#jd x male reader
bloody-cupcakes · 4 months
Jd x yandere male r with a corruption kink 🙏🙏
Okay it can't be just me who loves the idea of a reader who's somehow more perverted and insane than a character who's already perverted and insane
Also when I tell you this is the MOST FILTHY thing I've written so far for this account I mean it
Tw: yandere/dark content, male reader, smut/nsfw, blowjob/oral sex (reader receiving), brief dacryphilia, degrading, hair pulling, facial, cum eating, dubcon-ish in some areas (all of this is JD receiving btw), could be seen as a toxic relationship but that's a given considering the content
When you and JD first met, he was already into some dark stuff, but he could never imagine the absolutely filthy things you'd end up getting him into. In his defense, you didn't immediately come off as the nasty pervert you ended up being.
"Come on, baby, just let me cum on your face this one time," you begged as he knelt down on the floor in front of you, unable to answer due to your cock being in his mouth.
He let out a garbled response, tears forming in the corners of his eyes and spilling down his cheeks. You had no idea if that was a yes or a no, but it didn't matter. You planned on doing it regardless.
"God, you're so pathetic. I mean, just look at you." Your hand reached down and gripped his hair, yanking his head back in a position where your cock was shoved even further down his throat as a result.
A strangled whimper could be heard coming from him, a sound that made you grin with utter delight. Despite his slight discomfort, he did his best to keep sucking like the good boy that he was.
"There you go, that's better." You let out a grunt as you felt his tongue brush against your length. "You're such a natural, are you sure you haven't done this before with men other than just me?"
The bright shade of red his face turned at your question was priceless. It kind of made you wish you had a camera to capture the moment. He was struggling to catch his breath, even after you told him time and time again to breath through his nose.
Luckily for him, you were close to finishing anyway, so you pulled your cock out of his mouth and came all over the lower half of his face. Not wanting to give him the opportunity to move away, you tightened your hand's grip in his hair and kept him still until you were done.
He stared up at you with a look of embarrassment on his face that was only partially hidden by the white, sticky substance you'd left there. "I didn't want you to cum on my face," he mumbled in a indignant manner, his lips curled downwards into a slight frown.
"Oh, grow up. You really didn't think I was going to give up on the opportunity to paint your pretty little face with my cum, now did you?" Your tone was condescending, as if you were speaking to nothing more than a bratty child.
"Besides, I know how much you love it when I treat you like the pitiful little whore that you are. You might have everyone else fooled, but I don't buy your tough 'bad boy' act for even a second."
You smirked at the way he simply pouted in response, unable to think of a good enough comeback. While he was caught up in his own thoughts, you reached your hand out and swiped some of the cum still on his face onto your fingers. "Open," you commanded as you held them in front of his lips.
JD opened his mouth and licked off the cum despite himself, his hazel eyes glaring at you in a displeased and bratty manner as he did. You merely watched, not put off or intimidated by him in the slightest.
Even if he did decide to complain about it afterwards, you had a few tricks up your sleeve that you were certain would quickly shut him up.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 3 months
Jason Dean dating someone who's transmasc
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Warnings: brief mentions of transphobia, canon typical stuff such as bullying, swearing, violence, murder, etc, slight suggestive things but nothing that's full on smut (I might make another post with that later), smoking (because we all know our boy JD smokes like a chimney), mentions of dysphoria, mentions of menstrual cycles/periods, some forcemascing by JD (sorry I couldn't resist)
A/N: I did a Veronica version of this like two years ago and since I'm currently obsessed with JD (and it's pride month) I felt the urge to write one for him too (also because I've come to the conclusion that I might just be transmasc and not genderfluid so this is mostly just written for me)
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I wanna start off by saying that yes JD is an asshole, but he'd never be (intentionally) transphobic. However, if he thought you were trans then he would push your buttons a little bit to see how long it would take you to admit it, especially if you met before you came out
Let's say you two started dating when you still saw yourself as a girl or something (I know that JD's supposed to be "straight" or whatever but he's bisexual to me okay fight me on it). If he saw you acting a little uncomfortable being referred to as his girlfriend or having to use the women's restroom at school he would 100% call you out on it
Not in a degrading way or anything like that, just to see how you would react to it. The second you start to get defensive or give him the silent treatment he shuts up, not only because he accomplished what he set out to do but also because he feels a little bad
Eventually you just decide to rip off the bandaid and come to terms with the fact that you're actually a trans guy, him being one of the first people you tell. His only real response to this "startling revelation" is to look at you and go "Yeah I kind of figured that one out for myself already, I was just waiting for you to"
Your worries that he'd want to break up with you after telling him disappeared almost immediately as you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes at him. "Ha ha, very funny smartass"
If you decide you want to cut your hair shorter then he will absolutely offer to help you with it, insisting that there's no reason for you to go to a professional with him there (it's totally not just because he's very possessive and would never let anyone else touch your hair other than him, that's crazy)
You may have wore his clothes some before, but he practically begs you to do it after you come out. Why would you ever need to go shopping when you can just raid his closet, y'know? Plus seeing you in them really turns him on
He gets ten times more protective afterwards too, constantly following you around to make sure you're okay. You could have classes that take place at the same time on opposite sides of the school and he'll always skip his to join you. Eventually the teachers just move his class schedule around to match with yours since he never attends his anyway
Always has an arm wrapped around you no matter what, especially if he sees someone like Kurt and Ram passing by. It's best to distract him with kisses or something so he won't hear the things they call you and get mad (he hears them anyway but can't resist making out with you so he lets it slide for the time being)
Speaking of making out, he does it with you everywhere and all the time, whether it's a modern au or the 80s. He's not worried about what people say or do, usually letting his gun do all the talking. He shoots them is what I'm trying to get at here lol
Most people are much too scared to even breath too loud near you because of your attack dog boyfriend but if it ever does happen that you get bullied (whether that be verbally or physically) he will go out of his way to make sure the local morgues, cemeteries, and funeral homes have plenty of business
Feeling anxious or stressed about having to spend time with/be around someone who misgenders/deadnames you? Just let him tag along. He might not say much but what he will do is very passive-aggressively correct said person on their "mistakes". It pretty much always works as no one wants to argue with a guy who frequently carries a gun
It's not the best habit around but he probably gets you hooked on smoking at least occasionally, especially if he hears you complain about your voice being too high. Oh, you're worried that you sound too feminine and "girly"? He has the perfect way to get you that low and gravelly voice that you want! You think he's talking about voice training or something until he hands you a pack of cigarettes and with the most serious expression ever says "these will do wonders"
Even if you don't smoke religiously like he does it's kind of hard to resist it completely given how often he lights up a cigarette (and yes, he will blow smoke into your face, because while he loves you he's also an asshole and thinks it's funny when you wrinkle up your nose in disgust at him)
He's not the best at comforting you when it comes to days where you feel dysphoric. Like, he won't flat out say that he thinks you're acting ridiculous because he knows it would only make things worse, but he's also not great when dealing with emotions, so the most he might do is let you cling to him while he gives you a few awkward pats on the back
If this goes on for days borderlining on weeks, however, that's when he'll start to act less sensitive and give you a bit of tough love. "What are you talking about saying that you 'don't look like a guy'? Are you crazy? You really think life would be better if you were still living as a girl? Do you honestly think that would make you happy?"
It surprisingly works, believe it or not. Even if you know he's purposely trying to rile you up it ends up making you feel better and more confident in yourself. Anytime he notices you starting to slip back into feelings of self doubt or insecurity, he just wraps you up in his arms and whispers soft encouragements in your ear. "You were never a girl, you just need to work a little bit harder than others to grow into the man that you are. If anything, that's a testament to your strength for being able to do that"
This certainly happens whenever you're on your period and feel grouchier or less confident than usual. "You're so strong for being able to endure this every month, did you know that? You're much braver than I am, I doubt I'd be able to get through it as well as you"
Sometimes you almost start crying because of how emotional his words make you feel, and sometimes you roll your eyes with annoyance while muttering "you're a condescending asshole" under your breath. Either way it ends up making you feel better, especially when he offers to rub your lower abdomen when your cramps get too bad
If you decide to start HRT then he wants to be there to help you take the shots, even if you insist you can do it yourself (he likes being part of the process of helping you "turn into" a man). Same thing if you use T gel or whatnot, he gets really pouty if you ever apply it without him
He's not really the best person to do "guy bonding" activities with unless you like making pipe bombs or planning the murders of people you hate (hypothetically speaking, of course) but if there's anything like that you want to try out then he'll definitely be there to support you. Like I don't know, hunting/fishing? Or watching sports games while drinking beer? Or breaking out the toolbox and fixing things around the house? Sorry I don't really know things that guys do despite being one myself 😭
The only exception to that is probably car maintenance. I see him as being very protective over his motorcycle and learning how to take care of it himself so he doesn't have to worry about taking it to the shop and having them screw it up. He'd be happy to teach you about how to change your own oil and might even teach you how to ride it as long as you don't accidentally scratch up his paint job. He might not kill you for it, but he will be very upset and end up ignoring you for a few hours afterwards
Purposely introduces/refers to you as his boyfriend in front of others just to see your face light up with confidence. It's not like JD has a lot of friends or anything but anyone that he does know feels as if they've met you already because of how he much he talks about you (he's totally that one annoying person you know who never shuts up about their partner ever)
All in all, I'd say he's a relatively good boyfriend in general, but especially if you're transmasc. Solid 8/10 (one point was deducted for his slight insensitivity and another was due to his crazy streak. Sorry JD I promise I still love you </3)
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Main masterlist | Heathers masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
End notes: this ended up being much longer than I anticipated but I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever at all
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
🏷 taglist: @missmewts @ghot-girl @gilmore-angel @your-next-daydream @the-night-owl-blr @noisy-dumb-piece-of-shit @pregnantmen @theonetruepotato87
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famwhy · 2 years
Yandere Jason Dean (JD)
Word Count: 3,583
Ready to rekindle your love for Heathers the musical?
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Your eyes crinkled in sympathy as you witnessed your good friend, Jamie, get completely ignored by his long-time crush, Veronica, in favour of her swooning over the new kid beating up two jocks.
Your legs carried themselves over to his pitiful form, a low whistle drawing out from your lips when you reached his side as you both gazed at the back of the infatuated teen.
"Damn, buddy, tough luck." You patted the nerd's back, watching his shoulders shrink further into himself. "How long have you liked her now? Couple o' years?"
He sighed. "Yeah."
Another low whistle. "And she just falls for that dude straight away? Dammmnnn, and I thought my luck was shit when I bet on black and lost half my savings."
"You bet on black? What type of idiot bets on black?" He rose a brow.
"The hell do you mean 'what type of idiot bets on black'?! It's a 50/50 chance! What type of idiot gets rejected by their crush without even confessing first?!"
Cue the disheartened expression returning to his face and you suddenly feeling like that wasn't the right time for that joke.
"Shit, dude. Too soon?"
Another sigh left his lips.
"Cheer up, man. I mean, he doesn't reciprocate the feelings right? Seemed like he didn't when they spoke a bit ago."
Your words caused his expression to light up again. However, it wasn't lit up out of relief, no, it was lit up with an idea. You did not like that expression of his one bit.
"Yeah!" He exclaimed brightly. "You're right! And he won't ever be able to if you charm him first!"
"Wha-?!" Your eyes widened as he trained his gaze on you with a grin so bright, it was blinding. "Hold on! I never agreed to be your guinea pig!"
"Come on, pleaassee." His fingers intertwined with one another as he begged you. "You still owe me for all that money you borrowed."
You glanced at the new kid one more time, taking in his looks and mannerisms to assess whether or not you had been given a good deal.
Oh, who were you kidding? Of course you got a good deal, in return for a thousand dollars, you just had to charm one guy and keep him away from a girl.
"Fine, I'll do it."
Jamie cheered, launching himself into you so that he could wrap his arms around your neck in an appreciative hug. "Thanks! You're the best!"
"Yeah, yeah, you obsessed little freak." 
"Ah, shit." You cursed your luck.
Why exactly were you cursing your luck? Well, simple, because Veronica was about to make her way to the store the new kid was in so that she could pick up some snacks for the Heathers.
How did you know the new kid was in there? Let's just say you did a little... observing of his schedule.
The things people do to get out of debt.
Anyway, if they were in the same store, no doubt the new kid would approach Veronica out of interest from their earlier interaction.
You absolutely could not let that happen.
"What to do, what to do..."
You snapped your fingers, an imaginary bulb basically lighting up above your head.
"You sure you wanna get snacks from there, Veronica?" The brunette jumped as you approached her.
"Oh, Y/N, hey."
"Sorry, uh, what was it you just said?" She looked a little confused. You didn't blame her, you never really approached her outside of school.
"I said, are you sure you wanna get snacks from that store, Veronica?"
"How did you-?"
"After all, you can't possibly be ready to face your bestie after what you just did to her right?" You sneered. "I can't imagine that bodes well with your subconscious."
Instantly, her expression faltered and her eyes filled with guilt. "I- I didn't..."
"Yeah, well, you did." You gave her a little glare. "And you can't be telling me you wanna see her again right after that. If I were you, I'd head to a different store."
"I-!" She looked ready to defend herself, but just one look at your scowl and she backed off. "Yeah, you're probably right."
With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, the atmosphere around her filling up with gloom.
Yikes, you may have overshot it there.
Oh well, Jamie could use that as an excuse to comfort her anyway.
You casted a glance to the shop, taking in a deep breath and praying your drama skills were good enough to get you through this. 
As you stepped through the doors, you immediately spotted your victim by the slushie machines. This caused you to, almost immediately, make your way over to him.
Once you were close enough, you acted like you were looking at the flavours, casting a sneaky side-glance his way to see he wasn't staring at anything in particular, before choosing your moment to strike.
"Y'know, for a new kid, you sure don't take shit from anyone."
Please work, please work, pleasework-
"Yeah? Well, you seem like the type to understand why." He smirked your way.
Holy shit- it actually worked.
"Greetings and salutations, my name's Jason Dean, though you can call me JD for short."
'Greetings and Salutations'? Dear lord, he's a weirdo-
You reached out for his hand, shaking it firmly.
"Those were some good moves back there."
"Yeah?" He smirked your way. "You pick up on these things when you're constantly moving around."
"Ah, a parent's job?"
"Yup, my dad own a deconstruction company. You know the one on all those commercials where he goes-" he then proceeds to imitate the commercial you always saw on TV during every programme's commercial break.
"Must be tough moving so often, I could never imagine what it's like." Your head shook from side-to-side.
"Heh, yeah. I usually just stick to myself and refrain from making any bonds."
"How's that going for you this time around?" You sent him a knowing smile.
"Not too good so far." He reciprocated.
Okay, this conversation was moving at too much of a snail's pace for you. It was about time you sped things up.
"So, tough guy, you gonna ask me out or what?"
"So soon? Where's the fun in that?" JD's rough fingers ran through his hair, swishing his locks to the side as his grin never faltered.
"Oh," you slowly took a few steps towards him, basically swaying your hips as you closed the gap between the two of you, pressing your body up against his before speaking in a breathy whisper, "there's plenty of fun in that."
His eyes grew half-lidded as he slid an arm around your waist, the slushie in his other hand practically forgotten. "Oh yeah? Sounds great..."
"But-!" You slipped out of his grasp, sending him a cheeky wink and a suggestive smirk. "You're right, there's no fun in that."
His dazed expression didn't let up as you continued on your way out of the store, casting a last glance over your shoulder to confirm that he did, in fact, still have a cloudy expression.
Lo and behold, he was still out of it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
You're welcome, Jamie.
"So did you do it?" Jamie was the first to approach you after the end of your first period class, bouncing on his heels in excitement. 
"Only time will tell, dear friend." Your voice dropped an octave and your expression turned serious.
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"It means my master plan has yet to give me desired results because it's just started." You rolled your eyes, making your way to your locker with your folders tucked tightly into your chest. 
"Have they met then?"
"Of course not, I was very meticulous. All I had to do was play with that little snake's feelings and- oh!"
Your steps screeched to an abrupt halt, causing your friend to crash straight into your back and stumble back a bit.
"Why is your back so sturdy-?"
"MIKE! BUDDY! PAL! FRIEND-O!" You tossed your arm around the person that caught your eye, your grin feigning cheer. "How are you doing?"
"What do you want?" The playboy narrowed his eyes in your direction.
"Well, you see, I happen to-." You didn't even need to finish your sentence for his eyes to start widening and your own smile to turn sinister.
"Shit, I should've known you would've gotten a hold of it. Fuck! Look, man, I don't have money on me, please. Gimme a day, I swear I'll get you the money you need to feed that sick obsession of yours."
"You better." Your expression darkened. "Or you can say bye-bye to that new car your parents promised you."
He shuddered, immediately rushing off. 
After that interaction, you and Jamie continued towards your locker, this time in silence.
Well, that was until you reached it of course. Jamie decided that was the perfect time to speak.
"You're still doing this, Y/N? Don't you think it's a little... excessive? This addiction has really messed with your head."
"I love you, Jamie, I do-" you shoved your things into the empty space before you. "-but you need to know when it's time to butt out of business that isn't yours."
You slammed the locker shut, jumping slightly when you noticed the new form that stood there, leant against your neighbour locker. "You have a minute?"
You immediately brought your act up again. "Of course~."
It was then that JD's eyes trailed to your friend's, narrowing at the shorter male in clear distaste. "Alone."
"Ruh-right!" He rushed off without a second thought.
"My, oh my," the spotlight was placed back on you. "So harsh."
"You 'love' him, huh?" Though, his narrowed eyes stayed narrowed. 
"Jealous, are we, Mr Dean?" Your fingers trailed up his torso, gently tracing his muscles through the thin line of fabric separating skin-on-skin contact.
Your touch caused his breath to hitch in his throat, the familiar expression he wore yesterday returning to his face. "You know, I wouldn't mind you being called Mrs Dean."
"Woah-!" You quickly pulled your hands a way. "A bit too soon, don't'cha think?"
"Weren't you the one who said there's plenty of fun in that?" He smirked, dipping his head closer to your own.
Get the fuck away, you lil' sh-.
The familiar chime of the bell caused you to breathe a quiet sound of relief. 
Saved by the bell really is a thing.
"Well, looks like we have to continue this conversation later."
You went to move away but were stopped abruptly by a tugging force on your wrist. 
"Oh no you don't," your back met with a rather sturdy chest, "you're not getting away like that again. Let's ditch together."
You gritted your teeth, cursing yourself at that exact moment for not using blackmail on Jamie when it came to taking money like you did with every other student. Damn that boy for making you soft.
"Fine. Where'd you wanna go?"
"7-eleven." He grinned, turning around and starting to walk out of the premises with you in tow, grip on your wrist never faltering for even a second.
Once you arrived, he rushed over to the slushies, immediately buying two random flavours. 
"I didn't even tell you what I liked." You grinned in amusement as he gave you one. 
"Sometimes you gotta take risks in life y'know?"
"Okay, Mr. Bootleg Shakespeare."
He bowed with a little smirk. "In the flesh."
Okay, so that got a little chuckle out of you. He was still a weirdo though.
"So, I've heard quite a bit about you, y'know," he started off.
"Oh yeah?" You rose a brow. "Like what?"
"Like how... oh, I don't know, you're very keen on using blackmail to get what you want."
Almost immediately, your facial expression darkened.
"What's it to you?" 
"Nothing." He absentmindedly looked to the side. "I just find that really hot."
The drink came flying out your mouth. "I'm sorry- what?!"
"You heard me." He hooked an arm around your waist, pulling you in so close, you could feel his breath on your face. "I. Find. It. Really. Hot."
This guy was weird. Almost unnervingly so.
"Hm. Good for you." You slipped out of his grasp yet another time, sending him a playful smirk in response to his frown.
After that little interaction, you stopped speaking in favour of just hanging around in a comfortable silence.
Well... that was, until he spoke up once more.
"So, I've been thinking..." He trailed off. "Wanna be my girlfriend?"
"Hmm. Sure."
Had he not been so elated from the affirmation, you were sure he'd have realised how strange your response was.
Some time passed and you spent so much time with JD, you barely got to see Jamie anymore.
But judging by the way you passed him by once, with the emo boy walking beside you, and he sent you a grin as well as a thumbs up; he didn't mind. Veronica beside him though? Now, she definitely had a problem.
Oh well, that's on her, not you.
"Y/N!" Oh, was that Jamie just now? "Y/N!"
"Hey Jamie, I haven't- woah!" You cut yourself off when he launched himself at your arm, clutching you so tightly, you could've sworn he stopped your blood flow.
"Y/N! You need to leave the new kid!"
So much for him being happy about your new relationship.
"He-he's psycho!" Jamie was panting really hard. "He threatened me to stay away from you! You need to leave him!"
"Aren't you the one who wanted me to get with him in the first place?" You rose a brow, priorities obviously not straight.
"Yeah, that was before I found out he was a psycho!"
"But isn't it in your best interests to listen to his threats instead of warning me?"
"Y/N, you are literally asking all the wrong questions right now . JUST LEAVE THE-!"
"Leave what?" A new voice piped up, causing Jamie to jump out of his very skin.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, it was JD.
"Oh, great!" You beamed, fixating his gaze onto you almost immediately. "You're just on time. I needed to talk to you."
Both men looked at you with surprise. "Oh? What-?"
"I'm breaking up with you." Your expression fell flat within the next second, cold gaze trained on his figure.
"Wha-?" His face fell, eyebrows creasing as it seemed like his whole world fell apart before him. "Why?"
"I'm just not feeling it anymore." You stared at your nails, pulling off the whole disinterested thing way too well. "It's not me, it's you. See ya."
You took to turning around and walking off- or, at least, you wanted to before he seized your wrist.
"Yuh-you can't do this to me, baby." His eyes were blown wide, pupils shaking in his desperation. "I love you."
His attempts to make you stay were starting to get annoying. "Really now? Shame. Looks like you'll have to move on."
You ripped your arm from his grasp, sending him a glare as you did so. His grip was tight but thanks to your sudden movements, you were able to free yourself.
After that, you wasted no time in leaving him behind, gesturing for Jamie to follow you as well. The boy took one glance at the heartbroken expression on the new kid's face before gulping and rushing after you.
Your footsteps echoed through the barren halls, the slurping of your slushie being the only other sound to accompany them.
The light of the moon was the only thing illuminating the hallways and keeping you from walking straight into a wall.
Why exactly were you at the school at night.
Well, you received a peculiar note when you got home from school earlier that day.
The contents?
Greetings and salutations darling,
I love you. I know you love me too. We are meant to be. The only reason you left me is because of that asshole who calls himself your friend. He's keeping you away from me. He made you blind, messed up your mind but I can set you free!
Meet me at the school tonight, your class. I'm waiting.
Yours forever and always,
Now, you could fully ignore this note and just go about your life as normal, not even considering giving JD the time of day.
He successfully caught your interest.
You were bored and your gambling addiction couldn't be satiated so you found temporary reprise in this little meeting.
Plus, there was always the fact that this was potential blackmail material-.
Your train of thought was halted when you reached the door of your homeroom, left hand leaving your pocket to push on the handle, swinging it open with a look of nonchalance.
Inside, you were greeted with quite the sight to behold.
Standing above a puddle of crimson, the lifeless eyes of your former good friend looking up at you in a permanent expression of horror.
Your lips parted from the straw as a low whistle drew out from them. "Damn, buddy, always did have such rough luck." 
"No thanks to you." The chuckle of a boy dressed in dark clothing reached your ears. "Oh babe, I find it so fucking hot that you didn't even fucking flinch at this."
His lips grazed your ear, shaky breath hitting you at uneven intervals as one of his arms looped around your waist and pulled you into his chest, the other reaching for your left hand and intertwining each of your fingers with his own. 
"Shit..." He spoke breathily. "Let's fuck up the world together, baby."
Veronica's blood boiled in her veins as she watched your fingers graze the arm of the new kid she was crushing majorly on, teeth gritting as he seemed to fall in a deeper pit of his own infatuation for you.
"Hey," she spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper but her anger incredibly apparent. "Do you guys think we could... screw with Y/N somehow?"
"Y/N?" One of the Heathers spoke up, her hands adjusting the mascara on her eyes with a look of total concentration. "Why?"
"Because she stole the emo boy Veronica has a major crush on." Giggled the other two.
"Well," Heather Chandler scoffed. "I'm afraid we can't touch Y/N."
"Why not?"
"Oh, Veronica, you sweet, dumb, little girl." The brunette shook her head from side-to-side. "You've never come across her bad side."
"SHUT UP, HEATHER!" Chandler screamed at the girl clad in a green blazer before clearing her throat. "I'm telling Veronica."
The other girl whimpered out an apology.
"Anyway," the blonde rolled her eyes, "Y/N is a no-go for targeting. That girl has every dirty secret ever known to the whole school. Getting on her bad side is not just social suicide, it's real suicide."
"Real?" Veronica tilted her head to the side, attention now on the leader of the group.
"Yeah, do you remember Hailey?" 
Veronica rose a brow. "Who's Hailey?"
The Heather with the yellow colour-scheme piped up. "She tried setting Y/N up to be jumped by a bunch of jocks but they told Y/N about her plans because she had dirt on them."
"What happened then?" 
"...she got rid of her." The blonde cut in once more. "Y/N got rid of Hailey, completely. She's a dangerous woman."
"A dangerous woman addicted to gambling. It's why she even has blackmail on everyone to begin with, so that she can take people's money and gamble it all away."
"I know."
Jamie had noticed some things. 
First of all; he, himself, was being noticed increasingly more. Although, not by the person he wants to or in the way he would like it to be.
JD, the new kid, was the one noticing him more. 
He would glare at the shorter male whenever he approached you. Fists clenched so hard he drew blood.
Something about the kid was fishy.
And this just confirmed it.
"I'm sorry- what?"
"Stay away from my Y/N." JD repeated himself, hand reaching into his pocket to pick out- was that a switch-blade?! 
"What the fuck?!"
"She's mine. I will kill you if I found out you disobeyed my orders."
'Disobeyed his orders' who the hell did he think he was? The fucking King?
Jamie needed to warn you; and fast.
Writing 'commercials' instead of 'adverts' is so weird-
Also, I had to slip in a few iconic lyrics y'all can't blame me-
In case you didn't notice, Reader's a bit of a sociopath in this. Thought it would be nice to change it up a bit.
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little-bumblebeeee · 10 months
Hey, can I request Jason Dean X transmasc reader, where they were away(on the like a trip or smth) and were on T, and when they came back JD didn't realise how deep their voice was now and was surprised?
GOD sorry this took so long, life has been kicking my ass and I really wanted to get this right :/
JD x transmasc reader
Warnings: no use of y/n, reader's appearance isn't described, cursing (I think "holy shit" appears like, once?), fluff!, reader is insecure about "passing" and their look and voice but dw happy ending
You were scurrying around your small apartment, cleaning like it's what keeps you alive but you need to distract yourself. Jason hadn't been home in a while, his dad had dragged him along for a fishing trip when it was clear that Jason was going to hate every single bit of it, especially the fact that he had to spend time with his father. You know you should be ready to comfort him, but you're worried. Your voice is different, you look different. And he doesn't know that. He's not one for phone calls, mostly texting or sending you random pictures of things. So he doesn't know how different you are now, even just over the course of a week and a half. You jolt as you hear the keys in the door, then the creak letting you know he's here. Your mind is running at a million miles per hour, your heart going even faster. You know he's exhausted by the heavy thunk of him dropping his shoes at the door, usually he just sets them down quietly and neatly.
You didn't dare speak, just keeping your back turned as you wipe down the kitchen counters, trying to keep your breathing steady. You don't know why you're so panicked, you know he loves you.. but at the same time, what if he doesn't? You can't get that ugly thought out of your mind, your brain whirring with the "What if's?". What if he doesn't like you? What if he thinks you look weird, sound weird, smell weird?
"Hellooo? I've been calling out to you since I walked in the door." Jason says as he walks into the kitchen, quickly noticing something you hadn't. You weren't even wiping down the counters, just blue screening while holding the cloth against the counter. He comes up behind you and wraps his slim arms around your waist, putting his head on your shoulders."You doing okay there, handsome?" He murmurs into the shell of your ear as his fingers toy with the hem of your shirt. You gulp. You don't want to respond, and even if you did you couldn't. And just yesterday you were so happy with the change, excited to show him the deeper tone of your voice. But it feels like your words are caught in your throat. But you force them up anyways.
"'M alright." You mumble, trying to keep your voice low. You can feel Jason jump back slightly, and even if you don't see it you know he's doing that thing with his head that he always does when he's surprised, shaking it with wide eyes and parted lips. But when you turn you see a smile appearing on his strawberry tinted lips.
"Holy shit! You.. woah." He says, and you sigh slightly out of frustration. Is he happy or surprised, you really can't tell. "You sound... woah. How the hell did I miss that!? You sound amazing!" Jason continues with a dumb smile, fully turning you around so he can get a good look at you. You're not even that different, you hardly even feel like you "pass" (no matter how much Jason says that doesn't matter as long as you feel good, it gnaws at you).
"I'm not even that different." You say, but you feel your confidence returning in the same way you felt when someone first called you "Sir", or when you didn't get scammed when you needed your car fixed. Maybe this will all be okay after all.
"No, I'm serious. I was only gone for a week and you're practically a whole new person! God, how did I even land you?" He says. You just listen to him talk about how much he loves you, every inch of you. Every pore, every hair, every old childhood scar or even new ones.
"You sure you're even the same person?" He asks, smiling wide and kissing you all over your face as you wrinkle your nose and try to pull back, but Jason is determined to make up for lost time. "Come on, I'll make you some food." He says with the sweetest and most reassuring smile you've ever seen on him. You don't know why you were even scared anymore, all forgotten by the look in his eyes, pure love. You don't remember the last time somebody looked at you like that.
"I'll help." You say softly.
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domxmarvel · 4 months
Pairing: Night Wanderlust/Wanderlust x Male!Reader
A/N: The original request was for possessed Wanderlust during majesty but that didn't give me much to work with so I changed it to Night Wanderlust
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"Wander?" You had no idea what was going on,you were just walking through the city when you were pulled through a portal. “Wander looks down at you and chuckles, amused by your cluelessness. He bends down slightly so his face is closer to yours and grabs you by your jaw gently, forcing your gaze up to his.
Ah, so you remember me! I’m so flattered” His demeanor shifts and his grip on your jaw tightens slightly,he didn’t seem to recognize you. “Now however, I answer to the sorceress Night Swan and it’s night Wanderlust” You gripped his arm 
“Wander it's me,don't you recognize me?" He quirks an eyebrow and looks down at you, tilting his head in curiosity. His grip on your jaw tightens further, though not enough to hurt. He squints slightly as he looks you up and down almost intently.
“And why should I recognize you? I’ve met and danced with countless others. What makes you so special?” Was he really that far gone? Have you lost your boyfriend? You reached closer and touched his face,hoping you could get him back. His grip on your jaw loosens slightly as your hand touches his face, your unexpected touch catching him off guard. He stiffens at your touch, his expression remaining stern but you notice the slightest hint of surprise in his eyes. His eyes dart around your face, attempting to place you as memories slowly start filtering into his mind.
“You seem familiar” You moved closer to him 
“Wander it's me" You needed to break through to him. His gaze travels to your mouth as you speak, watching your lips as the words leave your mouth. The hand cupping your jaw slowly starts to loosen, though still not letting go entirely.
“How… how do I know you?” It was working,you were breaking through the spell but before you could explain. Night swan tried to take control of him again. His pupils dilate briefly as Night Swan attempts to take control over him again. He closes his eyes and grits his teeth as his hand tightens around your jaw, digging into your skin just a bit too painfully. “No… stop!”
He manages to grumble out, his head snapping from side to side as he attempts to fight off the sorceress’ spell. It was like he was fully aware of what was happening but Nightswan was controlling his body like a puppet. He was struggling, fighting back against Night Swan’s control but he opened his eyes again, his dilated pupils still slightly out of focus a clear sign of the sorceress’ influence. His grip on your jaw becomes almost unbearably hard. “I’m- I’m trying- can’t- stop her-” You reached out to touch his cheek,your other hand still on his arm “This isn't your fault" his claw-like nails were digging into your skin,drawing a small amount of blood. You tried your best not to cry or scream because you knew if you did he'd never forgive himself,even if he was under Nightswan's influence. Tears started to gloss over his eyes, a clear indication that despite Night Swan’s control over him, he was still there somewhere. He hated the fact that he was the cause of your pain, but was helpless to stop it.
“No… no- I don’t- I don’t want to hurt you” His voice breaking. Her magic was clearly too strong. 
"Wander,look at me" He looks at you, his dilated pupils staring into yours. The look on his face was that of regret, pain and sorrow as he stared down at you. His lips were parted as a silent plea as his gaze locked with yours, almost as if he was pleading with you to save him despite being unable to speak for himself. "I'm sorry" He doesn’t understand at first, and he gives you a confused look. 
“No,no, darling. Don’t- don’t ever apologize to me. I’m- I’m the one that should be apologizing for hurting you”
"No,I'm sorry for this" You moved closer to him,punching him. He fell but quickly picked himself up. His expression becomes confused and surprised as you suddenly punched him in the face. He stumbled back a few steps, a hand on his cheek. He lets out a short groan of pain as he slowly touches his face where you punched him. He looks at you, his eyes wide but now free of the dilated pupils indicating Night Swan’s influence. Now he was no longer digging his nails into your skin,but there was still blood on your face. Now free from the sorceress’ control, his eyes immediately went to the blood on your face. Guilt and concern crossed his face as he took a step towards you and gently touched your cheek near the cut.
“I- I’m so sorry. Are you alright? Let me see-”
"I'll be fine,but what about you? Is Nightswan still-" before you could even finish your sentence,his eyes had turned fully black,Nightswan was in full control now. His expression became cold and indifferent as he looked down at you. All the guilt and remorse that was present just seconds ago is now gone.
“Heh, silly boy. Did you really think you could snap him out of it that easily?” You threw him down,pinning both his arms at the wrist. 
"You get your claws out of my boyfriend before I make you regret it" He lets out a huff of annoyance as you pin down his wrists, struggling slightly against your grip.
“Hmph. Feisty one, aren’t you?” Night Swan chuckled coldly through Wander as he spoke.
“And what exactly do you intend to do about it, darling? You don't have the guts to hurt him,and we both know it.” She was right,you couldn't hurt him. 
"Not him,but I have the guts to tear you apart" Night Swan lets out a cold laugh through Wander.
“Oh please, darling. Don’t make me laugh. You can barely even pin this idiot down, what makes you think you can tear me apart?”
"Don't talk about him like that!" Another cold chuckle from Night Swan.
“Oh come on. You really think this fool is worth protecting? I mean look at him. Pathetic. Weak. He wasn’t even fighting his hardest to get me out but here you are, protecting him and worrying about him.” Wander’s face morphed into an annoyed frown, a clear sign that even though he was under Night Swan’s control he was still there and listening.
"I told you not to talk about my boyfriend like that! You don't even know a single thing about him! He's not weak,he's one of the strongest people I've ever met and you don't get to talk about him like that. Especially when you're too much of a coward to face me yourself!" Night Swan lets out a scoff and a cold laugh through Wander.
“Oh please. Spare me with all that sappy garbage. He’s a weak and pathetic excuse for a deity. And as for facing you myself? Hmph. That’d be far too easy. I don’t have the time to deal with some insignificant mortal” Wander once again began struggling against your grip, his expression strained as if he’s fighting off Night Swan’s control. You leaned in closer "Wander,I know you're in there. You have to fight her,I need you back" He broke through for a moment.
“I… I’m here. I’m- I’m trying to fight her” He managed to choke out, his eyes still dilated indicating that Night Swan has a tight grasp on him. Wander continued struggling against Night Swan’s controlling spell, sweat dripping down his forehead as he tried to gain control over his own body. “It’s not- it’s not working, she's too strong… I- I can’t-” His eyes dilated. Going back and forth between him in control and nightswan. Loudly fighting each other. “No- please- I’m trying- PLEASE” He managed to choke out as his body violently jerked. Night Swan’s magic was too strong, and she slowly overpowered him, her control becoming stronger. His eyes were dilated to the point where his iris was almost nonexistent, a clear sign that Night Swan had regained control over him.
“Hmph. Fool. Did you really think you could fight me? You’re mine now, and there’s nothing you can do about it” Wander’s face was no longer struggling, once again completely under Night Swan’s influence. He looked up at you with dilated eyes, a blank expression on his face and a cold, mocking smile on his lips. Wanderlust was fighting her again as you saw his eyes,you heard his voice again. Wander’s eyes dilated back to a normal size and he choked out another groan as he began struggling against Night Swan’s grasp again.
“I’m still- I’m still here… don’t- don’t give up” You were struggling to figure out what to do,but you knew he had to fight her off. At least he was back for a bit and all you wanted to do was hold him. You let go of his wrists and pulled him closer to you,wrapping your arms around him. 
"I love you" He wrapped his arms around you tightly in an almost desperate manner, burying his face into the crook of your neck and letting out a deep sigh.
“I love you too” He managed to mumble out before his body suddenly jerked involuntarily again, another strangled gasp leaving his mouth. His hands gripping you tightly,you pulled him into a kiss. Wander responded instantly, one of his hands immediately moving up to your face and holding you there. The kiss was more desperate compared to the usual ones, almost like it was a silent plea to stay there and not let him go.
His body jerked again, this time with more force, and he let out a strangled groan into the kiss. His body continued to involuntarily jerk against your hold as Night Swan fought to regain control of him. He held onto you as tightly as he could, seemingly still fighting his hardest against her. “Please… don’t… don’t let go” He managed to choke out. 
"I won't let go"
"Promise" just as you said that he managed to one word out before his voice changed into Night Swan’s cold and emotionless tone.
“Ugh… you insufferable little” She began, her annoyance clearly evident in her voice, before being interrupted by another involuntary jerk of Wander’s body. “Hmph. Still fighting back? You’re really starting to get on my nerves. Just give up already.” You cupped his cheeks,making him look at you. 
"I'm right here,just focus on me. Come back to me,Wander"
“I’m- I’m trying” His body trembling underneath your touch. His eyes kept changing back and forth between his real blue ones and Nightswan's black. “I-I’m not I-I won’t give up”
He managed to stutter out, his eyes slowly becoming more and more black as Night Swan’s influence grew stronger. “I won’t- I won’t leave you” His eyes turned blue,and stayed that way. His dark form faded and he was back to his real form. Wander’s body suddenly relaxed in your hold,completely free of Night Swan’s influence. He took a deep, shuddering breath, taking a moment to regain his bearings as he fully returned to normal. He looked at you with a mixture of relief and exhaustion in his eyes, his grip on you growing weaker as he slumped against you, still breathing heavily. You picked him up 
“You think you can open a portal?" You hoped he had enough power to do that,but he looked exhausted.
“Y-yeah I… I think so” He managed to mumble out, his voice hoarse and strained. He shakily lifted his free hand in front of him and closed his eyes, concentrating on opening a portal. He opened the portal and you quickly ran through,carrying him 
"Where are we?" The place was covered in various doors,black and gold.
“this is the danceverses’ Hall of Portals. It’s a… a sort of hub that leads to all the different danceverses” He spoke quietly, a hint of exhaustion still evident in his voice.
"So,where do I take you?" You had heard of this place,through the stories he told you but he never brought you here before. Saying something about his dad being very careful about this place. He pointed subtly towards one of the golden doorways.
“Take me through there, darling” You opened it to find a bedroom and not a portal. 
"So I don't get it,do you live here? And wouldn't your dad be mad that you brought me here?"
“This is my place, yeah, I live here. And my dad,he doesn’t know you’re here right now so don’t worry, sweetheart.” He spoke with a bit of humor in his tired voice, a small smirk forming on his face. You set him down on his bed. He let out a relieved sigh as you gently laid him down on the bed, his body sinking comfortably into the soft sheets. He glanced up at you and smiled weakly, patting the spot on the bed next to him. “Come here,lay with me” You laid down next to him and he cuddled closer to you.
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reticent-writer · 8 months
Hi! Feel free to reject but can I get Lucifer having a male (or female if you feel more comfortable writing that) best friend that everyone pretty much assumes they are together? Like JD and Turk friendship from Scrubs.
Example in this video: https://youtu.be/lgeoL_QV3y0?si=aupEDU2dD98aBklr
Lucifer x male best friend reader
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Lucifer is obviously JD in this situation
You used to be an angel untill Lucifer fell
U threw your halo off and fell through the clouds so he wouldn't be alone (even though he was there with lilth)
In hell you took on the roll of his assistant/advisor
You even lived with him and lilith
You like his other half
He cannot function with you and vise versa
Lilith couldn't believe that as straight as the two of you are completely gay for each other
When Charlie was born it was like she had 2 dads
"Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N!" Lucifer came storming into your room, practically jumping out of his skin.
"WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT!" You matched his energy.
"CHARLIE INVITED ME TO THE HOTEL!" He squealed like a school girl.
"OH MY GOD! when?"
"In an hour.... We gotta get ready."
Que Lucifer and you rushing to look presentable (even though you already do)
From the moment you two arrived at the hotel a certain spider demon took notice of your peculiar relationship.
You sat yourself at the bar along with mimzie.
"Soo you and the short guy fuckin'." Angel bluntly stated.
"Oh no no no. I'm straight. He's straight. But he's 100℅ mine." You explained.
"Oh like a bromance shorta thing, that's cute." Mimzie said while sipping on her drink.
"How long you two been together." Angel insist on considering you a couple.
"From the start."
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littlexdeaths · 1 month
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stage tech eddie munson x actress reader
warnings: modern!college au, lots of making out
y’all can blame this brain rot i’m currently having on a conversation i had with @rebelfell about techie eddie that ended up spawning all of this… thanks sarah for indulging me xx. 😘
also big kisses to @taintandviolent and @uglypastels for giving this a look over for me <3
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“hey— sweetheart. you’re gonna miss your cue.”
eddie all but mumbles against your lips as you pull him in even closer, your bodies wedged between the heavy stage curtains.
“don’t care,” you reply almost breathlessly, allowing your lips to trail over his neck.
you are no longer interested in listening for the inevitable call of ‘veronica?’ to leave barb’s microphone. the music begins to swell just as you are supposed to rush out on stage to finish off the opening number.
while robin was initially supposed to help you with your quick change, when you rushed off stage you were surprised (and delighted) to find eddie in her place instead. the male gave you a cheeky grin as he had your blazer and skirt combo draped over his arm.
but the way his eyes continued to linger a little too long on your half naked figure once you slipped your costume up over your head— would only spell out trouble for both of you.
which was how you ended up half-dressed, blue blazer dangling off your shoulder and your lips smashed against his own. his hands tug you inevitably closer, rings digging into the meat of your hips while he effectively steals the air from your lungs.
your fingers grip tightly onto the cotton of his black t-shirt, feeling the heat radiating from his chest beneath the worn fabric. your lips eagerly drag across the thick skin of his throat, sucking harsh bruises onto the pale skin there.
this had been building for weeks— it had all started when eddie had offered to help you with your scene work. the male almost too eager to have you in his lap, grinding on him while you belted out the lyrics to dead girl walking.
but he’d had his eye on you from the moment you walked into that first rehearsal, all bright eyed and giddy. the more he saw you blossom under the glow of the stage lights, the more he wanted to call you his. little did he know that you felt the same way, despite your initial reservations.
the cast and crew should never mix— that’s what you were always told.
however your eyes would always seek out his lanky figure in the light booth during rehearsals. and you’d ‘accidentally’ leave your prop package of red vines out for him to steal, just to have an excuse to go up to booth to see him. only for him to hold them hostage above your head, dimples on full display as you fought to get them back.
but when you had to kiss your on stage JD— all you could think about how much better his lips would feel slotted against yours. and eddie can’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him after you receive some feedback that the passion between you and jonathan was less than stellar.
but that low burning jealousy would rear it’s ugly head when you steadily began to improve.
wanton hands would paw at each other hungrily, those once dull kisses becoming increasingly more passionate with each rehearsal. and that blissful expression that flitted over your features while you gazed into the warmth of jonathan’s eyes has eddie crumbling the pages of his script beneath his fists.
but if this sudden improvement was because you were picturing eddie during your scenes together, no one was the wiser.
the mutual pining between you was palpable and downright maddening, to everyone involved in the production. so if some of them began to scheme a little behind the scenes to bring you two together, neither of you were aware of this recent development.
but everything finally come to a head with the culmination of what your cast mates so lovingly called, hell week. with the stress of opening night looming over your head, and the ever mounting tension between you two— it didn’t take much for your remaining resolve to crumble.
so when he gave you that look, all bets were off.
when eddie desperately tugs your mouth back to his, any worries that you shouldn’t be getting involved with one of your crew members is thrown out the window with each heated press of his lips. you can taste the lingering cigarette on his tongue and you’re engulfed in the musky, spicy scent that is so distinctly eddie when he reaches up to cup your cheek in his palm.
you are so wrapped up in each other that you don’t notice when the music stops abruptly and the burst of confused chatter erupts on the stage. eddie just pulls you in closer, eagerly swallowing the small whine that leaves your lips. the two of you only manage to pull apart when you hear nancy’s annoyed voice ringing out from behind the curtains.
“where the hell is veronica?”
you are a flurry of limbs and fabric as you struggle to pull on the rest of your costume, eddie’s rings accidentally getting caught in your hair during the process. he presses a soft kiss to your forehead in a silent apology before pushing you toward the bright lights of the stage.
you subtly wipe the gloss that was smeared across the corner of your mouth when you rush back out from behind the curtains. unaware that your blazer was buttoned incorrectly in your haste to finish dressing.
“sorry! costume malfunction! can we run it from the bridge?” you ask innocently.
nancy gives you a disapproving look from her stage manager’s seat, flipping the pages of her script back with a raised brow. you’re just thankful the director wasn’t here for this run through— or you’d have your ass chewed out for missing your big entrance.
“alright from the top of the bridge people, places!” she calls.
everyone utters a ‘thank you places’, while you duck back behind the curtain to get into position.
you can feel how flushed you are, adrenaline still pumping through your veins. whether that was from the way his lips were pressed against your own or the melting warmth of the stage lights, was hard to say. but you manage to catch his eye as he makes his way past you and the male can’t help but grin despite himself.
“don’t miss that cue again, sweet thing.” he teases, giving your ass a little pat before continuing on his way back towards the light booth.
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starboye · 1 month
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pairing: drew starkey x male reader
request: drew starkey fucking jds younger brother(he’s a year behind jd and he’s got a fatty) and while he’s fucking the shit out of him jonothan davis d calls drew and he makes reader ride him while he’s on FaceTime with his brother and he better be quiet and not make a noise
warnings: smut, cursing, unprotected sex, rough sex
you don't even know how you got into position, face slammed into drews bed as he fucks you dumb, all you did was come over to his house to see if jonothan was here because you had to talk to him about something but the way drew was looking at you drove you both right to pound town.
although you didn't expect to do this you sure as hell were happy it happend, ever since jonothan started hanging out with drew you've had your eye on him, wanting him to take you somewhere private and fuck the life out of you, and i guess now you got that.
"who woulda thought my best friends brother was such a slut" drew says holding your hips in place so he can effortlessly fuck into you "fuckkk you feel so good drew" you moan backing your ass onto him wanting more and more pleasure "you just love this dick huh" drew teases "mhm" you nod.
"yeah throw that ass back on it" drew smirks letting go of your hips and you obey backing your ass against drews hips, fucking yourself on his dick "yeahhh keep going just like that for daddy" drew groans throwing his head back and just feeling you around him so well.
you both are brought to a stop when drews phone rings "who the fuck could this be" drew says leaning over you to get his phone from the night stand, he looks at the phone for a second before a devilish grin creeps onto his face "well who could this be" drew taunts turning the phone to how you who's calling.
your eyes widen to see it's your brother jonothan calling drew "wait please don't answer it" you beg trying to get off drews dick but he pulls you back onto him making you moan out "don't worry i wont answer it... yet" he says turning over in the bed to rest on his back.
he pulls you on top his lap with his dick still nuzzled in your hole "ride me and stay quiet so we won't get caught" drew whispers as he answer the phone "hey wassup j" drew greets "whats good drew" jonothan greets back.
"what do you need" drew asks, his hand placed on your hips to keep you steady as the hold his thighs, riding him as he talks to your brother "was gonna ask if you wanna come to this party im having" jonothan asks "yeah sure i'd be down can i invite a friend" drew asks glaring over to you riding him.
"yeah who" jonothan asks "oh just someone i meet the other day and i really like them" drew says in a teasing manner towards you making you smile a little before a thrusts his hips up into you, you let out a little moan, jonothan could hear the little moan too.
"and would that special someone be there with you right now" jonothan asks with a smirk "maybe" drew replys with an equal smirk "well then hello special someone" jonothan says through the phone still not knowing it's you making you internally freak out and grab the phone to hang up.
"what, nervous your brother almost saw you getting railed by his best friend" drew snickers "fuck you" you smile "c'mere" drew says grabbing you and kissing you as he thrusts up into you harshly, you moan into his mouth as you both messily kiss "so fucking good" you say in between the kiss "want me to cum in you" drew asks holding you against his chest with his arms wrapped around your back.
"please" you whine and drew delivers your request, fucking you so hard you could hear his balls slapping against your ass before he slams into you one last time to push the cum as far as possible into your ass, you moan out with him as you both cum, your cum staining both of your chests.
"i fucking love you" drew says in the middle of his high making your heart beat against your chest "i love you too" you moan, you both now coming down from your high and realizing what you said "well that was something" drew chuckles moving the sweaty hair from his face "wanna go to that party with me" drew asks trying to lighten the situation "yes please" you say cuddling into his chest.
taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m @gayaristocrat @addictedtomalepits @staarb0y @crispysoup318 @its-ares @gargoylesworld09
©starboye productions
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metalheads-trash-bin · 9 months
Hello everyone! My name is Toby, I’m a beginner writer and love to make shit uber realistic for readers. Here’s all the info about my stuff!
Baseline importance
So far I have three fanfics, a fourth is on the way.
All of my fics will be linked down below! They are wips, so please be patient. Each has their own schedule so make sure to read!
All fanfics will have nsfw, and I don’t mean the basic “stick penis in hole” shit. I mean detailed, loving, and non vanilla nsfw.
The first one is my all time fav: Fliff! It goes into Floyd’s trauma, his healing, and realistic dynamics between the characters. This fanfic will be updated twice a week, it used to be updated every day but that’s not survivable long term for me ^^
The second one is Breek! Creek is in no way infantilized in this fanfic. I look at things in a psychological aspect and make damn well sure he’s not babygirlified. This fic goes into Creek’s trauma, Branch’s trauma, allll the trauma, a bunch of healing, and a little bit of angst. It’s updated whenever I feel, but it won’t be abandoned or rarely touched!
The third one is John Dory x Reader! In this it talks about JD’s trauma, some headcanons of his diagnostics, and a bunch of intimate stuff and heart to heart stuff. He is not glamorized in this fic, instead he’s recovering and in therapy. He also has a smallll teeny weeny alcohol issue, but he’s in therapy for that as well! The reader is a trans male, fat L if you can’t handle that. <3 It’s updated whenever I feel just like the Breek fic, but it won’t be abandoned or rarely touched!
The fics are interconnected, so if you see a ship or lore that’s in one of them, assume it’ll be mentioned or involved in the other!
I am currently working on ideas for a rework of a Jeff x reader fic I read. It had a really nice plot but the execution was absolutely horrendous + it was abandoned. I’ll type more info as I update!
Where else you can contact me or see my content:
Insta: _.metalheads.trash.bin._
Twitter: _mhs_trash_bin_
And with that…
!!Release the hounds!!
Floyd is forced into therapy after Branch takes him to his annual checkup since he's staying with him.
Branch's reason for sending him being that he notices Floyd's facade of "being fine" and totally not traumatized even toward a doctor. This leads to him sitting in therapy, which in turn gives him homework. Whats the first assignment you ask?
Making friends besides your brothers and Poppy.
Who better than Barb, the queen of rock, as a starting point??
It was the last few weeks of fall, Branch heading to the forest to get the final harvest for the season. There were rumors of an animal lurking around the farm, he didn't realize that that animal was a familiar face.
You're a metal/rock troll starting a new life in Pop Village. During one of your bonding activities with Branch, you notice a large creature in the meadow.
Why not pay the owner a visit??
PS. I have a shit ton of playlists on Spotify of ships, characters, and more! Check em out down below~
Enjoy! <3
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storydays · 9 months
C'mon, baby! Let's Go CRAZY
John Dory X Male! Rock Troll! Husband! Reader.
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John Dory chuckled to himself as he watched his three children chase their cousins around. Currently, he was relaxing at the bar with his brothers', enjoying a drink and warm atmosphere.
After meeting Bruce, and knowing how dangerous things were, JD asked his sweet sister in law, Brandi, if he could leave his children safe on Vacay Island until either his partner came for them or he himself came back.
Of course, she happily kept the 3 Trollings. "It's honestly safer for them," she chided him before they left.
The oldest at 10 years old, Ash was a stubborn Troll and got along well with Bruce's oldest child, Cove. They were both super sarcastic but cared deeply about their siblings.
Cove would show Ash all of the cool hiding places on Vacay Island, and Ash was small enough that they could fit into the nooks and crannies that Cove couldn't reach. The two pre-teens bonded over learning about being non-binary and being true to themselves.
Ash took after John the most. Their hair color, eye color, and was a Pop Troll. Ash even wore compression gloves like their Papa, to keep their shaking hands still when drawing in their sketch book.
Then their only girl, Brooke, was an exact carbon copy of her Daddy. She was only 6 years old, but she was a wild card. She would jump off of stuff, then used her (h/c) pigtails to catch herself at the last moment. She took after John's husband in personality, looks, and even in music genre: Rock! John's favorite part was that (Y/N) and Brook shared (e/c) eyes.
Honestly, most of John's gray hair comes from that child. She was LaBreezey's little shadow. "She's just following what her big cousin does because to her, LaBreezy is her hero." Brandi laughed when John wondered outloud.
Ugh, John could just hear his husband's smirk when Brooke started talking about the government's control..or lack of it. Great, he already (Y/N) to worry about, now he's got two to deal with. Hopefully, that phase will pass soon.
The teal haired Troll hissed when he felt something tug sharply on his tail. Looking down, he brightened, seeing his youngest, Reed making grabby hands at him, demanding attention. John set his drink down before grabbing the Trolling.
"Reed! Finally up from your nap, little man?" Reed was currently struggling with speech, so he just made some babbling noises, before cuddling in his Papa's arms.
Reed was quite the surprise. John and (Y/N) thought they were done having kids, both of them in their late 30's. But one day, they woke up to Reed's egg sitting snugly in John's head.
Reed was a little miracle egg, and hatched looking like both of his fathers, John's hair, (Y/N)'s nose, but what was unique about the little dude, he had heterochromia. So his right eye was the same blue as John's and the calm (e/c) as (Y/N).
"So, where are you John Dory?" Bruce snapped his older brother out of his thoughts, making him realize his siblings' were looking at him.
"Huh?" John asked dumbly. Clay snickered, "John Dory has left the building, gentlemen." They joked, making the other brothers laugh.
"Ha ha." He chuckled, jumping slightly when he heard Brooke squeal loudly. BroZone looked over to where the little teal trolling watched excitedly as a (s/c) Troll went nacho diving.
Even though, there was salsa and cheese in their eyes, the new Troll got out yelling happily and excitedly. Bruce's children and John's older children crowed around him, chattering away.
Bruce frowned, knowing his kids wanted to copy the mysterious Troll's actions. "Ugh, that is so reckless. Now the kids are going to want to do it, and they'll be all sticky. Have you ever tried to give children in general a bath? Not to mention my kids are giants." He groaned.
John ignored his brothers' as Reed's tail excitedly wagged in his face, pointing towards the crowd.
Laughing, he adjusted the little Troll and stood up. "Okay, okay, we're going." He turned towards his brothers, with a raised brow. "Y'all coiming?"
BroZone scrambled after their brother, watching in shock as the new Troll grinned and rushed to John Dory. John stopped him with his tail, and deadpanned expression. "You are NOT touching us, until you've showered or rinsed off, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned mischievously, turning towards Ash and Brooke, who bore matching grins. "Come on, kids!" "Wait, no!" John yelped when he was suddenly pushed from behind and pulled into the stream.
BroZone watched as (Y/N) held Reed in his arms, with a smug grin on his face. "Well, I rinsed off." He cackled, helping John Dory out of the water, before leaning in and kissing the grumpy Troll.
John smiled into the kiss, and kissed him back.
"Daaaadddddssss!!!!" Ash and Brooke squealed laughed, as John and (Y/N) covered their children's eyes with their tails.
Pulling back, (Y/N) pulled his children into his arms, squeezing tight. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here. This place is a good 3 day ride by caterbus. And I forgot my snacks!!!" (Y/N) whined, ears pointing down, perking up when his children giggled." So when I saw those nachos, I had to dive in and eat something."
John laughed, shaking his head. "Papa, I think our uncles' stopped working.." Ash pointed towards the frozen BroZone where their jaws dropped and stared wide eyed.
"Oh, right! (Y/N), babe, these are my brothers! Spruce, who now goes by Bruce, Clay, Floyd, and Bit-- I mean Branch. Guys, this is my husband, (Y/N)."
"Husband?" asked Clay. They were cool with it, same sex relationships weren't taboo or anything, but Clay was just surprised that John Dory of all people was in one.
"Cool." Floyd smiled.
"Papa?" Bruce whispered, a smile growing on his face.
"(Y/N)?" mumbled Branch, your name sounding familiar.
"Dada!" Reed giggled, tail wrapping around (Y/N)'s forearm.
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brights-place · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a John Dory x reader where JD is just whipped for the reader. You know that meme 'when a bad b tells me what to do'? I can just imagine when JD and the reader first meet he started to flirt with her and try to impress her and all but over time he ends up wrapped around their finger to the point he just does whatever they say because he's so in love. His brothers would definitely tease him lol
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John dory with an Dom! Reader
Pairings: John Dory X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Teasing
A/N: John dory is whipped for his S/o... WHIPPED I SAY!
- When he first met you it was obviously so fucking sad to watch this male fail to flirt with you - The moment your figure loomed over him he blushed so hard he nearly became an puddle - "your really bad at this aint'cha?" Your voice echoed into one ear and out the other as he mentally wanted to propose to you on the spot and he didn't even know you that much yet - Every time he finds you he would try impress you and would always fail - Though it was entertaining for you cause every time you initiated an conversation he'd be an blushing babbling mess - Give john a simple command and he'll do it immediately, no questions asked - Ask them to buy you a snack from the nearest store? he'll return back with a bagful of others that he thought you would like! he''d do chores - He would do anything for you tie up your shoes fix your clothes and help you or just be beside you the whole time - He confessed first when you and him where cloud watching randomly both of you where flustered messes but John was even more flustered realizing he slipped up - Definitely starts to try find wherever you are after he's had a bad day or had been in his head too long - He would do anything for you tie up your shoes fix your clothes and help you or just be beside you the whole time - He confessed first when you and him where cloud watching randomly both of you where flustered messes but John was even more flustered realizing he slipped up - Definitely starts to try find wherever you are after he's had a bad day or had been in his head too long
- You were visiting branch with John dory and his other brothers while you sat on an chair with branch and floyd chatting away as Clay, Bruce and John dory were in the kitchen making coffee - THIS BITCH CLAIMS! CLAIMS HE IS THE ONE IN THE RELATIONSHIP THAT HOLDS EVERYTHING TOGETHER! - This smug little shit is LYIN! cause once you heard that while you were chatting with branch and floyd you paused before speaking "John!" your voice called out as John dory perked up quickly noticing how you quickly patted your lap
- he quickly rushed over and sat on your lap while sipping his coffee as you and the others snicker - John dory slapped himself in his face cursing under his breath as bruce mocked JD "I'm the most dominant in our relationship" Bruce mimicked as the others soon decided to tease their older brother who just rolled his eyes while still sitting on your lap - John dory obviously gets teased alot by his brothers by this - he would do anything for you in order to make sure you're happy and safe
- One call of you saying his name or you just walk past he is following behind like an love sick puppy.
- you walk past he's dropping everything and tries to flex his muscles...
- You laugh alot because of it He thinks because you find him hot... It's acutally the face he makes when trying to flex he looks so focused its cute
- TOUCH-STARVED! HE IS TOUCHED STARVE! GIVE HIM HIS AFFECTION! He's love struck when you pepper his face with kisses - Melts into your hands easily as he is on your lap looking at you with admiration as he smiles while you praise him
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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takusan-no-ai · 23 days
Well, aren’t you a cutie
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PAIRING: Jane x Male Reader (Romantic) (Suggestive)
SUMMARY: (Y/N) meets Jane Doe, and a simple friendship becomes something more.
You’re an officer working at New Eridu Public Security, having been a member for some years now. The top of your class in the training academy, and past roommates with Seth, it’s safe to say you had connections in the industry.
Those connections led to you being entrusted as a “thug” for an undercover operation. Naturally, you were entrusted to work with your new temporary boss, Jane Doe. And boy, she wasn’t anything you were expecting.
For starters, she was a flirt; “Hey there handsome, nice to meet you. Think you can carry my luggage to the car? Your big strong arms can handle it~”. It was never ending with this woman. And the worst part is that after a while it started to work; being complimented just felt good, especially when it came from her.
You’re pretty good at undercover work, so you were effortlessly able to keep up with Jane’s choices and adapt accordingly. It built a nice camaraderie between you two. Fortunately, this didn’t stop after the mission was done.
Letting out a grunt, (Y/N) stretched in his chair, ready for his shift to finally end. Someone knocked on his desk beside him, though he already knew who it was. Jane Doe, who was now leaning over his chair to face him upside down. Her rat tail swaying back and forth.
“I have another mission next week. I was hoping you’d be my underling again.” She said. (Y/N) smirked, seeing an opportunity to get back at Jane for all that teasing last time.
“As much as I enjoy being under you, I don’t like mixing work and pleasure, Jane. You should pick someone who’s more qualified rather than someone you just miss.” He teased. Jane hummed before sitting on his lap and taking a bite out of the apple he was saving for later.
“I can’t help it. A guy with such charisma like you is all the pleasure I need. Work with me, and make me happy~” Jane countered his attempt without even trying. A blush appeared on both of their faces; one anxious, and the other excited.
“I’m starting to think you’re talking about more than work, Jane.” (Y/N) said cautiously. Jane smiled, getting up while her tail wrapped around his waist.
“Nonsense. I simply mix work and pleasure.” She walked off, giggling. (Y/N) chased after her, only to be met with a crumbled piece of paper smacking him on the face.
“Call Me. - JD”
- Fin
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imasoftieforbarb · 11 months
Any headcanons for Floyd x Rock Troll!Male and/or GN reader, specifically the reader meeting Floyd's brothers?
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Rock male reader meeting Floyd’s brothers
He’s so nervous
I’m gonna imagine that he’s come out to his brothers by this point
But this is gonna be the first time they’re gonna meet his boyfriend
He ends up deciding to organise a family picnic
When his brothers ask why- he tells them he wants to introduce them to someone
Chaos ensues
He’s nervous, you’re scared!
What if they don’t like you? What if his brothers are scared of rock trolls after the past events
Despite being nervous, Floyd reassures you that his brothers are gonna love you
Encourages you to dress up, not dress down
Both of you walk over to where the picnic is being held- a tiny bit late
Floyd was laughing as you told him about how at your bands latest concert, after your last song- your guitarist tried to break his guitar but it ended up bouncing back into his face
You were just in the middle of re-enacting it when everyone came into view
“It literally bounced off the floor into his face it was hilarious!”
“Did it hurt?”
“Well I mean he looked like- oh, uh hi!”
Que nervous Floyd again
You grab his hand and walk over to everyone and take a seat with him
“Hey I’m M/n! It’s cool to meet you finally!”
The bros love you-
They watch how you interact with Floyd and simultaneously realise that you are both WHIPPED for each other
Jd definitely starts to tell alllll the embarrassing stories
(You ask for a wallet sized pic of him in his denim suit)
After the picnic you walk back to pop village together
Floyd insists you stay the night because Volcano Rock City is quite a journey back
The minute you leave the room after agreeing he gets teased about that
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youaintnothinbuta · 1 year
“I didn’t know how else to shut you up.”
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Summary: you and Jd are partnered for a school project.
Pairing: reader x jd
Word count: 896
Warnings: fluff, probably spelling mistakes/typos
Request something here !
“Get a load of this. I got paired with trench coat kid for our history assignment. Kill me now.” You ranted, joining your best friends in the hallway, walking to the cafeteria.
“Trench coat kid? Ouch.” Jd pretended to be insulted, accidentally bumping into you in the cafeteria. Your friends continued to your table, you glaring at them as they left you with Jd.
“God, why are you so weird?”
Jd flashed a mischievous smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I prefer fascinating.” he retorted.
You rolled your eyes, "fascinating. How very.”
Undeterred by your dismissive attitude, Jd continued, “Look, I know you don't like me, but we're stuck together for this history project. Can you quit it with the Heather attitude just while we have to work together?”
You sighed, realizing he had a point. As much as you disliked the idea, you were a straight-A student, more or less, and this project wasn’t going to change that. Besides, at the very least, you’ll get to hang around some male company that isn’t Kurt or Ram for once. “Fine,” you grumbled, “but don't expect me to become your new best friend or anything.”
Jd grinned. “Fair enough. Let's meet up at the library after school, and we can start working on the project.”
You gave him one last look, before pushing passed to meet your friends at your table.
After the final bell rang, you made your way to the library. Jd was already waiting, sitting at a table near the back. He had his nose buried in a book, seemingly engrossed in its contents.
As you approached, Jd looked up and smiled warmly. “Glad you could make it,” he stood up, pulling out the chair beside him for you. You sat down beside him, slightly surprised by his chivalrous demeanor. “Yeah, well, I'm not one to back down from a challenge,” you replied, earning a small chuckle from Jd.
Two days ago you and Jd started your project together, in the library. You spent most of the time making snarky comments at him, however he stayed undiscouraged by your remarks, leaving you with a particular curiosity you’d not felt before. Anyway, the two of you agreed that it’d be better to continue working on it at your house, because you were constantly being shushed by the librarian.
“Where’s your parents?” Jd asked as you walked him though your house, upstairs to your room.
“It’s a Thursday. Their date night. But it’s more like a date afternoon because my mom likes to be in bed by nine thirty.”
“Nine thirty,” Jd, raised an eyebrow, laughing, “wild child.”
“Yeah, I get it from her, can’t you tell?” You joked.
Jd laughed, sitting on the floor, pulling his textbook out his backpack. You sat beside him, taking out the work you two started the other day. Just as you were about to get started, the phone on your bedside table began to ring. You inhaled deeply, waiting for it to ring out.
“Aren’t you gonna get that?” Jd asked.
“No. It’s either Heather, Heather, or Heather.”
Jd took a moment to think, “You’re not really one of them, are you?” The way we spoke was gentle. Usually every sentence he speaks contains at least one sarcastic punch, but he was tender with his words this time, something you’d not heard before.
“Well, my name isn’t Heather.”
“You don’t like them, do you, Y/N?”
You shook your head, “I don’t.”
Jd stared at you for a while, you stared back at him, not in a competitive way, just trying to read the others gaze for a moment.
“Why do you do that to yourself? Involve yourself in them, I mean? Why?”
“Well, it’s just like they’re people I work with and our job is being popular and shit. I can’t exactly just say no.” You gave him a small smile, “but it’d be nice to have someone around that wasn’t a mythic bitch.”
Jd laughed softly, “what about McNamara? She seems tolera—“
“Ugh!” You shouted.
“Woah. Forget I said that, Christ.”
Once again, your telephone rang.
“I can’t stand this! Ho-how does someone end up in this situation- I shoved away my real friends for what?” You ranted, on and on, over the sound of the phone, “I use my grand IQ to decide what lip gloss to wear in the morning and how to hit three keggers before—“
Jd shushed you with the first thing that came to mind. A kiss. As his lips gently connected to yours, you were momentarily taken aback. His unexpected gesture silenced your rambling, leaving you both in a state of quiet astonishment.
When he pulled away, you blinked, trying to process what had just happened. The room was filled with an unusual tension, and the air crackled with unspoken words. You looked at Jd, searching for an explanation in his eyes.
Jd's expression mirrored your confusion, but there was a newfound vulnerability there. “I... I didn’t know how else to shut you up,” he stammered. You stared at him, your mind racing. In that instant, you realized that Jd wasn't just your sarcastic and weird project partner anymore. There was something that had been building between you two. Perhaps it was the shared frustrations, the longing for genuine connections, or simply the way he had seen through the facade you put on for the world.
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 year
Hey ! Can I requestJason Dean x reader (she/her) where the reader is getting a lot of male attention and Jason get jealous, but reader calm him down and assure him that she love him ect...
Hey!! Sorry it took so long, I'm back in school and it's taking up quite a bit of my time, but I do try to put in a little bit each day when I do have time :) I realize you probably meant that JD and reader (most likely you ;P) were already together, but I went the friends to lovers route :>
JD watches as Kurt and Ram stand on either side of you, leaning next to your locker with sly smiles on their faces. He doesn't care what they're saying, he doesn't care what you're saying. He wants them out of his sight and away from you, he wants them gone. You quickly notice his gaze, dipping between Kurt and Ram grateful to get away from those two as you rush over to your best friend
"Hey, I was wondering where you were!" You say as he keeps his gaze off of you, a sour expression on his face as he closes his locker a little too hard, making some freshman next to him flinch like a gunshot just went off before scrambling away. You know something is wrong immediately as he doesn't act like this often. "Hey, what's going on?" You ask him, leaning back against the locker next to him, leaning so your face comes into his vision. JD takes a deep breath through his nose, trying not to lash out at you, as he knows you did nothing wrong. But he can't stop the fire burning within him, up his back and chest and into his brain, making his whole intentions fuzzy with pure anger. He shouldn't be this jealous over his best- and only- friend, you should be able to flirt with people, be flirted with, go on dates with anyone you want without him hating them with a burning passion that rivals even the hottest flames of hell.
"JD, come on. Are you alright?" You ask him. You have no idea what gets him like this, you just hope it's not something you did. He takes a couple deep breaths, scrunching his eyes shut. His chest feels like it's caving in, just breathe, in and out, in and out, in and- fuck it. "No, why would I be? All the time, I have to watch guys flock to you like you're some sort of goddess, I can't stand it!" He says, hitting his locker by accident. Well, you think it's an accident. "What? You're not my boyfriend, you have no right to be jealous of guys that I don't even like." You say, crossing your arms. It pains you to say it, but it was a knee-jerk reaction. One that you wish you could've thought about, because now you kinda seem like a jerk to the boy you like who also just happens to be your best friend. He sighs, rolling his eyes and running his hands through his hair. "But I want to be. That's the whole damn point, I don't want to watch these guys crowd around you all the time, call me selfish but I want it to just be me." He says.
You're stunned, you can feel your face go both cold and hot at the same time, you don't even know what to do. "What?" You finally manage to say. "Yes!" He says in an exasperated tone of voice. The bell rings and he walks away, only for you to follow him. "JD, come on, don't just walk away!" You say, and you can't help the smile tugging at the corners of your lips. When you finally catch up to him, he looks even more annoyed than before, and this time it is kind of at you. "Why the hell are you smiling? This is funny to you?" He spits, and you smile only wider."Im tired of them too, but that's not the point." You say. JD looks kind of pissed, but he's going to listen to what you say, because you're the only person he'd ever trust, and he doesn't want to change that now. "The point is, that I love you, Jason." You tell him. His whole face becomes one of shock and just.. awe. "What." He says, it doesn't even sound like a question.
"I said I love you. And only you. So-" You start, but the bell rings again. The halls are empty and the school security guard starts to do that slow waddle/walk thing towards you both, so you both bolt in separate directions and try to get to class before you're caught without hall passes. You might have gotten to class late, and your teacher is totally pissed, but you could really care less.
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issuesdolly · 4 months
Jonathan Davis Gives You a Sexy Birthday Surprise
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Warning: explicit/sensitive content, 18+ Smut. Male/female sex (romantic boyfriend/girlfriend theme) foreplay, fingering, oral sex, cunnilingus, handjob, unprotected sex, p in v, finishing inside, edging/denial, fear kink, adrenaline kink
#jonathandavis  #jonathan davis #korn #jon davis #fanfic #jondavis #fanfiction #smut #fem reader #x reader #edging kink #praise and degredation #edging #edging #edginganddenial #fear kink #adrenalinekink #female reader #make me masturbate #angst #angst with a happy ending #romantic #romantisizing life
Summary: You are Jonathan’s girlfriend and it’s your birthday. Normally, it’s a day he’s unable to spend with you due to tour/work obligations. But this year, due to COVID, he is home with you. Because it’s a rare opportunity, you opted to spend the day together instead of inviting friends or family. You’re wondering why Jonathan is acting strangely. It turns out he had several VERY sweet surprises for you… as well as a few VERY spicy ones. 
Preface: This story is MUCH more of an emotional/romantic fantasy for me. But sexier aspects of this fic were inspired by a naughty answer Jonathan gave in an old interview. When asked about the last time he had sex outside, he said he had surprised his girl with a car ride in his hatchback. JD quote: “I stuck my girl in the car, up on a hill outside Indigo Ranch, where we recorded the new album. We had the hatchback open and just fucking went for it. It was great.” I thought that was damn HOT (since I am way into public/nature exhibition too haha) …. So I wanted to incorporate that into his “birthday surprise.” But this story has a very romantic/emotional tone as far as what Jonathan’s OTHER surprises for Y/N are. Jonathan has SEVERAL sweet gifts planned for her….something far beyond just a “naughty car ride.”
The day of your birthday, you chose to just luxuriously sleep in. For once, Jonathan was home with you. The context of COVID-lockdowns/tour postponing, however grim, had given the two of you the opportunity to be together. You had fallen asleep next to him sometime in the middle of the night. The two of you love to sleep in until AT LEAST mid-day. When you woke, you were surprised Jonathan was not sleeping beside you still. Wiping your eyes and sitting up, you peered around the empty room. 
Grabbing your phone from the nightstand, you checked the time. It was already 4pm. You were surprised Jonathan hadn’t awakened you when he got up. He usually stumbles awake, sleep-deprived or not, by mid-afternoon. He must be somewhere else in the house. Confused, you unsilenced your phone to check notifications. You had a few well-wishes from friends and one missed call from your parents’ house. Your parents have always been emotionally distant and unresponsive/unsupportive in all ways. They didn’t think much of your celebrity relationship either. But then again, nothing was ever good enough for them. Thoroughly disinterested in meeting Jonathan or seeing you, you were surprised to have even missed a call from them. You checked your voicemail, but they had not left one. You decided against calling back, knowing it would be an inevitably disappointing and empty conversation. 
Shaking your head, you moved on with your day. Walking into the kitchen, you found Jonathan looking at something on his computer. When you walked in, he looked a little jumpy and seemed to click away from something he had up on the screen. 
“Hey hun,” he said softly, standing up and greeting you. 
“Hey…” you replied, sleepily. 
“Happy birthday!” Jonathan said as he stepped across the room to give you a big hug. 
You gladly accepted his hug and wrapped your arms around him. As the two of you embraced, you realized his dreads were a bit damp and he smelled of his best cologne, clearly freshly out of the shower. He smelled fantastic, but you were a bit surprised. It wasn’t as though you PRESUMED he’d wake you with some “birthday sex” and shower after, but the two of you usually at least shower together whenever you both wake up. So this was quite odd. 
“Oh, you already showered huh?” you asked, confused. 
Jonathan tensed up and pulled away. 
“Yeah! I um… woke up super groggy. Just wanted to wake myself up more,” Jonathan said. 
Again, this seemed like an excuse to you… but you didn’t know what he was up to. The two of you exchanged awkward smiles. His eyes were so expressive, you knew you could lock eyes with him and start guessing what he was up to. You looked at his face, searched his eyes, but as soon as you made eye contact with him, he scooted off to the kitchen, tugging at his hair. 
“I made you some food!” Jonathan stated, proudly. 
You wondered what’s with him, but obviously you were hungry and pleased you didn’t have to whip up anything to eat. Jonathan came back over to the kitchen island as the two of you sat down on the dining stools. He handed you a plate with a few waffles with honey drizzle and some strawberries. It looked delicious. 
“Awww thank you,” you whispered as you leaned in to give him a big kiss. He beamed at you, brushing some of your “bed hair” out of your face before returning your kiss.
As you began eating, Jonathan was closing some tabs on his computer. You noticed this also. “What was that about?” you wondered. You were hungry though, and kept eating. As you ate, you were still thinking about how disappointing the non-interaction with your parents was. You decided to bring it up. 
“So my parents tried to call while my phone was on silent,” you told Jon. 
“Oh? What did they have to say?” Jon asked in a soft, disappointed voice. He knew hearing from them is NEVER good news.  
“They didn’t say anything. It’s just a missed call, no voicemail. I decided to just leave it alone” you admitted, feeling sadness. There was awkward silence between you and Jonathan as he shook his head. Slowly he put his arm around you. 
“Well, you know how they are. I’m sorry though. Really sorry,” Jonathan whispered as he rubbed your shoulder. 
You stopped eating for a moment and leaned against his shoulder, burying your face into it. Eager to change the subject, you started talking about how the two of you might spend the day. 
“So…. there’s not much to actually DO today, is there?” you asked Jon. With most things closed or with limited hours due to COVID, restaurants and venues were inaccessible. Even parks and nature sites had a lot of restrictions. BASICALLY, your fondest hope for today was going to be hanging out with him, eating food, and hopefully some awesome birthday sex. 
Jonathan didn’t respond quickly. Again, it seemed like he was hiding something. 
“Ummm… I don’t know. What if we go for a drive?” Jon suggested. 
“A drive?” you asked, confused. 
“Yeah …. Just….. Get out of the house! We’ve been home so much. It’d be nice, just drive around…. Hmmm?” Jonathan proposed, tugging more nervously at his hair. 
“A drive….” you repeated, still dumbfounded. This wasn’t a common thing the two of you did. Drive aimlessly around during COVID with no errands/destination in mind.
“That sounds kind of boring to be honest,” you admitted, looking at Jon. 
The nervous smile he had on his face faded perceptibly. He tugged more at his hair, twisting one of his damp dreads in rapid circles as if he was thinking hard…. 
“You sure?” Jonathan asked, looking nervous and disappointed. 
“Yeah. I don’t feel like going out. What if we just put a movie on and hang out in bed?” you suggested.
Jonathan’s smile faded more. TRULY, what you wanted was some birthday sex. You figured watching something together while snuggling would be a pretty good start for that. Jonathan shifted around anxiously on the dining stool.  
“Ummm… I don’t know. That sounds kind of lame. I really think we should just get out of the house!” Jon implored. 
You were dismayed. “Well…. I don’t know if I’m in the mood for that,” you admitted.
Jon looked VERY dismayed, fidgeting more before speaking again. 
“Ummm… I still think it could be cool. It’s a really gorgeous day out. At least think about it, mmkay hun?” Jon softly begged. As he asked you to think about it, he began gently playing with your hair and stroking your cheek/chin with his thumb.  
“Ummm.. yeah, I’ll think about it I guess,” you replied quietly, smiling and melting a little.  
An aimless drive sounded thoroughly boring, but Jon’s soft voice and playful touches could pretty much invite you to entertain ANY idea. The two of you exchanged smiles. 
“But YEAH!! Happy birthday again, hun! Today’s gonna be good, I promise,” Jon said as he brought you in for another hug. You leaned forward on your dining stool to hug him, face pressed against his chest. He smelled really incredible, all freshly showered. Comparatively, you were feeling pretty disheveled. 
“Mmfff, guess I should go shower too, huh?” you said, looking up and smiling at him. 
“Yeah! I’ll let you get going baby, take your time. I’ll um… hang out here” Jon said as sipped an energy drink and returned to browsing on his laptop. You had to admit, you were a little frustrated. What you REALLY wanted was him to be all over you right now. The depressing phone call incident with your parents had left you kinda desperate to just “feel good.” You hopped in the shower, shaking your head and wondering why he showered without you. A sexy shower would have been a really nice “start” to the day. 
Hopping out of the shower and mopping the excess water from your hair, you contemplated how to seduce Jon. Jon was definitely not the type to need much “incentive” to come get you. Unless he was VERY exhausted/distracted, all you ever had to do was ask or initiate ….and he’d usually fuck. Plus, it’s your birthday. He’d be even LESS likely to refuse you TODAY.  You decided to make your move. You put on his favorite perfume and instead of getting dressed normally, you threw on his favorite sexy nightgown and lace panties.
You plopped down on the bed, smiling and chuckling to yourself as you prepared to surprise him. 
“Hey Jon?” you called out. 
“Yeah hun?” you heard Jon reply from the kitchen.
“Can you come help me with something?” you asked, pretending to have a stressed-out tone in your voice, as if you needed “mundane” help of some kind. 
You heard Jon stepping down the hall, fully expecting you needed some sort of “normal” help. 
“Yeah what’s up, what do you–” Jon said, stopping mid-sentence as he rounded the corner to see you on the bed. 
You laughed hard. He cracked a huge grin and let out very nervous laughter. 
 “Damn….Baby! What…. Wha????” Jon muttered through nervous laughter. He gripped the doorway for balance and shook his head, grinning/laughing. 
“I need your help, baby!” you said, playfully. 
“Hmmmm…You need my help, huh?” Jon inquired in a soft voice. He stroked his facial hair and gave you a naughty smirk, stepping towards you in the room. 
“Mmm-hmmm….” you said in a sexy, hushed voice as you climbed off the bed and stepped towards him. His face and body language showed quite a mix of emotion. He looked VERY aroused, but very apprehensive for some reason. 
You stepped right against him, pushing yourself into his arms and grabbing his waist. He was tense against you. You moaned and gently pulled at his neck, inviting him to bend down and start kissing you. Despite his strange, apprehensive behavior, he couldn’t help but respond to how aggressive you were being. He let you pull him down into a sexy kiss. As you began crushing yourself up against him more, you gripped his waist harder. His hands instinctively wrapped around you and gripped your ass. You pushed your crotch more towards his as he squeezed your ass through the nightgown and kissed you harder. He moaned more as his fingers felt the lace of the panties you were wearing, realizing you even had your sexiest lacies on for him.
“Oh... fuck…” he groaned as he gently pulled his mouth off yours. He was breathing harder and you were pretty much throwing yourself at him at this point. Reaching a hand down towards his pants, you gently traced against his dick through them. He moaned more as your hand movements got more aggressive, rubbing his crotch and gently pulling on his hair, inviting him to kiss you again. He gasped a little and tried to speak….
“Baby… ughhh….nnn- … isn’t it a little early for this?” Jon asked, trying to catch his breath. 
“Too early? Well shit! I forgot about all the NOTHING we had planned today!!” you retorted, jokingly. You continued feeling him up, stroking his belly through his shirt before playfully reaching a hand up under it to pull it up. The moment your hand went up his shirt, Jon quickly gripped your wrist. He gently but firmly pulled your hand away from his belly. Again, you were shocked/confused. Usually touching/caressing his lower stomach while pressed up against him was a magic BONER recipe. 
Jonathan groaned, QUICKLY pulling his t-shirt back down.  
“Ughh…fuck…nnn..” he sputtered as he reluctantly took slow steps back from you, 
“No. Not right now, baby. Ahhmm… Uh…. I just…. Uh…. DAMN,” Jon stammered. He was trying to catch his breath. He winced and grimaced, backing away from you and fiddling with his hair frantically. He was desperately trying to stop himself from getting carried away and fucking you. Though you didn’t know why he was denying you. There was a tense silence as you stared at him, confused. 
“I just… um…didn’t want to get into all this so early! I think we should wait. Just a little bit,” Jon said, lamely. You were baffled. He’d never shut you down like this. Jon rubbed his forehead, trying to catch his breath and tame his erection. 
“I really just want you Jon….. I’m sorry,” you replied, confused and embarrassed. He sighed, nervously rubbing his neck and slumping his head down, still grimacing. 
“Sorry hun,” Jon said, softly. 
You felt rejected. Your cheeks started to flush a little. Jon broke the silence: 
“I want you too, baby! Fuck. I REALLY do,” Jon said apologetically, his voice breaking a little. 
“I just - uhmm… want to wait a little bit, mmkay?” Jon asked.
“Ummmm. Ok. Sorry,” you said… turning away from him and shaking your head. This was all so strange. What was going on? He always LOVED it when you gave him a random/freaky invite to fuck. Didn’t ever matter the time of day as long as he didn’t have somewhere he had to be. 
“I’m… gonna go back to the kitchen for a bit… But… PLEASE come back out when you get dressed! Okay?” Jon asked, still trying to catch his breath and calm his “nerves.” 
“Uh, yeah, ok…” you replied, disappointed. Shaking your head, you got dressed in a normal outfit. It was a warm, spring day. You decided on a short, button-front sundress and a lightweight black jacket. 
You met Jonathan back in the kitchen. He greeted you with a beaming smile and shut the laptop once again as you entered the room. 
“Baby! C'mon, I really want to take you on that drive,” Jonathan begged, excitedly. 
“Damn… you and this drive….okay, fine,” you said… mildly irritated. He took your hand and held it tenderly as you walked out to the car together. He decided to drive the spacious hatchback. Though not the fastest/sleekest luxury car he has, it’s definitely the most spacious and comfortable. You never thought “lavish” cars that go fast could turn you on, but you had to admit, riding in any of his luxury cars was always a ton of fun. You hopped in the passenger seat as Jonathan’s keys jingled and he hopped in the driver’s side. He put on the radio nice and loud as he drove like a badass and sped away with you. 
You weren’t sure where he was taking you but it seemed he had a very definite destination in mind. As he drove, he held the steering wheel with one hand and reached over towards your lap with the other. The car was traveling down the more winding, rural roads, getting farther away from the city. He sped as much as possible, taking turns with quite an aggressive edge. His big hands started rubbing your knees as he worked his way up your thighs. You’d already felt aroused, but his sharp/fast driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on you REALLY had you going. 
“Hmmm, okay you win Jon, a drive was definitely a good idea,” you chuckled as his hand started caressing further up your thighs. 
Jon chuckled and stole a glance at you with a big smirk on his face, nodding his head. 
As he drove you further away from the city, he pushed his hand further up your dress until it was inches from your panties. 
“Baby, do me a favor, hmm?” Jon cooed. 
“Yeah?” you asked in a sly, curious tone. 
“Shut your eyes for me….. Keep them shut… Where we’re going is a surprise,” Jon said in a quiet, sultry voice. 
Your heart jumped. It was starting to make sense now. You didn’t know what exactly he had in mind, but you KNEW there’d been a reason he’d wanted this drive so badly. Shutting your eyes with a smile on your face, you softly replied: “okay baby.” 
You heard Jon let out a naughty chuckle and rub/pat your thighs with his warm hand as you felt the car pick up speed. It was such a SMOOTH ride, it made the speed feel a bit surreal. In a normal car, this speed would have felt bumpy… but in THIS car, it felt like you were just flying. Hearing the gentle hum of the powerful engine and feeling his hand tease your thighs and stop JUST short of your pussy, it was extremely seductive. Jon kept driving. Your heart raced a bit. With your eyes shut, it made the ride a bit more frightening. If you had your eyes on the speedometer and were aware of your surroundings, it wouldn’t be quite as scary. But, with your eyes shut, unsure where you were or how much he was speeding, you felt powerful jolts of adrenaline/arousal. 
Your body slid around on the seat as gravity forced it in different directions depending on how Jon was pulling the car. You shifted around, feeling the sharp turns of the rural, winding roads. As your heart raced with fear, you began opening your eyes, trying to steal a peek. Jon stole a glimpse at you. 
“Don’t you DARE baby!!!” Jon teased. 
You quickly shut your eyes again, smiling and nervously laughing a little. 
Jon’s hand worked its way to your pussy and slowly teased it. You moaned and instinctively put one of your hands over his, encouraging him to touch it while he sped the car. You felt the car pick up speed even more and take some sharp turns while he rubbed your clit harder through your panties. Your breath caught in your throat. Breathless and turned on, you had to just shake your head in amazement. Jon had a LOT of experience seducing women in a variety of manners. This was definitely one of them. 
You HAD to admire his “multi task” ability, speeding around in a badass car while pleasing you. You TRIED not think about how much “practice” he’d had at this seduction game with other women. It was amusing though. He was DAMN good at seduction. Jon’s hand dipped further into your open legs, gently rubbing your pussy entrance with two fingers through the exterior of your panties. You gasped a little. It felt so good. The engine kept revving as you felt his fingers move your panties to one side and push against your slit. You were losing your mind. As the car sped, he began gently fingering you. You were very wet and also a little bit scared, since he was definitely doing a rather risky “multitask.” You couldn’t guess the car’s speed but it felt like he might be driving at least 80-90mph. You heard your heartbeat pounding in your ears, as you resisted the urge to open your eyes. You trusted him to know what he was doing. 
Jonathan let out dark, low chuckles watching your reactions. You must have had a blissful/nervous expression on your face. He started fucking your pussy more aggressively with his hand. The car was slowing a bit and you felt fewer sharp turns. You wondered if perhaps he was nearing whatever destination he was bringing you to. As your pussy dripped against his hand, Jon decided to tease you even more. He slipped his fingers out of you and slowly rubbed/traced his fingers them against your belly and upwards towards your breasts. He squeezed and caressed your hard nipples. 
“Oh shit…ugh…yeah this was a good birthday surprise” you whimpered. 
Jonathan let out a sly laugh. 
“Oh trust me baby… I’m not done surprising you,” Jon said in a quiet voice. 
You felt indescribable excitement. WHAT was he up to? 
He moved his big hand off of your breasts and up towards your face. He traced his thumb on your chin and rubbed his middle/index finger along your mouth. Having your eyes closed made it even more seductive. Not knowing where/how he was going to touch you next. You playfully licked/sucked his middle/index finger while keeping your eyes shut. 
You heard Jon let out a moan before saying, “fuck….” in a quiet voice. Clearly loving the sensation of how naughtily you sucked on his fingers. He let you continue teasing his fingers for a second. You could hear him gasp and clear his throat as he tried to compose himself and keep driving. As you tasted yourself a little on his fingers, he slowly slid them out of your mouth. You were left hanging for a moment, feeling the movement of the car as it took another sharp turn down a different winding road. Then you felt his wet fingers rub back against your pussy again. You couldn’t resist and decided to try to “help him out,” with his “multitask.” Pulling your own panties to the side and pushing on his hand, you helped guide his fingers back inside you as he drove. 
Jon let out a soft grunt, getting more aroused. You heard him shift around on his seat. Jonathan was getting hard and increasingly difficult for him to stay composed and safely drive while his girl was getting off in the passenger seat. He fingered you more firmly and you gently lulled your head against the comfortable passenger side headrest. Jon’s hand was growing clammy and you could feel it trembling a little. It was clearly getting trickier for him to concentrate on driving. 
You felt the car gradually slow and wondered if you were finally reaching the “secret” destination. The car came to a slow stop as you heard Jon switch gears into park. You kept your eyes shut, listening to Jon as he tried to catch his breath and compose himself. He slowly slid his fingers out from your warm pussy and turned the car off. You had a big smile on your face as you sat patiently, eyes closed. 
“Baby?” Jon said softly/sweetly. 
“Yeah?” you asked. 
“You can open your eyes now,” Jon whispered. 
You opened your eyes. Jon had driven you to a vantage point overlooking the city from a rural location. The view of the city at dusk was vibrant hues of red/orange through a smoky/hazy sky. It looked like a dream. You caught yourself for a second, almost forgetting your horniness. It was such a beautiful view. Jon watched your eyes light up and smiled as you took in the view.
“You like it?” Jon inquired. 
“Yeah! It’s beautiful. Been awhile since we got out of the city and saw anything like this. Wow,” you admitted, awestruck. You peered out the car windows to check out the rest of your surroundings. Jon had driven you to what looked like an abandoned rural park. There were old benches and a dilapidated swing set and kid’s slide off in the distance. But the park, as a whole, looked so overgrown with weeds/shrubs and foliage, you could tell no one had been there for a long time. 
“Whoa..it’s like.. A ghost park!” you remarked. 
“Yeah, haha… that was what I was browsing when you came into the kitchen earlier. I didn’t want you to know,” Jon admitted in a sly voice while grinning wider and playing with his hair. 
“I wanted to take you somewhere with a great view… but definitely not some tourist spot. Lotta those were closed anyway…. I also wanted to pick something where we don't risk….  getting caught,” Jon said in a naughty voice.
You looked back at him with a huge smile, shaking your head and LOVING the way he thinks. 
“I did a bunch of research on really fucking rural, out of the way spots….” Jon explained. You were somewhat dumbfounded. You LOVED his naughty surprise. You weren’t sure what to do first. Take in the view and just cuddle him across the seat divider, or TOSS yourself at him. His face looked so sweet, you just went with your first instinct. You thanked him and went in for a kiss. 
“Thank you baby, you’re the best,” you whispered before stroking his face and leaning across the seat divider as Jon leaned across to kiss you back. The two of you shared a slow, sweet kiss as Jon gently gripped the side of your neck, caressing it with his hand while kissing you. As you slowly stopped kissing, Jon cleared his throat again. He was clearly trying to compose himself. He had more tricks up his sleeve. 
“Wait right here,” Jon said, excitedly. He quickly got out of the driver’s side and walked back behind the car, popping the trunk and unloading some things he had secretly packed the car with earlier. He came back and started filling the backseat with some items he had stashed. There were two pillows, a big blanket, and a cooler. You were PRETTY sure what the bed supplies were for, but curious about the cooler. Jon saw your eyes move towards the cooler. He looked at you, smiling, before opening the cooler lid and showing you what was inside. 
“Um.. it’s just snacks and shit….Ha- uhhm…. I didn’t wanna drive you all the way out here to do …. stuff… and, um.. Not even bring SNACKS…HA.. I figured we might want them eventually...” Jonathan explained through giddy/sexually excited laughter. 
You saw several sodas/energy drinks, some water bottles, sandwiches and bags of chips/cookies. You cracked up. Your hand went to your mouth as you shook your head more, LOVING the way he thinks. The two of you just got quiet while smiling. You looked all around ... unsure what to do first. 
The view on the smoggy sunset hillside and the ethereal look of the abandoned park at sundown honestly was beautiful. You truly needed a moment to just take it all in before you and he launched into anything “more.” You got out of the passenger side and Jon set the cooler on the ground by the car, stepping towards you. He came up behind you and caressed your waist, pulling you into his arms. You held his arms as they wrapped around you and the two of you stared at the view for a minute. Jon leaned down towards your face from behind, giving you a soft/wet kiss on the cheek and whispering into your ear. “Happy birthday, baby,” Jon said softly. 
You couldn’t resist turning around and proffering your face for another big kiss. Your height difference made it difficult. You reached up towards his shoulders and prompted him to lean down. He bent down and kissed you, moaning and squishing you against him. 
You were still so turned on from the “wild ride” up to the destination. Again, you pressed against him harder. You felt so in love with him at this moment. Smelling him, kissing him and breathing harder as his hand stroked and gently squeezed your neck. You grew weak in his arms while he moved his mouth to your neck, leaving wet kisses as he gripped your ass and slipped a hand more into it between your cheeks. He gently pushed you against the side of the car as the two of you continued to make out. 
The smell of the nature around the two of you was intoxicating also. Smelling the mix of smog and beautiful springtime flowers/weeds in this overgrown natural park/garden was intoxicating. Smelling it WHILE getting seduced by him was even more overwhelming. Jon’s hands moved up to the small of your back. He had you feeling like you and he were a couple of teenagers, making out and getting ready to fuck out in this beautiful, rural spot. Jon picked you up around the hips while kissing you harder. You just closed your eyes. You trusted him to carry you to whatever spot was best for fucking… and you got increasingly lost in his kiss. 
You opened your legs more, draping them on either side of his torso. He set you down on the hood of the car while continuing to massage his tongue against yours. As you whimpered a little, your hands began reaching into his shirt, sliding against his belly. You felt him tense up a little. He kept kissing you, but his hands began to shake. You caressed his belly more and started to playfully lift his shirt up once again. He tensed up hard and pulled away from you.
Again, you were SO confused. Jon had a giddy/nervous look on his face, pulling his shirt down and taking a few steps away from where he had been pressed between your open legs. 
“What’s with you, Jon? Isn’t THAT why we drove me up here?” you asked.
“Ummm… that’s only PART of the reason I brought you up here,” Jon explained, rubbing his neck and smiling nervously. He paused, staring down at your lap. He couldn’t help but lose his train of thought, gazing at the gorgeous view of your panties/pussy under the sundress. You were still sitting on the car hood, legs open, waiting for him. You slowly closed your legs and pushed your dress down, allowing him a chance to “collect himself” and refocus. 
Jon let out some more giddy laughter, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes. Eventually he spoke. 
“So…. there was a reason I hadn’t been letting you.. Um.. touch me. There was a reason I didn’t shower with you or … let you see me naked earlier,” Jon admitted in an apologetic/nervous voice. You were totally lost and curious. What was the reason? 
“Why?” you demanded. 
“Well… it would have spoiled one of your other birthday presents,” Jon said, cracking a huge smile. Staring at him, you had no idea what he meant. He playfully beckoned to you, inviting you to come stand next to him. You slowly slid off the hood of the car and took careful steps towards him. He had a beaming smile, grinning at you and still looking very nervous. 
You stood up close next to him. 
“I didn’t want you to lift my shirt up for a reason,” Jon admitted in a soft/sweet voice. 
You locked eyes with him, baffled.
“But you can now …. If you want,” Jon whispered as he looked down at his shirt and belly. Curious and excited, you gingerly lifted his shirt to look at his belly. At first you were totally lost. What were you supposed to notice? Jon looked at you with a goofy smile, waiting for you to notice. 
It took you a minute but you saw he had a new tattoo towards the right side of his lower tummy. It was your name, tattooed in a beautiful, elaborate font. The font made each letter of your name appear carefully woven into a pattern of small leaves. Your name was etched onto him like a miniature garden on his belly. It took your breath away. You couldn’t believe he had done this for you. He has plenty of tattoos, several for family/loves who hold great meaning to him. But you honestly never expected he would get one for you. It was beyond beautiful. 
“Oh my god….. Jon….” you whispered, holding back tears. 
“You like it?” Jon asked, nervously. 
You looked up at his eyes. He looked giddy and nervous, almost afraid of your reaction. The two of you had spent plenty of time together. You had LIVED together for a while even. But you STILL didn’t know exactly how much significance you held for him. At that moment, it became clear. You felt tears rising in your eyes. Tears of happiness…. But still.. Tears. Jon’s smile faded as he realized how profound your reaction was. 
“Oh! Hun? No! ... don’t cry,” Jon said softly. He pulled you against him in a huge hug, unsure what else to do. You tried to suppress your happy/surprised tears as you held him…. 
“I love you! I couldn’t think how else better to show you,” Jon whispered as he held you. 
“I love you too Jon….. I love you forever,” you admitted as you pressed your face into his chest and held him tight. 
“I love you forever too, girl,” Jon replied softly. “That’s why I did it,” he explained in a soothing voice. 
“I just want you to have a good birthday for once, mmkay?” Jon asked. 
“Oh … believe me.. I am. Thank you for everything,” you replied. 
Jon slowly let you out of the embrace and gave you a warm smile and grin. 
“You’re welcome, baby. Like I said. LEAST I could fuckin do,” he said through chuckles, trying to lighten the mood a little. He was so happy you reacted well to the tattoo. He truly didn’t know what YOU would think of him taking that step and putting your name on him either. Jon was fairly certain you adored him… but he’d kept the depth of how he felt about you somewhat secret until now. 
Naturally, you wanted to look at the tattoo more. Teasingly, you lifted his shirt back up as he happily looked down at you as you stared at the artwork. 
“It’s beautiful. Why did you decide to put me THERE?” you asked, curious. 
“Uhm… ha… it’s funny you should ask. I’ve had a nervous fucking stomach most of my life. Puked a LOT. Especially when stressed out… or before shows or… when I was depressed….pissed…all that. Since I knew you… that’s been happening a lot less. My stomach’s kinda…. healed a bit,” Jon admitted. “So…. I thought it’s a good place to put you,” Jon explained, softly. You looked back up at his face, once again overwhelmed. You were touched. 
Jon cracked a naughtier smile and added: “AND …um.. You seem to really… enjoy that part of my body,” he added, chuckling a deep, sexy chuckle. You let out some naughty laughter also. It was very true. You LOVED touching/caressing his belly. It always tended to be your segway before moving your hands lower on his body. The two of you laughed together, starting to feel more aroused again. The light was getting lower as the sun dimmed on the horizon. Some light breeze began and it was surprisingly chilly. It had been a fairly warm evening but it was starting to get cold. As the wind hit the two of you, you shivered a little. 
Jon saw this and pulled you against his body again. The two of you held each other as you felt his body warmth heating you up. You definitely wanted to “pick up where you left off” on the drive up this hill. Looking up at his face as some wind blew the scraggly bits of hair at the tip of his scalp, you whispered “let’s get back in the car.” Jon’s eyes grew sultry and wanton, and he silently nodded. He took your hand and the two of you speed walked towards the back seat and climbed in together. Sitting side by side, Jon pulled the blanket over the two of you in the spacious back seat. Jon placed a pillow on either side of the two of you behind your backs. 
You shivered a little as you got comfortable against him, hearing the wind picking up and howling around the car windows. Feeling a mix of love and horniness for him after all his gestures, you just took it all in. 
“You okay, hun?” Jon asked, reaching his arm across your shoulder. 
“Yeah, definitely okay. More than okay,” you said quietly. You just wanted to touch him now. He looked at you with a relieved, slowly forming a warm smile. 
Jon looked relieved and draped his other hand over your legs, his warm hand rubbing your cold thighs. 
Jon went in for a kiss, gently opening his mouth against yours and rubbing his hand more seductively on your upper thighs. He began holding you closer, pulling your thighs more across his legs. He went slow. This wasn’t meant to be a quick hillside fuck. Jon planned to take his time on you out here. Gradually kissing and moving his hand between your legs, he rubbed your pussy and warmed you back up until you were more than ready to get into it. You leaned yourself up on the car seat as Jon helped bring your knees up and face him. He opened your legs and reached his hands up on either side of your hips under your dress, tracing around your panties. 
Slowly pulling them off and down your legs, he took in the gorgeous view of your naked pussy under your short dress. Starting to feel a lot “warmer” now, you took your little jacket off as well. Jon slowly crawled up against you, gently crushing you against the pillow and passenger side door. Your pussy had already been wet. You’d wanted him at home. You’d wanted him on the way up this hill. But paired with his other gifts to you…. Now you REALLY wanted him. Finding your clit perked up and your pussy slick, he cracked a huge grin. 
“Already feeling pretty good, huh?” Jon teased. You laughed and nodded, reaching out to stroke his facial hair. He easily slid two fingers back into you while french kissing you and pushing himself harder against you. The sun was getting lower on the horizon. Both of you kind of “felt your way” around each other’s bodies in the twilight. Not as comfy as a bed but the seats were soft and the lack of space in the car made it almost hotter than fucking in a proper place. 
The two of you had to get even closer/more creative shifting arms and legs around so you could prepare to fuck each other. Jon slid his fingers in and out, pushing/massaging up against the roof of your pussy. He had you going HARD. His massage inside you felt incredible and you wrapped a leg against him as he pressed his other hand against the passenger door for balance. The two of you continued like this for a bit until he started moaning more. You were more than ready to let him to fuck you. Stroking his gorgeous stomach and reaching down towards his belt buckle, you pushed yourself upward in the seat a little and started trying to get his pants undone. 
“Shhh… slow down hun,” Jon cooed. “I wanna taste you first,” Jon whispered. 
“FUCK,” you thought to yourself. You were already ready to cum, but Jon clearly intended to take his time on you up on this hill. “Honestly I’m so close to cumming, Jon,” you admitted, laughing. “You don’t have to hahah, we can just fuck” you continued, extremely aroused. 
“I want to, baby,” Jon said softly, lifting your dress up more and stroking your lower stomach and pussy as he slid down the seat and knelt his knees on the floor, crouching against your open legs. As your thighs trembled in anticipation, Jon stroked your stomach and teased your pussy, breathing against it and giving it gentle kisses. “Oh fuck,” you whispered, shutting your eyes. 
Jon began licking your clit and pressing two fingers back inside you, massaging your pussy more while continuing to stroke your lower stomach with his free hand. It was beyond blissful, leaving you gasping. He continued like this, giving your clit and pussy an unrelenting/intense massage with his fingers and tongue. “FUCK…. I’m gonna cum….Seriously Jon!!! I wanna …ugahhhhh” (your words caught in your throat as Jon simply continued as he if didn’t hear your words.) “You.. y,.. Ahhhh… you can just fuck me now!!” you pleaded. Jon slowly pulled his head out from between your legs, though he continued massaging the inside your pussy while he spoke. “Just cum for me, baby. I’ll still fuck you after.. You can cum more than once … we’ve got time,” Jon suggested in a naughty voice. 
You cracked up through whimpers/moans. That’s a good idea. Why were you so braindead you couldn’t have thought of that? You laughed and whispered, “fuck… ok then …. Ha….” and threw your head back, shutting your eyes and letting him continue. He pushed his fingers more firmly into you, massaging your pussy hard while licking all around it. He alternated flicking his tongue against your clit with licking/sucking on the inner lips of your pussy. 
“Ahhhhh, you’re gonna make me cum!” you squealed. Jon didn’t say anything. He just squeezed one of your thighs harder, getting ready to feel it. He pressed his head more firmly against your pussy and sped the pace of the firm massage with his fingers. Your legs started to shake hard. He flicked and twitched his tongue more aggressively against your clit with his head pressed hard into your open legs. With his free hand he gripped one of your hips firmly in place as you wriggled around. Jon was so good at oral, the sensation would get a bit overwhelming and make your clit almost ache as you got close to an orgasm. You would always start bucking your hips too much. He knew this, so he would always grip one of your hips and hold it firmly in place whenever he brought you off this way. 
 ou gasped as your orgasm overtook you. Instinctively, you arched your back up against his face/fingers as you came. Letting out a very loud moan, you felt tremendous relaxation/pleasure wash over you as you had your “first” orgasm in the car. Jon let out some muffled moans/heavy breathing from between your legs as he felt you cum on his face. Your pussy kept spasming and your clit vibrated/ached from the sensation overload and you just KEPT cumming. 
You had finished so hard, a bit of squirt escaped against Jon’s fingers and facial hair. He just continued licking your pussy and letting you ride his face as you finished cumming. Slowly, you stopped moaning and shaking. You slumped your weak thighs on either side of Jon’s shoulders. Hearing the wind howl around the car as things grew quiet, Jon slowly slumped his head against your inner thigh, breathing heavily. Feeling the intensity of your orgasm had his dick aching with the need to fuck. He didn’t just like pleasing you, it also turned him on incredibly. The whole time he’d been down on you, he’d been WISHING he could just fuck you. His cock had been so hard for so long it was growing quite painful. But he was determined to finish you off before losing his composure and just fucking you. It was your birthday after all. 
He loved when you came hard enough to squirt, and he LOVED knowing what he’d just done for you. You opened your hazy eyes to look down at him as you weakly muttered some thanks. Jon chuckled and gave you a wicked grin, continuing to stroke and mop clean some of his facial hair that you’d wetted. “Oh fuck… uh… sorry Jon,” you said, realizing you must have just squirted on his face. 
“Shit, don’t be sorry. Ha.. uh…It’s a compliment. Guess I did good?” Jon teasingly questioned while giving you his dirtiest facial expression. You groaned and mumbled “mmm-hmmm,” with your voice breaking. Jon gently stroked the top of your pussy with his hand and finished wiping his wet facial hair with the other. You slowly recovered, crawling your way back into a sitting position on the seat and lowering your sundress with Jon’s help. He sat next to you and let you relax against his chest. He groaned, dick sore, trying to not be impatient and just pin you down and fuck you. You were rather spent and elated from that powerful orgasm.
Jon winced while uncomfortably shifting around in his seat. He was feeling unpleasantly full and desperate to relieve his dick. He’d had to deny you for sex back at home because the stomach tattoo would have revealed the surprise. But he’d been horny since he rounded the corner of the bedroom earlier, the first time you offered yourself up on the bed. He’d been quite horny on the drive, watching your reactions and getting you off on the ride up. He’d been INCREDIBLY horny when he had you propped up on the car hood. He’d been ready to BUST the whole time he was down on you. You could hear his raspy, frustrated breathing and groans. Gradually, you lifted your head from where it had been lulled against him. He was wincing and you realized just how tense he was. 
Exchanging glances with him, he looked almost woozy. Then you glanced down at his pants, noticing his raging erection fighting hard against the zipper.
 “Oh wow…” you laughed. 
“Yeah…I um… ughhh…” Jon muttered, unable to say much. You gave him a huge grin and wordlessly climbed atop his lap. Your pussy was still exposed under your dress. You straddled his lap and hungrily kissed him while he let you take control. While kissing him, you reached down to undo his belt and pants zipper. He grunted and reached down, helping you undo it.  You kept your thighs raised up on either side of his lap, hovering over him. Once his fly was down, you pushed your hand into his boxers and gripped his dick. He let out a gasp as you freed his cock out from his boxer flap. It sprang out, all the way up. Jon gripped the base of his cock, gasping for air and waiting to feel you slide onto his lap. You lowered your pussy back down onto his dick and braced yourself against his shoulders as he gripped you around the waist. 
He sighed and then inhaled a huge breath as he entered you. It felt indescribably good to him. You started riding his lap fast and firmly. His whimpers immediately got more desperate. You tightened/flexed your hips up and down against him in delicious writhing movements. Jon moaned louder while gripping you hard around the hips, helping you ride his lap. He was already so close. He wanted you to come again but he was on the verge of losing it. Growing weak, he just held onto you as you aggressively fucked him. The oral he gave you had turned you on so much, you just wanted him to relax and not have to “do all the work.” You just rode his lap faster and harder.  
Jon was sweating in copious amounts, trying to restrain himself from coming too quickly. But you were getting him off too much. His orgasm hit him without warning with a few minutes of your rampant movements atop him. He winced and grit his teeth as he gave in to unbelievable relief. “UghhAAhhhh.. Nu-agghh!!!!” Jon stammered as he came inside you. He grabbed you in a tight hug while losing control and filling you. He gasped and winced, overtaken by feeling WAY too good. Jon usually had it in him to pace himself more. But he had been so full, all it took was that minute or two riding his lap before he had to let go. He kept busting HARD, digging his nails into your back. You returned his embrace as he came, gently gripping his wet hair and wordlessly holding him. As he got done whimpering and whining, you could hear the wind around the car again as you both exhaled and relaxed. 
“Fuck!�� Jon yelped, blushing. “Um…. sorry…. You felt a little too good, baby,” Jon continued, apologetically. 
“It’s ok,” you said, stroking his hair and slowly sliding your pussy off his dripping dick. You had no idea what to clean up with. Some things about this drive had not been thought through. 
“.....We made a mess,” Jon admitted, giggling nervously and feeling more embarrassed. You shifted around on his lap, realizing your inner thighs were getting wet from the cum dripping out of you. The two of you just laughed for a second, confused as to what to do next. There was almost no light in the car, and limited options for how to handle this “mess.” You felt around next to where you still sat, straddling Jonathan’s lap. Your hands felt some cloth and you realized it was your panties, still next to the two of you on the car seat. Leaning across Jon’s lap as far as you could without losing your balance, you grabbed them. 
“Just use these,” you said while offering him your panties and laughing more.  
Jon shook his head, wiping sweat off his forehead and mopping his wet, sweaty beard. 
“Umm… are you sure?” Jon asked. 
“Yeah. It’s fine baby. I don’t need them for the rest of our time up here,” you said in a naughty voice. Jon let out a dark chuckle. You handed him your panties and he started cleaning up his lap and leaking dick until he was dry enough to put his cock away and relax in the seat. You wiped down your inner thighs. 
Jon groaned sleepily, a dazed expression on his face. The two of you were groggy and feeling pretty damn satisfied. Jon slowly reached up and covered the two of you with a blanket. The two of you placed the pillows more comfortably on either side of you and just held each other sleepily, hearing crickets and wind around the car. Nothing needed to be said. At home, the light from device screens and interior home light made it easy to stay awake long after dark and into the night. But out here in nature, the adrenaline/release of cumming mixed with the peaceful, dark night had the two of you falling asleep. In short order, you were both slumped against each other on the seats, passed out asleep. The two of you remained that way for many hours into the night. 
Sometime in the middle of the night, you woke slightly, realizing your neck and shoulders were sore from the slumped position you were in against Jon’s body. You started groaning, remembering where you were. The wind outside had picked up even more and you heard light raindrops hitting the roof of the car and smacking against the car windows. The inside of the car was still fairly warm though, and you were still warm under the blanket with Jon. The windows were still fogged from the body warmth the two of you had generated in there. 
Your wriggling around as you rubbed your neck and shoulders woke Jon. He made some soft humming/groaning noises as he woke up. The two of you could barely see anything, but you gradually oriented yourselves and touched each other in the dark, laughing softly as you realized the context of how you wound up in this configuration. 
“Doin’ ok, hun?” Jon whispered. “Yeah haha, my neck’s kinda sore.. But ok.. Definitely. Can’t see shit though,” you said, trying to feel for his face in the dark. 
“Ha.. um.. Hang on a sec,” Jon said as he fumbled around the car seats and looked for his phone in the cupholder between the two front seats. Flipping his phone flashlight on, light shown in the car and Jon moved the beam around as he crawled back into the back seat with you and relaxed more. 
“What time is it?” you inquired. 
“Hmmm… 1am,” Jon said, rubbing his forehead and shaking his head with a grin. 
“Damn, haha…..we must have been DONE for,” you said. 
“Yeah, haha…. Do you- wanna just head back now, or?” Jon asked. 
You thought for a second, taking in the peaceful ambiance up on the hill with the rain/wind sounds outside the car.
“Um… not really. I’m down to stay out here a bit longer… unless YOU wanna head back,” you admitted. 
“Nah, I’m down to stay out here too,” Jon said softly. The two of you moaned/giggled quietly for a moment. You were both still very sleepy and disoriented though. 
“I’m kind of hungry though,” you admitted. 
“Yeah…. Me too haha…” Jon said as he looked around the car with the flashlight trying to spot the cooler. 
Where the hell was it? Both of you were baffled for a minute. Jon slowly smacked his forehead, shaking his head, as he had the epiphany of where the cooler actually was. He wordlessly hopped out of the car and brought the cooler back inside the vehicle. It was STILL outside the car from when he set it on the ground earlier before the two of you got “carried away.” You and Jon laughed more, realizing how silly it was. It had DEFINITELY “slipped your mind.” Luckily the food was still in-tact and the sodas/drinks were fairly cool. 
Wordlessly and sleepily, the two of you ate some food together and gradually woke up.  
“Havin’ a good birthday?” Jon teased while finishing his sandwich.
“Ha, definitely the best birthday ever,” you replied, stting with your legs crossed, the blanket covering your lap, trying to warm up your legs. You still had no panties on and definitely weren’t about to put the ones you two “used” back on yourself. As the two of you recovered and felt more awake/alert, you and Jon were both massaging your sore necks/shoulders. Falling asleep in the car wasn’t the best decision. The view out the car windows was nonetheless beautiful. There was still the distant city light, some moonlight and some visible stars between batches of clouds/rain. 
“So, you wanna just stay up here till the sun comes up or something?” Jon asked. 
“Yeah, that sounds good,” you replied sleepily, taking in the ambiance. 
“Ok hun, sounds good to me too. Lemme try to get this fucking car more comfy then….” Jon said as he shifted around against the backseats. 
“Scoot forward for a sec,” Jon warned. You sat forward in the seat as he pulled a little lever on the back seats and got them to recline all the way back. The back seats converted into a fully reclined position to form a mini couch/bed in the spacious back of the hatchback, similar to a travel sedan layout. Jon chucked the pillows up at the top by the reclined headrests. The two of you slowly/carefully lay back against the soft, cushiony reclined seats. Jon opened the sunroof so the two of you could stare up at the sky as the clouds slowly covered/uncovered the moon. 
It was damn peaceful and you just got comfy against his chest again. He wrapped an arm behind your neck and pulled you close. The two of you took it in for a while while saying nothing. You just listened to him breathe and felt peaceful. After some time had passed, Jon couldn’t resist. He was pleased to know he’d made your day this much. His mind began replaying the “fun” you had earlier and he wanted more of you. He shifted around, moving his body to face you. He kissed your cheek and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you tighter against him. You turned your body to face him more against the seats. 
Jon spent some time kissing and feeling you up. He reached up under your dress and squeezed your breast. You moved one of your thighs across his lap and wrapped it around his lower body. In the dark, Jon fumbled around trying to find the buttons on the cleavage portion of your short dress. You reached a hand up to help him unbutton them and free your breasts so he could play with them more. He pressed his crotch harder against you while playing with your breasts. He slipped his other back back between your thighs and started rubbing your pussy again. 
The two of you continued like this for some time as he reopened your pussy with his fingers and continued gently squeezing your breasts and pinching your nipples. You whined more and moved a hand down to his pants to rub his dick. The two of you lay side by side as you felt your way around his pants buckle and zipper. Jon slid his pants and boxers down his legs while staying reclined next to you…. Taking a moment to push them down his knees and off his feet. Your breasts were out and your pussy was exposed so there was really no need for you to take the skimpy dress off. Jon left his t-shirt on and carefully crawled on top of you. 
You gladly spread your legs for him and felt his warm dick begin to poke against your thigh in the dark. Jon took some time licking, sucking and gently biting on your exposed breasts while you had your legs parted in anticipation. He just knelt between your inviting thighs and let your pussy get increasingly wet, teasing your breasts. Your pussy dripped as your nippled got more erect from the sensation of Jon taking them into his mouth like this. You cradled the back of his head and stroked the back of his hair. 
The two of you could NOT see what the hell you were doing in the dark so you both fumbled around in the confined space as you found a comfortable position to start fucking in. You heard Jon lick his fingers and palm a bit before feeling him press it to your pussy opening for a bit of extra lubrication. You sighed and gripped his hair as he massaged and teased your entrance. Even though he had cum hard earlier, he was already extremely aroused again. Happy to be able to “take his time” this time around. You felt his weight press atop as he braced himself against the seat and slowly slid his dick back into you. The two of you stayed somewhat quiet at first, just moaning and sighing. You were both still a bit sleepy, but this felt amazing. Fucking in the middle of the night in this ghost park. 
Jon cradled the back of your head and let out lots of soft grunts as he took slow pumps into you.  Feeling his belly pressed against yours as you fucked… you remembered the gorgeous tattoo he now has on that belly of his. You smiled in the dark and held him tighter as he pushed deeper into you. The two of you fucked for a good long time before getting carried away. Jon was determined to let you cum first. Even as his cock began to ache with the need to release, he kept fucking you at a slower pace so he didn’t “lose it” again. As you got closer, you felt around searching for Jonathan’s face in the dark. Finding his face, you pulled the back of his head down towards your face, inviting him to kiss you. Bracing himself against your body with his shoulder, he leaned down towards your lips while fucking you faster. The two of you exchanged a wet, open mouth kiss. His tongue massaged against yours as he picked up speed, desperate to feel you cum.
He writhed his hips more firmly against you, taking long, deep, hard pumps. Your noises grew far louder, as did his.  Being in a somewhat cold car, under a warm blanket with you, pushed between your warm thighs and feeling your slick pussy grip around, Jon’s dick was throbbing badly. The two of you were losing control. Both of your moans were turning into screams. You gulped a little, trying to suppress your noise. Jon spoke: 
“It’s ok baby. Scream for me…. No one’s gonna hear us,” he said through grunts and pumps. 
You gladly did as he said, getting as loud as you wanted. Hearing you get this loud always drives Jon wild. He could hardly stand this anymore. Your pussy started quivering and pulsating. As Jon felt this he started grunt/screaming and pumping harder and faster into you. You could feel the car shaking/rocking a bit as he fucked you this hard. You LOVED the feeling of getting fucked so aggressively in the car. You yelped and screamed “guh-ahhhh… HARDER!!” 
Jon whimpered. He was about to blow, hearing you beg to get fucked EVEN more roughly. He inhaled a raspy, labored breath while doing as you said and fucking you even greater intensity. 
As soon as he started fucking you more roughly against the seat, your orgasm hit. You were too lost to tell him you were cumming. You just screamed louder and arched your back up against his hard dick while gripping his dreads and gasping for breath. Jon couldn’t take it anymore. He let out a grunt/scream as the contents of his dick spurt into you as his hips twitched and jerked. The two of you let out loud, unrestrained noises as you came together for a long time. You kept arching your pussy/back up against his dick, riding your climax. He kept squirting jets of cum inside you until he was completely and blissfully empty. 
Breathing hard, the two of you slumped against each other, going limp. 
“Fuck Jon… I came so hard,” you admitted. 
“You DID? Guhhh…. Fff… thank god… I thought maybe I … let you down again, if you know what I mean,” Jon said in a naughty voice while laughing. 
“Fuck no… haha.. You have NOT let me down,” you replied in an equally naughty voice.
 The two of you had both come so intensely there was pretty much nothing left to say. You and he kicked the blanket off as you were both hot and sweaty. Jon grabbed his phone flashlight and located his pants and boxers, struggling to get them back on. You didn’t bother with the buttons on your dress. You just lay on the seat, lethargic and satisfied. The windows were completely fogged now and you couldn’t see anything outside the car. You just heard the gentle rain and wind as you and he grew quiet. Resting his head against the pillows, Jon slumped back down next to you, holding your hip and facing you. You let out some soft, relaxed whimpers as you were falling asleep again. You felt Jon lean forward against the seat and give you a wet kiss on the forehead. You could feel how sweaty his whole face was. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” Jon whispered. The two of you fell asleep again. 
Sometime around dawn, you opened your exhausted eyes to the sensation of rumbling and early morning light. It took you a moment to orient yourself once again and realize you were still in the car. You had been asleep, sideways on the passenger seat. Jon had left a blanket over you. He hadn’t wanted to wake you but he figured it’s best to drive back home before the car risks getting noticed. He was quietly driving the two of you back. As you remembered everything that transpired yesterday/during the night, you felt blissful all over again. Briefly, you thought of letting Jon know you were awake and coming to sit up front with him. All you could see was his matted hair from behind as he sat driving the car. But you decided to just relax back against the seat. You WERE quite tired and blissed out. You just pulled the blanket more over you and let him drive the two of you home. 
Side note, I have a TikTok and Youtube where I make sexy/funny JD edits and thirst traps. I often include myself since I'm an openly pervy/goofy lady. Feel free to check it out. I try to find sexier JD moments or funny/naughty crap of his to play with.
Link to a silly/naughty example vid from my Tiktok:
Link to my main TikTok Page:
Link to my Youtube:
Feel free to send me story ideas. This fic was pretty fucking flowery compared to my more deviant ones but I plan to write some freaky shit next ;)
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