#jemima rocks
gotham-native · 28 days
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Been thinking a lot about Warsaw Jemima this past week
Nothing concrete, just kinda rotating her in my head
The only things so far that came out of that is that she should have had a big bow on her ponytail
In human au she definitely is one of those girls who always wear big bows in their hair
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friendofthesharks · 1 month
SFTH Incorrect Quotes (Longform Edition)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Egbert’s Wife: just once in my life I want to get up in the morning without going through the seven stages of grief first
Sally: what are the extra two?
Egbert’s Wife: Denial 2 and astral projection
Titch: wow, they really hate us
Derek: perhaps they’re homophobic
Titch: but we’re not gay, Derek
Derek: we’re not?
Bubba: being gay is a constant battle between “I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds” and “hey, let’s go throw rocks at fascists” and I think that’s very sexy of us
Jeremiah: if the window’s open and you time it right, you can do both
Xavier, trying to flirt: so, you come here often?
Sarah: I mean, this is my house, so yeah
Nigel: time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Andrew: *sobbing*
Nigel: look, I’m not sure where to go with that
Jemima: Peter, can I speak to you for a minute? In private?
Peter: ooh, somebody’s in trouble.
Peter: it’s me. I don’t know why I did that.
Marty Sr: Marty’s at that very special age where a boy only has one thing on their mind.
Doctor: girls?
Marty Jr: Homicide.
Beetroots MC, comforting Justin: what’s the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of arson? We’ve all been there.
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white-cat-of-doom · 8 months
It was time to put on their best formal attire, as the Italian Tour cast finished their stop in Bologna yesterday, 04 February 2024.
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Martina Peruzzi sparkles as Gatta Cucciola.
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Fabrizio Angelini as Asparagus and Sergio Giacomelli as Munkustrap survey the area.
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Alessandra Somma as Jemima sings to the heavens.
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Giorgia Cino as Bombalurina tries to look as intimating as possible.
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Chiara Canzian as Grizabella asks for one last chance.
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Pierpaolo Scida as Gatto Mistoffelees and Giorgio Adamo as Gatto Rock Tugger look apon the sold-out crowd.
(All the above Source)
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Viviana Salvo as Demeter is the sensual to Fabrizio Corucci's terror as Gatto Filosofo.
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Natalía Scarpolini as Jellylorum incorporates herself into the Macavity dance.
Martina Peruzzi gives you a kiss as Gatta Cucciola.
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In case you did not have enough, Martina also includes a pretty backstage photo.
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Giorgia Cino as Bombalurina looks her best backstage.
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Elga Martino as Tantomile is hitting the road (like another Cat), and Francesca Ianni as Syllabub shows her great makeup and her dressing room.
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Fabrizio Corucci was so happy to see everyone as Gatto Filosofo, and Cristina La Gioia as Etcetera and Gaia Soprano as Cassandra were conserving their energy to do the same.
Next stop is Trieste!
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shebeafancyflapjack · 6 months
I wish we'd seen more of Robin's tribe in Not Again, mainly so that we could see the entire cast in caveman makeup playing different roles.
Kind of like the episode of Red Dwarf where the others all had to wear Mechanoid outfits to experience the hell that Rob goes through.
Depending on when this episode was filmed, Katy could have played Robin's sister-mate, or even Charlotte. Martha could have played his mother and her face is covered with bandages as a reference to the wolf attack he mentioned (she lived, somehow). Simon could have played a guy who Robin enjoyed playing a very, very basic version of chess with where you just play with a few rocks against some other rocks.
Little girl who played Jemima would be a bit older but could've still played Robin's daughter. Missed opportunity.
I know in the podcast they mentioned originally they planned for a much longer story that involved Robin befriending a pack of wolves who protected him from the bear and then he went home to his tribe, thinking he made it back safe, and was then struck by lightning. Would've been convoluted but would have loved to see more of Robin's home life.
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oh-great-authoress · 10 months
Nadia. I need to know—have you seen Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
And as a trained singer who is brilliantly skilled with the gift of music, I would like your thoughts. 🤟😘🫶❤️‍🔥
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Yes, I have!
In all honesty, I haven’t seen it in many, many years, but this was a childhood favorite musical of mine, along with Phantom of the Opera and Evita!
I had to watch some clips from YouTube to refresh my memory of the singing, and I have to say that of the main cast, the one with the best voice was Sally Ann Howes, who played Truly Scrumptious.
She sang with an old-fashioned musical theater style, that lofted semi-classical music approach, and a Trans-Atlantic accent, without being heavy and overdone, and it was just beautiful.
The children, Jeremy and Jemima, played by Adrian Hall and Heather Ripley, respectively, sang with beautiful, clear, children’s voices.
It walked that fine line between vocally over-trained and trained enough.
You see, training children to sing, is a very, very delicate task.
Because children have many, many physiological limitations to what they can do safely.
Because, if you make the mistake of overly training a young voice, you run the risk of them never being able to sing again when they’re older.
However, there are some rare exceptions, the one percent you can take just that much further (full disclosure, I was part of that one percent, so I know), but this takes very detailed knowledge of the overall limitations of a child’s voice, and the limitations of your particular student.
The best thing you can do for a child student is to let their voice be that of a child’s; more technique can come later.
Now, as for Dick Van Dyke…
…yes, he can sing, but his voice is not the most melodic voice in the world.
His singing somewhat belongs to the, as I and my family call it, Rex Harrison school of singing—ergo, speaking on pitch.
The main example of this is in the song, “Hushabye Mountain”, which is one of my favorites in the whole movie.
Compare the way Dick Van Dyke sings it to the way one of my favorite Broadway performers, Raul Esparza, sings it.
If he looks familiar, it’s because he played Rafael Barba on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.
(You have to listen to his rendition of Sondheim’s “Being Alive” from Company, it’s ART)
There is a vast and marked difference in the way it’s sung.
Yes, he sings it in a more contemporary musical theater style, but the melodic line is more fluid and musical.
There is absolutely no doubt that Dick Van Dyke can sing and dance, and he’s a darned Legend, capital L, but I am very sorry to say; I think that vocally, Raul Esparza did a better job.
I know it might be controversial, and a great deal of people may come at me, but my honest opinion was asked, and this is it.
I’m so sorry!!
*runs off to hide under a rock*
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spineless-lobster · 2 years
Do you ever want to do 80s karaoke with Pat Butcher and absolutely tear the house down with Come On Eileen? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever want to sit quietly in a library and drink tea while listening to 40s music on a gramophone with the Captain? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna play hide and seek inside of a huge mansion with Kitty? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna carry Humphrey’s head around in a basket and do literally anything with him because he’s an angel and he’ll appreciate it? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna go foraging with Mary, having her explain all the herbs and mushrooms with excitement as you prepare to cook them when you get home? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna watch Shakespeare In Love with Thomas Thorne and watch as his mind fills with new creative ideas? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna go to a murder mystery party with Stephanie Button and solve a made up crime with her? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna go on a nature walk with Robin and watch his eyes light up when when you hand him a cool rock you found? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna go to a tech convention with Julian Fawcett and let him marvel at and explain all the intricacies of modern technology? Because I do, all the time, every day.
Do you ever wanna take the Plague Ghosts (including Jemima AND the pigeon!) to the beach, build sand castles with them and make an entire sand village? Because I do, all the time, every day.
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wamtorical · 1 year
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September 1898 - [Jemima, Alena and Emma mucking about.]
In the months following the beginning of Jemima's school attendance, she'd learnt to ignore the jeering voices aimed towards her and began to form a friendship group of her own. Her brash, confident and funny personality drew the other's in and Jemima began to gain some popularity of her own.
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During that time, March had passed and Leroy was now two and a half years old. He was much more talkative than his brother Amos, who struggled with his speech, and developed quite an appetite and liking for his mother's food, helping him grow bigger in size from his small stature that he was as a mere infant.
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As for the loan, things had been quite stationary for a while and on one evening, Ethel came to visit. Though Jemima had been told to stay upstairs and study her phonics, eavesdropping came natural to her and she decided she preferred that instead.
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"Oh, Ethel, it's always so lovely to see you. I hope you're doing well." She heard her mother gush; Claudia adored Ethel. "But I must say, what a surprise this is! Surely you've visited for a reason?"
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Ethel smiled and leaned forward, anticipation visible in her expression, "Yes, actually. I have a proposal. The idea only came to me the other day, and well, I'd hate for you to take this the wrong way but -"
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"Oh, you could never! Isn't that right, dear?" Claudia claimed, nodding to her husband and recieving a mumble of agreement in response.
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"Right, then! I was thinking, with just a couple hundred pounds left to go, I could help out with the remainder of the loan." Ethel gleamed.
Claudia, despite her initial statement, felt taken aback at Ethel's proposition. She walked over to the rocking chair and Jemima rushed back up the stairs in fear of being spotted, confused as to why her mother was so seemingly upset at such a generous offer.
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"Ethel - th-that's such a kind offer but you musn't strain yourself helping us poor sods, we'll find the money -"
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"Thank you, mother." Elmer intervened. He knew there was no use arguing against her, and the stress he was under due to the amount of work he was doing and managing only to provide enough for food and comforts was beginning to become tiring.
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Claudia stayed silent as Ethel began to excitedly write cheques she'd brung in advance. She knew they could do with the extra money, but she felt their hard work was going to waste if they weren't finishing it themselves. It felt like a cheat. But the loan did need paying off as soon as possible ...
📜 next / previous / first
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santacoppelia · 9 months
Watching season 2 for the nth time while baking cookies to gift my family.
Oh, Someone, how I love Jim. He's dumb as a sack of rocks and happy as a puppy. He is the best gift ever. And when Gabriel returns to his brain? And the first thing he asks for is "better clothes"? So superficial and vain as ever. He is PERFECT.
Aziraphale is my really beloved petty passive-agressive ethereal entity with perpetual anxiety. After listening to Neil talking about Michael being who you called to play a specific type... I cannot unsee it through the season. I love him even more. And his silly tongue (literally "in cheek") gets me every time.
Everyone (EVERYONE) in Heaven and Hell fake knowing things that they mostly only suspect. Beelzebub, Uriel, Michael, Shax... They mostly assume the "fake it till you make it" approach. Bluffers. It seems that ethereal and occult beings work mostly assuming that everyone understands what no one really understands.
Nina saying "we barely know each other" about Maggie make me smile.
In the Job story, it is explicit that God is still on talking terms with Satan… but no one bats an eyelash, except for Aziraphale.
I haven't noticed that "Catch 22" was in the bookshelf that Jim is organizing when he reads the beginning of "The Crow Road" and "Good Omens".
"Don't tell me you did it?" (Saraqael, all sassy, to Aziraphale, about the Miracle)
Mrs. Sandwich says "obviously" in the most endearing way. Reminds me a lot of Crowley's "Obviously!" in their fight about Holy Water.
Both Muriel and Saraqael asking to talk inside because Earth is really noisy. And then the sound design shows us that yeah, the bookshop is really quiet.
The enthusiasm with which Crowley likes specific persons: Jemima, Elspeth... He is absolutely endearing.
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thatonesillyducko · 21 days
Jemima: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Logan will and will not eat.
Hesh: Grass? Yes!
Jemima : Moss? Yes!!
Hesh : Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Jemima: Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Hesh: Worms? Sometimes!
Jemima: Rocks? Usually nah.
Hesh: Twigs? Usually!
Jemima: Eva 's cooking? Inconclusive!
Beth: How did you… test this?
Jemima: You just hand him stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if he eats it, he eats it.
Beth: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
I am confused if I should be laughing, but the end was hilarious.
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greenelectricsky · 22 days
Hello! I'm asking everyone this, do you like AUs? Any you have/enjoy for cats?
Oh, you have no idea how I love AUs!!!!!
I have three (four) mains, where are happening Cats Scenes!
One with tuggerstrap (Munkustrap/Rum Tum Tugger, and their two kittens, Cysiek and TuśTuś, and the next seven OCs (Adonis, Cream, FanFanGrace, FinFun - son of Macavity and my OC, Silenia the cat witch, Jemmysweets - Munkustrap's mother, wife of Rumpus cat, daughter of Gus, Papurus, Tango, Sky and Mirage)!
Second one, tuggoffeleestrap, their kittens (Moon, Sun, Star), and one other OC (Bamblee, kid of Jemima and Alonzo)!!!
Third, with munkavity (two kittens - Haze and Shyny) and tuggoffelees (THOSE seven kittens - Amberlina, AlmonDisco, EarthyRose, FloweFlow, HoneyTrap, SpicyJuice, Vanilliarity), and Oranglow, a cat without second and third name.
Oh, right, there is also a very unfinished one with a skimblestrap and their four kittens (TokTok, Sputnik, Dreamer and Mumble Bumble)
And one tiny one with my OC/sona (Tikku) as a tuggotikkustrap!
Also, I wrote (for now paper and Polish only) fanfics where:
Macavity and Rum Tum Tugger are supervillian and superhero, Munkustrap is mayor, all of them are brothers.
Skimbleshanks is a mayor, Rum Tum Tugger is a rock star/supervillian, and Munkustrap is a mechanic/superhero, all are lovers and know about each other.
Munkustrap is living with his tribe in the jungle, deep in the forest, and Rum Tum Tugger is his lover. A problem? They are soulmates! Bigger problem? Munkustrap absolutely doesn't remember Tugger, because his memories were destroyed!
Munkustrap/Rum Tum Tugger, in cross between Cats and Strange Magic! With Munkustrap as a Bog King and Tugger... well, if anything, he is Marianne, but that isn't exactly true.
Oh, and that one where Tugger is a Rockstar, and Munkustrap is a firefighter!
So yeah, about me and AUs... you can say I'm absolutely not normal about them!
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What’s Fair
Here is today’s entry for @flame-x‘s Kitten Week!  Trigger warnings ahead for implied neglect and abuse of a child.
There was a part of Jemima–a troublesome little part, like a hangnail that drew blood when you tried to bite it off–that felt jealous of her baby sister.  She knew it was awful and made absolutely no sense, but she couldn’t get it to go away.  No matter how much she tried.
After all, Sillabub was born in the safest place in the entire city, surrounded by cats who loved her and all came together to sing her a welcome into the family.  She got to sleep in a proper den full of soft blankets and stuffed animals, and whenever she cried someone would be there to feed her, play with her, or rock her to sleep.  Jemima wasn’t so lucky.  Her memories of when she was that small were still foggy and indistinct with long shadows along the edges, but she could remember the cellar of the Palace (that was what Macavity called it–she didn’t learn its full name until later) very vividly.  She could remember how quiet it was except for when cars passed the transom window overhead or the pipes rattled and hissed in the winter.  Sometimes that rattling and hissing got so loud she had to cover her ears for hours and just listen to her own breathing until the noise didn’t make her want to cry anymore.  She remembered how cold it was and how little that tiny wooden box she and Mama had to sleep in helped at all.  The blankets were so thin, and it was even colder when Mama was called away upstairs.  Oh, sure, sometimes Uncle Jerrie or Aunt Teazer and Bomba would bring her a bird they’d caught or an extra pillow or an old toy from a rubbish tip; but the older Jemima got, the more she realized how much they risked getting in trouble for those tiny gifts, and she almost wished they wouldn’t bring her anything.  So on those lonely days, she would just curl up and try not to bother anybody until Mama came back.
Sillabub would never have to worry about being cold, or getting anyone in trouble, or not having anybody by her side all day.  And Jemima wanted to resent her for that, but she knew it wasn’t right.  She couldn’t help where she’d been born.  She had no idea what her parents or sister had gone through before she came along, and Jemima didn’t particularly want to tell her.  There was a lot she still didn’t understand herself, that Mama and Daddy said would wait until she was older… maybe then everything would make sense.
Maybe there was a reason she’d been born in the cellar instead of the Junkyard.  Or that Macavity had to be so horrible.  Or why she felt like such a bad sister some nights, looking after Sillabub and knowing she loved her, of course she loved her baby sister, but still wanting so badly to scream It’s not fair!
“Sometimes life isn’t fair,” her Papa told her one of those nights, after she’d already cried on his shoulder for what felt like hours and he’d reassured her that she wasn’t a bad cat for feeling this way.  All the while talking in that slow, gentle way, like he wanted her to understand every word.  “We can’t control everything that happens in the world… believe me, I wish we could.  But what we can do,” he added with a squeeze of her shoulders, “is try to protect the ones we care about.  That way we can make life a little bit fairer for everyone.”
Jemima remembered nodding at that before frowning thoughtfully as the idea settled over her.  “It sounds hard.”
Papa gave her a sad sort of smile.  “It can be.  But I usually find it’s worth it in the end.”
She tried to keep that in mind.  Every time her mind cycled back to those days in the cellar and felt that horrible pit-of-her-stomach feeling return, she reminded herself that it truly wasn’t Sillabub’s fault.  That she’d never wish that on her baby sister, who was too small and innocent to know, much less deserve any of it.  That if anybody tried to drag her down and keep her in some dark, noisy place, Jemima would fight to get her free.  That she really did love her, no matter what the worst part of her mind might try to tell her.  That she had a duty now to be a good sister… and to make Papa feel less sad about making the world a little more fair.
It didn’t fix things–not completely.  But on nights where Sillabub fussed in her sleep and Jemima was the first one awake to hold her and her favorite toy in her lap for a while, she could feel it starting to help.
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What Warsaw character is most similar to their general stage counterpart? And who's the most different? Visually or through choreography / storyline
Hi, thanks for the ask. Those are very interesting questions and the short answers are: visually it's a bit complicated, but most of the "main" characters are decently similar to their general replica counterparts, and story-wise the biggest differences I think are with Victoria, Misto, Demeter and Griz, while the rest of the "mains" are mostly similar to what you'd expect
Long answers after the obligatory read more cuz it got pretty long XD
Starting with the visual stuff, it's mostly complicated by the fact that Warsaw is a non replica and has a rather unique visual style. With that in mind, I would say most of the main characters are actually pretty similar to their replica counterparts, in that you can rather easily recognize who is who based on their costumes when they appear on stage. The patterns and shapes are different but the colours and vibes generally match (Munk is gray, Alonzo is white with some black, Victoria is white, Skimble is orange, Gus and Griz look old and falling apart etc). The only main ones that don't really look similar in this sense are Jellylorum (Warsaw is darker gray with black wig), Jemima (pale pink with black spots and black wig, very glam style as opposed to punk rock replica one) and Cass (black instead of brown).
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It's a little hard to tell for me how recognizable they actually are, given how very familiar i am with them, but i'm guessing that for example here the ones least recognizable are Victor and Jemima in the second photo
Speaking of Victor, most of Warsaw' side characters don't really match visually their replica counterparts, and you basically need a cheat sheet to recognize who is who
One fun way to look at the visual similarities are Warsaw's psychic twins. They don't look very similar to their replica counterparts, but their costumes' shape and make up is the most similar to the general cats costume vibe out of all Warsaw costumes so I thought they deserve an honorary mention
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And now, story-wise
I'm just gonna focus on the "main" characters, and for the most part it's pretty matched. I think the most similar to their general vibe are Jelly, Gus, Skimble and Old D. Basically they're what you'll expect, and I don't really have much to say about that. But those who are different, that's a different story. I already mentioned it's Victoria, Misto, Demeter and Griz, I can't really pick one so i'm just gonna break it down for all of them
As opposed to the regular Vic, Warsaw Vic is very much a little kitten. I'm pretty sure someone said she was the youngest, maybe she is, either way she is very young. And with that she doesn't get a pas de deux with it's coming of age or whatnot vibe, just 2 solos. And in those solos she's taking stars out of the sky so i'd say her being at least a bit magical is another difference.
And the last one: she is really scared of Griz up until halfway through "Memory". First Griz entrence - she's hiding behind the closest adults the whole time, second one - Tumble needs to escort her off stage cuz she's not gonna move if there's no one between her and Griz, and it changes only during "Memory"
I'm putting him here with the caveat that he is quite different to the current general version. He is more similar to the old versions like old Broadway and stuff, with being full adult, using magic way more and generally being more confident and stuff. Speaking of magic, he's proficient both with actual magic and stage magic, whereas I don't think regular Misto does much of the latter. Plus his power set is closer to what general Mac got, mostly mind controlling and disappearing in the shadows. He does a lot of mind controlling everyone and moving stuff around throughout the show.
There is a difference in choreography in his song too, with some of the dancing being given to other cats or replaced by the magic show, plus the turns got moved after old D is saved. Also his relationship with Tugger, they are very much best friends, got a special handshake and a very much well rehearsed magic show, plus he is the one getting the screen and licks down and moving half the set during RTT. Like there's less fangirling and more "i got you bro" between them, at least to me.
Also, this is kinda random, but he's taller XD. Og Warsaw Misto is 180 cm/5'11 and it's just a funny detail when generally everyone else tries to have Misto on the shorter side XD
There are 2 main differences about Warsaw Deme, and it's the fact Griz is her mother and that she seems to be less anxious and more angry when it comes to Mac. First one, adds layer to the fact she is the one to introduce Griz, and then she spends every Griz appearance torn and anxious cuz she clearly wants her back but can't/shouldn't want it.
And with Mac, yeah, to me she seems more moved on from him than general Deme, still bit anxious and scared when he attacks but also kinda more pissed off. More "he's my ex that I'm angry with" than "he's my ex that i'm afraid of". Also little less admiring him. Like she seems more anxious about the Griz stuff than Mac stuff. And while she isn't the one to spot Mac in disguise, she is very much trying to get everyone away and later after he disappears seems to use herself as a bait to get him in the open so the guys can take him out
Besides the fact that current trend is Young Griz and Warsaw one is very much old, one difference in her story is the aforementioned fact that Demeter is her daughter. Which gives her a new reason to be there and also in the song Deme states Griz was forgotten by the clan.
Another difference is Griz's motivation. This is just my theory, but based on Jemima's line in "Moments of Happiness" where the last line she sings "And you'll feel that you want to be one of us again and you'll start to live again" I don't think Griz crashed the party first 2 times with wanting to be taken back in mind.
Again, just my theory, but to me it seems she gets there wanting to see her daughter and her maybe ex-lover maybe ex-friend Old D once more before she dies, it doesn't pan out. But then Jemima comes in with this "hey follow the memory, you still got the chance". It changes Griz's mind and she comes back again. And the line in "Memory" that seems to get everyone on board, the one right before Jemi comes in, is "I so wish I could turn back time", so in a way she does actually kinda say "sorry" and/or "please take me back", whatever interpretation we want. It's not just the appeal to their goodness and memory of her (which they may or may not have consciously tried to erase), but she actually reaches out to them in this more direct way. And/or apologizes for whatever she did that made her leave and get forgotten if we wanna go with that.
So yeah, this got kinda really long and is probably more detailed than expected but well, I can talk a lot about Warsaw when prompted XD
Thanks again for the ask 💖
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junkyard-gifs · 2 years
Well, shit.
Looks like the Asia tour is being obliged to take on at least an adapted version of Napier's new makeup designs after all. And no, I'm not going to try to find any more nice things to say about those designs: the int tour has exhausted my capacity in that regard.
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I will say: Xavier Pellin and Bradley Delarosbel are rocking their own individual adaptations of those designs to Something That Works. Bradley is elegant and smouldering as always—and Xavier? well, he clearly took one look at the pink nose and went 'nope, also while I'm at it let me model my eye makeup after the amazing eyes of a certain Mr Scanlan'.
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(Seriously I did a double take and went TAYLOR???)
(for comparison: xavier's previous misto on the left, and taylor's misto on the right. taylor's not part of this year's tour, he just naturally has super dramatic eyes. And knows how to accentuate them with makeup.)
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Jack Danson's Tugger has at least enough bold black in the design to give us some contrast and expression, though I'd prefer a little more chestnut to give contour to the rest of the face at a distance.
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But the real test will be the makeup for the girls: especially Deme, Bomba, and Jemima. Please let them have actual colour, not just street glam—and let Demeter have her gold!
At least Anneka (with her gorgeous touch for bold colours with Cassandra, Deme, and Bomba in Vienna) has some extra wiggle room for interpretation: she could always pull the card that says 'well, I have to adapt these designs to look good on my skin tone, since they were all designed for white actors... oh and yes this DOES mean I need some extra gold and copper and red, thanks all the same'.
(Also, please remember I will tag any posts that have a similar critical tone as this with the tag 'negativity', in case you want to avoid them.)
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white-cat-of-doom · 8 months
The Italian Tour is set to resume today, 25 January 2024, in Bari, and Simone Ragozzino and some cast members have shared portraits taken by the performer.
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Martina Peruzzi as Gatta Cucciola, including the Gumbie Coat and Tap costumes.
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A trio of serious faces, with Fabrizio Angelini as Asparagus, Giorgia Cino as Bombalurina, and Gabriele Aulisio as Bill Bailey.
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A few previously shared photos of Alessandra Somma as Jemima, Giorgio Adamo as Gatto Rock Tugger, Rossella Lubrino as Rumpleteazer, and Gaia Soprano as Cassandra.
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A photo of Viviana Salvo as Demeter, taken by Giorgia Cino.
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A few earlier backstage photos, with Alessandra Somma as Jemima and Cristina La Gioia as Etcetera.
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i want to hear about ur every cat is a different music genre idea !!!
so this has been on my mind since i first saw Rap Tugger's design!
because it's honestly SUCH a good design, it just doesn't fit within the replica cats show, so i feel like creating a non-replica where each character is based around a different dance/music genre would be the most fitting spot for Rap Tugger's design!
(and idc, i'm a changed woman, Rap Tugger's version of Tugger's song is an actual bop, and his lil Mistoffelees rap is wonderful, me from two years ago didn't know what she was thinking)
so i have a few ideas:
Tugger: obviously Rap Tugger, keep that design because it's perfect
Munkustrap: rock, idk why but i'm imagining him as the rock genre, mainly because i think it'd be cool if he and Macavity have similar styles and the Macavity fight music would be more of a rock style
Old Deuteronomy: country, and that includes a nice big cowboy hat because ofc it does
Jennyanydots: Flamenco, because i think the tap-dancing would translate SO well into a flamenco number
Victoria and Mistoffelees: traditional ballet outfits, think something from the Nutcracker or Swan Lake (i just like the siblings matching i think it'd be cute)
Plato: thinking about Plato in a punk-style outfit and performing alongside Victoria in her fluffy tutu is literally the cutest thing so yeah them 😌
idk i'm imagining Etcetera, Electra, and Jemima in k-pop-style outfits
those are only a few i can think of, if anyone has any other ideas PLEASE tell me
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