#oh yeah it got long and kinda detailed XD
What Warsaw character is most similar to their general stage counterpart? And who's the most different? Visually or through choreography / storyline
Hi, thanks for the ask. Those are very interesting questions and the short answers are: visually it's a bit complicated, but most of the "main" characters are decently similar to their general replica counterparts, and story-wise the biggest differences I think are with Victoria, Misto, Demeter and Griz, while the rest of the "mains" are mostly similar to what you'd expect
Long answers after the obligatory read more cuz it got pretty long XD
Starting with the visual stuff, it's mostly complicated by the fact that Warsaw is a non replica and has a rather unique visual style. With that in mind, I would say most of the main characters are actually pretty similar to their replica counterparts, in that you can rather easily recognize who is who based on their costumes when they appear on stage. The patterns and shapes are different but the colours and vibes generally match (Munk is gray, Alonzo is white with some black, Victoria is white, Skimble is orange, Gus and Griz look old and falling apart etc). The only main ones that don't really look similar in this sense are Jellylorum (Warsaw is darker gray with black wig), Jemima (pale pink with black spots and black wig, very glam style as opposed to punk rock replica one) and Cass (black instead of brown).
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It's a little hard to tell for me how recognizable they actually are, given how very familiar i am with them, but i'm guessing that for example here the ones least recognizable are Victor and Jemima in the second photo
Speaking of Victor, most of Warsaw' side characters don't really match visually their replica counterparts, and you basically need a cheat sheet to recognize who is who
One fun way to look at the visual similarities are Warsaw's psychic twins. They don't look very similar to their replica counterparts, but their costumes' shape and make up is the most similar to the general cats costume vibe out of all Warsaw costumes so I thought they deserve an honorary mention
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And now, story-wise
I'm just gonna focus on the "main" characters, and for the most part it's pretty matched. I think the most similar to their general vibe are Jelly, Gus, Skimble and Old D. Basically they're what you'll expect, and I don't really have much to say about that. But those who are different, that's a different story. I already mentioned it's Victoria, Misto, Demeter and Griz, I can't really pick one so i'm just gonna break it down for all of them
As opposed to the regular Vic, Warsaw Vic is very much a little kitten. I'm pretty sure someone said she was the youngest, maybe she is, either way she is very young. And with that she doesn't get a pas de deux with it's coming of age or whatnot vibe, just 2 solos. And in those solos she's taking stars out of the sky so i'd say her being at least a bit magical is another difference.
And the last one: she is really scared of Griz up until halfway through "Memory". First Griz entrence - she's hiding behind the closest adults the whole time, second one - Tumble needs to escort her off stage cuz she's not gonna move if there's no one between her and Griz, and it changes only during "Memory"
I'm putting him here with the caveat that he is quite different to the current general version. He is more similar to the old versions like old Broadway and stuff, with being full adult, using magic way more and generally being more confident and stuff. Speaking of magic, he's proficient both with actual magic and stage magic, whereas I don't think regular Misto does much of the latter. Plus his power set is closer to what general Mac got, mostly mind controlling and disappearing in the shadows. He does a lot of mind controlling everyone and moving stuff around throughout the show.
There is a difference in choreography in his song too, with some of the dancing being given to other cats or replaced by the magic show, plus the turns got moved after old D is saved. Also his relationship with Tugger, they are very much best friends, got a special handshake and a very much well rehearsed magic show, plus he is the one getting the screen and licks down and moving half the set during RTT. Like there's less fangirling and more "i got you bro" between them, at least to me.
Also, this is kinda random, but he's taller XD. Og Warsaw Misto is 180 cm/5'11 and it's just a funny detail when generally everyone else tries to have Misto on the shorter side XD
There are 2 main differences about Warsaw Deme, and it's the fact Griz is her mother and that she seems to be less anxious and more angry when it comes to Mac. First one, adds layer to the fact she is the one to introduce Griz, and then she spends every Griz appearance torn and anxious cuz she clearly wants her back but can't/shouldn't want it.
And with Mac, yeah, to me she seems more moved on from him than general Deme, still bit anxious and scared when he attacks but also kinda more pissed off. More "he's my ex that I'm angry with" than "he's my ex that i'm afraid of". Also little less admiring him. Like she seems more anxious about the Griz stuff than Mac stuff. And while she isn't the one to spot Mac in disguise, she is very much trying to get everyone away and later after he disappears seems to use herself as a bait to get him in the open so the guys can take him out
Besides the fact that current trend is Young Griz and Warsaw one is very much old, one difference in her story is the aforementioned fact that Demeter is her daughter. Which gives her a new reason to be there and also in the song Deme states Griz was forgotten by the clan.
Another difference is Griz's motivation. This is just my theory, but based on Jemima's line in "Moments of Happiness" where the last line she sings "And you'll feel that you want to be one of us again and you'll start to live again" I don't think Griz crashed the party first 2 times with wanting to be taken back in mind.
Again, just my theory, but to me it seems she gets there wanting to see her daughter and her maybe ex-lover maybe ex-friend Old D once more before she dies, it doesn't pan out. But then Jemima comes in with this "hey follow the memory, you still got the chance". It changes Griz's mind and she comes back again. And the line in "Memory" that seems to get everyone on board, the one right before Jemi comes in, is "I so wish I could turn back time", so in a way she does actually kinda say "sorry" and/or "please take me back", whatever interpretation we want. It's not just the appeal to their goodness and memory of her (which they may or may not have consciously tried to erase), but she actually reaches out to them in this more direct way. And/or apologizes for whatever she did that made her leave and get forgotten if we wanna go with that.
So yeah, this got kinda really long and is probably more detailed than expected but well, I can talk a lot about Warsaw when prompted XD
Thanks again for the ask 💖
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 4 months
Cupid’s Chokehold
Bam is completely, utterly, head over heels in love with you, and all his friends can do is wonder what the hell happened?
Bam Margera X Fem!Reader
1.9k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, crude language, alcohol, injury, drugging mention, jealousy
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An: This request was by my ABSOLUTELY AMAZING friend, @camariesintrusivethoughts, so please go give them some love! I had a tricky time figuring out who this fic was going to be for before I realized that Bam would probably be the only one to ever be this obsessed with one person! XD Anyways, thank you for the requests, and please keep sending them in!!
“She has got you by the balls, man!” Steve, already shitfaced, smacked Bam on the arm as he wobbled on his barstool, “You could get all the pussy in the world, and you pick her?” He couldn’t believe it! Bam was on tv, which is pretty much open season on chicks, but he was still stuck on his hometown sweetheart from, what- high school? Fucker even had a photo of you in his wallet, like he was some solider going overseas. Bam took a swig from his beer, shaking his head with a knowing smile, “Listen, man- you just don’t know Y/N.” No matter how many broken tailbones of his you cared for or nights you carried- not dragged, carried him home from the bar, Steve would probably never get why he loved you so much.
You kinda had to be careful about what you said around Bam because he would do just about anything for you at the drop of a hat- like that time you mentioned how sexy he looked when he played guitar, and then every night for a week he practiced until his fingers throbbed and his fretboard was smeared with blood. It was worth it though, at least in his eyes. Bam still had those callouses, but he thought it was kinda cute because every time he felt their roughness, he was reminded of you. Or that time the two of you were out shopping at the King of Prussia mall and he caught you staring in a store window at this dress you knew you could never afford. A few days pass and guess what showed up on your doorstep? Yep. And a pair of matching heels too. You said jump, and Bam didn’t even ask how high. That’s how, when you asked Bam to give you a call once he got to the hotel, he ended up not only calling you every night but keeping you on the line forever when he did.
It had been two hours and Bam hadn’t moved an inch from where he was laying on the bed with his phone pressed to his ear, “Oh shit, really?” There was something really cute about the way he seemed so interested in what you had to say, even if it was a little excessive for you detailing the mundane activities that happened at the office that day, “Yeah! And then this bitch was like, ‘you would’ve known that if you read the email I sent everyone!’ Ugh. I hate it here.”
Just out of Bam’s line of sight, Ryan had been steadily creeping up on him. This is how he justified it in his head: they were best friends and this was for his own good, because from the looks of the other guys in the room, they were about one ‘Aww, no you hang up!’ away from strangling him. So something had to be done, and if that something was him hitting Bam with the pillow he was hiding behind his back, then that’s what was gonna happen. “You know, if you really wanted to, I coul-“ Before your boyfriend could finish his sentence you heard this loud thwack, followed by laughter. Bam’s words came out in a jumble, “Heyigottacallyouback, bye!” Before he abruptly hung up.
Quickly snatching a pillow from the bed, Bam whipped around to Ryan and delivered a well deserved blow to his head, “Dude, what the hell?” But he dodged, rolling to one side and pulling himself to his feet, “You’ve been on the phone long enough! All this, ‘Oh I love you!’ ‘No, I love you!’ crap!” It wasn’t hard for Ryan to block Bam’s wimpy swings, but it seemed the ensuing pillow fight diffused the remaining tension as Chris and Steve took up their own pillows, while Knoxville just sat back on his bed, pretty damn entertained at the four of them acting like teen girls at a sleepover.
That is until things got a little too rough and someone smacked their head on the sharp corner of the dresser, because it’s all fun and games until someone gets a head injury. Sufficiently exhausted, Bam laid back in his bed with a sigh, ready to call it a night right as the AMs rolled around, “C’mon, I’m not that bad, right?” Everyone seemed to simultaneously agree that yes, he was that bad- even Chris, who was both the nicest guy there and the one who was nursing the sore spot on his temple with a bag of ice machine ice, nodded in agreement. Kicking off his pants as Ryan laid down next to him, Bam rolled his eyes, “You guys’re assholes…”
Ryan blinked awake around six to Bam snuggling into his side, which wasn’t that odd of an occurrence given how often the two shared beds, but there was something in the way he giggled in his sleep, mumbling Y/N’s name to himself that made him make a note to ask him in the morning if he had any nice dreams last night.
Sure, Bam had other girlfriends before you, but it never got this bad. And it didn’t take that much to string him along either- coo a few ‘I love you’s his way and throw in a couple kisses, and he was putty in your hands. But more than that, what he loved about you was that you were always there for him: whether it be you bandaging him up after a stunt gone wrong or good-luck quickies before a skate competition, you always stuck right by his side, and Bam just went wild over you. But right now, this distance between the two of you was killing him, so he was thankful that filming on the tv series was wrapping up for the season soon and he could head back home to you.
Since Bam met you, every time Phill called him when some agent or an interviewer who was trying to reach him, every conversation seemed to lead to him talking about how amazing this girl was. You smile, your eyes, the way you laughed and cheered at his stunts- even the ones that weren't even that cool. You were special, not like any of those crazy chicks he falls for- the ones that break into his house, smash his computers, and smear pizza on the interior of his Lamborghini when he breaks up with them. She was the type of girl he could be proud to call a daughter in-law. And speaking of, with the way his son was talking about you, it wouldn’t surprise him if Bam ended up marrying you.
And as sweet as that sentiment was, Bam’s obsession had a tendency to get on the other guys’ nerves, like when they were piled in the van and, instead of participating in the usual bad behavior and mild property destruction he would otherwise be all for, Bam spent the whole time talking with you on the phone like he was some kinda lovesick teenager, completely ignoring the way everyone else in the van was talking shit about him. Ryan, who initially thought Bam was getting sick at the onset of this whole infatuation thing, was the first to vent his frustrations, “What the fuck with this girl? He doesn’t even have time for us anymore.” He was losing his best buddy to some girl- this never happens. “You jealous someone’s takin’ your boy toy away?” Despite his teasing, Johnny seemed to be the only one with anything positive to say, like the old romantic he is, “I think his thing with Y/N is kinda sweet, Y’know? I mean, in a Bam way.” Which is to say, in an immature yet sickeningly sweet way nobody can ignore. Steve, who caused a little too much trouble at the bar and earned the punishment of getting stuck sitting next to Bam in the van, kept his voice hushed as he turned around to the other guys, “Hey, Ryan. Maybe you could start fuckin’ him before skate competitions.” Which earned him a playful shove and a muttered, “Fuck you...”
It was then that Chris, who seemed to be the voice of reason here, brought up an interesting point, “I mean, we’ve never seen her before, right? What if she’s, like- really hot?” It was impressive logic, especially considering this was coming from a guy recovering from a head injury. Everybody murmured in agreement and decided that maybe they would hold off on slipping those sleeping pills into Bam’s soda to get a few hours of quiet. Funny enough, that next morning, Bam’s phone disappeared. Well, it didn’t really disappear- they all knew whose pocket it was sitting in- but nobody was too eager to let it slip. So there Bam went, looking high and low in the motel room while the guys sat back and twiddle their thumbs. “I swear- I just had the fuckin’ thing…” While he was looking under the bed for the tenth time, Johnny cleared his throat, leaning against the doorframe, “Maybe you, uh- you left it in one of the trailers on set?” He shot a look at a couple of the other guys and they agreed, nodding along.
It seemed every other word that came out of Bam’s mouth that morning had something to do with making a detour to the Verizon store, which surprisingly got on everybody’s nerves less than him talking about you. See, he didn’t have your number committed to memory, so it’s not like he could just borrow a phone from one of the other guys. You must be worried sick about him- god, he was such a shitty boyfriend. In reality, this couldn’t be further than the truth, but love can make you a little crazy. Despite the fact Bam spent all day on set sulking, once he got over the initial despair, he seemed to be acting a little more like himself, much to the pleasure and the preservation of sanity of all of those around him. For one night, one glorious night, everyone had peace and quiet- or at least as peaceful and as quiet the jackass guys could be. And Ryan got his boytoy back! On that subject, the guilt from stealing his friend’s phone was starting to eat away at him, so funnily enough it was that next morning he ‘found’ Bam’s phone, sitting conveniently on the nightstand.
It was nearing ten or eleven when you heard the doorbell go off. Oh, Bam must be back from filming, you thought, getting up from your spot on your couch: no matter how late or inconvenient it was, his first stop once he got home was always your place. He’d spend hours with you, eagerly detailing everything he and the guys got up to and ‘making up for lost time’ with you, which you couldn’t complain about. Still, you’re not used to someone being this into you, so you always got a little surprised at how excited Bam was to see you. And when you opened the door, there he was, illuminated by the glow from the light inside that shone out into the night, staring at you all wide eyed in awe. Tossing his duffel bag on the floor, your boyfriend didn’t even bother taking his jacket off as he nearly tackled you into a hug. God, he really knew how to melt your heart, didn’t he? Sighing, you reached up to hold him back, laying your cheek against his. Yep, this one’s yours.
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littlesislovesyou · 5 days
Mmmph...a little...I can't help but get a little jealous over my sister >:3 can you blame me? It's okay I got it under control lol are you an early Disney watcher? I just imagined hades from Hercules raging and then going it's fine I'm cool we're good lmaoo and I remember him literally screaming to Meg that he owned her...calmly not so calmly of course XD
I'm happy you feel the same as I do though... my pretty baby sis~🤭🔪
Aww no worries I understand if you're a little high. I hope you're enjoying yourself at least sweet girl? Maybe I should make you take some more hits and see how horny and willing you are to be raped and fucked unconscious by your masked mutual stranger~ 🖤 I'm happy you love all my asks and I LOVE driving you crazy~
You can use this to respond if *ahem* the other ask is too spicy and fucked up that you wanna keep it...🤫
I missed you though I hope you're feeling better and sorry for responding so late my internet went out briefly and I was gaming in the meantime while waiting for it to return.
I've got PC and switch but I've been playing alot of Zelda recently lol playing the warriors and remembering that the main antagonist is just an obsessed fangirl of link that loves him so much that she'd summon monsters and kill anyone in her way to have him all to herself...kinda hot ngl lol
I would hope I'm okay but all I can do is sleep more and take meds to make sure I'll be as okay as I can be! And me too but ty for your concern hun, you're so sweet <333
It is very easy and hey sometimes all you need is a reminder and a helping hand to relax yk? I can't help but be that kind of person hehe. And I hope so I love talking to you when we both can 💕
Hhhh I won’t even lie I find jealousy very hot<3 I don’t know there’s just something about the possessiveness of it that just makes me so unbelievably wetttt ahhh<333 so I could never blame my big sibling for getting jealous;’) 💗 and also I know what you’re talking about! Hehe
Just know I always belong to my big sibling~ even when dads around hehe
That’s meee! Always your baby sis;’)💗💗 always here to make my big sibling feel better~
Ah yess I did very much! ☺️ It was very much needed after today but I’ll admit I wouldn’t have minded your help at all💗
Hhh you’re literally just melting my brain anymore 🥺💗 sometimes I just get so needy when I smoke, I’d probably be all blazed out and wet~ just seeing the mask, not knowing at all who’s behind it, I can’t help it, I would seriously let you do whatever you wanted to me, not that I would have a choice of course, I’m genuinely so helpless when I’m high, my brain would melt if you forced me to smoke more, turning me into such a obedient fuck doll~
I absolutely will be keeping that one just for me 👀💗 it’s so long and detailed and ugh.. just absolutely perverted;’) and it’s mine, just for me💗💗💗 I love it so much💗 I’ll probably mm be touching myself to that later 💗☺️
Ah no it’s no worries my lovely mutual<3 you never gotta apologize for that, im glad you’ve been having a good night at least! I also have both a pc and a switch:0 Zelda games are always some of the best, I had a lot of childhood memories of that game, and oh yeah? ;’) is that what I’m going to have to do for you? ~ hehe
Awe well I hope you start feeling better and just remember to breathe and take it easy on yourself🥺💗 too bad I can’t cuddle you to sleep!
Aghhh I love how just genuinely sweet you are but you can say some of the most hot fucked up things to me;’) and I love it💗
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feathers-little-nest · 5 months
And here it is, the list of my fav Iron Widow moments! Enjoy?
As always feel free to discuss with me or share your favorite moments!!
It's below the cut bcs spoilers
- chapter 5, I figured that I could note my fav moments of this book as well XD
- starting on not the best note, I fucking hate Yang Guang, I hate him so much, I want to rip his guts out,
- chapter 8, the fight was so epic!! I love how MC just kinda forgor about the whole dying thing and went with the flow
- and that she killed that motherfucker! I didn't have to tolerate him for too long >:D
- it's honestly quite funny that Qin Zheng was killed by pox (I hope I'm getting the name of the illness right lol, I'm reading this in Polish translation and have 0 knowledge about any medical terminology in English)
- just a note but it's harder for me to keep up with those notes for Iron Widow than for Qian Qiu. I think it's because 1. its pace is faster 2. its chapters are shorter. so anyway
- chapter 10, Wu Zetian just needs to scream 24/7 and I respect it so much
- chapter 12, idk, Li Shimin is kinda cute
- I also like strategist Zhuge but that may be just because he has a fan
- chapter 13, those qi power statistic are so untrustworthy lol. I wouldn't be so happy to have so much higher qi stats than the average if the margin of error is like 17k
- chapter 14, damn, I miss Yizhi...
- chapter 19, oh my god, Yizhi is back!! T^T
- I absolutely love all the tiny historical details in this story. I'm probably missing a lot but those which I can catch are amazing (and satisfying, good to know that I know something about Chinese history after all that learning)
- omg Gao Yizhi grabbing Li Shimin's leash is one of the things I need to draw, damn, it paints such a clear picture in my mind
- chapter 21, Sima Yi is just a hater by nature and I start to enjoy it,
- chapter 23, Yizhi screaming "you can't shoot me I'm rich!!!" I love this boy
- chapter 29, god, Yizhi, Shimin and Zetian are sooo cute
- also "one traumatized Xing Tian", that made me laugh out loud
- "usually adding qi of a third person only strengthened the dissonance (...) no one knows why we succeeded" yeah I wonder why, hmmmmmm
- I kinda like Gao Qiu. I know he's probably bad news but damn, he's fun
- also a Wu Zetian fan nr1, seeing his reaction I'm surprised that he didn't ask for an autograph (I forgot that he's sexist af)
- tho, tbh, I think he's more afraid of what he can't control than purely sexist; interesting guy, I want to dissect him,
- I wonder if anything happened between LSM and GYZ during that party at Gao's, hmm,
- chapter 36, I actually think Sima Yi might be one of my fav characters? come on, the guy came to the wedding just because he wanted to support his little dumdums
- chapter 39, YES FUCK AN LUSHAN
- damn I didn't think they'll actually kill him. oh well. he won't be missed. judging by his character, even his son won't miss him
- Yizhi is the wife in this throuple, isn't he /jk
- chapter 42, I like how Wu Zetian's reaction to something not going well is just "maybe we should burn ourselves alive actually", relatable queen
- Sima Yi just lost his good guy badge. he better have a damn good excuse for abondoning MCs this easily,
- chapter 44, QIN PIERDOLONY ZHENG, już zawsze będę go tak nazywać 🫡
- chapter 46, is Qin Pierdolony Zheng playing snake with hunduns instead of apples¿?
- I still can't believe that Shimin is actually dead. Like. Dead dead. Super dead. Human marmalade dead. How... why him T^T
- chapter 47, I love how among all this death and destruction the worst problem Qin Pierdolony Zheng has is inflation,
- Qin Pierdolony Zheng has a beef with gods, I think he's the most rel character now
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lileyx · 19 days
Hello 👋, I was curious about an element of the character design of Iris. What does her necklace represent? Is it a hint of her power or it's to represent something else?
Oh yeah! It's a little bit of both, actually.
When I first designed her back in 2015, I simply wanted to add 'visual interest' so I just added a necklace. But then it quickly changed to something closer to an "Nazar amulet". I thought I was being witty, because its a eye, duh! :D Nowadays that her story (and her curse/abilities) have changed a little, it has more of a meaning to her as character as well. A Nazar amulet originally protects from the 'evil eye' and from back luck /bad things happening to one. Iris believed for a long time, that she (or better her 'curse') brings bad luck to people around her. So to protect herself and others she got herself this amulet, hoping it would help. Thing is, that's simply not how her curse works, so it's doesn't help with the curse directly. But Iris kinda likes the amulet anyways. (Fun fact: It changes it's shape a little every time Bill possesses her. That's has no lore explanation, just a small detail I found funny XD)
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just-a-floofy-catt · 10 months
I took a bit of a break from posting cus im tired as balls atm lmao
But i wanted to atleast chuck something out today so heres the ref/original idea sheet of Avery, my fnaf sb self-insert/oc from a while ago :)
(Ive already kinda shown this b4 but now it just looks nicer)
(And has all the writing stuff below the pic in this post)
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Also here's some bonus info on him and his role and all :)
• Hes a trans dude (he/they pronouns) that "is built like a twink and dresses like a femboy" (quote from my friend lmao), and has an extremely ambiguous voice - British accent btw (grew up in the UK, he moved over to his current residence and lives w a roommate who was his online friend).
• Hes can occasionally be a lil bit of a freak behind the scenes XD. Has indulged in alot of fanfiction, draws some questionable stuff for money and also generally can have pretty crude and vulgar humor sometimes lmao.
• Hes pretty creative with a long ass list of hobbies. Loves fashion and costumes, is an artist, avid sewer and just generally loves making things with his hands in his spare time (100% brings his crochet to work XD)
• Has almost crippling anxiety about literally almost everything.
• Hes very polite and tolerates alot of bullshit to avoid conflict, but inside he is 100% raging with the heat of 1000 suns despite the fact hes outwardly shaking enough to be practically vibrating. He will definitely talk shit about the situation to himself in great, excruciating, dramatic detail with alot of angry cursing later and then probably cry about it.
• The boi is a little try-hard that will do their job above minimum effort in order to get praise, or out of fear for getting in trouble.
• Hes typically empathetic to a fault and a straight up (un)qualified therapist.
• Oh, also, hes a raging insomniac.
- First got the job because art commissions were a little slow and, hey, a more reliable source of money at the time wouldnt hurt.
- He was always kinda curious about the place because the scary stories about it were fun to pick apart and he loved the designs of all the animatronics (pft furry).
- He showed up to the interview scared shitless but they hired him almost on the spot, much to his confusion, as he was probably less than entirely qualified for this sort of job.
- From his very first day, he showed up pushing the dress code XD. But, he was indeed wearing the uniform, so he was technically following the rules(THEY COULDNT DO SHIT TO HIM 🥰) (well they could) (but the understaffing issue was more prioritised).
- His coworkers genuinely have no fucking clue how he manages to give enough of a shit to put that much stuff on every morning. The fits are always very over the top, considering all he had to do was put the damn uniform on, but alas, he usually showed up in head to toe accessories and such. It's honestly the best way he can make himself go into work. If he's gonna work a kinda shitty job that doesn't fit his schedule that well and have to do it on barely any sleep, THEN FUCK YEAH HES GONNA DO IT WHILE LOOKIN GOOD. Thats his philosophy on it, atleast XD.
- At first while he settles into the job hes just given shifts in general areas, working joint shifts with more trained security guards or maintenance people or animatronic handlers (those were his favourites. He always got excited like a little kid when getting to see any of the animatronics) to get him used to the place.
Fazbear ent. Was clearly desperate for employees as they were almost always understaffed, but it seemed that they weren't willing to give many employees a strict job role. Rather, expecting them to be a jack of all trades as to try and fix that little issue.
This also happened to apply to Avery, explaining why he was given such oddly scattered and different jobs to settle him in.
- Even as he did start becoming independent, this didnt much change.
One night he could be watching security cameras in the office, the next he could be counting stock at a gift shop, the next he could be helping out with minor maintenance tasks on the robots (despite his ZERO FUCKING KNOWLEDGE ON THEM. Great job there Faz.Ent. Oh well. As time went on he did get atleast a little accustomed to it and managed not to electrically fry his no-robotics-degree-having ass. And he also gained a bestie in the Parts and Services Department, so that was pretty helpful too).
Shit was pretty damn good.
- Thats when they 'suddenly' decide that daycare security is necessary. Something about parents becoming increasingly weary of the odd 'Daycare Attendant' animatronic.
With Avery being their newest hire and most likely to agree to take the position, he immediately gets targeted.
- Now, Avery isnt fond of kids.
Theyre annoying little shits.
So the second he hears 'daycare' hes like "fuck no".
Not to mention that his uh... 'look' (that management had still protested until eventually giving up) would probably set off some entitled mothers or something, and he'd rather not have parents screaming in his face about it.
- Alas, hes eventually convinced into it, under the condition that he gets to stay behind the security desk and not be bothered at all.
- Theyve had security there before, after a few... incidents... but it seemed like they were putting him on a more long term intended job.
- Turns out, from what he can gather from coworkers, a few people have been assigned to the daycare in the past for multiple different roles, but noone really enjoyed it and everyone avoided the place as much as possible. Sun just generally freaked everyone out with that weird... desperation he always had (which was definitely a part of what the parents had also been complaining about) and Moon just scared them all shitless, with the night security guards always looking over their shoulder in hopes of not crossing patrol with him. Noone really downright hated them, some even felt sympathy, but most were just too unsettled to interact with them.
- Avery, being a bit of a pussy, is even further put off from the job by these sentiments.
However, he perseveres and dresses his best to try and convince himself that itd be fine (aka, that if he died atleast hed die pretty).
- The daycare actually had its own themed uniform alongside the plain guard uniform, as did alot of other places in the pizzaplex. However, since the employees were given a choice, basically everyone chose to not don the more whimsical fits, and instead just use their badge to show the specific job or branch they were supposed to be legally assigned to.
- Avery, on the other hand, fucking lived for that shit. XD
Styled it like a girlboss and walked into work at exactly 6.30am, 30 minutes before the daycare opened, prepared to look perfectly the part for his job.
- When he walked into the daycare (he avoided the slide... hm.. maybe if he ever has a night shift here....) and the lights were already on and bright enough to blind a bitch.
Oh well, their electric bill, not his problem.
- He immediately settled behind the desk, planning to keep his ass planted there for the next few hours with one earbud in, hidden under his hair, as he would halfheartedly watch the kids.
Something felt off.
Really fucking weird.
He was definitely being *watched*.
Ugh, creepy.
He ignored it, blaming it on lack of sleep.
And thats about as far as i got plan wise for his lil plotline XD
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Hey, since you smoked some more Laurence information and inspiration, how do you feel about Laurence x Rom ship idea? This is the last combination within Byrgenwerth's main four that was never explored yet :') It is /THAT/ rare. XD
Also imagine Laurence and Rom bullying Micolash and Caryll in Byrgenwerth era for not having disagreed with Willem even once (haaaahaaaa teacher's pets!), then bullying them in Healing Church era for still not evolving when Laurence got cool horns and Rom got cool extra eyes.... and maybe then some day in the Nightmare they are still laughing at Micolash and Caryll for not becoming monsters and dying as just some boring twinks gfbhghfh (I know it is not canon because Laurence did NOT want to lose humanity, I am just shitposting xD)
Are they really a rare ship?? Like yeah, I haven’t seen any fanart for them, but it seemed very obvious to me that they are very shippable!
Bullying you mean like that? XD
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And Caryll with Micolash be like:
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Okay, but talking about Laurence/Rom, I think that's the only ship I really like with Laurence :^) I hc Ludwig as a married man, Gehrman loves Maria, maybe Brador/Laurence could be fine...?
Rom and Laurence could be a great couple and maybe even help each other with their weaknesses and flaws. Laurence would be an incentive for Rom to be bolder and could understand her troubles, since he is an excellent psychologist, and Rom, in turn, would take care of him and help him not to go too far, combining progress and humanity! Actually, I think such a pair would be Yharnam's salvation!
I have headcanon that during Byrgerkingth era (no, I am not tired of this pun) Laurence initially considered her a “lower” class, since she is an orphan and not noble like himself (well, and also since she is very smart! We don’t miss the point that neglect and the desire to humiliate often come from envy and deep admiration, right? I’ll soon write and translate a post on this topic, because I fell in love with another ship!!!). Laurence was quite an unpleasant young man in his first two years of study! And if after a while he found a common ground with Romi, the rest of the students were compelled to tolerate him for a long time - he could easily deceive someone, set up – oh, clearly “high school” vibes xD
What pushed him and Rom to friendship - probably was that Laurence was extremely lonely and complex on the inside, and he created many enemies for himself with his own hands! Rom would have been one of those who would have forgiven all the previous mockery, just because she believes in his good side. And for this he secretly would be her “protector,” like, without advertising it, but if someone makes her feel bad, they will definitely be ridiculed and publicly humiliated.
Plus, I love the concept of the “Byrgenwerth trinity” Rom + Laurence + Micolash, and there are a lot of details about their communication, but now I probably need to focus on Rom. The key point is that she and Laurence, in a special way, acted as “parents” for Micolash (although I am not sure he liked it, especially because for some time he was interested in Rom, you know, romatically). And it brought them closer again!
As a result, in the middle of her studying in Byrgenwerth, Rom had around her - Caryll, who admired and respected her, but quietly, modestly and from afar, faithful Yuri (I remember the nuance with her name as with Caryll, but I still use version from Eng localization, since it is more familiar) and Laurence, the only who could see her as a woman, not only a good friend and sister (Micolash was kinda upset discovering that they are half-siblings :^( )
Laurence, in turn, went through real personality development, experiencing transformation during his studying, as often happens with bullies. And from an ugly, bullying duckling, he turned into a balanced, understanding and pleasant swan, which in fact he always was, just inside! (I think this would be the first time Micolash would be truly angry at him, because they would become less “alike.”) And Rom would not immediately understand this change. Reincarnated, Laurence would already be thinking about his future life, after graduation, and would come to the conclusion that he simply could not find a better wife than Rom. She is smart, kind and would not prevent him from blood researches, since she shares his passion for science. So he started hitting on her. But Rom remained indifferent, feeling that it was all insincere - just a practical calculation. And Laurence liked that fact, because she saw him through!
Next comes Research Hall, where Rom (based on your, dear Katy, research, which I sliiiightly took to my headcanons xD) was a patient (imagine Laurence being concerned about her and seeing as a future prophet for the Church, it's both science and love, tho cruel tbh), and then the Choir. Actually, Rom as the leader of the Choir is very logical, even if it’s not mentioned in the game. Laurence and Micolash, her friend and brother, are outstanding figures, why does she always remain on the sidelines? I think she had even more Insight than these two from the beginning! She perfectly perceives those same higher planes that Micolash strives for, and is able to communicate with Ebrietas, because she fEeLs.
Aaaand... Laurence and Rom could have become officially a couple after foundation of Choir! Tender, warm to each other, not demanding anything from each other except love.
There is a difficult moment with the timeline, but I would like to headcanon that Rom distanced herself from the Choir, from Micolash - from everyone when Laurence died, turning into a beast, and this became the point-of-no-return, after which she no longer needed anything, and her grief resonated with Ebrietas, causing the Great One to feel compassion for her...
So yes, good ship, deserves attention
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characteroulette · 1 year
Some actually organised PL vs PW thoughts!!
Having experienced Layton games now, I can fully see how much PL vs PW is struggling to fit the Ace Attorney playstyle into itself hahaha
It's certainly impressive!! And you'd think it's a good match!! Both have point and click walk around sections, both have dialogue and flavour text as their main means for telling their story.
But where Layton games have puzzles, Ace Attorney has trials.
And for whatever reason, this ended up being WAY more difficult than it should have been.
For some reason, all of the text is paced really weirdly. You can see the Layton dev team saw how AA games would time their dialogue to replicate the feel of actual talking and tried their hand at that, but didn't quite make it. Often, there are just pauses long enough to be awkward before the sentence continues. To me, it reads as everyone talking really slow all of a sudden in this game (because Layton and Luke dialogue does this, too. It's not just Phoenix and Maya) and the pauses are in kinda unnatural spots as well. (At first I thought maybe my emulator was causing this, but nah, the cartridge itself does this, so this is hard coded into the game. It's just weird!! It's like their voices are just off enough for me to notice without actually being off!!)
OH RIGHT and another thing: the sudden voice acting!! This is par for the course in Layton games. Important scenes are voiced! But in Ace Attorney, they only got voice acting for their shouts and in Dual Destinies and onwards. Suddenly hearing voices read what look to be mundane lines is really cool!! I want Ace Attorney mainline games to actually pick this up, please.
But anyway, trials. Your evidence and profiles both are presented in an unfamiliar familiar way. Like yeah, that is how evidence looks and how the profiles are supposed to work, but there's just enough missing that it becomes kinda uncanny valley. Your badge isn't amongst your line of evidence. Profiles don't state how old that person is. You don't have access to either of these things outside of the trials. It's uncanny valley Phoenix Wright! It's uncanny valley Ace Attorney!! I can only imagine how a predominantly Layton fan feels about all this new and unfamiliar stuff is getting shoved into their lil puzzle game.
Pressing and Presenting still work as intended, but also!! You have an entirely different menu available to you at all times: Layton's trunk.
(We're not gonna talk about how items and mysteries Layton gets remain in there right now. That's also jarring to me as a predominantly Ace Attorney person; why do I keep Layton's things and thoughts and why can I not use them in trials?? It's because this is a Layton game. It's why he's billed first in the title. First a Layton game, with added Ace Attorney elements.)
Anyway yeah those are my observations so far. Puzzles are still jarring to me, but less so when taking that important detail into account (this is a Layton game, first and foremost). I adore Maya in this game she is straight up a creature of chaos XD
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There was a restlessness in her. She scrolled like any other day, but something in her was disatisfied, it gnawed at her. The feeling that she might never gain any improvement on this life, that she would scroll herself to her grave. She saw this wonderful comic about transfeminine love and how a trans girl loving a trans girl actually involves four people since the boys they once were are involved as well. Rereading it gave her a sense of nostalgia, of the younger trans girl she once was, and the trans girl she had hoped to become. The feeling pulled at the restlessness dissolved it slowly like a pill in water, but the restlessness persisted. How many times was she bound to reread this comic? Would she ever experience the emotional resolution of its final panel?
Underneath the panel the comic's creator was offering merch for it, oh fuck yeah Josie thought. She clicked on the link and looked at the website, there was a certain horror to it, that there were services with the explicit purpose of creating merch for random tiny creators like this. She wanted a hoodie, it had trans girls kissing on it, so she must have it, the restlessness demanded it. It cost 50€, no doubt the vast majority of which would be spent on lining the pockets of the owners of the website. She mentally reviewed her finances and knew she wouldn't be able to afford weed if she bough it. She sent the link to her newest "sugardaddy", and wrote "please daddy? :3". He was some divorced english dude who had moved to berlin a couple months earlier, when she had fucked him he had really wanted her to talk about how nice his dick was. It had kinda put her on the spot, really hadn't been very comfortable.
She thought about the workers who were going to get the other percentages of the 50€. Their working conditions were entirely unknown to her, their salaries, their rights, their relationships with their bosses, their governments. She didn't even know where they were. She imagined a sweaty Filipino man stood in a textile printing factory without air conditioning that smelled of paints and dyes, among other chemical industrial fumes. She imagined the workers on the cargo ship transporting her hoodie to her. She wondered if any of them would take the time to look at her hoodie and what any of them would think upon seeing it. Perhaps it was less cruel to foist the image of two cute girls kissing next to the shadow selves of the boys they once were, than it was to force them to transport ahegao shirts.
Her "sugardaddy" was responding. "Sure thing, darling ;)" He said, "When am I gonna get to see you again?" He asked, like as if he had to be polite. She wasn't interested in fucking him again, but that usually wasn't a problem. These men liked being depended on almost as much as the sex, and she didn't mind losing him, so long as she got her hoodie right now. Perhaps he needed a little encouragement.
She took off her hoodie which read "M.A.D. Magicians Against Data" and threw it at the corner of the room. She held a peace sign against her cheek and took a selfie with her tits out. She sent it to him with the caption "soon hopefully hehe XD"
When she never fucked him he probably would be too depressed about being duped to do anything about it, maybe he would come to her apartment and make a big stink at the front door, and bang on it, and shout and yell and annoy her roommate. That wouldn't be so bad. Maybe he would persist for so long that she would have to confront him, and he would beat her up, or rape her, or hurt her some other way. That would suck, but at least it would be gender affirming.
He was typing again. "You really can't wait to get this big dick in you again huh?"
Josie checked her bank account, he had sent the money, there was no reason to worry about writing a response.
Typing in her details to order this new hoodie she could feel the restlessness resolving itself. The future would be different than the present because today she didn't have a hoodie with trans girls kissing on it, and tomorrow she would. She could feel the gaze of Marx and Foucault disapproving at her from the heavens, for being so satiated by mere consumption. She could imagine Foucaults furrowed frustrated brow just below his gleaming bald head. She knew nothing about his ideas or if he would actually have cared about her relationship with commodities, but she knew he appeared in video essays often, so he was likely to agree with Marx.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
See? The witness mentioned seeing someone in scrubs. It was not the doctor boyfriend, it was just a guy in scrubs.
Ha esposito looks so grumpy coming back to the office
& then ryan just tells everyone there that Esposito isn’t good with laces instead of answering the question about actually learning things related to the murder investigation? Ha. Then Esposito gets all defensive & can’t talk properly then just goes to the pickle jar defense, “There were a lot of... laces-- I ,loosened them for you.” Implying that Ryan did end up helping untie the shoes. ‘Yeah. Sure.’ & he looks honestly irritated.
Mistress red looks different on a person than on transparent glass tho.
Castle stuttering as soon as she looks at him.
I love a good lawyer sex worker who knows her rights
Bleach glows under blacklight, I forgot. I wonder if they use long or short waves?
Ooh french club. Castle just bailed on cleaning up after supper XD poor alexis. Grams cooked, she is not cleaning up. Rick is off solving mysteries.
Girl masochism can mean different things. Sexual masochism is not the same as psychological masochism
I feel kinda bad for this gal but if she was that mentally unstable how did she not crack before? I mean I guess because she was not being questioned? How did she get caramel sauce?
A lawyer & a dominatrix.
Oh it’s Jenny! I was like “who is this random woman? Alexis? No not her.” You say “you made it” as if you were expecting her not to, which now that I write it out is perfectly valid. They’re so cute & I everyone is shocked she exists.  It’s like meeting the family right here isn’t it? He looks so scared. That they don’t approve of her? That they think he.. hired someone to be his make believe gf? That was the first time I’d heard his first name. I was shocked. Kevin Ryan is a horrible name. Kevin, sure, Ryan, also sure, but Ryan as a last name sucks, esp if the first name is also two syllables.  Tsk aww he talks about them. I mean I talk about my work+school life at home. What does whipped mean in this context tho my dude? How do you know that if you had a girl like that you’d be whipped by her too? This episode is all about kink but I don’t think this part is kink. “No, so we wouldn’t try to steal her from him.” Is that /gen? I hate social things I don’t understand.
Anyways it was like 17.20 or smth when I finished. I have a PROBLEM. Of course I would go & do things periodically, but eight hours? That’s insane. I also only watched 5 episodes. That’s what like 3.75 hours if they are 45 minutes long? How did I spend 8 hours watching 3.75 hours worth of media? Well I got up to do chores sometimes, & I would pause for my girlblogging, & I would rewatch scenes to get details..... Yeah ok I am not sane
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primalspice · 2 years
Rat: A2, A6, A9, A15, A22, B6, B9, B14, C1, C3, C6, D3, E1, E5, F1, F5, F7, G3, G6, H1, H9, I2, I6, J3, J6, J7, L2, L3, L9
A2: What alignment are they? Chaotic neutral, lawful evil, et cetera…
I'm between chaotic and lawful neutral. she kinda does whatever the hell she wants and is selfish but shes also very traditional and does a lot of shit because of that and is afraid to step outside of that. let's say lawful neutral.
A6: Does your OC tend to assume their interpretation of events and reality is correct, or do they question it? I.e., “I’m sure that’s what you said” versus “It’s possible I misheard you.”
I think she's more confident in this kinda thing than most would expect but it's only because she has a relatively good memory and tends to take things quite literally (and she tends to make fearful worst-case assumptions as well, which are hard to shake ofc). however if someone QUESTIONED her about it she'd start doubting herself. she is so vulnerable to gaslighting </3
A9: Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others?
oh All the time. It's her thing. saying "aw well i guess its just how things are :/" is how she copes with 100% of her life though. insane screaming-on-the-inside levels of complacency that she's yet to realize is the Problem 40 years later.
A15: Is your character observant?
she's very observant but whether or not she extracts anything from the things she observes, especially socially, is a different story. she naturally very detail-oriented though, it's why shes so good at (most) of her jobs.
A22: Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
i mean *i* think shes cute so im biased but shes pretty average/not particularly Conventionally attractive...? YES she is perpetually underdressed and looks older than she actually is from stress and has messed up teeth and rosacea and huge ears and is boney and mousey this makes her an ANGEL to me
B6: Would your OC let someone ahead of them in line if your OC had a big cart and the person behind them had very few items?
not unless the other person asked to. she's too busy intensely minding her own business and fearing for her life due to existing in public (she would hate walmart so much)
B9: What kind of humor does your OC like the most? Slapstick, ironic, funny sounds, scare pranks, xD sO rAnDoM…
shes kinda got mean/sarcastic/ironic humor unless its done @ her then it makes her piss and cry :/
B14: Do they have people they are genuinely honest with about themselves?
yeah, it doesn't take a ton for her to open up to people, she just always regrets it when she does. she used to be real with raymond in her youth even tho she was a weird kid and he didnt rlly get it. then for a long time she didn't really have anyone she could be that deep with apart from being that coworker that overshares with you then never talks to you again. the next time she was really deeply honest with someone was faust for the most part but naturally he's using that to be evil against her now. shes beginning to get personal with selma as well but obviously it's not as deep since theyve just met and selma is kinda impossible to talk to without being criticized anyway. sometimes it helps though.
C1: Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it?
her moral code is largely just derived from region zero's Cultural Norms/Values and she takes it very seriously, mostly out of fear of what would happen if people strayed away from it. not in the sense that she'd confront people about it or prevent them from doing what they do, but she does think differently of people and it gives her a great sense of Anxiety (unreasonable)
C3: Is it important for them to be with people (socially, intimately, whatever) whose major ideological tenets align with their own?
See above. but honestly she's not the type to argue about it. she's been around all sorts of people in her life and it's never really been an issue with her personally.
C6: What do they do when they see someone asking for money or food? If they ignore them, why? If they help, how so?
D3: How comfortable are they with the idea of death?
comfortable (consistently suicidal for 25 years) but not comfortable enough (to choose a more efficient method than the ones she chooses even tho shes constantly surrounded by firearms)
E1: Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
she IS intelligent in that she is quite booksmart and more importantly she picks up on new skills easily most of the time. specifically she has a great understanding of machinery and is well-versed enough to use her skills in many different areas. she wouldn't agree though, she'd say some shit like 'i just work here' or 'i just push buttons' or something. She doesn't realize she really has a talent. partially because so many other people work in the same trades as her so she doesnt really feel special, partially because she's just hard on herself and her lack of skills in....other areas, partially because she thinks that what she does is easy baby business when it's insane to anyone who doesnt know wtf shes talking about.
E5: What’s their highest education level? Do they want to continue their education?
Her highest level of formal education is high school but most of her career education comes from the military and apprenticeship in her Fields. I imagine shes got Some sort of official certification in being a weapon technician and powerplant operator and such...
F1: What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
well she lives in selma's office/house if that counts LOL i suppose it does since she'll be there Indefinitely 😬 before that and living in thr Capital for a year i think she lived in apartments a lot, all lonely n shit. not that she'd be home much with her 70 hr/week jobs but once she started working in the office i think she got to move somewhere more bougie in the suburbs.
F5: How handy are they? Can they fix appliances, cars, cabinets, et cetera?
shes EXTREMELY handy its like her #1 favor that she can offer to others. i think she's most skilled in household stuff like basic plumbing/electric/carpentry (combination of having an interest in learning these things, NEEDING to know these things bcz of being poor and the only one at home most of the time, and her having and understanding of Similar Mechanisms) and guns of course (more niche, not something you offer to everyone O_O). I think she could do some basic car stuff too if she read through the directions.
F7: What’s their “dream career” or job situation?
she's so tired of working at this point in her life but won't admit it to herself LOL. i think if she had to have another job though and there were no politics involved in the job one chooses, she'd just be a handyman on commission LOL.
G3: Does your OC find their family supportive? If not, what would be an example why not?
Not particularly, no. she was just kinda Neglected as a child because her parents worked all the time and were too tired the rest of the time. and obviously things with raymond went south pretty early on..... they never really started caring after her childhood depression struck either so theres really not much to say they were supportive of LOL. even when she joined the army they were pretty understandably ambivalent about it even though it'd arguably be just as (if not More) beneficial to their household income than raymond's joining. nowadays she sighs and says Thats Just How It Is (how it Was anyway.....i think her parents are dead at this point in her life) but that kind of upbringing + everything else is quite formative to her overall mental illness.
G6: Do they have any favorite childhood memories?
not a ton. i think getting to hang out with raymond when he was home was always a rare good and happy time to be had tho. their 1950s asses probably went to go get icecream or somethin together idk what they do for fun there.
H1: What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation?
she is Bi Sexual. YES stressful NO not always pretty sure. their society is pretty laissez faire about sex(uality) but the assumption that you get married to some guy in your 20s then have 1-3 kids to keep the population booming is still a Thing. shes not much of a romantic thats into marriage OR god forbid having children so thats one setback. plus way too much of an outcast and workaholic to form many meaningful friendships nonetheless relationships. it's not really a top priority for her in either case but the being-with-another-woman part would just be another layer of stress for her (already bullied for being dykey but mostly just bcz shes easy to bully). idk if shes ever really been in any serious relationships but maybe a few non-serious ones. the sex fantasies are crazy tho.
H9: What are some things that your OC finds to be an instant turn-off in potential partners?
i think shes pretty openminded at this point in her life but idk like..... someone too clingy. someone thats a previous coworker or something (EXCEPTIONS CAN BE MADE)
I2: Do they have any eating requirements or preferences? Allergies, vegetarian, organic-only, religious restrictions…
Nah i think she pretty much takes what she can get nothing specific. the one thing her autism will NOT interfere with
I6: Could they eat the same thing they enjoy over and over and not get bored of it quickly?
I'd think so. I think she's got pretty simple taste in food, never really craves anything too exciting or out of the ordinary.
J3: How politically active are they?
alarmingly inactive for...being the literal actual president. the most political thing she's really done is join the military/work for the government but even then it was always just about making ends meet (bullshit answer for all of the horrors she has been complicit in but it is true). she doesn't care that much about politics, just about people not dying. wow if only someone could figure out a way to make that happen :/
J6: How do they react to people whose political viewpoints are very opposite of theirs?
she doesn't really care that much (see above) but tends to think theyre privileged or careless to think such things about the state of the Region or that such things could ever be a viable solution. but she will learn.....she will be....RE-EDUCATED
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J7: How much interest in environmental health do they have?
like -10000% interest bcz she hates to see the consequences of what her industry's poor practices have sown almost as much as she hates accountability. selma's squirrels enchant her tho.
L2: What do you consider the biggest themes in your character, if any?
i havent rlly actually thought about it much but idk like......dangers of Complacency..... dangers of being a girltwink in this cruel cruel world 😤
L3: Did you create the character to be like yourself, did they end up being like yourself, or are they very different from you?
shes like me only in Some ways but i didn't really create her to be that way either. sorry i dont decide anyones personalities they just get born one day.
L9: How did you come up with your OC?
i wanted a kinda evil cunt!?!!! i dont fully remember tbh but i knew she was a President. i knew she liked Nukes. i knew hit porcupine tree album Signify. she hasnt honestly changed a lot compared to some older ocs but i think i definitely intended for her to be a more Active government-hating rogue force. now her inactivity/escapism/neglect is what Makes her an active force (i had to find a reason to justify why she did the stuff she did in the first place). now shes effected by being sad. have some throwback images from her conception:
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rowdylupegang · 2 years
"#ALSO friendly reminder that the mods are still intentionally targeting trans people on the site" i'd be grateful if you could expand on this? ik there's a shitty player that was chain silenced then unchained silenced by tnt even though they're a transphobic ass. is that what you mean? same person has pretended to be trans just to get someone reported
Did I... not answer this? I thought I did. When was this even sent? Is time real?
Anyway basically trans people were getting silenced left and right immediately on the spot for mentioning things like HRT or top surgery (casually mentioning and not going into specifics btw ) while one person was posting actual violent descriptions of what they think trans people's genitals look like (I won't go into detail) and racial slurs in response to the annoyed trans people and their posts weren't taken down for hours. I strongly suspect the mods were waiting for something they could silence the trans people for instead. The person who was saying slurs and making graphic gore descriptions claimed to be a mod herself and with how long it took for the mods to take the board down... yeah I'm a little worried she wasn't lying about it.
Also that one board about an unwanted pregnancy that turned into a pro choice/life debate and was still up for several hours despite the content being a "hot button topic" they claim is banned. Kinda seems like topics that cause heated debates are only actually banned when a queer person is involved.
Also that time a bunch of people on the pound chat were talking about how trans people shouldn't be allowed to talk about being trans because "think of the children! It will corrupt the children!" (No I'm not kidding and I wish I got more than one screenshot from that) and none of those users got silenced or anything despite peddling far right talking points about trans people being groomers as if that's good and normal.
Very intrigued by whatever you're talking about cause it sounds wild. Some cis person can get away with pretending to be trans to report someone when actual trans people will sit there helpless against a wave of transphobia because the mods won't help us because they also hate us?? Come on XD how is this reality.
So the double standard of who can discuss what still absolutely exists. If people can ANGRILY DEBATE abortions on the site for several hours it seems a bit silly trans people get silenced for even mentioning HRT. As in just saying "I start HRT soon." got these people silenced.
( I just KNOW there's gonna be a bunch of "oh it's only reasonable those topics are still banned uwu they really aren't appropriate for kids" bootlicker assholes in the replies or whatever so let me just say: You're not new. That argument existed when saying any LGBTQ terms resulted in a ban. But go ahead and tell me how people can have an angry aggressive abortion debate, talk about dying family/friends, mention non trans related surgeries, and pregnancy in general and THAT'S fine but god forbid a trans person mention HRT in passing without going into detail about it (unlike cis people describing the above). Please explain how it's Fine Actually young trans kids can see how much full grown adults hate them or don't believe them while any adults who would validate and protect them are silenced and stomped out. It'll be good for a laugh.)
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ultrastarbee · 3 years
Hi! So I saw your request is open ^^
Can I request draken and his s/o with terrible eyesight (idk if you write fem!reader, I prefer this but g/n reader is okay too! ) Anyway him helping his s/o navigate their way because apparently they lost their glasses and refuse to wear contacts. Please make it as fluff as possible? XD idk maybe draken doing some little gesture that help his s/o and stuff and how teases them maybe.
I hope you can consider it ^^
You sure can, honey! My vision is pretty shitty, but I fucking hate my glasses. This request hits me close. It's so funny! Can we be friends? And look, fun again: I’m working on something like that with Mikey. Did you read my mind?
Title: Hearth Shaped Glasses Request: yeeees Couple: Draken x fem!reader Category: Fluffy  ☁ Content Warning: none Word Count: 600 Summary: you have bad eyes, but a good boyfriend A/N: i'm kinda sleepy writing right now, but i will try my best for you!
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Draken was working on a bike when you arrived. He knew it was you without even have to look. It would be so romantic to say it's because he know the sound of your footsteps, but he actually knew the sound of your voice as you shout after hitting your arm against a table. Draken chuckles getting close to you. It was the same every time you thought there was a spider somewhere but it was actually some leaf.
Your bad eyesight was exactly what brought you togheter. At school everyone was afraid of you. The way you looked at them was scary. Your frown and the way you keept eyecontact for too long... everyone used to think you wanted to pick up a fight. With Draken it wasn't different. He wouldn't hit a girl, but he would sure scare one. "What you looking at?" his voice was faking being agressive. "Are we classmates?" your voice was hopeful as soon as you recognized his voice "there's a note at the door, but...". "You can't read?" Draken reads the note himself "It says we have gym class now". "Thanks!" with a sweet smile you started walking with him. Draken laughs as you enter the male bathroom after not seeing the sign on the door. There are times when you have to read something from the board at class. Draken always kicks Mikey's seat so the boy wakes up angry and even the teachers leave the class when it happens. Similar things happen at lunch time. All three of you got strawberry shortcakes, but Mikey is a little shit. He steals every strawberry from your cake and says "oh, it looks likes they didn't have strawberries today" with the most innocent voice ever. Draken can't help but agree with Mikey since the small one took all his strawberries too.
Draken thinks this small detail about you is adorable. Sometimes he calls you his little bat, but in a sweet way. "My vision is not good, but glasses are terrible" you start complaining while Draken takes you to a chair "I'm so lucky to have you, Ken". "Don't play games with your health, Y/n" Draken leaves a small kiss on top of your hand "or when we get old you won't be able to see our pictures together". "You are right. But even when we become old I will awalyas recognize your bald head" you laugh and almost can feel the frown on his face. "Not bald". "Yeah, yeah, whatever makes you happy, Ken" you are smiling at him. At least you think it's his face. But it can also be the back of his head. "You do".
Draken is so lucky you can't see his face now. But you can hear his voice. His strong voice was warm with love. You love this boy. He is your eyes, he has your heart.
"I got something for you" Draken cleans his hands on his clothes to give you a pink box "two years today. I know you don't like glasses and always end up losing yours, but keep these, please". Hearth shaped glasses with red frames. Draken is the best. "This is actually the best present you could ever give me!" your happy voice makes him smile a little confused. "I thought you didn't even like glasses?" "Oh, I don't. I'm talking about you. The best present is you. Being with you. And now being able to see you" putting the glasses on your face you only have time do see him coming fast closer to you.
Drakens kisses are intense. Always.
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babu-haitani · 3 years
And the last one
With a s/o who has an oral fixation. Always has something in her mouth, always munching and biting on something, it might not even be food just something like some sort of stick or a pen.                                     With Shion, Izana, Kakucho and Taiju
Thank you for taking the time to read and write my requests. I really appreciate it <3
I know it took so long for me to post your requests!! and I'm sorry!! but I'm glad I managed to finish all of them! <3
Oral Fixation (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
Pairings: Shion, Izana, Kakucho, Taiju x G/N S/O
TW: Again with babu making a suggestive joke XD
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I'm sorry...but I Imagine that Shion also has this problem XD.
I feel like you two both have this issue, hence why he always has mint candy with him or why he always has a pack of gum.
but unlike you, he has his own chew toys.
You? you just..Uhm...chew on pens and his shoulders, his fingers, and neck...
As much as Shion loves it when you bite him (kinky) he can't focus on whatever he is doing or watching if you would always nibble on his ARM!
So he gifted you your very first ever Chew Toy. It was the same as his but it was your favorite color.
You know those small clear pouches? He has two of those.
One has your name and the other his name.
Yes, It's filled with both you and his Chew Toys so yours and his won't get mixed with each other.
He's also the one who makes sure all your chew toys are sterilized and cleaned <3
He's Momma Shion <3
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I see Izana as the type to easily get annoyed just by small details.
When he heard chewing right beside him, he can't help but feel annoyed.
"Y/N...what the hell are you doing????"
"Oh...I'm sorry...I just--I have an Oral Fixation problem..."
Izana is annoyed but he understands that you have some problems.
So instead of complaining he just bought you your own chew toys so you won't chew on your earphone cord or your pens.
When he first saw you chew on the toys he bought for you, he thought you looked adorable as you happily nibble on them.
So expect a whole package of Chew Toys that he ordered online...
You had to tell him to stop before he ACTUALLY STOPS buying online.
If you're ever scolding him or mad at him, he would just plop your mouth with one of your toys and it would take away your anger. LMAO.
He just loves you, okay? That's why he's making fun of you :>
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This man knows every detail about you before you two even started dating.
He made sure he can take care of you and make you feel safe <3
So that means he already knows about your Oral Fixation.
At first, you thought he didn't know, so you tried your best to not tell him (even though you already told him during your first date).
So you were surprised when you were biting your lips and he just plainly handed you a chew toy. It wasn't yours, It was brand new.
"Kaku? You knew??"
"About your Oral Fixation? Yeah, you told me during our first date...Remember?"
You can't help but fall in love with him over and over again because he always knows even the smallest of details about you <3
If he ever forgot to bring your chew toys, he would run to a nearby store and would buy you new ones so you can always keep your mouth company. (that kinda sounds sexual...LMAO)
He is kinda like Momma Shion...he is Momma Kakucho :>
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The first time Taiju found out was when he was talking to his men when you started kissing his hand then BIT HIM. YES, YOU BIT HIM!
Of course, Taiju wasn't hurt but he was disgusted because of the saliva.
"Babe...Do I look like a fucking Chew Toy to you?"
"m'sorry babe...I just wanna chew on something..."
This man got you dog toys...
At first you didn't know it was dog toys until Hakkai and Yuzuha pointed it out on why were you chewing on 'DOG TOYS'
You were disgusted at first after finding it out but you just shrugged cause you sterilized them in boiling water before chewing on them. It's basic hygiene :>
I know Taiju is a prideful man but when Yuzuha scolded him for giving you dog toys to chew on, he said sorry and actually gifted you some proper 'HUMAN' Chewing Toys.
Ever since he found out about your Oral Fixation, he now has this small bag full of your sterilized Chew Toys.
It's what he brings during dates and if you're ever near him when you both go out <3
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fatal-error-blog · 3 years
TL;DR at the end~ Hey folks! I’m so sorry I’ve been absent from the blog and from the discord for such a long time. I mentioned that I was taking a break back in…oh geez, May? And that break has gone on for much longer than I expected XD Long story short, I am very okay! This has just been an exceptionally busy year, and I’ve had to rearrange my priorities a bit to navigate it all.
To be absolutely honest, I’ve just been burnt out. Not from just the comic, but from a lot of things outside the blog. And if you’ve ever been burnt out, then you know that it kinda doesn’t matter how passionate or excited you are to work on your projects - you just keep hitting a wall that doesn’t really let you progress. Unfortunately I hit that wall, haha. So I’ve been taking the time to recover from it. Legitimately, this blog post took several weeks longer than I wanted it to, just because I was trying to gather enough will to draw a cute little drawing to go along with it. Eventually I figured that it needed to go up without it.
It sucks to have to admit that I needed to step away from the comic, the blog, and the discord. It’s hard to admit to myself that I was having a hard time balancing everything and that despite being excited about where the comic was headed, I just physically and mentally had to take a break. It feels really bad to have a lot of fun ideas about what I want next for the story, for all the side comics and the graphic novel and just not be able to act on them because something within me is just tired and needs a minute before continuing. It sucks to disappoint everyone who’s come to love this story and is also just as excited to see what happens next.
I think deep down I’ve always been scared that I’d give up on the Fatal_Error comic, which is why I was hesitant to step away from it to take care of other things that had to be taken care of. But I think I know now that completing this story is so important to me that I could never give up on it. But I do know that I need to give myself time to get some other things in my life in order, so that I can get through the block and come back to the comic ready to keep moving forward. So I hope you’ll be patient with me and rejoin me when the comic starts back up in January 2022. I don’t want to bore ya’ll with details, but probably the biggest thing I’ve got going on outside of this blog is trying to advance my career. I work in game development (QA Tester, been that way for a few years) and I’m more than ready to move up in the development pipeline. So I’ve been dedicating a lot lot lot of my time trying to work on those skills and apply for jobs. It’s very time consuming, haha. And mentally taxing. So I’ve been using this time (and I’ll be using the rest of the year) to work on some indie projects, beef up my portfolio, and hopefully get hired for a better job than I have now. I can’t express how much that’s gonna relieve a lot of stress for me, and less stress = more energy to spend on the Fatal_Error comic.
I do still plan to stream working on these projects, it’s (probably) not gonna involve Fatal haha but there is a lot of art involved and me bumbling around trying to program which should be entertaining to some extent, so if that’s something you’re interested in I’ll mention whenever I’m planning on streaming and you’re more than welcome to pop in and see what all the fuss is about.
As for discord, I’m never really far ^_^ I keep discord open all the time, and even if I don’t post or do much in the discord, I’m always nearby to check in and available to talk if ya’ll need me. I’ll try to be more involved though <3
I think that’s the major stuff? I really am looking forward to hopping back into Fatal’s story once things calm down on my end. It’s been a really wonderful source of comfort and expression for me and I love where the story is going, and I love getting to share it with ya’ll. I’m sorry for making you all wait so long for what comes next, but as always, I sincerely hope that once we get there, it’ll be worth the wait. Thank you for your patience, your kindness, and your enthusiasm. I’ll be around (and catching up on the inbox, messages, etc haha), but in terms of the comic, I’ll see ya’ll in January 2022 <3
Stay determined! I know I will be ^_^ <3 Xedra
Is the comic over?/Is the blog dead? Nope! Just on pause until January 2022. What about the volume 2 of the graphic novel? Also on pause! I’m hoping to open preorders in March/April 2022. Are you okay? Yup! Thank you for asking, and I’m sorry for making you worry. What are you going to be doing in the meantime? I’m going to be working on some game development projects. I’m working on applying for jobs and I need stuff for my portfolio, and I also want to make sure I have something to do after Fatal_Error is finished ^_^ Are you still gonna stream? Yup! It’ll probably be non-Fatal_Error stuff but you’re more than welcome to watch me work! I’ll make a post about it when I have the times and stuff sorted out. Are you gonna be back on discord? Slowly, but yup. I’ll kinda chill in the background if you need me. You gonna play Deltarune Chapter 2? HEcK YEAH MY DUDE
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Stranger In The Crowd
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having recently ended the process of moving, Y/N is rightfully very tired but also very excited for the new chapter of her life. Funnily enough, this new chapter includes a newly formed long distance friendship/crush with a very special person from San Diego.
Requested by @boiled-onionrings Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request and I’m really sorry you’ve had to wait so long for it to be posted but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
I let out a heavy sigh, relieved to finally be at home after such a long day of standing around in the Georgia heat with only a thin layer of fabric to protect my eyes and head from the scorching sun. Yeah, anyone who says that tent did well at protecting everyone under it today is nothing but a liar. I was in a short, strapless white summer dress, the fabric of which barely had any weight and consistency to provide heat of its own yet I still damn near melted. Ok, I’ll admit, some of the roasting heat probably came from the energy and force I put into singing the songs of my band’s new album ‘Starting At The End’. 
The mini concert we held in this large open field was meant as an introduction to the city of Savannah where all the band members - myself included - are actually from but we all moved to the West Coast to pursue our music career. And now that we’ve grown, and the majority of us are married, one of us is a father now as well, we’ve decided to return to our hometown. The decision was so spontaneous and was executed so quickly due to no one objecting to it that it still hasn’t me that I’m no longer in LA. The heat isn’t helping my ‘processing’ process but I’ll get to it eventually. Do I miss LA though? Not sure I do - I think I more miss the people I was closer to while I was there.
Suddenly, as if perfectly timed, my phone dings, notifying me that I’ve received a message. I don’t have to look to know it’s from - there’s only one person I actively text and his name is....
C ~ Your virtual buddy Corpse here, making sure you didn’t die of a heatstroke today. If you did indeed survive, just reply to this message, if not....don’t do anything, I guess.
I can’t help but giggle at the sight of the message. I promised Corpse I’d text him after the concert to let him know I was ok, but the even dragged out for longer than anticipated so I’m guessing he got worried.
How cute.
Me ~ Alive and well, but I do feel like a popped tire of an overloaded truck. Hope that’s a visually appealing description
Corpse and I met on the charity livestream Jacksepticeye organized and invited our band to so we could play Among Us with some of the best gamers and streamers on the internet. It was a huge honor and a ton of fun, definitely an event I’d like to repeat in the near future because I had such a good time and I know all my bandmates did too. We all got acquainted and even became official friends with the gamers that were practically our hosts, Corpse becoming the closest friends I’d earn. That livestream happened months ago and we still text just as consistently.
C ~ Oh I know EXACTLY what you mean. Anyway, as to not exhaust you further to force you into typing, how about you send me pictures to sum up your thoughts and emotions and plans for the evening
This is OUR THING trademark, mine and Corpse’s and no one can take it away from us. It’s a significant element of our friendship that enables us both to understand one another when one of us feels the way I described in my message - a popped tire or a deflated balloon. I’m usually the exhausted one - blame the many shows we do and the many meet-and-greets we organize for our lovely fans. It’s the type of exhaustion none of the band members mind at all, but we definitely need some time to recover from it.
As I go to sit down on my couch, the flower crown I’ve been wearing slips off the top of my head, falling on the floor, creating a soft noise that attracts the attention of one of my many cats - Sasha. She’s the youngest and most curious kitty in the family, always protected by the other four - Luna, Cassie, Silver and Lynn. Those four are far lazier and a lot more disinterested in comparison to Sasha who immediately runs over to see what’s fallen.
I smile to myself, taking the flower crown and undoing it to lessen it by a few stems to make it smaller, all the while being watched by the curious Sasha whose interest is rewarded in the end when I put the now adorably tiny flower crown on her head.
While she still hasn’t shaken the thing off I manage to snap a pic which I send to Corpse who opens it mere seconds after it was delivered. 
C ~ Sasha’s pulling off your aesthetic better than you. Sorry, someone had to let you know
I burst out laughing for two reasons - 1.The message itself, damn it! It’s hilarious; 2. Corpse has learnt the name of each one of my cats and never mixes them up - not even Luna and Lynn who look almost identical. That amount of attention to detail is astonishing and very meaningful to me, it genuinely warms my heart and that may or may not be dramatic but it’s definitely not exaggerated.
Me ~ You think I haven’t caught on yet? 
C ~ Well, if it makes you feel any better you pull off my aesthetic better than I do
He’s referring to the e-girl look I did for one show the band had in downtown LA one night. I was drunk and looking forward to trying new things so I improvised the hell out of my outfit but I apparently looked presentable enough to leave a good impression on Corpse despite the pic I sent him being a bit blurry and being a mirror selfie in the bathroom of the very bar we were performing in. It goes without saying that the mirror was dirty too - had a bunch of writing on it which Corpse said only added to the aesthetic. Looking back on it now I kinda agree, and luckily so did the fans in the comments of that same photo when I posted it on Instagram.
Me ~ Means a lot actually. Nowhere near enough to aid the burn of having a cat pull off cottagecore better than I do, but still helps XD
As if sensing that we’re talking about her, Sasha hops on the couch, poking her head over my phone to look down at the screen.
Now this is gonna be golden.
I take a selfie with my phone in my lap, the camera capturing both me and Sasha at a rather unflattering angle which has me losing my mind laughing when I send the picture to Corpse who immediately sends back a string of cry-laughing emojis.
C ~ I can’t tell which one of you is cuter
Me ~ If that was a compliment, I gotta say I appreciate it greatly
C ~ Just telling the truth ;)
It’s times like these that the butterflies in my stomach remind me just why I’ve started catching feelings for this man despite all the distance between us and despite barely knowing him - he knows me more than I know him but I don’t mind it, oddly enough.
I’m fond of our connection and though I sometimes dream of something more, I’m also content with what we already have considering that ‘something more’ seems rather unattainable as of now.
My phone dings again, clearing the fog of thoughts and presenting me with a new message from Corpse.
C ~ Oh, by the way, look what I got....
That message is followed up by a picture of a ticket. A plane ticket to Georgia! 
While I’m still busy stomaching this and dealing with my quickly rising excitement, he sends another message.
C ~ I hope to catch a The Silver Rays concert while I’m there. Heard they had an adorable frontwoman ;)
My breath catches in my throat as a wide grin spreads across my face. The thought of having Corpse so close to me sends those aforementioned butterflies in my stomach into a raving mood and they practically explode my insides with excitement and joy like I’ve never felt it before. I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that we’re about to go from having an entire country between us, to being just some ways away - him in the audience and me on stage without a single clue of who to look for. That’s part of the excitement though, I guess, part of the guessing game that’s gonna make our meeting all the more interesting.
He’ll be a stranger in the crowd and I’ll be a performer on a stage - seemingly two people who have no relation whatsoever. But damn does it go beyond that: No one has to know how hard I’m falling for that stranger in the crowd.
Me ~ I’ve heard so too, can’t confirm it though
If this is gonna be a guessing game, I’ll flip the tables a bit - I won’t take any guesses. I’ll let the answer come to me. I’ll give the first move over to the stranger in the crowd, let’s see what he does.
C ~ I’ll check and let you know, don’t worry
Not worried whatsoever, Corpsie. I’m not worried at all.
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