message, looking instead out the large windows before him. He takes a deep breath of the not fresh air, and it does little to calm his emotions. 
As he watches a blimp float by in the sky, red light blinking against the darkness of the night, Chrollo can’t help but feel silly at how emotional he’s being. He can’t help but remember how he used to feel so indifferent, how everything felt stale. 
Stale like the air around him. 
With little reluctance, Chrollo sends the money over to his somewhat of an ally, Illumi. Their relationship was little more than constant transactions. He stands, stretches his arms above his head. Calling himself a banker had its pros: boring enough no one asked about it. It also had its cons: sometimes sitting in front of a computer for too long, researching his next thrill instead of boring into an excel spreadsheet. 
Chrollo thinks that, at the end of the day, death suits him. Even if he’s falsely climbed into the carriage. Even if his back aches from time to time. He briefly considers doing a few of the stretches his lover had recommended. His lover who had gotten him in the mess. The one where he carefully removes bricks from the walls around him and lays new bricks as he lies to cover up his reality. His lover who was still probably perched in the living room, waiting for him to come out of his office.  
The idea of you patiently waiting on the couch fills Chrollo with an uncomfortable guilt. He scrolls through his phone, looking for a text chain. He can’t find it, and resorts to drafting a new text in a small group message of just himself, Shalnark and Machi. If he took time to be truthful with himself, it felt odd texting the two of them. Even a year later, there’s an uncomfortable void, two of them in fact, of accumulated grief that press against his soul. He can’t shake it, nor can he steep in it. 
We need to have a meeting. In the next few months. 
Not ready to linger in those feelings, Chrollo locks his phone. Perhaps he’d mellow in those thoughts of the all consuming grief tonight, with your head resting on his chest as sleep washes over you. His gaze returns to the skyline. It’s dark out, it must be well past dinnertime. 
Chrollo shuts down his computer with the forceful, long press of a button. Shalnark, who set up the device for him, is berating him for not using softer methods. Chrollo pockets his phone, eager to deposit it somewhere and forget about it until morning. The journey from his office to the living room isn’t a long one, and it’s one he can chart by the way you’ve dappled yourself along the path. 
Gentle music flows from the living room, playing on the speakers that were brought from your apartment when you moved in. There’s a sweatshirt of yours on the ground that he picks up without much thought. He deposits it on the back of the couch, upon arriving to a deserted living room. 
It’s not deserted. There’s a blanket that looks like it used to be wrapped around you, slumped in the corner of the couch. There’s a stack of essays on the middle cushion, and a pen set upon them. Half a glass of wine sits on the coffee table, and beside it is your iPad, unlocked. 
Satisfaction brings the cat back. Chrollo leans over the iPad, investigating what you had been doing. He takes it upon himself to close the online shopping tab after seeing the total in the cart. 
Rounding the corner, you hold a mug of tea in your hands. The brightness of the lemongrass tea fills the air, and you take a deep breath, both of the tea and of the sight of your boyfriend. Both senses wake you up. 
Chrollo picks up the blanket, and sits in its place, throwing it over the armrest. He picks up the essay you had been in the middle of grading and flips it to the cover page. It’s thick, at least ten pages. A Turn About the Room: How Women Have Always Been the Secluded Ones. 
“Done working?” You ask him. 
Chrollo rests his arm along the backside of the couch to take you in. One of his shirts peeks out from below an oversized sweater of yours. Glasses perched atop your nose. He holds his hand out to you, palm up. 
“You should be too.”  
“I see how it is,” You say, coming over to his open hand. Your hand is still warm from holding the mug, and you slide your palm easily against Chrollo’s. 
Only, the man before you isn’t Chrollo, no, there is no mass murderer before you. No grandiose thief. He’s just Kuroro, a man with a penchant for reading and a sadness behind his eyes that’s curtained by charisma and a modern day definition of chivalry. 
A man who’s raising his other hand to take the mug from your own  hands, the heat barely bothering him. His fingers twine with yours, and he brings your hand to his lips to place a kiss upon it. 
“Do you?” 
You nod, leaning over the back of the couch and into his personal space and pressing a kiss against his cheek. He smells warm, of mellow, musky notes that you’ve come to associate when you think of him. Home smells like Kuroro, it smells like the cologne he wears and the aftershave in the morning, curling with a warm drink and incense in the air. 
It’s time to stop working for the day. 
Rounding the couch, you take a seat right beside Kuroro. Truly, you’re more so on top of him with the way your knee hinges over his thigh. Neither of you care. Not when you’re so close, not when the world seems to just be the two of you. 
Kuroro returns your mug to you, his now warmed hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“How’s work going?” You ask, blowing on your tea before taking a tentative sip. 
Kuroro hums at your question, resting his hand on your thigh. He rubs his hand over the smooth, plush skin. He ponders over how to answer, how to toe the line between being honest and being deceitful. It’s all for your safety after all. And here he has been, thinking he’d been doing a good job of maintaining your blissful ignorance to the world he hid in. 
“Stressful,” Kuroro admits, taking a deep breath before raising his gaze. 
“Mon pauvre,” You murmur, “Want some tea?” 
Pressing his brows together, Kuroro nods. You watch with infatuated eyes as he does just as you had earlier: blow on the warm drink, letting the steam lick up his face before taking a small sip. 
“Want to go get dinner?” You pose. “I haven’t eaten yet… We could go to the sushi place down the block.” 
The news Kuroro had received minutes earlier rings in his head. Bounces from ear to ear, unable to be ignored. He thinks of the mom and pop restaurant that had infatuated the two of you, of the kind couple who ran it. Of the grandma who greeted you everytime you came in. Who cooed over how cute of a couple you made. 
He thinks of an assassination attempt on either one of you. Of the chaos it would cause, of the rubble and the debris. He can envision your scared expression. The dead bodies of the kind family he’d come to know so well. 
It tugs at his heartstrings in a way he had believed was long since dead. Perhaps you had made him too soft. Too human. He felt the youth coursing through his soul again. 
With reluctance, Kuroro shakes his head. “I’ll make us something. Then you don’t have to get dressed.” 
“You’re so considerate,” You say with a smile. “What are we having?” 
“I have to check the fridge,” Kuroro replies. “Want to join me in the kitchen?” 
Of course you do. You’d altered your 10 year plan to accommodate the man. You’d follow him anywhere. 
Kuroro is, in his nature, secretive. It has always carried a certain charm with it: adds to the allure of his dark hair, his well-read nature and clean dress. However, you’ve picked up on a few tells he carries around with him. For instance, when he’s set on surprising you there’s a boyish glint in his brown eyes. When he’s morose in thoughts of life, both his own and philosophical, he’s oddly talkative. Always eager to find solace with his head on your chest or in your lap. And when he’s had a bad day at work, he’s quiet. 
You don’t like when he’s quiet. It’s not that you feel the need to fill silence with Kuroro. In fact, normally it’s quite the opposite. Silence is comfortable. 
The silence that hangs in the kitchen is not the comforting closeness you’ve grown to love. 
As Kuroro investigates the fridge for something to eat, you take it upon yourself to put on some music in the background. Amy Winehouse’s voice seeps through the silence. 
“Do you want tteokbokki?” Kuroro asks, holding a bag of rice cakes in his hand. His other rests on the refrigerator door. 
You come to stand beside him, peering into the fridge. It’s barren. Only a few condiments and pickled vegetables litter the shelves. You feel an emptiness in your stomach. Did you eat lunch? 
“Sure,” You say, resting your cheek on his shoulder. “Do you want some help?” 
“Just your company,” Kuroro responds smoothly, closing the door and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. The base notes of his cologne still cling to his skin. There’s cedar and vanilla. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, releasing you slowly. 
The gesture has your heart skipping a beat. You feel your face warm, feel as Kuroro’s hand slides along your shoulders. 
It makes Kuroro smile slightly, watching your reaction come over. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, then opens the refrigerator open again. 
“Go sit. I’ll get you some more wine.” 
You wet your lips as you take your place on the kitchen island. Kuroro sets the chilled white wine bottle in front of you, then busies himself in the kitchen, combining spices and sauces together and simmering them over low heat. 
To keep his mind off whatever was bothering him, you launch into telling him about the essays you’ve been grading— Final papers for your class on women’s oppression in literature. You teach it every other year in the spring, and this conversation is reminiscent of one you had when you first met Kuroro. 
This one is about Rokeya’s Sultana’s Dream and Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. It’s a fresh take on Austen’s work, and you’re glad to see Rokeya being cited. There are a few inconsistencies in the line of reasoning, but the student is a year too young to technically take the course. She reminds you of yourself, if you’re being completely honest— Ambitious, if not a little scatterbrained. 
Kuroro turns off the stove and sets the pot atop a woven potholder in front of you. He adds side bowls and chopsticks to the spread. 
“I’d love to take a peek,” He says, getting himself a wine glass to join in with your drinking. 
“You can. Want to see it now?” 
Kuroro shakes his head and sits next to you. “You know I’ll get sauce all over it.” 
Shrugging, you pick up your chopsticks. It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve spilt on an essay. “Thanks for cooking tonight.” 
“Careful, it’s hot,” Kuroro says as his you’re welcome. 
Even with his stomach pleasantly full, the overhead fan humming, and you pressed up against his side, sleep evades Chrollo. He tilts his head to the side, his hair fanned out on the too soft pillow. All pillows are too soft to him, anyways. He cushions his head for your comfort. 
Sleep’s tireless evasion from Chrollo is not one that he’s a stranger to. He often finds himself in this same position, surrounded by newfound comforts, his heart thrumming softly, his eyes on the twinkling lights of Sirap. Absentmindedly, he rubs his hand up and down your side, taking solace in the way your stomach moves with every deep breath you take. 
When you don’t drink before bed, you’re quick to rouse at his gentle petting. Sometimes, you wake at even the slightest shift. Groggily blinking away and rubbing your eyes, trying to see what’s wrong in the pitch black room. 
Not tonight. Tonight, you’re full and there’s wine in your brain. And Chrollo is alone with his thoughts. 
He turns his head to look at you. Cranes his neck to place a kiss to the top of your head without jostling you. 
There’s a grief on his soul tonight, and it’s not own he’s used to. Albeit accustomed to loss, Chrollo’s heart can’t fathom experiencing the gravity of loss again. To be responsible for someone’s death who was so innocent, who had nothing to do with the circumstances he put her in. 
So he places another kiss to your forehead, and shifts himself to wrap both of his arms around you. Invites your legs to tangle against his. He closes his eyes, and despite wishing for sleep it continues to evade him. So he takes deep breaths of you: shampoo, bodywash, oils and lotions. He lays in the dark, simply waiting. 
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tzuyusluv · 2 years ago
❥ Soft Things Blackpink Does
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• her spoiling her solo before anyone else even knew about it because ‘you’re her biggest supporter so you deserve to be the first’
• Her taking you onto the sets of music videos because and showing you the dance moves that she performs
• Wearing matching Chanel outfits
• Has never once rolled her eyes at you saying that it’s saved for ‘people who really deserve it’ and ‘you’re one of the people I love, why would you deserve it’
• Calling you a special nickname that no one else can call you otherwise she’ll give them a glare
• Having matching home and lock screens that when you place your phones next to the other, it lines up to a cute picture of you two together with hank
• Calls you her love so that way you also have a nickname that’s start with L so you’re matching with her and her pets
• Her being strict with everyone except you. She lets you get away with so much just because she loves you
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admireforever · 5 months ago
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mariswxt · 11 months ago
Light My Fire (Again) | beau arlen
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Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
(divider credits go to @cafekitsune)
A/N - Inspired by Take Me Home by @zepskies
A/N 2 - Him in this outfit is MMM
five - make him hurt, make me bleed
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A man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes strolled into the newly opened diner where Olivia met Tom, whistling under his breath. His phone was on, a photo of him and a redheaded woman displaying a ring on the lock screen, a heart drawn around her made up face. A worker called Dan put down his mop, strolling over with a sunny smile. “Evening, sir, can I help you?”
“Yeah, thanks, man.” The man nodded with a friendly grin, eyes darting around the room as his fingers fiddled in his pocket. “I’m, uh, I’m lookin’ for my son. His name’s Tom Holden. Have you seen him?”
“He went off with a girl, Olivia Barlowe, earlier.” Dan informed, hand running through his hair as he gauged the man’s character. “Why, you have something to tell him? I can pass the message on, y’know.”
“Oh, that’d be great.” He took out a notebook from the inside of his jacket, writing an address in neat handwriting before ripping it out and handing it to Dan with a chuckle, his cerulean eyes twinkling. “Just tell him his old man’s in town, yeah?” 
“Does his old man have a name?” Dan raised an eyebrow with a small smirk as he folded the paper, careful not to read the address since it was a breach of privacy.
“Oh! Oh, yeah.” The man nodded, looking down for a moment with a deep laugh before he glanced back up. “Harry. Harry Holden.”
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“Alright, you know what to do.” I gestured in front, leaning back in my seat as I glanced at Olivia. “We’re moving onto slower roads, so clutch, change gears.” She did as I asked, and I grinned, clapping as quietly as I could to not spook her. “Good work, sweetheart. You’re a natural, just like your mom.” We pulled up at a grocery store, so I grabbed my wallet, prepping to get out. “Hang tight, gun’s in the glovebox, keep the car door locked until you see me at the passenger’s door, ok?”
“Got it, auntie.” She nodded, so I relaxed, getting out of the car. I shut the door, making my way inside the store while whistling a little tune. I made a beeline for the fruits, picking up a basket on the way before picking out the best ones, dropping them into my basket. My whistling turned into a hum, brushing my curtain bangs out of my face before inspecting a box of strawberries.
“Sunflower, I’m plannin’ on making some strawberry cheesecake, do you think these are good?” Lucy held up a box of rasberries, grinning innocently because if she didn’t know. I smirked knowingly, and replaced the box of raspberries with a box of strawberries. “Oh! Thanks. Silly me.”
“Issy?” I was yanked reluctantly out of the memory, looking up and my blood running cold as I saw… Harry. A wide grin spread across his face as he stepped forward, tilting his head slightly. “It is you, oh, I knew it!” There he goes again with that British accent that makes my skin crawl. It used to make my knees weak.
“Harry.” I sighed, smiling politely, but it faltered when I saw Rhea walk up with… Tom. I locked eyes with the boy and it clicked instantly, a sharp pang of pain shooting through my chest. “And Tom’s… your son?”
“You know my boy?” Harry grinned, clapping Tom on the shoulder. “Well, my darling-” He held Rhea’s hand, which I noticed had a shiny ring on it, “and I adopted Tom a while ago. Rhea, you know Isabelle, right?”
“You’re Tom’s old friend, right?” The redhead smiled, putting out her hand. “Rhea Summers- no, sorry, Holden. Rhea Holden, neé Summers, it’s hard to compute.”
I shook her hand, forcing a chuckle, my mouth feeling dry. “Elle Joyner.”
“Three’s a crowd, but four’s a party.” I heard a familiar Texas accent behind me, and I instantly knew it was Beau, and he laid a protective hand on my shoulder. Harry’s eyebrow twitched, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as he glanced between Beau and I. “Who’s this, sweetheart?” He knew exactly who this was, so it confused me a little.
“Harry Holden.” Harry introduced, putting out his hand for Beau to shake, seemingly bothered and slightly intimidated since the man was taller than him. “I’m, uh, Elle’s old friend.” Beau’s eyebrow quirked, instantly clocking that Harry was lying. But he shook the latter’s hand anyway, adopting a smile.
“Sheriff Beau Arlen.” He introduced, putting unnecessary emphasis on the first word of the sentence. He then put his hand on my hip, drawing me closer in a manner that was almost possessive. “I’m Belle’s boyfriend.” Oh. Oh, we’re doing that. “Ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Yeah.” I nodded, then decided to play along, kissing Beau’s cheek (albeit I had to stand en pointe, and I am NO ballet dancer). I saw a tinge of red flood his cheeks, but he affectionately rubbed my side with a chuckle.
“Your boyfriend.” Harry repeated quietly before clearing his throat and raising his voice slightly. “Well, Olivia will be seeing Tom tonight, won’t she? I’ll drop her off, if that’s ok.”
“Mhmm, yeah, it’s ok. I’ll, uh, see you tonight.” I nodded, swallowing as Beau’s grip felt more prominent on my hip, as if he tightened it slightly. When Harry, Rhea and Tom trotted off like the happy family I seldom had but wanted, I turned to Beau with an apologetic look. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did.” He smirked, kissing my cheek in what I assumed was revenge, because my ears went red, my eyes widening slightly as I swallowed on a dry throat.
So… more of an attempt.
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In the dimly lit basement of an abandoned warehouse, Cal Joyner found himself bound to a rusty chair, the metallic restraints digging into his flesh, adding to the weight of fear and desperation already bearing down on him. The flickering bulb overhead cast erratic shadows that danced across the grimy walls, framing his captors—members of a notorious crime syndicate—as they loomed over him with a menacing presence.
Remy, a burly man with a scarred face and eyes as cold as steel, stepped forward and snarled, "You think we're playing games here, Cal? We want Lucy's phone, and we want it now."
Cal's eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape that didn't exist. His pulse raced, and his throat felt dry. "I already told you, I don't have it!" he protested, his voice strained with a mixture of fear and defiance. "I don't know where it is."
Beside Remy, another thug with a menacing smirk etched into his features cracked his knuckles. "Maybe you need a little more convincing," he sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.
Cal's thoughts flashed back to that haunting night six years ago when Lucy, his beloved daughter, was taken from him. The pain was still raw, a wound that refused to heal. The memory of her murder lingered like a relentless specter, its grip tightening with each passing moment. And now, these men were threatening his only remaining daughter.
"You touch Elle," Cal spat, his eyes burning with defiance, "and I swear—"
The thug cut him off with a menacing laugh. "Oh, we will touch her, Cal. Unless you start being honest with us."
Cal's jaw clenched, his mind racing through a fog of fear and desperation. He was backed into a corner, and lying was second nature to him, even in this dire circumstance. "I already told you, Lucy's phone is gone. Destroyed."
Remy's patience wore thin. He seized Cal by the collar, his grip like iron. "Listen, you scum. We know you're lying. Lucy kept everything on that phone—information that could bury our client, and he paid a large sum o’ money for our services. We like to deliver. So, we want it back, and we'll tear this whole town apart if we have to."
Cal's eyes flickered towards the door, his thoughts scrambling for a way out. But the goon's grip tightened, yanking him back into the harsh reality of his predicament.
"Last chance, Cal," Remy growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Where. Is. The. Phone?"
In that tense moment, Cal's mind raced. He thought of his daughter, of the desperate need to protect her as she tried to protect him. He had to buy time, he had to think. "I don’t know!" he blurted out, his voice trembling. "I… don’t know."
The thug exchanged a skeptical glance with Remy before nodding. "You've got twenty-four hours. If you don't come up with answers, we'll bring Elle here."
As the syndicate members filed out of the room, leaving Cal alone with his thoughts, he sagged against the chair, his heart heavy with dread. The cold sweat that had formed on his brow trickled down his temple, and his hands shook uncontrollably.
He closed his eyes, trying to calm the tumultuous storm raging within him. The memories of Lucy flooded back—her bright smile, her laughter, her dreams shattered by a cruel twist of fate. He couldn't let the same fate befall his only remaining daughter. He had to find a way out of this, but the odds seemed insurmountable.
Hours passed in agonizing silence broken only by the distant sounds of the city outside—a world oblivious to the terror festering in this forsaken basement. Cal's mind raced through a labyrinth of regrets and fears, each turn leading him deeper into despair.
When the basement door creaked open once more, Cal's heart skipped a beat. The heavy thud of footsteps echoed through the dimly lit space as Remy and his men returned, their silhouettes casting elongated shadows against the grimy walls. The flickering bulb overhead bathed them in an eerie light, rendering their expressions unreadable beneath the dance of light and shadow.
Remy's gaze bore into Cal like steel. "Well, Cal, any revelations?" His voice was low and commanding, cutting through the tense silence that enveloped the basement.
Cal's throat felt dry as he searched desperately for words, any words that could appease these dangerous men. His mind raced, grappling with fear and uncertainty. "I've been trying to remember," he stammered, his voice hoarse with anxiety. "But it's all a blur. Please, just give me more time."
The thug standing beside Remy snorted dismissively. "Time's up, old man. We're not in the business of waiting."
Remy's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin like fraying rope. "You're testing our goodwill, Cal. That's dangerous territory."
Cal's pulse quickened as he felt the weight of their scrutiny bearing down on him. He knew he was running out of options, but the thought of Elle's safety propelled him forward, a flicker of determination igniting within the depths of his despair.
And then, as if a spark of inspiration had ignited in the darkness, Cal's gaze fell upon the shadows creeping along the walls—the same shadows that had become his silent allies in this harrowing ordeal.
"I remember something," Cal began, his voice steadier now, laced with a glimmer of hope amidst the prevailing fear. "It's a long shot, but... Lucy used to talk about a storage unit she kept for sentimental stuff. Maybe the phone is there."
Remy's eyes narrowed further, skepticism etched into every line of his scarred face. "Don't play games with us, Cal."
"I'm not," Cal insisted, the lie slipping effortlessly from his lips. "I'll take you there. Just... spare Elle."
The thug exchanged a meaningful glance with Remy, their silent communication speaking volumes of the danger that lingered in the air. After a tense moment of deliberation, Remy finally nodded, a glimmer of reluctant acceptance in his eyes.
"Fine, Cal," Remy relented, his voice tinged with caution. "You've got one chance. Lead the way."
Relief flooded through Cal like a rushing tide, though he masked it behind a façade of determination. He knew he was treading on thin ice, balancing on a knife's edge between deception and survival. But for his youngest’s sake, he would navigate this treacherous path with unwavering resolve.
As they unbound him from the rusty chair, Cal's limbs felt heavy with both exhaustion and renewed purpose. He rose to his feet, the cold basement air biting against his skin as he prepared to embark on this perilous journey.
Together, they ascended from the depths of the basement, stepping out into the frigid embrace of the night. The distant sounds of the city seemed muffled, drowned out by the weight of their shared secrets and impending dangers.
Cal led the way through narrow alleyways, empty highways and deserted streets for hours that felt like days, his mind racing with the urgency of their mission. Each step forward carried the weight of uncertainty, a delicate dance between deceit and salvation.
The storage unit Lucy had mentioned existed on the outskirts of town—a forgotten corner obscured by neglect and urban decay. As they approached the weathered metal door, Cal's heart hammered against his chest with a mixture of apprehension and hope.
He fumbled with the lock, the metallic clink resonating in the silence of the night. With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit interior cluttered with dusty boxes and forgotten relics.
Remy and his men followed closely behind, their wary eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of deception. Cal's gaze swept over the disarray, his memories of Lucy flooding back with a poignant ache.
"She kept it somewhere here," Cal murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. He moved cautiously through the labyrinth of forgotten treasures, his hands trembling with a mixture of anticipation and dread. He searched desperately, found object after object, but no phone. He knew that the game was up, that his lies had only gotten so far. “I swear, it’s here-” He collapsed in a crumpled, lifeless heap as a gunshot rang out through the hollow space, smoke pluming from Remy’s gun as he blew it off.
“My patience wore thin.” Remy’s sighed, storing the gun back in its holster. He turned to the rest of his team, nodding resignedly. “You lot know what to do.”
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Markham poured himself a glass of wine, trying to settle his nerves as he set the table for dinner. Olivia was visiting for the weekend, as she did when no one was at home, per the arrangement with her aunt. Markham’s relationship with Olivia was polite but distant, a delicate balance between the roles of stepfather and guardian. He often struggled to connect with her, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had formed between them over the years.
When Olivia entered the dining room, her eyes brightened at the sight of the beautifully set table. “Wow, this looks amazing, Mark,” she said with a warm smile, taking her seat.
Mark nodded, attempting a smile in return. “Thank you, Olivia. I’m glad you’re here.” He cleared his throat, trying to find the right words to broach the subject that had been weighing heavily on his mind. “How have you been, sweetheart?”
Olivia glanced up from her plate, her expression softening. “I’ve been good, thank you,” she replied politely. “School’s going well. Aunt Isa says hi, by the way.”
“That’s good to hear,” Mark said, trying to hide his disappointment at the mention of Olivia’s aunt. “Listen, Liv, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.”
Olivia looked up curiously, her fork pausing midway to her mouth. “Sure, what is it?”
Mark took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead. “I’ve been thinking… maybe it’s time for a change. I know you’ve been living with your aunt for a while now, but I’d like you to consider staying with me permanently.”
Olivia’s eyes widened in surprise, and then her brow furrowed slightly. “Oh,” she said softly, setting her fork down. “I… I appreciate that, Mark, but I really like living with Aunt Isa. She’s been taking care of me for so long, and I feel comfortable there.”
“I understand,” Mark replied, trying to keep his tone even. “But I think it would be good for us to spend more time together, to get to know each other better.”
Olivia fidgeted with her napkin, a troubled look crossing her face. “It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with you, Mark. You’re nice to me and everything. It’s just… Aunt Isa has always been there for me. She’s like a second mom.”
Mark’s heart sank a little at Olivia’s words. He had hoped that she would see him as more than just a distant figure in her life. “I see,” he said quietly, hiding his disappointment behind a forced smile. “Well, I want you to be happy, Olivia. That’s the most important thing.”
Olivia nodded, her expression apologetic. “I’m sorry, Mark. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Mark said, his voice tinged with sadness. “I just want what’s best for you.”
The rest of the dinner passed in strained conversation, both Mark and Olivia making an effort to keep things light. As they finished their meal, Mark cleared his throat again, summoning the courage to address the inevitable.
“Well, Olivia,” he began, “it’s getting late. I should take you back to your aunt’s place.”
Olivia nodded, pushing her plate aside. “Okay,” she said quietly, her eyes downcast.
Mark stood up and walked around the table to where Olivia was sitting. He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to convey a sense of reassurance. “Thank you for coming over, Olivia. I always enjoy having you here.”
Olivia looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “Thank you, Mark. I’m sorry I can’t… you know…”
Mark smiled sadly, squeezing her shoulder gently. “It’s alright, Olivia. Maybe one day things will be different.”
Olivia nodded, offering him a small, grateful smile. “Yeah. Maybe.”
Mark fetched his keys and jacket, and together they made their way to the door. Olivia grabbed her coat and bag, her movements slow and deliberate.
Outside, Mark held open the car door for Olivia, waiting patiently as she settled into the passenger seat. As he drove towards her aunt’s house, the silence between them was heavy with unspoken words.
When they arrived, Mark pulled up in front of the house and turned off the engine. He turned to Olivia, his expression earnest. “Take care of yourself, Olivia,” he said softly.
Olivia nodded, her eyes shining. “You too, Mark.”
I opened the door, adopting a wide smile as I ignored the mixture of red, blue and green cars, along with a random black sedan, as my eyes focused on Olivia, her golden curls bouncing as she bounded up to me. She threw her arms around me, and I returned it with a laugh. “I missed you too, gumdrop.” I grinned, kissing her hair. “C’mon, I got ice cream.” I led her inside, closing the door with a curt nod to Mark. “What flavour are you feelin’ tonight? Vanilla or mint chocolate chip?”
“How about both?”
“I like the way you think.” I smirked, going to the freezer and pulling out the two tubs. “We’re gonna have this snack before heading to the sheriff’s trailer, because he hosts movie night. That ok with you?” I gave her a soft smile, only willing to go if she was.
However, her eyes lit up and so did the rest of her face, a broad grin spreading on her lips. “Yeah, of course! I still can’t get over the fact that my aunt has movie nights with the sheriff.” Olivia smirked. “Is there something you’re not telling me-?”
“Olivia Autumn Barlowe, where do you get these ideas from?” I passed her a bowl of ice cream with a laugh. “Jenny, Cassie and Carla will be there too.” I gave her a stern look, but couldn’t help but break into giggles again alongside her. “You’re insufferable.”
“You love me.”
“I do.” I was about to open my mouth, but there was a loud bang on the door. My hand rubbed my exposed forearm from where my plaid shirt’s sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, a small frown on my face as another, more forceful bang shook the doorframe. It didn’t sound like it’d hold, and the many men’s voices from outside told me that this was a situation that I needed to get Olivia out of. I grabbed the keys to the back door just as a look of terror crossed her pretty features, breaking my heart.
“A-Auntie? What’s going on?” She whispered, looking to me with pleading eyes. I walked over quickly, acting on my feet and putting the keys in her hand.
“I don’t know. But you need to go.” I gripped her shoulders tight, my eyes flickering to the door, which was echoing- bang, bang, bang - and making it hard to think as the door rattled on what I knew were now flimsy hinges. “Out of the back door, ok? Our phones are upstairs, so there’s no time to get ‘em. Don’t get in the car, they might see you. Just run, keep on running, you know where Sheriff Arlen’s trailer is. Go tell him what’s happening, and he has backup with him already, ok? I need you to be strong for me and stay calm, alright?” Tears were starting to well up in her eyes, so I hugged her quickly, then kissed her forehead. “Please, sweetie. Run.” And she did what she was told right as the door busted down. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer, ready to attack. Five men rushed in, all younger, taller, and with stronger builds.
There’s no way I was winning this fight.
“There’s Cal Joyner’s little girl.” One of them smirked, stepping towards me. “And she’s got a knife.”
“She’s a pretty little thing.” Another added with a matching wolffish grin. “D’you reckon we should have our fun with her?” The statement made my blood run cold and heart thank my mind over and over that I got Olivia out.
“Not if she’s wielding that pigstick.”
“That won’t be a problem, Yates, we’ll have that out of her hands in seconds.”
“Don’t you dare.” I spoke up, holding the knife out cautiously, trying to remain strong. “Deputy Elle Joyner, Sheriff’s Department. Tell me what you’ve done to Cal.”
“Cal’s got a bullet in his brain, sugar lips.” The one at the front chuckled, stepping forward, and with one clean swipe, his beefy hand knocked the knife out of my hand, another fist connecting with my cheek and knocking me to the floor. My fingers touched my bloody lip gingerly, but I found my back crashing through the glass coffee table, the shards slicing my clothes and skin. My brain tried to compute the pain as I let out a small groan, even more so when the wood of my dining table chair came into view. I rolled over, letting it hit my back with a strangled cry.
Olivia was running like her life depended on it- or her aunt’s, more accurately, sprinting over to Beau’s trailer with her legs pumping and tears flying from her pretty blue eyes.
“Say, is Belle gonna take any longer?” Beau chuckled deeply, his fingers drumming on the chair leg.
“Give her some time, Beau.” Carla chastised. “She has a life.”
“Yeah, Beau.” Jenny smirked, nudging him with a cheeky grin.
“You tell her, Carla.” Cassie added with a giggle, and when Beau looked to Emily for support, she shrugged in a way that said ‘don’t look at me’.
“You inducted my daughter into your little support group.” Beau faux-gasped. “I’ll never forgive you. Never-”
“SHERIFF!” Olivia came bounding up the driveway, and all of them sensed right away that something was seriously wrong. Beau met her halfway, catching Olivia as she practically collapsed into his arms with rasping, shaky breaths, on the verge of having a panic attack.
“Easy, Liv, sweetheart, what’s going on?” He asked with a frown, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her down. “Shh, easy, talk to me.”
“It’s A-Aunt Isa!” She cried, holding onto him like a lifeline. The sentence made Jenny, Cassie and Carla stand up, the latter gesturing for Emily to stay put. “Some men s-started breaking d-down the door, s-she told me to run; why did I run-”
“I’ve got you.” Beau nodded, sharing a look with Jenny and Cassie. “Your aunt’s gonna be ok. I’m gonna go with Jenny. You stay here, with Carla and Cassie, alright? I won’t let anythin’ happen to her, sweetheart. I promise.” Then he turned to Jenny, grabbing his keys from a side table. “Hoyt, let’s go.”
“I’ll call for an ambulance.” Jenny announced, pulling out her phone as they rushed to Beau’s car, Jenny’s panicked voice and the emergency line operator filling the atmosphere. After a drive that felt like an eternity, they pulled up at their destination and almost leapt out to find the door ajar and shards of glass and splinters of wood on the floor, along with a stain of red that only sent chills down their bones.
“BELLE!” Beau yelled as he ran inside, and the moment he saw my body, lying weak, barely conscious and covered in blemishes and remnants of blows, he fell to his knees beside me. I recognised his face only barely, a short, raspy breath leaving my mouth as I tried to say his name. Was Olivia ok? Is she safe? Of course she is, otherwise Beau wouldn’t have found me- God, my everything hurts. “Hoyt- Hoyt! I need an ETA on the ambulance.” Panic riddled his voice as he checked me over. “I-It’s bad, J-Jenny, it’s bad, she’s bruised all over- what did those bastards do to her?” He looked down at me, my eyes meeting his pretty green ones as he smoothed back my hair from my face. “Stay with me, Deputy. Don’t go passin’ on me now, don’t you dare.”
I tried to whisper out anything at all, but my lungs and/or ribs hurt too much.
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I woke up groggily in Beau’s cabin for the third time this week, rubbing my forehead as I grunted softly, propping myself up on the pillows. Beau now no longer trusted the safety of my own house, which had now become a crime scene, therefore prompting him to insist that I stay at his trailer while Dean took care of Olivia. I had taken a beating that day, and my limbs felt like Jello.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.” Beau stepped in with an affectionate smile, sitting down beside my legs, his hand on my knee while his thumb stroked it. “You doin’ better?”
“Physically, yes.” I nodded, sighing dejectedly as I took in the angry red marks on my forearms. He tried to meet my eyes with what looked like concern add even pity flashing behind his.
“And… emotionally?”
“I…” I bit my lip, frowning as I looked down at my hands. The hands of the law, or so I claim. “I just feel useless, Sheriff.”
“Useless?” He looked incredulous, his hand tightening on my knee. “T-The hell you calling useless, Belle?”
“Me.” I sighed, licking my lips nervously. “I have been so… weak lately. I’ve taken but after hit and… I was a niece to protect. If I can’t protect myself, how can I protect her from others? I feel like I’ve failed her, Sheriff. I’ve failed my baby.” My voice cracked at the end, the pain tearing at my heart.
“Your first instinct was to protect Liv.” He assured. “You didn’t think of anyone else before her. You got her to safety first, and I’d label that a damn good aunt, Belle. She’s safe and sound. No longer in danger, and she’s with her dad. She’s ok.”
I nodded. “I guess I can rest now.”
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sirenyizuo · 1 year ago
the space in between; jennie ruby jane
actress!reader x idol!jennie
jennie knows that privacy isn’t something easily rewarded to those loved by many. y/n knows that with fame always comes with a price. finding love in the spotlight isn’t easy, but they just might be perfect for each other.
tw: implied sexual content
word count: 1261
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cool air twisted around the tall trees surrounding the bleak, gray building in front of jennie. if someone told her that the flashes from the cameras played a part in feeling like everything around her was twisting as well, she wouldn’t doubt it. the red eye flights to make all of their comeback stages that had been so unfortunately scattered amongst their tour dates weren’t exactly kind to her. a gentle touch to the small of her back was the only thing that commanded her attention more than the constant clicking and snapping coming from the media pit directly in front of her. turning quickly, she was faced with a soft smile coming from a taller, blonder woman.
“you okay?” rosé chirped, placing jennie’s left hand into one of her own. they locked eyes, and the trembling in the other girl’s fingers was an answer enough to rosé. jennie leaned into the gentle touch and rested her head on rosé’s shoulder. she could hear the clicks of the cameras increase. her eyes smiled as she giggled to herself, ‘the blinks will love it’, she thought.
these moments were the ones she held onto when things got hard. on the outside, things were perfect; worldwide it girl, chanel’s princess, goddess of the online world - what more could she ask for? she couldn’t lie, the attention felt amazing. for a while, of course. after “the idol” debuted, it felt like the slut-shaming hate train had returned in full force. god forbid a girl wants to expand her horizons.
she could remember the comments after the first two episodes premiered at sundance like it was yesterday. it was baffling how cruel people could be when their words were coming through a screen - whore, slut, and bitch had become the common tongue once again. the late night talks with lisa became more frequent, the two of them joking to help jennie cope. she found herself thinking, ‘they could at least be more creative.’ the ‘lazy jennie’ jokes were completely overdone - questioning the validity of her health issues was one of her anti’s most favorite activities.
her manager’s voice broke her train of thought as she beckoned her into the SBS building. turning her back, she heard the clicking come to a roar once again.
after exchanging her usual pleasantries with the music show staff, jennie made her way towards their dressing room. a familiar sight that meant at least an hour of peace and quiet while her makeup artist and hairdresser created the cool girl persona the public had grown to know her by oh so well. she could feel her shoulders drop back down and her headache start to clear at the thought of it. rushing to put her bag down, she grabbed her purse and phone and made her way to the restroom a couple paces down the hall.
her boots clinked sharply against the linoleum tile as she stationed herself in front of the mirror. sitting her things down, she turned the cold water on full blast. gathering the liquid into her hands, she splashed it across her cheeks and forehead; finally - relief. she sighed, her eyes resting shut. she almost felt a smile reach her face until the sound of a door opening shattered her bubble of tranquility. she jumped up slightly, an anxious habit. she felt some of her worry ease when a soft voice breached the silence,
“i’m so sorry, i didn’t know anyone else was in here,” the stranger across from her grinned softly, her eyes apologetic.
“it’s alright, i mean, i don’t own the bathroom.” jennie mused, a flush lighting up her face.
the two women shared a laugh that fell into only a somewhat awkward silence. jennie watched shyly through the mirror as the other woman leaned over the marble to wash her hands. her eyes darted away as soon as the other women straightened up to walk towards the hand dryer. she left jennie with a small wave as she exited the bathroom. jennie felt her breath force its way out of her mouth. ‘what about that interaction was so nerve racking?’ her thoughts were racing, her heart was pounding. she quickly wrapped up what was supposed to be a moment for relaxation and timidly walked back to the dressing room.
something about her demeanor immediately peaked the interest of jisoo. “jennie-ah, what’s on your mind?”
“nothing much, just a little jet lagged.” she knew she wasn’t the best liar, but how could she explain how she was feeling when she wasn’t even sure herself.
she could tell jisoo knew it was a lie. however, she knew that when jennie felt ready, she would come to her to talk. sending a sympathetic smile jennie’s way, jisoo set her attention back to her phone.
jennie finally sat down and let her team get to work. usually this silence was comforting, a moment for her brain to rest. today, however, her thoughts wouldn’t stop racing about the woman she’d only seen so briefly. she could even recall the scent of musky bergamot in the air from her perfume as she walked past. the way her skin reflected when the fluorescent lights connected to her. was she a staff member? had they just not met before? surely she would remember.
jennie had a penchant for getting to know the beautiful women she crossed paths with. this time was different, though. the meetings usually occurred somewhere dark, loud, sweaty or sleazy. she’d find two hands wrapping around her waist, feel warm breath touch the back of her neck, enticing her to a bathroom just off the dance floor. she couldn’t lie, there were times she would indulge. it’s hard to resist letting yourself enjoy something so tempting, so fully. all those girls felt the same, though. it was meaningless, fleeting and done for the cause of chasing a high she couldn’t reach. never once had she felt nervous.
had she just been taken off guard in a private moment? or was this something more? she didn’t give herself a chance to ponder on something as trivial as actually wanting to engage further with someone. emotions weren’t practical with a life like hers. she pushed the heart flutter aside and shut her eyes tight. she was on stage in less than a hour, she had a job to do.
as her hairstylist curled the last strand of hair, she smelled the familiar scent of berry hair spray - her quiet time has concluded, it’s time to get back to work.
she followed closely behind her three band-sisters and worked her way onto her place onstage. sauntering, her eyes low in a seductive gaze. this was where she was born to be, nothing could take her out of her zone now.
the show returned from commercial and the spotlights went up on the MC’s once again. she smiled, knowing the familiar sound of, “welcome, blackpink!” was about to ring in her ears once again. what she didn’t expect was the words coming from a honeyed voice she had heard not so far in the past. her heart dropped in her stomach.
“hello, it’s y/n l/n bringing you back to SBS Inkigayo; please welcome, blackpink!”
the crowd roared at the sight of the princess of korea’s acting scene and jennie realized why the stranger from the bathroom was so captivating.
the pink venom intro began to seep from the speakers, and jennie felt her heart drop into her stomach.
like she thought before, feelings don’t work in a job like hers.
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startseeingstars · 3 months ago
Killer Instinct - Charlie Walker (Scream 4)
CH04 🎶 Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys 🎶
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It hit 10pm and you collected your toiletries basket, ready to head down the hall to the communal girls bathroom.
You looked around the white tiled wet room that hung a long mirror and sinks on one side, housing the reflection of the opposite cubicles with showers and toilets.
For a communal dorm, you were pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness of the place.
Sighing with relief, you entered a shower cubicle and hung the fluffy pink towel on the back of the door. The water pressure wasn’t too bad at this time either as most people preferred to shower in the mornings or earlier in the night.
The earthy, floral scent of your shampoo was carried effortlessly around in the steam of the hot water, creating a relaxing atmosphere where your thoughts wandered to Charlie.
You were sure that he liked you, or at the very least, found you intriguing and the thought alone excited you enough to send goosebumps over your arms.
As you climbed into bed that night, the thoughts of Charlie didn’t seem to ease. Instead, you found yourself falling asleep to the songs he played in the car - the ones you had watched him mouth the words to absentmindedly as he drove. His lips had only moved ever so slightly, but you hadn’t missed it.
The sound of music stirred you from sleep, your eyes fluttering open. What time was it?
As your vision adjusted to the dimness of the room, you noticed a sliver of light seeping in from the door, and a shadowy figure slipping out.
Your heart hammered in your chest, and you lay still, barely breathing, as the door clicked softly shut.
It felt like hours, though it was likely only moments, before your covers were abruptly tossed aside. The door flew open with a harsh creak, and you glanced down the hallway in both directions, but all you found was silence.
“What the hell?” Paris grumbled, causing your body to jerk in surprise.
“Uh, sorry.” You muttered, closing the door, quickly ensuring the lock was latched. You could have sworn you heard Paris double check it was locked before she went to sleep - like she did every night.
Paris rolled over, huffing in annoyance, but it didn’t phase you. Eventually as your heart slowed, your body began to relax enough to drift back to sleep, convinced it was just a dream brought on from the scary movie earlier that night.
xxx 🎶 Where’s My Mind? - The Pixies 🎶 xxx
The blaring music from your headphones drowned out the noise of the TV Paris had turned on, leaving you focused as you studied at the small desk in the corner of the room. The old wood was stained with remnants of peeled-off stickers, its surface scarred with chips and etched initials. You didn’t mind the wear—it reminded you of your old desk back home, but this one told a different story. A story filled with more than just your own.
Your gaze lifted when you noticed Paris had stopped moving. She stood frozen, eyes locked on the TV screen.
Curious, you pulled an earphone out to hear what had caught her attention.
“Live at the scene of the crime, where two young women were murdered in cold blood. Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall were home alone when it appears they were brutally attacked. Both women died from multiple stab wounds. Attacks as viscous as these haven’t been seen in Woodsboro for 15 years, and today just so happens to mark the 15th Anniversary of the famous Woodsboro Murders, which begs the question - are they connected?”
“Are you okay?” You questioned Paris softly as she sat on her bed, looking almost in disbelief.
“I knew Jenny. We had classes together.” She murmured, and for a moment, you actually felt sorry for her. You watched as she ran a hand through her pristinely styled hair, ruining the effort she went to every morning. Her eyes stayed glued to the floor, and you could have sworn they started to water, but she composed herself quickly.
The last few words of the reporter echoed in your mind. Were they connected? And if they were… was Ghostface back?
The idea of another Ghostface killer—or even multiple killers—lurking nearby sparked a dark thrill deep within you. You hated to admit it, but part of you almost hoped there would be more murders, just to prove that Ghostface was truly back.
xxx 🎶 New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco 🎶 xxx
“I got a call.” Olivia’s voice was laced with concern as you approached, your messenger bag slung over your shoulder. You sat beside Kirby on the rim of the fountain, the square bustling with student chatter about the recent murders.
“Like, the call?” Robbie asked, adjusting the mic on his headset, clearly eager for more details.
Olivia rolled her eyes but nodded. “Yeah.”
“Jill got one, too,” Kirby added, glancing expectantly at Jill.
“Wait—the ‘What’s your favourite scary movie?’ call?” Robbie pressed, raising an eyebrow. Jill shot him a look that could’ve melted steel.
“It was obviously just a prank.” She insisted, but you felt your ears practically perk up at the conversation.
“What if it wasn’t?” Your voice appeared, even surprising you.
“Isn’t Sidney in town? What if the call isn’t just a coincidence?” Olivia’s voice trembled slightly, her worry clear. You turned to Jill, who was staring at her intently.
“Prescott?” you asked, your eyebrows furrowing in surprise. Jill nodded, her expression unreadable.
“She’s my cousin,” Jill confirmed, her tone matter-of-fact. “She’s staying at our place for a few days.” You remembered Jill mentioning that she still lived at home since it was nearby, just like Kirby.
“She’s the Angel of Death,” Kirby murmured with a dramatic shudder, making everyone chuckle.
“She is not,” Jill replied, rolling her eyes. Then, with a glance toward you and Kirby, she added, “You should come to dinner tonight and meet her.”
Kirby hesitated, then glanced at you. “We actually had plans…”
“You should both come,” Jill pressed. “My mom always makes way too much food anyway.”
You smiled, feeling warmth from her offer. “Thanks. We’ll be there.”
Were you actually about to meet Sidney Prescott? You knew it was a smaller town, but the idea of meeting her in person had never actually been a possibility in your mind.
Before you could ponder on it further, everyone was standing up, drawing your attention back in.
“I’ve gotta get to class.” Kirby mumbled before taking her leave. The others all followed until only you sat on the fountain's edge, basking in the sunshine.
Charlie spotted you from across the campus, your casual t-shirt and jeans blending with the crowd, but to him, you stood out. It was like there was an invisible glow around you that only he could see. As he got closer, he couldn’t help but notice the way you’d styled your hair, a little wild, a little free, and he found himself wondering how it would feel to run his fingers through it.
“Hey, did you—”
“Hear about the murders?” you interrupted, not meaning to cut him off, but he didn’t mind. He chuckled, shaking his head.
“Mind reader now?” His backpack hit the ground with a soft thud as he sat down beside you, close enough to feel the warmth of your presence.
“That would be fun, wouldn’t it?” you said, your voice trailing off as you imagined the possibilities, the thought clearly intriguing you.
“I’d take it,” he agreed, his heart racing a little faster. He was eager to hear your thoughts on the grim news that had everyone talking.
“Did you know Jill is Sidney Prescott’s cousin?” you asked, the revelation still catching you off guard. Charlie raised an eyebrow, nodding slowly.
“Yeah. She doesn’t come back here much though.” He shrugged nonchalantly, though he knew Sidney was already in town.
“Jill invited me over to her place for dinner tonight to meet her,” you said casually, though you couldn’t quite hide the smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“Look at you, all starstruck,” Charlie teased, and you rolled your eyes, trying to play it off.
“Please. I’m definitely interested, but can you imagine meeting Ghostface?” You lowered your voice a little, glancing around to make sure no one else was listening. Charlie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“You’d actually want to meet a serial killer?” His tone was sceptical, but his curiosity was clear. You shrugged, biting your lip as you considered it.
“Maybe. Are you judging me right now?” you asked, a smirk curling on your lips, sending a little thrill through Charlie.
“Maybe a little,” he admitted with a teasing grin, “but I get it. They’re fascinating, right?” His enthusiasm sparked something in you, and you felt a flutter in your chest.
“Exactly. And I don’t mind the mask, either,” you added with a playful wink, and Charlie’s heart skipped a beat. He swore his eyes nearly turned into hearts as he chuckled, completely captivated by the sight of you. The soft pink hue in your cheeks only made everything feel more electric.
“Good to know,” he muttered under his breath, more to himself than to you.
“Is it?” Your gaze met his, and this time it was Charlie who blushed, looking away for just a moment before meeting your eyes again.
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fructo · 6 months ago
i'm an emotional wreck right now and no one needs this but spoilers below the cut!
I honestly believe I've cried three times every episode. Everything about this show is just so beautifully comforting. The improvements from season two and season three are astronomical. It's beautiful. I'm an emotional wreck.
First of all, "a letter to myself at 17." This is my song. I absolutely SOBBED. I'm broken. I'm not human anymore.
Seeing Tori on screen more is wonderful. She's one of my favorite characters in the whole Osemanverse. Jenny Walser played the character so AAA. Her "please don't" was so raw.
Kit Connor and Joe Locke too. My goodness, the beach/bedroom scene. The raw emotion in their voice was performed so just... seeing Charlie's progress throughout the season just made me feel so happy and sad. They're wonderful.
and JONATHAN BAILEY. can i just say, i would have the same reaction as nick? he's a wonderful actor.
I will say that I'm a bit upset on how Tori didn't have her coming out scene on the ferris wheel. I know we got our ace/aro rep through Isaac (don't even get me started)
there's just so much to unpack this season! the episodes felt longer even though they were only like five minutes longer than the previous seasons. there's just so much per episode that it felt like eight hours rather than four.
and THEY SAY THE FUCK AND SHIT WORD. they say the silly curse words!!! revolutionary, i tell you. absolutely revolutionary.
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radioactive-earthshine · 8 months ago
Mega Demon: Blue and Yellow
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Bart Allen & Jenni Ognats Words: 2495 On Ao3 Summary Max told Bart that he absolutely, under any circumstances, was NOT allowed to enter the Mega Demon Championship because it would be 'cheating'.
Jenni decided spending time with Bart and making memories with him while stranded in the 1990s was more important than obeying Max and enters them both in the championship. But do they really have that button mashing skills to win? Can they also evade Max's suspicions? Find out!
That snapped Bart out of his gloom, his eyes still flat as he leaned back into the sofa. “M’fine. It’s just the Mega Demon Championship. Really wanted to compete but Max said ‘no’ and I gotta do what Max says!”  “Why did he say no? It seems pretty harmless, and we play Mega Demon all the time! You’re good at it!” Jenni got off of the floor to sit next to her cousin, she couldn’t help herself and she ran her narrow fingers through his thick auburn hair.  “I’m not just good at Mega Demon. I’m great at it!” Bart lamented and Jenni knew there was a rant to follow. “He thinks we use our powers to play! I tried to tell him our speed is no good in videogames, but he won’t listen! Says if I enter it’s cheating because I have an unfair advantage.” Bart scoffed then turned the television off with the remote, the screen crackled with static before it dimmed. “He doesn’t get how much I haveta slow down to play!” “And entering is really important to you, isn’t it?” Jenni asked, she still had her hand in his thick hair and felt him nod.  “I can’t play basketball, football, soccer ball, baseball and no cheerleading, I got kicked out of chess since the rook incident, and golf is cruel and unusual torture.” Bart listed off his fingers. “Golf. Max wanted me to play golf! Do you have any idea how boring a game golf is?”  “I don’t know what any of those are,” Jenni admitted. “But I’ll take your word for it. Hey, what do you need to do to enter this competition?”  Bart became a flicker of yellow when he bolted to grab a newspaper from the dining room table. When he came back he had it open to the exact page that mimicked the commercial from earlier. “It’s being held at the local Blockbuster here in town this Saturday. You just need to fill out their form.”  “Saturday is only two days away!”  “Yeah, and then it will be no days away and then yesterday!” Bart folded the newspaper and Jenni watched him put it back on the table. Biting her lip she made an impulsive decision and fell into white lightning and was gone. “Grife! It’s not fair! I can’t help it if I was born like this, I feel like I’m being punished just for being a speedster! Grife!” He turned around dramatically just in time to have Jenni show back up in crackles of white. “Woah, where did you go?”  Grinning, Jenni held up the white sign-up sheet. “Blockbuster right? The place Helen took us to rent Star Trek VII right?” Bart nodded and then it clicked, Jenni watched as his eyes sparkled.
This was written for the @flashfamevents Relay Race Flash Zine. Now I provide it all for you to enjoy.
Please let me know if you enjoyed it!
I had to lock down all my fics to registered users only due to AI Scraping.
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shrenvents · 1 year ago
She Does The Woods
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Chapter six of the Miracle Aligner Series
Jennie's POV
My shaking body beats in rhythm with my pulse, while it grows numb to the cold. Though the Taxi had dropped me off around five minutes ago, my feet seemed to be frozen to the snow-covered earth. In the meantime, snow flurries have begun to build up along the surface of my coat and hood.
As if the nerves that kept me awake last night weren't enough, the driver had the radio on, which happened to be playing 'R U Mine?' by, you guessed it, the Arctic Monkeys. Honestly, my mind is far too possessed by anxiety to simply laugh at the irony of my predicament, as I should do. The impending urge to bring up Alex's "secret identity" is oozing. It's going to take a damn miracle to keep my loose lips shut, and with my luck, that's not likely.
Decidedly, I take an extensive, sharp, intake of breath before moving. Fortunately, the park was well-lit enough, so all my suspicions about murderous intent fizzled from my thoughts. Plucking my phone from my pocket, the screen instantly lights up, displaying how late I am: 5:11 pm. Along with the time, I also spy a text from Alex, sent only a minute prior.
5:10 p.m. Alex Alexander: Hey love, give me a call when you've arrived.
Strangely, his message dims the festering concern in my chest. Like there was a chance he would've stood me up, and that I would be disheartened by such a thing. Huffing a sigh, my eyes flutter closed momentarily as I march forward. While walking, I ring him. Immediately, Alex answers, and just as I open my mouth to speak, his relieved voice resounds through the speaker. "Thank god." I giggle softly.
"Afraid I wouldn't show Alex?" "Terrified Red." I laugh again, and I hear him chuckle faintly. "Who's to say I did?" I inquire with humour laced in my tone, humour Alex clearly didn't pick up on. "Are-- are you serious Jennie? I know I came on a bit strong but-"
The uproar of laughter I'd been suppressing explodes, promptly dulling Alex's panicked ramble. "That's not funny," he scolds. 
Then, I recognize his figure from a distance, head tilted towards his shoes, studying them with a smile decorating his face. I swoon, pausing my stride. "You think I'm funny Alexander, there's no need to lie." Observing Alex, I await his usual correction of his name, but it doesn't come. Instead, silence consumes the other end of the call, and my vision hones in on his peaceful expression. My heartbeat stumbles with an impactful thump. Get it together Jennie...
"Turn to your left handsome." His brows shoot into his forehead, creasing it. Swivelling his head, I savour the realization that adorns his features as he takes me in. His eyes roam my stationary frame, mouth agape before it closes. "Come here." That's all he says with a simple grin, and I take off. I start racing towards him. My little sprint obviously catches him off guard, and I nearly tackle him. However, his embrace captures my clinging body. I instinctively bury my face into his chest. Humming pleasantly, I breathe in his familiar, musky scent.
Though he was initially hesitant, thrown off by my spontaneous action, he quickly elevates his loose hug, to a firm, secure one, as though he's scared this isn't real, or that I'll slip away. I hate how endearing it is, how endearing he is. I really have lost it...
Slightly embarrassed, I slither out of his grip, and he reluctantly lets me. Our eyes lock as we move to an arm's length. His eyes then flicker to my lips and I press them to a thin line.
"I'm not sleeping with you in the woods." As soon as the sentence escapes my throat, the unnamed tension between us is lifted. "Didn't think you would."
"Or ever," I interject lamely, and his face immediately feigns confusion. "Again," I scramble out.
"Sorry?" His brow rises, and a bitter smirk tugs one side of his mouth. "Uh, so, you got me here, no axe or chainsaw?" I rush to change the subject, which he notices but chooses to ignore. "Not on hand, no." He shakes his head at me, eyes wandering away from mine, peering into the dark skyline. I laugh pathetically, fidgeting with my hands, unnerved by his quietness.
After a moment, he shifts his gaze back to me, and I perk up right away. "I made us dinner." My brows furrow slightly, eyes trailing to his rising hand. He's holding up a basket with a shy smile. "There's a gazebo over there with a park bench underneath," he jerks his head to the right, "Sound alright to you Red?"
"As long as I live and breathe, it sounds great." His snort plasters a grin on my face. I follow closely behind him as he makes his way to the gazebo.
This "date" is going too well. At every turn, every new conversation, he makes me laugh, forget what I planned to say, everything I was apprehensive about. This is terrible. Everything wrong has become a fleeting memory. Except, that one revelation, still sitting at the tip of my tongue. Don't bring it up, in any way, shape, or form--
"So what do you do for a living." Shit.
"Thought you knew already." He swallows his last bite, a little too soon, and he audibly clears the lump in his throat. "Musican, or something... Right?" I mutter slowly, glancing between him and the surprisingly good meal he cooked. "Something like that, yes." He nods, shoulders tense. Is he trying to keep who he is a secret? Slightly disoriented, I grow quiet. He peers at me, eyes widening at my probably, very frightening expression. "What?" He gulps down another bite, and I lose it for real this time.
I spring to my feet, pause, drop my fork, and lean over the table to swat his arm repeatedly. He lets out a spurt of noises, mouth full, failing to convey his puzzlement.
"Some musician huh? Yeah right!" I shout, my voice cracking. "I may have been slow on the uptake, but I figured it out eventually, I'm not an idiot!" My verbal vomit shocks both of us, and I want to crawl out of my skin. But that doesn't seem to stop me.
"You're a freakin millionaire for Christ's sake! And I'm just-" I temporarily cut myself off before continuing my outburst. "Not like the money really matters to me! Unless you think it does? I'm not a gold-digger you asshole!" 
And with that, the crazy lady attempts to leave the scene. 
Rotating on my heel, I maneuver away from the picnic table but a hand clasps my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I barely turn to look at Alex, till I discern his alarmed state. I'm completely mortified, but I know, deep down, I can't simply run away, not when he's looking at me like that.
"I'm sorry Jennie," he utters breathlessly. After a long beat, I nod. "Why didn't you say anything." "I'm not sure," his teeth dig into his bottom lip. "I guess, you just didn't seem all that interested in me in the first place," he sighs. "I didn't want to muck it up." I contemplate my reaction, simultaneously acknowledging his sullen expression. I ease a bit. "You know, from what I hear, telling a girl you're a rockstar to get them in bed, usually has a 100% success rate." I joke weakly. I imagine my smile isn't quite meeting my eyes.
Alex's pained stare makes me shudder. "I would never think of you as a gold-digger Jennie." Another shiver wretches through me. Why on earth is he taking me seriously? His attentive language and hold are invoking things in me I'd rather avoid. I shake my head. "I know," I pause, my voice dropping, "I think." I pause again, anxiously twisting my necklace's pendant with my free hand. "I'm sorry, I don't know where all that  came from." He furiously shakes his head in disagreement, but I continue anyway. "I'm so embarrassed, god, you must regret asking me out-"
"No, god no." I peel my eyes from his grasp to look up. He holds my gaze with an intense certainty, telling me, there's no room for opposition. "This is my fault, I shouldn't have withheld what I do from you as if it were a secret... I wasn't thinking." He huffs defeatedly, and a smoke of cool air visibly leaves his mouth.
"I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me, and finish dinner." He smiles sheepishly, gesturing back to the table. His face falls a little. "I'll tell you everything you want to know."
I look away from his desperate eyes, peering down at his grip on my wrist. The skin there has probably gone red from how tightly he's holding it. Noticing what has my attention, he releases my hand, apologizing once more. "It's okay. And yes, I'm still pretty hungry." We hold eye contact as I speak. "And the food's pretty good, I was scared you were gonna make some of that British crap." Alex's laughter erupts and I beam.
"British crap?" "Like spotted dick or something." He laughs harder. "Not on the first date." "Second then?" I raise a brow, not sure what I'm promising. His smile stretches. "If you'd like..." His laughter subsides as he mumbles.  "I think I would."
I watch as something he's most likely been keeping hidden flashes in his eyes. Something within him falters, but he shifts his eyes toward the sky before I can make out what it might be.
As the date went on, it got darker and darker, and with that, the winter was starting to creep up on us. Somehow I ended up sitting beside Alex, huddled close to his body. Shoulder to shoulder, he holds my hands in his palms, thumbs grazing the insides of them -- strictly to keep them warm of course. When our conversation slowly fades out, I didn't seem to mind, though, liking the silence didn't stop me from filling it.
"Ever jump into freezing water?" I question with a smirk. His thumbs stop their caress and press into my skin. "You're not jumping into the river," Alex states firmly. "Wasn't planning on it." I giggle. "Just asking." My head rises slightly with his soft exhale. "No." "Boring..."
"So I take it you have," he murmurs lowly. "No." His deep laugh bellows through the chilling air. "But if I did..." I trail off, unsure of what I'm planning to say. "I'd wish I was the water," Alex says, finishing for me. I didn't know what I expected him to say, but I didn't expect it to be so... Poetic.
A nervous laugh shakes my stomach, while my chest swarms with an unknown feeling. The silence once again crowds the atmosphere, but I'm not too fond of it this time. "Alex-"
Abruptly, my speech is cut short by Alex's palms releasing mine to cup my face. His palms lift my cheeks to brush our lips into a gentle kiss. He swallows my surprised moan, and I briefly see the passion in his expression. My lids bat shut, and I let him take me under, into the river.
chapter seven
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