#jen lebeau
house0f3 · 17 days
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During this, late spring, night Jen Lebeau found herself walking along the dark, freshly dampened streets of Hell's Kitchen in New York City, New York. She wasn't here for any specific reason, no one to visit because Anya Barnes had long since moved away from Professor X's mansion, and her brother, Remy LeBeau, was in Genosha with his wife Rogue. So Jen looked at this as a good time to visit the city. Why's Hell's Kitchen you might ask but that's simple to answer. [J3N] was bored and wanted to fight some crime, and where in New York are you certain to fight the most crime? Hell's Kitchen, duh.
Her boots made a very distinguishable, light crunch-squishing sound, almost a squelch, that is made when rubber boots meet a freshly wet asphalt street. The glamour on her eyes being dropped, revealing her eyes with the sclera being black instead of the usual white and her irises being a bright, almost glowing crimson red, almost the same red as her long, flowing red hair. Her pink, leather duster, that Jen had gotten to look like her brother, with an amethyst purple chest plate, with neon blue trim underneath, and the same shade of purple for her leggings and complete with of course boots, that were an old pair of Remy's armored boots that had been reworked, and painted with her neon pink, neon blue and deep amethyst purple color scheme. Jen scanned the empty street, watching, looking, listening, reaching out with her powers to sense any nearby trouble that may happen.
Getting a light sense of something from her powers but without any details meaning the person was on the move and running from someone. Jen steeled her gaze and ran toward the alley that intersected with the person running and herself. As she ran toward the alleyway, Jen looks up, just in time to see two figures running and jumping across the buildings, and fighting each other, throwing projectiles. Jen couldn't get a good shot at either and didn't know who the villain was, if either was or wasn't a villain.
"Hey!" Jen shouted in a commanding tone causing both figures to stop, one looking down at her in the dark alleyway. One of the figures took a cheap shot, knocking the other down in the alley, landing right in front of Jen. Daredevil? Oops. She had forgotten that Daredevil patrolled Hell's Kitchen. How could she had forgotten that? He's not getting up, Jen quickly kneels down to get a closer look at Daredevil. He's alive, that's good. Jen looks up to see the other figure, presumably a villain that looks kind of like a ninja, weird, run off. Jen turned back to the hero on the ground.
"Alright, man. Sorry. I really didn't mean to distract you. uh.... uh... Let me help." Anxiety coursing through her voice, Jen quickly stuttered out. She had really fucked up this time. Jen help her hands out and pink-ish colored light began to glow around her hands, she then began to flux the light around her hands to sound and back, causing the light to take on the appearance of an aura borealis around her hands. Jen then held her hands over Daredevil's wounds to stabilize him. Jen then slide the hero onto her back, holding his arms over her shoulders, and carried him to a nearby store's backroom, where he would be safe and recover.
The next morning Jen woke up, worried about the night before, she walked down from her hotel room back to Hell's Kitchen and more specifically to the same area and began walking around. She had changed her shirt to a black, form fitting tank top with a black and white picture faded Madonna's face on it, and ripped jeans. Same boots, same duster, but she bent the light around her eyes to make them look more....'normal'. White sclera and amber, reddish brown irises. Jen looked for Daredevil for hours, without finding him, so she gave up and decided to get a cup of coffee. Now to find a coffee shop. Jen passed a lot of little shops and the like, in the stripe mall like buildings with apartments above them. She passed a few law offices, one called Nelson and Murdock Law Office, that was just a few shops down from a coffee shop. Good. Finally. Jen walked into the coffee shop and got up to the counter, a man with sunglasses and a suit walked in behind her and stood in line. Jen glanced back, seeing he had a lot of scrapes and bruises, he was in rough shape. Jen wondered what happened to him, but man was his sunglasses cool. Ya know, Jen could do that and then she wouldn't have to glamour her eyes. Hell yeah! 
Oh shit it was her turn at the counter. She quickly turned back to the barista at the counter and smiled sheepishly. 
"Oh! I'm Sorry. I...uh...I would like a hot cider with a shot of expresso please." Jen said embarrassed by the fact that she was staring at that man behind her, at the fact that she was distracted and held up the line. The barista told Jen the price, she paid the woman and then shifted to the right side of the counter to wait for her drink to be done, as where it seemed that everyone in front of her shifted to. There was a bar with stools near where the checkout counter and the barista was, Jen sat down on one of the stools to wait for her drink. 
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@falliblexpenance [Closed Starter to Matt Murdock]
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616witch · 2 months
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The ghosts in my head, they follow my lead.
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blackcat-creations · 5 years
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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
{ like if you plan on using any of these, please do not claim as your own. c:@blackcat-creations }
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big-gay-apocalypse · 5 years
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comicwaren · 5 years
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From Captain Marvel Vol. 10 #005, “Re-Entry - Conclusion”
Art by Carmen Carnero and Tamra Bonvillain
Written by Kelly Thompson
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fuckyeahroguegambit · 5 years
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Art Credit to By Jen Bartel
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Mr. & Mrs. Lebeau
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Souce: Twitter
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480 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 16:56:37 GMT
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Have either of your OCs met each other? If not, how would they react to one another?
And it takes four months for them to meet.
The two actually live in different timelines. But there is a Jen in Andie’s world. She’s a little different.
Jeneva spends every other year in New Orleans, training with the Guild. As she gets older, she chooses to spend more time down there. Don’t get me wrong, Jeneva loves both of her parents, but she adores New Orleans. And being a thief is far more up her ally than being a hero. She barely misses when Andie first comes to Xavier’s.
Andie and Jeneva Masterlist
It was the first big storm since Andie had moved to Xavier’s school. When the power went out, her skin moved like scales, rippling rainbows trying to bring some sort of comfort. Bucky used to always remind her that rainbows came after storms, so they couldn’t possibly be so bad.
Reaching for her phone, Andie knew she could call either of her parents if she really wanted to. They knew the reason she was scared of the power outages had little to do with the rain and more to do with the dark. Specifically what memories came from it.
Andie huffed when she stared at a black screen. Her phone was dead. It wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be last. She was forgetful like that.
Crawling out of bed, Andie grabbed her sweatshirt and tugged it over her frame. She was careful not to wake her roommate. The last time that happened, Rahne’s wolf form wasn’t exactly the friendliest.
But that aside, Andie just wanted to go downstairs and get some water.
The roar of thunder and flash of lightning earned a couple whimpers from the teenager as she came downstairs. She hated how childish it was to fear something so simple, but she couldn’t help it.
“Didn’t expect y’to be up this late.”
Andie halted in her tracks at the sound of the woman’s voice. She had been midway down the stairs when she heard voices coming from down the hall. Peeking out between the railing, she spotted two figures by the entrance. Who else would be up so late?
“Ah didn’t expect to see ya tryin’ to make it in this weather.”
Andie recognized that voice. Sam Guthrie. He was one of the older teens – an X-man from Kentucky. But she didn’t recognize whoever the other person was. She craned her head, barely catching sight of gloves, a zipped-up raincoat, and high rainboots. It looked like the person had done everything within their power to stay dry.
“It wasn’t rainin’ cats and dogs ‘till I got to this neck o’the woods.”
Cajun. That was what the accent was that Andie had been having trouble placing. Only one other person in the whole building sounded like that and it was Gambit. This wasn’t him.
“Yeah, well,” Sam laughed, scratching the back of his neck. “Ah’m gonna head on up to bed. Ah’ll see ya in the mornin’. Night, Jen.”
Andie watched the two part ways. The girl – Jen – was walking towards the kitchen.
Jen looked over her shoulder as Sam called her name. “Your room should be ready for ya. Your mom and dad made sure none of the new students could get it.”
Jen laughed. “Merci, I’ll remember that.” She waited until Sam was out of sight before turning her attention back to the stairs.
A startled gasp filled the air when Andie realized she was looking right at her.
“Y’nosy, petite?”
Andie gulped. “Uh…no.”
Another laugh and it was just as obnoxious as the first. She didn’t hold back, instead gesturing for Andie to come downstairs. “’Fraid o’the storm?”
Shoving her hands in her sweatshirt pocket, Andie found herself hesitating to answer. No, she wasn’t scared of the storm. But was that less childish than being afraid of the dark? She fell into step with Jen, following her into the dark kitchen. Occasionally, it was lit up by a flash of lightning, but it faded as quickly as it appeared. “Not exactly.” How the woman moved around the room and found everything so easily, Andie didn’t know. She acted like she could see so perfectly in the dark, never blinded by the abrupt light that would interrupt her routine. “Are you a mutant?”
Jen glanced up in the midst of her filling a mug with milk and cocoa powder. “Oui.”
Andie watched her mix the powder, curious why she would try and make hot chocolate if there was no way to heat it up. “So is your power being able to see in the dark?”
“Non. Not exactly.” She paused for a moment, setting down the spoon and leaning against the cold tile counter. “That what you’re scared of? The dark?” Biting her lip, Andie allowed herself a small nod. “That’s an easy fix.”
“Not with a power outage.”
Jen smiled, her eyes flashing a bright gold and glowing in the dark. Electricity danced off her cheekbones as she looked up. The ceiling light flickered on as the hum from the fridge filled the silent air. She glanced at the microwave as it beeped, the inside light blinking on. “Better?” Looking at Andie, she snorted when she saw the pure shock written on her face.
“You control electricity?”
Jen shrugged, nodding her head as if that would be a suffice enough explanation. “Sorta, kinda – not really. But it works as a good ‘nough explanation.” Taking the mugs, she put them in the microwave and set the timer. “What ‘bout the fille sneakin’ ‘round in the middle o’the night? What can she do?”
Andie shifted in her chair, not quite sure how to explain. She held up a hand and Jen watched as it shimmered in rainbows before turning invisible. Her brow shot up, clearly surprised. But it only got better when she saw Andie’s hand then turn to diamond. She couldn’t hold it long – only a couple more seconds before it was back to flesh and bone.
“Pretty sparkly, ain’t ya?” The blush on Andie’s cheeks told Jen that maybe the kid wasn’t used to friendly faces. At least not ones who understood what it was like to be a mutant. “Somet’in’ tells moi y’got a story behind all that.” Hearing the beep of the microwave, Jen took out the mugs and sat beside Andie, passing her one. “What’s your name, petite?”
“Andie Barnes.”
Holding out a hand for Andie to shake, she properly introduced herself, “Jeneva Lebeau. So…looks like we got a while ‘fore the storm passes. What got ya at Xavier’s?”
Andie giggled, taking a sip of the warm beverage. A hot cocoa moustache appeared as she asked, “Have you ever heard of the Avengers?”
Thanks for sending in the request! I LOVED writing this!!! XD
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nsula · 5 years
Spring 2019 Honor List
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand forty-three undergraduates were named to Northwestern State University’s Honor List for the Spring 2019 semester. Students on the Honor List must be enrolled full-time and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49. Students listed by hometown are as follows.
 Abbeville – Annemarie Broussard, MaKayla Lewis, Zabrinia Spates;
 Aimwell – Jonathan Poole;
 Alexandria – Markeyla Anderson, Gavin Arabie, Sharenthia Chew, Angel Christophe, Josyf Das Neves, Joshua Dorsey, Alexis Flowers, Kelvina Ford, Zuleika Fountain, Vanity Givens, Kyle Guillory, Khloe Jasper, Whitney Joffrion, Gustov Johnson, Martavius King, Ashley Koestler, Kasey Lacombe, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, Jimmie Magee, Dean Mayeux, Jason McDaniel, Jalyn Mcneal, Ashley Mitchell, John O’Dell, Madison Ogorek, Tiffany Ore, Sadae Polk, Alyssa Rivers, Mart Sampson, Brandy Sayer, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Kiaijah Thomas, Hailey Urena, Jenna Wade, Alysha Walker, Aalyiah Williams;
 Amelia – Renwick McPherson;
 Anacoco – Rachel Fournier, Angela Guy, Andrea Halladay, Tristan Harvey, Madeleine Hensley, Aaron Norris, Jason Ortiz, Ireland Slocum, Amanda Sorg, Tyler Stephens, Emily Williams, Rhonda Perry,
 Arlington, Texas -- Mariah Denson, Devin Gipson, O’Shea Jackson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd, Bailey Dautreuil, Maddison Janice;
 Athens – Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta – Ashley Mitchell, Jackson Teal, Jamie Wagley;
 Aurora, Colorado – William Mccullough;
 Avondale – Mikala Clark;
 Bastrop – Alisha Bolton;
 Baton Rouge – Jordan Hall, Melvin Hudson;
 Belcher – Loriann Long;
 Boyce – Lane Robinson
 Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Angel Chavez, Christopher Constance, Bryan Sayes, Vanessa Toney, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Allenicia Arbet;
 Baton Rouge – Mark Alexander, Chloe Castello, Ricky Chatman, Shelby Christian, Briyonna Collins, Madison Harris, Mckane Kinchen, Griffin Lundin, Cydni Millican, Rachel Monsour, Katie Pham, James Steelman, Jharon Whitfield;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Bedford, Texas – Katina Booker;
 Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Kelly Bass, Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones,
 Benton – Bryanna Cooper, Steven Gardner, Milla Gonzales, Grayson Isom, Colby Ponder, Blaine Reeder, Hannah Schott, Jackson Mathews, Megan Russell;
 Bermuda – Michael Vienne;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Big Spring, Texas – Kristin Wilson;
 Birmingham, Alabama – Emma Wallace;
 Bogalusa – Amanda Crawford, Taylor Johnson;
 Bossier City – Yetunde Adegbovega, Austin Averitt, Abigail Castillo, Kendall Corkern, Cameron Davis, Daniel Dial, Kimberly Eloby, Ri’Kaela England, Khairig Frost, Hannah Gaspard, Margaret Gates, Jacob Guest, Tangy Heilbling, Ashlynn Henderson, Jordan Hunter, Shane Kaiser, Alyssa Kidd, Seth Lowery, Jordan Markle, Rebecca Markle, Jennifer Martinez, Rance Mason, Coby McGee, Alexa Montgomery, Yuridia Olea, Sabri Parks, Shelby Peebles, Brittani Phillips, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Litzy Rivera, Gabriela Rodriguez, Madison Rowland, Rheagan Rowland, Dakota Schudalla, Makayla Strother, Trevor Tackett, Kellie Toms, Bobby Trichel, Madalyn Watson, Pamula Whicker, Elizabeth Zanca, Nour Zeidan;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
 Boyce – Savanna Budnik, Timothy Glass, Kaitlyn Miller, Jessie Turner, Julia Watson;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Buffalo, New York – LeTerrance Reed;
 Bunkie – Izola Williams;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine;
 Campti – Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kourtney Horton, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd, Madison McLaren;
 Canton, Texas – Tiffany Cayson, Jack Dyre;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Malik Babin, Chaney Dodge, Harold Williams;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Samantha Arellano Chavz, Edwin Castro Frias, Jalima Dias, Miledys Jiminez Vasquez, Daniel Racero Rocha, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Sadoc Silva Calderon;
 Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Hogan Nealy;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Chalmette – Isaiah Carpenter, Gabriel Ernest, Sara Mendoza;
 Chatham – Jonathan Gill;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer;
 Clarence – Quintarous Coleman, Kimberly Reliford;
 Clinton – Arianna Parrish;
 Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
 Colfax – Camren Bell, Kensey Knight, Paidin Luneau, Kaitlyn Slalyter, Ontavius Williams;
 Colorado Springs, Colorado – Sarah Wagner;
 Columbia – Jackson McCann;
 Columbus, Mississippi – William Taylor;  
 Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Victoria Gasper, Wade Hicks, Jared Jagneaux, Skyler Laroux, Ashley Sims, Delia Smith, Triston Waldon;
 Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
 Cottonport – Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs, Christine Lemoine;  
 Coushatta – Journi Brown, Faith Cason, La’Zaria Clark, Jon Hester, Tawanda Johnson, Amey Sepulvado;
 Covington – Madison Blanks, Sarah Shiflett, Jennifer Vo;
 Coyolilla Veracruz, Mexico – Guadalupe de Jesus Mendez Zaragoza;
 Crowley – Mc’Kayleen Milson;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps;
 Cut Off – Zachary Breaux, Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Dallas – Nadia Carney;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 DeQuincy – Hayden Robertson;
 DeRidder – Carson Brown, Lauren Callis, Maygin Chesson, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, Katherine Goodman, Michelle Green, Alexis Holland, Elliott Jones, Ethel Jones, Jordan Mack-McNair, Presley Phelps, Richard-Jayson Puzon, Morgan Smith, Heather Sorton, Madison Tilley, Tyler Wright, Airiuna Satchell;
 Delhi – KeDiejah Cooper;
 Denham Springs – Samantha Burgess, Joni Burlew, Caleb Callender, Zyneshia Jennings;
 Deville – Emily Bonial, Courtney DeVille, Amy Henderson, Ashtyn Knapp, Karlee Littleton, Morgan McCrory, Caleb Rhodes, Marcia Rogers, Garrett Sellers;
 Dodson – Nolan Griffin, Brendan Thomas;
 Donaldsonville – Jermaine Collier, Natalie Landry;
 Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
 Doyline – Carmesia Russell;
 Dry Prong – Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Oilvia Hancock, Kayla Loyd;
 Dubberly – Audrie Dison;
 Duson – Alexandra Broussard, Desmond Prejean;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Ravon Nero;
 Elizabeth – Hannah LaCaze;
 Elmer – Victoria Coleman
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux, Emily Deshotel;
 Falfurrias, Texas – Marco Arevalo;
 Farmerville – Adrianna Loyd, Jalissa Loyd;
 Fayetteville, Arkansas – Cody Coleman;
 Ferriday – Dalenesha Wimley;
 Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Katelynn Alford, Danielle Anthony, Gabrielle Bryant, Braelyn Calhoun, Magon Lester, Ashton Remedies, Jordan Weldon;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Randall Ruffner;
 Folsom – Monique Basse, Shaylee Laird;
 Forest Hill – Adrianne Dore;
 Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
 Fort Polk – Brittany Chadwick, Mara Eifolla, Jayla Hart, Andrea Marquez, Madison Popp, Amanda. Ridenhour, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Kiara Turner, TeKweena Wilson, Alexie Sarabia;
 Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
 Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
 Franklin – Zachary McEndree;
 Franklinton – Randy Garza, Brittany Sanders;
 Frierson – Mason Barnes;
 Frisco, Texas – Hallie McCarroll;
 Geisman – Rylee Leglue;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Garland, Texas – Joseph Goodson, Kobe Poole, Nia Randall;
 Geismar – Elijah John-Baptiste;
 Georgetown – Kaleb Hudson;
 Glenmora – Reagan Humphries, Abbie Johnson, Kerstyn Johnson;
 Gloster – Caitlyn Burford, Paris Gillum;
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Chaquera Caldwell, Ashlyn Chenevert;
 Grand Cane – Sandra Kimble, Ciana Mcintyre, Emily Miller;
 Grand Isle – Abigail Frazier;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Garrett;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot;
 Greenwood – Leah Evans, Tamera Harris, Trenton Starks;
 Gretna – Braxton Brown, Leroy Holmes, Nadia Johnson, Michael Wilson;
 Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hahnville – Cierra Puryear, Colin Vedros;
 Hammond – Kaylon Wiloughby;
 Harlengen – Frances Knight;
 Harvey – Destiny Johnson;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Shakayla Bell, Katelynn Edwards, Anitra Fayad, Camry Heath, Kylee Jackson, Timothy Newell, Angie Nguyen, Makenezie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Bailee Rattanachai, Kaylee Sanford, Joshua Steele, Megan Tilley, Laura Waldroup, Katherine Weeks, Kacie Wilkinson, Chases Woltz, India Wright;
 Haynesville – Jmarquiez Robinson, Sabrina Sowell, Michael Turner, Allysa Dodds;
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Kyle Smith;
 Henderson – Andrew Blackmon;
 Hessmer – Daren Dauzat;
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll;
 Homer – Francene Ferguson, Keyana Mccoy, Mariah West;
 Hornbeck – Lane Alford, Ariel Rodgers;
 Houma -- Courtney Chancellor, Rhiannon Dean, Venessa McKinley;
 Houston – Rafael Bonilla, Jennifer Hitt, Casey Irvin, Natashia Jackson;
 Humble, Texas – Toiquisha Johnson, Furquan Shorts;
 Independence – Maria Thomas-Alfaro, Chloe Whiddon;
 Iowa – Keiona Guy;
 Jasper, Texas – Linsey Guthrie;
 Jeanerette – David Blakesley;  
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Tiara Brown, Braegan Burlew, Candace Decker, Madison Erwin, Jasmine Furlow, Chelsea Redd, Tyler Thomas;  
 Jennings – Destiny Brown, Anayah Joseph;
 Jonesboro – Ashlyn Gaines, JaVonna Lawrence, Alex Toms;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittnay Cecil, Floyd Turner;
 Keatchie – Sarah Plaisance;  
 Keithville – Germany Jones, Shelby Loftin, Cara Lorenen, Maya Porter;  
 Kenner – Emily Bennett, Willie Soniat, Parul Sharma;
 Kentwood – Iris Travis;
 Kernen – Antonia Blattner;
 Kinder – Teralyn Plumber;
 Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
 Labadieville – Jacellynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
 Lacombe – Amy Schneider;
 Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Ashanti Alfred, LaToya Bellard, Emma Burlet, Jared Dore, Reagan Guillory, Jacob Hawkins, Qualantre Jackson, Michele Kramer, JaKayle Lee, Paul Martin, Skylar Mccoy, Robert Middleton, Sarah Palmintier, Aishwarya Patel, Tylar Senegal, John Touchet, Ireland Williams, China Young;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Charles – Landon Dore, Camren Green, Joel Moreaux, Jordan Mulsow, Destany Washington;
 LaPlace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
 Le Mars, Iowa – Shannon Smith;
 League City, Texas – Lacee Savage, Blake Tessitore;
 Leander – Karissa Boswell;
 Lebeau – Sharissa Tanner;
 Lecompte – Logan Cheek;
 Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Cecilia Alfaya, Kimberly Alwell, Jebediah Barrett, Hailey Brantley, Kaylee Buby, Victoria Butler, Anthony Cantrell, Charlotte Cassin, Joseph Cryer, Cameron Davis, Marlee Dowden, Payton Gordy, Caleb Hillman, Hanna Johnson, Zachary Keeton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, Gerard Lord, Brianna Maricle, Billy McGhee, Amy McKellar, Ashley McKellar, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, Cesar Santos, Dalton Schulte, Erin Schwartz, Megan Trask, Tabitha Vasquez, Marissa Weldon, Lana West, Cheyene Wise, Mikayla Zills;
 Lena – Dillon Guin, Courtnee Hamberlin, Cortland Smith;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Little Elm, Texas – Daniel Larin;
 Little Rock, Arkansas – Whitney Jinks;
 Livingston – Jay Gentry-Pace;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Rebecca Tomlin, Shelby Woods, Kendoyle Cox;
 Loranger – Cambree Bailey;
 Lubbock, Texas – Miranda Stroud;
 Mansfield – Tremeon Allen, Latyeauna Goodwin, Nicolette Hogan, Canessia Johnson, Demetric Preston, Madylin Sullivan, Kyah Wilson,
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Bailey Perrilloux;
 Mandeville -- Mya Holmes, Jalen Willis;
 Many – Jocelyn Cannon, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Sydni Easley, Kyle Elliott, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Moses Gonzales, Jessie Johnson, Clayton Kelley, Lathan Meyers, Darion Miller, Matthew Peace, Andrew Penfield, Tanner Rains, Madison Rutherford, Aubrey Sepulvado, Mallary Veuleman;
 Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Nichole Dauzat, Leah Dupuy, Kayle Gaspard, Olivia Johnson, Victoria Lucas;
 Marrero – Kelsey Brooks, Lius Escobar;
 Marshall, Texas – Alexis Balbuena, Abagale Godrey;
 Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Veronica James, Thomas Lirette;
 Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
 Merryville – Kyleah Franks;
 Mesquite, Texas – Eric Renova, Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Madysen Norra;
 Midland, Texas – Channing Burleson;
 Minden – Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Abby Greene, Karasha Harris, Kiara Jenkins, Donna Law, Asata Sylvas, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
 Monroe – Demonta Brown, Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Kiara Drumgo, Taylor Edwards, Jaronda Griffin, Prettyunje Hunter, Diamond Knox-Jackson, Ashley Murphy, Keldrick Ward;
 Montegut – Stephanie Cohen;
 Monterey – Rebecca Womack;
 Montgomery – Tabatha Bowlin, Payton Carroll, Gerald Chelette, Hailee Skains, Laryn Graves;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mora – Gracy Rowell;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander, Ashley Dunnam;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Cass Arnold, Aaron Averett, Thomas Balthazar, Adam Barnes, Blake Bechtel, Terrius Bell, Kacy Bonds, Matthew Brown, Charles Bouchie, Santaurus Burr,Ladiamond Burrell,  Dominitra Charles, Kaleb Chesser, Lane Clevenger, Jessica Coleman, Kaia Collins, Christian Cunningham, Sean Day, Moises Florez-Perez, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Abbie Garner, Peyton Graham, Denetria Green, Pamela Gross, Thomas Hadzeriga, Jalen Hall, Jasmine Hall, Samantha Hall, Deshon Hayes, Jett Hayes, Saul Hernandez, David Holmes, Jasmine Howard, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Emily Johnson, Karlee Laurence, Robert Lee, Emily Leone, Christopher Lewis, Helen-Lois Mancil, Wesley Manuel, Savannah Maricle, Brooklyn Martin, Tyler McCain, Lamarr McGaskey, Kristin McQuillin, Joshua Minor, Jair Morelos Castilla, Jakori Morris, Katelyn Murphy, Tori Neitte, Matthew Nelson, Donovan Ohnoutka, Christian Owens, Leilani Padilla, Kenneth Penrod, Eryn Percle, Veronica Pikes, Kenneth Poleman, Katherine Rachal, Michael Raymond, Jeffrey Remo, Devin Reyes, Kayla Rokett, Taylor Rutledge, Shelbi Ryan, Jalon Sangster, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalie Sers, Anna Sibley, Athena Smith, Blake Teekell, Joseph Thibodaux, Margaret Thompson, Lantz Vercher, Elizabeth Vienne, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Laurin Waldrip, Jacob Ware, Brianna Watermolen, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Ellen Wells, Deondra White, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shavon Williams,
 Natchez – Victoria Bradford, James Rougeou, Lauren Seawood;  
 Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
 New Iberia – Mia Bashay, Dainell Ledet, Alex Romero;
 New Llano – Deja Castille, Laura Cowell, Kendra Jones, Earnesta Riggins, Gabriel Vargas, Caden Wheeler;
 New Milford, Connecticut – Lisa Rosenberg;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Nyasha Brown, Damon Carter, Jeron Duplantier, Darlene Fairley, Matthew Gonzales, Omar Hall, RyShaneka Kirsh, Maxwell Martello, Phallon Robinson, Jonae Skinner, Rishard Winford;  
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Shelby Etheridge, Tiffany McMillion, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
 North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
 Oak Ridge – Kelly Futch;
 Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Destani Johnson;
 Olla – Morgan Barbo, Amanda Fenoli, Savannah Kirl;
 Omro, Wisconsin – Jason Kralovetz;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Kayla Pitre, Lashante Richard, Kallie Zeringue;
 Paris, Texas – Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tyler Howard;
 Pensacola, Florida – Mallory McClain;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Melissa Barnhill, April Cain, Erika Carter, Korey Cleveland, Luke Conway, Sydney Duhon, Selena Ferguson, Ameera Ghannam, Ollie Gossett, Leia Graham, Megan Jacks, Trey Joseph, Ethan Lachney, Brooke Leger, Rodney Lonix, Sierra Matney, Sonya McClellan, Autumn McSwain, Abby Nichols, James Perry, Hannah Pusateri, Christina Rachal, Amaria Sapp, Elizabeth Shuler, Laikyn Slusher, Robert Tabor, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes;
 Pitkin – Braydon Doyle, Jayce Doyle, Jessica Jones;
 Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
 Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
 Plaucheville – Alexis Casarez;
 Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrik;  
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Sarah Hunt, Dalton Kopp, Allyssa Zemp;
 Ponchatoula – Keyadda Brim, Kaitlyn Hawkins;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Evan Daigle, Kaleb Gauthier;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Kristen Sonnier;
 Prairieville – Hannah Beason, Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Kristen Prettelt, Lysia Varisco, Elllise Vice, Brady Wilson, Faith Wilson;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson;
 Princeton – Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
 Quitman – Cindy Crawford;
 Raceland – Emily Adams;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Bishop Breaux;
 Reno, Nevada – Sydney Oren;
 Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, Texas – Ebonie Francis;
 Ridgecrest – Melissa Kelly;
 Ringgold – McKenzie Davidson, Autumn McCoy, Olivia Prado;
 River Ridge – Rachel Chimeno;
 Robeline – Chad Berly, Patricia Goodwin, Hannah Hennigan, Kristal Lachney, Kacy Morae, Ember O’Bannon, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Hannah Schoth;
 Rosepine -- Emilee Johnson;
 Ruston – Paul Bryant, Tekiren Evans, Jalen Garrison, Seth Hartsfield, Christopher Letendre, Aujani Richburg;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot;  
 St. Bernard – Ashlie Kieff, Emily Snyder;
 St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
 St. Martinville – Belinda Alexander, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White, Cassandra Zenon;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Makayla Jackson, Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche, Aaron Savell;
 San Antonio, Texas – Matthew Aguilera, Anthony Renteria;
 Sarepta – Katie Ingle;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Tayla Soileau;
 Shreveport – Aubrey Allen, Katelynn Benge, Frances Boggs, Leta Broome, Makayla Bryant, Shatericka Christor, Kesherion Collins, Naterria Davis, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Miya Douglas, Daja Easter, Deadrian Egans, Meghan Fry, Cassidy Giddens, Savon Gipson, Ellen Grappe, MIzzani Grigsby, Lindsey Hagan, Adrianne Hampton, Katelyn Householder, Shelby Hunter, Jazzmine Jackson, John Jefferson, Drake Johnson, Korynthia Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Alicia King, Lauren Lee, Samantha Lyons, Tiffany Mack, Caitlyn Malloy, Christopher Markham, Andria Mason, Ashley Mason, Tifphany McClinton, Rici McDonald, Claire McMillan, Samantha Metoyer, Najah Mitchell, Brittney Nicleso-Rayfus, Megan Osborn, Tara Pair, Tierry Perry, Christina Peterson, Kalyn Phillips, Hayden Pilcher, Sierra Prelow, Shelby Reddy, Grayson Roberts, Jalisa Roberts, Savonya Robinson, Madelyn Ruiz, Amanda Rushing, Breanna Samuel, Angelica Satcher, Shermaine Shorter, Jackiesha Simmons, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Kendria Smith, Jessica Sowers, Jamie Stewart, Somer Stratton, Lindsey Stroud, Khalil Sumlin, Destini Sweet, Hailey Thomas, Anne Tibbit, Katerina Vargas, Khamaria Vaughn, De’Andra Washington, Lakayla Whitaker, Gaylin White, Jamisa Williams, Lajayda Williams, Tre’Darius Williams, Kristy Wilson, India Wright;  
 Sibley – Madison Mouser;
 Sieper – Emily George;
 Simmesport – Lexi Gremillion, Elise Normand;
 Simpson – Katelynn Martin;
 Slidell – Terran Cole, Noah Glass, Tristan Johnson, Rachel Reed, Maci Walgamotte, Thomas Garner;
 Sondheimer – Anna Marsh;
 Springfield – Tyler Pigott;
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Bessie Cable, Dawson Cranford, Emma Delafield, Emmy Hinds, Robert McAllen, Mackenzie Panther, Maguire Parker, Heather Schiller, Tehya McDonald, Chassidy Sutton;
 Sugar Land, Texas – Jake Gore;
 Sulphur – Andrew Stephens;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Lauren Pope;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Taylor, Texas – Jake English;  
 Texarkana, Texas – Daphne Hammett, Kristin McDuffie, Jasmine Neal;
 Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch
 Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
 Tomball, Texas – Natalee Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Toronto, Ontario – Rhea Verma;
 Trout – Makayla King, Haley Lisenby, Kalee Mcguffee, Andrea Walters;
 Troy, New York – Kasey Whitmore;
 Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
 Ville Platte – Gabrielle Chapman, Nicholas Blood, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Shae Cramer, Toby Stanley, Alayna Zaunbrecher;
 Violet – Callie Maschmeyer;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott, Chase Lewis;
 Vossburg, Mississippi – Chequira Bonner;
 Walker – Madison Arnold;
 Walworth, New York – Devonne Seelig;
 Washington – Kyeishia Evans, Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Blakely Canfield, Zink Kiper, Laken Thompson;
 Welsh – Autumn Hanks;
 West Helena, Arkansas – Brittani Arana;
 West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Austin Dodson, Brianna Fife, Kennedy Ford, Allison Freeman, Aubrey Gamble, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford, Madison Shidiskis, Melissa Taylor, Christopher Wynn;  
 Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
 Wilmington, Delaware – Amy Bourett;
 Winnfield – Annalise Austin, Harli Austin, Rhonda Duff, Kara Grantadams, Rakeen Williams, Caroline Womack;
 Winnsboro – A’Lexus Johnson;
 Woodworth – Lexus Weston;
 Youngsville – Devin Forestier, Devyn Shores, Sophia Toranto;
 Zachary – Laney Davis;
 Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Dayton Craig, Trenton Malmay, Ariana Martinez, Treveon Perry, Autumn Wyatt.
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wardennews · 6 years
Ass-O-Clock in the Morning Update and Rambles
Okay, so It’s currently 5:00 in the morning EST, and I am WIDE A-FUCKING-WAKE for reasons that are beyond me. So guess what, lovelies? You get to deal with some of my ramblings for a while. Lucky you. 
So, fun stuff first. The next chapter is in progress, and in the course of maybe 6 hours already has 6,700 words written. We’re barely halfway through the content. This one is gonna have a mix of cute, humor, feels, and some whump of the serious topic variety. Like, this one might need a warning of its’ own. Just FYI, brace yourselves because this one is gonna take you on the feels-coaster. 
Okay, now let me get into the ramble. Guys, do you have any idea just how massive this story is? Like, you see the chapters as they’re finished... but have any of you ever been to a convention like Otakon? All the fun stuff is out for the people to see and enjoy, but behind the scenes is a MASSIVE network of halls and people running around and things being moved and information being exchanged and it is just overall MADNESS? THAT is what it feels like Warden has become. NOT THAT I MIND! This project is one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done in my life! But SWEET NORNS, it’s become SO MUCH BIGGER than I ever thought it would be! 
Let me give you an example. Do you know how many one-shots we have listed as potential material? Some of these will probably not get written for one reason or another, but still,  there are over twenty entries on this list!! Let me give you all a few examples.
Minowa’s Lovers meet her Family (Remember how she’s always called herself one of the children of Akatosh...?)
Pepper and Josephine Run the World
Rhodey, Shuri, T’Challa, and Wong getting together for lunch to complain about ‘their idiot white boys’.
Loki finds out about Peter being bullied in school. His kids are not pleased.
The #1 reason Thanos needs to be stopped: Paperwork
Loki, Laura, and their kids experience the happiest place on Earth
Zevrael Pavus vs. Jean Luc LeBeau
Those are just a select few that aren’t a) Already in progress, or b) Full of spoilers from just the title ALONE. 
I cleaned out the Plot Ideas and Notes document the other day. I only cut it down by half, and it’s STILL 64 pages long!! And the reference folder itself has that document, the official Warden timeline (to keep dates straight), the Reaper Profiles (which are now on the Tumblr, thankyouverymuch), a document specifically titled “Weirdest Shit I have Ever Written”, The Harbingers of Havoc Prank Compendium, and the New Avengers Roster. And THAT doesn’t take into consideration the folders for reference pictures, comics, and movies RESPECTIVELY! 
And the media folder, Odin preserve me, the media folder. I have Jen to thank for most of that content. Five gigs worth of stuff in there!! You guys have NO idea how much work goes into this fic. I didn’t comprehend how much work goes into this fic!! 
But guys... I wouldn’t trade this for the WORLD. Knowing that I have people who love my work, who care about it enough to wait eagerly for updates, that say that this is the best crossover they’ve ever read? THIS is happiness to me. Knowing that something I created has made so many people happy. Because THAT’S what it’s about at the end of the day for me. Doing something I love, and hopefully making people happy. You guys, showing your love and support by reading this story, writing comments, showing the LOVE you do... It makes every second worth it. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL. Thank you for being supportive through the ups, the downs, the hard times and the stressful times. May ‘Tales from the Nexus’ have a long and successful run!!
One more thing. Guys, can I tell you how much I would lose my mind to get a shoutout from someone like IronStrangeHaven? I sodding LOVE their Tumblr, like I cannot even begin to express how much I adore them. I should be worried that an entire folder on my computer titled “Nothing to See Here” is art that I found on their page, but really, I can’t hear the haters over my rampant love of my OTP. Friggin’ love those guys over there. 
I think the exhaustion might finally be setting in. Have a good night, everybody, Look forward to the new chapter coming out!!
~ Lalia 
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yasbxxgie · 8 years
Black Ink
Documentary examining the contributions to the comic book industry by people of color: the challenges and the triumphs inherent in overtaking stereotypes and replacing them with archetypes that can shape generations of comic creators, fans and pop-culture. Now with movie studios and television networks mining comics for source material, as well as internet shows devoted to comic books, comics are big business and a powerful cultural influence.
Shawn Martinbrough, Chris Williams, Anthony Piper, LeBeau Underwood, Barbara Brandon-Croft, Jamal Yaseem Igle, Joe Illigde, Regine Sawyer, Eric Battle, Tim Fielder, John Jennings and others all weigh in on the topic. Sharing their stories of struggle, personal commitment and triumph in an industry that has been described traditionally as “a hobby for white guys”. Now with movie studios and television networks mining comics for source material as well as internet shows devoted to comic books comics are big business. Diversity is the hot button topic.
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house0f3 · 18 days
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Her mutant file designated her as the digits [J3N]. Who's knows why other than to dehumanize her and give her a 'number', as it were. He file stated that they had acquired [J3N], as an infant, from some Black Market auction to buy mutants, so needless to say that [J3N] did not know who her parents were, or whether she had any siblings. The facility did all kinds of experiments to her, from the time that they had purchased her, no faux parental figures, no acting like they loved her to get her to do things. It was all sterile, medical, very clinical. Eventually, as [J3N] got older and her mutation finally activated, they continued to do the experiments but eventually there was less scientists and more military-like personnel. Once [J3N] had some semblance of control of her mutation, they began training her, turning her into a child soldier, and once it was shown that she could refract the light-waves to make her eyes not seem like their natural state of the red irises with the black where there would usually be the white in the sclera, that the facility could train her in being a mutate sleeper agent. [J3N]'s eyes were the same as the eyes of her brother, Remy LeBeau, although neither knew that the other existed at this point, let alone that they were or even had a sibling. The facility trained her to make her sclera be white, not black and her irises seem like a ruddy amber brown color, to fit into normal society, and not be suspected as a mutant and could be used to infiltrate places and retrieve valuable information or, if need be, assassinate a necessary target. After 14 years going through that hell an opportunity presented itself to [J3N], one of the other test subjects that had been in there a few times, she had even escaped at least once, and was unfortunately caught and brought back to the facility. This time though, the subject known as Anya Barnes, her father came back with her, but more like a wrecking ball in tow. Bucky Barnes came in fast to save his daughter, [J3N] offering her unique abilities, including her minor precognitive abilities to help them to escape from the facility. Once they had escaped, [J3N] ended up staying with her new found family, the Barnes'. Bucky, and Natasha raising their two kids Anya and Jamie and now [J3N] or as she came to be known, Jenny or Jen.
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Jenny stood on the front porch of the small house that she, and the Barnes family, were staying in. The sun had just recently melted behind the tree line, a cool summer evening breeze blew through Jenny's red hair, as she watched the sunset. It hadn't been more than a month since Anya and her escape. Everything was still fresh. Jenny wasn't even sure who she was, what she liked. She liked watching the sunset, she liked feeling the breeze. Jenny knew that for sure. She sat down on the warped boards of the rickety front porch, and sighed in relaxation.
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@vintertsarn [Jamie Barnes]
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Avengers: Summer Vacations
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OihreS
by d0d0bird
Summer is here! Peter Parker and his friends celebrate at the water park, Patsy Walker and Jen Walters take a trip to the beach, the X-Men go fishing, Karen Page takes Frank Castle and David Lieberman on a camping trip, the Heroes for Hire play a softball game, and more!
Words: 9162, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 36 of Marvel: Tales to Tantalize!
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Jessica Jones (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Thor (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Heroes For Hire (Comics), She-Hulk, Hellcat (Marvel Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Jessica Jones, Mary Jane Watson, Sally Avril, Liz Allan, Michele Gonzales, Malcolm Ducasse, Peter Parker, Bobbi Morse, Felicia Hardy, Patricia Walker, Jennifer Walters, Millicent Collins, Nancy Brown, Thor (Marvel), Seymour O'Reilly, Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Angelica Jones, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Doreen Green, Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Frank Castle, Karen Page, David "Micro" Lieberman, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing
Relationships: Frank Castle/David "Micro" Lieberman, Jessica Jones/Bobbi Morse, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson
Additional Tags: Bullying, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, POV Jessica Jones, Jessica Jones Adopts Peter Parker, Its Not a Literal Adoption But Still, Jessica Jones has Issues, Bisexual Jessica Jones, Big Sister Jessica Jones, Angry Jessica Jones, Bully Liz Allan, Liz Allan Being a Bitch, Liz Allan Bullies Mary Jane Watson, HBIC Liz Allan, Guidance Counselor Malcolm Ducasse, Poor Peter Parker, Embarrassed Peter Parker, Bisexual Bobbi Morse, Embarrassed Bobbi Morse, POV Felicia Hardy, POV Patricia Walker, Hurt Patricia Walker, Jennifer Walters Adopts Patricia Walker, Patricia Walker Needs A Hug, Poor Patricia Walker, Embarrassed Patricia Walker, Insecure Patricia Walker, Patricia Walker Whump, BAMF Jennifer Walters, Protective Jennifer Walters, Big Sister Jennifer Walters, POV Jane Foster (Marvel), Embarrassed Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Is A Little Shit, Fandral (Marvel) Cameo, Amora (Marvel) Cameo, Sif (Marvel) Cameo, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, POV Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau Flirts, POV Frank Castle, Ficro, Bisexual Frank Castle, Karen Page is a Good Bro, Bisexual David "Micro" Lieberman, Sassy David "Micro" Lieberman, POV Luke Cage, Embarrassed Luke Cage, Angst, Light Angst, Angst and Humor, Camping, Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Friends to Lovers, Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, Slow Burn, Slow Burn Ficro, Slow Burn Frank Castle/David "Micro" Lieberman, stuck, Sunburn, Pantsing, Obedience, Cleaning, Humilation, Verbal Humiliation, Situational Humiliation, Public Humiliation, Embarrassment, Second-Hand Embarrassment, Ridicule, Teasing, Messy, Wet Clothing, wedgie, wedgies, Caretaking, Tales of Ba Sing Se Style Story
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OihreS
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 4 years
Avengers: Summer Vacations
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OihreS
by d0d0bird
Summer is here! Peter Parker and his friends celebrate at the water park, Patsy Walker and Jen Walters take a trip to the beach, the X-Men go fishing, Karen Page takes Frank Castle and David Lieberman on a camping trip, the Heroes for Hire play a softball game, and more!
Words: 9162, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 36 of Marvel: Tales to Tantalize!
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Jessica Jones (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Thor (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Heroes For Hire (Comics), She-Hulk, Hellcat (Marvel Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Jessica Jones, Mary Jane Watson, Sally Avril, Liz Allan, Michele Gonzales, Malcolm Ducasse, Peter Parker, Bobbi Morse, Felicia Hardy, Patricia Walker, Jennifer Walters, Millicent Collins, Nancy Brown, Thor (Marvel), Seymour O'Reilly, Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Angelica Jones, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Doreen Green, Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Frank Castle, Karen Page, David "Micro" Lieberman, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing
Relationships: Frank Castle/David "Micro" Lieberman, Jessica Jones/Bobbi Morse, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson
Additional Tags: Bullying, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, POV Jessica Jones, Jessica Jones Adopts Peter Parker, Its Not a Literal Adoption But Still, Jessica Jones has Issues, Bisexual Jessica Jones, Big Sister Jessica Jones, Angry Jessica Jones, Bully Liz Allan, Liz Allan Being a Bitch, Liz Allan Bullies Mary Jane Watson, HBIC Liz Allan, Guidance Counselor Malcolm Ducasse, Poor Peter Parker, Embarrassed Peter Parker, Bisexual Bobbi Morse, Embarrassed Bobbi Morse, POV Felicia Hardy, POV Patricia Walker, Hurt Patricia Walker, Jennifer Walters Adopts Patricia Walker, Patricia Walker Needs A Hug, Poor Patricia Walker, Embarrassed Patricia Walker, Insecure Patricia Walker, Patricia Walker Whump, BAMF Jennifer Walters, Protective Jennifer Walters, Big Sister Jennifer Walters, POV Jane Foster (Marvel), Embarrassed Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Is A Little Shit, Fandral (Marvel) Cameo, Amora (Marvel) Cameo, Sif (Marvel) Cameo, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, POV Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau Flirts, POV Frank Castle, Ficro, Bisexual Frank Castle, Karen Page is a Good Bro, Bisexual David "Micro" Lieberman, Sassy David "Micro" Lieberman, POV Luke Cage, Embarrassed Luke Cage, Angst, Light Angst, Angst and Humor, Camping, Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Friends to Lovers, Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, Slow Burn, Slow Burn Ficro, Slow Burn Frank Castle/David "Micro" Lieberman, stuck, Sunburn, Pantsing, Obedience, Cleaning, Humilation, Verbal Humiliation, Situational Humiliation, Public Humiliation, Embarrassment, Second-Hand Embarrassment, Ridicule, Teasing, Messy, Wet Clothing, wedgie, wedgies, Caretaking, Tales of Ba Sing Se Style Story
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OihreS
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comicwaren · 5 years
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From Captain Marvel Vol. 10 #004, “Re-Entry - Part 4”
Art by Carmen Carnero and Tamra Bonvillain
Written by Kelly Thompson
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ao3feed-janefoster · 4 years
Avengers: Summer Vacations
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OihreS
by d0d0bird
Summer is here! Peter Parker and his friends celebrate at the water park, Patsy Walker and Jen Walters take a trip to the beach, the X-Men go fishing, Karen Page takes Frank Castle and David Lieberman on a camping trip, the Heroes for Hire play a softball game, and more!
Words: 9162, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 36 of Marvel: Tales to Tantalize!
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Jessica Jones (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Thor (Comics), X-Men - All Media Types, Heroes For Hire (Comics), She-Hulk, Hellcat (Marvel Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Jessica Jones, Mary Jane Watson, Sally Avril, Liz Allan, Michele Gonzales, Malcolm Ducasse, Peter Parker, Bobbi Morse, Felicia Hardy, Patricia Walker, Jennifer Walters, Millicent Collins, Nancy Brown, Thor (Marvel), Seymour O'Reilly, Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Angelica Jones, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Doreen Green, Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Frank Castle, Karen Page, David "Micro" Lieberman, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Danny Rand, Colleen Wing
Relationships: Frank Castle/David "Micro" Lieberman, Jessica Jones/Bobbi Morse, Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson
Additional Tags: Bullying, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, POV Jessica Jones, Jessica Jones Adopts Peter Parker, Its Not a Literal Adoption But Still, Jessica Jones has Issues, Bisexual Jessica Jones, Big Sister Jessica Jones, Angry Jessica Jones, Bully Liz Allan, Liz Allan Being a Bitch, Liz Allan Bullies Mary Jane Watson, HBIC Liz Allan, Guidance Counselor Malcolm Ducasse, Poor Peter Parker, Embarrassed Peter Parker, Bisexual Bobbi Morse, Embarrassed Bobbi Morse, POV Felicia Hardy, POV Patricia Walker, Hurt Patricia Walker, Jennifer Walters Adopts Patricia Walker, Patricia Walker Needs A Hug, Poor Patricia Walker, Embarrassed Patricia Walker, Insecure Patricia Walker, Patricia Walker Whump, BAMF Jennifer Walters, Protective Jennifer Walters, Big Sister Jennifer Walters, POV Jane Foster (Marvel), Embarrassed Jane Foster (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Is A Little Shit, Fandral (Marvel) Cameo, Amora (Marvel) Cameo, Sif (Marvel) Cameo, Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro, POV Rogue (X-Men), Remy LeBeau Flirts, POV Frank Castle, Ficro, Bisexual Frank Castle, Karen Page is a Good Bro, Bisexual David "Micro" Lieberman, Sassy David "Micro" Lieberman, POV Luke Cage, Embarrassed Luke Cage, Angst, Light Angst, Angst and Humor, Camping, Comfort, Comfort/Angst, Friends to Lovers, Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, Slow Burn, Slow Burn Ficro, Slow Burn Frank Castle/David "Micro" Lieberman, stuck, Sunburn, Pantsing, Obedience, Cleaning, Humilation, Verbal Humiliation, Situational Humiliation, Public Humiliation, Embarrassment, Second-Hand Embarrassment, Ridicule, Teasing, Messy, Wet Clothing, wedgie, wedgies, Caretaking, Tales of Ba Sing Se Style Story
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2OihreS
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