#j3n (jenny)
house0f3 · 18 days
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Her mutant file designated her as the digits [J3N]. Who's knows why other than to dehumanize her and give her a 'number', as it were. He file stated that they had acquired [J3N], as an infant, from some Black Market auction to buy mutants, so needless to say that [J3N] did not know who her parents were, or whether she had any siblings. The facility did all kinds of experiments to her, from the time that they had purchased her, no faux parental figures, no acting like they loved her to get her to do things. It was all sterile, medical, very clinical. Eventually, as [J3N] got older and her mutation finally activated, they continued to do the experiments but eventually there was less scientists and more military-like personnel. Once [J3N] had some semblance of control of her mutation, they began training her, turning her into a child soldier, and once it was shown that she could refract the light-waves to make her eyes not seem like their natural state of the red irises with the black where there would usually be the white in the sclera, that the facility could train her in being a mutate sleeper agent. [J3N]'s eyes were the same as the eyes of her brother, Remy LeBeau, although neither knew that the other existed at this point, let alone that they were or even had a sibling. The facility trained her to make her sclera be white, not black and her irises seem like a ruddy amber brown color, to fit into normal society, and not be suspected as a mutant and could be used to infiltrate places and retrieve valuable information or, if need be, assassinate a necessary target. After 14 years going through that hell an opportunity presented itself to [J3N], one of the other test subjects that had been in there a few times, she had even escaped at least once, and was unfortunately caught and brought back to the facility. This time though, the subject known as Anya Barnes, her father came back with her, but more like a wrecking ball in tow. Bucky Barnes came in fast to save his daughter, [J3N] offering her unique abilities, including her minor precognitive abilities to help them to escape from the facility. Once they had escaped, [J3N] ended up staying with her new found family, the Barnes'. Bucky, and Natasha raising their two kids Anya and Jamie and now [J3N] or as she came to be known, Jenny or Jen.
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Jenny stood on the front porch of the small house that she, and the Barnes family, were staying in. The sun had just recently melted behind the tree line, a cool summer evening breeze blew through Jenny's red hair, as she watched the sunset. It hadn't been more than a month since Anya and her escape. Everything was still fresh. Jenny wasn't even sure who she was, what she liked. She liked watching the sunset, she liked feeling the breeze. Jenny knew that for sure. She sat down on the warped boards of the rickety front porch, and sighed in relaxation.
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@vintertsarn [Jamie Barnes]
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house0f3 · 20 days
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Now J3N is Jenny LeBeau!!!! The wonderful eye color changes and all around base picture credit goes to the wonderful Marvelmyriad. The bottom gif credit goes to the wonderful JJ at JJcre8. mutual may reblog
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house0f3 · 20 days
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HEY ALL! Big announcement for Jenny (J3N), my mutant oc, I am making her Remy's little sister. So she is now Jenny LeBeau. That being said made some slight tweaks to her design. The wonderful eye color changes credit goes to the wonderful Marvelmyriad. The bottom gif credit goes to the wonderful JJ at JJcre8.
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mutual may reblog
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house0f3 · 17 days
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During this, late spring, night Jen Lebeau found herself walking along the dark, freshly dampened streets of Hell's Kitchen in New York City, New York. She wasn't here for any specific reason, no one to visit because Anya Barnes had long since moved away from Professor X's mansion, and her brother, Remy LeBeau, was in Genosha with his wife Rogue. So Jen looked at this as a good time to visit the city. Why's Hell's Kitchen you might ask but that's simple to answer. [J3N] was bored and wanted to fight some crime, and where in New York are you certain to fight the most crime? Hell's Kitchen, duh.
Her boots made a very distinguishable, light crunch-squishing sound, almost a squelch, that is made when rubber boots meet a freshly wet asphalt street. The glamour on her eyes being dropped, revealing her eyes with the sclera being black instead of the usual white and her irises being a bright, almost glowing crimson red, almost the same red as her long, flowing red hair. Her pink, leather duster, that Jen had gotten to look like her brother, with an amethyst purple chest plate, with neon blue trim underneath, and the same shade of purple for her leggings and complete with of course boots, that were an old pair of Remy's armored boots that had been reworked, and painted with her neon pink, neon blue and deep amethyst purple color scheme. Jen scanned the empty street, watching, looking, listening, reaching out with her powers to sense any nearby trouble that may happen.
Getting a light sense of something from her powers but without any details meaning the person was on the move and running from someone. Jen steeled her gaze and ran toward the alley that intersected with the person running and herself. As she ran toward the alleyway, Jen looks up, just in time to see two figures running and jumping across the buildings, and fighting each other, throwing projectiles. Jen couldn't get a good shot at either and didn't know who the villain was, if either was or wasn't a villain.
"Hey!" Jen shouted in a commanding tone causing both figures to stop, one looking down at her in the dark alleyway. One of the figures took a cheap shot, knocking the other down in the alley, landing right in front of Jen. Daredevil? Oops. She had forgotten that Daredevil patrolled Hell's Kitchen. How could she had forgotten that? He's not getting up, Jen quickly kneels down to get a closer look at Daredevil. He's alive, that's good. Jen looks up to see the other figure, presumably a villain that looks kind of like a ninja, weird, run off. Jen turned back to the hero on the ground.
"Alright, man. Sorry. I really didn't mean to distract you. uh.... uh... Let me help." Anxiety coursing through her voice, Jen quickly stuttered out. She had really fucked up this time. Jen help her hands out and pink-ish colored light began to glow around her hands, she then began to flux the light around her hands to sound and back, causing the light to take on the appearance of an aura borealis around her hands. Jen then held her hands over Daredevil's wounds to stabilize him. Jen then slide the hero onto her back, holding his arms over her shoulders, and carried him to a nearby store's backroom, where he would be safe and recover.
The next morning Jen woke up, worried about the night before, she walked down from her hotel room back to Hell's Kitchen and more specifically to the same area and began walking around. She had changed her shirt to a black, form fitting tank top with a black and white picture faded Madonna's face on it, and ripped jeans. Same boots, same duster, but she bent the light around her eyes to make them look more....'normal'. White sclera and amber, reddish brown irises. Jen looked for Daredevil for hours, without finding him, so she gave up and decided to get a cup of coffee. Now to find a coffee shop. Jen passed a lot of little shops and the like, in the stripe mall like buildings with apartments above them. She passed a few law offices, one called Nelson and Murdock Law Office, that was just a few shops down from a coffee shop. Good. Finally. Jen walked into the coffee shop and got up to the counter, a man with sunglasses and a suit walked in behind her and stood in line. Jen glanced back, seeing he had a lot of scrapes and bruises, he was in rough shape. Jen wondered what happened to him, but man was his sunglasses cool. Ya know, Jen could do that and then she wouldn't have to glamour her eyes. Hell yeah! 
Oh shit it was her turn at the counter. She quickly turned back to the barista at the counter and smiled sheepishly. 
"Oh! I'm Sorry. I...uh...I would like a hot cider with a shot of expresso please." Jen said embarrassed by the fact that she was staring at that man behind her, at the fact that she was distracted and held up the line. The barista told Jen the price, she paid the woman and then shifted to the right side of the counter to wait for her drink to be done, as where it seemed that everyone in front of her shifted to. There was a bar with stools near where the checkout counter and the barista was, Jen sat down on one of the stools to wait for her drink. 
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@falliblexpenance [Closed Starter to Matt Murdock]
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house0f3 · 19 days
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It had been months since Anya Barnes, Jenny's best friend, had gone to this Xavier's School for the Gifted or whatever. This was bullshi.....crap. Yeah. She knew that it was for the best, but it still sucked, the one person that she had a connection to, or any past with thanks to that weird organization and their facility. Jenny, hated her school, couldn't connect to anyone, so she left her little town in Indiana and hitchhiked her way to New York to find this school and visit Anya. It took a bit and Jenny heavily relied on her precognitive abilities to make sure that she would be safe. With only a few mishaps, and none ending in anyway other than someone would get hands, a burst of light and a piercing sound and a pop that shattered the glass of the vehicles, and Jenny just getting out of the vehicle and moved on to the next person that would pick her up. She eventually made it to New York and to the Xavier's School for Gifted Students, a mansion, and a beautiful one at that. Circle drive, with a fountain within a shrub in the middle of a pool that sits in the center of the circle drive. All of this in front of a very old but very well kept mansion that looked of a the gothic styles of the 1920s, with terraces and grand windows. "Woah! This is fancy, as hell." Jenny says breathlessly as she begins walking up the drive toward the mansion. Making it up to the door she stops. Does she knock? This is a school, does she just go in? Where's the front office or whatever? Jenny, uncertain of what to do lightly taps the door a few times while holding the handle, and then cracks the door open and peaks inside. Her red hair falling down her neck loosely, as she peaked her head inside the building. It seemed oddly empty and quiet. Oh wait. Duh school. Probably in class. Wait there was someone! Tall, male in a brown western style duster, facing away from her. Jenny slipped inside the building quietly closing the door. "Hey... Uh... Excuse me? Where's the office?" Jenny said louder than a whisper but still softly, trying to be mindful of the school and class and what not. She just wanted to find and visit with her bestie.
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house0f3 · 9 months
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H E R O E S Get remembered, B U T L E G E N D S N E V E R D I E! Anya & J3N trickery ♡ cleric @sheshootsxruns & @house0f3
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-℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑
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What's Jen's plans? She gonna be a hero? Live a normal life? What's in her future?
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Jenny has a strong sense of justice, of what is right and wrong. Well from what she knows of the world anyway. Jenny knows that being experimented on and used as a tool by others is more than wrong. She is going to try and shut down any and all facilities that are experimenting on people, especially mutants. Jenny feels particularly strongly about this. So I guess if you call that a hero then she is going to be a hero.
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Also Check out my side blog, Houseof3, for my mutant muses, like Jenny here.
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What is Jen's favorite thing about post experiment life?
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The sun and sunlight. Jenny loves being outside, being able to see the natural light and feel the heat of the sun on her skin. I mean after being in and out of cryo and being in a lab most of her life.
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Also Check out my side blog, Houseof3, for my mutant muses, like Jenny here.
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house0f3 · 8 months
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Hmmm Let's have Some Fun
𓇋𓅂𓅃 𓋴𓅂𓈖𓅂𓏏
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