#jean tak
mikexx2 · 2 years
Yunaissance SP child roundup, p1
Let’s check in on how SP is chugging along with the gene pool, shall we? A lot of these kids are born of sims in my downtownie pool with @katatty and @kooli-sims and dormie pool with @moocha-muses​ and of course this iconic townie pool.
First up!
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The O’Neill siblings: Eric, Kitty and Cathy, born to Ann O’Neill and Laura Lee, who is always pregnant and whose mouth and brown hair is obviously very recessive.
Then a lightning round of singles:
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Trixie Harbin, born to Sasha Harbin and Asha Nazari.
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Danica Woodbine, born to Theresa Woodbine and Abigail O’Rourke.
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Bronson Rossi, born to Sheena Rossi (Vivian) and Tamsin Henry (Aiyanna).
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Annabelle Walker, born to “Shark Eyes” Walker and Zenith Chastain.
And lastly, my personal favourite...
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Jean Tak, born to Jae-kyung Tak and Matteo Flores-Fonseca. That floppy hair framing those cheekbones? I live!
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misialean · 2 months
‼️100 powodów dlaczego masz schudnąć.‼️
(Post z okazji 100 obserwujących dziękuję kocham was)🩷🩷🩷
TW ED 🦋 Post Motywacyjny!
Ubierzesz to co tylko chcesz
Nigdy nie zasłonisz brzucha przy siadaniu
Zazdrosne spojrzenia
Nikt nie powie o twoim chłopaku "ważne ze jest szczęśliwy"
Będziesz ładniejsza od tych które cię gnębiły
Chuda twarz, kosci policzkowe
Komplementy "chudzinka"
Będą cie nosili na rączkach, baranach
Będziesz zawsze ładniejszą, chudszą przyjaciółką
Będziesz siedziala u kogos na kolanach bez dawania duzego ciężaru
Jak ktoś będzie tłumaczył jak wygladasz powie coś w stylu "ta taka bardzo chudziutka"
Juz nie ty zazdrościsz innym a oni tobie
Będziesz wrzucała śliczne tiktoki / posty na insta
Komentarze "zazdro figury laska" "moje kompleksy mają kompleksy
Jak zaginiesz na ogłoszeniu będzie "szczupła" zamiast "średnia postura ciala"
Powiesz ile ważysz bez zaniżania albo wstydu
Jesli masz inne dobre predyspozycje będziesz mogła zostać MODELKĄ
Nigdy wyciągniętego brzucha
Związane włoski, bo przecież twoja twarz nie będzie juz gruba
Nie będziesz wstydzić sie nagości
Najlepsza na zdjęciach klasowych
Wyglądanie dobrze na zdjęciach które ktoś ci zrobił
Przerwa między nogami
Ktoś obejmie twoją talie jedną ręką
Chude rączki, dłonie, palce
Płaski brzuch nawet po posiłku
+100 do prawdopodobie��stwa ze starzy znajomi, ex chłopak na ciebie zwrócą uwage
Jednym wyzwiskiem w twoją strone będzie np "patyczak" XD
Będziesz podziwem dla nowych motylków
"Boże ty cos jesz?!"
"Ale leciutka"
Glow up
Zaczną zwracać na ciebie uwage WSZYSCY
Będziesz wygladac zawsze słodko
Będziesz drobniutka nawet przy "normalnych osobach"
Przywrócisz życie starym kilka rozmiarów za małym ciuszką
Obcisła sukienka na tobie..
Będziesz wyglądała ślicznie nawet w skinny jeans
Najlepsza figura w klasie
Najlepsza figura w gronie znajomych
Problemy z samooceną znikną
Będziesz tak chuda ze ta paczka jebanych chipsów na które masz TERAZ ochote wtedy nie zrobi ci już takich problemów
Będziesz widzieć te kości o które tak błagasz
Nigdy juz nie poplaczesz sie przez to jak wyglądasz
Ktoś cię kurwa POKOCHA
Będziesz miała na codzień sytuację gdzie na ciebie gwizdają
Będą podbijać po instagrama
Będziesz zajebiście prezentować sie na plazy w stroju kąpielowym
Będziesz najlepszą wersja samej siebie
Udowodnisz WSZYSTKIM ze umiałaś
Udowodnisz to SAMEJ SOBIE
Rozmiar XXS
Będą tobie oddawać ciuchy które na nich już są za małe, bo ty chudzina to wejdziesz.
Będziesz sie ubierała w jakim stylu chcesz
Nigdy nie usłyszysz wyzwiska "gruba, tłusta, ulana"
Będą przy tobie czuć sie brzydko (so toxic ale teraz TY takim zazdrościsz)
Niektóre najmniejsze rozmiary będą ci wręcz spadać z dupy
Będziesz malutka przy swoim crushu/ chłopaku (perfect couple goals)
Obejmiesz nadgarstek kciukiem i wskazujacym palcem
Ktoś po długim nie widzeniu cię, powie ze cie nie poznał
Twoje UGW stanie sie tym co widzisz po wejściu na wage
Noszenie spodni z niskim stanem
Noszenie legginsow
Będą zawsze pytali "Czy nie jesteś głodna"
Będziesz mogła wszędzie eksponować swoje ciało z ogromną dumą
Będziesz mogła spotykać sie ze znajomymi w miejscach typu BASEN, JEZIORO itd.
Thinspø dla innych
Twoja twarz od dołu wciąż będzie wyglądała ślicznie bez żadnej fałdy
Ubierzesz sie nawet na dziecięcym
Będziesz warzyła tyle co dzieci
Zmieścisz sie w jakichś ciasnych miejscach i będziesz mogła sie wszędzie dostawać
Będziesz mieściła sie w koreańskich standardach piękna
Będą cie pytali czy nie bierzesz narkotyxkow bo jesteś TAKA WYCHUDZONA
Wtedy jak zdarzy ci sie przytyć 3-4 kilo nie bedzie robiło ci takiej różnicy jak teraz i nie będzie juz to tak straszne
Twoim ulubionym widokiem stanie sie ten w lustrze
Wystające obojczyki, kosci szyi, biżuteria na tym..
Będziesz umiała SAMA O SOBIE dobrze powiedzieć
Będziesz juz umiała wymienić co w sobie lubisz
Zarysowana żuchwa, będziesz wyglądać dobrze z profilu
Wszystkie dziewczyny będą mówić ze "chciałyby byc takie chude jak ("twoje imie*)"
Będzie ci chłodniej w upalne dni
Będziesz sie mniej pociła
Będziesz mogła nagrać tiktoka w którym pokażesz JAK DUŻY GLOW UP przeszłaś.
Twoje obecne kompleksy mogą byc tym co będziesz lubiła w sobie najbardziej jak schudniesz
Jak masz rodzeństwo będziesz tym chudszym/ ładniejszym bratem/ siostrą.
Twoje dwa uda będą jak teraz jedno
Niektórzy będą trzymali w galerii twoje zdjęcia aby się zmotywować
Jak będzie trzeba będziesz mogła jechać u kogos na bagażniku od rowera bo przecież "i tak nie robisz przeciążenia"
Będą mowili o tobie te piękne porownania "chuda jak patyk" 'lekka jak piórko"
Będziesz miala figure taką jak te wszystkie dziewczyny z tumblera/ pinteresta którym zazdrościłaś
Już nie będziesz w stanie złapać swojego tluszczu z ciala w dłonie
Nawet w kurtkach, duzych ubraniach nie będziesz wyglądała grubo
Jeśli usłyszysz śmiechy lub wyzwiska ze względu na wygląd nie będziesz miala wrażenia ze to o tobie.
Bedziesz mogła na kimś się położyć
Wyladniejesz na tyle ze na profilowym na tumblerze juz będziesz mogła mieć siebie
Twoja buźka będzie tak chudziutka ze juz dziubek na zdjęciu nie będzie ci potrzebny
Twoim jednym problemem będzie to że jesteś tak chuda że jak nikt ci nic nie pożyczy bo nie ma takiego małego rozmiaru ubrań
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angelofsmalldeaath · 5 months
i'm starving, darling, let me put my lips to something — a.h.b.
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cw: this is just...smut — semi-public sex, choking... minors dni i am so serious
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“here?” i gasp, burning, panting. the rock solid wall digs into my back, exhilaration courses through my veins. 
“here,” he smiles, wicked and delightful in the faint light of the streetlamp. 
it’s a shitty alley for christ’s sake—in fact, i’m sure i saw a rat scurrying past us just a few seconds ago—but right now, in this moment when i feel his fingers trailing up my thigh, everything else simply fades away.
“do you want this?” he breathes, lips attached to my neck, shivering when i touch him. 
i nod instantly. “you? always.”
“no,” he laughs. it’s a low, deep sound that echoes around in my skull, “us, here. anyone can walk in, you know?”
“that’s half the thrill,” i tease, begging him to kiss me again. 
“yeah?” he challenges, teeth grazing my neck, just a smidge of pressure on my pulse point until it’s wild and thunderous and echoing throughout my entire body. 
i slap his chest lightly, “tease!”
and he laughs when i have to stand on the very tips of my toes and hold onto him just so i won’t lose my balance. it doesn’t take him much longer though, just when i’m about to stumble, he grabs my face, keeping me still so he can kiss me properly—the kind that knocks the breath out of my chest when he grazes my bottom lip with his teeth, the kind that has me leaning against him entirely for balance when my knees almost buck under me. 
the kind that makes me moan in his mouth, until he’s pulling my leg up, my thigh pressed against his waist and his hands under my ass. 
“when did you get so dirty, darling?” he teases, digs his fingers into my skin, and i squirm, wishing he’d get rid of all the layers between us. wishing he’d fuck me till all i remember is his name. 
till i suddenly find god in the alley behind the bar.
i grind my hips into his, gasping when i feel him against me, “saw how you looked at me in there. couldn’t stop the thoughts after that…”
“is that right?” he whispers, hands reaching into my hair until his fingers are tangled in the tresses. i hiss when the sting comes, when he tugs on my hair to tilt my face up, and i have no choice but to look right at him, at his almost-black, hungry eyes that look ready to devour me.
he looks ready to devour me, like a man starving. 
“touch me,” i whimper, grab his hand and move it up my thigh until his finger is hooked in the waistband of my underwear. he stills, and looks at me with a grin. 
“beg for it.”
“got a filthy mouth on you, haven’t you?” he whispers right into my ear, nips my earlobe while he’s at it and i moan just from that. “tell me your thoughts. tell me everything you thought about me in there.”
i whimper, thumb the zipper of his jeans until it’s half open. “everything?”
“everything. i won’t do it until you ask for it. until you beg for it.”
“thought about your hands,” i breathe, pull down his zipper the rest of the way and hook my fingers in his belt buckle. “saw your hand around the glass and wondered how it would look around my neck…”
“like this?” he asks, voice almost a growl, and wraps a hand around my neck. it’s warm, i feel every bit of callused skin on me, feel his fingers pressing down on the sides of my neck until the air thins. 
i choke out a yes, trying and failing to focus on his belt-buckle, utterly dizzy from everything—the lack of air, his body against mine. him.
“what else?” he prompts. 
heat coils in my belly when i think of the rest. “t-thought about your fingers too, on me, in me, everywhere.”
if he speaks, the words don’t register. they don’t even fall on my ears. all i feel is his fingers, snaking their way inside my underwear—moving, touching, teasing, anywhere but where i want to feel him. “like this?” he tsks, laughs when i whine in protest. 
“you know it’s not.”
“ooh, feisty.” 
this time when i kiss him, i make sure to bite. he hisses in my mouth, enjoying the sting a little too much, and i take advantage of his distraction. “like that,” i moan in his mouth and grab his hand, pushing a finger inside me and slipping my own finger in right after. i hold his hand in place and look him right in the eyes. 
they look pitch black, blown out wide and so dark, it sends a thrill down my spine. 
he presses on my neck again, more and more and more until i’m close to a blackout and grinding on his hand. my finger slips out of me, he instantly pushes in another to replace it, to stretch me out more. 
“please d-don’t stop,” i beg, moving my hips faster and faster, matching the thrust of his fingers, “i’ll die if you stop.”
my voice is raspy and rough, like i’ve been screaming his name for hours. and maybe i have been; he certainly looks like i have been—fucked out and utterly undone. 
“won’t” he promises, and moves his hand faster, thumb circling my clit, “you’ve been so good, darling, so fucking perfect!”
“ohgodohgodohgod,” i chant like a blind devotee, drunk on him, pathetic and desperate. 
“that’s it,” he groans when i clench around his fingers, “that’s it baby, give me all you got. look at me,” he says. no…it’s almost an order, “look at me when you cum.”
instinctually, i open my eyes, look right at him. he loosens his hold around my throat, and just like that the air is flooding into my lungs all at once—too much, too much, overwhelming until i cry out his name and cum all over his hand. 
our pants echo in my ear, barely even audible over the rushing blood. 
“fuck—” he chokes, utterly speechless. i feel no different. 
instead, when he pulls his hand out, i take a hold of it, place it in my mouth. he makes a sound at the back of his throat—a choked moan like he can’t take it anymore. the moan frees itself when i swirl my tongue around his fingers, licking every inch of them, sucking them clean. 
“you’ll be the death of me,” he groans, “fuck darling.”
only when i let go of his fingers do i smile at him—the same wicked smile he’d shown me before, the same devilish grin. 
“your turn now,” i kiss him, make sure he tastes me on my tongue. “tell me what you want. beg for it.”
and in the alley behind the bar, i get on my knees. 
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a/n: idk why i feel the need to explain myself but i do — this was so much harder to write dear god, lets all collectively agree to ignore this if this is bad. anyway back to sappy fluff from now on (for a while at least)(unless inspiration strikes idfk)
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malaysianeyecandy · 20 days
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Follower submission:
Ni lah Janda baik yang sebenar 😆😍 body gebu Bnyk air follower ni kata tgk jelaa dia pakai jeans, tak keruan dibuatnya 😫😫😫
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myzticbean · 3 days
Cat!Dad Series: You're My "Maine" Squeeze
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Pairing: Qin Che | Sylus / MC (fem! reader) Tags: Super fluff, established relationship, cute cats, domestic bliss Can also read at A03
Previous posts in the Cat!Dad series:
Zayne: Quit kitten around - let's celebrate
Title: You’re My “Maine” Squeeze
Wrapping my arms around Sylus, I rest my hands against the motorcycle’s tank as it rockets down the dark street. I slip a hand under his leather jacket as we both lean into the tight corner, disappearing into the condo’s underground private entrance. The motorcycles that had been following us blew past, unaware we had already made our getaway. 
I laugh, a little giddy from the rush of adrenaline at the chase and successful escape (ahem, joyride), hugging his broad back and resting my helmet between his shoulder blades as he slows and parks the bike. 
“I told you it would be fun,” Sylus says calmly after he pulls off his helmet. I tug mine off as well, my bun squished to my head and tangled flyaway hairs sticking to my face, but I know I’m still grinning from ear to ear. 
“Another successful mission with my criminal mastermind partner,” I chuckle, shaking my hair out of the hair tie before throwing it back up into a ponytail. I swing my leg over and hop off the bike, and he stands as well, wrapping me in his arms in a quick hug. 
We wear matching black leather jackets, my curb stomping boots laced up over black jeans, and a custom thigh holster holding my (not-quite-legal) gun. I lean into his embrace, lifting my face to smile smugly at him.
“Admit it, I definitely helped you a lot this time.”
“You literally started a fight and got us thrown out -- of my own club,” he answers sardonically, tightening his grip around my shoulders and waist. But he can’t hide the lip twitch of amusement and the softness in his gaze as he stares down at me. 
“You needed to hire better help anyways,” I say airily, stepping out of his embrace and flicking a strand of my ponytail back over my shoulder saucily. “That they didn’t even recognize their boss…tut.”
“You do realize most people shouldn’t recognize me, otherwise it defeats the purpose of being the mysterious leader of an underground organization,” he responds dryly, locking the steering on his bike and grabbing the straps of our helmets in one hand. 
“That they didn’t even recognize your dark, dangerous, and sensual aura and let you do whatever you wanted is just a crime against nature,” I answer cheekily. I open my mouth to continue my teasing despite his grimace, when the hissing and howling of cats interrupts me.
As we neared the elevators, I saw a couple of cats brawling, two smaller dark colored tomcats wrestling a dirty, fluffy, absolute monster of a cat. Even while clearly outnumbered, it was holding its own and about to turn the tide of the fight when another cat appeared, intent on jumping into the fray. 
“Oh no,” I say, taking an unconscious step forward. I wasn’t sure how to intervene without getting scratched to holy hell when an empty can was suddenly thrown from behind, clattering as it pelted one of the dark cats on top. 
It screamed, not that it was actually hurt, but more in surprise as it backed off of the giant cat on the bottom. Without waiting, the big cat sprang to its feet, roaring like a tiny lion and racing forward aggressively. 
The tomcat didn’t bother waiting around to see if it could take the big cat on - it scrambled to its feet and raced away, the other cats following close behind. The bigger cat stopped, sitting on the ground in exhaustion, bloody scratch marks on its face, back and ears. 
“You poor thing,” I murmur, squatting down to try to get a closer look. It would probably be pretty skittish, especially if it has been a feral, unneutered male used to roaming the streets of the N109 zone and surviving. 
It turns to look at me at the sound of my voice, its tail flicking back and forth as it surveys me from where it sits on the cold concrete. “I wonder if he’ll let us take care of his wounds,” I say to Sylus who stands behind me, his hand propped casually on one hip as he looks between me and the cat.
“It’s a tom, probably not,” he answers.
“I tamed you,” I say a little tongue-and-cheek as I glance at him slyly over my shoulder. 
“Hmm,” he hums thoughtfully. “I might argue it was the other way around, kitten.”
“Here kitty, kitty,” I whisper, flicking my fingers at him. I moved to kneel down on one knee, not moving closer, but holding my hand out in case he wants to come over for a sniff.
The cat didn’t deign to move closer, but also doesn’t seem afraid or inclined to scamper away from us. He just peers at me with intent yellow eyes, his fluffy tail flipping back and forth as if to lure me in with the promise of touching it.
I can’t help myself -- I shuffle forward a little bit, my hand still outreached, wanting to see if he’ll let me get close enough to at least take a better look at his scrapes. He’s certainly not afraid - his watchful eyes are flickering all around. 
“Look at this handsome boy,” I croon, voice pitched a little lower, trying to entice him to take a step towards me. I wish I had some food for him. 
Sylus just sighs behind me. 
“Ignore him, kitty,” I suggest, trying to stifle a giggle when I see the cat’s yellow eyes briefly dart behind me before locking back onto mine. “You are definitely the biggest, most handsome cat on the block. If you come juuuust a little closer, I want to make sure you haven’t been hurt.”
The cat yawns, his sharp teeth on full display before he licks his nose and gives me a blink. 
“That’s right, big guy. You know I won’t hurt you.” 
Sylus suddenly chuckles behind me. “Let’s do this a little faster, shall we?” Without pausing, he activates his Evol, wrapping the cat in red and black swirls of color and lifting it into the air. It yowls in immediate displeasure, thrashing and kicking.
“Oh, don’t-” I try to say, before Sylus deposits it in my arms, though still wrapped up and held immobile by his power.
It freezes, looking up into my face, while I peer down at him. “It’s okay, kitty, I won’t hurt you,” I say soothingly. I resist the urge to pet it - it’s trapped and can’t escape, and my touch could do more harm than good. Instead I hold him close against me, cradling him gently in my arms as Sylus guides me towards our private elevator. 
We ascend to the penthouse as I’m trying to look over his wounds - with his thick hair, it doesn’t seem like he sustained too much damage, but I wouldn’t be sure until I could investigate more thoroughly. He is, however, extremely dirty and covered in fleas, which I can see crawling through the dirty fuzz. 
“He needs a bath,” I say, looking him over. “Do you think we should take him to a vet instead?”
Sylus scoffs quietly behind me as we enter our private floor. “I’ll make a call.” 
“My rich boyfriend is so strong and powerful,” I laugh, walking further into the condo and heading towards the bathroom. 
“Do we have any of that blue dish soap?” I call out as I settle the cat down in the shower. I need to grab a towel, and with Sylus’ Evol still activated, he won’t be able to move too much. I kick off my shoes and socks and grab a few fluffy dark towels from underneath the sink, whispering to the cat as I reach for one of the handheld shower heads. Since the shower is big enough for 10 people, the cat is safely outside of the spray as I test out the water and let it warm up.
“What a good boy you are,” I croon, kneeling down by the cat once the temperature has been adjusted, gently allowing the warm water to soak into his fur. The cat gives a grimace and gnashes his teeth, but otherwise doesn’t fight it. 
“Yes, you’re so smart, what a sweet kitty you are. You were definitely going to win. It was three-on-one, and look how strong and brave you were…” I ramble on and on as I soak him from the neck down, gently carding my fingers through his fur to try to get him completely wetted. 
Sylus walks in with a bottle of the dish soap, rolling his eyes a little at my running commentary. “I’m worried about you, sweetie,” he says lightly, squatting by the shower entrance and setting down the soap bottle. 
“Hush,” I say, fighting back a smile as I throw a mock-glare over my shoulder. “Squeeze me,” I say, holding out one palm.
“I wish,” he mutters before he obliges, squirting a heaping handful of soap.
I soap my palms together and get to work, thoroughly (but gently) cleaning up the poor, battered cat. His cuts and scrapes aren’t bad, but I’m careful to avoid getting too much soap in those areas to avoid any stinging. I keep speaking to the cat, voice low and calm, and he doesn’t otherwise flinch at being doused in water and soap.
“I wonder if he was someone’s pet?” I question thoughtfully. “He’s too well behaved for a feral cat.”
Sylus just hums but doesn’t say anything, his Evol still containing the cat though it’s obvious the animal isn’t fighting it. I make sure to wash off as much of the dirt and fleas as I can, rinsing and repeating one more time, and the amount of dirt pooling beneath the two of us turned the pale gray tile completely black. 
But as the cat emerges, clean and victorious, I’m astounded to see a pure white beauty in its majestic display. “He’s so handsome,” I gasp, gently drying him off with a soft towel. 
“I know, you’ve already mentioned it many times,” Sylus says dryly, but the humor glinting in his ruby-colored eyes is obvious. “I always knew you’d be a cat person.”
“You call me kitten often enough, I thought it was obvious,” I say, smiling playfully. 
It’s quiet again for a moment as I finish drying the cat off, before noting, “I don’t think he’s seriously hurt, but he had fleas and could use a check up.” 
As if waiting for my remark, the doorbell chimes, announcing a visitor. I look over at Sylus, who has climbed to his feet and casually strolls out of the bathroom. 
I reach out, cradling the cat in a new clean towel and exit the bathroom and into the living room where a man with a black kit is waiting for us. Without much expression and with almost no conversation, he takes the cat from my arms and begins his check up, and the cat -- who is still held by the black strands -- immediately begins to meow and scream non-stop.
“Oh, poor baby,” I whisper, clenching my hands but unable to help. I look on in concern, trying not to react as the impersonal vet quickly doctors the cat’s wounds and gives him a few shots. 
“He’ll be fine in a few days. I’ve given him his vaccinations, and a pill that will help kill off the remaining fleas.” 
“What kind of cat is he?” I ask, the cat looking even larger as the fur dries.
“I’d guess Maine Coon based on his size and features,” the vet says. “You can do a DNA test if you want to know for sure.”
“Will he get bigger or is he fully grown?”
The man lifted the cat’s lips, checking his teeth. “He’s a young cat, maybe still under a year old, so I would guess he’s still growing. Maine Coons can keep growing until they are around two years old.”
He gives me a few instructions on how to continue caring for the animal, and without much fanfare, leaves. 
“Let’s let him free now,” I murmur to Sylus after setting him down on the floor. Sylus releases his Evol, and the cat slowly stands, taking a few steps and sniffing the air. 
“He’s so cute,” I sigh, watching him tentatively explore his new surroundings. 
“He better not pee on anything until we can get him neutered,” Sylus mutters. “We’ll never get the smell out.”
I reach out, wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling into his chest. “You’re so wonderful,” I say, content and a little tired. The doorbell rings again, and I lift my head off his chest to look up at his face, puzzled. 
He motions for me to go, saying, “Get in the shower, I’ll get him settled. The twins brought some supplies.”
I smile in relief, giving him another squeeze, and silently beg for a kiss as I stand on my toes and lift my face. He cups my chin, brushing warm lips over mine in a chaste kiss. He gives me a second kiss on my forehead.
“Go on,” he murmurs. “I’ll join you soon.”
More than a week has passed since we rescued the cat. I’ve had to travel to and from Linkon for work, but Sylus never asks if I am going to take the cat with me or drop it off at the shelter. Instead, the cat seems to settle into the plush penthouse as if he had never lived a life on the outside, his kingly attitude right at home in the dark, romantic surroundings. 
After arriving a little later than I expected, I put my overnight bag away in the bedroom before I grab one of the new cat toys lying about. It’s a stick with a feather dangling from a string, and I flick it around on the floor and up in the air, laughing aloud as the cat makes a daring leap trying to catch it. 
“You can do it, Junior,” I cheer as he stretches out his paws, dagger-like nails exposed. Mephisto caws angrily in the corner, pacing back and forth on his stand as he watches the playful cat. They’ve been sassing each other all week, with the kitty missing chunks of hair and Mephisto decidedly more ruffled looking with mechanical feathers lying twisted on the ground. 
The door opens and Sylus walks in just in time to hear me, raising his eyebrows as he comes towards me carrying a couple of shopping and garment bags. 
“Please don’t tell me that name means what I think it means?” he sighs.
I start giggling and the cat takes a flying leap, tackling me to the ground. I ooph out a rush of air, his heavy body colliding with mine as I clutch him to my belly and roll backwards. Sylus drops the bags into the couch and strides over, grabbing the cat by the scruff of the neck and tossing him (somewhat gently) onto the coffee table. He reaches down, helping me to my feet as I fight off a giddy laugh. 
“It’s exactly what you think,” I answer, a sly smile twisting my lips as I reach down to pat Junior on the top of his head, his large, fuzzy ears twisting to catch our voices. “He looks just like his daddy, after all…”
“I did not, in fact, sire a cat. But if my little kitten is so inclined to have her own litter, I could be persuaded.”
I burst out laughing, pushing at his shoulder (he didn’t budge). “I’m not ready for a baby right now. Baby making, however…”
His eyes glint in the light, strangely dark as he locks his gaze onto mine, tugging me closer and into a tight embrace. He leans down, nuzzling his face into my neck, arms wrapped around my waist. “Let’s go practice now,” he suggests, teeth nipping gently at my skin in blatant invitation. 
I sigh, languid from the pleasure that courses up my spine as he trails long fingers down my back in a slow caress. He kisses me tenderly, tongue tracing the seam of my mouth before I open to let him in, our tongues pressing against each other in unhurried exploration. We’ve kissed hundreds of times, but each press of his lips to mine brings a fresh wash of affection and excitement.
I lift my arms to wrap around his neck, falling deeper into his kiss, but a demanding howl from the coffee table shatters the moment. I look down, meeting the irritated eyes of the cat staring back at me. “Sorry, Junior. You shouldn’t be watching mommy and daddy like this.”
Sylus stifles a long exhale before he reaches down, adjusting himself, and steps away back towards the bags. I follow along with interest, trying to peek into the bags, but he covers it up. 
“You can open this one now,” he says, holding out a shopping bag. “I’ll show you the others later.”
I look with interest at the other handful of bags and garment bags, but don’t press. I’ve learned that any surprise from Sylus is well worth the wait. Instead, I tear open the bag and read the brand name on the box. “Evol CommuniCollar?” I question, looking up at him in surprise. “Aren’t these ridiculously expensive?”
He scoffs, waving a hand dismissively. “Maybe if you’re not me.”
I roll my eyes. “You are such a snob sometimes.” I eagerly read the description. “It says here that it can translate everything your pet says into human language. This is so cool!”
I sit down and start fumbling to open the box, tearing off the flap corners in my haste to get it open. “Oops, I hope we don’t need to return this,” I say. He looks completely unconcerned as he settles on the couch next to me, as Junior perches politely on the coffee table near my knee, tail swishing back and forth. 
Reading the instructions, I open my phone and download the app as Sylus checks the battery charge on the collar. I fill in Junior’s information, noting his suggested breed and age in the settings. While Sylus isn’t watching, I set the AI voice to one of my favorite male celebrities that is (surprisingly) available in the list. 
Sylus gently adjusts it around the cat’s neck, making sure his fur isn’t being pulled or tangled, and gives him a single pat on the head.
Junior is still watching Sylus and gives a tiny meow, and the collar suddenly beeps, a deep, masculine AI-voice is clearly projecting from the collar. “Father.”
I gasp, practically swooning on the couch. “He knows you’re his dad,” I squeal, covering my mouth to hide the huge grin. Sylus looks taken aback, one eyebrow raised as he stares down at the cat that is still looking up at him. He obviously recognizes the voice when I see his sidelong glance at me. 
I hurriedly continue reading the instructions. “While animals may not experience the same family bonds, environmental stimulus, language or emotional capacity that humans do, they’ve been able to map the closest electrical triggers to feelings that we can understand.”
I laugh a little. “So I guess he knows you aren’t his birth father. Maybe you’re his step-dad.”
The kitty looks at me chuckling on the couch, attention flicking back and forth, and as he looks at me directly, he gives a single, long blink. “Wife.” The masculine voice is low and rumbly as he purrs a little.
My mouth drops open, and I don’t dare to look at Sylus. I’m trying desperately to stifle a cackle of mischievous delight, and I reach out to stroke my hand along his back. 
“No,” Sylus says, reaching out to catch my hand. “Don’t reward him for bad behavior.”
“How is he being bad?” I ask, choking on my laughter. I’m trying not to cry, eyes welling up as I gasp for breath.
“This collar is defective. Let’s throw it away,” he says resolutely, reaching out a hand to unclasp the collar from the cat before I bat his hand away.
“Don’t you dare. This is priceless.” I try to be stern, but my quivering lips and definitely giving it away.
He looks slightly irritated but does take his hands away and folds his arms across his chest. I turn back to the cat, giving him a little scritch behind one fluffy ear, and he closes his eyes, rumbling in pleasure. 
“Feels good. It’s itchy,” the cat collar says in its low, dulcet tones. “Wife. Wife.” The purrs get a little louder when I switch to the other ear.
“No, I’m your mom,” I correct, and the collar gives another little beep with tiny rumbling noises as if to translate what I said.
“No, not mother. Wife,” the cat collar responds, and the cat blinks up at me again, holding eye contact. 
I cover my mouth to hide my laughter when I see Sylus stiffen up beside me. “No, I’m your mother. And this is your dad,” I say, pointing to Sylus. “I’m his wife.”
I pretend I don’t see Sylus whip his head around to look at me. I’m trying to make a point to a cat, and this is the easiest way to get it across. How would a cat understand human dating behavior? 
The cat looks obviously disgruntled as the collar makes more translation noises. His tail lashes angrily back and forth, and he turns his head away from me, obviously not agreeing to my words. 
I lean forward, giving him a little kiss on his forehead, ignoring his mew of unhappiness. “I love you so much, my handsome little guy. You’re the bestest boy, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, I’m the best cat. Better than the bird,” the collar agrees, and the cat turns to nuzzle his head into my chin.
I pepper little kisses all over his cute little cat face. “Are you hungry?”
“Yes, I’m hungry. I’d like dinner, please. I want the fish one. The wet food, not the crunch food.” 
“Oh, you like the tuna more than the chicken? You should really eat the kibble too, it’s better for your teeth if you can eat some crunchy food,” I say, and we walk into the kitchen, chatting together. 
Sylus leans back against the couch cushions, sighing as scrubs one hand over his face before climbing to his feet and going to store away the bags.
Junior and I chatter back and forth, his sentences slowly becoming longer and more in-depth the more the collar was used. 
He finally finishes his food and I ask to gently wipe his face and whiskers with a clean towel, and he happily obliges, purring loudly as I clean him up. We walk together back into the living room, where Sylus has once more taken a seat on the couch, the fireplace crackling and the low throb of classical music coming from the record player. 
“Father,” Junior murmurs, leaping onto the couch and then clambering into Sylus’ lap (uninvited, but also undeterred). I smile, nestling into his side as he raises an arm and pulls me in closer. 
“Father, play with me. Play with me,” the cat begs, raising one paw and tapping it against Sylus’ chest. 
I try to bite back a smile, shifting away slightly so I can quickly snap a photo. Sylus resigns himself, reaching down to flick one furry ear before he tugs gently at a whisker. The cat grows ever more exasperated as he tries to bat away Sylus’ hand, who snaps his fingers and conjures up a handful of black feathers dusting along Junior’s head and back. 
“You wanted to play, and now you’re mad?” Sylus asks, listening to the cat muttering profanities (with the help of the collar) and hiding a small smile. 
Finally the cat huffs and flops down, and the feathers immediately disappear. We both look down at the large cat stretching himself along the length of Sylus’ thighs, Junior’s head resting closer to his stomach. I reach out, giving him a scritch as I nuzzle into Sylus’ broad shoulder.
Sylus presses a tender kiss to my forehead as he sweeps one long-fingered hand down the back of the cat in a soothing, absent-minded stroke. He drops his head, feathering kisses across the bridge of my nose and cheeks, before pressing a deeper, sweeter kiss to my lips. 
“So about that litter of kittens you mentioned…” I pull away to whisper into his ear as Junior finally settles and little snores start to emerge. 
Activating his Evol, he carries that cat over to his bed, settling him into the cushions lightly while he stands and hefts me over his shoulder. “Practice makes perfect, sweetie,” he purrs, striding into the bedroom and shutting the door while I try to muffle my giggles.
Junior licks his lips, snuggling deeper into his bed and drifting off into an even deeper, satisfied sleep.
Cat image source
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writtenbymoonflower · 8 months
can i please request any of the marauders (dealers choice) with a shy quiet reader who’s just a little lonely, and doesn’t quite understand why he (the marauder) wants to be her friend but he just follows her like a lost puppy! if not totally cool- also it can be romantic i don’t mind but i just love the way you write the boys they’re so perfect
definitely did not use this request as an opportunity for MAJOR projection... of course not. Not sure if he's as openly needy as you were wanting, but I hope this is okay! Thanks for requesting hunny! shy!reader x flirty friend!Sirius Black
cw: drinking, smoking, kinda mean friends
1.4k words
Much to your dismay, your drink didn’t look any more interesting than the last twenty times you stared into it. Still, it was better than letting your eyes roam around the party and looking as lost as you felt. The friends you had come with ran off about thirty minutes ago, pulling attractive strangers onto the floor to dance. You were sat on the microfiber settee, swirling your drink and playing with the frays on your jeans. The jeans that your friends had stuffed you into, claiming they ‘make your ass look fantastic.’
Unfortunately, the effort was for naught, because you had been sitting down the whole night. The whole room was a mix of sounds, loud laughter, cups toppling over, the thump of the music from the stereo. You scanned the room, trying to see if there was anyone you recognized, you didn’t have to even look over for someone to call your name. 
“Y/N, love! I didn’t know you were here!” You looked up to see Sirius Black bounding towards you, not having any time to process before you were being hauled up into a hug. He was holding you far too tight to be socially acceptable, considering how you didn’t really know each other that well.
You had met at a party similar to this, one of your friends had a thing going on with someone in their group. Since then, it seemed like anytime he clapped eyes on you, he pulled you onto his arm. 
“Hi, Sirius.” You said quietly, still having the air squeezed out of you by the tattooed boy. He smelled like strong, clean cologne, tinged with musk, hair product, and makeup. It wasn't bad, actually kind of nice. He pulled back, but didn’t let go of you. You noticed he was far too pretty to be fair, smokey and sparkly liner rimming his eyes, high cheekbones topped with glitter that shimmered in the colorful lights, and dark, glossy lipstick, slightly smudged and blotted from his cup. He always looked his best at parties, but he took your breath away extra tonight, maybe because you hadn’t had enough to drink, too scared to run out and go up yourself for a refill. 
“What’re you doing, sitting here all by yourself, you goose.” He playfully scolded, finally letting his arms drop from around you. 
“My friends ran off, I was trying to get drunk.” You laughed pitifully. He was looking at you with enough intensity to make your ears burn. He peered between the two of you to look at your cup of beer. 
“Oh you poor thing, you’re never gonna get drunk enough on that. Come with me, let me fix you up.” He grabbed your free hand and dragged you over to the drinks table, you felt bad pulling him away from the people he came with.
“Aren’t your friends gonna worry? I don’t wanna steal you” You said, setting your red cup down to pick at your nails. 
“Let them worry. Besides, I’d let you steal me any day, dollface.” He winked at you, making heat rush through your body. “Anyway, let me make you a drink.” He picked up a bottle of red juice. “The key is, stay away from things that taste nasty.” He acted like he was teaching a class. “If you want to be drunk, you have to not suffer while you’re drinking.” He poured the fruit punch into another red cup, before grabbing a bottle of tequila and pouring a hefty amount in with it. He swirled the drink before handing it to you. 
“Thank you.” You said, looking at your shoes.
“Anytime.” He smirked at you. You hid your face in your drink, taking a tentative sip. It tasted mostly like fruit punch, with a tinge of warmth as it went down your throat. 
“This is dangerous.” You laughed nervously. “It’s really good, thank you.” You were smiling so shyly and sweetly at him he thought he could cry. 
“No need to thank me.” He shook his head like you were being silly. You looked over to see his usual tribe, smiling and laughing. Your heart burned, wishing you had a group like that. You liked the friends you had come with, but they treated you more like a pity project than anything else, it was embarrassing. Sirius was probably doing the same with you. 
“Well, don’t let me keep you. I’m gonna go outside for a smoke.” You started to turn on your heel towards the patio. 
“They’ll be okay, I promise. Let me keep you at least.” He pleaded. “I could use a smoke too.” He caught up to walk beside you. 
“Only if you want to.” You said, barely looking at him. 
“Can’t think of anythin’ I’d rather do.” You didn’t miss the way his eyes roved appreciatively over your form, making you want to hide and show off to him all at once. He held the door open for you, both of you sighing as the cool air hit your overheated bodies. 
“Thank you.” You muttered again.
“Lose the pleasantries, babydoll. It’s just me.” He shook his head like you were being silly while he pulled out a pack of cigs, handing one to you before sticking another in his painted mouth. 
“I don’t wanna take your stuff.” You said, ashamedly. You were already causing him enough trouble, pulling him from his friends, making him babysit and play bartender, now stealing his substances. You were quickly working your way to mooch status.
He spoke around the unlit stick in his mouth. “You’re not taking, I’m giving. Now c’mere.” He pulled you by your arm, wrapping his hand around your baggy jacket. He grabbed the cigarette from your hand. “Open,” He said, unusually quiet. You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, making him laugh. “Open your mouth, silly.” 
“Oh,” You said, complying with his odd request. He placed the cigarette on your lips, letting you close your mouth around the filter. You thought your heart jumped into your throat as he stepped closer, cupping his hand around the side and flicking his lighter on, lighting the end of your cig for you. You could feel your pants turn to ash on the spot. 
“There you go.” He whispered, stepping away to light his own. Your brain short circuited, struggling to process the last few seconds. You took a drag of your cigarette before taking it out of your mouth. 
“Thank you.” You looked at your shoes again. 
“Bad girl, what did I just tell you?” He laughed loudly. You took a deep breath. 
“You don’t have to do this, you know.” You whispered, cheeks flaming. He blew smoke out of his nose, face pinched in confusion. “Babysit me, I mean. I know you just feel bad cus’ I was sitting by myself.” You picked at the lint on your coat. He looked offended, making you want to pass out on the spot. 
“I’m gonna let you in on a secret.” He said, hushedly. “It seems you don’t realize it, but I’m mean.” You must’ve looked as confused as you felt, because he kept going. “I’m not really very nice, I don’t do things for the sake of others, not like it seems you think I do. So, I’m not doing this for your sake, I’m doing this for mine.” He smirked at you, his sharp canines glinting in the moonlight. 
“I don’t believe that.” You looked him in the eye for the first time that night. 
“And I don’t believe that anyone would pass up the opportunity to be with you, but here we are.” He smiled at you. “Now, if you’ll let me, I would like to spend my time with the person I really want to see. My other friends will be fine, trust me. They’re probably thanking their lucky stars I’m finally leaving them alone, actually.” He wrapped his hand around your wrist, pulling you into his side and swinging an arm over your shoulders. 
“Okay.” You said, looking at your shoes again, voice barely louder than a mouse. He shook his head again. 
“You’re so fucking cute, you’re gonna be the death of me.” He chuckled, leaning over to press a kiss to your cheek. You let your fingers swipe the area gently. 
They came away with his pretty burgundy lipstick staining them.
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semutmerahlagi · 3 months
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Pak Su ku Sayang
Peristiwa itu masih menghantui diriku.. Aku confuse dan tak tahu kepada siapa aku harus mengadu. Sejak peristiwa itu aku sering tak dapat tidur dan sakit kepala memikirkan nya.. Ianya berlaku semasa cuti sekolah yang lalu. Aku pergi ke rumah Pak Su ku di Kuantan untuk berjumpa sepupuku Atie. Aku dan Atie adalah sebaya memang kawan baik sejak kecil. Setelah keluargaku berpindah ke Temerloh aku jarang berjumpa Atie. Apabila tiba cuti sekolah aku gunakan peluang itu untuk bertandang ke rumah Atie.
Aku dan Atie sama-sama dalam tingkatan dua. Dalam usia 14 tahun ini aku mengalami perubahan badan yang amat ketara. Malah ibuku sering menegurku bila aku tidak memakai bra dirumah. Kewanitaanku amat terserlah. Aku mula mengenakan bra 33 B. Dgn ketinggianku 160 cm dan berat badanku 43 kg, aku mampu menarik perhatian setiap lelaki yang memandangku. Biasalah anak dara sunti yang baru tengah naik, semuanya segar dan montok. Terutamanya buah dada aku ni..
Aku pun rasa malu dengan kawan-kawan sekelasku bila aku dianggap simbol seks.
Tapi Nak buat cammana bukannya aku boleh mengawal kesuburan tubuh badanku.. Aku mewarisi kecantikan rupa paras ibuku dengan kulit yang putih halus serta susuk tubuh yang montok. Ibuku saling tak tumpah seperti pembaca berita TV tu.. Aku ni lain sikit. Ada iras-iras saja. Berbalik kepada cerita aku tadi, bila aku tiba kat rumah Atie lebih kurang pukul 10 pagi.. Pak Su ada kat rumah kerana hari tu Hari Sabtu. Pak Su bagitau Maksu dan Atie pegi ke bandar Kuantan shopping katanya. Pak Su suruh aku masuk dan tunggu dalam rumah manakala dia ada kat laman tengah basuh kereta. Aku kata takpalah baik aku duduk kat laman boleh bual-bual dengan Pak Su.
Pak Su masa tu hanya mengenakan seluar pendek tak berbaju.. Nampakla bulu dada dia dan bulu kat bawah pusat dia. Aku memang minat lelaki berbulu dada seperti hero hindustan tu.. Naik syok pula aku tengok badan Pak Su aku ni.. Orangnya tinggi lampai.. Tak kurus tak gemuk.. Ada lebih kurang badan pelakon terkenal badan dia.. Nampak tegap juga..
Umur baru 35. Habis badan Pak Su aku aku tengok dari dada, perut, peha, betis, belakang.. Asyik betul aku sampai bila Pak Su tegur pun aku tak dengar.. Malu juga aku bila dia sedar aku asyik perhatikan dia. Dia kata.
“Wanie berangan kat pakwe ke..”
Aku tersipu-sipu malu.. Aku ni tengah dara sunti.. Keinginan pada lelaki sudah mula tumbuh selari dengan tumbuhnya bulu-bulu halus disekitar bibir cipapku.. Aku kata.
“Tak adalah Pak Su, mana Wanie ada Pak we”.
“Takkan dah besar macam ni pun tak ada pakwe”.
Aku bertambah malu bila Pak Su kata aku ni dah besar.. Mesti dia imply kat buah dada aku ni.. Yelah badan aku bukannya besar sangat.. Figure aku cuma 33-23-33. Cuma bra aku ajelah dan saiz B cup.. Agak besarlah bagi gadis seusia ku ni.. Atie baru pakai saiz 32A. Aku masa tu pakai kemeja ketat pendek dengan seluar jeans. Memang nampak terbonjol juga dada aku ni.. Aku memang suka pakai macam tu.. Biar budak lelaki terliur tengok aku.. Nak dijadikan cerita, Pak Su tiba-tiba ajak aku masuk dalam rumah kerana dia Nak tunjukkan sesuatu pada aku. Aku ikut saja.. Aku tidak mengesyaki apa-apa bila dia bawa aku masuk bilik dia. Bila dia kata dia Nak cium aku.. Aku terkejut dan terpinga-pinga..
Zass.. Satu ciuman hinggap kat pipi aku.. Kemudian dia peluk aku.. Aku bagaikan terpukau dan membiarkan dia memelukku. Semasa dia memelukku aku merasa benda keras tertancak katperut aku ni.. Memang sah la batang Pak Su aku ni dah keras dan tegang.. Aku mula takut bila terbayang kes kes rogol yang aku baca kat paper.. Aku mula cuba membebaskan diri aku dari pelukan Pak Su. Kemudian membisikkan ke telinga ku.. Dia kata ‘Jangan takut Pak Su cuma Nak cium Wanie aje.. Pelukannya makin erat.. Aku mula lemas dalam rangkulannya. Ciumannya mula mengganas.. Dari pipi ke mulut, leher dan dada.. Pendek kata habisla aku dicumbuinya. Kemeja aku dibuka dan tinggallah dadaku berbalut bra saja.. Buah dada aku yang baru Nak membesar ni terus diramas-ramas dari luar bra..
Aku mula asyik dan seronok.. Tak pernah aku diperlakukan begitu.. Terasa sedap dan mengasyikkan. Aku mula merengek-rengek kegelian bila lidah Pak Su mula menjilat-jilat buah dadaku.. Aku sendiri tak sedar bila bra ditanggalkan kerana aku pejam mata sepanjang dicumbui oleh Pak Su.. Aku sedar aku dah tak pakai bra bila terasa puting buah dadaku dihisap dan dijilat.. Ketika itu aku dah tak boleh fikir secara rasional.. Cipap aku mula berair.. Daripada dada ciuman Pak Su turun ke perut dan pusat aku dijilat.. Aku bertambah geli.. Aku cipapku semakin banyak keluar.. Bila Pak Su menaggalkan seluar jeans aku, aku bagaikan menyerah sahaja.. Dah dapat dapat mengawal nafsu aku ni.. Lepastu habisla cipapku diterokai..
Habis basah lencun cipap aku kena jilat kat Pak Su aku. Ditambah pula dengan air aku tak henti-henti keluar.. Terus banjir kilat. Aku mengecapi orgasm pertama aku selepas beberapa minit kelentit aku kena jilat kat Pak Su. Aku terus mengerang-ngerang tanpa rasa malu lagi.. Pak Su terus meneroka cipap aku yang sebelum ini belum pernah diterokai mana-mana lelaki.. Jari aku pun tak pernah meneroka sejauh itu.. Habis la dijilatnya seluruh bibir kelentit aku yang selama ini asyik menggatal bila tengok lelaki. Malah punggung dan lubang dubur aku pun kena jilat kat Pak Su.. Tak senonoh betul orang tua ni. Masa tu aku rasa aku terkangkang macam katak kena pijak kat lori.
Tilam bawah punggung aku dah basah dengan air aku. Kemudian aku rasa benda keras menujah masuk ke alur cipap aku.. Aku terus pejam mata.. Aku dah tak fikir apa Nak terjadi. Walaupun masa tu aku tahu akan dijolok oleh Pak Su aku, aku biarkan saja kerana dah tak mampu Nak mengawal keadaan. Tusukan pertamanya terhalang oleh selaput dara aku.. Aku tersentak sambil mengaduh sakit tapi Pak Su tak mempedulikan aku dan terus menekan masuk.. Srett.. Aku rasa kangkangku ngilu dan benda keras terus menembus masuk ke celah kangkangku.. Aku rasa macam cipap mengembang ketahap maksima bila batang tu masuk semakin dalam. Bila Pak Su tarik batang dia aku rasa macam cipap aku melekat kat batang Pak Su. Pak Su menyorok tarik batangnya keluar masuk cipap aku..
Rasa sakit pada mula-mula tadi mula bertukar dengan rasa sedap. Aku terus menahan tusukan demi tusukan Pak Su dengan penuh nikmat. Bukan senang Nak dapat benda macam ni. Berdecap-decup bunyi cipap aku kena tikam. Lazatnya tak dapat Nak cerita. Tak lama kemudian aku rasa cairan panas memancut memenuhi liang faraj aku.. Pak Su dan pancut dam cipap aku.. Lebih kurang 2 minit Pak Su tak bergerak-gerak atas badan aku dengan batang dia terendam dalam cipap aku. Aku ingat dia dah pengsan.. Rupa-rupa dia kumpul energy semula.. Lepas tu 3 round lagi dia belasah cipap aku.. Aku sendiri pun tak tahu berapa kali aku orgasm. Ada 5-6 kali rasanya. Lebih kurang pukul 1 tengah hari baru habis.
Hampir 2 jam Pak Su memantat aku.. Habis sengal-sengal seluruh badan aku.. Cipap aku tak yah cerita la.. Rasa kembang semacam aje.. Jalan pun rasa lain aje lepas tu.. Rasa menyesal ada juga pasal aku dah tak virgin lagi. Dah kena robek kat Pak Su aku. Tapi rasa menyesal tu rasa berbaloi juga dengan nikmat yang aku kecapi. Aku tak sangka sex begitu sedap. Patutla orang Nak kahwin sangat. Bagi aku at least aku dah rasa, Nak tunggu kahwin lambat lagi, paling awal pun ayah aku bagi kahwin umur 21. Tak sanggup rasanya Nak tunggu 7 tahun lagi. Cipap aku ni asyik terkemut-kemut aje bila tengok balak hensem. Last sekali sebagai upacara penutup Pak Su suruh aku kulum batang dia.. Aku mengikut aje walaupun tak pandai aku cuba juga. Separuh aje batang Pak Su dapat aku kulum. Kira okay jugaklah untuk yang tak ada pengalaman macam aku ni.
Itulah first time aku tengok batang lelaki dewasa, selalunya aku tengok konek adik aku yang sebesar ibu jari je. Terkejut juga aku bila tengok batang Pak Su yang hampir sebesar lengan aku. Panjangnya lebih kurang 6 inci saja tapi agak besar. Kepala batangnya pun besar macam cendawan.. Suka betul aku bila tengok kepala batang Pak Su mengembang dan berkilat bila kena kulum. Masa aku kulum batang Pak Su ramas-ramas buah dada aku.. Sekali-sekali jari jahat dia korek lubang dubur aku. Pengotor betul Pak Su aku ni. Ada ka dia kata lubang dubur aku cute. Kalau kata cipap aku cute logik juga.. Pasal cipap aku belum ada banyak bulu.. Ada bulu pahat saja.. Nipis dan halus. Nampak bersih dan cute.. Lebih kurang pukul 2 barulah Mak Su dan Atie balik.. Sempatlah aku aku mandi dan berehat lepas kena kongkek kat Pak Su.
Lepas mandi aku tengok cadar bilik Pak Su berterabur macam tempat kucing beranak. Aku kemaskan sikit. Ada beberapa tompokan basah tu.. Bila aku cium ada bau macam air aku je. Tompokan darah pun ada juga. Dah sah darah dara aku. Cadar tu warna pink dan tompokan tu nampak jelas. Bila aku tanya Pak Su macam mana ni.. Dia suruh aku buka balik cadar tu dan rendam dalam besin biar MakSu basuh. Bila diaorang balik aku control aje bila depan Pak Su.. Macam tak ada apa-apa berlaku. Pak Su tersenyum aje tengok aku. Dia tahu aku tak kan bagitau sesiapa pasal upacara pecah tanah hari tu. Malam tu aku tidur awal dengan Atie dalam bilik dia. Atie pun penat katanya pasa lbanyak jalan-jalan shopping. Aku pun penat jugak kena kongkek kat Pak Su. Besoknya aku balik rumah aku kat Temerloh.
Sepanjang jalan atas bas ke Temerloh aku asyik terbayang pengalaman aku dengan Pak Su aku.. Best juga. Bila ada peluang aku akan dapatkan lagi batang Pak Su yang besar dan gemuk tu. Aku rasa aku ni silap-silap akan jadi bohsia memandangkan selera aku pada zakar lelaki amat kuat sekali. Kalau boleh aku nak setiap masa batang zakar ada dalam cipap aku. Kepada sesiapa yang berminat utk mengenaliku boleh hubungi aku. Aku hanya berminat dengan lelaki berbulu dada dan berbatang besar spt Pak Su aku.
Peristiwa ini berlaku 3 minggu yang lalu dan selepas itu aku sentiasa menginginkan lagi dan lagi tapi aku tak mempunyai peluang kerana ayah dan ibuku mengawal pergaulanku. Lelaki nak telefon aku kena marah kat ayah aku. Untuk melepaskan gian aku, aku hanya melancap sambil membayangkan pengalaman aku dengan Pak Su aku.
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steviewashere · 4 months
The Great Cornholio
Rating: General CW: Implied/Referenced Animal Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Animal Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Child Neglect Tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Mild Angst, Fluff, Steve Harrington is Impulsive, Steve Harrington is a Little Shit, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Soft Steve Harrington, Soft Eddie Munson, Adopting a Dog, Beavis and Butthead Reference, Cornholio the Dog, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Domestic Steddie, Domestic Fluff
🐕—————🐕 There’s a disrupting clatter of noise coming from the front door of their apartment. Eddie stops immediately what he’s been doing in the kitchen—wiping down counters and putting away the dry dishes from the rack—and listens in. Shushing. Scraping? And then…a whine.
“Steve?” He calls out.
All of the sounds immediately stop. Unnervingly so.
“Uh…Steve, you alright?” He calls out again. “You didn’t get into another fight again, did you? I think we’re out of rubbing alcohol, so it’ll be a bitch to disinfect any wounds you got.”
Subtle shuffling comes closer to the open doorway of the kitchen. Eddie turns to look. Steve’s standing in his work clothes, vest over his polo, jeans straight down his legs, shoes still laced. He’s flushed bright red. Nervously fiddling with his fingers. He shifts from foot to foot and peers up at Eddie through his eyelashes. Mirth glints at him.
“What’d you do,” Eddie sighs.
Steve smiles at him. All his teeth. Squinting his eyes so hard, they nearly look closed. “I got us something,” he giddily states, “you’re going to love it.”
Eddie gestures for him to get whatever this thing is. And waits, dish gloves up to his elbows, barefoot and in his pajamas, half-tired, not showered. He had a day off from work, the automotive shop around the corner, so what if he does chores and nothing else? But he’s especially exhausted. Just wants to relax. And knows, whatever Steve’s done, will tarnish all of that.
A couple minutes later, Steve comes back towards the kitchen. Vest gone, shoes off. Hands behind his back. Squirming left and right as his grip subtly—or not so subtly—changes. Slowly, carefully, he reveals the contents of his hands. And staring back at Eddie is a dog.
It’s a smaller breed—whatever breed it is. Soft looking, white fur. Ears that fold over like airplane wings. Big, brown, bug-like eyes. Pink nose, straight tail, short legs, and six toes on the front left foot. The dog’s cute, Eddie can objectively notice. It doesn’t mind being held, considering how Steve’s holding it close to his belly like it’s a toddler. And it’s not barking at him, like most dogs do the first time they’re introduced to him. This one’s rather mellow. Very relaxed. Though, that may just be from nerves.
“I got a dog,” Steve says. His voice goes a little high with his happiness. Smile bright and big and unmistakeable. Eyes excited and warm.
Eddie already knows he won’t turn this away.
“I can see that,” he states. “Is it our dog or—“
“His name is Cornholio. Like in Beavis and Butthead. And I’ve got all the supplies in the trunk,” Steve begins explaining, barreling over Eddie’s question. Okay, so it’s definitely ours, Eddie notes. “Cornholio here is housebroken. He knows how to sit and lay down. He’ll be sleeping with us in bed, I’m not making him lay in a dog bed by himself. And I’m going to buy him his own turkey to eat for dinner. And—“
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie interrupts. Immediately, Steve stops talking. And his smile fades. Looking more like…Well, it’s in bad taste, but he looks like a kicked puppy. The longer Eddie takes to collect himself, though, Steve appears as if his entire family has been slaughtered in front of his eyes. Eddie rubs a, now gloveless, hand between his eyebrows. “We didn’t talk about getting a dog? What led you to do this? How much did he cost? Have you factored in the possibility that either of us could be allergic?” Calm down, he scolds himself. He takes a quick, steadying breath. “I’m not…We can keep the dog, Stevie. But I—I’m not prepared for a dog.”
Steve cradles the dog closer to himself. Looks down at the top of his head and kisses the fur between his ears. Cornholio looks up with his big brown eyes, his tail wags as much as it can where Steve’s holding him, and he licks the underside of Steve’s jaw. “I just thought it would be nice to have a little buddy around,” he murmurs lowly, a little sad. “There was an ad for the humane society in the newspaper this morning and I thought, y’know, what if I looked after work? Just for the shits and giggles of it, but then I saw him. 
“And he’d been there for three years. He used to be left alone at his old house for weeks on end. Just left with scraps and the bag of dog food. Whatever he could find. He was lonely and sad and…Somebody finally called for him to be taken in.” Steve shrugs as much as he can with the weight of the dog between his arms. Looks up to Eddie, his eyes just as big as Cornholio’s, wet and tired. Meekly, he adds, “He made me think of myself. When…When my parents would just leave me all alone.”
Oh, Eddie thinks. His chest feels heavier. Head foggier. Eyes stinging.
“And you wanted to give him a better chance than what you had,” Eddie says, though he meant it like a question. It comes out a little breathy, too much of a realization to be anything more than that. Steve nods slowly, gently.
“He was only $50. I’ll return him if it’s a prob—“
“No, no,” Eddie rushes. He forces himself to move forward. Stand close and in Steve’s space. He peers down at the top of Cornholio’s little head, his tantalizingly soft fur. So, he scratches his nails over the baby’s scalp. He peers up at Steve again. At his impossibly sadder eyes, just a second away from bursting into tears. His free hand comes up and cups Steve’s left cheek. Thumb gently swiping over his cheekbone. “I think that you picked a good one, sweetheart. This baby’s adorable,” he coos. “Look, he’s even got my eyes.”
Steve scoffs. “Your eyes? He’s my son!”
Eddie hums. “Actually, he’s our son,” he murmurs. Smiles small to himself at the way Steve preens at those words. “And his name is Cornholio, like in Beavis and Butthead. And he’s going to eat turkey with us every night. And he can sleep between us in bed to ward off our nightmares, yeah?”
“Really? You’re not mad?”
He shrugs. “No, maybe just a little scrambled. But…I’m also an impulsive person, so this matters none.” Cornholio’s fur is incredibly soft under his hand. And he looks up at the two of them with all the gentleness in the world. And, maybe, Eddie thinks he could die happy here and now.
Steve leans in a little closer. Rests his cheek on Eddie’s shoulder as they both peer down at the little white dog. “Huh,” he mutters, “I guess he does have your eyes.”
“See?” Eddie asks softly, grinning. “Match made in heaven. How about we take him on a walk? Show him our picnic spot?”
Abruptly, Steve gasps. “Oh my gosh!” He crows, “We can take him on our picnics with us! And he can meet all the dogs at the park! And he can lay in our laps! And—“
Chuckling, Eddie swipes a soothing hand down Steve’s back. He’s bouncing in place, probably five seconds away from lift-off into the ceiling. He kisses Steve’s temple. Murmurs, “I’ll make some sandwiches, alright? Go get his collar and leash.”
Steve positively squeals.
And Eddie was right. This does ruin the plans he had on his day off, but he figures this is better. Way better than anything he could’ve done for himself. There was no way he was going to turn down the opportunity to see his boy happy.
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lefteagleblizzard · 3 months
𝔚𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔣𝔲𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔢𝔶𝔢𝔰
Protective Mike Schmidt x gn reader
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Summary: You met Mike on an overcast Wednesday afternoon. The rain pelted the windows of the small café where you worked, creating a rhythmic background to the dull hum of conversation and the clinking of cups and saucers. Your bond grew stronger the more you got the know each other's, like ivy clinging to an old stone wall.
Warnings: no pronouns used towards the reader. Protective Mike. If you squint we could even say obsessed Mike. Near death experience. Taking care of Abby with Mike. Stranger to friends to lovers. Smut.
Words count: almost 6000
Can also be found on wattpad and ao3
You met Mike on an overcast Wednesday afternoon. The rain pelted the windows of the small café where you worked, creating a rhythmic background to the dull hum of conversation and the clinking of cups and saucers.
He looked out of place when he walked in, his rugged demeanor contrasting sharply with the cozy, quaint atmosphere. He wore a heavy jacket, dark jeans, and an expression that spoke of burdens too heavy for one man to carry alone.
He ordered a black coffee and sat at a corner table, his eyes scanning the room but seeing nothing.
It wasn't long before you noticed that he came in every day at the same time, always sitting in the same spot. Curiosity got the better of you, and one day, you decided to strike up a conversation.
You found out that Mike was working nights as a security guard at a place called Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. The job, he admitted, wasn't glamorous, but it paid the bills, which was all that mattered since he was taking care of his younger sister, Abby, by himself.
There was something about Mike that drew you in maybe it was the way he seemed so protective of Abby, or perhaps it was the vulnerability he tried so hard to hide beneath his tough exterior. Either way, you found yourself looking forward to his visits, and soon, your conversations became the highlight of your day.
Mike's presence had a way of grounding you, his deep voice soothing even when he spoke of mundane things. You began to learn about his past, the weight of responsibility that came with raising Abby alone, and the tragedy that had carved deep lines into his handsome face. Each revelation was like peeling back a layer of armor, revealing the heart of a man who cared deeply, even if he tried to hide it.
You became closer over time. He would come to visit and you'd be there to keep him company while he, in exchange, would offer you a change of breath from the monotonous hours at work.
However, your meetings didn't just stop at your workplace.
It was a chilly evening when you received Mike's call, his voice laced with evident worry "Abby's got a fever. I don't know what to do. She's burning up." he said
Mike was always so strong, but when it came to Abby, his protective nature made him vulnerable. "I'll be right over" you promised, already grabbing your coat and some medicine from your cabinet
When you arrived at Mike's modest apartment, he was waiting at the door, his expression filled with worry. "Thank you for coming," he said, his voice tense.
"Of course," you replied, stepping inside. The apartment was small but cozy, filled with signs of Abby's presence with her drawings on the fridge, toys scattered around the living room. You followed Mike to Abby's room, where the little girl lay in bed, her face flushed with fever.
"I brought you this Abby" you said softly, sitting beside her and brushing a strand of hair from her forehead.
Abby managed a weak smile. "Thank you" she whispered, her voice hoarse.
You handed her the medicine, helping her take it. "This will help bring your fever down," you assured her.
Mike watched, his expression a mix of gratitude and helplessness. "I've tried everything," he said quietly. "Cold compresses, keeping her hydrated... nothing seems to work."
"Sometimes it just takes a little time" you said gently. "But we'll take care of her together."
For the next few hours, you and Mike worked side by side to make Abby comfortable. You alternated between placing cool washcloths on her forehead and reading her favorite stories to keep her spirits up. Mike fetched water and checked her temperature regularly, his concern never wavering.
As the evening turned into night, Abby finally began to show signs of improvement. Her fever started and she drifted into You and Mike sat to break, in the living room, the tension casing slightly
"Thank you" Mike said, his voice breaking the silence. "I don't know what I'd do without you.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you. "You're doing a great job, Mike. Abby's lucky to have you."
He shook his head, his expression serious. "No, I'm lucky to have you."
You reached out, taking his hand. "We're in this together. Abby's like family to me now."
Mike's eyes softened, and for a moment, he seemed to let go of his usual guarded demeanor. You squeezed his hand, feeling a deep connection between you.
As the night went on, you stayed by Abby's side, keeping a watchful eye on her. Mike eventually fell asleep in the chair beside her bed, his exhaustion finally catching up with him. You couldn't help but admire his dedication and love for his sister.
In the quiet of the night, with Abby's fever subsiding and Mike resting peacefully, you felt a sense of contentment. This was what family was about: being there for each other in times of need, supporting one another through the challenges of life.
When morning came, Abby woke up feeling much better. She greeted you with a bright smile. "I feel a lot better," she said, her voice stronger.
You smiled back, relieved. "I'm glad to hear that, Abby."
Mike stirred, waking up to see Abby's improved condition, "How are you feeling, kiddo?" he asked, his voice filled with affection
"Much better" Abby replied, reaching out to hug him. "Thanks to you and your friend."
Mike glanced at you, his eyes conveying more than words ever could. "Thank you," he said softly, his gratitude overwhelming
As you left Mike's apartment that morning, a warm sensation spread through your chest. Your bond had grown stronger through the night, and you felt a deep sense of belonging with them.
There was something that happened later on that brought the two of you even closer, his behavior shifted, showed mostly in his actions.
Mike had just finished his grueling night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and you were wrapping up your own unexpected night shift at the café. One of your coworkers had called in sick, and you'd offered to take their place, not knowing that the night would take such a turn. Exhausted but relieved to finally be done, you stepped out into the cool carly morning air, your phone buzzing in your pocket.
"Hey," Mike's voice came through the line, a comforting sound amidst the quiet street. "I'm done for the night. How about you?"
"Just finished," you replied, a smile tugging at your lips. "Want to meet up?"
"I'll be there in five," he said without hesitation.
True to his word, Mike arrived a few minutes later, his rugged appearance softened by the warmth in his eyes as he spotted you. "You look tired," he said, his tone gentle
"Long night" you admitted. "But seeing you makes it better."
The corner of his lips moved up, a rare and beautiful sight. "Come on, let's go for a walk. Clear our heads."
You fell into step beside him, the two of you wandering aimlessly through the quiet streets. The early morning light cast a soft glow over everything, and for a while, you simply talked about anything and everything that came to mind. It was a moment of peace, a chance to forget the night's horrors and just be together.
"I've never seen you so eager to stay awake like that" you remarked, glancing up at him.
"Maybe it's because of you" he said, his eyes meeting yours with a sincerity that made your heart skip a beat.
You decided to walk a little more, trying to shake off the lingering tension. The quiet streets were starting to come to life with carly risers and the first hints of morning activity. You and Mike chatted about everything and nothing, the fatigue making your thoughts more whimsical.
"What's the first thing you'll do when you get home?" you asked, trying to keep the conversation light.
Mike pondered for a moment. "Probably make breakfast for Abby. She loves pancakes."
You smiled, picturing the scene. "I bet she's going to love that."
Mike glanced at you, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "What about you? Any plans for the day?"
"Sleep" you replied with a laugh. "Definitely sleep."
Mike chuckled, the sound warm and comforting. "Sounds like a good plan."
As you walked, you spotted a street lamp up ahead. A playful idea struck you, and you turned to Mike with a grin. "Race you to that pole" you challenged. "First one there wins."
Mike raised an eyebrow, his fatigue evident but his competitive spirit still alive. "You're on."
With a laugh, you took off, your legs carrying you forward as fast as they could. Mike was right behind you, his footsteps pounding against the pavement. The cool morning air rushed past your face, and for a moment, you felt completely free.
You reached the pole first, turning around triumphantly. "I win!" you called out, breathless and exhilarated.
Mike was a few steps behind, slowing down and eventually stopping a few yards away, panting heavily. He bent over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Despite his fatigue, he looked up at you, and for the first time, you saw him smile a genuine, heartfelt smile that lit up his entire face.
Seeing him smile like that made your heart swell with happiness. "I can't believe you gave up." you teased, walking back towards him. "Not as tough as you look, huh?"
Mike straightened up, still smiling. "I guess I underestimated you" he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you. "Maybe next time you'll know better."
But as you shared this moment of joy, you noticed Mike's expression change, his smile fading into a look of horror.
You followed his gaze, turning just in time to see the car barreling down the street, heading straight for the sidewalk where you stood. The driver, clearly drunk, seemed to lose control completely.
"Move!" Mike shouted, his voice filled with panic. He lunged forward, grabbing you and pulling you out of the way just in time. The car swerved onto the sidewalk, narrowly missing you both before crashing into a fence with a deafening crash.
You fell to the ground, Mike's arms still around you, protecting you from the impact. The world seemed to slow down, the sounds of the crash fading into the background as you tried to process what had just happened, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Are you okay?" Mike's voice broke through the haze, his hands frantically checking you for injuries.
"I'm fine," you managed to say, your voice shaking. "Just... a bit shaken."
Mike's face was pale, his eyes wide with fear. "I thought... I thought I lost you" he whispered, pulling you into a tight embrace. You clung to him, the reality of how close you'd come to being hit sinking in.
Before you knew it, an ambulance had arrived, the flashing lights casting an eerie glow over the scene. Paramedics ushered you into the vehicle, insisting on checking you for injuries. Mike climbed in right beside you, refusing to leave your side.
"Sir, you'll have to wait outside," one of the paramedics said, but Mike shook his head, his expression resolute
"I'm not leaving" he said firmly, his eyes never leaving you.
The paramedics exchanged a look but relented, allowing Mike to stay. He hovered over you, his concern palpable. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked again, his hands gently checking for any signs of injury.
"I'm fine" you reassured him, though your voice was still shaky. "Thanks to you."
Mike's jaw tightened, and you could see the fear lingering in his eyes.
"You could've died" he murmured, more to himself than to you.
He stayed close, his presence a comforting anchor as the paramedics finished their examination. "Just a few scrapes and bruises" they told you. "You're lucky.
Mike let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "Yeah," he said softly. "Very lucky."
As the ambulance pulled away, leaving the wreckage behind, you leaned into Mike, feeling the warmth of his embrace. Despite the scare, there was a sense of safety in his arms, a feeling that everything would be okay as long as he was there.
"Want to go home?" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Mike's grip tightened slightly, his gaze intense. "Just another second..." he replied. "Sure."
He watched you from his car as you made your way to your own house, turning back to say goodbye to him one last time. The shadows of the evening wrapping around you like a cloak.
You had no idea how much you had come to mean to him.
What he saw today made him remember again how it takes a fraction of a second to lose someone forever.
It wasn't just affection that bound him to you; it was an almost primal urge, an instinct that had rooted itself deep within his soul.
The idea of anyone or anything hurting you or Abby was unbearable, a thought that clawed at his sanity.
He knew it wasn't entirely rational, this need to protect you and Abby at all costs, but it had become his purpose, his reason.
You were both his light in the darkness, and he would ensure that light never faded.
︎The cafe was bustling with its usual morning crowd the steady hum of conversation mixing with the slinking of cups and the hiss of the espresso machine. You were behind the counter, trying to keep up with the increasing number of orders. It was a typical day, or so you thought, until a particularly rude customer walked in.
He was tall and imposing, his face set in a a scowl as he approached the counter and, his tone dripping with impatience "I need a large black coffee."
You forced a polite smile, despite the unease settling in your stomach. "Of course, sir. It will be ready in just a moment"
As you prepared the coffee, the customer tapped his fingers on the counter "Is it always this slow here?" He muttered loud enough for you to hear, his irritation growing
"I'm sorry for the wait" you replied, keeping your tone as calm and professional as possible. "We're a bit busy this morning"
The customer hufted, rolling his eyes. When you finally handed him his coffee, he reached out and grabbed your arm tightly, his grip painful "Maybe if you moved faster, people wouldn't have to wait so long" he snarled.
Before you could pour the hot coffee on the face of this asshole and potentially lose your job, you heard a familiar voice behind him, filled with barely restrained anger "Let go"
Mike stood there, his eyes blazing with fury. He had just come in to visit you, and seeing the man manhandle you had flipped a switch. His hand closed over the customer's wrist, his grip like iron.
"Let go" Mike said, his voice low and dangerous.
The customer looked at him, sneering, but the look in Mike's eyes made him think twice. He released your arm and backed away, muttering curses under their breath. Mike didn't let go until the man was out the door, and even then, he staved close by, making sure you were all right.
His presence was intimidating, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive
The entire café had fallen silent, all eyes on the scene that had just unfolded.
You took a shaky breath, trying to calm your racing heart. "Mike, you didn't have to"
He turned to you, his expression softening as he took your hands in his. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern
You nodded, feeling the tension slowly disappear. "I'm fine, really.
Mike sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly, "I just... I couldn't stand seeing him treat you like that."
You gave him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Mike. He deserved it."
He still looked troubled, his protective instincts clearly warring with his concern for your well-being "I might have overreacted" he admitted, running a hand through his hair.
"You didn't." you assured him. "I appreciate what you did."
Mike nodded, though you could see the tension still lingering in his eyes. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."
You reached out, touching his arm gently. "And nothing did, thanks to you."
The café slowly returned to its usual bustle, the other customers resuming their conversations and the baristas getting back to their work. You and Mike moved to a corner table, needing a moment to decompress after the confrontation.
"How often does stuff like that happen?" Mike asked, his worry evident.
"Not often" you replied, taking a sip of water. "Most customers are really nice and every now and then, you get someone like that."
Mike's jaw tightened. "Next time, just call me. I'll be here in a heartbeat."
"I know you will. But I can handle it. I have to, for my job."
He sighed, nodding reluctantly.
As the day wore on, you found comfort in Mike's presence. He stayed with you for the rest of your shift, his protective gaze never starving far.
When things got busy, he even helped out, taking orders and delivering drinks with a natural ease that impressed your coworkers. They'd heard about the incident and were quietly thankful for his presence, giving you nods of approval and knowing smiles.
Once your shift finally ended. Mike was right there, waiting to walk you home. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the city. You both strolled along the sidewalk, the tension of the morning slowly dissipating.
"You really didn't have to stay the whole time," you said, glancing up at him.
"I wanted to," Mike replied simply. "I couldn't leave you after what happened."
You smiled, touched by his dedication. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?"
Mike chuckled, a sound that made you feel light inside. "I try."
His protectiveness extended into the smallest aspects of your life. When you cut your finger while slicing fruits one evening, he was beside you with worry and carefully bandaged your finger in the back of the kitchen. You couldn't help but smile at his overreaction to such a minor injury.
"Mike, it's just a little cut," you teased gently.
"I know," he muttered, not meeting your eyes. "But I needs to be treated either way"
Another time, you got caught in a sudden storm. Mike had come to pick you up after your shift, and as you both hurried to his car, he used his jacket to shield you from the rain, despite your protests.
"Mike, you're going to get soaked!" you exclaimed
"Doesn't matter," he replied, his tone unwavering. "You could get sick"
His selfless actions spoke volumes about his feelings for you, even if he didn't realize it himself.
Mike's protectiveness was an intrinsic part of who he was. He couldn't turn it off, even in the most mundane situations.
You noticed it in the way he always walked on the outer side of the sidewalk, subtly placing himself
between you and the traffic.
Or the time when a simple grocery run turned into a mini adventure because he insisted on carrying all the heavy bags, not wanting you to strain yourself.
It was these little things that made you fall deeper in love with him. His actions, though often silent, spoke volumes about the depth of his care and concern for you. He might not have been the most eloquent with words, but his deeds left no doubt about his feelings.
It was a few weeks later that Mike invited you to the pizzeria. He had picked up an extra shift and needed someone to keep him company during the long, lonely hours of the night. Despite the creepy reputation of the place, you agreed, intrigued by the stories Mike had told you and eager to spend more time with him.
When you arrived at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, the first thing you noticed was how different it looked from the outside compared to the cheerful advertisements. The building was old and worn, the paint peeling off the walls, and the sign flickering intermittently: Mike met you at the entrance, his expression softening when he saw you.
"Glad you made it," he said, his voice low but warm.
Inside, the pizzeria was dark and musty. The animatronics, which were the main attraction during the day, looked creepy in the dim light, their glassy eyes seeming to follow you as you walked past. Mike led you to his office, a small, cramped room filled with monitors and security equipment.
"This is where I spend most of my nights," he explained, gesturing to the screens. "It's not much, but it's got everything everything I need to keep an eye on things.
As the night wore on, you talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories and laughter amidst the unsettling surroundings. It was in those quiet moments, when the only sound was the hum of the monitors, that you felt a connection with Mike that went beyond friendship.
At Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, things took a darker turn. The animatronics had a sinister reputation, and the atmosphere of the place left you on edge.
The lights flickered, and strange noises echoed through the halls. Mike insisted you stay in the security office with him, away from the dangers lurking in the night . The tension in the air grew thick.
When the animatronics came too close for comfort, Mike stood his ground, making sure they couldn't reach you.
"Just stay close" he said, his eyes never leaving the monitors.
The power went out completely, the animatronics seemed to come alive, their eyes glowing ominously. You clung to Mike, your fear palpable, but he remained calm, guiding you through the darkness with a steady hand.
"We'll get through this," he whispered, his voice a beacon of hope.
Foxy managed to corner you in a narrow hallway. Panic surged through you as the animatronic's eyes locked onto yours. But then Mike was there, pulling you to safety with seconds to spare.
He led you through the darkened halls, using his knowledge of the pizzeria's layout to outmaneuver the mechanical threats. When Freddy himself blocked your path, Mike confronted the towering figure.
"Run!" he shouted, distracting Freddy long enough for you to escape. You hesitated when you saw that animatronic approaching him, fearing the worst. The lights flickered back on and a half-cut cable caught your gaze with the sparks that came out of it. Your heart raced as you grabbed the cable and sprinted towards the animatronic, 'stabbing' it with the cable and seeing it twitch from the electricity that spread through it's body before collapsing on the floor.
You made your way to the exit, the sounds of the animatronics fading behind you.
Outside, the cool morning air greeted you, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere inside. Mike emerged moments later, his clothes torn but his spirit unbroken. He pulled you into a tight embrace, relief washing over you both.
As the sun rose, casting a new day in warm light, you and Mike stood together, hand in hand.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice trembling with fear and relief.
You nodded, unable to speak, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. Your eyes roamed over his body in search of any possible injury.
He was willing to sacrifice himself for you
Mike's arms around you were a fortress, shielding you from the horrors of the night.
One weekend, you spent the afternoon at Mike's apartment, playing with Abby. Her laughter filled the room as you engaged in a lively game of hide and seek. Mike watched from the doorway, a rare smile spreading across his face. He was mesmerized by the sight of you and Abby together, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in years
"Mike, you're staring!" Abby's voice broke through his reverie, her eyes twinkling with mischief
Mike flushed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Just making sure you two are playing fair" he grumbled, his attempt at nonchalance not fooling anyone.
Watching her play, Mike's eyes softened, filled with a mixture of pride and happiness. You and Abby were snickering together, and Mike felt a surge of contentment.
He couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky to have you in his life.
The evening was now calm and quiet, with a soft breeze wafting through the open windows. Abby had fallen asleep in her room, her gentle breathing a soothing backdrop to the tranquil night.
You and Mike were sitting on the couch in the living room, the dim light of a lamp casting a warm glow around the room.
the sense of companionship between you felt stronger than ever.
"It's nice to just relax like this," Mike said, his voice low and content. He stretched his legs out, leaning back against the couch cushions.
"Yeah, it is," you agreed, smiling at him. "Today was perfect."
Mike's eyes met yours, and he returned your smile, a genuine warmth in his gaze. "I'm glad you think so. I really enjoyed spending the day with you."
You both fell into a comfortable silence, the kind that only close friends-or perhaps something more-could share. The flickering shadows on the walls and the soft hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen added to the serene ambiance.
"You know" Mike began, his voice thoughtful, "I don't think I've ever felt this... at ease with someone before."
You looked at him, surprised but touched by his admission. "Really? Not even with anyone from your past?"
Mike shook his head, a shadow crossing his features for a moment. "No, not like this. It's different with you. I feel like I can be myself."
His words made your heart swell with emotion. "I feel the same way, Mike. Being with you just feels... right."
He smiled again, a soft, almost shy smile. "I'm glad to hear that."
You continued to talk, your voices low to avoid waking Abby. The conversation flowed easily, moving from light-hearted topics to deeper, more personal ones. You shared stories from your past, dreams for the future, and everything in between. The bond between you seemed to grow with every word, every shared laugh, and every silent moment of understanding.
The conversation turned to Abby and Mike's dedication to her. "You're such a great brother to Abby," you said sincerely. "She's lucky to have you."
Mike's expression softened. "I just want to make sure she has a good life, better than what I had. She's been through a lot, and I want to protect her from the world."
"And you're doing an amazing job" you assured him. "She's a happy, healthy kid because of you."
Mike looked down at his hands. "I couldn't have done it without you. You've been such a support for both of us."
"Anytime," you replied, feeling a deep sense of connection. "We're in this together, remember?"
He nodded, his eyes meeting yours again. "Yeah, we are."
As the night wore on, you found yourselves growing more comfortable, more relaxed. Mike leaned back on the couch, and you instinctively moved closer, resting your head on his shoulder. He didn't hesitate, wrapping an arm around you in a gentle, protective embrace.
The simple act of being close to him felt incredibly comforting. You could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest, hear the quiet rhythm of his breathing. It was a moment of perfect peace, the world outside forgotten as you shared this intimate space.
Eventually, the exhaustion of the day began to catch up with you. You stifled a yawn, and Mike noticed, a tender smile playing on his lips. "You should get some rest" he said softly.
You nodded, reluctantly pulling away from his comforting embrace. "Yeah, I guess I should."
Mike stood up and offered you a hand, helping you to your feet. "Thank you for spending the day with me. It meant a lot."
A silent understanding passed between you and Mike, unspoken yet profoundly felt. You both moved closer, your bodies naturally gravitating towards one another. The space between you seemed to dissolve, replaced by an electric intimacy that neither of you could ignore.
Mike's hand found yours, his fingers intertwining with yours in a gentle yet firm grasp. He looked at you, his eyes filled with a mix of tenderness and desire.
His other hand cupped your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring. Slowly, he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with emotion, a merging of two souls who had found solace in each other's presence.
The kiss deepened, and you felt yourself melting into him, every barrier you had ever put up crumbling away. You moved closer, your bodies pressing together, the heat between you intensifying. Mike's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight embrace as if he never wanted to let go.
You found yourselves moving towards his bedroom, the path familiar yet new in this context. Every step felt like a dance, a silent symphony of mutual need and affection. By the time you reached his room, there was no turning back. The door closed behind you with a soft click, sealing the moment in privacy
The room was bathed in a gentle glow from a bedside lamp, casting soft shadows on the walls. You both paused for a moment, taking in the gravity of what was about to happen. Mike's eyes met yours, and in that gaze, you saw everything-his love, his desire, his unwavering commitment.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice gentle, giving you one last chance to reconsider.
You nodded, feeling a profound sense of rightness. "I'm sure."
With that, the last of your reservations melted away. Mike's hands moved to your shoulders, slowly sliding down to your waist, pulling you closer. You responded in kind, your fingers tracing the contours of his back, feeling the strength and warmth of his body.
As the dawn light casts a gentle glow across the room, you and Mike lie entwined, each movement deliberate and tender. The night had been a journey of exploration and connection, and now, in the quiet morning, the memory of your actions remains vivid and profound.
Your bodies had moved together with an unspoken understanding, each touch and kiss a communication of deep, unrestrained emotion. As the moments unfolded, your hands had traced the contours of each other's bodies, mapping out the planes and curves with a reverence born of newfound intimacy.
Mike's lips had traveled along the line of your jaw, trailing down the column of your neck, each kiss a promise of his affection and desire. His hands, strong yet gentle, had roamed over your body, learning every dip and rise, every sensitive spot that elicited a sigh or a gasp from you. His touch was both exploratory and worshipful, a blend of curiosity and deep-seated reverence.
You had mirrored his actions, your fingers gliding over the expanse of his back, feeling the muscles ripple beneath your touch. Your lips had found their way to his chest, your kisses soft and lingering as you explored the terrain of his skin. Every touch, every caress, had been a dance of mutual discovery, a testament to the deep connection growing between you.
He kisses down your chest, leaving little trails of red spots and taking your nipples into his mouth for a minute each causing you to arch off the bed a bit.
But he doesn't linger and is quick to trail down to your thighs, leaving little bites here and there.
As the night deepened, your bodies had come together in a union both physical and emotional.
He goes slow, deep long strokes that you can feel in your kidney with how deep he goes, but you can't find it in you to complain, not when Mike is looking at you like you hung up the stars in the sky.
Not when he can feel Mike's lips on you, kissing you like his life depends on it, like you are his salvation.
Not when all the sweet words Mike mutters along your skin, like prayers, are going straight to your spine.
Not when you feel Mike's arms around you, like he's afraid that any wrong move would break you, whispering your name urgently like he's afraid you would disappear.
Mike's movements had been guided by a combination of tenderness and fervent need, each thrust a blend of passion and care. Your bodies had moved in harmony, each responding to the other's cues, creating a rhythm that was both primal and deeply intimate.
The sensations had built to a crescendo, each touch, each kiss, driving you both closer to the edge. Mike's hands had held you close, his eyes locked onto yours, the intensity of his gaze, a silent testament to the depth of his feelings. Your breaths had mingled, your heartbeats synchronized, each moment a step closer to a shared climax.
When the final moment had arrived, it had been a release both physical and emotional. Your bodies had shuddered in unison, the culmination of your passion a powerful testament to the bond you had forged. In the aftermath, as your breaths slowed and your heartbeats steadied, you had remained entwined, the warmth of your connection a comforting blanket against the chill of the early morning.
Now, in the soft light of dawn, you lie together, your bodies still pressed close, a tangible reminder of the night's intimacy. The world outside may hold challenges and uncertainties, but here, in this moment, you find solace in each other's presence. Mike's arms wrap around you, his body fitting perfectly against yours, a symbol of the unity you have discovered.
As you drift towards a peaceful sleep, your last thoughts are of the profound connection you share, the promise of facing the future together, bound by love and mutual respect.
I really enjoyed writing this and love how it turned out, let me know if you also had fun reading this <3
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mikexx2 · 2 years
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And just like that, it’s time for Shara’s birthday!
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Surrounded by a handful of neighbourhood children that I teleported over.
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Shara picks up a cute new look and the Loves the Heat trait.
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
Old Bones | Chapter Eight
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Summary: After fleeing a toxic relationship, you fear for your safety and hire a bodyguard. He's masked, impassible, and damn good at what he does.
Warning(s): toxic/abusive relationship, PTSD themes, blood and gore, violence, death, gun mention, hurt/comfort, strong language
Word Count: 6k
A/N: long chapter for u guys<3 (not proofread in its entirety)
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ GHOST MASTERLIST // have a request? ♡¸.•*' ⋆ ⚘ 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ prev. chapter | next chapter | ao3 ver. | playlist ꒦꒷ O.B MASTERLIST
You waited at the counter until the hum of his truck was far into the distance, then removed yourself from the stool, dumping out the untouched cup of tea.
It was time to get everything you prepared together.
The truth was, when you stormed up to your room, you hadn’t slept a wink. First, you laid out the only warm outfit you had left; that thick pair of jeans, and one of your sweatshirts. The coat Simon lent you was downstairs, so you would wait until morning for that.
It felt like an eternity—waiting for the brooding bodyguard to finally hit the hay. He spent longer reflecting on the argument than he actually did work, which you’d see when you occasionally poked your head around the landing to spy on him.
When his bedroom door finally closed, you crept down the stairs and found yourself seated in front of his laptop, still up and running, displaying a search image of the location Cal had messaged.
It was one of the old offices used by his employers—a large, no longer operational building. Neighboring it was the progression of building a strip mall; vacated or bulldozed structures.
With its vast dimensions and emptiness, the location became an ideal spot to get cornered.
You clicked on the navigation icon and purchased a ticket departing from the nearest train station. A few streets over from the meet point, that’s where it would drop you off.
The walk was manageable enough, and you already made up your mind the second your phone buzzed that day.
You squatted below the sink, reaching in the under cabinet for the pack you packed during the night. If Simon spotted you in those warm clothes, his suspicions would get the better of him—so, it was better to change now, in the kitchen, so you could be out the door behind him as soon as possible.
After you slipped them on, you folded the ones you were previously wearing and left them on the countertop.
The clock loudly ticking displayed the time you were running out of—6:48. If you were going to make it to the train station by eight, you needed to get moving.
When you reached the front door, a smaller bag slung over your shoulder, you cased the place again. One, to make sure you hadn’t left anything behind; two, in case this adventure went horribly wrong.
Though plagued by solitude and adverse weather, your time here proved to be warmer than any day spent with Cal, and that counted for something.
With swiftness, you reached for the coat rack and put on that thick coat. If you had any chance of making the walk, you were going to need it. You palmed the pistol residing inside the bag, then the ticket receipt you printed off folded in your pocket.
Everything was in order, in spite of this being a fresh, completely reckless plan.
Your crunching steps continued seamlessly, off the porch and onto the snow-hidden dirt path. Your own sense of direction was the sunrise, guiding you along the well-trodden path. The tree branches above form a natural archway, like a portal leading from solitude to society. 
The cabin behind them grew smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing from view, swallowed by the dense trees.
The chilly embrace of winter wasn’t much of an embrace at all. It stung at all your uncovered skin as if pricking you with a thousand tiny needles. Each breath expelled into a small cloud in front of you, increasing when there was a steep incline.
With each step, the snow deepened, but you pushed forward, following the trail that would eventually take you to the nearest town. Lights from the distant buildings began to pierce through the forest's darkness, beckoning like beacons of civilization.
That is if you could call it a town—it was a truck stop and a diner off an exit. You thought ahead several hours before, scheduling a taxi to take you to the train station. It was the only logical way to make it there ahead of Simon.
Alas, after a few minutes of waiting, the driver pulled into the icy lot of the rest stop. Neither of you made an attempt for conversation. He was most likely disgruntled making the trip out here, and you were on the way to face your past.
You let out a loud sigh finally resting your fatigued legs in the backseat, slipping him the last of your pocket cash.
The journey from the cabin had been more than just a walk; it was a journey from seclusion to your next chapter, a possibility of putting an end to this hell. If not, maybe it was that twisted fate catching up to you, just like you thought it would.
The rhythmic clattering of the train wheels was the only overbearing noise as you were peering out at the passing landscape. The scenery was a blur, much like your thoughts. Too chaotic for the memories to resurface, and too quick to grasp what you were walking into.
That morning, there was no speech in the mirror. You’d only thought of getting there, not what you would do when this train came to a stop.
Clammy hands fidgeted with the hem of their jacket, then placed a reassuring hand on the gun in your bag, as if to be sure of its presence all over again.
When it went through a tunnel, the low hum of conversation from fellow passengers only served as a reminder of the forthcoming confrontation that you couldn't avoid any longer. There would be no time to hesitate, or force yourself into silence—it was all going out in the open.
As the train approached its destination, you felt like your heartbeat synchronized with the slowing rhythm of the wheels. The minutes felt like eternity, each tick of the clock amplifying their unease. This was utterly insane, but you couldn’t back out now.
Finally, the train came to a halt, and the station name flashed on the windowpane. You were the first passenger to scramble with your luggage and hurry onto the platform.
Though trains were faster than cars, you never made the mistake of underestimating Simon’s determination.
You strolled through the narrow aisle, faces of other passengers passing by in a blur. You were on autopilot until you reached the neighboring streets, then you were agonizingly lucid.
The winter chill gripped the city streets, leaving a thin layer of frost on the pavement. You pulled their coat tighter around your frame, the cold seeping through the fabric and sending shivers down your spine.
The city seemed to hibernate under the winter's grasp. The streets, probably once bustling with activity, now wore a quiet and somber demeanor. The bare trees stood like sentinels, their branches reaching towards the gray sky, and the occasional snowflake drifted gently from above, adding to the melancholic picture.
As the destination drew nearer, your steps became slower, hesitant. The heart in your chest pounded loudly, and each breath felt shallow. It was as if the city itself sensed your trepidation.
Once you had made it through the suburbs, you were encroaching on the meeting spot. You could spot the height of the building from down the dead street. Not a construction worker, or even a jogger in sight.
In comparison with the demolition, it looked nearly abandoned.
Then, you laid eyes on the office building. Its windows were fogged up from the warmth inside, and its stature was backlit from the risen sun.
One car in the lot, and it wasn’t Simon’s truck. It was a black SUV, probably the very one Cal came here in—rented, just for this meeting.
You could’ve been walking into anything—dead before the door closed, but that was an outcome you were already well prepared for. It wouldn’t be the first time you stared death in the face, either.
Your first look at the interior wasn’t a half-demolished office space, or a dark and abandoned one. It looked to be freshly un-operational, given the fact that the fluorescents were on, and your shivers were soothed with a running heating system.
The design was bland and contemporary, with an absence of decorative clutter. Polished marble tiles covered the floor, their smooth surface reflecting the soft glow of recessed ceiling lights overhead.
The walls were adorned with tasteful and artistic decorations, such as abstract paintings, which hadn’t been removed yet. Beside them were nails still embedded in the walls, most likely where the employees once hung their achievements.
There was a dedicated cubicle for security, cameras and a buzzer to access the upper levels. You ran your fingertip over the dust coating the top of it, though the access buttons wouldn’t be of much use. 
There was an elevator already waiting, with a box placed in the door so you could board it. He’d already thought of everything, naturally, though the mere thought of him made you chunderous.
When you stepped inside, your fingers hovered over the buttons until you remembered the signs. If you were to take a guess, he had probably chosen the CEO floor for himself. With a few hesitant clicks, you were on your way up.
You took advantage of the time, removing the pistol from your bag and into your waistband. Within a minute, the doors opened to an even more luxurious floor than the ground. A long hall leading into the CEO’s office. A rug ran the course of it, only blank side tables and a fake plant filling the numbing space.
Your guess concerning the floor was correct, given the fact you were faced with an assistant as his. Much like him, only more tweedy and straight to the point.
Your wired expression did little to phase his blank one. He outstretched a hand toward your coat, slipping it off your shoulders for you, and then taking your bag for you. You pondered, if he knew what was in store for you, if he was a part of this plan, if he even knew who he was working for?
He took the leading position, guiding you to the office. The hallway seemed to stretch infinitely, prolonging the inevitable confrontation ahead of you, if there was one. A logical person would think he would’ve killed you a long time ago if that’s what he wanted, but Cal's temperament was anything but logical.
The cold metal of the gun provided a feeble reassurance, icing against the anxious sweat running down the curve of your spine.
The assistant's free hand reached for the metal knob, twisting it with ease. When the door revealed tre office to you, it was dripping with bleak grandeur; large paned windows on the north wall, meeting chairs in the corners, empty floor to ceiling shelves, and the large desk in the middle.
Once you spotted the man seated in that CEO chair, the once confident and brave facade you had constructed now felt fragile, on the verge of shattering into a thousand pieces.
Approaching a year, this was the first time you had seen him face to face. His face remained blank, but not emotionless, like he was just as perplexed seeing you. Still, the eye contact wasn’t any less imperious.
The room's atmosphere was heavy with tension, an agonizing ten seconds before he said a word.
“Set her things outside, and leave us. It won’t be long.” Your pulse was thundering in your ears, but his voice knelled nonetheless.
You turned your head, giving the assistant a pleading look, but he’d already made his journey to the door again.
His feet, which were propped onto the desk in conceit, had now been placed back on the floor. Before you could do anything about it, he was standing a good five feet from you, and it was just the two of you now.
The gun, hidden under their shirt, served as a reminder of the darkness that led you here. All the things that went right, all of them that went wrong. Though the visible wounds had long healed, your inability to move or speak were a visible enough reminder.
“Relax, I’m here to talk.” Cal tongued the inside of his cheek, taking a few steps closer to you again. 
When his arm outstretched, you half expected to already be on the ground with the wind knocked out of you, but instead he was grasping for the bottle of whiskey on the table behind you. The moment he’d leaned in, reached around you, that familiar lump in your throat came back.
Though in your mind you were reassuring yourself, your body remembered him; the way your hairs stood up, how your fists clenched at your sides in apprehension.
But he hadn’t done anything. He removed the cork, and poured the malt into two small glasses, reaching one of them out to you.
Your body did the work for you, as if you were watching the scene from an overhead view, not truly the one standing there in front of him. Your fingers gripped the glass, your legs carried you toward the chairs in front of “his” desk—all without a single thought.
It wasn’t until he talked again, that you were forcing yourself to be present in the moment.
“Did you take the truck here?” All the buzzing of the fluorescents, the hum that came from his throat—it was all so overbearing, like your mind hadn’t caught up to sitting in front of him yet.
The traumatic memories resurface with an intensity that made it near impossible to speak, as if the wounds of the past had been freshly reopened.
It took a few seconds to process, before you couldn’t finally open your mouth to reply. “Yes.” Your throat had a dryness to it, leaving your speech weak and aching with hesitation.
Cal's eerie sense of calm had an uncanny ability to make you feel like a cornered small animal. If you could sink further into the chair, you would. Every stare, every movement his hands made, rekindled the nerves you had tried so hard to suppress.
“You should’ve reached out to me sooner,” he scoots the chair back out, making a slow lap around the desk, as if he were a relentless shark, circling its prey in the water.
His drink remained in his hand, but he hadn’t taken a drink from his glass either—it was nothing more than a prop. When he moved from the chair to his feet, yours moved as well, as if acting on an instinct. 
You slid your glass across the desk and took a few steps counterclockwise around the desk, but his sluggish rotation continued, and an amused chuckle left his lips as you maintained the distance.
“Do you have any idea what it was like, cops at my door on Christmas Eve? I was worried sick, had to clean up that mess myself.” He only continued his point from before, both of you halting the circle you’d made around the large desk.
When you failed to answer him again, you failed to keep moving as well. Your eyes followed him from top to bottom, the placement of his feet as he glided, the position his fists were in.
And now, he was a foot from you. “You took the truck here?” He questioned again, his tone dripping with mockery toward the lie you’d told him.
“It was me.” Your last trace of your determination surfaced alongside the lie.
A wicked beam spread across his face as he detected the lie woven into your words. You studied the chilling glint in his eyes as he savored the moment.
Cal stepped closer again, examining your dwindling confidence, feasting on it. No matter how loudly your mind bellowed to move, to get out of there, your legs remained rooted in the spot.
With a low, mocking chuckle, he leaned in closer, so close you could smell the intoxication on his breath. “I would believe you,” his arm shot out, making you jolt in surprise.
He reached around your waist, pulling the revolver from your waist band, “but you were always a shitty liar, Babe.” The iron in his hand was sent flying across the floor, landing somewhere by the door, now too far for you to reach for without attempting to run.
You couldn’t conceal how you flinched when the piece hit the wood floor, echoing off the walls and replaying in your head just like his taunts—how he was speaking now, how he did then, all composed into a head-splitting, taunting symphony.
All the words you had rehearsed, all the things you wanted to say to him, evaporated like mist before you could utter another syllable. He was relishing in the power, how he’d caught you in his grip again with just a few words.
The once fierce voice within you, which had screamed to run, now echoed with a sense of despondence. Why had you come here? What made you believe you could confront him?
The world around you blurred, like you were still watching this unfold from above. The past plagued you, as if you were still the same you from a year ago. He’d reduced you into something so small, without laying a hand on you.
Deep within, a voice pleaded for escape, for you return to reality. Cal’s arrogance was like a suffocating thundercloud, building and building until he found the weakest spot to strike. His words were like sharp daggers, aimed to wound and control, slicing through your healed scars like a relentless storm.
The blizzard howled around Simon’s truck, swirling snowflakes obscuring visibility like a relentless white curtain. The snowflakes danced wildly in front of the headlights, creating an otherworldly scene of swirling white.
Inside the car, his heart pounded with a mix of nerves and adrenaline, as well as self-reproach for how he behaved. He left you behind to finish the job, at least what he was telling himself was “just a job”. No matter what he told himself, or how many times, his deep regret was his motivation to finish it.
He had to, because it was for you. Even if it was his last act of service before he dropped you off in town, collected his last envelope of cash, he had to do this.
The road stretched ahead, an endless tunnel of white, and Simon pushed forward, trusting the sticky note he pasted on his dash with the address scribbled on it. With every passing mile, his mind was focused on the task at hand, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his tense shoulders.
The snowfall threatened to obscure any landmarks or points of reference, but he spotted the tall building through the low-visibility, nonetheless. It looked like the images he pulled up, only without the decor on the outside, or the plague above the double doors.
The blizzard wrapped the area in an eerie silence, which was what Simon noticed next. One SUV in the front; he brushed away the ice coating the windows, finding it empty.
He kept his head down as he advanced up the entrance, placing a firm hand on the entrance door’s handle.
Whether it was an army, or just Cal, he was well-prepared for whatever he was walking into.
The silence was wrenching among other things; how long he stared into your eyes, but you couldn’t divert yours from his, the way he ran his thumb over the rim of his glass before setting it down, still an uncomfortable inch from your face.
“Did you come here to kill me?” He queried, licking along his bottom lip as if he already knew the answer. Cal didn’t need your answer, your face already was one.
“Do you have any idea what I’ve done for you?” He just kept going, increasingly losing his composure the longer you were cornered before him. For once, it wasn’t wrath, it was his faux tenderness. His fingers found the hem of your shirt, then ran up to your shoulders to place his palms on each of them.
Your murmur was pathetic, finally ripping your gaze from his. “Cal…”
It wasn’t that he made you pity him, but it was how close he was to you for so long, whether he treated you badly or not. He was still a piece of you, legally your other half. How the both of you changed so much, during and after the marriage—it was arcane.
The months of pent up emotion had begun to pool corners of your eyes, spilling down your cheeks. How close he was, the familiar feeling of his breath on your neck—a disturbing reminder of all the sensations you tried so hard to bury.
When his fingers began to slide down your arms, it was taking every bit of your being not to headbutt him in the nose, just like Simon had taught you.
Next, his hands engulfed yours, running over the small nicks and scars that littered them. “I forgive you, for leaving me. I just… Let my feelings for you get the best of me sometimes, you know that?”
Unfortunately, you did understand, in more ways than one. With no lifeline in reach anymore, all you could do was stand there, hoping whatever end to this would come soon.
Whether it was you, or him with blood drawn, wasn’t your concern anymore. You only concerned yourself with never having to do this again. All those things you thought of saying to him, all the fury-driven plans you once had; null and void now.
It felt mortifying, how he so effortlessly diminished your credence—that he was, in fact, the problem.
“Do you forgive me?” As he shifted his hands to your waist, his grip intensified, enough to leave visible imprints even through the fabric. He began to lean in closer, his alcohol-soaked lips brushing against your cold-chapped ones.
Instincts took over, a primal force pushing you into a state of defense. Your muscles tensed, fisting the glass of whiskey on the desk in front of you. When you found it, you used every ounce of your force to smash it against his temple.
It hit his skull with a sickening thud, releasing a cascade of whiskey that splattered in all directions. Tiny fragments of glass danced in the air like deadly confetti, glinting maliciously under the dim light. Some landed on you, as did the amber liquid.
When your eyes released their squint, he was still keeled over, holding the impacted skin.
“You fucking bitch…” His speech came out a pained growl, prompting you to hasten in the direction of the door, where the gun was still laying.
His stomps were close behind, nearly making you lose your footing before you reached the piece. It found your sights, iron glinting in the light where he’d thrown it.
Your fingers touched the cold metal only a few moments, before his hands clasped your shoulders and jerked you back. The snow on the bottom of your shoes made you slide, causing you to land on your back, scrambling for the gun again.
But he was quicker, always, and now blinded by agony-induced rage. “After everything!” His eyes were still winced, his teeth still gritted, but his hands found you again quickly, practically bolting your body below him.
“I lied to the cops, to protect you.” You batted at his chest, his throat, attempting to claw at his weak points, but he pinned your wrists next with just one of his hands. “All I asked, was that you fucking listen to me!” He showed little struggle, his other hand finding its way to the collar of your shirt, which he used to plummet your head into the ground a few times.
All while he did it, his voice was anything but a yell—it was a low, calculated grumble, like he had stewed on his plans for months.
Your head was spinning, too cloudy to do anything after the impacts, though the strength of your struggling limbs did little in opposition. This was it, the day he would finally catch you, do what he’d always planned on doing.
His actions mirrored that of Christmas Eve; you, below him and helpless, while his hands leave you battered and loathing. It was like you were watching an instant replay of that night, all over again—his brows furrowed in sinister concentration. You blocked out the sight with closed eyes, refusing him to be the last thing they see.
It seemed he had an unshakable hold on the situation, as he always did. You were trapped in an inescapable hold, unable to do anything more than pray it be quick and painless.
Simon already had his pistol drawn as he cleared each room, eyes sharp and focused on any sign of enemies. The lobby was empty, only a few signs of melting footprints leading him to the elevator, which did not respond when he pounded on the buttons.
After a few smacks, it dinged, as if he had been granted access to it. There were no spare minutes for questions, he needed to find Cal, and now.
If he wasn’t on the ground floor, he was probably on the top.
The ride was agonizing, with no sounds of people, only the grinding of the track as it went up the elevator cables. When the doors slid open, he raised his pistol in front of him, in search of the target.
The hallway leading to the grandest office was empty, but someone had been there recently. He next examined one of the side tables, still with an idle steaming cup of coffee placed on it. And next to it, items that made his heart race; the coat he lent you placed next to your backpack.
He couldn’t believe his eyes, or his racing thoughts. You had somehow gotten here first, or worse, been abducted from the cabin after he left. Simon was already cursing himself for betraying you, if he was the reason Cal found you too, he would never forgive himself.
A hand found his shoulder, but it wasn’t an attacker. Nonetheless, he whipped around, expecting it to be Cal. It was a suited man, probably the one who collected your things before you were taken to the next place.
He thought he was angry before, but that was nothing. He could practically feel his throat burn as he shoved the man into the wall, the barrel deep into his stomach.
“Where did he take her?” He hissed, his other hand an iron grip on the assistant’s shoulder. The man took too long, still stunned and overpowered. “Don’t have bloody time for this.” The silenced pistol moved from his stomach to his head with swiftness, and he pulled the trigger just as quick.
His body, now dead weight, slid down the wall with a trail of blood following him. The only remaining door was the CEO office—his last hope of finding you.
The sound of a struggle was hard to miss; a glass breaking, a thump, and the muffle of an irate male voice.
Simon lost all semblance of stealth, thumping down the floor of the hallway until he reached the door, kicking it just below the lock with all of his force. It split open on impact, but the scene in front of him didn’t change.
He recognized Cal from behind, wearing one of his signature suits, but it was now scuffed and stained with crimson. With only seconds of studying, he spotted your shoes peeking out underneath him, kicking about as he gripped your throat.
You were losing your vision, eyes only catching glimpses of Cal’s concentrated expression as began putting pressure on your windpipe, using all of his force. It was a scalding, stinging sensation from your throat to your eyes, sending the taste of blood on your tongue as you gasped for the oxygen already lost.
The smacks you were giving, the tugs on the fabric of his suit, they were unsuccessful at releasing his ever-tightening grip.
A loud buzzing filled your ears once the ringing muffled itself; dark spots clouded your vision one by one, like rain droplets engulfing you. Once again, for the last time, he had overpowered you, only this time the window of opportunity had long closed.
Your once trembling limps had begun to go limp, vision nearing that final close of unconsciousness. The grunts and pleas were long squeezed out of you, only a rattling breath now as Cal used the last of his remaining strength to finish the job.
The fear had long disappeared, as did the anger and pain; it was the absence of feeling—your last few glances of him, blinded by his temper, sputtering inaudible curses toward you.
And then—the pressure ceased in an instant, though his hands remained. Without your vision, your other sensations that were dwindling had now gone into overdrive; the pounds of pressure on top of your chest, as you took in a wheezing breath again.
When your eyes forced themselves open again, it was still the same view of the office ceiling, still with that same weight on you.
Disoriented, you craned your aching neck down at yourself, seeing Cal slumped on top of you, his head spurting blood all over you, running through the creases of your skin and down the fabric of your shirt.
It was like your muscles had gained consciousness as well, allowing you to shove the dead weight off of you. His lifeless body rolled itself onto his back, a bullet hole still smoking through the middle of his head.
It was too fast to process yet, how one second you would’ve been laying there, but it was him. Him, who you hated with every fiber of your being, but yet, it wasn’t a feeling of closure.
Your hand reached for your damaged throat, placing a hand on the tender flesh. “Cal…” You said it, just as you did earlier, only so much of a croak the only place you could hear it was your own head.
Now knelt beside his body, you allowed yourself to take in the sight of him—one you knew would never leave you now. How his hands felt around your neck, how gruesome he looked now, and how his blood had covered every inch of you.
The hand once on your throat, you moved it to touch his chest, indeed feeling no beating heart inside it. If it weren’t for Simon’s determined grip pulling you away, you would’ve stared at the sight all night, unable to separate on your own.
His hands were gentle, despite how you attempted to pry them off of you, still in a wide-eyed state of shock. “Don’t look.” You heard him say, through the faint ringing in your ears.
Your body didn’t have the strength to fight him, ending with your head shoved into his chest as he guided you out of the room. He ignored his own advice, giving Cal’s corpse one more lasting look, before he turned his attention fully to you again.
One hand held kept your head buried into his chest, while the other kept his pistol ready just in case, though there were no signs of an ambush coming. Cal had truly set this meet with only one person on his side, intending on the meet ending with you choked out.
When he reached the hall again, he turned your stumbling figure to face the wall, to not see the assistant still slumped over by the elevator. He grabbed the hanging coat and draped it over your shoulders.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, he ushered you inside, concealing your view of the carnage until the doors closed, though he wasn’t sure you were lucid enough to notice, he couldn’t help but shield you.
Simon allowed all of your weight on him as your legs nearly buckled during the ride, keeping you steady for its entirety. When the doors opened, his eyes scanned through the large windows facing the entrance.
Still, only the SUV and his own car remained parked. From what he could tell, this place was dead.
Each guiding step, his eyes were trained on the path ahead, but the coast remained clear. Through the tinted windows, the blizzard had worsened since he arrived. Only the black paint of the two cars through the flurries remained, being his only guide to his truck once he pushed the double doors open.
He palmed the handle to the passenger side, scooping you up and buckling you into the seat with tenderness. Once he took another look around him, spotting nothing but snow in front of him, he climbed into the truck and turned the key again.
You had already passed out in the seat next to him, probably in a mix of shock and fatigue. How you ended up here before him, or why, he didn’t know—what mattered to him was that Cal was dead, and you still had air in your lungs.
He cringed at the thought of nearly being too late, nearly finding lifeless with no sign of Cal—he had found you in time, and your husband was dead and alone, just like he deserved.
The headlights illuminated the path up to the cabin, now sometime in the middle of the night after his long drive back. He’d left you in the truck, still dormant with your head against the window.
Simon stepped inside the cabin, only flicking on the hallway light to not overwhelm his eyes, which were exhausted, and well-adjusted to the darkness now. His soaked boots squeaked against the tile as he reached for the faucet, turning the knobs until it was the right temperature.
While the faucet ran, he retreated outside again, lifting you into his arms again.
Your eyes reopened at the sudden disturbance, but you allowed yourself to be carried into the cabin again. You were in no position to fight him, and quite literally couldn’t speak against this pampering.
He used his foot to close the passenger door, then the front door. His carrying continued, holding all of your weight with no strain on his muscles. It was nothing to him; even if it was, he owed you this at the very least.
The remaining energy you had left was put into keeping yourself upright when he set you down. He cut off the faucet, putting his fingers in the water once more to test its warm temperature. 
Your eyes remained half-lidded, bloodshot from their lack of oxygen hours ago. His fingers remained gentle, merely brushing against you as he lifted the hem of your shirt until it was off your head.
He kept his eyes trained on the wall ahead as he undressed you, getting you out of the blood-soaked clothes clinging to you. He tossed each piece to the side, then allowed you to get into the bathtub on your own.
When you lifted each sore leg over the edge, he kept his arm out for grabbing. Still, his eyes roamed anywhere but you, allowing you the privacy to sink deep into the water without his prying eyes.
You lowered yourself into the warm water, an audible sigh of relief when it soothed your muscles. The transparent liquid slowly turned a deep merlot the deeper you sank, slowly soaking off the blood stains that littered you.
Limp hands gripped each side of the tub, a blank stare up at the ceiling of the room—the only part of you he did pay any attention to.
“Do you need my help?” He muttered, about to turn and leave you to bathe on your own.
You only responded by a slow head shake, though, it was clear you wanted to say something. At first, he only nodded and reached for the knob, respecting your need for isolation right now.
“Simon,” he heard you croak, prompting him to turn his head again, “stay in the room.”
He dropped his hand, only giving you one more look of reassurance before he returned to his place by the tub. He heard the sound of you scrubbing your skin, the water sloshing around.
Simon waited patiently with his back turned as if it was second nature to him. It wasn’t—this tenderness was new to him, and he didn’t want to stop.
TAGLIST: @random-thot-generator @littleobsessionsandlifeslessons @illyanam1011 @stunkbiggu @bi-witch-bxtch @warm-milk-with-honey @xheera @kiamewrites @01trickster10 @m0chac0ffee @tizylish @midwesternwitchery
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harriskl2 · 10 months
adik beradik
Ini cerita lucah adik beradik ada benar adalah awal petang, dan saya sedang duduk di sofa bermain beberapa permainan di Xbox saya. Saya baru-baru ini menyertai permainan, dan telah ketagih. Saya sedang bermain apabila saya mendengar ketukan di pintu kami. Pangsapuri 2 bilik tidur kami agak kecil, dan bunyi yang sedikit membuatkan seluruh rumah bergema. Ibu saya pergi untuk membuka pintu, dan adik saya yang berusia 18 tahun, Vanessa, muncul dari lorong.
Kami berbalas ‘Hei’, dan dia baring di sofa di sebelah saya. Kami mula bercakap tentang sekolah, kehidupan, dan bagaimana keadaan. Selepas beberapa ketika, dia tertidur. Nerdy saya sedang bermain Crackdown.
Saya sedang bermain apabila saya melihat ke arah adik saya. Dia mempunyai wajah dan badan yang cantik. Dia mempunyai lengkungan untuk mati, rambut perang dan keldai gelembung yang kelihatan seperti hendak pecah melalui seluar jeansnya. Dia memakai seluar jeans kurus, dan baju atasan yang menampakkan kulitnya. Dia menghadap TV, dan sedang nyenyak tidur.
Adik seksi tidur atas sofa
cerita lucah adik beradik
Saya mula menyedari betapa cantiknya adik saya. Selepas beberapa ketika, saya perasan saya lebih memberi perhatian kepadanya daripada permainan saya. Saya tidak menyedari keadaan sekeliling. Ibu bapa saya sedang tidur di bawah koridor, dan teman lelakinya tiada di mana-mana, jadi saya rasa dia bermalam (skor satu untuk saya).
Saya rasa dia terjaga seketika, kerana dia mula beralih, dan memukul saya dengan ‘Boleh saya bantu awak?’ Saya hanya menjawab, ‘Maaf kak, saya lupa betapa cantiknya awak.’ Dia tersipu dan mula hanyut tidur balik, rupanya tak kisah aku merenung dia. Saya melihat ke bawah dan menyedari batang saya mula membesar sehingga 7 inci, sangat ketara membonjol melalui seluar saya. Saya menyedari ia akan menjadi ‘tidak pernah hilang’, jadi saya fikir saya perlu menjaganya dengan segera. Apabila saya melihat semula Vanessa, saya dapati kakinya berpaling sepenuhnya, tetapi mukanya seperti melihat ke bawah pada saya, pada seluar saya. Tangannya hampir tersentak. Saya tidak mengendahkannya dan menyangka dia hanya main-main, dan bergegas ke bilik air sebelum dia perasan sesuatu, apabila dia menghalang saya dari laluan saya.
‘Menjaga sesuatu?’ Dia bertanya. ‘Baru pergi tandas.’ ‘Pasti awak. Mari ke sini dan duduk dengan saya.’ Saya teragak-agak mula menghampiri Vanessa, cuba menutupi tulang saya yang mengamuk secara halus. ‘Perlu bantuan?’ Dia berbisik. ‘Tidak, saya sihat, terima kasih.’ Saya mula merah padam kerana malu (siapa yang tidak?). Dia menghempas saya ke sofa, dan tanpa amaran, mula menggosok seluar jeans saya. ‘Saya nampak awak memandang saya, Robert. Anda tidak begitu halus.’ Dia menyatakan. ‘Maaf, tetapi siapa yang tidak akan merenung anda berpakaian seperti itu!?’ ‘Diam dan buka tali pinggang anda, dan tarik laci anda ke bawah.’ Kakak saya dengan mudah mengatasi saya, kerana saya terkejut dengan apa yang berlaku. Saya melakukan seperti yang dia katakan, tetapi berhenti di petinju saya. ‘Terlalu takut?’ Dia berkata, ‘Saya akan melakukannya kemudian, pussy.’
Jadi inilah saya, 7 inci saya duduk di ruang tamu kecil kami, bersama kakak saya, dalam jarak 20 kaki dari bilik ibu bapa kami. Kakak saya terus mengambil zakar saya di tangannya, dan mula tersentak. ‘Tolong beritahu saya awak bukan dara, lil’ bro.’ ‘I-uh-I-I’ aku tergagap-gagap. ‘Itulah apa yang saya fikir. Baiklah, saya akan menjadi kakak yang baik, dik.’ Dia berkata secara seksual. Daripada menyentak batang saya di tangannya, dia mula meletakkan kepalanya ke bawah. Sebelum saya sedar, dia menjilat batang saya seperti kon Ais Krim. Tidak lama selepas itu, dia memukul kepala zakar saya, dan akhirnya cuba menghisap zakar saya ke bawah. ‘Sial, awak diberi hadiah yang bagus. Kebanyakan lelaki yang saya hisap adalah kira-kira 5-6 inci.’
Cerita lucah adik beradik hisab batang di sofa
cerita lucah adik beradik
Vanessa mula menjengukkan kepalanya ke atas dan ke bawah. Tiba-tiba otak saya mematikan mod munasabah dan saya memegang kepala kakak saya dengan kuat. Saya menolak kepalanya ke bawah sehingga dia tersumbat pada batang saya dan saya merasakan mulutnya yang lembap menutup batang saya. Saya tidak berhenti apabila dia tersedak, saya terus pergi. Saya dapat merasakan tekaknya melonggarkan ke batang saya yang gemuk, dan sebelum saya sedar, saya dapat merasakan tekanan pada batang saya.
Saya sedang bersedia untuk merangkap. Saya menarik kepala adik saya ke atas dan ganas berbisik di telinganya, ‘Hisap zakar saya seperti perempuan murahan yang awak, dan biarkan air mani panas saya meleleh ke kerongkong awak semasa awak menyumbat kejantanan saya.’ Saya menolak mukanya ke bawah. Saya merasakan zakar saya menitis pra-cum, dan sebelum saya sedar, saya hampir mencapai orgasme. Kakak saya dapat merasakannya. Dia menghisap lebih kuat dan lebih kuat, dan itu membuat saya kecewa. ‘UgggGGGghhhhHHhHg’ rintihku apabila adikku menelan setiap titisan biji panasku ke dalam perutnya. ‘Sialan sialan, saya tidak tahu anda mempunyai kemahiran yang luar biasa!’ Dia tersipu-sipu. ‘Wellllll, saya tidak bermaksud untuk bermegah-megah tetapi saya ada pengalaman.’ Dia kemudian mengenyitkan matanya kepada saya. Selepas itu, kami tidak berkata apa-apa. Ia benar-benar senyap selama kira-kira 5 minit. Kemudian, saya bersandar dan mencium adik saya dengan kuat di bibirnya, merasai sedikit sisa air mani saya di bibirnya. Dia kemudian mencium saya kuat di bibir, dan kami berdua mempunyai lidah satu sama lain dalam mulut kami. Kami mesti bermesra sebentar, kerana sebelum saya sedar, sudah pukul 2 pagi. Selepas bermesra, kami mula bermain sesama sendiri. Kami melakukan yang tidak terkata. Kemudian kami berdua terdengar bunyi pintu dibuka.
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gothgril69 · 1 year
Levi Ackerman x Reader
MDNI (18+)
cw: smut (nothing crazy)
word count: 1k
Can't stop thinking about Bull Rider!Levi
He's not at all what you expected when Erwin invited you to watch the rodeo that night, giving you that charming smile as he looks down at you. You were hesitant at first, not usually one to go to your small town's fairs and events, but goddamn that bright smile under that tan cowboy hat had your heart skipping a beat.
He was riding that night, a young bull full of fight that easily launches him off his back in under the eight seconds he's trying to reach. You grimace when his back hits the ground hard, but Erwin is fast enough to get out of the way with a wide smile on his face and a skip in his step as the others wrangle the bull back in it's pen. He catches your eye and you give him a wave.
What you weren't expecting next was the smaller man that came out after Erwin, jet black hair peeking out from under his black cowboy hat. Levi Ackerman, the announcer speaks loud over the intercom, the rodeo's record holder and the only one to reach those eight seconds.
Your interest is piqued immediately, and you lean on the metal bar separating you from the ring. He's handsome, incredibly so, and you forget about Erwin and any of the other striking blond men you've seen today and focus on Levi settling himself on top of the bull. You watch his hands from a distance, watch as one wraps around the rope secured to the bull underneath him and let your imagination run wild.
The gates are released with a loud bang when the metal hits the barrier as Levi holds himself upright on top of the bucking bull. Your lips part in surprise as you watch how effortlessly he seems to do it, the way his hips move in time with the bull's movement to make sure he remains steady on top. He has his free hand on top of his hat, making sure it doesn't fall off in the process.
Those eight seconds are up quick, and it seems as if Levi could ride that bull for even longer as he hops off and quickly backs away from it as the others wrangle it in again. The crowd is going wild, cheering and yelling his name all while you stand there in surprise and clap along. He looks around the crowd, waving and nodding with an indifferent expression across his face as he circles the ring to give crowd members high-fives or autographs.
He stops in front of you at the end of his rounds, and then he's smirking while he removes his cowboy hat to place it on top of your head. You lick your lips and smile at him, unashamedly raking your eyes over the way his black collared shirt hugs his body tight while it's tucked into his jeans. He rakes a hand through his mussed hair, and then he's walking off to the other men that have taken their turn.
Erwin comes up to you when the show is over, parting through the crowd that shuffles themselves out of the metal fences surrounding the grounds. "Did you enjoy the show?" he asks you with that bright smile of his, gesturing for you to follow him.
You fall into step with him. "Yeah," you honestly reply. "It was a lot of fun. You did great." You smile up at him.
He laughs. "Ah, thanks darling, but I think someone may have caught your attention a bit more than me." He pats your head over your new cowboy hat.
You shove his arm. "Don't say that," you laugh. "I've just never seen anyone actually ride for the eight seconds."
The two of you walk together until Erwin is introducing you to all the guys, including Levi. He seems to understand that your attention has been captured by someone else, and you both respectfully part ways for the night as he leaves you alone with Levi.
"You can take your hat back," you offer to him, taking off the hat to hold it out for him.
"I think it looks better on you," he tells you with his hands tucked into his pockets, leaning against the back of his pickup truck he's walked you to. He stands with so much confidence it makes you feel flustered as he starts to walk toward you. "Let me help you with that." He takes the hat from your hands and places it on top of your head, adjusting it while you stare at him. "Better."
“You wanna get out of here?" you breathe.
Levi takes you hard and slow, fucking you deep into the mattress with every perfect roll of his hips against yours.
You barely made it inside his ranch home before he was slamming your back against his front door, his lips colliding with yours in equal fervor. Clothes were shed almost immediately, cowboy hat forgotten, and his hands glided across every surface of your skin to touch more and more of you like he couldn't get enough.
Now your back is pressed into his mattress, his body pressed close to yours with a sheen of sweat over your skin as he thrusts into you. “Fuck, your pussy is so good,” he groans into your neck, lips brushing against your pulse point.
“Levi,” you mewl, your arms holding onto his biceps as he takes you deeper. You arch your back into him, feeling every ounce of pleasure he has to give, and he slips an arm under your back to hold you close.
“Give me another one,” he gasps and lifts his head to look down at you. “Come on, love, you can do it.” He picks up his pace, thrusting hard and faster into you as his hand dips down to circle fingers against your clit.
Your eyes roll back when you cum, squeezing and pulsing around him to the point where he meets his end at the same time. His hot cum spurts inside you, his cock throbbing as his thrusts slow while he presses himself as far as he can go in you. His head falls forward until his forehead is resting against your sternum, heavy breaths panting against your skin as you do the same with your eyes closed.
“Stay the night,” Levi mumbles against your skin, leaving small kisses until he looks up at you again.
You open your eyes and nod dumbly.
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nalza73 · 2 years
Aku merupakan duda berumur 32 tahun dan memtpunyai seorang anak berumur lima tahun. Aku bekerja sebagai fitness instructor di sebuah gym di PJ dan tinggal di Shah Alam. Kisah ini bermula apabila aku hendak mendaftarkan anakku di tadika Q. Tadika Q dimiliki oleh K, wanita bertudung berumur 40 tahun yang mempunyai suami dan 3 anak.
K mempunyai rupa yang menarik serta tubuh badan yang comel dengan ketinggian 5 kaki sahaja dan kelihatan lebih muda dari usianya. Aku pula memiliki tubuh badan yang sasa sesuai dengan karierku dan alat sulit yang extra large sepanjang 9 inci.
Kali pertama aku bertemu K, aku dapat merasakan yang K tertarik denganku. Semasa berbincang tentang pendaftaran anakku di tadika Q, aku cuba memancing K. Sebagai duda, aku kerap melakukan seks bebas selalunya dengan wanita yang lebih muda dariku.
“Bertuah anak I dapat Cikgu lawa cam you ni” bodek ku.
“Ye ke, lawa ke I ni?…Husband I selalu kata I dah tua….”
“Mana ada, kalau I la husband u, tiap2 hari I gomol…he..he..he..” Tersipu-sipu K mendengar pujian lucahku.
Aku terus memainkan ayat terhadap K dan dia mula bercerita tentang kehidupannya dan aku dapat rasa yang K jarang mengadakan hubungan seks dengan suaminya. Setelah seminggu anakku belajar di tadika Q, aku setiap hari menelefon K dan berbalas-balas sms. Mulanya hanya tentang anak aku dan seterusnya ke hal hal peribadi hingga berbaur lucah.
Suatu hari, anakku tidak dapat kesekolah selama seminggu kerana mengikut bekas isteriku keluar negeri. Aku menelefon K untuk bertemunya di sekolah bagi mengambil peralatan anakku yang tertinggal dan K minta aku datang selepas waktu sekolah. Aku memakai t-shirt dan jeans ketat yang menampakkan bonjolan besar kemaluanku. Sampai di tadika Q, aku dapati K hanya berseorangan di pejabat.
Sewaktu membuka pintu, aku dapat melihat mata K melirik menjeling bonggolan dicelah kangkangku. Sebaik K menhulurkan tangan untuk bersalam, aku terus memegang dan mendakap K sambil mengucup bibirnya. Tergamam, K menyambut kucupanku buat seketika sebelum menolakku.
“Eh, apa you buat ni….I ni isteri orang”…kata K.
“ Sayang…I tau u tak bahagia…I boleh bahagiakan u” balasku sambil mataku melirik kearah bonggolan dalam jeansku.
“Jangan fikir panjang sayang, I tau u hauskan seks sebenar”. K terdiam sambil matanya merenung kebawah. Aku merapatinya dan memegang pipi K sambil memujuknya.
“ Don’t worry, I’ll make sure u’re satisfied”. Ku kucup bibirnya dengan penuh nafsu sambil tangan ku mula meraba-raba bontotnya. Kami berkucupan selama beberapa minit dan tiba2 K melepaskan bibirnya lalu berkata
“ Kejap, I nak ke toilet jap to undress, nanti husband I perasan pulak baju I tak kemas.”. Aku pula terus membuka pakaian ku dan berbogel sepenuhnya.
“ Wow…besarnya” mata K terpaku melihat pelirku yang mencanak panjang.
Dia merapatiku sambil matanya terpaku melihat alat sulitku yang sepanjang 9 inci itu. K melutut dihadapanku dan mula mencium serta mengulum sambil mengurut batangku. Mulutnya yang kecil hanya mampu menerima bahagian kepala pelirku saja. Aku tunduk untuk membuka kancing coli yang dipakai K. Selepas seketika, aku mencempung K ke sofa panjang dan kumulai dengan menjilat dan meramas buah dada K sambil tanganku melurutkan seluar dalamnya hingga tanggal. Tubuh K hanya biasa bagi wanita berumur 40 tahun, buah dadanya masih solid dan dia mempunyai ponggong yang kecil.
Tubuh K ku terokai setiap sudut dengan jilatan dan kuluman yang memberangsangkan. Sampai dicelah kangkangnya, aku mula menjilat pantat K dengan rakus hingga lencun. K merengek dan bernafas dengan laju menahan kenikmatan kelentitnya dihisap manakala jari hantuku dijolok kedalam lubang bontotnya.
“Joe…uh..uh…I dah tak tahan ni, fuck me now please…” rayu K.
Aku dengan selamba memposisikan pelirku tepat ke lubang nikmat K lalu mula menerobos pantat isteri dan ibu kepada 3 anak ini.
“Arghh..uh..uh…besarnya Joe…slow sikit…u punya besar sangat” rengek K sewaktu kepala pelirku memasuki pantatnya sedikit demi sedikit.
Kutekan seinci kemudian menarik balik diikuti dengan dua inci dan ditarik balik seinci demi seinci sehinggalah seluruh batangku menusuk masuk kedalam lubang pantat K. Kutarik keluar 8 inci pelirku sebelum menekan semula sepenuhnya. Setelah dua tiga kali sorongan perlahan, aku mula melajukan tusukanku. Tubuh K mula tidak keruan dan dengan setiap soronganku, K berhenti bernafas akibat terlalu nikmat menyebabkan kemutan lubangnya begitu ketat walaupun licin. Tak sampai 3 minit mendayung ku dapati tubuh K mengejang,
” Uhh…uhhh…arghhh…I m cumming Joe…arrrggghhh…..yessssss..” jerit K dengan penuh nafsu sambil memelukku sekuat mungkin.
Dapat kerasakan pancutan air nikmat K mencerit-cerit dalam kehangatan pantatnya. Aku perapkan batang pelirku sedalam mungkin sebelum memulakan sorongan. Kemutan K sudah agak berkurangan ditambah pula dengan air pantatnya yang banyak keluar membuatkan lubangnya terasa agak longgar. Aku mula menghentak batangku kedalam pantat K dengan rakus membuatkannya mula mengemut lalu memancutkan lagi airnya nikmatnya buat kali kedua dalam tempoh 5 minit.
Aku kemudian memusingkan tubuh K dan mula menghenjutnya secara doggie. Sepuluh minit selanjutnya, pantat K kurodok dari belakang dengan ganas membuatkannya tercungap-cungap sebelum aku meledakkan pancutan air maniku sepuasnya didalam pantat K. K tersembam longlai diatas sofa manakala aku duduk dihujung kakinya sambil menyalakan rokok dengan penuh kepuasan.
“Terima kasih Joe…I dah lama tah rasa puas macam ni” kata K.
“No problem sayang, tapi lepas ni you kena bagi I puas pulak tau” ujarku tersenyum.
Air maniku bercampur air K yang banyak meleleh keluar dari pantatnya ku sapukan dicelah bontot K lalu aku mengambil kesempatan menjolok-jolok jariku kedalam lubang juburnya. Emmm…ahhhhhh…K mengerang perlahan, agaknya kesedapan lubang juburnya menerima kehadiran jariku.
Batangku terangsang kembali mendengar rengekan K. Aku meniarap diatas K sambil mencium dan menjilat belakang lehernya. Pelirku yang telah keras sepenuhnya mencari cari lubang jubur K yang sedia licin. Pelirku mula menerobos masuk perlahan-lahan kedalam lubang dubur K.
“Ehhh…uhhh..Joe..apa you buat ni…I..I tak pernah buat kat situ” nada suara K agak panik. Dia cuba berpusing tapi aku kuat menekan tubuhnya agar tertiarap.
“I belum puas sayang, please….just enjoy this ok” bisikku.
Hati aku gembira kerana mengetahui aku bakal merodok jubor yang masih ‘virgin”. Aku terus menekan pelirku perlahan-lahan tanpa mempedulikan bantahan K.
“Ketat sungguh lubang you sayang” pujukku lagi.
Pelirku padat memenuhi lubang “dara” dan aku dengan penuh nafsu menyelamkannya sedikit demi sedikit dengan penuh rasa nikmat. Tanganku mengentel-ngentel puting buah dada K agar dia leka sambil meneruskan jilatanku di lehernya. Setelah ¾ batangku menerobos didalam jubur K, aku memulakan sorongan. Fuuhhh…kenikmatan lubang yang ketat serta hangat itu membuatkan aku amat bernafsu lalu menekan pelirku sedalamnya. Padat dan kemas batangku terhimpit didalam lubang jubur K yang amat sempit. Aku menikmati saat itu dengan sepenuhnya. Seluruh tumpuanku mula diajukan sepenuhnya ke pelirku yang keras dan padat bak besi manakala K merintih antara kenikmatan dan kepedihan juburnya disula.
Aku memulakan sorongan bertalu talu dengan perlahan kedalam lubang yang amat ketat. Terketar ketar badanku menahan nikmat selama 10 minit sebelum meledakkan air maniku sepenuhnya didalam jubur K. Kubiarkan pelirku mengecut didalam jubur K sebelum menarik keluar. Lantas aku terus ke bilik air untuk mencuci pelirku dan memakai pakaian semula. Kulihat K agak mengengkang berjalan kebilik air. Selesai berpakaian, kami pulang kerumah masing-masing dengan perasaan puas. Keesokan paginya, aku menerima panggilan telefon dari K. Suaranya agak panik
“Joe, I dapat surat pagi ni…. ada orang mengendap apa yang kita buat semalam. Dalam surat ni ugut suruh I call nombor yang disertakan pukul 2 petang ni kalau tak nak malu….I takut la Joe, nanti husband I dapat tahu mati I. Camana ni Joe” kata K terketar ketar.
Aku memujuk K agar jangan bimbang.
“ Tak pe, nanti I call orang tu kasi settle…kasik I nombor tu”. Jam 2 petang itu aku menelefon nombor yang diberikan.
“Hello, saya telefon bagi pihak Puan K, apa awak mahu?” soalku.
“Kami nak duit” suara disebalik telefon itu agak garuk, aku mengagak ini suara budak belasan tahun lalu memberanikan diriku menyergahnya.
“ Oooo…berani nak ugut ya. Aku kenal ketua polis”.
” Mmm..maaf bang…kami ternampak Puan K tengah romen semalam, jadi kami hanya nak cuba nasib kalau-kalau dia boleh bagi duit belanja…lagipun kami tahu lelaki semalam bukan suami dia”. Rupanya, Budin budak yang tinggal diseberang jalan tadika K.
Dia dan rakannya Ramli sering meneropong dari biliknya memerhatikan K lalu semalam nasib mereka amat baik kerana dapat menonton K bogel disondol oleh ku. Tiba-tiba aku mendapat idea untuk memuaskan nafsu seks ku selama ini iaitu mengadakan hubungan seks secara beramai-ramai.
“Kau suka ke apa yang kau tengok semalam?” tanyaku.
“Best bang…kami memang dah lama mengendap akak tu…errr..buat modal lancap…he..he..” ucap Bidin.
“Kau orang teringin tak kalau boleh kongkek akak tu?” tanyaku lagi.
” Ehh…boleh ke bang…memang nak sangat ler kami, bayar pun kami sanggup” ujar Bidin dengan gembira.
“Baiklah, nanti aku aturkan, tapi kau orang mesti ikut arahan aku lah. Petang ni jam 5 kau datang ke Tadika” arahku pada Bidin.
Aku kemudian menelefon K dan memberitahunya yang pengugut itu mahukan bayaran wang sebanyak 2 ribu serta mahu melakukan hubungan seks secara bergilir-gilir. Mulanya K tidak bersetuju tetapi kerana takut malu, dia terpaksa akur dengan sarananku. Aku sampai ke tadika K jam 4.30 petang dan kudapati K sedang resah menanti apa yang bakal dihadapinya.
Apabila aku memberitahunya yang pengugut2 itu adalah remaja belasan tahun, dia agak terkejut dan malu tetapi aku berjaya memujuknya agar merelakan mereka menikmati tubuhnya agar rahsia kami tidak terbongkar. Aku mengarahkannya berbogel dan hanya bertuala dan menunggu di dalam pejabat sementara aku berbincang dengan Bidin dan Ramli.
Tepat jam 5, Ramli dan Bidin muncul dengan muka yang agak malu tapi ceria. Bidin mempunyai perawakan mamak bertubuh kurus manakala Ramli agak comel dan gebu. Mereka berdua berumur 14 tahun dan nyata masih belum pernah melakukan hubungan seks sebelum ini.
“Mana cikgu Bang?” tanya Bidin sambil tersengih.
“Kau ni, tak sabar2….sebelum tu, kau orang kena patuhi syarat2 aku dulu” ujarku dengan tegas.
Aku seterusnya mengarahkan mereka berdua melucutkan pakaian mereka sepenuhnya. Aku mengelilingi mereka untuk memeriksa tubuh dan kulihat batang pelirnya mereka telah keras. Batang Bidin yang berukuran 6 ½ inci agak besar bagi remaja berumur 14 tahun manakala pelir Ramli hanya berukuran 5 inci. Aku tertarik pada bentuk ponggong Ramli yang agak pejal dan gebu dan timbul idea untuk mencabul lubang juburnya kerana aku belum pernah merasa jubur lelaki sebelum ini.
“Baiklah, cikgu ada dalam bilik tu, kau orang boleh buat apa yang kau suka. Tapi ingat…jangan bantah apa yang aku akan buat kat engkau pulak….kita semua nak puas, so mari kita enjoy sama-sama” kataku sambil tersengih dan memicit ponggong Ramli.
Kedua mereka mengangguk bersetuju. Aku membuka pintu pejabat K dimana K telah sedia berbaring diatas lantai yang telah kusediakan tilam. Bidin dan Ramli mulanya kelihatan tersipu2 masuk sambil memegang kemaluan masing2.
“Hah..apa lagi, lauk dah ada depan mata tu” ujarku.
Aku terus menarik tuala yang membaluti tubuh K dan tubuhnya kini menjadi tatapan dua remaja itu. Ramli terus meramas dan menyonyot buah dada K manakala Bidin mengangkangkan K dan mula menjilat pantat K dengan gelojohnya. K hanya mampu memejamkan mata menahan kenikmatan walaupun malu menyedari tubuhnya sedang digomol oleh dua remaja yang sama umur dengan anaknya.
Aku teruja meliihat kelakuan gelojoh Bidin dan Rahim seolah-olah sedang memperkosa K lantas menanggalkan pakaian ku tanpa rasa segan. Sesekali K menjerit kecil kerana teteknya digigit oleh Rahim. Aku merapati mereka dan mengarahkan Rahim menyumbatkan pelirnya kedalam mulut K. Dengan rakus, Rahim menjolok-jolok pelirnya kedalam mulut K. Mulut K mudah menerima kehadiran keseluruhan pelir Rahim disebabkan saiznya yang kecil.
Dalam pada itu Bidin telah mula menghayunkan pelirnya kedalam pantat K dengan laju. Aku mengambil kesempatan meraba2 ponggong Rahim yang sedang asyik menghenjut mulut K. Bidin tidak dapat menahan nafsunya lalu terpancut dengan cepat. Aku berbaring dan mengarahkan K agar memasukkan pantatnya dari atas manakala Rahim kuajar menyondolkan pelirnya kedalam lubang jubur K manakala Bidin memasukkan pelirnya yang separuh keras kedalam mulut K.
Aku berasa amat teruja melihat K kini dikerjakan kami bertiga secara serentak. Kehadiran pelirku didalam pantat K mengembirakannya hingga tidak peduli akan lubang juburnya yang diselami oleh batang Ramli. Ramli hanya mampu membuat kurang 10 henjutan sebelum memancutkan air maninya kedalam jubur K lantas tempatnya diambil oleh Bidin yang dengan rakus menjolok batang pelirnya kedalam lubang jubur K. Tak lama kemudian K sendiri memancutkan air nikmatnya.
Aku mengambil peluang ini dengan mengarahkan K mengulum pelir Ramli semula dan ketika Ramli menonggek untuk K mengulum pelirnya, aku menyetubuhi jubur Ramli. Jubur Ramli amat ketat sekali, lebih ketat dari jubur K dan dia terjerit2 ketika aku memasukkan seluruh 9 inci batangku kedalamnya. Walaupun pelirnya dikulum K, namun kesakitan juburnya disula olehku menyebabkan batangnya hanya separuh keras dalam mulut K. Kini Bidin sedang menghenjut jubur K manakala aku menyula jubur Ramli dan tak lama kemudian kami sama2 klimaks.
Pengalaman menyetubuhi jubur Rahim amat memuaskan kerana juburnya amat ketat dan masih “dara”. K, Rahim dan Bidin tergolek keletihan manakala aku duduk menghisap rokok sambil menyaksikan tiga tubuh bogel dihadapanku dengan perasaan puas. Tangan Bidin meraba dan meramas buah dada K dan jelas kedua remaja ini masih belum puas menjamah tubuh K. Selama sejam berikutnya, Ramli dan Bidin bergilir-gilir mengonkek K sehingga puas. Kami berempat kemudian mandi bersama sebelum pulang kerumah masing-masing.
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asexual-spongebob · 1 month
hi guys. um. here r my character and ship playlists 4 iz! :3
my dib playlist mostly has lemon demon, cavetown and Midwest emo shit. (Esp mom jeans and the front bottoms)
my zim playlist. it’s mostly s3rl, kesha, mcr, and millionaires. and some avril lavinge as well.
my gaz playlist is mostly bikini kill and nirvana:) and also some Green Day.
my tak playlist is mostly Bratmobile, Bikini kill and some Green Day :) and also some mommy long legs too.
My Tenn playlist. Mostly 80s pop or songs that remind me of 80s pop. like madonna, the gogos etc. and chappell roan :)
And my Skoodge playlist! Mostly ska punk (sublime, fishbone, reel big fish) and other stuff :) (blink 182, some weezer and the offspring thrown in there)
and now 4 ships! :)
my zadr playlist. It’s got a lotta shit in it that’s for sure.
and tagr! I noticed there wasn’t any playlists of them so I made one!
I was also gonna make a gamr (gir x mimi)/gamf/gamqp playlist but i don’t know what to add other then hey lover.
I’ll also make one for keef eventually. I just need 2 figure out what 2 add.
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semutmerahlagi · 3 months
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[Kisah Benar] Andartu 👄👅
Cik Nora adalah seorang yang cukup periang dan suka berjenaka. Dia seorang andartu, aku kire umur dia dah hampir 35 tahun. Badannya cukup gempal tapi kulitnya putih melepak. Hidungnya mancung, mulutnya kecik dan matnya sedikit kuyu dan selalu nampak stim aje….
Aku dan sebahagian pelajar lain cukup rapat dengan Cik Nora dan kami pada kebiasaannya akan ke kedai buku Cik Nora untuk membantu dia. Pada kebiasaan nya kami akan berbual dan bergurau senda. Pada suatu hari, perbualan kami tertumpu kepada makan aiskrim. Kebetulan pada waktu itu Cik Nora membelanjakan kami aiskrim setelah penat membungkus buku.
Perbualan kami mula berungsur lucah apabila Puan Mona berseloroh mengatakan dia selalu dapat aiskrim yang kecik tak kira malam atau siang. Lalu Cik Nora pun jawab, “kalau nak yang besar carilah ais krim mat saleh”. Kami semua gelak.
Lalu seorang kawan aku, Man menyampuk, “Mat punya aiskrim pun besar jugak” semua pandang kat aku lebih-lebih lagi Cik Nora sambil menjilat aiskrim ditangannya dan berkata “iya ke???”. “Ni pasti puas kalau kena!”, sambungnya lagi. “Mungkin jugak”, kata Puan Mona.
Muka aku merah padam dan untuk menghilangkan rasa malu aku kata “tengok oranglah!! Sapa nak boleh cuba!” aku kata selamba. Dengan cepat Cik Nora menjawab, “Aku nak!!!”, dengan gelak ketawa semua. “Boleh, bila nak?”, aku tanya lagi….namun celoteh kami berhenti di situ apabila seorang pelanggan datang nak jumpa Cik Nora. Dalam fikiran aku, kalau Cik Nora nak betul batang aku, aku sedia bagi sebab aku geram tengok tubuh dia yang montok dan putih itu.
Kalau ada tuah mungkin die masih dare…dan aku teringat bagaimana Puan Mui telah memberi aku kenikmatan yang tidak pernah aku rasakan selama ini. Aku terkejut lamunan apabila Man menepuk bahu aku sambil bertanya “apahal termenung ni??? Ingat mak wa ke?” Aku tak perasan yang batang aku dah mula nak mengeras.
Petang tu sebelum aku balik ke rumah, Cik Nora sempat memanggil aku ke biliknya dan mempelawa aku keluar makan malam dengannya. Itupun jika aku tiada kelas. Aku cakap boleh aje kalau pasaal makan…dan dia janji nak jemput aku pukul 7.45 malam. Sebelum aku keluar aku sempat meninjau kat buah dada dia yang sedikit terdedah manakala dia pula asyik tenung kat batang aku….
Malam itu tepat jam 7.45 malam Cik Nora pun datang menjemput aku di rumah. Aku pakai seluar jean dan kemeja T putih. Cik Nora pula pakai mini skirt hitam dan kemeja T putih. Dia nampak sungguh seksi sekali. Cik Nora tanya aku, “nak ke mana?”, aku jawab “tak kisah ikut aje ke mana-mana” sambil menjeling kat paha dia..”Ke bilik tidur?” Dia berseloroh kat aku…”Boleh jugak!” Kataku…sambil kami gelak…Dia tanya aku lagi,” besok hari minggu. ade kelas tak? Aku jawab tak ada.
“Kalau macam tu kita pergi genting, situ makan sedap”, katanya lagik.. “Boleh jugak!”, kataku. Lepas tu kereta Proton Wira aeroback Cik Nora pun menluncur ke genting highland. Kami sampai kat genting pukul 9 lalu. Kami pergi kat restoren dan makan, lepas tu kami pergi jalan-jalan kat sana sampai pukul 11 lalu.
Cik Nora kata kat aku dia penat dan tak lalu nak drive manakala aku pula tak ada lesen…Pucuk dicita ulam mendatang…dia kata “kalau macam tu elok bermalam kat sini”. “boleh aje” jawabku dengan cepat.
Cik Nora menyuruh aku menunggu di lobby hotel sementara dia membuat tempahan. Sebentar kemudian dia pun datang dan mengeluh panjang, “Cuma satu bilik aje yang tinggal….” aku kata aku tak kisah dan boleh tidur di sofa bilik..
Oklah kalau macam tu, kata cik nora. Sampai di bilik…aku terus masuk ke bilik mandi untuk mandi kerana dah seharian aku tidak mandi….selepas aku selesai, cik nora pun mandi… Aku tengah menonton tv apabila cik nora keluar dari bilik mandi.
Dia cuma berkembankan kain tuala sahaja. Jantung aku dah mula berdegup….Aku lihat cik nora tengah membetulkan kain selimut sambil punggungnya menonggeng jelas ke arah aku. Aku dapat lihat pahanya dan punggungnya yang montel dan putih melepak itu dengan jelas sekali…
Aku tak tahan melihatnya dan terus menuju ke arah cik nora. Aku sentuh tengkoknya dengan lembut dan kemudian aku picit bahunya…Aku lihat cik nora memperlihatkan aksi yang sungguh mengairahkan dan mengeluh perlahan. Dia segera berpaling pada aku dan terus mencium aku dengan rakus sekali. Kami berkucupan dan aku kulum lidah dia habis-habisan.
Aku tengok dia semakin tidak menentu apabila aku semakin garang. Aku jilat tengkoknya dan dia semakin mengerang. Kemudian tanpa aku sedari tuala yang menutupi tubuhnya telah terlerai. Aku peluk badan cik nora dengan kemas sambil menjilat teteknya yang cukup membuatkan aku geram selama ini. Dia mengeluh dan dia memeluk aku dengan erat sekali. Aku rasakan yang dia telah mencapai klimek pertamanya.
Aku segera rebahkan cik nora ke katil dan lidahku mula turun ke seluruh badannya. Aku jilat pusatnya sebelum aku turun ke kawasan semak yang sungguh indah di bawahnya. Aku jilat biji kelintitnya… dan aku lihat dia meraung keenakan.
Please Mat….i need you now!!!!!!! katanya. aku tidak peduli semua itu aku buka seluar aku dan terus berbogel…Aku naik ke atas tubuh cik nora dan menghisap teteknya…batang aku, aku geselkan ke biji kelentit cik nora tanpa masuk kedalamnya…dia terkial-kial kesedapan…dan merayu-rayu agar aku masuk segera kerana dia dah tak tahan lagi katanya. Namun aku biarkan dan tiba-tiba dia memeluk aku dengan kuat sekali dan aku tahu dia dah klimek..
Sekarang aku pun masukkan batang aku ke dalam cipapnya…aku jangkakan pasti cik nora nee dah tak virgin lagi…dan senang nak masuk kerana dia dah basah sangat. Sangkaan aku salah kerana bila aku menusuk batang aku ke dalam cipap nya aku terasa ada sesuatu yang koyak…dan dia meraung kesakitan..dia kata sakit dan aku tanya samada dia masih virgin ke tak…dia kata ya.. this is my first time…katanya…
Aku terus berusaha memasukkan kesemua batang aku namun ianya terasa sangat sempit..Akhirnya aku berjaya tanpa mengira cik nora yang menahan kesakitan. Aku sorong tarik dengan perlahan.. Sebentar kemudian, cik nora yang tadinya kesakitan kini telah mula merasa kesedapannya…Dia mula mengeluh dengan ghairah sekali…”Aduh sedapnya Mat””
Aku semakin kuat dan cepat..semakin cepat aku lakukan, semakin kuat dia mengerang….dan akhirnya dia kata dia nak terpancut dan aku pun melajukan kayuhan aku agar kami sama-sama sampai….Dan akhirnya dia memeluk aku dengan kuat sekali dan aku dah tak tahan lagi dan kami pun sampai klimek bersama-sama…aku lihat cik nora meraung kesedapan.
Setelah aku pancutkan kesemuanya, aku segera mencabut batangku dan memasukkan nya ke dalam mulut cik nora dan dia dengan rakus sekali menjilat batangku sehingga kering….sedap katanya…lama dia menjilat batangku sehingga ianya kembali tegang…dan aku kata kat cik nora aku nak lagi…..
Dia tidak membantah langsung dan aku terus menukar posisi ke 69 dan kami mula jilat menjilat…Aku lihat cik nora sudah tidak dapat bertahan lagi dan aku menyuruhnya agar naik ke badan ku seperti menunggang kuda…dia kata sedap sekali kerana batangku dapat sampai ke G-spotnya. lama kami berada di posisi demikian sehingga dia klimek lagi.
Aku menukar posisi, sekarang aku angkat kedua kaki cik nora ke bahuku dan aku memasukkan batangku dari atas…sungguh sedap sekali…lebih-lebih lagi cik nora kerana batang besarku bermain di celah- celah cipapnya…. Puas dengan cara itu kami menukar ke cara doggie pula.
Aku rasa cara ini sungguh sedap sekali.. tangan ku memulas-mulus tetek cik nora sambil dia meraung kesedapan…dan aku rasakan bahawa dia dah klimek lagi. Aku rasa dah banyak kali dia klimek… aku cabut batang aku dan terus mencapai kondom di dalam poket seluarku….aku geram betul tengok punggung cik nora kerana selama ini aku perasan yang dia selalu menayangkan lenggoknya yang seksi apabila lalu di hadapan ku dan aku rasa inilah masanya aku menikmatinya….
Aku segera mengambil bantal dan menyandarkannya ke bawah cik nora agar punggungnya tetonggek ke atas…aku masuk kan perlahan-lahan batangku ke dalam lubang punggungnya….dan dia merengek kesakitan…aduh sakitlah mat katanya. Aku tidak peduli dan dengan dua tiga kali tusukan aku berjaya masuk juga…lama aku bertahan di dalamnya sebelum berdayung… Kesakitan yang dirasa oleh cik nora tadi kini bertukar lazat dan tidak lama kemudian aku terpancut kerana lubangnya terlalu ketat….
Sekali lagi cik nora menjilat aku sehingga batang aku kering….
Malam tersebut kami langsung tidak dapat tidur kerana terlalu sibuk. Aku rasa kami main lebih dari lima kali….kami tertidur lebih kurang pukul 6 pagi dan aku lihat cik nora sudah tidak berdaya lagi… Kami bangun lebih pukul 11 pagi dan sempat main lagi…
Cik nora becadang untuk bermalam semalam lagi tapi aku kata aku ada ujian pada besok harinya… Kami balik ke KL pukul 10 malam tersebut.
Cik nora ni betul-betul gila kan seks………….Sejak peristiwa itu kami asyik melakukannya tidak kira di mana asalkan ada peluang…..
rezeki dapat main andartu yang dara..!? sapelah yang tak nak kan???hehehe.
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